Saturday, November 15, 2014

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? S2 - "Parental Guidance"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, 
objectionable content to some readers and spoilers 
for international fans. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

By DC Cueva

Hi, hello, what's up and welcome to DC SocialPulse on DCBLOG, and taking a break from celebrating the DCBDAY 2014 birthday festivities with the twitter diary for episode 6 of Are You The One? Season 2 from Puerto Rico. And if you thought that watching what has happened throughout the season of this guilty pleasure, train wreck and wildness of a reality show, then you know the saying, "You ain't seen nothing yet."

Last week after having their most satisfying moment so far, Team 21 dealt with the most brutal moment the show has had in its two seasons when, after garnering their first perfect match, got no matches in the ensuing matchup ceremony. We saw another key moment for one of the love triangles, and saw another budding couple witness heartbreak when Briana saw her love Curtis become a match with Shelby; reliving the Shanley/Chris T./Paige drama from Kauai.
   This week has been hyped up by the cast as the best one yet, and I agree with them. The parents of the cast come over to interrogate the guys and the girls find out some new gossip about them. We'll also see tensions build among the girls and especially the guys including the biggest fight in the house so far. And if what happened rather recently was something, imagine what could happen if history repeats itself all over again.
   And after the twitter view of episode 6 and its buildup and aftermath, we'll update you on the status of Diem from The Challenge, who has been bravely battling cancer for the last few months.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, bookmark DCBLOG as I will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
- And there's also a twitter beef that emerged with some members of the community while this episode was airing. We've included all of their tweets in this post, and also carefully edited it to ensure that we showcase both sides of the matter.

So with that, join us after the jump for all the madness from episode 6 in Puerto Rico and other things.

> The Lead-Up
@chickalexx: One thing I've left to do, discover me, discovering you  ๐Ÿ’ซ
@chickalexx: I get my I phone 6 plus tomorrow!!!!!!!! &#%@$*@& STOKED! ๐Ÿ˜†
@chickalexx: We are all so damn hurt and fucking broken, but please know, I love you, you are worthy of all the love and you will get through this.
@chickalexx: Really dislike the fact that you can see when I'm typing in a text message on iPhones..It's a little #stalkerish ๐Ÿ˜’
@EikeParis: Ohhhhhh babyyyyyyy. Meow. ๐Ÿ™€alectremaine_photography @ccbooze @ccbooze
@EikeParis: Partying with @KingJames tomorrow night. NBD. @CCBooze
@EikeParis: I feel like a man without my nails done. #ratch
@EikeParis: So much love from so many different countries!!! I LUB YOU AWWWWL. ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ
@EikeParis: I don't need you, I don't need you, but I want you.....
@EikeParis: If your eyebrows look like shit I don't like you
@EikeParis: Thanks Mom ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’Ž @hollyeike
@EikeParis: Life is a competition and I'm training for it.
@MTV_Christina: So, Who is trynna snapchat meh? =)
@MTV_Christina: SO the snapchat I am going to use to snap all of you beautiful people is : "mtvchristina"  Snap away! :) #snapchat #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_Christina: Can't believe I get to see the AYTO cast in a few weeks. I'm gonna cry <3 I miss you motherfuckers. #AreYouTheOne #myteam
@KatieColley86: MTV junkies for life! Christina in the audience in a Check-Up with Dr. Drew #teenmom #aytoAftermatch  @MTV_Christina
@MTV_Christina: Oh, I see you
@MTV_Christina: Show some love to this page! It's an amazing family to be a part of.  - โ€ฆ
@MTVshelbs: I have an interview in an hour and a half.... I should probably get out of bed.
@MTVshelbs: It's almost go time for the interview
@MTVshelbs: Interview is all wrapped up, be sure to catch me on the Brett & Sierra show today on KWCH @ 4:30pm talking about @AREUTHE1 & is also online!
@MTVshelbs: For those of you who wanted to see the interview I was in today, here's the link for ya! โ€ฆ #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Okay on that podcast, the last thing you said about the end of the episode is SPOT ON, so glad someone sees it.. @lashtweets
@MTVshelbs: Okay someone come raid my closet and buy some clothes so that I can go get new ones ๐Ÿ˜Œ
- @laurashall93: @MTVshelbs ohh pick me pick me๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿ™‹
- @laurashall93: @MTVshelbs tops tho #BiggerBootyThanShelbsProbs
- @MTVshelbs: @laurashall93 hahaha our booties are close you might be able to fit into some!
@MTVshelbs: My girl @blacuesta and I actually have a lot in common, for instance we can rap the entire song Super Bass by Nicki Minaj #fuckwithus
- @blacuesta: @MTVshelbs we can rap it perfectly with no music. Dear @NICKIMINAJ if you ever need back up rappers give us a call
@MTVshelbs: We can both do makeup like it's no ones business (hair on the other hand is all her, I'll turn your hair blue) @blacuesta
@MTVshelbs: Well.. Guess I'll be going to the X Games in January.
@MTVshelbs: Not sure how I'm supposed to sleep when the bar outside of my apartment is blaring "I'm bout to hit the cluuub & dance like a stripper"
- @mtvdario: @MTVshelbs that black guy bouncer     tho >
@MTVshelbs: Hey guys.. remember that one time, in Puerto Rico.... #areyoutheone #mtv
@MTVshelbs: Got a long list of ex lovers they'll tell you I'm insane, cause ya know I love the players and you love the game.
@MTVshelbs: My interview tonight will begin at 8pm CST where you can ask questions and watch online! Here is the link: โ€ฆ
@MTVshelbs: Now I'm singing along to amazing grace can't nobody wipe this smile off my face. Got joy in my heart, angels on my side ๐ŸŽถ
@LaytonJonesMTV: Everyone don't forget to follow me on Instagram @LaytonJonesMTV  I have to hit 10k followers tonight to win the bet #Winning #3:00CutOffTime
@LaytonJonesMTV: We are half way through the season! And oh wow@it about to get better! #AreYouTheOne MondayNightsโ€ฆ
@LaytonJonesMTV: Only about 180 more until we reach the 10,000 mark on Instagram dont forget to add me @LaytonJonesMTV Thanks everyone! #AreYouTheOne #CMA
@LaytonJonesMTV: Are You The One? | Sneak Peek (Episode 6) | MTV
@LaytonJonesMTV: rayconent @mtvjohnmoustis #Tasty #AreYouTheOne #FridayNight #CrownApple
@LaytonJonesMTV: Pictures by the pool before a big #FridayNight! @mtvjohnmoustis @chasityroberson  #AreYouTheOne #Event
@LaytonJonesMTV: Are You The One? (TV Series) | Season 2 Episodes | MTV
@LaytonJonesMTV: #BigCountry teach @mtvjohnmoustis how to shoot a bow! Watch out deer it's going down! #AreYouTheOne #Camo
@LaytonJonesMTV: Every one go to  grab a  t-shirt and a koozie and show some love! #HappySunday #GodIsGood #GodisGreat
@LaytonJonesMTV: #Hot100Party #TastyEntertainment #BigCountry #CrownApple #AreYouTheOne @djdecepticon1 @mtvjohnmoustis
@LaytonJonesMTV: Great church service this morning! Sister & Nephew got baptized now a little deer stand therapy! #AreYouTheOne #Jesus
@LaytonJonesMTV: Greenville MS #Home #AreYouTheOne Tomorrow Night 10/9c
@laurashall93: It's 3am, I've been "studying" since 11 pm and all I have learned is that @blacuesta has 10.5k followers on Twitter....
- @laurashall93: @blacuesta I need #AreYouTheOne questions on this test Bc I'll KILL THAT SHIZZZZ๐Ÿ’ฅ
- @blacuesta: @laurashall93 bahahaha I don't even know. I just don't know.
- @blacuesta: @laurashall93 hahahahaha ash get your life together and start studying!
- @laurashall93: @blacuesta lololololololololololz creepings funner
- @laurashall93: @blacuesta nicceeeeee @mommalacuesta should be proud๐Ÿ˜
- @blacuesta: @laurashall93 @mommalacuesta -.- mom I am prepared don't worry I'm an excellent improviser
- @laurashall93: @blacuesta @mommalacuesta ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ you gonna knee that presentation in the face๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ฅ
- @blacuesta: @laurashall93 @mommalacuesta I feel like you are hallucinating or drunk and studying you need to rest you're not you when you're sleepy
- @laurashall93: @blacuesta @mommalacuesta I'm all hyped up on that white girl shizzzz #PumkinSpiceCoffeeโœŒ๏ธ plus I just miss my bad ass bishhhโ˜บ๏ธ
@laurashall93: I applaud the girls who actually wake up and have the energy to put make up on and dress relatively appreciate in the mornings๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
@laurashall93: But I'm gonna stick to hats, leggings and oversized T shirts cause, I ain't got time for all that
@laurashall93: โ€œ@jenniknapmiller: When my patients ask if they can touch my hair. Why. Why? BUT, why?โ€ We have the same life, except the patients part
@laurashall93: Was just told I look better in person..... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ thanks???? #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: You DO NOT wanna miss tomorrow nights 6th episode of #AreYouTheOne it is by far the craziest episode yet!!
@laurashall93: @MTV_JESS guess what I just thought about... We more than likely will get to watch it TOGETHER in LA in 2 weeks๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
- @blacuesta: @laurashall93 @MTV_JESS FUG that were partying
- @laurashall93: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS lol I thought about that right after I sent that hahaha
@Modelboi12: Today has been the craziest day of my life I feel "famous" lol
@Modelboi12: Question I get asked everyday..."Did anybody ever tell you that you look just like Larenz Tate" lol it never gets old
@Modelboi12: I will be traveling to Amsterdam this year....
@Modelboi12: My High School "Lindbergh" called me to come speak at the how about NOOOOOOO!!!!
@Modelboi12: Cali for my bday Nov 25th lets GO
@Modelboi12: You only get one life so never live the same day twice....
@Modelboi12: 11.25.14
@Modelboi12: Yoooooooo
@Modelboi12: Lol @blacuesta damn right I loved that about @MTV_JESS she cleans everything lol
- @blacuesta: @Modelboi12 @MTV_JESS for real!!!! me and you eat cookies snickers everything in the house. Jess cleans up after us hahaha
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @Modelboi12 lmao right behind you bitches haha
@Modelboi12: Good times @blacuesta good times lol
- @blacuesta: @Modelboi12 luh u papi
- @Modelboi12: @blacuesta love you to chica
@Pratt_MTV: @TheMarkLong it was Carrabbas actually haha. Hope you're serious about un-retirement. Would still love to do the challenge with the King.
- @TheMarkLong: @Pratt_MTV for sure my man! Hopefully dusting off the cleats soon! U going home for holidays?
- @Pratt_MTV: @TheMarkLong I better start training harder haha. I should be in Melbourne the whole month of December hopefully. How about you?
- @TheMarkLong: @Pratt_MTV me too, def hang sometime my man.
@Pratt_MTV: When @TheChallengeMTV legend @TheMarkLong refers to you as the guy who looks like @TimTebow โ€ฆ
@Pratt_MTV: Success is the best form of revenge.
@Pratt_MTV: All in favor of seeing a 7 part mini series into my daily life and how I get my Spring Break body. Favorite.
@Pratt_MTV: I am live on Younow
@Pratt_MTV: Drunk. Lets do this.
@Pratt_MTV: I heard you on the wireless back in 52. Lying awake intent on tuning in on you. If I was young it didn't stop you coming through.
@Pratt_MTV: Take the biggest guy out the house and all hell breaks loose haha. Check out a sneak peak at next weeks episode. โ€ฆ
@Pratt_MTV: @RyanDevlin best host television has ever seen! Thanks for everything bro! #mtv #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: Hey Central Florida, drinking games and music with the boys at the apartment tonight! Who wants to join?
@Pratt_MTV: #prattjuice
- @Tindel10: @Pratt_MTV nah this isn't Pratt juice. This is the @A_Bartolotte  with dem forehead wrinkles.
@Pratt_MTV: 500 retweets and I'll reveal the recipe for Pratt Juice. #prattjuice
@Pratt_MTV: 500 retweets is steep and so is my Juice recipe. Can't just hand it out haha ;) #prattjuice
- @JasIPen: @Pratt_MTV do it everybody!! It's well worth it
- @HollyEike: @Pratt_MTV I already know it! Lol. Maybe I'll share... (Jk)
- @Pratt_MTV: @HollyEike I think @EikeParis is the only other person on this planet who knows it... if she can remember.
- @HollyEike: @Pratt_MTV @EikeParis -YEP, you're right! - she knows it and that's how I know it! Of course she shared with her Mama๐Ÿ˜Š
- @Pratt_MTV: @HollyEike @EikeParis I suppose that's ok haha.
- @MTV_Christina: @Pratt_MTV @HollyEike @EikeParis not true. I know it. And I know @Tindel10 knows it!
@Pratt_MTV: Moonshine & Bonfires. I love fall. ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‚
@A_Bartolotte: I'm a flirt
@A_Bartolotte: I don't have a type
@A_Bartolotte: I'm getting fuckin hammered tonight
@A_Bartolotte: @SimoneKelly_ look forward to meeting ya
@A_Bartolotte: Finally found my agent! Amazing feeling. Everyone go out and follow my manager @ZtotheLO
@A_Bartolotte: I better find your lovin
@A_Bartolotte: I love when girls call me bae lol
@A_Bartolotte: Same dude that you knew way back when
@A_Bartolotte: I want you in the worst way
@A_Bartolotte: Fresh Haircut
@A_Bartolotte: Never try too hard, just let it be natural
@A_Bartolotte: Portillos is so damn good
@A_Bartolotte: Pumped to fly out to LA tomorrow
@A_Bartolotte: Cali... I'm ready for ya
@A_Bartolotte: Middle seat... Great
@A_Bartolotte: Hottie to my right... Fattest guy on the plane to my left
@A_Bartolotte: LAX
@A_Bartolotte: Really excited... Gonna have a hard time falling asleep tonight. Wide awake
@blacuesta: Getting my life together today! Better late than never. Have a good day ya hooligans #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Ya Girl got a bottle service job at avenue in pacific beach! YAS. If you're in pb and want a table hit me up for details! #Avenue #pb
@blacuesta: Our relationship to a T. Love you shithead @LaytonJonesMTV #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Podcast time. #AreYouTheOne RHAP up of episode 5 by @busdriversroute & @lashtweets
@blacuesta: Bahahahahaha @busdriversroute plays Miley Cyrus "can't be tamed" for me & @MTV_JESS
- @busdriversroute: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS "Attempted" to play. Damn you modern technology.
- @blacuesta: @busdriversroute @MTV_JESS I barely heard it but I heard it and laughed! I live for your podcasts. They make my life happy
- @CSUAKirk: @blacuesta @busdriversroute @MTV_JESS  Brian is the man!
@blacuesta: Me& @MTV_Christina get mushy lovey dovey about being best friends I think everyone should have a best friend where youre borderline lesbians
@blacuesta: Lol @busdriversroute cannot control his laughter about @lashtweets cough thing. I'm also laughing
@blacuesta: Just saw this and It touched my heart: IDGAF: I don't give away food. So true, so true. #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: I don't think I'll ever get used to people recognizing who I am when I'm walking around sd. Sorry in advance if I'm super awkward.
@blacuesta: How i feel when people recognize me. I swear im not this awkward it's like i forget who I am under these ci...
@blacuesta: Some people need a good judo chop to the throat. that is all.
@blacuesta: Some people are really cruisin for a Briana hulk smash to their big toe.
@blacuesta: If I listen to one more Taylor swift song I might actually turn into her.
@blacuesta: Let me clear this up, #AreYouTheOne isnt about who is prettier, perf matches are based off of the person you ARE not who you LOOK best with
- @Curtishadzicki: @blacuesta thanks for clarifying I was all mixed up for a second .
- @blacuesta: @Curtishadzicki bc I posted this for you right? Lol
- @Curtishadzicki: @blacuesta well I am tour twitter follower so .......yes? Because aren't tweets for your followers. Just a THOT
- @blacuesta: @Curtishadzicki *your & if you're trying to call me a thot you can swerve โœ‹ ain't nobody got time for your rude shit
- @Curtishadzicki: @blacuesta you now im a terrible spiller and auto correct kills my game . Survey?
- @blacuesta: @Curtishadzicki BYE ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ #stopbeingasaltbucket
@blacuesta: On another note anyone listen to Selena Gomez new song? This shit makes me feel some type of way ๐Ÿ˜Œ
@blacuesta: We can hold hands down slip n slides together and try to give each other answers and then fail miserably @MTVshelbs
@blacuesta: Finally watching the #AYTOAftermatch I'm such a sarcastic human being hahaha
The many faces of me and @MaybachDiamonds on the #AYTOAftermatch #wheresmysushi #youpromised #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: OOOOOHHHHH, I wanna eat with somebody, I wanna eat a lot with somebody, YAAAAHHHHHHHH, I wanna eat with somebody, With somebody who loves food
@blacuesta: Werk twerk blerk flerk slurp slurpee. I love slurpees
@blacuesta: If you guys haven't watched the sneak peak of #AreYouTheOne for this coming Monday GO WATCH. ITS ABOUT TA GO DOWN
@blacuesta: The more you try to settle my flames the bigger my fire grows & the more you try to control me the more you push me away.
@blacuesta: Life y u no make me Beyoncรฉ? Instead you made me briyonce ๐Ÿ˜
@blacuesta: Whenever you feel lonely or sad remember there are billions of cells that call you their home and care about only you.
@blacuesta: Reasons 1&2 that I'm so excited to be roommates with @MTV_JESS next month: she makes bacon and she's a freak about cleaning. #youtherealmvp
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta lmao you would! Haha omg were gonna be the cutest straight lesbians ever
@blacuesta: Shoutout to @Modelboi12 for always trying to hide cookies from me in Puerto Rico BUT BEST BELIEVE ID ALWAYS FIND EM! #canthidefoodfromme
- @Modelboi12: @blacuesta lol dude you were so good at finding them...
- @blacuesta: @Modelboi12 bahahaha You'd be like YO B HOW THE HELL U KEEP FINDING MY COOKIES!? Like they had ur name on me or somethin smh
- @Modelboi12: @blacuesta ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ you me and @jenniknapmiller loved the cookies
- @blacuesta: @Modelboi12 @jenniknapmiller I remember I found her whoppers one day&she gave me the death stare & I was like ur in luck I don't like these
- @jenniknapmiller: @blacuesta @Modelboi12 I was always hiding those whoppers and honey jack ๐Ÿ˜
@blacuesta: I always take selfies before work. I always wear black. I like these boots. My hair is red. I like sloths.
- @Tindel10: @blacuesta sloth thot
- @blacuesta: @Tindel10 I am what I am. It iz what it iz. Thotty life 4 eva
- @Tindel10: @blacuesta yah its whatevs. Bout that life you good yo
@blacuesta: I have a go-to selfie pose and I try to do other poses to switch it up but I just can't handle things that are out of my comfort zone.
@blacuesta: I laughed. Hahaha #tooreal #onmama
@blacuesta: What's a yeet. How do you use it in a sentence?
@blacuesta: everyone knows that me and @jenniknapmiller are a perfect match. โ€ฆ
@blacuesta: All I have to say is, fireball was the main ingredient. #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Tu cuerpo y el mรญo, Llenando el vacรญo, Subiendo y bajando, Ese fuego por dentro, Me estรก enloqueciendo, Me va saturando #Bailando
@blacuesta: Dude @MTV_JESS is such a grandma get this bish some grown up diapers!
@blacuesta: Flo rida- GDFR
@blacuesta: I freaking love @ScottDisick hilarious
@blacuesta: beer brain idea- send me vids of y'all giggin to your fave song imma make it into a vine DO IT & I'll follow who I put in the vid
@blacuesta: Real talk my hair is so naturally frizzy I look like got damn mufasa from the lion king right now
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta deff do
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario if you were a chick you'd be butch
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta what's that mean doe
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario speak Spanish to me
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta cuando linda
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario en dos semanas cuando se llega a LA
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta tabien bรฉlla
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario hasta pronto mi amor
@blacuesta: Like how TF am I supposed to be naturally cute with this mop that looks like I just got electrocuted? Smh
@blacuesta: The hair gods got me fucked up
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta like how fucked up ?
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario like when you puked in PR fucked up
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta after I used your toothbrush
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario after I farted on ur pillow
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta after I peed in your shower
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario after I spit in your drink
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta after I break your nose on some @MTVJohnMoustis
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario @MTVJohnMoustis low blow dar....low blow.
@blacuesta: Can I bring another bitch or nah?
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta duh you better hoe
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario alright I got a bitch in mind get ready
@blacuesta: Oh waddup @mtvdario you FCKN good lookin Dominican hoe ass with tiny scissors
@tabron27: MTV Are You the One's Tyler Abron (season 2):
Please watch and subscribe as every Monday a new video will be out.
@tabron27: MTV Are You the One's Tyler Abron Episode 2:  LATEST VIDEO FROM YOUTUBE  PLEASE WATCH AND SUBSCRIBE  #AreYouTheOne #ARE
@tabron27: ARE YOU THE ONE FAMILY โ™ก  #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch #AYTO
@tabron27: CHECK ME OUT ON INSTAGRAM  @tabron27
@tabron27: GOD IS GOOD!
@tabron27: 3 more days until the next episode of #AreYouTheOne  I can not wait .
@tabron27: MTV Are You the One's Tyler Abron Episode 2:
Please watch and RT and subscribe to my weekly you tube videos. Enjoyโ™ก
@tabron27: Make sure to tune in to @AREUTHE1 this Monday to see if I found my match or if I get left out again. #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch #MTV
@tabron27: Snap chat @tabron27
@tabron27: Oh Hey Oh Hey ๐Ÿ˜š
@tabron27: Tune in this Monday to see what the guys from @AREUTHE1 are really about.
#AreYouTheOne #loveormoney #AYTO #MTV
@tabron27: I'll be tuning in tonight to watch @mtvema make sure you do the same.
#MTVEMA #MTVEMA2014 #AYTO  #AreYouTheOne #teamtyler
@tabron27: Happy BIRTHDAY to one of my lovers and best friends @si_thedream ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ Ugh I love you and miss you soโ€ฆ
@mtvdario: No flex
@mtvdario: ๐Ÿ’ฅSimple my day1s to this shit !!! ๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐Ÿ’ฏ #mtv #twintv #areyoutheone @sh3rb nderegisazdk
@mtvdario: ๐Ÿ’ฅCheck out the new vid !!๐Ÿ’ฅ And subscribe NOW !!!
@mtvdario: Who's up ?!!! We outcheaaaa
@mtvdario: Ep 5 recap ! Check out the whole vid on my YouTube channel. TwinTalk Tv link in my bio ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ
@mtvdario: I don't live my life for yall I live it for me
@mtvdario: Twitter I'm here. I'm on and tweeting
@mtvdario: Seriously Yall check out my recap vid and Subscribe ๐Ÿ’ฅNOW๐Ÿ’ฅ  #TwinTalkTv             
@Curtishadzicki: Its impossible to see the future, its even harder to plan for it. So don't. Be here, now, feel this moment. Grab everything you can from it.
@Curtishadzicki: Incase anyone was wondering after all my wise words tonight. I am falling asleep to how to train your Dragon 2. Goodnight #dowhatyoulove
@Curtishadzicki: My #WCW goes to the lady that made me the man I am today. You are the strongest person I know and I am greatfull to call myself your son. I continue to learn from you mom. #mommasboy #yearofthehorse #dowhatyoulove
@Curtishadzicki: its not my place to teach you the lesson but its your place to learn. Strength in self is priority 1 #DoWhatYouLove
@Curtishadzicki: "I told you im in it for the Long haaaalllll. You could really get the business. "
@Curtishadzicki: I am different now than I was then. Why look behind you when your busy moving forwards #DoWhatYouLove
@Curtishadzicki: Every day right when I wake up I say "thank you " before I even get out of bed. Practice being grateful #DoWhatYouLove
@Curtishadzicki: #TBT to my brother teaching me life lessons in Portugal. You are my best friend and I am your biggest fan @nickhadzicki thanks for showimg me how to great. #dowhatyoulove
@Curtishadzicki: Happy friday from my beach to yours #dowhatyoulove
@Curtishadzicki: I workout so I can drink later and not feel bad . Thats all . #flexfriday #dowhatyoulove
@Curtishadzicki: Never forget that the only way to fail is by giving up. Remember that great things take time. RESPECT THE PROCESS. #dowhatyoulove
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #TBT I think sophomore year?? Bahah #Awesome! #YoungNate #MyGoons #GString #Nick #LookIntoYourOwnWorldโ€ฆ
@PrimeTimeSiebs: This one for my number 1 shawty, got the top spot title, spent an hour in the bathroom, walked out lookin like a model #Gawd!
@PrimeTimeSiebs: And when I blow, I hope you know, that I can have any girl I choose. But I know as time goes by, baby all I'm gonna want is you
@PrimeTimeSiebs: I just need some coffee. That's all.
@PrimeTimeSiebs: I always find myself making the same mistakes, gettin roped back into the same shit
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Excuse my French emotion, and my passion, but I ware my heart on my sleeve like its a new fashion
@PrimeTimeSiebs: I'm a player that is true, but I changed the game for you, I wanna see what it do! Let me be your friend, this is how I feel!
@blacuesta: I swear if @PrimeTimeSiebs winks at me over snapchat one more time
- @PrimeTimeSiebs: โ€œ@blacuesta: I swear if @PrimeTimeSiebs winks at me over snapchat one more timeโ€ don't let her fool you she loves my winks!! ๐Ÿ˜
- @blacuesta: @PrimeTimeSiebs no wink zone. jk I love you and miss you so much!
- @PrimeTimeSiebs: @blacuesta you're da best bri! Miss you too!!
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Cupid said love ain't an accident, ran outta arrows so he hit me with that javelin
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Just wanna give a shout out to my dude, kalamazoo's famous thegreatcambino on his high rise! Checkโ€ฆ
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Ever time I close my eyes, I see my name in shining lights, a different city every night!
@PrimeTimeSiebs: #SelfiesOnASunday!! #DoubleUpSelfie!! "And I said, Baby you got me don't worry your pretty littleโ€ฆ
@jenniknapmiller: If you stay busy, you'll stay human
@jenniknapmiller: Snacking is the life I chose to live
#Tbt My mom is my everything. She stands tall as my number one fan and I don't know what I would doโ€ฆ
@jenniknapmiller: These #AreYouTheOne cat edits had me cracking up @AREUTHE1
@jenniknapmiller: Who wants to make blanket forts? I'm craving fish tacos.
@jenniknapmiller: Living in a world of double standards
@jenniknapmiller: I don't know what a 'flying fuck' is, but I don't give one anyways
@jenniknapmiller: Missing me some @MTVshelbs! Please come to Minnesota asap #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: I've got 99 problems but brownie brittle ain't one
@jenniknapmiller: Up crackin brewskis early this marnin' gopher game tailgate leggggo!
@jenniknapmiller: If you had a leg to stand on you would fall over
@jenniknapmiller: He looked just like Kenny Chesney so I believed every word he said
@jenniknapmiller: Two bottle of whiskey for the way
@jenniknapmiller: Im confident I could snag a break out role as a zombie in the walking dead right now. Holy hangover
@jenniknapmiller: Advil and pizza ftw
@jenniknapmiller: Yesterday's tailgate got a little wild with this crew ๐Ÿ˜œ
@jenniknapmiller: One of my favorite quotes. Wandering isn't always aimless.
Photo credit: @amberabts
@jenniknapmiller: @blacuesta changing your name in my phone to perfect match
@jenniknapmiller: Everyone come to Minnesota, it's going to be a fun week! 'Arctic blast' and 'chilly but quiet' in the forecast!
@MTVJohnMoustis: Look Mom, I'm a tree! #BigCountryLivin
@MTVJohnMoustis: Headed to #OnTheRocks in Cleveland, MS with @LaytonJonesMTV for a night of #SouthernDebauchery. Who's out?
@MTVJohnMoustis: @LaytonJonesMTV gave me some pointers on how to throw the 'ol pigskin  #olemiss @RAYCONent
@MTVJohnMoustis: Girls weren't to happy about this... #dolladolla #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJohnMoustis: Filled in with the band last night at Blues in Greenville, MS #SweetHome #BreadMachine @LaytonJonesMTV
@AlexPhillipz: Shout-Out to the homie @MaybachDiamonds last night for hooking me up with some socks. Good times #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: When it comes to stand comedy there is one end all be all and that is the barely living legend @HormozRashidi #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: Jammin on set with my main man Greg Wonder #BAD
@whaattaafoxx: When you call me baby, I know I'm not the only one
@whaattaafoxx: We gone need some Christmas decorations!! @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina:
- @blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina mistletoe? Hot guys? Naked Christmas party?
- @whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina we are not doing that. Lmfao I'm thinking Christmas tree and lights and Christmas music everyday
- @blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina YOURE LAME YA GRINCH ASS IDFWU lol jk
- @whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina hahahah if you do a naked Christmas party you have to wear nipple tassels
- @blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina I'm going to make Christmas tree nipple tassels
- @whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina lol yaaaassss!! The tip can be a light up star lmfao ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ check your snapchat!@blacuesta  Nov 5
@whaattaafoxx bahahahahahaha
@whaattaafoxx: Baby are you down down down down down???
@whaattaafoxx: There ain't no sugar for you in this shaker of mine
@blacuesta: "Do you tingle" ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina @MTV_JESS
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina I'd PROB slightly tingle if it was someone important ๐Ÿ˜ bahaha
- @blacuesta: @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina bahahahahah hahahahahahahaha i love us.
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ few more weeks bitchhhhh ๐Ÿ˜
- @blacuesta: @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina I'm so ready
@whaattaafoxx: Ahhhhh I just hit 10k followers!  Shout out to my MAIN BITCHES!!! #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: My night so far... #CountyLife
@whaattaafoxx: Smoke good weed with a bad bitch
@whaattaafoxx: Omg I miss G so muchhhhh!!!!!!! @Modelboi12 #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Thug Country ova hereeeee
@whaattaafoxx: ๐ŸŒดGet Jakob to 95k by Tonight!๐ŸŒด  this is me this looks like Christina when she sings HAHAHHAHA im not playing @MTV_Christina @MTV_JESS @blacuesta
- @blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina @MTV_JESS oh my god. so christina ahahahahhaahha
- @Tindel10: @whaattaafoxx holy crap it really does...haha
- @whaattaafoxx: @Tindel10 Bahahahahahahahahahaha ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
- @MTV_Christina: @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS โœ‹ it's on bitches
- @blacuesta: @MTV_Christina @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@whaattaafoxx: Give a little bit, give a little bit of your love to me ๐Ÿ’•
@whaattaafoxx: "There's the person that says "I love you" and there's the person that never responds" -Carrie Bradshaw
@whaattaafoxx: Eh. Bye.
@whaattaafoxx: Gettin drunk tonight and going to the mudbog tomorrow!!!! Woooooo!!!!
@whaattaafoxx: About to get ready for a new snapchat story tonight!! ellenicole_910
@whaattaafoxx: Let me be the one you call when you tryna be a freak, let me be the one you call when you wanna hit the sheets
@whaattaafoxx: OMG so I just tried Southern Comfort and Budlight mixed!! Everybody try it!!! So amazing!!!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
@whaattaafoxx: You're constantly in my head driving me crazy
@whaattaafoxx: I chase my liquor with water
@whaattaafoxx: You good.
@whaattaafoxx: It lasted forever and ended so soon
@whaattaafoxx: Omg Monday is getting closer and closer!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ‘€ #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: "YOU AINT SHIIIIITTTT"
@whaattaafoxx: I hate pissin in a porter potty; I'd rather pop a squat
- @busdriversroute: More reasons to follow the gospel of Ellie RT @whaattaafoxx: I hate pissin in a porter potty; I'd rather pop a squat
@whaattaafoxx: I have a mullet
@whaattaafoxx: I'm dying!!  ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@whaattaafoxx: Ya can't bullshit a bullshitter
@whaattaafoxx: The red skittles are the best skittles
@whaattaafoxx: && I gotta stay high all the time to keep you off my mind
@whaattaafoxx: Do you believe in God?
@whaattaafoxx: I can't believe what I just seen
@JasIPen: Wine night with frozen grapes to add the classy aspect?! Downnnn with the cause! #ayto #movienight #wineee
@JasIPen: If I'm not out getting recognized from #AreYouTheOne , I'm being recognized for being either Bryan or Kim's daughter...#cool. #KnowToManyPpl
@JasIPen: When people say how pretty you are and you ain't got no make up on.... Y'all the real MVP. Y'all the damn MVPs. ๐Ÿ™Œ
@MTV_JESS: Can they show more of me and my beeeeetch ep6 please! #ellieandjessspinoff #goonies #AreYouTheOne @whaattaafoxx
@MTV_JESS: I just want my own show so I can be funny on @MTV I love making ppl laugh ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚
@MTV_JESS: If what we had was real how could you be fine*
@MTV_JESS: We're making chicken&cheese pot pies, Oreo cheese cake & Hershey chocolate cupcakes! Can you say YASSS ๐Ÿ˜‹
@wesbucklesmtv: Yoooo shout out to Five Guys Burgers and Fries for giving me my meal on the house tonight! ๐Ÿ™Œ Huge fans of #AreYouTheOne it seems โœŠ
- @MTV_JESS: @dubbucksMTV yesssss something to look forward to! Hiiii I missss yoooo faceeeeee
- @wesbucklesmtv: @MTV_JESS no U don't ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’
- @MTV_JESS: @dubbucksMTV I do tooooo!!! Be there in 2 weeks & I better see you ๐Ÿ˜Š
- @wesbucklesmtv: @MTV_JESS oh word?? Vine time? Lol
- @MTV_JESS: @dubbucksMTV pleaaaseeee ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
- @wesbucklesmtv: @MTV_JESS ha aight better have some ideas ready ๐Ÿ˜’ make em good
- @MTV_JESS: @dubbucksMTV will do ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‹
- @wesbucklesmtv: @MTV_JESS and we gotta see the rest of the pics from your shoot. Your fans are waiting!!!
- @MTV_JESS: @dubbucksMTV bahaha tell my fans they'll see when I get them!! ๐Ÿ˜
- @wesbucklesmtv: @MTV_JESS ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’ ima have mine out to everyone before U do and I haven't even had my shoot yet!
- @MTV_JESS: @dubbucksMTV I'm gonna punch you and this ๐Ÿ˜’ face .. No actually I'm changing UR name on my phone to ๐Ÿ˜’ .... ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
- @wesbucklesmtv: @MTV_JESS good, so everytime U think of me you'll know I hate U lol
- @MTV_JESS: @dubbucksMTV lmao PURRRRFECT!
@MTV_JESS: Omggg ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ is this me or is this me? #crazybtchproblems #nygirls #westchestergirlsbelike ๐Ÿ’ #areyoutheone
@MTV_JESS: Love being a part of the #mtvfam @MTV ๐Ÿ˜˜ doooooope!
@MTV_JESS: Why the f*** do I always get hot flashes when in bed -___- Im 23 wtf
@MTV_JESS: Brazilian fans are honestly the best ๐Ÿ˜ proud to be brazilian ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™ #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Ok I'm at the eye doctor and there's literally no1 here and this receptionist still has me sitting here waiting .. WTF AM I WAITING FOR?
@MTV_JESS: So my doctor recognized me -____- FML embarrassed much
@MTV_JESS: Slowly drifting away ... To Cali ๐Ÿ™Œ #nymeetscali #AreYouTheOne #adventures
@MTV_JESS: #areyoutheone #haters can #suckit #keepwatching #doe ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜˜
@MTV_JESS: Currently searching for apts in #sandiego !!! #goonieliving #nymeetscali #AreYouTheOne โค๏ธ
@MTV_JESS: I can see it now ๐Ÿ˜ (dramatically walks like a queen) were gonna cause so much trouble! @blacuesta
@MTV_JESS: Bahahaha immediately though of the #goonsquad ๐Ÿ‘Œthis is just so us! โค๏ธ #areyoutheone mtvelliepuckettโ€ฆ
@MTV_JESS: Can I just say .. @blacuesta I fucking love you very much and I cannotttttt wait until we're roomies in less than a month ๐Ÿ˜ #GoonSquad
@MTV_JESS: Holy freeeeeeeeezing !!!!!
@MTV_JESS: #newhair #nottoocrazy #timeforchanges #blackhairproblems #slowlyleavingthedarkside ๐Ÿ’œโค๏ธ #areyoutheoneโ€ฆ
@MTV_JESS: Oiiiieeeeee brasil ๐Ÿ˜˜ Mais e Claro q eu amo todos vcsss ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›
@MTV_JESS: ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™ I'll be in brazil for Christmas ๐Ÿ˜
@Tindel10: Only 5 girls left to choose for my Perfect Match. Jasmine, Jenni, Bri, Tyler, and Ashley. Which one is it? #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: My Favorite food is In-N-Out for all asking!!! :)
@Tindel10: I'm so Clutch.
@Tindel10: For real for reaaalll.
@Tindel10: Okay, can I just say something crazy? I love crazy :)
@Tindel10: Vanderpump Rules reminds me exactly how my work used to be when I was a server hahaah. #PumpRules #DramaAlert #RotatingHostesses #Flings
- @MTVshelbs: @Tindel10 my favorite show โ˜บ๏ธ
- @Tindel10: @MTVshelbs dude it's like way better than ours hahahahahhaha
- @MTVshelbs: @Tindel10 I would be on it in a heart beat!
- @Tindel10: @MTVshelbs Let's hit up Lisa and go to Cali.
- @MTVshelbs: @Tindel10 I'm already two steps ahead of ya B
@Tindel10: Pratt isn't chillin' in the house anymore. I will reveal the ingredients to Pratt Juice in his honor on Monday before the show #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: Jeeze. Watching that Layton vs Anthony fight preview is giving me butterflies. This shit is gonna be great. #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: I just came to say HELLO!!!!!!! #letsgo #weekend
@Tindel10: I talk so much shit.
@Tindel10: I rock to @macklemore songs so hard.
@Tindel10: Watching @blacuesta and @jenniknapmiller make out isn't half that bad actually. I'll take it.

> AYTO Monday
@AREUTHE1: It's #AreYouTheOne DAY!!!! WHO'S EXCITED?!
- @Pratt_MTV: @AREUTHE1 @EikeParis ... her thoughts, "This is my life now".
@PrimeTimeSiebs: It's definitely Monday! Which means Episode 6 of #AreYouTheOne is on tonight! Looks like us guys re in for a HUGE surprise.. I know I can't wait to see it! #AreYouTheOne #MondayNights #TeamNate #ReppinSouthWestMitten!! Let me know your Perfect Match Predictions!!
@LaytonJonesMTV: Driving back to Nashville with@MTVJohnMoustis to get ready for tonight's #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #BigCountry #BeReady
@kklusby: Driving back Nashville=beautiful with the car in front of me kickin up leaves, I'm driving through gold red and orange pieces of heaven๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚
@MTV_JESS: She's more like my sister ๐Ÿ’™ I love this woman more than anything! #mommaaaa  on #AreYouTheOneโ€ฆ
@MTV_JESS: Uhm where's my email ? .....
@MTV_JESS: Wakeup sneezing everyday WTF I hate you This time of the year NY -____-
@MTV_JESS: Ugh some people just fucking piss me off - like get it together!
@MTV_JESS: I don't think you guys are ready for this episode -_- Jess and Ellie get a bit feisty ๐Ÿ˜ณ #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Since @MTVBananas is in NYC he should soooooo come meet me ๐Ÿ˜ hiiiii Johnny ๐Ÿ˜˜
@MTVshelbs: Catch this pretty lady and I for the drama filled episode 6 of Are You The One tonight at 10/9c on MTV! #areyoutheone #mtv
@tabron27: Tonight on #areyoutheone you guys get to meet momma bear ๐Ÿ˜˜ #ayto  tune in to see what dirt she digs up on these guys!
@A_Bartolotte: Monday.
@A_Bartolotte: Who's excited for tonight's episode??
@LaytonJonesMTV: Loaded down headed back to #Nashville #RoadTrip @mtvjohnmoustis #AreYouTheOne  Big Episode tonight! 10/9c
@AREUTHE1: Check out these cast interviews where @jenniknapmiller clarifies her feelings for Anthony and Layton!
@MTV_JESS: I'll be following back super fans tonight
@Curtishadzicki: The key to success is a great team I surround myself with like minded individuals and to them I owe it all. #dowhatyoulove
@jenniknapmiller: Only noon and I think it's nap time. Gotta rest up for this wild and emotional episode of #AreYouTheOne tonight
@Tindel10: Def stoked for the new episode tonight! Tweet at me like...A LOT. #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: #AreYouTheOne season 2 is on tonight AND I MOVE TO LOS ANGELES TOMORROW. it is gunna be a solid week <3 #MTV
@whaattaafoxx: Omg I'm such a thirsty hoe lol
@EikeParis: Soooo ummm tonight..... Be ready..... #AreYouTheOne
@A_Bartolotte: It's funny how so close can seem so far
@AlexPhillipz: Check out my new web series starring @AbbyRoberge @VirginiaCollins @HormozRashidi @AChudwin! Directed by @gregwonder โ€ฆ
@AlexPhillipz: You can also watch it on funny or die! โ€ฆ
@MTV_JESS: Holy fuck tonight's episode is RLY juicy! And of course filled w drama @AREUTHE1 ahhhh they always got the #goonies in every scene doee
- @LaytonJonesMTV: @MTV_JESS DESERVES.....๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
- @MTV_JESS: @LaytonJonesMTV I cantttttt! ๐Ÿ™ˆ I'm such a bitchhhhh
- @LaytonJonesMTV: @MTV_JESS I think your great
- @MTV_JESS: @LaytonJonesMTV in that case thankyouu ๐Ÿ˜˜
@nicolebyer: Hey! @AREUTHE1 on @MTV is all new tonight and then right after at 11pm watch me and @JohnMilhiser host the #Aftermatch
@mtvdario: Food
@mtvdario: Yeeeeezy
@LaytonJonesMTV: Wow everyone be ready tonight's episode is epic! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Let Simone refresh your memory on last week's #AreYouTheOne with her sassy recap!
@laurashall93: My face clearly shows how excited I am for tonight's episode๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: #AreYouTheOne tune in tonight on #MTV
@mtvdario: Brazil and the UK what up though
@mtvdario: Bieber has swag. Hate all you want
@MTV_JESS: If your not my type * gotta keep this shit short
@Tindel10: I'm just bang.
@whaattaafoxx: Tonight's episode is going to be the besstttt!!!!! I'm dying I can't wait! #AreYouTheOne
@mtvdario: I make enough for the both of us
@MTV_JESS: Just so everyone knows .. I broke my toe one night chasing @MTV_Christina cuz she had ice & I wanted it -_- #drunkproblems #AreYouTheOne
- @MTV_Christina: @MTV_JESS Hahahahaha oh my godddd. You almost broke it right off your foot ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @MTV_JESS: @MTV_Christina lmao oh how I miss those daysss
- @MTV_Christina: @MTV_JESS see you Friday love bug ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜
- @MTV_JESS: โ€œ@MTV_Christina: @MTV_JESS see you Friday love bug ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜โ€yayyyy ๐Ÿ˜
@MTV: Things are getting heated (to say the least) on #AreYouTheOne TONIGHT at 10/9c:  ๐Ÿ”ฅ
@blacuesta: #AreYouTheOne episode 6 tonight! You thought the other episodes were crazy? Well, were just getting started. Best episode yet!
@shandathapanda: Do I have an friends that are finally an adult and not living with their parents in Chicago? THIS IS A SEMI IMPORTANT QUESTION
@A_Bartolotte: Look good. Feel good
@MTV_JESS: I actually talk a little bit tonight instead of crying the whole time ๐Ÿ˜ #AreYouTheOne  #winning
@AREUTHE1: Make #AreYouTheOne episode predictions at  and you could win a trip to meet the cast!
@MTV_JESS: I want all my brazilian followers to download YOUNOW and stay tuned for a live broadcast in a few hours !!! #AreYouTheOne @MTVBrasil
@shandathapanda: I remember that one time I took shrooms and thought I was Britt Murphy (not a joke). So uh, RIP/Happy Birthday to Brittany Murphy!
@blacuesta: I need a shirt that says all black everything
@dillanhoward: Whoever invented quarter laundry is a dum dum. "Like...hi, we don't want to pay quarters to do our laundry" #FreeLaundryCampaign
@EDiamond007: Contrary to popular belief,  the only place where success comes before work is the dictionary.
@AlexPhillipz: I ran into Aaron Paul today on the way to the gym. He gave me the head nod because he knows what the fuck is good #BreakingBAD
@mtvdario: Tune in tonight.
@AREUTHE1: All hell is about to break loose. TONIGHT. 10/9c. DON'T MISS IT!
@Tindel10: Nothing but smiles :) <3 #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Ohhhh man, I'm ready to drop some Twitter bombs tonight during this episode.... ๐Ÿ‘ฟ #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: wine run :)
@jenniknapmiller: I loved having my mom in Puerto Rico! Best surprise ever. Don't miss this wild episode 6 tonight. It's something else, let me tell ya ๐Ÿ˜ณ #areyoutheone #mtv
@EikeParis: It's cold AF today. Good thing #AreYouTheOne Monday's always warm me up. #seewhatididthere @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@MTV_JESS: Mommmmaaaalove #bestfriend i love youuuu! I needed to see you do bad ๐Ÿ˜ @aandreatta67 ๐Ÿ’™
@MTV_JESS: @jenniknapmiller 's fans are gonna loveeee me tn -_- what a crazy eppp! #AreYouTheOne
- @jenniknapmiller: @MTV_JESS it might go both ways. Either way, episode for the books, right? what a night ๐Ÿ˜‘
@MTVJohnMoustis: Had an awesome weekend in Mississippi with this dude @laytonjonesmtv #bigcountry Until next time Dirty Delta!
@A_Bartolotte: Are you ready?
@tabron27: Whose ready for a brand new episode of #areyoutheone tonight!! Only on #mtv this one gets a bit nuts! Tune in! #sittinpretty #ayto
@MTVshelbs: I'll be on YouNow as usual at 8/7c to answer any questions you may have before the show!
@AREUTHE1: Tonight on #AreYouTheOne, the in-laws are stopping by and we're not the only ones excited about it!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
@LaytonJonesMTV: Are You The One (Season 2) | Ep. 5 | Strap Those Boots Tight | MTV
@LaytonJonesMTV: TONIGHT... Don't miss it when things get heated and I stand my ground...
@tabron27: who's ready for a brand new episode tonight!? I will be on younow to talk about it all tomorrow night! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJohnMoustis: Don't forget to watch #AreYouTheOne tonight at 10/9c. You might even get to see a little of this ;)
- @Tindel10: @MTVJohnMoustis Skippin' chest, abs, and shoulder day on the daily. Those legs though. That's another story.
- @MTVJohnMoustis: @Tindel10 yea but I got a watch on, so it's cool. #whiteytighties
@mtvdario: I'm not making this yr "my year" I'm making it my decade
@mommalacuesta (Briana's mom): Surprising #@blacuesta in Puerto Rico was the highlight of my summer.   I love that girl.   Do you all think we look alike?
@Modelboi12: Hoop Session before my show #AreYouTheOne  come on
@AREUTHE1: 3 HOURS!!!! #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Can @A_Bartolotte not talk about my mom like that!? (She's on the right) @mommalacuesta
@LaytonJonesMTV:  #AreYouTheOne #BigCountry #LiveTweets #TShirts #EpicEpisode #AreWeCloser2TheMoney?
@EDiamond007: I remember the feeling of a new episode airing every Tuesday,  now Mondays are the days the new cast will never forget!  #aytofam @AREUTHE1
@whaattaafoxx: OMG! The best day of the season is arriving soon!!! #BlackFriday #BassPro
@EikeParis: "Darling in a nightmare dressed like a day dream" Oh TSwift how I love you today.
@EikeParis: Boys only want love if it's tortureeeeeee
@MTVshelbs: I'll be on YouNow in about 15 minutes to answer questions before episode 6 at 10/9c! Here's the link:โ€ฆ
@Curtishadzicki: Having a creative block in class and my teacher says the words "ray gun" in some sentence during the lecture. And this happens. Dont try to be inspired just be present and ready. #dowhatyoulove
@AREUTHE1: 2 HOURS!!! #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: I'll be LIVE on MTV tonight @11/10c! I'll be answering your Questions! Don't forget to Hashtag #AYTOAftermatch w/your questions!!!!
@ryanmalaty: When in doubt, Chipotle.
@RyanDevlin: Holy crap you guys! Two hours of #Devlin tonight. 9pm @CWJaneTheVirgin (fisticuffs w/ @Brettdier) and then 10pm @AREUTHE1. CAN U STAND IT?!
@IamAdamKuhn: Almost #AreYouTheOne time
@blacuesta: T-minus 1 hour and 15 minutes until take off. Houston I think we are going to have multiple problems. #AreYouTheOne
@A_Bartolotte: Hope everyone enjoys tonight's episode. Be sure to check me out on the   #AYTOAftermatch
- @blacuesta: @A_Bartolotte @AREUTHE1 or nah
@mtvdario: Drinking in the shower >
@AREUTHE1: Don't forget to use #AYTOAftermatch to send your questions to @A_Bartolotte for the #Aftermatch tonight!
@jenniknapmiller: Hope you guys are hungry for some drama tonight ๐Ÿ˜ณ #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@JasIPen: It's going D O W N tonight on this episode of #AreYouTheOne. Get that popcorn handy! #AYTO #dramafest
@MTVshelbs: Episode 6 of @AREUTHE1 starts on @mtv in 30 minutes, start switching channels and get ready for the live tweets! #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: Check my boy @AlexPhillipz new web series "Apartment 9" it's dope. โ€ฆ
@MTV_JESS: Click here and see my beautiful face live on @YouNow! (,-2014 โ€ฆ)
@brittany_baldi: #AreYouTheOne is wicked soon! watching these smokeshows tonight @EikeParis @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina :-) #MTV  @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: Half the chances are already gone, and I'm starting to get worried. Will true love prevail this week?? #AreYouTheOne
@LaytonJonesMTV: Follow me on Twitter for ~~LIVE~~ Tweets during tonight's episode... Twitter - @LaytonjonesMTV, Instagram - @LaytonjonesMTV
@blacuesta: 6 MINUTES YALL #AreYouTheOne
@dillanhoward: Be the type of guy that only steals the covers.

> As They Saw It: "Parental Guidence"
@MTV: #AreYouTheOne starts right NOW! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @AREUTHE1 ๐Ÿ”ฅ
@AREUTHE1: A new episode of #AreYouTheOne starts now! Let the drama and matchmaking begin!
@tabron27: It's onnnnnnnnnnnnnn! #AreYouTheOne 
@blacuesta: Here we goooooo east coast!! #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: HERE WE GO! #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_Christina: Here we go! Episode 6! Shits about to go DOWN! @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@MTV_JESS: HERE WE GOOO!!!!! #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: Here we go episode 6 of #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: @AREUTHE1 starts NOW!
@Modelboi12: Tune in #AreYouTheOne right now
@Tindel10: Best be watchin me #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Just let me sulk about it. I'm allowed to sulk. #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: My poor baby!! @blacuesta
@LaytonJonesMTV: @MTV_JESS anybody but Jenni.. #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_Christina: Awh poops <3 I luh you @blacuesta #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: The bitch is here #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: That's the spirit, @blacuesta 
@MTVshelbs: I was SO UPSET I left the episode before moms week ๐Ÿ˜ข #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: MY MOMMA IS HERE!!!! @mommaknapmiller #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: 0-100 real quick!!! #AYTO #parentalcontrol #AreYouTheOne 
@tabron27: seeing my mother?! best feeling in the world! seeing the guys sweat?! even better! lol #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: DADDY๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ #AreYouTheOne
@LaytonJonesMTV: What's up in laws? #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: I have always been told I am fantastic with meeting peoples parents. #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: It's time to meet the parents! Why so nervous, boys? 
@MTV_JESS: ahhhh i was so happy mommy got to come! i needed to see her so bad #areyoutheone
@MTVJohnMoustis: Scariest challenge yet. #MeetTheParents #Fock #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: my poor baby @blacuesta you still got me bitchhhh
@Pratt_MTV: I'm so glad I didn't have to do this challenge. Some of those parents look scary but I'm bummed I didn't get to meet @HollyEike !
@IamJoeyDillon: @blacuesta ๐Ÿ˜ณ
- @blacuesta: @IamJoeyDillon 
- @IamJoeyDillon: @blacuesta you don't mean it
- @blacuesta: @IamJoeyDillon how do you know
- @IamJoeyDillon: @blacuesta trust me. You I know
- @blacuesta: @IamJoeyDillon doubt it
- @IamJoeyDillon: @blacuesta you got more than enough hitting you up.
@brittany_baldi: Wish my dad was was invited on my season. He would have had a field day on some dudes in that house #AreYouTheOne :-)
@JasIPen: PAPA P in the houseeeee! #AYTO LETz Go Dad #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: MY MAMA IS FREAKING HOT @mommalacuesta #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: My GMA came yall! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Y'all, the way @whaattaafoxx talks about her grandma makes me feel like I should give mine a call! #realtalk
@laurashall93: Robert was not only in the U.S. Marines, but is also a cop... Look out boys๐Ÿ˜ #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: Don't worry @MTVJohnMoustis I've tripped up on my dads questions a few times too๐Ÿ˜ณ #AreYouTheOne #CopForADad
@LaytonJonesMTV: Hooking up equals making up! #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: LOVE OR MONEY?! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJohnMoustis: Think I was a little nervous? #pitstains #first #ohshit #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_Christina: MY STEP DAD BE KILLIN EM ๐Ÿ‘Š #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: At least he's honest! @MTVJohnMoustis #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: He wore green for the money @MTVJohnMoustis $&& #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Damn @MTVJohnMoustis at least you honest #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: @MTVJohnMoustis kept it 100
@Pratt_MTV: @MTVJohnMoustis BROOOO! Just lie next time haha
@blacuesta: C00l john  @MTVJohnMoustis  #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJohnMoustis: Top 3 priorities in life? Never thought about that one before... @laurashall93 #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Ants such a hoe lol @A_Bartolotte
@blacuesta: The guys are really doing so well impressing the parents... OR NAH!!!!!!! #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: now you see where i get my attitude fromโ€ฆ haha womp #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Y'all, I'm starting to feel bad for the boys
@Tindel10: I'll dust all y'all in a poker game.#AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: obv my mom would ask if they have been to the #boomboomroom #areyoutheone
@Modelboi12: The parents were grilling me smh
@MTVJohnMoustis: If you couldn't tell I was nervous, the inordinate amount of armpit sweat probably was a good indicator. #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: I cannot even explain how happy I was to see my mom. AND YES I KNOW SHES SMOKIN!!! @mommalacuesta #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Hahaha @Tindel10 I'm dying
@AREUTHE1: LOL @Tindel10
@laurashall93: Really????? @Tindel10 I know @JasIPen and I are very exotic looking but I definitely don't look like her dad๐Ÿ˜‚ #AreYouTheOne
- @JasIPen: @laurashall93 @Tindel10 our dads out-did the challenge champ. ! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
- @Tindel10: @JasIPen @laurashall93 was bullshit.
@jenniknapmiller: "They're all questionable" ๐Ÿ˜‚ love Rob! @laurashall93 #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: @Tindel10 hey my dad said thanks for calling him beautiful ;) #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: I have a good feeling about @MTVJohnMoustis and @JasIPen - RT if you agree!
@JasIPen: 4th date leggooooo! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: It's okay boys my dad loved you all.... Just maybe not for a son-in-law #AreYouTheOne 
@blacuesta: Thanks @mtvdario for Pickin me you sexy beast #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_Christina: @AlexPhillipz DAWG YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDA PICKED ME. #bad #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: lmao @blacuesta #yessssss #AreYouTheOne best thing ever<3
@LaytonJonesMTV: Who should we send in the truth booth?#AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: I want to know how many drinks the fellas had before this challenge #ayto
@whaattaafoxx: OMG it's about to go down!! #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: Ya, I definitely would have been sweating bullets by those Dads. Lucky me. Sorry boys.
@MTV_JESS: @mommalacuesta ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ looking good mamaa
@AREUTHE1: Which couple would you send to the Truth Booth? Vote NOW at   for your chance to win a meet + greet with the cast!
@IamAdamKuhn: I would have picked @blacuesta's mom for the date #AreYouTheOne
@mtvdario: What did yall think of the pick !?
@mtvdario: Love me some @blacuesta don't be jealous yall
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario LOVE ME SOME OF YOU
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ our date was real that day
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario because you are so fine
@MTV_JESS: Obsessed w @whaattaafoxx and her grandmamaaaa ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: .@whaattaafoxx and her grandma BOTH seem to think @A_Bartolotte is her perfect match- what do y'all think?
@MTV_JESS: Lmao my mom makes me laugh I can't
 @Tindel10: The whole house thought I threw that challenge... #AreYouTheOne
- @JasIPen: @Tindel10 hmmmmm wonder why
@MTVJohnMoustis: Layton getting tag teamed by @MTV_JESS  and her mom right now. #IWouldntMind #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: Your Grandma is a wise lady @whaattaafoxx
@whaattaafoxx: I love the chase! I love when a guy don't pay me any attention #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: i disagree with my mom btw #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: @tabron27 mother was grilling me
@AREUTHE1: Let us into your heart, @Modelboi12 
@jenniknapmiller: Did you know? #AreYouTheOne @mommaknapmiller 
@mtvdario: @blacuesta your mom though ๐Ÿ˜
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario she fine as hell @mommalacuesta
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta @mommalacuesta oh yeah ๐Ÿ˜(with all do respect) haha
- @mommalacuesta: @mtvdario @blacuesta love you too dario
@tabron27: i think relationships come and go but hey, thats just me. i rather my success. of well. notice my look of disagreement lol #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJohnMoustis: ...but the third thing is money #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: @brittany_baldi lmao buy a sex toy bahahahah
@laurashall93: Go check out @AlexPhillipz show Apartment #9 โ€ฆ
@AREUTHE1: "He can be your best friend, but he's not your match." #truth
@MTV_Christina: Do you think I'll finally stay away from Brandon?? #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: Hearing my family discuss #AreYouTheOne situations make me so happy lol
@LaytonJonesMTV: Sex not everything @MTV_JESS Jess and I had an amazing connection that was so much more then they made it seem! Great woman! #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: @Tindel10 and @MTV_Christina I know it's hard but her step-dad is right. #keepon #movinon
- @Tindel10: @Pratt_MTV @MTV_Christina nahhhhhh
@jenniknapmiller: I asked politely! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Hoe Bag..? I'm confused, @jenniknapmiller has yet to even sleep with anyone and you've slept with how many? #hypocritical #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Kill Jess!!! KILLLLLLL @MTV_JESS
- @MTV_JESS: โ€œ@whaattaafoxx: Kill Jess!!! KILLLLLLL @MTV_JESSโ€ bahahaha hahahah
@tabron27: BURNNNNNNNNNN jenni steals Layton!!!! #AreYouTheOne i would have been pissed haha
@MTVJohnMoustis: I'm pretty sure you don't need to have 3 most important things #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: Let the @jenniknapmiller drama begin. #loveyou
@AREUTHE1: What goes around, comes around @LaytonJonesMTV
- @LaytonJonesMTV: @AREUTHE1 which one of you has it this week? Haha
@MTVshelbs: Praying Layton gets D Bag Move of the Week again on the #AYTOAftermatch for being a complete D Bag to @jenniknapmiller & @mommaknapmiller
@jenniknapmiller: @LaytonJonesMTV @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne 
@blacuesta: My mom is my entire LIFE letting her leave was the single most heart breaking thing I had to do. @mommalacuesta #AreYouTheOne
- @mommalacuesta: @blacuesta my heart was breaking the whole time she was gone
@LaytonJonesMTV: People fighting 4 screen time!  They makeup a little extra to get on tv! It's cool you needed it #AreYouTheOne #TheresYour5Minutes #NowGoSit
@Modelboi12: Uh OOoooo @LaytonJonesMTV
@MTV_JESS: Can't stop feeling for my sis Briana tho 
@MTVJohnMoustis: Man were we full of shit that whole time.  #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: I think that @A_Bartolotte is the best in the house, personally. #AreYouTheOne jealously is a b*tch
@blacuesta: WE ALL HAVE PROBLEMS. #AreYouTheOne
- @laurashall93: @blacuesta a freaking men
@jenniknapmiller: Layton Layton Layton, putting other people down will not bring you up. #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Yo this quadruple love shit is so middle school. #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: turn off. #AreYouTheOne calm down, layton
@LaytonJonesMTV: Move the F##k On...! #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: I thought all the testoserone left with me to the Honeymoon Suite? Apparently not. #Rage #keepcalm
@EDiamond007: I feel like Layton needs a watch to throw #aytoproblems
@EikeParis: Two of my loves @ruckusapparel and alectremaine_photography ๐Ÿ“ท๐Ÿ’ฃ 
@JasIPen: "MOVE THE FUCK ON" as I lowkey laugh in the background lol... #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
- @Tindel10: @JasIPen we were chill in with our popcorn
@MTVJohnMoustis: #AreYouTheOne @LaytonJonesMTV @A_Bartolotte โ€ฆ
@tabron27: so everyone thinks anthony is the man whore of the houseโ€ฆ but thats only what you're being shownโ€ฆ don't get it twisted #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: That was the most insane laugh #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Ohhhh HELL NOOOO! Ain't about to let Layton get in my mans face!! HAAAA #AreYouTheOne #IDGAF
@MTVshelbs: Who looked better in their screaming scenes @IamAdamKuhn or @LaytonJonesMTV? Im gonna have to go with Adam hands down.. #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Do you think @LaytonJonesMTV has a right to be upset??
@Modelboi12: I literally felt @LaytonJonesMTV strength    when he push me ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @LaytonJonesMTV: @Modelboi12 Garland I think I used my bench press on you bro!
@Modelboi12: @A_Bartolotte Always "Swooping" lol
@JasIPen: Would of loved for @jenniknapmiller 's mom just popped out from corner at this moment. Like I'm still here bitches!! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Do not be fucking disrespectful to @MTV_JESS can't wait for the reunion. Get ready for some heat. #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Swooped and salty. Love your vocabulary @A_Bartolotte #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: I'm so thirsty for Ant hahaha #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ I just shit my pants right there hahaha #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: GET ME OUT OF THERE. #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Jess IS THAT BITCH! #AreYouTheOne MY BITCCCCHHHHH @MTV_JESS
@tabron27: jealousy at its finest. do you baby @jenniknapmiller #AreYouTheOne
- @jenniknapmiller: @tabron27 for real though. You the best, love you Ty! #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: @MTV_JESS calmmmmmmmm downnnnnnn
@MTVshelbs: Of course the week after I leave @jenniknapmiller gets teamed up on.. Hurts my heart I couldn't be there to help her ๐Ÿ˜ž #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Don't get me wrong I love my #goonsquad but I know when enough is enough. #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: I defend my friends. i don't give a f*ck #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJohnMoustis: @Modelboi12 what was that noise G?!?!? yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Do you think @MTV_JESS attacking @jenniknapmiller is fair??
- @MTV_JESS: @AREUTHE1 @jenniknapmiller I gotta admit I was out of line that line and Jenni knows that regardless I am who I am #idgaf
@laurashall93: I LOVE YOU @jenniknapmiller EVERYBODY NEEDS TO BACK THE FUG OFF HER๐Ÿ‘บ #AreYouTheOne
- @jenniknapmiller: @laurashall93 Thank you for never leaving my side! Love you ash! โ˜บ๏ธ#AreYouTheOne
- @laurashall93: @jenniknapmiller brb while I cry real fast๐Ÿ˜ญ
@EikeParis: Personally I think @MTV_JESS needs to get out of @jenniknapmiller 's face. I'd smack a hoe if I was there.
- @MTV_JESS: @EikeParis @jenniknapmiller lmao Itd be a brawl Paris
@Pratt_MTV: Like seeing @AlexPhillipz ?! Check out his new miniseries on YouTube! โ€ฆ
@jenniknapmiller: Love the support @AlexPhillipz โ˜บ๏ธ#AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Sorry yall but @MTV_JESS is my MAIN 
@MTV_Christina: Love you bitch. @MTV_JESS
@JasIPen: More are on your side than against you girl. You got it Jen! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: @MTV_JESS don't play lol
@LaytonJonesMTV: Men will be men & boys will be boys sometimes things are just hashed out then & dealt with differently it's over! #DontBeSoft #AreYouTheOne
@LaytonJonesMTV: When people are fake nobody knows the real story because two people are told totally different ones!  #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: the time i get told to calm down in the house?!?! I'm the only calm motherfcker in the house! #AreYouTheOne psh.
@amberleeMTV: I get serious anxiety watching #AreYouTheOne ๐Ÿ˜ณ especially know what it's reeallllllly like behind those cameras.
@MTVshelbs: How are you going to call yourself the best in the house when you're being a complete jackass though? #realitycheckneeded #AreYouTheOne
@mtvdario: Tune in now !!!
@blacuesta: WHEN @mtvdario SPEAKS SPANISH I MELT #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: "I dont want no pigeons". #AYTO #AreYouTheOne #TLC #fuckinbirds
@amberleeMTV: Y'all leave my @jenniknapmiller alone... It's really not her fault she's such a dimey inside and out! Love you! #AYTO
@Modelboi12: @jenniknapmiller held her own though that's a real ass chick
@Pratt_MTV: @AlexPhillipz 's swag is 100% on point 100% of the time haha
@MTV_JESS: Woah Twitter overload !!!
@JasIPen: My edges thooooooo ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘ #blackgirl #myhairamess #blackgirlissues #ayto #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Props to @jenniknapmiller for sticking up for herself. #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: "He's what I asked for" ๐Ÿ˜ #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: I don't wanna talk about Curtis, I wanna talk about you @mtvdario #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: That thot thot thot altert on your screen right now!!! #alert #AreYouTheOne #ewwww
@AREUTHE1: Could @mtvdario be the new @Curtishadzicki for @blacuesta - what do y'all think??
@tabron27: what you can't do in this gameโ€ฆ. say for sure who your perfect match isโ€ฆ #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: All I'm saying is that my dad would have been the coolest dude in the house if our parents came on our season of #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: how many times can i roll my eyes in this one scene #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: You guys are my best friends but it was def an attack #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: That was NOT A FUCKING ATTACK #bye #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Breathe Jenni, breathe. Count to ten. #AreYouTheOne 
@MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx is always by my side I love you so much I was a little bit much I gotta admit but I love youuuuuu #goonie #AreYouTheOne
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS I love you boo!!! We have to stick together!
- @MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx always!!!!!
- @_danielleex0x3: @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx FAVS along with @blacuesta and @MTV_Christina and @EikeParis and @Pratt_MTV and @LaytonJonesMTV and @mtvdario โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š
@EDiamond007: Elle's got that Simone clap goin
@LaytonJonesMTV: Is it a perfect match? #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Still pissed me and @mtvdario didn't get put into the booth. #AreYouTheOne
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta and I should have deff gone in. FUCK the house
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario 100%
@JasIPen: Somebody could of fixed my hair though ... #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Hopefully the #AYTOAftermatch doesn't ruin the results AGAIN this week!
@MTVJohnMoustis: Truf Buf Time #CueTheLasers #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Are @JasIPen and @MTVJohnMoustis a perfect match?? I'm on the edge of my seat!! #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: I choose to keep my mouth shut cus when I open it, it's a problem #blunt and #dontgiveafck #AreYouTheOne ๐Ÿ˜‰
@mtvdario: Where yall at !!! 
@LaytonJonesMTV: Come on perfect match!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™#AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: I guess three in a row was asking for too much... :/
@whaattaafoxx: No match! #AreYouTheOne ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
@AREUTHE1: NO!! WHAT!!! My heart is breaking! 
@JasIPen: The truth both said I was too broke for @MTVJohnMoustis ๐Ÿ˜ฉ #HereForTheMoney #Ayto #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_Christina: No match. @JasIPen I know the feels boo! I know! #AreYouTheOne
@LaytonJonesMTV: It's easy to act innocent it's another to be innocent! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: I guess 3rd time isn't a charm... Dang ittt #AreYouTheOne
@EikeParis: @AREUTHE1 That's a no match. Let's hope the Match Up Ceremony and lights go well.....
@jenniknapmiller: Aw Jassy I just want to hug you, you do deserve the best! @JasIPen #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: You are great, @JasIPen !! We're rooting for you!
@Modelboi12: Me and @mtvdario already knew
@Modelboi12: Damn sorry @JasIPen don't get sad
@laurashall93: Yes @JasIPen yes you do! I love you #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Guys.....@mtvdario is so god damn #AreYouTheOne
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta nooooo way briiiiii you are
@brittany_baldi: NO MATCH u guys suck at this game. Learn from the champs u rookies ;-) #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Jasmine crying makes me cry ๐Ÿ˜ข #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: @MTV_Christina is so freakinnnn cute talking to @PrimeTimeSiebs tho ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: @PrimeTimeSiebs that ice cream cake looks sooo good though ๐Ÿ‘Œ#AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: "i was talking with bri about being a double match with youโ€ฆ. so i want to snatch you up first!" hahahahaha #AreYouTheOne play the game girl
@MTV_Christina: Walking away from someone is the HARDEST thing to do. But @PrimeTimeSiebs seems like a definite potential match. Hmm... #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Ummm is that a ice cream or a slice of cake? It looks BOMB. #AreYouTheOne @PrimeTimeSiebs
@blacuesta: Just have fun in the honeymoon suite don't worry about us y'all ain't even here anymore #AreYouTheOne
- @EikeParis: @blacuesta @Curtishadzicki @Pratt_MTV @MTVshelbs it's super easy putting my money in your hands. We can trust you right? #showmethelights
- @blacuesta: @EikeParis @Curtishadzicki @Pratt_MTV @MTVshelbs lol you guys weren't there. Show up at the matchup and shut up. Thanks bye!
- @EikeParis: @blacuesta @Curtishadzicki @Pratt_MTV @MTVshelbs We'll see in just a few moments.
- @blacuesta: @EikeParis @Curtishadzicki @Pratt_MTV @MTVshelbs lol keep talkin. You mad?
- @EikeParis: @blacuesta @Curtishadzicki @Pratt_MTV @MTVshelbs Not at all. We did our job. Just wanna see that you do yours. YOU mad bro?
- @Pratt_MTV: @EikeParis @blacuesta @Curtishadzicki @MTVshelbs Ok ok ok, enough of the twitter hero bullshit. Can't we all get along?
- @blacuesta: @EikeParis @Curtishadzicki @Pratt_MTV @MTVshelbs girl just bc you and Pratt "followed ur heart" don't mean shit. take multiple seats
- @blacuesta: @Pratt_MTV @EikeParis @Curtishadzicki @MTVshelbs lol Nahhh I'll catch y'all at the reunion
- @Pratt_MTV: @blacuesta @EikeParis @Curtishadzicki @MTVshelbs naw, i'll catch you in the streets #clickclack #bangbang
- @blacuesta: @Pratt_MTV @EikeParis @Curtishadzicki @MTVshelbs BAHAHAHAH Glahck glahck!!!
@Pratt_MTV: Damn I miss those breakfasts.... #honeymoonsuite
@MTVJohnMoustis: Just when you thought that convo couldn't get more uncomfortable @PrimeTimeSiebs kept tonguing that ice cream. @MTV_Christina #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Fingers crossed!! I have a good feeling about this week! #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Omg Curtis!! So sweet #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: Awwww @Curtishadzicki that was NICE bro
@jenniknapmiller: @MTVshelbs I love you. I LOVE YOU
- @MTVshelbs: @jenniknapmiller I love YOU โค๏ธ
@blacuesta: Haha I'm so funny #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Lucky me.... #AreYouTheOne
- @Tindel10: @MTVshelbs bahahha yeah that would suck. You basically were in a philosophy class for your honeymoon suite.
- @JasIPen: @Tindel10 @MTVshelbs omg hahahahahahahaha
@MTV_JESS: Lol ppl hate me tonight ๐Ÿ˜Š idgaf #AreYouTheOne
- @MTV_Christina: @MTV_JESS fuck them.  fav photo for the peeps with there haterade. their** ... I had to
- @MTV_JESS: @MTV_Christina love youuuu
- @busdriversroute: @MTV_JESS Haters gonna hate hate hate
@Tindel10: Rockin highlighter pink!!! Rockin with Ash. #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: We do look pretty fly not gonna lie๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ€ @Tindel10 #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Straight chillin #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Who will I choose!! #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: My facial expressions though ๐Ÿ˜‚
@mtvdario: My boy @Modelboi12 and I been real this whole show. High five cause WE ALWAYS RIGHT
@Tindel10: If they wanna walk let them walk!!!!! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: I'm glad I'm not part of that love triangle, yikes. #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Hey guys I have a new drinking game for you.. Every time Layton says "woman" drink #AreYouTheOne
- @Tindel10: @MTVshelbs yeah. Agreed. I just go with the safe bet. Chick.
- @MTV_Christina: @Tindel10 @MTVshelbs good one Brandon.
@LaytonJonesMTV: @whaattaafoxx rocking worlds around here! #AreYouTheOne
@LaytonJonesMTV: No one knows the whole story! But no worries coming soon! #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Is this really still going on? #AreYouTheOne
- @JasIPen: @IamAdamKuhn RIGHT!!!!!
@EDiamond007: Hahahahahaha @AREUTHE1 #neverfails
@LaytonJonesMTV: U might have 2 be a little crazy 2 get your point across that U should respect the most beautiful thing in the world! #Women #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: speak for yourself
@jenniknapmiller: I'm not here right now. You can't see me right? #AreYouTheOne 
@blacuesta: Hey, maybe he wanted a sandwich #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: sorry, we did our job and couldn't be there :P
@jenniknapmiller: @AlexPhillipz THAT SHELL SCENE MADE ME MISS YOU SO #BAD #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: I mean....just look at this ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ˜ @PrimeTimeSiebs #AYTO #JustWantedToSitByYou #AreYouTheOne 
@RyanDevlin: Oh man, the parents. So good! #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: LOVE that @mtv is actively promoting ANTI smoking ads. cheers to your health. hit the gym. eat clean and train mean instead #MTV
@tabron27: what do i really think about the show? find out tomorrow night when i live broadcast at  #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Can't wait to watch @A_Bartolotte tn thoooo #AYTOAftermatch 
@tabron27: young, naive and stupid. welp. Guess thats why we are on the show! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Aren't @whaattaafoxx and @A_Bartolotte just the cutest??
@A_Bartolotte: #AYTOAftermatch 
@JasIPen: Best friends....PERFECT MATCH! Plus rock ur world?! Okayyyy @whaattaafoxx @A_Bartolotte #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: YYAAAAASSS ROCK YA MOTHER FUCKING WORLD ANT @A_Bartolotte #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Holy hostility #AreYouTheOne
@Curtishadzicki: @Summer_Break101 @MTVshelbs @blacuesta you need to relax on shelbs. You dont know her. And it wasn't her choice to be in that spot.
- @MTVshelbs: @Curtishadzicki @Summer_Break101 @blacuesta thanks Curt 
@jenniknapmiller: @Modelboi12 you look ๐Ÿ’ฏ in that black shirt #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: @Modelboi12 and I a perfect match???? #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: That's a real dude right there ๐Ÿ’ฏ 
@jenniknapmiller: It hurt saying that but uh. let's play the game right? #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: @LaytonJonesMTV & @jenniknapmiller better be a got damn beam of light tonight after all that shit ! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: Damn @MTV_Christina I was comfy in my chair .... #AYTO #AreYouTheOne #11thgirl
@tabron27: @Modelboi12 and I a perfect match??? #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: Nasty Nate ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Guys watch @AlexPhillipz do what he doezzzzz #bad โ€ฆ #AreYouTheOne ๐Ÿ˜œ
@MTV_Christina: I'm ridin' solo tonight ๐Ÿ˜Ž S'okay - I still love @JasIPen and @PrimeTimeSiebs ๐Ÿ’— #AreYouTheOne
- @JasIPen: @MTV_Christina @PrimeTimeSiebs idk why they had you stand. Plenty of room on our laps !
- @MTV_Christina: @JasIPen @PrimeTimeSiebs I love you hahah. I woulda loved your laps โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‰
@AREUTHE1: My heart is beating so fast, I can barely take it!! I have a really good feeling about tonight! What do y'all think? #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: Not sure what that little maneuver I just did was but can you say "awesome"?
@EDiamond007: I'm calling 6 matches #aytoprofessional
@Tindel10: Whoa @PrimeTimeSiebs playing games with @MTV_Christina tonight. I'm curious how this is gonna work out. #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: HOW MANY LIGHTS!!!?? #AreYouTheOne
@mtvdario: @blacuesta and I are a light tonight WATCH
@jenniknapmiller: To all of the Lakeville, Winona, and Mpls people that are showing love on twitter. I SEE YOU! Love you all. โœŠ#AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: HOW MANY BEAMS TONIGHT?! Most ever? #ayto  #AreYouTheOne Improvements !!??

> Dรฉjร  Vu Again, After Match and After Hours
@LaytonJonesMTV: No matches! ๐Ÿ˜ณ #WOW #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: WOW THAT WAS UNEXPECTED!!!! Such a stressful game -_- #AreYouTheOne #nolights ๐Ÿ˜”
@JasIPen: ......and we RECONFIRMED that we fckin SUCK!! #AYTO #nobeams #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Getting no matches once is a learning experience but TWICE?! Not good..... #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #Zero #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: Damn we sure are use to the dark ... #AYTO #AreYouTheOne #WhyRyanMad
@Pratt_MTV: Team #Nofaith. Team #WeGonnaBeBroke
@EDiamond007: #suemeimwrong
@laurashall93: NO NEW MATCHES AGAIN?!?! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN๐Ÿ˜ฑ #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: Dannngggg, @RyanDevlin was PISSED at us! He basically thought we were all idiots. ๐Ÿ˜” #AreYouTheOne
- @RyanDevlin: @laurashall93 Well, you kinda were/are ;)
@laurashall93: So far I know for sure 3 out of 10 guys are NOT my match with only 4 more chances to get it right๐Ÿ˜ณ #WhosMyMatch #AreYouTheOne
- @laurashall93: Well on a lighter note, Who wore @mtvdario hat the best? hahaha๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #AreYouTheOne #StraightThugs 
@blacuesta: No we didn't get any beams @EikeParis I'll give you that but I FOLLOWED MY HEART and I didn't get shit. Have fun with ur heart in the suite
- @EikeParis: @blacuesta All I'm saying is in OR out of the house. We have the right to speak our concern. #AreYouTheOne
- @blacuesta: @EikeParis and all I'm saying is leave it to the people in the house that have to deal with the day to day drama. You already won love.
- @busdriversroute: @blacuesta It's because you followed your heart and didn't OPEN it. Cmon Bri, get with it.
- @blacuesta: @busdriversroute I guess so!!!! Clearly Paris is the best at this game and I'm the worst
@jenniknapmiller: Seriously though?! #MatchUpForWhat #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1 
@AREUTHE1: Only four chances left! What do you guys think? Do they have enough time? #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: I wish I could bounce back as easily as @whaattaafoxx does!!!!! #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: the moment i realize we are not winning this gameโ€ฆ #AreYouTheOne who is my match!!!!????
@brittany_baldi: @whaattaafoxx playin' the game the right way. she is like DEUCES #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: Ants still my man!!!! #AreYouTheOne @A_Bartolotte idgaf
@AREUTHE1: Thank you guys for tweeting along with me! I can't wait to hang with y'all next week! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: It's time for #Aftermatch - @nicolebyer were ready for you girl!
@MTV: Don't go anywhere -- The live #AreYouTheOne after show starts NOW! RT if you're watching.
@MTV_JESS: #AYTOAftermatch oh god idk if I'm RDY for @SimoneKelly_ @AREUTHE1 !
@JasIPen: It wasn't just the cast blacking out at night...apparently the match ups drank heavily too ๐Ÿ˜ #ayto #drunks #nobeams #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: I LOVEEEEEEEE @A_Bartolotte idc idc idc #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch i loveeeeee him. lol. yep. idc.
@AREUTHE1: Love that positivity, @A_Bartolotte #Aftermatch
@whaattaafoxx: @A_Bartolotte is looking fucking HOT TONIGHT #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch
@tabron27: did she just call jenni a hoe?! #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch
@AREUTHE1: "The cougars like me" - @A_Bartolotte #meow #Aftermatch
@whaattaafoxx: Look at Simone getting googly eyed over Ant ๐Ÿ˜‘ #AYTOAftermatch
@tabron27: am i the only one confused by what just happened?!โ€ฆ. #AYTOAftermatch #waitwhat what did simone just refer to?
@AREUTHE1: Will they walk away with the money? #AYTHOMilli or #AYTHONada
@mtvdario: Check the new web series of my brotha @AlexPhillipz absolutely hilarious !!! โ€ฆ
@Tindel10: Dude I seriously only have 4 potential matches left!!!! Jasmine, Tyler, Bri, and Jenni. I'm getting work done. #AreYouTheOne
@RyanDevlin: Fun #AreYouTheOne drinking game: take a sip every time I say "you guys".
@laurashall93: Well if you're watching the #Aftermatch its between @mtvdario and @LaytonJonesMTV for my Perfect Match??? Hmmmmm IDK๐Ÿ˜ #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: HOLY HOSTILITY this episode was intense! Hope you all enjoyed it, we still have a ways to go and lots more to see ๐Ÿ™Š #areyoutheone #mtv 
@whaattaafoxx: JESS IS NOT A THOT WTF?!
@tabron27: SHE CALLED JESSICA A THOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch haha I'm done!
@MTV_JESS: @SimoneKelly_ bahah #tellmehowyoureallyfeel
@JasIPen: Dude Simone is throwing fire.... But @MTV_JESS  ain't a Thot girl. Nope she's just a BadAssBitch #ayto #AreYouTheOne #Aftermatch
@Modelboi12: Wow Simone just call @MTV_JESS a "THOT" shots fired ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ฅ
@MTV_JESS: Dyinggggg that was great
@Pratt_MTV: @SimoneKelly_ did not just call my girl @MTV_JESS a thot?! This chick does not know how to make friends. F*cking joke. #NoNewFriends
- @MTV_JESS  8h8 hours ago
@Pratt_MTV @SimoneKelly_ w.e she doesn't know me so it izzzz what it izzzz boo
@blacuesta: Last time I checked @EikeParis it's not just YOUR money, if we win we all get money and if we lose WE AS A TEAM get nothing. Were TRYING!!!
- @blacuesta: @EikeParis my name is Briana....not Felicia
- @whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta @EikeParis yall let's save this for the reunion!
- @lashtweets: @EikeParis @blacuesta why weren't you concerned week 1 ? #areyoutheone
- @blacuesta: @lashtweets @EikeParis ain't that the fuckin truth. So concerned now but wait....I thought you just wanted to party?
@JasIPen: Wouldn't it be cool if the #AYTOAftermatch was actually about #AreYouTheOne?! Just a suggestion.
@illBeJacy: I can't with the Awkwardness
@tabron27: you guys, who do you think my perfect match is and why?! I'm curious haha #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch
@illBeJacy: Ding ding ding!!!! @blacuesta @EikeParis
@whaattaafoxx: This was by far my MOST FAVE episode! #AreYouTheOne this is where things are about to take off. Let's have some fun now
@tabron27: you guys keep saying Alex but he can't be my match! we got zero lights when i was sitting with him! haha #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: #AYTOnada?! Damn where the faith people! #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Thanks for loving me I love you right back ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜ @JohnMilhiser @nicolebyer #AYTOAftermatch #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: LOL @ PARIS BEING LAME BALLS #AreYouTheOne  feel free to tag her bc I don't follow her lololololol
@shandathapanda: @RyanDevlin did I just see that you favorited a tweet about me being missed? DOES THAT MEAN YOU MISS ME TOO?!
- @RyanDevlin: @shandathapanda Busted.
@A_Bartolotte: That was so much fun. @SimoneKelly_ ur awesome
- @SimoneKelly_: โ€œ@A_Bartolotte: That was so much fun. @SimoneKelly_ ur awesomeโ€<<<love u! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜˜
- @whaattaafoxx: @A_Bartolotte @SimoneKelly_ bye Felicia ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜
@EikeParis: @blacuesta Get off your high horse bitch and learn somethin. (pic of "bye felicia" definition from Urban Dictionary)
- @blacuesta: @EikeParis you've really gotta be dumb if you think I don't know what bye Felicia I have no words for you anymore hahahah
@blacuesta: I'm sorry y'all I don't have a chill button. #AreYouTheOne
@PrimeTimeSiebs: So!!! What'd yall think of Episode 6?! Crazy, exciting, and plot twists everywhere Ya look! Another no beam night and we start all over again! #TeamNate and... Christina ?? #ShesAdorable ๐Ÿ˜Š #AreYouTheOne?? #MondayNights!! 
@EikeParis: It's not even worth my time. Good nightttttt twitter.
@MTV_JESS: Lol the reunion should be interesting! #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: Everyone's gonna be fine at the #AreYouTheOne reunion once we have a bottle of whatever in out hands๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
@laurashall93: Thank you for all the hair compliments, I was truly blessed with it but I do use VIDAL SASSOON mouse&hairspray๐Ÿ’ #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: @mtvdario bro your fans wants attention bro...there yall go I tried now stop asking me
@blacuesta: Literally laughing so hard bc @EikeParis tried to give me an urban dictionary lesson on what #byefelicia means, BRUH ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ #AreYouTheOne
@whaattaafoxx: The #AreYouTheOne Reunion is going to be so HYPE! I ain't even ready for this shit!! Haaaaaaa I'm lying!! I been ready!
@jenniknapmiller: Whoops we did it again ๐Ÿ˜‘ #areyoutheone 
@EikeParis: FYI I didn't even start this fight, just standing up for the people in the truth booth who were told to just show up and "shut up".
@whaattaafoxx: When someone sends a dick pic I reply with this face #AreYouTheOne ha idts! 
@SimoneKelly_: These ppl on my Timeline!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@blacuesta: Alright now that my name is Felicia and my chill button has returned I'm going to drink a beer now. #AreYouTheOne
@LaytonJonesMTV: Go to  and show some love and support please! Your the best! #AreYouTheOne #BigCountry
@MTVshelbs: Ant you killed it on the aftermatch! #represent @A_Bartolotte
 @PrimeTimeSiebs: I don't know what it is, but she's got me.
@dillanhoward: If you don't want to do something, just say you legally can't. Never tell them why though.
@MTV_JESS: Can #suckit cuz #idgafabtyouuuuuuuu #AreYouTheOne we all act out when we're drunk ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜ 
@shandathapanda: Ain't no cuddle like a kitty cat cuddle. 
@SimoneKelly_: Hope you all enjoyed #AYTOAftermatch tonight!!! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ @ Santa Clarita Studios 
- @MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ
@MTVshelbs: Guys! Watch my favorite @AlexPhillipz do work in his web series here: โ€ฆ
@MTV_JESS: SHOUTOUT to all the fans who supported me tn! I was deff too drunk & out of line but you guys stick w me anyway loveyou! #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: &let's not forget to shoutout the #goonsquad I love my sisters so much๐Ÿ’™ #foreverbond @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @MTV_Christina ๐Ÿ˜˜ #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: When's the advilPM gonna kick in -_-
@Curtishadzicki: Super amped to announce a party with @TylerJohnPratt and @alexphillipz. Having a big brother  and soโ€ฆ 
@A_Bartolotte: Turning up in LA tonight
@blacuesta: My best friends. Goon squad till the death of me. @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina #AreYouTheOne ain't nobody FCKN w my clique
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina love you guys goodnight soon2be roooomiesss ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ
@MTV_Christina: Everyone say "Happy Birthday" to my sister - @EmmReesey ;) #happybirthday #loveyou
@SimoneKelly_: West coast ppl....TUNE INTO @MTV Right NOWWWW!!!!!!!!!! #AYTOAftermatch
@A_Bartolotte: Keep the good times rollin
@SimoneKelly_: Ppl that say everything right is BORING!!
@SimoneKelly_: Westcoast People...TUNE INTO mtv RIGHT NOW!!!! #AYTOAftermatch 
@A_Bartolotte: Wylin with my dude @AlexPhillipz
 @blacuesta: Making my roomie @deeemoneyyy take my beer brain to go get a burrito because I can
@whaattaafoxx: If you didn't live in that house with us then save your shit. You don't know half the shit that ain't airing. #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Yooooo. People need to lighten up and remember that this is supposed to be for fun entertainment! #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: I'm thinkin it's time to take my career to the next level and apply for a job at Target.
@whaattaafoxx: Me. Right now. #AreYouTheOne 
@A_Bartolotte: alexphillipz's photo 
@A_Bartolotte: Me and @AlexPhillipz just shook up with Bob Saget
@tabron27: Good night my loves ๐Ÿ˜˜

> Tuesday Hangover
@whaattaafoxx: Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served!! Especially to my Papa. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@MTV_JESS: No caption needed ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™Œ just Thankyou so much for everything you do and continue to do!โ€ฆ
@Pratt_MTV: How @EikeParis and I felt when we woke up and looked at our Twitters.
@mtvdario: @jenniknapmiller sorry I missed us last night ! I feel asleep ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค
@chickalexx: If u don't give a shit about someone, stop posting shit about not giving a shit about them. That defeats the meaning of "not giving a shit"๐Ÿ’ฉ
@jenniknapmiller: @JasIPen oh my ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘ that would have been the best. Momma bear mode would have kicked in @mommaknapmiller #AreYouTheOne
@mtvdario it was an exhausting episode, I don't blame you haha FaceTime me later ๐Ÿ‘ #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Wishing @Britt any_baldi safe travels as she makes her way to LA!!! Love you Britt!
@mtvdario: Are You The One (New York Edition). You thotti looking slimball ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ#areyoutheone #mtv #twintvโ€ฆ
@jenniknapmiller: Done with people who doubt
@EDiamond007: Success is a state of mind,  if you want success you must start thinking of yourself as a success
@AREUTHE1: See what our sassy season 1 vet had to say about last night's #AreYouTheOne in the latest #SimoneSays!
@whaattaafoxx: I hate that I love you so much.
@mtvdario: ๐Ÿ’ฅCommunity service๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ Be Active Todayโ€ผ๏ธ Happy Veterans Day to those who served. ๐Ÿ’ฏ#mtvdarioโ€ฆ
@mtvdario: Community service project. Be active today yall !!
@MTVJessicaPerez: Sending my love to those who serve and the ones who have lost their lives for the safety of our nation. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜˜
@dillanhoward: Believe in yourself so much that sometimes people mistake your confidence for arrogance.
@MTV_JESS: It's been a little too long for me to stick Arnd* byeeeeeee
@MTV_JESS: I just wanna be in Cali alrdy & out of this misery
@Pratt_MTV: What's up University of Arizona!? Catch @Curtishadzicki @AlexPhillipz and myself at @GentleBens on Friday!
@AREUTHE1: Watch deleted scenes from #ParentalGuidance here!
@LaytonJonesMTV: Deleted Scenes | Layton &amp; Jenni | Are You The One? | MTV
@MTVshelbs: Just now saw this from Episode 5, thought I'd share! Extended Scenes | Saying Goodbye
@whaattaafoxx: I ain't missing you at all...
@EikeParis: @MTVshelbs So much to say...... Love you Shelbs.
- @MTVshelbs: @EikeParis love you too bb! ๐Ÿ˜˜
@PrimeTimeSiebs: I really wanna love somebody. I really wanna dance the night away
@MTV_JESS: SOOO calling diff places to look at apts in SD and this military guy sounds so sexy on the phone ๐Ÿ˜ yes You can be my landlord!
@AREUTHE1: Last night's #AreYouTheOne had boy fights, girl fights, and one shocking match up ceremony. ICYMI, watch it here!
@tabron27: Tyler Abron 2 Min Reel Interviews:  Check out a few of my interviews. #AreYouTheOne #TeamTyler #MTV
@AlexPhillipz: BAD @a_bartolotte
@illBeJacy: Thank you! ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ
@blacuesta: To those who have served in the past, those who are serving right now, and those who will serve in the future: thank you!
@blacuesta: LOL wait since when did you decide to grow a pair over the internet? Because you certainly had no voice when we were face to face.
@whaattaafoxx: Everybody wanna be a coke boy, everybody wanna be a dope boy
@whaattaafoxx: YA salt game wack
@MTVshelbs: Gym time is the best time.
@A_Bartolotte: I love LA... Can't wait to come back
@EikeParis: Two adays at the gym. Yeah buddy. ๐Ÿ™Œ
@AREUTHE1: Curtis + Shelby may be a perfect match, but this deleted scene looks like it's going to be a rocky honeymoon.
@mtvdario: Out here with my bro. @sh3rb Day party living ๐Ÿ’ฏ #mtv#TwinTalk #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: Curtis + Shelby may be a perfect match, but this deleted scene looks like it's going to be a rocky honeymoon.
@jenniknapmiller: I think I'm going to give this whole "younow" thing a try next week before episode 7 ๐Ÿ˜œ add me on there! #AreYouTheOne
@A_Bartolotte: Lovin life right now
@MTV_JESS: Guess who's coming over this weekend !!!! @MTV_Christina ๐Ÿ˜ #girlswknd then caliiii & reuniting w the rest of my goonies! #AreYouTheOne ๐Ÿ˜
@blacuesta: Pretending it's cold in San Diego.
@AlexPhillipz: I watched interstellar the other day. Most expensive nap I've ever taken. #BAD movies
@AlexPhillipz: I get dressed up just to chill in the house #BAD  #Sexy
 @AlexPhillipz: Now days it's cheaper to make a movie than to bring your family out to watch a movie #BAD
@whaattaafoxx: I can't ride in your car unless you have music... I hate that silent shit
@LaytonJonesMTV: Its Simon says instead! John sit down, he sits down! She says I didn't say Simon says you lost! Lost? Hell Im sitting by Jacy! #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: Happy #VeteransDay to my brothers and sisters who defined courage by being scared shitless but strapping along for the ride anyway.
@Tindel10: Just took an enormous poop and clogged my toilet. #SHIT
@AlexPhillipz: People in LA need to aim their sprinklers at their plants not the sidewalk. Tryna fuck up my sexy out here #BAD #Sexy
@blacuesta: Hey everyone go check out my homie @AlexPhillipz in his new web series! I retweeted the link. #BAD
 @whaattaafoxx: Fayetteville tonight! Turn up!!
@blacuesta: When I listen to new songs I pretend I'm a stripper and base if I like the song or not on if I would dance to them on stage. #throwsomeDs
@blacuesta: Lol but who am I kidding if I was a stripper id just bust out some Jenna marbles dance moves, prob fall on my face and break my nose again
@AlexPhillipz: 20 miles in under 40 minutes is a walk in the park #BAD #Sexy #Spin
@EikeParis: #Loling
@AREUTHE1: Last night might have brought out the in-laws, but it also brought out some baaaaad tempers. ICYMI- watch the ep here:
@MTV: My jaw is still on the ground after last night's shocking #AreYouTheOne:  ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
@whaattaafoxx: When the cute guy dies in a movie
@blacuesta: Just hit 20k on Insta that's crazy! Just wanted to take a moment & say thank you to everyone who watches #AreYouTheOne you guys are so rad!
- @whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta fuck you bishh
- @blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx I'm gonna pee on you
- @whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta it won't be the first time someone's done that ๐Ÿ˜ญ
- @blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx Too Far Bye.
- @whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta I realize that now hahahahha oops
@JasIPen: Thinking snapchat may be my new favorite form of social media ... @jasipen #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: SO STOKED it's basketball season, favorite time of the year cause my Jayhawks & Clippers are always on! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™
@SimoneKelly_: @MaybachDiamonds I just learned we had sex. Who knew!??  ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @MaybachDiamonds: @SimoneKelly_ what happened? And I got a huge D you donno. #bigD
- @SimoneKelly_: @MaybachDiamonds ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ well apparently we had an 11th girl on our season too because she KNOWS we had sex. Just pissed me off, lol
@SimoneKelly_: People people people....HILARIOUS!
@SimoneKelly_: It's not what u's how u do it! AND NEVER GIVE PEOPLE "PROOF" of your dirty deets! ...not even for #RealityTV
@AlexPhillipz: Cats out here hatin meanwhile I'm smiling tossing up peace signs to everybody I see ๐Ÿ˜ŽโœŒ๏ธ #BAD #Sexy
@whaattaafoxx: Hey how many of yall are tryna see more of the Goonies! Would yall watch us if we got a spinoff? MTV_JESS @blacuesta @MTV_Christina
@SimoneKelly_: I have got to STOP entertaining people w/less than 100 one cares what u think u know. Smh. Lol.
@A_Bartolotte: Another long flight. But it feels good to be home
@blacuesta: If y'all wanna see me & the goon squad have our own show tell @MTV & @LightheartedTV  So what are you waiting for? Tell them!
@whaattaafoxx: If y'all wanna see me & the goon squad have our own show tell @MTV & @LightheartedTV  So what are you waiting for? Tell them!
@MTV_Christina: If y'all wanna see me & the goon squad have our own show tell @MTV & @LightheartedTV !! #goonsquad  @MTV_JESS @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx
- @busdriversroute: @MTV_Christina @MTV @LightheartedTV @MTV_JESS @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx At the very least you'll have coordinated tweets. This was impressive
If y'all wanna see me & the #goonsquad have our own show tell @MTV & @LightheartedTV! we'll be roomies in SD!
@MTV_JESS: #aytoGOONSQUAD YouTube channel coming soon ๐Ÿ˜ˆ #AreYouTheOne @blacuesta @MTV_Christina @whaattaafoxx ๐Ÿ˜˜
@tabron27: Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed #AreYouTheOne last night, things are just starting to heat up.
#AreYouTheOne  #AYTO #teamtyler
@SimoneKelly_: Drake verse on "ONLY"....cracks me up!
@whaattaafoxx: Did yall get my text @MTV_JESS @blacuesta @MTV_Christina
@Curtishadzicki: Love yourself more than you love anyone else. You are your greatest investment. I promise you will pay yourself dividends.  #DoWhatYouLove
@whaattaafoxx: 6% #FML
@whaattaafoxx: It's sad Id rather let my phone die than go charge it. #Whatever
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Light up till the pain gone. All I hear is this same song, when the radio came on. Fuck around and get based on.
@PrimeTimeSiebs: It hurts so good.. Girl your love, it hurts so good.
@blacuesta: I am legend
@blacuesta: The movie. I'm talking about the movie I'm not calling myself a legend. Lol
@MTVshelbs: Netflix or COD? Decisions..
@MTV_Christina: I guess drama makes for the best content. Everything got a bad side, even a conscience #idontfuckwithyou
@mtvdario: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜ค
- @MTVshelbs: @mtvdario YES
- @mtvdario: @MTVshelbs ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
@MTVshelbs: Im in bed before midnight... I guess miracles DO happen!
@Pratt_MTV: I have pretty awesome roommates. Get out of the shower to start responding to fan mail and they hit me with this!
@blacuesta: Fun fact: I got expelled from my middle school for spitting on someone on my 8th grade trip to Disneyland&couldnt come back until graduation
- @MTV_Christina: @blacuesta shut up lok
- @blacuesta: @MTV_Christina serious hahahaha
@blacuesta: Hey mom @mommalacuesta remember when I got expelled from oak grove for spitting on people? Hahaha sorry
@A_Bartolotte: Why is it that people always want what they can't have
@blacuesta: I feel bad for my mom @mommalacuesta for having to deal with all my bad kid shenanigans in middle school high school and college hahaha
@A_Bartolotte: Why is it that people always want what they can't have
@blacuesta: You know when you're stalking someone Twitter and you accidentally follow them....OOOPS that just happened lol
@blacuesta: Don't worry guys I was quick with that unfollow tho Ahhaaha #iknowhestillsawit #justwaitingforthetext #sayingimastalker
@whaattaafoxx: I'm so sleepy now.
- @A_Bartolotte: @whaattaafoxx have you showered today?
- @whaattaafoxx: โ€œ@A_Bartolotte: @whaattaafoxx have you showered today?โ€ Wtf
- @A_Bartolotte: @whaattaafoxx you stinky beetch
- @whaattaafoxx: @A_Bartolotte she's fucking lying
- @A_Bartolotte: @whaattaafoxx ๐Ÿ˜˜
@blacuesta: Watching an episode of Happyland and dear lord thank you @CameronMoulene for gracing my TV with your presence. #areyoutheone #yesyouare
@whaattaafoxx: Ain't nobody tryna be on a plane that long... Ugh I hate the flight from NC to Cali. I'd rather stay home. #ItsTempting
@Curtishadzicki: I know its last minute but I want to thank all of the men and women who fight for my freedoms. You are great for the things that no one ever sees. Thank you for this beautiful place I call home. #veteransday #sketch #dowhatyoulove
@A_Bartolotte: No sign of sleep in sight
@whaattaafoxx: If it ain't about the money...
@whaattaafoxx: And baby we don't need a bed, nooo; don't need a master room, don't need to set the mood..
@jenniknapmiller: @Pratt_MTV just saw this now, I survived! love you too prattydaddy

> Fan's View
@CSUAKirk: despite the disappointment of the low numbers matches they've had so far this has been an  entertaining #AreYouTheOne  season
@CSUAKirk: its only going to get better tonight looking forward to it #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: From seeing my twitter feed I must need to watch  #AYTOAftermatch  Simone is doing her thing
@CSUAKirk: Damn #areyoutheone  twitter beef guess a lot happened in this episode
@CSUAKirk: This is gonna be worse then the exes from season 1 #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: None of them will be matches  # areyoutheone
@CSUAKirk: The same people get picked for dates it seems like wanna see @tabron27  and Nate on dates next week #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Loved @tabron27  mom convo with garland seemed genuine  on both ends #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @MTV_Christina  dad understands the game a ton more then the rest of the cast does #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I'm team neither in this Anthony Layton confrontation I think both have played girls in the house #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Jess you need to take it down 1000 percent  #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: My favorite parents that they showed were @tabron27 mom and @MTV_Christina  step dad both seemed pretty chill #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I like the convo Alex and Alexandria were having #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Where does john always like the girls other guys like does anyone else notice that #AreYouTheOne
- @JanelMcG: @CSUAKirk Well at this point, everyone should be liking everyone.
- @CSUAKirk: @JanelMcG he hasn't made a connection with a girl on his own terms all the girls have made connections before him
- @JanelMcG: @CSUAKirk That makes no sense lol
- @CSUAKirk: @JanelMcG I'll explain it tomorrow
@CSUAKirk: Dario seems like a guy who would make a girl very happy one day  seems very genuine #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Going to commercial right as there reaction is always a tease but I love it #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Nate and @MTV_Christina  hmmmm  I can see that #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Curtis keeps forgetting that he got lucky last week #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Rainbows butterflies and unicorns lol #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I wish both of them would just shut up #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: #Nf one guy I think I'm going to like more if he gets shown as much as he did tonight @AlexPhillipz
@CSUAKirk: God I love @whaattaafoxx  so much #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Never thought I'd see @MTV_Christina  not in a matchup ceremony first time for everything I guess #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Season 1 is probably laughing there asses off at season 2 right now #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: The second light in ep 1 is between Alex and Ellie and  Dario and Ashley #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I bet @tjlavin  would  let the #AreYouTheOne  cast have he'd be brutal and honest at the same time
@CSUAKirk: I think @Tindel10  might be going back to his home away from home next #truthbooth  #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: episode 8 of #BigTimeRealityTV recapping #AreYouTheOne  with @JanelMcG  at 12:30 PST 3:30 EST โ€ฆ
@CSUAKirk: trying to make a prediction of the matchups for #AreYouTheOne  for my show today  you guys aren't making it easy for me lol
@CSUAKirk: get to watch #AreYouTheOne  afterbuzz live for the first time finally @thepoetsaint @heykevinjohn  @MarielouMandl  @KendraSommer
@CSUAKirk: @SimoneKelly_  your segments are way better then these after matches  had me cracking up the whole time #Simonesays
@CSUAKirk: listening to @laurashall93  be interviewed on @afterbuzztv  she seems like an awesome girl we need more of her @mtv @areyoutheone
@CSUAKirk: @laurashall93  I wanna see more of you on the show  that was such a great interview  you were on
@CSUAKirk: doing a great job @heykevinjohn  @thepoetsaint  would love to get you guys on my  webcast before the season ends #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @busdriversroute  @lashtweets  I know he stayed with Jasmine but didn't know he straight up shot Christina down
- @lashtweets: @CSUAKirk @busdriversroute I think we just meant in that instant he turned her down
- @CSUAKirk: @lashtweets @busdriversroute  did he directly tell her that I agree with you but I didn't hear him say you did
- @lashtweets: @CSUAKirk @busdriversroute huh?
- @CSUAKirk: @lashtweets @busdriversroute never mind lol
- @lashtweets: @CSUAKirk @busdriversroute in the match up he turned her down with the intention of picking her back up if she stayed away from Brandon
- @CSUAKirk: @lashtweets @busdriversroute  from watching  the episode I didn't get that vibe,  but I understand it now thanks to your podcast
- @lashtweets: @CSUAKirk @busdriversroute oohhhh gotcha. I could be wrong, I'll go back to the tape haha
- @CSUAKirk: @lashtweets @busdriversroute  I know we see them interact next week so we'll so more of it
@busdriversroute: REALLY disappointed that @RyanDevlin didn't call them "loved ones." A real lost opportunity. #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: So by cancer research @Tindel10 means pouring stuff into test tubes right @lashtweets? #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Soooooooooo, are their parents now eligible for the Challenge? #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: See guys, @jenniknapmiller mom follows the @EikeParis motto. Just open up your hearts! That's all you need to do! #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Layton seems really calm guys
@busdriversroute: It's amazing how much of a 180 I've done on @A_Bartolotte. Layton is so lost. Beyond lost. Beyond. #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: No one awkwardly cuts from a completely chaotic environment in the house to a bar crawl date across Puerto Rico quite like Are You The One.
@busdriversroute: If @whaattaafoxx says it wasn't an attack it wasn't an attack. She's never wrong. Just remember that everyone. #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: I swear @Modelboi12 has "known it" after every single guessing challenge or matchup ceremony. That's all he's known for. #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Shout out to @PrimeTimeSiebs...that is the biggest bowl of ice cream I've ever seen. #AreYouTheOne
- @PrimeTimeSiebs: @busdriversroute birthday cake!!
- @whaattaafoxx: @busdriversroute @PrimeTimeSiebs  && he NEVER shared any
- @laurashall93: @busdriversroute @PrimeTimeSiebs it was for his birthday๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ he got REAL turnt that night๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @plainviewsue: @busdriversroute @PrimeTimeSiebs Absolutely wanted some!!!
@busdriversroute: As if Layton couldn't get worse, he just talked in the third person. And I thought last week was bad... #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: @blacuesta Just taking on the personality of everyone in the house. RT @blacuesta: Hey, maybe he wanted a sandwich #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: I give up. I have no idea. Just throw names in a hat and pick. #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Did @A_Bartolotte just drop the "R" word? Hello Rivals 3 soon. #Aftermatch
@busdriversroute: Reminder: This week's RHAP-up with @lashtweets will come out Thurs, not Wed. Just more time to send us questions! Or watch Layton go nuts.
@busdriversroute: Good news, you can still ask questions for this week's @AREUTHE1 RHAP-up with @lashtweets right here.  #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: This week's @AREUTHE1 was so crazy we needed an extra day to prepare. But the RHAP-up with @lashtweets is in the can. Brace yourselves.
@busdriversroute: Just know it took a lot to not make a Too Many Cooks joke on the RHAPup. Especially with @blacuesta saying she'd explode rainbows like Smarf
@busdriversroute: A day late but definitely worth the wait. Well maybe; you be the judge. Ep 6 @AREUTHE1 RHAP-up w/ @lashtweets is here โ€ฆ
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute @AREUTHE1 bitch stole my line. pardon the expression
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets @AREUTHE1 Sorry Layton. I wasn't as definitive though, I'm not as confident.
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute confident enough to rip me off. YOU mad bro? (Who am I being now? I like this game)
- @busdriversroute: @lashtweets Pssh Paris, bye Felicia
- @lashtweets: @busdriversroute can i have a definition please? Language of origin ?
@busdriversroute: Listen as @lashtweets and I try to make sense of @AREUTHE1 episode 6 in the latest RHAP-up #AreYouTheOne โ€ฆ
@busdriversroute: I'm not sure what was funnier from the extended scenes, @blacuesta making fun of Curtis or @MTV_JESS eating straight from the pans of food.
- @MTV_JESS: @busdriversroute @blacuesta Lmaooo that's a tough one!
- @Curtishadzicki: @busdriversroute @blacuesta @MTV_JESS i think Bri's booger wipe on my nice Capris takes the top spot.
- @busdriversroute: @Curtishadzicki @blacuesta @MTV_JESS Haha true. The casual nature of it was great. A triple sneezer makes it tough for the "God bless you."
- @Curtishadzicki: @busdriversroute @blacuesta @MTV_JESS and her sneeze is like a whisper sneeze. It took me all 3 to figure out what was happening.
- @busdriversroute: @Curtishadzicki @blacuesta @MTV_JESS Hahaha "whisper sneeze." That is by far the worst super power.
- @blacuesta: @busdriversroute @Curtishadzicki @MTV_JESS hahahahahaha nobody ever says bless you to me bc they think I'm coughing
- @Curtishadzicki: @blacuesta @busdriversroute @MTV_JESS preach
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @busdriversroute @Curtishadzicki except meeeeeee Bri! ๐Ÿ˜
@busdriversroute: Bus Driver's Route: Are You the One Fantasy Scoring Week 6 โ€ฆ
@lashtweets: Watching tonight's #ayto from a retirement community in Florida. Sounds about right.
@lashtweets: Oh the girls aren't participating ? #shocking #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
- @JasIPen: @lashtweets hahaha. Knew that was coming
- @lashtweets: @JasIPen is that just me? Haha
@lashtweets: Brb grabbing popcorn for the shit that's about to go down#AreYouTheOne #AYTO
@lashtweets: Wasn't kidding #ayto #AreYouTheOne
@lashtweets: Someone please screen cap Anthony's reaction to Alex dropping the "worst" bomb #thankyou #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@lashtweets: Why is this a town hall meeting? This isn't anyone's business but @jenniknapmiller . And mine and @busdriversroute on the #RHAP up
@lashtweets: "@blacuesta is the RA of this house" @hstrong_ #truth #AYTO
@lashtweets: Lesson of the night: you look bad when you call out the sneaky girl #ayto #areyoutheone #rhap
@lashtweets: There's the real talk @JasIPen is famous for #ayto #areyoutheone
- @JasIPen: @lashtweets I was thinking that really...that was the clip y'all uses? Oh edits.
- @lashtweets: @JasIPen it looks good for you tho, you mean business
@lashtweets: Is this the first time Ellie's been on the wrong side of something ?! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne #sendhelp
@lashtweets: And @whaattaafoxx rolls up in tie dye #bowdown #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@lashtweets: Am I missing something or has Anthony only hooked up with 2 girls and not "every girl in the house" #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
- @Tindel10: @lashtweets haha nah he was making out with basically 8 out of 10
- @CSUAKirk: @lashtweets he's made out with couple others
- @laurashall93: @Tindel10 @lashtweets 11* we had 11 girls
- @Chioni9708: @laurashall93 @Tindel10 @lashtweets he's not counting @MTV_Christina that's his girl lol
- @ArtemisArtistic: @Chioni9708 @laurashall93 @Tindel10 but Ant did make out with @MTV_Christina lol.
- @MTV_Christina: @ArtemisArtistic @lashtweets @Chioni9708 @laurashall93 @Tindel10 There were a lot more hookups than what was shown. On everyone's part.
@lashtweets: I think Brianna confused that crab with Anthony #sandwich #buckethat #AreYouTheOne #AYTO
@lashtweets: The more air time Paris gets the more I wish her and Pratt went in the truth booth week 1 #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@lashtweets: When you sabotage the house week 1 you lose the right to bitch about the number of matches #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
- @plainviewsue: @lashtweets Excellent point!!!
@lashtweets: @EikeParis @blacuesta why weren't you concerned week 1 ? #areyoutheone
- @blacuesta: @lashtweets @EikeParis ain't that the fuckin truth. So concerned now but wait....I thought you just wanted to party?
@lashtweets: Want to be clear Im favoriting for the podcast not bc I like "being the bigger person" when you have nothing else to say #AYTO
@lashtweets: The cast cant make sense of this seasons #AYTO but we'll try. Post your questions for me and @busdriversroute here:
@lashtweets: Worth the wait. Check out the episode 6 @AREUTHE1 #RHAP Up with @busdriversroute โ€ฆ #AYTO
@_danielleex0x3: Can't wait to watch ARE YOU THE ONE!! ! ๐Ÿ˜„ @whaattaafoxx @A_Bartolotte @blacuesta @MTV_Christina @Tindel10 @Pratt_MTV  @EikeParis @MTV_JESS
@_danielleex0x3: @MTV_JESS omg those look so good!! :)
@_danielleex0x3: Totally think  @whaattaafoxx and @A_Bartolotte  and @LaytonJonesMTV and @MTV_Christina  are a match ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ
@_danielleex0x3: @blacuesta and @mtvdario  could maybe be a match!! Hopefully they get sent to the truth booth!!
@_danielleex0x3: @LaytonJonesMTV @MTV_JESS  2 of my favs!!
@_danielleex0x3: Miss @Pratt_MTV and @EikeParis  in the house!! They are another two of my favs!! :)
@_danielleex0x3: K @EikeParis and @Pratt_MTV  can come back to the house now, miss them!!
@_danielleex0x3: I kind of like @mtvdario and @blacuesta together #ARYTO #AreYouTheOne
@_danielleex0x3: @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx FAVS along with @blacuesta and @MTV_Christina and @EikeParis and @Pratt_MTV and @LaytonJonesMTV and @mtvdario โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š
@_danielleex0x3: Mhmmm @PrimeTimeSiebs  and @MTV_Christina  maybe a possiblity๐Ÿ˜Šโค๏ธ
@_danielleex0x3: "I love him I'm gonna explode rainbows and unicorns and stuff" @blacuesta  too cute!!๐Ÿ˜Šโค๏ธ
@_danielleex0x3: @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx  are 2 of my favs in tonight's episode!!๐Ÿ˜Š
@_danielleex0x3: How are @whaattaafoxx and @A_Bartolotte not a match!! There cute together!!
@_danielleex0x3: Definitely team @blacuesta  @MTV_JESS  and @whaattaafoxx and @MTV_Christina this season #Favorites #LoveThemโค๏ธ
@_danielleex0x3: @blacuesta and Curtis are adorable together!! Hope you find your match by the end!!โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹
@_danielleex0x3: @blacuesta @shandathapanda love that you both are friends!! You girls are so pretty!!
@_danielleex0x3: So hoping @laurashall93 @blacuesta @MTV_JESS @whaattaafoxx and @MTV_Christina  all find there matches in the end!! #favs #lovethem ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
@_danielleex0x3: The AYTO reunion is going to be nuts!! @blacuesta @MTV_JESS  @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina can't wait to watch!!  ๐Ÿ˜Šโค๏ธ
@AshleyWeitzel: @Curtishadzicki Thanks for following once again and can't wait to talk with you soon!!
- @Curtishadzicki: @AshleyWeitzel same I am super excited
@AshleyWeitzel: @JasIPen Live tweeting tonight??
- @JasIPen: @AshleyWeitzel u know it!
- @AshleyWeitzel: @JasIPen Awesome can't wait to see everyone's reactions to the show! Thanks for the follow as well lovely :)
@AshleyWeitzel: Tensions are rising tonight!! #AreYouTheOne @jenniknapmiller @MTV_JESS @LaytonJonesMTV @A_Bartolotte
@RealityRadioPod: Uhh... you're not making any sense @LaytonJonesMTV ...  #AYTO
@RealityRadioPod: Anthony be like.... #AYTO @AREUTHE1 @A_Bartolotte
@RealityRadioPod: Jasmine's match is Brandon. There were 3 beams last week. Jasmine/Brandon could have been that 3rd beam. #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@RealityRadioPod: Or Jessica and Dario could be a match. I still think Garland and Alexandra are a match too. #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@RealityRadioPod: โ€œ@JasIPen: 0-100 real quick!!! #AYTO #parentalcontrol #AreYouTheOne โ€ Lol.
@KatieeBug143: Time for #AreYouTheOne2!!!!! :) @blacuesta @laurashall93 @LaytonJonesMTV @PrimeTimeSiebs @tabron27 @jenniknapmiller @MTV_JESS @mtvdario @Curtishadzicki @MTV_Christina @MTVshelbs @A_Bartolotte @whaattaafoxx @MTVJohnMoustis @AlexPhillipz @Modelboi12 @RyanDevlin @Tindel10 @Pratt_MTV @EikeParis
@KatieeBug143: Calm down Layton calm down! lol #AYTO2  @LaytonJonesMTV #craziness #toomuch
@KatieeBug143: @jenniknapmiller did Not need to be attacked!! ๐Ÿ˜˜ kinda reminds me of when @kklusby got attacked on season1 lol #allthedrama #AreYouTheOne2
@KatieeBug143: Gonna make @Pratt_MTV my #MCM Tonight! Miss seeing him on #AreYouTheOne2!! #PLeasenoticeme #lovehim
@KatieeBug143: I hate how #AreYouTheOne doesn't show the funnnn stuff besides the challenges. All the laughs and stuff! It's all about drama๐Ÿ˜ž #butAddicted
@Battle_S: @jenniknapmiller gonna be hard for you to find your perfect match on #AYTO when I'm not even on the show! ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
@Battle_S: @blacuesta & @MTV_JESS are dope!! Don't care what anybody else thinks ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@GoldenGreggy: How are Jess and Layton not a match? They both seem crazy as hell #AreYouTheOne

> #AYTOonDCNow
@dc408dxnow: Last week #Team21 got their 2nd perfect match but not much else. Will things change tonight? Let's head off to Puerto Rico. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVJohnMoustis: "I don't know if were gonna do this in time."
3 matches & 5 more tries to pull off a seemingly impossible task.
@dc408dxnow: Today, they're indoors for the getaway challenge: The Long Arm of the In-Laws and here's the parents of the girls. Oh, this'll be something.
@dc408dxnow: The guys are doing this challenge and the girls will watch in isolation as the try to match which is which. Saw this last year in exes.
@dc408dxnow: The parents are actually asking the guys the questions as if they're a panel at a political debate. John has to match parents pics to girls.
 @dc408dxnow: We're learning some things about the guys as the girls watch upstairs. Now the parents walk out. Emotional moment for the girls.
@dc408dxnow: 1st place w/ 7 matches: @MTVJohnMoustis, picks @JasIPen. 2nd place: @mtvdario, picks @blacuesta.  3rd place @AlexPhillipz picks @chickalexx.
@dc408dxnow: Safe to say, this is a family affair for the girls in the #AreYouTheOne. But not for long, drama is headed its way to Puerto Rico soon.
@dc408dxnow: Parents enjoying time with the group. Ellie talks with her mom, then Layton sits with Jess & her mom. Tyler & G talk to mom as well.
@dc408dxnow: After talking w/ her stepdad, @MTV_Christina feels she has to break up w/ Brandon if they want the cash.
@dc408dxnow: Now what's going on here? A talk with parents & Jess spots that. Anthony takes word, Layton about to explode. Fireworks ahead. #AYTOonDCNow
@dc408dxnow: Well, there's about to be some fireworks in the house. This time, two fuming guys getting into words  may get very ugly here. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Layton's screaming at Anthony and everyone has to go to their room and prevent a disaster. Ellie & Alex coming to console Ant. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: The group gathers in the living room and @MTV_JESS is going off. Now she's going after @jenniknapmiller. Oh, very dramatic to say the least.
@dc408dxnow: Finally they're on their date in the street after all that madness. Gosh where have @AlexPhillipz @chickalexx been all this time? #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: I think my friend Andrew had this in mind that both Alex's would be paired up. That's the case as the house picks their truth booth choices.
@dc408dxnow: .@mtvdario & @blacuesta enjoy time talking and they seem to be a match from that discussion & having trait of being on flings in the house.
@dc408dxnow: Now to the truth booth vote, some fireworks before the reveal. The group has voted @MTVJohnMoustis @JasIPen. 3rd time's the charm tonight?
@dc408dxnow: As we wait, I talked about in my blog of how John sort of looks like Jim Parsons and Jasmine looks like Rosario Dawson/Jordin Sparks. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: It's not 3 times in a row: @MTVJohnMoustis @JasIPen aren't a match. @mtvdario believes they've wasted an opportunity tonight. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_Christina talking to @PrimeTimeSiebs, it's nice that she's getting to know new people. They need that if Team21 should win this.
@dc408dxnow: Now the matchup. @Pratt_MTV @EikeParis @Curtishadzicki @MTVshelbs rejoin us, they need a big number to boost the morale in the house.
@dc408dxnow: Ashley w/ @Tindel10. Then, @JasIPen w/ @PrimeTimeSiebs. @blacuesta w/ @mtvdario. @whaattaafoxx in the hippie look tonight. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: How about @blacuesta saying "rainbows, butterflies and unicorns." #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: As Layton & Ant's war of words continue, there's a reason why I don't side in these beefs: gotta stay out of the drama & just be Switzerland
@dc408dxnow: After all that, @whaattaafoxx picks @A_Bartolotte. Last couple weeks, we've had these matchups become a bit contentious. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@tabron27 picks G. She's confident she & him are a match. @chickalexx picks @MTVJohnMoustis, @jenniknapmiller w/ @LaytonJonesMTV.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_JESS picks @AlexPhillipz. 11th girl @MTV_Christina has last pick & she picks @PrimeTimeSiebs. Nate stays w/ @JasIPen. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: If they get 4-5 beams they'll be back in the game. Above that, great shape. Lower, they'll need a major miracle down the stretch. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: It's happened again! 2nd time, 0 beams! Oh, this is so despairing, they'll need lots of help & the will to pull this one off. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Before heading off to edit post, how about @SimoneKelly_ & @A_Bartolotte dressed up for After Match? They're looking good.
@dc408dxnow: Great episode tonight: lots of drama. So fun & so awesome to watch #AreYouTheOne, so glad I got to follow this from the very beginning.

Well, that was some episode. In the span of an hour, we saw two of the biggest fights we've had during the duration of our stay in Puerto Rico, the parents coming over to meet the singles and, of course, karma striking the group once again in getting no lights for the 2nd time.
   Now once again, as part of an effort to put these diaries out earlier to meet the high demand, I will be again tabling theWRAP for Episode 6 to next week, Monday here in the states, to allow me the time to recap this episode and also offer thoughts on what has been a very poor strategy that Team 21 has been executing this season. As you saw in the Fan's View, me and Andrew Kirk talked a bit about that very thing after the episode, and he, Brian Cohen, Ali Lasher and the podcast will have their work cut out to cover it all. As ever, we'll have the links to their webcasts at the end of this post.

Prayers for Diem
Now switching gears for a moment to something very serious. There is tough news to tell you about someone who is so brave and is the definition of a fighter in the MTV encyclopedia. For the past couple months, Diem Brown from The Challenge has been battling cancer for a third time, and shared on Twitter on Tuesday that she will need the support of her entire fan-base more than ever to help her get through this latest fight, which has gotten even tougher. Here's tweets from her, friend Alicia Quarles from E! News and fellow members of Team MTV.
@DiemBrownMTV: I NEED PRAyErs and advice my doctors are seemingly giving up but I won't & can't rollover. Whatever option I have to LIVE I'm grabbing!
@DiemBrownMTV: Need prayers, advice, support & outreach. No is not an option. Contact @alicialquarles We know there is hope & help
@alicialquarles: I'm with @DiemBrownMTV right now. We both believe in the power of prayer and she asked me to ask all of you to pray for her. God is good.
@MtvJess: @DiemBrownMTV love you Diem!!!!!
@MtvJess: #prayersforDiem keep this strong, gorgeous woman in your prayers!!! She's the strongest woman you'll ever hope to meet! @DiemBrownMTV โค๏ธโ˜€๏ธ
@ayiiia_eliza: @DiemBrownMTV keep going D. Doctors are always wrong, you got this!
@ayiiia_eliza: sending all of my good vibes and prayers to our girl @DiemBrownMTV. You can do this baby, fight! #fuckcancer
@CaraMariaMTV: @DiemBrownMTV all my love and prayers for you my gorgeous strong girl. You have a world of love and support around you always.
@CaraMariaMTV: Your health is the most important thing in the world. If you have it... You have everything. Dont take it for granted. Be thankful.
@CaraMariaMTV: Count your blessings. Dont sweat the small stuff. And send love to those who need it.
@IWantMyEmTV: Please send out prayers to @diembrown. She's a fighter and right now needs as much as support and love that she can get. #prayersfordiem #diemstrong
@IamAdamKuhn: @DiemBrownMTV praying for you Diem! No is not an option if anyone can beat this it's you!
@ThatCoral: @DiemBrownMTV Girl please-You are too fine to give in to this.You have so much to do girl..make your mark!!
@TheRealNiaMoore: @DiemBrownMTV we are constantly thinking about you and declaring your victory. We refuse to believe in anything else. You're too strong. ๐Ÿ’‹
@Knight_MTV: @DiemBrownMTV I love you girl and know you're going to beat this shit again.
@JazMTV: @DiemBrownMTV we luv you and we are there with you. Keep fighting!!! #prayersforDiem #staystrong #prayers #support
@CJKoegel: "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move a mountain." Let's come together and Pray for @diembrown
@TheMarkLong: #Repost from @diembrown with @repostapp --- Need tons of prayers, advice, support and outreach. I'm not taking no for an answer. Alicia Quarles will take medical advice. Contact her. We know there is hope and help. We need you.
@cameraneubanks: @DiemBrownMTV Diem you have so much more to do in this world. Find new doctors! Praying always!
@JustJem24: My mind has been on @DiemBrownMTV all day. Y'all send her prayers & good vibes!!! Her fight just got even harder but she will win this...
@laurelstucky: #PrayersForDiem
@laurelstucky: If the power of thought and prayer can work, I'm putting it out there for @diembrownmtv. We love you. #PrayersForDiem.
I've always loved @DiemBrownMTV and the fact that she is such a fighter inspires me. Sending lots of LOVE and support xoxo
@ToriFiorenza: @DiemBrownMTV praying for you my sweet are a conqueror and will beat this! #loveyou #keepfighting
@MTVtrey: @DiemBrownMTV I love you D. And I'm praying extra hard for you. Flex those muscles and don't stop believing... You got this!
@MTVShowBlog: Guys, @DiemBrownMTV needs prayers now more than ever:
@CaraMariaMTV: Wearing my diem strong diembrown support today. Sending love.
@KatieDoyle26: Love and prayers to the beautiful @DiemBrownMTV!! Stay strong my friend and know you have lots of support!!
@CaraMariaMTV: Letters. Love. And another 3k raised for @diembrownmtv   Makes the total $6200 raised from all sales.โ€ฆ
@AneesaMTV: It has been a tough day. Everyone please keep my friend @DiemBrownMTV in your thoughts and prayers. Together we can help be her strength
@AshleyMarieMTV: My WCW goes to this beautiful, strong, amazing woman!! This picture was taken last year at the @fcancernow event in NYC. This was how I felt about cancer then and this is still how I feel about cancer now. We need lots of prayers, love, and support to help my badass, courageous, warrior of a friend D! #prayersup #WCW #diemstrong #fuckcancer LOVE YOU, see you this weekend! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘ฏ
@CamilaMTV: Please keep my baby girl in your prayers @DiemBrownMTV!!! I Love you D! You are one of the strongest women I have ever met. โค๏ธ #staystrong
@sharongitau: @DiemBrownMTV That's the spirit! Meditate on being healthy. Alkalise your body as much as possible to slow the spread & keep your faith! xox

As fans know, Diem has battled cancer two previous times, both ovarian cancer, and emerged out victorious in having that cancer go into remission. She was then hospitalized in August while on a vacation overseas and is now engaged in a tough battle. For info on how you can help Diem and her family, log on to and of course we are all praying for her to fight back and make a speedy recovery.

That's it for the 'Pulse of Episode 6 of Are You The One? II, the first of triple-header of DCBLOG posts to be posted this weekend. In addition to the Episode 6 WRAP to be posted on Monday, a special edition of SocialPulse will be posted prior to that this weekend as I'll be showcasing the messages I received from social world for my birthday back on Thursday, and it is a very good one. That's the reason why this post is coming to you a little bit later than scheduled.
   As we wrap things up this week, some reminders of those aforementioned webcasts and more...
- Check out the Are You The One RHAP Podcast with Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher (@LashTweets) at After last week's laffer of a recap where Brian totally lost it live on air, this week's wrap will sure to have plenty of insight into this week's crazy episode, and perhaps they may put some people on blast. Also read Brian's fantasy AYTO Challenge rankings on his Bus Drivers Route blog at
- Follow my colleague Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) as he & I live tweet the episodes and discuss the show on both Google+ and Taking advantage of the Veterans Day holiday off, Andrew and Whitney from Reality Radio moved their recap from the usual spot on the weekend to the day after on Tuesday, check it out at:
- AfterBuzz TV ( is also recapping Are You The One? with hosts Lem Gonsalves, Kevin John and Kendra Sommers. Check out their recap of this week's episode where they were joined by Ashley, plus previous shows where they interviewed Pratt and Jenni.
- On the Sunday before EP6, Ashley Weitzel (@AshleyWeitzel) was joined by Shelby on Reality Rewind on SpreeCast as they discussed the shock perfect match she had with Curtis and everything in the first half of the season. Available for a limited time, check out their chat, where I also asked a couple questions as well:
- And in my WRAP of episode 5 posted before episode 6, following the recap I wrote about which cast member from this season is on their second MTV show, having first appeared as an audience member during an MTV cast reunion. Check it out at:

Be sure to keep it on DCBLOG for coverage of Are You The One? Season 2 from Puerto Rico and All Things MTV. Bookmark this site for weekly and must-read SocialPulse diaries & wrap-ups, plus in the coming days my first Real World posts of the season offering historical perspective ahead of the show's 30th season, RW Skeletons, debuting more than a month from now. And forthcoming also is my first SocialPulse sports post covering Game 7 of the World Series
   For live tweeting of Are You The One?, Slednecks and Real World Skeletons, be sure to follow the live twitter home of yours truly, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow for all the action, drama, fun and more. Also planned this month on DCNOW is the American Music Awards, Thanksgiving football and Manny Pacquiao's fight vs. Chris Algieri, and I may be on-site at one of those events and provide live tweeting from there; stay tuned to my social networks for details on that and more.
   And of course, also follow my primary hub @DC408Dxtr for tweets, chats & alerts; and Instagram at the same handle for pics. Expect plenty of activity today on all my social platforms (including Facebook for those in my inner circle of family & friends) as I will post pics from my bday festivities, present tweets from fellow followers and much more. So stay tuned throughout DCBDAY 2014 for all the fun.
   So until then, thanks for reading and once again, thanks everyone for your birthday wishes.


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