Saturday, April 29, 2017

DC SocialPulse: AYTO Second Chances - Episode 6

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
& spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
β–  @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

Welcome back yet again to Inside the MTV Trifecta on DCBLOG, as this week's posts roll along this Saturday night with the 'Pulse of Are You The One? Second Chances, and the second half has begun down in Melbourne, Australia.
   Last week, the couples took to an obstacle course for the most demanding test so far of their relationship where they maneuvered through a mud pit and having to both put together a bicycle and then ride it to the finish line. Not surprisingly, Devin & Rashida took back power couple status as she also let it out there that there could be more to their relationship headed their way. There was also some drama with Mike and Alicia, and most especially with Tori and Morgan, especially when they were put into The Choice, but they shared and stayed.
   This week, the second half of this season begins as the final five couples get ever closer to the big payday. But the matches find themselves in a precarious position when their latest challenge forces them to film all and show some public displays of affection. One of those couples we mentioned above may find themselves at a turning point in their relationship as paranoia hits one of them. And just when you think the surprises get even more crazier... it does down under.
   All the action, reaction and interaction of Episode 6 awaits in this journal, and after the Pulse, as the NFL Draft wraps up tonight we'll look at how an AYTO alum spent time overseas playing a game he loves in a country where the definition of the sport is much different.

β€’ As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
β€’ Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

After the jump, the 'Pulse of AYTO Second Chances as the second half begins.

@AYTO2ndChances: Are you rooting for @MTVDevinWalker & @RzBeach to get together?  πŸ’–
@amazedbykay: It's crazy how many celebs watch AYTO πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
@whaattaafoxx: Just don't want to be looking for a relationship right now.  I just wanna be single and figure out who i am.
@MtvMagicMike: Just watched the new @AYTO2ndChances.. a week after my ex and I break up and she's trying to bang my roommate..yet ppl are ok with this?πŸ˜‚πŸ’€πŸ’€
@MtvMagicMike: Shoutout to my baby sisters. Ones going into her final year of law school and the other about to be a registered nurse. Love y'all to death.
@MikalaThomass: This is what our first dates actually looked like πŸ˜‚... how sad
@HaydenPWeaver: "@HaydenPWeaver: Still think mtvs "scientist" got you and Gianna's perfect matchs mixed up. You guys looked like you were meant to be." RT 5 seasons in and only one "perfect match" is together, time to find some new matchmaking experts πŸ€·πŸ½β™‚οΈ
@TayloriasSecret: I love when people talk shit to me on social media. Like damn you're actually mad πŸ˜‚
@MTVkarikowalski: NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO UP :) Why I applied for AYTO, what it was like going through casting, and some casting tape clips
@stephenjohnii: Damn I fucking love my best friend πŸ‘… @JuliaRose_33

@AYTO2ndChances: We're down to the FINAL five perfect matches & the game is about to CHANGE! Prepare for mind blowing new episode of #AYOSecondChances πŸ’₯
@MikalaThomass: Why is it that on @AYTO2ndChances  you only ever see me when I'm A. staring at Cam, B. Kissing Cam, or C. Eating?
@brittany_baldi: every great woman deserves an even better man to have her back. stability. love. loyalty. friendship ❀ #relationshipgoals
@ItsAll_AboutTee: I will never get over the fact that I could be sitting pretty with 32k in my bank account πŸ™„
- @JoeyAmoia716:  @ItsAll_AboutTee 😫😫😫
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @JoeyAmoia716 fuck you . You shoulda made a connection with Shannon but no , lol .
- @mikehalpern92: @ItsAll_AboutTee  nothing to do with that.
- @JoeyAmoia716: @ItsAll_AboutTee  We all know that was an impossible taskπŸ€”
- @MTVkarikowalski: @ItsAll_AboutTee Literally never
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: lolπŸ˜‚πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
- @BombshellChels: @ItsAll_AboutTee it's okay girl I know about 90% of my cast has blown it all by now πŸ˜‚
- @TayloriasSecret: @ItsAll_AboutTee  But we wanna blow it all too πŸ˜‚
- @ItsAll_AboutTee:  lol I wouldn't of blown mine πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈπŸ˜‚
- @iamkamiam_: @ItsAll_AboutTee Saddest season ever
- @ItsAll_AboutTee:  Issa joke . 😭
- @ItsAll_AboutTee:  only if they stop playing πŸ™„πŸ˜‚

@AYTO2ndChances: Can #Torgan survive another #AYTOSecondChances challenge? Get ready for a new episode on WEDNESDAY! πŸ’₯
@AYTO2ndChances: Monday got me feeling like... πŸ™„ | Prepare for a new episode of #AYTOSecondChances on WEDNESDAY
@MtvMagicMike: Was talking with some #ayto alums and we were wondering.. if season 5 had to blame one person for losing... who would it be and why? πŸ€”
- @MtvMagicMike: @tylerobrienn fuckin up the gameeee
- @mikehalpern92: @MtvMagicMike don't ask questions you know the answer too
@AYTO2ndChances:  πŸ‘€πŸ€” #Dori πŸ€”πŸ‘€
@MTVJohnconner: no rush but I can't wait for the day I find the one. the one I fall hard for, the one I want to marry, the one I want to start a family with
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Me and Taylor is on FaceTime and I told her "we may not be together but we can still be together " as we sip our wine 🍷 πŸ˜‚
@AYTO2ndChances:  We ALWAYS have a twist up our sleeve! Find out what happens during TOMORROW's new episode of #AYTOSecondChances! 😈
- @AREUTHE1: @AYTO2ndChances I wonder what twists #AYTOSecondChances have up their sleeves?! πŸ€”
@IamAdamKuhn: I like when Instagram models say they're working on a "new project" and it's literally just newer pictures of their ass.
@AYTO2ndChances: You like more than three of my pics in a row, we go together 😌 | New #AYTOSecondChances tomorrow at 9/8c
@AREUTHE1: He doesn't know he's bae yet, but he'll find out soon! 😏 | New #AYTOSecondChances tomorrow at 9/8c.
@MtvMagicMike: If you don't still say "wed-ness-day" in your head when you spell Wednesday, then your a fucking liar πŸ˜‚
@RzBeach: AYTO !!! 2nd chances tomorrow !! Ohhh yeah
@RzBeach: Who do you guys think will win tomorrow ?
@RzBeach: Missing @MTVDevinWalker
@amazedbykay: It's amazing how you can be self conscious about something & the world compliments you on it.
@TayloriasSecret:  I just woke up and Andre was still on ft with me but he was asleep too πŸ˜‚πŸ˜©
@TayloriasSecret: @AYTO2ndChances When he says he has a girlfriend

@shannanity: And just like that it's over and you go back to that half-life until you get the magic call…
@MTV_AMANDAG: What did you guys think of last night episode of #TheChallengeInvasion ?
@ChallengeMTV: Last night's tribute to Diem was beautiful πŸ’ž #TheChallengeInvasion
@MTVBeth: MTV's Real WORLD VENICE BEACH with @jonbrennan_com 24 years ago! He is still the country music singer I remember! Good times @JulianLennon
@AshleyMarieMTV: Set life is a fun life! πŸŽ₯#thechallenge (note that I'm on my tippy… …
@candicewiggins: Lolo Jones: I adore thee. πŸ˜œπŸ’•βœ¨#wcw #MTV #TheChallenge2017 #ChampsVsPros #comingsoon #thuglife #partnerincrime #sistersinChrist
- @lolojones: @candicewiggins Airs May 16th. They don't want us to win
@ChallengeMTV: .@TheOfficial_CT + @CamilaMTV in a final together in Thailand? DΓ©jΓ  Vu! Watch #TheChallengeInvasion on πŸ™Œ
@ChallengeMTV: BAE watch 😍 | What better way to watch #TheChallengeInvasion than with wine! #WCW #WineWednesday 🍷 @CamilaMTV
@kailah_casillas: On the set of @iammikeyp 's new music video for his song "Wake Up" ! I may just be in it! πŸ’πŸ»β™₯️! Song available now, video coming soon!
@ChallengeMTV: Saving his energy for the Finals πŸ˜‚ Catch the first part to the conclusion of #TheChallengeInvasion, Tuesday @ 9/8c!
@WestonBergmann: Whenever I get pimples on my face I just let my beard grow out. It's like manly makeup. πŸ’„ 🐻
@ChallengeMTV: Check your Fantasy League scores NOW & keep playing for a chance to win a trip to the #VMAs! #TheChallengeInvasion ✈
@shannanity: And just like that it's over and you go back to that half-life until you get the magic call…

@mikethemiz: That time no one was listening to @MelKiperESPN during the #NFLDraft because they were to busy reading my tweet. @espn
@brittany_baldi: looking to @TomFcknBrady to give us #NFLDraft2017 thoughts. who are we getting!? πŸ™ƒπŸ€™πŸ»
@brittany_baldi: nothing like #NHLPLAYOFFS lets go @penguins defend the cup!! πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ”₯
@robb_schreiber: Fuck. ...fuck. FuuuUuuuUuuuck.  Sums up my draft-watching-experience.  #NFLDraft
@tombuelljr: Texas is producing...
@SylviaMTV: The #NFLDraft2017 has me stressed!
@erikalaurenluvs: Y'all these #NFLDraft names are πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@CodyThrive: TJ Watt!!! Awesome to see brothers get to play in the NFL together. One day I hope my brother makes it on reality tv.
@ZNichols15: Listening to @nflcommish get booed was the best.

@AYTO2ndChances: Stress levels are through the ROOF 😑 and relationships are BREAKING πŸ’”! Catch an all-new episode of #AYTOSecondChances tonight! πŸ’₯
- @itsFugazzi: @AYTO2ndChances Wait is that..... 😱
@AREUTHE1: Just when you thought @AYTO2ndChances couldn't get any more f*cked! Catch a new episode of #AYTOSecondChances TONIGHT at 9/8c! πŸ’₯
@AYTO2ndChances: Can @tori_deal actually trust @MTVMorganSt or will she get screwed over in the end πŸ€”? Get ready for #AYTOSecondChances TONIGHT! 😈
@KaramoBrown: Last week I put the contestants through a grueling challenge 🀒😳... u don't want to miss tonight's crazy twist! @AYTO2ndChances 9/8c on @mtv
@AYTO2ndChances: Literally me all day today 😩 ...UNTIL #AYTOSECONDCHANCES COMES ON TONIGHT πŸ™‹πŸ™†πŸ™‹πŸ™†
@AYTO2ndChances: Who do YOU think will be sent home during tonight's episode of #AYTOSecondChance? Vote now here:
- @HaydenPWeaver: @AYTO2ndChances I heard they're bringing back everyone that's been eliminated and it will now be called "Third time's the charm" but don't quote me
@AYTO2ndChances: Everyone in the house is trying their HARDEST to get #TeamTorgan out of the house 🐍
@AYTO2ndChances: OH SH*T! There's a big TWIST that you'll never see coming in TONIGHT's new episode of #AYTOSecondChances! πŸŒ€πŸ˜³
@whaattaafoxx: @MtvNateSiebs This is why he don't do relationships yall. He knows better. Move bitch.
@MTVMorganSt: Check me out on @MTV Snapchat for special guests, announcemts, performances, & more (mostly shade) @AYTO2ndChances
@ftwgiovanni: People who try to please everyone are never happy.. and end up losing the only ones who mattered to begin with

β–ΊAS THEY SAW IT: Episode 6
@AYTO2ndChances: #AYTOSecondChances STARTS NOW πŸ™
@AREUTHE1: We're down to the FINAL FIVE! Who's ready for an all-new #AYTOSecondChances? Watch with me and @AYTO2ndChances! ✨
@AREUTHE1: #Kaysaf is forever in my ❀️ #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: When it's only Wednesday and you have TWO more days till Friday... #AYTOSecondChances
@shandathapanda: can we talk about how wasted i am in this episode??? #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Speak the truth @MikalaThomass πŸ—£ #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "Everyone is missing the whole point of this game!")
@AREUTHE1: Y'all need to leave my girl @tori_deal alone! She's a fighter πŸ’ͺ #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "BACK OFF!")
@MTVMorganSt: @AYTO2ndChances The irony of Cam & Mikala talking about their relationship considering what we know now... 😭
- @MikalaThomass: @MTVMorganSt @AYTO2ndChances Lmao I don't even remember what I said and have yet to watch the episode lol
@AYTO2ndChances: Aye fellas this is NOT how you cuddle! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ #AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: I see Mike and Alicia are getting to know each other better in the Boom Boom Room... #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Mike and Alicia have connected on ANOTHER level πŸ˜… #AYTOSecondChances
@shandathapanda: lmfao my fucking dread head from not showering for 2 days #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances:  It's time for these perfect matches to show us what kind of movie they'd make 😏 #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: Mike - "Oh s...!")
- @AREUTHE1: @AYTO2ndChances I think I know what kind of movie Mike and Alicia would make πŸ€” #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: This is literally how every guy I date sounds πŸ˜«πŸ€– #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: Tori - "You literally sound like a robot when you speak!")
@AYTO2ndChances: Don't we all, @shandathapanda? #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "I Hold Grudges!")
@AREUTHE1: Do any of you need extras for your music videos? #AYTOSecondChances
- @AYTO2ndChances: @AREUTHE1 Hmmmm 😌 #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: When bae isn't as manly as you thought he was... πŸ‘ΈπŸ» #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: Shanley on Adam - "He's the princess!")
@shandathapanda: WOOOOOOF. #aytosecondchances
@MTVMorganSt: @AYTO2ndChances first testing my strength/mental abilities, now artistic vision? I don't know what the hell Australians find funny πŸ˜ͺ
@AREUTHE1: "Devin values me." - @RzBeach #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: I don't think you will, @RzBeach! You sound amazing babe 🎢😍 #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "I don't wanna f... this up.")
@shandathapanda: god i really love my bbs @RzBeach and @MTVDevinWalker
@AYTO2ndChances: πŸ’© @MTVMorganSt is looking like a life-size Hershey Kiss right now 🀣 #AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: .@tori_deal pouring those fake tears on her face is me trying to get out of finals πŸ˜… #AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: Mike is going ham with shooting this video! It's all about the angles πŸŽ₯ #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances:  When bae steps out of line... πŸ‘‹πŸ’₯ #AYTOSecondChances
- @IamAdamKuhn: @AYTO2ndChances I'm jacked with a big penis but also a great actor #versatile
- @whaattaafoxx: @AYTO2ndChances This should be Cas beating the shit out of him. Not a petty slap. Blood should be drawn.
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Can't change a hoe into a perfect matchπŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ  #aytosecondchances
@shandathapanda: guys, i may be a bitch but im really just honest about everything #aytosecondchances
@AYTO2ndChances: βœ¨πŸ’˜ #Mikameron is so damn adorable πŸ’˜βœ¨#AYTOSecondChances
@MTVMorganSt: @AYTO2ndChances I'm often distracted my Alicia's side boob as well
@AREUTHE1: Give these short films an Oscar πŸ† #AYTOSecondChances
@KaramoBrown: Are you watching 2nights episode of @AYTO2ndChances its on now & every1 is at the start line ready to hear their challenge & the twist! @MTV
@AYTO2ndChances: Have a little more faith, @IamAdamKuhn & @shandathapanda πŸ™πŸ™Œ #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Looks like it'll be going down in the #WinnersSuite for #Mikameron! 😏 #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: Cameron to Mikala - "So you're not saying no to sex?!")
@MTVMorganSt: @MTVDevinWalker and @RzBeach voices of angels @AYTO2ndChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Who do you think is in the bottom spot?! #AYTOSecondChances   22%Morgan & Tori / 78%Alicia & Mike   108 votesβ€’Final results
@MTVMorganSt: @AYTO2ndChances Mike you should have "made a porno"
@AYTO2ndChances: #Mikameron claim the top spot for the FIRST TIME EVER! Congrats guys ❀️ #AYTOSecondChances
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Where was that slap at the reunion ? Oh wait , you ran off after I bopped ya ass . #aytosecondchances
@AREUTHE1: #Mikameron DESERVES the Winner's Suite! 🍾 #AYTOSecondChances
@IamAdamKuhn: Mr Roboto's ass should be going home! That video sucked! @MTVMorganSt #AYTOSecondChances
- @MTVMorganSt: @IamAdamKuhn Wasn't that @MTVDevinWalker a line?
@AYTO2ndChances: When bae says "we need to talk" πŸ™„πŸ˜« #AYTOSecondChances
- @AREUTHE1: @AYTO2ndChances PRETTY MUCH 🍺 #AYTOSecondChances
- @shandathapanda: @AYTO2ndChances IM LITERALLY AN ALCOHOLIC
@iamkamiam_: Strong people have feelings too, never assume they're always good.
@Jg5_era: This shit only got lit when the bro came πŸ˜‚ @ftwgiovanni #AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: *whispers* We don't talk about Season 5. #AYTOSecondChances
- @mikehalpern92: @AREUTHE1 Because we lost or the terrible acting?
@ftwgiovanni: He lied to Cas about all of that... πŸ˜’
@AREUTHE1: But #Torgan SHARED last week... What is happening?! #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Mike and Alicia are feeling the pressure from losing money in #AYTO5 πŸ˜– #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: When they start catching feelings... #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: Morgan - "I'm NOT your boyfriend!")
@AREUTHE1: No one is safe anymore... Who's going to get sent into The Choice?! #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: Down to the FINAL FIVE perfect matches! Who's going home tonight?! 😱 #AYTOSecondChances
@MTVMorganSt: @AYTO2ndChances @IamAdamKuhn say bitch one more time lol
@shandathapanda: have morgan and tori voted for me and @IamAdamKuhn every time now?!
@AYTO2ndChances: Second week in a row for @tori_deal & @MTVMorganSt in #TheChoice! πŸ˜” #AYTOSecondChances
@AREUTHE1: Seems like these housemates do NOT give up on a couple until they steal from each other... 😬 #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: What do you think @MTVMorganSt & @tori_deal will decide this time around? πŸ’₯   20%Morgan Steals / 09%Tori Steals / 35%Double Share / 36%Double Steal   254 votesβ€’Final results
@AREUTHE1: .@MTVMorganSt is playing right now... #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: "Stop it!")
@AYTO2ndChances: You heard the man, @tori_deal & @MTVMorganSt! πŸ™Œ #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: Mike - "Don't let me down!")
@katiehusty: Devin is so threatened by Tori and Morgan it's not even funny.  #aytosecondchances
@IamAdamKuhn: It's frustrating being so much more athletic than everyone and getting stuck doing "stupid" missions #AYTOSecondChances
@HaydenPWeaver: "@fatherjass: This late in the game? Hell I'd steal and if I was cool with my partner split that shit. That's guaranteed bank #AYTOSecondChances" RT No way. The stealer has to pay the taxes on that money they give to their partner lol
@AYTO2ndChances: TONIGHT IS A #BLINDCHOICE! @MTVMorganSt & @tori_deal will never know the choice that was made πŸ’₯ #AYTOSecondChances
- @KaramoBrown: @AYTO2ndChances One day I'm going to tell you what they chose... and it's good. πŸ˜‰πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ˜‰#BlindChoice #AYTOSecondChances
@EmmyMorning: What!? What is this!? @KaramoBrown has some tricks up his sleeves! This is wild and I love it haha! #AYTOSecondChances
@AYTO2ndChances: My exact reaction to the #BlindChoice 😳 #AYTOSecondChances (GIF: Alicia - "BISH WHET???")
@AYTO2ndChances: Mike and Alicia stays. Tori and Morgan stays. No one goes home tonight!!! πŸŽ‰ #AYTOSecondChances
- @HaydenPWeaver: @AYTO2ndChances I swear to god if you guys would've pulled this on my steal...
@AREUTHE1: WHOA! 😱 Thanks for tuning in to this week's episode of #AYTOSecondChances! Let's do this again next Wednesday with @AYTO2ndChances! πŸ’₯
@AYTO2ndChances: My mind is currrently BLOWN! WTF JUST HAPPENED!!!Thanks for tweeting along with me tonight. See you next week! #AYTOSecondChances πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
@IamAdamKuhn: Why would this outcome cause for celebration? It's just another week we all have to compete and stay out of last place #AYTOSecondChances

@MikalaThomass: Low key waiting for some to be like.. Lizzie McGuire you are an outfit repeater! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ yup wore it to match up and the choice
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Great . Another week we have to see Alicia busting it wide open ... πŸ™„ #aytosecondchances
@asafgoren1: watching the mission on @AYTO2ndChances makes me miss the competition so much..I live for this kind of challenges ..rematch me pls
@HaydenPWeaver: When the guy next to me at Gianna's bar says to her "you got a man?" and she points at me
@tylerobrienn:  There's no bigger turn off than someone who's constantly glued to their phone
- @shannnonmaee: @tylerobrienn πŸ€”πŸ˜‚
- @shannnonmaee: @tylerobrienn πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
@tylerobrienn:  How the hell did Shannon get past the psychological evaluation prior to being casted onto the show?
- @shannnonmaee: @tylerobrienn Clearly you're crazier than me if you're still with me...πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
- @mikehalpern92: @tylerobrienn How did she make it home intact after that last ceremony?
@shannnonmaee: some say we aren't a good fit, but I think I fit pretty well in your arms 😏
@TayloriasSecret: Life's good πŸ’•
@TayloriasSecret: Everytime I know I need to pack I just lay down and think about it
@MTVkarikowalski: When you have a good thing going and you're like alright shit how long is it going to take me to fuck this up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™„
@itsFugazzi: Wait so 2 ppl hooking up and they're both in full blown relationships but its ok it's just on national televisionπŸΈβ˜•οΈ #AYTOSecondChances
@ftwgiovanni: The episode is just airing and I'm seeing all this for the first time like ya, so I'm gonna talk about it.. if you don't like it suck m...
@CSUGradAkirk: Damn @MTVMorganSt  getting manipulated the shit out of him  if torgan goes out sheeda and big d win plain and simple #AYTO2ndChances
@CSUGradAkirk: Based on the edit of this season I'm shocked Mike and Alicia aren't together in real life #AYTO2ndChances
@CSUGradAkirk: Cmon team Ogs @IamAdamKuhn and @shandathapanda get on the same page want you guys in the finals! #AYTO2ndChances
@CSUGradAkirk: Ok torgan is going back into the choice no way they win this mission #AYTO2ndChances
@CSUGradAkirk: I see why @MTVMorganSt  keeps his guard up She got with his roommate I think Tori's great but I see where he's  coming from #AYTO2ndChances
@HaydenPWeaver: @AREUTHE1 I've recruited like 27 people to the casting website tonight so it there's a referral check I'll send you my banking info
- @TayloriasSecret: @HaydenPWeaver @AREUTHE1 My ex is going on so I feel like I deserve something for y'all continuing to ruin my life as well
- @HaydenPWeaver: @TayloriasSecret @AREUTHE1 We deserve an additional stipend for the aftershock this show has brought us. And a gah damn boat

@AYTO2ndChances: All up in mines and you don't even have one πŸ’ #AYTOSecondChances
@whaattaafoxx: Mikes nasty af. Cheated on his gf with the hoe of the house. Probably raw dogged her while she was getting banged out by Gio 2 weeks before.
- @ftwgiovanni: @whaattaafoxx Lord knows I strapped up
@whaattaafoxx: @TayloriasSecret She texted me too telling me the stuff he said. And he told Cas that him and Alicia never fucked and I told her, if they did MTV will air it
@MtvNateSiebs:  @whaattaafoxx Ellie mind ya damn business shit!! Lmao You all up in Mike and Cass drama while you at home with ya own drama!!! Dang..
- @whaattaafoxx: @MtvNateSiebs Nate stfu I ain't got no damn drama here! Idgaf. Next time you're cheated on don't run to me with your problems...
@whaattaafoxx: Idgaf. If you got a good girl at home, and you cheat on her with another bitch that knows about your girl. Yall deserve to rot in hell.
@whaattaafoxx: The funny thing is Mike and Alicia senerio is he's a "player" who wants to find a good girl. THAT'S A REAL LIFE SITUATION LMFAOπŸ˜‚
@whaattaafoxx: Sorry yall but I have no filter when I see someone has cheated in a relationship. My blood starts boiling and I go the fuck off.

@HaydenPWeaver: I have so many pictures of Gianna's butt that she doesn't know about so whenever I'm in a bad mood I just look at those and all is well
@ohhhfrancesca: Reading all this #AYTOSecondChances drama on my timeline meanwhile I forgot the show was still airing
@AYTO2ndChances: Last night we made a movie on #AYTOSecondChances! 🎬✨ | Watch the full episode here:
@AS3_era:  Hey ahhh... wyd? πŸ€·πŸ½β™‚οΈ
- @TayloriasSecret: @AS3_era Omg πŸ™ˆ
@TayloriasSecret: When ur crush flirts with you
@carooduartee: It's #ThrowbackThursday and I miss Brasil πŸ˜ΏπŸ‡§πŸ‡·
@mikehalpern92: Just saw #aytosecondchances and I don't know what I'm more disgusted with.. losing season 5 or Alicia calling mike, Michael... I'm Michael.
@mikehalpern92: She did it again... send them home.
@JuliaRose_33: New video up on Instagram πŸŽ₯ check it out and show some luvvvvv.
@amazedbykay: Living a dream.

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We didn't spoil the name of the episode title until after this diary, which was entitled "Blind Choice." And that's the latest twist to come to this game, as Tori and Morgan won't know if they decided to share, steal or take a double steal. This comes after him turning into a robot bombs at the box office as Cameron & Mikala take power couple status for the first time. More on all this on the WRAP in a few days.


For the past few days, the attention of many sports fans here in the U.S. have been fixated not on the NBA or NHL playoffs or the end of the first month of the baseball season, but on Philadelphia for a slice of autumn taking place in the midst of spring.  There, on the steps of the same steps of the Museum of Art where Rocky made his greatest strides, the NFL Draft has been taking place, with Myles Garrett going into the books as this year's overall #1 selection, being drafted by the Cleveland Browns. Today was the third and final day of the Draft, as at day's end awards were feasted upon Mr. Irrelevant - the very last pick of the 253 being made in Philly since Round 1 back on Thursday.
   This sense of football fever will offer the backdrop for ExtraTime for not just this post, but also that aforementioned WRAP as we'll be looking at two Trifecta alumni who have had experience playing Division I-FBS college football but were never been drafted by an NFL team after they received their college degree. First, we begin with a member of Team AYTO from SEC country and whose football story actually took him abroad. Ironically enough, 2017's Mr. Irrelevant went to the same college as our subject.

Go to any country outside America, Canada, Australia and Ireland and the likelihood when someone mentions the name "football," they'll think of the native form of that game in their country, and not of the game we here in America call soccer that most people refer to "football" as. Well, what happens when you come to a nation as an American to play our brand of football overseas in a country where soccer is king and American football is a niche sport? Well, that happened to our subject before he became an MTV star.
   Three years ago on Season 2 of Are You The One?, we met Layton Jones, a Mississippi native who came to Puerto Rico looking for "Mrs. Jones." That autumn, he was at the heart of a lot of the drama: he got in a fight with Invasion underdog Anthony, found himself in love with Ashley, Jessica and a couple other girls in the house, and you might say that he was also somewhat hotheaded too. And in the season finale when he held the last choice in the season's tenth & last matchup with $1 million hanging in the balance, Layton was left with a game-deciding choice.
   That season, like what we had this winter, there were more than 20 castmates, and the one who chose last had to decide to pick between the last girl chosen, or go with the eleventh girl, who of course was Christina. In what could have potentially been one of the biggest blunders in the history of the Trifecta, Layton decided to choose Christina over that tenth girl, Bostonian Tyler. Undoubtedly, everyone was feeling on edge upon him making that pick which could have left them, and not Season 5, as the first cast ever to lose this game... but unlike what happened three years later, his pick was rendered meaningless in the end as they did get to ten lights and won the seven-digits... and he was that double match with Christina and Tyler.

Well, before Layton went onto AYTO, he was a football player who started his career as a high school quarterback and was also a starting pitcher for his school's baseball team. He then made his way to Ole Miss - also the alma mater of fellow AYTO alum Kayla Lusby from Seasaon 1, as well as Dunbar from Real World Sydney and champ on The Challenge Cutthroat. He spent all four years in Oxford, where he transitioned to tight end and after waiting patiently for his turn on the field, he played in 11 games in his senior year of 2011.
   Like other players, he waited patiently for that phone call on 2012 NFL Draft weekend and didn't receive a single call from an NFL team. So like other undrafted players, Layton looked not to trying to go to training camp but to playing outside of the NFL, but not to the Canadian Football League north of the border or to Arena Football like Challenger Zach... but overseas. An opportunity came a calling in the country of Poland, and he played pro football for a team in WrocΕ‚aw in western Poland.
   Eventually, Layton would head back stateside to play indoor football for a team in his adopted hometown of Nashville, before getting that call from MTV casting directors to head to paradise for a chance at love and money. And since we last saw him, he got to meet Tennessee Titans legend Eddie George at a charity golf tournament, and is doing house work while waiting for that call.
   Below are two pieces of his experience in Poland: first, an interview he did with a YouTube channel on his football experience and having to adjust to life in this country, and posted below that is a Instagram photo Layton posted this past week of the currency he used when he was in Poland, which is zΕ‚oty -- the current exchange rate sees 3-4 zΕ‚oty at the equivalent of the American dollar.

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Tomorrow -- or later today if you're on the east coast, we'll be covering the finale of Stranded with a Million Dollars, as Cody, Makani, Gina and Alex look to make it to day 40 and grab a six-figure payday in Fiji. And still to come, we'll have predictions on who will win The Challenge Invasion, as well as catch up with a college football star turned rapper, and the many sides of Asaf.
   Until we talk again here, thanks for checking out the Pulse, and enjoy your Saturday.


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