Friday, April 14, 2017

MTV Trifecta: Stranded with a Million Dollars - Week 8

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

Happy Easter weekend to all of you from all of us at DCBLOG. And as this holiday weekend begins, we have another packed weekend of posts to bring you from an eventful week in the MTV Trifecta.. Ahead, the Underdogs are on the edge in Thailand, more drama takes shape down under, and a look at where it all stands in Thailand. But first, Week 8 of Stranded with a Million Dollars, which has seen so much take place before it reaches its climax.
   Last week in Fiji was also the first week of this game being two-on-two thanks to Eilish and Alonzo heading home, and as the number of players lessened so did the tensions. With the game's control having shifted, Cody & Makani came up with a plan to take out Gina and make it 2 on 1, though Alex's only other alliance member decided to stay for at least one more week.
   This week, the lines that were drawn last week begin to take shape as the rivalry between the two camps heats up, along with the journey they all have to take to the next camp site. For here, both sides decide to take power moves in one taking away a characteristic of the other camp, and in response they counter with something as shocking as any we've seen on the Trifecta.
   After the break, it's perhaps the most intense episode yet of Stranded with a Million Dollars, as well as the results of our first Twitter poll on that show, as we go Inside the MTV Trifecta on DCBLOG.

@MTVStranded: I’ve been burned before, but never like this. Watch a new #MTVStranded NOW!
@CodyThrive: 102k per person with 300k left to collect... #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: .@CodyThrive’s just tryna play fair! #MTVStranded (GIF: "We're just giving them a taste of their own medicine.")
@Bella_naomi95: Yaaaay stranded is on ❤️ @MTVStranded @teammakody
@AlexApple_: No pot, no problem. Just get you a coconut cup and drink up. #MTVStranded @MTVStranded
- @makanime: @AlexApple_ @MTVStranded & your tantrum makes less sense by the second...😑
@MTVStranded: But do you have the pot, @AlexApple_? #MTVStranded (GIF: "I think we came out on the better side of that deal.")
@makanime: Praying for #algina 's evacuation so I can get back to my meditation retreat🙄🏝😒 @MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: TFW you have to carry all the bags in from the grocery store, because everyone else is “too busy”. #MTVStranded (GIF: Makani - "Cody and I are carrying just about everything.")
- @MTVStranded: @makanime DAYUMMMMM #MTVstranded
- @makanime: @MTVStranded Because we're the only ones who can🙄💪🏽
@GinaPandaBaby: Hmmm them eyebrows tho #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: It’s a tough journey, but the view is almost ALWAYS worth the climb.   #MTVStranded
@GinaPandaBaby: Aw that view was amazing #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: .@GinaPandaBaby is not about this journey... #MTVStranded (GIF: "I'm just terrified.")
@CodyThrive: If they don't put @makanime on the challenge it's their loss man. She's a fucking beast. #MTVStranded
@makanime: #TeamMakody 's motivation & teamwork compared to #algina's 😆😤<<< @CodyThrive we did that💪🏽 @MTVStranded 🏝
- @redcaper: @CodyThrive @makanime They are big crybabies. Completely delusional. #TeamMakody is carrying everything and is still up front Very proud of you both #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: Basically my day.  #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: .@GinaPandaBaby learned a lot more than you would think during her time in the game. #MTVStranded (GIF: "I'm learning not to give up.")
@AlexApple_: A hearse doesn't come with a luggage rack. #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: 😱 do you think so? @AlexApple_and @GinaPandaBaby #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex - "They'd rather us die.")
@makanime: #Makody is going NOWHERE 😈🏝💪🏽 @CodyThrive MTVStranded ✨
@MTVStranded: "@AlexApple_  has a lot of cards left." -Alex   Technically 52 to be exact. 💁
@MTVStranded: .@makanime is playing the game the way they are now. #MTVStranded (GIF: "I don't respect the way they played the game.")
@MTVStranded: Well... uhm... Alex. uhm.. hey there buddy. I can take that money offa your hands if you want. #MTVstranded (GIF: "The choice is theirs.")
@CodyThrive: YOU ARE THE BULLY!!!  You can't just be a dick to people 30 days then try to play nice bc you've lost the numbers. #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: Kamikaze….I do not think it means what they think it means. #MTVstranded (GIF: Makani - "They called me Kamikaze, that's interesting.")
@Bella_naomi95: Ohhh shit stranded is getting juicy 😮
@GinaPandaBaby: Peanut butter please :) #MTVStranded #groupbuy
@ChrisLacerra: @AlexApple_ Turning super evil right now
@AlexApple_: It was easy to take the beauty of the island for granted. Local Fijians consider #Taveuni the paradise island. #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: That’s just a TAD BIT dramatic… no? #MTVStranded (GIF: "We will start ripping the money.")
@MTVStranded: .@CodyThrive isn’t taking the trade lying down. #MTVStrnaded (GIF: "No deal.")
@MTVStranded: Please DON’T make it rain. My heart is torn into little $20 pieces. 😨 #MTVStranded
@ChrisLacerra: Yooooo 😱😱😱
@GinaPandaBaby: Oh boy... time to rip up some money #mtvstranded #thisiscrazy
@MTVStranded: My soul is dying right now. #MTVStranded (GIF: Makani on phone - "We're not gonna get anything, we're just gonna rip up some money instead.")
@makanime: I felt like I was babysitting two evil children🙄 @MTVStranded 🏝😑👎🏽
@makanime: The way Gina just repeats and does everything Alex tells her to😑 @MTVStranded 🏝👎🏽
@MTVStranded: this is NEXT LEVEL drastic measures. #MTVStranded (GIF: "This is not my choice, this is their choice.")
@MTVStranded: .@Codythrive wants to see that sky light up, y’all. 🎆 #MTVStranded (GIF: "Let's get a couple flares.")
@MTVStranded: #1 rule of being stranded, maybe think about rationing your food. #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "I have enough food to get me to day 40, and you don't.")
@CodyThrive: Holy delusional. #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: Even @ginapandababy is shocked with what happened. #MTVStranded (GIF: "I really thought they were gonna say "okay fine".")
@MTVStranded: .@Alexapple_ didn’t start the fire, it was always burnin since the world’s been turnin. 🔥 #MTVStranded (GIF: "I'll start a fire with you.")
@MTV: @MTVStranded #MTVStranded
- @makanime: @MTVStranded Dead-on😑😑 the fact that this is being aired right now...& was ever tolerated😑👎🏽 @MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: It’s tough, being stranded on an island with a million dollars. #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "I'm just so sick of it.")
@MTVStranded: .@alexapple_ and @GinaPandaBaby have strategies that are harder to understand than organic chemistry. #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "If they don't leave, I don't get it.")
@MTVStranded: And @Makanime is out to WIN it. #MTVStranded (GIF: "It's definitely a competiton.")
- @CodyThrive: @MTVStranded _ or just a control freak.
@MTVStranded: .@AlexApple_, king of sass. #MTVStranded (GIF: "Why don't you just a read a little louder.")
@GinaPandaBaby: Sometimes you're just sick of the drama #MTVstranded
@makanime: When the kids misbehave....& you come back to a destroyed home😳😑 @MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: RT if you think #TEAMMAKODY is gonna KILL IT with this challenge. 💪 #MTVStranded (GIF: Makani - "Time for #teammakody to represent.")
@MTVStranded: Not quite the nickname I would have chosen… #MAKODY #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "If I could give Makani and Cody a nickname, it would be "The two bitches".")
@CodyThrive: Who gives a crap about a small basket of fruit??? #MTVstranded  ...their team name is ALGINA!!!
@MTVStranded: It’s going down. I’m yelling TIMBER. You better move… like seriously though @AlexApple_ #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "Alex it's falling on you bro.")
@MTVStranded: Me when someone’s tryna yell at me after a long day. ☮️ #MTVStranded
@GinaPandaBaby: Hmm sorry @AlexApple_ ! I suck at this jungle-challenge stuff #MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: Who's the MAN that helped you through the water Gina? #MTVstranded
@makanime: @AlexApple_ Might as well be chocolate coins that represent thousands of dollars so let's not burn them, shall we??😑😑😑😑 @MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: This sh*t is TOUGH #MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: Man idk why I cared so much about that stupid fruit. Sorry for getting so mad @makanime :( #MTVstranded
- @makanime: @CodyThrive It's ok! It tested our friendship, but we did it!😌🏝💪🏽🍓🍇🍒🍍
- @MTVStranded: @CodyThrive awwww #teammakody 4ever #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: In this challenge, if you ain't first, you're last. #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "Winners find a way to win no matter what it is.")
@MTVStranded: When someone tries to comfort me after a rough day... JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY?! #MTVSTRANDED
@ChrisLacerra: Team work makes the dream work!🍎🍍🍊 Good stuff! @CodyThrive @makanime 🔥🔥 @MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: .@GinaPandaBaby and @AlexApple_ are #teamalgina... What happens if Alex leaves? 😦 #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "You can't leave me Alex.")
@MTVStranded: Is @AlexApple_ gonna be able to mentally take the next 12 days of the game? 🤷🏻♀️ #MTVStranded   83%It's too much for him / 17%He'll come around!   380 votes•Final results
@MTVStranded: TEMPTATION TIME! 🙌🏻 #MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: The day after they want to burn all of the money and quit Gina gets a temptation. How interesting. #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: When your BFF picks you in dodgeball and you have to act surprised. 😱☺️ #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex - "Me? Alright.")
@GinaPandaBaby: Yaaaaaaaayyy temptation time! I won't lie about it this time 😂 #mtvstranded
@MTVStranded: Looking around at all of those pizzas like 😍😍😍 I'm in love. #MTVstranded
@GinaPandaBaby: I love Italian food... just like how I like my men ;) #mtvstranded
@CodyThrive: Gina = Alex's pet    Makani = My teammate/ friend     #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: NO @GinaPandaBaby don't DRINK THE WATER #MTVStranded (GIF: "No no no no no! This is unacceptable.")
@GinaPandaBaby: Mmmm those veggies were bomb #mtvstranded
@CodyThrive: That's classic!!!! The thrive juice is probably good for her in all honesty. #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: ..@GinaPandaBaby oh girl. 😳 #MTVStranded (GIF: "A scoop of peanut butter... wait, no.")
@makanime: A combination of being a 🐏, Gina? 😑 @MTVStranded 🏝
@GinaPandaBaby: A scoop of peanut butter or $7500?😭 #mtvstranded
- @makanime: @GinaPandaBaby @MTVStranded Smdh. Someone chose the wrong team to ride.
- @CodyThrive: @GinaPandaBaby @MTVStranded 75,000*
@ChrisLacerra: #TBT To when we had a talk with Gina a night at camp 2. You could have easily been the voice of reason for her over Alex IMO. @CodyThrive
- @CodyThrive: @ChrisLacerra TBT to the first night they bought the tent and Alex made Gina sleep outside of it in the rain with @makanime
- @ChrisLacerra: @CodyThrive @makanime Truth
- @makanime: @CodyThrive Right😂 the things that went unaired... @MTVStranded 🏝🐸☕️
@GinaPandaBaby: I would die if I was on that island alone #mtvstranded #NoThanks #prayforme
@GinaPandaBaby: Spam is the shit doods #mtvstranded
@CodyThrive: Gina's master called her. #MTVstranded
- @MTVStranded: @CodyThrive damn. @CodyThrive savage af #MTVstanded
- @makanime: @CodyThrive The contrast b/w #algina & #makody could not be more stark. A team with two equal voices vs a weasel & his 🐏😑
@Bella_naomi95: Your owner is calling you 😭😭😭😭
- @MTVStranded: @Bella_naomi95 ROUGH #MTVSTRANDED
@MTVStranded: .@AlexApple_'s reaction tho.... #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: Do you think they actually won't carry it and lose all that $$$ ?! Find out next week on #MTVStranded! (GIF: Gina - "We're not carrying it.")
@makanime: We just get consistently more savage I love it😁😈 @CodyThrive @MTVStranded #algina's got to go....🚁🚁
@GinaPandaBaby: Ahhhhh shit! Next week is about to be epic #MTVstranded
- @MTVStranded: @GinaPandaBaby 💩 literally 🙈 #MTVstranded
- @makanime: @GinaPandaBaby @MTVStranded We know🙄
@makanime: If it was legitimate for them to burn thousands of dollars(which it's not, it's illegal) it's legitimate to stop at nothing to get them out
@makanime: About to get so heated all over again PCT 🙄😑🔥 @MTVStranded 🏝
@makanime: If one goes, the other one goes...🤔😏 #plotting @MTVStranded 🏝😈
@MTVStranded: Seeing them rip the money like 😨 #MTVStranded
@AlexApple_: My latest recap of @MTVStranded: what we ate, how we found food, why water wasn't a problem & why all the craziness.
@CodyThrive: It's amazing how mad stranded fans are. I don't think shows are supposed to piss their fans off to this extent. Maybe fix the rules? 🤔🤔🤔  IF stranded even gets a season 2 contestants will just burn the money before flaring. That's not a game move it's illegal. Change the rule.
@makanime:  TFW...the kids you're babysitting burn $65,580, & you're forced to sit and watch by @MTVStranded 😑🔥💵
@makanime: @MTVStranded I was in shock. Thought 1/2way thru they might realize that could be college tuition, a small🏡, a 🚗 for every member in their family...smdh😑

▪    ▪    ▪

So, we saw the two biggest power moves of this season take place in week 8: Cody & Makani do, for the first time since all the way back in week 1, get nothing at group buy and block all food purchases, and leaving Alex & Gina in a struggle just to stay in Fiji. It's there in being desparate to get food and to avoid starving that causes Alex to pull off the season's most shocking moment -- at least for the next couple weeks -- of having to put the money they've collected here in a stash and burning them, ripping those dollar bills apart, and flying them through the air. This brought back a scene from Are You The One? Season 1 when JJ did the same thing when he, Jacy and Simone got into words in that house in Hawaii.

And this leads us to the first poll related to Stranded that I got to do for DCBLOG which is conducted after episodes air in the Trifecta.

Going into the last two weeks and after
last night's chaotic episode, whose side
are you on -- #Makody or #Algina?
 CODY & MAKANI                 96% 
● ALEX & GINA                        4%

The poll above very much stamps the turnaround from a few weeks ago of this game, and shows the support suddenly shifting to Cody & Makani over Alex & Gina, who along with Alonzo & Eilish controlled this game financially... not it appears they may lose this game as a whole emotionally and overall.
   And because this is the same poll result of 96% to 4% as one that was conducted by NBC during the 2002 Winter Olympics in reference to the Skate-Gate controversy that involved the pairs event in Salt Lake City, this brings up an analogy brought up by host Bob Costas where he famously coined, "The last vote I recall being this lopsided came when kindergarteners were asked which they preferred - milk or prune juice?"  That's how lopsided this vote was and how public support has now been given to Team Makody. But remember, everyone who makes it to Day 40 gets a cut of the cash, even Alex & Gina should they not flare in the final two weeks. Let's see how this all plays out.

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Tomorrow, DCBLOG turns to The Challenge Invasion as the Underdog Bloodbath begins as Ashley, Amanda, Jenna, Nicole, Cory, Shane, Hunter and Nelson play to avoid being part of The Challenge's first-ever multi-player elimination week. Plus, we'll have a follow-up on the man who entertained us in New Orleans and three Challenges, but has endured a real-life Real World story.
   In the meantime, tonight on DCNOW at @DC408DxNow, it's one of the country's biggest festivals and all this Easter weekend you have a front row seat to the event known simply as Coachella. Lady Gaga, Kendrick Lamar, Radiohead and Lorde headline the next three days in Palm Springs, as live coverage kicks off shortly on DCNOW. Enjoy the music, and see you back here tomorrow.


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