objectionable content to some readers and spoilers
for international fans. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
Welcome back again to DC SocialPulse and our episode journal for episode 5 of Are You The One? Season 2. Last week in Puerto Rico was an absolute roller coaster: a drunken kiss almost brings down the house's strongest couple. We also saw two of the guys finally make a move on the girls they've been wanting to make the one. And in many hours condensed into a half-hour, the group goes from the high of having their first perfect match to the absolute low of getting no other matches in the ensuing matchup, breaking up budding couples in the process in the most-stunning moment yet.
This week will see the group deal with, in poker terms, that shock bad beat. We'll also see another key moment for the Jenni/Layton/Jessica triangle. And for one budding couple, will the Truth Booth see more heartbreak? Could we be reliving the Shanley/Chris T./Paige drama from the Islands?
After twitter's view of this week's episode, this extended edition of The 'Pulse will cover last week's premiere of the show that some on this cast have become BFF's with some of the cast of, Slednecks. And we'll then welcome a new group of seven strangers: the cast of Real World Skeletons.
This week will see the group deal with, in poker terms, that shock bad beat. We'll also see another key moment for the Jenni/Layton/Jessica triangle. And for one budding couple, will the Truth Booth see more heartbreak? Could we be reliving the Shanley/Chris T./Paige drama from the Islands?
After twitter's view of this week's episode, this extended edition of The 'Pulse will cover last week's premiere of the show that some on this cast have become BFF's with some of the cast of, Slednecks. And we'll then welcome a new group of seven strangers: the cast of Real World Skeletons.
- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- And if you haven't watched the episode yet, then don't proceed. But don't worry, DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
So with that, along with the episode 5 tweets, find out after the jump who dressed as who for Halloween, conversations between the cast, Team MTV & our friend Brian Cohen and much more.
> The Lead-Up and Halloween
@AREUTHE1: See the reactions from the shocking end to this week's #AreYouTheOne: http://on.mtv.com/1vghYLg
@MaybachDiamonds: So would you guys be excited if I was on the Aftermatch next Monday?
@AREUTHE1: Briana prepared for the worst and sent the girls to speed date her man. Check out the deleted scene here! http://on.mtv.com/1u4q8M4
@blacuesta: Im an aggressive person. I wont beat around the bush when it comes to how I feel. Im just gonna sit down&tell you I want a bite of your food
@jenniknapmiller: My boo and I chillin #NationalCatDay
@A_Bartolotte: Girl you on fire can I be the one you match with?
@AREUTHE1: See what @LaytonJonesMTV + @MTV_JESS had to say about their hookup in this #PoundTown confession! http://on.mtv.com/1nQwrjv
@PrimeTimeSiebs: I had a dream that the whole world was starin at me.. I woke up and wasn't no one there
@Pratt_MTV: #PrattJuice on the fly
@brittany_baldi: I am ready to take Los Angeles by storm <3 @Dawn439 #hosting #tv #broadcasting #losangeles :-)
@ryanmalaty: So long Greeely! It's been real. California, here we come ๐
@AREUTHE1: Layton is still interested in Jenni and Anthony wants to know the truth about how she feels. Watch the extended scene:http://on.mtv.com/103xZvj
@blacuesta: I keep seeing this quote that I said "this show isnt about findin your match it's about finding yourself" I dont recall blame it on the alch
@blacuesta: Haterz gonna hate hate hate, Potaters gonna potate Tate Tate
@blacuesta: I don't wanna get ready can someone come put my face on for me and do my extensions fak
@IamAdamKuhn: Woohoo! Just got Verified.
@AREUTHE1: Pratt confronts Paris about coming on to John and it's not very pretty. Check out the extended scene here: http://on.mtv.com/1wdC5Oo
@A_Bartolotte: If you wanna do somethin... Work at it
@blacuesta: So word on the street is @whaattaafoxx thinks she's FUNNY
@EikeParis: My hearts taken by a love so deep.
@whaattaafoxx: Boy you rock me harder than some downtown band ๐ถ๐ท๐ธ
@whaattaafoxx: I could be your long ride home...
@brittany_baldi: I want a teleport machine and a truthbooth for christmas this year. @mtv can u make it happen? ;-) #mtv #christmas #wishfulthinking
@AREUTHE1: This week on #AYTO we found 1 perfect match and a wholeeeee lot of no matches. Watch #LooseLipsSinkRelationships now! http://on.mtv.com/1oX4Aij
@tabron27: I CAN'T BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE MY FANS.โกโกโกโกโก They are AMAZING !
@blacuesta: I can't change even if I tried even if I wanted too, she keeps me warm. Do you like kissing girls? Can I call you baby?
@shandathapanda: ๐ท and Pizza
@blacuesta: I can't change even if I tried even if I wanted too, she keeps me warm. Do you like kissing girls? Can I call you baby?
@LaytonJonesMTV: Oh now you want to be friends...! Go home! I like real people! #FakeDontCutIt #Nah #BigCountry #TakesNoExtraEffortToBeNice
@jenniknapmiller: I feel so uncomfortable around people that don't swear
@whaattaafoxx: Bitches be trippin'
@whaattaafoxx: It ain't nuttin to cut that bitch off
@Curtishadzicki: When the line at in n out makes you question your meal decision its officially to long . Pick up the pace. Im trying to stuff my face
@MTV_Christina: To the fans who see me out and about, I'm just as excited to see you as you are to see me. #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: When a guy tries too hard to be funny ๐ณ๐โ #bye #bitchswerve #AreYouTheOne no you're not the one #sorrynotsorry
@A_Bartolotte: Can't Stop Eating
@jenniknapmiller: Looking through your fb and I think someone needs to sprinkle some meds in your Cheerios. You've lost your marbles bud
@A_Bartolotte: Finding a movie to watch on Netflix is damn near impossible
@MTVshelbs: Halloween party was fun with this lil mama ๐๐บ๐บ http://instagram.com/p/uwz71oIS9S/
@Pratt_MTV: Thanks @KnightsPub for the pitcher. Only way to fly! #PrattJuice
@jenniknapmiller: Really wish slamming the door was still as satisfying as it was when I was 10. I luhhhhed that shit.
@mtvdario: Get me through
@PrimeTimeSiebs: And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while. Cuz girl, you're amazing! Just the way you are.
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Beautiful girls, all over the world, I could be chasin but my time would be wasted. They got nothin on you, baby.
@Curtishadzicki: Awake and still dreaming. Dont waste time moving in any other direction than UP. Stay hungry stayโฆ http://instagram.com/p/ux88j1Sp65/
@mtvdario: Get me too tonight
@AREUTHE1: .@whaattaafoxx is just like some of our favorite TV ladies: http://on.mtv.com/1p33DVX
@EikeParis: Bishhhh please!
@blacuesta: This Monday on the #AYTOAftermatch itll be me, Jenna marbles, & john Jacobs! Go apply for tix over at the @AREUTHE1 account! #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Stop! Don't talk to me. Loser lame o wanna be like Oh totally SONG LEAVE MY HEAD ME NO LOVE U NO MORE OKAI!?
@AshleighMorgh - 10/30: Everyone wish the ever so funny and now old @dillanhoward a happy birthday!
@AshleighMorgh: Won't be in Cleveland tonight but I know @KingJames got it! #together #hardwork #CLEVELAND !! Do work tonight!! You got us all behind you!
@blacuesta: Morning phone calls with your best friend to flush out all of the built up stress is always a good way to start the day @MTV_Christina LUHU
@@AREUTHE1: Pratt holds nothing back in his confrontation with Paris. #AreYouTheOne http://on.mtv.com/1wdC5Oo
@EikeParis: Looked at @Modelboi12 's insta photo and all I could think was "Its hard out here for a pimppppp" ๐ผ๐ถ #100 #youzahoe #iloveyou
@whaattaafoxx: Shoutout to all the people that love & support me (: Yall mean the mostest!! #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: There should really only be Pink and Red Starbursts. #Halloween #Candyissues.
- @JasIPen: @Tindel10 God Listens. (Pic: Starburst Fave Reds)
- @jenniknapmiller: @JasIPen @Tindel10 Scott or God? Still get the two confused ๐
- @Tindel10: @jenniknapmiller @JasIPen "@mtvdario will you please set the drink down!!" That was said from up above
- @jenniknapmiller: @Tindel10 @JasIPen @mtvdario "I'm so tired ,I wish the lights were off" ::Lights shut off:: ๐ณ
- @JasIPen: @jenniknapmiller @Tindel10 @mtvdario IF YOU CAN HEAR MEEE turn the lights off....NOW! ...ok now?!
- @Tindel10: @jenniknapmiller @JasIPen In the Boom Boom room all you had to do was the double clap.
- @jenniknapmiller: @Tindel10 @JasIPen you would know that wouldn't you brando, haha you dirty dog!
@JasIPen: Having a girls day! Just me & my motha effin homie... #CarWash #MyCar #OilChange #ImStillBustedTho
@whaattaafoxx: This stupid bitch
@whaattaafoxx: I think imma be Tommy Pickles for Halloween, go get me some depends and a blue Vneck and call it a night
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Say something I'm giving up on you..
@AREUTHE1: Things are confusing for Jenni right now, but Layton and Anthony both seem sure she's their match. http://on.mtv.com/103xZvj
@AREUTHE1: #LooseLipsSinkRelationships. Will Pratt and Paris make up and move on? Watch the latest #AreYouTheOne now! http://on.mtv.com/1oX4Aij
@brittany_baldi: @dillanhoward happy birthday dill!!!! <3
- @dillanhoward: @brittany_baldi thanks babe
@shandathapanda: It's @dillanhoward birthday and I'm the one chugging booze...something is wrong with this picture.
@dillanhoward: @shandathapanda threw me a surprise birthday party...now I have to date her.
@AREUTHE1: Could science have gotten it wrong with one of our favorite no-matches?! #AreYouTheOne http://on.mtv.com/1zFJzgD
@whaattaafoxx: I refuse to watch Ep 5 #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Nice to meet you where you been? I could show you incredible things
@blacuesta: Got a long list of ex-lovers, They'll tell you I'm insane #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: I wish they made Sit-and-Spins for adults
@brittany_baldi: I am caught in a twin sandwich @mtvdario @raphymedrano25 #mtv #areyoutheone #twinning
@EDiamond007: Marriage: A descriptive word for an adoption of an overgrown male child who cannot be handled by his parents any longer. @amberleeMTV
@jenniknapmiller: Helping people is what I do best. Ready for another night shift, love my career #nursejenni #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: I can't wait to see what some of my fans are wearing for Halloween. HAPPY HALLOWEENโกLOVE YOU โก #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #teamtyler #halloween #โก
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Just close the door, turn the music up, hit the lights, and escape reality for the rest of the night.
@brittany_baldi: tucked the baes @mtvdario @raphymedrano25 into bed. they are sleeping. off to bed! #halloween
@jenniknapmiller: I want to get in my costume so bad
@tabron27: MTV's Are You the One? Q&A with Tyler Abron: http://youtu.be/oKwh_nSxiFQ IF YOU HAVE NOT SUBSCRIBED YET TO MY YOUTUBE PAGE PLEASE DO SO. LOVE U โก
@PrimeTimeSiebs: It's HALLOWEEN!!! #WootWoot!! #ScaryMoviesAllDay #DrinkingAllNight #GetALilCrazy #BeSafeTonight!โฆ http://instagram.com/p/u0i6vURzFN/
@MTV_JESS: W it being halloween and all it brings me back to that one time I had 20roomates and we went to sleep to scary stories๐ณImissyou#AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: IF YOU GUYS HAVE INSTAGRAM PLEASE FOLLOW ME @tabron27 โโโThings you can't see on twitter โโ
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Not a friend zone kinda guy and definitely no girls rebound. If you're with me its bc I'm better than anything you've ever had.
@AREUTHE1: Happy Halloween! Check out our Halloween edition of the #Aftermatch with @mollytarlov @eikeparis @RyanDevlin! http://on.mtv.com/1rX7H5y
@EDiamond007: You know your from Colorado when you have to plan your Halloween costume with a snow suite #HappyHalloween! #MileHighLife
@blacuesta: Katy perry is a hot Cheeto for Halloween. She wins.
@whaattaafoxx: To the people that stole my wallet and used my card... You're so welcome for all these McDonalds charges!! ๐
@Pratt_MTV: Let the countdown begin UCF!! It's going down tonight at @KnightLibrary and you can be sure I'll have my Pratt juice!
@brittany_baldi: having fun in Boston with @mtvdario @AREUTHE1 #MTV #halloween #Boston
@AREUTHE1: Want to know how Jess + Layton rated their hookup? Find out here! http://on.mtv.com/1vp81Lm
@ryanmalaty: Ghostbuster, Aladdin, or a knight in shining armor?
- @brittany_baldi: @ryanmalaty I vote knight and I want a pic sent to me :-)
@AREUTHE1: Are you #TeamAnthony or #TeamLayton for Jenni?! http://on.mtv.com/103xZvj
@tabron27: Flashback to last years Halloween ๐ญ happy Halloween everyone! ๐๐ป
@blacuesta: Freaking obsessed with Taylor swifts new album
@blacuesta: Do I look creepy yet?
@AREUTHE1: Things are more emotional than ever and I can't WAIT until MONDAY! Watch the next #AreYouTheOne sneak now! http://on.mtv.com/1qas5Q2
@blacuesta: PEEPS send me questions on twitter or make a video for this weeks #AYTOaftermatch ! I'll be answering questions about #AreYouTheOne !
@blacuesta: When you ask me a question on here make sure you tag #AYTOaftermatch so i can see the q's after the 5th episode on Monday! #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: So there's this girl whose insta name is "kneeabitch" and that really hits home for me if you catch my drift @MTVJohnMoustis #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: last minute halloween costume: carry a water bottle around & when people ask what you are say youre a watering hole for thirsty thots
@AlexPhillipz: Happy Halloween !!!!! ๐๐ป Turn up & lets get weird #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: Shout out to all the slutty school girls across America right now #BAD
- @JasIPen: @AlexPhillipz do I count since mine was on national television ?
@Curtishadzicki: Operation freaky friday under way
@JasIPen: Drinking Game: Every time Elsa comes to your door tonight...take a shot. #Halloween #Frozen #ElsaGroupies
@AREUTHE1: NEVER FEAR. If you're staying in for Halloween, we got you covered. Watch #LooseLipsSinkRelationships now! http://on.mtv.com/1sSA9Vu
@jenniknapmiller: Jack Daniels, do me right tonight boo. Counting on you
@blacuesta: I love wildest dreams by tswift but imagine if Lana sang it. My heart would explode
@SimoneKelly_: Have a happy and safe Halloween!! ๐๐ป
@PaigeBrendel: Have a safe and fun Halloween every one! For all you little ones, eat some @SourPunchCandy for me ๐๐๐ป
@mtvdario: Life is a privilege
@MTVshelbs: Happy halloween! ๐
@blacuesta: BAHAHHAHAHA if you guys knew @MTV_Christina like I do you'd wanna be her bffl too. But you can't. Because I am. Ya snooze ya lose!
@IamAdamKuhn: Happy Halloween!
@kklusby: I am Daenerys Stormborn Of house Targaryen. The unburnt, Mother of Dragons Khaleesi #GameOfThrones #HappyHalloween
@MTVshelbs: It's funny that I'm being a nerd for Halloween but in reality I really am a nerd..
@A_Bartolotte: Happy Halloween old sport
- @Tindel10: @A_Bartolotte EPIC.
@Tindel10: Dude i'm hella going Trick-OR-Treating tonight. #im26yearsold
@jenniknapmiller: Im drunk and in love with meeting drunk fans #minneapolis
@blacuesta: Come play with me ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: Nailed it.
@jenniknapmiller: I've got a whiskey soul.
@whaattaafoxx: I think ya know Iike you a lot, but you're about to miss your shot...
@whaattaafoxx: Photoshoot. ๐๐๐
@whaattaafoxx: Photoshoot. 2
@blacuesta: im not even gonna lie i love getting down to ratchet music #NoFlexZone
@blacuesta: foreign girls call me sexy
@shandathapanda: LITERAL SWAG.
@jenniknapmiller: You know you're drunk when....
@jenniknapmiller: Let's be serious, pizza just brings people together <3
@blacuesta: Welcome to the jungle bitch!!!!
@blacuesta: Somebody just hit me in the arm with a loaf of bread
@jenniknapmiller: I'm the happiest girl in the world, no question about it
@shandathapanda: RICH HOMIE SHAN
@dubbucksMTV: Lmao i literally just SAVED this halloween party with my iPhone music.... Damn I'm good ๐๐๐
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Iv maybe gotten about 6 hours of sleep in the past two nights. #Maybe #IfThat #WorkinClass #TheGrind ๐๐ซ
@jenniknapmiller: I already have my costume planned out for Halloween 2015
@tabron27: I HOPE EVERYONE HAD A SAFE AND FUN HALLOWEEN NIGHT. โกโกโกโกโก #AreYouTheOne #AYTOaftermatch
@IamAdamKuhn: With my boy @MaybachDiamonds and Kyle last night!
@Pratt_MTV: Thanks @KnightLibrary and all the knights for such an awesome stay in Orlando! I def know where I'm going when I'm back in Florida! #ucf
@blacuesta: After I wake up I just lay in bed for an hour and sit on my phone
@ryanmalaty: Halloween!!! ๐ป๐๐๐ฎ๐
@whaattaafoxx: "It's not the violence that spreads a man apart, its the distance he is willing to go"
@AREUTHE1: Worried that Curtis might not be her match, Briana sent the girls to speed date him. Watch the deleted scene! http://on.mtv.com/1u4q8M4
@blacuesta: Mexican food YAS bb come to mama ๐
@blacuesta: Me and sugarshack have intense staring competitions.
@AREUTHE1: Monday, it's BAEWATCH time with these BAES ๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne http://twitter.com/AREUTHE1/status/528623907138732032/photo/1pic.twitter.com/3PUdt0VI7k
- @laurashall93: @AREUTHE1 @jenniknapmiller bahaha I love how @tabron27 bobs and weaves out of freaking nowhere๐๐๐
- @jenniknapmiller: @laurashall93 @AREUTHE1 @tabron27 Yesss haha I noticed that too! Zippin through traffic
- @laurashall93: @jenniknapmiller @AREUTHE1 @tabron27 its cause the same
@Tindel10: Good for you fans. Good for you. #69 #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: New season, same confidence. Don't miss a brand new #AreYouTheOne Monday at 10/9c on MTV!! http://youtu.be/60XvuAWRRLs
@amberleeMTV: Why is today the best day ever? Well, maybe because all Halloween candy are on clearance and my cravings are saying "helllllaaa yeah"!
@whaattaafoxx: 23 days ๐โ๏ธ
@jenniknapmiller: I'm waving my white flag to this hangover
@tabron27: I always pray at 11:11 ...it can't come fast enough
@blacuesta: Mah dawwwwwg.
@tabron27: IWent to San Paulo Brazil a few years back and I love the people and culture I would love to go back, Hope I have #AreYouTheOne fans thereโก
@amberleeMTV: Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.
@tabron27: Would love to have my #AreYouTheOne fans send me pictures of their Halloween outfits and I'll pick the best three and post them on my site
- @JasIPen: @tabron27 I was a ugly bumble bee ๐
@blacuesta: He's so tall and handsome as hell he's so bad but he does it so well
@MaybachDiamonds: The Furious 7 trailer changed my life
@blacuesta: THIS MONDAY after episode 5 I will be on the #AYTOAftermatch tweet questions for me to answer but make sure you tag #AYTOAftermatch ! do it!
@whaattaafoxx: It feels so good to not want a cigarette; The Lord is Good!! ๐๐๐ท
@AREUTHE1: Live vicariously through 21 sexy singles in love and drama by watching the latest #AreYouTheOne! http://on.mtv.com/1sSA9Vu
@A_Bartolotte: Extra hour of partying tonight
- @JasIPen: @A_Bartolotte such a positive way to put it haha
@blacuesta: The only time to wear a striped sweaterrrrrr is all the timmmmmeeeeee
@JasIPen: Those moments when you wanna just do hoodrat stuff with your friends. Yup. Experiencing that right now.
@Curtishadzicki: Just checked my call history from last night. Apparently I had something important to tell @blacuesta . 9 calls must have been important.
- @blacuesta: @Curtishadzicki oh it Was important lol
- @Curtishadzicki: @blacuesta did we talk
- @blacuesta: @Curtishadzicki yes weirdo lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don't you just text me
- @Curtishadzicki: @blacuesta you know texting isn't my strength I am more of a hear your voice guy
- @Curtishadzicki: @blacuesta can I take you to sushi? Not the expensive kind. Like a happy hour or something . #cheapdate
- @blacuesta: @Curtishadzicki only if we do saki bombs
- @Curtishadzicki: @blacuesta compai! I think thats how you spell it . (Cheers)
@MTV_JESS: ๐ #Halloween2014
@MTV_JESS: Okay okay last one ๐๐ #AreYouTheOne #jesssssssss
@MTVshelbs: Sitting at home, just spent $250 at the grocery store, and playing video games on Saturday night.. What is life
@LaytonJonesMTV: Hey girls! Good to run to you on this #Halloween Night #AreYouTheOne #BigCountry #Costumeโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u4a1X8Ps-9/
@LaytonJonesMTV: No Clue Where I even took this picture! #BeautifulGirl #Flash #BigCountry #TeamRaycon @DannyRay615 http://instagram.com/p/u4bOSMPs_j/
@Tindel10: I usually watch AYTO on my laptop. Watching it on an HD big screen right now. I def see why you all like me so much now. ;) #areyoutheone
- @JasIPen: @Tindel10 I can't with you Brandon hahah
@A_Bartolotte: Me and my boy gametime
@blacuesta: Have fun Carlton!!!! @deeemoneyyy
@jenniknapmiller: Keep them wondering
@whaattaafoxx: Boy you ain't fooling nobody
@blacuesta: I am so incredibly lucky to have the most outrageous amazing best friends anyone could ask for. @MTV_Christina @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS
- @whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta @MTV_Christina @MTV_JESS oh love you booooo!!!
- @MTV_JESS: @whaattaafoxx @blacuesta @MTV_Christina love youssssss
@blacuesta: Dear @whaattaafoxx I miss you so god damn much bitch. You're the best best friend! #AreYouTheOne #YesShesTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Wait wait wait... FAST 7 is coming out in April?! Just got the chills. Soooooooo excited!
@blacuesta: Saw you there and I thought oh my god look at that face you look like my next mistake ๐๐
@MTV_JESS: I hate you I hate you I hate you ๐ goodnight! Get me outttaaaaa here
@shandathapanda: Couldn't be luckier.
@whaattaafoxx: Up at the crack of dawn with the god kids and Parker already has choked on a reese puff cereal... Going to be a great day. ๐๐๐
@TophsTweets: I probably don't pursue you after a certain point because your brain is lame
@PrimeTimeSiebs: What is competition?! I'm tryna raise the bar high, who gonna jump and get it?? Better off tryna sky dive!
@PrimeTimeSiebs: 'Said I'll be damned Mama. They know who I am Mama. I'm still your little boy, but to them in the manโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u5xh9QxzOI/
@MTV_JESS: My favs โค๏ธ I miss you guys! Can't wait to see you again sometime when I move to Cali ๐ #firstโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u5xyLZj-Wh/
@tabron27: MTV's Are You the One? Q&A with Tyler Abron: http://youtu.be/oKwh_nSxiFQ
Please leave your questions here, I will be answering them every monday.
@whaattaafoxx: I must say if it wasn't for Barney & Friends I would probably be a horrible human being. So THANK YOU Barney for teachin me right from wrong
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Something about working out with a hang over makes me feel 10x better #SweatItOut ๐
@MTV_JESS: Sunday talk my fans all day ๐ #AreYouTheOne hey bitchesssssssss
@MTV: I'm still in shock over this week's episode of #AreYouTheOne... ICYMI: http://on.mtv.com/1xIGsiA
@blacuesta: driving up to LA today for the #AreYouTheOne Aftermatch tomorrow! Submit questions for me & tag it with #AYTOAftermatch so I can answer!
@AREUTHE1: Behind on #AreYouTheOne? Catch up and binge-watch it all on the MTV app! Apple: http://bit.ly/JIWpm2 Android: http://bit.ly/1kdz6BD
@jenniknapmiller: Patiently waiting for a brand new episode of #areyoutheone tomorrow night 10/9c (shout out to the fanโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u6DV3UyWVS/
@jenniknapmiller: Happy Sunday โบ๏ธ keep doing you.
@Pratt_MTV: Stranded in viera at my sisters house and my phones dead. The struggle is real right now. SOS
@brittany_baldi: making an early thanksgiving dinner, watching football, and hanging with my family #sundayfunday #relaxing #sports :-)
@AREUTHE1: 1 MORE DAY till a brand new #AreYouTheOne!!
@mtvdario: Boneless wings on my mind like haaaaaaaaaaaaa
@LaytonJonesMTV: Some Times you have to leave the party early so you can make it to church in the morning! #Sundaysโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u6OtPVPs5Y/
@blacuesta: Off to LA! Catch me on tomorrows #AYTOAftermatch after episode 5 of #AreYouTheOne ! Send in your questions for me!
@mtvdario: I'm good with the bullshit
@tabron27: New episode of #areyoutheone tomorrow! Can't wait to sit back, laugh, and watch all of the crazinessโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u6QXY9y3qu/
@MTVshelbs: hi. http://instagram.com/p/u6V46WoSyF/
@blacuesta: YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP
@MaybachDiamonds: LA in like 4 hours aww shit
@AREUTHE1: Want more? Watch extended scenes from the latest #AreYouTheOne here! http://on.mtv.com/1wdC5Oo
@blacuesta: Me being @mtv_Jess @whaattaafoxx and mtv_christina LOL
- @whaattaafoxx: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS you bittttcccchhhhh! ๐๐๐
- @blacuesta: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS LOOOOOOLLLLLLLL
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @MTV_Christina Lmaooo
@Tindel10: Look out for me at the Seahawks game on your TV today!!!! I'm going for even more TV time!! Hahah #GoHawks #Seahawks
@whaattaafoxx: If you don't know how to open your mouth don't expect nobody else to...
@jenniknapmiller: Sunday dinner food comma on the couch with family #grateful
@EikeParis: My loves! I haven't abandoned you. I got too rowdy halloween and broke my phone. BUT IM BACK IN BUSINESS BUTCHES.
@whaattaafoxx: You don't know the half, this shit gets real...
@mtvdario: TwinTalk TV ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅcheck out the new vid ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ http://youtu.be/H998FkwFJqo
@whaattaafoxx: I gotta million trillion things I'd rather fucking do, then to be fucking with you... Lil stupid ass idgaf
@mtvdario: ๐ฅTune in tomorrow night.๐ฅ ๐ #mtv #TwinTalk #areyoutheone http://instagram.com/p/u63GN9A6Fe/
@blacuesta: In LA watching the first episode of #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: Just watched my nose get broken by @MTVJohnMoustis again. Good times good times
@mtvdario: ๐ฅTune in๐ฅ
@A_Bartolotte: Tomorrow things get interesting #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: When a bish can like your tweet but can't text you back.... @jenniknapmiller
- @jenniknapmiller: @laurashall93 ๐๐ my bad boo, i mentally responded
@tabron27: Will I ever find my match ?
I guess you have to continue to watch and see.....If so who could it be?
#AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch #MTV
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Iโm just trying to find a reason, not to go out every evening. I need someone thatโll help me think of, someone besides myself..
@PrimeTimeSiebs: The worst part is I might actually have to go to all my classes tomorrow!! #Shitt #NotBoutThatLife #DontNeedIt
@MTV_JESS: I need a crystal ball that can actually answer all my questions! Please and thank you ๐
@MTV_JESS: Lieeeeekkkk I can't sleep ๐๐
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Go head, take a second look and you'll see. There is no one like me
@blacuesta: DADDYS GOTTA GO TO WERK *breaks cast* #Fast7Trailer @MaybachDiamonds
@shandathapanda: ME - "Would you ever eat ass?" ANON - "I don't want to...but I'm not opposed to it." โโโโโโโโโโโโโ
@tabron27: I can't wait to watch "ARE YOU THE ONE" with all my fans. I will be tweeting live and snapchatting. โก @tabron27 snapchat #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: Can't sleep #insomnia
- @MTV_JESS: @Pratt_MTV welcome to the clubbbbb
@jenniknapmiller: What is self control?
- @MTVshelbs: @jenniknapmiller that's ma girrrrrl
@MTV_JESS: @Pratt_MTV @jenniknapmiller annnnddd it's partyyyyy .. Jacuzzi anyone or shall we sing together ?
- @MTVshelbs: @MTV_JESS @Pratt_MTV @jenniknapmiller yes please!! ugh seriously forever awake.. #whatissleep
- @jenniknapmiller: @MTVshelbs @MTV_JESS @Pratt_MTV nocturnal squad ๐ can I get a hot tub!
@jenniknapmiller: sleep is always the underlying goal
> AYTO Monday
@AREUTHE1: It's #AreYouTheOne DAY!!!!
- @jenniknapmiller: @AREUTHE1 keep the gifs coming ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: Ready for ''ARE YOU THE ONE' 'tonight ? Tune in to see if I find my match or do I get left out again .โกโกโก #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch
@Pratt_MTV: Dreams about alien domination. My imagination is wild. #scifi #nerd
@MTV_JESS: Here we go w this no shave November shit ๐๐
@MTV_JESS: I'd prefer you to look sexy and not like chubaka
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Ayto tonight!! #MondayNights tune in at 10pm on #MTV #ThatBoyFromTheMitten!! #ReppinTheZoo #TeamNateโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u8VIbaxzC4/
@whaattaafoxx: I just want my "Mr. BIG" #SexandtheCity
@whaattaafoxx: 20 Days!!! Can I get an AMEN!!!! ๐
@MTV_Christina: #nightmarefestival was truly amazing! #besthalloween
@PrimeTimeSiebs: How we get by, that's how we living in this day and age. I bring some color to this World that's filled with shades of gray
@A_Bartolotte: Tonight's episode will be a good one... Trust me #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Watch #LooseLipsSinkRelationships one last time before a brand new #AreYouTheOne tonight! http://on.mtv.com/1sSA9Vu
@Modelboi12: I'm about to grind like no other...get use to seeing this face cause it ain't going no where
@whaattaafoxx: Baby I'm the best so ya can't do better
@A_Bartolotte: eu amo Brasil
@MaybachDiamonds: Hey! Remember I'm answering your twitter and Instagram video questions tonight so give me something good! #AYTOAftermatch #AreYouTheOne
- @ryanmalaty: @MaybachDiamonds roast the studio audience #AYTOAftermatch
@brittany_baldi: growing up. I wanted to be @CarsonDaly and host on @mtv TRL #funfact #hosting #MTV :-)
@AREUTHE1: Got questions for @blacuesta + @MaybachDiamonds? Tweet them or submit via instagram video using #AYTOAftermatch!
@MTV_JESS: Tonight's episode might have some of you in tears ๐ฐ #AreYouTheOne #mtv
@ryanmalaty: When I make speling errers ๐
@brittany_baldi: halfway through the season already!? looking forward to seeing my boy @MaybachDiamonds on the #AreYouTheOne aftermatch tonight #MTV :-)
@Modelboi12: Feeling the love today ladies thanks for the #MCM
@blacuesta: #AreYouTheOne is on tonight! I will be on the aftermatch with @MaybachDiamonds so send us your questions and tag #AYTOAftermatch ๐
@blacuesta: Throwback to me and my twin #teamsloth #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: Just rockin the stash. ๐ p.s.... #AreYouTheOne tonight
@EikeParis: I need to hire someone to proof read my tweets. #pathetic
@EikeParis: He said "your body is a wonderland...."
@AREUTHE1: Join @RyanDevlin for his first @reddit_AMA tonight at 7 PM ET here: https://www.reddit.com/r/iama
Live tweets will be coming your way so tweet at me hard! #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1 @MTV: A little drama brews between cuties @A_Bartolotte & @whaattaafoxx on #AreYouTheOne tonight at 10/9c: http://on.mtv.com/1wYLppl
@MTVshelbs: YAY it's @AREUTHE1 Monday again!! Don't forget to watch a new episode at 10/9c on @mtv tonight! #AreYouTheOne #mtv
@AlexPhillipz: Tonight an all new episode of @AREUTHE1!!!! Turn up!!! #BAD
@Pratt_MTV: I need love, love's divine. Please forgive me now I see that I've been blind. Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
@MTV_Christina: I guess ill shower and do something with my hair to make a video for @blacuesta on the #AYTOAftermatch. I GUESS SO. ;) #luhyou #killitgurl
- @blacuesta: @MTV_Christina whore lol
- @MTV_Christina: @blacuesta and if you dont tell them to pick my question I am SO DONE. SO DONE WITCHU
- @blacuesta: @MTV_Christina MER
@MTV_Christina: PHILLY PEEPS! I'll be at @SoundGardenhall this FRIDAY for a killler show. Come dance with me! #houseofhearts
@mtvdario: Grinnnnnnnnd
@whaattaafoxx: Someone should have stood me up, slapped me across the face and said "BITCH YOU TRIPPIN'" #AreYouTheOne
@PrimeTimeSiebs: I am the man, so proud I am. Came here as a boy, standin here as a man.
@amberleeMTV: As the mom, I get plenty of pregnancy praise. Can't forget about how hard dad works too throughout this journey! ๐ (pic with Ethan)
@EDiamond007: If I spent as much time watching movies on Netflix as I did searching for them, I'd be a professional movie critic
@RyanDevlin: Nothing is off limits, TONIGHT starting at 7pm ET, as I hop on @reddit_AMA for an #AreYouTheOne tell all: https://www.reddit.com/r/iama
@brittany_baldi: 1 of my biggest career inspirations. Congrats on your success @mariamenounos #bostonstrong
@MTVshelbs: Wow that first BBG 1.0 circuit just kicked my ass at the gym...
@MTVshelbs: Wait.. You did what?! ๐ฏ NEW episode of #areyoutheone on mtv is tonight at 10/9c! Also I will beโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u87PrVoS7G/
@JasIPen: Anybody else as smiley as me for tonight's new episode?! Check #AreYouTheOne TONIGHT! On #MTV 10/9c ๐๐
@MTV_JESS: Might also make you laugh cuz we played drunk zumizumi ๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne tonight at 10pmET!!!! @MTV
@A_Bartolotte: So excited for tonight
@laurashall93: #AreYouTheOne pic.twitter.com/fKZ8iDv8Uv
- @A_Bartolotte: @laurashall93 ๐
- @laurashall93: @A_Bartolotte ๐๐
@AREUTHE1: .@AlxJames10 breaks down #AreYouTheOne just. for. YOU! ๐๐๐ http://youtu.be/XZ3ri59VgIg
- @laurashall93: @AREUTHE1 @AlxJames10 so I've been watching this guys vines for ever it seems like and he watches #AreYouTheOne DAY. MADE. ๐๐
@MTV_JESS: Where was Ellie ? #goonsquad fierce tonight ๐ #areyoutheone #mtv 10pmET are you ready for moreโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u9AfFQj-Q4/
@EDiamond007: Not sure if the Ex's or the Mother's are worse to wake up to on Challenge days, good luck fellas! @AREUTHE1 #aytoproblems
@mtvdario: ๐ฅTonight @10 ... Check out my YouTube Chanel .. " Twin Talk Tv"
@MTV_JESS: I'll be on YOUNOW/jessandreatta at 9 & live tweeting at 10pm โค๏ธ #AreYouTheOne #mtv GET YOUR TISSUES RDY & your fighting words ๐๐ @AREUTHE1
@MTV_Christina: Hey All- Do me a favor and show some love to the @HouseHearts Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/HouseHearts #HouseofHearts Let me know when you do!
@mtvdario: I may or may not be addicted to wings
@mtvdario: Check out the new vid ! Subscribe you won't be disappointed haha http://youtu.be/__6sb2_-p0I
@brittany_baldi: a simple hug, thank u, or kiss on the cheek can make someones day. spread positive vibes #life #PositiveVibes
@A_Bartolotte: You guys are awesome
@AlexPhillipz: BAD http://instagram.com/p/u9FZ_Ertbh/
- @mtvdario: @AlexPhillipz what up boiiiii! See you in a couple weeks ๐ฏ
- @AlexPhillipz: โ@mtvdario: @AlexPhillipz what up boiiiii! See you in a couple weeks ๐ฏโ what's good bruh!? It's about to be turn up time
@mtvdario: It's alright I'm not dangerous
@jenniknapmiller: No matter what happens, just keep smiling :) #areyoutheone EPISODE FIVE TONIGHT 10/9c http://instagram.com/p/u9FQd4SWfx/
@Pratt_MTV: Some more man candy Monday for you guys! I love all my fans!
@blacuesta: Just letting our feelings out
@mtvdario: Ask me how much work iv got done.....
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario let me guess... None
@Modelboi12: Yoooo I can't believe she just did that
@Modelboi12: This pic got me very farrrrrrrrr in life I will never forget my first photoshoot
@MTV: .@AlxJames10 may or may not have a twin and he may or may not be on #AreYouTheOne: http://youtu.be/XZ3ri59VgIg
@AREUTHE1: Join #AreYouTheOne host @RyanDevlin for his first @reddit_AMA RIGHT NOW! https://www.reddit.com/r/iama
@AREUTHE1: 3 HOURS till the drama begins!!! #AreYouTheOne
@RyanDevlin: Okay, the AMA is live! (I'm new to this). Here's the link to hit me up for all the dirty dirt for the next hour: http://redd.it/2l7kxy
@A_Bartolotte: #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: Come and chat with me on Twitter and snap chat me @tabron27 while the show is on tonight. I can't wait.โก
#AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch #AYTO
@LaytonJonesMTV: Oh my gosh! You definitely do now want to miss this episode of #AreYouTheOne #Tonight! It is going to be a Wild One!
@AREUTHE1: Don't forget to submit your questions for @blacuesta + @MaybachDiamonds using #AYTOAftermatch! Tweet them or upload via instagram video!
@MTVshelbs: I'll be on YouNow in less than 15 minutes to chat with you all for about an hour before the show!
@ryanmalaty: @blacuesta how's your nose? #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch
@ryanmalaty: @MaybachDiamonds do you have any advice for the young aspiring comedians of the world? #AYTOAftermatch
@AREUTHE1: 2 HOURS till #AreYouTheOne!
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Whose ready for tonight??? I know I'm excited! #MondayNights #TeamKzoo #TeamMitten #TeamNate Stayโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u9WznLxzBD/
@MTVshelbs: These fools ain't got nuffin' on me! Watch me live on @YouNow and I'll prove it! http://www.younow.com/MTVshelbs/25697328/5678263/9/f/November-3,-2014 โฆ
@EikeParis: Tonight we get ratchet. #AreYouTheOne http://instagram.com/p/u9YaSbwJkD/
@blacuesta: Are you the one episode 5 tonight! Me and @MaybachDiamonds are gonna be on the live #AYTOAftermatch make sure you watch!!!!!!
@illBeJacy: You always see their true colors when shit hits the fan...
@AREUTHE1: Catch up on what you've missed so far with this quick #AreYouTheOne recap! http://youtu.be/b3SX3FpvhzE
@RyanDevlin: You meet such caring people doing a Reddit AMA:
@MTV_JESS: We're such lesbos when were upset! ๐ I love you mtv_briana ! The most comforting person right here โค๏ธโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u9b53DD-cZ/
@LaytonJonesMTV: Tune in tonight everyone 10/9c for the new episode #AreYouTheOne It is going to be a good one! #BigCountry
@AREUTHE1: ONE HOUR till *kissin* and #AreYouTheOne!!!!!
@A_Bartolotte: 1 hour...
@PaigeBrendel: Today was such an amazing day. Thank you to my @Yelp family for everything!
@MTV_JESS: I'm a bit crazy tn ๐ #AreYouTheOne ohhhh the lessons learned @MTV @AREUTHE1
@MTV_JESS: CAN WE GET #AreYouTheOne trending doeeee @AREUTHE1 @MTV โค๏ธ
@mtvdario: Twin talk tv subscribe now on YouTube ! http://youtu.be/__6sb2_-p0I
@LaytonJonesMTV: My best friend #Deacon #AreYouTheOne #MTV areuthe1 #GreatEpisode 10/9c http://instagram.com/p/u9e4jKvs6Z/
@MTV_JESS: Think I'll log on YOUNOW after the show! ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@LaytonJonesMTV: Please show some love at http://laytonjones.com use coupon code #BigCountry for 20% off... #AreYouTheOne #CountryBoys #TheSouth
@illBeJacy: Only someone who cares for you, will cry for you.
@Pratt_MTV: Can't wait to see how these suckers deal with finding out they're not matches. Love you guys! Good luck! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@brittany_baldi: what mayhem does @whaattaafoxx get into tonight on @AREUTHE1 ?? I WILL BE WATCHING to find out. #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@AREUTHE1: Still so excited about @EikeParis + @Pratt_MTV being a perfect match from last week! Do y'all think there will be another match this week?
@MTVshelbs: 5 MINUTES til episode 5 of @AREUTHE1 on @mtv!! #AreYouTheOne
@AlexPhillipz: I still have never attempted to get a snapchat #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: Janis Joplin is my main bitch #BAD
@MTV: #AreYouTheOne starts right NOW! RT if you're watching + tweeting with @AREUTHE1 ๐
@AREUTHE1: It's about to get wild on this week's episode of #AreYouTheOne - are y'all ready???
@A_Bartolotte: We are live! #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Here we goooooo #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: It's showtime!!! #AreYouTheOne @MTV @AREUTHE1
@LaytonJonesMTV: Here we go! #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: Ppl say follow your hearts this season... welp, doesn't seem to be working! #AreYouTheOne time to switch things up!
@AREUTHE1: My heart is still breaking over @MTV_JESS and @LaytonJonesMTV
- @MTV_JESS: @AREUTHE1 @LaytonJonesMTV thank you ๐ so tough!
- @_danielleex0x3: @MTV_JESS @AREUTHE1 @LaytonJonesMTV can't believe you guys were not a match.. You guys are to cute together!! Deff two of my favsโค๏ธ๐
@LaytonJonesMTV: Your my girl @MTV_JESS ! #StayStrong #StrongWoman #AlwaysYours
@MTV_JESS: Ok go dig into Jen layt #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJohnMoustis: Honeymoon suite = boom boom room X 10 #honeymoonsweet #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne
@A_Bartolotte: How dope does that honeymoon suite look #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Have fun in that honeymoon suite @EikeParis and @Pratt_MTV
@MTVJohnMoustis: @Curtishadzicki Yo be my personal motivational speaker? #truth #AreYouTheOne
- @Curtishadzicki: @MTVJohnMoustis Johnny you onto I am there when you need me brother. #dowhatyoulove
@jenniknapmiller: Curtis always has all the answers. The voice of reason ๐ @Curtishadzicki #AreYouTheOne
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Bow down to my mans!! @Curtishadzicki ๐ #PREACH!!! He's the best at this shit
@MTV_JESS: I love @Curtishadzicki tho ๐๐
@AREUTHE1: @Curtishadzicki , the voice of reason #staystrong
@tabron27: Finding love after just a few weeks?! #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: I swear Curtis should write a book. Be a best seller. #AreYouTheOne #AYTO
@IamAdamKuhn: Dammmm what a speech @Curtishadzicki #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Ugh hate how I curse so much I was just under much stress ๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@A_Bartolotte: This challenge was awesome... Little tune up for #TheChallenge #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: Let's see if he decides to take his own advice. Must leave Bri alone now right?! @Curtishadzicki #AreYouTheOne
- @Curtishadzicki: @Tindel10 must win a challenge and get to the booth with the next one . Must not keep spewing bullshit to these girls . Its not real
@tabron27: Where am I during this challenge?? Over in a bush somewhere throwing up and trying not to die ๐๐ alrighttttt lol #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Okay that harness cannot be comfortable on the goods.... #ouch #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: It's not a diamond ring, but I'm not mad about it #cuteboys #cutebutts
@A_Bartolotte: Check out that gameface #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: Yo what are my chances in this 8 man tug of war?!?!?!? #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Damnnnn!!!! They were looking so sexy during this challenge. Sand and sweat ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: congrats @mtvdario I see those challenge skills! #AreYouTheOne #winning
@laurashall93: Come on ladies, we all know @mtvdario has a nice booty๐ #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Who do you think is going to win the challenge? More important, who has the cutest butt? ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@LaytonJonesMTV: The other side of the ring had the advantage! #UnfairChallenge #NoHelpOnMySide #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: Layton.... wats going on here....? How are you not whooping ass in this challenge? Lol, welp.. #AreYouTheOne
@Curtishadzicki: @MTV_JESS you know I am here for you girl. Never what you want to hear only what you need to. Cry to keep going dont cry to give up.
- @MTV_JESS: @Curtishadzicki UR daaaa best
@JasIPen: #AreYouTheOne that confidence @laurashall93 !
@MTVshelbs: Yay my first date!! #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: @mtvdario #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1 (meme: "When Dario picks you for a date")
@Modelboi12: @jenniknapmiller facial expressions are priceless
@tabron27: Jenni and Dario?... hella random #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Which couple would you send to the Truth Booth? Vote NOW at http://perfectmatch.mtv.com for your chance to win a meet + greet with the cast!
@AREUTHE1: @mtvdario + @jenniknapmiller = โค๏ธ? RT if you say yes!
@Pratt_MTV: #honeymoonswag @EikeParis
@laurashall93: AND DENIED! Have fun on your date @jenniknapmiller #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @Tindel10 challenge champion! #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: @Tindel10 you know the real reason you won...
@JasIPen: Third date?! Let's do it! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
- @AREUTHE1: โ@JasIPen: Third date?! Let's do it! #AYTO #AreYouTheOneโ get it, girl!!
@Tindel10: Winning these challenges left and right. Put me on a challenge. #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: That challenge was so unfair me and @LaytonJonesMTV we're going against 3 other guys
@jenniknapmiller: ....hmm
@MTVJohnMoustis: @LaytonJonesMTV straight posing right now for Jenni. "Hey girl, try not to look at my shredded abs right now" #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: @jenniknapmiller was so serious lol
@LaytonJonesMTV: Your welcome @Tindel10
@A_Bartolotte: Pimpin ain't easyyyy ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: @A_Bartolotte turn up bro
@jenniknapmiller: "I don't want to die" ๐๐ #AreYouTheOne @MTV_JESS @AREUTHE1
@MTV_JESS: Omg omg I'm so drunk here there's something in my hair And my undies are clearly up my asssssshole!!!! ๐ณ๐ณ #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: @A_Bartolotte is SUCH a TEASE- poor @whaattaafoxx
@MTVshelbs: Aww @whaattaafoxx just wants a fair chance like the rest of the ladies.. Give her a chance guys! #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: My baby Ellie @whaattaafoxx I love you so much #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: It's okay @whaattaafoxx ! America loves you!!! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: I LOVE YOU ELLIE!!!! @whaattaafoxx
@tabron27: Sucks being in the friendzone, man. But not always a bad thing! #morerespect #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Hands down the most amazing person EVER!!!! @whaattaafoxx ๐๐
@A_Bartolotte: Ellie is my girl... Never wanted her to get upset #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: @whaattaafoxx put her feelings out there....proud of you
@dubbucksMTV: Hmm this is definitely my favorite episode of the season thus far #AreYouTheOne
- @JasIPen: @dubbucksMTV look at you watching it early
- @dubbucksMTV: @JasIPen lol I know. That's what happens when I'm not in Cali
@MTVJessicaPerez: You're my favorite person ever. @whaattaafoxx
@LaytonJonesMTV: #MTVChallenge #AreYouTheOne unfair challenge! http://instagram.com/p/u9mTK-Ps1C/
@AREUTHE1: We're here for you @whaattaafoxx !!
@brittany_baldi: awww I want to give @whaattaafoxx a hug and a slap on the booty, she is the cutest! :-) #AreYouTheOne
- @MTVJessicaPerez: @brittany_baldi you're such a lesbo.. And that's why I love you. ๐ miss you!
- @brittany_baldi: @MTVJessicaPerez haha. I just have fun. miss you too babe!! <3
@blacuesta: How's the show so far? Don't forget to watch the #AYTOAftermatch right after the episode is over! Ya gurl will be there! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: A date on a natural water slide in the middle of the rainforest?! IM SO DOWN #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Jealous! #wetandwild #dreamdate
@AREUTHE1: Keep voting for your chance to win a meet + greet with the cast at http://perfectmatch.mtv.com !
@dubbucksMTV: Daaaaaamn @JasIPen that look like it hurt ๐ณ๐๐ see what happens when u try to be cool??
@jenniknapmiller: I think I'm still bruised from that rock slide ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: This date just got REAL and I don't know how I feel about it. Thoughts?
@A_Bartolotte: Rejected! #AreYouTheOne hold ya head Brando
@JasIPen: Just not my character... #girlcode @MTV_Christina #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Having a convo with someone whose head you know is in a completely different place is top 5 most uncomfortable things to do #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: We jumpin' off rocks and getting denied kisses!!!! @JasIPen #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJohnMoustis: Swing and a miss @Tindel10
@jenniknapmiller: @JasIPen good for you for keeping promises ๐๐@MTV_Christina #teameleven
@mtvdario: I wanna get drunk
@A_Bartolotte: Interesting choice of words lol #AreYouTheOne
@mtvdario: TwinTalk Tv subscribe now on YouTube. More of me to come talk !! http://youtu.be/__6sb2_-p0I
@Pratt_MTV: The things Curtis says = Curtiology @Curtishadzicki #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #MTV
@MTV_Christina: No time for games โ #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: I'm just very passionate ABT my friends and their feelings being hurt! @AREUTHE1 @MTV_Christina I love you bitchhhh ๐๐
@A_Bartolotte: How's everyone feel about this truth booth? #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: @JasIPen is so beautiful
- @JasIPen: @Modelboi12 sweetheart ๐
@Modelboi12: @MTV_JESS stay Turnt up lol....
- @MTV_JESS: @Modelboi12 why am I always bitchen lmaooo -_____- #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: This truth booth thing IS as scary as it looks... #AreYouTheOne
@EikeParis: Are @MTVshelbs and @Curtishadzicki a match?!?! Ahhhhhh!!!!
@MTVJohnMoustis: CUE THE LASERS #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Did I just see that the fans picked Dario and I to go into the truth booth? @mtvdario @AREUTHE1
@IamAdamKuhn: The #AYTOAftermatch just gave up the results of the truth booth!
- @JasIPen: @IamAdamKuhn dumb lol
@MTVJessicaPerez: Way to give away the match before it happened.. Lol
@LaytonJonesMTV: Who thinks they are a match? #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Will @Curtishadzicki and @MTVshelbs be a match? What do you guys think?? #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: Hmmmm nice commercial cut #MTV ๐๐
@tabron27: ha! Me on #areyoutheone Not really about other peoples drama... and too focused on myself โ http://instagram.com/p/u9nsWzS3hc/
@A_Bartolotte: Who saw that coming?! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Well there ya have it.. @Curtishadzicki & I are perfect match #2! #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: 2 in a row?!?! PERFECT MATCH!!! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO
@MTVJohnMoustis: 2 IN A ROW!!!!!! #PerfectMatch #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Ahhhhhhh PERFECT MATCH #2 BITCHES! @Curtishadzicki @MTVshelbs @AREUTHE1
@MTV_JESS: Holyyyyyy f*** its a #perfectmatch #AreYouTheOne !!!
@laurashall93: AND THAT MAKES 2 PERFECT MATCHES!!!!!๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: OMG, @blacuesta
@Modelboi12: I was so hyped but forgot about my gal @blacuesta feelings...sorry B
@laurashall93: @blacuesta you is a fine ass bishhh! I love you boo๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: #EleventhGirlProblems
@jenniknapmiller: So glad you are staying boo! @MTV_Christina @AREUTHE1 #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Who doesn't love a good bubble party?
@MTVJohnMoustis: @blacuesta I totally thought @Curtishadzicki was going somewhere else with that #HoldMyBeads #AreYouTheOne
- @Curtishadzicki: @MTVJohnMoustis @blacuesta hahahahah
@LaytonJonesMTV: Bubble bath anyone? #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: Well.. The bubbles sounded fun until I got reminded that I have to live with my perfect match who's already in love.. #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: TURNING UP IN BUBBLES๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: .@Curtishadzicki don't do this to @blacuesta !! Stay away; she's not your match!!
- @Curtishadzicki: @AREUTHE1 @blacuesta I made the play for the house and the only person I want to be with right now is her. #DoWhatYouLove
- @AREUTHE1: @Curtishadzicki @blacuesta โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐๐๐
@MTV_JESS: Omg I just melted!!!! Never knew @blacuesta had that much emotion in her doeeee๐๐๐ UR so cute #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: .@MTVshelbs ๐
@laurashall93: @MTVshelbs I love you pretty girl๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@A_Bartolotte: Oh... Hey Jenni ๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_JESS: Stop making out, UR not a match! Lmaoo @whaattaafoxx
@EikeParis: Looks like everyone is understanding the struggle @MTV_Christina and @Tindel10 went through.
@jenniknapmiller: Oh. Wellp the cats out of the bag ๐#AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Whoa! That boom boom room scene! It's going down on #AreYouTheOne .. Literally.
@tabron27: Me on #AreYouTheOne lol
@MTV_Christina: Definitely wasn't expecting that perfect match. I love you @blacuesta <3 #AreYouTheOne
@mtvdario: @MTVshelbs knows I'd be by her side
@brittany_baldi: mack daddy award for season 2 of @AREUTHE1 goes to @A_Bartolotte #AreYouTheOne #gettingdumpy #mtv
@EDiamond007: Boom boom room strikes again @AREUTHE1 #ayto
@jenniknapmiller: HAHA BRING IT ON #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJohnMoustis: @A_Bartolotte Quit male chicken blocking me bro. #AreYouTheOne
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Hahah MY DUDE!!! ๐
@MTV_JESS: Ceremony time!!!! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVshelbs: You guys are all so sweet thanks for the support โค๏ธโค๏ธ #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Time to make some perfect matches!
@jenniknapmiller: Me currently. #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@A_Bartolotte: The week of Anthony #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: @A_Bartolotte lol my dude
@laurashall93: Oh! Hey @A_Bartolotte ๐๐๐ we pretty cute thoooo ๐๐๐#AreYouTheOne
@MTVJohnMoustis: Well I'm glad I didn't go in for a kiss after what they just showed in the #boomboomroom @jenniknapmiller @A_Bartolotte #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: Dude. Literally @MTV_Christina looks literally amazing at this matchup ceremony. <3
@LaytonJonesMTV: Sooooo straight on that.... NEXT.....! #YouCantBeTheOne #AreYouTheOne time to look elsewhere and play the game!
@EikeParis: A little dome never hurt nobody! That's my girl! @jenniknapmiller @A_Bartolotte
- @jenniknapmiller: โ@EikeParis: A little dome never hurt nobody! That's my girl! @jenniknapmiller @A_Bartolotteโ lmao I love you ๐
@MTVJohnMoustis: Who did it better? @MTV_JESS @EikeParis #AreYouTheOne
- @MTV_JESS: @MTVJohnMoustis @EikeParis lmao I look craazzyyyyy
@jenniknapmiller: Just gotta laugh this one off hahaha we are all human people. Remember what you did last weekend ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: MEOW #catfight
@Tindel10: I'm preaching at this Matchup. Payback. #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: Brandon calling out the hypocrites... Can't be mad at him! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@mtvdario: @MTVJohnMoustis watch your back ! Trying to swoop in on my boys girl @A_Bartolotte @jenniknapmiller
@LaytonJonesMTV: Super exploring! Spelunking actually! #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: Took balls! ๐๐๐ @jenniknapmiller #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Hope everyone from season 2 hasn't lost their marbles yet #realityparadise #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: @mtvdario and I like checking out eachothers butts๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: I'll kick your butt any day๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@Modelboi12: @blacuesta hair is on point
@AREUTHE1: Who says self-defense can't be sexy, am I right ladies?
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm going to miss seeing @MTVshelbs and @Curtishadzicki in the #AreYouTheOne house.
@LaytonJonesMTV: Sometimes some people see the real colors a little later then the rest! #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: LEAVE BRANDON ALONE! #leaveBritneyAlone #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: Welp, let's see if I get picked tonight! Lol #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: That confidence thoooo #AYTO #AreYouTheOne Lets go @Tindel10 !
@MTVshelbs: Even if you play the game right & wait for your perfect match you still get hurt.. Sounds like a lose lose to me ๐ #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@laurashall93: Wooowwww @LaytonJonesMTV #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Holy harsh. You are digging yourself in a deep hole Layton. #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Did y'all catch @Tindel10 's eye roll?? LOLOL
@tabron27: The one time I'm picked and I'm not wearing heels... I was preparing to stand my ass on the side #AreYouTheOne ๐
@AREUTHE1: What do y'all think? Any more perfect matches tonight?? #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: It's timeeeeeeee! How lights you guys?! #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Layton, you mad bro? #AreYouTheOne
@JasIPen: ONE BEAM?! Even worse than NO BEAMS! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: One more perfect match!! WHAT?!
@tabron27: The look on my face: ๐ lol #AreYouTheOne #wtfmtv #wesuck
@laurashall93: GOSHHH WE SUCKKK!! ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ#AreYouTheOne #Only3Lights
@Tindel10: I learned that eye roll from @shandathapanda... Mine was prolly a tiny bit better though. #AreYouTheOne
@A_Bartolotte: You guys are amazing. Thanks for all the support #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: When @RyanDevlin says "that's it you guys" ๐ #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@MTVshelbs: Curtis & I both upset going into the honeymoon suite? This is going to be a long 5 weeks... #AreYouTheOne
@Pratt_MTV: Atta boy @Curtishadzicki ! Welcome to the honeymoon suite! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #mtv
@Modelboi12: My boy @Curtishadzicki was ๐ฏ from Day 1 you can't be mad at him
- @Curtishadzicki: @Modelboi12 love you brother
@AREUTHE1: Do you guys think they still have enough time to find everyone's perfect match? #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Noooooo @MTVshelbs I don't want you to leave ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ I love you, hate seeing you cry. #bb #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: @MTVshelbs baby ๐
@AREUTHE1: Thank y'all for tweeting along with me! We're just getting started - it only gets better from here! ๐ #AreYouTheOne
> After Match, After Hours and Tuesday Hangover
@MTV: The #AreYouTheOne live after show starts right NOW! RT if you're watching! ๐ฅ@AREUTHE1: Now let's party on #AYTOAftermatch
@MTV_JESS: WOO #AYTOAftermatch @AREUTHE1 !!!! With my goonie @blacuesta who's watchingggggg
@MTV_JESS: @blacuesta looks beautiful ๐๐๐ #AYTOAftermatch
@JasIPen: That's right @blacuesta you hair flip your way through that show!
@MTV_JESS: #AYTOAftermatch hey baessss @nicolebyer @JohnMilhiser youssss lookssss sexyyyyy
@JasIPen: This hashtag... #SucksForShelby! #dying
@MTV_Christina: SO Brianna looks AMAZING during this after match. @blacuesta #thebestgouch #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Poor @MTVshelbs #SucksForShelby
@jenniknapmiller: @MaybachDiamonds you can't see this but when you gave me that props I did a few curtsies ๐ #AreYouTheOne #ownit
@MTV_JESS: She's wearing my favorite skirt !!!! Ugh stealing when we're roomies bitchhhh ๐ @blacuesta #AYTOAftermatch
@AREUTHE1: "I mean, look at me." - @blacuesta ๐ #confidence #AYTOAftermatch
@MTV_Christina: ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ On point with the Brandon impression. Sorry dude. @Tindel10 #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch
@AREUTHE1: Who is a better match for Curtis? Vote #AYTOBriana or #AYTOShelby
@tabron27: MY MOM! #AreYouTheOne
@laurashall93: PAPA HALL WILL BE on #AreYouTheOne NEXT MONDAY!! ๐๐ #daddy
@MTVJohnMoustis: .@LaytonJonesMTV straight ripping off @MCHammer's look.
- @LaytonJonesMTV: @MTVJohnMoustis @MCHammer Can't touch this! pic.twitter.com/clbatXaNDD
@AREUTHE1: Next week looks even juicier than this week- I can't WAIT #AYTOAftermatch #AreYouTheOne
@Tindel10: It's funny hearing @MaybachDiamonds say he can't stand seeing guys cry on this show when he moped around non stop for Jacy. #AreYouTheOne
- @MaybachDiamonds: @Tindel10 who are you?
- @shandathapanda: @MaybachDiamonds @Tindel10 okay this is the one time IMMA hop in. JJ IS THE FUCKING SHIT. End of story.
@MTVshelbs: Okay so I know you guys probably have millions of questions after that crazy episode.. Join me on YouNow in 15 minutes I'll be live!
@AREUTHE1: Sneaky sneaky @blacuesta with that fake out! #AYTOAftermatch #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: I guess I was trending on the twitterverse
@MTVshelbs: Tonight was a tough one, but on the bright side we got another match! What did you guys think aboutโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u9tbc7IS2d/
@whaattaafoxx: I loooovvveeee me some @A_Bartolotte โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ #AreYouTheOne
@EikeParis: SOOOOOO RUDE. @LaytonJonesMTV @AREUTHE1 @jenniknapmiller
@jenniknapmiller: ahahaahahah THE BEST "dbag move of the week" #AYTOAftermatch
@MTV_JESS: Obsessing over @MaybachDiamonds !!! #AYTOAftermatch
@A_Bartolotte: Yeah btw... Il be on the #AYTOAftermatch next week
@AREUTHE1: Make sure you tune in for next week's #AreYouTheOne and the #AYTOAftermatch - we're going to get wild!!!
@MTVshelbs: Come see me live on @younow (http://www.younow.com/MTVshelbs/25710606/5678263/9/f/November-3,-2014 โฆ) right Now!
@LaytonJonesMTV: Some times you have to call a Spade a Spade! #Real #AreYouTheOne
@PrimeTimeSiebs: Another Monday night down! Another perfect match!! #WhatchaThink?! #GettingExciting! #DramaDrama #Aytoโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u9wIrZxzEQ/
@LaytonJonesMTV: If you don't like what I say then you don't like the truth or your actions! #OnlySpeakingTruth #ChangeYourWays #AreYouTheOne
@blacuesta: How was the aftershow east coast? I was nervous as shit lol #AreYouTheOne #AYTOAftermatch
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta I knew you were nerv bb !! You did great loved ittttttt and love you ๐๐๐
- @blacuesta: @MTV_JESS love yooouuuu
- @mommalacuesta: @blacuesta can't wait to see. Heard you did great ๐
- @blacuesta: @mommalacuesta I was so nervous mom I drank grape vodka
- @mommalacuesta: @blacuesta OMG
@MaybachDiamonds: @LaytonJonesMTV you know I love it. I'll wear that outfit to Tom cruise and Lindsay Lohans baby shower
@tabron27: I will be live broadcasting on younow tomorrow night! http://Younow.com/tylerabron come chat with me! :) #AreYouTheOne
@tabron27: For everyone saying they want answers about my match... Yea! I want answers too! Lololol #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: Well that was fun
@MTV_JESS: @AlexPhillipz I miss youuu
- @AlexPhillipz: @MTV_JESS miss you too bae!!! #BAD
@blacuesta: Hey..............don't be rude lol #ItsMyLife #DontYouForget
@AshleighMorgh: @MaybachDiamonds is a boss #thatsmymatch #areyoutheone #haha
@MTVshelbs: Hope everyone got their questions answered on YouNow! I'll be on next week to answer more but thank you again for the tremendous support ๐
@brittany_baldi: I just wrote a new career blog for @SholdMediaGroup and I can not wait to share it all with you :-) #broadcasting #dreamchase
@blacuesta: Hope y'all liked the episode and the after match! Sorry I couldn't live tweet with you guys this week! #AreYouTheOne
@Knight_MTV: @brittany_baldi what happens on RUTHE1 after they are a match? They go to a honeymoon suite for the rest of the show and aren't shown?
- @brittany_baldi: @Knight_MTV check your DM homie :-)
@jenniknapmiller: Everyone's so damn tall behind social media
@tosca_yeager: Ohh nooo seeing @whaattaafoxx cry broke my heart!!! #AYTO
@MTVshelbs: I think the #SucksForShelby thing was supposed to be a sad thing but instead I thought it was hilarious ๐๐๐ญ
@tabron27: Thank you to everyone that tuned in to watch #AreYouTheOne. I really appreciate all the love and support you give every week.โกโกโก
@blacuesta: Hey peeps on the west coast tune in to watch me on the #aytoaftermatch ๐๐ tweet me what you think
@SimoneKelly_: PROBABLY MY FAVORITE "SIMONE SAYS" THUS FAR! DOES THIS SEASON OF #AYTO HAVE A MONICA LEWINSKY LADIES AND GENTS?? LOL! http://www.mtv.com/news/1985220/simone-says-episode-five/ โฆ
@Knight_MTV: @MaybachDiamonds cracking me up as usual on the after show. #Paulwalkerlives through you.
@A_Bartolotte: Goodnight!
@MTVshelbs: Well, successful AYTO Monday.. Goodnight twittaa.
@LaytonJonesMTV - Tuesday: Good morning world of Twitter! Hope yall enjoyed last night episode of #AreYouTheOne #BigCountry
@mtvdario: Yall fugayzzzi
@mtvdario: I wake up fortunate idk bout anyone else
@mtvdario: Girl I do this often
@A_Bartolotte: Getting out of bed on a rainy day is no easy task
@MTV_JESS: Sneakpeakkkkk ๐ custom made by my lovely and super talented girl @kdelzz !!! #lingerieshoot ๐โฆ http://instagram.com/p/u-6Biuj-R8/
@AREUTHE1: Season 1's @SimoneKelly_ gives her realest recap yet on last night's #AreYouTheOne. Check it out here! http://on.mtv.com/1E1YRsU
- @whaattaafoxx: @AREUTHE1 @SimoneKelly_ lmfao bitttccchhhh!!! I โค๏ธ you!! But I hate heels
@Curtishadzicki: Getting my #maverick on with this jacket on this brisk Tuesday. Stay hungry stay humble. Makeโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u_CjoLyp2W/
@whaattaafoxx: You've been so unavailable, Now sadly I know why, Your heart is unobtainable, Even though Lord knows you kept mine โค๏ธ๐
@tabron27: #AreYouTheOne questions and answers?! check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYn8su0McW4 โฆ
@MTVshelbs: Well, there ya have it.. Perfect matches #1 & #2! #areyoutheone #mtv http://instagram.com/p/u_GFiNIS3W/
@MTVshelbs: So I think I had a dream about a Disney movie last night...... #foreveryoung
@MTV_JESS: Hair and makeup time #glamtime ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: Maaaaaaaan, I'm hungry as sh*t!!! *@KevinHart4real voice* ๐ฉ
@AREUTHE1: Last night's #AYTO was an emotional roller coaster and a wild card move shocked the entire house. ICYMI- watch here! http://on.mtv.com/1tECj0n
@MaybachDiamonds: If you don't play with your phone for at least 45 minutes before you get out of bed you're not American.
@MTV_Christina: Things are starting to get crazy on #AreYouTheOne. I gotta say- I cannot wait till next monday! @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@MaybachDiamonds: I'm just happy @amandabynes is back ok twitter. I missed my mentor.
@blacuesta: Ok twitter I dont control Curtis or his emotions. We found his match, we did our part. Eat a snickers ur rude when ur hungry #AreYouTheOne
@MTV_Christina: WHOOP There it issss WHOOPPP ThERE IT ISSS.
@mtvdario: How sanitary do you think your phone is?
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario 100% clean
- @mtvdario: @blacuesta oh really ?! Do you wash your hands before using your phone every time ?
- @blacuesta: @mtvdario uh yes have you heard of Ebola or nah
@MTV_Christina: Did anyone else catch Brandon's face when Alex chose me at the matchup? Things are getting crazy! #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: To communicate to the American public the need for picture books is legitimate
@MTVJessicaPerez: I just want to watch romantic comedies and eat an endless amount of cookie dough.
@Pratt_MTV: Missed me and @EikeParis in the house last night? Check out this deleted scene of us in the Honemoon Suite. http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/deleted-scenes-breakfast-in-paradise/1096625/video/#id=1732328 โฆ
@AREUTHE1: The boys interrogate @blacuesta about her time in the #BoomBoomRoom. Watch the deleted scene now! http://on.mtv.com/1se0XjV
@blacuesta: Go watch the deleted scene where @LaytonJonesMTV and @MTVJohnMoustis ask me about the boom boom room! It's hilarious. I'm eating as always
@MTVJohnMoustis: We got Bri to spill!!! @LaytonJonesMTV @blacuesta http://www.mtv.com/shows/are_you_the_one/deleted-scenes-knocked-brianas-socks-off/1096624/video/#id=1732328 โฆ
@mtvdario: shrine tonight is so tempting
@mtvdario: you dont know what you dont know you dont even know you dont know @s_frechette
@jenniknapmiller: Photoshoot time with the worlds best photographer aka @AmberAbts #amberabtsphotography stay tuned โบ๏ธ
@MTV_Christina: Before work selfie just cause โ๏ธ #selfie #ya #AreYouTheOne
- @blacuesta: @MTV_Christina YOURE HOT
@blacuesta: All you had to do was stay let me remind you, THIIIIIISS WASSS WHAAAAATTT YOUU WAAAANTEDDDDDD!!!!!
@AlexPhillipz: Steve nose jobs #BAD
@AlexPhillipz: Steve boob jobs #BAD
@blacuesta: Oh come on guys it's Taylor swift lyrics...........
@blacuesta: My perfect match: all things edible #AreYouTheOne
@mtvdario: You was the maaaaaan homie what happend to you
@A_Bartolotte: I'm gonna make you love me baby
@whaattaafoxx: I just tried sushi
- @MTV_Christina: @whaattaafoxx ๐๐
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTV_Christina it's not bad but I like my food cooked and i just don't know how I feel about a cold piece of fish wrapped in rice & seaweed
@MTV_Christina: All I'm saying is if you fux wit one of us, you fux wit all of us. @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS #goonsquad #bestfriends #AreYouTheOne
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTV_Christina @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS wellllllll than :)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta @MTV_Christina @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS no you can't have them you're already with me ok move along!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTV_Christina @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS Damn!!! Alright babe done tied up and put a ring on it hopefully you don't break my heart!
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta that's more like it
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta like you more and more as time goes on!
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta ๐๐๐ im a wild one
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta ummm doubt it! Question is can you keep up with me ;)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta I'm up for it
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta game on babe ;)
@whaattaafoxx: It's actually good. But! I would rather have my fish cooked.
@AREUTHE1: We're heartbroken that @blacuesta + @Curtishadzicki aren't a match...๐
@AREUTHE1: ...BUT excited the house found another perfect match in @MTVshelbs + @Curtishadzicki! Congrats #AYTO cast!
@IamAdamKuhn: Hey @MaybachDiamonds those red pants on the #AYTOAftermatch were on point.
@AREUTHE1: #AreYouTheOne favorites Curtis and Briana had a long-awaited, sentimental hookup. Watch their recap of it here! http://on.mtv.com/1qo5sry
@A_Bartolotte: This is just the beginning...
@MTV_JESS: #sneakpeak #areyoutheone #teamjess #photoshoot #glamtime #modelingislife #makeupbykdelzz โค๏ธ http://instagram.com/p/u_tyr3j-YV/
@MTVshelbs: Lol watching this is so frustrating, so much to say, so much no one knows. Is it time for the reunion yet? #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Just a little sneak peak of the photoshoot today with @amberabts check her out โบ๏ธ#areyoutheone http://instagram.com/p/u_xJKcSWR4/
@MTVshelbs: Casually blaring this dancing & singing around the kitchen while cooking and cleaning ๐ #yesimaloser #noidontcare
@AREUTHE1: Check out Pratt + Paris's breakfast in paradise! http://on.mtv.com/1urvlO7
@jenniknapmiller: To the people who can see through the bullshit, I see you right back. Much love โ
- @Tindel10: @jenniknapmiller Love those people :)
@EDiamond007: For some, no shave November is really no shame November. #patches #NoShameNovember
@Tindel10: "I just look at you and i'm happy" I can say some pretty nice things from the heart sometimes. #AreYouTheOne
- @MTV_Christina: @Tindel10 sometimes
@AREUTHE1: We all cried last night during the new #AreYouTheOne episode. ICYMI, watch #StrapThoseBootsTight now! http://on.mtv.com/1tECj0n
@mtvdario: ๐๐ญ๐๐ญ๐ @jenniknapmiller
@Tindel10: I shit you not I just filled up my gas tank with SUPREME gas on total accident. #wow #brokenow
@MaybachDiamonds: I gotta come clean guys. I carried Blue Ivy. #alexfromtarget
@AshleighMorgh: Was on the news haha looking foul but filming the will smith movie
@AshleighMorgh: Laters baby
@MTV: Last night's episode of #AreYouTheOne was CRAZY! ICYMI: http://on.mtv.com/10i2OMM @AREUTHE1
@MTVshelbs: I'll be on the Brett & Sierra show for KWCH tomorrow doing an interview which will be broadcasting at 4:30pm CST, it will be online too!
@blacuesta: reading questions from your thing on reddit yesterday.....the ass licking one was the best hands down. @RyanDevlin
@JasIPen: Check out & follow me on #Instagram ! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne #AYTO2 @ jasipen
@shandathapanda: Alex from Target is NOW Alex from ISIS
@Tindel10: Such a good look. #AreYouTheOne
@EikeParis: Gym life.
@MTV_JESS: Straight in the mirror ๐๐ http://instagram.com/p/vAHbiuj-Ro/
@blacuesta: I wish you were right here, Right now, It's all good, I wish you would ๐ #AreYouTheOne
@jenniknapmiller: Put me on a plane and fly me anywhere with him
@shandathapanda: When people just tell you things that they think you want to hear <<<<
@mtvdario: ๐ฅ"Idk that one, my fault " ๐ฅ๐๐ญ๐๐ญ๐๐ญ#mtv #college #areyoutheone #twintv ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐๐๐๐ http://instagram.com/p/vANK-ZA6FO/
@MTV_Christina: To my 8001 follower - I luh u
@brittany_baldi: CLICK HERE to read my blog on why I am moving to Los Angeles :-) http://www.sholdmediagroup.com/making-the-move-to-la/ โฆ @SholdMediaGroup #broadcasting
@jenniknapmiller: Such a fun shoot with @amberabts today! She's got TALENT. ๐ #areyoutheone http://instagram.com/p/vAQJ0fyWck/
@A_Bartolotte: My life is mine to remember
@SimoneKelly_: EPISODE 5 of "Simone Says" is by far my FAVORITE EPISODE thus far! So much to talk about with soโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u_livRyIY5/
- @brittany_baldi: @SimoneKelly_ WE HAVE A MONICA LEWINSKY hahaha #dead
@AlexPhillipz: About to perform stand up at the Den in West Hollywood #BAD
@mtvdario: too late to jump on board
@JasIPen: Did I JUST see gas for $2.95?! #hallelujah #YASSSS #GasInDiego
@blacuesta: "SUCK MY ASS" - @deeemoneyyy playing xbox
@whaattaafoxx: Can't wait till I'm back in San Diego!!!! ๐ฉ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: In the presence of FUCKING ROB SCHNEIDER. FUCKING. ROB. SCHNEIDER #hotchick4lyfe
@shandathapanda: Finally saw @chrisdelia hilarity in real life
@MaybachDiamonds: Cat Queen @shandathapanda #illuninati #alexfromtarget #shanleyfromseason1
@blacuesta: How do You Feel about pickles or mustard #AskHoodie
@kbrook_15: @Curtishadzicki did you fall for bruana at first cause she's a perfect human being? She's so sweet!!! ๐ญ
- @Curtishadzicki: @kbrook_15 I fell for her flaws.I beleive We are defined by them. I fell for her individualist nature. I fell for her difference.
- @kbrook_15: @Curtishadzicki Wow do guys like you even exist anymore?! @blacuesta was so lucky to be loved by you & vice versa
- @Curtishadzicki: @kbrook_15 @blacuesta I would say anyone raised by as strong a woman as my mother @SarahAGoncalves would be like me. I owe my style to her.
@kbrook_15: @Curtishadzicki @blacuesta @SarahAGoncalves your moms awesome and @mommalacuesta is awesome too, y'all are all amazing people ๐
- @kbrook_15: @Curtishadzicki do you think there would there ever be any chance of you two getting back together? :( not even soon but in the future ever
- @blacuesta: @kbrook_15 @Curtishadzicki @SarahAGoncalves @mommalacuesta best mamas out there
- @Curtishadzicki: @kbrook_15 honestly I make a point not to speak for others and more over I make a point to learn from experience. I am still trying to learn
- @kbrook_15: @Curtishadzicki ๐ข๐ข but from just your stand point would you ever want to try again? Someday ....please ๐ญ
- @blacuesta: @Curtishadzicki I don't know how you are literally the best human being ever. You just melt my freaking heart
- โ@Curtishadzicki: @blacuesta good genes. Great friends. And a lot of better memories.
- @blacuesta: @Curtishadzicki so true!!!
- @12h06cheshire: @blacuesta @Curtishadzicki OOOOH I LOVE YOU TWO TOGETHER LIKE SO MUCH ๐ฉ๐๐ are you two together at the end of the things??? ๐๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
- @Curtishadzicki: @12h06cheshire @blacuesta we are not currently together.
- @12h06cheshire: @Curtishadzicki @blacuesta ARE YOU SERIOUS? ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐๐ DONT SAY THIS CURTIS OMG #AreYouTheOne
- @blacuesta: @12h06cheshire @Curtishadzicki we are great friends. The way we felt In Puerto Rico was very real. He's awesome, best man ever.
- @12h06cheshire: @blacuesta @Curtishadzicki oh, Im glad to read this, because you two are so amazing together ๐๐ #AreYouTheOne
@Curtishadzicki: Its impossible to see the future, its even harder to plan for it. So don't. Be here, now, feel this moment. Grab everything you can from it.
@Curtishadzicki: Incase anyone was wondering after all my wise words tonight. I am falling asleep to how to train your Dragon 2. Goodnight #dowhatyoulove
> As The Fans and I Saw It
@dc408dxnow: Last week was a roller coaster: a match, cheating, jetboarding and a shocking end, what about tonight? Off to Puerto Rico. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_Christina: "everything we have worked for has gone to hell."
@PrimeTimeSiebs: "open your eyes and start over." #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_JESS went on a tirade at the end of last week and she's in tears as @LaytonJonesMTV comes to console her.
@dc408dxnow: .@Curtishadzicki & @blacuesta was tipped as a possible match, but they aren't one after last week. Hopefully there's one out there for each.
@dc408dxnow: Reward for @Pratt_MTV & @EikeParis being first perfect match? A trip to the honeymoon suite just off the mansion. Pretty cool. #AYTOonDCNow
@dc408dxnow: As @MTV_JESS is still mad, @Curtishadzicki gives her some great advice. Much more respect Curtis. #AreYouTheOne #DoWhatYouLove
@dc408dxnow: Today's challenge: it's a 8-way tug of war to get to the treasure chest. Guys first & @mtvdario wins 1st! @Curtishadzicki is 2nd.
@dc408dxnow: At end of my EP3/4 wrap I wrote about who might go from #AreYouTheOne to #TheChallenge, getting good preview here: http://dc408dxtr.blogspot.com/2014/11/thewrap-are-you-one-s2-episodes-3-4.html โฆ
@dc408dxnow: .@Tindel10 on podium for 3rd time in 4 weeks. Everyone has to play smart, don't use all the same partners as last week. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Seems they're playing paddy cake and then the girls trying to kiss @A_Bartolotte. @whaattaafoxx is not feeling what's just happened.
@dc408dxnow: After all that, now Ellie's mad at Anthony. They're talking on the patio and he's smiling at her. Gosh, some new drama in the house.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVshelbs @Curtishadzicki @mtvdario @Tindel10 @JasIPen @jenniknapmiller are on a water slide. This feels like so much fun. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Brandon talking to Jasmine about them possibly being a match, so does Shelby & Curtis. Very odd to say that after what happened last week.
@dc408dxnow: As they're in the living room as Brandon talks about him & Jasmine, Christina dramatically walks off. Awkward chat out in the hallway. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: The votes are in, and it goes to @Curtishadzicki & @MTVshelbs. Though fans wanted Dario & Jenni. Off to the room that changes everything.
@dc408dxnow: If Curtis & Shelby are a match, I'm sure there's gonna be tears w/ Briana in him leaving. That's the guy she's the closest w/ in the house.
@dc408dxnow: For 2nd straight week, we have a Match! @Curtishadzicki & @MTVshelbs headed to the suites. Gotta feel for @blacuesta though. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: And will @MTV_Christina leave the house tonight? No. Team 19 becomes Team 17 after the matchup. Now will this turn 3 or more matches?
@dc408dxnow: .@Curtishadzicki @blacuesta taking advantage of his last days in the house, and @jenniknapmiller @A_Bartolotte are kissing by the pool.
@dc408dxnow: 5th matchup. It's a bit weird but it's a game. They're in a good mood w/ 2 in a row, should translate into great news now. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: First, @A_Bartolotte picks Ashley. @whaattaafoxx not feeling it. Next @Tindel10 gets into it w/ @MTV_JESS. Then w/ @Curtishadzicki. Drama.
@dc408dxnow: Gotta give it up to @blacuesta for handling that 2nd perfect match very well. Much more respect to ya Briana. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@Tindel10 goes w/ @JasIPen. John's w/ @jenniknapmiller. @LaytonJonesMTV picks @blacuesta. @AlexPhillipz w/ @MTV_Christina. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@PrimeTimeSiebs picks @MTV_JESS. Comes down to @mtvdario, @whaattaafoxx & @chickalexx. Ellie doesn't know if match is here. Dario w/ Alex.
@dc408dxnow: At the halfway point in Kauai, the originals got 5 matches on their way to gold. Tonight #Team21 has 2 in hand, they should get good news TN
@dc408dxnow: Tonight: three matches. Uphill road now but it's also goodbye to @Curtishadzicki & @MTVshelbs. He & @blacuesta share a goodbye kiss.
@dc408dxnow: Now to After Match w/ @blacuesta and oh there's @MaybachDiamonds. Miss ya JJ. Does he have a roast for the S2 cast tonight? #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: This is going to be the biggest episode this season hands down #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: A physical challenge hell yea #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @Tindel10 is the man #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I'd go with Curtis and @MTVshelbs here Shelby and @blacuesta have similar qualities #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Anthony could learn a lot from @whaattaafoxx if they were a match #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @Tindel10 you just shot yourself in the foot bro #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I think we'll get another one it'll be back to back perfect matches just like season one had it #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I can't see @Curtishadzicki with any other girl if it's not Brianna it has to be @MTVshelbs #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: They might have a chance now #AreYouTheOne
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUAKirk they do have a chance now. They got knocked down end of last week, now they're back on track. Two in a row.
@CSUAKirk: I was nervous @MTV_Christina was about to go home thankful that she and @Curtishadzicki weren't a match #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @blacuesta is handling this really well I'm kind of surprised about that #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @blacuesta is @shandathapanda and @MTVshelbs is @PaigeBrendel kinda ironic that this was the second perfect match like last season #ayto
@CSUAKirk: I bet @EikeParis and @Pratt_MTV were shocked to see who was joining them in the honeymoon #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Oh no Jenni don't go to him he's going to have you on a leash like he did with Christina #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: That's why @Tindel10 is my favorite guy on the show the guy is blowing up everyone's game #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I'm gonna have to get word for word in this confrontation to recite on my recap #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @tabron27 gets picked yessss #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Holy crap @LaytonJonesMTV going in on people #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Long way to go that's for sure #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: If they don't get five matches next week they have no chance of winning #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I hope two of the #AreYouTheOne cast members that follow me were the third light they both know who they are
@CSUAKirk: In order to give the #AreYouTheOne cast we need a twist for the truth booth sooner rather then later
@busdriversroute: You know everything is turned on its head when @PrimeTimeSiebs is the one making sense. #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: "Oh my god there's a pool and a bed." Apparently it doesn't take much to impress @EikeParis #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: He's not feeling well?!?!?! Soooooooooooo many questions #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Does @MTVshelbs come back celebrating "OPEN YOUR HEARTS!" Or nah? #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: I'm not sure there's a situation that @whaattaafoxx couldn't make better. #AreYouTheOne #ReligionOfEllie
@busdriversroute: "I gave him head Ryan." - @jenniknapmiller. I'm pretty sure that's the opening line of every father's worst nightmare #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: How can @LaytonJonesMTV even talk to anyone from so high up on his high horse? #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Guys c'mon, OPEN YOUR HEARTS! That's what you gotta do. Just open your hearts! #AreYouTheOne
- @JasIPen: @busdriversroute apparently all we knew how to do were open beer cans in that damn house
- @busdriversroute: @JasIPen And shampoo bottles
- @JasIPen: @busdriversroute YES! but mainly refrigerators.
@busdriversroute: The thread for questions for this week's @AREUTHE1 RHAP-up with @lashtweets is now up. Go at it kids. #AreYouTheOne https://www.facebook.com/RobHasApodcast
@busdriversroute: People at work, don't you realize my throat hurts and I'm trying to save it for my podcast later tonight. C'mon, priorities. #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Bus Driver's Route: Are You the One Fantasy Scoring Week 5 http://busdriversroute.blogspot.com/2014/11/are-you-one-fantasy-scoring-week-5.html โฆ
- @Curtishadzicki: @busdriversroute did I just go from undrafted to 1 back from the points leader. Hahah made my tuesday
- @busdriversroute: @Curtishadzicki You're like Kurt Warner or Arian Foster. A true underdog story.
- โ@Curtishadzicki: @busdriversroute i wish in had some bagging groceries story to blow minds.
- @busdriversroute: @Curtishadzicki If you go on to great Challenge fame you can bet there will be a 30 for 30 about this.
- @Curtishadzicki: @busdriversroute hahah. They would do a true life called "I live in reality (tv)" about my hard road of making it onto primetime tv. Hahah
- @Curtishadzicki: @busdriversroute all the hard work and dedication I put into this amazing career. Truly inspiring. #dowhatyoulove
- @busdriversroute: @Curtishadzicki Haha everyone will be buying Curtis jerseys telling kids "he did it the right way."
- @Curtishadzicki: @busdriversroute you officially win at funniest idea for my future. Good stuff boss. im dying. "The right way" yesss
- @busdriversroute: @Curtishadzicki Haha glad I can help map it out
@busdriversroute: The RHAP-up with @lashtweets is in the can. This one was, um, interesting. Buckle up. It'll be up in the morning #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Is it professional to completely lose it while podcasting? Find out on this weeks @AREUTHE1 RHAP-up w/ @lashtweets http://robhasawebsite.com/mtv-are-you-the-one-episode-five-rhap-up/ โฆ
@busdriversroute: Hear the episode 5 RHAP-up of @AREUTHE1 with @lashtweets right here #AreYouTheOne http://robhasawebsite.com/mtv-are-you-the-one-episode-five-rhap-up/ โฆ
@busdriversroute: From yesterday: The Week 5 fantasy scoring for @AREUTHE1 with @Curtishadzicki coming in as top scorer #AreYouTheOne http://busdriversroute.blogspot.com/2014/11/are-you-one-fantasy-scoring-week-5.html โฆ
- @Curtishadzicki: @busdriversroute some clear-ups 1.yes I was staring into the abyss while ranting to jess. 2. I slept on the couch the night of no lights . 3 bri and I decided that shelby would have the most potential as a match. 4. There is a lot of unseen content that shows me saying I feel for brandon so I did understand what he was going through a lot more strategy (not by me) but by @blacuesta to pick Shelby than people know
- @blacuesta: @Curtishadzicki @busdriversroute thanks for this!!!!!! Hate they didn't show any of it -.-
- @HollyEike: @busdriversroute FRIGG'n #hilarious & accurate! I love it! Way to earn points @EikeParis while out of the house (no bellboys) Love, Mom๐
- @busdriversroute: @HollyEike @EikeParis Hahaa glad you enjoyed it!
@busdriversroute: Everything I just retweeted that @Curtishadzicki sent me is EXACTLY what should be on the Aftermatch. But no, let's get more Dirty Deets...
@blacuesta: Bahahahahaha @busdriversroute plays Miley Cyrus "can't be tamed" for me & @MTV_JESS
- @busdriversroute: @blacuesta @MTV_JESS "Attempted" to play. Damn you modern technology.
- @blacuesta: @busdriversroute @MTV_JESS I barely heard it but I heard it and laughed! I live for your podcasts. They make my life happy
- @CSUAKirk: @blacuesta @busdriversroute @MTV_JESS Brian is the man!
- @MTV_JESS: @blacuesta @busdriversroute Lmaooo best one yet ๐๐๐
@lashtweets: buckle up @AREUTHE1 #areyoutheone #RHAP #AYTO
@lashtweets: speed dating shpeed dating amiright? #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: I didn't realize all of the girls needed to be tamed down #cantbetamed #areyoutheone
โ@lashtweets: i bet @busdriversroute likes this challenge audition challenge #areyoutheone #AYTO #RHAP
@lashtweets: Ellies. Got. Game. #areyoutheone #AYTO
@lashtweets: Who's this genie in the house? #AYTO #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: Seeing @whaattaafoxx cry - more devastating than http://cdn2.teen.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/crying-celebrity-gifs-lauren-conrad.gif โฆ #AYTO #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: #intimatenight #holdmybeads #AYTO #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: looks like jenni is better at holding beads than briana #beadoff #ayto #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: THE RETURN OF THE #BUCKETHAT #AYTO #areyoutheone
- @busdriversroute: But sadly no sandwich RT @lashtweets: THE RETURN OF THE #BUCKETHAT #AYTO #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: I guess the "right time" for john is always right after a girl has banged another dude #AYTO #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: Happy to see jenni own her bj. #thatsit #AYTO #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: Wait hold on, did someone just pick tyler? #AYTO #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: Don't knock it till ya tried it Layton #AYTO #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: I don't take kindly to slut shaming. get ready for #badpress on Wednesday's #RHAP up of #AYTO #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: Got questions? Well try to give answers. Hit us up here for tomorrow's #RHAP Up #AYTO #Areyoutheone https://www.facebook.com/RobHasApodcast
@lashtweets: I may be jumping the gun but these are the best questions we've gotten so far ! Keep em coming https://www.facebook.com/RobHasApodcast #AYTO #areyoutheone
@lashtweets: Not sure if there was more uncontrollable laughing or uncontrollable ranting. Find out tomorrow #RHAP #AYTO #AreYouTheOne @busdriversroute
- @MTV_JESS: @lashtweets @busdriversroute ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ I was clearly being mindfuckedddd the whole time in that damn house!
- @lashtweets: @MTV_JESS @busdriversroute agreed. And we weren't happy about it either
- @MTV_JESS: @lashtweets @busdriversroute I know, smh and I don't RLY see things clearly at all until now -___- can't wait to hear all Abt it!!
@lashtweets: WARNING: Excessive ranting may cause choking. #RHAP #AYTO #AreYouTheOne @busdriversroute http://robhasawebsite.com/mtv-are-you-the-one-episode-five-rhap-up/ โฆ
@MTV_JESS: @lashtweets @busdriversroute I can listen to this all day
@MTV_JESS: @busdriversroute @lashtweets SOOO @AlexPhillipz had injured his hand lol!!
โ@busdriversroute: @MTV_JESS: @busdriversroute @lashtweets One mystery solved Why wouldn't they just say that? And how did he hurt it?
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS @busdriversroute @lashtweets @AlexPhillipz first challenge he used his arm to break the ice...
@lashtweets: @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS @busdriversroute @AlexPhillipz wow why would they not explain that?
@whaattaafoxx: @lashtweets @MTV_JESS @busdriversroute @AlexPhillipz lol idk I guess bc Alex didn't even know until 3 weeks later lol
@MTV_JESS: @lashtweets @whaattaafoxx @busdriversroute @AlexPhillipz girlllll I have so many questions too -_-
@CSUAKirk: @busdriversroute you just lost it with what @lashtweets said I didn't see where it was lol
- @lashtweets: @CSUAKirk @busdriversroute I choke/coughed and that was it for Brian
- @CSUAKirk: @lashtweets @busdriversroute geez brian lol
- @busdriversroute: @CSUAKirk @lashtweets I honestly don't know why I lost it, but once I was gone...there was no coming back.
- โ@neyasivera: @busdriversroute @CSUAKirk I have to listen to this if you had a rant...is it true? IS IT REALLY TRUE?
- @busdriversroute: @neyasivera @CSUAKirk I'm not ranting one, I'm not the one who starts laughing uncontrollably for really no reason.
- @busdriversroute: @neyasivera @CSUAKirk Wow that was horribly phrased. "I'm not the ranting one, I'm the one who starts laughing." There, better.
- @neyasivera: @busdriversroute @CSUAKirk shrums I already told you...
@BigTymers228: #PhotoGrid I Can't Wait To Watch Are You The One Tonight. #MTV #AreYouTheOne #AreUThe1 #AYTOโฆ http://instagram.com/p/u7vWfTHop7/
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @JasIPen @blacuesta @laurashall93 @whaattaafoxx @tabron27 @MTV_JESS @MTVshelbs @chickalexx On AYTO Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @MTV_Christina @EikeParis @jenniknapmiller On Ayto Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @Modelboi12 @AlexPhillipz @mtvdario @Tindel10 @Curtishadzicki On Ayto Tonight
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @LaytonJonesMTV @A_Bartolotte @PrimeTimeSiebs @Pratt_MTV @MTVJohnMoustis On Ayto Tonight
@BigTymers228: Ever since I been watching @mtv_jess @chickalexx @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @tabron27 @JasIPen @MTVshelbs On AYTO MyMondays Have BeenWonderful
@BigTymers228: @MTV_JESS it sucks to see you cry like that Jessica
@BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx It sucks to see you cry like that ellie Hell if I was in the show I would love to get to know all about you for real
@BigTymers228: @blacuesta I was sad to see you cry like that Bri
@BigTymers228: @MaybachDiamonds is mad funny
@BigTymers228: @JasIPen @laurashall93 @tabron27 @blacuesta @whaattaafoxx @MTV_JESS Good Show Tonight I Can't Wait For Next Week Episode Of AYTO
@BigTymers228: @MTV_Christina @MTVshelbs @chickalexx @EikeParis @jenniknapmiller Good Show Tonight I Can't Wait For Next Week Episode Of AYTO
@BigTymers228: @Modelboi12 @AlexPhillipz @mtvdario @Tindel10 @Curtishadzicki Good Show Tonight I Can't Wait For Next Week Episode Of AYTO
@BigTymers228: @LaytonJonesMTV @PrimeTimeSiebs @Pratt_MTV @MTVJohnMoustis @A_Bartolotte Good Show Tonight I Can't Wait For Next Week Episode Of AYTO
@BigTymers228: @Curtishadzicki congrats on finding your perfect match in @MTVshelbs I'm gonna miss watching you on ayto Curtis
@BigTymers228: @whaattaafoxx I was sad to see you cry last night on ayto & I honestly don't see nothing wrong with you at all Ellie
@RealityRadioPod: I think Tyler's match is Dario. I do think Brandon/Jasmine are a match. #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
@neyasivera: Catching up with #AreYouTheOne
@neyasivera: Every episode makes me love @jenniknapmiller more and more #therealest
@KatieeBug143: Always late watching #AYTO2 but Finally!!!๐ @jenniknapmiller @blacuesta @PrimeTimeSiebs @tabron27 @MTV_JESS @laurashall93 @Curtishadzicki @mtvdario @A_Bartolotte @LaytonJonesMTV @MTV_Christina @MTVshelbs @JasIPen @Tindel10 @Pratt_MTV @whaattaafoxx @EikeParis @MTVJohnMoustis @RyanDevlin
@KatieeBug143: I Hatee that @Curtishadzicki and @blacuesta aren't a match but I feel Really bad for @MTVshelbs!!:( feels like Chris and shanley again haha Love you guys!!!
@GoldenGreggy: Well atleast they all know how Christina and brandon feel #AreYouTheOne
@GoldenGreggy: Lol I can't we these people #AreYouTheOne
Once again, I will be tabling theWRAP of this week's episode to just before next week's drama; not because of being sidetracked by things outside the MTV world as was the case last week (one sports team has to do with that), but for the next two sections we're about to cover...
SocialPulse Xtra: Slednecks Premiere
Last Thursday saw us welcome a brand new group to Team MTV in the cast of Slednecks. If you sorely miss Jersey Shore, Buckwild or both, you will be in good company with Jackie, Trevor, Kelly, Sierra, Amber, Zeke, Tosca, Dylan, Big Mike, Hali and Samantha. Of course, I've become great friends with the cast and last week I got to enjoy their show for the first time. And for someone used to great competition and engaging storytelling on my MTV shows lately, last week I got to do what I've not done much in the RW/Challenge franchise or on Are You The One?: have plenty to laugh.
During the triple premiere, we saw Jackie celebrate her birthday, Kelly's bad behavior grab Sierra's attention, Zeke go go-go dancing in the club, Sierra getting into it with Kelly and Tosca, Jackie becoming brave in a photo shoot, a couch being exploded, and of course lots of fun with the group doing uniquely Alaskan outdoor sports in the bitter cold. Here now is how the cast and me saw the premiere of Slednecks.
@dc408dxnow: Time to welcome a new class to #TeamMTV...Off we go now to Alaska for #Slednecks. Let the fun begin & laughs begin from The Last Frontier.
@SlednecksMTV: Bring on the wild life! #Slednecks begins NOW on @mtv!
@JackieNanini: I'm so excited to watch the show tonight hope you guys enjoy it โค๏ธ๐ #slednecks
@jenniknapmiller: So pumped to watch some Alaskan crazies tonight on @MTV tune in at 10/9c to watch the premiere of SLEDNECKS ๐ @akkellyhill @amber_stepp
@dc408dxnow: 55 years ago this January, an act of President Eisenhower made Alaska the 49th state in the union. Northernmost point in North America.
@JackieNanini: You won't find a group of friends that are closer then this โค๏ธ #slednecks
@dc408dxnow: First we meet Sierra & Kelly, and then there's Trevor & Zeke and they're trying out the airboat. Boy hang on to that boat guys. #Slednecks
@SlednecksMTV: Dumber than a stump, or pure genius? #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: .@JackieNanini: "in the lower 48 you have a party in your backyard, but here in Alaska we have parties on the glaciers." #slednecks
@dc408dxnow: Then we meet @HaliLaughlin. BBQ on the glacier, and then I thought my BBQ's in my backyard were cooler than this. That's pretty cool.
@dc408dxnow: We then meet Big Mike, 6'5" 300 lbs and they describe him as "pure bred Alaskan & big teddy bear with a heart of gold." Awww. #Slednecks
@Zeke_turecki: Partying on glaciers is just what we do... #slednecks #perse #ridehard
@dc408dxnow: Now to them trying out food in the kitchen. Big Mike trying out something different than them on the drinks, he doesn't like it lol.
@SlednecksMTV: Yum yum caribou blood! @MTV #Slednecks #BigMike
@jenniknapmiller: Holy shit you guys are f*cking nuts! @SlednecksMTV
@TrevorHash: SUNS UP GUNS UP
@dc408dxnow: Now they're going air boating. @Zeke_turecki is boardin' on the back of the airboat. That's so rad, they call him Adventure Zeke. #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: Now they're to their version of beer pong: Alaskan quarters. @JackieNanini's dad catches @Zeke_turecki w/ his shirt off on her bday.
@JackieNanini: Great! My dad shows up right when everyone's getting naked! #perfecttiming #awkward #friends #bday #Slednecks
@Zeke_turecki: Jackies birthday got wild #slednecks
@SlednecksMTV: Damn, Jackie's party is getting cray! @MTV #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: Two weeks from tonight, I turn 31. Yep I'm getting old but as they say, you're never too old to let your hair down & have fun. #DC31 #2weeks
@dc408dxnow: .@JackieNanini's bday continues and two of the group talk outside about what's up, and it's them having had sex? This is awkward.
@dc408dxnow: Poor Sierra, she's in tears over her & Kelly's relationship becoming dunzo. Have been in a roller coaster relationship as we start tonight.
@dc408dxnow: Now there's an argument brewing over one guy wanting another to get naked. This bday more dramatic than your usual get-together. #Slednecks
@SlednecksMTV: Damn, Jackie's party is getting cray! @MTV #Slednecks
@JackieNanini: It's my birthday with all my friends "per se" #Slednecks
@SledneckSierra: #perse hahaha @Zeke_turecki is so goofy! @HaliLaughlin I can't believe you said yes! #Slednecks
@SlednecksMTV: Let's just be real for a second @Zeke_turecki okay, per se? ๐ @mtv #Slednecks
@akkellyhill: let's do it boys! #Slednecks
@akkellyhill: Free of sin!
@SlednecksMTV: Things are getting REAL! #Slednecks @MTV
@MTV: .@Zeke_turecki has a way with words... per se #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: Amber, Zeke, Trevor & Jackie's house and day after, they're talking going swimming. Can you say Polar bear plunge in 12* cold? Bring it on!
@SlednecksMTV: Would you take the polar plunge? http://on.mtv.com/1wgM2dM @MTV #Slednecks
@JackieNanini: Watching the show with @SledneckSierra and doing our makeup for the premier tonight #Slednecks
@MTV: Don't go anywhere -- Another episode of #Slednecks starts NOW! @SlednecksMTV
@dc408dxnow: .@akkellyhill & @TrevorHash at work in their airboat lab. Then @Zeke_turecki & - hey there @DbDylanburgess1. Dylan's a family man.
@TrevorHash: Fun fact. They used a tractor to get big mike out
@dc408dxnow: They're heading to a friends cabin in 17* cold. That's about how cold it is on premiere night right now in Alaska. Too cold for me.
@SlednecksMTV: Would you take the polar plunge? http://on.mtv.com/1wgM2dM @MTV #Slednecks
@SlednecksMTV: Keep on shakin' @DbDylanburgess1! But watch out for the Tundra Wookies ๐ @mtv #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: Zeke just opened up about him serving 40 days in jail for getting 69 tickets for traffic violations.
@Zeke_turecki: Jail sucks huge balls #slednecks #perse
@dc408dxnow: Now @DbDylanburgess1 showing off his moves. And so does @Zeke_turecki. Dylan's nickname: El Tornado. Also best dancer in this group too.
@Zeke_turecki: I'll be honest idk how to dance... I do kno how to f**k tho lol#slednecks #perse #whiteboys can't dance
@Thediamondbull: OMG I can't breath! I'm laughing so hard! I didn't know Zeke had it in him!
@SlednecksMTV: Can't wait for a Rocky-style training montage with @DbDylanburgess1 and @Zeke_turecki #perse #Slednecks @MTV
@dc408dxnow: Now they're on the snowmobile and they crash. Then here comes @TrevorHash & the airboat, all aluminum. Now a tug of war in the snow.
@dc408dxnow: Airboat has a huge start out of the gate, now Dylan gaining traction. El Tornado wins and Trevor will have to wear a dress for losing that.
@JackieNanini: @DbDylanburgess1 and @Zeke_turecki you mother fuckers are funny as he'll but keep the stripping out of the house! #Slednecks
@tosca_yeager: Soo @akkellyhill can't snow machine #Slednecks
@SlednecksMTV: Would you compete in Alaskan tug 'o war?! @MTV #Slednecks
@Zeke_turecki: Can't ride for shit!!! #slednecks #ridehard
@dc408dxnow: Trevor now in the shower & the girls are shaving his legs. Now here he is dressed as a girl. Gosh, thought Monday was something else.
@Zeke_turecki: Dylan can't drive to save his life #teamtrevor #slednecks
@SlednecksMTV: Can I get a DRUMROLL PLEASE?! @mtv #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: First club visit in AK, Zeke & guys all prepping for him & Hali. She doesn't know he's wearing a G-string as they have this date. #Slednecks
- @HaliLaughlin: @dc408dxnow I had no idea
@Thediamondbull: Is it weird that Trevor looks better than me in a dress?
@JackieNanini: That dress tho #Slednecks
@SlednecksMTV: Man this episode is all about the dancing! @MTV #Slednecks
@whaattaafoxx: Finally got to a TV! Uhmmm damn Zeke! ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ #Slednecks @Zeke_turecki
@tosca_yeager: What can I say, #singlelife
@Zeke_turecki: Say no to g strings!!!! #slednecks
@dc408dxnow: Now Zeke's dancing on the G-string. This has been the theme of this premiere night: them dancing everywhere in the 49th state. #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: Trevor & Tosca going outside, then one of the girls not having it. Nothing like a good old argument in the street at night. It's on now.
@blacuesta: omg @whaattaafoxx asking me questions about #slednecks like i was on the show or something. -_-
@SlednecksMTV: Ladies night!! @HaliLaughlin @MTV #Slednecks
@tosca_yeager: Can't a single girl just have fun!!! #Slednecks
@whaattaafoxx: Omg he is soooooo BOYFRIEND material #Slednecks
@TrevorHash: THERE ARE NO RULES #Slednecks
@MTV: How are you enjoying #Slednecks so far? Another episode starts NOW! RT if you're watching with @SlednecksMTV ๐
@SlednecksMTV: Don't go away, there's more #Slednecks on @MTV! #operationrevenge
@dc408dxnow: I actually didn't see any of the sneak peeks, following BDR's example of saving for the big night. Are those his feet? That's dirty.
@dc408dxnow: Jackie, Trevor & Zeke on the road and every time someone honks a horn, they drink. Then driving in the lake. That's new. And cool.
@dc408dxnow: .@SledneckSierra is bringing up the idea of her & the girls doing a photo shoot out there in the cold. This is gonna be fun. #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: The guys going on Operation Vaseline, trying to put that stuff on that car. They're hoping not to get caught by the girls. #Slednecks
@whaattaafoxx: Omg I would kill that bitch!!! #Slednecks Kelly would DIE
@SlednecksMTV: S*** gettin' real! @MTV #Slednecks #operationrevenge
@dc408dxnow: The girls have just seen that car & they're taking it in stride. It's a practical joke. But is it now turning into a war? Fireworks coming.
@Thediamondbull: Vaseline on a car?!!? Great idea!! But omg I feel bad for Sierra hahaha
@tosca_yeager: I do not take to kindly to name calling haha #Slednecks
@akkellyhill: @tosca_yeager about to beat that ass! #Slednecks
@TrevorHash: @tosca_yeager is a killer #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: Girls going shopping to find those clothes, but Jackie uncertain over whether to take part. We saw that strictness earlier tonight.
@SlednecksMTV: Best. Shopping. Trip. Ever. #Slednecks @MTV @amber_stepp
@MTV: .@Zeke_turecki has a way with words... per se #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: Jackie thinking about a compromise wardrobe to the girls, not always easy in changing traditions & how to handle any changes to it.
@TrevorHash: #Slednecks BITCH BE NICE TO ME
@MTV: "Be nice to my @TrevorHash." - @tosca_yeager #TeamTrevor
@dc408dxnow: With door to house locked, @tosca_yeager climbing on guys' shoulders to get to the upper door. That's a tall task but go Tosca! #Slednecks
@SlednecksMTV: Climb, @tosca_yeager, climb!! #Slednecks
@TrevorHash: #Slednecks TOTEM POLE
@tosca_yeager: We call the the human totem pole gahah #Slednecks
@Thediamondbull: Why is my girl @tosca_yeager so damn fine?!! #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: .@JackieNanini heads to aunts house & she's showing her an Eskimo jacket she can wear. Oh, she looks very good in that. Proud of 'ya Jackie.
@dc408dxnow: The rest of the girls having a lot of fun, shall we say, w/ the wild girls of Alaska shoot. MVP: Jackie for being very brave to handle this.
@SlednecksMTV: .@JackieNanini's aunt is so cute! โค #Slednecks
@MTV: Just smile @JackieNanini ๐ #Slednecks
@SlednecksMTV: Keep it wild, ladies! ๐ป @mtv #Slednecks
@25Hadley: Way to go Jackie, don't need to do anything on that makes you uncomfortable. Way to keep it native! @SlednecksMTV #Slednecks
@dc408dxnow: Now the girls have brought the couch from someone's house and they're about to make this history. Couch, meet Explosives. Bang! #Slednecks
- @HaliLaughlin: @dc408dxnow bang bang
@SlednecksMTV: See what happens when Kelly finds his couch: http://on.mtv.com/1G0E4K8 @mtv #Slednecks
@SledneckSierra: Cheap ass couches anyway #slednecks
@tosca_yeager: I'm crazy but not blow up your couch crazy #Slednecks
@whaattaafoxx: I'm moving to Alaska fuck this shit! These are my type of people!! #Slednecks โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
@MTV: Thanks for watching @SlednecksMTV w/ us! Check out what is in store for the gang this season: http://on.mtv.com/10878hr
@whaattaafoxx: Leonard is the MAN! #Slednecks
@TrevorHash: New game. Guess when I'm drunk and win a high five. #slednecks
@JackieNanini: Was that mind blowing or what? Hope you guys liked the first 3 episodes of #Slednecks stay tuned for what's to come ๐
@dc408dxnow: Oh my, can't wait to have so much fun w/ our Alaskan friends. Gonna be wild, dramatic & crazy, tonight was just the beginning. #Slednecks
@whaattaafoxx: Love love love Big Mike!! He's probably my fave!! #Slednecks ๐
@MTV_Christina: So, #slednecks. Im #teamtosca. @tosca_yeager
@akkellyhill: We made it!
@blacuesta: #slednecks premiere LEHHHGOOOOO
@blacuesta: 23 degrees the fuq is that shit #Slednecks
- @dc408dxtr: @blacuesta it's 18 right now in AK. I too isn't used to cold weather, we're always used to perfect/ideal conditions here. 70 now in SD.
- @blacuesta: @dc408dxtr omg I couldn't do it!
@blacuesta: SIX DEGREES WHAT #Slednecks
@SledneckSierra: At Mad Myrna's! Where are you? #Slednecks @Zeke_turecki @HaliLaughlin @JackieNanini
@blacuesta: I think I would have a nervous breakdown if I was in a serious relationship on television. Props to you girlfriend #Slednecks
@blacuesta: Oh my god the dancing THIS IS HILARIOUS Hahahahhaha omfg #Slednecks @Zeke_turecki
@MTVbigmike: Alright guys. I gave in. I now have a Twitter... Who's all watching the season premiere of Slednecks!
@MTVbigmike: Simply put I'm pure breed Alaskan!
@MTVbigmike: Ah the friend zone... Haha
@TrevorHash: Hahaha#Slednecks
@HaliLaughlin: So much has happened. I'm grateful for you all #Slednecks #mtv
@HaliLaughlin: I can now say that I have blown up a couch. @SledneckSierra #Slednecks #MTV #Dontmesswithus
@akkellyhill: Should MTV let me and @TrevorHash do A Roast of @SarahPalinUSA ?
@DbDylanburgess1: Thanks for tuning in everybody I hope you enjoyed the premiere as much as I did #Slednecks #HappyHalloween #akgrown#gonnabeafubnight
Winners of the Night
After seeing this week's Are You The One? EP and last week's triple play of Slednecks, and although I won't have my AYTO EP5 wrap-up until Monday next week, I do have a few winners of the night to single out this week, and we have some repeat winners and a newbie to name here.
- Briana & Curtis: We were all heartbroken last week when we found out that Briana & Curtis were found out to not be a match, and even more so this week when by sheer luck he was a match with a girl other than his love. Yes, they did go to the Boom Boom Room just after that truth booth visit, but I can praise them for handling these two pieces of news in a classy manner. This applies particularly Briana who handled his & Shelby's match more calmly and very well than what happened to Shanley when her love Chris T. was whisked off to the Suites with Paige. And for Curtis, he definitely received a lot of praise for the inspiring words he gave to Jessica after what happened at last week's matchup. Many think that he should write a book with those words & poems of inspiration and I will definitely grab that book if he does decide to do that. Second time this season, Bri & Curtis you're my winners of the night for AYTO.
- Jackie of Slednecks: Okay, so it's not AYTO, but this is worthy of joining Bri & Curtis on the winners list. In a premiere night that saw her celebrate her birthday and her dad awkwardly eavesdrop on a party with shirtless guys, the moment that made Jackie my 2nd winner of the night is what happened later in episode 3. We know how difficult it is to try and adjust to doing something you're not used to, especially when you have high morals & standards. For Jackie, having a family rich in tradition clashed with when she was invited by the girls to do a calendar photo shoot. While the others took it all off, Jackie reluctantly decided to take part, provided that she wouldn't take off her clothes. With that in mind, she borrowed a decades-old Eskimo outfit from her aunt and wore that to the shoot. Once she smiled for the camera, she felt very comfortable and in her own element. Jackie, that was so brave of you to overcome that fear and you're my winner of the night also.
- Jackie of Slednecks: Okay, so it's not AYTO, but this is worthy of joining Bri & Curtis on the winners list. In a premiere night that saw her celebrate her birthday and her dad awkwardly eavesdrop on a party with shirtless guys, the moment that made Jackie my 2nd winner of the night is what happened later in episode 3. We know how difficult it is to try and adjust to doing something you're not used to, especially when you have high morals & standards. For Jackie, having a family rich in tradition clashed with when she was invited by the girls to do a calendar photo shoot. While the others took it all off, Jackie reluctantly decided to take part, provided that she wouldn't take off her clothes. With that in mind, she borrowed a decades-old Eskimo outfit from her aunt and wore that to the shoot. Once she smiled for the camera, she felt very comfortable and in her own element. Jackie, that was so brave of you to overcome that fear and you're my winner of the night also.
Welcome to Team MTV: Real World Skeletons
Finally, the day after EP5 of AYTO, we got to officially welcome the seven newest members of not just Team MTV, but also one of television's most elite clubs. Of course, we're talking about the cast of Real World Skeletons, which will take place in Chicago and will bow on Tuesday, December 16th, possibly the night after either the AYTO season finale or the reunion. As we mentioned here a week or two ago, the cast will.
Here's some of the welcome tweets from Sylvia, Jason, Madison, Tony, Violetta, Nicole and Bruno, as well as my usual routine of putting them through the initiation process when I gave them that twitter follow.
> @dc408dxtr: #NF @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova @madiwadi2by4 @n_zanatta @smelsrode @t_raines33 @VMilerman of #RealWorldSkeletons. Welcome 2 #TeamMTV #Dec16
- @n_zanattaMTV: @dc408dxtr thank you!! :)
- @brunorealworld: @dc408dxtr thank you!!
@RealWorldMTV: Your past will haunt you. #RealWorld: Skeletons premieres Tuesday, December 16 at 10/9c.
โ@EW: 'Real World: Skeletons' cast to feature 7 living humans, 0 skeletons: http://ow.ly/DPlI7 (via @EWTV)
@MTVChallenge26: Official cast released and Bio of @n_zanatta #RealWorldSkeletons #realworldchicago
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTVChallenge26 horrible picture wtf?!?! Do I look that bad!!!
- @MTVChallenge26: @n_zanatta Naw! you're Gorgeous @MTV tend to do a horrible job at picking pictures
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTVChallenge26 @MTV seriously!???
- @MTVChallenge26: @n_zanatta @MTV Ask @blacuesta and a couple other MTV People lol
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTVChallenge26 @MTV @blacuesta lol I looked at hers she looks good wtf I hope they do my body justice at least!
- @blacuesta: @MTVChallenge26 @n_zanatta @MTV dude I look like a sloth. also this isn't a bad picture lol you look great
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV ummm doubt it!!! It's like that country song if you ain't a 10 your a 9.9.
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV it's ok you don't have to lie.......lol Good thing I don't actually look like this pic.twitter.com/LzvCQzMlpf
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV ohhh gosh so this is what we have to look forward to lmao can't wait Til I'm compared!! You a 9 ;)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV hahaha good luck the fans of twitter are ruthless. You're in for a treat. You an 11
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV hey are you the one I'm doing next season I think were perfect, well both hide from everyone... I'm ciked!
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV Hey you never know you and I could both get picked for the next challenge and we can start something magical
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTV ur down for the magic carpet ride?!? Now I can't wait for that phone call. Mtv runs out of beds I'll share mine ;)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta @MTV I'll already be in it
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTV I'll hold you to that. ;) Nicole nice to meet you
- โ@blacuesta: @n_zanatta don't worry I won't flake on you ๐ I'm Briana it's a Shame you weren't on AYTO haha
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta now I'm thinking I picked the wrong show! If you don't live far I'm pretty sure we can arrange getting together :)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta with my luck you live in New York
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta hahah I do what about you?!?!
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta you're shitting me!!! I'm in San Diego ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta no big deal actually come to think about it I'm moving there in a few weeks well get to know eachother! ;) hahaha
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta oh perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta I think we're going to get close pretty sure we moved into the same house! ;)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta oh hahaha this is news to me but it works lol!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @n_zanatta goodnight love!
- @blacuesta: @n_zanattaMTV night future wife ๐๐
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta you already know ;) until I see your season finale and you cheated on me and married some dude, set up the divorce papers :) xo
- @blacuesta: @n_zanattaMTV hahahahaha ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta don't even! Dead! :X
- @blacuesta: @n_zanattaMTV ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
- โ@bettencourtbri: @blacuesta @n_zanatta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV #btw's nicole is the best person ever :)
@bettencourtbri: OH clayrse you look like a bitch ;) in the best way haha.. @VMilerman
- @VMilerman: @bettencourtbri ugh they picked the worst photo wtf
- @bettencourtbri: @VMilerman #lifeofaModel
@VMilerman: Anyone who asked me anything about RealWorld before this sorry I haven't replied it was still suppose to be a secret! Any questions left?Go!
@brunorealworld: Got love for #chicago
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld got love for you ;)
@VMilerman: @madiwadi2by4 why haven't you called me?!!!
- @madiwadi2by4: @VMilerman ill call you today lady!
@t_raines33: Real World: Skeletons Sneak Peek: MTV's Reality Show Is a Nightmare This Season! http://www.eonline.com/news/594732/real-world-skeletons-sneak-peek-mtv-s-reality-show-is-a-nightmare-this-season โฆ #realworldskeletons
โ@t_raines33: "I got some skeletons in my closet" #RealWorldSkeletons #chicago #season30 #IDGT
@bettencourtbri: Appreciate all the love on tumblr. ๐
@VMilerman: Anyone else have a fear of shower curtains?My roots from party in highschool when it was going to use ๐ฝ &someone jumped out from behind them
@n_zanattaMTV: #wceveryday #fit #gorgeous #girlfriend;) @JamieChinaMTV
@t_raines33: My woman crush Wednesday...the beautiful ladies of the upcoming new season of Real World! #RealWorldSkeletons #wcw
- @brunorealworld: @t_raines33 kinda pissed. Why didn't you put me as your wcw?
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld @t_raines33 lmao dead!! :X
- @t_raines33: @brunorealworld you remind me too much of my ex girlfriend...ya know same jawline lol #doubtit
- @brunorealworld: @t_raines33 lmfao you look exactly like my ex, same stubble.
- @t_raines33: @brunorealworld so you must have dated Ben Affleck then! Lol
@SylviaMTV: I truly love this trick!! @VMilerman #puttycatgang #rw30
@n_zanattaMTV: Happy Birthday! Your amazing,handsome and perfect your always there for me and I love you for it. Miss waking you up! @brunorealworld
- @brunorealworld: โ@n_zanattaMTV thank you so much !!! I love you Nic!!!! I appreciate the birthday wishes a lot.
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld love you more. text you in the am xoxo go celebrate punk!
@n_zanattaMTV: To my other best man! Happy birthday you already know we do it better!! Love you to pieces enjoy your day!! Xoxo @bettencourtbri
- @bettencourtbri: @n_zanattaMTV love you can't wait to see you.!!
@brunorealworld: I've never really celebrated my birthday because it's a year closer to death but, I've made it 25 beautiful years on this earth.#greatful
@bettencourtbri: #funFact I share a birthday with @brunorealworld #HappyBirthday2US
As we post this here on Nov. 6, it's Bruno's birthday, as well as for his twin brother Briah, who we'll see coming up this season. We'll take a deeper look at the strangers' troubled backgrounds, who they are and more during our DCBLOG lead-up to Real World Skeletons, which will kick off here very shortly with retrospective posts on two aspects of the show's history as it reaches season 30. And also, my DCNOW Retro Night series will resume this month at @DC408DxNow as I'll be live tweeting the first episodes of RW Las Vegas I, Austin, Key West, Denver, Sydney and Hollywood.
Here's some of the welcome tweets from Sylvia, Jason, Madison, Tony, Violetta, Nicole and Bruno, as well as my usual routine of putting them through the initiation process when I gave them that twitter follow.
> @dc408dxtr: #NF @brunorealworld @_Kazuhnova @madiwadi2by4 @n_zanatta @smelsrode @t_raines33 @VMilerman of #RealWorldSkeletons. Welcome 2 #TeamMTV #Dec16
- @n_zanattaMTV: @dc408dxtr thank you!! :)
- @brunorealworld: @dc408dxtr thank you!!
@RealWorldMTV: Your past will haunt you. #RealWorld: Skeletons premieres Tuesday, December 16 at 10/9c.
โ@EW: 'Real World: Skeletons' cast to feature 7 living humans, 0 skeletons: http://ow.ly/DPlI7 (via @EWTV)
@MTVChallenge26: Official cast released and Bio of @n_zanatta #RealWorldSkeletons #realworldchicago
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTVChallenge26 horrible picture wtf?!?! Do I look that bad!!!
- @MTVChallenge26: @n_zanatta Naw! you're Gorgeous @MTV tend to do a horrible job at picking pictures
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTVChallenge26 @MTV seriously!???
- @MTVChallenge26: @n_zanatta @MTV Ask @blacuesta and a couple other MTV People lol
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTVChallenge26 @MTV @blacuesta lol I looked at hers she looks good wtf I hope they do my body justice at least!
- @blacuesta: @MTVChallenge26 @n_zanatta @MTV dude I look like a sloth. also this isn't a bad picture lol you look great
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV ummm doubt it!!! It's like that country song if you ain't a 10 your a 9.9.
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV it's ok you don't have to lie.......lol Good thing I don't actually look like this pic.twitter.com/LzvCQzMlpf
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV ohhh gosh so this is what we have to look forward to lmao can't wait Til I'm compared!! You a 9 ;)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV hahaha good luck the fans of twitter are ruthless. You're in for a treat. You an 11
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV hey are you the one I'm doing next season I think were perfect, well both hide from everyone... I'm ciked!
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV Hey you never know you and I could both get picked for the next challenge and we can start something magical
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTV ur down for the magic carpet ride?!? Now I can't wait for that phone call. Mtv runs out of beds I'll share mine ;)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta @MTV I'll already be in it
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @MTV I'll hold you to that. ;) Nicole nice to meet you
- โ@blacuesta: @n_zanatta don't worry I won't flake on you ๐ I'm Briana it's a Shame you weren't on AYTO haha
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta now I'm thinking I picked the wrong show! If you don't live far I'm pretty sure we can arrange getting together :)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta with my luck you live in New York
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta hahah I do what about you?!?!
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta you're shitting me!!! I'm in San Diego ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta no big deal actually come to think about it I'm moving there in a few weeks well get to know eachother! ;) hahaha
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta oh perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta I think we're going to get close pretty sure we moved into the same house! ;)
- @blacuesta: @n_zanatta oh hahaha this is news to me but it works lol!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta @n_zanatta goodnight love!
- @blacuesta: @n_zanattaMTV night future wife ๐๐
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta you already know ;) until I see your season finale and you cheated on me and married some dude, set up the divorce papers :) xo
- @blacuesta: @n_zanattaMTV hahahahaha ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ
- @n_zanattaMTV: @blacuesta don't even! Dead! :X
- @blacuesta: @n_zanattaMTV ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
- โ@bettencourtbri: @blacuesta @n_zanatta @MTVChallenge26 @MTV #btw's nicole is the best person ever :)
@bettencourtbri: OH clayrse you look like a bitch ;) in the best way haha.. @VMilerman
- @VMilerman: @bettencourtbri ugh they picked the worst photo wtf
- @bettencourtbri: @VMilerman #lifeofaModel
@VMilerman: Anyone who asked me anything about RealWorld before this sorry I haven't replied it was still suppose to be a secret! Any questions left?Go!
@brunorealworld: Got love for #chicago
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld got love for you ;)
@VMilerman: @madiwadi2by4 why haven't you called me?!!!
- @madiwadi2by4: @VMilerman ill call you today lady!
@t_raines33: Real World: Skeletons Sneak Peek: MTV's Reality Show Is a Nightmare This Season! http://www.eonline.com/news/594732/real-world-skeletons-sneak-peek-mtv-s-reality-show-is-a-nightmare-this-season โฆ #realworldskeletons
โ@t_raines33: "I got some skeletons in my closet" #RealWorldSkeletons #chicago #season30 #IDGT
@bettencourtbri: Appreciate all the love on tumblr. ๐
@VMilerman: Anyone else have a fear of shower curtains?My roots from party in highschool when it was going to use ๐ฝ &someone jumped out from behind them
@n_zanattaMTV: #wceveryday #fit #gorgeous #girlfriend;) @JamieChinaMTV
@t_raines33: My woman crush Wednesday...the beautiful ladies of the upcoming new season of Real World! #RealWorldSkeletons #wcw
- @brunorealworld: @t_raines33 kinda pissed. Why didn't you put me as your wcw?
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld @t_raines33 lmao dead!! :X
- @t_raines33: @brunorealworld you remind me too much of my ex girlfriend...ya know same jawline lol #doubtit
- @brunorealworld: @t_raines33 lmfao you look exactly like my ex, same stubble.
- @t_raines33: @brunorealworld so you must have dated Ben Affleck then! Lol
@SylviaMTV: I truly love this trick!! @VMilerman #puttycatgang #rw30
@n_zanattaMTV: Happy Birthday! Your amazing,handsome and perfect your always there for me and I love you for it. Miss waking you up! @brunorealworld
- @brunorealworld: โ@n_zanattaMTV thank you so much !!! I love you Nic!!!! I appreciate the birthday wishes a lot.
- @n_zanattaMTV: @brunorealworld love you more. text you in the am xoxo go celebrate punk!
@n_zanattaMTV: To my other best man! Happy birthday you already know we do it better!! Love you to pieces enjoy your day!! Xoxo @bettencourtbri
- @bettencourtbri: @n_zanattaMTV love you can't wait to see you.!!
@brunorealworld: I've never really celebrated my birthday because it's a year closer to death but, I've made it 25 beautiful years on this earth.#greatful
@bettencourtbri: #funFact I share a birthday with @brunorealworld #HappyBirthday2US
And that's the 'Pulse of Episode 5 of Are You The One? II, the Premiere episodes of Slednecks and our first look at Real World Skeletons...busy post right? As we wrap things up this week, some reminders...
- Check out the Are You The One RHAP Podcast with Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher(@LashTweets) at www.robhasawebsite.com/challengeitunes as they wrap up the episodes in a way only they can provide: plenty of insight and mixed with humor. This week's show will also include moments of him laughing all throughout the podcast - which might not be professional but you can't help but giggle. And who was Brian's top point-getter this week? Read Brian's fantasy AYTO Challenge rankings on his Bus Drivers Route blog at www.busdriversroute.com.
- Follow my colleague Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) as he & I live tweet the episodes and discuss the show on both BlogTalkRadio.com and on Google+. I'm always a presence in every webcast he does and in addition to this weekend's recap show, he hopes to have his first season 2 guest on very soon.
- Check out the Are You The One RHAP Podcast with Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher(@LashTweets) at www.robhasawebsite.com/challengeitunes as they wrap up the episodes in a way only they can provide: plenty of insight and mixed with humor. This week's show will also include moments of him laughing all throughout the podcast - which might not be professional but you can't help but giggle. And who was Brian's top point-getter this week? Read Brian's fantasy AYTO Challenge rankings on his Bus Drivers Route blog at www.busdriversroute.com.
- Follow my colleague Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) as he & I live tweet the episodes and discuss the show on both BlogTalkRadio.com and on Google+. I'm always a presence in every webcast he does and in addition to this weekend's recap show, he hopes to have his first season 2 guest on very soon.
- AfterBuzz TV (www.afterbuzztv.com) is also recapping Are You The One? with hosts Lem Gonsalves, Kevin John and Kendra Sommers. Check out their recap of this week's episode plus previous shows where they interviewed Pratt and Jenni.
- And also follow colleague Ashley Weitzel (@AshleyWeitzel) as she also talks to the cast on SpreeCast. Having spoken to some of the season 1 originals, including to Brittany a couple weeks ago, Ashley's webcasts are also a must-watch for fans too.
- And also follow colleague Ashley Weitzel (@AshleyWeitzel) as she also talks to the cast on SpreeCast. Having spoken to some of the season 1 originals, including to Brittany a couple weeks ago, Ashley's webcasts are also a must-watch for fans too.
Be sure to keep it on DCBLOG for full coverage of Are You The One? Season 2 from Puerto Rico and All Things MTV. Bookmark this site for weekly and must-read SocialPulse diaries & wrap-ups, plus possible cast interviews and my review of Slednecks & Buckwild from just before last week's premiere.
We'll also have a special SocialPulse post to cover Game 7 of the World Series and the ensuing World Champions parade in the City coming soon. DCNOW had its busiest twitter night in its short stint and one of my busiest twitter days ever when I followed the events of that incredible night as the Giants became sports' newest dynasty. Fittingly enough, it will be the subject of my first DCSP sports post and we'll have the play-by-play and reactions from twitter world also this month too.
And for live tweeting of Are You The One?, Slednecks and Real World Skeletons, be sure to follow the live twitter home of yours truly, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow for all the action, drama, fun and more. And of course, also follow my primary hub @DC408Dxtr for tweets, chats & alerts; and Instagram at the same handle for pics. Expect plenty of activity in the coming week on both handles as I will celebrate my birthday in just a week from now.
So until Slednecks at 10PM PT on DCNOW, thanks for reading, have fun and see you then.
So until Slednecks at 10PM PT on DCNOW, thanks for reading, have fun and see you then.
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