*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***
And so we welcome you Inside MTV Reality, where usually this would be a place of escapism from what's going on in our world as we bring you the week that was in another place where you don't have to worry about what's going on outside your window: reality TV. But on this second weekend of June in this year of change, this has been a week unlike any other, for that the tense times we are in has given a big wake-up call to everyone in TV land. That is certainly the case in the course of the past week, and we'll get the chance to address that in more detail later in this week's coverage.
But first, we begin with the business at hand of covering the big thing of The Challenge: Total Madness, where we have had plenty of things to talk about and to be amazed about, including the surprise alliance that had everyone shook and turned back years of bad blood into an unlikely bromance: Johnny Bananas and Wes working together. Last week saw the two frenemies face off in an elimination on a regular season for the first time ever and two years after their first "win or go home" meeting during the Champs vs. Pros/Stars trilogy. And if there's proof of why the 6-time champ is the GOAT, then beating out Wes certainly adds more to Johnny's Hall of Fame resume.
It's what happened in between that and this week that will be much more talked about long after the afterglow of this season fades away, but we do have to cover the on-air activities for all of you on here anyway. But for what to look for, Bananas decides to plot with a defending champion and a fellow Brit to try and blindside someone who has been disloyal to them, but someone who's always an emotional player will try to foil those plans. The week's challenge will see the players fly like Mary Poppins but some will even try to win at all costs when it comes to getting some flags, while those who get thrown into the purgatory will have to dig deep to stay in.
After the break, the Pulse of Week 11 of The Challenge Total Madness... plus, we'll introduce you to the new Challenge baby. Thanks for joining us, and welcome to the weekend.
As we begin this week's Pulse, note that this is once again a truncated edition as we are again filtering out anything related to the Black Lives Matter protest for those who don't want to have the timeline being dominated by it, though this blogger does support the movement 100%. We have also filtered out the news that took place before this week's episode aired, which we will elaborate more on in the coming days. So again, we cut to the chase and into Episode 11...
► AS THEY SAW IT: "You Ain't Right"
@SHOTOFYAGER: A couple weeks ago @FessyFitness joined me & @DerrickMTV for a podcast interview & absolutely blew us away. We haven’t been plugging it a ton for obvious reasons but we’d love for you to check it out when you’re ready. A phenomenal #ChallengeMania Guest! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?i=1000476432191
@TeaTimeWithToya: Me and my Real World St Thomas roommates all still text each other random shxt at random moments in our group chat. It’s cute. It’s love
@johnnybananas: The Banana VS the Bachelor Banana⚘ #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork @WellsAdams
@johnnybananas: Does making it to the Worst Cooks Final qualify as "Breaking The Curse?" Asking for a friend.... #ChefBananas #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork @ChallengeMTV
@johnnybananas: Closest you'll ever come to holding a Rose ⚘ #DoYouAcceptThisBanana @WellsAdams #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork
@SHOTOFYAGER: NEW PODCAST UP!! @johnnybananas joins me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania to walk us through his game-changing alliance w/ @WestonBergmann on #TheChallenge35 &the climax it came to last Wed! Always a great guest but this was my favorite JB interview. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.spreaker.com%2Fepisode%2F29853602
@DerrickMTV: The Conception and Birth of the Unholy Alliance and how it all fell apart...but WHY?!! REVEALED!! 🗯 -NEW PODCAST!! @johnnybananas joins Me and @SHOTOFYAGER!! 🗯 #TheChallenge35 #ChallengeMania -TAKE A LISTEN!! 🗯 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2
@SAWithLJ: This Wednesday we welcome Challenge Champ, Rogan O’Connor, to the podcast. This is one of our best episodes yet, you won’t want to miss this one! @Rogan_OConnor @ChallengeMTV
@johnnybananas: SPANKIN NEW PODCAST I answer all of your burning questions, and take you inside the demise of America's most Unholy Allaince @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Top 5 Moments of the Wes and Bananas Rivalry https://t.co/o7e1u84yhA?amp=1
@SHOTOFYAGER: Getting flack from @DerrickMTV & others for saying @WestonBergmann pulled a Baller move putting himself in Vs @JohnnyBananas. To me, it’s so rare on @ChallengeMTV that we get an apex showdown between 2 Foes Turned Allies at the top of their game. Strategically flawed. BUT BALLER.
@HollywoodLife: #TeenMomOG stars @CoryWharton and Taylor Selfridge open up about why their daughter, Mila's, birth was so "scary" and emotional" in our EXCLUSIVE interview: https://t.co/BB4Ci7RYDu?amp=1
@SHOTOFYAGER: Joining us in The Mad House tomorrow night immediately following #TheChallenge35 will be our good friend @SyrusMTV! It’s been far too long & we’re excited to break down a new Challenge episode w/ Sy & also discuss everything going on.🏚http://Patreon.com/ChallengeMania #ChallengeMania
@paulawalnutsMTV: Nothing better than @tjlavin laughing at the fails
@LadyFougere: With everything that’s going on, I personally think it’s time for MTV & BMP to bring the original format of Real World. 7( or 8) strangers picked to live in a house, work together, & have their lives taped. Find out what happens when people stop being polite & start getting real
@JOSHMBB19: It’s easy to get caught up In negativity but put all your focus into staying positive & receiving blessing. Sending all of you good vibes 🙏🏽
@Jay__Qs: Who else is #salty that I won’t be on challengemtv tonight? Damn I miss the adrenaline rush! Who wants to come over and Challenge and Chill? #StayLoco #deathvalley #sobright #challenge35… https://instagram.com/p/CBRbF94hsYB/?igshid=135j0xzv1a5x7
@JOSHMBB19: Tonight’s challenge is so sick New Episode Tonight 8/7c on @mtv #thechallenge35
@johnnybananas: Lost one Red Skull... Picked up another #thechallenge35 #bananasdoingthings #thisviewisbananas @ChallengeMTV
@johnnybananas: GAME TIME #bananasdoingthings @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
- @JOSHMBB19: @johnnybananas @ChallengeMTV Don’t be bitter bro ✊🏽
@johnnybananas:These boots were made for WINNING #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@Rogan_OConnor: Team work makes the dream work baby @KyleCGShore #TheChallenge35
@MichelleDaweXO: When you’re watching @ChallengeMTV and it all kicks off and @_nelsonthomas is just like “what happened to the noodles?” #priorities Face with tears of joy
@Rogan_OConnor: Team work makes the dream work But why would I possibly help @KyleCGShore ? #TheChallenge35
- @KyleCGShore: @Rogan_OConnor Love you #TheChallegne35
@johnnybananas: This is an unfair matchup... @JOSHMBB19 has one of these contraptions hanging from the ceiling of his bedroom ⛺ #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@ExxThechalleng: @JOSHMBB19 is KILLING this challenge 💪🏼 #TheChallenge35
@JOSHMBB19: Out of all the teams who would have though me and @johnnybananas wouldn’t cheat Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joy #thechallenge35
@JOSHMBB19: Another win in the books 🙏🏽 #thechallenge35
@johnnybananas: Yeah Joshy!!! @JOSHMBB19 @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge35
@johnnybananas: How did Melissa not get DQ'd for using 4 arms @DJMelReeves #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@Rogan_OConnor: MELLY BELLY with her first W Let’s goooooo @DJMelReeves #TheChallenge35
@Golden_TV: Us Florida boy love haters! Keep fueling our Fire @JOSHMBB19 let’s goooooooooo #thechallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I was at dinner but this throwback #thechallenge35 #nelly
@helloalievans: Melissa really went all out on her gender reveal! @DJMelReeves #TheChallenge35
@HedrichFiles: WHY DID THEY DO MY DUDE @fessyfitness SO DIRTY HERE @MTV!!!!!!!#TheChallenge35
- @fessyfitness: Yo @_nelsonthomas you know this shit don’t even look right
- @DerrickMTV: @fessyfitness @_nelsonthomas Ahahahahaha!! So good!
@JenniferWestOf1: Oh hatching a plan
@johnnybananas: Whatever you say Melissa @DJMelReeves #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
- @DJMelReeves: @johnnybananas Cant believe I actually trusted you 🤦🏼♀️ I’ll know never to do that again....
@LaurenBlack12: Lmao @johnnybananas with the finger crossed pinky promise #thechallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: It’s payback time bitchesssss
@JOSHMBB19: "@ExxThechalleng: The thing about @JOSHMBB19 is that he remains loyal to his people!! Gotta give credit where credit is due because a power trip is not a thing for him #TheChallenge35" RT Always loyal to my people 🙏🏽
@JenniferWestOf1: Awww look at @DJMelReeves being such a beautiful person and staying loyal to her friend.... she is a real one
@JenniferWestOf1: Fucking love @MattieLBreaux that cute run she did down the purgatory stairs
@DerrickMTV: On the clock!!! @Rogan_OConnor #TheChallenge35 @johnnybananas
- @Rogan_OConnor: @DerrickMTV 🤷🏽♂️ decisions decisions
@TheMarkLong: I thought only Big Brother had blindsides🤷🏼♂️ @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@johnnybananas: Checkmate♟@Rogan_OConnor #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@Rogan_OConnor: "@tvtalk123: @Rogan_OConnor just when I was starting to like you! Don’t fail me now! Say @deenguyenMTV name! #TheChallenge35" RT Surely I couldn’t do it again, could I? #TheChallenge35
@AngeIJustiniano: YO!!! @Rogan_OConnor ‘s face when bananas asked for his blessing! Lmao #TheChallenge35
@abbeyhatler: this is why i will always love @johnnybananas STIR THAT POT SIR #TheChallenge35
@_nelsonthomas: Yesss !!!! @ChallengeMTV
@_nelsonthomas: @fessyfitness LegGo ✊🏾✊🏽
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I have a flight tonight from Quito finally home to USA Loudly crying face its a completely full flight with gloves and masks mandatory the whole way. Red heart im just happy to finally be headed close to mom for a few months...#ColumbusOhio
@Rogan_OConnor: "@naters508: Lmaooo @johnnybananas throwing @Rogan_OConnor under the bus #TheChallenge35" RT There was no bus... That’s team work baby #TheChallenge35 @johnnybananas
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @BayleighDaily !!!! Well dammmmnnnnn Face with tears of joyRed heart
@ChallengeFanOG: Oh snap. @Rogan_OConnor just flipped on Dee 2 seasons in a row. #TheChallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: IM RICK JAMES BITCH #TheChallenge35
@Chels15Collins: Andddddd @Rogan_OConnor is officially my new favorite challenger #TheChallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: Me looking at the rest of the cast like..... #TheChallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: Well we nearly got our revenge!
@MattieLBreaux: Thank you all for another amazing season @ChallengeMTV I gave it 100 Appreciate all the love and support #TheChallenge35
- @JenniferWestOf1: @MattieLBreaux @ChallengeMTV Mattie you’re a true competitor 🙏🏼💪🏼
- @JOSHMBB19: @JenniferWestOf1 I’m not ready for those problems next week @DJMelReeves
- @JOSHMBB19: @MattieLBreaux @ChallengeMTV We love you Mattie
- @AneesaMTV: @MattieLBreaux @ChallengeMTV You kicked ass regardless. You’re such a strong woman. I’m so grateful for the show because it brought us together. Love you boo
@Rogan_OConnor: I’ll hop on IG Live right now to chat about what just went down 🤙🏽 #TheChallenge35
@JOSHMBB19: This elimination was fucking crazy Props to both ladies 👏🏽👏🏽 #TheChallenge35
- @JenniferWestOf1: @JOSHMBB19 It was so nail biting right!! P.s I think Mel is mad at you
@johnnybananas: Whelp... Back to the drawing board #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@CoryWharton: LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH 🙏🏽
@thechallengeob1: HUGE PROPS TO @DJMelReeves FOR WINNING THIS DAILY WHILE BEING PREGGERS. SHE IS TRULY AN ICON. also we love to see that she goes off on josh next week #TheChallenge35
@challenger7808: If Vienna ever ends up on The Challenge, she’ll be able to say it’s her second season. @DJMelReeves #TheChallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@amorlock14: @DJMelReeves Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl. But you did not have to go this hard on your gender reveal! @ChallengeMTV #ChallengeTotalMadness
@wearthatcrown_: @DJMelReeves really is the best kind of friend you can have. She rides hard for her friends & I love that so much. It’s just sad she ended up not being who you thought she was. #TheChallenge35
@jaychallenge_: The episode is only a hour because the focus this episode was Dee but they are editing her out #TheChallenge35
@drerdz99: IDO NOT agree with anything Dee has said. BUT editing her out just wasn’t it. I was Lowkey boted... you can’t take out the MAIN focus of an ep of SZn... Hot face #TheChallenge35
@emilylongeretta: MTV began Wednesday night's episode of #TheChallenge35 with a statement regarding Dee's firing & the upcoming reunion. https://t.co/sbApTqlIo5?amp=1
@people: The Challenge's Melissa Reeves Welcomes Baby Girl: 'I Feel So Happy and Blessed' https://t.co/2WgEisZ4UC?amp=1
@DerrickMTV: Reality TV’s Trailblazing OG,my good friend, former @ChallengeMTV Teammate, and CHALLENGE CHAMP @syrusmtv joins Me and @SHOTOFYAGER
in THE MAD HOUSE! - BONUS PODCAST is UP and available for patrons at http://Patreon.com/ChallengeMania - WATCH THIS VID!Vid By: @AyeDamnBramson
- @CAN1SAY: This was an impactful and important conversation. I have so much respect for @syrusmtv and appreciate the time taken to share, educate and continue to inform others.
@LadyFougere: So I watched last nights challenge. I’m little confused on why Bananas need rogans approval to send Dee in, why melissas was mad about it and Bay seemed upset with everybody.
@NoQuittersStat: A full breakdown on reddit for the No Quitters @NoQuittersPod who are interested on what the full episode was supposed to be https://t.co/zWmaTSHiI0?amp=1
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🏚New MAD HOUSE available w/ @DerrickMTV myself and @SyrusMTV discussing last night’s episode of #TheChallenge35 while also hearing stories from Sy’s experience. We also get his take on everything going on both in the world & in the world of TV these days. https://patreon.com/posts/mad-house-11-w-38116630
- @SHOTOFYAGER: We were joined by one of the realest. Our most important podcast of the year. #ChallengeMania
@loveistheammo: I’ve been talking with @MTVCeeJai from my season of #RealWorld. Would fans of @mtv, @RealWorldMTV and @ChallengeMTV be interested in her doing a tell all about racism and stereotyping on reality TV? #RETWEEET if this is something you’d like to see!
@dc408dxnow: I gotta think that it’ll be a bit awkward watching portions of this knowing what has gone down in the past few days a the one who is in this heat is the one who has felt the heat in the past week. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: After what we got to see here, gotta say that @DJMelReeves has to be my early candidate for Most Improved Player. Her being able to back up a season where she’s been focused on the game & not much else with earning her way to the tribunal this week is proof of that. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Tunnel vision is tonight’s elimination, and ladies will be locked in and will try to get out of it ASAP. We pretty much know who everyone will be rooting for, I’m sure. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: In the end, the one thing that‘s clouding over Challenge Nation the past 100 hours has been of a bigger challenge facing us right now that goes beyond TV: Do something that’s beyond disrespectful, & you’ll pay the price. It overshadows what we’ve had here tonight. #DCChallenge
@TheMarkLong: Happy Birthday DIEM🙏🏼 We LOVE you...We MISS you❤️
@DerrickMTV: I found a rare one D!! I know you’re not smilin in this pic, but I know you’re smilin down on us! We miss you D! 🙏 Happy Birthday Diem! 💙🌹 (@MedGift)
@JustJem24: Diem would have been 40 today.. Do something to honor her today even if it is just a solo dance party.
@paulawalnutsMTV: I finally saw the elimination round with @johnnybananas and @WestonBergmann on the @ChallengeMTV . I’ve know both these guys for a very long time and I can honestly say watching them become friends and gentlemen has been really nice to see. Here’s to growth.
- @johnnybananas: Okay toast master, I see you! ❤ #IllDrinkToThat #MissYouWalnuts
@johnnybananas: I hope you know how much you meant to us Diem, and how much we miss you ❤ Let's drink to your birthday darling #birthdaygirl #DiemStrong #MedGift #fuckcancer
👶 👶 👶
As we got to see above, Melissa got to ascend to power team status and the tribunal for the first time, and it continues a stellar season for her and what has to be a nice spring/summer for her. As you saw above in the diary, she is my early candidate to be named Most Improved Player by the time we reach the end of this season.
Last week amidst all the chaos going on outside, there was something to smile about here as we showed you her giving birth to her new kid -- the first of The Challenge's British Invasion to become a parent. And last week, Mel introduced that bundle of joy to the rest of us on Instagram...
"I’d like to properly introduce you all to my baby girl..... Her name Vienna Simpson Reeves 🥰
Born on 24/05/2020 weighing 8lb 11 👶🏽 For years Iv heard people say that there’s no love like a mothers love, and for the first time in my life I finally understand that. From the second she was born I felt this lioness motherly instinct kick in. I am completely besotted with her 🥰
I’ve known your dad for such a long time now, I never would have imagined that one day he would give me this perfect little girl. We are so lucky and blessed to have created such a beautiful, healthy baby girl. We love you Vienna ❤️ @dannysimpson"
According to the Baby Name Wizard, the name Vienna comes from the Dutch word "vedunia" which stands for a "forest stream," but the name is best known for the being capital city of the country of Austria. The site NameBerry adds, "The name Vienna is a girl's name of Latin origin. Vienna is one of the more popular of the European place-names, with a particularly pleasant sound, evoking elegant images of the Blue Danube, of castles and cafes, sweets and sausages and Strauss waltzes—and Sigmund Freud."
The baby reveal also marked the first public acknowledgement of the baby's father by the new mom, who briefly dated 13-season English football veteran Danny Simpson who played on Leicester City's 2016 Premier League championship side, among other clubs. And the next person in line to become a new parent in MTV Reality belongs to the girlfriend of Alex from Siesta Key, Alyssa... and we'll hopefully meet the first all-SK baby next week as the summer half of Season 3 begins.
Still ahead: the bombshell that rocked MTV and everything reality TV as revelations of racism have cost not only a defending champion screen time, but also the new mom of the MTV family and even the jobs of several castmates at another reality series. But before that, the summer of love heads to the desert, as we join an Are You The One alum and some of her fellow friends for another chance at A Double Shot at Love.
First up though, coming up momentarily: we'll meet up with the lady who had the latest MTV wedding, and who might have someone on her side if you'd ever mess with her. Stay with us...
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