Saturday, April 22, 2017

MTV Trifecta: Stranded with a Million Dollars - Week 9

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

The weekend has arrived, and if you're on the West Coast, then summer weather has arrived a month before the unofficial start of summer in 80- and 90-degree weather in Las Vegas. And we're here to go Inside the MTV Trifecta, where coming up, we have a Challenge elimination shocker ahead of the final, Barbie & Ken and friends go mudding in Australia, and a look at the many sides of everyone's favorite Israeli. But first, we start with the penultimate episode of Stranded with a Million Dollars.
   Last week, the rivalry that has been brewing all season long between the two sides began to take shape after power of the game was seized by Cody & Makani as they decided to not buy food at the group buy the rest of the way, which left Alex and Gina on the edge in trying to stay. And feeling the need to get food, the journalist turns to something both shocking and radical: ripping apart the money they've achieved along the way and putting them in a campfire leaving them in the flames.
   This week, the final days of their journey are upon them, and once again it's the two rivals who take center stage as one of them decides to declare an way on the other camp, as they decide it's time to try and get their enemies to flare up...only for them to forget something very crucial which may cost them money. And to add more to all this, there's a plan so jaw-dropping, it might be one of the most intriguing things you've ever seen on reality TV.

Ahead, our look at week 9 of the adventurers' stay in Fiji, plus Endgame looks at what might be the most intriguing moment of this inaugural season of Stranded.  See you after the jump.

@MTVStranded: Grab your #MTVStranded buddies and get PUMPED because there's a new episode you don't wanna miss tonight at 10/9c on @MTV! 💪
@CodyThrive: You know you're a nasty person when hundreds of people are rooting for someone else to crap in your water source. 😂😂😂 #MTVstranded
@CodyThrive: I am truly thankful for the fan support. Tonight we bounce back! @makanime #TeamMakody #MTVstranded
- @makanime: @CodyThrive Amen😌😏👌🏽✨🌴 @MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: Nobody in their right mind is going to not watch @MTVStranded after that commercial that just aired. #MTVstranded #TheChallengeInvasion
@AlexApple_: Take cover. Episode 9 of @MTVStranded is coming in hot. Grab your tarps & get ready. @MTV
@makanime: It's @MTVStranded time shmeople😁🙈🏝✨excite-ting things about to go down😏😎🙊🙀✨
@MTVStranded: No more waiting, a new @MTVStranded starts NOW! 🔥
@CodyThrive: Things are about to get crappy!!! 💩💩💩 #MTVstranded
@Bella_naomi95: Ayeeee stranded is finally on 🔥
@MTVStranded: Biggest temper tantrum in the history of histories (according to @CodyThrive) goes to @AlexApple_! 😱 #MTVStranded (GIF: "He has thrown the biggest temper tantrum in the history of history.")
@AlexApple_: I miss my coconut cup. I should start drinking out of that at home. #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: Guys, remember when @AlexApple_ and @GinaPandaBaby ripped up 65k? Memories. 😳 #MTVstranded (GIF: "If money mattered to us, we wouldn't have ripped it up.")
@makanime: Yo this episode is about to make me so mad & then gleeful😡😏😈🏝✨ @MTVStranded
@autumnmaurer_: Shit just got real #mtvstranded
@makanime: Tantrums on tantrums😑😑😑@MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: Me when they left the flare case and LOST 100,000 DOLLARS. 😩 #MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: On #TheChallengeInvasion they're greatful for 85k. On #MTVstranded they intentionally lose 165k. Pathetic man.
@makanime: Lolol @CodyThrive is going innnn on themmm🙈🙈🙈 @MTVStranded 👀🙊
@ChrisLacerra: WHAT LOL?? No words!! Where is the logic??? @CodyThrive @MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: .@codythrive is SO ready for them to flare out rn. 👋  #MTVstranded (GIF: "Hundred thousand down, but the big thing is... if they are taken out of the game, we'll be alright.")
@CodyThrive: Alex has since "resigned" from his local news job... We all know what that means. #MTVstranded
@makanime: @MTVStranded savageee @CodyThrive all lines about to be crossed🙊✨✨😏
@MTVStranded: WWYD? #MTVStranded   14%Leave the case / 86%Take the case bc MONEY.   71 votes•Final results
@MTVStranded: Wise words, brought to you by @GinaPandaBaby 👇 #MTVStranded (GIF: "Karma is a b...h.")
@MTVStranded: TFW the honeymoon phase of the relationship is over. 🙅  #MTVStranded (GIF: Makani - "I'm sick of them.")
@MTVStranded: .@CodyThrive is a BEAST 💪 #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: .@AlexApple_ wants @CodyThrive to PROVE his strength 👊 #MTVStranded (GIF: "When I give you a chance to be superman, BE superman.")
@CodyThrive: Well how nice. You have to build a 6ft fire to quit and Gina & Alex are lazy and bad at starting fires. Nice "twist". #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: TFW you go on vacation with your best friends a little TOO long. 🆘 #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "I look forward to the day where I get to go home.")
@MTVStranded: No money, ALL the problems* 💸 #MTVStranded
@thegirlnamedjac: Wow, I can't believe they walked away from $100,000. #MTVStranded @MTVStranded
@ChrisLacerra: Stay together #teamthrive ..You can do it!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼💪🏻 @CodyThrive @makanime
@MTVStranded: That water does NOT look sanitary... 🙅 #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "I'm worried about the water here.")
@makanime: @MTVStranded okay I've never heard of #nomoneynoproblems before...did I miss something??? Like when he lost his damn mind?😑
@CodyThrive: Thank God it was just the tinder and not PB or the pot. Major wake up call for me. Sorry for being mad @makanime. Hate to watch us fight.
- @makanime: @CodyThrive It's okay😌you were making sure I kept a close on eye on what we still had💯
@MTVStranded: .@AlexApple_ is a SAVAGE. 💪 #MTVStranded (GIF: "I'll just take that," in reference to taking Cody & Makani's Tinder bag)
@MTVStranded: *looks at camera "The Office" style* 👀 #MTVStranded
@AlexApple_: When there's #NoMorePizzas, that's when the real surviving starts. Gettin' that cassava, pineapple, papaya. @GinaPandaBaby. #MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: They better show me apologize to her @makanime. #MTVstranded
- @makanime: @CodyThrive He did😌everybody gets on each other's nerves sometimes🙈
@MTVStranded: WOAH. This is a #Makody THROWDOWN. 🔥 #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "You can go with the flow and be a hippie when you get home. But out here, things need to get done.")
@MTVStranded: Is this the end of #makody? 😱 #MTVStranded (GIF: Makani - "I'm not gonna wanna really work with him if he's just constantly yelling at me.")
@MTVStranded: Who wears short shorts? @CodyThrive wears short shorts. 👏👏👏 #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "Here come short shorts.")
@makanime: @MTVStranded @CodyThrive lolol i can go be a hippy when I get home🌸🌼🌺🙈 #doneanddone🐒☮️✌🏽
@ChrisLacerra: When the tablet points out how much was destroyed 😭😭😭
@MTVStranded: ... Me either. 😨 #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "Not really sure what we just did.")
@MTVStranded: Me when I skip lunch at work and go home to no food in my fridge. 😫  #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex - "I haven't eaten in 72 hours.")
@MTVStranded: TFW you go into a Yoga class to try it out for the first time. 🙅 #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex - "I'm not sure that my body can take that.")
@MTVStranded: WOAH. That might be the slightest bit extra, @GinaPandaBaby. 😐 #MTVStranded (GIF: "I feel like I'm a homeless man that no one is giving money to.")
@MTVStranded: .@CODYTHRIVE is doing some major sh*t talking rn. 💩  #MTVStranded (GIF: "I'm taking a s... in that water.")
- @CodyThrive: @MTVStranded classic Cody Dunlap.
@makanime: @MTVStranded when your decisions come back to bite you...we're eating rice, having a picnic, you wanted to binge on pizzas🤷🏽♀️
@MTVStranded: Cannot tell if @Makanime is a beautiful princess, a fierce warrior, or both. 💪👸 #MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: When @makanime was game I knew I had to do it. I couldn't let her down. #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: Looking at that temptation like 😍 #MTVStranded
@makanime: @MTVStranded @CodyThrive yoo we're going in on these people🙈😈🏝✨✨byeeee algina☺️👋🏽
@MTVStranded: @CodyThrive is ready to THRIVE IT UP.  💪 #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: When you're planning a vacation, but it's not for like 6 months. 😵  #MTVstrnaded (GIF: Makani - "I'm just ready to enjoy this s..t.")
@CodyThrive: This is hilarious.
@MTVStranded: TREAT YO SELF @Makanime 🙌 #MTVStranded
- @makanime: @MTVStranded Heheh☺️🌸🌺🌼you guys are the 💣 for that though
@MTVStranded: .@makanime is through with playing by the rules of someone else’s game. 😋 #MTVStranded (GIF: Makani - "It's gonna be bad.")
@makanime: @MTVStranded you guys know me too well😩🙈🌸🌺🌼 beach spa time☺️☺️👸🏽✨🙏🏽☺️
@CodyThrive: Revenge is a dish best served hot & steamy!!!💩💩💩 #MTVstranded
@tewsdaykate: Don't buddhists believe in not causing any harm to any living being? Sounds like a fake bitch to me  💁🏻@MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: Shout out to @GinaPandaBaby, you're working hard as hell gurl. 💪 #MTVStranded (GIF: "When it's hard, I always quit... especially if I don't get what I want.")
@MTVStranded: I kinda wanna be in Thrive town tbh. 😍 #MTVStranded (GIF: "I'm in Thrive town.")
@makanime: @MTVStranded @CodyThrive has the fastest metabolism I've ever seen😂😂😂😂
@MTVStranded: I CAN’T LOOK. Is he really drinking it? 😱 #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: I see what you did there, @CodyThrive. 😂 #MTVStranded (GIF: "Things are about to get a little CRAPPY out here.")
@CodyThrive: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA could Alex and Gina be bigger hypocrites???? #MTVstranded
@MTVjennifer: savages💩 @makanime @CodyThrive #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: That laugh may haunt my dreams tonight. 😬 #MTVStranded
@tewsdaykate: Anyone who stands behind what those two gremlins did, you seriously need to reevaluate yourselves @MTVStranded
@AlexApple_: Once asked Cody to name the top five receivers in the #NFL. When his serious answer included Jermaine Kearse of the #Seahawks, I had to stop
@MTVStranded: "@DevinTHudson: BIOLOGICAL WARFARE #MTVStranded" RT We're on that level, folks! 💩 #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: TFW you’re trying to eat healthy and everyone arounds you decides to eat ice cream. 😷 #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex - "It's so tough being around people that are eating while you're starving.")
@MTVStranded: .@AlexApple_ is ready to WIN this challenge. 🙌  #MTVStranded
@makanime: @MTVStranded these morning funks can happen somewhere else though🙄🙄🤗🚁👋🏽
@MTVStranded: That's exactly something a mermaid would say. 😳 #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "I'm not a mermaid.")
@mrmusicismylife: I wonder does @CodyThrive have his shorts pulled up that high on purpose as a distraction mechanism @MTVStranded on @mtv #MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: If Alex could choose any challenge it would be fire making. Let's see what he's got. #MTVstranded
- @makanime: @CodyThrive Lolol😏his pride handed to him☺️💁🏽
@MTVStranded: .@CodyThrive is doubting himself?! Keep going, you got this. 💪 #MTVStranded (GIF: "Wait does he know something I don't?")
@MTVStranded: Who has the upper hand on this challenge? ☝️  #MTVStranded   86%#Makody OF COURSE / 14%#Algina HAS THIS.   294 votes•Final results
@makanime: @MTVStranded challenge time aka #teammakody shining✨✨✨😤💪🏽
@MTVStranded: #MAKODY better catch up if they want a chance of winning this thing!!! 😨 #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: .@CodyThrive has mad respect for @makanime #TeamMakody #MTVStranded (GIF: "She's still better than you.")
@makanime: @MTVStranded's that water taste #algina?😯😈
@AlexApple_: I blew that. The palm husk will stay lit for hours but I hastily didn't hold it in the fire long enough. Damn. @MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: #TEAMMKAKODY WINS… AGAIN! 🎉🎉🎉 #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: .@AlexApple_ is here for the experience, ppl. Nothing else.👌  #MTVStranded (GIF: "I came here because this was an adventure and an opportunity.")
@CodyThrive: According to Alex's articles he always made the fires and she couldn't make any. WRONG!!! #MTVstranded #MakaniOnChallenge
@MTVStranded: SAVAGE. 😏 #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "So have fun with that, guys.")
@MTVStranded: But like, please don’t drink the water. 🙊 #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex - "I don't think we should drink out of it today.")
@makanime: @MTVStranded Alex should be more used to losing by it still necessary to cry every time?🤔🙄🚁
@AlexApple_: It's not salt water hahaha #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: I mean, it’s basically like you’re stranded or something… 😉 #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "There's not much you can do out here.")
@MTVStranded: Only a few days left… with 4 players in the game still?! 😳  #MTVStranded (GIF: Makani - "There's only a few days left.")
@MTVStranded: 🙏🙏🙏 #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "We're so freaking close.")
@MTVStranded: CMON ROCKS. @GinaPandaBaby is NOT a mermaid, don’t make this worse. #MTVStranded (GIF: "F... you, rocks.")
@MTVStranded: When its Life vs Money, life usually comes first... right?  💰 #MTVStranded (GIF: "Does it look like I give a f... about the money? I care about my f...... life.")
@CodyThrive: So if Alex and Gina don't want the money why aren't they throwing this 100k away too? Literally makes no sense!!! #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: .@AlexApple_ has a tough decision to make. #MTVstranded (GIF: "I'm one flare away from eating a meal.")
@makanime: @MTVStranded the way Gina struggles more than anyone carrying less than everyone🙄🙄🙄😑
@MTVStranded: Cody will NEVER STOP til it's #TeamMakody ftw. Find out if that happens next week on the #MTVStranded finale! (GIF: "I'm down to do whatever it takes.")
@GinaPandaBaby: Omg the jar of peanut butter that Nicole has on #TheChallengeInvasion looks amazing
@CodyThrive: I'm so grateful for our friendship @makanime!!! #TeamMakody #MTVstranded @ Garden Island of Fiji…
@CodyThrive: Had I known all I had to do to stop group buys was lose the flare case it would have been gone day 1!!! #MTVstranded
@GinaPandaBaby: Holy shit. That rock climbing stuff was hard. #mtvstranded
@GinaPandaBaby: Hashtag I literally cannot LMFAO am I running towards a jar a peanut butter bahahahah #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: That's it for this week, folks! Tune in next time for the SEASON FINALE of #mtvstranded! 💯

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It was 45 years ago that the attention of America and the world was on an apartment complex in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, D.C.  In the '60s and '70s, Watergate was considered one of the most desirable living spaces in our nation's capital and was a popular hangout spot for those on Capitol Hill and in the know of politics. But this would all change in the summer of 1972.
   On a June night inside the Office Building of this five-building complex near George Washington University, the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee were broken into, documents were photographed and phones were wiretapped. The ensuing investigation concluded that the Nixon administration's top officials ordered this robbery and tried whatever they can to cover it up, and additional crimes were also found. This led to Senate impeachment hearings, the eventual August 9, 1974 resignation of the President, and gave political & other scandals the "-gate" suffix ever since.

This brings us to this topic of Endgame, where for the second straight week a skeptical situation has come up with the lead member of one of the two groups in the Stranded final four in Fiji. And this time, we can coin this by the same name above of Watergate, but this scenario is much different compared to what happened in Washington during the '72 presidential campaign. To put this bluntly, there's water involved in this version of Watergate.
   Last week, there was Alex ripping up the money and burning them in a bonfire... he's reassured us that the currency used on the island is actually prototypes of the real thing and that they are not committing the crime of doing it to actual currency. This week, it's his rival Cody and pal Makani that do something almost or just about as equally eyeopening as what happened last week: he decided to take a... well, to make it PG-friendly, a deuce in the lake where his adversary would normally get drinking water, in an effort to take out him and the other only member of the Core Four still on the island, Gina.
   As we did on the WRAP when we featured all three players in the AYTO love triangle of Carolina, Hayden and Gianna when he stole the $30,000 from his perfect match to bring back to his true love on Second Chances, we're again giving all sides of this latest big moment equal time in having their voice heard. First, the man who did it, and then the man who's the victim of it...

For each episode this season, Cody has been doing weekly YouTube videos to offer his unique point of view of what he went through in Fiji. For here, he discusses why he and Makani decided to put that dirty laundry out there in the lake with the hope that Alex & Gina would get sick and to have them quit this close to reaching day 40 and collect their share. Here's a transcribed part of his comments on the matter, which you can check out Part 1 and Part 2 on his YouTube.
"We decide to s___ in the water source... it's something I didn't want it to come down to. I knew it was ridiculous. I knew it was crazy and I hope I never have to s___ in anyone's water source again, all jokes aside. But, if you cost me $100,000 intentionally after burning $65,000, and you're still in the game and you're costing me more money because I'm only going to get 25% of what's left, I'm going after you. And the way I'm going to make that $165,000 back is by taking you out of this game, and getting 50% instead of 25%. And I hate to admit this because I want to be seen as a psychopath, someone who's so hardcore trying to kill people. Like, this is dude is f__ing insane; and I'm sure some people will still think I am. But, the facts are this is a TV show. Nobody's actually going to die on the show. There's a medic...they'll step in if we're in trouble. If we're going to die, the medic will step in.  So, even though eating or drinking s___ can be deadly, they're not going to die. If they get sick, they'll get pooled and taken to a hospital and they'll be totally fine. So, I would never actually kill anybody and I wouldn't do it on national television. I knew that they wouldn't die when I pooped in the water. I thought that part of the episode was hilarious. I just want you to understand that, and to fully knew that what I was doing would never ever kill them."  (link)

While his rival has been recapping on YouTube, all season long Alex has resorted to his journalistic experience in writing about his time in Fiji for the much-respected reality TV site Reality Blurred. Here in his latest post, he argues that it's no laughing matter when his rivals are thinking that what they're doing is funny, and are trying to win at all costs and resorting to dirty gameplay to try and win all the money at their expense. Here's an excerpt from his latest recap blog:
"It started with our opponents intentionally dropping their feces in the water supply in hopes that Gina and I would drink it, catch infectious disease, flare, go to the hospital, and potentially suffer long-term health consequences. For the first time in the game, two people are trying to force illness on other cast members. That part is not funny to me, but it speaks to what some people will do to gain an advantage. ... Clearly not one to hold tightly to convictions, she decides just over three weeks later that exposing an opponent to infectious disease is the best route. I get it. Some people believe we were tough on Cody and Makani when they had no alliance, social game or power. If you think forcing disease on someone is the appropriate response to that, then line up in their ever-dwindling cheering squad. Alas, the funniest part of last night’s episode was Cody and Makani’s belief that I was drinking salt water. As I told Gina in the episode, there is fresh water that comes up through the sand when the tide recedes. The water is purified by the sand, and thus, good to drink. It takes all of two minutes to find one of these streams of fresh water, and there are probably dozens on most beaches. You would need a lot of poop to spread it over the entire beach."  - RealityBlurred

Again, we will abide to our policy to not take sides in this matter owing to our commitment to objectivity whenever something of a controversial nature takes place. But, you can say that this might be one of the craziest, oddest and/or dirtiest things we've ever seen on a reality TV show. To make this short and sweet, this sets up for what should be a most fascinating final hour of this first season of Stranded with a Million Dollars.

Finally, on a more upbeat note, there is happy news for one of those six who are no longer with us in Fiji. Just yesterday, Eilish revealed in an Instagram post below and she and her husband are now expecting their second kid. Our congrats go out to them.

A post shared by Eilish Rodriguez💋 (@tewsdaykate) on

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Coming up here at DCBLOG, it's The Challenge: Invasion as the remaining competitors compete one last regular challenge of the season, and the pieces start to form for those who'll be at the starting gate when the show's first-ever three-day final goes down. Plus, what is the link between one of the finalists of this season and one of television's greatest icons? You'll want to check that out.
   While you wait for the 'Pulse to be posted on here later tonight, why not join me and Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) as very soon, he will speaking to underdog Shane as he discusses everything from his return engagement to MTV. That will begin at the top of the hour on his YouTube channel at this link... see you there, and talk to you back here later tonight.


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