*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
■ @DC408Dxtr @ TW / IG / YT
It is the weekend, and at the end of an eventful week in our world and the past seven days in the MTV Reality community, we're glad you're kicking off your Friday with us here at DCBLOG. It's been a week full of drama both on screen and off of it, as well as the start of the ramp-up towards The Challenge: Final Reckoning to come in a month from this weekend -- all of that is ahead. But we start with Champs vs. Stars as we now head towards the end of Season 3 of the spinoff.
Last week, the season changed yet again with the two teams being split into pairs for the rest of the season, and they then ere faced with their toughest challenge yet - and one familiar to those who competed on the first Champs vs Stars: tackling the water, going deep into the pool and completing an obstacle course underwater. Some excelled, while others squealed at the chance of getting to face their biggest fears of going swimming.
At the end of that, Brooke & Shane took the win, and Louise & Casper were sent into elimination, and this week sees who the Stars will face off against in an elimination with a game familiar if you love parties. Then, it's all about who can go the longest in this season's Purge, as a challenge slash multiple-team elimination will take the weakest players out before semifinal week. And it's what happens during this challenge that brings out the emotional side of one player when the latest instance of someone trying to sneak one by grabs their attention.
All the action, reaction and interaction of Week 8 of Champs vs. Stars III is ahead, as we begin a busy end to this winter/spring cycle of the MTV Trifecta year of 2018 - one that has been full of drama both on screen and off as well - all starting with parties, rings and fun by the Shore. Join us for all of that as we begin this week's ride Inside MTV Reality... and welcome to the weekend.
►UP TOP: Epic Super Weekend
@ChallengeMTV: Was Jozea acting courageously or foolishly by jumping in the pool? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars http://on.mtv.com/2xskHyA
- @shannanity: @ChallengeMTV “That’s a No” @MizzHogan 🤣😂 @jossie_flores MTV doing you wrong!!
@ChallengeMTV: It was a Real World: Austin Reunion at Wes' Wedding 💍 http://on.mtv.com/2LiLlMC
@WestonBergmann: Married AF
- @ToriFiorenza: @WestonBergmann Love this. Congrats!!!!
- @MTVjennifer: @WestonBergmann congrats!
- @kailah_casillas: @WestonBergmann Congrats Wes! 💑
- @JazMTV: @WestonBergmann Congratulations to you and your beautiful wife!!
@people: Real World and The Challenge Alum Wes Bergmann's Wedding Turns Into an MTV Reunion
@RachD1214: Congrats @WestonBergmann and @ajhornick on your marriage ! 💏 They are reunited with @imalacey @MelindastolpMTV @NehemiahMTV and Rachel Moyal from RW Austin and @MTVDevinWalker as his close friend in the previous challenge! However where Danny and Johanna? #thechallenge
@THR: Wes Bergmann, who shot to fame at 19 as a star of 2005's The Real World: Austin, has married Amanda Hornick http://thr.cm/UCPddq
- @susie_meister: @THR “shot to fame”
@mikethemiz: My wife got me like....😍☺️😛🤯😘 https://www.instagram.com/p/BjhtsRBHqMK/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=16ykm9w6tt5al …
@MTVBananas: Stay thirsty my friend 🍹 @CaraMariaMTV @poolafterdark
@ChallengeMTV: We made it to Double Dare at Clusterfest with #mtndewkickstart! Stay tuned throughout the weekend to see what kind of challenges are in store for these challengers 💪
- @Bruce_Lee85: @ChallengeMTV Digging for gold 🤣🤣🤣
- @shannanity: @ChallengeMTV This is amazing!!!
@Javimarroquin9 Javi/Teen Mom 2: Y’all @JustJem24 is gonna go on ig live with me in a few minutes so stay tuned. Y’all know she loves roasting me
@CaraMariaMTV: NEW YORK LETS GOOO! Me and @MTVBananas are speeding over your way. we will see u soon! http://Www.challengethrowdown.com @TheGruntGuy
@CaraMariaMTV: Oh what a night @poolafterdark @MTVBananas
@WestonBergmann: "@MTVChallengeMed: If you think you had good Saturday plans just know that @WestonBergmann and @MTVDevinWalker went to a baseball game together ⚾🍻 #baseballandfoamers" RT Name a more iconic duo
@JennaCompono: Things are gonna get messy at Double Dare at @Clusterfest… 😂 #mtndewkickstart #ad @Bruce_Lee85 @iamkamiam_
@aimeehall1001: Thank you to the people who changed my life. I never thought I would be on a roof top bar in New York.
@aimeehall1001: Me and @JeremiahBuoni being nice to each other. Frame it!
@aimeehall1001: So @K0nigi just pierced @GusSmyrnios ear without his consent. 😂
@aimeehall1001: Why is @GusSmyrnios looking like an 80s Porn Director? 😜
@pimpfriedrice_: Concrete jungle where dreams are made of...
@GusSmyrnios: Might be one of my favorite videos ever even though you about ripped the earring @K0nigi stabbed in my ear 2 hours prior to this vid 😂 @pimpfriedrice_ New York wasn't ready for us! Who's ready to see season 2??? #FloribamaShore #mtv #newyork
@Ohcjx: YALL THIS JUST HAPPENED WTFF 🤩💙 #FloribamaShore #NYC @FloribamaShore
@kmacisco: Tonight @JustJem24 said I’m her lil sister & introduced me to floribama shore so this was a fantastic night
@MTVBananas: "@annnaaab: Favorite of the night @MTVCoryWharton for sure... unlike some people he got off his high horse and got off the stage to meet the fans @MTVBananas 🤔" RT Wait Cory brought a horse 🐎
@TheOriginalDre_: What an amazing experience! Thank you for being so chill & nice! What a great way to start my BDAY week🎉You’re all awesome🤪 @ChallengeMTV #challengethrowdown @EmFitMTV @DerrickMTV @JordanW_usa @tori_deal @CaraMariaMTV @BritniNicol @t_raines33
- @BritniNicol: @TheOriginalDre_ One of my favorite humans right here!!!!
@TheOriginalDre_: @BritniNicol thank you so much for being the sweetest person ever! Taking the time out of your night to come outside & talk with your fans who couldn’t get into the DL! You’re one of a kind and I can’t wait to see you again💞😈 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeMTV
@TheOriginalDre_: @DerrickMTV I told you I’d get you these pics! Until next time man🙌🏼‼️ @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeMTV
- @DerrickMTV: @TheOriginalDre_ For sure 🙌! All the best my man
@aimeehall1001: I finally got to meet my 2 favorites @MTVCoryWharton and @JustJem24 . @FloribamaShore meets @ChallengeMTV
@Perch1019: The wife with The Champ @CaraMariaMTV. What a great night in honor of Diem.
@JDiBona88: Pleasure getting to meet @CaraMariaMTV and @DerrickMTV yesterday at the #ChallengeThrowdown both were genuine and awesome people. Thank you to @TheGruntGuy for making it all happen. #Diemstrong
@iamkamiam_: Our mood at #Clusterfest @Bruce_Lee85 @JennaCompono 😂😂😂
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting The Cast Of FloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @pimpfriedrice_ @nillythesquid @aimeehall1001 @codibutts @KirkMedas @GusSmyrnios @JeremiahBuoni
@pimpfriedrice_: Had so much fun with them last night! @aimeehall1001 @codibutts
@pimpfriedrice_: When they ask the pimp to show up :)
@GusSmyrnios: 🍌 @MTVBananas #thechallenge #MTVFloribamaShore #mashup
- @MTVBananas: @GusSmyrnios When worlds collide 🌎💥🌎 #FloriBanana @ChallengeMTV @FloribamaShore
@TheOfficial_CT: Gearing up to compete in a totally different… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bjk2pAJBo3-/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1attvs49dxstc …
@hbarfield13: Look who I ran into last night 🔥👀 @nillythesquid #FloribamaShore #TheChallenge @MTV
@FloribamaShore: Who would watch this crossover? 🙋🙋🙋
@TheSteamer: When The Challenge finally casts a #Duel3 all four of these competitors better be there. @TheMarkLong @EmFitMTV @DerrickMTV @mtvrrdarrell. Thanks to #ChallengeMania for the show.
@TheSteamer: The question of who’d win between @EmFitMTV and @laurelstucky came up. @mtvrrdarrell was diplomatic and said it’d depend on the comp. But let’s just make it happen, Challenge Gods. #Duel3
@BigTymers228: Me Running Into My Baby @tori_deal I ❤ Her
@Bruce_Lee85: Riding down memory lane at Double Dare at @Clusterfest with #mtndewkickstart 🚲 #ad
@MTVBananas: Heroes get remembered... But legends never die ✊ #NoMakeup #challengethrowdown #Legends #bananasdoingthings @MedGift @mtvrrdarrell @TheMarkLong @BradFiorenza @TheGruntGuy
- @TheMarkLong: @MTVBananas Us 4 versus EVERYBODY??? @ChallengeMTV @mtv #mtv
@ChallengeMTV: Let’s get ready to play some Musical Pies!
- @Bruce_Lee85: @ChallengeMTV Let’s gooooo👏🏿👏🏿
@ChallengeMTV: Look, mom! No hands! 😂
@JustJem24: He’s fam but I’ll still be roasting him every Monday night for the remainder of the season. @Javimarroquin9 💜
@kaylatwoscotts: Excuse me being a sweaty ass mess but.. Have y’all ever met a princess goddess mermaid? I did last night and she was even more beautiful and amazing than I ever imagined. LOVE YOURSELF, GIRL! You deserve it 👯♀️ season 2 power rankings coming your way soon 💪🏻 @FloribamaShore
@MelindastolpMTV: Damn... what a great weekend! It was amazing attending @WestonBergmann wedding! I loved catching up with @NehemiahMTV @imalacey & Rachel! It felt soo good to reconnect :) #realworldaustin #missedyall
- @WestonBergmann: @MelindastolpMTV @NehemiahMTV @imalacey It was one of, if not the, greatest weekends of my life. Thank you all for being such a big part of it.
@SHOTOFYAGER: 📸We had an awesome photographer in the house at #ChallengeManiaLive🗽& we just posted an album filled w/ candids from the show AND the pre show Meet & Greet w/ all of you & @DerrickMTV @TheMarkLong @EmFitMTV & @mtvrrdarrell to our http://Facebook.com/ChallengeManiaPodcast … Page! Go check it out!📸
@mtvrrdarrell: Had a great time for a great cause🙏🏾 #medgift #diemstrong #challengethrowdown
@mtvrrdarrell: "@castein410: @mtvrrdarrell You are a really nice person. You took the time to talk to my husband and me for a while. We had a blast. Thank you!! @ChallengeMTV #ChallengeThrowdown #ChallengeMania " RT Appreciate the love!! Thank you👊🏽
@BigTymers228: I Finally Managed To Meet @BritniNicol This Past Weekend At The Challenge Party. I Been Watching Her Since AYTO3 & Now The Challenge. I Didn't Even Think That I Had A Chance Of Meeting Her B/X I Missed Her Last Yr During Dirty 30 But Thank God I Met Her Now. She's Mad Nice
@hbarfield13: I had an absolute BLAST this weekend in NYC at the Challenge Throwdown Event!! To all the fans that came I love each and every one of you!!!! ☝️❤️ #TheChallenge
@ChallCheapTalk: Lived my best life yesterday. Won an escape room with @syrusmtv then headed out to an awesome show with @SHOTOFYAGER and @DerrickMTV @mtvrrdarrell @TheMarkLong @EmFitMTV for #ChallengeManiaLive and topped it off with a night of drinking with some of the challengers!
@t_raines33: My lovely date #ChallengeThrowdown #NewYork @TheDLNYC 📷: @iambculture
@AliceN1DuhLand: What a night! #ChallengeThrowdown ... 🤯 You guys are awesome! @DerrickMTV @BradFiorenza @hbarfield13 @CaraMariaMTV So bummed we couldn’t get a pic with @tori_deal ☹️ @TheGruntGuy more to come....
@hkelso2006: The night was a cluster f**k, but @JustJem24 @MTVBananas @BritniNicol @AshleyMarieMTV made it great!
@BritniNicol: "@ChallCheapTalk: Yesterday I told @BritniNicol I didn’t know how I really felt about her but after hanging out with her all day I told her she’s great and she’s the best when it comes to her fans. New found love for this girl ❤️ " RT Girl you are amazing!😍😘😘
@Danimart52986: So awesome getting to meet such great people!! @DerrickMTV @TheMarkLong @mtvrrdarrell @CaraMariaMTV @MTVBananas @hbarfield13 @MTVCoryWharton and Cyrus and @BritniNicol
@cassiddyyy6: still crying over last night @BritniNicol @DerrickMTV @hbarfield13 @mtvrrdarrell – at The DL
@mich_dev: #ChallengeManiaLive was fun! I FINALLY got to meet the GOAT/my absolute favorite person ever to grace the show @mtvrrdarrell, hear story time w/ @TheMarkLong live, see @EmFitMTV’s strength up close & cheers with @DerrickMTV who I last met randomly ten years ago 😂 #challengemania
@danknize: @mtvrrdarrell is even cooler in person. I wish his personality came out on tv. So much fun to get to talk to him. #challengethrowdown #ChallengeManiaLive
@Marie_TBD: Heard you were the life of the party this weekend @t_raines33 you seriously are my spirit animal.
- @t_raines33: @Marie_TBD Me crawling to the Uber after the event
@JeremiahBuoni: Yesterday was a blast, the game wasn’t amazing but the company sure as hell was!! Hanging in NYC with @KirkMedas has been a blast and we still have a few more days here. Thanks for being you bro, you’re my dawg! #brothers #nyc #metsgame #grateful #blessed #baseball #family
@MTVBananas: Kings recognize Queens 🤴👸 #NoMakeup #FitChicks #TheyHateUsCauseTheyAnus #bananasdoingthings @CaraMariaMTV @poolafterdark #SelfieOfTheYear @BeatClan @ImDJHollywood @ChallengeMTV
@DerrickMTV: "@tori_t2012: @DerrickMTV the 7.5 hour drive to see you at Challenge Mania Live and at the Throwdown event was so worth it. I got to cheers drinks with you! I was so excited to meet you. I have been watching the show since I was around 13!…" RT TOUCHDOWN 🙌🙌🙌...Blows my mind when I hear people say stuff like that. Glad you guys made it back safe! We appreciate the love. 😊
@tmaj4: I had the best time ever at challenge mania live and the throwdown yesterday with @DerrickMTV and @SHOTOFYAGER! D is my favorite challenger of all time so this was an experience I'll never forget. Love listening to and supporting the pod! Come back to NY soon!
@ChallengeMTV: Wes thinks the "Good Guys" have a big advantage in this next challenge, and here's why 💪 http://on.mtv.com/2xskHyA
@kailah_casillas: Wedges are out. You can be mad that I said that. But I’m just telling you all.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Just be yourself is the worst advice you can give some people.
@Kmorrisx: Legit may as well delete the snapchat app. Only thing I do on it is take a selfie with a filter, save and post on insta story 🤷🏽♀️
@ToriFiorenza: If someone affects the way you show up as a parent negatively, you shouldn’t be with them...Surround yourself with people that make you better.
@kailah_casillas: Welcome back @katrinaaoxx, you’ve literally missed nothing but negativity and craziness here on twitter 👀😂💕
- @katrinaaoxx: @kailah_casillas Lol thanks for the warm welcome back boo.. I’m guessing twitter hasn’t changed a bit.
@joss_mooney: Cuppa tea & footy...👌🏼 #englandvsnigeria
@KyleCGShore: Who the Fuck put Shrek on the same time as the England match? Family’s all over Britain dived on what to watch! 👀⚽️
@Rogan_OConnor: 99 BOTTLES OF BEER 🍻 New single from @JakeQuickenden out soon 😜🤣 Gotta love an after show sing song on tour with @TheDreamboys 🕺🏽
@ChallengeMTV: Tori really doesn't want to get wet in this next challenge, so hopefully Lil Mama can carry their team to victory 👏 #ChampsVsStars is all new, Tuesday at 10/9c! http://on.mtv.com/2xskHyA
@shannanity: Wanna treat me like shit -I’ll find your man on my own, woo him, dickmatize him and then kiss him on the cheek every time I see you both out knowing he’s going to DM me later when you pass out. 🤞🏼
@ChallengeMTV: How will the cold affect everyone in this next challenge? ❄️ Find out, Tuesday at 10/9c on a new episode of The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars! http://on.mtv.com/2xskHyA
@Marie_TBD: You know it was a good night when you have no photos to @instagram next day
@tori_deal: Everybody just wants to meet God
@giannahammer: Glad I turned the game off, all these “refs are at it again” tweets already piss me off enough lmao
@giannahammer: LOLOL OKAY REFS OKAY
@HaydenPWeaver: Just sat down to tune into the game and I see that the officials haven’t missed a beat from Thursday
@mtvrrdarrell: Dubs 🙌🏾 #WarriorsGround🏀#bestshootereva #StephenCurry
@BionicBrooks_: You have to be kidding me @StephenCurry30 🤦🏿♂️😨😱
@jasminegoode_: Yasss @warriors #dubnation
@JennaCompono: CA it was fun✌🏼, now off to MI in the morning ☺️
@joss_mooney: Time to fly...✈️🇺🇸
@ChallengeMTV: Wes and Booby's decision will decide the fate of one team. Who will it be? Find out on a new #ChampsVsStars TOMORROW at 10/9c! 😱 http://on.mtv.com/2xskHyA
@shannanity: The rumors are true y’all. @PaulCalafiore_ and I did fall in love 🤷🏻♂️ #dealwithit
- @SylviaMTV: @shannanity @PaulCalafiore_ Shane has officially lost it
@ChallengeMTV: Whatever Booby decided, he's worried it could backfire. Meanwhile Lil Mama and Tori think they're next on the chopping block! See what happens next on a new #ChampsVsStars, TOMORROW at 10/9c! 👀
@shannanity: I’m a nice guy, but sometimes I lose all my senses and become nasty. That doesn’t make me evil, just confused
@kailah_casillas: Lol I love when @Marie_TBD is bored and decides to comment on every tweet I’ve done in the past week ♥️🙈
@NataliaNegrotti: Tune into @DaytimeTVshow today and watch me co host alongside the legend himself @JerryPenacoli 👊🏽 I hosted my first fashion segment hope you guys love it! 💃🏽 BESOS 💋
@MTVBananas: ME: I can't eat anymore i'm stuffed Person: Want a Dorito? ME: Hell yes!
@RachD1214: When the MTV site is having problems opening links of pictures of The Challenge old and new... You know what that means right? :)))
@ChallengeMTV: This challenge had the Challengers feeling a little blue, and looking a little green 😭🧀 #NationalCheeseDay
@JennaCompono: With all the traveling I’ve been doing, I’m seriously looking into buying a private jet at this point. Idk how people do airports, I really don’t .. it drives me crazy 😐
@Marie_TBD: Thought about doing standup but then realized I’d have to be standing... SO, how does one start a podcast? LOL
@Marie_TBD: "@TwitterMoments: A new iOS 12 feature will allow up to 32 people to video call at the same time. #WWDC18 " RT New reunion idea. @ChallengeMTV
@BritniNicol: Just warmin up😎😈 #letsgoletsgo #staytuned #chicagofun
@Marie_TBD: Things I don't trust: Men & Miniature Pig breeders. @MTVASHLEYBROOKE Hows Ham?
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Marie_TBD 😂😂😂 i hate you. He's great 🐽
@MTVBananas: Kings recognize Queens 🤴👸 #NoMakeup #FitChicks #TheyHateUsCauseTheyAnus #bananasdoingthings @CaraMariaMTV @poolafterdark #SelfieOfTheYear @BeatClan @ImDJHollywood @ChallengeMTV
@kailah_casillas: Woah. People are idiots. I’m not bartending rn, therefore, I wasn’t at “work”. The drinks you speak of that were drugged.. that was mine, @scheana, @iammikeyp & @SteveKayeLV. We alerted security and didn’t drink them. You all jump to conclusions. Chill.
- @iammikeyp: @kailah_casillas That awkward moment when WE were the ones potentially getting drugged. 😂 Yoo whoever the person that started this lie is a thot.
@tjlavin: Let’s go boys!!!! Get it done then get back here… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bjnwsgwn7D6/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=a6nz7wjnqjp2
@JustJem24: "@TaylorRiechers: Watching Teen Mom without @JustJem24 tweets just isn’t the same... 😞" RT I’m sorry y’all. Me & @corimarie_ do Monday night bachelorette dates now..
@JustJem24: I think.... the reason I was angry was because that anger was all I had left of you...
@JustJem24: "@daaani_b Booo, @JustJem24 👎🏼👎🏼 teen mom 2 > bachelorette How are we supposed to get you in as host of reunions/specials when you just ditch us like this?! 😆" RT MTV doesn’t appreciate my teen mom power so why should I hype up their show? Kidding(kinda). Monday night best friend dates just take priority
@JustJem24: "@G8rgirl74LA: @JustJem24 @Javimarroquin9 why, why, why did you let @_BrianaDejesus come between you and @KailLowry 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️" RT My thoughts are coming soon...
@JustJem24: "@KailLowry: I’m thinking @TM2LeahDawn should swap kids for a few days to see what it’s like to be a mom of boys/girls #teenmom2" RT Those girls would legit destroy you. Leah has her hands ALL the way full...but I’m thinking a Trading Kids episode(same as the trading spouses show on TLC)... I’ll host. @MTV
@JustJem24: "@PapaRandlicious: So many times, I saw and heard @ChelseaHouska cry sad or hurt tears. Middle of the night, while I was at work.....All hours of the day. Now, over and over, to see happy tears is a father's dream come true. I am glad that @mtv @TeenMom #teenmom2 is sharing their dream" RT And now I’m ugly crying happy tears..
@TrishelleC: @JennHoffman I’ll respectfully and completely disagree with you. Having actually been in court and faced my rapist, I find this particular accusation offensive to people who have been through a real crime.
- @ThatCoral: @TrishelleC You are a brave, honorable, independent woman and I am so proud of you for even putting this out there. #metoo
@ChallengeMTV: Because it's Challenge Day AND #NationalKetchupDay, watch this throwback clip from Rivals 2, and watch a new #ChampsVsStars tonight at 10/9c 🍅 #RIPKnight
- @ZNichols15: @ChallengeMTV If anyone else needs to smile.
@kailah_casillas: Remember the days when you could have a YouTube video playing and do other stuff on your phone?! I miss those days.
@kailah_casillas: I skated by TSA without paying for my bag... as I usually do. Then 5 mins later realize I forgot my pillow and have to pay $20 for a neck pillow. KARMAAAAA 🤦🏻♀️ dammit
@kailah_casillas: I’m watching a Kasey Anthony documentary. I’m just now realizing that “Zanny the nanny” was most like Xanax. She was probably bringing the baby to her bfs house and pacifying her with drugs 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
- @JustJem24: @kailah_casillas Judging you JUST realizing this. Also watch survival guide to prison on Netflix.
- @kailah_casillas: @JustJem24 Oooo I started it the other night right before bed but I have bad dreams when I watch stuff like that too late. Thanks for reminding me, i NEED to resume watching! 👯♀️👯♀️
@kailah_casillas: In the moment, you say fuck it, idc. Then the pictures and episode come out and you’re like WHYYYYYY. I hate myself 😂
- @shannanity: @kailah_casillas It was ASS cold there
- @iammikeyp: @kailah_casillas Patrick, is that you?
@WestonBergmann: "@jchidleyhill: Surprise! @ShelAlexander and I welcomed @WestonBergmann back on the show to talk about this season of @ChallengeMTV's Champs vs. Stars. We got his opinion on all of the Stars and much more …" RT I love talking with these guys. This is THE Challenge podcast.
@ZNichols15: "@thecheckdown: "I know Jimmy G is gonna need a big play receiver this year at some point. Let's make it happen." - @terrellowens What would be one of the craziest returns in sports 👉…" RT Dear rest of NFL, if the niners pick up TO, I got a couple of guys who can shut him down. @MTVBananas and @TheOfficial_CT
@JennaCompono: I love when people send me memes being like “this is you”. Even if the meme is completely roasting me, thanks for thinking about me 😂💕
@Marie_TBD: #newyorkcity - Is it a jeans and tank sort of day or are jackets necessary? #seriousquestion
@Marie_TBD: Just realized @khloekardashian named her daughter True. #TuesdayThoughts
@ChallengeMTV: Brooke and Shane, the winners of last week's challenge, get off to a rough start in this next challenge 😩 #ChampsVsStars is all new TONIGHT at 10/9c! 👀
@shannanity: Y’all I’m on TV tonight! Watch it, k?!?
@kailah_casillas: Don’t forget to watch #ChampsVsStars tonight on @MTV @DrakeBell
@AneesaMTV: Such a shame about kate spade. It just goes to show that no amount of money or success can equate to happiness. If you are struggling, please know there are people and facilities out there that can help. There should be no shame associated with feeling bad!
@ImSarahRice: Now this is reality royalty, right here. Did you watch our interview w/ Real World legend, @jonbrennan_com? He wants to come back to the Challenge! http://Patreon.com/BrainCandy
@TheAllanAguirre: Shane: Put me on double dare. Also @shannanity 😂😂 Love him.
- @shannanity: @TheAllanAguirre I’ve got a temper problem when someone is given an entire show by Production via POWER PLAYS
- @t_raines33: @shannanity Shane be careful, your tea is spilling ☕️ #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Fill up your cup and get ready to flip out over tonight's new episode of The Challenge, on TONIGHT at 10/9c! #ChampsVsStars
@BUILDseriesNYC: We're live with @LouiseHazel from @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars! 💪 Don't miss it: http://BUILDseries.com
@BUILDseriesNYC: “What I love about it is that you’re thrown into a crazy situation and you make friends for life.” - @LouiseHazel on being a part of MTV's #ChampsVsStars.
- @shannanity: @BUILDseriesNYC SAME
@mikethemiz: Time for some life-size Twister! Don’t miss an all new @ChallengeMTV Champs vs. Stars at 10/9c tonight! #ChampsVsStars SIDE NOTE——it was FREEZING that day, like REALLY COLD, LIKE FROZEN.
@shannanity: Y’all they got me acting like a fool tonight on… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bjp0xr6nr6X/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1exqpw1518gkv …
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @shannanity Or enemies
@NataliaNegrotti: Fun Fact: I hosted @DaytimeTVshow last year and interviewed the legend himself @TheOfficial_CT This was all before I even thought about doing the @ChallengeMTV and before I got on Vendettas
@joss_mooney: Slick back Steve...👦🏻 Guess who’s in Vegas!! 👀
- @shannanity: @joss_mooney @MTV_AMANDAG 🤤🤤
@JustJem24: Well that’s this icing on the never call me again cake...
@kailah_casillas: Tomorrow my mom, dad, bff and I have NO plans. What should we do in NYC? Nothing too cliche.
@PaulParmar1: Louise Hazel is the queen of running the show on both Champs vs Pros and Champs vs Stars. Queen @LouiseHazel #ChampsVsStars
@MizzHogan: Champs vs Stars airs tonight on @mtv 10pm/9c !!! https://ift.tt/2xLLztt
@BunimMurray: Can't wait for #tonight's all new #episode of @ChallengeMTV: Champs vs. Stars?? Catch this #sneakpeek #asap!!! #cantwait #omg #ilovetuesday
@hbarfield13: Quit being so fucking ugly to people and talking about appearances... it’s not cute and it doesn’t make you a bad ass! I’m so over seeing mean tweets from reality tv people.
@MTV_NellyT: Stay Focus...#tyb #fitness #grind #gymlife… https://www.instagram.com/p/BjqC_u-gQUi/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1n2ddfh4pk6jp …
@t_raines33: This is me still trying to figure out how I’m a considered Champ 🤔😂 oh well 🤷♂️ I’m killing it this season and earning more and more money for my charity! @handsonnola New episode tonight on MTV #ChampsVsStars #TheChallenge #Charity #TonyTime #MTV
►AS THEY SAW IT: "Episode 8"
@ChallengeMTV: An all new #ChampsVsStars starts NOW on @MTV! Tune in and pay attention to see a special preview of The Challenge: Final Reckoning 👀 #TheChallenge32
@MTV: #ChampsVsStars starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @ChallengeMTV.
@mtvcanada: Hang on tight! #ChampsVsStars is on now.
@WestonBergmann: It’s time to turn on MTV!!
@t_raines33: Champs Vs Stars starts now....it’s Tony time! ⌚️ #MTV #ChampsVsStars @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: SHOCKING 😱 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Booby - "Jozea & Selita.")
@t_raines33: My dude Boobie! @ChallengeMTV @BooBysWorld1 #ChampsVsStars
- @ChallengeMTV: @t_raines33 @BooBysWorld1 All the Champs rn 👏 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Basically CT and Tony right now 😩 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of bullets targeting CT and him blocking them)
@ChallengeMTV: Do you think Booby made the right decision? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Lil Mama to him - "I do understand, I get it")
@t_raines33: Wes you have helped us dodge a bullet bro ✊ proof that you still got a cold ass mouth piece 🗣 #KingOfConvincing #ChampsVsStars @WestonBergmann
- @ChallengeMTV: @t_raines33 @WestonBergmann Live look at Wes 👀 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Jozea looking FIERCE in that red lip 💄 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of him)
@t_raines33: @BEAUcasperSMART I’m Batman bro 🦇 not you #ChampsVsStars
- @ChallengeMTV: @t_raines33 @BEAUcasperSMART WHERE IS SHEEE #ChampsVsStars
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV @BEAUcasperSMART 🤣🤣🤣
@t_raines33: For the record, CT and I would’ve killed this! 🍻 #ChampsvsStars
@Steven_Plummer2: This season of #ChampsVsStars has been 🔥🔥🔥
@abstractjunkie: Flip Cup? I'm on my way. #ChampsVsStars #mtv #holdmybeer #thechallenge
@AdrienneCannon_: #ChampsVsStars THIS IS ALREADY GOOD IN ITS ONLY 12 MINS IN!!!!!
@allyseeallydo: When a Challenge Elimination starts with a game of flipcup #ChampsVsStars @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Jozea looking FIERCE in that red lip 💄 #ChampsVsStars
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV Work it, boo! 💋 @jossie_flores
- @jossie_flores: @t_raines33 Thank you ❤️❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Like, this is what I went to college for. PUT ME IN, COACH 🍺 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of the teams playing Flip Cup)
- @JustJem24: @ChallengeMTV I would kill this shit but y’all make me do hard shit 🙄🤷🏻♀️ Give me this & I’m calling Cara out. Laurel out. Anybody can get it
- @realityLOdown: @JustJem24 This got me thinking I could win a final 😂
- @JustJem24: @realityLOdown Let me know it’s gonna be flip cup elimination & I would be like @CaraMariaMTV, what’s good? You ready to lose tonight 😭😭😭
@ChallengeMTV: Y'all thought you could just get rid of them that easily? HA! 💪 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of Casper and Louise laughing)
@ChallengeMTV: Look at Shane brown nosing, hoping Louise and Casper don't seek revenge 😂 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of him in players lounge)
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV 👃 💩 #ChampsVsStars
@Rainbobrown: But give it up for @SelitaEbanks and @jozea tho! #ChampsVsStars @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: TWIST! But what does it mean? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: The Miz - "The bottom three teams will be on the chopping block.")
@shannanity: Worst power play ever... also not an advantage... that’s giving someone a DISADVANTAGE
@brookcty: I don't know why but I'm rooting for Wes #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: I'm DECEASED 😂 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Tony - "CT farts in my face", after he has an odd face reax)
@shannanity: @BEAUcasperSMART “Shane’s a whore” 😂🤣 love it
@ChallengeMTV: Things are getting TWISTED 🌀 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Tori - "@$$holes!")
@t_raines33: This is basically a big, f*cked up game of Twister #ChampsVsStars
- @ChallengeMTV: @t_raines33 Shi*t's twisted 😈 #ChampsVsStars
@t_raines33: 💨😷🤢🤭 @TheOfficial_CT #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Lil Mama's hip flexor is poppin' 😂 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of her leg)
@ChallengeMTV: He may have not won this challenge, but he definitely won the "coolest dismount" challenge 😂 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of Shane getting off platform without splashing into water)
@ChallengeMTV: This was CT and Wes once they realized that their teams weren't in the bottom three 😭 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of one guy disappearing)
@ChallengeMTV: WTF IS GOING ON!? 😱 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of Drake, Wes and CT pointing to Louise for her cheating)
@shannanity: Watch Casper’s knee twitching behind Louise - bc that’s the one shot that shows him lifting it up to blue after we caught it... cutting a shot showing his foot there is just EDITING BUT we all caught that shit PROMISE
@ChallengeMTV: BODY⚰️BAG⚰️ #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Shane - "At least I'm famous in my own right and didn't f____ somebody famous!")
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV SHANE GIVES THIS SHOW LIFE!!!!! LOVE HIM SO MUCH!🙌🏼 🤣 Hahahahahahaha @shannanity
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV King's live forever 🙌🏼🙌🏾🙌🏻🙌🏿
@ChallengeChelsy: Hurricane Shane here we go! @shannanity is not having this 👊 #ChampsVsStars
@AlexTheGreatzz: Casper : I’m not cheating. Shane : at least I’m famous & I didn’t sleep with someone famous. Us watching : 😂😂 #ChampsVsStars
@shannanity: @t_raines33 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️
@ChallengeMTV: This is by FAR the strongest Power Play of the season! 💪 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Casper - "Who has the power now?", with a wink)
- @tori_deal: @ChallengeMTV Casper looks like Victor Crum from Harry Potter !! Hahah much love for the homie !
@ChallengeMTV: "@zxrance: lmao how Casper & Louise win even with the disadvantage😂😂 #ChampsVsStars" RT BEASTS!
@Steven_Plummer2: Now THAT is a big time power play #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Miz: Two teams will be going home on the spot. Me, just thankful that Team Dad Bod is safe: (GIF of Tony and CT hugging tightly)
@ChallengeMTV: HELP ME, BROTHA! 😂 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Drake - "Help me out, brother")
@ChallengeMTV: Team Rainbow Unicorn 4 lyfe 🌈🦄 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of Shane kissing Brooke on the forehead)
@shannanity: And my “plead my case” was I’m not going to plead my case but I’m sorry I lost my temper ... but whatever 🤷🏻♂️ 😂🤣
@t_raines33: See ya later, Shane 👋 sure I’ll see ya again real soon 😉 #ChampsVsStars @shannanity
- @shannanity: @t_raines33 @ChallengeMTV Maybe someday TRaines, maybe someday 🤷🏻♂️😂
@challenger_mtv: All the champs quitting once they were in the top 3 was ridiculous. You think they would know better being that they are "champs". Always finish a challenge #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Wow i'm not ok right now 😭 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Tori to Lil Mama - "I'm a sad, sad puppy")
@LastQueens__: PLOT TWIST #ChampsVsStars
@QueenKim_B: This eliminating ish is nerve racking!! #ChampsVsStars
@shannanity: @MizzHogan it was such an honor on @ChallengeMTV with you as your partner! @BEAUcasperSMART @LouiseHazel @LilMama @SelitaEbanks @DrakeBell @BooBysWorld1 @jossie_flores you STARS were amazing as well - Thank you so much for the experience - it was such a great time
@t_raines33: Kailah right now #ChampsVsStars @kailah_casillas
@brogalaann: @LilMama is by far my favorite Star this season. I'm sad to see her go. #ChampsVsStars
@Rome_at_Home: Y’all @ChallengeMTV better bring back Lil Mama!! I loved her crazy ass! She put up a good fight and stuck to her guns 100%!! #ChampsVsStars
@Steven_Plummer2: This is getting really good #ChampsvsStars
@ChallengeMTV: "These guys are gonna cut my head off." There's only one challenge left before the season finale! Don't miss it NEXT TUESDAY at 10/9c on @MTV! 🙌
@MTV_AMANDAG: @shannanity No I love YOU. You are fucking AWESOME AND SERVE REALNESS BITCH!!!!!! don’t ever apologize to ppl for being honest af and giving us great tv. 😘 you are the personality this show NEEDS MORE OF!!!!!!
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @MTV_AMANDAG @shannanity You and Ash made this season FAB
- @shannanity: @MTV_AMANDAG God. Could you imagine if they were able to get the four of us together again.... I mean... Could You Imagine
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @shannanity No god no!!!!!! If they think you guys are crazy from THAT??!??! Omg they would die with the whole squad that’s not even the half of it.
@Rainbobrown: . @LilMama & @tori_deal need a spin-off #ChampsVsStars
@WestonBergmann: @t_raines33 Consider it your birthday present 🎁 😉
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Well, it's not the business end of a Challenge season nowadays until multiple players get eliminated... that's exactly what we saw with what turns out to be a double elimination turned triple elimination here this week - just as we saw a few weeks back in the Ex On The Beach house with three teams getting voted off. First, we saw Louise & Casper begin to make their stamp on perhaps overtaking Team Dad Bod as favorites for this season in taking out Selita & Jozea in Flip Cup... then the Purge seeing Brooke & Shane and Tori & Lil Mama get sent home. But, all eyes is on what happened with Louise's foot that grabbed the ire of Shane as she and Casper take the win but not without controversy as they now stand 1-2 in the money table. We'll have more on where they and the rest of the semifinal four stand when we head into the Strategy Room on the WRAP on Tuesday.
Tomorrow, we turn the attention to Ex On The Beach, as one of those who'll join us GB in South Africa has another one of those moments, along with yet another super twist that will sure shake the house up again.... and later on, we'll join some of your Challenge favorites and others in Team MTV for an epic weekend. But coming up on a late night ExtraTime, we'll join the man who put up a big fight with a Challenge legend in Spain as he gets to take off his shirt and show it all off at one of Las Vegas' steamiest attractions... don't miss it.
Meanwhile, we may be in for the last meaningful NBA game for the next few months or less as the Golden State Warriors look to sweep away the Cleveland Cavaliers in what may be LeBron James' last game for his hometown team. Join DCNOW at @DC408DxNow in just a bit for tip-off as Game 4 of the NBA Finals takes place, part of a big weekend with Justify's shot at the second Triple Crown winner in four years, and much more... see you there in a bit, and see you here later.
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