Saturday, April 8, 2017

MTV Trifecta: Stranded with a Million Dollars - Week 7

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

We have reached the end of this first week of April, and that means one thing here: it's time to go Inside the MTV Trifecta with DCBLOG. Ahead: two epic champions eliminations and a Challenge super twist, animal selfies and a theft in Australia, and the story of a pop punk band's breakthrough. But first on the docket, we kick off with Week 7 of Stranded with a Million Dollars.
   Last week, the pendulum of this game changed quite considerably when not one, but two players fired their flare gun when their health was in jeopardy and had to take their leave: Eilish and Alonzo split the Core Four in half to just Alex and Gina. This comes as Cody and Makani, not surprisingly, take control of the game in what has clearly been dominated from a money standpoint by the Core Four, and as they say, what a difference a week makes.
   This week, it's week 7 in Fiji as the game now turns into a two-on-two affair, and as the number of players lessens, the tensions only mount among the among the four remaining players. True to what we've seen a plenty over the years, a challenge forces the group to suck it up and work together as one unit. And the game takes a big, sudden turn as two decide to make a bold gamble in an attempt to get the others out for good.

After the jump, we look at Episode 7 of Stranded with a Million Dollars, plus we'll meet the show's biggest celebrity fan - as we begin our weekend look at the MTV Trifecta on DCBLOG.

@MTVStranded: Time for #MTVStranded! GO GO GO! (GIF: Cody - "3, 2, 1, go.")
@Bella_naomi95: Let's Go @teammakody @MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: Will @AlexApple_ and @GinaPandaBaby be able to last without the rest of the #Corefour? #MTVStranded   10%Yes! / 57%nopeee / 03%Just Gina / 30%Just Alex   116 votes•Final results
@CodyThrive: THRIVE THRIVE THRIVE!!!! #MTVstranded #TeamMakody > #TeamAlgina
@MTVStranded: #MAKODY will settle for nothing less than a full throttle THRIVE. #MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: Here comes the BS "America's heros" edit... NOBODY CARES!!!! Go home #TeamAlgina!!!! This is #TeamMakody's game!!!! #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: Can @AlexApple_ pull off being a double agent? #MTVStranded (GIF: "I'm gonna try to convince Cody that he and I should form a pact.")
@MTVStranded: Shortest trip does not always mean easiest tho… #MTVStranded (GIF: "Shortest journey yet: 90 minutes.")
@MTVStranded: Me, everyday, all the time, always. 🍹 #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "I'd rather be on the beach with a margarita.")
@MTVStranded: Will @GinaPandaBaby get through the journey unscathed and $25k richer? #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: .@CodyThrive is classy like that😌 #MTVStranded (GIF: "I don't want you to be in this game, but I also don't want you to die.")
@MTVStranded: TFW your phone dies when you were using GPS to find your way around. #MTVStranded (GIF: "I'm just guessing at this point what the best way to go is.")
@GinaPandaBaby: I don't want to die :( #MTVstranded #ICantSwim #ThanksDoods
@makanime: @MTVStranded if alex goes first, Gina is hopeless😈🏝✨
@MTVStranded: That was a rough journey, but they killed it out there! #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "Hopefully we'll never see a journey like that ever again.")
@makanime: @MTVStranded if you wanted to be on the beach with a 🍹...sounds like it's time for you to 🔫👋🏽
- @MTVStranded: You know it’s rough when the two teams are working together... #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: You know it’s rough when the two teams are working together... #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "Thanks for saving my life.")
@GinaPandaBaby: Hardest journey ever. #MTVstranded wait, all of them were hard LOL
@CodyThrive: Notice who saves Gina's life... Actions > words. Especially considering the magic of the edit. Alex treated Gina like a dog!!! #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: Oh how the tables have turned. #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex - "It's just crazy how quickly the game changed, you know?")
@AlexApple_: Like it or hate it, It's crazy to think how unlucky @tewsdaykate got. She'd have made it far.
@MTVStranded: That is a $1,000,000 question, @AlexApple_ 💸 #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex - "Would you take me on your temptation if I get rid of Gina?")
@makanime: @MTVStranded when #makody is struggling on the journey, you know it's real👀🏝
@MTVStranded: 🤔 Would you give @AlexApple_ the temptation if it meant getting “rid” of  @GinaPandaBaby? #MTVStranded   26%YES every man for himself / 74%NO loyalty first   121 votes•Final results
@russellhantz Russell Hantz/Survivor:  Watching @MTVStranded checking out @CodyThrive and @makanime seeing if they are the real deal... #MTVstranded
- @MTVStranded: @russellhantz They're pretty much the real deal. 💪 #teammakody #MTVstranded
- @russellhantz: @MTVStranded I the KING of Survivor will be the judge of that! ;)
@CodyThrive: How the fuck is Gina pivotal????? #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: .@GinaPandaBaby doesn’t plan on going ANYWHERE, yall. #MTVStranded (GIF: "I'm not gonna flare.")
@MTVStranded: #MAKODY Strong. #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody to Makani - "If I take him to my temptation, he'll push Gina out.")
@MTVStranded: It’s looking like #TeamMakody only has room for 2. #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "I've been through Makani throughout the whole game and I'm obviously more loyal to Makani than you you.")
@MTVStranded: Do you think @AlexApple_ would resort to stealing peanut butter? #MTVStranded (GIF: Makani - "What I take away from that is we need to guard our peanut butter jars because he would steal one, and eat it.")
@MTVStranded: Oh. Well that settles the peanut butter question. #MTVStranded (GIF of Alex having peanut butter)
@makanime: You're damnright the days of pizza are over😒👿🙅🏽🍕 @MTVStranded 🏝
@GinaPandaBaby: Daaang it, no more food buy ;( waaaaaaahhhhhh #MTVstranded
@Bella_naomi95: 😂😂😂 @CodyThrive @makanime
@MTVStranded: This team is ride or die 👊 #MTVStranded (GIF: "Every move that I've made in this game has been all about loyalty.")
@MTVStranded: Me after I just ate a jar of peanut butter. #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "I want peanut butter.")
@makanime: @MTVStranded the loyalty😌👏🏽 @CodyThrive 🏝✨💪🏽 #TeamMakody
@MTVStranded: .@makanime is not taking anyone’s sh*t. #MTVStranded (GIF: Makani - "You're theatening us."  Gina - "It's not a threat.")
@GinaPandaBaby: Hmm, I want peanut butter. #MTVstranded 😂😂😂 #Icaaaaant
@makanime: Lol im sorry but these people remind me of 🐀s @MTVStranded 👀🤢
@russellhantz: It seems to me the only two that's left trying to make rational decisions are @CodyThrive @makanime that's tough to do in those conditions!
@AlexApple_: I left to fly to the island later in the night after the national championship. Exactly one year ago yesterday. #MTVStranded.
@MTVStranded: Will @GinaPandaBaby go through with her plan? #MTVStranded (GIF: "If I don't get my food, you're not gonna get your money.")
@CodyThrive: IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU SAY GINA!!!!!! We have 3 votes... Gimme dat phone. New backpack! #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: Kinda wishing I had that backpacks for all my damn books in high school, tbh. 📚 #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "That backpack's gonna carry more money than any backpack ever has.")
@MTVStranded: .@Makanime and @Codythrive are finally catching on to the #schemeteam. #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex to Gina - "I guess they're finally wisin' up, the two of them.")
@russellhantz: "A jar of peanut butter which is only 7500" Really!?She has already lost touch of reality!! @MTVStranded
@makanime: You're welcome for saving money for you🙄🏝 @MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: Water is a NECESSITY to survive this game. #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "Her body's not gonna work. It's not gonna function.")
@GinaPandaBaby: Dang it guys... I really wanted that #PeanutButter 😫😌 #MTVstranded
@GinaPandaBaby: Drink your water kids! I broke out like a MOFO in Fiji -.- #MTVstranded #StayHydrated
@MTVStranded: An early piece of #WednesdayWisdom from @GinaPandaBaby #MTVStranded (GIF: "Sounds so cheesy, but like, live everyday like it's your last.")
@CodyThrive: Where the hell did Algina get all this food??? 🤔🤔🤔 #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: .@CodyThrive sees through @AlexApple_'s lies 😬😱 #MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: Caught him in the 178363836th lie... Time to play hardball. You get what you give! #StandUpToTheBully #TeamMakody #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: Me, when somebody doesn't have the receipts of my convo.😂 #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex - "No. That's not what I told you.")
@CodyThrive: Found this sweet gif of Alex! #MTVstranded
- @MTVStranded: @CodyThrive Shots FIYAH-ED. #MTVStranded
@russellhantz: .@MTVStranded put me out there with $1 million and see how much you get back 😈
@MTVStranded: TFW someone eats your sandwich you put in the work refrigerator. #MTVStranded (GIF: Alex - "I hope you get a stomach ache.")
@CodyThrive: A stomach ache??? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha THRIVE!!!!! #TeamMakody
@CodyThrive: I'm soooooooo happy!!!! @makanime :) #TeamMakody #MTVstranded
@GinaPandaBaby: Boiling that water took forever and a day ☹️ #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: OMG this temptation tho... it's so ... tempting. 😍 #MTVStranded
@GinaPandaBaby: Omg #MTVstranded why was my temptation only a cheeseburger and wings -____-
@russellhantz: I spent $15,000 regularly on a vacation like that and with @makanime next to you... @CodyThrive no-brainer!
@MTVStranded: Are @AlexApple_'s days on the island numbered? #MTVStranded (GIF: "If I shoot my flare, am I gonna regret it forever?")
@MTVStranded: It's a struggle for this alliance right now. 😢 #MTVStranded
@makanime: @MTVStranded @CodyThrive this temptation was lowkey one of my favorite moments in life😌🏝✨⛵️
@MTVStranded: Would you have taking that rockin' yacht temptation? 😍🤔 #MTVStranded   81%yessss!!! / 19%🙅🏻I want 15k in my pocket   178 votes•Final results
@MTVStranded: .@makanime is FLIPPIN OUT rn. #MTVStranded
@CodyThrive: Lol worst backflip ever? #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: They're the ones scheming now. 👊 #MTVStranded (GIF: Makani - "We can play the same game they playing on us, but we'll play so much harder.")
@CodyThrive: #StandUpToTheBully
@tewsdaykate: Soooo annoyed. Can't stand either one of them. 👿👿 hypocrites, practice what you damn preach
@MTVStranded: .@GinaPandaBaby is NOT HAPPY right now. SHE JUST WANTS PEANUT BUTTER #MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: Almost, @GinaPandaBaby! We gotchu. #MTVStranded (GIF: "The boxes are a viarity... voroority..."  Alex - "Variety.")
@MTVStranded: This challenge is gonna be a doozy. #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "Holy crap.")
@GinaPandaBaby: A water challenge, oh yay... #ICantSwimMrDrone #MTVstranded
@AlexApple_: #OHHHshiiiiittt @MTVStranded getting cray. Like @KanyeWest said, "I can't let these people play me. Name one genius who ain't crazy."
@MTVStranded: Will they make it to all the boxes in 17 minutes? # MTVStranded   20%Just one / 17%ALL! / 48%2 / 15%3   242 votes•Final results
@CodyThrive: Alex leaves his "ride or die" in the dust AGAIN... You can't edit that out. Actions > words in diary cam interviews. #MTVstranded
@MTVStranded: Wouldn't wanna burn any money... #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "Hopefully going forward, we won't burn any more of our money.")
@MTVStranded: For the love of money. Gotta work together. 💪 #MTVStranded (GIF: "Way to band together.")
@makanime: @MTVStranded That boat....😌😌😌✨⛵️⛵️⛵️🏝🙏🏽 those two were supposed to be gone when we got back but we'll get to that...😈
@MTVStranded: That would be ideal.. but is it realistic? 😬 #MTVStranded (GIF: Gina - "I think it's best that everyone should get along at this point.")
@MTVStranded: OOOO. hardballin @GinaPandaBaby and @AlexApple_  😱 #MTVStranded (GIF: Cody - "Wanna play hard? Wanna play dirty? We'll do it too.")
@MTVStranded: .@AlexApple_ is NOT going out like this #MTVStranded (GIF: "Gina and I are not going out this way.")
@GinaPandaBaby: #ICantEven I thought we were all getting along lol #justkidding #ThisGameIsCrazy #MTVstranded
@CodyThrive: Watching this control freak's face when he has no control is priceless!!! #MTVstranded #TeamMakody
@tewsdaykate: Food is one thing, water is completely different. Disgusting. But my group are the bad ones?! Gtfo @MTVStranded
@MTVStranded: #Makody plans on going NOWHERE. Will they thrive to day 40? Watch next week, same time to find out! 💥 #MTVStranded
@tewsdaykate: You can literally go weeks w/o food. You can only go 3 days without water. You guys are truly disgusting. @MTVStranded
@AlexApple_: Next week gonna be WILDDDDD! Like Makani put it, they wanna play hardball only infinitely harder #MTVStranded
@AlexApple_: "@PimpYoGrams: @AlexApple_ I respect the decisions you've made on #MTVStranded bc honestly... you gotta do what you gotta do." RT Amen! Just get to day 40
@MTV_AMANDAG: I love #TeamMakody on #MTVStranded!
@CodyThrive: Arggg!!!! Who else is angry about Algina destroying our money? #MTVstranded #TeamMakody Also,…
@MtvMagicMike: Crushin hard on @makanime... she's beautiful without makeup, tough as shit, cutest accent and has that 🍑#wifematerial
@CodyThrive: @makanime @MTVStranded gosh man what temptation. When I saw it was 15k I was so pumped!!!
@CodyThrive: @makanime @ali2sure no shit you'll regret it forever. What do we have like 650k??? For 13 days??? That's like 10k/day lol.
@MTVStranded: That diabolical smile means SOMETHING'S goin down next week. Catch us same time, same place on @MTV!
@CodyThrive: @makanime's new nickname is Maksavage. #MTVstranded #TeamMakody
@CodyThrive: If rules aren't changed contestants on Stranded will just burn all the money prior to flaring when they want to quit. #MTVstranded
@AlexApple_: Before you all get your panties in a twist over the preview of episode eight, know the money on #MTVStranded is a prop, not actual currency

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So, this week revolved around one thing: water. We saw two grueling challenges that brought this dysfunctional group together, if only on a temporary basis: a trek through the water to Camp 7 which saw them earn yet another $100,000, and another one where they went all the way into the ocean to grabbing $30,000 from the boxes dropped into the sea, and water being boiled as Gina had to fend for herself with no peanut butter to grab at the group least not this week. And she was also at the heart of a plan that would've left her being the latest to grab the flare, but for now it's a 4-person game. And what about the coolest temptation yet: a night at sea with not just food but also being able to relax and rest in luxury.


If you've been seeing your timeline during episodes of Stranded the past couple weeks - including the Pulse diary above, then you may have found that there is one keenly interested viewer in this show who also knows what it's like to endure 40 days in the open, in the wild and with cash on the line.
   His name is Russell Hantz, who hails from Dayton, TX - outside of Houston, and has become one of the most-influential figures in the history of Survivor on CBS - the show for which there are similarities between that and Stranded. Off camera, he is a self-made oilman who runs an oil outfit that bears the family name with his dad and his brother, as well as an owner of a bar in Lafayette, LA.
   Russell's life on Survivor has become the stuff of legend, having appeared on three seasons: Samoa, Heroes vs. Villains and Redemption Island. He has placed in the top three on his first two seasons in becoming one of five players to make multiple finals, and was given host Jeff Probst's marching orders in week 2 on his last appearance. Along the way, he has become one of Survivor's most influential and greatest contestants, and one of its biggest villains thanks to a strategy of gameplay that has grabbed the ire of many players over the years. He received charter membership to the Survivor Hall of Fame in 2010 alongside Season 1 winner Richard Hatch and Rob Has A Podcast founder Rob Mariano, among others...he even got a Teen Choice Award nomination too.
   It's not just Russell who's had success on reality TV: brother Shawn joined with him to appear on A&E's Flipping Off, which documented the two as they worked with local real estate agents to flip houses in the Houston area. Shawn's brother Brandon appeared on Survivor: South Pacific and Caramoan, and their younger brother Willie was one of the housemates on Big Brother 14, who got the heave-ho when he got into a fight in the summer house. Needless to say, the Hantz family is the first family of CBS' highest profile reality series.

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Later tonight, we'll be focusing in on Week 9 of The Challenge Invasion, as a game-changing elimination, a game-changing twist and much more go down in Thailand. See you back here later.


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