Sunday, March 9, 2014

DC SocialPulse: Real World Ex-Plosion - "Betrayed and Beatdown"

*** Reader Advisory: DC SocialPulse Contains
Adult Language. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

By DC Cueva

Welcome again to DC SocialPulse and our look at Episode 8 of Real World Ex-Plosion. Last week, Cory's ex Lauren left San Francisco after a positive pregnancy test, while Arielle & Ashley C. get into it and get real. We saw Doug make an appearance again, while a wild guys' night out led to Brian having more fun than he was supposed to.
   Episode 8, entitled "Betrayed and Beatdown", is probably in my opinion the best episode of this season to date, of course until next week. After Jenny finds out about Brian cheating, things will obviously get very tense when she seeks some revenge. Elsewhere, Jamie stirs up some drama with Jay and Jenna when she spills a secret on them, while Hailey looks for someone new.

Now before we get to this week's diary, with the success I've had on here blogging since I began this hobby nearly a year ago, what inspired these SocialPulse diaries that I do? Well, in addition to recognizing the fact that not all of the twitter world can experience the true communal social TV experience thanks to something called time zones, during Challenge season one of my fellow followers who is a Challenge fan and a blogger himself, David J. Bloom (@DavidBloom7), occasionally posts on his Culture Challenged blog ( a running diary of key Challenge episodes as they occurred on TV.
   Well, as a compromise that I made to myself to try to not tweet or RT as much as I've had in the past since I joined twitter last year and try to not lose followers, and inspired by those retro running diaries, I developed DC SocialPulse as a way to showcase the twitter dialogue of these episodes as the cast, fans and I saw it, while not sacrificing followers because of me flooding their timelines. And it's also a public service to all viewers including those on the west coast, so they don't get left behind on the twitter interaction. As I say, you don't have to scan through after you've seen the episodes, I will take care of the task so you don't have to.
   Yes, it is a large, gargantuan task of copying & pasting tweets onto my iPad notepad and then pasting them onto my blogger app afterwards with my original commentary before & after. Plus, there's me doing it two times a week with not just this Real World but also Are You The One?, and I'll be doing it again for the upcoming Challenge. But, as I wrote in the AYTO SocialPulse post last night, the work has been nothing but worthwhile in bringing a great deal of traffic these last few months.
   So David, thanks for giving me the inspiration for DC SocialPulse, and we can't wait to cover this season's Challenge. Get set, bud.

Moving on now, our usual reminder that there's adult language in some tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)  And when you join us after the jump, not only did we include the Tuesday tweets from the cast, but also some from some of their fellow alumni, flying out to Los Angeles for After Shows for the upcoming Challenge, a preview of what's coming up as soon as this Real World wraps up.

Tale of Two Coasts
@JamieChinaMTV: Only one more day till an all new episode of #RealWorldExpolsion airs!! Who is ready for cheating, heart break and a little looove? ❤️💔
@CallherJade: So my ass better be fat for the reunion.
@215Cash: Thanks to @MTVASHLEYBROOKE for helping us for a few days at the New York Convention Center!
@NanyMTV: On a plane to Los Angeles today! can't wait to see my big brothaaaaaa @dustinzito ☺️
@JamieChinaMTV: Who is ready for me to call some people out in tomorrow's new episode?? @mtv #RealWorldExpolsion #TeamJamie
@JazMTV: I was going threw my old stuff and happen to find the journal I kept the whole time I was filming Real…
@RoyLee25mtv: Giving Up on YOUR GOAL because of one set back ...Is Like Slashing Your Other 3 Tires because you got ONE FLAT
@JennaCompono: Nyc bound #realworldexplosion
@JennaCompono: Shooting home interview in nyc!!
@MTVCoryWharton: All this paper chasin'💰, turned me to a Savage 💯#Mastermind #YoungbutReady
@JustJem24: Glad my boys are having fun while I'm stuck in the office😫😫.... @scooter5000 @JayGMTV. 😍💜😍💜
@itsarifitz: BRUH!! tomorrow night's episode is going to be entertaining AF!
@JennaCompono: Longest ride home from the cityyyyy ugh
@JennaCompono: Oh real worlderssss where are youuuuuuuu ;)) tm gonna be crazy
@AneesaMTV: Sometimes I really love LA
@dustinzito: Surprising @NanyMTV at LAX
@ayiiia_eliza: my @AneesaMTV is here!?!?! AAHHH!!!!!!!!
@AneesaMTV: @ayiiia_eliza oo girl I love you
@itsarifitz: oh no! .... i'm 😷😷😷!!
@dustinzito: a Goal is a Dream with a Deadline..
@BSwiftMTV: Just landed in Minneapolis.OD COLD! But this is by far the nicest airport I've been to in my life.…
@BradFiorenza: Good to be back in LA!  Forgot how nice it is to work w/ @BunimMurray & @MTV , been way 2 long! Very nice hotel :-D
@frankcsweeney: This is what serious photos look like, @aneesamtv. #GetLikeUs #YouCant
@LaToyaJMTV: My morning ain't shxt! Lost time, phone, and flight... What's next!? 😑
@JazMTV: I always make it to the airport in time  for a drink at the bar and then board the plane for another drink :)

Real World Wednesday
@CallherJade: Good fuxkin things take time!!!
@CallherJade: @MTVCoryWharton happy birthday fuxker
@CallherJade: Lil mama so bad he fuxked around & got addicted.
@JamieChinaMTV: Thinking about going to some museums in New York today cause I'm into that sort of thing! Y'all have any suggestions??
@JamieChinaMTV: New York, where is the best shopping!? Besides time square! I'm talking like thrift stores, or pop up shops!
@JennaCompono: Hawaii here we come ;) @MTVCoryWharton
@MTVCoryWharton: @JennaCompono Spelled my name wrong and shit smh!!😏
@JamieChinaMTV: Happy birthday ya old asssss!! Love you big bro mtvcorywharton 🎉🎊🎁
@AshleyCeaserFan: Check out @missashc in this interview by afterellen! She's adorable! Her smile makes me happy!
@JamieChinaMTV: Time to go explore New York!! Museums, food and shopping here I come:)
@MTVBananas: Just a couple of gentleman getting beautiful before the  aftershow! #HairandMakeup @bradfiorenza
@JayGMTV: Its #RealWorldWednesday
@JamieChinaMTV: Museum of natural history by myself haha, let's do this! Time to gain some knowledge. Love this iiisssshh!
@NanyMTV: #CameraReady @ Millennium Biltmore Hotel
@JennaCompono: REAL WORLD TONIGHT!!!
@NanyMTV: 👑 @ Glendale Studios
@cgmanagement: Happy Birthday to our very own #CGEM Talent and #RealWorld Star @MTVCoryWharton!
@JamieChinaMTV: Gahhh dinosaurs just blow my mind!!
@JordanMTV: ✈️ #jetsetting
@missashc: Happy bday @MTVCoryWharton!! 🎉🎈
@MTVCoryWharton: @missashc Thanks Ash!!!
@missashc: @MTVCoryWharton course :) We gotta celebrate this weekend in ny!!
@MTVCoryWharton: Tonight we Turn up !!!!!! We have DJ Drama in the building plus I'm Turning 23 If your in LA make sure to show love
@MTVCoryWharton: It's my Jordan Year (23) So y'all know I'm gonna Ball! #YoungbutReady
@CaraMariaMTV: @laurelstucky F* it. Let's just clap til we are happy ;)
@laurelstucky: @CaraMariaMTV i seriously can't not laugh. Can't do it.
@CaraMariaMTV: @laurelstucky Good- it worked then! CLAP CLAP CLAPITTY CLAP CLAP
@CaraMariaMTV: So thankful to not be in LA right now. I wouldn't miss this 23 degree Boston day for the world!
@haileychivers: Sneak a peek at tonight's episode!
@MTVBananas: Welcome to my crib! #DoubleWide
@MtvJess: Thanks for the #WCW Y'all! Xo
@BradFiorenza: @MTVBananas great seeing you brother!  Wish we had more time!
@MTVBananas: @BradFiorenza Likewise buddy! Give that wifey of yours a hug for me!
@ThomasBuellMTV: Well we shall see how tonight's episode goes...shout out to my brother @MTVCoryWharton!!! Getting old son #3M #realworld #nextepisodethough!
@JamieChinaMTV: Check out my aftershow tonight on immediately following the new episode tonight!
@RealWorldMTV: There's ONE thing @JamieChinaMTV would never do for @ThomasBuellMTV. Watch this #RealWorld S#!t Show sneak:
@JamieChinaMTV: Take out my gauges for @ThomasBuellMTV? “I’ve got an emotional attachment to these bitches, & no guy is gonna steer me away from them.” 👇👇👇
@JamieChinaMTV: Let's just say you may be picking sides during tonight's new episode of #RealWorldExpolsion 👊 prepare yourselves.. 10pm/9c #TeamJamie ❤️💔
@itsarifitz: to the girl released: fly, baby, fly. xx, ari.
@JamieChinaMTV: Still baffles me that people will follow you and but talk shit to you... Like that unfollow button is right there😂😂😂
@dustinzito: @NanyMTV taking #Selfie in my star wagon!
@dustinzito: how Nice of MTV to give me my own star wagon! #Pham
@itsarifitz: ... this might just be the funniest episode of the season... #RealWorldExpolsion tonight at 10!
@JazMTV: Wtf in LA nobody answers f*** yall find me at a bar. #iminLAbitch
@itsarifitz: take a moment & ask yourself, "have i wished pretty boy @MTVCoryWharton happy birthday today?" ⚡️🎂💯🔥😎
@TheMarkLong: Back to @mtv #challenge #AFTERSHOW in the am. I feel like Ric Flair returning to @wwe ...#WOOOOOO #mtv @bunimmurray
@JayGMTV: Dont forget tonight 10pm eastern to watch The Real World Explosion on @MTV  it just gets better each week @JayGMTV #realworld #teamjayg
@NanyMTV: We clean up well 💋 djzito25
@CallherJade: Ain't nothin like a 10 hr day 😑
@brittany_baldi: RT if you will be rockin' with #RealWorldExPlosion tonight! I know I will reppin' @MTVCoryWharton @JayGMTV @jennycdelich #MTVFAMILY
@JayGMTV: Had some celebrity talk with @OKMagazine and which love triangle i would rather in the real world house #teamjayg
@RealWorldMTV: ONE. HOUR. LEFT. #realworldexplosion
@missashc: Are you sure you're ready for tonight??  Because it's about to go D-O-W-N  #RealWorldExPlosion
@ThomasBuellMTV: 45 min #realworld
@CallherJade: Y'all so sweet wanting me to come back to the house 😊
@ThomasBuellMTV: 5 min #RealWorldExPlosion #RealWorld

As The Cast Saw It
@MTV: #RealWorld Ex-Plosion starts NOW! RT if you're watching with me!
@JayGMTV: @MTV  its Real World Explosion Time #realworld #teamjayg #RealWorldExpolsion
@BunimMurray: RT if you're tuning in to @RealWorldMTV NOW. These love triangles are starting to get exhausting...PHEW!
@MTVShowBlog: The slap heard around the world is on its way! #RealWorldExPlosion
@jennycdelich: And it begins! #rwe #RealWorldExPlosion
@JennaCompono: I mite be slow tweeting tn I am at a party for my friends Hairsalon at mio Posto come!but I will keep up as much as I can everyone ENJOY!!!!
@RealWorldMTV: Anddd here we go! A new ep of #RealWorldExplosion starts RIGHT NOW!
@CallherJade: Enjoy watching my sweeties tonight. I'm going to sleep 😴
@itsarifitz: pretty sure you're not ready for tonight's episode of @RealWorldMTV ... #uhoh #realworld #realworldexplosion
@MTVShowBlog: "Straight to the face." #foreshadowing #RealWorldExPlosion
@JamieChinaMTV: "I would love to take the title as your boyfriend" @ThomasBuellMTV 😊
@JennaCompono: I doo not jay!!!!
@missashc: "Let's go play some pool" is @BrianTWillJr code for I need to tell you I kissed another girl lol
@MTVCoryWharton: PREACH!!!!!!! #YoungbutReady 🙏🙏🙏
@MTVShowBlog: Compromising breakfast position...#RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: so trust me ... you're gonna have a TON of #autoari questions tonight! ... they just might not be ab me! (lol)
@itsarifitz: does tom sound like a fool or nah?
@itsarifitz: love him though ...
@MTVShowBlog: Double standard much????? #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: this is about to cause drama folks ... D.R.A.M.A. #realworld #RealWorldExPlosion
@JamieChinaMTV: "Does that not make me look like a fool?" No... Because you had a choice to come on the show....
@RealWorldMTV: Hmm…let's talk about double standards… #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: who peeped my skirt though?
@JamieChinaMTV: Hiding things is never okay, just tell the truth #RealWorldExpolsion
@JayGMTV: Lie number one cuz when people asked if i had a girl i always said yes!  Starting trouble but wrong
@missashc: How important is the title to you ladies? #RealWorldExPlosion
@MTVShowBlog: .@itsarifitz was SLAYING with that hair bun! #chicashell
@itsarifitz: just ignore me as i disengage for the rest of this episode -- #deargodmypressure #ohtheanxiety #RealWorld
@JennaCompono: Aw I LOVE you all!
@JamieChinaMTV: Sketchy #RealWorldExpolsion
@JayGMTV: This gym scene was filmed the second week in the house. Wayyyy before jenna arrived. Even though they make it look like it happened now
@itsarifitz: "u in the gym on the weekends too?" aka "so just how often can i interrupt your workout with flirting?"
@RealWorldMTV: Getting another girl's number, @JayGMTV? Tsk, tsk! #RealWorldExPlosion
@jennycdelich: I'm thinkin OH HELLLL NAH I did not just hear that? I'm sorry what??
@missashc: Usually guys are worried about their girl breaking with them when cheating, not getting their ass beat by them #brianproblems
@RealWorldMTV: Pro-tip: If you break bad news to a girl in public, she can't freak out…right? #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: "you know what i'm talkin' about?" aka lying bro talk for "i have some things to tell u but i want u to know without me saying it"
@JennaCompono: I promise I will catch up on tweets but I love you all keep tweeting!! I love the opinions and comments :)
@MTVShowBlog: Famous last words.. "I kissed that girl that night" #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: but ... before we go in on the Brian bashing ... HE WAS HONEST.  Let's remember that when the rest of the episode pops off.
@JamieChinaMTV: At first I respected him now I see his game.... Poor Jenna... #RealWorldExpolsion @JennaCompono
@JayGMTV: The gym scene happened the second week in the house. Wayy before jenna arrived. They make it look like it happened now but it didnt
@MTVShowBlog: "Random Guy at the Club" caption has been a recurring character this season... #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: fucking love Peabody though ... in other #youcare news.
@ThomasBuellMTV: Those people that are with your ex while they are trying to sleep with other people, then get at me please. #realworld
@JamieChinaMTV: 😂😂😂😂 @jennycdelich get'em!!!!
@itsarifitz: breath in her presence, though? ...
@MTVShowBlog: Camera guy cameo!!! #meta #RealWorldExPlosion
@MTVShowBlog: "You have just lit the flames of Hell" DAMN. @jennycdelich #RealWorldExPlosion
@BrianTWillJr: Not exactly the kind of place to salvage a relationship
@JamieChinaMTV: I will always speak the truth.. I will never stand up for shady people or cheaters! End of story.
@RealWorldMTV: "You have just lit the flames of hell." - @jennycdelich #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: "i don't know that im exactly a piece of shit though" @BrianTWillJr delivers those lines folks. lol #realworld #realworldexplosion
@JennaCompono: :(
@missashc: "You have just lit the flames of Hell." Damn. That's serious. @jennycdelich
@itsarifitz: now wait brian ... this wasn't about this.
@itsarifitz: ... enter the complete bs. #realworld #realworldexplosion
@BrianTWillJr: Let the games begin #RealWorldExPlosion
@MTVCoryWharton: ✌️
@JayGMTV: Is it me or is she always in everyone elses business?
@itsarifitz: wait ... but didnt Hailey just give this dude her number? #RealWorld #RealWorldExPlosion
@BrianTWillJr: Your not missing out @haileychivers
@RealWorldMTV: Seems like a lot of the guy's in the house have major jealousy when it comes to their exes. #RealWorldExPlosion
@JayGMTV: @MTVCoryWharton we got your back brian. (Cant find brians twitter someone tag him)
@MTVShowBlog: Is this the 1950s, @ThomasBuellMTV? #RealWorldExPlosion
@ThomasBuellMTV: @MTVShowBlog yes
@ThomasBuellMTV: Don't forget, she didn't have to move in to the house.  That was her choice. #RealWorldExPlosion
@JamieChinaMTV: “@ThomasBuellMTV: Don't forget, she didn't have to move in to the house.  That was her choice. #RealWorldExPlosion” PREACH babe!! 🙌
@itsarifitz: wait ... what?
@JayGMTV: @BrianTWillJr i couldnt find your twitter hahah
@JamieChinaMTV: #OGS @ThomasBuellMTV @MTVCoryWharton @jennycdelich @JayGMTV confessional!!!!
@itsarifitz: Got questions about this week's #realworld episode!  Tweet them to me with #AutoAri!
@BrianTWillJr: @BrianTWillJr
@RealWorldMTV: Got a question for the cast? Tweet @realworldmtv for a chance to get it answered on the reunion show! #RealWorldExPlosion
@JayGMTV: So jenny can flip on brian for kissing a girl but she can kiss a guy? HYPOCRITE! @BrianTWillJr #realworld #teamjayg
@MTVShowBlog: German kiss needs to become a new trend #RealWorldExPlosion
@JamieChinaMTV: Jamie the big bad wolf 😂😂😂😂
@missashc: Props to this German guy #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: "oh my gawwwwwwwwwwd" -- my new greeting to all my old heaux
@itsarifitz: she was def licking his curls.
@MTVShowBlog: .@itsarifitz giving Miley a run for her money! #Twerk #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: oh dear. @MTVShowBlog
@ThomasBuellMTV: If she wanted to hook up, she could have gone home... #thinkaboutit
@itsarifitz: let's just ignore me ...
@itsarifitz: the constant crying though ...
@missashc: Trying to order pizza while Arielle is twerking on the table #nobigdeal #noticehowimnotevenphased #ifthepizzagirlonlyknew
@JamieChinaMTV: @JennaCompono  speak up!!!!
@itsarifitz: WTF is happening?! "oh my gawwwwwwwd" #realworld #realworldexplosion
@RealWorldMTV: What a beautiful song, @jennycdelich! #YouCantHaveCake #RealWorldExPlosion
@MTVShowBlog: .@jennycdelich: songstress of the 21st century #RealWorldExPlosion
@JayGMTV: @ThomasBuellMTV got banged by the big bad wolf
@JamieChinaMTV: "She's not speaking up for herself so I will speak up for her" @JennaCompono
@itsarifitz: jamie ... your favorite instigator.
@JamieChinaMTV: "I'm not okay with watching girls get dragged along and get taken advantage of" ......
@BrianTWillJr: #overit
@JennaCompono: I was so stressed I just didn't say anything :(
@itsarifitz: this monologue of @jennycdelich's ... lol
@RealWorldMTV: @itsarifitz @jennycdelich Totally Oscar worthy! #RealWorldExPlosion
@RealWorldMTV: Here comes the Big Bad Wolf! #RealWorldExPlosion
@JamieChinaMTV: Don't make yourself be a victim in the situation... I called out a situation....
@MTVShowBlog: That's a fun thing to whisper to your ex, regardless of if you live with them. "You're going to see me, 24/7" #RealWorldExPlosion
@JayGMTV: We are the only couple that does not fight and we are happy. Oh wait and here comes jamie so i guess its time to start drama for no reason
@JayGMTV: Jenna says she is happy but apparently jamie knows everything. Always starting drama
@JayGMTV: You feel bad yet its your fault shes cryingggggggggggggggg
@JamieChinaMTV: “@JayGMTV: You feel bad yet its your fault shes cryingggggggggggggggg” I don't feel bad, you were the one that cheated.......
@JamieChinaMTV: When in doubt pass out!!! @itsarifitz 😂😂😂
@itsarifitz: Did I tell you there was drama this episode or nah? #realworld #realworldexplosion
@JennaCompono: I usually do I was stressed bein there
@JayGMTV: Its a 3 way relationshipppppppppppp
@JayGMTV: It hurts to see @JennaCompono cry
@MTVShowBlog: Ladies sticking together! @JamieChinaMTV #RealWorldExPlosion
@missashc: A pepperoni, artichoke heart, spinach, and hearts of palm pizza at 2am #foodiesstandup
@itsarifitz: but your past boyfriend's aren't jay ... so ... kinda doesn't matter?
@RealWorldMTV: There's so much drama going on in the house, but @itsarifitz is eating pizza and going to sleep. #WhenInDoubtPassOut #RealWorldExPlosion
@MTVShowBlog: Ladies sticking together! @JamieChinaMTV #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: i thought we were just ppl placed together to live in a house ... ::shrug::
@MTVShowBlog: I felt that slap from my couch! #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: ... but my pizza tho...
@JayGMTV: @itsarifitz twerking in the phone room was absolutely histerical
@BrianTWillJr: Should I have singed in to this ?
@MTVShowBlog: When someone is asking another person to hit them, DON'T #RealWorldExPlosion
@missashc: Damn that roundhouse kick though #RealWorldExPlosion
@ThomasBuellMTV: Did @itsarifitz just get kicked in the arm though???
@itsarifitz: @MTVCoryWharton's giggling though ...
@MTVShowBlog: .@itsarifitz is worrying about the pizza. I can relate. #RealWorldExPlosion
@RealWorldMTV: "I'm never going to get to my pizza." - @itsarifitz #Priorities #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: "i dont know if we need to round house kick our roommates ..."
@JamieChinaMTV: "I want to empower her and I want her to feel confident about herself" thank you.. Tryin to help a girl out @JennaCompono
@JayGMTV: Wait? So jenna didnt say that to jamie? #RealWorld
@itsarifitz: i kinda wanna just say #weakasspunkassbitch every day of my life.
@RealWorldMTV: Who knew so many relationships could fall apart in one episode?! #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: i'm not sayin' they should be actin' like this though ... #thedrama
@JayGMTV: Its a WORLD WAR IN THE REAL WORLD HOUSE! #RealWorld #RealWorldExPlosion #teamjayg
@itsarifitz: why ... why ... why ...
@itsarifitz: nobody wants pizza, huh?
@MTVShowBlog: "In this generation, we have spell check." #bestcomeback #RealWorldExPlosion
@JennaCompono: So much shits happening
@JamieChinaMTV: Maybe sometimes I should stop telling the truth.. Or calling it like I see it... Or nah....😂😂😂 never happening!
@missashc: Lol. Love how @BrianTWillJr didn't even attempt to spell apologize. #thatstruewedohavespellcheckforthat
@brittany_baldi: all the greats get called #CRAZY I feel you @jennycdelich you a BOSS #RealWorldExPlosion @mtv @MTVRWNews
@ThomasBuellMTV: I see @budsasser21 on the tv screen!!!! #WeMadeIt
@JamieChinaMTV: Babe.... #Bro @ThomasBuellMTV
@itsarifitz: RT if #realworld is making you anxious right now! ... #realworld #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: just me, huh?
@ThomasBuellMTV: It is a Bro thing haha!! #Bro
@itsarifitz: meanwhile, @BrianTWillJr's just naked.
@MTVShowBlog: "If I'm getting karate-chopped to my face, I'm definitely not putting a ring on it"-@MTVCoryWharton #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: "im gonna cuddle like crazy right now"
@missashc: For reals though, pretty sure @itsarifitz and I counted like 60 bros during @ThomasBuellMTV's 10min conversation lol
@itsarifitz: THESE FUCKING TEARS, YO! #realworld #realworldexplosion #everyweek
@itsarifitz: this may or may not be about you ...
@JamieChinaMTV: Check out my after show where I explain myself!!
@JennaCompono: I just want the title :(
@MTVShowBlog: Does @jennycdelich have a bodyguard outside her bedroom door every night? #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: best. dream. of. life.
@JayGMTV: I love @JennaCompono she loves me. Thats all that should matter. So i dont care what anyone else says #straightthefuckup #boom #RealWorld
@itsarifitz: "i was heroic within my victory ..." hashtag what the holy fuck, yo?
@RealWorldMTV: Good idea to leave the drama and go to sleep, @jennycdelich! #WhenInDoubtPassOut #RealWorldExPlosion
@itsarifitz: i stay tryna fix some shit. Real talk, nobody voted me mom. #realworld #butilovemyroomies
@BrianTWillJr: Lol analogy #cheesy #dream
@MTVCoryWharton: I'm not putting a ring on that 💍
@MTVShowBlog: When you don't know what to do, throw your ex's stuff out of your house #RealWorldExPlosion
@JamieChinaMTV: Some people just can't handle being called out on their shit😂😂😂 let the truth be told.
@JayGMTV: Id say this was one of the BEST episodes so far! @mtv @RealWorldMTV @JayGMTV #realworld #RealWorldExPlosion #TeamJayG
@itsarifitz: so ... if anybody has questions about this #shitshow of an episode: you know, #AutoAri
@MTVShowBlog: Love the exactness of @BrianTWillJr: "Take your hands off my personal items" #RealWorldExPlosion
@missashc: Lol @ThomasBuellMTV trying to help @BrianTWillJr pick up his clothes
@MTVShowBlog: Hopefully no more roundhouse kicks next week...#RealWorldExPlosion
@missashc: Shit is hitting the fan next week #nojoke #RealWorldExPlosion
@jennycdelich: Listen-- I am loyal and chill, BUT you cross me, it's fuckin on bitch #RealWorldExPlosion
@jennycdelich: Oh COME ON, vagina hair is normal!! Wtf lol
@jennycdelich: Thanks dad for those karate lessons and thanks mom for the slap lessons lol!
@RealWorldMTV: ALLL THE DRAMMMZZ! Can't wait for next week's episode! Go to for more. #RealWorldExPlosion

@BrianTWillJr: Tough being in your emotions the whole show #myloveisreal
@jennycdelich: Here's the Q&A video with exclusive answers! #RealWorldExPlosion like and subscribe! :))
@BrianTWillJr: I messed up on guys night, the relationship is unhealthy and I was in a tough position in the house, no excuse for my behavior @tinay98
@BrianTWillJr: Entering the realworld house as an EX is an EXTREME SPORT @haileychivers @JennaCompono @CallherJade not so much @missashc with @itsarifitz
@BrianTWillJr: @jennycdelich should kick a tree not me
@BrianTWillJr: I had to save the human race lol #Smh
@jennycdelich: #CRAZYBITCHESUNITE cus I give no fucks @mtv #RealWorldExPlosion
@BrianTWillJr: I'm a passionate dude what can I say
@JennaCompono: Good job briii
@itsarifitz: yo the #pizza #cheatdaystruggle in my mentions is so real... 🍕🍕🍕🍕
@JamieChinaMTV: Thank you everyone for loving and supporting constantly! Y'all are amazing❤️❤️
@JamieChinaMTV: Hey, I stood up for what was right, presentation of it may have been bad but I don't take it back. I'll always stand up for what's right. 🙌
@itsarifitz: i mean new followers, can we make this IG-official...
@itsarifitz: ... and youtube official ...
@JennaCompono: Instagram @JennaCompono
@laurelstucky: @nanymtv miss uuuu 💋
@TheRealNiaMoore: Touched down in LA, just wrapped an amazing shoot with @aaronlacy! Ready to get in some trouble tonight :)
@JazMTV: Creeping on my selfie. Jordan and Zito #selfieoftheYEAR
@NanyMTV: Lil Lee... Back at it #CaliLife @roylee25mtv
@NanyMTV: Just posted a video @ Downtown Los Angeles
@PeaceLoveJoi: Turn up time!!! With my loves @TheRealNiaMoore @LaycNichole and Jill!
@jonnymoseley: Hanging with the challenge crew again. Should be an Olympic event.
@CallherJade: Just got a email confirming I was able to get my baby in at the reunion to watch me Sunday 😍 yayyyy !!! @Arii_Mane
@CallherJade: Why am I awake 😩

As The Fans Saw It
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To Watch @JennaCompono @jennycdelich @JayGMTV @MTVCoryWharton @JamieChinaMTV @ThomasBuellMTV @itsarifitz On The RWE Tonight
@BigTymers228: @MTVCoryWharton Yo Cory Have A Blessed & Happy Birthday Man Many Blessings & Many More Much Love & God Bless
@davidbloom7: It's @MTVChallenge25 Wed! Congrats: @paulawalnutsMTV for her exciting news, @MtvJess 4 representing in Europe, @SarahRiceMTV for being you.
@DjJesseJ: TONIGHT! #RWEXPLOSION #THEREALWORLD@afterbuzztv Aftershow! Tune in 8pm pst Streaming Live on
@Justin_Rhines: Happy Birthday @MTVCoryWharton #RealWorldExPlosions #HappyBirthdayCory @MTVRWNews @RealWorldMTV
@EricC_Official: Check out my interview about last weeks #RealWorldExPlosion after-show!
@EricC_Official: round of applause to an amazing blogger 👏👏 great job buddy! @dc408dxtr
@EricC_Official: Going to have my photoshoot tomorrow for Fresno life magazine. Going to be sportin my #CrazeWatch & get a few close ups to support @JayGMTV 
@Jengribbs: Only thing getting me through right now is seeing @MTVCoryWharton's sexy ass tonight and HBD 😋
@busdriversroute: After she apparently goes nuclear on @BrianTWillJr, I will be speaking with @jennycdelich tomorrow to discuss it all. Should be a fun one.
@JactionJ: Jenny from Real world is crazy but shes sexy af
@EricC_Official: Real World Wednesday 👏👏 ready to see @JamieChinaMTV @JayGMTV @jennycdelich @ThomasBuellMtv @MTVCoryWharton 
@EricC_Official: Everyone wish @MTVCoryWharton a very happy birthday & don't miss the #RealWorldExPlosion tonight 👌
@Justin_Rhines: 30 mins away from #RealWorldExPlosion @JayGMTV @jennycdelich @missashc @JamieChinaMTV @ThomasBuellMTV @JennaCompono :)
@Justin_Rhines: 5 mins till the #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: Laying in bed, wearing sweatpants, eating chips, watching people have drunken fights. Does it get more American? #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: #RealWorldExPlosion STARTS NOW!!!
@Justin_Rhines: Tell her, Brian #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: "@JennaCompono you're wet, get off of me!" - @JayGMTV. Soooooooo many jokes to go from here. #RealWorldExPlosion
- @JennaCompono: @busdriversroute @JayGMTV haha I love fuckin w him
@Justin_Rhines: Let it be official, @JayGMTV & @JennaCompono , Lol :) #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: A death look from @haileychivers! That was a brutal one. If you looked closely you could see fire coming out of the eyes.
@GoldenGreggy: Smh hailey #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: I agree, @MTVCoryWharton #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: Duuuuuuuude @ThomasBuellMTV lol, Lauren left because she's pregnant haha. I don't think Hailey is.
@Justin_Rhines: An ass like hers, @JamieChinaMTV ,bhahaha #RealWorldExPlosion
@GoldenGreggy: This episode should just be called adultery 101 #RealWorldExPlosion
@JanelMcG: Hahahaha!!!! Locked his butt out the house! @BrianTWillJr @jennycdelich
@busdriversroute: Can @jennycdelich just be told all breaking news forever so she can have that shocked face? #RealWorldExPlosion
@Walnuts4Walnuts: #Exes2 @jennycdelich and @BrianTWillJr
@kendallongg: Get the popcorn ready, @JamieChinaMTV is about to grill Jay 😳😳
@JamieChinaMTV: “@kendallongg: Get the popcorn ready, @JamieChinaMTV is about to grill Jay 😳😳” 😂😂😂😂😂 yes
@Walnuts4Walnuts: Thomas clearly still has major feelings for Hailey. Sucks for Jaime #RealWorldExPlosion
@kendallongg: Everytime @JamieChinaMTV tweets me my mentions explode lmao 🙌
@kendallongg: Just got 10 more favorites in less than a min. No biggie
@Justin_Rhines: Proud for @haileychivers for being single #RealWorldExPlosion
@kendallongg: This has to be my fave season hands down since Cancun 👌 @mtv @jennycdelich @itsarifitz @JamieChinaMTV @JayGMTV
@Justin_Rhines: The horse is gotta run, @jennycdelich #JennyVsBrian #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: Wow @haileychivers turning off an entire country! Germany ain't the place for her
@Walnuts4Walnuts: Thomas -- Hailey is not yours to control. #RealWorldExPlosion @haileychivers
@busdriversroute: I'll say this, however you want to judge this Real World the comedic level has been off the charts; both intentional & unintentional comedy
@Walnuts4Walnuts: .@jennycdelich reminds me SO much of my favorite actress Scarlett Johansson. #RealWorldExPlosion
@kendallongg: Can we elaborate what a "German kiss" is please lmaoo @jennycdelich
@GoldenGreggy: I feel like tom still likes hailey #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: That's right, @jennycdelich . Kiss that german guy #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: Hey @jennycdelich where can I find "it's my world bitch" on iTunes? I smell a Grammy #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: Good rapping, @jennycdelich :) #RealWorldExPlosion
@JanelMcG: That was....ummm.... ok @jennycdelich lol #DrunkConvos
@Justin_Rhines: Where's @missashc?  #RealWorldExPlosion
@Walnuts4Walnuts: Jaime stop projecting your insecurities about your relationship with Thomas onto Jenna and Jay #RealWorldExPlosion @JennaCompono @JayGMTV
@kendallongg: Girl you should become a counselor @JamieChinaMTV. 👂
@Justin_Rhines: Speak up, @JennaCompono . Love you <3 #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: I typed out and deleted about five tweets about that whole Jamie thing. I'm showing some self control. #RealWorldExPlosion
@GoldenGreggy: I like jay but he seems like he is kind of bossing Jenna around #RealWorldExPlosion
@WWesWilliams: Jamie is up in everyone's relationship business. Talk about an insecurity issue. So insecure that she fucks with everyone else's.
@Walnuts4Walnuts: I really want to know what @missashc got on that pizza lol #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: Don't cry, @JennaCompono #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: Hey @JayGMTV were you invited to Jamie's graduation for her masters in psychology? Must've been a proud day.
@JanelMcG: Look at @JamieChinaMTV making @JennaCompono cry. They were fine without your input for the past two years... so annoying.
@Justin_Rhines: All @itsarifitz wants is her pizza, lol #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: Omg, where is @missashc , Lol #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: Oh no, #JennyVsBrian is going to happen @jennycdelich @BrianTWillJr #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: It's actually a scientific fact that pizza tastes the best at 2:00 AM @itsarifitz
@busdriversroute: YES! Another @MTV PSA. Damn, two weeks in a row. Shit is getting #RealWorldExPlosion
@Walnuts4Walnuts: .@itsarifitz's pizza is the new cast member #RealWorldExPlosion
@asdfjkbrooke: Let's be honest, @jennycdelich is the best part of The Real World this season. #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: Oh no, @BrianTWillJr didn't call @jennycdelich a Bitch. I LOVE JENNY #JennyVsBrian #RealWorldExPlosion
@Walnuts4Walnuts: Pizza and @itsarifitz #Exes2 #RealWorldExPlosion
@luvelizabethany: .@itsarifitz saves every episode with her commentary. Hero of the season! #RealWorld
@Justin_Rhines: ITS CRAZY #RealWorldExPlosion
@rileys731: Omgosh!! @ThomasBuellMTV is so delusional! @haileychivers is way too good for u & is allowed to do w/e she wants! You're not the boss of her
@busdriversroute: I've always wondered what it's like in the production room of a reality show went chaos breaks loose. They must've been giddy after this.
@Justin_Rhines: I think, @itsarifitz and her pizza should get marry, lol #RealWorldExPlosion
@Walnuts4Walnuts: .@BrianTWillJr and spelling #Rivals3 #RealWorldExPlosion @jennycdelich
@luvelizabethany: Actually..if we could have an entire website or something of @jennycdelich and Brian's dialogue in fights, the Internet would be complete.
@Justin_Rhines: The house is going CRAZY insane #JennyVsBrian #RealWorldExPlosion
@GoldenGreggy: Smack cam @jennycdelich #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: It'd be so perfect if the one person @ThomasBuellMTV doesn't call bro is @stephenbuell.
@AshleyWeitzel: @busdriversroute @ThomasBuellMTV @stephenbuell Wow Brian :)
@Walnuts4Walnuts: Okay we need to chip in and buy @MTVCoryWharton a new tank top #RealWorldExPlosion
@kendallongg: Crane kicked? Cory noooo 😂😩😩😩 @jennycdelich
@Justin_Rhines: Woah, the producer had to come in #RealWorldExPlosion
@Walnuts4Walnuts: My heart is BREAKING right now for @JennaCompono and @JayGMTV right now. #RealWorldExPlosion
@Noel_Slawinski: Jenny and Brian are both insane 😂😂
@JanelMcG: What????? @BrianTWillJr #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: Yes, I saw @missashc, haha #RealWorldExPlosion
- @missashc: @Justin_Rhines lol
@rileys731: Second relationship that @JamieChinaMTV has inserted her opinion in! I don't blame @JayGMTV for getting upset #RealWorld
@busdriversroute: What in the holy hell was @BrianTWillJr talking about? Dude, some dreams...keep to yourself bro. #RealWorldExPlosion
@kendallongg: I wanna see @jennycdelich body bitches on the next Challenge (season 26) @mtv @BunimMurray 👊👊💪💥
@busdriversroute: Could you imagine if we still had drunk @MTVASHLEYBROOKE doing her thing in the house? My lord... #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: #JennyVsBrian is now OVER. @jennycdelich is OVER it @BrianTWillJr #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: Wait, when did Sammie and Ronnie join the Real World house? #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: Please don't go Bruce Lee on them, lol @MTVCoryWharton #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: Boring episode right? Ha. Yea, wow. But the good news is I will be speaking to Jackie Chan herself @jennycdelich tomorrow, stay tuned.
@Justin_Rhines: Oh, wow. @MTVCoryWharton had favorited my tweet. And yet, still no follow from you on Twitter, lol #TeamCory #RealWorldExPlosion
@Justin_Rhines: #RealWorldExPlosion was great tonight, you guys :)
@Justin_Rhines: Goodnight to, @jennycdelich @JayGMTV @JamieChinaMTV @JennaCompono @MTVCoryWharton @missashc @jennycdelich @haileychivers #RealWorldExPlosion
@busdriversroute: I cannot get enough of this photo of @haileychivers from the preview. Sign her up as the lead in a horror film please
@JanelMcG: So much respect for @BrianTWillJr in this situation... @MTVCoryWharton @ThomasBuellMTV @jennycdelich #Maturity
@EricC_Official: Lmfao jenna should never ask "Guess what I have?!" again 😂😂#RealWorldEXplosion @MTV 
@JanelMcG: @DjJesseJ @roxystriar Y'all are spending too much time on Thomas, what about Jenny's roundhouse kick to Brian?!
@roxystriar: @JanelMcG @DjJesseJ we will get to it don't you worry ;)
@EricC_Official: "Brian is not the brightest crayola in the box" #autocorrect failed horribly for having BRAIN instead of BRIAN pop up lol @ThomasBuellMTV 
@EricC_Official: Hell yeah. I'm not the only one who wears bright tongue rings! 👍👏I've been sporting my neon green one to match my #crazewatch @JayGMTV 
@EricC_Official: It's not where you're from that matters, it's where you're going and what you do when you get there
@EricC_Official: Don't come between a girl & her pizza. My heart was heavy tonight, I feel for you girl ❤ @itsarifitz haha 👎
@nld9620: Omg! LOL that scene just now on #RealWorldExPlosion That made me laugh
@nld9620: Barely see @itsarifitz on tonights episode except for a few clips here and there
@nld9620: As much as people might hate on what @JamieChinaMTV did tonight on #RealWorldExPlosion I can see why she did it. #TeamJamie #TeamJenna
@nld9620: Oh man wish we had an aftershow for tonights show! Anyways the tweets are done for tonight.
@CSUAKirk: every week I see why they call this show #RealWorldExPlosion  excuse my language holy shit dude
@CSUAKirk: @itsarifitz  did you ever get to eat that pizza in the crazy house you and @missashc  ordered lol #RealWorldExPlosion
- @missashc: @CSUAKirk lol well that night I fell asleep before it came cuz it took 4ever but we def ordered lots more. Late night pizza is my thing
- @CSUAKirk: @missashc  I wanna come over to your guys place and have some pizza then sounds like a party!
- @missashc: @CSUAKirk lol come on over!
- @CSUAKirk: @missashc only 2 hours away from Oakland hoping to get back in Oakland around baseball season next month!

And As I Saw It
@dc408dxtr: We start off with everyone taking a lap, and then @MTVCoryWharton @BrianTWillJr are talking about that night. Hmm... #RealWorldExPlosion
@dc408dxtr: .@JayGMTV @JennaCompono are having fun, & she & @haileychivers are on a walk. And Hailey's not happy about Tom w/ other girls. #RealWorld
@dc408dxtr: And they're heading off on a night out. Things might get interesting with everyone heading off together after what happened previously.
@dc408dxtr: Brian is finally coming clean to Jenny about that guys night out, in a restaurant, hope they won't do something embarrassing in public.
@dc408dxtr: "I'm ready to slap him, but we are in a public restaurant." - @jennycdelich. Things about to get very crazy here. #RealWorldExPlosion
@dc408dxtr: As Brian is in the confessional, Jenny has entered the room & is about to confront him. Luckily it's private instead of public. #RealWorld
@dc408dxtr: Now we got Hailey seeing a guy while Tom & Jamie are watching far away. And Jenny is flirting w/ a German while Brian & Cory watch also.
@dc408dxtr: Camera catches Jenny making out with the German. Revenge perhaps? Then a group confessional as they get home, & a pizza call. #RealWorld
@dc408dxtr: Jenny and Brian are at the table & then in their room and she decides that's that. And there's @JamieChinaMTV & the bear suit. #realworld
@dc408dxtr: Jay & Jenna are talking to Jamie about them being more drama free than the others in the house, and Jamie is speaking her mind. #RealWorld
@dc408dxtr: .@itsarifitz is frustrated that there's a lot of drama all over the house, and she is waiting for her pizza to come in. #RealWorldExPlosion
@dc408dxtr: Now we've got something going on here... What else can I say? A slap then a kick. And then words in the bedroom. Drama. #RealWorldExPlosion
@dc408dxtr: There's now a lot of drama in the house, it can be a bit tough for me to live in the house, that's for sure. #RealWorldExPlosion
@dc408dxtr: Jenny vs. Brian continues and she wants him out of her room and she gets her wish. Next week should be tense as well. #RealWorldExPlosion

After Brian cheats on Jenny, things get nasty when she seeks revenge. Meanwhile, Jamie creates drama between Jenna and Jay when she reveals a secret, and Hailey looks to find a new man.

The Wrap
Hadn't done this in a while, but here's my episode wrap... And considering the craziness of this episode, I had to write one on here. But if my memories aren't exactly right from this episode, then please excuse it. Maybe a little rust after the long break.

The episode began with Brian and Cory talking about the events of their guys' night out, and the fact that he danced & kissed a girl in the club, which we saw at the end of last week's show. And he pretty much knew that he would find himself in the deep stuff after going through all that. So, he finds the courage to fess up to Jenny, but has to find the right time & place, which is at a restaurant while waiting for a seat. It was there that he came clean about it, albeit in a not-so-good delivery of that news. But while she wasn't happy about it, Jenny knew they would embarrass themselves if she had confronted him in a public space; so for their sake they stayed mum out in the open and it was when they got back home that they started getting into it. Fueled by what happened with Brian, Jenny then plots getting her revenge on him.

The threesome we are seeing this season with Jamie, Thomas and Hailey is something that's sort of mesmerizing to me as a RW fan, of one guy being in the middle and two girls who want his attention. It will undoubtedly get more interesting in the next episode, but we've seen this before with other threesomes, Laura, Trey & Chelsea being the most recent. In this episode, we heard from Tom about this awkward situation of Hailey coming on and pursuing other relationships, and feels Hailey doesn't have to be in the city, but Jamie disagrees and doesn't want her to interfere. With that in mind, at a club Jamie recommended to Hailey a German guy, Janis; and Hailey & Janis get along until Tom begins calling her names, and leading Hailey to got outside and shed tears.
   But that's not the end of the story with Janis. When Hailey left him, Jenny decides that he shouldn't be left by himself. And then she begins flirting with him in front of Brian's face, and she makes out with him. And now it's the reverse of what happened earlier: Brian is now mad at Jenny. And that is not the end of the story between both of them either.

This season, we haven't seen much drama with Jay and Jenna, but we saw some drama in this episode, with one getting in the middle who didn't have anything to do with it at all. Although they're not official, Jay has been trying to remain with Jenna, and that upsets her, but she's staying quiet on the matter. This catches the attention of Jamie & her gauges and she confronts Jay for Jenna. Jay isn't happy as he feels that Jamie shouldn't get involved in their matters. And then Jenna finally expresses her frustrations. But that's not the end of Jay & Jenna, we'll see what happens come Wednesday.

Then, there was the moment of this episode. Earlier this season, we saw Hurricane we have Hurricane Jenny. She and Brian finally confront each other, and this is where Jenny goes HAM on Brian, and while while it's fun to watch it's also intense as well. Brian began to throw every insult he knows on Jenny, and then she finally slaps him in the face. Then, she slaps him again. And finally, she does a Jackie Chan move and kicks him, all as the roommates try to restrain her. Knowing well the outrage they received in the aftermath of the Nia/Averey/Johnny fight from Portland, production did the right thing this time to intervene and to tell Jenny to calm down or go to a hotel, and she agrees to go to sleep. But when she wakes up, she has just a lollipop for breakfast. And then she throws all of Brian's clothes out of her room, and gives him the message that he isn't welcome in her room anymore, all with a an empty bed in that room.
   I had a bit of the same feeling of watching Jenny's attack on Brian when I saw Marie go after Sam and everyone else in the BOTSeasons house, with practically the same scenario with a blonde girl being at the heart of a house fight. But it's not the end of the story. Next week, obviously, it will get even better. This season is about to get even wilder with explosions aplenty among the two threesomes in the house, and the video which may make or break a third couple in the house. Good thing you're Arielle & Ashley C. just staying out of the drama and just waiting to have that pizza.

As we wrap things here, a few reminders...
- After running into technical difficulties during their SpreeCast chat on Tuesday, my buddy Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) once again had the opportunity talk to Cory on SC. In addition to looking at the season, the events up to episode 7 and answering fan questions such as mine before connection problems cut the original chat short, AK and Cory will also talk about this episode. And they were also  joined by fellow 3M member Thomas. Join them at
- In case you missed it, before Wednesday's episode we posted the latest edition of Fan's View as we covered the most-recent RW Ex-Plosion After Show with Eric Ceballos (@EricC_Official). Read his great insight on here at, and next week there's another After Show and we'll be getting Eric's view of it on here.
- And with taping of the Reunions for both RW Ex-Plosion and Are You The One? taking place this weekend - RW today, that next edition of Fan's View will also have info on how you can contact me so you can talk about your experience, give us your thoughts on the season & provide us exclusive lowdown from the studio for our Reunion Revealed posts when both of them air in a few weeks.

And as you saw in some of those tweets above, this week those on the upcoming season of The Challenge have been in L.A. taping a few After Show's. And while there isn't a studio audience for which I can approach this time around, the selfie pics by the cast does signal that something big is coming. And me posting a composite pic of the 28 competitors after the Sochi Olympics Closing Ceremony, without giving away what they all have in common, also signaled that too. The trailer for the 25th season will be out as soon as Monday, and we will be on top of this season right from the start, and into full-blown mode once both RW Ex-Plosion and Are You The One? wrap up.

Last but not least, in addition to our usual reminder of this being home to SocialPulse diaries, full MTV show coverage and much more, DCBLOG will be making a major announcement on here tomorrow. And it's in regards with what will be a huge change and a game-changer coming in the way I am able to experience Twitter when it's at its very best. So, be sure to join us for that news on here then.
   In the meantime, hope you enjoyed both this post and episode 8 of Real World Ex-Plosion. And until I join you back here in a bit, have fun, thanks for reading and enjoy that extra hour of daylight. And to all my friends who've gathered in New York and in L.A. for the reunions, hope you all have fun and bring on the drama. See you then.

- DC

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