Sunday, May 22, 2016

DC SocialPulse: Real World Go Big or Go Home - "The Hits Keep Coming"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
@DC408Dxtr / @DC408DxNow

As your Sunday night and this weekend comes to an end, and after another great night of music at the Billboard Music Awards, welcome back to DCBLOG for the second half of our 'Pulse doubleheader as we cover Real World Go Big or Go Home, also in Las Vegas.
   Last time in Downtown, we had a double shot of back to back episodes as Dione's ex Amanda and his friends, "The Carnies" as he calls them, arrived in town and she got to make out with him in front of Kailah and plotted her revenge. Jenna's stunning accusation saw CeeJai and Dean blow up, while she and Kailah found themselves in a love triangle when the newest roommate, Dylan, arrived in town to stir the pot. And it didn't take long for "Nicky Showtime" to do his thing as he joined Dean to strip tease the ladies in town.
   This week, the triangle continues as Dylan and Jenna must figure out the next step in their budding relationship, and she makes a decisive move in her estranged relationship with her man back home. The group once again goes out into the desert to go riding in off-terrain vehicles, while Sabrina and Jenna debut a new song. But the feelings of what has transpired all throughout the season and an epic meltdown by one of the roommates leads to what seems to be the inevitable: a physical fight with CeeJai.
   We have all the reaction and social interaction from this penultimate week in Las Vegas, including words from two sides who might be playing for a role to be on Rivals IV. And following the diary on DC ExtraTime, we'll have an update on the inspiring story of Nia and her newfound friend.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

Join DCBLOG for the 'Pulse of Episode 10 of Real World Go Big or Go

> Real World Thursday (and Challenge Aftermath)
@RealWorldMTV: Let's get down tonight at 10/9c on #RealWorldGoBig!
@MTVCeeJai: Vroom #Tonights the night Tune in 10/9c on MTV
@MTVCeeJai: #TheStruggleIsReal #RealWorldGoBigOrGoHome
@RealWorldMTV: And the Puke of the Year goes to...
@tweetatchris: Never stop fighting for your voice to be heard. The soloist is just as powerful as the choir πŸ’™
@RealWorldMTV: Who will Jenna choose?
@RealWorldMTV: Puke and rally with us tonight on #RealWorldGoBig!
@RealWorldMTV: Decisions, decisions. Jenna's relationship with Austin and Dylan comes to a head tonight.
@MTV: Jenna and Dylan have a little too much to drink during @RealWorldMTV tonight at 10/9c:  πŸ˜·πŸ˜·πŸ˜·
@RealWorldMTV: New episode tonight! New episode tonight!
@MTVCeeJai: #Respect #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Never bite the hand that feeds ya #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: "@ShelbyStokes19: @MTVCeeJai black ppl are the real racist u never were a slave get over it and get past it jenna didnt own you ur free and we dont care” RT Lol w/ a response like this I expect you to NOT know a thing. And if you knew a thing or two, blacks CANT be racists
@MTVCeeJai: β€œ@ShelbyStokes19: @MTVCeeJai black ppl are the real racist u never were a slave get over it and get past it jenna didnt own you ur free and we dont care” RT Blacks could be prejudice, but not racists. And that's the point, it wasn't left in the past.
@MTVCeeJai: A few hours til #RealWorldGoBig comes on.
@MTVCeeJai: Just don't forget EVERYTHING I've been saying up to this point. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Tonight's menu: Contradictions, Lies, Confusion, Attacking (self defense restraints), Lil emotion, Oh and a nice song  #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Things to remember: *Patience from day one. *The so called "boyfriend" *The song *The new guy has been in the house for only a week now😩
@MTVCeeJai: Don't forget to hashtag #RealWorldGoBig so I know it's real. Lol I wanna know what's on ya minds while ya watch lol
@MTVCeeJai: Oh shoot..... #DatingAbuse has made its way on the show tonight as well. #RealWorldGoBig If you know someone who's suffering, we can help.❀️
@MTVCeeJai: Just glad to have gotten that all off my chest #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: I done sat here in my car for 42 min on this darn phone. What is my liiiiife😩😩
@RealWorldMTV: The roommates are tired of hearing about Jenna and Austin... and I know you are, too. Will she finally end it?
@MTVCeeJai: There's nothing like when people try to test your strengths and patience. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Remembering there's a new episode tonight like...
@itSabrinaK: big things have happened these past few days cant wait to share them with everyone
@MTVCeeJai: @Nicky_Showtime I can't wait til they see our sexual tension tonight #RealWorldGoBig
- @Nicky_Showtime: @MTVCeeJai oh baby! Hella tension!I think I need a glass of water to quench my thirst! #booty 😍🐴
@VMilerman: @MTVCeeJai Thanks for the support babe #youtherealMVP
- @MTVCeeJai: @VMilerman thank you for helping others. You're the real MVP for real😘
@MTVCeeJai: CeeJai's the "racists" "bully". How sway??? When it's clear that ALL of these actions were brought by the 2 bffsπŸ˜‘
@MTVCeeJai: I'm the bully but whenever there was an opened window for Kailah to start beef w/ Jenna, she did. Gtfoh I was the ONLY 1 who was ⬇️ 4rm jump
@MTVCeeJai: That's why I say they're FAKE. And please retweet, like, screenshot, tell on this tweet w/e.
@kailah_casillas: I don't think anyone can sound intellectual while using the term "low key."

@MTVTV: .@ChallengeMTV meltdown: Will the return of Smashley hurt @MTVCoryWharton's chances?
@ChallengeMTV: Ashley could hold the fate of Team Green's future in her unpredictable hands...
@MtvMagicMike: The amount of messages I've gotten about hoping to see me walk out with @MTV_AMANDAG was insane! Love the love, you'll see me soon enoughπŸ˜‰
@DrewScottSports: @68INCOGNITO you dated @ImSarahRice ??? This is a power couple and a half #billsmafia
- @ImSarahRice: @DrewScottSports we went out a couple times.  He was a nice guy.
- @DrewScottSports: @ImSarahRice But furreal was this episode cringeworthy or what? That dinner had to be awful... Huge bills fan, huge Sarah fan. Makes my day
- @68INCOGNITO: @ImSarahRice 😘😘
‏@joebiec: "You finish most things in about 30 seconds don't you" I freaking love you @ImSarahRice #TheChallengeRivals3 @ChallengeMTV
@MTV_Candice: Catching up on #challengerivals3
@MTV_Candice: That moment when a team has to choose another and everybody does the neck scratch and eyes wonder off to the sea πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.  #challengerivals3
@MTV_Candice: Nelson is fine πŸ‘€πŸ˜ #challengerivals3
@MTV_Candice: @MTV_AMANDAG is officially one of my AYTO favs 😍 #challengerivals3
@MTV_Candice: @MTV_AMANDAG like I ain't worried bout nothing!  πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ #challengerivals3
@MTV_Candice: Real talk @t_raines33 did just crawled out of the woodwork with his comments, I would've been on the same tip as @MTV_AMANDAG #ijs #Rivals3
@t_raines33: I went in on @MTV_AMANDAG #TheChallengeRivals3
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @t_raines33 πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ notttttt cooooool
- @mtvjess: Simmer down hot pot πŸ”₯
@BombshellChels: S/O to @MTV_AMANDAG for sticking up for #AYTO in the challenge house πŸ”₯
@MTVBananas: My body can survive 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, and 3 hours without WiFi.
- @DerrickMTV2: @MTVBananas Buuuuullshit....ill give you 10minutes without that wifi #SerialTweeter
@JennaCompono: Her attitude is savage; but her heart is gold πŸ‘‘
@ChallengeMTV: Last night epi of #TheChallengeRivals3 was maybe the sexiest ever & definitely the soapiest
@t_raines33: "@julianasantiage: @t_raines33 @MTV_AMANDAG @TheChallengeMTV @CamilaMTV @MtvJess just imagine tony, if someone talked to your daughter like that." RT Hopefully my daughter is never debating whether Real World is better than a dating show. #TheChallengeRivals3
@ImSarahRice: Want to know how bad rubbing your lady parts on a bar of soap really is? Hear all about it…
@ChallengeMTV: .@MTVBananas & @TheOfficial_CT relive this epic elim from the greatest #TheChallenge rivalry
@MTV_Christina: I'd win the music festival challenge.
@ChallengeMTV: .@JennaCompono knows a thing or two about winning challenges. Anatomy, on the other hand? Um, not so much...πŸ˜‚πŸ“š
@MTV_NellyT: Up here at my Old Stumping Grounds, txst aka the Rec. It feels good to walk in as a Alumni🐯🐯🐯🐯,…
@MTVBananas: Me: Goodnight  Brain: Pssst.  Me: What?  Brain: What disease do you think we have?
@ChallengeMTV: MFW the new kids come in SUPER HOT. Time to put your money where your mouths are...πŸ’ΈπŸ‘„ #TheChallengeRivals3
@MTVBananas: Heroes get remembered... But Legends never die! #TBT  @KennySantucci @TheOfficial_CT
- @t_raines33: @MTVBananas Dudes was like my tv big brothers growing up. #Respeck @ChallengeMTV
@vinnyfotimtv: Did I just find out @68INCOGNITO and me our Eskimo brothersπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜‚ @ImSarahRice
@t_raines33: β€œ@Nate_Wenner: @t_raines33 is the realist on the challenge.” rt I keep 8 more than 92 πŸ’― #TheChallengeRivals3
@t_raines33: All the hate is fuel to my fire #motivation #thechallengerivals3 …
@t_raines33: β€œ@MadisonJanessa: @t_raines33 are you and Alyssa having a boy or a girl?” rt I think it's going to be a girl, she thinks it's going to be a boy but we don't find out until May 29th
@t_raines33: β€œ@tvblogger_: @t_raines33 is the BIGGEST horn dog to be on this showπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ lol β™₯️ love him though #thechallengerivals3” RT This may be true lol but if I ever go back I'm turning a new leaf. #TheChallengeRivals3
@t_raines33: β€œ@sjdemps: @t_raines33 is so trash. Like who leaves their newborn baby to be on a reality show. #thechallenge” rt Someone who wants s to win $275,000 dollars for their newborn baby, that's who. #TheChallengeRivals3
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: #TheChallengeRivals3 .

@madiwadi2by4: The goal in life is to grow, the joy of life is to love
@madiwadi2by4: Don't stress yourself over things you can't control 😌
@JustJem24: The cheeseburger is the best thing that's happened to be all week. My attempt at eating healthy is officially over
@JamieChinaMTV: Thank** you everyone for the birthday wishes 😍😍
@briannajulig: Time to run! 7 miles without my @JennaCompono πŸ˜“πŸ˜« #illmissyou #dontwAnnadothis
- @JennaCompono: @briannajulig I'm doing the same πŸ™„ but 10 .. Hopefully a cop doesn't yell at me again πŸ˜‚
- @briannajulig: @JennaCompono no I'm the one that attracts the police πŸ™„ like a magnet 😐 I'll probly get a ticket for jay walking or something 😐
- ‏@JennaCompono: @briannajulig lmao that's true and I just five attitudes because u stand there silent πŸ˜‚ lmao
- ‏@briannajulig: @JennaCompono silence is golden πŸ’πŸΌπŸ¦„
@ayiiia_eliza: People would like to see me on another challenge although it wouldn't be good for me, I'd turn all the girls & it'd turn into a novela.
@TheShaneRaines: Random thought: Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding handsπŸ€”
@n_zanattaMTV: In order to respect someone you have to respect yourself first. πŸ’‹
@stephenjohnii: It's bananas !! June 13th will be here before we know it @AREUTHE1, @MTV !!! Season 4 πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ #banana #mtv
@AREUTHE1: Happy #TBT ✨! @MTV_Chuckalodon & @BritniNicol have taken over our Snapchat. Head over NOW:
@MTV_JESS: #tbt #ayto #mtv #family #loves #missyous #caliliving ❀️ …
@IAMPMUNA: How to send a Perfect Sext πŸ˜‚ #AYTO Premieres June 13th on #MTV  πŸ‘€ ...
@AREUTHE1: These guys make love sound sooo PAINFUL! Ouch 😫 #AYTO4
@AREUTHE1: Hey @DANCEonFOX, what should we expect from @asafgoren1 when he's on our show? #SYTYCD #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@IAMPMUNA is winning with his name alone and now he just needs the girl to match! πŸ‘« #AYTO4
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Just did a hilarious skit with my sister. Finally! Drops tomorrow!
@BombshellChels: It's really nice when you think you'll be single forever then find someone & all you can think is, wow I would have waited forever for you❀️
‏@tabron27: noone can give u happiness the way you can give it to urself... & when u give it to urself, it last a lot longer!
@whaattaafoxx: When you and ya best friend break out the high school musical dance moves lmfao omggggg 😭😭

@RealWorldMTV: Three hours until the games begin... or end?
@MTVCeeJai: β€œ@The1NickParker: I know it's wrong but I can't wait to see @MTVCeeJai beat Jenna's racist ass? I hope she channels her inner Harriet & Rosa #RealWorldGoBig” rt Lol I try not to channel that inner anger cuz I know I'll hurt someone. I just did enough to get her off of me
@Nicky_Showtime: I think it's fare to say that we are shit housed 99% of the time. That being said, keep an eye out for the "DickOlympics" with @MTVDIONE
@MTV_Candice: I already know if I live tweet while watching #RealWorldGoBig tonight I'm definitely won't have a filter.
@Nicky_Showtime: Tune in tonight @ 10/9 central to see everyone get along just splendidly in the Real World…
@RealWorldMTV: #RealWorldGoBig starts in ONE HOUR on @MTV!
@itSabrinaK: my heart goes out to the families of the plane crash victims today.
@MTVCeeJai: I didn't even tell my boy #MalcolmX HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!βœŠπŸΎβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ’•
‏@MTVCeeJai: Craziness starts in 5 #RealWorldGoBig

> AS THEY SAW IT: "The Hits Keep Coming"
@MTV: #RealWorldGoBig starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @RealWorldMTV πŸ’₯
@RealWorldMTV: Let's do this! #RealWorldGoBig starts RIGHT NOW 😍
@RealWorldMTV: Ahhh here we go! #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Sooo Dylan and Jenna are a thing now. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Yaaaaay the one time she's real w/ herself!!! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: @tweetatchris is freaking hilarious #RealWorldGoBig
‏@RealWorldMTV: When you go so hard you lose your nose ring... #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: She got their asses crawling on the floor in the bathroom looking for a nose ring #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: So Jenna and Dylan are making out... after they both just puked their brains out. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: #AmericasMostDisgustingCouple #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: I was so lit #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: @MTVDIONE where are you!!?? #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: She's in denial #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Wait, WHAT?? #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: How you gone lie like that Jenna? #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Feeling bad and horrible makes it ok to lie? #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: The new Bella Swan, everybody. #RealWorldGoBig (GIF: β€œYou gotta choose Edward or Jacob.”)
@MTVCeeJai: 6 days..... In loveπŸ€” #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Saaang #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: @itSabrinaK your voice is sooooo cool. Lol I've been telling you that since day 1!
- @itSabrinaK: @MTVCeeJai I love you.
@MTV_Candice: I'm sorry but that song sound dumb as hell πŸ˜‚  #RealWorldGoBig
- @Dean_BP: @MTV_Candice πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ I'm dead...who know CPR? Oh LORDT lol
- @MTV_Candice: @Dean_BP πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Lmaoooo
@MTV_Candice: I told yall I got no filter πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #RealWorldGoBig
‏@Nicky_Showtime: How you like that vomit???? Mmmmmmmm #mtv classy
@MTVCeeJai: Look at the horizon and not just the sunset. #RealWorldGoBig -DioneyPepperoni
@RealWorldMTV: If you were Jenna, would you break up with Austin? #RealWorldGoBig  93%Yes / 07%No  545 votesβ€’Final results
 β€@Nicky_Showtime: Jenna is full of shit! She loves kissing Nicky Showtime!! #real world
‏@MTVCeeJai: @itSabrinaK speakin the real!!!!  #realworldgobig
@MTVCeeJai: I stayed in my area AS YOU CAN SEE. #realworldgobig
@RealWorldMTV: Umm, why wasn't I invited?! πŸš—πŸš•πŸš™ #RealWorldGoBig
‏@RealWorldMTV: Seems like Sabrina is Team Dylenna! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: #AmericasMostDisgustingCouple #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: But didn't dean just???? #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Well, this conversation took a turn... #RealWorldGoBig
‏@MTVCeeJai: So @Dean_BP.... But #RealWorldGoBig #StickAForkInMe
@MTV_Candice: First time I can actually feel and relate to Jenna. #RealWorldGoBig #FuckDomesticViolence
@MTVCeeJai: See how #Jenna always come for me? #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Always coming at me. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Maybe the gang can understand where Jenna is coming from a bit more now. #RealWorldGoBig
- @MTVCeeJai: @RealWorldMTV We've always understood. That's how we've gotten THIS far. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai:  if you or someone you know needs help.❀️ #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: β€œ@RissKiss_13: I don't understand why Jenna always coming at @MTVCeeJai sideways all the damn time #RealWorldGoBig” RT Yet I still show compassion lol they don't feel me though #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: β€œ@Jayy__sjs: @MTVCeeJai I wish you and Jenna stayed friends how y'all was in the beginning πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ’―β€ RT I was being more of the friend. Or supporter. But of course things changed that #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Sabrina & Jenna's song is on the radio! #RealWorldGoBig
‏@MTVCeeJai: Yaaaaaas @itSabrinaK #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Me listening to Sabrina & Jenna's song #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: That's my baby!!!! @itSabrinaK #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Lol looking like somebody mama #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: This is painful to watch. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Welp... That wasn't awkward. #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: I love all of you! Thank you everyone.
@Nicky_Showtime: Can't believe this hoe don't want me!
‏@RealWorldMTV: Do you think Dylan will hook up with Jenna again or stick to his word? #RealWorldGoBig   55%They'll hook up / 45%He's over her   609 votesβ€’Final results
@MTVCeeJai: @Nicky_Showtime is the guy that's on the screen right now lol #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Dione making his own happy hour is me. 🍺 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: He's not showing you enough attention?? Hahaha #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Give it to me daddy #RealWorldGoBig
@justjimmylyons: LMAOOO JENNA MAD NOW @MTVCeeJai
‏@MTVCeeJai: @Nicky_Showtime that was great sex eh #RealWorldGoBig
- @Nicky_Showtime: @MTVCeeJai I want some more Ceejai sex on the pool table!!! 😈😈😈
@MTVCeeJai: How do we make him act different? #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Again, @itSabrinaK spitting that real #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Jenna, wyd? #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: If Austin took Jenna back he'd be the biggest chump on the planet besides Jenna for thinking he would take her back!
@jassy_life: @MTVCeeJai has me on the floor laughing with that sex scene on the pool table πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #realworldgobig
@RealWorldMTV: Jenna came through. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: @itSabrinaK "I'm used to quick changes. One night stands" #RealWorldGoBig
- @itSabrinaK: @MTVCeeJai hahah I couldn't hear what I said πŸ˜‚
@MTV_Candice: Real talk I think Austin already dumped her ass!!!!! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Aye, she played herself smh @Nicky_Showtime tried multiple times. #RealWorldGoBig
@crob32303: @MTVCeeJai I admire Dylan for sticking to his guns when it came to Jenna...BRAVO πŸ‘‹πŸ˜ƒ #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: This ain't Jenna's first rodeo... #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ "I'm not the authority on shorts" #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: She goes ..."you're not showing me enough attention!" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚  like @MTVCeeJai says "swerve, bitch!" #mtv #realworld
@MTVsoundtrack: 🚨🚨🚨 @itSabrinaK  & jenna are giving away a free download of their new single "fly" here!!  #realworld
@MTVCeeJai: FYI: I was on the computer looking up Mormon info #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Jenna's about to get buckwild. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Ohhhh @Nicky_Showtime thaaaats Esther. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: So you're gonna insult this woman #RealWorldGoBig because you're mad lol
@MTVCeeJai: That's NOT what you said Kailah #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Lol stop trying it
@MTVCeeJai: Black kids get whoopings so we don't be with this freaky ish #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: That's probably how @MTVCeeJai looked when she got whoppins lol #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: That whip scene was when Jenna asked @Dean_BP "Can I whip you?" #realworldgobig
- @MTVCeeJai: @MTV_Candice It was lol
- @Dean_BP: @MTVCeeJai Oh, because she forgot about the symbolism? Yeah...smh
‏@MTVCeeJai: #TheFort #RealWorldGoBig @tweetatchris @itSabrinaK good job 😘😘😘
@MTVCeeJai: β€œ@marsredXO: Um didn't Kailah hate Jenna from the jump? @MTVCeeJai @MTVDIONE Now suddenly they are BFF's? Girl is def. getting an "A" in #user101 class”  RT Exactly!!!!
@RealWorldMTV: We get it, Jenna. Dylan can do whatever he wants. #RealWorldGoBig
@Dean_BP: "@taylaranne7: @Nicky_Showtime @MTVCeeJai and @Dean_BP are definitely my favorite real world cast member of all time! ❀️😍" RT 😜
@MTVCeeJai: This is what y'all asked for #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: I loved the fort ...
@MTVCeeJai: Afro-Man in the shot #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Ahhhhhh he straight swerved her ass πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Everyone else says something but I get it #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: #RealWorldGoBig we was beefing at the time too
‏@MTVCeeJai: Don't touch me #RealWorldGoBig
‏@MTVCeeJai: You see I'm still sitting #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: YOOOO #RealWorldGoBig
@niastfu: @MTVCeeJai how many times did dione tell her shut the fuck up & she didnt say a damn thing πŸ˜’
‏@MTVCeeJai: I could've went in.... But I restrained her. BECAUSE I DONT BELIEVE IN VIOLENCE #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Run up get done uuuupppppp πŸ™Œ #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: Jenna looks insane! She's like talking to herself... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@Am_andaplease: Drag herrrr @MTVCeeJai #selfdefense
@quonnation: @MTVCeeJai could've whooped her drunk crybaby ass, but she didn't. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: That's called #StandYourGround The right way!!! #America #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: I love how sad music is playing and Chris and I are kicking everyone out of the fort
@MTVCeeJai: "@SamanthaWinscom: @jenstaxo @MTVCeeJai jenna was way to intoxicated for all that mess... I would of just geld her down.  Lol" rt Finish watching #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: #RealWorldGoBig @MTVDIONE saved her
@RealWorldMTV: It's simple, really. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: How would you have reacted if you were in CeeJai’s shoes? #RealWorldGoBig  59%The same way she did / 41%I’d walk away  1,426 votesβ€’Final results
@itSabrinaK: Props to @mtvdione for handling the fight
@MTVCeeJai: @divina_1031: Why is @MTVCeeJai always gotta be a co-signer?! Yes Jenna is annoying & ignorant but Ceejai was wrong there. #RealWorldGoBig” rt The same way EVERYONE co-signs
‏@MTVCeeJai: Because I stand up for myself, y'all call me a bully and STILL as I defend myself, I'm wrong. This was weak #RealWorldGoBig
‏@itSabrinaK: I got you roomie @mtvceejai
@Nicky_Showtime: What a sad ending.... Sikeeeee!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #RealWorld #MTV
@MTVCeeJai: "@SmoothKiller15 @MTVCeeJai obviously she came after you and only you because you're black πŸ™„ Could you BE anymore annoying "bruh" RT It's not that I'm black. It's because of a issue she has with herself that she ALWAYS come for me.
@itSabrinaK: What an episode
@RIPsenketsu: @MTVCeeJai I understand how you feel and you handled that SO well. I expected any person to just go OFF. but you restraint her and saved her

> The Clip Show and After Hours
@RealWorldMTV: Hey, you! The #RealWorldGoBig "Sh!t They Should Have Shown" is happening NOW! ✨
@RealWorldMTV: "Sorry mom and dad." - @itSabrinaK on being on #RealWorldGoBig πŸ˜‚
‏@RealWorldMTV: Dione just really does not like wearing clothes. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Aw noooooo @MTVCeeJai dont cry you did just enough to her thirsty ass cause I would had straight up bopped her ass. #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: @kailah_casillas all we survived on was eggs and toast smh
@RealWorldMTV: πŸ’© #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: That time the cast thought the house was haunted πŸ’€ #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Why do I feel like Dione got the most phone calls? #RealWorldGoBig
@PeachKake: Lol the production "don't u dare swing ur dick at him again" πŸ˜‚ funniest reprimand ever #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Oh hey, Dylan πŸ‘ #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Those floors are REALLY unforgiving. #RealWorldGoBig
‏@itSabrinaK: The waa is coming.....
@RealWorldMTV: Kylie Jenna. πŸ’‹ #RealWorldGoBig
@Nicky_Showtime: Deichkind - So`ne Musik. btw, this is the "favorite song" I was referring to that's not English! I speak GemaπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ
@RealWorldMTV: HEEEELL NO. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: We should all start wah-ing tbh. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Lmmfaooooooooooooo 😭 πŸ’€ at the clown chasing @MTVCeeJai & all you hear her saying is "Aw Hell Naw" πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Friends who fart together stay together. #RealWorldGoBig
@Dean_BP: The homie @actjacks4 wasn't having that wah shit lol #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Dione doesn't hold back. πŸ‘ƒβ˜οΈ #RealWorldGoBig
@rxckstarhigh: This The Shit They Should've Shown is HILARIOUS. One of the best tbh. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Nothing says Sunday dinner like a good twerk sesh. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Things just got weeeeiiiird. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: When @Dean_BP does his dancing pecs πŸ˜©πŸ‘€πŸ˜πŸ™Œ yeessss daddy! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #RealWorldGoBig
- @Dean_BP: @MTV_Candice Don't get me started 😏
@RealWorldMTV: The Dildolympics: Go big or go home. #RealWorldgoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Oof. That's gonna leave a mark. #RealWorldGoBig
@BriSo_Sweet: Y'all will find any reason to not like @MTVCeeJai and if she would have touched Jenna first all hell would have broken loose #RealWorldGoBig

@MTVCeeJai: "@Challenge_Chat: @SmoothKiller15 @MTVCeeJai yea you need to get over this whole color thing. You two just don't get along. It has nothing to do with color" RT Nothing was stated about color. When I say "the struggle" I mean "I could've whopped her ass as I SHOULD have"
@MTVCeeJai: "@SmoothKiller15: @MTVCeeJai obviously she came after you and only you because you're black πŸ™„  Could you BE anymore annoying "bruh"" RT It wasn't about color. I don't give a darn What color you are, respect me as much as I respect you.
‏@MTVCeeJai: Your first move better be your BEST move. I've stated this before #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: "@courtinayy: You're weak because you call someone pathetic then blame "the struggle" for them attacking you. #gtfo …" RT Nah the struggle in me wanted to actually out my foot off into her ass. She attacked me because she's crazy thnx tho
@MTVCeeJai: That didn't have NOTHING to do w/ race. But all to do with RESPECT. Say what you want, but don't touch me …
@MTVCeeJai: "@MichaelMARTINC1: @MTVCeeJai all u do is chime in whenever Jenna says something. Even when it's not directed at you #livenletlive" RT Whoa whoa whoa... Was I the ONLY one chiming in?? Oh ok
@MTVCeeJai: "@KaylaT2001: @MTVCeeJai did you ever say anything to Jenna about calling cornrows "Kylie Jenner braids"?" RT Of course but she had the same response as getting a spray tan and asking the lady to make her darker lol
@MTVCeeJai: "@tracilew5700: @MTVCeeJai jenna is annoying at times but I feel like u and others get involved way to much! & I don't blame Jenna one bit #swervebitch" RT Baby when all your life is each other, you're gonna get involved. That's why there's no phones, tvs, radios, etc
@MTVCeeJai: Baby, you can play that victim card thing elsewhere. Please not this way. I've been nothing but patient #ButThanks …
@MTVCeeJai: "@courtinayy: @ItsMeeAngel0831 @MTVCeeJai everything she's ever said has been about the struggle."RT Because it's privileged people like YOU who don't get it. So I have to remind you. Again, thanks
@MTVCeeJai: "@bsmo2: @MTVCeeJai respect???? Were you respecting Jenna when you were taunting her?? Stop blaming others, get it together!" RT The same way she blames ME for everything. It sucks when you have to get a taste of your own medicine doesn't it?😌
@MTVCeeJai: "@courtinayy: @ItsMeeAngel0831 @MTVCeeJai she's been through some shit, but so has Jenna. They have different life styles and different back stories, but" RT And I don't handle my struggle by disrespecting others unlike Jenna. That's the difference but again, haha thanks
@tweetatchris: Sometimes you just have put someone in their place, especially when what that person stands for is hatred and intolerance.
@tweetatchris: When bullies call the people who stand up to them "bullies"...smh.
@MTVCeeJai: "@MichaelMARTINC1: @MTVCeeJai strength n hope. My wife an I just feel like Jenna is always getting a horrible rap" RT The cameras are there for a reason. And there's worse things. Sorry that you wanna see something that's not there
@MTVCeeJai: "@Michi_x317: @MTVCeeJai @WVBigDave1 Short memory? Last episode when Dylan show up , you clearly say she is a racist" RT Thanks for reminding me. That's bcuz she referred to me as "colored" and says "her white face is better than mine"
@MTVCeeJai: Lol thanks everyone for watching tonight #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Sup, West Coast? #RealWorldGoBig starts NOW for you!
@MTVCeeJai: "@EccentricQ902: Moral of the story is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.... Don't run up on @MTVCeeJai....  #RealWorldGoBig" RT If you do, you better do sumn lol
@MTVCeeJai: "@nickursomma: @MTVCeeJai "swerve bitch" isn't respectful" RT And neither are the names I was called prior to tonight's episode. Thou shall not cast stones. 😘
@MTVCeeJai: "@courtneyTM: @MTVCeeJai usually I love respect and u der stand you and I commend you for not fighting but a caged dog will bite. Everyone Antagonized her" RT She could've said what she said from across the room. No one was caged. And that's the 2nd time she's invaded my spc
@MTVCeeJai: Have the same stance you have tonight, next Thursday. Just hold the excuses please. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Tweet me something positive lol #RealWorldGoBig keep the hate

@MTVBananas: My entire childhood... #TBT
@t_raines33: "@courtney_wadeck: @t_raines33 is kinda a douche but I like him" RT I'll take it #TheChallengeRivals3
@t_raines33: "@Pepperedstars: 2 - @t_raines33 how can you seem so 17 one second & then so wise and mature the next second? You're charming, & ridiculous. #teamTony" RT I'm a Gemini, I'm bi-poler, and a borderline empath so you never know what you're going to get with me.
@blacuesta: Idk how that fire got on ur car but u should do something about that...
@blacuesta: Let's get 1 thing straight All women are crazy and w that being said u can either bring my crazy out or keep it locked in a box. Ur choice!
@MtvJess: Fly face, nice body, and swag crazy  She work and she goin' to school, she ain't lazy πŸ“πŸ‘ΈπŸ½πŸ”₯
@ImSarahRice: Ooh don't worry, he's heard the comparison. He just doesn't agree. But we'll let him have his opinions. …
@CaraMariaMTV: I blacked out n suddenly there was an empty @baskinrobbins container in front of me and hotfudge on my face. #NoRegerts 😝🍦
@TylerDuckMTV: Gonna be a category 5 if history is any indicator...
@Chet_Cannon: I don't care that celebrities photoshop. I do, however, care when they self-righteously preach to love "the real you" AND THEN photoshop
‏@MilleGabriellee: Honestly... I met my soul mates on #AYTO

> Friday Hangover
@kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV When did she ever respect Jenna though? πŸ€” I musta missed that. #MutualDisrespect
@kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV Lol and me being a brat threatening to knock it down if they didn't let me in πŸ‘ΈπŸ»πŸ˜‚
@kailah_casillas: I'm sorry, but you can't provoke a drunk person to come at you for no reason& then when they do, act like a victim. Doesn't work like that.
@MTVCeeJai: Kailah had been "out to get" Jenna the entire time filming until no one wanted to hang w/ her and then she started hanging w/ Jenna
@MTVCeeJai: Kailah always picked fights w/ Jenna, embarrassed Jenna, insulted Jenna, and Jenna and I may have had issues but she knew how I felt Day 1
@MTVCeeJai: Jenna knows on the days I wasn't rocking w/ her. She knows the days where she had my full support. She didn't have to questions that
@MTVCeeJai: Kailah was always spiteful but when we finished filming and she saw numbers go up, she became "mean girl Kailah" and started to "hang" w/ J
‏@MTVCeeJai: How was Sabs Kailahs best friend and K hated Jenna, then when we come home and the popularity starts, she's dropped Sabs and picked up Jenna
@MTVCeeJai: Kailah was NEVER their friend from the beginning and I saw right through that. She ONLY hangs w/ the other girls for convenience.
@MTVCeeJai: Y'all gone hate me next week! 😘
@MTVCeeJai: Somehow the people coming for me missed the prior insults, the name calling, the dirty looks, the threat, BUT IM WRONG. Lol Oh America, πŸ€—
@MTVCeeJai: Get this straight! I didn't cry for sympathy I cried bcuz I wanted to get off into her ass and couldn't. I just wanted her to go home!!
@MTVCeeJai: Notice how even the naysayers are free to come spew hate, & yet I'm still welcoming. That's just me. None of you are blocked or disrespected
@MTVCeeJai: That's how I am. Now if you get sassy or anyway towards me, I'll be the same towards you. But feel free to say what's on your mind
@MTVCeeJai: I don't just support the good in what folks see in me. I wanna kno the good the bad the ugly. Unlike a few of my cast mates, i can take heat
@_shaniceh: Did the producers not see Jenna try to kick @MTVCeeJai ? If the tables were turned and Ceejai struck first she would've been sent home.
@KikiMTV: Catching up on #RealWorldGoBig & I'm done with Jenna. I know I've said that before, but I'm double done. DONE!
@RealWorldMTV: Should Jenna and CeeJai have been sent home last night?:
@kailah_casillas: Jenna shouldn't have put her hands on Ceejai. I don't EVER think that's the right thing to do.
@kailah_casillas: Am I the only one who can admit their mistakes, apologize and move on? Lol it's not that hard.
@MTVCeeJai: Clearly you've missed 9 prior episodes and the actual time spent. But thanks anyway …
‏@Dean_BP: Wonder if they'll show @MTVCeeJai being told she's a nappy headed hoe who needs to go somewhere & pick cotton? At this point idek...smh 😑
@MTVCeeJai: Kailah stop LYYYYYIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!! It's been proven you'll lie just to get a like so just stop.
@MTVCeeJai: Kailah calling me a bully when she freely came to me several times w/o me even saying anything saying she's afraid of me. You made the bully
‏@kailah_casillas: For those of you who think I'm the fake one--
@RealWorldMTV: Dylan and Jenna. Jenna and Dylan. Dylenna... it's all coming to an end with the season finale Thursday at 10/9c.
@MTVCeeJai: "@pinotgrigiopapi: @kailah_casillas @MTVCeeJai wasn't even playing the victim. She was just saying that she tried so much with Jenna and she was tired of it." RT And that I could've tore a hole in her but didn't. Kailah knows wassup that's why her and Jenna was about to fight
@Dean_BP: What most people don't realize about @MTVCeeJai is that she didn't come on this show for fame/attention...she came to bring awareness
‏@Dean_BP: Mainly domestic violence but we were placed in an environment that pushed multiple societal issues which all needed to be addressed!
@Nicky_Showtime: Ooops. Am I the bad guy now??? 😒😒 boo hoo I'm heartbroken! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #MTV #RealWorldgobig
@Dean_BP: "@VdreTheGiant: @Dean_BP @MTVCeeJai That's why i fucks wit her so heavy.. But this twitter beef is so pointless rn" RT You gotta feel her point right now that hundreds of ppl are coming at her, when it could be stopped w/speaking truth
‏@tweetatchris: I witnesses racial discrimination and hatred on the grossest level while on #RealWorldGoHome. @MTVCeeJai, you have my love and my support ❀️
@kailah_casillas: NEXT WEEK, I'll be on @BringMeYourTorc & you'll all hear what actually went on πŸ‘€ stay tuned.
@kailah_casillas: "@jessica12230: @kailah_casillas @MTVCeeJai I didn't see you apologize? Don't get me wrong you and Jenna are my favorites but I never seen you apologize" RT We made amends after the show. You do realize we finished filming 6 months ago, right?
@kailah_casillas: I block people who bring negativity to MY page. I don't need the followers as much as my cast-mates πŸ‘€ Don't like me? Then bye! Blocked πŸ‘‹πŸ½
‏@RealWorldMTV: Make ups, break ups and fights? It sounds a lot like last night's episode of #RealWorldGoBig:

@t_raines33: "@4ever_Evolving: Jess friend zoned the SHIT outta Tony πŸ˜‚ #TheChallengeRivals3” RT I was so confused...that's never happened to me before #WellPlayed #TheChallengeRivals3
- @MtvJess: @t_raines33 @t_raines33 πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ
@t_raines33: β€œ@ZachAFaulkner: @t_raines33 I would hate you so much if you hooked up with @MtvJess. Wouldn't be fair that one guy gets all the most beautiful MTV girls ;)” RT If I don't it's alright, I had a good run. I'm faithful to only one now. #TheChallengeRivals3
@MtvJess: #FBF daddy's girl πŸ’• #McCain
@ChallengeMTV: This week's fantasy league exclusive: whenever your player says "butt" or "butthole," they get 5 bonus points!
@ChallengeMTV: T.G.I.F.! Weekends mean questionable choices that we may, or may not, remember...πŸ€”πŸ™ˆπŸ» #TheChallengeRivals3
@ImSarahRice: Me: whats your favorite thing about being married for a year now?             Hubby: being able to fart with reckless abandon. #marriedlife
@t_raines33: Baby Batgirl! πŸ‘Š shoutout to @bfaust031 for the outfit
@MtvJess: I gotta stop treating people like I owe them something...
@MTV_Anthony: Just caught up on #TheChallengeRivals3 I remember my first time jumping out of a plane....

@CaraMariaMTV: "@mtv, Stop trying to make AYTO happen. It's NOT going to happen!" Sincerely, Regina George πŸ’
- @ImSarahRice: @CaraMariaMTV πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™Š
‏@tweetatchris: I witnesses racial discrimination and hatred on the grossest level while on #RealWorldGoHome. @MTVCeeJai, you have my love and my support ❀️
- @ImSarahRice: . @susie_meister and I are in!! @MTV @challengemtv
- @ImSarahRice: @NehemiahMTV Is that true?!! Woah.
- @NehemiahMTV: @ImSarahRice unfortunately yes. The same few people have been invited and winning the last 20 challenges
@n_zanattaMTV: You know we had to do it again #WolfPack see you soon 🐺
@CaraMariaMTV: FM cast is the baddest of the bad. Straight to @ChallengeMTV w NO warm up, Knew NO ONE, just competition: Evelyn Kenny Evan Diem LaurelπŸ‘Š
@tori_deal: …  @MTV JUST DROPPED MY MUSUC VIDEO . Check it !

β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ 

Needless to say, quite an episode. We'll have more on it, what happened on Rivals III and more on DC WRAP in the coming day or two.

Follow-Up: NIA & JAKE

Now, an update on an ExtraTime piece we brought you here two weeks ago, just after the Rivals III premiere. Before we saw Jessica & Johnny win the first Jungle and Averey tearing up after being sent home prematurely, we brought you the story of their controversial RW Portland castmate & two-time challenger Nia and her bond with an Atlanta homeless man named Jake. She met him on the streets on Easter weekend and he told her of a tough year that has seen him lose his job, contract both HIV and leukemia, and has seen him lose his home and most of his money... but has remained positive amidst the stormy seas he's endured. In response, Nia created a Go Fund Me fundraiser to help raise money for temporary housing for Jake, and her considerable following in social world has pitched in a great deal of support for him.
   This past weekend on her Instagram, Nia provided an update on her friend along with a video of them as she drove him to his temporary living quarters: 

"For those of you who just started following me, this is Jake. He was homeless when we first met on Easter. Our souls instantly connected and I made it my mission to help him. I set up a #gofundme page and within 6 hours we raised enough to get him a motel room for a month. Special thanks to Richard who donated a hefty $800!! Jake wants you guys to know that he is forever grateful beyond words. He is still sleeping in that warm and cozy room, not on the cold streets anymore, because of YOUR generous and thoughtful donations. 1 dollar, 5, 10, 100 or was all the same effort. He is now able to afford half of his weekly rent on his own. Our goal was $2,000 and we are literally almost there. For those of you who wish to help his cause, the door is still open! He is set to receive his disability check soon for his illnesses (AIDS & Leukemia) and has since gotten spontaneous jobs to earn money for himself. When I checked him into his motel room, he looked me in the eyes and said, "I'm not going back." He proved that on his own thus far and I am beyond proud of this kid. Without you guys, and my lord and savior, I probably would have simply gave him that 7 bucks I initially handed him and never realized I already possessed the capacity to truly save a man in need. WE did this. Strength in numbers baby!! πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»" - IG @TheRealNiaMoore (link)

For the events that happened on her three MTV stints, many fans may never forgive Nia for her actions, but in being able to help somebody in need such as Jake, they should respect her more as a person outside of MTV, and know that there's more to Nia than what the folks depict her on TV. As I wrote in my post, she's earned much more of my respect for this great gesture.
   Do a favor and help Jake out by donating to the Go Fund Me page formed here, with nearly $1,600 of the $2,000 goal having already been funded.

That's all for our double shot of the 'Pulse on this Sunday night. Earlier this evening, we brought you the 'Pulse of Rivals III with Ashley, Team AYTO and an awkward challenge all being the highlights of it. Coming up in a couple days, DC WRAP will review the week in the Trifecta, plus an introduction to Amanda & Nelson and find out more about her dramatic first season on AYTO Season 3. Plus, find out which controversial NFL player is on the side of a big name veteran.
   As always, help spread the word about DCBLOG by sharing these links on your social platforms and introduce my MTV coverage to a larger audience, plus tweet me @DC408Dxtr on Twitter & IG, or in the comments below. Thanks very much for reading and until then, enjoy your week ahead.


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