Hi, hello, what's up and welcome to this very special edition of DC SocialPulse on DCBLOG, and Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. So, on this Thursday what does this site have in store today? For the past year-plus, this blog and this series has brought you the twitter play-by-play of MTV's most popular shows and the biggest events in pop culture. But today, we are doing something very special.
There are days we all look forward to every year. For sports fans, it can vary from Super Bowl Sunday in the United States to the final of the UEFA Champions League soccer tournament in Europe to NCAA March Madness. For those in the entertainment world, it can be the Academy Awards, the Grammys or the MTV VMA's. And then there's the holidays we all look forward to: 4th of July, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Halloween, and of course with us celebrating Thanksgiving today, Christmas and New Year's are now just around the corner.
But for me, there's one day in the whole year I look forward to every year, and it falls right in between the trick-or-treating on October 31st and the beginning of the holiday season, all during what is the best time of year for me. It's my birthday and every November 13th, it becomes a tradition nowadays for me to receive plenty of love from people I know - both personally and now socially. It's that one day of the year where people like myself can feel the love and support all day long.
This year, I turned 31 years old - yep, for someone who was born in the '80s, that means I'm getting old, though I'll admit I'm still young at heart. But anyways, this special SocialPulse post will include every message of thanks from my social media platforms of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. And though I celebrated my 30th birthday last year, this year's DCBDAY was definitely the best one yet. I received over 50-60 birthday messages, and countless other interacts, from people who I both know personally and those who I know only through social media.
Normally, we don't feature posts from people inside my inner circle, which comprises of just my family and my friends from school, and for which my Facebook account is by invitation only to those in that circle. But for this momentous occasion, we make an exception here, as for the first time I will also include their messages here, so you can get to know them for the first time on here.
And by the way - and to clarify those Facebook posts below, if you're wondering by what the buzz is about from those Facebook posts calling me a different name than usual, yes my actual first name is Dexter. In fact the last four letters in my social media handle @DC408Dxtr, which dates back to my MySpace address, is that name, but without the E's included.
But since I joined public social media platforms starting with Twitter two years ago, I've referred to myself in social world by just my initials. I just like to prefer it that way because I would prefer to differ-ate myself more from a name that's also a brand of bowling shoes and a show on Cartoon Network. In just using my initials, DC is more of the name that I am feeling most comfortable using when I'm in social media than my actual name, and it gives me that sense of being more myself here..
But since I joined public social media platforms starting with Twitter two years ago, I've referred to myself in social world by just my initials. I just like to prefer it that way because I would prefer to differ-ate myself more from a name that's also a brand of bowling shoes and a show on Cartoon Network. In just using my initials, DC is more of the name that I am feeling most comfortable using when I'm in social media than my actual name, and it gives me that sense of being more myself here..
So, after clearing the air on that, and without further ado, after the jump, we'll present you every message of thanks for the social media platforms of DCBDAY 2014: My 31st B'Day.
First, we begin with the wishes from those in Team MTV. Last year when I celebrated turning 30 years old, The Challenge: Free Agents was filming down in Uruguay and Challenge alumni weren't able to tweet to me then. This year was, of course, a much different story as not only is the full Real World/Challenge alumni at full capacity, but also the first two casts of Are You The One? was also available in the large MTV family, as well as the new show Slednecks which aired later that night.
"Happy birthday shoutout to @dc408dxtr ! Hes been following #AreYouTheOne since before the beginning of this season. Thanks for being awesome"
- Briana LaCuesta (@blacuesta), Are You The One? Season 2
@blacuesta @dc408dxtr he's the man I'm sure he appreciates the shoutout such a loyal fan of MTV
- @CSUAKirk, in response to tweet above
"Happy Birthday!!!! You da real MVP! @dc408dxnow"
- Ellie Puckett (@whaattaafoxx), Are You The One? Season 2
"happy birth day bro"
- Zeke Turecki (@Zeke_turecki), Slednecks
"Happy Birthday!"
- Hali Laughlin (@HaliLaughlin), Slednecks
"have a wonderful birthday 😁"
- Samantha Barnes (@Thediamondbull), Slednecks
"happy birthday !!!!! thank you so much so glad you had a good birthday thanks for your love and support !"
- Amber Stepp (@amber_stepp), Slednecks
"no better way to spend a birthday other than watching .#Slednecks 😜"
- Sierra Medgard (@SledneckSierra), Slednecks
"Yo happy BDay DC. Thanks for your support man. You are at the top!"
- Brandon Tindel (@Tindel10), Are You The One? Season 2
"happy birthday 🎉🎉"
- Alexandria Kim (@chickalexx), Are You The One? Season 2
"Happy Birthday to one of our biggest fans ever! @dc408dxtr thank you for all the support and wcw's lol You the real MVP! 😘"
- Jacy Rodriguez (@illBeJacy), Are You The One? Season 1
"#happybirthday #withmanymoretocome #MTVSlesnecks"
- Jackie Nanini (@JackieNanini), Slednecks
"happy bday"
- Dylan Burgess (@DbDylanburgess1), Slednecks
“@dc408dxtr: @MtvJess @JordanW_usa @TheRealNiaMoore @JohnnyReilly_ @TheJayDillinger @ave_tress @PeaceLoveJoi it's my bday today #DCBday” 🎁🎉🎈
- Johnny Reilly (@JohnnyReilly_), Real World Portland and The Challenge: Free Agents; emojis include present, party favors and balloon
"happy birthday slugger"
- Robb Schreiber (@robb_schreiber), Real World St. Thomas and two-time Challenge participant
"happy bday homie"
- Marlon Williams aka Jay Dillinger (@TheJayDillinger), Real World Portland and The Challenge: Rivals II
"Happy Birthday brother!!!"
- CJ Koegel (@CJKoegel), Real World Cancun and two-time Challenge participant
- Jessica McCain (@MtvJess), Real World Portland and two-time Challenge participant
"happy bday :-)"
- Brittany Baldi (@brittany_baldi), Are You The One? Season 1
"happy birthday man!! Hope it's a good one ☺️💋💋"
- Nia Moore (@TheRealNiaMoore), Real World Portland and The Challenge: Free Agents
"happy birthday buddy"
- Trey Weatherholtz (@MTVtrey), Real World St. Thomas and two-time Challenge participant
"happy birthday🎂🎂🎂🎂"
- Jasmine Reynald (@JazMTV), Real World Cancun and five-time Challenge participant
- Tyler Abron (@Tabron27), Are You The One? Season 2
"Happy bday!"
- Anike (@ak_xlviii), Virgin Territory
"Happy belated buddy!!🎈"
- Theresa Gonzalez (@TheresaTime20), five-time Challenge participant
"Happy Birthday! 🎉🎉 Can't wait to read your recaps on my clients upcoming shows in 2015."
> My Inner Circle
Finally, here's the love that I got from my family and friends, mainly on Facebook. Now just for the sake of maintaining privacy, only first names and their initials will be used here. We begin with family, then friends.
"Happy Birthday Dexter!"
- Jeffrey Y. (Cousin)
"Happy Birthday, Dexter! Have fun celebrating today!!!"
- Janice S. (Cousin)
"Happy birthday big bro...🎂"
- Mary Grace S.C. (Cousin)
"Happy birthday kuha dexter!"
- Maryann B. (Cousin)
"Happy birthday cousin"
- Michael F. (Cousin)
"happy birthday po .."
- Mhel Jane S. (Cousin)
"Happy Birthday, Dex! 🍻"
- Barry A. (Cousin)
"Happy Birthday Dexter!!!"
- Kyla M.
"Happy birthday Dexter hope you have a great day!!"
"Happy Birthday Dex!"
- Daniel S.
- Briana LaCuesta (@blacuesta), Are You The One? Season 2
@blacuesta @dc408dxtr he's the man I'm sure he appreciates the shoutout such a loyal fan of MTV
- @CSUAKirk, in response to tweet above
- Ellie Puckett (@whaattaafoxx), Are You The One? Season 2
"happy birth day bro"
- Zeke Turecki (@Zeke_turecki), Slednecks
"Happy Birthday!"
- Hali Laughlin (@HaliLaughlin), Slednecks
"have a wonderful birthday 😁"
- Samantha Barnes (@Thediamondbull), Slednecks
"happy birthday !!!!! thank you so much so glad you had a good birthday thanks for your love and support !"
- Amber Stepp (@amber_stepp), Slednecks
"no better way to spend a birthday other than watching .#Slednecks 😜"
- Sierra Medgard (@SledneckSierra), Slednecks
"Yo happy BDay DC. Thanks for your support man. You are at the top!"
- Brandon Tindel (@Tindel10), Are You The One? Season 2
"happy birthday 🎉🎉"
- Alexandria Kim (@chickalexx), Are You The One? Season 2
"Happy Birthday to one of our biggest fans ever! @dc408dxtr thank you for all the support and wcw's lol You the real MVP! 😘"
- Jacy Rodriguez (@illBeJacy), Are You The One? Season 1
"#happybirthday #withmanymoretocome #MTVSlesnecks"
- Jackie Nanini (@JackieNanini), Slednecks
"happy bday"
- Dylan Burgess (@DbDylanburgess1), Slednecks
“@dc408dxtr: @MtvJess @JordanW_usa @TheRealNiaMoore @JohnnyReilly_ @TheJayDillinger @ave_tress @PeaceLoveJoi it's my bday today #DCBday” 🎁🎉🎈
- Johnny Reilly (@JohnnyReilly_), Real World Portland and The Challenge: Free Agents; emojis include present, party favors and balloon
"happy birthday slugger"
- Robb Schreiber (@robb_schreiber), Real World St. Thomas and two-time Challenge participant
"happy bday homie"
- Marlon Williams aka Jay Dillinger (@TheJayDillinger), Real World Portland and The Challenge: Rivals II
"Happy Birthday brother!!!"
- CJ Koegel (@CJKoegel), Real World Cancun and two-time Challenge participant
- Jessica McCain (@MtvJess), Real World Portland and two-time Challenge participant
"happy bday :-)"
- Brittany Baldi (@brittany_baldi), Are You The One? Season 1
"happy birthday man!! Hope it's a good one ☺️💋💋"
- Nia Moore (@TheRealNiaMoore), Real World Portland and The Challenge: Free Agents
"happy birthday buddy"
- Trey Weatherholtz (@MTVtrey), Real World St. Thomas and two-time Challenge participant
"happy birthday🎂🎂🎂🎂"
- Jasmine Reynald (@JazMTV), Real World Cancun and five-time Challenge participant
- Tyler Abron (@Tabron27), Are You The One? Season 2
"Happy bday!"
- Anike (@ak_xlviii), Virgin Territory
"Happy belated buddy!!🎈"
- Theresa Gonzalez (@TheresaTime20), five-time Challenge participant
"Happy Birthday! 🎉🎉 Can't wait to read your recaps on my clients upcoming shows in 2015."
- Chris Giovannii (@chrisgiovannii), 1
"happy birthday man. Hope it turns out to be a good one!"
- Shane Battle (@Battle_S), RW/Challenge/AYTO fan
"Happy Birthday DC, hope it's a good one!"
- Kevin Gonzalez (@RealKevin_G), RW/Challenge fan and past DC Fan's View subject
"want to wish a very great supporter of my podcasts from the beginning @dc408dxtr a very happy bday thanks for being so supportive of me. you the man DC"
- Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk), RW/Challenge/AYTO fan, blogger and podcast host
"Thanks man, and happy birthday"
- Brian Cohen (@busdriversroute), RW/Challenge/AYTO fan, blogger and podcast host
"I've been good man just been really busy &;happy birthday"
- David Olmann (@BigTymers228), RW/Challenge/AYTO fan
"Happy Belated Birthday!"
- Chris Caliri (@ccaliri01), RW/Challenge fan
> My Inner Circle
Finally, here's the love that I got from my family and friends, mainly on Facebook. Now just for the sake of maintaining privacy, only first names and their initials will be used here. We begin with family, then friends.
"Happy Birthday Dexter!"
- Jeffrey Y. (Cousin)
"Happy Birthday, Dexter! Have fun celebrating today!!!"
- Janice S. (Cousin)
"Happy birthday big bro...🎂"
- Mary Grace S.C. (Cousin)
"Happy birthday kuha dexter!"
- Maryann B. (Cousin)
"Happy birthday cousin"
- Michael F. (Cousin)
"happy birthday po .."
- Mhel Jane S. (Cousin)
"Happy Birthday, Dex! 🍻"
- Barry A. (Cousin)
"Happy birthday dexter!!"
- Steven J.
"Happy birthday"
- James F.
"Happy B day Dex!"
- Jermaine L.
"Happy birthday Dex!"
- Cassandra D.
"Happy birthday!!!"
- Theresa C.
"Happy birthday Dexter!!!"
- Donny R.
"Happy birthday"
- Jessica K.
"Happy b day bro!!"
- Simeon D.
"Happy Birthday Dexter!!!"
- Kyla M.
"Happy birthday D"
- Ernie Y.
"Happy Birthday Dexter!"
- Tina A.
"Happy Birthday Big D...."
- Tim M.
- Tim M.
"Happy birthday dexter!"
- Camelia C.
"DC happy birthday!!"
- Thurm S.
"My man Dex gets 2 birthday shot outs!!!! Happy BDay Dex!!!!!!!!"
- Carlo C.
"Happy birthday!!!"
- Imee N.
"Happy birthday Dexter hope you have a great day!!"
- Khala T.
"Happy Birthday!!"
- Jason S.
"Happy birthday dex"
- Julian C.
"Happy bday bro. have fun with it"
- Billie F.
"Happy Birthday!"
- Iris C.
"Happy Birthday Dex!"
- Daniel S.
"Happy Birthday!"
- Marilyn I.
"Happy birthday enjoy"
- Alex C.
"Happy birthday"
- Sebastian D.
"Happy birthday Dexter!"
- Darius M.
"Happy Birthday Dex. Hope it was a blast"
- Rudy D.
"Happy Birthday!"
- Fernando P.
"Happy birthday!"
- Ryan C.
"happy birthday!"
- Giorgio C.
"Happy birthday"
- Matt T.
"Happy birthday Dex!"
- Jacob P. - the featured subject in the Chasing Corona "Sand to Stone" video as posted by me on 4th of July, Memorial Day and Veterans' Day
"Happy birthday Dex"
- Evan G.
DC's VIEW: 10 Years in Social World
Where do we start off this View on my 10th birthday in the social media world? Well, Thursday, November 13, 2014 marked the beginning of my 10th year of having a presence in the social media world. I joined MySpace on my 22nd birthday in 2005 and Facebook three years later on my 25th b'day, and as they say, things have never been the same. Both of these platforms started during a time when you could only access the internet through a desktop or a laptop, when flip-phones with embedded cameras were the mobile device of choice and smartphones with enhanced internet capability were just in their infancy. In 2012 of course, I dramatically expanded my social media presence and chose the week of the Real World premiere, favorite band Linkin Park releasing a new album and one month before the London Olympics to join Twitter.
Ever since, social media has become not just a vital part of my daily routine, but also a huge part of who I am. I've only grown my social media presence since then and there's not a moment where I don't either my iPhone or iPad with me. It's now become my avenue to talk to my family, my friends, my followers and everyone. And by launching DCBLOG over a year ago, I've taken advantage of a talent I've had for a long time but haven't had a wider platform to showcase it: writing and blogging. It, too, has also become a favorite hobby of mine and I've taken advantage of this Blogger platform to cover the things that I'm passionate about and do what I do best: speak with the written word.
In this evolving world of technology and social media, who knows that the future will hold. But one thing is likely for sure in the next 10 years: I'll still be here in social media, I'll still have the best technology as part of my daily routine, and I'll still be as interactive with everyone as I do today.
In this evolving world of technology and social media, who knows that the future will hold. But one thing is likely for sure in the next 10 years: I'll still be here in social media, I'll still have the best technology as part of my daily routine, and I'll still be as interactive with everyone as I do today.
Birthday Thanks from Yours Truly
Finally, I get to save the best for last in taking the chance, although belated, to recognize the people for whom this post is dedicated to. And because this year was probably the biggest outpouring of b'day wishes I've received in the 10 years I've been celebrating the one day I look forward to every year with the social media world, this thank you note will mean even more to me.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much to all of you who have left me those kind happy birthday greetings on my social platforms on November 13th. This includes the inner circle of the people who know who I am and for whom I'm proud to call my proud loving family and my large network of friends. This also includes the even-larger network I've developed with those outside my inner circle: those who I've never met in person but have become good social friends, including who I watch on television and share a passion for what I'm into.
These messages mean so much and it makes me feel both good and very thankful. The great support and respect I've gotten from you is very gratifying and as always I'm most appreciative. Of course, you don't know how much it means to me to have the kind of support that I have in having the great support that have from a strong support system that I have here. And this only adds to what has been an incredible year for me in the social verse this year.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much to all of you who have left me those kind happy birthday greetings on my social platforms on November 13th. This includes the inner circle of the people who know who I am and for whom I'm proud to call my proud loving family and my large network of friends. This also includes the even-larger network I've developed with those outside my inner circle: those who I've never met in person but have become good social friends, including who I watch on television and share a passion for what I'm into.
These messages mean so much and it makes me feel both good and very thankful. The great support and respect I've gotten from you is very gratifying and as always I'm most appreciative. Of course, you don't know how much it means to me to have the kind of support that I have in having the great support that have from a strong support system that I have here. And this only adds to what has been an incredible year for me in the social verse this year.
Once again - and pardon the long delay in posting this article (me being busy with things too many to mention and also having to take time to respond to everyone because of the unprecedented level of support I got this year), thank you all for your birthday wishes. I cannot thank you all enough.
As we wrap up this post, tonight I will be heading to Levi's Stadium to watch the 49ers and Seahawks face off on Thanksgiving. Be sure to follow my other twitter handle, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow for live tweets from the stadium beginning in just a few hours from now as the NFL's biggest rivalry takes center stage to wrap up the day's NFL Thanksgiving tripleheader. Of course, it will kick off from the tailgate area in the afternoon, then inside for the teams' first meeting since last season's NFC Championship. I'll also be posting pictures on my Instagram account, IG @DC408Dxtr, and on my Flickr hub as well, simply search the hashtag #DCBigGame to join in.
Also, bookmark DCBLOG for coverage of the entertainment and sports you love and more. The current focus is on Season 2 of what's now my favorite new show, Are You The One? from Puerto Rico and this site is covering it wall-to-wall with weekly and must-read SocialPulse diaries offering the twitter play-by-play from the episodes as seen by the cast and fans. DCBLOG will also be presenting DCSP posts covering the American Music Awards and Game 7 of the World Series in the coming week, plus coverage will soon begin for Real World Skeletons.
And of course, follow my primary hub @DC408Dxtr to tweet or chat with me and alerts to all DCBLOG posts and MTV-related material, among others. Once again, thank you to all of my friends and followers for all of your birthday wishes, and to all of you for reading. Here's to another great year, and see you in a bit from Levi's. And Happy Thanksgiving.
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