spoilers for international readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
By DC Cueva
Hey everyone, welcome to another edition to DC SocialPulse and our twitter diary of episode 8 of Are You The One?. Last week, the house was reeling from the drama surrounding Chris T. & Kayla being a perfect match setting off fireworks between Shanley & Simone and Shanley being devastated at her man leaving the house, while two potential triangles eventually emerged which may divide the house again.
This week is Episode 8, and the drama continues, albeit new ones. Kayla and Ryan suddenly find themselves in a heated argument and the hours turns on her when she reveals a secret that could hinder Amber & Ethan. Plus slime makes its way to the house as the week's challenge May question the ability to hang together. And after being unchanged in the match department, and even with the drama in the house, will this week give the group good news in their quest for the cash?
In addition to covering this week's episode, this extended edition of DCSP will also cover the buzz surrounding the entire cast coming together in Los Angeles for the taping of the Reunion show, which, per twitter, should have plenty of fireworks as well. As we start, our usual reminders that...
- 1. Please note there is explicit language in certain tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- & 2. As AYTO is airing hot off the U.S. presses on other MTV international channels and this episode hasn't aired where you live, please don't proceed with reading this post. But I will be compiling all the cast tweets from when it airs here each week into weekly DCSP posts, so you won't miss a thing of how your favorite castmates reacted to this episode when they get to see them for the first time.
So with that, join us after the jump for the cast getting together in LA and this week's drama in Hawaii, which also was my first time tweeting at my new live twitter home, DC NOW at @DC408DxNow.
Reunited and It Feels So Good
@IamAdamKuhn: Can't wait to see what Drama unfolds at the #AreYouTheOne Reunion this weekend!
@ryanmalaty: So much to do! So little time! Getting ready for LA and the #AreYouTheOne reunion show on Saturday
@AshleighMorgh: I can't wait to see the cast man! I miss those crazy people. It's gonna be one helluva weekend. #areyoutheone
@brittany_baldi: Waiting at the airport anxious to get to LA! #AreYouTheOne reunion this weekend can't wait to see everyone! #LAX#MTV
@AshleighMorgh: Super sleepy but LA bound 😘😘 excited to see my #areyoutheone cast ayyyee http://t.co/kf8xRHYW5Q
@kklusby: Jet setting off to L.A. this morning.Still an hour until my flight and I just ordered a cheeseburger🍔Too weird for 7 am? ✈️ #alldayeveryday
@IamJoeyDillon: And here we go. And here we go.. #LA #AreYouTheOne #mtv #itistime
@EDiamond007: So there's this place LA..? Where big things happen...? Soon to be reunited where it all began with the #areyoutheone cast
@ryanmalaty: The airport is the BEST for people watching #AYTOReunion
@SimoneKelly_: Window Seat✔️ Zebra Blanket ✔️ This change of weather is much needed! See you soon LA! #CityOfAngels 👼🌴☀️ http://t.co/y2OmQbAs0I
@amberleeMTV: Dear Los Angeles, I hope you're ready for my crazy #AreYouTheOne fam! Here we come! Xoxo, ReunionReady http://t.co/lO2ZtD7c7a
@brittany_baldi: Would be clutch if flights more than 4 hours had DJs bumpin beats! I'm in Los Angeles!! #AreYouTheOne #bostonstrong
@IamAdamKuhn: Just touchdown in LA #AYTOreunion
@MTVJessicaPerez: Just landed in LA..... Wazzzzzzaaaaaaa
@IamJoeyDillon: #LA Bound. Time for the festivities!!!!! #AreYouTheOne #teamjoeydillon #mtv @mtv @AREUTHE1 #LosAngeles
@IamAdamKuhn: Considering taking 3 scoops of NO explode right before the reunion just in case someone tries to call me out. #AreYouTheOne #HULK
@Coleysia: First person I see @amberlee091 !! Such a warm gal. 😊😊 so ready to turn up!!! 💃💃💃💃 http://t.co/LtkrHofK7J
@MaybachDiamonds: Hangin out with these assholes. #imstilltheone http://t.co/VBseZzDMuL
@kklusby: Santa Monica Pier with my lovely castmates @brittany_baldi & ashleighmorghan #Cali #areyoutheone @… http://t.co/u8nHlYbjZ5
@ryanmalaty: Reunited and it feels so good! #AYTOReunion #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/qxbEBOUQMY
@ryanmalaty: This is the craziest thing being reunited with the #AreYouTheOne cast! So many memories, drama, omg you guys are in for a show #AYTOReunion
@MTVJessicaPerez: Dinner time with the cast. Yeaheeeeyeah!!!
@IamJoeyDillon: Me and my boy @dubbucksmtv in #la chillen. #areyoutheone #mtv http://t.co/ME8PIgHfvx
@amberleeMTV: Catching up with my babeee @shandathapanda ! Getting ready for that #AreYouTheOne reunion tomorrow! #turndownforwhat http://t.co/v8DDbCTN8F
@dubbucksMTV: Weeeeeeee're baaaaaaaack!!! 🙌 Reunion MEEEEEEEEE!!! 💃😏😁 #reunion #mtv #areyoutheone http://t.co/wImmTUV6Ft
@dubbucksMTV: The bro @iamjoeydillon and I reunited! 🙌 We were brothers in the house AND U.O.E.N.O it ✌️ #goodtimes… http://t.co/Isprtlhm4Y
@ryanmalaty: Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten. #AYTOReunion
@amberleeMTV: What does the #Areyoutheone family do behind the scenes? #TURNDOWNFORWHAT http://t.co/xOJJUEB5Mc
@AshleighMorgh: It's only 9:00pm and I'm exhausted
- @dc408dxtr: @AshleighMorgh yeah, it is an exhausting day with traveling cross-country. But hope you're enjoying LA so far, should be a fun day tomorrow.
@IamJoeyDillon: Me and the owner of our show. #lightheartedentertainment #howard #mtv #areyoutheone #la #dinner http://t.co/PuBY6STn4f
@shandathapanda: Oh man. You guys are in for a fucking fantastic treat if you keep watching #AreYouTheOne. I'm so happy to be apart of this experience!
@SimoneKelly_: These two men believed in me from the day I met them... HowardSchultz && Scott Jeffress I will forever… http://t.co/iU9uvjLid4
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm so good in bed... I can sleep for days
@brittany_baldi: East coast time is winning right now! But I don't wanna sleep yet #AreYouTheOne ;)
@SimoneKelly_: Nite nite! http://t.co/SITv37PQmC
Reunion Day (March 8)
@IamAdamKuhn: Possibly last time the #AreYouTheOne cast is together. #AYTOreunion it's about to get Crazy!
@TophsTweets: @ChrisScaliMTV @ryanmalaty great stroll down the street to staples center with da boys last night #LittleThingsThatMakeMyDay
@AshleighMorgh: It's almost time for the #aytoreunion
@ryanmalaty: Rise and shine it's #AreYouTheOne REUNION SHOW TIME
@ChrisScaliMTV: #reunionready @IamAdamKuhn #AreYouTheOne #mtv @mtv http://t.co/owp6NtUqFG
@IamAdamKuhn: #AYTOreunion with @ChrisScaliMTV Stage Ready #AreYouTheOne @mtv http://t.co/1HmYv1V9Q3
@brittany_baldi: These #AreYouTheOne hotties though paigebrendel @mtvjessicaperez kklusby #MTV #AYTOreunion http://t.co/0TFPFEYIjm
@brittany_baldi: Mr romance himself @ryanmalaty mtv #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/GYqg48iCn4
@MTVJessicaPerez: Shan shan!! @shandathapanda http://t.co/qJQWZ4i8eC
@AshleighMorgh: Who all do you see in this picture? #aytoreunion #areyoutheone #ilovemycast http://t.co/YMRS5Y32Cj
@AshleighMorgh: And my love @Coleysia and I! #aytoreunion #areyoutheone http://t.co/HdcohA3H6d
@brittany_baldi: Hott dayyuumm me and @tophstweets areuthe1 #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/y4ffMrenbv
@illBeJacy: I woke up like deez! #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/aMyl2dhUs3
@EDiamond007: The fellas, reunited and it feels so good #areyoutheone #smokeshow #boys #gettem #turndownforwhat… http://t.co/2lucCbgc3K
@AshleighMorgh: paigebrendel and kklusby chilllennn #areyoutheone #aytoreunion http://t.co/C0YUhp0asd
@IamAdamKuhn: The Boys!!! #AreYouTheOne @ChrisScaliMTV @ryanmalaty @TophsTweets @MaybachDiamonds @EDiamond007 http://t.co/v63CpUNQ3d
@brittany_baldi: @shandathapanda we getting readyyy and shittles #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/6XESXjx9mX
@IamJoeyDillon: Me and my boyyyy @dillanhoward bout to film this reunion. #areyoutheone #mtv #teamjoeydillon http://t.co/JgCxVBFq7g
@SimoneKelly_: Just got to set... Time to weeeerk! http://t.co/2gPQitmwea
@brittany_baldi: The Italians. That attitude ;) #AreYouTheOne #brooklyn #boston @ChrisScali http://t.co/6CivDLB0MN
@TophsTweets: Reunion time find out our relationship status and so much more stay tuned on the rest of the season… http://t.co/8jTDpbbLu3
@EDiamond007: Miss Puerto Rico and I #areyoutheone #mygirls #smokeshow #aytoreunion http://t.co/GDhqBpi6eP
@AshleighMorgh: #aytoreunion http://t.co/MD43xgFtXk
@dubbucksMTV: Oooh kill em!! RT@AshleighMorgh: #aytoreunion http://t.co/ojDxGmUFEN
@amberleeMTV: 📷💕IG: amberleemtv Backstage with my @Ediamond007 at the #AreYouTheOneReunion! 😉❤️ http://t.co/sVc2CGUPXd
@TophsTweets: Waiting around the set with this gassy ass nugget #areyoutheone #mtv @shandathapanda http://t.co/wHOE1KvX0X
@EDiamond007: Amber and I, you already know ;) #AYTOReunion #EthanAmber #gotlove @amberleeMTV http://t.co/YXZPnhFnPT http://t.co/2KVq4pYfIM
@MaybachDiamonds: @shandathapanda is my best friend. http://t.co/3C1eqYjMqp
@IamJoeyDillon: Hanging out having a good time. @dubbucksmtv @ediamond007 @mtvjessicaperez #areyoutheone #mtv http://t.co/W3Hf04q8E7
@MTVJessicaPerez: Studs. @IamJoeyDillon @dubbucksMTV @EDiamond007 http://t.co/iDhKLLLkiG
@dubbucksMTV: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!! RT@MTVJessicaPerez: Studs. @IamJoeyDillon @dubbucksMTV @EDiamond007 http://t.co/68Nje0MJGN
@amberleeMTV: Found me in a douche sandwich...well, the SWEETEST douche sandwich of all #AreYouTheOne @TheRealJoeScali @IamAdamKuhn http://t.co/8EDI9TqGD4
@dillanhoward: The photos of me at the reunion are photoshopped...I'm in New Zealand #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Ha! These fuckin guys #AreYouTheOne #AYTOReunion @dubbucksMTV @EDiamond007 http://t.co/LOx4tMwS4t
@dubbucksMTV: Yea... We did that RT@ryanmalaty: Ha! These fuckin guys #AreYouTheOne #AYTOReunion @dubbucksMTV @EDiamond007 http://t.co/0NFOyNs1F6
@brittany_baldi: Love this girl! @mtvjessicaperez #AreYouTheOne #nashville http://t.co/RDCr6db2ko
@ChrisScaliMTV: top flight security http://t.co/ZBv86Bx2om
@dillanhoward: coleysia and I in 1973 #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/jbHbrJmCgk
@IamAdamKuhn: Haha can't even explain how real this reunion is about to get! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Shit's about to go down #AreYouTheOne #AYTOReunion @ChrisScaliMTV http://t.co/NoOPCrKR31
@TophsTweets: #areyoutheone #mtv about to get REEAADDYYY!!! http://t.co/ACvfjeM9Ie
@IamJoeyDillon: Keepin it classy #la #gq @gqfashion #areyoutheone mtv #mtv #bar3 #barIII #suit #losangeles http://t.co/583NFxlK6z
@IamJoeyDillon: This #reunion is about to get #live!! #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@kklusby: I'm getting sewn into my dress right now.... It's getting real. . . http://t.co/nElSyPVb2K
@amberleeMTV: Nothing beats the way he looks at me though...@EDiamond007 #AreYouTheOne #AYTOReunion http://t.co/CtKFlHHLyu
@dubbucksMTV: 😂😂 I can't help it. Photobombs.... ALLLLLL DAY! #goofballtilIdie #reunion #mtv #areyoutheone http://t.co/hkNKUrkEz2
@ryanmalaty: She's so beautiful! @illBeJacy #AYTOReunion #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/rSH9hedquH
@SimoneKelly_: Can't wait for you guys to see the international commercials...S/O to all the fans outside of the US!… http://t.co/PEOD1bxohh
@AshleighMorgh: Finally grabbed a photo from @shandathapanda #areyoutheone #aytoreunion http://t.co/SU2wRByiqq
*** Editors Note: And then, the reunion takes place, and it's a long one. Per some of the attendees' tweets, it took place for 9 hours starting at lunchtime and ending before dinner. Gonna be a adventure for editors to pare this down to one hour, can't wait to talk with the audience about everything when it airs. ***
@IamAdamKuhn: With the boys! #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/XybFZfQNTy
@SimoneKelly_: These bodyguards tho...lol 👀 #CanILive ?
@amberleeMTV: How could ANYONE say anything bad about the sweet @MTVJessicaPerez ?? #AreYouTheOne #AYTOReunion http://t.co/NDeXhsMULi
@IamAdamKuhn: Not even going to lie I had such a hard time not going full hulk at the reunion #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: I'm so stoked to have had you guys at the reunion with us! Whether you were a fan or not, you got to see the realest of the real. #AYTO #MTV
@ryanmalaty: It's not quite Ellen-status.. but still quite a selfie! #AreYouTheOne #AYTOReunion http://t.co/piQL7mSOS7
@brittany_baldi: The reunion was eventful to say the least people's true colors always shine. #AYTOReunion get ready for the drama #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: Poooooooped. 😴
@SimoneKelly_: TURN UP TIME!!!!
@SimoneKelly_: Hotel after party????? 👀👀 DUHHH!!!!
The Day After
@IamAdamKuhn: Meow meow Meow Los Angeles
@IamAdamKuhn: You know my motivation given my reputation.
@AshleighMorgh: Exhausted 😴😴😴 I don't feel well
@dubbucksMTV: It's been a loooooooooooooong weekend o_O
@brittany_baldi: Woke up next to my girl from back home and @ryanmalaty!!!?? The struggle #AYTOReunion @AREUTHE1 #losangeles
@ryanmalaty: OMG...Last night though #AreYouTheOne #AYTOReunion
@TophsTweets: To everyone at the reunion I love you all hope you still love us #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: Had an amazing time and big learning experience with some of the cast members!Things arent always what they seem.#AreYouTheOne #AYTOReunion
@dillanhoward: Give forgiveness. The end.
@EDiamond007: Real Love stories Never have an Ending #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: It sucks being back in Ohio and it's so cold!! Anyone know any good agents in LA?
@brittany_baldi: Exploring LA with @shandathapanda @MTVJessicaPerez #AYTO #AreYouTheOne @areuthe1
@dubbucksMTV: LA!!! It was fun! 🙌 Thanks for ALL the love and one hell of a night at Dave & Busters last night 😂😂… http://t.co/R15Z3JRc7s
@shandathapanda: Hey guys! I'm being a tourist in Santa Monica. Come find me. LETS LIKE BE FRIENDS! #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Power couples in the cast! #AYTOReunion #AreYouTheOne #turnup #gotlove @shandathapanda @TophsTweets @amberleeMTV http://t.co/8rixFMmwQ1
@amberleeMTV: "You both shine a little brighter when y'all are together!" 💕💎 Backstage at the #AYTOReunion #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/kSmBM8Dfvn
@brittany_baldi: These smokeshows @shandathapanda @mtvjessicaperez in Santa Monica #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/0n38KH5601
@AshleighMorgh: The best #areyoutheone selfie ever! Watch out now Ellen! #aytoreunion love y'all 😘 http://t.co/Uhxt0WHKS4
@ryanmalaty: Guess who we're bringing back to Colorado! #random #AreYouTheOne @TophsTweets @EDiamond007 http://t.co/aV1KVP9q9S
@shandathapanda: Santa Monica beach betchessss. I loved meeting some of you so follow us there! #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Takes a little crazy to be creative... #sorrynotsorry
@kklusby: Disneyland with my amazing brother and sister ! @PharmacistReb @Kristenlusby #siblinglove #family #disneyland #cali http://t.co/69vj9cc09z
@brittany_baldi: Always set the bar higher #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: Did what every little girl in the world wanted to do and made out with @TophsTweets Don't believe the hype. #bros4ev http://t.co/0Oczbm1HhP
@TophsTweets: @MaybachDiamonds #bros4ev
@brittany_baldi: We both get fiesty and tell it like it is. @shandathapanda Kauai throwback! #AreYouTheOne #MTV http://t.co/kzJpMP5Ujr
@Coleysia: Selma in LA! I was way too excited to see this! Lol! #27 #iputon @ Los Angeles, CA http://t.co/gUDtp6iBX1
@ryanmalaty: How would YOU introduce @TophsTweets to the Mile High City? #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/33CI46OZXp
@ChrisScaliMTV: if she doesnt text you while shes drunk. #youarenottheone
@MTVJessicaPerez: California at it's finest. @shandathapanda http://t.co/AQIm5s6x6r
@brittany_baldi: Cute #AreYouTheOne fans baked us boss cuppy cakies! Thanks girls! Xo areuthe1 http://t.co/8UpKsiVH6a
@ChrisScaliMTV: one of the hardest parts of life is deciding if you should walk away or try harder
@SimoneKelly_: Came through to support @YG for his LA Listening Session. Go get his new album "My Krazy Life"! 😜😍 @ HVW8 http://t.co/tK69cxVJPZ
@EDiamond007: "The weathers great because were inside" @TophsTweets mmmhmmm mhmm mhm night everyone
@TophsTweets: LOVE relaxing with my boys @EDiamond007 @ryanmalaty
@IamAdamKuhn: It's the little things that matter.
@brittany_baldi: You're all jealous I'm having a slumber party with @dillanhoward @shandathapanda @Coleysia @MTVJessicaPerez like kauai #AreYouTheOne ;)
@SimoneKelly_: READY FOR #AreYouTheOne TOMORROW????
@Coleysia: @SimoneKelly_ hello. Today is Sunday.
@brittany_baldi: Felt like challenge day!! @shandathapanda and @dillanhoward made me try goat cheese! Not bad though. Beats fish juice ice #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: I have to shit but there's 5 of us to one room and I'll feel bad if I suffocate all of us.
...and The Day Before
@illBeJacy: Be confident.
@IamAdamKuhn: Never be satisfied. . Always strive to get better.
@IamAdamKuhn: Is "I took to much pre-workout" a legitimate excuse to get out of a speeding ticket? #asktwitter
@EDiamond007: Simplicity is the Key to Brilliance
@brittany_baldi: Forever family @shandathapanda @ryanmalaty @illbejacy paigebrendel kklusby #AreYouTheOne #losangeles http://t.co/TFu6Ht5cKt
@amberleeMTV: 💖💭Once you've figured out who you are and what you love about yourself, it kinda all falls into place. #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/17EBC85I4a
@brittany_baldi: A real man loves 1 woman a million ways. He doesn't lower his standards for millions of women #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: I feel like a beluga whale. Thank you, America, for your ridiculously over sized portions.
@SimoneKelly_: Let's get me to 15,000 followers guys...tell your friends to follow me. I'm such a loser! Gotta give em a dope reason why to though! Lol.
@ryanmalaty: If you see us on campus today, we're giving out FREE HUGS! With @TophsTweets and @EDiamond007
@TophsTweets: @ryanmalaty @EDiamond007 LETS DO THIS AROUND 2:00 yeah!?!?
@TophsTweets: @EDiamond007 @ryanmalaty hmm I support #snacks4follows
@MTV: @TophsTweets @ryanmalaty @EDiamond007 The three of you are my #mcm. I want free hugs. Plz come to NY soon xoxo.
@AREUTHE1: On tomorrow's #AreYouTheOne, Kayla reveals something that could destroy Amber & Ethan. Watch the sneak peek here! http://t.co/SbaCUHXRdZ
@Coleysia: Sooo true. If you can't change it, don't stress about it! I'm guilty of sticking around trying to… http://t.co/QnhWSm75la
@AshleighMorgh: I guess you can say our #mcm is @ryanmalaty lol #areyoutheone love y'all http://t.co/bsFkSuRLL3
@IamAdamKuhn: Thanks for the #mcm love the support.
@MTVJessicaPerez: Ladies man. @ryanmalaty http://t.co/DzIjA2FyLt
@brittany_baldi: My girls a hottie @mtvjessicaperez #mimosa #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/0YeVBzPg0L
@TophsTweets: GOOD LUCK ON MID-TERMS TODAY (especially com) @ryanmalaty @EDiamond007 @jaybarraa 😜
@amberleeMTV: 💔😭My #ethanamber fans...you should prob run to Costco and buy a superpack of tissues before tomorrow! #areyoutheone http://t.co/pkqJ5q56OB
@IamAdamKuhn: What's up Italy! #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: So in tomorrow's episode... Everything you've wanted to see happen...Well, shit hits the fan.. #AreYouTheOne #teamdiamond #EthanAmber
@ryanmalaty: Love & hate, First kisses, First dates, The ups, The downs, The smiles, The frowns, The truth, The lies, The laughs, The cries. #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: can i live
@Coleysia: My intuition is always on point. So don't be fooled, just bc I don't speak on it doesn't mean I'm not aware of it. 😉
@IamAdamKuhn: I just want to spoil you.
@MaybachDiamonds: Tim Duncan wins a lawsuit against dunkin donuts. "Duncan Dunks on Dunkin."
@MaybachDiamonds: Joakim hits a game winner. "Noah's Arc Saves Bulls." #ultimatesportsheadlines
@MaybachDiamonds: Pope John Paul Walker Jr. - the name of my first born (girl or guy)
@MaybachDiamonds: I miss the good ol' days of rap when Bone Thugs would come together and harmonize over how much they loved weed.
@illBeJacy: Best place to think! My island Puerto Rico! http://t.co/m2HxrdxScS
@SimoneKelly_: LA, I WANNA SEE YOU TONIGHT!!!!! http://t.co/sv9PzMQs8z
@ChrisScaliMTV: you only live once but when you live like me one time is plenty
@TophsTweets: Guess who is next #larp #imgoodthanks #areyoutheone @ryanmalaty http://t.co/rvwoQIIJH4
@ryanmalaty: Trust is like an eraser: it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.
@IamAdamKuhn: Sorry I wasn't in last episode much folks! But don't worry I'm coming back with a bang this week ;) #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: I am sincere and blunt. You'll know if I hate you or I love you #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: California Love🌴 http://t.co/ecpSO1SApu
@brittany_baldi: It looks like @ryanmalaty is the one. Surrounded by all these hotties <3 #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/S8N7X6oboJ
@illBeJacy: oh God I want to go to Brazil! So much love from them I can't even explain I eant to go noww grrr lol #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: Never leave something good to find something better, because once you realize you had the best, the best has found better.
@AshleighMorgh: All new #areyoutheone tomorrow!
@shandathapanda: HEY YOU BETCHES! Last night in LA so come do weird things with me and like, hook up with prostitutes #LYFE http://t.co/lkxdIS4gRk
@dubbucksMTV: I HAVE to go ahead and say thank you for all the #mcm love today 🙌😁. It's much appreciated and well received! Hope y'all are ready 4 2morrow
@brittany_baldi: Sushi with these hotties in Cali @dillanhoward @shandathapanda @MTVJessicaPerez #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Tomorrow's episode of #AreYouTheOne could be the last one! #thinkaboutit
@IamAdamKuhn: Can't wait for tonight's episode of #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Humans are the only mammals that willingly delay sleep. It's true.
@SimoneKelly_: WE HERE!!!!! http://t.co/k4901vB28e
@brittany_baldi: These tongues are the one #AreYouTheOne @mtvjessicaperez http://t.co/tfXsBbPKLE
AYTO Tuesday
@MTVJessicaPerez: It's a great day for #AreYouTheOne ... Just saying.
@IamAdamKuhn: I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for something I am not.
@kklusby: Some friendships are inexplicably amazingly brilliantly ridiculous & fabulous 🌴🌼🌊☀️💙 paigebrendel http://t.co/3cJgTYUZUP
- @MTV: @kklusby Literal babes.
@Andre_sinclair1: #AreYouTheOne on tonight👏👏👏. #teamdre where u at #MTV @mtv
@shandathapanda: SPOILER ALERT! I'll be in NYC tomorrow dooooeee. 😁
@brittany_baldi: @iamjoeydillon! We are bosses #AreYouTheOne #MTV http://t.co/S4DCF93jAn
@ryanmalaty: It's finally Tuesday!!! #AreYouTheOne is on tonight so buckle up
@MTVPaigeBrendel: Laguna Beach is beautiful http://t.co/vCBUp6Uuoq
- @MTV: @MTVPaigeBrendel Take me with youuuuu.
@IamAdamKuhn: "The best revenge is moving on and getting over it. Never give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer."
@EDiamond007: You know it's #AYTO Tuesdays when you wake up anxious 😁👀 #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: It's AYTO Tuesday! Who's tuning in tonight at 11/10 c ?! 😉 http://t.co/3sp4XXYeRC
- @MTV: @Coleysia Meeeee :~)
- @Coleysia: @MTV of course you are! 😉
@SimoneKelly_: IT'S TUESDAY!!! You know what that means!! #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/OlUuywHzgl
@brittany_baldi: LA it was real. Back to Boston in a bit! New Ep of #AreYouTheOne tonight! @mtv get pumped xo #teambaldi
- @MTV: @brittany_baldi I am pumped!
- @brittany_baldi: @MTV lots of hidden drama about to unfold tonight. #AreYouTheOne ahhh! Cue the popcorn
@amberleeMTV: Cookie dough, icecream, wine, chocolates, tissues..CHECK! I'm fully equipped for tonight's crazy episode..BRING IT ON #AREYOUTHEONE! @mtv 👊💥
@shandathapanda: I'll be in Times Square. I'll update you with details tomorrow!
@AshleighMorgh: Humility.
@SimoneKelly_: TUNE IN TONIGHT @ 11/10c TO WATCH @MTV NEW HIT SERIES "Are You The One?" This week's episode is pretty intense 😁😳 http://t.co/qpvZHrqUb0
@AREUTHE1: Tonight #AreYouTheOne's @ryanmalaty will once again be live tweeting from this account! Get your questions ready, gang!
@EDiamond007: Bad news is, it's snowing out in Colorado...❄😪Good news is, we could win a Million on tv tonight..💰💸 #areyoutheone
@IamJoeyDillon: This beautiful girl. @brittany_baldi #mtv #areyoutheone http://t.co/fxMZEKKUIU
@amberleeMTV: 💋💋💋Special thanks to our fabulous MUAs & stylists! Here's @ryanmalaty & I getting ready for our shoot! #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/5e3BiwxUgs
@AshleighMorgh: So many exciting things are happening can't wait to fill you all in
@AREUTHE1: Tonight on #AreYouTheOne, Kayla causes a rift between Amber and Ethan. Watch the sneak peek here! http://t.co/SbaCUHXRdZ
@illBeJacy: Leavin my Island again :( But tonight I party hard in New York City!!! #AreYouTheOne #Youcantsitwithus http://t.co/LwZ6ue6iD4
@MTVPaigeBrendel: We have each others backs @kklusby http://t.co/rnArtHOQx0
@ryanmalaty: The story between Kayla and me is one of romance, lust, and heartache. Are we a match? Find out tonight #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: Such a HUGE episode for my man @ryanmalaty tonight!!!!😬😬😬😬
@ryanmalaty: @TophsTweets Let's do this thing
@AshleighMorgh: Having someone who loves me and supports me no matter what is the best feeling in the world
@AshleighMorgh: Strive to do your best and strive to be your best
@IamAdamKuhn: With my first love waiting for #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/ixGQrQsfuF
@MTV: @IamAdamKuhn I don't know what that is, but I want it.
@EDiamond007: Love to see that hustle at the crosswalk 🙌 #honks4hustle
@AshleighMorgh: All new #areyoutheone tonight!! It's good good you guys!! Tonight on MTV areuthe1!! layy_reynoldss… http://t.co/p4hQKl64UU
@Coleysia: Sweet Home Alabama! 😊
@ryanmalaty: If you carry the bricks from your past relationship, you will end up building the same house #AreYouTheOne
@MTV: @ryanmalaty So wise, Malaty.
@dubbucksMTV: #AreYouTheOne meeeeeeeeeee!!!! 🙌💃💃 Toniiiiiiight!!!
@MTV: The always adorable @RyanMalaty will be taking over the @AREUTHE1 Twitter account during tonight's new episode at 11/10c! #AreYouTheOne
@kklusby: Home sweet Home #Mississippi http://t.co/wnCfbmw3cl
@Coleysia: Congrats to my friend @MJ9TRE on his move to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! I wish you much success! Put on for 27 down there! Love you!
@SimoneKelly_: Where are we watching #AreYouTheOne tonight LA!!!??
@Coleysia: My other family. #AYTO #mtv 😊 love you guys. http://t.co/u2MYdcJHaz
@ChrisScaliMTV: #AreYouTheOne is on tonight and I want to watch the show somewhere in LA @mtv @AREUTHE1
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne Tonight!
@amberleeMTV: 🕗🕘🕙 THREE HOURS TIL' #AREYOUTHEONE ! RT if you're counting down too 🙋
@SimoneKelly_: Feels good to be apart of the Lighthearted Entertainment family! Great meeting w/Papa Rob Executive… http://t.co/WSo2cJJTQM
@ryanmalaty: Tonight's episode of #AreYouTheOne is A Whole New World of drama
@IamAdamKuhn: Tonight's episode of #AreYouTheOne Is packed with drama! You will be SHOCKED.. I promise that.
@amberleeMTV: If y'all thought LAST episode was dramatic... just wait for tonight... CAUSE IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN! #AreYouTheOne #MTV
@brittany_baldi: Whatup my lil bosses! I just landed in BOSSton! I'll be live tweeting 11est. Truth bombs dropped. Must watch! #AreYouTheOne @mtv #teambaldi
@JayGMTV: #AREYOUTHEONE tonight. Lookin forward to seeing @ChrisScaliMTV @kklusby @MTVPaigeBrendel and @brittany_baldi gonna be a good one i hear
@ChrisScaliMTV: if you hate me, thank you #AreYouTheOne #tonight
@ryanmalaty: ONE HOUR!!! Breathe in, breathe out.. #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: One more hour guys, grab your Xanax, your Advil, whatever your woosah medication is and lots of popcorn ur gonna need it #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: RT if you think we are winning the million tonight or going home chumps! Do we find love?? #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: #AreYouTheOne in less then a hour @mtv @AREUTHE1 http://t.co/FweIuDGHDd
@IamAdamKuhn: 30 minutes until #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: Just landed in NYC! Did my makeup on the plane and gonna change in the car loll I need u guys to keep me posted with the show! #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: RT if your Tuesdays have improved because of #areyoutheone
@MaybachDiamonds: Alright team, once again no cable so I'm gonna need you all to let me know when I'm on TV being awesome. Much appreciated. #iamtheone
@amberleeMTV: 👯🍷Got my girls and my wine!! Lots of moral support needed for tonight's #AreYouTheOne !! RT if you're here by spirit! http://t.co/qXFozcFbHt
@ryanmalaty: Live tweeting from both here and @AREUTHE1 tonight! So be ready with popcorn this episode gets REAL
@RyanDevlin: East coast! #AreYouTheOne is about to be all over yo' face! Grab some Purell and get ready to rock.
@EDiamond007: this episode is like coffee on steroids promise it will keep u awake #dontblink #areyoutheone #mtv @areuthe1
@IamJoeyDillon: Who's ready for some #teamjoey on #AreYouTheOne tonight!?? Let's #trend me! @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@dubbucksMTV: Leeeeeeeeeehhgoooooooo!!! #AreYouTheOne
As The Cast Saw It
@MTV: Get ready... #AreYouTheOne starts NOW! @RyanMalaty will be taking over the @AREUTHE1 account for the night, so go say hi!
@AREUTHE1: Hey guys it's @ryanmalaty taking over! Let's do this thang #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: It's show time! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: It's almost time!!
@IamAdamKuhn: #AreYouTheOne time!!!!!!
@Andre_sinclair1: Where we go! #AreYouTheOne #teamdre
@SimoneKelly_: LA TRAFFIC THO! 😩
@ryanmalaty: As Rafiki once said....it is time #lionking #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Let #AreYouTheOne begin! And may the odds be forever in your favor
@EDiamond007: Let it BEEGGINNNNNNN #areyoutheone #EthanAmber
@AREUTHE1: Previously on #AreYouTheOne, playing games within games....game inception
@AREUTHE1: "I don't know who my match is" @shandathapanda tell me about it #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: But hey, you'll still get your 50,000 dollars!!!! @shandathapanda #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Hell no I would never put @TophsTweets with Paige #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: Oh man here we go!!!! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: "Dude maybe Brittany and I are a match" @IamAdamKuhn I can't believe what I'm hearing 😂 #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Seriously @IamAdamKuhn ?! Hahahaa...don't say we didn't warn you! #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Did I really just bang brittany??! #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: @shandathapanda is missing Chris T!! #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Ray charles could see @IamAdamKuhn and @brittany_baldi arent a match "HA! C'mon"
@SimoneKelly_: Who's watching #AreYouTheOne???!
@MTVJessicaPerez: So over the Brittany & Adam drama!!!! Stop sleeping with him! -_-
@illBeJacy: #AreYouTheOne Here we go!!
@AshleighMorgh: Wow Adam #areyoutheone
@shandathapanda: Oh Adam. You little hornball you. BONEEER @IamAdamKuhn #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: @shandathapanda I got Horny!
@TophsTweets: #AreYouTheOne @IamAdamKuhn oh yeah she is your "match" alright hahahhaha #whoisthebossnow
@brittany_baldi: Challenge day is egg day!! Eat healthy #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: This challenge was wild! #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: I feel John's pain. It's not fun being on the wrong end of a love-triangle #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Like everyone asked #shirtoff #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Told u I wasn't crazy. ADUMB thought we were a match at times too. Wasn't all me. #AreYouTheOne @areuthe1
@AREUTHE1: "Well hung" @RyanDevlin #ilovepuns #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: Let's go!!!! #teamjoey !!!! #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@AshleighMorgh: @IamJoeyDillon and I had this on lock!!! #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: The sexiest sex lube legally allowed in the state of Hawaii? I can dig it #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Who do u think wins this challenge!? #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: That Sex earned me breakfast for the next 2 weeks #omeletesonomelets #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: This sex lube was all over me!! #areyoutheone
@amberleeMTV: Y'all! I rocked a wicked rope burn on my inner thigh for WEEKS after this challenge!RT if you want @EDiamond007 and I to win!! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: As Kayla was swinging back and forth on my body it got harder and harder.. #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: My ass waaaay too PHAT for @Andre_sinclair1 to hold up. Even with dem muscles.
@Andre_sinclair1: So I lost a challenge 🙀, and bust my ass hard #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: Anger. Lmbo! #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Team athletes out! Dre and Shanley #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: #ANGER ...who the fuck am I?
@AREUTHE1: Takes me back to nickelodeon #slimed #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: When the goop dried.. We felt like cement goblins! Awful, yet kinda hot.
@IamAdamKuhn: Who do you like me or the guy who fucked a girl 2 days ago? @illBeJacy @MaybachDiamonds #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1
@ryanmalaty: I'm at the end of my rope with this girl #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: It's like an episode of #doubledare but instead of slime it's lube...sexy!!! #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: The #AreYouTheOne cast better be going to the VMA's @shandathapanda @ryanmalaty @TophsTweets @ChrisScaliMTV @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007
@AshleighMorgh: Which love triangle would you rather be in? #RyanKaylaWes #JohnJacyScali #areyoutheone
@Andre_sinclair1: I still got that hard body tho , even tho I lost. I was pissed because , I hate to lose #AreYouTheOne #teamdre http://t.co/wm15xJAtOx
@AshleighMorgh: @Andre_sinclair1 yeah you lost before me 😊
@MTVact: Tonight's episode of #AreYouTheOne touched upon self-injury. We wrote about it and listed resources for help: http://t.co/pyQ5rhNkqY
@AshleighMorgh: @IamJoeyDillon and I kicked butt! We won #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: She makes me weak in the knees #PUNSFORDAYS #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: I will make up my mind when im ready! Thank you very much! #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: I'm spending my night stuffing my face with cheese and watching #AreYouTheOne WUT ARE YOU DOING?!
@IamAdamKuhn: Congrats to @IamJoeyDillon and @AshleighMorgh for winning the challenge
@IamJoeyDillon: @IamAdamKuhn @AshleighMorgh first nice thing I've heard from this guy since. Thank you.
@AREUTHE1: How Kayla feels after we win the challenge #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/rEpXwBoSsR
@amberleeMTV: Whoever guesses what the nasty lube-like substances was actually made of...will get a shout out and a follow! GUESS AWAY!! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: RT if you want #RyanKayla in the truth booth #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: I'm voting no love triangle, they cause too much problems #areyoutheone
@MTVJessicaPerez: What love triangle would you rather be in? #RyanKaylaWes #JohnJacyScali #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: @IamJoeyDillon that campsite was so beautiful! #areyoutheone
@brittany_baldi: That green slime took forever to wash off! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: How I'm smacking doe #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: Getting dirty in the shower 😏 #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: throw BROOKLYN up #scali #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: "You get a morning happy glow don't put it on me" #areyoutheone
@MTVJessicaPerez: Goodnight Dre! @IamJoeyDillon @AshleighMorgh
@Andre_sinclair1: Word dre on your mind @AshleighMorgh lol, #goodnightdre #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Which love triangle would you rather be in? #RyanKaylaWes #JohnJacyScali
@EDiamond007: Love @illBeJacy wit those pigtails lol #areyoutheone
@ChrisScaliMTV: Let's try this @illBeJacy #mtv
@IamJoeyDillon: "Goodnight @Andre_sinclair1 , I mean Joey" #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AshleighMorgh
@AREUTHE1: "I'm not asking you to marry me" @ChrisScaliMTV #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/ES9b4HFjpN
@AshleighMorgh: @illBeJacy how cute are your pigtails #areyoutheone
@ChrisScaliMTV: Let's play a game of spit later !! Hahah #mtv #teamscali
@AREUTHE1: Fun fact: the #boomboomroom was the only bedroom in the house with a door #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: How did I win that challenge? Cobblers pose! #lookitup #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Okay Kayla...let's just be a walking contradiction now! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: Kayla does not want to go to the boom boom room, Ryan. #AreYouTheOne #rubitout
@SimoneKelly_: Boom Boom Room!!!! Lol. #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: I'm starting to believe the things that people are telling me #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Kayla stop hiding behind the word "Moral" #AreYouTheOne @ryanmalaty
@ryanmalaty: For the record, no, I'm not on crack #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Can U say crazy tho 👀 #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Beginning and the End of the Crazy Kayla Saga #boomboomroomNOT
@SimoneKelly_: RT if you're watching #AreYouTheOne with me.
@shandathapanda: Someone is a walking contradiction. #hypocrite #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: Yes I wear pigtails lol #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Fact# after not talking to ADUMB for a week he apologized. That is why we hung out and did the challenge together #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Check out those NINJA SKILLS doeeee! #creepinonthelowlow #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: When everyone scattered doe. Bahahahaha!!! #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: hoodie season #blackhoodie #brooklyn #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: I'm done with you #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Kayla and Ryan or Wes and Ryan? #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: Pwahahahaah. EVERYONE SCATTERS! #AreYouTheOne #mtv
@SimoneKelly_: iSPY! 😂😂😂😂👀 #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Too funny how we all was ease dropping #AreYouTheOne and scattered
@ChrisScaliMTV: im not asking you to marry me lol fellas take notes! #AreYouTheOne #scali
@EDiamond007: We're like spiders in a room scattering when @ryanmalaty walks upstairs #areyoutheone
@ryanmalaty: I'm tired of being hurt by this girl #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: "I was in a blue robe my hair was wet"...poor @ryanmalaty 😂😂😂😂
@haileychivers: @AshleighMorgh such a beautiful girl 😘
@AshleighMorgh: @haileychivers thank you my doll!
@ChrisScaliMTV: Crayyyy !!! #AreYouTheOne #teamscali
@AshleighMorgh: Everyone was being so nosey lol #areyoutheone
@shandathapanda: Commercial break = piss break ✌️
@IamAdamKuhn: We listened to @ryanmalaty and Kaylas conversation at the top of the stairs and realized how crazy kayla actually was.
@AshleighMorgh: It's about to get real #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: She was messing with me, Wes and Scali....now Ethan too? #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: ANDD here comes the water works... Who thinks Kayla is being a good friend? Who thinks she's being vindictive? #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: Alright, I'm not allowed to mean tweet without being tattled on so "insert mean tweet here".
@IamAdamKuhn: Which love triangle would you rather be in? #RyanKaylaWes #JohnJacyScali #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: Yeah you threw him under the bus..... #mtv #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Just Gimme an apple, I'll handle the situation.. #areyoutheone
@shandathapanda: Nobody fucks with my asian other half @amberleeMTV #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: I don't get it. Why bring other people just because you're feeling low? Not cool... #AreYouTheOne
@kklusby: Watch this & find out what happen behind the scenes-Why I fought with Ryan and kissed Ethan http://t.co/rFWXTkzpvA… #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: @amberleeMTV my poor baby. She's so sweet #areyoutheone
@dubbucksMTV: 😩😩😳 whaaaat the hell is going on! Lol #AreYouTheOne
@MTV: @dubbucksMTV Let's get the show's hashtag trending! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Ethan too? #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: @IamAdamKuhn always got my back #gotlove brother
@SimoneKelly_: Now you're giving him away? Okay. #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: Awwww! I just can't stand to see @amberleeMTV cry! #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: datingadvice013- only use head games when necessary, give people the respect they deserve #AreYouTheOne #scali
@AREUTHE1: The infamous apple #AreYouTheOne @EDiamond007 http://t.co/Ijp77GA78j
@IamAdamKuhn: Was I the only guy that didn't hook up with Kayla?!?! #AreYouTheOne Lmfao
@amberleeMTV: This was by far the hardest day in Hawaii for me. I'm crying again reliving this...#AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: @EDiamond007 stay with something in your hand. That chomp on that apple doe! #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@brittany_baldi: I'm tired of people not being genuine with their feelings #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: Ethan is going HAM!!
@IamAdamKuhn: Preachers daughter banging NBA players!? #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: whats going on now? let me know ehen the kayla thing comes up! #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: YOU.NEED.HELP. 😩😂😂😂 #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Look at my @EDiamond007 being a BOSS! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: @EDiamond007 rounds is all up! He needs reinforcements #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: "Ethan's attacking Kayla rather than reassuring me, this makes me think something did go down" @amberleeMTV #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: datingadvice014- trust is the key to any relationship, its like paper once you crumble it up it will never be perfect #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: #AreYouTheOne BEAT DOWN TIME...ohhhh nooo🙉
@IamAdamKuhn: It's goin down!!! #AreYouTheOne @EDiamond007
@shandathapanda: Deja vu? This scene looks awfully familiar. Cough, cough. #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: I'm ALWAAAAAYS creepin' 🌾👀🌾 😂😂😂
@MTVJessicaPerez: I love you. @amberleeMTV #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Let's get ready to rrrrrummmmbleeeeee! 😂 #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: I just walked into a total shitstorm #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Leave it to Beaver..? no Leave it to ETHAN. @areuthe1 #areyoutheone #teamdiamond
@AREUTHE1: "Disturbingly, sadly, embarrassingly full of shit" @MaybachDiamonds #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: I thought this convo was funny #AreYouTheOne my only form of entertainment tho
@AshleighMorgh: Damn @MaybachDiamonds #areyoutheone
@MaybachDiamonds: gotta wear black to the funeral
@SimoneKelly_: @MaybachDiamonds is going OFF! Hilarious! But true. #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Y'all know who this is directed at: Your MORALS don't make you a good person...your BEHAVIOR does. CAN I GET A RT?! #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: "Your bridge is completely burned to LITTTTLE ashes."
@EDiamond007: Dont you talk to my woman like that kayla @amberleeMTV #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: You can't developed relationships if you're not being yourself #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: One of the craziest freakouts in Reality TV History! On #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: 🙈🙈🙈 #areyoutheone
@MTVJessicaPerez: No matter what, no one deserves to be in the situation that Kayla was.... @kklusby #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: After finding out about Kayla and Ethan, enough is enough. I have to speak my peace #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Hit it for me 1 time , hit it for me 2 times😂 #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Oh....snap #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: I TOLD YOU SHE WAS CRAZY! #crazykayla #areyoutheone
@kklusby: Who wouldn't freak out? Check out my thoughts on tonight's episode and what they DIDNT show #areyoutheone http://t.co/rFWXTkzpvA…
@SimoneKelly_: And then... That happened. 😬😳 #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Good thing @illBeJacy was there and helped out #areyoutheone
@ChrisScaliMTV: take the good with the bad, love what you have, remember what you had always forgive but never forget learn but never regret #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: Everyone here wants to work together, have fun and develop relationships that actually matter #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: and now u know i did not beat nobodys ass! I would never do that unless u mess with me lol. I just helped a friend. #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: Might've had our differences... But 18 people takin shots at u!? Ouuuuch 😳 👀
@brittany_baldi: Kayla just lost it. Can't blame her. Whole house ganged up on her at once. Truth bombs have landed #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: and.....SCENE! Okay, can I breathe now? #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: It's hard taking 16 people on at once #areyoutheone
@dillanhoward: #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: I'm sitting there liiiike 😳🙊✌️🚶🚶
@AREUTHE1: Flying solo on the date. Not complaining either #AreYouTheOne
@TophsTweets: 👀...🍌 #AreYouTheOne #theDmakegirlscrae @ryanmalaty
@ChrisScaliMTV: your strongest enemy is the one that knows your weak spots #AreYouTheOne #scali
@ryanmalaty: There was nothing else I could do #AreYouTheOne
@kklusby: https://t.co/beTL2cbD4z
@EDiamond007: everyone thought @illBeJacy would beat kayla up, but shes a big girl she can do it all by herself
@SimoneKelly_: Paddling time!!!!😍
@ChrisScaliMTV: Thank you god ! @ryanmalaty
@AREUTHE1: Paddle boarding in Kauai was amazing! @SimoneKelly_ @ChrisScaliMTV #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/q4LqdEdKWV
@AREUTHE1: When Scali wiped his ass with the flower I nearly fell off my board #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Ryan is Tarzan! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Oh Scali #areyoutheone
@MTV: @AshleighMorgh Which love triangle would you rather be in? #RyanKaylaWes #JohnJacyScali
@AshleighMorgh: @MTV I'm team scali John and jacyyy
@ChrisScaliMTV: Scratch it !!! " she's an asshole " 😂😂😂 #teamscali #AreYouTheOne #mtv
@SimoneKelly_: SURFBOARDT! 🏄 #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: Haha Scali trying to paddleboard is fucking hilarious "I'm trying not to drown on this date" #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Truth Booth time. Who's going in? #areyoutheone
@shandathapanda: If you guys don't think @ChrisScaliMTV is the greatest person since sliced bread, well check yourself before you wreck yourself.
@Andre_sinclair1: Hoody session tho #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Nooooo #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Ryan and Kayla perfect match or nah? #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: Finally. #RyanKayla #truthbooth #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Truth booth time! Perfect match, or nah? #AreYouTheOne
@IamJoeyDillon: There we go! I'm reppin my company @STATUSAthletics on #mtv #AreYouTheOne !!! @AREUTHE1 @mtv #statusathleticclub #dlllonenterprise
@ryanmalaty: Looks like our time has finally come @kklusby #AreYouTheOne
@haileychivers: OH I JUST LOVE TRUTH BOOTH TIME #AreYouTheOne @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@ChrisScaliMTV: shes an asshole #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: #LasersDontLie #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/o93RAJqvBt
@dubbucksMTV: Dun dun dunnnnnnn!!!! 😳 #AreYouTheOne
@kklusby: This is the right link! Sorry for the confusion y'all #AreYouTheOne #techprobz https://t.co/tuvspevTxK
@MTVJessicaPerez: Are they a match? #RyanKayla The anticipation is REAL! #AreYouTheOne 😜 http://t.co/R8zca0ALCA
@amberleeMTV: Fingers crossed that they're a MATCH so we can get this headache of a couple OUT of this house! (sorry @ryanmalaty, LOVE YOU!) #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Walking in that booth....it really is a moment truth #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: No Match.
@illBeJacy: we are frienda you see? #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/EDwA0UPcpa
@MTVPaigeBrendel: Someone kidnapped me.. Lol
@AshleighMorgh: Daaaaaaaamn #nomatch #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: I invested a lot of time, emotion and energy into this girl. And now it's not a match #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Told them #AreYouTheOne run Ryan run lol jk
@SimoneKelly_: See... Everyone should've been on the MONEY TIP from jump! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: "I'm gonna get on unemployment and just sleep on the streets" @MaybachDiamonds #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: What now!!??? 😩😩😩😩 #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: John getting on unemployment and sleeping in the streets! Lmfao we better win this money! @MaybachDiamonds #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: im a lover and a fighter- just fight for what i love #AreYouTheOne #brooklyn @mtv @AREUTHE1
@amberleeMTV: To all the haters: @EDiamond007 kissed Kayla WEEKS ago!Kayla was being vindictive; YES I was hurt..but I will stand by my man. #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: @amberleeMTV I apologize to everyone! It did happen weeks before
@dillanhoward: Don't forget @kklusby is human #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: "Who do you like, me? Or the guy who f*cked another chick two days ago" @MaybachDiamonds @illBeJacy #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/Y2CJ34piSQ
@dubbucksMTV: @Andre_sinclair1 wit the du-rag though 😂😂
@EDiamond007: Yal would never guess @ryanmalaty new match now! #areyoutheone @areuthe1
@Andre_sinclair1: Straight hoody with the due rag on tho, black man on MTV #reppin #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: Who should I pick ?!?!?
@AREUTHE1: Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide #AreYouTheOne @ryanmalaty http://t.co/hCk8qqXBq9
@DeenaNicoleMTV: “@ChrisScaliMTV: shes an asshole #AreYouTheOne” rt 😂 I just peed a little lmaooo I can't take you Scali
@AshleighMorgh: @ryanmalaty really lol #areyoutheone
@IamAdamKuhn: Aladdin! ! Haha I was dieing! @ryanmalaty is hilarious #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: WTF @ryanmalaty 😂😂😂👳
@ryanmalaty: I can show you the world #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/HVXDjjM868
@brittany_baldi: @ryanmalaty looks like Aladdin! Smokebro. He can show us the world ;) #AreYouTheOne
@MTVPaigeBrendel: I escaped
@IamJoeyDillon: Best dressed award once again!!!!! #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1 @mtv #matchupceremony #pickyomatch!
@Andre_sinclair1: Grown men where Aladdin outfit hmmm #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Who's gonna pick me???? 😏 #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: He likes me! HE REALLY LIKES ME! @TophsTweets #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: JJ Dont put me on the spot like that that aint right! #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: I'm the wildcard. 😒 I just want to love somebody!!! #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: I keep getting tweets. U all think Scali or Ryan should be my perfect match? #AreYouTheOne #matchup
@ChrisScaliMTV: Hahahaha Paige is a hata !! #teamscali
@AREUTHE1: "Fuck the game. Fuck money. I'm trying to start a relationship. I'm trying to start something real" @MaybachDiamonds #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: YTF is nobody about the MONEYYYYYY?! Geesh.😒 #AreYouTheOne
@dubbucksMTV: Shout out to @IamJoeyDillon for styling me that night! #bromance #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: RT if you're only awake right now because of #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Commercial break: all of my Los Angeles fans, where we partying at tonight?? 😁
@IamJoeyDillon: “@dubbucksMTV: Shouts out to @IamJoeyDillon for staying me that night!!! #bromance #AreYouTheOne” staying?
@dubbucksMTV: @IamJoeyDillon autocorrect foo!
@AREUTHE1: Can't believe you guys are eating shaved ice after the last challenge @TophsTweets @MTVPaigeBrendel #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: I loved the match up ceremonies. #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Girls always comin for the sneak @shandathapanda
@amberleeMTV: HOW are @TophsTweets and @MTVPaigeBrendel eating that shaved ice after that AWFUL challenge we had? Fish juice.... #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: Deleted scene that I've never seen? Oh that's cool. I DARE you to drop that shave ice on his crotch and "make something cute of it"
@dubbucksMTV: I'm looking at Aladdin like 😡😒😒😒 *smacks forehead* whyyyy 😩😩 #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: sorry i had to steal yo bitch #AreYouTheOne
@MaybachDiamonds: @ChrisScaliMTV you don't steal shit bitch
@illBeJacy: @ChrisScaliMTV how dare you tweet some shit like that?
@Coleysia: 😳
@IamAdamKuhn: Banged @brittany_baldi but still had to go with @shandathapanda she's a boss #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Did Ethan own up to it? #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: Time will tell who my match is... or the thruthbooth! #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: Good save after a long week 😉@EDiamond007 I got ur back bro
@EDiamond007: #mastermanipulator mmmhmmm mhmm mhm
@dillanhoward: Walmart special #CoconutBras #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: That Aladdin costume!!! Lmao why?! #AreYouTheOne
@ryanmalaty: I'm simply looking for my diamond in the rough #Aladdin #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: Dawww who wouldn't want the prince charming @ryanmalaty ?! Don't take this sarcastic bull from Kayla! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: I got picked by Aladdin! Does that make me the black Jasmine? I will appreciate you!! @ryanmalaty #areyoutheone
@haileychivers: @AshleighMorgh @ryanmalaty lolololol
@MaybachDiamonds: Thanks for keeping me updated on the show guys I LOVE YOU! GO ME! GO US! USA OLYMPIC CURLING 4 LIFE! #iamtheone
@AREUTHE1: I'm not her match and there's a REASON why I'm not her match #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: I would love a happy ending to this story #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: A lot like me #never #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: #IAMDOMINATE
@Coleysia: I love @AshleighMorgh 's voice. 😍 call me! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Thank you @AshleighMorgh for being my Jasmine :) #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: @AREUTHE1 anytime Prince Ali
@SimoneKelly_: @brittany_baldi bad a$$!!!! 😘 #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: *drum roll* how many beams????????
@AREUTHE1: 10 beams are 10 perfect matches and $1 million dollars #AreYouTheOne
@dillanhoward: @EDiamond007 and that apple #noms
@SimoneKelly_: Show us something good! #AreYouTheOne
@brittany_baldi: We are playing the game to win money. Changing up picks. JJ and I knew werent a match but for strategy had to try it #million #AreYouTheOne
@kklusby: What a crazy episode to relive! Check out my thoughts and what went on behind the scenes https://t.co/beTL2cbD4z
@AREUTHE1: On rubbing the lamp: it's only weird if it doesn't work #AreYouTheOne
@ChrisScaliMTV: you girls betta be careful i got all these dudes takin notes @MTV #AreYouTheOne
@Andre_sinclair1: How many we got ? #AreYouTheOne quick what u think
@ChrisScaliMTV: often imitated never duplicated @MTV #AreYouTheOne
@MTVJessicaPerez: 7 lights!! Sweet baby Jesus.. We are finally getting somewhere!! #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: 7 Perfect Matches #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: TU!!!!!!!!!! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: 7 beams! Were so close!! Now that's a good episode!! #areyoutheone
@IamJoeyDillon: WHITE TEETH!!! #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1 @mtv #teamjoey #bestdressed
@EDiamond007: @amberleeMTV is my Great White Buffalo #areyoutheone
@Andre_sinclair1: We getting there !!!! #AreYouTheOne
@shandathapanda: If being honest makes me a bitch, what would always lying make me? Come on people.
@AREUTHE1: Yeahhhyyyeahhh #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Shoutout to everyone who guessed correctly! #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: Next time on #AreYouTheOne ...THE WHITE PARTY
@amberleeMTV: SEVEN PERFECT MATCHES Y'ALL!! It's looking good - totally what I needed for such an awful episode. Keepin' my CHIN UP though! #AreYouTheOne
@illBeJacy: I need someone who will fight for me, someone who will have my back because i will give my all to my Perfect match! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Next week the white party gets crazy!!! #areyoutheone
@AREUTHE1: WOW what an episode.. Any questions? #AreYouTheOne
@EDiamond007: Never thought we'd get 7...? ME NEITHER #areyoutheone
@AshleighMorgh: #areyoutheone fans are the best! I love you all!
@SimoneKelly_: Speaking of "All White Party", I'm in MIAMI tomorrow!! Who's partying with me????
@brittany_baldi: 7 perfect matches!!! Wicked close come on! #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Answering questions about the show right now at http://t.co/B7KDd0Ul5p #AreYouTheOne
@Coleysia: Goodnight y'all! Great episode! Love y'all! 😘 #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/XWjcRF1aiy
@EDiamond007: "she kept swaying back and forth on me, it got harder and harder, honestly didnt think id last that long" Aladdin @ryanmalaty #areyoutheone
@MaybachDiamonds: Goodnight everybody! Apparently tonight was crazy and shit got real. watch again next week to see more crazy shit! #iamtheoneforever
@ChrisScaliMTV: Never let them know your next move ! #mtv #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Can y'all get me to 13k on IG???? Follow me!! @SimoneKelly__
@amberleeMTV: Thanks everyone for all the encouragement! I wouldn't have made it through tonight without y'all! BEST FANS EVER #AreYouTheOne
@AREUTHE1: If you had three wishes, what would they be? #AreYouTheOne
@dillanhoward: Wearing my retainers tonight #AreYouTheOne
@IamAdamKuhn: Do you want to Party with @ryanmalaty and I this Weekend?! We will be in DC partying at Ultrabar! 18+ come meet us! http://t.co/blUfu5n8U6
@brittany_baldi: Tweet me a few questions! I will answer a couple #AreYouTheOne
@kklusby: Thanks for the love! No more hard feelings-thumbs down to bullying/ganging up on people but I truly wish the best of luck to Ethan & Amber
@illBeJacy: Thank you to everyone that supports me and loves me for the person that i am. Im going to hang out now. Stay tuned for pics i love you!
@ChrisScaliMTV: #AreYouTheOne #teamscali #mtv http://t.co/COCuy0rMpj
@AREUTHE1: Tonight was crazy. And so much has changed. Thank you all for taking this journey with me! Until next week, this is @ryanmalaty, signing off
@SimoneKelly_: LOVE MY EAST COAST FANS!!!! #AreYouTheOne
@amberleeMTV: 🍷🐶Thank God for puppies and wine! To hell with them! Noone can hurt you without your permission first! #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/eVcCoohjXt
@Coleysia: It's nothing like going to bed with a smile. 😊
@SimoneKelly_: Ok, I love ALL OF MY FANS!! 😘😘😘
@EDiamond007: Lets talk about morals... Just walked in on you and ryan in the shower! #areyoutheone
@SimoneKelly_: If you love me, you'll follow my fan page on IG & Twitter! @teamsimonekelly 😘
@IamJoeyDillon: Let's see....RT if your #teamjoey with a #teamjoey tag. Favorite if you love watching #AreYouTheOne #mtv @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@IamAdamKuhn: Haha my man Scali is a G @ChrisScaliMTV
@EDiamond007: Open for Q&A #areyoutheone
@Andre_sinclair1: Go follow my IG page Andre _sinclair1 #AreYouTheOne
@MTVPaigeBrendel: I think people forget this is a tv show.... A reality tv show......lol
@IamJoeyDillon: Alright twitter. Time to call it a night. THIS guy has to be up at 4:30am. #workflow #boss #earlybird #gq
@IamAdamKuhn: RT if you think some of the #AreYouTheOne cast need a new show on @mtv
@IamJoeyDillon: Follow this guy on IG: @IamJoeyDillon
@amberleeMTV: Rough episode for @EDiamond007 & I. But have faith fans! COME WHAT MAY, I will love til my dying day...#AreYouTheOne http://t.co/hwwkyUDhmV
@amberleeMTV: Okay! I'm officially opening my twitter up for Q&As! Tweet away little birds!! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Aladdin was one of my favorites 😜
@AshleighMorgh: Team #ethanamber
@IamAdamKuhn: Leaving it with this.. good night. #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/uRlTJ8ryJL
@shandathapanda: http://t.co/jkKUeVGJje They all had some pretty nice asses though.
@SimoneKelly_: It's almost time for #AreYouTheOne on the west coat!!!
@SimoneKelly_: 😁😁😁😁😁
@illBeJacy: Yes im in the stripclub bitch!" So what?? lmao #AreYouTheOne http://t.co/aHWGZF1Y4X
@shandathapanda: IG: shandathapanda SIGN: Capricorn NOSE RING: right side. Boom. You're welcome. ✌️
@brittany_baldi: @IamAdamKuhn nice job posting it on WCW asshole ;)
@shandathapanda: I have both sides of my nose pierced BUT the hoop is on the right side. Whoops, had to clarify. GOOOOODNIGHT HOMIES.
@brittany_baldi: PUMPED u all notice I dont cry or get into drama thanks for those tweets! I keep confident and drama free for real #teambaldi #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: It's getting down to the nitty gritty! #areyoutheone
@SimoneKelly_: L.A. where y’all watching the show at? #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: I used to want to be slimed by Nickelodeon as a child, after that lube I think I'll pass #areyoutheone #dreamscrushed
@SimoneKelly_: West coast!! It’s time!! #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: Missed you today love you 😘 call you tomorrow @Coleysia
@brittany_baldi: shoutout to smokeshow @AshleighMorgh for winning that challenge!! <3 #AreYouTheOne
@AshleighMorgh: @brittany_baldi haha I love Baldi lingo
@brittany_baldi: FACT# my cast loves my funny random BALDI lingo!! haha. I am a unique wild one for sure xo #Iamthe1 #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Why must I always team up with Scali? Lol. #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: You’re in the BOOM BOOM ROOM saying how much you don’t want to be in there...😒
@SimoneKelly_: I finally win a challenge!!
@SimoneKelly_: We scattered like rats!! 😂😂😂😂🐭
@ChrisScaliMTV: life always changes the truth stays the same #AreYouTheOne #scali
@SimoneKelly_: Bring in the troops!
@SimoneKelly_: FRIENDZONE!
@SimoneKelly_: That was a very sad/intense moment. 😳😢 #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Aladdin is in the building!! 😩✋😂😂👳
@SimoneKelly_: Who do you think will pick me tonight??????? #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: How many beams???????? #AreYouTheOne
@SimoneKelly_: Y’all ready for next week?? Party time (again!) 😉 #AreYouTheOne
- @dc408dxtr: @SimoneKelly_ definitely ready for next week! Great episode tonight & everything going in right direction right now towards the cash.
@brittany_baldi: This LA jet lag has me up all night. Gunna try to sleep. Just FANswered a ton of questions. Xo #AreYouTheOne goodnight #teambaldi
@EDiamond007: IG Ediamond007
As The Fans Saw It
@BigTymers228: can't wait to watch @amberleeMTV @AshleighMorgh @Coleysia @MTVJessicaPerez @illBeJacy @MTVPaigeBrendel on #AreYouTheOne Tonight
@BigTymers228: Can't Wait To Watch @dubbucksMTV @EDiamond007 @Andre_sinclair1 @IamAdamKuhn @IamJoeyDillon @ChrisScaliMTV On #AreYouTheOne Tonight
@BigTymers228: Can't Wait To Watch @shandathapanda @TophsTweets on #AreYouTheOne Tonight
@BigTymers228: Can't Wait To Watch @ryanmalaty @kklusby on #AreYouTheOne Tonight
@BigTymers228: Can't Wait To Watch @brittany_baldi @MaybachDiamonds @SimoneKelly_ @dillanhoward on #AreYouTheOne Tonight
@busdriversroute: From yesterday: How to make @AreYouThe1 better for next season http://t.co/ZxfHbRSeKq
@neyasivera: Can't turn on the TV without @shandathapanda being there #leavemealone 💩❤️ http://t.co/VnftZA0MEk
@EdwinMontanez: #AreYouTheOne is on tonight. I am excited. @mtv
@EdwinMontanez: “@EDiamond007: RT if your Tuesdays have improved because of #areyoutheone” I never miss an episode
@tylerwilfong27: Ready to see the boo @brittany_baldi
@EdwinMontanez: #AreYouTheOne is starting. I love it @mtv
@Justin_Rhines: #AreYouTheOne STARTS NOW!!!
@EdwinMontanez: @IamAdamKuhn keeps using Brittany for some V and the idiot let's him! She gets what she deserves #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Oop @IamAdamKuhn here we go again
@EdwinMontanez: @MTVJessicaPerez @shandathapanda Jessica seems so sweet. I hope her and @ryanmalaty are a match #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @TophsTweets your face is epic brother. And I'm straight #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @amberleeMTV @IamAdamKuhn he literally thinks with his Dick #AreYouTheOne
@BigTymers228: @amberleeMTV You looking beautiful as always Tonight Amber #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @IamAdamKuhn @illBeJacy @MaybachDiamonds @AREUTHE1 She could have mistaken Scali for you lol #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Jacy and JJ ❤️ @illBeJacy @MaybachDiamonds
@KatieeBug143: FINALLY! #AreYouTheOne time!! RT if you're watching with me 😊🙌👍 @dubbucksMTV @dillanhoward @Andre_sinclair1 @Coleysia @amberleeMTV @kklusby @MTVPaigeBrendel @brittany_baldi @IamAdamKuhn @IamJoeyDillon @shandathapanda @SimoneKelly_ @ChrisScaliMTV @MTVJessicaPerez @TophsTweets. Love you guys!!!!
@EdwinMontanez: @ryanmalaty dude. JESSICA #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @TophsTweets are you upset you missed that challenge? #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @MTVJessicaPerez curves. Guys like curves. No one wants a stick figure #AreYouTheOne (like Kayla)
@EdwinMontanez: @AshleighMorgh @IamJoeyDillon I could see you two being a match #AreYouTheOn
@EdwinMontanez: @illBeJacy no one can force you to make a choice. You need time #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: @Andre_sinclair1 I think you got this one 😂
@tylerwilfong27: Jacy and John though 👌
@tylerwilfong27: Okay I honestly don't understand no more... John is literally going to end up heartbroken
@tylerwilfong27: Adam and Brittany #ICant
@EdwinMontanez: I am soooo #TeamEthanandAmber ... They are ideal #AreYouTheOne @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV
@EdwinMontanez: “@ChrisScaliMTV: throw BROOKLYN up #scali #AreYouTheOne” making us all look like assholes in the process
@tylerwilfong27: I think she's just hormonal
@kendallongg: This girl needs Jesus. Bipolar to the max.
@busdriversroute: I can't take any fight seriously when the phrase "boom boom" is uttered repeatedly.
@tylerwilfong27: Okay @ryanmalaty might be one of the nicest people ever on tv so...
@EdwinMontanez: @ryanmalaty she never wanted to go to the boom boom room? She lead u up there for a blow job! Liar #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @kklusby you are crying because??? The camera doesn't lie @ryanmalaty #AreYouTheOne
@busdriversroute: Were there mental health checks done before filming? How did Kayla pass? #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: “@brittany_baldi: Kayla and Ryan or Wes and Ryan? #AreYouTheOne” @ryanmalaty and @dubbucksMTV lol
- @dubbucksMTV: @EdwinMontanez @brittany_baldi @ryanmalaty hahahhaa
@EdwinMontanez: @brittany_baldi I laugh everytime I see you say ADUMB lol #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Where is @dillanhoward and @Coleysia ?!?!
@EdwinMontanez: @ryanmalaty you deserve the best. I can't stand girls like that #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: I wish there was like an after show with @illBeJacy and @MaybachDiamonds ❤️
@EdwinMontanez: @TophsTweets @ryanmalaty Chris, imagine she was your match? Lmfao #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @IamAdamKuhn @ryanmalaty dude. She is a certified crazy ass girl #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @EDiamond007 is Kayla making this up?! What a crazy bitch #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @amberleeMTV why are you listening to Krazy Kayla?! @EDiamond007 would never do that to you
@EdwinMontanez: @EDiamond007 @IamAdamKuhn I like seeing this love here #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: I am pissed off at @amberleeMTV for listening to Kayla. She EXAGGERATES #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: "Isn't the spawn of Satan" lmfao @EDiamond007
@BigTymers228: @amberleeMTV I'm really hurt & sad to see you cry like that Amber You Didn't Deserve This At All
@busdriversroute: Back to the NBA player that @kklusby hooked up with. Who was it??? I need answers!!
@tylerwilfong27: This is sad #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 that's how much he CARES #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Yes @MaybachDiamonds is like Jesus listen to him
@kendallongg: She looks ignorant. Kayla deserves all this.
@Justin_Rhines: STOP BULLYING @kklusby #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: Kayla is a REAL CRAZY PERSON #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @SimoneKelly_ @MaybachDiamonds he went in! No holding back. Love this guy #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: I know MTV called the therapist on that one #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @amberleeMTV especially when you don't live by the morals that you preach! #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Can @illBeJacy be my therapist?
@EdwinMontanez: “@shandathapanda: "Your bridge is completely burned to LITTTTLE ashes."” Lay it on her girl. Love you
@EdwinMontanez: @EDiamond007 you did not deceive is sir #AreYouTheOne #crazykayla
@KatieeBug143: Oh gee.Attack Kayla. As much as I've seen with all the drama I still feel bad for her. But I felt bad for amber too! @amberleeMTV @kklusby
@EdwinMontanez: @ryanmalaty dude. You deserve better #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @EDiamond007 @illBeJacy it takes a real psycho to beat THEMSELVES up #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: There obviously not a match 😂
@EdwinMontanez: @EDiamond007 @illBeJacy it takes a real psycho to beat THEMSELVES up #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @dubbucksMTV always speaking about @ryanmalaty not being a "man" is annoying. Everyone's different #AreYouTheOne
@Justin_Rhines: OMG, they are bullying my girl @kklusby . I got your back, Kayla :) #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: Shhh Ryan's Ashleigh's match 😉
@EdwinMontanez: Thank God! @ryanmalaty she was no good for you! TOXIC #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @MTVPaigeBrendel I miss you on #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: MTV fucked themselves they showed Kayla in truth booth with Wes on Mid-Season trailer... Duh
@kendallongg: They're terrible at picking their matches
@EdwinMontanez: @ryanmalaty as Aladdin is EVERYTHING #areyoutheone
@Justin_Rhines: What is @ryanmalaty wearing, lmao #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: I was anticipating seeing @MTVPaigeBrendel and Chris talking after the end of last weeks episode. Never happened #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @brittany_baldi Scali. All day
@busdriversroute: One thing that bugs me is when the host says "if just one person is wrong." It's impossible, at least two couples will be wrong #petpeeve
@tylerwilfong27: Scali and Jacy #yeahright
@EdwinMontanez: God I wish Chris would forget about Shanley and really get to know @MTVPaigeBrendel #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @shandathapanda you weren't there. How could you do anything?! Lol #AreYouTheOne
@tylerwilfong27: I will come and substitute for Chris T love @MTVPaigeBrendel
@EdwinMontanez: “@JamieChinaMTV: Woooooo!! @ryanmalaty used #MANCHILD 😂😂👌 yes!!” I think you are his perfect match lol
@tylerwilfong27: Scali and Simone 👌 JJ and Jacy 👌 #lovesquare
@tylerwilfong27: Wtf @ryanmalaty you finally reading my tweets 😂
@EdwinMontanez: @amberleeMTV @ryanmalaty Kayla is a hater
@tylerwilfong27: My 2 favorites @brittany_baldi @MaybachDiamonds
@tylerwilfong27: So is @ChrisScaliMTV match @MTVJessicaPerez or am I way off 😂
@KatieeBug143: Wow 7 matches. That show was soo intense. Was it just me or did that hour go by FAST?! Ugh now the wait for next week again! #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @IamAdamKuhn bringing Brittany to the boom boom room let's you know he was HORNY #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @IamAdamKuhn is the man. He can be cool or an asshole, but you just can't not love the dude #areyoutheone
@tylerwilfong27: Doing homework on #AreYouTheOne tomorrow
@EdwinMontanez: @brittany_baldi I love how you don't speak to Adam but let him smash it when he wants lol #AreYouTheOne
- @brittany_baldi: @EdwinMontanez no. Wrong. He apologized and we hung out for a few days before that happened. U see small clips on tv
- @EdwinMontanez: @brittany_baldi okay. Good. That makes me feel better lol.
@EdwinMontanez: @EDiamond007 sorry that I @ you throughout the episode man. #gotlove. You and @amberleeMTV are my fav
@EdwinMontanez: @IamJoeyDillon is such a good guy. He deserves great #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @kklusby I am watching you act insane again #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @EDiamond007 I swear you and @amberleeMTV make me act like a bitch and root for love. Haha #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @MTVPaigeBrendel are you referring to Shanley acting stupid as hell in her tweets?
@kmacisco: Ryan needs to run away #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @IamAdamKuhn @MTV I think you all should be moved into a Real World like house
@kmacisco: Stop omg @ryanmalaty is adorable 😍😍 #AreYouTheOne
@EdwinMontanez: @amberleeMTV @EDiamond007 if you two get married I am coming
@CSUAKirk: Time for some #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: what an awkward ass challenge #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @IamJoeyDillon you've been killing these challenges when the one on one dates your a beast dude #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: what an awkward ass challenge #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: my guest from last week ended up winning the whole thing @AshleighMorgh wtg girl #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: " How bout you sleep on your side and i'll sleep on mine and don't touch me " @AshleighMorgh lol #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: feeling the pigtails @illBeJacy super sexy #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: "I've never been misleading" editing shows otherwise girl lmao #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I don't believe that whole thing with the kiss between and Ethan and Kayla i mean they'd show it if it happened right #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: gotta give up to John for sticking up for @ryanmalaty he's 100% right Ryan didn't deserve to be treated that way #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @ryanmalaty would you be up to doing an interview on @spreecast with me regarding #AreYouTheOne would love to get your side of everything
@CSUAKirk: she doesn't go on the date now thats whack #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @shandathapanda just gotta say thank you for opening my eyes about a particular cast member on the show i didnt see it till i spoke with u
@CSUAKirk: @shandathapanda i can see what you and most of the people in the house saw now #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: I don't believe either side of this situation of the kiss I think they're both beading around the bush #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: @ryanmalaty being a lot like Dre I don't see it one bit lol do you see it @AshleighMorgh #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: Almost there you guys #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: love how the cast was watching the Ryan Kayla confrontation from the top of the stairs lmao #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: #WCW gotta give it to @illBeJacy really starting to dig your personality and loved the pigtails #AreYouTheOne pic.twitter.com/KSuwUKje3G
@CSUAKirk: #WCW gotta go with a girl who I would love to be my #perfectmatch @shandathapanda so down to earth #AreYouTheOne pic.twitter.com/YR0hJ5ZfiW
@CSUAKirk: @shandathapanda you should be the fourth are you the one cast member to follow me that'd make my Wednesday :)
@CSUAKirk: #NF @MaybachDiamonds hands down one of the funniest guys on #AreYouTheOne
@CSUAKirk: #WCW gotta keep the #AreYouTheOne theme going @amberleeMTV have heard great things about ya from my interviews :) pic.twitter.com/8lpWYFFUmW
> And As I Saw It on #DCNow
@dc408dxnow: Alright West Coast, it's time to watch #AreYouTheOne, and we should be in for plenty of drama, so let's head out to Hawaii. #DCNow
@dc408dxnow: Well, last time we had plenty of fireworks spread out over two episodes, sure promises to be plenty more as we roll on. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Two of the girls are talking on the stairs, & @IamAdamKuhn is going to the boom boom room w/ Brittany. More action in there. #areyoutheone
@dc408dxnow: .@illBeJacy @MaybachDiamonds are talking, and she's also become close w/ @ChrisScaliMTV. Another #AreYouTheOne threesome on offer here?
@dc408dxnow: This week's #AreYouTheOne challenge, and all the couples are hanging on to a rope, and Nickelodeon-style slime falling on top of them.
@dc408dxnow: Four couples are left in the running for three spots & potential getaways after the four other teams fall off the rope. #areyoutheone
@dc408dxnow: Well, check that. It's actually green-colored lube that's falling on the teams. Sometimes I can get confused on all this lol #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: .@IamJoeyDillon @AshleighMorgh take 1st; @kklusby @ryanmalaty & @ChrisScaliMTV @SimoneKelly_ also win in the challenge. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Now @ryanmalaty @kklusby are getting in some drama here of whether they want to go to the boom boom room. Bit awkward here. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: This Ryan/Kayla argument has also grabbed the attention of some of the others in the house, they even woke up to that. #areyoutheone
@dc408dxnow: Now @amberleeMTV @kklusby are talking in the patio & then inside, & @EDiamond007 joins Amber. This is a tough EP for her to watch tonight.
@dc408dxnow: Ethan is very upset at Kayla, this after talking to Amber. And then John & Ryan get in on the act as everyone gathers in the room. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: And then after all that, Kayla is hitting herself in the face & one's trying to stop her trying to self-injure herself. Oh dear.
@dc408dxnow: As everyone is heading off on their date and after the events in the house, @ryanmalaty is left to enjoy the day by himself. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: And the couple who's been chosen to go to the #TruthBooth is @ryanmalaty @kklusby. Lots of emotions going thru living room. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: And the words No Match appear. @ryanmalaty knows it's disappointing, but it opens up chances for him & Kayla to try & find their match.
@dc408dxnow: And after all the events of the truth booth, everyone's gathered at the patio, and @ryanmalaty is dressed up as Aladdin. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: First up, @dubbucksMTV picks @kklusby after the no match w/ Ryan in the truth booth. Then @ChrisScaliMTV picks @illBeJacy. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Thanks to it being revealed by the blog, we know @EDiamond007 @amberleeMTV are a match, it's a matter of them confirming it in the booth.
@dc408dxnow: What is going on here, me & even @RyanDevlin are wondering what's going on. @ryanmalaty picks @AshleighMorgh. Very funny. #AreYouTheOne
@dc408dxnow: Now everyone's paired up. It's a matter of @RyanDevlin & those light beams determine how much of the $1M puzzle is complete. #areyoutheone
@dc408dxnow: I told R-Dev few weeks back if they get fewer/same than total they got, it's desperation mode. If it's more, they're gonna get to good place
@dc408dxnow: And in week 7, the #AreYouTheOne bunch gets 7 beams. Even w/ this drama, it's fantastic news, everything going in right direction right now.
@dc408dxtr: Another great episode of #AreYouTheOne. Back now to editing my SP post while switching back to curling, seems I can't get enough of this.
@dc408dxtr: Well, that's that. Should be a very eventful Wednesday for two special reasons. You can guess by my header. For now, good night twitter.
And as we mentioned here, DCBLOG will be covering that Are You The One? Reunion for our Reunion Revealed series, and we are looking for fan input on the reunion experience, the season's storylines and what we will & won't see when it airs. We'll have more on how you can give us your thoughts on it in our Fan's View post for this week's Real World Ex-Plosion After Show coming up over the weekend.
DCBLOG and my Twitter handles is where my coverage of Real World Ex-Plosion and Are You The One? lives, with twitter alerts to interviews, articles and conversations with the cast, live tweeting of episodes, our SocialPulse diaries and more here on the Blog from my point of view. And just a reminder, all of my live tweeting of all MTV shows from here on out, as well as other sports & entertainment events, have moved to DC NOW at @DC408DxNow. Coming up over the weekend, we'll be covering the SocialPulse of this week's explosive episode of Real World Ex-Plosion, and we'll also look at the excitement that is NCAA March Madness. For now, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed both this post and episode 8 of Are You The One?. And until we blog again later, have fun.
- DC
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