Saturday, June 27, 2020

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Total Madness - "Victim of Love"

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

This last weekend of June is Pride Weekend as the LGBT community unites to celebrate who they are fifty years after Stonewall. Yesterday, MTV itself spent a whole Flashback Friday looking back at some of its most memorable shows. And amid this backdrop, we bring you Inside MTV Reality and into a long-running favorite in The Challenge, as Season 35 in Total Madness rages on.

A week ago, we saw a preview of what the competitors will have to deal with once the cash is on the table when they tackled a grueling challenge with tanks and trash involved as the women got to take the lead. There was also a tension convention in nominations when Melissa and Josh got into it verbally, all while Fessy has been making a run to garner rookie of the year honors. And in time for Father's Day, the dad of this year's Challenge cast and the man who flies the flag of Challenge Nation in the Teen Mom universe, Cory, won in elimination and sent home Swaggy C.

Usually at this time, you reality buffs would be enjoying that slice of summer known as Big Brother - which has made quite an impression on MTV since Vendettas, and it's been twenty years since it came onto our shores from Europe. But until Season 22 rolls around, you'll have to get your BB dose through The Challenge, and this week the lady who hangs out with Swaggy 24/7 is finding herself in the middle of the drama as is the lady who won it all two years ago, and the veteran she is tied up with. There are also cars involved for the week's challenge, as time is running short for those skulls.

After the break, it's the DCBLOG SocialPulse of Week 13 of Total Madness, plus we have more baby news in the Challenge community as a veteran from many years ago is joining in on the fun. And welcome to the weekend everyone... we're glad you've joined us.

UP TOP: Father's Day, Bananas' B'Day, Floribama Wins an Award, and Pride 
@JOSHMBB19: Happpy Father’s Day! Grateful for my old man love you pops 🙏🏽✊🏽
@TooChallenge: Happy Fathers Day to all of the AMAZING fathers out there! #TheChallenge
@joss_mooney: Happy Father’s Day mum...🙏🏼
@LadyFougere: Happy Father’s Day @ImperatorTruth We love you!
@hbarfield13: My First Fathers Day!
@JennaCompono: Happy Father’s Day to the BEST dad! Love you

@johnnybananas: Grow old, but never grow up Thanks to ALL of you for the birthday wishes, and for making today special... I don't feel a day over 91 ❤ #38special  #birthdaygirl #BananaHammock #bananasdoingthings #thisviewisbananas
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @johnnybananas Happy birthday grandpa!!!
@TheMarkLong: Happy Birthday you old #GOAT Goat @johnnybananas
@johnnybananas: "@sharkgirl009: Celebrating a king today Happy Birthday @johnnybananas" RT Now that's what I call a birthday suit ❤
@mtvcanada: @johnnybananas HBD!
- @johnnybananas: Thank you @mtvcanada ❤
@johnnybananas: Birthday Cakes @TheMarkLong
@JustinaMusic: I must say u never looked better than you did this day Happy Birthday brother Never a dull moment with you The Goat @johnnybananas

@morgan_willett: Wedding Szn (p.s. how do you Florida people deal with the humidity!?) @johnnybananas
@MattieLBreaux: Love Miami
@johnnybananas: Jesus take the wheel! Just kidding call me Johnny #QuarantineCollection #thisviewisbananas #BananaSwag
@tori_deal: Giving myself a gold star for the day because I walked into the other room and actually remembered what I was getting.
@JOSHMBB19: 3 years Ago today I walked into the Big Brother house. Thanks @CBSBigBrother for changing my life. Been living my best life ever since 🙌🏽🤘🏽
@JennaCompono: Despacito will always be our Colombia song @kailah_casillas everytime I hear it!! Take us back
- @kailah_casillas: @JennaCompono yes!! every single time I hear it I think of you. That’s def our song good times!
@billygil: ESPN’s Challenge Podcast returns as the crew is joined by one of the nicest guys in reality TV, @fessyfitness! I also discovered a mistake in the #GrowTheShow campaign. Check out the full episode here: @elizpaige @charliehulme @CKravitz17 @ryanbrotman
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Top 10 MTV Challenge Feeder Seasons
- @TheAllanAguirre: Hi, I went back and went through each show that has contributed to the cast of the Challenge and ranked the 10 Best. If you're a Road Rules Fan, this might be the article for you. Also, there might be a couple curveballs thrown in there!
- @KendalSheppard: @TheAllanAguirre Aww! I love this!!
@SHOTOFYAGER: NEW PODCAST UP! Fresh off his rookie season on #TheChallenge35 coming to a close, @SwaggyCTV joins me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania to talk growing up in CT, Day Trading, Big Brother & if the rumors are true, Wes v Johnny, his elim v Cory & MORE!
@DerrickMTV: Get Ready for More @ChallengeMTV Madness with a NEW PODCAST! -If you think you know @SwaggyCTV from #TheChallenge35 or @CBSBigBrother, you have no clue! -Take a listen as Me, @SHOTOFYAGER, and Swaggy start in Connecticut and end up in the Czech Repulic!
@495Prods: Thank you for voting for @FloribamaShore for Dynamic Returning Cast!!!  We Red heartyou!!! #MTVFloribamaShore @RealityAwardsTV @aimeehall1001 @pimpfrydrice @codibutts @GusSmyrnios @JeremiahBuoni @KirkMedas @nillythesquid @MattieLBreaux @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
- @codibutts: @495Prods Thank you to all the fans! This means so much! We love y’all!
@RealityAwardsTV: RETURNING CAST / WINNER: @FloribamaShore / NETWORK: @MTV / PROD. CO: @495Productions / ACCEPTED BY: @AimeeHall1001 @NillyTheSquid @CodiButts @JeremiahBuoni @KirkMedas @PimpFryRice @MattieLBreaux #RTVAS
- @sallyannsalsano: @RealityAwardsTV Thank you !!!!
@aimeehall1001: Thank Y’all for Voting For Us!!!! We love y’all so much. #mtvfloribamashore @FloribamaShore @495Prods @nillythesquid @pimpfrydrice @MattieLBreaux @KirkMedas @codibutts @GusSmyrnios @JeremiahBuoni @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: From The Real World to The Challenge to shows across MTV, we’re taking a look back at some of the best moments showcasing our PRIDE for the LGBTQ+ community. #ProudTogether
@ChallengeMTV: 26 years ago, the first-ever same-sex commitment ceremony aired on television between Pedro and Sean. #ProudTogether
@ChallengeMTV: This is how we're celebrating Pride Month 2020 #ProudTogether
@ChallengeMTV: Before Karamo was apart of the Fab Five, he was one of seven strangers picked to live in a house and have their lives taped. #ProudTogether Watch the Flashback Friday marathon of classic shows TOMORROW on @MTV.
@ChallengeMTV: Thank you Katelynn and JD for sharing your coming out stories with us on The Real World: Brooklyn. #ProudTogether Vintage episodes of your favorite shows airing right now on @mtv. #MTVFlashbackFriday
@amayasays: Loving watching fellow OG Real World alums on @MTV. I had the BIGGEST crush on Eric Nies as a young lady. Years later, he was massaging my back in between Challenge missions. Life is weird. Enjoy it
@AREUTHE1: Where it all began, taking you back to the introduction to an all-new Are You The One? Season 8 #ProudTogether
@AREUTHE1: Kai didn't hesitate being vulnerable letting us witness his journey on becoming who he truly is. #ProudTogether
@dramaxic: Most of you met me a year ago today when AYTO premiered...  so to the ones who still with me, I love you. And the ones who fell off along the way, that’s ok, I don’t blame you. But damn a lot can happen in a year. I remember thinking “imagine where I’ll be in a year from now”...
@dramaxic: I’m not doing anything I thought I would be, like selling bed sheets on my IG, going to some private parties in the hills, or spending the day walking around LA like I own the place. But I’m doing exactly what I should be doing. And I’m happy. The show changed my life in more...
@dramaxic: ways than one and I’m thankful for that. I’m also proud of the journey that you all saw. Even tho a lot of who you saw on the show was some sad, mopey boy and that really isn’t me, but the story is what was more important. It’ll be there forever and I still get messages...
@dramaxic: about how my story helped find who they were, and that’s what is the most rewarding. More rewarding than the prize money, that has seemingly evaporated, or “clout”. I’m still the one jock of the group that turned out to be a little different than the status quo...
@dramaxic: I’ve made friends for life, had sooooo many new opportunities come my way and most importantly found myself. What more could I have asked for? The journey isn’t even close to being over, and I’m not done growing as a man. But it’s necessary to reflect sometimes. 

AS THEY SAW IT: "Pictures of You" 
@AneesaMTV: The gangs all here... check out an all new episode tonight at 8pm on @mtv #thechallengemtv #thechallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: FUCKIN’ NAILED IT! 👌🏽
@JOSHMBB19: It’s Challenge Day! New Episode Tonight 8/7c on @mtv #thechallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Bayleigh and Kaycee were Big Brother BFFs but in the bunker, Bayleigh feels like she's been forgotten about. A new episode of The Challenge: Total Madness premieres TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: I think I’m going to skip tonight’s episode of the challenge. I hate to lose friends and I am still a little sensitive over this issue. So please respect my decision.
@usweekly: “I would not go back right now. I know there’s all these rumors about all-stars season 2. Swaggy C is not on that." #BigBrother

@ChallengeMTV: Don't look *so* surprised, a brand new episode of #TheChallenge35 is starting right NOW!  (GIF of Josh's face impression)
@sedoster: My custom Funko of a Challenge champ and absolute Goat of MTV's The Challenge, @johnnybananas. Total Madness inspired look here. #thechallegne35 #totalmadness
- @johnnybananas: @sedoster Mini Me #youcompleteme #thechallenge35
@johnnybananas: When you accidentally order 2 dozen beers but you just deal with it because @tjlavin hates quitters • #suckmyasstj #thechallenge35 #bananasdoingthings #thisviewisbananas
@johnnybananas: (Eyes emoji) #thechallenge35
@johnnybananas: "@MTVBananas: Yay love drama #TheChallenge35" RT The Banana didn't fall far from the bunch! Banana #thechallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: I’m awakeeeeewwwww
@JenniferWestOf1: Love my teaaaaam
@JenniferWestOf1: Did @johnnybananas and I just have a slo mo baywatch moment? #mtv
@JenniferWestOf1: Mannnn I fucking had it soon as we walked in but noooooooo
@JenniferWestOf1: Just to clear up, the team agreed that Rogan would take charge but if you thought you saw it you spoke up🙋🏻‍♀️
@_nelsonthomas: Tune into @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Everyone trying to solve this puzzle like... #TheChallenge35  (Pic: girl with data around her head)
@JenniferWestOf1: SSshhhhhhh @AneesaMTV BE QUITE awwww babe I know how it feels!
@JenniferWestOf1: Ohhhh I was getting annoyed that it’s all coming back to me heheh sorry guys!
@JenniferWestOf1: Urgh @DJMelReeves is an ACTUAL BABE
@rachel_fitness: I’ll never understand why women on this show let men be  “ring leaders” on women day eliminations. The women are actually not even encourage to speak or help on the #challenge35 #itssadtowatch #change #makeithappen @mtv
- @AneesaMTV: @rachel_fitness @MTV Def was annoying to be apart of
@johnnybananas: General Bananas reporting for duty #thechallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: @BayleighDaily IS AN ACTUAL BABE I CANT COPE your hair looks AMAZING girly
@ChallengeMTV: Which team do you think had the faster time? #TheChallenge35
- Team 1 44.5% / Team 2 55.5%   4,499 votes · Final results
@fessyfitness: "@SipAndSpill_: Kyles “Me Nelson & Fessy” Line Was Funny As Shit!!! #TheChallenge35" RT Kyle lowkey the funniest on the challenge
@PaulCalafiore_: Of all the reasons I’m disappointed to not be competing on total madness I think the biggest one is that I would of loved to get my hands on this crop of CBS competitors. Take them under my wing and just create madness in that bunker. #TheChallenge35
@WestonBergmann: Damn! This @ChallengeMTV episode is about to get sketchy. I love this show.
@itskcheyenne: @BayleighDaily is a whole mood with the bonnet, blanket and eye rolls #TheChallenge35
@xoxoqueenelle: This is just crazy when you consider that Bayleigh was the deciding vote for Kaycee to win Big Brother  #TheChallenge35
@TheMarkLong: Nelson stepping up w/ compassion...good on you my man🙏🏼 #TheChallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@johnnybananas: Looks like someone took notes when they visited @DrPhil (Cough)  @_nelsonthomas 👨🏾‍⚕️ #DrNelly #thechallenge35
@_nelsonthomas: I gotcha you @BayleighDaily #challenge35
@SwaggyCTV: Julie Chen: "America, the vote is 4-4. Bayleigh is the deciding vote on who wins $500,00. Kaycee or Tyler. And Bayleigh votes for..." All she wanted was the favor returned back to her when she needed it. Especially from a friend. That's where the heartbreak comes from.
@emilylongeretta: Look at @johnnybananas in a chunky sweater, drinking a glass of red wine! All grown up!!! #TheChallenge35
- @johnnybananas: @emilylongeretta Don't hate me cause I'm sophisticated #thechallenge35
@Julief125: "I only have two emotions. Tears or screams." Guess I relate to Bayleigh #Challenge35 #TheChallenge35 #TotalMadness
@fessyfitness: "@ChallengeBBook: Fessy downing those Doritos is all of us in quarantine #TheChallenge35 @fessyfitness" RT Haleigh: so what did you do when y’all went to the bar if you weren’t flirting with girls huh?!
@johnnybananas: Live look at me #thechallenge35
@_nelsonthomas: I’m just going leave this here. #totalmadness #challenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@JenniferWestOf1: I wanna make Bay a hot mint green tea and honey!
- @BayleighDaily: @JenniferWestOf1 I love you ! Lol bring me my tea
- @JenniferWestOf1: @BayleighDaily We love you
@allrealitychat: Jenny a real bitch bruh #TheChallenge35 I fuck w her heavy
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you want to see win this elimination? #TheChallenge35
- Nany 41.1% / Melissa 58.9%   16,017 votes · Final results
@johnnybananas: No fair... @DJMelReeves has an extra skull attached to her #TheChallenge35
@rosettawright43: Awww Nelson. Love him for checking on bayleigh #TheChallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: Awwww look at little Vienna kicking asss in this elim! @DJMelReeves
@BayleighDaily: "@allrealitychat: Jenny a real bitch bruh #TheChallenge35 I fuck w her heavy" RT She’s my favorite human Red heart
@johnnybananas: First time in Challenge history someone lost to a fetus Baby @DJMelReeves #thechallenge35
@johnnybananas: "@mooshuu_: Next week, on challenge day, I’m getting my @johnnybananas tattoo. Cannot wait." RT Pics or it didn't happen
@johnnybananas: Nany put up a great fight, but in the end the odds were against her... 2 against 1 #thechallenge35
@LadyFougere: Ooooo Kaycee hunny ....ummm.. your girlfriend is probably not enjoying this episode.
@michirivera07: PREGNANT AND STILL KICKED FUCKING ASSSSSSSS!!!!! YES @DJMelReeves  always a beast girl. #challenge35 YOU GOT IT DONEEEEEEE GURLLLL
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: My goal is one day my hashtag will be #multimiliionairemitchell ... that’s it. That’s the tweet.
@samaayyy: Never thought I would see @_nelsonthomas and @KyleCGShore being the good guys #TheChallenge35
@DJMelReeves: Vienna wining her first elimination
@KeeJaex3: I still find it so amazing that @DJMelReeves kicked so much ass in a PHYSICAL ELIMINATION while pregnant 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 #TheChallenge35
@DJMelReeves: "@j9sween1: @DJMelReeves What is Vienna?? Seeing it everywhere. I missed something!!" RT Vienna is the name of my baby girl I was pregnant with during this elimination. & no I didn’t know I was pregnant. X

@emilylongeretta: Wait, Nany would be mad at the house if she doesn’t get a red skull... even though she had the chance to throw herslef in? #thechallenge35
@emilylongeretta: Has Bayleigh spoken / hung out with Kaycee or anyone but Swaggy this season? Truly asking because we never saw her speak to one other person. #thechallenge35
@emilylongeretta: I know I’ve tweeted a lot but I hate more than anything when a friend gets hurt and then threatens to tell everything you ever said in confidence. I’ve lost a few good friends and would still NEVER tell their secrets. That’s just sad. #thechallenge35
@dc408dxnow: This Saturday will mark 2 years since the BB20 summer began, and we have some flirting with Kaycee and Nany as we’re serenaded by @MTVSoundtrack & @The_Cranberries’ “Linger.” #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And more from @MTVSoundtrack: EMF’s “Unbelievable.” And my first thoughts coming in: the frontman of that group having that @Athletics hat in the video, & when we were on vacation in the Philippines 30yrs ago we were dancing to that song also wearing that hat.
@dc408dxnow: If you are one of those who work at an airport or a stadium where all those cars are parked in the parking lot, tonight‘s your night to watch this puzzle taking place. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Bayleigh breaks down after that last vote, and now things have unraveled for her after she lost her prime ally and now this with Kaycee. But Nelson comes to console her, but maybe this could be temporary with tribunal vote to come. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And Bayleigh is getting heated here after what happened with the vote by Kaycee, and Nany has gotten close with the vet. And now we have some fireworks going on here. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Kaycee just found out from Nany of the rumors swirling. And now we something going on here with her & Bayleigh… #TheChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And when you have a member of security walking in and everyone else is wanting to listen in on these matters, you know this is serious. Kay & Bay getting into it over Nany and a bond that’s never gonna be the same after tonight. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: This week would’ve been the opening days of Season 22 of #BigBrother. Instead, two key figures from two years ago are the key subjects of Total Madness tonight: a friendship ruined as the BB20 champ sees a key ally lose to our new MTV mom. Quite a night. #DCChallenge
@ChallengeXpress: The Daily Challenge last night was strikingly familiar to a Daily on a Challenge season WAY back. #BlastFromThePast #TheChallenge35 Can anyone name that Season? - Extra points if you can name the winning pair. (who won a new car)  @TheMarkLong might know
- @TheMarkLong: @ChallengeXpress I #HOSTED this season of @ChallengeMTV I def know who won this daily challenge 💪🏽 #godfather
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I think the editing out of a whole ass human can show y’all that not everything you see on tv is what exactly happened by any means And this has nothing to with anything that happened this season or last night (I didn’t even watch it). I was just thinking out loud via twitter

@DJMelReeves: I’m getting tons of messages about tonight’s elimination & my pregnancy. Iv repeated myself at least a million times now. So here are the answers...again Yes I was pregnant during this elimination & no I did not…
@fessyfitness: Twitter be messy af... Bay knows i talked to her before nominations and told her i think Kaycee should give her the vote. I didn’t speak up cause no one did, they were airing their feelings out that was not my place to talk. I don’t control what confessionals mtv shows so...
@fessyfitness: ...Miss me with that shit. I said my opinion on what i thought their friendship was on BB. I thought it was platonic. That’s my opinion. I’m the realest mf to ever bless y’alls tv screens so gtfo my face with that fake shit. They both my friends.
@fessyfitness: Reality tv fan base always trying to chose sides. I got love for bay and kc and had both they backs the entire season
@JOSHMBB19: This tv shit is crazy yall be ready to hate on somebody without knowing the full story. Living in that bunker was hard af for all of us and I feel for all my castmates shit was hard af. No one will ever truly understand the experience. Enjoy the show but try and be kind. 🙏🏽
- @fessyfitness: @JOSHMBB19 Lol where are bb alliance @@@@
@SwaggyCTV: It’s been real guys
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @SwaggyCTV you're a gem. You and your beautiful wife. Youre destined for big things buddy!
- @SwaggyCTV: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE Thank you Ashley! You’re stronger than me! I can’t do it anymore. Rather focus on me than waste my energy any longer .. it’s tough! Just like you said in WOTW2. “I’m rich bitch!”
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @SwaggyCTV Hahaha 👏🏼
- @TeaTimeWithToya: @SwaggyCTV Idk him but good Lawd I felt every word from beginning to end These were my EXACT sentiments.
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Challenge Total Madness Interview: Swaggy C
- @TheAllanAguirre: Last Saturday I got to interview Swaggy C. He talked candidly about a lot of stuff: - The Dee situation / - Big Brother vs Challenge differences / - His Day Trading / - Affects of Quarantine / - All the hate on Social Media / - Game Strategy.   The guy was an awesome interview.

@TrillxJada: This episode of #TheChallenge35 got me feeling all the emotions that @BayleighDaily was feeling.
@kimDASHmiko: The way I been watching @ChallengeMTV since I was 14 and @BayleighDaily just became my new fave 🙌🏽
@JAlchemisttt: Not shocked that Bayleigh's episode was the best one this whole season. See when you're the star....  #TheChallenge35
@courtney_brent: Idk if y’all watch the challenge or BB but @SwaggyCTV & @BayleighDaily are my new favs they work SO hard & got each other’s back 100% of the time...GOALS AF
@isthatEroc: I salute @BayleighDaily black women on @ChallengeMTV always have a rough experience and they are never actually heard or understood.  just made to look like the mad black girl. But she still in the game. Still a major threat in the game they hate to see it.
@BayleighDaily: For those who are saying “you’re such a spoiled brat” like it’s an insult y’all, I know I’m spoiled, I’ve been this way since birth! I don’t think I’m tough, I know I am & some of y’all really just hatin’ cause I have everything y’all want. No more apologies 🤷🏽‍♀️

💣 💣 💣 💣 💣

Two years ago at this very moment on June 27, 2018, Bayleigh, Kaycee, Swaggy and Fessy were readying themselves for their summer in the Big Brother 20 house, and once again they are the top story of this week after Bay and Kay got into that fight over loyalties in the bunker and an aspect of the champ being brought out into the open, all before Nany lost to Mel in the purgatory. And after the episode aired, Kaycee addressed everyone in Instagram...


And now, we have another entry among Team MTV into the ultimate challenge of parenthood: this time, it's an alum from many years ago who's joining in on the fun.
   Over a decade ago, Jennifer Grijalva was an Oakland Raiders cheerleader but she would then find herself in Broncos territory, but in different quarters of The Real World Season 18 house in Denver. We remember the threesome she was part of on the first night at 5280', as well as her getting into it with Tyrie on the bus during the trip to Thailand... and that was a sign of things to come when she came onto The Challenge.
   Jenn went straight from Colorado to South Africa for The Inferno II in 2007 and defied what's expected for a rookie in winning two eliminations and narrowing missing a finals berth her first time out... but she would make it to the end on four occasions (Island, Fresh Meat II, Cutthroat and Rivals), putting her in the top five among most appearances in a final by a female competitor.
   She is now working in the fitness community in her Northern California hometown of Martinez in the East Bay, and this week Jenn announced on Instagram that she is expecting her first baby with her husband, slated for January of next year. And we send our congrats to them, as they start this journey towards mommy life.

A post shared by Jennifer Grijalva (@itsmejennig) on

Still forthcoming: the drama of the first two weeks of summer 2020 in Siesta Key as cheating and tempers boil over in Florida, plus two girls decide to take a dip in the pool on A Double Shot At Love. But we are not done quite yet with the two warring ladies from this week on Total Madness: Bayleigh and Kaycee are about to be placed under our microscope... this time for fun and joy. Tomorrow before Jersey Shore faces The Hills on Celebrity Family Feud, we'll look back at when Bay and Kay took over a television game show. You'll want to gather the family around for that.

Meanwhile, Las Vegas is continuing its reopening phase and this blogger & his family have been addicted to binge-watching slot videos and everything else related to Sin City over the course of this lockdown. It's with this in mind that my DC YouTube channel has 100 videos from my #DCVegas adventures ready for you to enjoy, and check it all out now at, with more videos from past trips still to come there. Until tomorrow, enjoy your Saturday and Happy Pride...


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