Wednesday, May 11, 2016

DC WRAP: The Challenge: Rivals III Premiere and Real World Go Big EP7

BY DC CUEVA                     
@DC408Dxtr / @DC408DxNow

As we're in this second full week of May, welcome again to DCBLOG and our coverage of the MTV Trifecta. And now until late in the summer, we'll have at least two of the three shows among the Real World/Challenge franchise and/or Are You The One? airing on our screens, and the original portions of our weekly coverage will reflect this matter by recapping those episodes here in this single Wrap post.
   Last week, we had the Rivals III premiere where we saw the contestants go to the skies to find out the teams and had one of the rookies cry uncle. We also saw our first hookup and as it was last time on Rivals 1 & 2, a rookie team winning mission #1. And the next night in Las Vegas, Jenna found herself at the heart of the drama once again after both a gun trip and then paying cheap to waiters and riling up CeeJai. We also saw Dean celebrate a divorce and Sabrina pursue her musical aspirations.
    As we prep for tonight, we'll have a recap of the week that was in the Trifecta and name our recipients of the Winners List, plus we'll sort out how your favorite players are doing in the Fantasy Trax. And on ExtraTime, we'll welcome a trio of new Team MTV babies. All that is ahead.


SKYDIVING AND NATE BAILS: We begin our wrap with perhaps the most-dramatic entrance for any show of the Trifecta ever, if not perhaps since the RW roomies' St. Paddy's Day balloon ride. And in a reverse of course in Challenge land, after they all gather up at the house to the usual pomp and circumstance and Brandon & Briana getting into it, the group takes off skydiving down the beach in Mexico's South Coast and to meet with TJ Lavin to find out the season's theme and who they're partnered with. Not surprisingly, this scares everyone both in the air and on the ground, but none more so than the relative newcomer to this, Nate from AYTO Season 2, who is the last one left aboard the plane when everyone heads out to the greatest thrill of their lives, much to everyone's displeasure but understandable as he's terrified of heights and did not want to risk it all out of the opening gate.

● A HOOK-UP AND A FIGHT: After the teams are paired up, just as it was last year Tony gets himself into some drama before the first competition takes place: last time around, he found Christina and we know what happened when they saw one another. This time, he reveals a list to the some guys about which girls he believes would have sex with him, even though that he has Madison (and their baby) back home. One of the guys believes it's funny to tell Simone that she's at the top of Tony's list, and in the explosive manner we've seen from her in the past, she goes off on him and threatens to beat him up in his sleep if if does it again.
   While all this happens, Ashley, who we last saw get kicked out of the RW Ex-Plosion house before the exes moved in, makes the season's first romantic move. Without anyone noticing amid the poolside drama with Tony and 'Monie, Ash starts to make out with defending champ Jamie in the distance on the stairs, and decide to go off to another part of the house. They believe that they can get away with something here when they have 24 others living in the house as they sprint off. But it's when word gets out of this first hook-up of Rivals III that the roomies start to take notice of it when they choose the bathroom that has many windows for everyone else to look in. Shades of Mike, Flora and Sarah on RW Miami of 20 years ago.

● ROOKIES WIN AGAIN: On the first challenge on Rivals I, we saw rookie teams' Vegas and Cancun crash the veteran bash in Costa Rica, while on Rivals II, sophomores Zach & Trey won for the guys in the Thailand sea. The first mission for Rivals III sees the competitors go through a communication and trust exercise above the sea, and considering what we've seen in the past this has the words "recipe for disaster" for some of the teams. There's a hanging apparatus with two platforms, the girls on the other side of a rope connected to them by the guys, and skulls hanging above off the way and the girls must lean forward to get them and put them in a bucket.
   And with this first challenge being many feet above, it's inevitable for the girls to fall off, and all but one of the girls fall off, and all but one grab three or more. That one is Jessica & Johnny who garner only two skulls and will ultimately find themselves in the first elimination. And when all the teams have taken their turns, it's the size advantage Jenna has that makes the difference and she & Vince take the first mission to become power team and have voting control of who goes in against Team Portland, and that comes our way in a matter of hours.

● GUNS N' TIPS: Up the way in Vegas (and it's been a while since we've done a EP wrap for RW on here), the house had been getting into a divide of sorts between Jenna and the rest of the house, and EP 7 sees that gap get even bigger. The group goes to a shooting range to shoot guns, which brings up hard feelings for CeeJai after what happened, and when she does she believes gun ownership should be handled respectfully and responsibly. But Jenna disagrees on the ride back, bringing about the old school style of this season going into deep issues, and just months after the TV news murder in VA. Later, her behavior of being cheap comes up, as the group goes out for dinner and when they're done eating, as customary they leave tips for the servers but she under-tips the workers. That has Ceejai all fuming at her in the streets and calls her out there, and then in the bathroom back home. This is certainly the harbinger of what could be a huge fight that could play out tomorrow night.

● DEAN'S DIVORCE PARTY: Luckily, not all the drama has involved two people in the house. The first one is Dean, and while there's been drama in the house he's been dealing with a divorce, and flies back to L.A. to have it finalized in front of a judge. In a town that likes to throw parties for those who are survivors of a failed marriage, while he's away the roommates get a mission to throw him a divorce party when he returns to town. For the big night, the group throws the party in one of Vegas' most-famous suites: the Basketball Suite at the home of the first RW Vegas: The Palms...which was where Bill Simmons got to shoot hoops with TJ Lavin. The girls dress as cheerleaders, while Chris becomes a ref as Dean is crowned as a king as they enjoy their night in the suite.
   After what we saw with her and Dione throughout this season, it appears as if Kailah has finally moved on from Jungle Boy, and she and Dean flirt in and out in the earlier part of the episode. He jumps into bed with her, then they cuddle on the couch, then on the balcony of their penthouse. And at his party, the newly divorced Dean heads into the hot tub to enjoy himself in the bubbles, and Kailah hops inside. We have another hook-up.

● A REAL WORLD MUSICAL: We've had missions of all sorts so far, but the most fun has to be the musical mission that the house's resident musician has right now...and inspiring an early favorite for 2016's Song of the Summer. Sabrina has been bragging to us on Twitter about her latest single "If Only" that I bought on iTunes and got in my iPod, and their mission sees her and Jenna, both singers, write and record a track together. We get to see the complicated process of composing a simple song, but when the time comes for them to come into a local recording studio and meet a star producer, Jenna calls his changes dumb and doesn't want to change her way of songwriting.
   Inspired by the girls' musical efforts, the guys decide to go for their own musical moment, and go forward with writing their own track called DTLV. To be honest with you, I thought it would be an ode to where they're calling this thing home in Downtown Las Vegas, but as I would find out it's a more sexually explicit title in "Down to Lick Vagina" and they perform it on the After Show. And given the recent announcement of MTV adding new music programming, including a reboot of the iconic Unplugged series and a live music series, it seems all the more fitting for this to be the most musical episode of Real World since Marlon began to build his profile as J-Deezy.

JENNA: I wrote in my preview that it's remarkable that Jenna has gotten to not one but two finals, but she definitely emerged out of that Ex-Plosion shadow last season in putting on an MVP-like sophomore showing. But now, she's gotten off to the best possible start you can have on a Challenge by winning the first mission in fairly comfortable fashion as the only one to get all 5 skulls and not falling off. Yes she has that height, but after being underestimated by everyone else in the past, she has now come into her own and really proving herself in maybe making another deep run.
VINCE: With him being paired with Bananas last year, we saw him have the most underperforming rookie showing in recent Challenge memory. But after what we saw from Vince this week, he's finally being able to prove to everyone why he has that football experience many years ago and playing at Penn State as well. Brian Cohen has a new hashtag for him in Vince Succeed, and though it's just week one but he has a much-needed stepping stone towards emerging from JB's shadow.
ASHLEY: We saw her on only three episodes of her original Real World season two years ago, but after what we saw on the premiere Ashley is on her way to bigger and better things in Mexico, and also to erase whatever bad stigma she had on Ex-Plosion. She's cited being fit and ready to handle this assignment ahead of her, and she's also earned that all important first hookup of the season. Ashley's on her way to improving her image to everyone on this season.
BRIANA: Me and my fellow MTV insiders Andrew Kirk, Ali Lasher and Brian grew to love Briana on her AYTO season, and we were excited to have her grace our screens again. For the drama factor, she definitely brought it when she put Brandon on alert on that opening night in the house, earning a top 5 fantasy scoring standing in the process. I also see her have a decent showing for her first Challenge.
DEAN: My buddy Andrew has Dean as his favorite castmate of the RW 31 cast, and when we saw him finally get the spotlight in dealing with his divorce and having a night in his honor, he took advantage of it, even if it included an awkward hookup with Kailah.
THE MUSICIANS: Sabrina and the DTLV guys. No other words necessary.

Now although our position here at DCBLOG is to be a complement to other sites that cover the Trifecta, we also want to keep track of where your favorites are in MTV's official Challenge Fantasy League for this Rivals III season, just in case you're playing either in there or your own office pool.
   The Fantasy League is scoring everything from who wins missions and creates the biggest drama to hooking up and bonus points. After the Winners' List, we'll have a l
And this site is doing this in lieu of fellow MTV Insider Brian Cohen who's done a fantasy league on his blog, but with MTV now doing an official one this time DCBLOG is stepping in to take care of that here.

● Weekly Point-Scorers
Order (C-Competition, D-Drama, R-Romance, B-Bonus)
1. Nany: 60 Pts. (D-60)
2. Jamie: 55 Pts. (C-5, R-50)
T-3. Ashley: 50 Pts. (R-50)
T-3. Briana: 50 Pts. (D-50)
5. Tony: 45 Pts. (C-5 > Tied 2nd, D-40 > )
6. Brandon: 40 Pts. (D-30, R-10)
7. Nicole: 35 Pts. (C-10, D-25
8. Vince: 30 Pts. (C-10 > Winner)
T-9. Four Tied at 25 Pts. (Camila, Jenna, Leroy, Sarah)
T-13. Six Tied at 20 Pts. (Cheyenne, Dario, Jessica, KellyAnne, Nate, Simone)
T-20. Two Tied at 10 Pts. (Bananas, Johnny)
T-22. Six Players Yet to Score (Averey, Christina, Cory, Devin, Thomas, Wes)

● Category Key Scorers
Competition - Sarah: 15 Pts., Nate: -30 Pts., Six Tied at 10 Pts., Four Tied at 5 Pts.
Drama - Nany: 60 Pts., Briana: 50 Pts., Nate: 50 Pts., Tony: 40 Pts., Brandon: 30 Pts.
Romance - Ashley: 50 Pts., Jamie: 50 Pts., Leroy: 15 Pts., Three Tied at 10 Pts.
Bonus Points - None Scored

● Big Scores
*** Not Accurate as's specific scoring hasn't been updated as of press time ***
Ashley & Jamie scored 50 Points for Romance: Coitus (20 Pts.), Open Mouth Kiss (15 Pts.) and Nudity (15 Pts.)
Nany scored 60 Points in Drama: Verbal Fighting (10 Pts.), Fear of Heights (10 Pts.), Throwing a Drink (15 Pts.) though in celebratory fashion, Female Crying (5 Pts.) and Meltdown (20 Pts.)
Nate lost -30 Competition Points for Not Completing a Challenge (-30 Pts.), but earned 50 Drama Points for Expressing Fear of Heights (10 Pts.), Being Called a Rookie (5 Pts.), Meltdown (20 Pts.), and Throwing a Drink (15 Pts.) though in celebratory fashion for Bananas
Tony earned 40 Drama Points for his fight with Simone: Verbal Fighting (10 Pts. for him & 'Monie), Physical Fighting (25 Pts.) and Being Called a Rookie (5 Pts.)
Brandon earned 30 Drama Points for his fight with Briana (both earn 10 Pts.), and 10 Romantic Points mentioning his girlfriend back home


In what's been an eventful last couple years as far as new additions to the extended MTV family, this week in Wrap ExtraTime we have three new Team MTV babies to discuss just a few days after Mother's Day.

First, on Rivals III premiere eve, an Instagram photo from the Santa Monica Pier announced the latest Trifecta personality to become a parent. Jonna Mannion from RW Cancun and five-time Challenge veteran revealed the news on the IG of, ironically enough, a person who had it not been for what happened in Turkey, it would've been her Rivals II partner instead of Nany. It was Camila who posted the picture to the right and had the opportunity of kissing that baby bump with the caption, "Our new baby momma @jonnamannion 🎡💕👸🏼." And when she posted her own picture on IG a few days later, Jonna announced the date of the baby's arrival: "8.7.16🚺👶🏽🎀", which is the first Sunday of the Rio Olympics.
   The reaction to this news garnered congratulatory greetings from a few of Jonna's fellow alumni including, ironically enough, the two other girls who along with Camila were also in that argument that second night in Costa Rica five years ago on Rivals who are now new moms as well, as well as the reigning Challenge champ:
Jasmine - IG/@jazmtv: "@jonnamannion Congratulations on your pregnancy. Motherhood is amazing. I wish you and your little bundle of joy the best!"
Theresa - IG/@theresa_gonzo: "Congrats beautiful!!! Wishing u a happy, healthy, amazing pregnancy!!!! You deserve the BEST!!!😍👍🏽🎉❤️"
Cara Maria - IG/@misscaramaria: "Yaaaaaaa. Everybody get pregnant!!! Nany and camila... Drink that water. Seriously. I hope every girl gets pregnant so i can win a challenge by default. No shame Cept me. I dont ever want that to happen to me. But u girls should def get pregnant"
McKenzie, RW NOLA 2 - IG/@mckenzieeco: "Congrats!"

Second though largely in the background compared to everyone else, there's Vinny from Fresh Meat II, Cutthroat and Exes. We know the last time what happened to him on the Challenge stage, but since then he's moved out to Vegas and has become a sports handicapper...wondering who he has at the top of his odds after week 1 in Mexico. But Vinny has become a daddy as, over the weekend while the Canelo-Khan fight was taking place in town, Gianna Stace Foti was welcomed into the world by him and his wife. On IG, he calls it "the happiest day of my life" and his baby "my little angel."
   And lastly, for the interest of the broader MTV audience there's Jersey Shore's Jenni "J-WOWW" Farley. She and husband Roger Mathews welcomed last Thursday their second child, just six months after announcing at their wedding that #2 was on its way. It is a boy, and the couple didn't disclose little Roger's name, but we're sure the couple are enjoying this new life as parents. Congrats to them, to Vinny and to Jonna on this latest life-changer.

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And that will do it for this week's installment of DC WRAP. This is just the beginning to DCBLOG's wall-to-wall coverage of Rivals III, the midst of Real World 31 and AYTO Season 4 is around the corner. There is, needless to say, a lot for my network of fellow Insiders to discuss on their webcasts and blogs, and as we do at the end of our weekly episode coverage, here's where you can find them...
● Check out the must-listen MTV RHAP with Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) and Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets), as they review the Rivals III premiere as they only can. They discussed skydiving, Ashley & Jamie's shock hookup, the first mission and talking points through one week. Check out their podcast here, plus previous shows on Rob Has A Podcast and YouTube; for the week 2 pod they'll be joined by a special guest so stay tuned for that when it's posted over the weekend.
The Brain Candy Podcast with Sarah and Susie will sure be a must-listen and must-watch this season as the former returns to the Challenge stage in Mexico. Just posted is their Back to Reality wrap for EP 1 which you can check out here, plus check out all of their Challenge-related podcasts at with Challenge secrets, Sarah going off on Bananas and more; and their YouTube channel as well.
● The return of The Challenge also sees the return of Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33) and her recaps on her YouTube channel and much more as well. In addition to her premiere recap, also check out her the premiere of her new night-after discussion webcast with fellow Challenge icon Coral, which you can check out here. Also check out the AfterBuzz TV recap as well at
● Also, check out my other fellow followers Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) and Reality Radio Podcast (@RealityRadioPod) with their webcast reviews and blogs as well. I plan to have fellow Insiders on here throughout the season for DC FORUM discussions as the summer rolls along.

Make sure to follow DCNOW @DC408DxNow for not only the main event of Rivals III, but also a juicy undercard in Game 5 of the Warriors/Blazers series, all starting at 7:30 PM PT there and on @DC408Dxtr should Game 5 run late. After what happened on Monday with Stephen Curry, as well as the twist TJ is about to unleash on the cast, it's a must to give my live twitter handle a follow, along with this weekend's KIIS Wango Tango and PGA golf as well. And while you watch the episodes with me, be sure to join the conversation at #DCChallenge & #DCRealWorld...your thoughts may make this week's posts.
   Of course, all the social play-by-play awaits you on the 'Pulse this weekend, and the weekly WRAP as well with an episode review and more. As mentioned on the Rivals III 'Pulse, please do your part and spread the word about DCBLOG by sharing these links on your social platforms and bring my unique MTV coverage to those who love the Trifecta. And follow me on DC Instagram @DC408Dxtr, plus Snapchat @DC408Dxtr1 and watch for that to go live this summer.
   Thanks for reading and until I talk to you in a bit on DCNOW and then on the weekend, enjoy your hump day and see you then.


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