Saturday, April 1, 2017

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Invasion - "An Officer and a Gentlewoman"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
& spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
β–  @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

It's now the first day of April and for many of you, you can go outside and smell the flowers as spring is now in the air. And we at DCBLOG roll along with our look at the MTV Trifecta with Week 8 of The Challenge: Invasion of the Champions.
   Last week in Thailand, Shane was put under the microscope within the Underdogs' ranks when news started to swirl that he was making deals and forming alliances with multiple people that when time comes will put himself in position to lose friends. As far as the challenges goes, the players had to run up and down to put together puzzles, but also had to swallow a lot of the curry as we saw a lot of players throw up and tempers flared among most everyone. And when Sylvia tried to do pull a Jordan and volunteer herself into elimination, it backfired on her as she lost to Jenna.
   This week marks the return to The Challenge of not just a good old costume party, but also an old friend as the alter ego of a veteran who has entertained us ever since we first saw her back seven years ago decides to take care of unfinished business from last year on one of her enemies. A love triangle takes place among one of the rookies and two people who you can best known them by their alternative name of Team Black. The Underdogs feel the pressure to try and even up the game and take back control as they try to regain power. And in this, a Champions elimination week, the outcome of that mission determines which champs will go up against one another.

Coming up, all the action, reaction and interaction from Week 9 and Episode 9 which, will actually have a role in how we will get to do things a little bit differently here for this week's posts. And if you're in the need for something to do with winter here in April, we have a treat for you on ExtraTime after the diary as we'll join a Challenge veteran as he gets to shred it in the snow.

β€’ As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
β€’ Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

Costumes, a love triangle, a challenge above water and an epic elimination... It's all ahead on the 'Pulse of Week 8 of The Challenge Invasion on DCBLOG.

@ChallengeMTV: Will the @RealWorldMTV Ex-Plosion alum explode on this season of #TheChallengeInvasion? πŸ€”πŸ’₯
@ChallengeMTV: It's 5 O'Clock somewhere! Cheers to the freakin' weekend! πŸ™ŒπŸ» #TGIF
@t_raines33: Out here trying to get a motherf*cking scholarship #PineappleExpress
@BrunoGeeB: Resigning from πŸ“Ί till further notice .. too many people try to hard for a spot and create odd drama or personalities and that's not for me
@MTV_JESS: Lmao I love @MTV_AMANDAG on the challenge seriously never change πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ
@braincandypod: The audio and video versions of our interview w/ @MTVASHLEYBROOKE are both available now. #ChallengeInvasion
@madiwadi2by4: You don't deserve someone who comes back. You deserve someone who doesn't leave.
@CamilaMTV: Happy weekend! πŸ’•πŸ–€πŸ’•
@CamilaMTV: Never confuse what you’re offered with what you’re worth.
@CaraMariaMTV: Speaking of queens. Scrolling through old insta posts....diem was with me that day....
@MTVBananas: Taking dunking to new heights with @Oreo. Show me your dunk and enter the #OREODunkSweepstakes! #ad
@MTVCoryWharton: Just so y'all know Devin Booker is from Grand Rapids Ayeee 616 !!!!!! Young man dropped 70 tonight ewwwwwwwπŸ€πŸ”₯
@tylerobrienn: Devin Booker... unreal..
@mikethemiz: Wow Florida....just wow. #NCAATournament
@imdroc15: Tonight we witnessed a top 5 NCAA game! That Wisconsin and Florida game will go down in history!! #MarchMadness

@ChallengeMTV: Waking up after a night of going too hard like 😷
@n_zanattaMTV: Saturday vibes, when you realize you're soon doing everything you wanted.
@shannanity: Smile Time! πŸ‘‹πŸ½
@MTVCoryWharton: Look, I want you to myself 😏
- @shannanity: @MTVCoryWharton finally!! God I've been holding this in for so long 😍😘
@shannanity: I was going to ask @MTVBananas his dick size for #askbananas but I chickened out bc his ego is already enough to fill me up
@JennaCompono: So I call my brother all pissed off venting and yelling and his response was.. "uh jenna I think you should get to the gym" πŸ˜‚
@kailah_casillas: I just bought a tanning membership.... gym, tan, buy new underwear to avoid doing laundry?
@ChallengeMTV: Me going out on Saturday night tryna keep up with all these young bucks πŸ‘΄
@MTV_AMANDAG: HELP! My dog keeps trying to attack the puppy. Nothing is working to calm her down. Should I take her to training?? If so, where in CO?
@kailah_casillas: everytime I don't talk to @JennaCompono for more than 24 hours I wonder if she's even still alive.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Being asked if I want another glass of wine is like being asked if I want more money
@shannanity: Din Din #love #friendship
@n_zanattaMTV: This is on repeat when I'm missing you ❀️ @laurelstucky
@CamilaMTV: I'm so much happier after I stuff my face 😁
@kailah_casillas: and they realllllly don't want me to have it 😈
@tjlavin: He's a dude that was born with lemons and made lemonade only to the next level! aaronwheelz…
- @stackanna: @tjlavin always supporting others pushing themselves to new levels that they never thought they'd be capable of. Mad respect boo ✊
- @tjlavin: @stackanna πŸ€™πŸ‘Š
@mtvrrdarrell: West west!! #marchmadness #FinalFour #zags #ducks
@Dario_medrano_: Oregon fucking blows.

@ChallengeMTV: It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, @MTVASHLEYBROOKE πŸ˜‚πŸ’”
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I hate you so much #thechallengeinvasion
@ChallengeMTV: When you remember tomorrow's Monday 😫
@CamilaMTV: If I was a bird, I know who I'd shit on πŸ€“
@t_raines33: "They don't get you like I will, my only wish is I die real" #TakeCare
@ChallengeMTV: Even TJ was shocked at next week's elimination 😱 Find out what he's talking about, Tuesday at 9/8c on a new episode of #TheChallenge​! πŸ‘
@n_zanattaMTV: At the gym and the song closer comes on I immediately think of @CamilaMTV and @laurelstucky xoxoxox
@WestonBergmann: Only an idiot doesn't check the shower after watching a scary movie
@ChallengeMTV: Watch a new episode of #TheChallengeInvasion, Tuesday at 9/8c to find out how to win a signed jersey! Suit up! πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯
@MTVBananas: When I hand you my phone to look at a picture, don't swipe right... Don't swipe left... Just look! πŸ‘€
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: #sundaze... @ Las Vegas Strip
@CamilaMTV: I will never understand girls that wear heels in the airport 🀒
@CamilaMTV: πŸ“Waddup Los Angeles! β˜€οΈβœŒπŸ½β˜€οΈ#Thecamilanatorgoestocalifornia
@MTVBananas: Banana On Board 🍌 🚼  @RealBananaSwag #UncleBananas #BabyBanana #BananaSwag #BabyGirl #Babyclothes
@kailah_casillas: I feel like everyone's trying to shorten shit these days. I have so many acronyms to keep up with, like wtf.
@kailah_casillas: I'm watching a doc about Silk Road.. it did over a billion dollars in sales. WHO ARE these people who buy and sell stuff on the dark web?
@Dario_medrano_: Enjoy the moment (pic of a elderly lady just watching a moment while everyone else is snapping phones)

@ChallengeMTV: Let's see... It's Monday, it's raining, and we have to wait another day for a new episode of #TheChallenge? Nope, can't get any worse πŸ€”πŸ™…
@BrunoGeeB: There's just something about super early mornings when it's dark out and it's raining. So peaceful
- @n_zanattaMTV: @BrunoGeeB miss you πŸ˜’
@BrunoGeeB: I think it's nuts when people have more instagram photos posted than I have accumulated total photos of over 2+ years. #narcissistic
@whaattaafoxx: Catching up on the last @ChallengeMTV and I have to say I LOVE SHANE! I'M DYING AT ALL THE SHIT HE'S TALKING. HAHAHAHH
@whaattaafoxx: Shane is just very passionate
@whaattaafoxx: I wouldn't care if Bananas took that toilet seat. I'll still squat to take a piss/shit.
@whaattaafoxx: Fuck with my bed & I'd be pissed too. Yalls would be worse. Ketchup Mayo, Mustard some tuna yeah, maybe bleach ya clothes.
@ChallengeMTV: One Underdog has pushed this Champion over the edge for the last time! It's going down on a new episode of #TheChallenge​ TOMORROW @ 9/8c 😱πŸ’₯
@MTVBananas: Merica ✊ #mondaymotivation
@ChallengeMTV: #MondayMotivation in The Challenge house! πŸ’ͺπŸ‘
- @MTVBananas: @ChallengeMTV (Insert @shannanity joke here)
@ChallengeMTV: Muscles on muscles on muscles! πŸ‹
@CamilaMTV: Because she competes with no one, no one can compete with her.
@iamtheophi: The worst shit has been happening to me lately
@KevinHart4real: #Vegas! I'm hosting the Grand Opening Weekend @RehabLV April 30th! Come party with me! Tix: …
- @kailah_casillas: @KevinHart4real I'll be there πŸ™‹πŸ» Come see me behind the bar! πŸ‘πŸΌ
@ChallengeMTV: The Camilanator is BACK and from the looks of it, NOBODY is safe! Watch a new episode of #TheChallengeInvasion TOMORROW at 9/8c! 😱
- @ImSarahRice: @ChallengeMTV Meanwhile I'm over here like... @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@jordiedanielle: I'm not over shit sometimes and I think about people in my past but that's okay you can't be all together all the time
@CamilaMTV: If you want to be my best friend, just feed me. πŸ€€πŸ—
@CaraMariaMTV: Hang on to that soap on a rope. Its almost @challengemtv day #thechallengeinvasion
 Westbrook got 37 triple doubles this season....when he gets 4 more he'll have the most in NBA history. The man is otherworldly 😳
@laurelstucky: TOMORROW is Challenge Day! And it's a Champ Elimination Day 😈
@laurelstucky: Girltalk @camilamtv

@ChallengeMTV: See what drama's cooking on a new episode of The Challenge​, TONIGHT at 9/8c (hint: the #Camilanator is BACK) πŸ™
@ChallengeMTV: Respect to @laurelstucky for sharing her truth with @CamilaMTV πŸ‘  Watch the whole episode, tonight @ 9/8c
- @CamilaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Always here for you. ❀️ @laurelstucky #TheChallengeInvasion
- @MtvJess: @ChallengeMTV Omg I love you both tons @laurelstucky @n_zanattaMTV
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MtvJess Love you more ;)
- @MtvJess: @n_zanattaMTV πŸ’•
- @MtvJess: @n_zanattaMTV you better be good tonight!! I'm watching you πŸ‘
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MtvJess Hahah Jess I'm nervous for next episode 🀣🀣
- @MtvJess: @n_zanattaMTV NICOLE!!!
@shannanity: Another Day - Another Challenge - Tonight at 9pm! #thechallengeinvasion #mtv
@hbarfield13: These 28 year old dudes hitting up these spring breakers cracks me up. Come on man you that desperate? #sorrynotsorry
@MarieeTBD: You teach me how to be a bone, and I'll teach you how to throw it. @JennaCompono
@JennaCompono: So in a few weeks u can refer to me as Candice .. oh and @MarieeTBD she'll be referred to as Gigi πŸ˜‚πŸ˜
@CaraMariaMTV: @CamilaMTV "lets finish this bottle of jameson" - what a great idea.... i thought at the time. πŸ˜’πŸ€’
@mtvrrdarrell: When you pull up to the challenge and you see a crane 😳@ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeInvasion #spooked
@MTV_AMANDAG: Hang on guys! Tonight's gunna be one wild episode! CHAMP ELIMINATION! #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Tune into a brand new episode of #TheChallengeInvasion​ TONIGHT at 9/8c to find out how you could win a jersey signed by the cast! πŸ‘•πŸ™Œ
@CamilaMTV: Happy Challenge Day! ❀️🐢❀️ #thechallengeinvasion @laurelstucky
@MTV: #TheChallengeInvasion house gets heated on tonight's new episode at 9/8c:
@ChallengeMTV: @MTV Burn baby burn πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ #TheChallengeInvasion
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: 😈😈😈 Tune in tonight at 9 for Halloween parties,  love triangles, & rope play  #thechallengeinvasion
@MtvJess: So looks like I'll finally be home to watch my gals tonight @laurelstucky πŸ™ŒπŸ½ @MTVASHLEYBROOKE πŸ’•@AshleyMarieMTV πŸ‘― @CamilaMTV @mtv
@ChallengeMTV: Who will be #TheCamilanator's next victim? Find out on a brand new episode, tonight at 9/8c! πŸ€”πŸ”ͺ
@WestonBergmann: Me talking shit to @MTVBananas over Twitter during tonight's Challenge
@MTVBananas: When there's 1 purse left on the SALE rack πŸ‘œ #TheChallengeInvasion @ChallengeMTV @MTV @JennaCompono @CamilaMTV @laurelstucky @CaraMariaMTV
@MTV: My bb @CamilaMTV has invaded our Snapchat in honor of tonight's episode of #TheChallengeInvasion and has spotted a wild @MTVBananas! πŸ‘»: MTV
@MTVBananas: There are fans, and there are Bananimals! Congrats to a true Bananimal @mlarose3 on winning the Challenge Jersey giveaway. #BananaSwag
@MtvJess: Can't believe I've been in #NYC for one year already. This time last year I was stepping in to the first day of my future @iceculinary
@MTVjennifer: it's almost april & that means it's almost time to plan my birthdaaaayyy festivities!!!! ayeeeπŸ’πŸΌπŸΎπŸ₯‚πŸŽ‰πŸ’ƒπŸΌ
@MTVjennifer: @MTVStranded i honestly miss the concept of just real world people on the challenge. who agrees?πŸ™„
@ChallengeMTV: Ladies and gents, grab your popcorn and take a seat, because a new episode of the #TheChallengeInvasion starts in 1 HOUR! πŸ‘€πŸΏπŸ‘
@MtvJess: catching up on @mtv the challenge tonight πŸ€¦πŸΌβ™€οΈ
@shannanity: Rewatching the @SylviaMTV @JennaCompono rumble πŸ˜­πŸ™ˆ
@CamilaMTV: Life is too real to be around anything  you have to question.

β–ΊAS THEY SAW IT: "An Officer and a Gentlewoman"
@ChallengeMTV: KNOCK KNOCK! A brand new episode of #TheChallengeInvasion starts RIGHT NOW 😱
@ChallengeMTV: You know the deal! Tweet #TheChallengeInvasion 10k to unlock a chance to win a signed Challenge jersey! Turn on @MTV NOW and TWEET! πŸ‘•πŸ™Œ
@MTVStranded: Time to party on #TheChallengeInvasion πŸ”₯ LEGGO.
@_ayiiia: #TheChallengeInvasion tune in for the Camilanator episode. @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Oh, look. @MTVASHLEYBROOKE dressed up like my ex πŸ€”πŸ˜­ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "I'm f.....g crazy.")
@ChallengeMTV: When she says she only gets along with guy friends πŸ™Š #TheChallengeInvasion
@MarieeTBD: Not sleeping tonight. @laurelstucky @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: "Why are you dressed so scary?" @TheOfficial_CT πŸ™ˆ #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: YAS @CamilaMTV! Preach, girl! πŸ™ŒπŸ˜‚ #FreeTheTitties #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "Free the titties.")
@MarieeTBD: FREEDOM!!! @CamilaMTV
@MtvJess: #boobcheers πŸ˜‚ @JennaCompono @CamilaMTV
@MTVBananas: Still wondering why none of the girls dressed up  for this costume party? #TheChallengeInvasion @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Is @laurelstucky pickin' up what @n_zanattaMTV is puttin' down? πŸ€” #NicoRel #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "She was giving me vibes.")
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV @laurelstucky hahaha what vibes are we currently talking about I'm agreeing with that statement
@n_zanattaMTV: Seriously didn't know they got all that on camera ahhh 😳 #challenge #invasion #ayeeeeegirl 😏
@ChallengeMTV: Respect to @laurelstucky!!! Coming out is a personal decision πŸ‘ Find out more at  #TheChallengeInvasion
- @MarieeTBD: @ChallengeMTV Props to whomever thought of the site #rotation πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ @ChallengeMTV
@n_zanattaMTV: Don't be scared, girl I got you ❀️
@_ayiiia: Society ruins the person you're suppose and want to be πŸ’• stop listening to people and do you. Good job Laurel. πŸ‘πŸ½ #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Love my family 😍 #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: CT to Laurel and Cara Maria - "It's nice to see you two get along.")
@CamilaMTV: I cannot believe we just did a boob cheer on national television πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @JennaCompono #TheNextGalaxy
- @JennaCompono: @CamilaMTV Atleast both boobs don't fit in one hand πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­
@MarieeTBD: Mind blown that the Oasis and Shelter were on the same island. #feelingkrabi #sheltersalt πŸ¦€ @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: When you see your crush flirting with someone else in front of you βœŒπŸ‘‹ #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Ain't nobody got time for that! πŸ‘ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Laurel - "I'm being played with.")
@JUDDNATION: #TheChallengeInvasion is so good!   I'm waiting 20-30min tho so I can ff commercials...
@A_Bartolotte: @n_zanattaMTV got game, I see u
- @n_zanattaMTV: @A_Bartolotte Yea all shown on MTV they got everything can you say single for life now πŸ˜‚
@Haleyx0: Camilanator im ready  #TheChallengeInvasion
@mtvrrdarrell: Pimp of the year! Hands down!Spitting gameπŸ—£@n_zanattaMTV #TheChallengeInvasion @ChallengeMTV πŸ˜‚
- @ChallengeMTV: The sh*t always trickles down, from top dog to Underdog β˜πŸ‘‡πŸΆπŸ˜‚ #TheChallengeInvasion
@shannanity: I'm just waiting for the gay boy love triangle on @ChallengeMTV  #TheChallengeInvasion
-  @TylerDuckMTV: @shannanity Then put both of us on one handsome...
@CodyThrive: The worst thing is when the first 15min are partying and you already know the elimination will be "to be continued" #TheChallengeInvasion
@MTVBananas: Damn @n_zanattaMTV ... What is this sorcery?! 🎩✨ #TheChallengeInvasion @ChallengeMTV
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTVBananas Hahahah Johnny you should know πŸ˜‚
@_ayiiia: Playing a game with someone's feelings on national TV is tacky. Like ew. #TheChallengeInvasion
@n_zanattaMTV: "@MTV: @ChallengeMTV @laurelstucky @n_zanattaMTV πŸ‘€ #TheChallengeInvasion" RT Uhohhhhh things just got good 😝
@ChallengeMTV: When your parents say "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" 😭😭😭 #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Amanda - "I thought you were better than that.")
@MtvJess: Why are there like 10 straws in your drink πŸ˜‚ @laurelstucky love you
@ChallengeMTV: TELL 'EM HOW IT IS πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Ashley - "Shut up for a second while I talk. How about that?")
@CaptainCons: Drunk Laurel is a WILD CARD #TheChallengeInvasion
@_ayiiia: Game is getting away with playing the game. Your game is on full blast, that's not having game. #getitright #TheChallengeInvasion
@MtvJess: Never realized how much fun watching this stuff is when you're not there @ChallengeMTV πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸΌβ™€οΈ
- @ave_tress: @MtvJess Amen to that! It's so fun to watch! It's like a train wreck... you don't want to watch but you can't turn away. Lol.  #BadAnalogy
@ChallengeMTV: The sh*t always trickles down, from top dog to Underdog β˜πŸ‘‡πŸΆπŸ˜‚ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Bananas - "We're the top dogs.")
@NoQuittersPod: The old Bananas would have stolen their entire toilet bowl during this fight
@ChallengeMTV: IT'SπŸ‘ABOUTπŸ‘TOπŸ‘GOπŸ‘DOWNπŸ‘ #Camilanator #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Camila - "The champs are here, b...h. So shut the f... up.")
@CamilaMTV: ITS'S NOT FUNNY. IT'S HILLARIOUS!!! #TheChallengeInvasion
@CohenBrian_: Boy bye! ... *upgrade* Bitch bye! #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Grab your popcorn and take your seats! #TheCamilanatorIsBack πŸŒͺπŸ‘€πŸΏπŸ‘ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Bananas - "You're about to see our first appearance of the Camilanator.")
@_ayiiia: Tell me what the ingredients are for the Camilanator. #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: This is like David vs. Goliath rn bruh 😳 #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Amanda - "The bigger you are, the harder you fall.")
@lauraleeewaller: This is what reality tv was made for. Shits about to hit the fan
@ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeInvasion
@MtvJess: If a bag of chips pisses you off y'all might wanna get the box of tissues ready πŸ˜‚gonna be tears for years @ChallengeMTV
@JennaCompono: Welllll we all know we CANT fight or we will get kicked off soooo...
@CamilaMTV: It's not hazing, it was a JOKE. How hard is that to understand? πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ #TheChallengeInvasion
@_ayiiia: Ew Amanda's breath all up in her face like that!?!?! that is enough for me to upper cut a trick. "Um excuse me, you're burning my pores off"
- @AneesaMTV: @_ayiiia oooo girl you need a Douche
- @_ayiiia: @AneesaMTV πŸ˜‚ yaaaassssss. I can't girl. Uuuuuuggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
@AshleyZanatta: @n_zanattaMTV do you want popcorn for this crap #TheChallengeInvasion
- @n_zanattaMTV: @AshleyZanatta Hahah bring me some and cookies with Yoo-hoo stay out that drama
@SylviaMTV: I just love you @MTV_AMANDAG you will forever be QUEEN!!! #TheChallengeInvasion
@CohenBrian_: Live look in at Laurel and Amanda having a stand off. #TheChallengeInvasion
@lauraleeewaller: I remember being in 7thgrade & learning new curse words so I used them all the time @MTV_AMANDAG you arent tough by calling everyone a bitch
@MtvJess: @ChallengeMTV commentary game may be a little strong tonight, I've missed some things.
@MarieeTBD: Focus on the fight << or how πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ @CamilaMTV looks in that bodysuit daisy duke get up. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeInvasion πŸ‘€
@ChallengeMTV: When that good drama starts poppin' off πŸ˜‚ #TheChallengeInvasion
@CamilaMTV: Me & the rest of the world listening to Amanda right now 😴 @mtvrrdarrell #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Video of Darrell sleeping)
- @JennaCompono: @CamilaMTV Lmao @mtvrrdarrell u kill me
@laurelstucky: Love you guys @jennacompono @camilamtv
@ToriFiorenza: Happiness looks good on you...😏
@ChallengeMTV: Lots of shade bein thrown around right now πŸ‘‹ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Camila - "Go home b...h!")
@DrewScottSports: Challenge Producer - "Guys Stop. *whispers* but seriously don't this is gold" #thechallengemtv
@AneesaMTV: @CamilaMTV I'm crying right now at all those bleeps
@ChallengeMTV: When your teammate wasn't shootin with you in the gym πŸ˜’πŸ€ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Amanda to Ashley - "Where have you been?")
@KatieScottNews: And @CamilaMTV did all that in heels πŸ‘  #TheChallengeInvasion #thechallenge @ChallengeMTV #QueenCamila
@ChallengeMTV: When @MTVBananas said he doesn't stir the pot and @TheOfficial_CT hit em with this look! DEAD! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #TheChallengeInvasion
@LucasAuer: I always love a good @ChallengeMTV fight πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
@ChallengeMTV: Facts πŸ™Œ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: CT - "Not gonna lie, it's better than TV. (Shrugs) It IS TV.")
@_ayiiia: I got your back. "Well then where were you?" πŸ˜‚ Amanda is so gross. Sorry girl but you're so tacky.
@MtvJess: Is it just me or can we rewind to last season and remember Amanda came in mouthing off a walking target 🎯@ChallengeMTV
@shannanity: The group of us though #faded #TheChallengeInvasion
@CamilaMTV: What they DIDN'T SHOW is that she hit me in the face & "supposedly" they didn't "catch it clear enough 2kick her off" #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: I need to learn this dance πŸ–•πŸ˜‚ #TheChallengeInvasion
@_ayiiia: Yaaaaaaaasssss Camila! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ΈπŸ½ #teamCamilanator #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Same πŸ™„ @MTVASHLEYBROOKE #TheChallengeInvasion
@JennaCompono: YOU ARE MY SPIRIT ANINAL @CamilaMTV  I just died πŸ˜‚ shake that booty girl!
@lauraleeewaller: If someone put chips in my bed I'd keep them there till the next morning to cure my hangover. #TheChallengeInvasion @ChallengeMTV
@CamilaMTV: Ps: I'm not 30, I'm 28. #facts πŸ€“ #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: 🎀@justinbieber: "Maybe you should go and love yourself"   Me:  (GIF: Nicole - "I love me too. DUH!")
@MarieeTBD: Initial thoughts.. @ChallengeMTV needs CAMojis @CamilaMTV #TheChallengeInvasion
@_ayiiia: I refuse for a girl that doesn't brush her hair to have any girl, let alone 2 henny. Put me in there & watch how quickly I'll snatch em up.
@shannanity: Fun Fact - not our original contraption -test subject broke her arm before we got there so they changed it last second #TheChallengeInvasion
@DerrickMTV2: Uummmmm...Winner....Thaaaaa Caaaaa-mil-an-a-torrrrrrrrr!!! @CamilaMTV #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: When you hand someone your phone and they start swiping right 😰 #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Laurel - "I'm really nervous.")
@ChallengeMTV: DZAYUMN, @n_zanattaMTV! you got a permit for those guns?! 😳πŸ’ͺ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF of Nicole flexing)
@n_zanattaMTV: Say on your side!!!!
@ChallengeMTV: This Challenge is mad suspenseful! Pun intended 😏 #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Hang in there, girls! 😬 #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: When someone way below your league starts talking to you πŸ‘‹ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Laurel - "There's absolutely no chance.")
@ChallengeMTV: OMG @CamilaMTV was actually wrapping the wrope around her neck πŸ™Š #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Shane - "I don't think it's worth dying for.")
@_ayiiia: Camila wrapped that shit around her waist πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯πŸ’€#TheChallengeInvasion fuck yes.
@shannanity: "That's just dumb" - but YOU'RE not Xoxox @CamilaMTV #TheChallengeInvasion
@hbarfield13: So much ass kissing going on right now πŸ˜– I refuse to do that lol #imweak
@ChallengeMTV: When I'm late to meet friends but I'm also petty so I make them wait longer 😬 #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Nicole - "Hold the f... on.")s
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @shannanity "it's not worth dying" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #thechallengeinvasion
@banksy878: #jerryspringer or #TheChallengeInvasion πŸ€”
@JennaCompono: I swear I have the attention span of a mosquito
@ChallengeMTV: Hey, @CaraMariaMTV, tell us how you really feel? πŸ€”πŸ‚πŸ’© #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "Bull...")
@CohenBrian_: The excuse train is out of the station for Cara. Choo Choo! #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: When you send someone a meme they've already seen πŸ˜’ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: CT - "Sorry, not sorry")
@CodyThrive: You're my hero Camilla!!! THANK YOU!!! #TheChallengeInvasion
@CamilaMTV: I really can't do pull-ups tho πŸ˜‚ #facts #thechallengeinvasion
@ChallengeMTV: I aspire to be the same level of savage as @shannanity some day πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "I'm gonna take out CT and Bananas.")
@ChallengeMTV: Sooooo mad at @shannanity rn (but also low key kind of impressed) 😑 #TheChallengeInvasion
@_ayiiia: Go ahead @shannanity !!!!!!!!! Fuck yea. #TheChallengeInvasion
@MtvJess: Ha ha ha @shannanity πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆπŸ™ŒπŸ½ he set fire to that challenge #pot #stirred
@laurelstucky: Shane is smart. @shannanity
@ChallengeMTV: BOSSY πŸ‘ @MTVCoryWharton @MTV_NellyT #TheChallengeInvasion
@AshleyMarieMTV: Ok who's watching the challenge?! It's actually much more fun to watch once you're not on it. Hahaha #wheresthepopcorn #TheChallengeInvasion
@_ayiiia: All I see are @MTVCoryWharton buns holding on for dear life πŸ”₯ #TheChallengeInvasion
@J_Medd: The underdogs have an obvious advantage #TheChallengeInvasion
@n_zanattaMTV: @shannanity hahaha it's even better watching it again on tv!!
@MTVBananas: We're done @shannanity
- @shannanity: @MTVBananas I CANT QUIT YOU
@MarieeTBD: SHANE!!! @shannanity #GOAT @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: πŸ‘Š@shannanity won that challenge πŸ’₯ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "Period.")
@JennaCompono: In the BANK ACCOUNT... since when do we have a PIGGY BANK @MTVCoryWharton
@ChallengeMTV: πŸ‘Œ@CamilaMTV! All's fair in love, war, and Challenges πŸ‘Œ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "I'm really f...... proud of myself.")
@hbarfield13: Not even going to lie I didn't try to take out anyone I just fell. No excuses for that performance. Terrible... #TheChallengeInvasion
@CaraMariaMTV: Production yelled at me for trying to use my feet to Jhook the rope. So. I just used hands n slipped. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ  
@ChallengeMTV: Waiting for the guys' result like πŸ™ŠπŸ™ˆ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Bananas - "My heart is beating out of my chest.")
@MtvJess: Oh dude @laurelstucky VS @CaraMariaMTV πŸ™ˆ @ChallengeMTV πŸ”₯
@shannanity: I can't choose - I want them both 😍#thechallengeinvasion #mtv 
@CohenBrian_: EXCLUSIVE: Early simulation of the Laurel v. Cara elimination #TheChallengeInvasion
@DerrickMTV2: @CamilaMTV got 2 W's tonight!! #TheChallengeInvasion
@banksy878: @CaraMariaMTV you killed it cuz #TheChallengeInvasion
- @CaraMariaMTV: @banksy878 Thanks couz
@ChallengeMTV: As my daddy used to say, I'll take luck over skill any dayπŸ€ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: TJ Lavin - "You did get lucky.")
@ChallengeMTV: MFW watching that slo-mo replay 😱 #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Who you pickin? πŸ€” #TeamBananas or #TeamDarrell #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Bananas - "This is gonna be my toughest test yet"
@J_Medd: Bananas vs. Darrell .. gonna be epic ! #TheChallengeInvasion
@CohenBrian_: In all honestly, Bananas v Darrell and Laurel v Cara has to be the best elimination pairings ever right? #TheChallengeInvasion
@_ayiiia: An elimination we won't forget because we have 4huge hitters.This is going to sick!Iwon't announce winner west coast #TheChallengeInvasion
@AxlVanPersie: This champions elimination is going to be crazyyyyy @ChallengeMTV
@arizais7: @ChallengeMTV This elimination is gonna be epic 😬😁
@laurelstucky: Perfect timing for this dedication to my Dad. He just got out of surgery ystrday. My dad is THE beast & he created his mini daughter beast.
@Morgan_MacAdam: This Elimination is going to be epic! Can't wait to see @MTVBananas vs. @mtvrrdarrell
@_ayiiia: Player isn't a player when your game is being critiqued by your prey πŸ˜‚πŸ’€ #TheChallengeInvasion
@DerrickMTV2: That's crazy...I'd be so mad if someone had me in a choke hold going into the water...😳😀😑 @TheOfficial_CT @shannanity
@arizais7: @ChallengeMTV This elimination is gonna be epic 😬😁
@A_Bartolotte: Cara's so damn fine I swear
@ChallengeMTV: Me on every first date I've ever been on πŸ’ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Nicole - "A lot to handle.")
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV I'm just giving a heads up ya know if anyone wants to date me after this episode πŸ€£πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‚
@_ayiiia: Watching this lesbian talk go down like #TheChallengeInvasion
@MTVShows: FOR REAL THO. πŸ”₯#TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: CT - "This is gonna be one for the books.")
@CohenBrian_: Laurel whipping out the Backstreet Boys tonight #TheChallengeInvasion
@JustJem24: @shannanity is the gift that keeps on giving this season. My new favorite .
- @shannanity: @JustJem24 thanks babe πŸ™ˆπŸ™ŒπŸΎ maybe someday we'll be in this together
@MTV_AMANDAG: I actually really liked @laurelstucky b4 all that shit. She was hangin out in our room like everyday. Sucks to see it go down like that
- @_ayiiia: @MTV_AMANDAG Your bad.
@MarieeTBD: #TheChallengeInvasion Trending up🏻️ @ChallengeMTV (GIF: "Well guess who got a bottomless popcorm? Hello!")
@MTV_AMANDAG: Lol it was initiation? Then why weren't ALL the "new kids" hazed? EXACTLY. #TheChallengeInvasion
@MTV_AMANDAG: I wish they would have got a better angle of me slamming Camilla in the face lmfao. #TheChallengeInvasion
@MTVBananas: Time to clock in ⏰ @mtvrrdarrell  #TheChallengeInvasion @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Somebody feed this man, he's hungry!!! πŸ‘ŠπŸ’₯ @mtvrrdarrell #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "I came back to compete and win.")
 Fuuuuuck!! It's Tiiiiime!!!! The Championship of All Champions!! @mtvrrdarrell vs. @MTVBananas  #TheChallengeInvasion Who you got Yo?!
@MTV_AMANDAG: I hope when I'm 30 I don't act as stupid as Camilla πŸ€·πŸ»β™€οΈ #TheChallengeInvasion
@MTVBananas: Bananas and Big Foot πŸŒπŸ‘£ @TheOfficial_CT  #TheChallengeInvasion @challengemtv @MTV #TeamBananas
@MTV_AMANDAG: I will fight the whole house on my own. I don't need anyone on my team! BRING IT. #memyselfandi #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: RespectπŸ‘πŸ’ͺ@MTVBananas @kaseyharveySD #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "I only wish I was as strong as her.")
@CamilaMTV: Having a conversation with a wall is easier than having a conversation with @n_zanattaMTV πŸ€¦πŸΌβ™€οΈπŸ˜‚ #TheChallengeInvasion
- @n_zanattaMTV: @CamilaMTV Hahahah isn't that the truth hey it wasn't all that bad miss you girl though love seeing you pop on tv 😏
@CohenBrian_: I'm legit PUMPED for this. This feels like a big time Conference Championship Sunday. In other news, I'm a huge loser #TheChallengeInvasion
@JennaCompono: Hey girl I see you making the episode!!! @kaseyharveySD πŸ’•πŸ˜˜
@ChallengeMTV: Trying to decide who I want to win tonight like 😭 #TheChallengeInvasion
@MTVBananas: Shoutout to my girl @kaseyharveySD ... Love you kiddo ❀ #TeamKaseyHarvey #diemstrong
@ChallengeMTV: This is gonna be some next level sh*t πŸ™Œ #BallsIn #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Cory - "I can't wait to see this.")
@ChallengeMTV: DAMN @mtvrrdarrell no mercy πŸ˜‚ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "I'm gonna hit this mother f..... as hard as I can.")
@MarieeTBD: Hell hath no fury like a #parent @mtvrrdarrell @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeInvasion #inspo
@laurelstucky: Are they going to To Be Continue... this episode? Knew it.
@MtvJess: Damn @MTVBananas @mtvrrdarrell cue the water works boys πŸ’¦πŸ˜­ @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: LET'S πŸ‘ F*CKIN πŸ‘ GO πŸ‘ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: Bananas - "It's gonna be a blood bath out there.")
@MTV_AMANDAG: HAHAHAHA @shannanity I love you jumping on their backs and takin em out. YAS BITCH! #smart #TheChallengeInvasion
- @shannanity: @MTV_AMANDAG love you Girl!!! Xoxox I just wanted to get my hands on them and finally had a chance @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT
@PharaohRLee: I can't take it @MTVBananas @CaraMariaMTV @laurelstucky @mtvrrdarrell πŸ˜©πŸ€¦πŸΎβ™‚οΈ #TheChallengeInvasion #TheChallengeInvasion @ChallengeMTV
@Itslluna: This is THE elimination of ALL eliminations. #TheChallengeInvasion
@IWantMyEmTV: this elimination is going to be bad ass 😱 @mtvrrdarrell #TheChallengeInvasion
@CAN1SAY: I love @mtvrrdarrell commentary @ChallengeMTV - Imma show him that I'm here to hurt him and break his confidence. That's my goal.
@ChallengeMTV: I can't watch this elimination, guys. Just tell me what happens πŸ™ˆ #TheChallengeInvasion
@DerrickMTV2: No love for @AbramBoise and @BradFiorenza on the that promo for "Balls In." Them dudes were the 1st and most intense. #TheChallengeInvasion
- @BradFiorenza: @DerrickMTV2 Thanks D!!!
@Morgan_MacAdam: This is about to be a cliffhanger and we won't know shit til next week. Bummer. #thechallengeinvasion
@banksy878: Man watching these physical eliminations I get that competitive itch... put me in coach! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeInvasion
@mtvrrdarrell: Steph Curry with the shot! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeInvasion πŸ€
@ChallengeMTV: Seriously guys this is how close I am to losing my sh*t rn πŸ™Š #TheChallengeInvasion
@laurelstucky: Dude, Darrell you almost made that shot!!!!! #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: I LITERALLY CANNOT EVEN RIGHT NOW πŸ™Š #TheChallengeInvasion
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: The champion eliminations get better and better #thechallengeinvasion
@CamilaMTV: An elimination for the ages. #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Tune in next week to see if @MTVBananas pulls off the comeback of a lifetime, or if @mtvrrdarrell can seal the deal! πŸ‘ #TheChallengeInvasion (GIF: "This is all up to me.")
@n_zanattaMTV: Well I guess we all have to wait to see who stays....until then @MTVBananas I'm going to sleep with my pillow tonight ;) #thechallenge
@laurelstucky: Amazing elimination with amazing competition.
@CohenBrian_: And of course @MTV ruins it with a "to be continued." WHY DO YOU SUCK AND HATE FUN?!?! #TheChallengeInvasion
@_ayiiia: There's a way to be a bitch that people actually like. Throwing shade but only while it's spilling Tea. #TheChallengeInvasion
@ftwgiovanni: We really gotta wait till next week to see the elimination? #wtfisthis #TheChallengeInvasion
@laurelstucky: I guess the girls elimination is the main event :).

β–ΊAFTER HOURS, and Amanda's Tea
@MTVBananas: This one's for you kiddo ❀ @kaseyharveySD @MedGift #TeamKaseyHarvey #DiemStrong  #Survivor #TheChallengeInvasion @ChallengeMTV @MTV
- @kaseyharveySD: @MTVBananas Thank you for all your love and support during and after my cancer battle Johnny ❀❀@MTVBananas #diemstrong #survivor @ChallengeMTV @mtv
@MTV_AMANDAG: Hahaha YAS KEEP TWEETING ABOUT ME GUYS. Like I said before, hate me or love me, either way it's an OBSESSION MUAHAHA πŸ’πŸ»#TheChallengeInvasion
@MTV_AMANDAG: I her Camilla is saying I hit her on her twitter. LMAO I pushed you out of my face AGAIN cuz you were too close bitch. Back up and learn
@MTV_AMANDAG: Also, @JennaCompono you're weak as fuck for having your friends in NYC message me saying they will "see me at the reunion" LMAO. #sheep
@CamilaMTV: Some women like to start fire, others just become it. πŸ”₯🌹πŸ”₯ Thanks for watching! #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you think will win the boys Champion elimination? πŸ€” #TheChallengeInvasion    Bananas / Darrell   Vote 3,180 votesβ€’2 days left
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you think will win the girls Champion elimination? πŸ€” #TheChallengeInvasion   Cara Maria / Laurel   Vote 3,574 votesβ€’2 days left
@SylviaMTV: Wedding season has begun!! Excited to see how all my brides big days turn out!!! 😊 #WeddingSeason #MyActualCareer #2017Brides
@JennaCompono: Oh how I love karmaaaaa 😏
@iamtheophi: Damn I didn't know we were having a reunion hahahah I must not have got invited πŸ˜₯
@ChallengeMTV: WEST COAST! It's your turn! #TheChallengeInvasion starts RIGHT NOW! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
 #TheChallenge Gods come to collect more souls like πŸ‘‹ #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Ain't no party like a #Challenge party! πŸ™Œ
@CSUGradAkirk: It's crazy to know that both @CaraMariaMTV  and @laurelstucky  have been on our screens for seven years doesn't seem that really long
@ChallengeMTV: CASH @laurelstucky out side, how bout dah! πŸ‘ #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: It's time... FOR THE RETURN OF #THECAMILANATOR! πŸ‘ #TheChallengeInvasion
@CSUGradAkirk: I wish she'd stop thinking she's better  than everyone it's mega annoying #thechallengeinvasion
@CSUGradAkirk: I wonder if the newer school watched the old school challenges in which it's all what @MTVBananas and companies did was pranks #thechallenge
@ChallengeMTV: I'm weak! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #TheChallengeInvasion
@CSUGradAkirk: If we don't get @CamilaMTV  and @MTV_AMANDAG  on a rivals team  together they can't stand one another and it's awesome #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: This challenge is INSANE! #Fallout #TheChallengeInvasion 😬
@ChallengeMTV: At least buy them dinner first, @shannanity! 😘 #TheChallengeInvasion
@CSUGradAkirk: So we get cara vs laurel this week darn was kinda hoping it'd be the last champ elimination #TheChallengeInvasion
@CSUGradAkirk: So obvious but this is @shannanity  s very best season obviously the decade off paid off #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: So much salt! πŸ˜‚ #TheChallengeInvasion
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV hahahahah i'm the worst. love you camila. you will literally just about kill yourself to win strung upside down by your neck. well deserved
@ChallengeMTV: When you're genuinely shocked 😳  #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: I'm TOO hyped for what might be the most LIT elimination in Challenge history! πŸ”₯ #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: Knowing that no matter what we're gonna lose two of my favorite Champs in #TheChallenge history 😭😭😭
@CSUGradAkirk: Inferno two balls in best elimination of all time don't even get a clip @AbramBoise vs @BradFiorenza  #TheChallengeInvasion
@CSUGradAkirk: Inferno two balls in best elimination of all time don't even get a clip @AbramBoise vs @BradFiorenza  #TheChallengeInvasion
@ChallengeMTV: TFW we have to wait a week to find out which champs go home next! Don't miss a new episode of #TheChallengeInvasion, next Tuesday at 9/8c! 😭
@CaraMariaMTV: wasn't so mad at @CamilaMTV - more pissed at production for telling me i'm not allowed to use my feet and fucking with the rules as we went.
@CaraMariaMTV: "@timothyburgos: @CaraMariaMTV would've won the mission had she been able to do this, but nope, production had to mess with the rules. #TheChallengeInvasion " RT LMAO RIGHT! I didn't think of it till I saw her wrapped up so I started to hold the rope in my feet and Production yelled at me to let go!
@JennaCompono: Everyone keeps asking my nail polish color in tns episode πŸ™ˆ it's in my car and I'm way too lazy to get it but I'll letcha know tomorrow 😝
@laurelstucky: Bugs are always attracted to what's sweet @JennaCompono
- @JennaCompono: @laurelstucky Lmao that's it actually yes!
@laurelstucky: Aww to the moment that they caught without us knowing.
@MarieeTBD: If you want to really understand a person, look at what they like on #twitter. #happystalking Goodnight🌎
@JennaCompono: Not feeling good πŸ€§πŸ€’ goodnight πŸ’€

β–ͺ    β–ͺ    β–ͺ

So, we saw the Camilianator make her return as once again as she goes after Amanda, who also had a fit with Laurel as the Pop Off Queen once again goes off in the wake of the pranksters being revealed in the "Who Done It?" mystery of who pulled those pranks. The balance of power in the game itself shifts once again in the Underdogs taking the win in the week's challenge to even up the bankrolls at $25,000 apiece. We also had a costume party, as well as Nicole's plans to hook up with both girls of Team Black coming up short in trying to get close with both Cara Maria and Laurel. And ironically, it's those two who will be facing off in the pending women's elimination, as Bananas is facing off with Darrell in a battle of two Challenge heavyweights.
   Now, to be honest...I actually missed the first two heats of the guys' battle because I actually had to, as I always like to say, take care of some business and couldn't keep it in, if you know what I mean by that. But anyway, again our policy is if a Challenge episode ends without resolution, that week's episode review is tabled over to the Things to Know recap for the following week's episode. So, we'll have this week covered on an expanded edition of the WRAP coming next week, but we won't ignore this episode entirely...fantasy scoring will be up tomorrow on a scaled-back WRAP post.


IG @DustinJZito
As we talk to you here this weekend, it's now the month of April and spring is now in full swing. But for those of you winter enthusiasts who want to take advantage of what's left of the skiing/snowboard season before resorts close up shop for the summer, then we have a treat for you this ExtraTime.
   Typically, the Bayou and anything related to snow would be a bit unusual for us to mention in the same sentence -- given its location and proximity to the nearest ski resort, located up in Tennessee, but it's anything but for a guy who just lives for those activities that can get the adrenaline flowing. Those who've watched Dustin on his four previous Challenges and his original Real World know that he gives 110% in anything competitive: going go-kart racing, motor-biking and riding a bull on the Back to Vegas season being a good example. Obviously, he was anxious to get on The Challenge, which he did on the two Exes seasons with Jessica and his Vegas love Heather; Battle of the Seasons 2 with Trishelle, Nany and Alton; and Free Agents...notching a finals berth where in that BOTS Final, he skydived his way into the African desert.
   Last year, Dustin moved up north to New York City to work at his family's meat butcher shop in the Big Apple, and him moving there brought him closer to the ski resorts located in the Northeast -- 35 of them in located in New York State's Ski Country. This has allowed him to cross off one cool item from bucket list this winter: going snowboarding. He bought his first snowboard earlier this winter and wasted no time heading to the snow to enjoy that time being in that winter wonderland for the first time.
   Below are two videos: one, an Instagram video of him taking the newest addition to his family for a ride in a nearby park (he captioned on IG, "I made myself a little adventure and brought my snowboard out to the park! #snow #snowboarding #sledding").

A post shared by Dustin Zito (@dustinjzito) on

And second, just not long ago, Dustin made a YouTube highlight reel showing more of his first season going 'boarding set to the sounds of Notorious B.I.G.  He captioned in his IG post, "This Louisiana Boy just Learned a New Trick! I didn't know if I would even be able to bare a snowy winter being from my Tropical Bayou I took up a winter sport and Snowboarding has become one of my favorite things to do!! This is my First Season Snowboarding and my goal was to do a Board Grad and I Did It!!! I don't know if I can call this a Highlight Reel but iMovie is clutch and this is My First Board Grab!!! #Snowboarding #snowboardlife #Snowboard"

β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ

That will wrap it up for the 'Pulse of Week 8 of The Challenge: Invasion, but not today's posts on this April Fool's Day. Later, the first of our two DC ExtraTime In-Depth posts this weekend, where we'll take a look at the inspiring story of a Challenge veteran's battle to make a dramatic transformation, and the successful results that came about.
   The latest edition of "The Challenge Life of..." will come your way tonight following the NCAA Final Four, as North Carolina, Oregon, Gonzaga and South Carolina compete for spots in college basketball's National Championship, ahead at 6PM ET/3PM PT on DCNOW @DC408DxNow.
   Enjoy tonight's basketball and talk to you here later tonight... Make it a great Saturday.


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