*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content
and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Last week, the love triangle between Kailah, Dylan and Jenna came to a head and saw Jenna decide to cut it off with Austin back home. The group once again went to the desert to have fun riding riding, while Sabrina did what she does best in her music. But all the pent up anger that took place all season and an epic meltdown lead to what seemed to be inevitable: Jenna getting into it with CeeJai. But that wouldn't be the end of that.
This week, another Double Shot - the term I phrase for a doubleheader of episodes in the Trifecta, and probably the two most-eventful hours in this ecosystem since last year's 2-hour AYTO finale.
● First, the fallout from that physical fight looms over the house as the roommates deal with the escalating racial tension. When his chance to get close to Jenna goes by the wayside, Dylan begins to pursue a hookup with Kailah. And there's finally some happy news for the singer as Sabrina's big moment comes in finally meeting her biological mom to get answers to what she wants to know.
● Then in hour two, the tension that has brewed all season long finally boils over and then some when a racial slur by Jenna and her friend back home puts CeeJai and the roommate on the edge of an even bigger physical confrontation and threatens to send home, for good, both girls. And as the roommates prepare to say so long to Sin City, Dylan comes clean and makes a stunning revelation.
If you wanna catch up on all the action, reaction and interaction to this jaw-dropping double finale, then dig in below. Plus, we also have the lingering reaction from the previous night's episode of Rivals III where a competitor decided to quit. And after the diary, we'll have info on how you can get involved in our upcoming FORUM Reality Debrief to cover springtime reality TV and preview the upcoming summer slate of shows.
- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
A cat fight over racism, two guys get into it for one quitting, and an emotional mom & daughter reunion. Join DCBLOG for the 'Pulse of the Double Shot Finale of Real World: Go Big or Go Home...straight ahead.
> Real World Weekend After
@tweetatchris: When placed in a situation where there is continued racial hatred being directed at you, you don't always stay nice. Love you @MTVCeeJai ❤️
@RealWorldMTV: It's gonna be a "no" from Dylan.
@tweetatchris: Sending some real love and support to @MTVCeeJai my love my angel :)
@RealWorldMTV: The "Sh!t They Should Have Shown" episodes are always my favorite:
@kailah_casillas: The insult of being "fake" is so broad, unspecific & unoriginal. I've been called worse by better.
@kailah_casillas: "Fake" is what you call someone when you hate them but can't think of anything really bad to say. I call it a "default burn."
@RealWorldMTV: The aftermath of this week's fight... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ci1IV1aVAAAjMVb.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: Sabrina is getting the information she needs on her birth mother this Thursday night during the season finale. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ci1IqbLUkAEfKxp.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: Didn't catch this week's episode of #RealWorldGoBig? Catch up now before Thursday's season finale:
@tweetatchris: “@thereelchelsea: @tweetatchris & @MTVCeeJai are the unsung heroes of #RealWorldGoBig invoking discussion and awareness to important social issues #blessyou” RT💜
@MTVCeeJai: I'm so glad my Twitter matches who I am. No falseflaggin over here cuz🙃😌
@Nicky_Showtime: Last night was turnt af! @MTVDIONE I was at Heat nightclub, the manager said you were there too haha he loves you! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjFT8IKUkAEwzdf.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: Thursday night is coming...
@MTVCeeJai: Who do you think should go home for the fight? #RealWorldGoBig #MTV 26%CeeJai' / 74%Jenna 826 votes•Final results
@RealWorldMTV: Remembering that Thursday is the season finale of #RealWorldGoBig... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ci1JpfzUgAQzbsz.jpg
@tweetatchris: The best thing you can be is yourself, darling.
@RealWorldMTV: The day is near... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ci7ES2BUUAECpWS.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: "@mrsshouse: @MTVCeeJai You rock! I'm kind of freaking out over here. If MTV doesn't vindicate you & get rid of Jenna, I'll be so disappointed and upset." RT Lol 🙈😘😘😘
@RealWorldMTV: Dylan's feelings for Jenna have taken a turn in the other direction. Will she crumble after losing her safety net?:
@kailah_casillas: Got my Instagram back! Let me know if that dumbass blocked you and I'll unblock! 😘
@RealWorldMTV: You'll be watching Thursday's season finale like...
@RealWorldMTV: But does Kailah want to hook up with you, Dylan? We'll have to wait and see. (GIF: "I would definitely hook up with Kailah.")
@RealWorldMTV: When you find out that your birth mother is ready to meet you... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjJToYFUYAIvGTD.jpg
@itSabrinaK: Thank you for all your support I love you all
@kailah_casillas: Some bitches need to learn to stay in their lane 👏🏽
@itSabrinaK: This week my life changes... For the good or the bad get ready https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjOkMcQWEAA8bb1.jpg
@tweetatchris: If you have mean things to say about @britneyspears then I can't even imagine the mean things you think about yourself. You go, Brit.
@tweetatchris: You all think that @MTVCeeJai popped off on @jenstaxo because she was bored? If so, you must feel the same way about the #BaltimoreRiots.
@tweetatchris: I am so sick of people turning #white, #straight, #cisgender antagonists into "heroes" to protect their own interests. Get a grip, #America.
@tweetatchris: There is special circle in hell reserved for liars, thieves, racists & homophobes. See you there, @realDonaldTrump. You, and your supporters
@tweetatchris: Seriously #America: everyone is sick of you turning #minorities into villians. There is more to this country than #straight, #white people
@Nicky_Showtime: Today, I think I'm gonna fuck a watermelon. #Yolo 🍆🍉
@Nicky_Showtime: "Men, sometimes you gotta think outside the box in order to get inside HER box!" #poonrules 💯
@RealWorldMTV: How will it all end? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ci7EZieU4AAWOBD.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: I listen to too much Lauryn Hill, J Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Erykah Badu, Andre 3000, T.I., B.o.B and David Banner for y'all to steal my joy😌❤️
@MTVCeeJai: Ooooohhhh somebody's in my DMs mad hahahaha that N word got a lil loose.... And with the ER on the end. #Ouch haha #LetsPray
@MTVDIONE: #iquitmyjoblikeitsmyjob
@tweetatchris: So @MTVCeeJai may be too classy to post this but I'm not. You're telling me #RACISM isn't still alive in America...? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjPQe4yUoAAx1aU.jpg
- @Dean_BP: @tweetatchris This is disgusting smh
@MTVCeeJai: If I don't got me, I know this guy does @tweetatchris. Dude is like, theeeeee best😌😌😌 Man they messed up when they brought you in my life❤️
@kailah_casillas: I WISH I had the time they have to talk shit. While I'm grinding & staying relevant, they're moving their lips. It shows in the numbers 👀
@kailah_casillas: "@lisathegemini: @kailah_casillas @chuckleschucks @MTVCeeJai plus Jenna was more scared of Dean because he's a man not because he's black. Jesus." RT They diminished the fact that Jennas been abused by a man of similar stature to Dean. Nothing to do w race.
@RealWorldMTV: Sabrina finally meets her birth mother in Thursday's season finale of #RealWorldGoBig.
@kailah_casillas: You can't own someone's feelings. No one can MAKE me or anyone else feel a certain way. If I found it in my ❤️ to forgive Jenna, so be it.
@MTVDIONE: The amount of random boners I've gotten this month is actually getting out of hand #pepperoniproblems #jungleboner #jungleboy
@VMilerman: No I haven't watched RealWorld 31,but I follow them on Twitter,and to be honestly some of them leave a weird taste in my mouth.#calmdown 💁🏾
@itSabrinaK: Season Finale of @RealWorldMTV this week tune in to see my life drastically change
@MTVCeeJai: I WILL NOT apologize for evolving past YOUR comfort zone🙃
@RealWorldMTV: Sabrina waited 21 years to meet her birth mother, and we're making it happen for her. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjOif6DUYAEv8jy.jpg
Will Jenna give CeeJai a heart-felt apology on Thursday? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjOi60lVAAIxQzS.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: Right before I make the biggest decision made while here...... Tune in Thur at 10/9c to see the absolute madness
@tweetatchris: As long as major media entities continue to turn minorities into stereotypes on television, #racism and #homophobia will persist in America.
@tweetatchris: I'd like to see a season of #RealWorld where minority characters are not edited to represent stereotypes of their race or sexual orientation
@tweetatchris: I'd like to hear from all #RealWorld cast mates-- past and present-- the ways in which they felt they were incorrectly or unfairly edited.
- @heathermarter: @tweetatchris it's called polarization and reality shows need it to survive in ratings. Quite the catch 22, huh?
@MTVCeeJai: If I don't got me, I know this guy does @tweetatchris. Dude is like, theeeeee best😌😌😌 Man they messed up when they brought you in my life❤️
- @tweetatchris: @MTVCeeJaiNo one had a more powerful story than you did. I love everything you stand for.
@tweetatchris: My time on #RealityTV taught me 2 things: #racism is still present in #America & minorities will ALWAYS be villainized before the white norm
@RealWorldMTV: We're ending it with two episodes tomorrow night! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ci7FBv5UoAAuSSV.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: This by far the greatest episode #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Like this episode has me shaking it's THAT good!!!!!!! #RealWorldGoBig remember I said all will be exposed of who they REALLY are
@Nicky_Showtime: "I like German girls! The probability that their grandfather was a nazi is pretty high. They are the descendants from evil. That's hot!"
@MTVCeeJai: Remember those who said "provoking" was the reason why I was "attacked" last week. Run me that same excuse this week😘
@RealWorldMTV: Two episodes of #RealWorldGoBig tomorrow night? Sign me up.
@Dean_BP: Can't wait until y'all see the finale of RW tomorrow...I think they wrapped up the season pretty well☺️ now what's next for us?🤔
@RealWorldMTV: Can't believe we're saying goodbye to this season of #RealWorld tomorrow night. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjPTmHDUoAUhbqi.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: Tomorrow night's episode changes Sabrina's life forever. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjPUC-_UYAADAhR.jpg
@tweetatchris: Just prescreened both episodes of the season finale of #RealWorldGoBig: all of the racial tension comes to a boiling point 🔥 @RealWorldMTV
@tweetatchris: America may not be perfect, but #RealWorldGoBig did its part to bring to light the issues we STILL need to be talking about @RealWorldMTV
@tweetatchris: Issues discussed on #RealWorldGoBig: #race, #sex, #sexuality, #religion, #gender, #abuse, #family...long [important] list. @RealWorldMTV
@MTVCeeJai: 😂😂😂😂 Tune in Thursday Night 10/9c only on MTV #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorld31 #CeeJai #SeasonFinale… https://www.instagram.com/p/BF2Wx1zPPn2/
@RealWorldMTV: Get ready! @Nicky_Showtime is doing a Twitter Q&A tomorrow at 4PM EST! #AskDylanMTV
@itSabrinaK: So once the finale is over tomorrow I'm done with any real world questions solely focusing on my music and positivity
@MTVCeeJai: We came from nothing
@MTVDIONE: Headed back home to see my family before the start of what is sure to be one of the BEST WEEKENDS OF ALL TIME #figawi #welcometothecarnival
> Real World Thursday, Rivals III Aftermath, and Jay vs. Brandon
@kailah_casillas: I find myself lurking on exs way too often 👀
@kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV Oh lord 😳
@MTVCeeJai: Stay out of my mentions with this bully crap. No one has ever contacted my cast mates on me being a bully.
@MTVCeeJai: Forget the show.... I'm talking about real life. Your perception is YOUR perception of what YOU think is real. Ask if you don't know
@MTVCeeJai: #ImNotTheBully according to THIS, lil momma has been a #Bully #PeepTheDate Our show hadn't even aired yet. GTFOH https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjY5FA_WUAE5_ju.jpgs
@tweetatchris: I have now watched the season finale of #RealWorldGoBig 3 times and every time I'm still like 😱 @RealWorldMTV
@MTVDIONE: Words cannot express how excited I am for tonight's episodes 😂😂😂hope you girls had fun while it lasted the truth comes out tonight👌🏻 #fakeAF
@RealWorldMTV: You'll never see the end of tonight's season finale coming. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ci7FOnuUkAAiMFD.jpg
@tweetatchris: Trying on swimsuits for the #poolparty I'm hosting this weekend! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjZRFO5XAAE4U3Q.jpg
- @RealWorldMTV: @tweetatchris love that i know you're in target
- @tweetatchris: @RealWorldMTV meet me there ? ;)
@RealWorldMTV: Jenna is walking on thin ice towards CeeJai. Will they finally break? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjPUetgUgAEH2V5.jpg
@tweetatchris: With the boys :) @MTVDIONE @Dean_BP @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldGoBig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjZkQLcWgAA5WkT.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: Got a question for Dylan? He's doing a Twitter Q&A right here at 4PM EST! #AskDylanMTV
@itSabrinaK: I will not be responding to anyones negative opinions tonight regarding the finale. Lets make this a good one.
@Nicky_Showtime: I'm doing a Q&A on Twitter using MTV's account, today at 4pm EST. Ask Showtime anything you want… https://www.instagram.com/p/BF4eJpdPjzZ/
@tweetatchris: Family pictures. #RealWorldGoBig @MTVDIONE @MTVCeeJai @Dean_BP @Nicky_Showtime @RealWorldMTV https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjYenFJWkAAdTlH.jpg
@RobinMTV14: New idea for future challenge Real Worlders vs Are You The One kids. #challenge #TheChallengeRivals3
@RobinMTV14: Ok it really irritates me to see people just leave the #TheRivals3 it's called a challenge bc it's challenging. Suck it up and compete!
@RobinMTV14: The challenge house is mentally draining but that's part of the challenge! #TheRivals3
@MTV_Candice: I see tweets about people leaving from The Challenge just because. ..let me re-watch cause I missed that part. #Rivals3 #BoutToGetPetty 😂
@MTV_Candice: Some kids just not about that Challenge life 😒 smfh #Rivals3
@RobinMTV14: Ok @KatieCooley26 @MTV_AMANDAG kinda reminds me of a younger version of you when we did #challenges Just saying.
@MTV_Candice: When it comes to The Challenge... "I wanna go home" better not come out your mouth UNLESS you already got that check in your hand. #Rivals3
@MTV_Candice: @NanyMTV did that hair swing like who the fuck this bitch talking to tho 😂😂😂 #Rivals3
@MTV_Candice: Whoever says they wanna go home should not be allowed on The Challenge again.. Ijs #Rivals3
@MTV_Candice: T is my boy but where I'm from if any man talks to a female like that... They getting they ass beat! #ChillSon #NomoreDrinksforyou #Rivals3
@MTV_Candice: Straight mushed her ass 😂 #Rivals3
@MTV_Candice: This so called girlfriend better be giving some bomb ass head and have a pussy made of gold smfhhh #Rivals3 #Wow
@MTV_Candice: "@princericosuave: when me and @MTV_Candice have to catch up on #TheChallengeRivals3 the next morning i'm right behind you girl lol" RT I seen bits and pieces of it lastnite. I was too busy taking Henny shots lol but this shit is terrible smfh
@MTV_Candice: "@ANIUSHKA: @MTV_Candice @MTV_AMANDAG @CamilaMTV Thing is Amanda came in thinking she owned t house I liked tht Camilla defended her partner @t_raines33” RT I have to disagree I don't believe she was thinking she owned the house she just stands her ground. And I wouldn't defend my male partner after he talked to a female like that. As a partner I would make him walk away
@MTV_Candice: @tjlavin don't got time for that pussy shit 😂😂😂 #Rivals3
@ImSarahRice: “@WillC1231: Hey @ImSarahRice curious but u think u would have chosen @MTVBananas still if TJ gave time at house to make decision during rivals2? #Rivals” RT You mean exes 2? Yup.
@t_raines33: No idea how this trending rank works but thanks to everyone who watched and tweeted last nite! #TheChallengeRivals3 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjZMeJiUUAAM7G-.jpg
@ChallengeMTV: The @AREUTHE1 teams have a shot, so what's the problem? Do they have what it takes? http://on.mtv.com/1TYES63
@ImSarahRice: This episode is everything reality tv fans would ever want!!! Insider info from the crew!!! http://embed.radio.com/clip/60562788?ref_url=http://play.it&ads_ga_page_tracker=UA-27919026-35&rollup_ga_id=UA-2438645-53 … @braincandypod
@ZNichols15: Somebody just straight up quit?
- @WestonBergmann: @ZNichols15 @TheMarkLong @MTV @BunimMurray @ChallengeMTV yeah, you woulda had some good one liners for them. But alas, no Zach 😪😪
- @ZNichols15: @WestonBergmann My invitation got lost in the mail
- @WestonBergmann: @ZNichols15 @TheMarkLong @MTV @BunimMurray @ChallengeMTV well shit, you were missed. You woulda liked some of the new kids. Not all. Some.
@EricBanks: I think it's about time #BigEasy made a comeback! #beentolong I want to win & bring the FUN back to the house! Who's with me? Haha
@MtvNateSiebs: When people think that Ayto shouldn't be allowed on the challenge, I keep it 💯🖕🏼 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjZc9xwVEAAwNDb.jpg
- @Fuckin_Johnny_: @MtvNateSiebs id rather had people from AYTO than to have The Challenge canceled because they can't find enough people to do it.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: “@princericosuave: i fucking love @MTVASHLEYBROOKE go getter attitude she was like put us back up #TheChallengeRivals3" RT Rawrrr 💪
@And_roo17: The unicorn of all Latin Americans.. A girl that's Brazilian wearing a Mexican sombrero @CamilaMTV 🙌🏾💃🏽😂
@CamilaMTV: Happiest day of my life 🐻💕🌲 Thanks to the amazing @jamieswhaling 💙 #adventuresofcamila #explorebc https://instagram.com/p/BF5H2h8TET9/
@blacuesta: The gym is the devil Why do ppl enjoy this? Some kind of kinky shit SOS HELP BRING ME MY BED
@BombshellChels: Applying for big girl jobs makes me wants to play the lottery everyday until I win
@BombshellChels: Honestly the way my savings account is set up I could not work for another year lol thanks MTV
@MTV: Hmm... Does the @AREUTHE1 alliance have a shot at #TheChallengeRivals3 gold? http://on.mtv.com/1WUWPcz https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjZrH2hUkAEbV03.jpg
- @AREUTHE1: @MTV We're coming for that 👑
- @DerrickMTV2: @MTV Hmm...Doubtful...
@MtvNateSiebs: "@LornaMrsU: @MtvNateSiebs @TheChallengeMTV no one complains that the bloodlines are now apart of it. Unfair advantage for Nany & Bananas. #rwvsayto" RT 👏🏼👏🏼
@MTVtrey: Apparently there was a guy who quit on #TheChallenge? Interesting...
- @robb_schreiber: @MTVtrey That's what happens when they bring on these softer-than-babyshit AYTO kids ¯\_(ツ)_/¯S
- @BSwiftMTV: @robb_schreiber @MTVtrey get'em! #shots!!!
- @MTVtrey: @BSwiftMTV @robb_schreiber they have our numbers. If they want the Caribbean kids back, they know where to find us
@MTVtrey: Just tired of reading things online saying that we're declining calls or too old or whatever. We're not. In fact, we've been waiting...
@ChallengeMTV: This house party turned out to be nothing but trouble. This is why we cant have nice things http://on.mtv.com/1U9hNNK https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjZGcjpWYAAWn77.jpg
@ChallengeMTV: This conversation still slays me @Dario_medrano_😂 Wise words, that unfortunately fell on deaf ears...
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: This #realworld & #ayto beef is getting juicy. I'm over here like
@ChallengeMTV: When someone reminds me I have to wait a week until the next episode of #TheChallengeRivals3...😒😡 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjaLtpLXAAApJGc.jpg
@tjlavin: For ever RT @bhscoachshelton: I love how @tjlavin puts quitters on blast.
@tjlavin: Yessir RT @pdizzy11: @ChallengeMTV @tjlavin tjwe need more challenges and less bullshit. Enough with the drama, get back to the competition
@JustJem24: I gave your nickname to someone else...
@NanyMTV: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbETNEW0AIfJDa.jpg
@EricBanks: Last night I was watching a fight and a Challenge broke out! #MTV
- @BradFiorenza: @EricBanks Big Easy 😎:
@MTVBananas: You can't do epic shit with basic people 👊 @hannahteter @JamieAsnow 🚁💨🌴🌊 #Hawaii #Drone #GoPro #Squad
@CamilaMTV: See ya next week... 💋💕😉 @MtvJess #NYC #rio2016 #workworkwork #MemorialDay
@JayGMTV: "@Thetrollqueenx3: This guy was talking shit on twitter for Jay quitting on the final of exes 2! Now he quits @MTVChallenge28” RT Yo tindel @Tindel10 Your a bitch. Learn to keep your mouth shut. U just made yourself look even worse
@JayGMTV: “@GlennHi1524: @JayGMTV @Tindel10 lmfao Brandon soft as hell atleast my n.... Jay got to the final when he tapped this the what 3rd episode an he cryin 😭😂 RT @ChallengeMTV 😂😂. Its like a who's worse competition on twitter #imakefunofmyself #tindellsstillabitch
@MTVBananas: Define irony... #SeeYouNever @tjlavin @barstoolsports @TheClemReport @tindel10 @JayGMTV https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbnhJ-UkAAiIYy.jpg
- @JayGMTV: @MTVBananas Damn, You know thats bad, cuz bananas dont even like me lmao #realworldfamily @MTVBananas @Tindel10 @ChallengeMTV
@madiwadi2by4: Count blessings, not problems. 🙌🏻
@AREUTHE1: No liars allowed 🙅. @JuliaRose_33 will f*ck you up! #AYTO4
- @MilleGabriellee: @AREUTHE1 Be yourself! If they don't love it, Fk Em!
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Me and @tweetconnor180 got some people who want us to beast it on the challenge. Lol they are ready for us together on there
- @tweetconnor180: @MTV_TeeBoogie homie it would be game over !
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @tweetconnor180 They keep making fun of us AYTO people like its a game. Cast competitors who will slaughter competition lol
@AREUTHE1: Today just keeps getting better ✨! @_hannahrathbun & @ZAKLONGO have taken over the Snapchat! http://bit.ly/AYTOSnapchat https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjaQpdXVAAAG8gU.jpg
@schmelllanie: Catching up the #rivalschallenge after show and @MTV_AMANDAG you look so damn fine!!!! Miss you booboo 😘
@nuhcole11: Big glass of red wine and catching up on @ChallengeMTV . What a perfect Thursday night!
@whaattaafoxx: How could anybody file for divorce from Johnny Depp. Well my day is made. My man is single. So there's hope for me.
@n_zanattaMTV: On my days off... gym and food that's it I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing 😂
@n_zanattaMTV: @TheMarkLong @TheChallengeMTV @MTV @BunimMurray @ChallengeMTV 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 or cast the ones that know what a challenge is
@whaattaafoxx: "@Tindel10: Bri and I both wanted outta there. No biggie. Back to real life. Cya haters.” RT Fuck the haters! I still have love for you! ❤️❤️❤️
@madiwadi2by4: When your having a really good hair day but it's raining😑...
@CaraMariaMTV: emergency trip back to Boston. take nothing for granted.
@dustinzito: As much as I don't like Samsung I love the Commercials about "Be Together No The Same" #TeamiPhone
@ThatCoral: @MtvJess @MTV @ChallengeMTV Good for you girl. Live your dream. That is true success!!
- @MtvJess: @ThatCoral Thanks love.
> Ask Nicky Showtime
@RealWorldMTV: What's up y'all!! This is Nicky Showtime's takeover of MTV's Twitter! Ask me stuff! Lol
@RealWorldMTV: “@mandaaabearr: @RealWorldMTV what's the biggest lesson you've learned from being on the show? #AskDylanMTV" RT Causing drama is a good thing! 💋💋
@RealWorldMTV: Hell yeah yo that's my home!!! I'll be back there next month. You can catch me in the street, naked! https://twitter.com/rhettbjackson/status/735923463530156033 …
@RealWorldMTV: "@chiaraDesteff: @RealWorldMTV do you regret flirting and wanting to be with Jenna after you find out she's crazy"Or are you with her(relationship wise)?” RT Nah. You'll see what I was doing on tonight's episode. Get the popcorn ready.
@RealWorldMTV: “@ericmontes101: @RealWorldMTV nick do you regret anything on the show???" RT Yeah I should have pissed more people off!
@RealWorldMTV: "@pinktonu02: @RealWorldMTV would you ever want to be on the challenge? #AskDylanMTV" RT They better put me on the challenge. I'm gonna win that sh*t!
@RealWorldMTV: "@Onelovee_87: @RealWorldMTV did you go to high school in North Carolina? #askdylanmtv" RT No I went to Somersworth High School in New Hampshire.
@RealWorldMTV: "@ShanMitcch: @RealWorldMTV do you wish you came in earlier on the show?" RT Yeah I feel like I got robbed. But then again I'm thankful for the opportunity!! 😍😍
@RealWorldMTV: "@Patrick6070: @RealWorldMTV what was one of your favorite things u did while at the house? #askdylanmtv" RT Stripping at the gay bars but they never showed it on the show. Me and @tweetatchris danced on stages. It was sick!
- @tweetatchris: @RealWorldMTV We got a bit nasty... 😈
@RealWorldMTV: "@ericmontes101: @RealWorldMTV what thing do you miss about the show" RT Free Beeeeer!!!
@RealWorldMTV: "@SurvivorMTV: @RealWorldMTV Who did you chill with most in the house? #AskDylanMTV" RT Prolly @tweetatchris or @MTVDIONE but they didn't show much of that.
- @tweetatchris: @RealWorldMTV @MTVDIONE @SurvivorMTV hell yeah! Love you man
@RealWorldMTV: "@kaymaldo: @RealWorldMTV @Nicky_Showtime what was the best thing about the suite and living in Vegas? #askdylanmtv" RT Strippers and beer and sin, oh my!
@RealWorldMTV: "@ericmontes101: @RealWorldMTV besides of the real world, what is your favorite reality tv show" RT Workaholics!
@RealWorldMTV: "@Jennac0le: @RealWorldMTV @Nicky_Showtime HE JUST SAID IT WAS AVERAGE *drops the mic! #shitson tell us how you really feel lol. @MTVDIONE check it lol" RT Hahahahahah c-
@RealWorldMTV: "@LoserMoe: @RealWorldMTV Which girl would you date on the show besides jenna #AskDylanMTV" RT I wouldn't date Jenna. @MTVCeeJai
@RealWorldMTV: "@thepizzapopo: @RealWorldMTV What did you learn from being on #RealWorldGoBig? #askDylanMTV” RT Getting along is overrated!
@RealWorldMTV: “@PenelopeJ8: @RealWorldMTV @anonymoseslol @MTV didn't she say they never hooked up?” RT Lol
@RealWorldMTV: If I don't answer your question, just send it to my personal account @Nicky_Showtime
@RealWorldMTV: “@brittanylynnY: @RealWorldMTV @Nicky_Showtime What's your favorite thing about yourself??” RT My perfectly round nipples.
@RealWorldMTV: “@sammyx618: @RealWorldMTV #AskDylanMTV What was your first impression of your cast mates after your first day with them?" RT They are crazy. Sabrina threw her tampon in the fire pit! Lol
- @itSabrinaK: @RealWorldMTV I lost it
@RealWorldMTV: Beer me Mr. Showtime @Nicky_Showtime https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjaPYTnUYAAGZL3.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: "@SarahJane7321
@RealWorldMTV what are your life plans now that you've been on a reality show? #AskDylanMTV" RT Starting a tv show on EDMTV network and being Showtime all the time!
@RealWorldMTV: "@thepizzapopo: Fuck, Marry, Throw in the trash...(because killing is bad 😔): CeeJai, Jenna, & Kailah. @RealWorldMTV #AskDylanMTV" RT F*ck Kailah, marry Ceejai ... Do I need to say the rest? Lol
@Nicky_Showtime: "@ShimBo84: Yo, what was the craziest thing you did in vegas! Don't leave out any details! I can see you get nasty!💦 #AskDylanMTV @Nicky_Showtime" RT Got naked, stole money from the bartender, flashed them my dick and asshole and threw all the food off the balcony!
- @Dean_BP: @Nicky_Showtime Yeah, we were trippin like where this dude come from!
@tweetatchris: My favorite memory from #RealWorldGoBig: going to UT with @kailah_casillas @RealWorldMTV @tweetatchris:
@RealWorldMTV: Seven strangers were picked to live in a suite, and now their journey ends tonight with two wild episodes.
@MTVCeeJai: Some people will only love you as long as you fit in "THEIR" box. Don't be afraid to disappoint. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Three hours until Sabrina meets her birth mother. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjT_OXKVEAAaaFB.jpg
@tweetatchris: The #RealWorldGoBig guys and I love 3 things: #beer, @itSabrinaK, and beer. 🍻 @MTVDIONE @Dean_BP @RealWorldMTV https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjayR8lWgAMEadm.jpg
@itSabrinaK: be somebody. for you not anyone else
@itSabrinaK: I think what ive learned throughout the @RealWorldMTV experience is you can't save anyone but yourself
@RealWorldMTV: It's our last night with #RealWorldGoBig! The double episode finale begins in 2 hours. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjUABA7UYAA9pfK.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: ONE HOUR!!!! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjUAm-KUYAEoe21.jpg
@tweetatchris: Everyone I love in one photo. Cheers. @MTVDIONE @MTVCeeJai @itSabrinaK @Dean_BP @kailah_casillas @RealWorldMTV https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbL5Z6WEAATLY1.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: I'm going up right now my boy #GucciMane out. Our show #RealWorldGoBig coming on in 10 min man I AM feeling myself❤️
@tweetatchris: Bring it on. 5 minutes until back to back episodes of #RealWorldGoBig. @RealWorldMTV
@Nicky_Showtime: It's almost showtime for Nicky Showtime!
> AS THEY SAW IT: The Finale Part 1 - "Southern Shame"
@RealWorldMTV: The season finale of #RealWorldGoBig starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! 🎉
@MTV: #RealWorldGoBig starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @RealWorldMTV 😱
@MTVCeeJai: #RealWorldGoBig staaaaartttttsss noooow
@RealWorldMTV: Looking back, it's been such a good season. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: And we're on #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: Hind sights 20/20. Both parties were wrong. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbZLciVAAAYRbb.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: @Nicky_Showtime is sooooo fiiiiiiine
@RealWorldMTV: That awkward moment when Jenna is the only one who doesn't know what happened last night. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Once again, not being responsible of your actions. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: CeeJai' is not having it... #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: If you were CeeJai, would you accept Jenna’s apology? #RealWorldGoBig Yes, she seems genuine. / No, it wasn’t heartfelt. Vote 1,315 votes•16 hours left
@MTVCeeJai: I love me some @itSabrinaK y'all...... Y'all just don't know #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: Jenna "I don't remember anything that happened" Hahahah yeah right @MTVCeeJai
@RealWorldMTV: Seems like Dylan's had a change of heart... #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: @tweetatchris is hilarious
@tweetatchris: WHAT THE FUCK MY FORT @itSabrinaK @MTVDIONE
@RealWorldMTV: The tapes don't lie... 😶 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: #RealWorldGoBig #Ownership
@MTVCeeJai: Still waiting @tweetatchris #RealWorldGoBig
- @tweetatchris: @MTVCeeJai The racist comments were never apologized for. Not once. Still.
@Dean_BP: #RealWorldGoBig finale is going up right now
@tweetatchris: Jenna also said that #gay people needed to stop complaining about #AIDS because it was "just like Romeo and Juliet" (i.e. they both die).
@RealWorldMTV: I forgot all about Sabrina's mission OMG #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Okay, he actually brought a lot of info - what's good? 🔍 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: I will ALWAYS be there for you babygirl❤️ @itSabrinaK #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: I love when @Dean_BP said "you're 25 now, you do not fight." --- always the voice of reason ❤️
@challengefan_: Wish this season focused more on @itSabrinaK finding her birth mother rather than all the BS
@itSabrinaK: Thank you for the support tonight meeting my birth mother was very hard I know who my real parents are the ones who raised me
@RealWorldMTV: Well, we definitely know Dylan is not shy about his needs at all. #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: Lol "it's frustrating" @Nicky_Showtime
@RealWorldMTV: I am so so SO nervous for Sabrina 😱 #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: "I should've hooked up with Kailah." OUCH?? #RealWorldGoBig
@CULLENary_arts: Dylan saying he should have hooked up with kailah crushed Jenna #realworldgobig
@MTVCeeJai: All that animosity because he's with Kailah..... Don't yell at my roommate #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: It has just fully occurred to me that there is zero privacy in this house #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Shooting guns and s*** #RealWorldGoBig but I'm a bully but if I were to do it, I'm a thug
@_ceoTAJ: Shorty showing off to her friend 🙄@MTVCeeJai #RealWorldGoBig oh and that shooting comment wasn't cute 👎🏾
@Robyn32: Notice how @MTVCeeJai didn't just attack Jenna for what she said? Ssssoooo please try & justify last week's attack again. #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: What yo I'm behind. Why's happening on the show?
@MTVCeeJai: "@MichaelMARTINC1: @MTVCeeJai rachet is not racist” RT Coming from her it is. Weren't u the same one who was mad because someone used the term "redneck" and "white trash"
@tweetatchris: We must fight racial bigotry and hatred in our both our homes & communities. @MTVDIONE @Dean_BP @MTVCeeJai @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas
@surbonas: Jenna justified fight cuz she was "blacked out" but just said the same stuff sober...@MTVCeeJai has the patience of a saint #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Nothing is tearing CeeJai' down. #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: Hahahahaha "it's Frustrating" that's from beerfest
@tweetatchris: The intense homophobia I experienced while on #RealWorldGoBig is part of what inspired me to become and advocate for #LGBT rights.
@RealWorldMTV: No matter what, this gang still knows how to party. #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: #KailahCantTwerk
@kailah_casillas: "I'm never second best"
@RealWorldMTV: You tried, Dylan... you tried. #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: .@MTVCeeJai has always been one of my strongest advocates. When you experience discrimination of any kind, you fight it everywhere.
@RealWorldMTV: What would you have done in Kailah’s situation? #RealWorldGoBig Exactly what she did / Hooked up with Dylan Vote 374 votes•16 hours left
@kailah_casillas: "You made your bed, now lie in it, bitch" 😂
@surbonas: "I'm never second best." YAS QUEEN @kailah_casillas 👸🏻 #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Sabrina, bb. 😢 #RealWorldGoBig
@MrEAnders: It’s tough yet inspiring to watch @MTVCeeJai struggle against & rise to the challenge of the burden of representation she feels #RealWorld
@RealWorldMTV: IT'S HAPPENING. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Everyone's lost it at this point, let's be real. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: I'm sooooo mad I wasn't there for this @itSabrinaK it's so amazing to see your strengths baby #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: I was the first to understand Jenna #RealWorldGoBig but she continued to be offensive
@kailah_casillas: “@KyleMcCann24: @kailah_casillas would u be open to going on the challenge?” RT SIGN ME UP NOWWWWW
@RealWorldMTV: Deep dinner table convos. #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: #Racism inspires violence.
@Nicky_Showtime: I'm very Bizzarre!!
@BMFluellen1: @MTVCeeJai is TOO real for this show. Sis, you better speak the truth & shame the devil. #realworldgobig
@tweetatchris: When someone says "#gay sex disgusts me" they are insulting me and everyone like me.
@kailah_casillas: In order to get respect, you have to give it.
@tweetatchris: @Dean_BP always speaking the truth
@MTV_Candice: This is exactly why they should've sent her ass home when they had a chance smfh #RealWorldGoBig
@IamPrincess239: Jenna doesn't want to learn @MTVCeeJai cause she's not ready & doesnt want to Shes comfortable being small minded #RealWorldGoBig
@urgreatesthope: @MTVCeeJai stay dropping knowledge. The world just doesn't understand how deep it is. Keep uplifting and enlightening #RealWorldGoBig
@CaptMarz: @Dean_BP and @MTVCeeJai are speaking some real stuff about being young, educated and Black in America #TheRealWorld #TheRealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: #premiumsluts
@RealWorldMTV: True friends help each other decide what to wear to meet their birth mothers. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: I'M SO CONFUSED. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: S/o to @jojosjerky aka my job while living in Vegas for the cactus jerky!!!! #TheRealWorld #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: @tweetatchris is such a savage #TheRealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: YOU ARE ENOUGH, SABRINA. ❤️ #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: You get a shot you get a shot!! The modern day Oprah #RealWorldGoBig @tweetatchris is hilarious
@RealWorldMTV: “@AlinaTram: Can't believe Sabrina is finally meeting her birth mom #RealWorldGoBig” RT It's happening! #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: .@MTVCeeJai is an inspiration. #IStandWithCeejai @MTVDIONE @Dean_BP @itSabrinaK @Nicky_Showtime @kailah_casillas
@Lefty31: @MTVCeeJai @SmoothKiller15 saying "ratchet" is like saying someone is ghetto but worse. It has a racist undertone
@Nicky_Showtime: "I hate Dylan!"
@RealWorldMTV: They have so much in common and I have SO many emotions. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: I wish you were black @itSabrinaK #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: Oh it's about to go down!!!!!!
@RealWorldMTV: I hope so, too! This is so so amazing. #RealWorldGoBig (GIF: "I hope we do continue this relationship.")
@quonnation: @MTVCeeJai is one of the best reality tv cast members I've ever seen. Well educated and patient despite the circumstances of the house.
@cbometts: @MTVCeeJai Gal so proud of you. Whatever names they call you,doesn't matter. You are my hero. Do you. You are a great example to many.
@Nicky_Showtime: I stand with @MTVCeeJai
@kailah_casillas: I haven't flip-flopped. Racism is wrong. Violence is wrong. Bullying is wrong. But forgiveness & helping some in need is always right.
@MTV_Candice: Aww I'm so happy for Sabrina. #RealWorldGoBig
@nilehighclub: #IStandWithCeeJai till the day I die ✊🏾🏾️🙏🏾 #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai
@challengefan_: @itSabrinaK that was the most beautiful thing all season nice to see someone with such a big heart
@kailah_casillas: “@tatki2004: @kailah_casillas but i thought u and @MTVCeeJai were good friends” RT Me too. Until she became a sheep and started to hate me for no reason along with Dione.
@RealWorldMTV: I'm so glad Sabrina got the answers she needed. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: That girl did not look like she was wearing makeup, they need to stop. 😂 #acnecommercial #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: “@SageMadison92: @kailah_casillas @sekouking I was thinking the same thing. Hate doesn't make other hate disappear 😕" RT Racism and bullying are both forms of hate. By being mean to Jenna, they're all just as bad.
@RealWorldMTV: "Is she single?" - Dione asking the real questions #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: "If you get offended by something, it's your fault. use you chose to get offended."- Jenna...lol noted.
@MTVCeeJai: This was after I asked production why she didn't get sent home #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Ticking Time Bomb #RealWorldGoBig
> AS THEY SAW IT: The Finale Part 2 - "They All Go Home"
@RealWorldMTV: Don't go anywhere. The #RealWorldGoBig finale continues with another episode RIGHT NOW!
@RealWorldMTV: CeeJai' is slowly losing her cool... #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Nappy head
@RealWorldMTV: Do you think Jenna and her friends will ever change their ways? #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: #RealWorldGoBig Pick cotton?????
@TheRealityTVPod: Jenna gets real tough w @MTVCeeJai whenever she's on the skype... #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: Those comments shocked me.
@MelisaGenesis: I have seen bigger fight and never anyone getting kicked out #RealWorldGoBig Not fair if you kick out @MTVCeeJai
@RealWorldMTV: My heart is beating so fast what's going to hAPPEN #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: Love is #love. ❤️💛💚💙💜 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbnGnvWEAAtAGt.jpg
@tweetatchris: #Ratchet is a #racist term.
@MTV_Candice: Awwww heeeeellllllllll naaawwwwwww. Jenna would've got her ass beat for her friend while her friend was on the screen. #RealWorldGoBig
@spookiblack: I absolutely love @MTVCeeJai , and I am so disgusted by Jenna and her racist fucking friend. This show man...this show #realworld
@BombshellChels: I've never wanted someone to get punched so bad before in my life ...#RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: So do y'all still like Jenna??
@RealWorldMTV: That's just WRONG. #RealWorldGoBig
@BusbyDonnica: @MTVCeeJai #RealWorldGoBig The racism is a level 1000!!!
@MTVCeeJai: She didn't say it but she didn't correct it either #RealWorldGoBig
@chism: wow @MTVCeeJai deserves an naacp award after this season of #realworld
@kailah_casillas: "@RealityRadioPod: @kailah_casillas That's awesome you're standing up for CJ from Jenna's friend comment. #RealWorldGoBig” RT Of coarse. I had Ceejais back. Those comments were wrong.
@tweetatchris: "Go pick some cotton, bitch." -@merrilysundberg @jensta_xo #RealWorldGoBig #racism
@NaunieClair: @MTVCeeJai Right, she never said it was wrong for her to say it. If those are the people you surround yourself w/, then you obviously agree.
@RealWorldMTV: "Sorry Mom." - Kailah after schooling Jenna's friend #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: "Sorry mom"
@MTVCeeJai: Can somebody tell Kailah I love her!!!! No matter what Twitter beef we have #RealWorldGoBig
@Dean_BP: “@ZanMGunn: Bruh I can't deal how the fuck y'all did not turn up on her ass @Dean_BP @MTVCeeJai she need her ass whooped bruh #RealWorldGoBig” RT You know I woulda been in cuffs
@RealWorldMTV: Jenna... #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: 2 mins ago, she talked shit about me in a group message that she didn't realize I was a part of. #Fake
@SmileyyyRae: I am highly offended watching the real world right now... I commend @MTVCeeJai n @Dean_BP for putting up with her ignorance that long
@MTV_Candice: Did this bitch just act like she didn't hear what her friend said????!!! Ass beat right there #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: I wish the show depicted more real storylines and not bullshit we need more real things in this world
@kailah_casillas: She "loves me" yet this happened a new mins ago..... 🤔 forgot I was in this thread?? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbopauWgAAXLDN.jpghttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbopauWgAAXLDN.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: HOOOLY SH*T. #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: “@TheRealityTVPod: Watching this... it makes no sense how @kailah_casillas switched teams and became friends with Jenna. #RealWorldGoBig” RT I couldn't stand with the bullies. Jennas made a lot of personal growth & needed a helping hand.
@dead_drama: Im just glad that @MTVCeeJai and @Dean_BP had eachother. To be the only person of color in this environment would be entirely too much...
@sekouking: @SmileyyyRae @Dean_BP @MTVCeeJai it was pretty bad. Mtv never should have put that girl on the show. Shooting guns with the confederate flag
@SPetitta: Did she seriously just say that? @Dean_BP @MTVCeeJai #smh #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: #ImAMormon. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbpCVKWUAA8XQB.jpg
@thKuShutMeDown: Waaait whaaaat #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: ....enough said! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbpaA8UYAAqyfM.jpg
@InfinityNesssa: Everyone in the house was going about educating Jenna the wrong way. @kailah_casillas helped Jenna using patients, not hate
@RealWorldMTV: Who deserves to go home after the fight? #RealWorldGoBig Jenna / CeeJai / Jenna & CeeJai Vote 1,747 votes•16 hours left
@MTVCeeJai: It was MY choice to pack my things and leave #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Jenna real quiet and calm now lmfaooooooooooo 😭 💀 #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: "You are the company you keep." You both should be ashamed of yourselves. Disgusting. #racists #RealWorldGoBig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbqShAWYAAKcrz.jpg
@Dean_BP: I love how y'all are attacking me for not standing up for CeeJai in this situation not realizing so much more went on smh...
@RealWorldMTV: Chris walking into this mess is all of us rn. #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: "@JUDDNATION: @tweetatchris religion bashing huh? #nohate #contradiction" rt Jenna is a #Mormon and used it as justification to spread #racism and #homophobia.
- @stus33: @tweetatchris it is unacceptable for @RealWorldMTV to allow this to happen
@MTVCeeJai: @tweetatchris summed it all up!!!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: The heat of the moment made me say some shit I shouldn't have said. No one deserves to get jumped. Violence is wrong. I feel bad for that.
@mira2x_: The fact that Ceejai keep apologizing and crying is breaking my heart 😔😔 #realworldgobig
@MTV_Candice: She don't punch hard but you got a fucking black eye... Stfu bitch you know you got a headache from that shit. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: I know that's right baby @MTVCeeJai #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: “@CandayG: Wait. Where's Dione! #RealWorldGoBig” RT I'm asking myself the same thing! #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: “@Neptonik_45: @MTVCeeJai @Dean_BP sad prt is, i knw exactly where she frm&wat ppl can b like dwn tht way. #racsimiswhack @Nicky_Showtime @kailah_casillas” RT I lived in North Carolina for 5 years. I never came across someone like her. The south is better than that!
@devinngeorge: @kailah_casillas are ugly and hateful things but violence by attacking/ganging up on someone is never adult or wise. I hope Jenna has grown.
@RealWorldMTV: Aaand here comes Dione in just as much disbelief as we are. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Who had a better reaction to the fight? #RealWorldGoBig Dione / Chris Vote 829 votes•16 hours left
@RealWorldMTV: True story. #RealWorldGoBig (GIF: "She rocked her face.")
@zaynmetallic: How is @MTVCeeJai ignorant?! The comments from Jenna and her friends were ignorant.
@tweetatchris: A product of her upbringing: the @LDSchurch and the racism in the #South. #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBigFight https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbsUt9WUAAUemr.jpg
@Ncoleycole: Jenna calling @MTVCeeJai ignorant is equivalent to calling her a ni**er
@MTV_Candice: "Ceejai rocked her face" 😂 😂 😂 #RealWorldGoBig
@ASVPXRAE: So @MTVCeeJai is disrespectful and ignorant because she gave you chance after chance. Okay! #RealWorldGoBig
@TenAye_Uhh: The fact that @Dean_BP actually has to be concerned about his image due to another person's ignorance is saddening. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: TBT to the plunge mission. #RealWorldGoBig (GIF: "We should have sent her home when we had the chance.")
@kailah_casillas: Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Violence in any form is wrong.
@yu_gyome: @MTVCeeJai thank u for using this platform to represent a strong black woman n to be a great role model to us all
@ChildishLayjha: @MTVCeeJai You are down right the best black girl on Real World History. 🍫😊
@ShittCommentary: Amazing to see such a strong, intelligent, confident & kind black woman on #RealWorldGoBig and I hope @MTVCeeJai conquers the challenge next
@MTV_Candice: Aye why they fries look good as hell tho... Okay I had a fat moment lol. #RealWorldGoBig
@juanpabloescob5: @MTVCeeJai you stood up for not just you but for all the peoplw that have gone through so much hate physical and verbal #fuckracism
@RealWorldMTV: Veeery funny. 😷 #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: CeeJai' is rising above it all. #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: I love you, @MTVCeeJai
@RealWorldMTV: Whatever you say, Dylan. #RealWorldGoBig
@xxDemiGxx: Wasn't Dylan legit in love with Jenna last week tho? Wyd #RealWorldGoBig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbuLPAXAAAGza3.jpg
@kailah_casillas: An eye for an eye leave the whole world blind.
@MTV_Candice: Boy bye! #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Nope. No. No. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Damn baby!!! Smh #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: "Go pick some cotton" can you be more racist and uneducated
@RealWorldMTV: Seems fair... #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: Hey Jenna! You should buy this necklace on http://CHRISTOPHERAMMON.com . It's perfect for you! 💕💕💕 #RealWorldGoBig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbvHOHWgAE4y69.jpg
@MTV_Candice: @MTVCeeJai reminds me of my cuz @Bruce_Lee85 without them in the house it's dead #lifeofthepartyyy #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: So now You all know the truth
@kailah_casillas: “@BringMeYourTorc: it was great chatting with @kailah_casillas. Listen & find out what she REALLY thinks about the #RealWorldGoBig cast http://media.blubrry.com/bringmeyourtorch/podcast.bringmeyourtorch.com/bmyt-episode157.mp3 …” RT LET ME EXPLAIN MYSELF IN MORE THAN 140 CHARACTERS. Listen to me here:
@RealWorldMTV: The house is too quiet. #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: I'm not against what Ceejai believes in. I understand her. I just had a falling out bc I don't like the bullying online.
@RealWorldMTV: This really sucks. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Do you think Jenna learned from this experience? #RealWorldGoBig Yes / No Vote 1,445 votes•16 hours left
@MTVCeeJai: #DearKailah now that this is over https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjbwitYW0AAcofg.jpg
@MTV_Candice: Jenna = Walk Of Shame #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. #RealWorldGoBig
@quonnation: S/o to @Dean_BP and @MTVCeeJai for making this season amazing and being positive black representation #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: I'm not crying, you're crying. #RealWorldGoBig
@redd2dss: @MTVCeeJai I'm proud of you. I love you. 👏🏾👏🏾😘😘😍😍 I will remember you forever #realworldgobig
@_psych0path_: @MTVCeeJai 's exit really has me emotional 😭 #RealWorldGoBig
@BombshellChels: This whole episode I kept saying "Why does Dylan has so much writing on his arm" 😂 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: It's been real gang #CeeJaiOut #MamaBearOut #RealWorldGoBig ✊🏾🏾️
@Dean_BP: “@SoSofieFatale: @Dean_BP I'm disappointed that foul racist Jenna hijacked the season, but I bet you'll be at many @ChallengeMTV to come! #RealWorldGoBig” RT 😀 hopefully
@RealWorldMTV: Here Dylan goes again with his "master plan"... #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: Lol y'alls reactions are what I live for Ahahahhahhhhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahaha
@kailah_casillas: didn't think the "Twitter beef" was fun. Having lies told about me & getting berated daily wasn't exactly "fun"
@itSabrinaK: Go listen to my new single "if only"
@BAMMARTREZ: Salute to 👏 @Dean_BP & @MTVCeeJai 👏 y'all represented so well 💯, nothing but respect for the both of you.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: "And then there were 6." 🍻 #RealWorldGoBig
@Kelsie_Giles: So Dylan claims he never liked Jenna... #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: What are these boxes, though? #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Final mission. No one touch me. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: BUT I DON'T WANT IT TO END! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: I guess that black eye made her wanna speak up when her friends talk slick now #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: "It's been a crazy ride, but I like crazy" 😈
@MTV_Candice: Alright yall I'm done, it's time I put a filter on it.... #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: That's all for this season! Thanks for watching + tweeting with me, and see you soon! 🎉 #RealWorldGoBig
> After Hours and Finale Hangover
@kailah_casillas: "Fake"...... I've been called WORSE by BETTER 😈
@YaBOyM: Best season of #TheRealWorld I seen in a while hope to see my favorites @MTVCeeJai @Dean_BP @MTVDIONE on #TheChallenge #RealWorldGoBig
@The_NamesSmiles: If @Nicky_Showtime went on the challenge it'd be the most entertaining, weirdest, funniest, messiest season ever😂🙌🏾🙌🏾 @ChallengeMTV 👀👀
@kailah_casillas: If you don't like me, PLEASE, I beg you, unfollow me. I don't care about the numbers 🏽️
@tweetatchris: Its disgusting to me that when a #white woman throws a punch, there are no consequences. But when a #black woman does... @MTV #racist
- @MTVCeeJai: @tweetatchris 😳🤔Not my thoughts, but yes I DO support them.😊
@MTVCeeJai: @Dean_BP @MTVDIONE @tweetatchris @itSabrinaK @Nicky_Showtime the love I've received from you guys AFTER filming is emenceful.❤️💚😎
@tweetatchris: Most important moment in #RealWorld history. @MTVCeeJai to @Dean_BP: "From a black woman to a black man."
@__beauty__rush: #RealWorldGoBig @MTV dnt CONDONE VIOLENCE but they condone RASICT ACTS...cuz they should kicked jenna off the show! @MTVCeeJai
@whore4reality: Rly Jenna? @MTVCeeJai is the most ignorant person you know but your friends tell black women to go pick cotton. Gtfoh.
@kailah_casillas: While you're all throwing shade, I'll be over here in the sun 🌞
@Nicky_Showtime: Do any of you fucks live in LA? I'm tryna party!!
@RealWorldMTV: West Coast! The #RealWorldGoBig finale starts now!
@tweetatchris: Hey #WestCoast: are you ready for the most explosive episode in #RealWorld history? #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV
@Karen32989: @MTVCeeJai love you girl! I'm sad you left early! But just know your fans got your back! You really inspire me..your so strong!
@tweetatchris: "@loudmouth25: @tweetatchris Didn't you comdemn @BYU for the same thing? #TruthHurts" RT #BYU perpetuates #RACISM & #HOMOPHOBIA as much--if not more-- than the #Mormon church.
@MTVCeeJai: Using this time to respond to you guys lol I love you guys and thanks sooooo so so much for the support!! #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: If you don't already, follow me on snap: KailahNicolexo 👻 you won't regret it 🙈👯
@MTVCeeJai: "@MissCourtneyA: @MTVCeeJai I promise we are not all like that!" RT It's ok love. I know. I live by every man for them self. Don't dare hold yourself accountable for someone else
@tweetatchris: "I hope you learn. I hope you change." #RealWorldGoBig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjcHsdnUYAApPae.jpg
@tweetatchris: Cheers to a great season guys! #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: "You are the company you keep." ❤️ @MTVCeeJai @Dean_BP @MTVDIONE #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjcIaQhUgAIe8Nt.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: Riddle me this. When AMERICA feels they need to invade or take down some1 else, we call that war or defending turf. Can I NOT do the same?
@VanessaLuMusic: But are we just not going to acknowledge that Jenna said she wanted to SHOOT @MTVCeeJai so bad? #RealWorldGoBig like, she still stayed after
@bigwalt_CMU: bruh @MTVCeeJai had every right to beat the shit outta Jenna & for CeeJai to hold back for the ENTIRE season, I applaud her #realworldfinale
@MTVCeeJai: We go to war over others' belongings and massacre more than plenty and one simple defensive mechanism cause so much hate?
@MTVCeeJai: I take pride in who I am. I own me. I know the capabilities of those who try to belittle me. And I'll be DAMNED if I'm tried for my dignity😌
@MtvJess: This is what love looks like 😍 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjcKYVCUkAA6IfS.jpg
@evizzzle: The fact that "The Real World" is focusing on real social injustices and inequalities makes my heart happy. 👏🏽 @tweetatchris @MTVCeeJai
@MTVCeeJai: Lets be real @Dean_BP made a simple "so called assertive" gesture, and he was considered threatening. While a 🔫 symbols we thrown it was 😂
@kailah_casillas: If I had a dollar for every tweet I got tonight that said "racism" or "bully".... I wouldn't ever have to work again.
@MTVCeeJai: #AskCeeJai right now because I feel I need to address some things
@MTVCeeJai: We were called "colored". And no one thought nothing of it. #RealWorldGoBig
@tweetatchris: "@roxstar621: @tweetatchris I've watched RW for over a decade, you sir are the most inspirational person on the show! Everyone has Rights! You Spoke Them!" RT ✨✨✨
@tweetatchris: NOW YOU ALL UNDERSTAND WHY THE #LEAK WAS NECESSARY #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBigFight #IStandWithCeejai #NOREGRETS
@MTVCeeJai: #RealWorldGoBig Jenna day3 said "Slaves came to America for a better life" & again denied saying it That article held no lies @tweetatchris
@MTVCeeJai: @Dean_BP was going to LA and at 1st had the opt. Of taking 2 rm. of course it was @MTVDIONE and I. Jenna asked why I was going
@MTVCeeJai: We insisted it was to make the ex jealous because of "dat 🍑" of mine and Jenna said "do you not see this white face and full lips"....
@MTVCeeJai: If it was just about YOUR FACE, that would be an insecurity I'd have to deal w/. But because you specified "white", #YesIMakeItAboutRace
@MTVCeeJai: Don't tell me "CeeJai' be the better person and walk it off." I've done reports on little girls who've died in church bombings. #WhileBNBLK
@MTVCeeJai: Black people have gotten massively murdered BECAUSE they were black. So of course I take offense of someone taunting me because I'm blacks
@MTVCeeJai: It's NOT always about race. But when one stereotypes you, you automatically become a demeanor to that person. Have you not felt that before?
@MTVCeeJai: An uneasy and in unwanted suffocation alllll because, #YoureBlack So I take PRIDE in being that because baby, whew lemme not make ya mad😘
@MTVCeeJai: Nothing's more sour than watching someone hate your culture but meanwhile want to portray your culture #CeeJaiSaidIt
@Amerimuslima: @MTV white Jenna gets physically violent with @MTVCeeJai on
#RealWorldGoBig nothing happens, but when CeeJai hits Jenna, expulsion?
@beckspress: Silence in the face of #racism is still racism. #enabling #RealWorldGoBig @MTVCeeJai @RealWorldMTV
@MTVCeeJai: "@StephxMartinco: @MTVCeeJai you fell into the typical stereotype.... You are no better than Jenna. #thatwasratchet" rt Nah it's called getting across that ass. Nothing was ratchet about it. I came I conquered and packed my things & 🏃🏽💨
@VanessaLuMusic: All @RealWorldMTV showed me tonight is that when the blacks attack, they're in shit.When whites attack,they think about it. #RealWorldGoBig
@MizzEmmaJayne: All jokes aside, my heart hurts for @MTVCeeJai honestly. You can tell this was out of character for her but she was pushed way too far.
@putabirdonemily: @MTVCeeJai is and will always be better than Jenna, and no matter what people say she was the bigger person the entire time. ❤️
@BBCandice: White girls attacking black girls… Oh no big deal. Oh but black girls attacking white girls? No ma’am. You have to leave. #RealWorldGoBig
@mystikalgyrl: So when a white girl attacks a black girl she stays? Then when a black woman beat up a white girl...now they leave the show? #RealWorldGoBig
@Trackstar27806: Yeah, why wasn't Jenna sent home when she attacked @MTVCeeJai? #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: "@MILANO_MOBBBB: How MUCH Footage Did MTV EDIT Out Of The Confrontation With U And Jenna? #AskCeeJai https://twitter.com/MTVCeeJai/status/736071389166206980 …" rt That I don't know. You know sometimes we think it's a long time and it's not and vice versa
@MTVBananas: “@DonBoogieIdm: @MTVBananas From now on, when there is arguing going on in The Challenge house put on the banana costume and dance through the middle.” RT Say I won't! #BananaBoogie
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: So...do you follow my snapchat?! @MTVASHLEYBROOKE
@ImSarahRice: Can you believe it's been a over week since Sarah and Susie have seen each other?! And can you… https://www.instagram.com/p/BF6UvQOnsOW/
@t_raines33: Got to work and was like damn but then I see @iamkevingates dropped that #MurderForHire2 its 🔥 now I'm buck #GetEmGates #idgt
@MtvNateSiebs: I dont care for haters, but when a girl who use to be obsessed with me is supporting the shit talk, Ill show you the definition of Savage
@ChallengeMTV: This was one of the CRAZIEST after-shows ever!
@ChallengeMTV: Basically what this week's episode was about 🙈 #TheChallengeRIvals3 http://on.mtv.com/1U9hNNK
@MtvNateSiebs: I feel like apart of me is missing. I have a great life, with great friends, I love what I do, but that one thing I'm missing
@MtvNateSiebs: #TheChallengeRivalsIII yes I'm still here. Yes I'm from Ayto. Yes you can hate me. Just keep watching me😏🤗 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjfibTsUkAAbyCK.jpg
@WestonBergmann: @MTVCoryWharton I still haven't thought of a comeback for this one. #ChalkUp ☝️
@CamilaMTV: So many people think they can get away with domestic violence, it's great to see people speaking up on such a terrible issue.
@MTVBananas: Banana on Deck 🍌🌴🌊 #Hawaii #FitChick #MemorialDayWeekend #BananasDoingThings https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjgYOHMUgAAUOGc.jpg
@blacuesta: Da bffl @MtvNateSiebs #CaliClubDaBest
@briannajulig: I love @JennaCompono
@briannajulig: I wanna be just like @JennaComponos
@MTV_Candice: Daaaammmnnnn Zaddyyy! The new cast of AYTO is fine as fuuuccckkk 😍
@TheRealNiaMoore: I wanna tweet something about this game but literally don't even know what I wanna say right now. Just know I'm in here with y'all lmao😩✊🏾
@jamiechung1: Anyway, back to game 5 #WARRIORSvTHUNDER
@SylviaMTV: Happy birthday to our big teddy bear! @_Kazuhnova
@JayGMTV: “@80sfilmaddict: @JayGMTV I really think you deserve redemption. People seem to forget you did pretty well in all of the missions and never came in last.” RT @ChallengeMTV
@erikalauren: If you're in Cleveland and not posting pro @Cavs stuff, you're irrelevant to me. Tonight, I see a team with heart, with one goal! #Cavs
@erikalauren: Only love for my @Cavs https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjgvTLLWUAAgPTr.jpg
@erikalauren: Twitter wars aside, @cavs won! By 26. Finals here we come! I love this city! #NBAFinals #cleveland #allin216
@erikalauren: Cleveland rocks! #Cavs #allin216
@AREUTHE1: The way to Cameron's heart? Don't be a stalker! 💀 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@cuckoomushu thinks this show has "5 more seasons tops." Watch us while you can! 👀🍆🍑💥 June 13th 10/9c #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@JakeScheidel thinks we’re better than @BacheloretteABC and my totally unbiased ass couldn’t agree more ☝️. #AYTO
@ohhhfrancesca: Staying focused w/my slime❤️ @IAMPMUNA https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjfUVCZW0AEQ4a4.jpg
@ohhhfrancesca: Starting June 13th, my weekly covers will have a fun mystery fact about #AYTO! Check out http://smarturl.it/fdmusic for more! 💕 https://t.co/w4yvNZEepT
@tweetatchris: me af as I head off to #phoenix to host @ionarizona's annual #SplashBash 💦💦💦 @Am_andaplease
@kailah_casillas: Crazy that it's all over! This has been so real. Now on the the next adventure 👯
@kailah_casillas: My mom is the real MVP.
@kailah_casillas: "@juniorschargers: @kailah_casillas how come they didn't pick u guys up at the houses one by one at the end of the show? Like ur final good byes." RT We all hung out in Vegas for a few more days. Not any heart-felt goodbyes lol & our house was a pig stye
@JasIPen: Change the Britney to Brandon. I know I watched the #TheChallengeRivals3 episode late but geez.
@itSabrinaK: Getting ready to set up tour dates!
@MarjorieGarcia2: "You can't let a person who's never been anywhere take you away from a place you need to be." @MTVCeeJai this mindset is so encouraging. #RW
@RealWorldMTV: Are the #RealWorldGoBig cast members still friends? What was their biggest regret from the show? I have the answers:
@MTVCeeJai: "@NotDrJ”: Only thing worse than racism, is enabling racist behavior, which is why Jenna is so awful. U did what u had to do @MTVCeeJai #RealWorldGoBig” RT #PositiveMind Thank yoooou😘
@RobinMTV14: Someone fill me in on what happened on #Realworldgobig my DVR didn't record and it's not on demand yet. Thanks
@MTVCeeJai: You can say whatcha want but I went out like a boss😎🏃🏽💨
@Nicky_Showtime: Morning, y'all! Are you gonna be okay?
@itSabrinaK: Keep your head held high https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cje_3wbUoAAB2qa.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: It all ended last night. Part 1 of the #RealWorldGoBig finale was insane:
@Nicky_Showtime: "Hi folks, I'm completely full of shit and how do you like that!?"
@tweetatchris: Now that everything has been brought to light I am done talking about #RealWorldGoBig & the hatred myself & others experienced. Only ❤️ now
@kailah_casillas: My VERY last jab now that the seasons over: Dione said EVERYDAY "this is my show".... Looks like he was farrrr from right about that 😁
@MTVCeeJai: “@Philltastic1: @MTVCeeJai Do u feel that it was wrong of @BunimMurray & @MTV to exploit yourself & Jenna's situation for ratings by not expelling her first” RT Yeah but I mean what more could I do. I mean it happened can't go back and change it Yeah but I mean what more could I do. I mean it happened can't go back and change it
@paulawalnutsMTV: Just catching up on @RealWorldMTV #GoBigOrGoHome ...it's been a minute since this show has made my jaw drop #rockedintheface #ouch
@RealWorldMTV: It went down for real on last night's finale:
@MTVCeeJai: Everyone who's sent out so much love, I'm sorry I can't get back or retweet or respond back to every DM so now, I say THANK U!! ALL!!!!! Lol
@RealWorldMTV: Thanks for another great season, Vegas.
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Needless to say, quite a finale. This gives us a template for the WRAP that, for this week because of a TBC for Rivals III, will be more Real World-centric to cover this finale and other things too. Watch for it in a couple days.
Now in the wake of the early summer firestorm of this week in the Trifecta, next week when there is just one show airing in this crown DCBLOG is planning to do a spring edition of what has been a winter holiday tradition of sorts, DC FORUM's Reality Debrief. Again, Andrew Kirk and yours truly will engage in our review (and preview) of the reality shows we love, as we'll review this Real World season, Survivor and The Voice; discuss what's happened so far on Rivals III, and preview Are You The One? Season 4 and Big Brother. And we want you to contribute your part in it.
Now as we did for our last FORUM - the Rivals III Strategy Room Preview, the offer is still there for fellow fans, bloggers, webcast hosts and former castmates from the Trifecta to join me here for mini discussions in our weekly WRAP posts, and the info on how to get involved is there. Now for this FORUM, we're extending our invitation to all of you to ask us questions that we could use in our discussion, and to ask me, Andrew or the both of us on what you saw this spring, what we think of what's gone on so far in Mexico, or what to expect this summer.
If you want to ask me and Andrew a question for the Spring Debrief, simply tweet, follow or send me a DM to my Twitter @DC408Dxtr, to his Twitter @CSUGradAKirk or just email me dc408dxtr@icloud.com. We want to have your questions in by next weekend, and that way we can include you in our Debrief, and you may get a shoutout on my twitter hub as a token of our appreciation for you joining us.
This is our way of involving you in what we do here and to help liven things up, and help provoke and fuel the conversation - you all are the ones who drive the talk of this franchise more than anyone else. And I know that you all got questions, and we have answers and opinions. Do your part and ask us what you want on the shows you love. I appreciate hearing from all of you.
That will do it for this Double Shot of the 'Pulse this Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend. Again, if you didn't check out our diary covering Rivals III, check that out as well as the bonus ExtraTime piece on Briana that we posted yesterday. Ahead, DC WRAP will review the Real World finale, plus fantasy scoring, fan reaction and more on two guys from the drama so far in Mexico. As always, spread the word about DCBLOG by sharing these links on your platforms and extend my reach.
Meantime, join DCNOW tomorrow for a huge sports double-dip: Game 7 of the NBA Western Conference Finals as the Golden State Warriors and Oklahoma City Thunder face off for a date with the Cleveland Cavaliers in the NBA Finals, plus Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final as the Pittsburgh Penguins host the San Jose Sharks. The action begins Monday at 8:00 PM ET, and following both games is an all-new episode of The Dude Perfect Show.
For now, thanks very much for reading and until then, good night and have a safe and happy Memorial Day.
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