Friday, May 28, 2021

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge All Stars - The Finale Part 1

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom... you do need those, after all. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

And so after all this time we've been at home and away from our loved ones, we have finally made it to the start of the summer of 2021 - and you can all breathe a sigh of relief like us in saying that. And as we kick off Memorial Day Weekend and the biggest summer in America in a long time we begin with its fifth major pro sport, and the beginning of the second final challenge of the spring as MTV's The Challenge: All-Stars on Paramount+ wraps up.

There's a reason why those of you who have longed for the originals to return to the screen for this all-star packed season of the show you love, and there have been plenty of good things to discuss about this Challenge that it wouldn't even fit this opening monologue. And the last time we were with the OG's in Argentina, it was Semifinal Week - our definition for the last pre-final regular challenge and elimination, and the players got to go big on a dusty highway doing what their counterparts on the regular show have been doing. And before she went into an arena that she would ultimately win, Jisela had it out with former friend Aneesa, which proves that even long friendships are not immune from this spinoff.

Her win with Big Easy over Kendal & Nehemiah solidified the the field of a dozen that also consists of not only her old friend, but also Alton, Darrell, Derrick, Jemmye, Jonna, KellyAnne, Mark, Ruthie and Yes. And they are about to embark on something that all but two of them have gone through before: a punishing two-day final with only the winner getting the entire prize pool at stake of $500,000. There are several checkpoints along the route in the Argentinean wilderness as they will be pushed to both their physical and mental limits and have to rely on relationships they've forged during this stay in South America as they try to make it to the end... but not everyone will do so as the starting horn goes off.

After the jump, DCBLOG brings you to the peaks of Argentina for the SocialPulse of the first day of The Challenge: All-Stars Finale as the quest for a half-million commences... and welcome to the weekend and this Summer to Remember.

AS THEY SAW IT: "Mo Money, Mo Problems"  
@ChallengeMTV: My weekly responsibilities slowly approaching me on a Monday. Caught up on #TheChallengeAllstars? Stream the latest episode now on @paramountplus  #ParamountPlus
@TheMarkLong: Just wrapped a surprise project... Any guesses???
@TheMarkLong: Happening right now in NEW YORK #TheChallengeAllStars #NewYork #TimesSquare @paramountplus
- @MTVBeth: @TheMarkLong Love our billboard in Times Square! #TheChallengeAllStars
@RyanJohn___: The best part about The Challenge All Stars is everyone realizing @MTVBeth is actually a great person.... and she makes great TV
@CohenBrian_: It’s been discussed but watching the roller coaster ride of Laurel and Cara’s relationship from Fresh Meat 2 onward has been the most fascinating part of this rewatch. #FreeAgents
@CohenBrian_: The Jordan card flipping moment was as epic as I remembered but two subtle moments I forgot: - CT being the one to come up with the idea and egg him on, classic vet move / - TJ’s “you just got served” after the fact   #FreeAgents
@TheAllanAguirre: TOP 10 Traditional ROOKIE Seasons in MTV Challenge History. Decided to fix the jacked up list the official MTV YT Page put out. Warning: No Fresh Meat/War of the World players are on this list, as they will be getting their own Top 10 coming soon.
@TheAllanAguirre: I will never forget MTV giving  Natalie, the former gymnast/cheerleader, a tightrope elimination that favored balance and smaller competitors, and she lost. Speaks volumes about how much of a beast Kam is, but wow.
@JiselaDelgado: It’s All stars EVE y’all! And if it’s anything like I remember tomorrow is gonna be a whole a$$ mess!! #TheChallengeAllStars

@ChallengeMTV: It's the beginning of the final and stress levels are HIGH as #TheChallengeAllstars have zero room for error. Catch up on the latest episode streaming on @paramountplus #ParamountPlus
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Let the Pandemonium in Patagonia on @paramountplus begin!!
@TheMarkLong: I love this picture of me and @NehemiahMTV ... it shows friendship, brotherhood, and support of one another in so many ways. I felt like he and I might have had strategic differences along the way, but we always had each other’s back. Thank you roomie
- @JiselaDelgado: @TheMarkLong Two of my favorite guys!
- @MTVBeth: @TheMarkLong Tenderoni and Godfather @ChallengeMTV #mtv #thechallengeallstars
@JustJem24: Finally watching the episode and I want to be as nice as @KendalSheppard. She dead ass always felt so bad about sending people home & meanwhile I was like:
@JustJem24: Crying at @KendalSheppard final interview. Women really do lose so much of themselves when they become moms and to see her & @jonnamtv come back onto #TheChallengeAllStars & realize they are still the bad ass women/competitors they always were was so beautiful for me to witness.
@JustJem24: LOL at production making this deliberation so watered down but my @Patreon babes I GOT U. So much more went down & I will also explain why @JiselaDelgado was right in everything she said/did that night at the bar bc of course production aint giving yall what y’all deserve to see
@KendalSheppard: 1. I absolutely adored @JustJem24 . She seemed so bewildered by me and how I played (or didn't play) the game.. so this tweet touches my heart and makes me laugh. As a Hospice nurse we pay tribute to every person who leaves this earth, so it felt right to pay a similar tribute to fellow castmembers when they left the Challenge world. It really felt like someone died. So.. I hijacked our whiteboard & drew stick figures to remember each person by. @JustJem24 looked at me all annoyed & said, "dammit Kendal! You're gonna makes me a better person!" And Walked off. When we lost the elimination I wondered if anyone  took over and drew stick figures of me & Nehemiah. Or.. was our legacy forgotten? I was happy to learn @KellyAnneJudd kept the spirit alive and I received this photo. Of course she drew me doing yoga.
@KellyAnneJudd: I was so sad and tired, and had to get ready for the final early the next morning, but I made sure to draw my best stick figure (yeah, that’s my best) I could of my favorite ppl in the house. @KendalSheppard @NehemiahMTV
@alistlk: My latest episode of #ALISTERS I talk to @ChallengeMTV / #RealWorld star @WestonBergmann   We chat about #TheChallenge, his future, cameo even who he'd like to see on Mount Rushmore!  Below is a teaser! To watch the full interview click the link
@emilylongeretta: I know I say this every week ... but the MUSIC in #TheChallengeAllStars this week is the BEST.
- @TheMarkLong: @emilylongeretta I second this tweet #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: Updated soundtrack for #TheChallengeAllStars (through episode 7) @paramountplus
@DerrickMTV: Take a listen as @MTVBeth FINALLY stops into #ChallengeMania and takes Me and @SHOTOFYAGER into @ChallengeMTV Time Travel Machine!! The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent! Beth holds nothing back! #TheChallengeAllStars 
@JiselaDelgado: See y’all tomorrow!! #TheChallengeAllStars  And yes #Alton knows I post him and carry on about him on SM. I even send him your post so he can laugh a little about all of this.
- @CJKoegel: @JiselaDelgado I’m pretty sure Alton wins best smile on the challenge. You agree?
@SHOTOFYAGER: I had to steal this pic off my man @NehemiahMTV just now. What a shot. @TheMarkLong @WeWantOGs #ChallengeMania #TheChallengeAllStars
@brittany_baldi: I am now 3 episodes behind.... I need to catch up before @TheMarkLong gets back on my @BabesBos podcast soon 
@v_cakes: Can anyone easily find my Chili’s commercial from back in the day?  I’m here now & it’s a topic of conversation @Chilis
- @jlsupreme: Today I found out @v_cakes @mikethemiz @TrishelleC and @mtvrrdarrell did a @Chilis commercial! @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge #mtv
- @mtvrrdarrell: @jlsupreme Damn I don’t even remember this 
- @TrishelleC: @jlsupreme Hilarious!!! I remember filming this!
@paramountplus: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. These all stars know how to play the game #TheChallengeAllStars
@angelababicz: There’s something about the way #TheChallengeAllStars was rushed into 8 episodes while the main challenge gets 32 of pure nothingness that doesn’t sit right with me
@Dutchk8: IT'S CHALLENGE ALL STARS DAY!!! Time for the Final!! GOAT's ARE READY SO LETS GOOOOO!! PROUD OF YOU ALL!!  @jonnamtv @TheMarkLong @DerrickMTV @mtvrrdarrell @JustJem24 @actvstArchitect @EricBanks @JiselaDelgado @KellyAnneJudd @AneesaMTV #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: "@HenryLDiMaria: Mark & Ruthie would have been a great team 20 years ago and they still are this is why #TheChallengeAllStars is awesome #TheChallenge @TheMarkLong @PlanetRuthie" RT It’s officially #TheChallengeAllStars day!!! Part 1 of the finals is LIVE today only on @paramountplus 
@JustJem24: "@HenryLDiMaria: Jemmye and Yes coordinating when they finished the puzzle to partner up was a really smart move #TheChallengeAllStars #TheChallenge" RT Work smarter not harder is my forever life vibe...
@JustJem24: Did I really say out loud to @tjlavin that being tethered together to @mtvrrdarrell was a dream to me 
@AlexJoseWiggins: LET'S FUCKING GO!@JustJem24
@katiesinferno: Difference between ogs and new players. Yes: Supports Jemmye and wants to be her partner but doesn’t care if he’s with someone else. Fessy: Puts down every other women on the cast just to get Kaycee and lose the final with her. #TheChallengeAllStars
@d_e_r_e_kc: Wow. Watching these #allstars canoe is funny. My girl @jonnamtv killed this first part.
@d_e_r_e_kc: Wow. Super impressed @jonnamtv bring home that W girl
@JustJem24: Y’all be sure to peep how me and Yes purposely stood by each other & worked together on the puzzle for checkpoint one... The fact he wanted to start the final with me since checkpoint one was do or die/the most important checkpoint was the exact confidence booster I needed.
@SmaASH55: It’s that time again! Who needs to do work when #TheChallengeAllStars is in?!?! Finals baby, let’s gooooo! @DerrickMTV @TheMarkLong @actvstArchitect @mtvrrdarrell @KellyAnneJudd @jonnamtv @AneesaMTV @SurferdudeA1 @JiselaDelgado @EricBanks @PlanetRuthie @JustJem24
@JustJem24: "@TripLilSealGurl: #TheChallengeAllStars has made me realize how much I love @JustJem24 ‘s commentary @jonnamtv ‘s fucking HEART & @KellyAnneJudd ‘s attitude" RT This is so accurate 
@mtvrrdarrell: Official like a referee with a whistle! The Final is here! Locked N Loaded $500k on the line #letsgoooo! Streaming now on @paramountplus #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: Off to the Races!! Tune into @paramountplus for Part 1 of @ChallengeMTV’s #TheChallengeAllStars Season Finale! - PRESS PLAY and TWEET A LONG with the cast at 8PM EST! - CHECK OUT “The Aftermath” with host @DevynSimone after the show, also @paramountplus! 
@NewPatTwitty: BEST FINAL IN YEARS #TheChallengeAllStars Thank you @TheMarkLong for a GREAT season
@ChallengeMTV: After proving to have what it takes to make it to the finale #TheChallengeAllStars are hit with their BIGGEST challenge to date.  Stream the latest episode now on @paramountplus #ParamountPlus
@EricBanks: Leaving that gas in the tank is always key! Couldn’t have ask for a better 1st leg partner w/ @KellyAnneJudd | we stayed the course and survived! @challengemtv  All-Stars Final 1 of 2 streaming now on @paramountplus #thechallengeallstars
- @KellyAnneJudd: I was thinking the same thing about you @EricBanks
@SHOTOFYAGER: Taking questions for our next guest, @JiselaDelgado! We are recording tomorrow. Want to start w/ questions now. Maybe hold off on any episode 8 spoiler questions til later on. But for now, let er rip! We’ve got A LOT to cover. #ChallengeMania #TheChallengeALLSTARS #WeWantOGs
@Dutchk8: LOVING the teamwork on the FINAL of the CHALLENGE ALL STARS!! All are true competitors and being supportive is just AMAZING!! @jonnamtv @mtvrrdarrell @TheMarkLong @DerrickMTV @AneesaMTV @KellyAnneJudd @EricBanks @JustJem24 @actvstArchitect @PlanetRuthie #TheChallengeAllStars
@ktlaENT: #MTV veteran Mark Long (@TheMarkLong) on competing in the new season of ‘The Challenge All Stars’ #TheChallengeAllStars @paramountplus @DaynaDevon
@emilylongeretta: On this week's #WatchWithUs #ChallengeEdition podcast, @KendalSheppard explained why she appeared isolated on #TheChallengeAllStars, being told it was going to be "backyard games" and more.
- @emilylongeretta: More from @KendalSheppard: "After that first challenge, we were shocked and a little bit peeved. We had representatives have some words production and saying, ‘Hey, like, we’re not here to die. We’ve got kids at home. We plan on returning back to life.'"
@usweekly: Exclusive: On this week's #WatchWithUs podcast, #TheChallengeAllStars' @KendalSheppard details her relationship with the rest of the cast — and reveals they went to production after that difficult first daily.
@masterfy24: So proud of @JustJem24 and @jonnamtv for being the best two ladies and @actvstArchitect and @mtvrrdarrell for being the best two gentlemen so far in the final on #TheChallengeAllStars!!! #TheChallenge
@IdolHalf: Me watching every single second of #TheChallengeAllStars @JustJem24
@jlsupreme: I see @TrishelleC in this 2007 Super Bowl ad! @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge #mtv #GoDaddy #SuperBowlAd
- @TrishelleC: @jlsupreme Omg you found it! 
@_esmorgan: The Challenge All Stars has been a blast this season. I’ve loved watching all the familiar faces. But how is it that Jemmye doesn’t have her own show, yet? She makes me crylaugh
@TheMarkLong: Here we GOOOO!!!! #TheChallengeAllStars 
@jonnamtv: Who is watching #TheChallengeAllStars live with us right now?? @paramountplus @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeFanOG: For a bit of perspective, @jonnamtv is standing 3 steps up in order to give @TheMarkLong a shoulder to shoulder hug #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @WeWantOGs @MTVAllStars @paramountplus
@JiselaDelgado: Here we goooo!!! Direct deposit baby #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: I love @TheMarkLong energy  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: These conscious decisions.  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Ok but @JustJem24 said f%cl clothes ima wear this lingerie for my interview! Ok I see you boo #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Alright now thats done let’s all move on to better things! #movingon  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Hey roomie @PlanetRuthie #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Every time TJ talks it sounds like mumbling from Willy wonka!  #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: Call me the PUZZLE KING Prince....oh wait...... #TheChallengeAllStars 
@jonnamtv: It's me and @JiselaDelgado 's first final baby!!!#TheChallengeAllStars
- @JustJem24: @jonnamtv Y’all both earned it babyyyyyyy 
@JiselaDelgado: Alton did we say we could do confessionals with no shirt on? Why we out here showing everything!  #TheChallengeAllStars
@jonnamtv: I had NO CLUE what is was in for #TheChallengeAllStars
@latwall: If I get the chance to do this again Ive got to make it to the final! #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KendalSheppard: @latwall Same, Girl, Same.
@JiselaDelgado: @jonnamtv these braids got me looking cute good looking out babe  #TheChallengeAllStars
- @jonnamtv: @JiselaDelgado i got you girl #braidgang #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Cheering y’all on let’s MF go @DerrickMTV #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: As I see everyone pulling off I realize that our canoe is in fact backwards  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: We are canoeing against everything the wind the water ourselves! I’m an avid kayaker this is not the same as a canoe  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: The way I love @JustJem24 I’m still happy for you honey let’s go!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: My man on a whole sinking ship, I was already in that babe get out! (Calm down shade but in a funny way.... or is it too soon to play like that)  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Not it’s cute—— ima use that lol  #TheChallengeAllStars
@KellyAnneJudd: We see @PlanetRuthie and @TheMarkLong Aloha #TheChallengeAllStars
@mtvrrdarrell: @JiselaDelgado You know I love you!!! I was worried about how that 1 leg you had #TheChallengeAllStars
- @JiselaDelgado: @mtvrrdarrell I know, but if you were gonna have me for any leg of the race this probably would have been the one ☝🏽 since the leg didn’t play into it. I’ll let you rock but I’m taking notes 
- @mtvrrdarrell: @JiselaDelgado Hold up Don’t do me like 
@JiselaDelgado: That’s how you feeeeeeeeeellllll @mtvrrdarrell BURNNNN  #TheChallengeAllStars #TheChallengeAllStars
@jonnamtv: I am no longer live, I started it over so my husband could watch with me. He put the babies to bed for me #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: I tried watching #TheChallengeAllStars and had to turn it off when everyone was jumping into the canoes and @KellyAnneJudd was left behind. I could feel the panic in her voice as she yelled, "Easy hurry!" that made me cry. I feel so helpless from this side of the screen!! 
@TheMarkLong: Too soon!?!? @DerrickMTV @JiselaDelgado #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KendalSheppard: @TheMarkLong @DerrickMTV @JiselaDelgado I feel like this is your bathroom book.. 
@JiselaDelgado: We did have it backwards #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: Im at my sons baseball battling the most savage sack of gnats!! What is going on with #TheChallengeAllStars?? Has Whitney Houston arrived yet??
@mtvrrdarrell: Don’t worry @EricBanks my ass fell it the water too #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: My baby @MissArissa #TheChallengeAllStars
@ChallengeFanOG: @mtvrrdarrell & @actvstArchitect have to be the most supportive male partners in the history of the Challenge. Always supportive regardless of partner, task, or position. #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars @WeWantOGs @paramountplus
@KellyAnneJudd: Damn our girl @JiselaDelgado doesn’t stop! @DerrickMTV and Jisela are a power team, she should have gotten out & pushed the boat with those swimming skills! Always hard to watch friends go home in order for you to stay. #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Bike see this where I as a single mom would have excelled cause I know how to put it together annnndd I ridding bike is actually good for me knee #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: The music tho #TheChallengeAllStars
@mtvrrdarrell: We lucky we didn’t die on them bikes with my janky handyman skills of mine @JustJem24
- @JustJem24: @mtvrrdarrell I just appreciate you cracking jokes the whole time to keep me from crying over that traumatic ass bike experience. We almost died a few times and still came in second thou. I’m always down to rideeee with you fam.
@JiselaDelgado: Get them baby!!! Come on @KellyAnneJudd #TheChallengeAllStars
@KellyAnneJudd: The breaks on our bikes didn’t work, this is what happens when you rush to build a bike before a race. Tires and wheels falling off.. one of the scariest things I’ve done on a challenge. Alton & I risked it all, said a prayer and kept going. #TheChallengeAllStars
@MissArissa: This whole tethering thing has my nerves on fire #TheChallengeAllStars @PlanetRuthie and I had a conversation about being tethered on the way to the first daily and here it is on the final. Wild.
@mtvrrdarrell: Alton & @KellyAnneJudd is smashing on them bikes  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: The way they ridding into the sunset I love every moment of it @KellyAnneJudd #TheChallengeAllStars
@KellyAnneJudd: So you’re saying 2nd check point is; build a bike, ride ur janky bike tethered to ur partner up and down a mountain and THEN do a shape and math puzzle, okay.. maybe I hate this. Almost last again! U GOT TO BE KIDDING ME  #TheChallengeAllStars
@MissArissa: Y’all couldn’t ride with that chord over your shoulder? #TheChallengeAllStars
@ChallengeFanOG: @JustJem24 & @mtvrrdarrell coming in 2nd on the 2nd leg after struggling on the bikes is EXACTLY why this show is not just a physical game.  #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars @WeWantOGs @paramountplus
@JiselaDelgado: @EricBanks is really so supportive!  #TheChallengeAllStars
@MissArissa: Alton is the dream partner! #TheChallengeAllStars He and KellyAnne are really killing on this bike leg of the race!
- @jonnamtv: @MissArissa seriously.. i tried to say it earlier in the season. Alton is such a great partner!!
- @JiselaDelgado: @MissArissa The way y’all see him like I see him! Y’all take care of him! #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: 🌶🌶 #TheChallengeAllStars 
@JiselaDelgado: Omg I love this Ruthie and  @mtvrrdarrell!  so you ain’t wanna carry me like that? Ok I see that’s what’s up  #TheChallengeAllStars
- @mtvrrdarrell: @JiselaDelgado I would have thrown you on my shoulder too 
@KellyAnneJudd: "Do you want me to stand up on the bike" @JustJem24  “Yeah, like, ride it" @mtvrrdarrell Jemmye’s dad bought her a go cart, love so much #TheChallengeAllStars
@mtvrrdarrell How did they know @PlanetRuthie heart #TheChallengeAllStars #whitneyhouston
@JiselaDelgado: You are magic in my world!! @KellyAnneJudd #TheChallengeAllStars
@mtvrrdarrell: If you truly want to get a taste of what we go through....I triple dawg dare ya to eat 2 Carolina Reapers on a empty stomach, then run 2miles #goodluck #TheChallengeAllStars
- @JustJem24: @mtvrrdarrell & this was AFTER that never ending canoe and the bike ride from fuckin hell...
@ChallengeFanOG: Through the first half, @JustJem24 @actvstArchitect @mtvrrdarrell & @jonnamtv all deserve to win this Final. They killed it (TJ voice) #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars @WeWantOGs @paramountplus
@JustJem24: "@BoySpiceGaming: @JustJem24 ur crushing this final so far congratulations" RT Thank you.. I do better when I have a partner pushing me bc I don’t want to let them down so starting out with Yes & Darrell was best case scenario for me.
@jonnamtv: I seriously lucked out every leg of the race with who I got as a partner.
@ChallengeFanOG: GOAT STUFF Some of these kids should take notes from @mtvrrdarrell #TheChallengeAllStars @MTVAllStars @ChallengeMTV @paramountplus
@MissArissa: No one takes into account the altitude is kicking the shit out of everyone. It is NO joke. And a whole other beast to slay. #TheChallengeAllStars What an adrenaline rush!
@latwall: @mtvrrdarrell is a monster carrying Ruthie
@MTVBeth: And I will always love you! @PlanetRuthie @mtvrrdarrell #TheChallengeAllStars #bethstolarczyk #bethtodeath @GamerVev @WhitHoustonStan @syrusmtv
@WestonBergmann: We just dropped a Patreon exclusive recap video of the All Stars final! If you’re a Patron, “sprint” over and enjoy the show and community. If you’re not, what are you waiting for?
@KellyAnneJudd: “No you don’t get to lay down” Me to @mtvrrdarrell as he says he needs a medic. Cold? Or a ride it til u die teammate? #challengeallstars
@dbetts515: The Final has been great. Would have liked to see @KendalSheppard and @latwall in it. But this is the best Challenge I’ve watched in years!! #TheChallengeAllStars @WeWantOGs @MTVAllStars @TheMarkLong
@JustJem24: As always, the support and kind words never go unnoticed. Thank y’all always for the love...
@GamerVev: Jonna’s performance!!!! I’m so proud of her! #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: "@LP1822: Wondering if we are gettin a recap of the 1st of #TheChallengeAllStars with @KendalSheppard boys" RT Just now sitting down to watch #TheChallengeAllStars with the family. Here's what they have to say...
@KendalSheppard: So now it's just me and the hub... and I'm about to cry again watching @KellyAnneJudd left behind on the beach. #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: **Don't go chasing waterfalls** when Alton and @AneesaMTV Capsize!!! These editors kill me!! I love when people have fun at their job!
@KendalSheppard: That backup beeping sound when @DerrickMTV and @JiselaDelgado Are paddling backwards. Too funny! I love that those 2 are still smiling and cracking jokes. #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@KendalSheppard: Out come the Carolina Reapers: 8 yr old: Mom- I am SO GLAD you aren't there right now!! Me: lol you don't think I could do it?! 8 tr old: I think you COULD... I just don't want to see you throw up!
@KendalSheppard: 8 yr old: Everyone just wants the money. Everyone except mom. 13 yr old: Mom wants the money too, Bud. 5 yr old: NO SHE DOESN'T! 13 yr old: lol yeah.. who doesn't want half a mil?! 8 yr old: She just wants the EXPERIENCE! Me: Um.. could I have both?? #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@TheMarkLong: How did everyone like Part 1 of the FINAL??? #TheChallengeAllStars  @paramountplus
@Irving_A07: Y’all.. this #TheChallengeAllStars final is EVERYTHINGGGGG!! I haven’t been so excited about a final in so long (and I know the spoilers) production for the regular season needs to take some notes Double Flopgents could NEVER #TheChallenge
@Irving_A07: The women are absolutely KILLING it!! The men are all being SO supportive at times when they struggle. Not one “hurry up you dumb bitch” no one literally pushing someone. I hope they’re all proud of their performance #TheChallenge #TheChallengeAllStars
@Irving_A07: And it’s because of how hard everyone is working that I’m mad we only have one winner. They should definitely be a male/female winner or 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. My only complaint about this season #TheChallenge #TheChallengeAllStars
@kmacisco: Why am I not surprised big easy can eat Carolina reapers like tic tacs #TheChallengeAllStars
@matt_marcello: All of #TheChallengeAllStars has felt like a fever dream and I can’t believe that it actually happened and is already over
@ChallengeMTV: As this season of #TheChallengeAllStars comes to a close, Aftermath host @DevynSimone asks which OG's would you like to see back on your Television's. Who you got? 
@ChallengeMTV: When the going gets tough, the tough get going, especially when you're down to the finale with money on the line. Catch the latest episode of #TheChallengeAllStars parkles now streaming on @paramountplus #ParamountPlus
@dc408dxnow: So, we begin the #AllStars final. And we are left with 10 originals who have made it to the end - albeit skating by w/o getting a skull. And everyone is relieved that they have made it to the end of this, and it’s reason to celebrate around the house. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Earlier today over on Instagram, I was serenaded by @tjlavin & his guitar in his hotel room on an early summer vacation overseas. And here he welcomes everyone to his final - and if what we’ve seen on the regular show is a sign, then this final will be entertaining. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And as it is there, we have several checkpoints and it’s a 2-day, 2-part affair which’ll be decided next week. And we have a Rivals3-like scoring system towards who wins, and as it was on Invasion the players will switch partners after each checkpoint. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Easy & KA are in last and they won’t give up. And there’s a capsize by Alton & Aneesa as we hear @OfficialTLC’s “Waterfalls.” And they’re getting passed by by everyone else here as we hear @juviethegreat’s “Slow Motion.” @MTVsoundtrack is having a ball here. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: .@mtvrrdarrell picking up @PlanetRuthie to the tune of Whitney Houston. Again, @MTVsoundtrack is having an MVP year with these Challenge music choices. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: With Yes and KellyAnne getting 1st & five more points, the leaderboard going into last checkpoint of the night stands at this… #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: At midway: Puzzles, bikes and peppers - just an ordinary final as TJ likes it. A huge surprise w/ a big vet going out early as the partners twist strikes again. And someone who’s never been in an actual final leads this at halftime. Next week, it’s for the marbles. #DCChallenge
@actvstArchitect: Only one episode left of #TheChallengeAllStars. If folks are gonna go against me, I want them at their best. I try to lift up every single person along the way, and the competition is just getting gooood. let’s go. @ChallengeMTV
- @melbonk: @actvstArchitect Love Yes so much! He killed it w every single partner he had so far. 2 all the guys that always complain abt having 2 partner w girls, take a look at Yes & sit down!! Also LOVE how @JustJem24 & @jonnamtv are absolutely killing it & first picked females! They did not come 2 play!

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One who I watched back in '99 on his Road Rules season and then on the ensuing 2000 Challenge, Yes, holding a surprising lead after the first half of this final... and will he hang on for the money, or will someone else catch him on the homestretch? We'll have the answer to those when we bring you the 'Pulse of the second part of the All-Stars Final coming up on Memorial Day... and if you're scoring at home, here's the leaderboard after part 1.

Yes - 14 pts.
Darrell - 13 pts.
Jonna - 12 pts.
Jemmye - 11 pts.
KellyAnne - 8 pts.
Mark - 8 pts.
Ruthie - 8 pts.
Alton - 7 pts.
Aneesa - 6 pts.
Big Easy - 3 pts.
Derrick - Eliminated
Jisela - Eliminated

But before we get to Part 2 on Monday, there is a lot still to come with visits to Florida's power clique and their fun bunch neighbors to sift through during this long holiday weekend: the WRAP of the week in Siesta Key comes your way tomorrow with an engagement party. On Sunday, we'll have the 'Pulse of the Season 4 reunion of Floribama Shore, along with a peek at the touching tribute seen in the Season 4 Key premiere. And after all of that, we'll introduce you to the latest subject of MTV's No Filter series in fashion icon and Movie & TV Awards winner Bretman Rock, and meet the two new Shore babies.

Meanwhile, last night saw the summer's second music awards show in the iHeartRadio Music Awards, which begins an epic next few days of events: the UEFA Champions League Final as Chelsea and U.S. National Team star Christian Pulisic face Premier League champs Manchester City and fellow American Zach Steffen. There's also the Indy 500, NBA & NHL playoff action, Phil Mickelson in action after PGA Championship win and much more... and make sure to follow #DCNOW at @DC408DxNow for all the live weekend event chatter, and we'll also have holiday editions of #DCPlaylist coming up too.

But when we return on this Friday evening, two Challengers join up with an AYTO alum and reality royalty join up to search for love of a different kind... and as we head out, a gem of sorts: the OG's doing a Chili's commercial. Enjoy the weekend everyone, and we'll see you back here shortly.


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