Saturday, June 20, 2020

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Total Madness - "Pictures of You"

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Welcome on into a meeting of three occasions wrapped into this one June weekend: yesterday was Juneteenth and the 155th anniversary of the end of slavery in America, as the Black Lives Matter movement continues its momentum around the world. Amidst what has been taking place in the Midwest, today is the Summer Solstice as we officially transition into the hottest of the four seasons with the longest day of the entire year. And tomorrow we'll be celebrating the most important man in our lives on Father's Day, and it's in this backdrop that we bring you an eventful week Inside MTV Reality, starting with The Challenge.

Total Madness began all the way back in April, and you'd be a lucky cat if you remember all that's gone on in the Czech Republic capital of Prague while things have spiraled out of control outside your door. That includes the man who came up short in winning another reality competition series around the dial last week but who's already has claimed the biggest bounty and is poised to go from six to seven in the amount of titles won by Johnny Bananas. And last week, he decided to plot with Rogan and Jenny to blindside a disloyal player, among other matters in a season that will be remembered, unfortunately, for what happened outside the episodes in this time of reality upheaval.

But let's not let what happened there overshadow what we'll be covering here this week to start things off, as one of those who, tomorrow, will be celebrating his first Father's Day as a dad to two kids find himself motivated to try and turn several seasons of near-misses since his rookie appearance in a final into securing his kids' future with his first title. The season's first challenge had tanks involved, so it comes as no surprise that they are back for a grueling mini-final that will give us a good indication of who is worthy to go for the $1 million. And it's what happens with the ensuing process of choosing who goes in that sees a furious player wanting to get revenge after betrayal.

After the break, it's the SocialPulse of Week 12 of The Challenge: Total Madness, plus love is in the air for the couple who had a hand in helping us introduce all of you to two of this season's rookies. And welcome to the summer everyone...

UP TOP: "Worst Cooks in America", & #Cluche Gets Engaged 
@johnnybananas: IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THIS!!! The Banana VS The Bachelor Will I finally break the curse Trophy  Or will I see another finals victory go up in smoke 🌪 Find out TONIGHT on the SEASON FINALE of Worst Cooks 9/8c on @foodnetwork #chefbananas @WellsAdams @chefanneburrell
@kmacisco: @ all of my friends who tell me mtv people aren’t celebrities. Tell that to @johnnybananas on worst cooks CELEB edition with uncle Joey
@WellsAdams: Tonight, it’s the Banana Vs. the Bartender in the finale of #worstcooksinamerica. Getting to go head to head against the greatest reality TV competitor was, well... bananas. @johnnybananas @FoodNetwork @chefanneburrell @TylerFlorence
- @johnnybananas: @WellsAdams Can't wait to see who ROSE to the occasion • 9/8c on @FoodNetwork
@FoodNetwork: .@WellsAdams & @johnnybananas battle it out for the ultimate bragging rights and $25,000 for charity! The finale of #WorstCooks Celebrity Edition starts NOW!!!
@johnnybananas: Would you look who POPPED up @CarsonKressley #WORSTCOOKSINAMERICA @FoodNetwork
@johnnybananas: Yaaaaaaaaas Fajita Queen #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork
@johnnybananas: LET'S COOK @WellsAdams #WORSTCOOKSINAMERICA @FoodNetwork
@johnnybananas: RIP little Lobster ⚰ @FoodNetwork #worstcooksinamerica
@johnnybananas: "@AmyGrota: They really did that @johnnybananas nerd. #worstcooks #worstcooksinamerica" RT Probably the nicest thing i've ever been called on tv Nerd face #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork
@johnnybananas: The Johnny Bananas Worst Cooks Finale Menu #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork
@DeechieDra: @WellsAdams and @johnnybananas have made this #worstcooksinamerica one of the best I’ve seen. Both are so entertaining and funny! @FoodNetwork
@johnnybananas: Get you a man who hugs you the way @TylerFlorence hugs me #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork
@johnnybananas: He means nothing to me I swear @WestonBergmann #brotatochip @TylerFlorence #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork
@johnnybananas: Stress level 1 billion #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork
@johnnybananas: ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE, WAR, AND IN THE KITCHEN ☠ #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork
@johnnybananas: "Hello 911? I'd like to report a robbery" #IdemandArecount #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork @WellsAdams
@kaseyharveySD: Runner-up in last nights @worst_cooks final and donated $2500 to @radychildrens Hospital in #sandiego that helped save my life battling cancer Thank you're an amazing person! #diemstrong #worstcooksinamerica #radychildrens #rhabdomyosarcoma
- @johnnybananas: @kaseyharveySD It's the least I could do! Couldn't have chosen a more deserving institution. Thank you @radychildrens ❤ #TeamKaseyHarvey #DiemStrong @FoodNetwork
@CelebrityPageTV: .@johnnybananas is the definition of competition beast! The reality star is chatting with @rickycornish about @ChallengeMTV and his time on @FoodNetwork!
- @johnnybananas: @CelebrityPageTV ☕ @FoodNetwork #worstcooksinamerica @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge35

@uchaachi: I can’t wait to be your wife @mrmoxamofficial
- @mrmoxamofficial: @uchaachi My Fiancé 
- @iamkamiam_: @uchaachi Congrats 
- @itskcheyenne: @uchaachi congratulations
- @Mackemdrummer: @uchaachi This just made my day 🤞🏾 I cant wait to be in the wedding
- @blacuesta: @uchaachi @mrmoxamofficial Congrats to you both 
IG/@unwosu: Still speechless. I honestly didn’t think love like this existed. I’m the most me, my BEST self - when I’m with you. No one loves me better 😭 My best friend. My protector. My lover. My fiancé (literally what!!!!!!!) - I can’t wait to be your wife ❤️ #nomatch #forever
- IG/@mr.moxam: I love you Fiancé 😘❤️
- IG/@cheynotshy: Awww!!! CONGRATULATIONS ❤️
- IG/@iamkamiam_: Omggggg congrats babe!!! Thanks m so happy for you both and wish you nothing but happiness 😍😘❤️✨
- IG/@tori_deal: Oh my god ❤️ CONGRATS!!!
- IG/@giannahammer: Omggg congratulations!!!!😍😍😍😍😍
- IG/@briakristaaal: Omg Uche... I’m crying, I am so happy for you guys, you deserve this. I love you so much!! 😭🖤
- IG/@paulcalafiore_: SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!!
- IG/@anthonymartin9: YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! I love you guys so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ can’t wait!
- IG/@zoein_wonderland: IVE BEEN WAITING!!!!!! Congratulations my angels I love youuuu!!!!💖💖💖💖
- IG/@vic.alario: MOM N DAD FOREVER
- IG/@nutsioo: CONGRATULATIONS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
- IG/@princeofnorway: So happy for you both 😇
- IG/@amberleediamond: Finally!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍
- IG/@moefletch: Congratulations!💓
- IG/@dimitrivalentin_: Congrats guys ! ❤️🚀
- IG/@andre.siemers: MAN! Can’t even believe it! Super happy for y’all 🙏🏾🖤
- IG/@badgirljanelle: CONGRATULATIONS UCHE!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I’m so happy for you both!!!!!! You deserve this and lifetime of love and happiness ❤️❤️❤️
- IG/@bombshellchels: I love this!!! Congrats 💕💕💕!!!
- IG/@angelababicz: Congrats my love!❤️
- IG/@yewande_biala: OMG I just screamed out loud !!! I love you guys congrats !!!! 😭😭💕💕💕
- IG/@kisseskemi: OMG!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO 😭💕💕💕
- IG/@briannaholt: WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO STAN!!!
- IG/@alexalosey: Omg! I’m so happy for you!!!!♥️♥️♥️
- IG/@_alexisbennett: Omg!! Yay!! Yay yay!!! 💕💕
- IG/@sarah_ayako: Congratulations angel!!!!! So happy for you both ❤️❤️❤️
- IG/@nicklehmann: Congrats congrats!! ❤️❤️❤️
- IG/@roses_cloud: OMG congrats love!! So happy for you 💍❤️
- IG/@dominiquecalexis: YESSS 💕
- IG/@lefevrediary: OMG CONGRATS BABES 😍😍😍😍❤️
- IG/@maisystella: AHHHHHHHHH CRYING!!!!!!!!!!
- IG/@alanapallister: Omg yay congratulations to you both! Love is the answer

IG/@mr.moxam: So yesterday my dreams came true 😊 I met my Fiancé exactly 3 years ago today & yesterday I asked her to spend the rest of her life with me. This was the easiest decision I’ve ever made. Honestly there wasn’t even a decision to be made, I truly believe we were created for one another!⁣ Uche I’ve been searching for you since I was like 9. Our relationship and the love we have for one another came out of nowhere & it’s undeniable you’re my wife. You’re perfect, thank you for choosing to love me. Let’s get these wedding plans started because I want some babies soon 😋⁣
⁣- IG/@cheynotshy: 🖤CONGRATULATIONS!!
- IG/@aliviahunter: TEARS!!! congrats guys 🖤🖤so happy for you two
- IG/@mackemdrummer: Let's goo!! I'm so happy and proud of you two congratulations family 🖤
- IG/@niicoleamber: CHILLS! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!
- IG/@vic.alario: I'm fucking croaking RIP e because this caption just killed me so so so so happy for you two I love you guys
- IG/@kareem.fathalla: Congrats!
- IG/@zoein_wonderland: I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU BOTH!!! Have babies please...immediately🖤🖤🖤🖤
- IG/@paulcalafiore_: YOOOOOO!! CONGRATS MY MAN!!
- IG/@anthonymartin9: My guy!!! Congratulations! It was about time!!
- IG/@swaggyctv: OH SHIT, WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET'S GET IT!!!!!!
- IG/@bayydayy: This is Huge ! Congratulations! More black love 🖤
- IG/@dimitrivalentin_: Congrats ! Wowwww 🚀🚀❤️
- IG/@andre.siemers: Wow. Congratulations y’all, luv u guys! 🖤🖤🖤
- IG/@badgirljanelle: This caption 🔥 yalls love 😍😍😍 soooooooo happy for you @unwosu ❤️❤️ perfect match
- IG/@ambaaa_: Congrats !!!!!!

@BrandonDNelson: @ChallengeMTV @MTV @BunimMurray y'all hiring? 🤷🏾‍♂️
- @Bruce_Lee85: @BrandonDNelson Bring him back 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
- @LadyFougere: @BrandonDNelson We all might be getting calls with what’s going on 
- @TeaTimeWithToya: @BrandonDNelson Can we bring the kids 🙏🏾
@TheRealNiaMoore: Forever my fave moment Most people would never have the balls to check me when I’m dead wrong on a rampage, but he always does. I love you bro @Bruce_Lee85…
- @Bruce_Lee85: @TheRealNiaMoore Mannnnn I remember this like it yesterday. 🗣I wasn’t haven’t , still my favorite season ever. With your crazy ass 🤦🏾‍♂️ I love you too sis
@WestonBergmann: I’ve been exclusively telling inside jokes...since quarantine started.
@MTVDevinWalker: To everyone that hopes to see me back on the challenge @ them furiously. Let’s fkn go
@CoryWharton: 🎞BIRTH VLOG IS LIVE 🎞 Thank you guys for all the support
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🏚Joining us in the Mad House tomorrow to horse around & break down #TheChallenge35... CARA MARIA! 🗣Submit questions & get the podcast immediately following the episode over at #ChallengeMania
- @SHOTOFYAGER: We've got a good one for you tonight! When was the last time you got to hear CARA MARIA talk #TheChallenge35 but SOLELY AS A SPECTATOR?! If you sign up now at & Become a Maniac level patron, you get ALL our Bonus Pods; Syrus, Marie/Brad, Leroy & MORE!
@sancheezmo215: Happy 18th Premiere-versary to the cast of my favorite season of RW/RR! Happy to have met 3 of y’all - great people! Please come back to The Challenge! @KendalSheppard @mtvrrdarrell @thegreysauce @JonesingLife @rachel_fitness +Shane + Raquel
@TheNikkiSin: I should have made question 11: wanna go on a date with me @Jay__Qs #SHOOTYOURSHOT
@BayleighDaily: Tbh, I really hate being in the public eye sometimes. While people are scrambling for revelance. @SwaggyCTV and I are working our asses off so we can disappear. Wealth over fame. Lifestyle over popularity. Shift your priorities people, your small mindedness is showing.
@SwaggyCTV: We don’t have to do another TV show again and we’re easily fine. TV is for fun and competition. And it’s getting to a point where it isn’t fun anymore. I’ma end up taking my ass, my wife, my trading knowledge & my money to a mansion in Beverly Hills & leaving this shit behind.
- @JenniferWestOf1: @BayleighDaily @SwaggyCTV I totally get this... I never set out to be on TV I just wanted to be successful and to help my family and friends 🙏🏼
- @BayleighDaily: @JenniferWestOf1 @SwaggyCTV Yesss and take a chance at an opportunity!
@johnnybananas: Leave it all on the field • The Challenge is ALL NEW Tonight 8/7c @MTV @ChallengeMTV #thisviewisbananas #thechallenge35 #bananasdoingthings
@Rogan_OConnor: To anyone that’s helped me turn my little hobby into my first ever full time job... I love you 
- @joss_mooney: @Rogan_OConnor So proud of you mate 💪🏼
- @Rogan_OConnor: @joss_mooney Proud of us #JOGANFORLIFE
@joss_mooney: Big day for @Rogan_OConnor today! Very proud of you brother. Congratulations...🙌🏼
- @Rogan_OConnor: @joss_mooney I’m very emotional right now will call you later Bro, love you 
@CoryWharton: It’s put up or shut up tonight 🙌🏽#TheChallenge35
@NataliaNegrotti: I graduated from a private D1 university, I worked for a non profit, I worked for the NFL, I worked for the NBA, I became a professor... I am excited to take the next chapter in my life and find another corporate job and use my brain for good. I love being an independent woman
@Rogan_OConnor: CAPTION THIS.... Best one wins some BEAR WEAR presented on IG live whenever my swollen face goes down from my surgery NEW @ChallengeMTV TONIGHT 
@JackieHollywood: MTV Power Couple #CaraMaria &  @PaulCalafiore_ are going live with me on IG at 3pm PST. Tune in and ask questions!

AS THEY SAW IT: "Pictures of You" 
@johnnybananas: Easy on the editing tonight please #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@johnnybananas: Yo @JOSHMBB19 and @Rogan_OConnor you guys are heartless dicks #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
- @Rogan_OConnor: Does it count that I had my eyes crossed?! @johnnybananas
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Yall watching?!? #thechallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: I’LL HUG YOU JOSH
@johnnybananas: No balls, no spine, no backbone? Sounds serious Josh you may want to see a doctor @JOSHMBB19 #thechallenge35 @johnnybananas
@JenniferWestOf1: I’m toasty in my bed with @TheChallenge35_ on!! 👌🏼
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: My heart. #thechallenge35
@CoryWharton: Leaving Ryder was the hardest part about the challenge hands down #TheChallenge35
- @Rogan_OConnor: @CoryWharton Just wanna give you a bear hug 
@TheMarkLong: I have a feeling @CoryWharton gonna bring that #DAD strength tonight @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Cory and Nelsons friendship is a beautiful thing! #thechallenge35
@_nelsonthomas: The bunker was an emotional roller coaster, One day you’re happy and the next day you’re lost @ChallengeMTV
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: What team you got? #thechallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: Hands down one of the coldest days of my life!! And what a team! Let’s gooooooo !!! @AneesaMTV @KyleCGShore
@JenniferWestOf1: Let’s get it!! @AneesaMTV
@JenniferWestOf1: @DJMelReeves BEASTING IT when preggo let’s go!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Jenny just picks up a whole car ughh I hate her so much. just kidding obvi.  She's a BEEEASSSTTT #THECHALLENGE35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Nany is good dude. She had no quit even with that little frame of hers #thechallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Um no fuck that. Poor Kyle #thechallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: Big Toe and Kyle could start some kind of club @KyleCGShore @theogbig_t
@johnnybananas: Don't worry be hippie ✌
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Better friendship: cory/nelson, Ashley/Amanda  ????
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: We could even go: Cory/Ash, Amanda/Nelly 
@JenniferWestOf1: I can still feel the lactic acid in my legs 
@mike_ovo3: Josh is such a badass #LatinoWarrior @JOSHMBB19 #TheChallenge35
@KMarieTimez: Yaaaasss @BayleighDaily let these girls know what's up. #TheChallenge35
@melbrown00: Look how Faysal and Bayleigh are eating this challenge up #TheChallenge35
@ExxThechalleng: FINALLY @BayleighDaily!! 👏🏼👏🏼 My girl is showing out today #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: This is my 3rd tribunal not too bad for a newbie #TheChallenge35
- @brisdadsbakery: @BayleighDaily i was skeptical to be a fan at first bc i’ve never watched BB & didn’t know how she could perform but bayleigh has performed week in & week out. gotta put respect where it’s due 👏🏼👏🏼
- @0812spencer: @BayleighDaily Wait? Sheesss a newbie???? But shes playing better than some of them oldies... 
@TeamCringe32: Summer lovin floating down the sea of love. These two are living their best summer lives. Love the 🕶 @PaulCalafiore_
@johnnybananas: That's no fair @DJMelReeves coming at @JOSHMBB19 like that... It's 2 on 1  #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
- @DJMelReeves: @johnnybananas Bananas weekly pregnancy tweet 
@DJMelReeves: Btw I’m putting that meltdown against @JOSHMBB19 down to hormones. Angry pregnant lady & I didn’t even know it 
- @JOSHMBB19: @DJMelReeves Don’t blame the baby blame me 
- @BayleighDaily: @DJMelReeves Welcome to the club sister 🙏🏾 been there
@DJMelReeves: "@JoniSturino: @johnnybananas @DJMelReeves After having 3 kids myself & knowing how crazy hormones can make u, watching her go off on josh like that made me say “that’s that baby inside her making her act crazy!” Haha" RT Thank u! I did say this when this clip came out 
@DerrickMTV: I knew Dany was showing up sometime this week...@DJMelReeves #TheChallenge35
@JOSHMBB19: @DJMelReeves I wasn’t ready #TheChallenge35
@Haileykins15: I love how loyal @DJMelReeves is! #TheChallenge35
@mynameisdnomaid: bayleigh is so pretty #TheChallenge35
@PuNanyGonzalez: Power couple #TheChallenge35 @BayleighDaily @SwaggyCTV
@DJMelReeves: Also I look soooo chunky this episode Pig face Weary face
@lavic90: Fessy is such a good addition to this show. What a beast #thechallenge35
@fessyfitness: Come through with the camera time dennnn
@W00DZ: The first two person Tribunal of the season! Big ups to Fessy and Bayleigh making #TheChallenge35 history!
@BayleighDaily: Screw you @johnnybananas ! My baby has swag
@jbertra22: If they lost power in the bunker, @Rogan_OConnor’s teeth would definitely lead them to safety. #TheChallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: My god.... I’m tired 
@xoxoqueenelle: SHE’S 👏🏾 NOT 👏🏾 SCARED👏🏾 @BayleighDaily #thechallenge35
@SipAndSpill_: Damn @SwaggyCTV Got Booted But He Played A HELL Of A Game & Now @BayleighDaily About To Raise HELL LETS GO!!!! #TheChallenge35
@rosettawright43: “I’m not scared” THIS IS WHY I LOVE BAYLEIGH 
@SipAndSpill_: Whew @BayleighDaily Going Off On Kaycee & Making Sure Nany Knew She Wasn’t Scaring Anybody In The Mid Season Trailer Just Gave Me My LIFE!!! #TheChallenge35
@RealityRadioPod: Swaggy the peacekeeper is gone, now Bayleigh finna turn it all the way lol #TheChallenge35
- @BayleighDaily: @RealityRadioPod y’all know me well
@Jay__Qs: So I heard they were all scrambling for red skulls tonight on challengemtv , happy I could pack up and leave with at least two. Speaking of two whose ready to get after it this weekend with these two bad boys?!…
@BananasTheGOAT: I really enjoyed swaggy. I love him and bayleigh’s relationship, they’re not toxic or dramatic, they’re a great partnership. I hope to see him again. #TheChallenge35
@melbrown00: Swaggy made 3 tribunals, played a solid social game throughout and learned from his Big Brother experience to make it pretty far on his debut Challenge season. I’m proud of him. #TheChallenge35
@MTVBananas: “Wes is the biggest piece of shit on earth...... even tho we’re kinda friends now” Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joy #TheChallenge35
- @johnnybananas: @MTVBananas Honesty is an important quality to have in a kinda friendship 
@AneesaMTV: Competing while enduring a high ankle sprain mid challenge and then having to drag a sled was not joke. I’ve never put more stress on my body.
@TheAllanAguirre: Bananas shits on Wes as a default setting and then realizing "Oh Shit, I Forgot We Are Friends Now" is kind of amazing and awful at the same times. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Kyle moaning about getting this far and potentially not going to the Final because he didn't have a Red Skull is like the kids who don't get good grades all semester and get mad they didn't invited to the end of year Pizza Party. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: As a human, this is my favorite version of Cory on the Challenge. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: This is probably one of my favorite daily challenges ever. I like that it tests: "How much can you carry?" / "Do you have endurance?" / "Can you work in a team?" / "Strategizing, i.e. dense items vs big items" / "Do you have heart?"  #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Fessy didn't need to win this daily challenge, but he wanted to prove himself and he did as such. The guy is a fucking beast. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: I don't know in what world Josh sees a better elimination?  Like every guy left in the game is strong in physical/athletic games. Also, Josh isn't a puzzle person at all. It's now or never. It can only get worse. #TheChallenge35
@StevenPlummer22: I was a fan of Cory before this season but his maturity has been really great to see! #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Josh has a tendency to talk too much. If he said 20% less, his words would mean more. Josh could have said he's voting Cory and moved on. You don't have to swear on your family for something so inconsequential. If anything, it makes you seem less trustworthy. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: You never want to get into a fight with Melissa, because she can see through all your insecurities and fucking torch you accurately with verbal haymakers. I would always want to be on her good-side. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Gotta give props to Cory. Normally when he starts to lose, he gets frustrated and crumbles under the pressure. This time, he found a rhythm, found a rhyme, came back, and actually won pretty dominantly. His elim record is now a surprising 6-3. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Swaggy started this season really strong. What I really appreciate is while losing his elimination, he acknowledged that not having experience in a game like this matters. He didn't blame the game itself. That's a level of self-awareness he didn't have on BB. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Challenge Total Madness Episode 12 Recap: Ten Biggest Takeaways
- @TheAllanAguirre: EPISODE 12 RECAP... I breakdown: - Cory's maturation / - Who still needs a Red Skull/Power Ranking / - Melissa being a Pregnant Legend / - Josh talking too much / - Kyle showing initiative too late and more! #TheChallenge35
@dc408dxnow: Cory always has Ryder on his mind as is the new kid. And Ryder is talking to daddy here along with Chey, and he really misses his daughter back home, and it’s getting to him here. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Fessy is certainly proving that what he did to take down Jordan was no fluke, and the others are just struggling. And the footballer takes first by a mile. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: We now have the BB19 champ waking up the new mom. And when you do that, you will get an earful. That’s what we’re seeing with Josh and Mel. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: This elimination had the makings of that infamous soccer match from Vendettas. But instead, we have another close one that sees the daddy take down the W. #DCChallenge
@SwaggyCTV: My name is Swaggy C & here’s my story in 90 secs I got eliminated from The Challenge last night & instantly went to planning ideas while in the hotel in Prague. This show was 1 of them Hope I can inspire a few lives w/ my day to day activities! 🙏🏾
- @DerrickL: @SwaggyCTV Congrats, my dude! I’ll be following along for those stock tips! 

@jordan_wiseley: Join @TheRealNiaMoore and I tonight on IG LIVE!! We’re talking about our past and how it effects the movement now! Starts at 4pmPST
- @TheRealNiaMoore: @jordan_wiseley Can’t wait! 
@TheRealNiaMoore: Thanks for the positive feedback from the IG Live discussion @jordan_wiseley had last night. I watched it back and saw your comments—and I agree that I talked over him a lot Tired face We are on @afterbuzztv tonight and I will certainly give him the floor. Tune in 6pm PST/9pm EST 
@TheRealNiaMoore: Going live in 5 minutes on @afterbuzztv with @jordan_wiseley for a deeper conversation! Tune in on YouTube at the link below
@TheRealNiaMoore: I hear everyone’s perspective on the convo Jordan and I had. I respect and acknowledge all points of view. I am not interested in swaying anyone to feel a certain way. But the context, the time that elapsed since then, & the growth that was allowed to happen because of it matters
- @TheRealNiaMoore: That is why I asked him to come and discuss this publicly last night and today. We aren’t on a press tour, and we aren’t denying how painful this was for us or you all. We are healed, and better for it. And we both think the world needs to see this right now. How far we came
- @TheRealNiaMoore: Y’all allowed me to grow. I did equally horrible things during my tenure on the show. But y’all found a way to see my heart. I personally know how painfully sensitive this stuff is right now with all that’s going on. But I’m just hopeful that you guys can see his the way I do.
@TheRealNiaMoore: I want so many things right now. First and foremost, peace and resolve in our country. Second, an all expense paid vacay. And certainly, a body worthy of rocking a bikini on said vacay 🙏🏾
- @LadyFougere: @TheRealNiaMoore I’m honestly proud of you! You and Jordan had issues with each other but y’all found ways to overcome them and educate each other on so many things so I commend you both for that. 

💣 💣 💣 💣 💣

Well, it's been quite a month for Cory, but we will keep things on the up side of the spectrum as he picks up that elimination win over Swaggy C just a few days ahead of his first Father's Day as dad not only to Ryder but also to Mila Mae... but we also have a good idea of who might possibly sneak into the final in Fessy after being part of the power team with Bayleigh, and on the subject of her...

💍    💍    💍


If you saw our Who Are These Newbies? introduction to this year's Challenge rookies in April, we did not do full profiles of all seven Total Madness first-timers, for that if a rookie was featured in our site in the past, they're exempt from being featured to save time & space. That applies to #Swayleigh, who we first featured here two years ago after Swaggy proposed to Bayleigh on the finale of a Big Brother 20 season that debuted two years & a week ago tonight. And we can thank another reality TV couple for helping this site introduce them to all of you before they became Challenge rookies.

Twitter @uchaachi
Back in December 2018, Clinton Moxam and Uche Nwosu from Are You The One? Season 6 got to meet up with Swayleigh when the BB20 lovebirds walked on the red carpet at the premiere of WE-TV's Life After Lockup and met up with L.A. Lakers boss lady Jennie Buss (which we will featuring soon as the NBA prepares to hopefully resume their suspended season). At this time three years ago, Clinton & Uche moved into the AYTO Season 6 house as filming began down in New Orleans during the summer of 2017 and aired in the fall from Bourbon Street and the Bayou.
   They are one of the handful of romantic success stories to come out of MTV's first entry into modern reality dating TV... and though they were not a perfect match being robbed by the scientists in the Truth Booth, this week saw them become official with a ring. On Wednesday down in Malibu, CA -- not far from where six of their fellow members of the "Sexy Season 6" cast went onto Ex On The Beach, Clinton & Uche went onto a beach as she grew skeptical of why he was acting up... but it was for good reason that he had an engagement ring stuffed into his back pocket, and he popped it right at sunset. And she got to say yes, something that was almost inevitable.

Clinton wrote on Instagram, "So yesterday my dreams came true 😊 I met my Fiancé exactly 3 years ago today & yesterday I asked her to spend the rest of her life with me. This was the easiest decision I’ve ever made. Honestly there wasn’t even a decision to be made, I truly believe we were created for one another!⁣ Uche I’ve been searching for you since I was like 9. Our relationship and the love we have for one another came out of nowhere & it’s undeniable you’re my wife. You’re perfect, thank you for choosing to love me. Let’s get these wedding plans started because I want some babies soon 😋⁣"
   And Uche added on IG, "Still speechless. I honestly didn’t think love like this existed. I’m the most me, my BEST self - when I’m with you. No one loves me better 😭 My best friend. My protector. My lover. My fiancé (literally what!!!!!!!) - I can’t wait to be your wife ❤️ #nomatch #forever"  And as you saw in the Pulse above, those from AYTO6 as well as the whole MTV community sent their congrats to the now engaged couple - and we send ours too.

The WRAP's for both the Season 3 winter premiere of Siesta Key and a Vegas hookup on A Double Shot at Love are still to come along with thoughts on that reality upheaval. But before that: Swayleigh was first featured in Who Are These Newbies' supplementary ExtraTime franchise, Someone You Should Know. And another person who found himself in love on reality TV is our next subject: tomorrow we'll introduce you to a key figure from Season 1 of Netflix's Love is Blind.
   And as you saw above, there's the dialogue of Jordan and his counterpart on Real World Portland and on two Challenge seasons, Nia, as they are the latest to offer their thoughts on the intersection of racism and reality TV in light of the Black Lives Matter movement. After doing a joint Instagram Live session earlier this week, they joined AfterBuzz TV which you can check out here... and while you have it, also check out our Before They Were MTV Stars story featuring her first time on national TV in the summer 2012 dating show The Choice with other familiar MTV faces.

That'll do it for us for now.. until then, enjoy your Saturday and an early Happy Father's Day...


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