Sunday, April 23, 2017

DC SocialPulse: AYTO Second Chances - "End of the Line"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
& spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
β–  @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

As you wrap up your weekend and a Sunday that saw an exciting El Clasico matchup, welcome on back to DCBLOG and the second of this Sunday doubleheader of the 'Pulse of the MTV Trifecta. Earlier, we brought you the last eliminations and mission from The Challenge Invasion, and now we bring this weekend to an end with Week 5 of Are You The One? Second Chances.
   Last week down in Melbourne, Australia, the house brought us back to that famous Spin the Bottle on AYTO Season 1 when they decided to entertain themselves with a game of strip flip cup. On the game side of things, the couples dealt with strangers in buying them gifts at a local thrift mall, which saw the couple pictured above, Tori & Morgan, retain power couple status in the house. And for the second straight week, there was a steal in The Choice, but this time there was a lot of bad blood in Hayden deciding to steal the $30,000 from the bank of him & Carolina. No wonder why that love triangle has seen a lot in the course of the past four months.
   This week, the couples take to a tricky obstacle course for what's the most-demanding challenge so far down under, which includes a pit full of mud and having to ride a bicycle. Meanwhile, there's concern for one of the three couples who have rotated power couple status in the house, while another tries to prove their affection for their partner. And someone spills a somewhat embarrassing secret about their partner and dreams of something from Fantasyland.
   All the action, reaction and interaction from this week in AYTO land awaits as the spinoff reaches its halfway point. And after the Pulse, if you're thirsty for some tea stick around for ExtraTime as we'll have a follow-up to the latest romantic reality show romance, involving a girl from the most-recent AYTO season and a guy from The'll want to check it out.

β€’ As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
β€’ Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

After the jump, it's week 5 of AYTO Second Chances as your weekend comes to a close with us at DCBLOG.

@AYTO2ndChances: The honeymoon phase is over between Mike and Alicia! Will they be able to survive their Second Chance? πŸ˜•
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm so good at partying
@whaattaafoxx: Carolina: "money can't buy happiness"  Hayden: "it can buy me a boat"   Most savage thing said in MTV history @AYTO2ndChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Alexis is back B*TCHES!!!!! πŸ’
@giannahammer: These are so cute lol met an OG legend and the ayto legend himself πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ
@giannahammer: Pray for the haters bc they've got more demons than you πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½
@ohhhfrancesca: What a blessing it is to be excited about life. To wake up in the morning and want to get out of bed. I no longer take that for granted.
@HaydenPWeaver: I get it, people think I'm the worst for what I did on Second Chances. But making/wishing threats about my family says more about yourself.
@Ozzymm11: yeah Coachella is cool and all but have u been to a target?
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Can't wait to get to LA β€οΈπŸ˜©πŸ™ŒπŸΎ #almostthere
@shannnonmaee: See I wanted love but you wanted goddamn fame
@in_my_SHEETS: Stop paying more money for your college degree than you're gonna make at the job you're tryin to get the degree for.

@AREUTHE1: Season one, two, and three all in one picture πŸ’– | Catch up on #AYTOSecondChances at
@AREUTHE1: The Honeymoon phase is OVER between Mike and Alicia 🌚. Don't miss a new episode of #AYTOSecondChances on Wednesday!
@AYTO2ndChances: πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: .@tori_deal made a MAJOR mistake with @MTVMorganSt and she's still dealing with feelings of guilt from it! Can these two get past it? ❀️
@tori_deal: #mood
@brittany_baldi: sun bum looking for the other half to her powercouple πŸŒ΄πŸ’‹ #mexico
@HaydenPWeaver: As ugly as a half that was, you wouldn't believe it's just an 8-point game. Also the Cavs are getting the "it's a foul if they miss it" call
@HaydenPWeaver: We proved we can run with them. Lets go. One game at a time.
@Ozzymm11: ATTA BOY @tylerobrienn
@ohhhfrancesca: Please God protect my heart

@AYTO2ndChances: SAY WHAT?! @MTVDevinWalker & @RzBeach want that Winner Suite, so they can turn it into the Boom Boom Room πŸ‘€
@imdroc15: I love when I meet an AYTO fan in person and they ask about my Jesus necklace.
@imdroc15: Shoutout to all the #TeamChocolate bunnies lol. Happy Easter
@cambruckman: This is the first year the Easter bunny hasn't visited my house. Growing up blowsπŸ˜’
@AYTO2ndChances: Here's what you didn't see during the first episode of Second Chances! The season four cast has too much baggage to create an alliance! πŸ™„
@HaydenPWeaver: Still got it
@MTVDevinWalker: Sending all love support and positivity to @Isaiah_Thomas you've given us so much. Incredibly sorry for your lose. #celticsnation loves you
@MTVDevinWalker: @RzBeach ❀️
@Cas_martinezz: Happy Easter to you all!!πŸ’•πŸ°πŸ£
@Cas_martinezz: Easter Sunday Texas styleπŸ’•πŸ°πŸ£ #MC&CM
@MTV: Watching the latest episode of @AYTO2ndChances like...
@AYTO2ndChances: It's starting to get shady in this game of #AYTOSecondChances! 🌴 Catch up on the latest episode here:
@blacuesta: Happy Easter. Eat everything in sight.
@iamkamiam_: Not everything is meant to be understood, but it did happen for a reason.

@AYTO2ndChances: This sneak peek from Wednesday's new episode shows us EXACTLY why Rashida and Devin are a perfect match πŸ’ͺ ✨
@AREUTHE1: Two of my #AYTO faves linked up over the weekend! πŸ’• | Don't miss a new episode of #AYTOSecondChances this Wednesday!
@ftwgiovanni: A dream is a promise you make to yourself
@HaydenPWeaver: Hope Gulf Shores Beach is ready for this dad bod in the smallest camo shorts you've ever seen.
@brittany_baldi: happy #marathonmonday #BostonMarathon #bostonstrong πŸ”₯πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ
@Ozzymm11: if I ever go to Coachella I'm gonna wear like a suit and a tie just to piss people off
@giannahammer: Hiding here for the rest of the week
@giannahammer: 😴😴
@ItsAll_AboutTee: If you ever hear a bad story about me understand there was a time i was good to those people too but they won't tell you that πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Me and @TayloriasSecret are so childish 😩
@AYTO2ndChances: What you didn't see during #AYTOSecondChances is that Devin & Hayden's feud went farther than you think 😳!
- @HaydenPWeaver: @AYTO2ndChances But then we settled it with foamers and a $30,000 participation check 🍺🍻
-  @carooduartee: @AYTO2ndChances πŸ‡·πŸ˜’ <- me
@carooduartee: Working on my patience everyday 😌
@Cas_martinezz: Suns out✨
@giannahammer: I love seeing my other cast mates happy. All of us struggled our own personal battles. You go and succeed boos πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½ #ayto5
@AYTO2ndChances: Get into @MikalaThomass's flawless #Coachella look 🌺 | Don't forget to catch an all-new episode of #AYTOSecondChances on Wednesday!
@enews: An MTV star & A Bachelor contestant walk into a bar: So does this mean they're dating?
@MTVDevinWalker: If you don't have a seat at the table you're probably on the menu
@brittany_baldi: #IWill reppin' @UnderArmour at #BostonMarathon #bostonstrong @outloudm
@mikehalpern92: Finally saw the last episode of aytosecondchances. All I gotta say is if you're gonna be a dirtbag, at least be charismatic.
@tylerobrienn: "They made you look so bad on AYTO, if you could go back, what would you do different??" Me: "I would've been worse.. so much worse"
@HaydenPWeaver: I wasted a beautiful evening of my spring break to watch the Pacers let me down again. πŸ˜’
@giannahammer: Met you 6 months ago on a beach... not much (lol everything) has changed πŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸ’œ #mylove…
@blacuesta: If I had to choose one social media app it would be twitter. I luh u, biiiiitch.

@AYTO2ndChances: Could there be some love brewing between @MTVDevinWalker & @RzBeach?
 πŸ€”❀️ Get ready for a new episode of #AYTOSecondChances TOMORROW!
@shandathapanda: I'm doing a live interview with #afterbuzztv tomorrow after the show (9PM PST) !!!
@MTVkarikowalski: I wonder when I will stop waking up from nightmares about losing Are You the One πŸ˜‚πŸ˜©πŸ˜’
- @giannahammer: @MTVkarikowalski Literally never kari. Until we come across $800,000 and don't lose it, never. lol
@amazedbykay: When people pretend that they watched your season of AYTO like "omg you were my favorite from season 2" 😳
@shandathapanda: fire content on my snap: shandathapanda
@shandathapanda: ordered a nasty $12 smoothie, drank about $3 worth and threw it away IM LIKE SO LA
@tori_deal: Tomorrow's going to be interesting .... #AYTOSecondChances @MTVMorganSt
@AYTO2ndChances: .@whaattaafoxx & @MtvNateSiebs may be gone now, but #AYTOSecondChances helped mend their broken communication ❀️
@tylerobrienn: Hey.. guess what guys 😏
@MtvMagicMike: Thinking about starting a #gofundme page so @tylerobrienn stops tweeting about getting tatted and just does it already
@HaydenPWeaver: Not even at the zoo for 5 minutes and Gianna already got attacked by a kangaroo, and yes there's video 😎
@giannahammer: Guys😍😍😍
@HaydenPWeaver: Solid date with @giannahammer
@IamAdamKuhn: United just offered me $800 to take the next flight from DC to Austin. I snagged that in a second βœ…
@asafgoren1: I have a chance to make a new music Video, with who should I collaborate  ? @AREUTHE1 @AYTO2ndChances   25%Devin (season 3) / 47%Tori Deal (season 4) / 28%andre (season 5)   617 votesβ€’Final results
@TayloriasSecret: Applying for our first apartment together! πŸ’•πŸ™ˆ @itsFugazzi @ItsAll_AboutTee πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§πŸ‘
@tylerobrienn: Low key.. I wish we could go back to the blockbuster period of time. Where you'd make a night out of picking something out,grabbing food,etc
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Enjoy life today, because yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is never promised.
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Moving on seems harder to do when the one that you love moves faster than you ...
@shannnonmaee: I don't understand why @MTVKathrynP and @carooduartee aren't here helping me drive around looking at all these cute houses 😩 #seeyallsoon πŸ’•
- @carooduartee: @shannnonmaee @MTVKathrynP I wish I could be there bb 😽 #soon
@giannahammer: Hey @MTV we should bring this back πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
- @HaydenPWeaver: @giannahammer Lord almighty
@HaydenPWeaver: Gianna: come over   Me: I'm at the beach   Gianna: I finally shaved my legs
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Don't be afraid to make mistakes, be afraid of not learning from them.

@AYTO2ndChances: Will we see the demise of #Torgan during TONIGHT's episode of #AYTOSecondChances? I hope not! 😫
@shandathapanda: if tonight's episode of #aytosecondchances goes down how it's supposed to, im stoked
@IamAdamKuhn: Second Chances gets a lot more interesting now that a lot of the weak competitors are gone.
@AYTO2ndChances: .@MTVDevinWalker has a ❀️ for @RzBeach! Will they come out on top during TONIGHT's #AYTOSecondChances challenge?
@giannahammer: Soooo excited for everything that's on its way!! πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½
- @HaydenPWeaver: @giannahammer You're not pregnant are you?
- @giannahammer: @HaydenPWeaver Why would you start this again πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
@ftwgiovanni: Nothing worse than investing yourself into someone else.. and it all be for nothing
@AYTO2ndChances: Looks like Second Chance is a charm! Love might be brewing between @MTVDevinWalker and @RzBeach during tonight's #AYTOSecondChances πŸ˜πŸ’•
@AREUTHE1: So this happens on tonight's new episode of #AYTOSecondChances 😏 πŸ’• | Don't miss it at 9/8c on @MTV
@AYTO2ndChances: .@amazedbykay & @asafgoren1 have taken the bottom spot in the past TWO challenges! Can they redeem theirselves during TONIGHT's new episode?
@IamAdamKuhn: Ahhh I'm stuck in the D.C. Airport and will miss tonight's episode of #aytosecondchances enjoy folks.
- @tylerobrienn: @IamAdamKuhn Ahhh I'm stuck watching paint dry so I'm going to miss it as well #aytosecondchances
@MTVDevinWalker: I'm on @AmericanAir flight 245 from D.C. To LA and Kendrick "the manager" literally said "give me the bag or don't fly"
@MTVtrey: Apparently #AYTO is casting for their 6th season. Just got the email and added another page to my 'Deleted' folder. Thanks for the spam @MTV
@thepoetsaint: Tonight!! @shandathapanda will be our special guest on our #aytosecondchances aftershow on @afterbuzztv. 9pm PST. Don't miss it!!
@shandathapanda: im so disappointed by this episode of #aytosecondchances so tune into #afterbuzz tonight for some tea. πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
@shandathapanda: making a woman feel extremely uncomfortable with unwanted sexual advances is not a "cool story" and certainly not "unfinished business"
@shandathapanda: if the girl ur hitting on ends the night sitting on the curb crying bc u kept touching her and trying to kiss her, ur doing it wrong
@shandathapanda: and also if you wanna chalk it up to a miscommunication and not being a complete fucking creep than maybe just shut your mouth about it
@shandathapanda: girls, we need to not be too scared to speak up
@KaramoBrown: This is the aftermath of 2nights @AYTO2ndChances challenge on @MTV ! You don't want to miss it!
@amazedbykay: Some people are really bothered that I am human & tap into my ego. I'm divergent, you will see many sides to me. No apologies.
@HaydenPWeaver: Why is it that 95% of the hate I receive on the internet is from women that are married with kids?
- @giannahammer: @HaydenPWeaver 95% of the 10% of hate you receive in general lol aka the 10 out of 100 moms that stay unhappy with their lives πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ
- @HaydenPWeaver: @giannahammer You'd be the hottest mom someday
@MTV_JESS: so im signing up for ex on the beach even tho i got no ex in brazil .... ill find one this weekend doe
@TayloriasSecret: Want a lot, can't have everything but I want everything πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ
@hbarfield13: Fear no man, for man isn't The one you have to answer to
@hbarfield13: Have supreme confidence with total disregard for anyone or anything that steps in the way of YOUR goal #hungry
@AYTO2ndChances: ONE HOUR UNTIL #AYTOSecondChances STARTS πŸ’–
@ftwgiovanni: John 3:16
@MTVkarikowalski: Do you ever just stop being in the mood for somebody's bullshit
- @giannahammer: @MTVkarikowalski Yup all the time, running away to the beach works wonders though 😜😍

β–ΊAS THEY SAW IT: "End of the Line"
@AYTO2ndChances: #AYTOSecondChances STARTS NOW! ❀️✨
@AREUTHE1: #AYTOSecondChances starts right now on @MTV ― Watch with me and @AYTO2ndChances!  πŸ˜
@AYTO2ndChances: You ain't lying @camkobo! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "This game is f___ed up.")
@AREUTHE1: .@asafgoren1 and @amazedbykay stand to see another week! πŸ‘ #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: This is @amazedbykay & @asafgoren1 coming out of an elimination #AYTOSecondChances
- @amazedbykay: @AYTO2ndChances Y'all play to much lol
- @AYTO2ndChances: @amazedbykay It's accurate AF tho, right? πŸ˜‚ #AYTOSecondChances
- @amazedbykay: @AYTO2ndChances Accurate lol
@AYTO2ndChances: My mood when I realize Friday is still two days away πŸ™„... #AYTOSecondChances
@ftwgiovanni: I'm still blown away at how the fuck they edited this to be a love show...
@AYTO2ndChances: #Torgan just needs to kiss and makeup πŸ’˜ #AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: πŸ’• #TORGAN 4EVA πŸ’• #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Oh you do @asafgoren1? πŸ€”πŸ˜ #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "Dirty? I like it dirty.")
@MTVMorganSt: @tori_deal Keep rubbing, ... @AYTO2ndChances All Night
@ftwgiovanni: None of us signed up for a show called Second Chances, you could never tell tho πŸ€”πŸ˜’
@AYTO2ndChances: You gon learn today, @shandathapanda πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "I've never built a freaking bicycle.")
- @HaydenPWeaver: @AREUTHE1 THANK GOD I left
@AYTO2ndChances: Time for a DIRTY new mission. LET'S GO! πŸ’₯ #AYTOSecondChances
@ftwgiovanni: We would have murdered this mission @ohhhfrancesca
@AYTO2ndChances: Well damn, @tori_deal! πŸ’ͺ🏼 #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "I could carry this team on my back if I need to!")
@ftwgiovanni: No lie this mission just gave me a hard on, boot camp all over again #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: When bae takes you to Red Lobster πŸ’• #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: Rashida - "He treats me like a Queen!")
@shandathapanda: you guys don't even know... #aytosecondchances
@MTVkarikowalski: Why didn't we do shit like this on our season? This looks so fun #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: #Mikameron pushing through for the LOVE & MONEY β€οΈπŸ’Έ #AYTOSecondChances
- @AREUTHE1: @AYTO2ndChances Bae goals ❀️ #AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: This mission is stressing me out! 😩 #AYTOSecondChances
@shandathapanda: You don't see it but I put the whole fucking bike together by myself. I'm not sorry for calling him a dumbass πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ #aytosecondchances
@AYTO2ndChances: πŸ‘ @MTVDevinWalker & @RzBeach trying to claim that top spot!  #AYTOSecondChances
@Lanierbear: AYEEE DEVIN AND RASHIDA FOR THE WIN!! πŸ˜πŸ˜­πŸ‘ŒπŸ½ πŸ’•#AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: How does @MTVDevinWalker react to being first place in the mission? ...he barfs. Congrats? πŸ˜‚ #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Not quite the 1st Place reaction we were looking for 🀒 ...but CONGRATS @MTVDevinWalker & @RzBeach! #AYTOSecondChances
@shandathapanda: You also don't see that we were in first the whole time. THE WHOLE TIME. Until the bike. #aytosecondchances
@_ayiiia: What a fucking tool.He can't even put a bicycle together.This Adam fuck on #AYTOSecondChances πŸ˜‚HE CANT DO SIMPLE SHIT BECAUSE HE HAS$$ πŸ€¦πŸ½β™€οΈ
@Chelso299: Ooooo @RzBeach and @MTVDevinWalker just slid into first place again like πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #teamfierce #aytosecondchances
@AYTO2ndChances: .@MTVMorganSt & @tori_deal are the team to watch out for! πŸ‘€ #AYTOSecondChances
- @MTVMorganSt: @AYTO2ndChances πŸ‘…πŸ˜Ž
@AYTO2ndChances: .@IamAdamKuhn is fed up with @shandathapanda's sh*t! πŸ’© #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: #Mikameron make third place look great 😍 #AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: GET πŸ‘ IT πŸ‘ TOGETHER πŸ‘ @asafgoren1 @amazedbykay πŸ‘ I need y'all in this game! #AYTOSecondChances
@ftwgiovanni: I would have smashed that obstacle course wearing the body casts Franny had on episode 2 #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: "@wesxtexas: Y'all really had to be in Devins mouth like that.. #AYTOSecondChances " RT Don't blame me! Blame him πŸ€’πŸ˜‚ #AYTOSecondChances
@ftwgiovanni: Btw I just read her tweets and holy shit cocaine is one hell of a drug, THE DEVIL IS A LIE
@ftwgiovanni: Apparently I sexually assault females now, who ever believes this shit I feel bad for you
@AYTO2ndChances: Alicia and Mike are NOT in last place! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Things just got hella awkward! #Kaysaf are crumbling before our eyes! 😫 #AYTOSecondChances
@ftwgiovanni: "@ftwgiovanni: So when they asked you to be on it, it was called All Stars, right ? When did they change it to 2nd chances?" RT It was actually called Power Couples, they changed it multiple times during and after filming
@AYTO2ndChances: Cheers to @MTVDevinWalker & @RzBeach πŸ₯‚ ...and possibly a new love connection ❀️ #AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: .@MTVDevinWalker and @RzBeach are back in the winner's suite! 🍾 #AYTOSecondChances
@Hoybryanna: Mikcameron is so cute #AYTOSecondChances
@shandathapanda: I love @RzBeach and @MTVDevinWalker
@MTVMorganSt: "@ActuallyAlexis: #Torgan is SUCH a strong team...holy mother πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸΎ#AYTOSecondChances @MTVMorganSt @tori_deal" RT Don't forget smart! πŸ€“
@AYTO2ndChances: When you're single AF and salty about your friend being in a relationship... #AYTOSecondChances
@tylerobrienn: Oh look.. the "match makers" & the people who choose who's going to be on AYTO Second Chance & The Challenge got together
@amazedbykay: Who ready for some tea?!   17%You / 41%Me / 42%I am   180 votesβ€’Final results
@AYTO2ndChances: πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: Rashida - "I had a dream Devin and I had sex!")
@AREUTHE1: You had a dream about what now, @RzBeach?! #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: "@wesxtexas: Oooh Rashida  #AYTOSecondChances" RT She wants a piece of @MTVDevinWalker πŸ˜‚ #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: I freaking love @RzBeach! She cracks me the hell up! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ #AYTOSecondChances
@ftwgiovanni: You see this scumbag.... that's the dude Cas blocked me over
@Kissesfromdes: If devin and rashida don't end up together by the end of this show then I'm going to riot. They belong together #aytosecondchances
@ftwgiovanni: I've literally met the worst people in my life from this show
@AREUTHE1: Tell me y'all are not thinking about voting #Torgan into The Choice?! πŸ‘€ #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "Nawwwwww...")
@MTVMorganSt: Quick recap of @tori_deal & I in @AYTO2ndChances episodes 3/4.  Tune into #MTV right meow for more #Torgan
@AYTO2ndChances: .@MTVMorganSt you better chill out! You know what you need to do! #AYTOSecondChances
- @Chelsea973:  #AYTOSECONDCHANCES is ALL about trust and that's hella hard most of the time
- @AREUTHE1: @AYTO2ndChances @MTVMorganSt I SWEAR... #AYTOSecondChances
- @MTVMorganSt: @AREUTHE1 I'm not that good? πŸ˜‡
- @AREUTHE1: @MTVMorganSt if you don't stop playing games with my heart... #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: 😨 @tori_deal is in the house SWEATING!!! #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: .@MTVDevinWalker literally has NO chill πŸ™…πŸ»β™‚οΈβ„οΈ #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "Go for the steal, Morgan!")
@AREUTHE1: "@iPepsiQueen: Morgan and Tori aren't gonna steal from each other tho... #AYTOSecondChances" RT They better not! #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: You might want to watch your back @tori_deal! 😧 #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "Are you manipulating me?")
@Chelsea973: #AYTOSECONDCHANCES is ALL about trust and that's hella hard most of the time
@MTVMorganSt: Why hasn't anyone brought up my incredible hair in the episode? @AYTO2ndChances @AREUTHE1 gif please??
@AYTO2ndChances: Go ahead and hit that steal then 😏😜 #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: Asaf - "ME. NAKED. IN. THE. POOL.")
@AREUTHE1: Mike knows just how to sweet talk Alicia... #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Who told @MTVDevinWalker about @RzBeach's "dream"? πŸ€” #AYTOSecondChances
@shandathapanda: Lmfao @ my ghetto ass chipped gel nails πŸ€¦πŸ½β™€οΈ
@AYTO2ndChances: What do you think @tori_deal & @MTVMorganSt will do??!! 😱 #AYTOSecondChances  19%Double Steal / 56%Double Share / 20%Morgan Steals / 05%Tori Steals   206 votesβ€’Final results
@MTVMorganSt:  @MTVDevinWalker @IamAdamKuhn @shandathapanda I'll take you guys wanting me out as a complement @AYTO2ndChances
- @shandathapanda: @MTVMorganSt Compliment***********
- @AYTO2ndChances: @MTVMorganSt @AREUTHE1 On point! #AYTOSecondChances
- @MTVMorganSt: @AYTO2ndChances @AREUTHE1 You got that right
@AYTO2ndChances: .@MTVDevinWalker & @RzBeach are CLOWNS πŸ€‘πŸ˜‚ #AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: WHAT WILL @MTVMorganSt DO??? #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Waiting on @tori_deal & @MTVMorganSt to make #TheChoice like... #AYTOSecondChances
@shandathapanda: Quick IG live in 5! #aytosecondchances
@AYTO2ndChances: #Torgan lives AGAIN! ❀️ #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: .@amazedbykay was honestly ready to go home! 😫 #AYTOSecondChances
- @amazedbykay: @AYTO2ndChances TOO READY TO GO HOME! But thanks for having me & bringing me to Aussie! Now it's time for some TEA!
- @asafgoren1: @AYTO2ndChances I didn't want to go !  I still not ready
@AREUTHE1: WHEN #TORGAN LIVES ON πŸ™Œ ...but that means #Kaysaf will be going home πŸ’” #AYTOSecondChances
@KaramoBrown:  So sad @asafgoren1 & @amazedbykay eliminated 2nite on @AYTO2ndChances Such beautiful souls #NothingIsImpossible #AYTO #AYTOSeconChances
- @amazedbykay: @KaramoBrown Thank you handsome! So happy you were to host and I got to meet you<3
@AYTO2ndChances: πŸ’Œ @amazedbykay & @asafgoren1 have a message for those who love them #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "Thank You!")
@AREUTHE1: THINGS ARE HEATING UP ON @AYTO2ndChances πŸ”₯ Thanks for watching + tweeting with me, don't forget to tune in next week for an all-new episode!
@AYTO2ndChances: Tonight's episode of #AYTOSecondChances was stressful! Thank you guys for tweeting along with me. See you next week πŸ€™πŸ’•

β–ΊAFTER HOURS & THURSDAY AFTER...a 4/20 Thursday no less
@MTVMorganSt: @asafgoren1 @amazedbykay I'm going to miss you guys @AYTO2ndChances #theymademedoit
@amazedbykay: πŸ™…πŸ½It's been real ✌🏽WATCH my New YouTube Video where I spill tea on my experience in Australia…
@TayloriasSecret: You mean to tell me this girl couldn't even walk across a log on second chances and she's confirmed for the challenge πŸ˜‚ Ok MTV
- @amazedbykay: @TayloriasSecret don't make me cry... lol
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @TayloriasSecret lol girl this shit right here 😭😭😭
- @MTVjennifer: @TayloriasSecret don't even get me started on who they cast for the challenge sometimesπŸ™„πŸ˜‚
- @JoeyAmoia716: @TayloriasSecret I wanna see the criteria they go by for these challenge calls
- @MTVkarikowalski: @TayloriasSecret ‼️‼️‼️Im not even trying to hate but wtf honestly this is so unfair. Why dont we put real competitors on competition based shows wtf
@MTVMorganSt: Now that #AYTOSecondChances is over time for the season premiere of Fargo!
@asafgoren1: ASAF ft. Tori Deal - LOVIN' (Music Video):  via @YouTube  Just dropped this one with this beast @tori_deal
@steffanidip: Honestly @MTVDevinWalker may come off like an ass to everyone else, but it's so great seeing how good he treats @RzBeach 😍
@RzBeach: 60k in the bank !πŸ’°πŸ’πŸ½
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Guess they need to keep casting hoes to keep a show relevant instead of ACTUAL competitors ... πŸ˜­πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
@ItsAll_AboutTee: When your friend says she otw , but you won't see her for about another hour lol
@CHEYnotShy: @RzBeach this dream about @MTVDevinWalker is the best thing I've seen on this show !! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜
@IamAdamKuhn: Put yourself in my shoes I'm the best athlete on Mtv and dominating physically but losing missions at the end because of stupid things.
- @MTVMorganSt: @IamAdamKuhn @AYTO2ndChances missions aren't limited to track events so how "physically dominating" you think you are won't win you any$ As we have seenπŸ’€
- @IamAdamKuhn: @MTVMorganSt Obviously. I'm just saying how frustrating it is to be so obviously more athletic than everyone else but struggle to put a bike together.
- @MTVMorganSt: @IamAdamKuhn I might have to challenge you to a duel to settle this, sir, possibly live on youtube @AYTO2ndChances @AREUTHE1
@IamAdamKuhn:  I got mad love for @asafgoren1 and @amazedbykay.  It was honestly very difficult for me to see them go home #AYTOSecondChances
- @amazedbykay: @IamAdamKuhn Thank you Adam, it was a pleasure bunking with you & playing your trivia every night before bed. ☺️
@thepoetsaint: Yo! Shout out to @shandathapanda for rolling through @afterbuzztv and kicking it with me and @NinoLlanera. So much β˜•οΈspillage. #kendricktime
@CSUGradAkirk: @RyanDevlin  makes them build a raft while @KaramoBrown  makes them build a bike don't know which one I'd prefer #AYTOSecondChances
@CSUGradAkirk: @RzBeach  and @MTVDevinWalker  sheeda and big d love the dynamic they have as a pair #AYTOSecondChances
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTVDevinWalker telling it like it is that's why I've liked him since rivals 3 #AYTOSecondChances

@ItsAll_AboutTee: It's my favorite holiday ! Happy 4/20 everyone ! πŸ˜—πŸ’¨πŸƒ
@TheRealNiaMoore: I don't understand how April 20th is so special for weed smokers when they smoke every day anyway lmao
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: Just want to wish everyone a happy 4/20 πŸ˜™πŸ’¨
@MtvNateSiebs: Happy holidays y'all ;)) #420 #LeavingPlanetEarth ✌🏼
- @whaattaafoxx: @MtvNateSiebs Take me
@whaattaafoxx: One thing I am good at is running. I guess all them years of gymnastics. My legs are just naturally strong. No matter how fat I get lol.
@whaattaafoxx: Honestly was about to tweet Mikayla, then realized she blocked me? Uhmmmm okayyyy?
@whaattaafoxx: That's weird. I would LOOOOVEEEE to know what I did. I talk a lot of shit but ain't never said shit about her.
@MikalaThomass: Always trust your gut... it's never wrong 😏
@tylerobrienn: It's 2017.. an era of Snapchat, FaceTime, etc. If you get catfished, you should be forced to wear a helmet when you're in public

β–ͺ    β–ͺ    β–ͺ

If you still remember watching Buckwild , then you know about the term mudding... that's what we saw a little bit of there as the couples had to go through a pit full of mud, all part of a 10k run which ended with a bike ride, and it's Devin & Rashida who take back power couple status. We also saw Tori & Morgan get into some uncertainty in the house and would then be voted into The Choice, but they will stay after choosing to share without the drama of the past two weeks, which also means the end for Asaf & Kaylen here. We'll have a look at not only this episode but release our first Power Rankings for this season from inside the Strategy Room on the WRAP in a day or so. Now, some tea.

 #DCExtraTime FOLLOW-UP 

A week or so ago, we told you about the night at a club in Miami where two members of the Are You The One? Season 5 cast got to hang out with the man who finished runner-up on The Bachelorette last summer. Well for one of them, this has turned not only from just them hanging out in South Beach into something a little bit more.
   Rumors have been circulating that in the wake of the loss that rocked the MTV Trifecta (at least until Laurel lost this past week's Challenge elimination to Camila), that Kathryn from the most recent AYTO cast has been seeing Robby Hayes from my mom's favorite show. And last weekend, the two posted Instagram pictures from when they went to a zoo in Jacksonville, and sparked some additional talk when in an additional photo with Robby, Kathryn captioned, "They say Florida State has the best looking students.... I agree," referencing to them being fellow Seminoles.
   Kathryn & Robby can thank their parents for bringing them together as as her mom is friends with an acquaintance who knows his sister, who no doubt enjoyed watching them on romantic reality TV. But, Kathryn clarified to E! News that this relationship is, for right now, nothing more than a good friendship:
"We've been talking a little bit over Instagram and then he got my number and then we chatted a little. We went out. He invited me to his event in Fort Lauderdale so we hung out then. We had a great time. We were at the zoo, but we're not taking things too seriously right now because Bachelor in Paradise is an option [for him] so we're just sitting back and seeing what happens. Right now, he's a really great guy and I enjoy hanging out with him. We had a lot of fun."
As for Robby, he talked to US Weekly about this latest romance and echoed Kathryn's word that they're just friends and that he's still on the market, just as he is on the shortlist to be on this summer's Bachelor in Paradise:
"We enjoy getting to know each other and have fun hanging out. She's a super sweet girl, but there’s nothing too serious going on. We’re definitely not dating. We have a mutual knowledge of reality TV, so it’s fun to talk to her about that and share our experiences. We're Florida born and raised, so we have a lot in common."
But, there might be something out there for Robby & Kathryn some 3,000 miles away along I-10: recently he and best friend (and fellow Bachelor contestant) Chase McNary moved in with fellow Bachelor alum Jef Holm out in Venice Beach, and she may make the ride too. Robby adds, "She wants to move out to L.A. and that was something she wanted to do before I met her. She wants to get a house out here with Shannon and Carolina from her show, which I encouraged. I’d love to hang out with her here. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t."
   Whatever the case, once again this small world of reality TV again has produced another crossover romance - this time with a show I love and a show my mom loves. And with a lot in common, Kathryn may have found her true perfect match in Robby. We'll see how this one ends up.

β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ

This Tuesday, DCBLOG will WRAP the week in the Trifecta as we recap these episodes for you, plus we'll join a member of the Underdog Final Four as they go through graduation day towards becoming one of their hometown's finest. And in the coming days, ExtraTime In-Depth will take a look at the many sides of everyone's favorite Israeli - Britney, dancing and music included.
   For now, that's the Pulse of the week in the MTV Trifecta. And until we talk again on Tuesday, good night and have a good week ahead.


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