Saturday, May 8, 2021

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Double Agents - The Reunion Part 2

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom... you do need those, after all. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Welcome back on this day before Mother's Day... it might feel long ago now considering all that's gone down in our world since, but back on Thanksgiving weekend last year we at DCBLOG published our preview of the thirty-sixth season of MTV's The Challenge. And now as we prepare to mark the eighth birthday of this page early next week as we knock the door on the first normal summer of sorts in two years, we can now officially put the last pieces together on the drama in Iceland with this 23rd and last edition of the Double Agents Challenge SocialPulse.

Just after we saw C.T. join Johnny Bananas and Darrell as four-time champions and partner Amber B. become the first Big Brother alum to become a Challenge champ, the reunion is all that's left to be had before this season goes into the vaults and many of these players jet off for their summer vacation filming the next Challenge. But unlike what was the case last year, pandemic-caused restrictions have lifted a bit to make possible a hybrid studio and virtual reunion with some of the cast joining host Vernon Davis in person and others joining via Zoom.

And this week, it's part two - and there's lots more for the cast to discuss with the former 49er including shady game moves, house happenings and a curtain call for one of the The Challenge's most beloved players. And after the jump, it's the Pulse of Part 2 of the Double Agents reunion and embedded Twitter highlights from the last episode of this season, along with our parting thoughts on the Challenge career of Leroy as he steps away one last time from MTV. And thanks for joining us...

🙏    🙏    🙏


While it's CT and Amber B. who after her stellar finals performance are the deserved champs in Iceland, someone else is more than worthy of being the true MVP of this Double Agents season... and one who was many viewers' favorite to write his own ending to his time on our MTV screens though it wasn't meant to be when the dust settled in the Arctic.

Going into this winter and spring, Leroy had his eyes on looking to cap off his career with a Challenge title in this, his last go-around competing on this show. And coming a decade after he made his debut on The Real World's second trip to Las Vegas when he took up residency in what is now Virgin Hotel's newest location at the former Hard Rock Hotel, he and Nany's efforts to get that title he wanted in the final came up short in a frantic battle for the $100,000 second place prize... though he takes pride in knowing the one who is now his girlfriend got to savor in finishing ahead of him and took some of the sting off of falling short of cashing in his last night on the big show.

In a game as tense, an environment as stressful and in a place full of dynamic personalities, Leroy was one of a kind: one who everyone loved and respected in the room, and one who is that calm, humble guy in the midst of the madness that takes place in any Challenge house. We didn't know what we'd expect when walked into the RW Back to Vegas suite as a trashman, but who forged a life-long bond with that quirky guy Mike when he popped up upon him entering the house, which by chance would take them into his first Challenge and made it to the final as a rookie... all after the odd events that happened to his partner Adam, who after seeing those antics is now a lawyer (if you can believe that).

Over his Challenge career, Lee has endured bad luck with underachieving partners, injury withdrawals and the like, but whose hard work and dedication being a great competitor managed to overtake those weaknesses which saw him take four additional trips to the final out of his twelve overall Challenge starts. Yes, he had to take the brunt of the beginning of the downfall of the Dirty 30 champion, and he will now have to live with the fact that he's one of the best Challengers ever without having a title to his name - and it's obviously something we still can't get over for some time to come. Ask those who've been rolling with him during this run, and they still can't believe that he has no ring in his trophy case.

Still, it was a remarkable run of being a good challenger and being an even greater guy and likable fella in this Challenge community, the likes of which are a rare breed. And as he writes in his farewell to this phase in his life on Instagram, "10yrs ago I walked in your lives on the Real world Las Vegas. And it was hands down one of the best experiences of my life. Then I was giving an opportunity to compete on the challenge. These past years were filled with so many ups & down while filming. With memories I’ll never take for granted. It’s been beyond a blessing to travel across the world. To Places people dream of, so to my Father God I say thank you."

Cara Maria last competed on War of the Worlds 2 with Lee and she wrote to him, "the last season I did with you, it was the strongest fiercest most nonstop bad ass Lee I have ever seen. You just flipped a switch of determination. You just went pure beast mode. Zero complaints. Just absolute force! Nothing but respect for that! I am rooting for you so bad. Your win May be over due but its DUE. I wanna see you get it. You are the best comedic relief in the house too. 😢 either way you def got the best prize. You and kam keep my heart so happy. You are two peas in a pod. Love you both. Enjoy your time off. I respect your decision but I speak for everyone that if you change your mind.... we will all be there with.... aaaaaaarmsssss wiiiide opennnnnnnnn.....😂❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏"

And one who lived in Vegas with him until he and Kam moved to Houston, Mikey P., summed up the words of the rest of us in saying thanks on this incredible journey: "Humble until the end. Leroy you’re the definition of a class act. I’m happy to call you a friend. You’ve had my back countless amounts of times, so i can only imagine that the same feeling is shared amongst your cast mates & co workers alike. This is your moment to begin the most important chapter of your life. You’ve put so much hard work in, now you get to enjoy the benefits of it."  And all we can say is, Thanks Lee.

Tomorrow, the All-Stars take up the focus of the rest of this Challenge cycle as the second half of their season begins as a new partnered elimination format gives the OG's reason to step things up. Before that, the Floribama Shore crew rages on with their trip out to Arizona - which we'll have for you here later on tonight. And then, we'll have more on the possibility that someone from the MTV family may be taking their talents to the place Lisa Vanderpump calls home. We'll see you here soon...


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