Tuesday, May 31, 2016

DC WRAP: Real World Go Big Finale and The Challenge: Rivals III EP4

BY DC CUEVA                     
@DC408Dxtr / @DC408DxNow

As most of you return to work following the extended weekend, and as the month of June arrives and the summer break for others, welcome back to DCBLOG as we roll along with our coverage of the MTV Trifecta. Last week was a chaotic one to say the least, as we saw conflict on both Real World and The Challenge, plus a family reunion and other things as well.
   On Rivals III, we saw a house fiesta turn into a war of sorts between both Nany and Camila, and then Amanda vs. Tony, which then turned into Camila vs. Amanda and the RW establishment vs. the AYTO newcomers. And we also had the latest instance of someone deciding that's enough's enough and TJ noticing it as well. And the next night was the Go Big finale, where one girl decided to go all in on another for the racial tension that was brewing almost from the beginning, and both had to Go Home. We also had Dylan going for Kailah and then revealing a secret about his hookup with Jenna, and there was the emotional reunion between Sabrina and her biological mom.
   Coming up here, a somewhat different WRAP - for reasons we'll explain there after the jump, as we'll be focusing more on the chaotic Real World double finale, plus the usual Winners' List, fan reaction and Fantasy Trax. And on ExtraTime, a different side of one of the season's key competitors and how there's a different side to him than what MTV chooses him to be portrayed, along with news of the latest Team MTV baby. All that is coming up.


Now as you've noticed by the order of the title of this post being reversed compared to the first three weeks of our combined WRAP, our policy here is that should a cliffhanger take place on any episode of The Challenge, then the episode wrap for that week is tabled over into the one for the following episode. That way, we can recap the competition and elimination, and the accompanying drama, in full without interruption. So, we'll have our write-up on this week's Rivals III on next week's WRAP - an extended one and with just one show to cover for this and next week. But I was gonna level off anyway because of the preview post for AYTO Season 4 that was posted back on Friday and the 'Pulse doubleheader that we had on Sunday. But now, let's recap the Real World finale...

(1ST) FIGHT FALLOUT: We begin with the fallout from, what turns out to be, the first of two fights between CeeJai and Jenna, which began the previous week. The day after, Jenna admits to being drunk when she got into that fight and doesn't remember it at all. Kailah recommends she go to CeeJai's room to apologize, and Jenna goes to her room to apologize and she does exactly that and adding that she was blacked out and she's glad CeeJai handled it better than she did. This dominates the house talk as the roommates talk in the lobby and around the Gold Spike about what could possibly happen, and I tweeted, "There's this wall that's gone up and it won't be coming down." At the end of episode 10, producers gave them a warning that this would be the only time this would happen, and as we all know now, that wouldn't be the case.

THE SLUR AND THE BLOW-UP: At the beginning of hour two, Jenna and her friend back home in South Carolina have one of their video chats via Skype right in view of the whole house. Jenna repeatedly calls CeeJai's personality "ratchet" and, in a season that's had its moments of controversy, it steeps low as her friend decides to go all in uttering a remark that won't list here for the sake of sensitivity as well as calling CeeJai's hair a bad name. As they see Jenna laughing the whole time in enjoying this conversation with her, the house gets shocked as Dean gets heated and Kailah yells at her as this conversation spreads like wildfire.
   And for the person who has harbored bad feelings for Jenna since the start - and even with chances for her to make things up, this gets CeeJai boiled up so much that... she does it again. CeeJai again gets into it with Jenna by hitting her in the face several times that it almost becomes too hard for us to watch this and it feels almost as is if they've delved into the territory of another BMP production in Bad Girls Club. As CeeJai says "I'm done," the production crew again steps in at the moment the first punch is thrown, and it's as if a cyclone had blown into this top floor of the Gold Spike.

THE AFTERMATH... AND THE HEAVE-HO: It was no doubt that the fight was inevitable considering all the attempts CeeJai made to tell Jenna that her remarks are offensive and hurtful and of trying to change her outlook on life. The fallout from this second and most-intense fight - coming just before the cast heads home - dampens the always upbeat and reflective mood of the last days of this experience. CeeJai admits tearfully, and rightfully so, that violence is never the answer and feels ashamed of herself of this snap reaction - all as the roommates comfort her. Meanwhile, Jenna goes once again to the production batcave to get ice to her face which has seen her take a black eye. Not surprisingly, production sends both girls to separate hotels to rest up as they deliberate their fate, and in the end EP Jim Johnston (who's overseen RW after Mary-Ellis Bunim's passing) makes the choice to send both girls home for their roles in instigating those fights, although many feel this just a week too late and this would've been easily prevented. Both ultimately head back to pack up and leave to reflect on their actions; Jenna by herself and then CeeJai to everyone's delight.

DYLAN'S PLANS: Dylan may have come into this house a latecomer but has certainly brought a sense of fun to the house, and he has a good future ahead with doing web videos and challenges. With the finale comes another revelation, and a preview of coming attractions should he get a call: He tells the roommates on a night out at the diner that he never liked Jenna at all when they were seeing each other after he arrived. This was part of a plan he had to manipulate her, which is also why we saw him make out with Kailah many times in her view to make her jealous. No one in the house is buying this claim, but it's quite a way to build a resume towards what we might see down the road.

SABRINA'S MOMENT: Luckily, not everything in this finale and this season has been about drama. There've been moments in Vegas that harked back to the show's old-school past, and one of the most notable has its result in the finale. Sabrina has let everyone else have camera time while she's been in the background with her unique reactions, but after getting her mission of meeting her biological mom it has been on her mind here while building her musical resume. P.I. Jon Girard provides her with info on the whereabouts of the mom who gave birth to her, and later he calls her that she is back home in Boston ready to meet her, and Sabrina flies back home for the moment she's waited for. When they meet and talk, both find out that they have a love affair with horses from when they were kids, as well as the six aliases her mom has and the Irish and English heritage they have. It's by far the happiest moment of this season, and Sabrina has aspirations on meeting her biological dad as well. For now at least, she can sleep easy knowing she now has someone new in her life.


Turning from the elder statesman to one that concerns the two other shows of this crown... Part of the unique appeal of this site is offering the kind of insightful and distinctive coverage of the Trifecta you won't find anywhere else. And here's a little impromptu Forum post with a unique factoid that might give you something to think about. So, here it is...
   Obviously, there was at least three people - myself and fellow Trifecta Insiders & webcast hosts Andrew Kirk and Brian Cohen - and many others who were over the moon excited when word came of that first-ever crossover onto The Challenge of a non-BMP produced show was uncovered while Exes 2 was filming in the summer of 2014. Either production or the big wigs might've read the blog post Andrew wrote on his Big Time Reality TV site in between Free Agents and AYTO Season 2 (the one with Brandon, Briana, Christina & Nate), and seriously made that huge gamble that has seen the folks in social world lose their minds. But that brings us to this story...
   Since its founding five years before MTV came to them to create The Real World, Bunim-Murray Productions has been a pioneer in the reality TV genre. It's also the case for the production house behind Are You The One? - Lighthearted Entertainment, which was formed the same year RW debuted. Those firms were the trendsetters of this genre before it became mainstream, and the founders of these companies - BMP's Mary-Ellis Bunim and Jon Murray, and LHE Founder Howard Schultz - definitely belong on the Mount Rushmore of the genre in being, along with Survivor EP Mark Burnett, the most important and influential production figures in the history of this genre. And so many people got their start under Mary and Jon doing television's original reality franchise.
   One of them is Rob LaPlante, who started his TV career at Bunim-Murray working on Real World Hawaii, New Orleans, Chicago and Back to New York, and on the last few seasons of Road Rules. Behind the scenes, he first got to know Teck, Ruthie, Danny, Aneesa, The Miz, Darrell, Rachel, Abram and Derrick, among others. Then, LaPlante made his way to Mark Burnett Productions, working on either casting or producing ten seasons of The Apprentice with The Donald. And ultimately, he landed at Lighthearted five years ago as president, eventually becoming co-owners of the company alongside AYTO Co-EP Jeff Spangler, upon Howard Schultz's untimely passing at the end of 2014.
   Perhaps it was after Andrew tweeted the link to BMP that they gave a call across town to old friend Robat Lighthearted about the possibility of having Adam, Brittany, JJ & Simone on Exes 2 instead of a couple Real World exes on their season... and the rest is history. No wonder why you sometimes see me tweet that Andrew is the "best in the biz" on the premise of not only his many interviews but also on this suggestion he made of the crossover. It also gave me inspiration to name this MTV ecosystem the Trifecta, and there's three shows for me to not only follow but cover here.
   Though it's tough for a lot of you to get used to Team AYTO, I feel that if we want to broaden this show's appeal more to a younger audience along with those who've grown up with it, and to keep this thing running, then get used to it. Brian and Ali touched upon this on their podcast this week where, if it weren't for the AYTO kids coming on to reignite this franchise when some older big name vets are off to bigger and better things and becoming parents, then where would this show be right now? Do support them because who knows, you'd be watching Teen Mom or Scream right now.

SABRINA: At the end of this chaotic RW season, Sabrina is, in a way, the only winner of the night for the RW finale and of this week. While everyone else was making drama, she was focused on making music and getting the answers on the one thing she has been waiting for: her biological mom. It was an emotional reunion for them and it was definitely both a breath of fresh air for this finale and great moment on this season. As Zap 2 It wrote in its recap, she's the only one who blossomed in Vegas, and as it added, "...viewers watched Sabrina emerge towards that stage in her life in which she's actually comfortable in her own skin." I agree with their assessment of her.


Weekly Point-Scorers
Order (C-Competition, D-Drama, R-Romance, B-Bonus)
1. Camila: 115 Pts. (all in Drama)
2. Amanda: 70 Pts. (all in Drama)
3. Simone: 25 Pts. (all in Bonus)
T-4. Two tied at 20 Pts.: Nany and Nate
T-7. Three tied at 15 pts.: Christina, Jenna and Thomas
T-9. Six tied at 10 Pts.: Brandon, Cory, KellyAnne, Nicole, Tony and Vince
T-15. Two tied at 5 Pts.: Ashley and Dario

Top 10 Total Point-Scorers
1. Camila: 160 Pts.
2. Ashley: 120 Pts.
3. Jessica: 95 Pts.
T-4. Nany and Nate: 90 Pts.
6. Brandon: 85 Pts.
7. Tony: 80 Pts.
8. Jamie: 75 Pts.
T-9. Amanda, Simone and Vince: 70 Pts.

Category Key Scorers & Big Scores
● CAMILACamila scored 115 Drama points: getting into three verbal fights with Nany, with her and Nicole in bathroom and then with Amanda (10 pts. for all three); crying during the Nany fight (5 points); getting into a physical fight with Amanda (25 pts.) and throwing a drink at her (15 pts.), and having a meltdown after both of her fights (20 pts. each).
● AMANDA: Amanda scored 70 Drama points: getting into two verbal fights with Tony and then with Camila (10 pts. each), getting into a physical fight with Camila in pushing her hand into her face (25 pts.), having a meltdown during that fight (20 pts.) and crying afterwards (5 pts.)
BRANDON: Brandon scored 10 total points: expressing homesickness twice (10 pts. each), mentioning his girlfriend (10 pts.) and calling her (20 pts.) - both the only Romantic points scored by any competitor this week, and 20 Competition points when TJ put him on alert before mission #3, but lost -60 for being DQ'd for a non-injury scenario for quitting.
● DRAMA - Briana scored 20 Drama points for getting into two verbal fights (10 pts. each) over alliance with Nate & Christina and with Brandon, but was docked -60 Competition points for the DQ with Brandon. Nany also scored 20 Drama points for her two verbal fights with Camila (10 each); while KellyAnneNateNicole and Tony earned 10 Drama pts. each for verbal fighting, and Christina 5 pts. for crying.
COMPETITION - Christina, Jenna, Nate and Vince all scored 10 points each for going first in this/next week's mission.
BONUS - With the words "butt" and "butthole" being added for Week 4 only, Simone scored 25 points for say either of those words five times (5 pts. each); Thomas 15 pts. for three mentions, Cory 10 pts. for two mentions, and 5 pts. each to Ashley, Dario and Jenna.

 #DCSocialPulse - FAN'S VIEW 
Now, your reaction to last week in the Trifecta.

> Rivals III: Episode 4
@dc408dxnow: We begin with Simone revealing to having a torn butt hole after that last mission. This is a very unusual injury that has us laughing.
@dc408dxnow: Tom is actually supportive of her, and he's speechless over the possibility of him being lost to this game by an anus. That's unusual.
@dc408dxnow: Nicole starting to see potential in Nate. And she's asking Wes if they have a date coming as if we're in Hawaii two weeks early.
@dc408dxnow: Here comes Monie, and she's alright. Let's hope they don't get screwed like what happened 2 wks ago. It would be the most unusual exit ever.
@dc408dxnow: This is the house party TJ promised them last week. We had an impromptu one in Thailand, we now have a real club in Mexico. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Now, Nicole tells Nany about Camila talking bad behind her. The ladder two getting into words. And Camila going after Nicole in the back.
@dc408dxnow: It happened in Uruguay, now it's happening in Mexico: a couple fiery Latinas, Nany & Camila, getting into words in the house. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Camila now says she wants to go home, and she's in tears. KellyAnne getting in on the talk w/ Nany & Nic. Is cuz spreading rumors here?
@dc408dxnow: The girls having all this drama over these rumors. Meanwhile the party going on with a piñata, and Nate & Nicole are a perfect match.
@dc408dxnow: Next month, my niece, who was in my room earlier watching Dr. Seuss, will have a bday, and I'm sure a piñata will be a popular attraction
@dc408dxnow: Bri, Simone & Amanda questioning where Nate & Christina are, and now Team AYTO finding out they're on Jenna/Vince's side. Monie not happy.
@dc408dxnow: Briana walking out of the room after a tense talk w/ the girls & Nate. Brandon also homesick, but being on this show he wants to stay here
@dc408dxnow: After dark: Amanda & Tony having this AYTO v RW talk & they're getting into it. You mess w/ him, Camila goes after you, simple. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Late night: Amanda & Tony getting into AYTO v RW talk, & they're getting into it. You mess w/ him, you mess w/ Camila. Simple. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Now Camila getting into Amanda's face and they've woken up the whole house. Tony fearing the worse could happen, but Amanda stands up.
@dc408dxnow: Jess has had enough w/ his behavior. Brandon misses his girl, and Dario understands him. If he can last here, he can make a fortune for her.
@dc408dxnow: Is this happening? Is this guy saying to her, "My girlfriend is better than being here w/ my rival in this tough place?" Wow. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Next mission, but first TJ wants to know if Brandon wants to stay here? But he's had enough and it's unfortunate that this has to end.
@dc408dxnow: 3rd mission. Large platform over the water. Trying to stay above for as long as they can, and winners safe. Losers to jungle for next week.
@dc408dxnow: Nate's scared & they go 1-4. The RW29 reps now on, & Monie hoping to gut this out. Halfway thru for Cory & Ash. Looks like they'll sweep.
@dc408dxnow: Tom & Simone hanging on. Cory trying to sweep here while the former gives up. Ash falls w/ her numb hand, but they do put pressure in 3/4.
@dc408dxnow: Ashley has to get some help, but after what we saw earlier, she never gave up and stayed through the end. Now will she stay here?
@dc408dxnow: Dario trying to hang on, and he's now in last place. 0-4. Camila struggling, but she also falls. Now will she stay in all this?
@dc408dxnow: Into this After Show now, and this Amanda vs. Camila thing has boiled over into after hours for a fight that woke up Mexico.  #DCChallenge
‏@dc408dxtr: DC FORUM Feedback: So What Do You Think? Sound off on tonight's episode of #TheChallengeRivals3 now at #DCChallenge.
- @CardellChris: I thought drama was insane. Never saw Camila get so upset like that. But was upset Nate quit. you could tell tj was pissed. Only thousands more who'd like to be on show. You stole someones chance at $$. Only half episode was prob all fighting in episode. After show was intense.
@CSUGradAkirk: These #ayto kids doing what they do is going to make the anti ayto on the challenge fans hate you even more
@CSUGradAkirk: And was I seeing things on the episode or did @MTV_AMANDAG do a @dustinzito  and muff hit Camilla hahahaha #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: @Tindel10  Liked you more than any other guy on AYTO 2 but the fact that you quit on challenge three and cost @blacuesta  money is messed up
@CSUGradAkirk: last thing about the #Rivals3  this is the first time it took Simone's butthole to leave @ThomasBuellMTV  speechless first time ever lol
@CSUGradAkirk: @blacuesta  do you still wonder what the matchmakers are thinking even more now Brandon being your perfect match
@BigTymers228: @CSUGradAkirk yo is it just me or the 1st half of the challenge is boring
- @CSUGradAkirk: @BigTymers228 I wouldn't call it boring the word I'd call it is dysfunctional four episodes and one elimination one injury and one quit
- @BigTymers228: @CSUGradAkirk yea man ikr I actually thought nate & christina was gonna quit at first
@busdriversroute: Remember that one episode when Camila was calm and the voice of reason? Those were fun times. #Rivals3
@busdriversroute: Camila v Nany is The Challenge's bread and butter. Any lull in a season just get them both hammered and watch what happens. #Rivals3
@busdriversroute: Remember the old HIMYM rule? Nothing good happens after 2 AM? The opposite is true for The Challenge. #Rivals3
@busdriversroute: You know it's a super weird season when Dario is giving actual good solid life advice. #Rivals3
@busdriversroute: "Don't take care. Hope to see you never." Call the cops, the FBI and CTU...TJ just MURDERED Brandon. #Rivals3
@busdriversroute: Ah the days of club scene-challenge-deliberation-house drama-elimination-repeat. It was a good formula. Never to be seen again. #Rivals3
@AceNichols33: Haaaa @CamilaMTV bitching at people in a sombrero is THE BEST. #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Dude Nate is such a little weeny. Like, opening your shirt isn't doing anything for you bro. #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: I'm only almost halfway thru the episode and already want to murder all these #AYTO people. #TheChallengeRivals3 #MurderAYTO #TeamChallenge
@AceNichols33: Lmfao @CamilaMTV is so in this girl's face I feel like they're gonna flip script in a sec and make out. 😂 #Camilanator #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Sooooo this entire recap is gonna be @CamilaMTV quotes and only Camila quotes. #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: 😂😂😂 ARE YOU THE #FreckledFaceMotherFucker? Yes you are! #TheChallengeRivals3 😂💁🏼
@AceNichols33: Who knew Brandon was a bigger pussy than Nate? Wow dude.. #NeverSayQuit #TJHatesQuitters #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Dude @MTVCoryWharton and @MTVASHLEYBROOKE murdered this challenge!! And she almost killed herself! Holy shit. #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: What if I don't want to look at the softer side of Amanda though? #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: @Tindel10 That's not gonna save you from this bro. You can't even use the right hashtag in your tweet! #TheChallengeRivals3
@RealityRadioPod: #TheChallengeRivals3 >>> 🏀
@RealityRadioPod: Now would be good to break up the fight guys!😂 #TheChallengeRivals3 @MTVBananas @JohnnyReilly_ @vinnypig @t_raines33
@RealityRadioPod: .@blacuesta calling people out! 👏 .... But don't quit! Listen to @Tindel10! #TheChallengeRivals3
@RealityRadioPod: Yes! @MtvJess has standards! Unlike Jenna with Zach. #TheChallengeRivals3 #IJS
@RealityRadioPod: My new favorite #AYTO team is @MTV_Christina and @MtvNateSiebs! #TheChallengeRivals3 @MTV
@theballisorange: Nicole being into Nate The Quitter seems like a prank. I don't trust this one bit.
@theballisorange: They got banned from the one bar they could film at so they had to have a house party. I guarantee it.
@theballisorange: "Keep Nany Drunk" must be the easiest production assistant gig in show biz
@theballisorange: I was 5 minutes behind and then the Are You The One people started talking so I just hit "Live" and assume I didn't miss anything
@theballisorange: As someone who worked with homesick kids at summer camp for many years, FUCK that homesick adult on the Challenge.
@theballisorange: Amanda was the deranged hazer in her sorority who everyone was really uncomfortable around and actually wanted to make a pledge kill herself
‏@theballisorange: This homesick kid should be forced to do a best of 99 Hall Brawl against CT for his plane ticket home.
@theballisorange: Oh great we've had as many quitters as eliminations @NoQuittersPod
@theballisorange: .@mtv so that soap-humping challenge was literally just for show? #respect
‏@theballisorange: Anti-quitter PSA > anti-bullying PSA every time
@NotoriousAJM: Somebody tell Nate that this is The Challenge, not AYTO:Second Chances🙄🙄🙄🙄 #TheChallengeRivals3
‏@NotoriousAJM: Is it just me or are AYTO acting extra emotional tonight? Smh😞 #TheChallengeRivals3
@NotoriousAJM: Honestly if all off AYTO is gonna act like Amanda when they get on, I don't wanna see them on this shit no more. Lol #TheChallengeRivals3
@NotoriousAJM: Are we gon see an elimination or an actual CHALLENGE on this episode or nah? #TheChallengeRivals3
@NotoriousAJM: @MtvMagicMike I have a new respect for you bruh. That's what you had to deal with? Lmao😂😂😂😂 #TheChallengeRivals3
@NotoriousAJM: @ToriFiorenza @susie_meister @TheMarkLong they wanna make it a RW VS AYTO argument like Road Rules didn't shit on all of them😂 #Rivals3
@NotoriousAJM: @ave_tress SERIOUSLY!!! People like you & @Bruce_Lee85 wanna compete but get shitted on🙄
@NotoriousAJM: And y'all wonder why AYTO gets no love on here😂😂😂 #TheChallengeRivals3
@NotoriousAJM: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV @MTV there hasn't been an elimination in 2 episodes. Smh
@J_Medd: Nate and Nicole lolz #TheChallenge
@J_Medd: Drama for days #TheChallengeRivals3
@J_Medd: How much drama can Camila have in one night ? LoL #TheChallenge
@J_Medd: Brandon quits. Even TJ calls him out 😂 #TheChallenge
@jdix1990: I hate that @blacuesta is going home rn because of her shitty partner 😡😔 so not fair! Queen you better come back for another one!!
@jdix1990: I'm digging the @MTVCoryWharton and @MTVASHLEYBROOKE friendship! Cory is so good to her! What a sweetheart 😍#TheChallengeRivals3

> Real World Go Big Finale
@dc408dxnow: Well for one last time, headed off to Las Vegas for the finale of this Real World season. Been quite a ride to say the least.
@dc408dxnow: Last week, we had a fight between CeeJai and Jenna. Ladder was drunk & only she got this news from Kailah about this blowup in Gold Spike.
‏@dc408dxnow: The house has been turning on Jenna since the start, now w/ this fight they've turned entirely on her as they enter last days. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: She's apologized to her, but it seems she's too late in this. No one wants to have a piece of her after this mess she's caused #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: House talking in the lobby about what's next with Jenna. There's this wall that's gone up and it won't be coming down.
‏@dc408dxnow: On a brighter note, Sabrina's search for her biological mom now coming to a head, and this could be life-changing news for her right now.
@dc408dxnow: P.I. Jon giving Sabrina info on her birth mom, she's worried that this search may not get her to the result she's been wanting all along
@dc408dxnow: So much has happened here that we almost forgot about the potential of the happiest moment of this season in a meeting years in the making.
@dc408dxnow: Seems Dylan has also turned on Jenna after the events of last week. And now he's with Kailah again as this thing w/ Jenna & CeeJai rolls on.
@dc408dxnow: Now Jenna's friend talking to her and now it's gotten ugly again in this pad w her & Ceejai.
@dc408dxnow: That comment there has made this girl a target, and now they're ready to blow up on her if she doesn't subside. It's gonna happen.
@dc408dxnow: They're at the club. Everything's all cool w/ the house not dealing w/ her, and does Showtime want to go all in w/ Kailah? She doesn't.
@dc408dxnow: Sabrina talking to adoptive mom back home, does she want her to go through with this search?
@dc408dxnow: .@itSabrinaK has gotten the call from P.I. Jon, now her moment is at hand. This is gonna be an emotional moment, I'm sure. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: They're at the diner and talking about the one person that has irritated them from day 1. Now all they want is to get this over with w/ her
@dc408dxnow: Dylan tries an interesting food. And it's so not that he goes into confessional to kiss Kailah.
@dc408dxnow: A trip to Boston has @itSabrinaK ready for the one moment she has awaited since the first day she was alive: meeting her birth mother.
@dc408dxnow: .@itSabrinaK now meeting the birth mom she never knew until right now. A somewhat awkward chat but lots in common with the two. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Nany went thru this search the last time we were in Vegas, but fell short. Sabrina tries this time, and she now has someone new in her life.
@dc408dxnow: Sabrina's home from this life-changing trip. Jenna talking to her friend and all CeeJai wants is no connection w/ her. She's almost there.
@dc408dxnow: Well, it's unfortunate that this has been the overarching theme of this whole thing: racism and the house being against this girl from SC.
@dc408dxnow: She has the bubbly next to her as she talks. Now it's about to get even uglier. This racism talk has fueled this house in a big way.
@dc408dxnow: Well, it's happened yet again, and CeeJai has blown up again on Jenna and that might've been that for her. This is ugly. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: CeeJai now breaking down after this physical fight, and Kailah & Dylan telling her that she stood up for herself. It was the last straw.
@dc408dxnow: Jenna in bar cave after that fight applying ice. She has a bruised eye after that, all while Chris was away on a walk. He can't believe it.
@dc408dxnow: Jim Johnston has co-helmed RW since Mary-Ellis Bunim's passing 11yrs ago. He tells CeeJai to go to a hotel for the night after that fracas.
@dc408dxnow: Jenna leaves as well. Kailah and Sabrina talking in the streets of this long night which has become the defining moment of this whole thing.
@dc408dxnow: The guys are talking about this fight as well, and there could be new girls joining this for this last week in town.
@dc408dxnow: Sabrina regretting that they could've sent Jenna home early on & saved themselves from the mess that has just occurred in this finale
‏@dc408dxnow: Dylan now telling Dean that he got with Jenna so he can manipulate her. Dean not happy.
@dc408dxnow: Producer comes into CeeJai's room, and he tells her that the fight she had was enough for production to send her home after all that.
@dc408dxnow: Matt the Producer also comes into Jenna's room to also send her home as well. A double elimination, a week early at least. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Matt the Producer has been the extra roommate of this season. Saw him on St. Paddy's Day, now he's here on brink of #MDW w/ bad news.
@dc408dxnow: This whole fight has dampened the traditional upbeat mood of the last week of this whole experience. It's surreal as Jenna moves out.
@dc408dxnow: CeeJai has arrived to pack up. And soon, everyone else will begin to go through this routine. She's in tears as she leaves.
@dc408dxnow: Dylan talking to the house about his plan w/ her. It's left them clueless. Now lipstick on her face as they end this stay in Vegas.
@dc408dxnow: Now, a final dinner for the remaining group. All the words from these people as they say cheers and with one more mission before it ends.
‏@dc408dxnow: One last mission. And they're going big at the Fremont Street Experience in downtown enjoying a ride above the people on this street.
@dc408dxnow: And now four months later, they've taken a cue from Catfish in substituting a in-person reunion for a follow-up Skype chat.
@dc408dxnow: Needless to say, it's certainly been quite a season in Las Vegas. And quite an ending to this whole experience with that fight. #DCRealWorld
@CSUGradAkirk: The forts a fire hazard that's pretty hilarious #RealWorldGoBig
@CSUGradAkirk: Using the I was blacked out excuse is a cop out that has been used people I've liked and disliked on the show its a bad excuse #RealWorld
‏@CSUGradAkirk: Dylan is being influenced by opinions of others yes but it's not all that it's how Jenna acts around him that probably turned him off
@CSUGradAkirk: Too long of a wait to see @itSabrinaK  find her mom just saying #realworldfinale
@CSUGradAkirk: I'd rather live with @SylviaMTV  former boss aka her skeleton than live with Jenna didn't think I'd say that #Realworldgobig
@CSUGradAkirk: Don't care about this fight between cee jai and Jenna yesterday news just want to see  @itSabrinaK meet her birth mom #realworldfinale
@CSUGradAkirk: Key words from @tweetatchris  was aren't gonna change they tried and she didn't want to change can't blame them feeling the way they do
@CSUGradAkirk: Waited all season to see this moment coming up #realworldfinale
@CSUGradAkirk: Man the house must be boring your running around the house whip creaming everyone hahaha @tweetatchris  that was hilarious
@CSUGradAkirk: @itSabrinaK  glad your dream came true meeting your birth mom thanks for being the lone @RealityRadioPod  guest this season too
@CSUGradAkirk: You need to get that saying get that ass beat on a shirt @MTVCeeJai  #realworldfinale
@CSUGradAkirk: She laughs it off too like it's not okay!!!! #realworldfinale
@CSUGradAkirk: I didn't condone last weeks fight but the fight this week is very justifiable #realworldfinale
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTVCeeJai  guess you hit a breaking point with Jenna hope you enjoyed your experience despite living with an insane girl
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTVCeeJai  guess you hit a breaking point with Jenna I hope regardless you enjoyed your experience  despite the hardships in the house
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTVCeeJai  I would love to see ya on TV again I hope MTV and BMP give you that chance to be on the challenge sorry for the rough ending
@dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk thoughts on this weeks episodes?
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr challenge was good episode real world wore me out happy the seasons over
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah, I'm just starting drafts on the posts for them. Quite a day yesterday w/ the finale and also a beef among 2 guys
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr I'm over real world go big don't really wanna talk about it no more
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah I feel you, now I'm onto R3 and AYTO4, just posted the blog preview for it after the game.
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr DC what'd you think of Simone's injury weirdest injury in challenge history huh lol
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk I agree, one of the oddest injuries I've heard of. I've never heard of something as weird as that.
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr  that was the first time I've ever seen Thomas speechless he normally has a word for everything hahaha
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah, I saw that expression that he had in that int, we were all speechless just as he was about this odd injury
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr  kinda over Simone but after this challenge you know her and Amanda will be regulars based on there camera time
-  ‏@dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah for sure. I actually wrote in blog wrap last week of all of those events Amanda was in last year
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr I'm surprised you'd remember all of them cause she was in a lot of the drama on her season lol
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah, I know. Good thing I cover every episode on the blog and buy EP's on iTunes.
@RealityRadioPod: I don't like violence....... 😢#RealWorldGoBig
@RealityRadioPod: I think @itSabrinaK is my favorite from #RealWorldGoBig! She was never apart of the cliques. She did her own thing! 
@RealityRadioPod: @itSabrinaK Congratulations! This was the episode we've been waiting for! So glad you were able to meet your birth mom. #RealWorldGoBig 😊
@RealityRadioPod: Pick some cotton?! I'm done! #TeamCeeJai @MTVCeeJai  #RealWorldGoBig -S-
@RealityRadioPod: @kailah_casillas That's awesome you're standing up for CJ from Jenna's friend comment. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealityRadioPod: @MTVCeeJai Never let people push the edge to get physical. You were hurt, but violence is never the answer. Still 💙 you ! #RealWorldGoBig
@RealityRadioPod: No offense, but Nia didn't get sent home for her fights.... CeeJai actually had a reason to get into a fight.... Not saying that it's right!
@RealityRadioPod: Preach @itSabrinaK! That is called verbal abuse. Being pushed to your limit for too long! #RealWorldGoBig
@RealityRadioPod: CJ and Jenna both got sent home? Wow. I guess the fight between Nia, Averey, and Johnny was nothing. #RealWorldGoBig @MTV @BunimMurray
@JUDDNATION Judd Daugherty/Big Brother alum: This Chris dude on #realworld needs pressure washed.
@JUDDNATION: @tweetatchris religion bashing huh? #nohate #contradiction
- ‏@tweetatchris: @tweetatchris Jenna is a #Mormon and used it as justification to spread #racism and #homophobia.
- @JUDDNATION: @tweetatchris I didn't even know she was Mormon and didn't know Mormons were known for that. Just thought that pic was vile. Do you man.
@JUDDNATION: @tweetatchris I didn't even know she was Mormon and didn't know Mormons were known for that. Just thought that pic was vile. Do you man.
@JUDDNATION: I can't help but crack up that Ceejai always screams at Jenna and acts like she was attacked if Jenna says something back #realworldgobig
‏@JUDDNATION: Wowwww how dumb is Jenna to be laughing on the phone w her friend after that comment... Hang up on them! #realworldgobig
@JUDDNATION: After those chicks jumping Madison last season, and the Nia fiasco, Ceejai better not have to leave the house. #realworldgobig
@JUDDNATION: Where was the violence rule last season and on Nia and Avereys season?! #realworldgobig

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Now before this week's ExtraTime, I want to reaffirm a rule that exists here and my social platforms. You might see this everywhere you go on social media and on other blogs, but not from me on here, on my Twitter or anywhere at all. Except in exceptional circumstances where it is necessary, you won't see me put down any cast member for actions that they did on a show or outside of it. I have strong rapports with so many in the MTV world, and whether they follow me on any platforms or not, I do not want to be put in that position of compromising that position and risk my objectivity for the sake of putting myself into the crossfire of anything that I do that could harm others.
   Also, the nature of this site is to be on the positive side and focus on the good in people - that's why you don't see any losers list or anything like that. So as we lead into this feature - which was in the planning list for this season as a way of providing a sidelight on him to non-hardcore fans, I hope you'll understand where I come from in declaring this position of being neutral, and you'll know why I would always leave any negativity in the hands of other people and in the court of public opinion. And just as Shane told us a few weeks back, please don't send negativity toward the two subjects covered this week and further compound what's been a tough week for one guy and what's supposed to be a joyous time for the other. So with that now out of the way, let's digress...


From what we've seen in the two shows Brandon has been on, most people see him with having the persona of being the alpha male. He won several getaway challenges on his AYTO season, was part of the biggest story in Puerto Rico in his relationship with Christina, and turned off some of the house, including Briana, for having an hardheaded arrogance. You might say that he and several others from that season, and Devin too, are to AYTO what people like Bananas, Wes, Jordan and others are in Challenge world. And obviously, there was what happened this week, and he's been receiving a ton of hate from fans and from castmates since last week. We hope he will rise above all of this to become even stronger in the end, and will earn another shot in the future.
   But the side most see of Brandon is only of the one MTV prefers to showcase him, and deep down inside he is a good guy. I've chatted with him many times socially and he's supportive of me...same likewise vice versa even with what transpired last Wednesday. If you check out his AYTO audition tape which you can check out here, he is that guy who loves having fun and having a good time - from roaming the streets with his friends to pulling pranks on random people. And he has the perfect playground with which to enjoy those pleasures, and of course, it's Las Vegas. It's no doubt the live entertainment capital of the world, and a regular spot for celebrities to go to on the weekend or for a big event taking place there. I've been fortunate to have gone there six times in the last decade and there's literally no place on earth quite like it.
Credit: @Tindel10
   Now, having this ideal place where you can spend every Friday night and weekend roaming the Strip if you're one of the 2 million who live there, Brandon has had plenty of opportunities to meet famous people when they come to town. First, after coming home after filming Season 2, Brandon posted a pic on his Twitter, @Tindel10, with the guy who we can refer to as "Mr. Ibiza," Mike Posner, at a tour stop in Vegas. It was during this time that after "Cooler Than Me" and 31 Minutes to Takeoff made him a star and his original label, J Records, was disbanded, Mike had gone into a state of depression amidst the newfound fame, which led to two albums not seeing the light of day. But him signing with Island Records, him finally dropping his sophomore major album last month and, of course, "I Took A Pill in Ibiza" has brought him back to prominence.
Credit: @Tindel10
   Shortly after meeting Mike, Brandon then got a chance to chill with Denver electropop outfit Breathe Carolina. Next year marks ten years since punk-pop band members Kyle Even and David Schmitt (pictured right) came together in their dorm room to record songs and then posting them on, of all things, MySpace, and garnered them over 30 million plays in 2009, just after their debut indie album was released. Their word of mouth of buzz via that site that reminds you of how much social media has come come in the past decade led to them being signed to Fearless and then Columbia Records, and "Blackout" was released in 2011 brought the guys into the mainstream. It earned them a spot on several Warped Tours, an opening act spot for We The Kings (whose recent cover of "The Story of Tonight" from the hip-hop musical Hamilton has garnered them plenty of buzz lately) and collaborating with Real World Hollywood alum Nick Brown.
Credit: @Tindel10
   And shortly after the AYTO Season 2 finale aired in the winter of 2014, while he was on his way to a $3,000 payday at a poker tournament at the Aria Resort and Casino (the big hotel at the CityCenter complex near T-Mobile Arena on the Strip's south end), Brandon ran into the man on the right in the poker room. Jack Black began his on-screen career in a video game commercial in the '80s and after doing many small roles in many TV shows in the '90s has become one of the most well-known in Hollywood. Since his breakout on High Fidelity, he's earned high profile gigs in School of Rock and the King Kong remake, plus other movies too many to mention here, and two gigs hosting the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards and emceeing the 2002 Movie Awards and '06 VMA's. But your kids best know Jack as the voice of all three of the movies in the Kung Fu Panda franchise, and next on his movie docket is a remake next year of another family classic - Robin Williams' Jumanji. And oh, we can't forget him and Kyle Gass - the duo who call themselves Tenacious D.
   It's obviously true that Brandon has endured a ton of hate on social media after announcing he was quitting Rivals and coming back to the girl he loves back home (by the way, when I was in Vegas last October - shortly before leaving to film this season, he was actually out of town with his GF and his pics on his Instagram show you how devoted he is to her, more than it was for Christina). But, again while not taking sides in this matter, I remain one of those who will remain supportive of him no matter what has happened in the past week. Those who've had the chance to meet this great fella, including those four above, might feel the same way too of the guy they call Tindel 10.

Credit: Shane IG/@ShaneJRaines
Another member of this Rivals III cast who has had to endure all of this online hate as of late has been Tony. In the unplanned week off in the Trifecta after Prince's death, I penned a Forum essay on him becoming a dad once again when his Skeleton, a former girlfriend of his Alyssa, had announced that she had become pregnant with a baby coming in November. A firestorm in social media erupted with many going off on him for getting his Skeleton pregnant and others siding with his Chicago love Madison over him getting back together with his ex. And last week, we saw him get into words with Amanda as the Real World vs. AYTO war headed onshore in Mexico.
   This past weekend as all of us marked this start of summer - and in the big event of his birthday weekend, Tony invited family and friends (including the guy who snapped the pic here in bloodline brother Shane) to Baton Rouge for Alyssa's baby shower and the gender reveal. And just as it was for the baby shower for AYTO Season 1 perfect match and married couple Amber and Ethan, they decided to level off on knowing if it was a boy or a girl until they find out with everyone who it is, leaving the results in the hands of her mom.
   So, we will let Tony's Instagram caption reveal the news for you...
"It's a girl!!! Thank you to everybody who came out yesterday for our gender reveal party especially @bverino and @alee_sharp for keeping the secret safe and putting everything together for us!" - IG @T_Raines
Congrats to the both of them on this amazing news, and stay strong Tony.

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And that will do it for our look at Week 4 in the MTV Trifecta. This is DCBLOG's 24th post of this month of May - which blows away the previous record of 17 set back in February 2014 during which Real World Ex-Plosion, Season 1 of Are You The One? and the Sochi Winter Olympics all took place. We have an equally big month of June ahead to kick off what I call "Super Summer Sixteen" starting up this weekend, but there's plenty to talk about from this past week. Here's your road map:
● In the wake of the Real World finale, The Anne and Frank Show (@annefrankshow) had the chance over the weekend to net the first exclusive postseason interview CeeJai to discuss what we saw in those chaotic two hours, plus they had a chance to talk with Chris a few weeks back. Check out those podcasts and more on SoundCloud.
● The night before the finale, Bring Me Your Torch welcomed back Kailah to the show as she brought them the scoop of what has happened since she joined them first earlier on. Hear their interview here, plus discussion of Game of Thrones and more on their site.
● That sports media icon Bill Simmons had a chance to elaborate a bit on his Challenge tweets last week by co-hosting a recap of last week on Channel 33 - the extension of his B.S. Podcast Network - with fellow fan Juliet Litman, which you can check out here, and it's all ahead of his return to TV as host of his own HBO Sports talk show that debuts in a few weeks (F-bombs included).
● Listen to the MTV RHAP with Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) & Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets) as they discussed last week's EP - fights, quits and all. Check out their podcast here, plus past shows on Rob Has A Podcast and YouTube; and yes, they will also cover AYTO Season 4 as well, with a preview pod coming up.
● Also check out The Brain Candy Podcast with Sarah and Susie and their Back to Reality web series on YouTube. Check out their Episode 4 recap just posted earlier today, plus chats with Road Rules originals Mark Long and Sarah Grayson from last week, and thebraincandypodcast.com for a chat with Susie's reality TV producer husband.
● Check out Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33) and her recaps on her YouTube channel and much more as well, including Episode 4 with the usual special guest. Also be sure to check out her new night-after discussion with fellow Challenge icon Coral, which you can check out each Thursday, as well as the AfterBuzz TV recap as well at afterbuzztv.com.
● And Friday afternoon at Noon PT/3PM ET, Reality Radio Podcast (@RealityRadioPod) will have their first interview of this Challenge season as Ashley will join Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk), Whitney and Stefan as they will discuss this week on the show and much more of what's been a good season so far for her.

With the usual reminder of tomorrow's episode and to join the chat at #DCChallenge starting at 10PM PT, tomorrow kicks off Super Summer Sixteen on DCNOW @DC408DxNow as now until Labor Day, there will be plenty of sports, shows and events that I will be live tweeting. From Rivals III, AYTO and the NBA Finals, to the Stanley Cup, international soccer and the Rio Olympics and so much want, you will want to follow my live coverage hub for all of the big events as they happen.
   Now Thursday, I'll begin my new job, but need not worry, I'll still be devoting time and energy around work to this site, though these posts may come to you now a day or so later than usual depending upon how everything goes. Of course, The 'Pulse, WRAP and more will be up this weekend as well as a FORUM Debrief too. And please help spread the word about DCBLOG by sharing my links on your social platforms and bring the blogosphere's best MTV coverage to a wider audience, plus tweet me @DC408Dxtr on Twitter and IG, or in the comments below.
   Thanks for reading and until I talk to you tomorrow on DCNOW and back here on the weekend, see you then and keep on 'Blogging.


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