Tuesday, May 3, 2016

DC SocialPulse Extra: A Trifecta Week Off...

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable 
content for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                           

As we enter both the month of May and a big stretch of the MTV Trifecta, welcome to our first DCBLOG post of this new month. Ahead here, reaction and reflection from an emotional Episode 6 of Real World Go Big or Go Home, the launch of Season 4 of Are You The One?, and an insiders' preview of The Challenge: Rivals III --- all of this to come your way here in the next few days.
   But first, we have another edition of the 'Pulse Extra. The stretch between Episodes 5 and 6 of Season 31 of Real World was longer than usual because of the passing of pop icon Prince. Also during this stretch, the news was revealed of Tony becoming a dad once again, and we'll have all these items covered in this post before the main post covering Episode 6 that will be up tomorrow.

- Please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. If you're mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)

So, join in after the jump for this special 'Pulse Extra.

> Week 5 - Weekend After...
@MTVCeeJai: Ahhhhh maaaaan!!! They let the Kool Kidz back in the penthouse!!! The kids made it back home❤️… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEQJ53BvPpn/
@MTVCeeJai: When people notice me they say "hey you're that patient ass girl from the real world" it's may b sappy to u but to me, it's meaningful❤️
@itSabrinaK: Women should be empowering One another not tearing one another down.
@Dean_BP: At this point I'm already shwasty pants...but we're back at the Real World suite😳 Check the… https://www.instagram.com/p/BERJdHNI9zz/
‏@jenstaxo: Just landed! Officially back home in SC! 🏞🏡
@RealWorldMTV: Me preparing for the next episode of #RealWorldGoBig...
@Dean_BP: Shoutout to @goldspikedtlv for letting us act a fool again in DTLV😏 who gunna kick it with us… https://www.instagram.com/p/BERNVZpo99p/
‏@kailah_casillas: I think I'm gonna change the "cool." To "you suck" for the rest of the day. That's the mood I'm in.
@jenstaxo: Never heard something so true https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgLzmNJWcAIwU89.jpgS
@RealWorldMTV: We're going big for @kailah_casillas's birthday this week!
@tweetatchris: To the fans of #RealWorldGoBig: I learned today that like me, both @jenstaxo & @kailah_casillas have received death threats online. I love both of these people. I would never wish for them to be harmed or for them to harm themselves. @kailah_casillas @jenstaxo I have learned that spreading hatred only hurts people. Now end it. @jenstaxo, @kailah_casillas, and I are over it. So why arent you?
@kailah_casillas: Well said, as always @MTV_CHRISTOPHER
- @tweetatchris: @kailah_casillas thanks K. Love you. Sorry there's been so much meanness directed at you.
@jenstaxo: I always own up to everything I say even if my words weren't always right. What I don't own up to, is you twisting my words around.
@jenstaxo: I appreciate yall for loving me & standing up for me! but please stop saying hateful things to Chris & K. I forgave them & so should you 💗
@tweetatchris: @jenstaxo I know its been said, but I'm sorry if anything I said or did caused you pain or directed any more meanness at you. Love you <3
@nicolealew: Ok but water the chances that we ran into @MTVDIONE from #TheRealWorldGBGH last night and he squeezed the booty? 🤔😂😘 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgL70TvUIAAtGrZ.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgL70TuUsAAqT78.jpg
@GoldSpikeDTLV: The shenanigans continue tonight! @mtvceejai x @mtv_dean x @mtvdione are back at Gold Spike… https://www.instagram.com/p/BERcDYEuZsf/
@MTVDIONE: goldspikedtlv's photo https://instagram.com/p/BERcDYEuZsf/
@RealWorldMTV: Our after show this week dug deeper into the leak:
@MTVCeeJai: Come to Vegas to see me😘
@RealWorldMTV: Who is ready for a shocking episode of #RealWorldGoBig?
@ballaa_bee: Met @MTVDIONE today!!! 😊 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgOOZDVUYAAD-V7.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: After you leave the bars at @goldspikedtlv this kinda behavior happens. Come hang with a few of… https://www.instagram.com/p/BESnqaDvPs6/
@RealWorldMTV: Hop back into bed and catch up on #RealWorldGoBig: http://realworld.mtv.com
@kailah_casillas: #EndlessSummer https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgQ3L6QXEAgi94J.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: What will happen with @jenstaxo this week?
@ShimBo84: @MTVCeeJai You're awesome on #RealWorldGoBig. Extremely level headed, fun & real! Learn anything new? You remind me of my friend @ThatCoral!
- ‏@ThatCoral: @ShimBo84 @MTVCeeJai Everyone keeps saying this!! Ok so it's official we MUST hang out and no matter what no beef. Deal??
- @MTVCeeJai: ‏@ThatCoral Cmon I'm ready lol we're Cjs... We don't do beef lol 😘
- @ThatCoral: @MTVCeeJai @ShimBo84 perfect!! And if we are EVER on a challenge it's an immediate alliance period. ;) so watch out sub par bitches.
@RealWorldMTV: .@MTV_CHRISTOPHER makes a life-changing decision on this week's episode. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf8VsC9UMAADKjM.jpg
‏@jenstaxo: Put me & @kailah_casillas on the next season of the challenge!! 🙌🏼
@kailah_casillas: "Do you want a 16oz or 20oz beer?" Me: "eh, the big one" #GoBigOrGoHome
@kailah_casillas: “@jjrinetti: @kailah_casillas are you and Sabrina not friends anymore? I was surprised you wouldn't want her on your challenge team" RT Hahah no I love @itSabrinaK & would want to spend time with her but she's kind of a princess💅🏽💁🏻 & id wanna win 😈
@tweetatchris: I'm all about #peace, #love, and #happiness...until you stand in the way of my peace, love, and happiness.
@tweetatchris: As a kid, I was beat down more times than I could count. Then one day I looked my abuser in the eye and said: "This time, I'll hit back."
@tweetatchris: #Strength is not the sharpness or your words or how hard you can hit an opponent: it's getting back up every time you're struck down.
‏@tweetatchris: Let people say whatever they want about you: Just hit the J and blow a K. xx
‏@tweetatchris: Can you believe that THE episode is next week @kailah_casillas ??? Look out @LDSchurch...I'm coming for you. #LGBT #StopLGBTSuicide
- @kailah_casillas: ‏@tweetatchris Top 3 all time favorite memories from the show.... You're in all 3. Lanterns, UT & brownie night with Sabs. Love ya
‏@tweetatchris: Generic tweets about #Coachella: Luv the sun ! All my #BFFS ! #FavBands ! #Cali ! #SummerStyle ! #420 !
@ChallengeMTV: Go outside and be great like @WestonBergmann! 👍 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgGvas0WEAA-X9C.jpg
@blacuesta: if any1 on my feed talks about being at #coachella from now until next week i will punch you in the face out of pure jealousy  yes im hating
@CamilaMTV: So late for the game. @Huskers 🏈🏈🏈 #GBR #SpringGame https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgL45LsUMAAGiB5.jpg
@MtvJess: We all have the right to fall apart every now and then... But always remember, God is your glue. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgNYqLIWEAAh1qB.jpg
@tjlavin: Dammit man it's sad to see legends get ko'd in the first round. Take it easy RE you're the man. Congrats Glover
@ave_tress: Random thought: I would really love to be on @TheChallengeMTV with @MTVDerek ... Oh the shenanigans. #justsaying #ijustlovehim
@t_raines33: Harper and her Maw Maw during her 1st trip to Louisiana! I couldn't be happier https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgNosnNUkAQGqiD.jpg
@ChallengeMTV: It's time to strategize 🙇! Who would be on your Fantasy League team? #TheChallengeRivals3
@MtvJess: So proud of you @TheRealNiaMoore just want everyone to know how amazing you are, hardworking and focused! You're going to kill it babe ✈️🍴
‏@JennaCompono:  Miami Beach, FL
Alcohol will only make a person cheat if they'd considered doing it while sober. being drunk changes your behavior, not your morals 👑
@MtvJess: #rivals2 at 21 to #rivals3 at 25 💁 it's been live @MTV #crazy https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgTKzBVW8AQRELj.jpg
@MTVCoryWharton: Simple Hi, can change the day you'll be surprised 😆
@susie_meister: The only part of pizza my kid likes is the crust. I can't be sure but I may have birthed the antichrist
@TheRealNiaMoore: I just want to be ready 🙏🏻 https://www.instagram.com/p/BERHGGnl0mI/
@RobinMTV14: This summed up Battle of the Ex's Mark pissed and me confused why lol. #rivals3 #whatcouldofbeen https://www.instagram.com/p/BERLjgkn2r5/
‏@cohuttaMTV: I just saw ole Seٌor Hermosa himself on a @Crest commercial. @KennySantucci let her rip tater chip.
@AshleyMarieMTV: C O A C H E L L A   #coachella #dessertvibes #festivals https://www.instagram.com/p/BEUFyv3kRcc/
@ZAKLONGO: Hit that 100K goal. Next stop is 1M. Follow me now before its too late to say u were there from the semi-start lolz https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgJhNhMUkAAeulZ.jpg
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Happy Birthday to this mermaid. I love you babe. #tothejurassicandback https://www.instagram.com/p/BERnmY0K3t9zhlEM4rxH6vv2nCmf3yq2hvloEU0/ …
@MikeCrescenz0: I like music that makes me feel some sort of way... happy, sad, pumped, nostalgic etc. If it doesn't give me that spark I'm not about it
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Yo @BritniNicol happy birthday you dynamic incredible individual. Stay dope!! Ps. Chugging a foamer for you so @MTV_Chuckalodon can shutup 😂
@in_my_SHEETS: @BritniNicol happy birthday perfect match!! 👊🏻
- @BritniNicol: @in_my_SHEETS Thank you best perfect match EVER!! Love you dearly☺️

> The Week Off: Kailah & Kiki Talk, 2, 3
‏@RealWorldMTV: Set your sights on the Grand Canyon! We're heading there Thursday night.
‏@jenstaxo: Helloooooo 🐱 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgVsR1hUIAAqOiY.jpg
‏@jenstaxo: Me & @kailah_casillas = challenge power team 💪🏼 #letseffthegameup
@RealWorldMTV: No one is safe from @itSabrinaK's true feelings... not even you, @MTVDIONE.
@MTVDIONE: Finally got a phone back...I'm still in Vegas...alive..barely
@RealWorldMTV: The weakest link goes home this week if they don't make it up the mountain.
@RealWorldMTV: Cue the tears Thursday night.
@MTVDIONE: Rattin around Downtown Las Vegas😈😈😈 #neverleaving @MTVCeeJai
- @MTVCeeJai: @MTVDIONE I am.... He just doesn't know it yet
@itSabrinaK: Is everyone excited for the release of my music video this Thursday during @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Are you ready for @MTV_CHRISTOPHER like you've never seen him before? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgVltXEUUAAYVkH.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: Crazy how evrt1 thinks my parents passing is the saddest. That 5 year old girl is dealing with something worse. She's 5. #IPrayGodHoldsHer❤️
@MTVCeeJai: She's 5 man....... 5. Smh and I thought I was dealing w/ something. Told you guys there's always someone whose story is worse.
@MTVCeeJai: #StopDomesticViolence even the people surrounded are effected. 💜
‏@tweetatchris: They keep telling me I'm breaking all of the "rules" of being a reality tv personality. So now there are rules to this shit? What a joke.
@RealWorldMTV: The love between our roommates is real on #RealWorldGoBig this Thursday!
- @kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV love you sooooo much @itSabrinaK
- @itSabrinaK: @kailah_casillas love you more

@MTVCeeJai: 😩😩😩😩😩🙈 #ThisMissionIsTheWorst Tune in Thursday night to #MTV 10/9c
@RealWorldMTV: This Thursday night, @MTV_CHRISTOPHER makes a life-changing decision.
@KikiMTV: @kailah_casillas idk if you watched AYTO3, but damn girl I'm catching up on your show & your hookup & mine are the same #fuckboysalldamnday
- @kailah_casillas: @KikiMTV Haha I just watched your season & I was thinking the same thing! #EndFuckBoys2016
- @KikiMTV: @kailah_casillas hahaa yessss #EndFuckboys2016 Well you're killing it babe & I'm sure you look back now like, "wtf was I thinking?!" 🙃
- @kailah_casillas: @KikiMTV Oh thank you! & yeah, no idea. That environment really fucked with my head🙄 I'm sure you're thinkin the same thing!
- @KikiMTV: @kailah_casillas Oh yes for sure! Took months to get back to my old self, but hey...I grew so much so fuck the bullshit 💁🏽
@RealWorldMTV: One of our roommates walks the line between staying and going home this week.
@kailah_casillas: Excuse my messy handwriting but this @RondaRousey quote sat on my dresser every everyday in the #RealWorld house https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgcHpCNWQAA5gY9.jpg
@jenstaxo: I just wanna give all of myself & all of my heart to someone who actually deserves it & who will give the same back to me. 🗝 #thatrideordie
@itSabrinaK: So excited and blessed for all of you to hear my album. Send me some songs you would love to hear me do covers too!
@CaraMariaMTV: "The true cost of anything is what we give up in order to have it. It is the path not taken"
@kailah_casillas: Hahahahah I just died 😂 @MTV_Dean
‏@MTVCeeJai: Kickin flave w/ my Vegas babes❤️ S/o to @rehablv for the looooove!!!! #FaveDayPool https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cgc12FYUMAA06EC.jpg
‏@itSabrinaK: A song with @zedd would be wonderful
@itSabrinaK: Happy 420 everyone no matter how you celebrate or if you don't sending positive vibes your way
‏@itSabrinaK: The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for - Bob Marley
@tweetatchris: Having been raised Mormon, I remember feeling the pressure of "labels." Labels like race, sexual… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEbC7HbNL1g/
@tweetatchris: #Gender is an illusion. -->See more at http://CHRISTOPHERAMMON.com <-- https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgfLgxfWwAADdNe.jpg
@tweetatchris: Labels are just society's way of trying to put you in a box #GENDER #RACE #SEXUALORIENTATION http://CHRISTOPHERAMMON.com/blog https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgfM4zMWQAATpZG.jpg
@kailah_casillas: "@tweetatchris: @kailah_casillas yeah you and I would like the world to believe that. If we had a band, it would be @TheChainsmokers. Too bad thats taken..." RT WHY IS YOUR PHONE GOING STRAIGHT TO VOICEMAIL??
‏@tweetatchris: #DeepThoughtsOfAStoner: when life gets you down just smoke a J and blow a K 😘😘😘  #happy420 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgfWo0MWIAEO4x2.jpg
- @kailah_casillas: ‏@tweetatchris blow a K is right. fuck yes. I loveeeee this! happy 4/20 mothafucka
@tweetatchris: #WednesdayWisdom: "99.9 percent of these fuckboys can't fuck me." -@NICKIMINAJ #FuckTheHaters @kailah_casillas
- @kailah_casillas: ‏@tweetatchris so. fucking. great.
@tweetatchris: "I think I'm going to go take a nap." --@kailah_casillas "K, its 10am." --@MTV_CHRISTOPHER #Happy420 #RealWorldGoBig
- @kailah_casillas: ‏@tweetatchris THIS IS MY LIFE NOW.
@tweetatchris: Me af on #420 @MTVCeeJai #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: In honor of #420 I will be answering all of your "burning" questions about #RealWorldGoBig. Tweet them at me! No question is too personal...
@RealWorldMTV: Waiting for tomorrow night's #RealWorldGoBig is making me go crazy!
@MTVCeeJai: Happy 4/20 fellow pot heads🍃💨🤗
@RealWorldMTV: The Grand Canyon is a trip, but a hiking mission is so not as fun.
@kailah_casillas: Waiting on tomorrow's #GoBigOrGoHome episode like...
@itSabrinaK: Who is excited for tomorrows episode of @RealWorldMTV
‏@RealWorldMTV: Get high with us tomorrow! No... not that kind of high.
@MTVDIONE: Finally heaDed back to L.A. From Vegas with @MTVCeeJai & 2 strangers we met last night 😂😈😂 #Maserati
@MTVCeeJai: Have you seen my insta? @mtvceejai just in case you haven't💋 #SmokeOnThat Happy 4/20🍃💨😊
@RealWorldMTV: Take a stand with @MTV_CHRISTOPHER during tomorrow's episode at 10/9c. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgarHEOVAAEB2uo.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: FYI: 2morrows show has a lot more funny moments, less drama, a lot of shade is thrown, aaaand yeah it's great😈😈🙊 #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: I'm actually in tomorrow's episode of @RealWorldMTV what do you know im actually a cast member
@MTVCeeJai: "@Dean_BP: Yo the next episode of #RealWorldGoBig as well as #AskMTVDean is so close... " RT Ask the sexy 🍫🍫🍫🍫
@MTVDIONE: Currently rattin around Los Angeles barefoot in a Maserati with a guy I met in Las Vegas last night @MTVCeeJai #livingofftheland
@itSabrinaK: Good night all sorry for the rant but my voice needs to be heard. Always will stick up for the dreamers, believers, and weirdos.
@ChallengeMTV: .@CaraMariaMTV channeling her inner warrior! Who do you think will be the next Challenge champ?
@ChallengeMTV: You are NOT the one 🙅! Here's a breakdown of why these @AREUTHE1 cast mates are rivals: http://on.mtv.com/1SOseFU
‏@blacuesta: Video clip of me & Brandon getting along! (Lol jk) #rivals3 #TheChallengeRivals3
@CHEYnotShy: Cheyenne & Devin: The Mastermind? http://on.mtv.com/23TYKyx  via @MTV
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Ashley & Cory: Explosion Housemates http://on.mtv.com/26brq87  via @MTV
@t_raines33: Big thank you to everyone for yesterday especially our great host @bfaust031 #DiaperParty #BabyHarper #LittleLouis 🍼 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgW0LmFUYAEP7r0.jpg
@ChallengeMTV: Playing with someone's heart is the number one way to start a rivalry! 💔
‏@Aces: This first pitch (unofficially) clocked in at 94 mph. If we get desperate for pitching, @MTVBananas may get a call. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgbDPR7UIAEED7x.jpg
@JennaCompono: Debating to stay blonde or go back my natural color hmm https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgbUYIGWEAAxNCt.jpg
@ChallengeMTV: Challenge fans are you ready? I've got something special for you coming tomorrow 😈 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgbHlWiVAAAsSel.jpg
@t_raines33: "@morbeen4444: I wouldn't mind if @t_raines33 took over for @MTVBananas to be the next #TheChallenge vet King/Champion!! #TheNewBananas #Protogé #Rivals3" RT There's still plenty to learn from the Jedi Challenge master #ObiWanBananas 🍌
@braincandypod: We did it! We reached our goal! Can't wait for you to see our new show!
@ChallengeMTV: Pick your fights wisely. The countdown begins NOW! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgcBhcxUAAEUmBX.jpg
@ChallengeMTV: I told you had something special for you! This is your chance to compete & win a trip 🇲🇽: http://on.mtv.com/1NBAc3Z https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CggYo7EWEAAfQkT.jpg
- @1AndreaMontano: @ChallengeMTV Brb, have to go look at the #AYTO rookies now and watch #RW to make sure my team is stacked #TheChallengeRivals3
@MrPainandGain: @MTV @ChallengeMTV the challenge is like the 5th major sporting event and it's a must have year after year!!!! #bringit
@ChallengeMTV: Join the Fantasy League. Pick you team. Dominate the categories. Win a trip to Mexico: http://on.mtv.com/1U5ShxA
@ave_tress: Two weeks!!! 😁😁😝 @mtv challengerivals3 #whoseready #teamlee #thechallengerivals3 #mexico… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEb9DMgEAxy/
@MtvJess: Concert night with my babes @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @MTV_JESS @ChefNicoleNYC 👯👯💋💄 #trouble
@banksy878: challengemtv's photo https://instagram.com/p/BEbryeiNB-M/ Check this out soo cool!
@blacuesta: I wonder what slow walkers think to themselves??? "Beautiful day to fucking be a sloth and piss some people off"
- @MtvNateSiebs: @blacuesta I'm your hype man too!!!
@CaraMariaMTV: I will seriously register and vote for whatever president promises tax breaks to individuals with no children. #throwmeafrickenbonehere
@CaraMariaMTV: "The true cost of anything is what we give up in order to have it. It is the path not taken"
@TheRealNiaMoore: Wow. Posted an hour ago and already outpour of support for Jake!! Having lunch with him now. He says thank you!!🙏🏻💋 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgV7lzPUUAAPh35.jpg
@madiwadi2by4: As long as u know you have a good heart who cares what other people think.
@JustJem24: Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people
@madiwadi2by4: Little Miss Harper London Delaney https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgYBXDeVIAAl2cy.jpg
@robb_schreiber: I respect the decision @TheNotoriousMMA may be making; still incredibly bummed, nevertheless.
@JustJem24: Just saw some shittttttttttttt on Instagram but ☕️🐸
@VMilerman: Cali❤️lovin https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cghjo_qUYAEwQJ3.jpg
@CaraMariaMTV: @themarklong reunited w the Godfather. Definitely one of the good guys. 😊👍  #thechallenge #mtv… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEcSu9enime/
@AneesaMTV: Happy 420 💨
@AREUTHE1: @KiKiMTV 1. There will be tears. However, can't confirm exact amount.  2. Strong contender.
@AREUTHE1: "@ughhhnjh: Why every year do the previous @AREUTHE1 cast get bitchy about the new cast ?You won your money it's their turn now ?" RT It's like a glorious sibling rivalry.
@kayyjaybee: 4.20 eve. Leave cookies for snoop dog

> Tony's A Dad! Again!
@t_raines33: Just left the doctors, I'm officially 6' 3" 230lbs.
@TheShaneRaines: @t_raines33 ❤️
- @n_zanattaMTV: @TheShaneRaines @t_raines33 that's priceless 😘
@MTVChallenge28: Congrats @t_raines33 and @alyssamgiacone (His skeleton on the show) on their baby! @CSUGradAkirk
- @busdriversroute: @MTVChallenge28 Tony is becoming the Antonio Cromartie of the Challenge world
@CamilaMTV: Can we talk about the fact that my partner is having another👶🏼?? How many kids am I gonna have 2explain #Rivals3 to @t_raines33?😉😚 #congrats
@TheShaneRaines: How I feel about my bro @t_raines33 having another baby on the way. Me being an uncle 2X And… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEcA33_iTJM/
- @CamilaMTV: @TheShaneRaines @t_raines33 congrats 2X uncle... U must be so happy!! 🎈✨💞
@busdriversroute: The Challenge Season 54: Tony's Kids vs. All
@RachelShapshak: Do u ever just meet a person that is so fucked up it takes ur breath away
@blacuesta: Oh my god
@busdriversroute: Timeline of Tony: Film RW, get gf from show pregnant, cheat on said gf on Challenge, baby born, film Challenge, get 2nd ex pregnant #GOAT
@EricC_Official: May be an odd situation, but no one except the ones involved will understand. Congrats on the blessing on the way @t_raines33 👶
‏@blacuesta: One of dem moments when u go from "yo..." To "yoooOoOoOoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"
@BrunoGeeB: When you love that all of what you spoke and of truths about specific people finally reveals what is to be true and you sit here like 😈😂
@EricC_Official: Yo ppl need to chill & let @madiwadi2by4 & @t_raines33 live! They owe y'all NOTHING. This is their life. Focus on YOU & your blessings, damn

> (What Would've Been) Real World Thursday, and Aftermath
@itSabrinaK: I love myself
- @RealWorldMTV: @itSabrinaK I love you, too!
@itSabrinaK: Can not wait for everyone to see the "if only" music video tonight !!
@RealWorldMTV: Who is ready to celebrate @kailah_casillas's birthday with us tonight?!
@RealWorldMTV: It's a huge night for @MTV_CHRISTOPHER.
@kailah_casillas: @Dean_BP YASSSSS
@kailah_casillas: Lots of #GirlPower in tonight's episode of #RealWorldGoBig @itSabrinaK https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cglfyj9U0AAorbs.jpg
@kailah_casillas: #RealWorldGoBig tonight really highlights the bond I have with @MTV_CHRISTOPHER ❤️ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CglgMEOU4AAoi_f.jpg
‏@RealWorldMTV: Naked hike? No problem. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CggLEB4UIAEDCg9.jpg
@MTVDIONE: I just saw the love of my life on tinder 😍👽😈 & accidentally swiped left 🙈🙈😩😩😩
@itSabrinaK: Are you ready for the release of my music video and @RealWorldMTV #gobigorgohome
@kailah_casillas: "@skysohighsofly: @kailah_casillas Did u like being on a season with a twist (GoBig) or would u have preferred a regular one like Real World Portland, etc?” RT Helllll no. I would have been bored out of my mind without the twist. That's all I looked forward to
@itSabrinaK: I've waited my whole journey to be able to finally release my music and music video. Can't believe the support I have
@RealWorldMTV: Tonight on #RealWorldGoBig, learn the definition of complidiss.
- @kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV Compli-diss 😂
@itSabrinaK: Get ready for "IF ONLY" music video tonight!!!
@RealWorldMTV: Due to the untimely death of @Prince, #RealWorldGoBig will not be airing tonight. We'll see you all next Thursday!
- @Pratt_MTV: @RealWorldMTV #RESPECT 🙌🏼
@kailah_casillas: Bad news 😔: #RealWorldGoBig will not be airing tonight because of the passing of Prince. #RIPPrince
@MTVCeeJai: “@macw1234: So ready to see what the lovely  @MTVCeeJai and the crew get into tonight. I feel like it's gonna be a good one.” RT I'm sorry guys but due to the passing of the great @prince, #TheRealWorldGoBig won't be airing tonight. I'm sorry😘
@BunimMurray: Due to the untimely death of @Prince and @MTV's programming in his honor, #RealWorldGoBig will not be airing tonight. Returning next Thurs.
@MTVDIONE: Due to the passing of The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, #RealWorldGoBig will not be airing tonight. RIP Prince💜💜💜
@MTVDIONE: "@ashleyciavone: @MTVDIONE so is real world not on tonight?" RT NEXT WEEK In memory of prince
@itSabrinaK: TONIGHT THIS DROPS #ifonly https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgmTbv6W0AIsrDx.jpg
@tweetatchris: Next weeks's #RealWorldGoBig is my most emotional episode of the season. I was so lucky to have… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEgX6UlNL0C/ 
@tweetatchris: Next week on #RealWorldGoBig @kailah_casillas and I take a little trip to #SaltLakeCity... #ExMormon @RealWorldMTV
- @kailah_casillas: @tweetatchris Love you!
@jenstaxo: The ones who are the hardest to love are the ones who need your love the most.
@RealWorldMTV: We'll be back next Thursday with more #RealWorldGoBig.
‏@jenstaxo: Birthday festivities tomorrow night. Hit me up if you wanna come celebrate! 🎉🎂💃🏽 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgqmYSNW4AA-3PS.jpg
@kailah_casillas: Just tried to take a pic with a Miami Heat player & he wouldn't do it. I promise I'll never be that booshie.
@tweetatchris: "@CRC20012008: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER is the most real and intriguing cast member in RR history. Love how hes starting conversations about such important topics." RT Thank you so much Christina!
@kailah_casillas: Suns out buns out ☀️ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgwzrtOU4AAbfCo.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: Listening to @itSabrinaK #IfOnly again. And I must say I'm ready to call my ex say "I knew I was too good for you"

@WestonBergmann: #leftcoast @ Los Angeles, California https://www.instagram.com/p/BEdw6g-OUBQ/ 
@JennaCompono: People will forget what you said.  People will forget what you did.  But people will never forget how you made them feel.
@ChallengeMTV: .@t_raines33 is having another baby! Congrats! ✨ http://on.mtv.com/1VIc2fV  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgkszhIWgAAPYUn.jpg
@MtvJess: Strip it on down baby, show me your soul....I want to know what you live for. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cgk37ZGU4AEubUD.jpg
@ChallengeMTV: Mastermind or delusional? Meet @CHEYnotShy & @MTVDevinWalker from @AREUTHE1 Season 3!
@MTVTV: .@t_raines33 has a brand-new bloodline on the way: The @ChallengeMTV competitor is going to be a father again
@ChallengeMTV: Happy Birthday @ThomasBuellMTV & @stephencbuell 🎉! Can you tell them apart? 😳
@TheMarkLong: #TBT looking over my first @mtv #aftershow script. Ended up hosting 7 seasons. Was a great gig.… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEeyMsFrlNW/ 
@WestonBergmann: Not liking to sleep in as ❄️ of room as possible is my #1 sign for not trusting someone. Which is why @ImSarahRice is always my roomie.
- @ImSarahRice: @WestonBergmann Remember when I stole the remote and changed the temp ONE DEGREE and you lost your shit?! I remember that. 😑
‏@ChallengeMTV: Clash of the personalities 😾😠! Meet @blacuesta & @Tindel10 from @AREUTHE1 Season 2!
@MTVDevinWalker: @CHEYnotShy @ChallengeMTV Less then 2 weeks till #teamprincess makes our triumphant return to @MTV on #rivals3 watch us light it up May 4th
@t_raines33: "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
@CHEYnotShy: why don't some of you like that AYTO  cast is now on the challenge? #TheChallengeRivals3 #rivals3 #thechallenege #mtv
- @MTVDevinWalker: @CHEYnotShy cause it's tough to have watch ppl be this much better at life 🙊
@CHEYnotShy: Lmao shut up, basically people don't like change and there just lames so 🖕🏽 them @MTVDevinWalker
@MTV: .@ChallengeMTV competitor Tony Raines is going to be a father again: http://on.mtv.com/22QfOmH 
@blacuesta: These shoes suck, these shoes rule! #rivals3 #thechallenge #TheChallengeRivals3 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgqgYJoU4AAXIqz.jpg
@vinnypig: @MTV @ChallengeMTV my dude Tony definitely had The Legend Prince on repeat in the bedroom #babymakinmusic
@CHEYnotShy: Woahhhh slow down lol all I did was ask a question 🙄
@CHEYnotShy: @blacuesta lmaoooo I am done. Moment of silence
@MTVCoryWharton: @CHEYnotShy bc you guys are lame 😏 Real WORLD ONLYS ✊🏽😂😂😂
@CHEYnotShy: everyone talks so much shit about AYTO being on the challenge but your still going to watch it..... So hush children @blacuesta
@blacuesta: @CHEYnotShy there's nothing that gets me goin more than these people talking shit before the season even airs
@TheMarkLong: Great time shooting today. @mtv #MTV 😬 @ Bunim-Murray Productions https://www.instagram.com/p/BEhhaNkLlEe/ 
@ChallengeMTV: There's a thin line between LOVE ❤️ & HATE 😡. These are the @AREUTHE1 rivals: http://on.mtv.com/1SOseFU 
@CardellChris: The #mtv challenge approaching. Anticipating this season. Excitement like a roller coaster about to take its plunge! @ChallengeMTV #rivals3
@CaraMariaMTV: The challenge legend: Marky mark! @themarklong  💪😎 always good to see you buddy!… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEji9uqnitc/ 
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Alot of #challenge fans don't think I'm athletic. I guess playing soccer, softball, &... https://www.swarmapp.com/c/7DlX2jn7fhZ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgwSTBBWgAAGptL.jpg
‏@t_raines33: I miss you already baby girl! #DaddyLovesYou https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgwYOcDWIAANral.jpg
@MtvJess: I was supposed to be a twin 👯 but God had other plans, smart man but I'll see you again 🙏🏽 #truth https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgxluNsUYAESkNN.jpg
‏@MtvJess: Cutting up with my babe @MTV_JESS
@CamilaMTV: To every single one of u reading this:You are beautiful & worthy. You R much more valuable than any likes/follows will ever be able 2measure
@t_raines33: Sometimes I wanna be so petty but I know it's not worth it

@CaraMariaMTV: Hipster bar, Drag race, and fried oreos. Hell of a way to be welcomed to LA. Thanks for being so… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEdlq8MnigI/ 
@CaraMariaMTV: Its been 5 years but feels like just yesterday. These girls mean so much to me ❤️ thanks for… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEd5oBhHiqq/ 
@CaraMariaMTV: Its just a big rockin horse 😈 #saddleranch #losangeles #hollywood #ridethebull #bullride #fun… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEfSzZKHiv3/ 
‏@CaraMariaMTV: Look what i found.... 😈🤔 #themiz #awesome #mtv #family https://www.instagram.com/p/BEkQPX7Hila/ 
@brittany_baldi: Wicked Excited! #CancunMexico all week we about to #rockspringbreak 🌴🌴 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgknE98WsAAbPu5.jpg
@madiwadi2by4: God never puts things in your life you're not capable of handling. 💪🏻
@itsJennyDelich: My first magazine cover! #KC #inkkcmag @inkkcmag https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cglym3WUoAEvcw2.jpg
@KikiMTV: I should be asleep, but I'm too excited for Cancun tomorrow!! 👙☀️ #RockSpringBreak #Discoverfest2016 #GrandOasisCancun #AYTO
@MTVtrey: Fuck you, Barry Bonds! @MLBTheShow #PS4share https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgqShhPUgAAk4Bt.jpg
@JustJem24: When you randomly run into one of your favorite people ever @cohuttaMTV. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cgq5RtBUcAAH5He.jpg
@VMilerman: Thanks @Coachella for refusing my 3 social media accounts,police report,AND finally allowing my passport! Fuck you🖕🏾 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgsQ96YU0AA_wr8.jpg
@madiwadi2by4: Eventually you'll end up where you need to be, with who you're meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing.
@lauraleeewaller: Just for you love bug 💕@BSwiftMTV https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cg0kmnCU8AA5pfA.jpg
@ZAKLONGO: This is how we blew our @mtv @AREUTHE1 money - https://www.facebook.com/zaklongooo/videos/10154710164490476/ …
@Pratt_MTV: MTV's The Challenge  Ain't no one fresher than my clique #TeamAYTO
@KikiMTV: #AYTO takes over Cancun with our awesome headwear Adam bought us!!… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEjFOLxudw9sgd-3GT1DAjleZ5OrVgecQW1XQk0/ …
@IamAdamKuhn: Hosting Discoverfest in Cancun has been so crazy so far. @KikiMTV https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgxOmBcUUAErKfA.jpg

> RIP Prince & Chyna
@DJPaulyD: Damn RIP #Prince :(
@chanelwestcoast: OMG I can't believe Prince died :-( we lost a true musical legend today. RIP prince 🙏🏼👑
@erikalauren: Breaking:  Prince dead at 57! #RIPPrince
@EricBanks: RIP Prince
@AshleighMorghan: If it's true, RIP Prince... Uhhhh
@MTVCoryWharton: Not Prince 😧😧😧 #RIPPrince #Purplerain
@MTVtrey: What the hell is going on today?!?
@NickCannon: The Artist. #RIP Rest in Power https://www.instagram.com/p/BEeG8pgEQSJ/ 
@TripleBeees: Wow Prince died...
@_Kazuhnova: Damn! RIP to another Icon that was taken from us too soon 😔 #Prince
@MacLethal: Do what you love until the very last second of your life. Rest in peace to the legend Prince.
@MTV_AMANDAG: I am so sad Prince died 😥 R.I.P. ugh
@MTVPress: MTV is heartbroken and in utter disbelief at the news that the world has lost Prince Rogers Nelson...(continued)
@jenstaxo: RIP Prince 👑😔
@JUDDNATION: So bummed to hear about Prince. He was/is one of my favorite artists. ☂
@cthagod: I honestly thought Prince was immortal. I didn't think he did regular stuff like Die. Sad Fucking Day!!!!
@CJKoegel: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. #Prince #RIP 💔 https://www.instagram.com/p/BEeLhOmRynP/ 
@JustJem24: A strong spirit transcends rules..... RIP Prince ⭐️
@KitHoover: Rip #Prince. Gone way too soon. https://www.instagram.com/p/BEeL7gSmOai/ 
@AmberLPortwood: I can't believe @prince is gone? Wow..
@AleshaRenee: Today's youth won't know the wonder of real music artistry . Smh losing #Prince is a huge loss smh man this hurts
@Chet_Cannon: Game. Blouses. Goodbye, Prince
@JazMTV: RIP Prince #PurpleRain
@BenNemtin: I saw Prince at the Forum in LA and he did 5 encores.. everyone kept leaving bc they thought he was finished. what a legend. #rip
@ryanmalaty: RIPrince
@ImSarahRice: My heart breaks to hear the news of Prince passing at such a young age. He is a true legend.
@ThatCoral: I can't even tell you how sad and hurt and in complete shock that Prince is gone. I just can't even take it.
@VictoriaJustice: Mourning the loss of an absolute icon. RIP Prince. 💜😔
@cameraneubanks: So sad to hear that @prince has left the world. The best concert I've ever been to. A true icon who marched to his own drum. RIP.
@realjknoxville: RIP Prince.  Can't believe it.💜💜💜
@TheQuestCrew: RIP Prince.
@ZAKLONGO: Coachella this weekend... Just wanted to say RIP to Prince... And my liver in advance.
@dustinzito: Prince will always be Remembered Forever for pioneering an age in Music Culture #PrinceRIP
‏@MTVCeeJai: Wow..... @prince 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😪 I don't even know what to say. What disbelief.
@DaveHolmes: Some thoughts on Prince. http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/music/a44221/prince-a-remembrance-dave-holmes/ … via @Esquire #RIPPrince
@AneesaMTV: RIP Prince #legend #gonetoosoon
@RyanDevlin: .@rikilindhome and I were front row at a small Prince show and he was shredding the 🎸and he kept sweating on us and that's my Prince story.
@Dean_BP: Due to the sad passing of The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, #RealWorldGoBig will not be airing tonight. RIP Prince😔
@MtvJess: #RIP PRINCE 💜
‏@thekatiestevens: dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. #Prince
@TripleBeees: @MTV y'all really for this. Prince DESERVES this
‏@snooki: Heaven is jammin with all the talented, amazing artists we've lost....rip prince❤️
@tweetatchris: Fly away, baby. #RIPPrince
@CamilaMTV: #RIPPrince ✨
@blacuesta: Someone asked what red and blue mixed together make... Girl raises hand.... "Green" Let's take a moment of silence for the color purple.
- @MtvNateSiebs: @blacuesta are you suree... I really think it might be green.. You don't know bri you shush

@mikethemiz: Saddened to hear of the passing of Chyna.  My condolences to her family.  Celebrate her life & the footprint she left on the world #RIPChyna
@AshleighMorghan: RIP Chyna thanks for making my childhood amazing. An amazing wrestler ! :( #ripchyna https://www.instagram.com/p/BEc1WJqmtzv/ 
@KennySantucci: #restinpeace #chynasyndrome #chyna #wwe #fan #degenerationx  #8thwonderoftheworld https://www.instagram.com/p/BEdmor8hOzX/ 
@MTVtrey: IGN RIP to one of the childhood icons.
@ThatCoral: I was just talking about how amazing you are @ChynaJoanLaurer. You are missed loved and admired. You made a difference.

> Beyonce's Lemonade
@blacuesta: I fucking adore @Beyonce That woman can make you feel like no other
@blacuesta: "I tried to change, closed my mouth more. Tried to be softer, prettier, less...awake." #Denial #Lemonade
@blacuesta: "What's worse? Being jealous or crazy?"
@blacuesta: "I think of lovers as trees, growing, too and from one another, searching for the same light. Why can't you see me? Everyone else can."
@blacuesta: "Her heaven will be a love without betrayal" #Apathy #Lemonade
@blacuesta: "Middle fingers up, I ain't thinkin bout you. I ain't sorry!" #Apathy #LEMONADE
@JustJem24: I knew I paid for tidal for a reason. 🙌🏼. Finally about to use it for the first time ever 😭
@blacuesta: "Your mother is a woman, and women like her, cannot be contained" #Lemonade
@MTVCeeJai: I love the attention she's seeking. In her seeking, she's also bringing awareness to some things. #lemonade One hell of an entertainer❤️
@blacuesta: Beyonce has taught me to love u even through your hatred but she has also taught me to remember the faces of those who have deceived me
@MTVCeeJai: Abbbbbeeeeeeellllllllll #LEMONADE 😩😍😍😍 @theweeknd
@tweetatchris: Ground breaking. #LEMONADE
@tweetatchris: All hail the queen. @Beyonce #LEMONADE @HBO
@JustJem24: #LEMONADE is a beautiful love letter to black women & beyonce's greatest project. I have no words for the masterpiece I just witnessed

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That's all for now on this Extra installment of the 'Pulse. The main edition of our social episode diaries comes your way later tonight at 8PM ET/5PM PT as we look in on Real World Go Big and a life-changing moment for one of the roommates, among other things. See you then.


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