Monday, June 18, 2018

DC SocialPulse: Ex On The Beach USA - "You Can't Handle the Truth"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

As those of you out East get set to call it a night and those out West prep to watch Tiffany Haddish host the MTV Movie & TV Awards, welcome back to DCBLOG's look Inside MTV Reality. And after making you wait one extra day, we have a treat for you this Monday night: the Pulse of Week 9 of Ex On The Beach USA - and even more crazy drama in Hawaii.
   Previously, this wild season rolled along when Jasmine was sent down to the Shack of Secrets not to face the music, but was given a temptation of bringing in newbie Charles upstairs, and in turn sent Louis home, all as we also saw new ex Marco enter the villa. But the drama centered around Alicia and Cory (and perhaps with even more on his plate to come thanks to what broke over the weekend), which also saw Angela and Shanley get into words too.
   But all of that is minuscule compared to what goes down next: a new ex arrives to the house -- someone who again is familiar to us Trifecta fans -- and who also gets a dose of surprise news. Meanwhile, the unfortunate issue of body shaming that's been in the news a lot in the past year makes its way to Hawaii, which in turn triggers an explosive fight. And the relationship of that baby daddy and the one he's been seeing in this house gets sent to the breaking point when lingering feelings for his ex begin to emerge.

All the action, reaction and interaction to this crazy episode is ahead here, and afterwards we'll share with you the latest instance of a member of Team MTV deciding to get back at the rest of their cast by impersonating them on YouTube. All of that is ahead... and thanks for taking time out of your Monday to check us out.

@ExOnTheBeach: .@MTVCoryWharton is over the chaos between he and Alicia, and he's ready for her to leave the house...AGAIN! | You don't want to miss an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach THURSDAY, at 9/8c on MTV! 😲
- @Marie_TBD: @ExOnTheBeach Faith LOL @faithstowers
- @princeofnorway: @ExOnTheBeach 😂😂😂 I think I ended up peeing in a house plant btw
- @BritniNicol: @ExOnTheBeach @faithstowers had the best damn viewww lmfaooo and my Girl Alicia’s face! Lmao she was like tffff
@shandathapanda: how r pete davidson and ariana engaged after 3 weeks of dating but i can't even get a text back...?
@princeofnorway: Me when they moved me out of my five star hotel and into the house @ExOnTheBeach @HaydenPWeaver
@ExOnTheBeach: Okay...I've got one more day of trying to be a bad b*tch before this becomes a problem 😶 | #ExOnTheBeach is back this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV! 🙌
@_gelesann: Mtv guys are so dramatic....
- @Keith__Macklin: @_gelesann THATS NOT TRUE TAKE IT BACK
- @kareem_fathalla: @keith_klebacher @_gelesann I thought you where a CMT guy?
- @Keith__Macklin: @kareem_fathalla @_gelesann You know I’m anti country music kareem, I can’t believe you
- @n_zanattaMTV: @_gelesann 🤣 the girls aren’t any better
@ExOnTheBeach: .@princeofnorway did you ever make it to the bathroom though? 🤔 #QTNA | #ExOnTheBeach
- @princeofnorway: @ExOnTheBeach I had real life been there for 15 minutes 😅
- @Juno_Robinson: @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach no one uses the bathroom until I get what I want @MTVCoryWharton lmfao...  it's cool @princeofnorway , I was so lost I thought alcohol came up through the elevator 😂😂
@princeofnorway: Made it a week without drinking for the first time since I turned 21 🤪 #averagelifegoals
@ExOnTheBeach: Get ready for sh*t to explode! 😵 Drama is unfolding on an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV!
- @princeofnorway: @ExOnTheBeach So class. Much grace. 😅🤦🏼‍♂️
@princeofnorway: She said “you’re always so weird” but actually most of the time I’m asleep 🤸🏼‍♂️
@marcodelvec: Every time I order a medium shirt from an Instagram ad they show up small 😑
- @princeofnorway: @marcodelvec Well.. how about you stop calling it second dinner and admit that you have a problem 🤨🙄
@jasdiianne: @ExOnTheBeach i truly love this show man oh my god 💀
@NurysKMateo: So who else is excited to see @princeofnorway on #ExOnTheBeach this week?! I've literally been watching just to see him! 😊
@angelababicz: My hobbies include dousing myself in tanning oil and then crying when I get sun poisoning

@ExOnTheBeach: When your crush follows you back on IG 😅 #ExOnTheBeach
@thepoetsaint: #ExOnTheBeach fans! Just a reminder that for our aftershow on @afterbuzztv, we have special guests @princeofnorway & @faithstowers coming in to hang out. We also may have another surprise so make sure you tune in at 8pm PST this Thurs to see what happens. It’s going to be epic!!!
@ExOnTheBeach: Basic or Bascis 🤷‍♀️ they're irrelevant anyway! | Catch an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach tomorrow, at 9/8c on @MTV! 🙌
@MTVCoryWharton: I cut the fuck shit drama out my energy, Focused on the inner me, never on the enemy 🙌🏽
@angelababicz: It’s 2018 why am I still getting “hey stranger” texts 🤧😪
- @JustJem24: @angelababicz Bc men still ain’t shit...
@imdroc15: When you tell a girl you’re not going out but she shows up at the same club as you lol
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Believe me when I say I know who really rocks with me vs who rocks with me only when it’s beneficial to them . I peep it all and y’all aren’t fooling me .
@ayeejaeeee: it’s only a matter of time before people start to show you who they really are
@Kmorrisx: “Something Different”
@Kmorrisx: Not giving a fuck is almost a reflex for me these days
@joss_mooney: I think I’m putting myself on a drinking ban.
@MTVPeterRomeo: If you’re ever feeling upset about an EX - just think.. are they feeling the same way you feel about them at this very moment. Probably not, so🖕🏻them. Live your life. Let them regret everything they ever did to you. Learn from them and move on. You’re stronger than you think.
@blacuesta: healthy friendships are when you can talk things out with both of you wanting to understand each other. those are the people who love you, want you in their life, and care about your feelings. Above anything, keep the people who care about your feelings and well being in your life. fight for them. fight for your friendship. love them hard.


@ExOnTheBeach: .@camkobo's bitterness towards Taylor is causing a riff with @shandathapanda! Is #SHAMERON #over? | Don't miss an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV! 💅
- @princeofnorway: @ExOnTheBeach First of all @lexi__marsella is a whole snitch 😂 and secondly... somebody send me that gif 😯
- @lexi__marsella: @ExOnTheBeach FOOD IS LIFE
@ExOnTheBeach: "@KatieSamu: The best parts of @ExOnTheBeach is when @angelababicz is screaming at someone 🤣" RT "When in doubt.. scream and shout 🗣" - @angelababicz | #ExOnTheBeach is all new TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV 😌
@BritniNicol: I just got the best news from @DJMelReeves & I ain’t telling y’all shit😍😈😈😈  #patience #youllsee
@camhurd_23: Today’s the day I get to find out if @ExOnTheBeach gonna have a Pumpkin/New York fight, with Taylor spitting at Alicia 😂👀
@PaulCalafiore_: @imdroc15 Bruh 😂😂
@leahkatherinee: Guys @angelababicz and @victoria_alario bless our TV screens tonight 👏👏👏 #ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: I’m as excited as you guys cause tbh I don’t remember shit and also by excited I mean terrified 🙂
@cbmcnary: 😂😂😂
@lexi__marsella: why fight when you can eat?
@thepoetsaint: I’m ready for @ExOnTheBeach 2nite to see @princeofnorway show up and see who @angelababicz goes off on and see @shandathapanda give sound counsel and see @MTVCoryWharton bust in on interviews and see @imdroc15 give long explanations and see @camkobo insert foot-in-mouth and see..
@ExOnTheBeach: "@seaashelll: I can’t be the only one who goes through @ExOnTheBeach withdrawals the second the episode ends every thursday." RT 😭 thankfully we're BACK tonight! 9/8c on @MTV! 👏
@RomeoMiller: Tune into my shows (and dvr) Growing Up Hip Hop and Ex On The Beach tonight at 8/9c baby!
@marcodelvec: When she calls you a fuckboy but you’re already well aware... #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: When the tea is so hot you actually have to put your food down to process it☕️ @ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: “First of all.. it’s curable with antibiotics and second of all I’m pretty sure I got it from you” #exonthebeach
@marcodelvec: Tonight’s episode of @ExOnTheBeach is going to be the best episode of all time.
- @princeofnorway: @marcodelvec How about of all time though
@skylermikkelson: Don’t be overcome by evil.
@ExOnTheBeach: Quiettttttttttttt! (Shhh) Hush your mouth, silence when I spit it out......
- @00Hitsdiidii: @ExOnTheBeach Do not tell me you guys are ending the episode with the spit😩 I need to see hands being thrownnnnn
@angelababicz: Waiting for tonight’s new @ExOnTheBeach like
@princeofnorway: I was in the hotel so long that I had to get a haircut by a damn producers assistant on my balcony but my shit was still clean 😏💁🏼‍♀️
- @lexi__marsella: @princeofnorway ALSO who made you breakfast potatoes every morning?! you shady beach.
- @princeofnorway: @lexi__marsella Okay true ♥️
@ExOnTheBeach: "@Galen_G: I’m still upset y’all didn’t retweet or reply to me last Thursday, but I’ll let it slide! @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach what drama is in store for this episode!? 🤔🔥" RT Send your replies all day! Let's start this chat a little early! #ExOnTheBeach
@thepoetsaint: #exonthebeach fans! Breaking news! So on top of @princeofnorway coming through to 2nite’s aftershow on @afterbuzztv, @imdroc15 aka Team Chocalit will be stopping by. Also, you may see @marcodelvec’s face again too. I don’t think he left he studio from last week. Tune in 8pm PST!
@princeofnorway: If my friends don’t take me to Runyon and the Hollywood sign before I leave next week we aren’t friends anymore.
@BionicBrooks_: When it’s your birthday and a new episode of @ExOnTheBeach comes on tonight. Time to get #Litty @MTVCoryWharton #ExOnTheBeach
@MTVCoryWharton: 🙌🏽MOOD
@imdroc15: When you didn’t pull out, but she still gets her period on time Hahahaha
- @HaydenPWeaver: @imdroc15 Ahhh the good ol days @giannahammer
- @blacuesta: @imdroc15 Derrick LOL
- @DayDaVonne_: @imdroc15 Oh .... 😳
- @MarcToddd: @imdroc15 Savagery 😂🤘
@faithstowers: Shaking off the negative energy like..#exonthebeach @jasminegoode_
- @00Hitsdiidii: @faithstowers Your are my favvvvv babygirl😍
- @faithstowers: @00Hitsdiidii Thank you !
@MTVDevinWalker: To the people that don't like me... ur actively disliking a equality enthusiast. Remember ur partially to blame when ur treated unfairly ❤️
@MTVDevinWalker: Gotta hit the club gotta get my MFn ROLE onnnnnn ! And I'm suppose to be the smart one 😐
@MTVDevinWalker: gotta hit the club gotta get my MFn roll onnnnn
@hbarfield13: When Body Mind and Soul connect it’s a powerful thing ❤️
@therealkimj: It’s so pathetic how I find emotional comfort in reality tv
@NurysKMateo: Update: ever since I watched the “I’m upset” video lastnight I started feeling a lot better so I’m just gonna thank my baby @drake for making me healthy again 🤗❤️

@TheRealAnthonyM: The World Cup is finally here!!!!! 😍⚽️❤️🏆
@PaulCalafiore_: FINALLY..... IT’S HERE!! #WorldCupRussia2018 ⚽️🤙🏼🤘🏼
@WestonBergmann: My World Cup bracket is gonna crap on my March Madness bracket. ⚽️ > 🏀
@HaydenPWeaver: To this day, the single greatest day I’ve ever had was the World Cup block party on Mass Ave four years ago
@Kmorrisx: Imagine being a successful sports presenter and giving up presenting THE World Cup for loveisland when he ain’t even looking for love 🤦🏽‍♀️
@giannahammer: Ok so every so often bella thorne pops up on my explore tab..... is she dating a girl and a guy rn? Like a 3 way dating thing? I get so confused when she pops up with one or the other lmao do yo thang though girl 🌈
@giannahammer: Remember how my dogs rolled in shit yesterday and I had to give them another bath? We just so happened to get our septic drained this morning and guess who just got into the leakage in our front yard 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
@giannahammer: Baby’s name starts with an A 🤗🤗😏 #10weekstogo
- @TheRealAnthonyM:  @giannahammer Anthony 🕺🏻
- @ItsAll_AboutTee:  @giannahammer And i know what it isssssssssss 😁 #10weekstogo
@giannahammer: Y’all aren’t going to guess it 😂 but I applaud the effort
@giannahammer: I’ve only met one person who has his name and i fell in love with it 🙈😍
@giannahammer: Today just turned into the worst day bc surprise I have a cavity fill fml 😑 I hate the dentist almost as much as I hate spiders 😒🤬 mainly bc it’s gonna take a week to be able to eat food without it hurting and i love food hate you dentist (not her personally she cool lol)
@giannahammer: Already told Hayden to turn off his phone bc I’m just gonna text him how much I hate the dentist all day
@giannahammer: FYI: stop asking pregnant people “but should you be doing that/eating that/etc?”
She is well aware of what she can and cannot do while she is pregnant. She has also been over it with her doctor and gotten a person opinion on almost everything you can think of. So just don’t.
@iamkamiam_: I just sent my first “I’m good luv, enjoy” text 😂

@RomeoMiller: I be so excited to watch my own shows! 😅😂😁 @ExOnTheBeach tonight and cuddles is all I need | @MTV
- @faithstowers: @RomeoMiller 💕
@princeofnorway: The best part about touching down at LAX is the hour and fifteen minute Uber to literally anywhere you may want to go 😌😑
- @HaydenPWeaver:  @princeofnorway Don’t matter if it’s a mile away or 29 miles away, it’ll always take an hour and 15 or more lol
@marcodelvec: When she says she’s into butt stuff
@creaturesferris: I was going to IHOP this morning and couldn't find it...🤷🏼‍♂️ #DOOMSDAY
@creaturesferris: When you find out @creaturesferris is djing at the @BETAwards ...@ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@MTVCoryWharton: All that matters 👑
- @Rogan_OConnor: @MTVCoryWharton Making me Broody 😅
@mrdavis25: Okay so the fighting odds for tonights showdown are as followed .  Taylor +200 Alica -250   Who you betting with tonight.  ?
@jessikaavs: Joe walking in tonight after weeks of anticipation:  @princeofnorway #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: 20 minutes until an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach 😜 Who's ready? Lets talk!
@angelababicz: The gang’s all here!! 20 mins until #ExOnTheBeach who’s watching?!
@MsBaddAss202: I’m ready to watch ex on the beach 🏝🏖 @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: 5 MINUTES until an all new #ExOnTheBeach 😌 You ready?

AS THEY SAW IT: "You Can't Handle the Truth" 
@MTV: #ExOnTheBeach starts right now! Watch + tweet along with @ExOnTheBeach 🌴
@ExOnTheBeach: Here's what went down last week! Get ready for an all new #ExOnTheBeach starting NOW on @MTV! RT if you’re watching + live tweeting with me! 🌴
@victoria_alario: I just wanna know how I’ve been doing this for 9 weeks... here we go again ladies and gets #ExOnTheBeach
- @AYTOprobs: @victoria_alario because you’re a bad ass bitch THATS HOW GIRL
@lexi__marsella: GTL IS OVER! @ExOnTheBeach TIME BBY💥🤟🏽 #LETSGO
@k_a_t_i_e_e: Yessss!! I have been waiting ALL day for this @ExOnTheBeach @angelababicz #ExOnTheBeach
@itsreallyindia: Its @princeofnorway time #ExOnTheBeach
@iPaprazzi: My first time catching Ex On The Beach on time just for @princeofnorway
@ExOnTheBeach: Is #Shameron the couple you want to continue to flourish? #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: That was so fucking cute wtf @shandathapanda @camkobo #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Why does this look like a scene straight out of The Office #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Back then they didn't want you @Juno_Robinson, now you're gone they all want you! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Faith - "I rather have June than any other drama in my life")
- @Juno_Robinson: @ExOnTheBeach This is why I have love for @faithstowers regardless of what happened. She might feel otherwise , but damn , seems she was still trying to hold me down 🙏🏽. Maybe shit could have been different 🤷🏽‍♂️
@DayDaVonne_: @angelababicz Oh hey new profile pic 😍♥️
- @angelababicz: @DayDaVonne_ Gotta keep up with your fine self 😍
@ExOnTheBeach: We LOVE a psychic! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Alicia to Cory - "You and Taylor are not going to f____ing work")
@ExOnTheBeach: Cue the flags! 😲 #ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: “Your two exes aren’t as bad as his one”
@angelababicz: ROMEO, ROMEO! WHEREFORE ART THOU ROMEO? @RomeoMiller #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: I really make myself laugh🤣 get your swim trunks ready #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@angelababicz and Taylor really put a bad taste in @faithstowers mouth! #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of Faith and Jasmine talking in bed)
- @Juno_Robinson: @ExOnTheBeach Being observant allows you to see who people really are. I digg this Faith . real for this shit 👀 🙌🏾. #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Whose ex will be riding the 🌊 to #ExOnTheBeach?
@victoria_alario: They really just got me all fucked up sending my people all to the beach at once 😩 they had it out for me that day #ExOnTheBeach
- @imdroc15: @victoria_alario I mean... like I still there tho and I’m pretty fun lol
@mrdavis25: You guys ready #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: #ExOnTheBeach starts NOW on @MTV! This is a spicy one.
@PurveyorsofPop: Yaaas so here for girls supporting each other! Love my queens Taylor, Angela and Victoria 👑👑👑 #ExOnTheBeach @victoria_alario @angelababicz
@PurveyorsofPop: Taylor when she sees her face on the flag for the third time #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Here we go 🗣 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: The moment you've all been waiting for! It's @princeofnorway 👀 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of him close-up)
@00Hitsdiidii: LOOOOOOOK AT THIS PAPI ON MY SCREEEEEEN @princeofnorway #ExOnTheBeach
@DominateNoHate: Going cross-eyed trying to keep one 👁 on @ExOnTheBeach and one 👁 on @victoria_alario Twitter
@YesSirNick1205: Here he comes @princeofnorway 👏👏👏💪💪💪
@victoria_alario: MY JAW IS ON THE FLOOR... wut? Why is this all news to me?! #ExOnTheBeach
@mrdavis25: Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!
@angelababicz: “How do you know my boy?”
@lexi__marsella: BUT LOOK @ THAT FLOW! @princeofnorway
@victoria_alario: Year and a half... three weeks... I know I’m not the best at math but someone got their numbers wrong here #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: This conversation with Joe tho.... #ExOnTheBeach
@imdroc15: @princeofnorway Welcome to the shit show!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: I FEEL AWKWARD AND IM NOT EVEN THERE #ExonTheBeach
@marcodelvec: Wait how many boyfriends did Taylor have...
- @thepizzapopo:  @marcodelvec 100. I’m one of Taylor’s exes, I just chose not to go on the show 🌝 #ExOnTheBeach
@imdroc15: AwkwardOnTheBeach.... that’s definitely the best name for this show! #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: That narrator is shadyyyyyy but I’m here for it 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: WHY AM I LAUGHING SO HARD 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@AliviaHuntxr: Yo. I am dead. Angela and chase are fucking killing me rn.
@_gelesann: Shit I made a guest appearance on @ExOnTheBeach 🤗
@00Hitsdiidii: This narrator has no chill lmaooooo
@AliviaHuntxr: GELLLLLEEEEES!!!! 😍😍😍💕💕😍😍😍 @_gelesann
@00Hitsdiidii: Do I smell hot dogs? @princeofnorway  #ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: @cbmcnary I love you man 😂 let me teach you the ways of the bun 😌
@lexi__marsella: AWKWARD. @ExOnTheBeach
@BionicBrooks_: @cbmcnary has me dying right now @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach 😂
@angelababicz: Meanwhile Chris is somewhere like:
@BionicBrooks_: I’m mind blown 🤯#exonthebeach
@Lizchallenge_: @angelababicz said he looks like mayonnaise 😭😭😭😭😭
@ExOnTheBeach: .@princeofnorway and Taylor seem to be in love. What will this mean for @MTVCoryWharton? 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
- @MTVCoryWharton: @ExOnTheBeach @princeofnorway Nothing LMAO
- @ExOnTheBeach: @MTVCoryWharton He's spoken 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: WAIT! @cbmcnary was actually hoping for an ex to show up! #ExOnTheBeach
@dr3amc4tchers: We love a show with a little spice to it 😂 @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@marcodelvec: Paulie and Lexi were gettin it onnnn #exonthebeach
@RomeoMiller: Yoooo so Joe really dropped Tay to the airport tho 😅😱😎 @ExOnTheBeach on @MTV just got real!
- @marcodelvec: @RomeoMiller I didn’t know @princeofnorway drives for Uber...
@victoria_alario: "@kassidy_schmidt: If could wake up tmmrw and look like @victoria_alario that would be great thx universe 🔮" RT Girl no! You’re gonna wake up tomorrow and look like you💞 you’re beautiful!
@lexi__marsella: face scratches now available for $20 by yours truly. DM me.  @ExOnTheBeach
@caraiberen: Chase doesn’t deserve @victoria_alario she’s too good for everyone bye
@princeofnorway: To be honest that’s @TheRealAnthonyM’s shirt and he let me keep it after we won that milli 🤑 #idontdressmyself
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @princeofnorway I knew that shirt looked familiar 😏 anytime 🤘🏻
@ExOnTheBeach: So basically @victoria_alario and @cbmcnary are okay with being friends with benefits? 👀 #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of them talking)
- @victoria_alario:  @ExOnTheBeachWhere did you get that out of this conversation? We weren’t even fucking we were hanging out lol I’m done w this show
@princeofnorway: Did Chris just call me basic 😂
- @00Hitsdiidii: @princeofnorway I might have to throw a banana at him too
@marcodelvec: Well I wish Chris could spell Basic.... #exonthebeach
- @lexi__marsella: @marcodelvec we we’re studying the bible... idk wut u mean
@ExOnTheBeach: .@MTVCoryWharton didn't even acknowledge @princeofnorway 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of him leaving the room)
@idkjanoslu_: I only watch this show for @RomeoMiller and @imdroc15 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: I KNOW this conversation with Alicia is eating Taylor up inside 😩 #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of their conversation)
@Jadie_Padie: Frodo Baggins legit called @princeofnorway Basic while wearing a bucket hat.... #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: "@LuvBenzoGrande: @ExOnTheBeach I can't believe that Chris spelled 'Basic': BASCIS #ExOnTheBeach " RT Help him ya'll 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@haleysmiles_: Thursdays are my fav day because @JerseyShore and @ExOnTheBeach 👏🏼
@RomeoMiller: I'm watching both of my shows at the same damn time and they're both lit!!! Are you watching  @ExOnTheBeach X @GUHH_WEtv | back to back
@marcodelvec: Wait Alicia looking like James Mcevoy in “Split” in her interviews... #exonthebeach
@lexi__marsella: I’ll leave this right here @creaturesferris...
@jourdennn: can’t lie my heart shead some tears for @princeofnorway when he came in 🤕
@ExOnTheBeach: @BionicBrooks_ Happy Birthdayyyyyyyyyy!
@__CeciliaC: #teamprinceofnorway @princeofnorway #ExOnTheBeach
@imTalaisha_: #ExOnTheBeach @princeofnorway Did not come to play!!!!😂😂
@whatasana: petition for @princeofnorway to show up halfway through every MTV show from this point on 🔥
@lexi__marsella: did someone use @Windex on this damn door?
@marcodelvec: Nooo Coryyyy don’t do itttttt @MTVCoryWharton  #exonthebeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Hey @lexi__marsella? There's a door there girl, watch out. #ExOnTheBeach
- @lexi__marsella: @PurveyorsofPop my face found it, thanks. #HeadUp
@lizperez__1468: Who do you think would win in a fight? 😳😮 #ExOnTheBeach
@00Hitsdiidii: LMAOOOOO @faithstowers HAS ME ROLLING #ExOnTheBeach
@00Hitsdiidii: An actual picture of Chris right now ..
@tylersemicolon: Joe has been on #ExOnTheBeach longer than dimitri was on #AYTO
- @dimitrivalentin: @tylersemicolon Shut the fuck up tyler
@TheRealAnthonyM: @princeofnorway is finally here 😈😎 #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Faith watching Cory barge into Alicia's interview. @faithstowers #ExOnTheBeach
- @faithstowers: @PurveyorsofPop 😂😂😂 I was lit af
@ExOnTheBeach: Thanks for the warning @faithstowers 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "It's about to be a s____ show I'm letting ya'll know right now")
@princeofnorway: First of all... I have a good personality 😒 #mayonnaise
@lexi__marsella: @princeofnorway did you find the bathroom or...? the people wanna know.
- @princeofnorway: @lexi__marsella Nope. Peed in one of Bieber’s ferns vindictively
- @lexi__marsella: @princeofnorway you hear that @justinbieber?💛🌿
@BionicBrooks_: Cory stopped a whole interview 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Commercial time! What are we thinking? #ExOnTheBeach
- @victoria_alario: @ExOnTheBeach I’m thinking that I can’t wait for this show to be over 4ever
@marcodelvec: In Alicia’s defense, Taylor would be a bad stepmom...She’d only use his daughter for her own Instagram posts #exonthebeach
@lexi__marsella: hey commercials, you can go shave your back now. @ExOnTheBeach IS ON.
@princeofnorway: Twitter is deadass better than the show 😂
@angelababicz: Derrick: I don’t have feelings for Angela, she has feelings for me.  Also Derrick:
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz I’m just real about my feelings unlike the other person in this picture;)
@ExOnTheBeach: .@faithstowers is a mood listening to this conversation! NOSEY! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of her)
- @faithstowers: @ExOnTheBeach Bahaha!! Chilleee!!! I wanna know the  T
@princeofnorway: "@94x1108: @princeofnorway how heartbroken were u really about Cory? Lmfao" RT Imma just clear the air real quick. I thought we were still dating. When I found out what was up with the what’s up I was ready to move on. This wasn’t the first time. Wasn’t no coming in to “get her back”
@Judy_To95: @princeofnorway Basic looks good on you 😂
@imdroc15: @angelababicz You know I’m your favorite person to fight with #ExOnTheBeach
- @victoria_alario: @imdroc15 #EXGOALS #ExonTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@MTVCoryWharton you alright? 👀 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of him)
@victoria_alario: Oop there it is #ExonTheBeach
@TheAllanAguirre: Interviewer: So why did you break up with Taylor?  Cory; Well, I basically was cool with her calling me the N word, but basically I wasn't cool with her asking me to pay for dinner. Basically, that shit is cooked.
@TheAllanAguirre: When's Aneesa gonna show up? @ExOnTheBeach
@dc408dxnow: So, now Cory is about to go into DEFCON mode with him packing Alicia's bag and wants her to get out of this house… even to the point of crashing the interview bash. And @faithstowers is just watching along with all of us.  #ExonTheBeach
- @LOV3JONES31: @dc408dxnow @faithstowers Had the Best Seat 😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
- @_iPinklace: @dc408dxnow Cory thinks this is bad girls club
@NurysKMateo: Wellllllp 😳 #ExonTheBeach
@HayleyHodge6: Always thought Taylor was my fave. But the way she’s done @princeofnorway, switching it up to Team Alycia. 😂 Get yo man girl.
@QueenBeystan4: Joe rn on the inside while watching that video💀😂 @princeofnorway #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: After that curve from Taylor, @princeofnorway is LAUGHING inside 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Geez.")
@marcodelvec: How funny would it be if Joe and Taylor came back up from the shack of secrets butt ass naked, getting it on #exonthebeach
- @00Hitsdiidii: @marcodelvec Lmaooooooo Marco whatt😩😂😩
@kr15xt3n: Oh girl....Taylor....GIRL. Should of stuck with @princeofnorway 🤦🏼‍♀️ what the actual fuck am I watching hahahahaha
@princeofnorway: “Red Flag” is right @jasminegoode_
@JewellReign: @princeofnorway still tried to keep it 💯 with Taylor and she still didn’t listen #ExOnTheBeach
@deniseweir__: sooo did @princeofnorway ever find the bathroom #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: @imdroc15 Don’t talk about @marcodelvec like that he’s hardly even in the pic come on
- @imdroc15: @victoria_alario @marcodelvec 😂😂😂
- @marcodelvec: @victoria_alario @imdroc15 Lmaooo I love you
- @victoria_alario: @marcodelvec @imdroc15 REALLY TRULY LOVE YOU
@ExOnTheBeach: SH*T is about to hit the fan! #ExOnTheBeach
@JoanneCarisa: @princeofnorway and tay in shack of secrets whattttttt😭
@victoria_alario: “Oh my gawddd” yeah I’m from Staten Island BTW #ExonTheBeach
@__MJx3: @victoria_alario girl you deserve so much better beautiful #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Joe throwing the jewelry he made for Taylor into the Pacific #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: @cbmcnary creativity is 💯
- @ExOnTheBeach: @lexi__marsella @cbmcnary sounded like poetry to me! #ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: "@HaileyTwaddell: HE HANDCRAFTED A NECKLACE, ugh you dirty bitch Taylor!  @princeofnorway she doesn’t deserve you!" RT To be fair the earings were better than the necklace 🙄 I hope they show my Aaron Rodgers esc waterfall toss
@Emily_RoseLynn: I now know why everyone was so hyped for @princeofnorway to show up hes only been here for one episode and hes already my favorite #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: @shandathapanda IS SO REAL IT HURTS
@marcodelvec: @princeofnorway not going to lie, you sound like a little biatch after the rock story
@itsaSHORRthing: Anyone else think @marcodelvec looks like Marco from degrassi?? #ExOnTheBeach
@marcodelvec: The Chaser? I like it @cbmcnary
@amri_perez: OMG, why is @princeofnorway GOALS AF!!? LIKE WHAT? Girl, you trippin' fr, put @MTVCoryWharton down & pick up this diamond 😩💎💕 #ExOnTheBeach #MTV @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@chrstnisamazing: @princeofnorway still being a real friend to Taylor when he just got a relationship thrown in his face and has been burned by her 3x before.  The real EOTB MVP! AND HE MADE ROCKS! Bitch is ungrateful. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@camkobo, @shandathapanda is basically saying "POT MEET KETTLE" #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "You sound like an a_______")
@angelababicz: When you’re not the one in a fight for once #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Everybody put on your seatbelt 🗣 #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: Why are guys SO FUCKING QUICK to slut shame but they all brag about girls wanting them and how many girls they can fuck “easily”? Doesn’t that make you just as easy? #ExonTheBeach
- @LOV3JONES31: @victoria_alario Correct. When you do them like that...  They call us every name in the book. #ExOnTheBeach
- @alysser_marie: @victoria_alario I love you bbg stay golden pony boy ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Eff men. Eff it all. We don’t want any negative enegy around you!!
- @isabelmarie00: @victoria_alario FACTS YO and they stay sayin how many girls they fucks and shit but if a girl do the same damn thing as men do then they a slut or a hoe or sum shit like that
- @FloresAnastasha: @victoria_alario Yasss girl preach! Guys can go around doing who ever and have countless females “under their belt” but if a woman does the same she gets frowned upon. Fuck double standards 🖕🏼
@marcodelvec: @camkobo are you drunk? Either way I love you
@lexi__marsella: @ExOnTheBeach @cbmcnary roses are red, violets are blue, chase is thor and wants to give vic his hammer too
@princeofnorway: I do pot for a living. Only reason I hand polished earrings and a necklace was because I thought it would mean more.
- @lexi__marsella: @princeofnorway real talk, I cried. the necklace and earrings were so damn beautiful. JOE HAS A HEART IF GOLD PPL #wifey
@princeofnorway: Yo cam was turnt 😅
@00Hitsdiidii: Coco over here like “ Alicia nooo don’t do it” yet still wanna make good tv & let’s her run up those stairs 😂😩
@victoria_alario: And I’m not talking about just cam... this whole episode has disgusted me #exonthebeach
@angelababicz: Oh no baby we don’t slut shame in this  house
@BionicBrooks_: Man it’s about to go down #exonthebeach
@KuhlHaley: @princeofnorway is literal bf goals in every single way 😍 #ExOnTheBeach
@RohO3deyBsayiin: Waiting for my rock necklace from @princeofnorway like
@lexi__marsella: "@jani_1287: @lexi__marsella this is officially one of my fave pictures of all time. This girl is such a sweetheart and she deserves all the love in the world no matter what. K im done. Bye💙 " RT OMG I ADORE YOU S’MUCHH! xx
@Shannoncolley6: @princeofnorway is boyfriend goals!!
@ExOnTheBeach: Somebody give them some milk 🗣 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Taylor in fighting mode)
@princeofnorway: "@_brayanicole: Joe why you drop your girl off to go on a dating show??? 🤔🤔 @princeofnorway …" RT Because we both already knew that we were both going.
@ExOnTheBeach: *clutches pearls* ALICIAAAAAAAAAAA #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Her feet are bigger than his d___ at the end of the day")
@marcodelvec: I didn’t mean it @MTVCoryWharton
@princeofnorway: To all my friends who liked me before MTV I’m sorry for the spam tonight 😅
@Reflection_tea: Forget Alicia and Taylor. I’m teamJoe. @princeofnorway @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: OHHH Sh*t just got real! #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Taylor spitting downwards at Alicia)
- @blacuesta: @ExOnTheBeach That was a lot of saliva
@marcodelvec: She’s a squirter! #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Derrick to Angela: "We should just be besties"  Angela:   #ExOnTheBeach @angelababicz @imdroc15
@Tloading_: Tor’i coming back next episode I’m lit @BionicBrooks_
@PurveyorsofPop: Faith watching Cory barge into Alicia's interview. @faithstowers #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Hey @lexi__marsella? There's a door there girl, watch out. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Taylor: "I don't want drama with Alicia"  Also Taylor: *spits on alicia*  #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: me watching Joe and Taylor have their one on one #ExOnTheBeach @princeofnorway
@PurveyorsofPop: "SAY LESS BITCH" is my new response to everything. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Some advice for the whole #ExOnTheBeach house right now.....we're gonna need a lot of bread fam.
@XBRITNI_: anyways @BionicBrooks_ comes back next week
@_jrmenard: @angelababicz reaction when she saw @BionicBrooks_ 😭😭😭😭😍😍😍  @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach  can it be next Thursday already!!
@JessHolsted20: @BionicBrooks_ IS COMING BACK NEXT WEEK?!?!?!?!? 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😍😍😍😍😍😍 #ExOnTheBeach
@BionicBrooks_: What a birthday present right?! 🎁
@marcodelvec: Is this show called Joe on the Beach? @ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: "@94x1108: @angelababicz I like how you weren’t in between and didn’t choose sides.. A WHOLE WOMAN. 💗" RT Yes! At this point I had made amends with Alicia. This was a fight between two grown women there was no need for me to step in and defend anyone. Not my battle 🤷🏻‍♀️
@BionicBrooks_: Y’all missed ya boy?!👋🏿😉
@ExOnTheBeach: New York and Pumpkin are SHAKING! #ExOnTheBeach
@girIsalliance: thats why I only love y’all queens on this show everyone else can go @angelababicz @victoria_alario
@swagex_: @victoria_alario PREACH IT! Call them out girl! CALL THEM OUT!
@ExOnTheBeach: I'm SHOOK! How would you have handled this spitting situation with Alicia and Taylor? #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Joe - "WHAT THE F___?!")
@victoria_alario: Can’t WAIT to share a surprise with you that you’ve all been waiting for (without even knowing you’ve been waiting for it!) next week after the episode🙌🏻 I will also be deleting my Twitter next week so get your last look while you can👀
@Juno_Robinson: Soo I got sent home pretty much because two women set it up... what a bummer 🤦🏽‍♂️. I liked how faith was upset about that shit
@matt_marcello: Yeeeooo Taylor pulled a Pumkin 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@trasrealitytv: WHY THE FUCK DID CHRIS THOUGHT IT WAS OKAY TO HOLD ALICIA BACK? no if someone spits on me, i have the RIGHT to beat the bitch up!! he pissed off? & why is cory laughing? that’s not funny sis. #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: was that my baby girl @skylermikkelson I see coming back next week or am I dreaming?!?😍
@DayDaVonne_: Whew chilllee 😂😂😂😂😂
@blacuesta: "@RohO3deyBsayiin: Waiting for my rock necklace from @princeofnorway like " RT Same wtf
@KikiMTV: The disrespect....bbiittccchhhhh 😒 oh no. Trash. #ExOnTheBeach
@KikiMTV: Judging from the accuracy of the loogie hitting said target I’m going to go ahead & bet that’s not the first time she’s done that. #ExOnTheBeach
@ItsAll_AboutTee: "@challengemtv__: Yo I swear the next time Chase says “ting” I’m gonna change the channel.  Deadass. #ExOnTheBeach " RT 😂😂😂 #exonthebeach
@ItsAll_AboutTee: This episode of #exonthebeach made me think of
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Dammit mtv . Back at it again with cutting the episode when the good part comes on .... #exonthebeach
@NurysKMateo: They say if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all so I’m just gonna stay shut this time SMMFH #ExOnTheBeach
@00Hitsdiidii: @NurysKMateo Lmaoooo I was dyinnnng she literally went *wooooops* I tried 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
@HeidiValois: Just when I thought @ExOnTheBeach couldn’t get any better😈👏🏻😩
@angelababicz: I am no one’s pitbull nor security. I step into situations that need stepping into.. if it’s already being handled there’s no need to waste my energy. My girls can handle themselves !

@ExOnTheBeach: "@ashleymarievanz: Im so ashamed at how into @ExOnTheBeach myself and @LifeofMy__ are but dam i need it to be next Thursday already😭" RT Don't feel bad girl! We're watching with you! #ExOnTheBeach 😅
@CiaraHarris08: That was one good episode of @ExOnTheBeach
@tori_chapmann: @ExOnTheBeach I live for shows like this
@_kdp28: Why does @ExOnTheBeach have to end like that!! Now I can’t wait til next Thursday! Damn 😮😳
@Haleyx0: Lexi running away with food is such a mood  #ExOnTheBeach
@marcodelvec: How’d everyone like the episode??? #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: "@Jess_Me_95: @ExOnTheBeach is it next Thursday yet?" RT Im over here closing my eyes and opening them and...nope 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@_CaraLeaa: Omg i can’t wait for @ExOnTheBeach next week 😭
@jenna_maske11: @ExOnTheBeach is so funnyyyy omg😂😂
@iPaprazzi: Yo best episode ever @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: "@dr3amc4tchers: @ExOnTheBeach It’s gonna be a flaming ride" RT Buckle up! #ExOnTheBeach
@creaturesferris: When I see @shandathapanda my heart melts ❤️❤️❤️. Btw girls you can sexy me anytime cause I’m basil. I’ll respond. #EXONTHEBEACH
@ExOnTheBeach: Thats a wrap! But... I promise doesn't end here! Be ready to catch an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach next Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV!
 @DayDaVonne_: Being unproblematic and staying out of drama 👸🏾
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Let me just be quiet .... lmfao

@princeofnorway: "@thenames_jelly: @princeofnorway Hope you dramatically dropped it into the ocean like Rose in Titanic: " RT Not quite but close 😂
@cbmcnary: @BionicBrooks_ @ExOnTheBeach What happened!  I missed it!
- @BionicBrooks_: @cbmcnary @ExOnTheBeach Bro just the way you treating the Vic situation and when you was on the Beach when joe came up had me dying! 😂
@_CaraLeaa: Sooooo excited @BionicBrooks_ is coming back to ex on the beach next week 😭❤️
@victoria_alario: "@XBRITNI_: @victoria_alario omg nooo why are you deleting it" RT I haven’t had twitter since HS & only made it for the show, for obvious reasons, and all this dumb shit talking and “twitter beef” feels like we’re all 15 again and I just have no desire to be a part of it, so once the show is over I’m donezo👋🏻
@angelababicz: "@trillestbryant: Where was @angelababicz the last 10 minutes of the episode tho? 😂😂 at least queen wasn’t in a scuffle but shit she went missing after the Derrick scene I was like “WAIT WHERE TF SHE WONDER OFF TOO??”" RT I was off somewhere drinking water and minding my business 🐸
@angelababicz: The finale is next week and it’s definitely going to be bittersweet... I have something special for you immediately following the episode so keep an eye out 👀❤️ #ExOnTheBeach
@Reflection_tea: @princeofnorway Never had a problem with you on AYTO but for real, truth came out tonight. You’re a gentleman.
@camkobo: I didn’t say easy I said cheesy
@BionicBrooks_: Jumping back into the @ExOnTheBeach villa like.. #ExonTheBeach
@marcodelvec: About to go live on @afterbuzztv with @princeofnorway and @imdroc15 go check it outtttt!
@creaturesferris: If @cbmcnary calls his dick the chaser,  I’m calling mine the creature ;) gigantic like a sea monster 🍆
@MarcToddd: I don’t watch tv often but I definitely turn it on for #ExOnTheBeach lol
@Juno_Robinson: @ExOnTheBeach This shit isn't over! This is going to be bananas 😂. About to put some real WTF faces on , lets go! #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: "@trasrealitytv: @angelababicz reaction vs @imdroc15 reaction.. IM CRYING 💀💀💀💀💀 " RT .@imdroc15 looks hurt wonder why 👀
@imdroc15: "@angelababicz: .@imdroc15 looks hurt wonder why 👀 …" RT Hurt!?... naw more like laughing at what me and you did the night before all the exes come back ;). That tea will spill on its own tho!
- @angelababicz: @imdroc15 OOP don’t hype up the people for no reason Dcock 🙄🙄
@zoeinwonderland: Watching the new #ExOnTheBeach like
@danielle_hask18: My reaction to how people responded when @princeofnorway showed up on Ex on the Beach.. #TeamJoe
@nevernesss: To me @faithstowers, @lexi__marsella, and @shandathapanda are the most likeable girls on the show #ExOnTheBeach
@tori_deal: “hope you meet your fav celebrity on  a day they don’t feel like taking pics” -bad karma
@CSUGradAkirk: “Flavor of the week” #ExonTheBeach
@CSUGradAkirk: I feel like both girls in this love triangle with Cory have both done wrongs so I’m not team either in this situation #EXONTHEBEACH
@CSUGradAkirk: On the real I hope Cory got fined for interrupting the interview come on dude you’ve done so many shows that’s a big a no no #EXONTHEBEACH
@Kmorrisx: If you have to question yourself “are my  going to look like an idiot” then it’s more than likely u already know u are 👍🏻
@ChelskoOfficial: THATS RIGHT BATCHES IM BAAAAAAACKKK 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️
@PurveyorsofPop: Someone get Shanley a stepstool so she can kiss Cam. #ExOnTheBeach @shandathapanda @camkobo
@PurveyorsofPop: Victoria's reaction to Chase's face on the flag: #ExOnTheBeach @victoria_alario @cbmcnary
@PurveyorsofPop: Most awkward ex arrival ever #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Joe walking into the #ExOnTheBeach house: @princeofnorway
@CSUGradAkirk: I’m torn I really like Cory I’ve interviewed him two different occasions but I disagree with everything he’s doing on this show I know I don’t see everything but what we are seeing is not ok just saying #EXONTHEBEACH
@CSUGradAkirk: I’m so glad I never even got past the online application of ayto and real world I love watching it but  I know that this shit ain’t for me #ExonTheBeach
@skylermikkelson: @lexi__marsella Yaaaaaaaas bby!!!! ❤️
@TheAllanAguirre: Taylor can spit on someone and still be wallpaper. She's a fucking idiot whose only goal is attention, which she can get on Instagram with her filtered pics and boring ass captions, but once the camera rolls, everyone can see you for the trash you are.
@princeofnorway: @thepoetsaint
@itsaSHORRthing: Showing up to the #taylorisoverparty fashionably late but I’m here baby #ExOnTheBeach
@teamariecara: "@XBRITNI_: y’all can drag taylor & cory all you want tonight, but don’t bring ryder & cheyenne into this. they had to private ryders instagram, bc for some reason y’all like commenting on her pictures about yalls dislike for taylor" RT Truth. If I see one person drag Ryder I will lost my cool and trust me you don't wanna see that.
@cbmcnary: I don't want to have you be hurt at the end of this.
@blacuesta: Real shit what would u do if someone spit at you? #ExOntheBeach
@blacuesta: Bc idk I might just start laughing like after all this ongoing beef all u could think of to do was spit at me from upstairs??? Hahaha ok den
@angelababicz: "@a1_gault: When he compares your attitude to “the girl off ‘Ex On The Beach’”  AKA: @angelababicz   >>>> #humbled #sorrynotsorry 🤷‍♀️😅👑 " RT You’re doing amazing sweetie!!!
@thepoetsaint: Had a great time with these fellas in the @afterbuzztv studios discussing #exonthebeach. Shout out to @princeofnorway @marcodelvec & @imdroc15 for coming through and dropping gems about the episode.  If you missed it live, you can watch it here:
@MTVjennifer: lawdddd. i dare someone to spit on me. #ExOnTheBeach
@MTVjennifer: watching the episode at 3:30am with commentary from alicia next to me was the best way to ever watch an episode😂👏🏼 #ExOnTheBeach
@BritniNicol: @JustJem24 What they say?? What happened?? Who we fuckin up?? LETSGO!!!!
- @blacuesta: @BritniNicol Like she must’ve just been saving spit all day
@tombuelljr: Just remember, everything you go through prepares you for what's coming. Meet it all head on.

@angelababicz: .@imdroc15, is there something you wanna get off your chest or ???? #ExOnTheBeach
- @PaulCalafiore_: @angelababicz @imdroc15 From the looks of it, it’s more like there’s something he wants to get on yours 😂
@angelababicz: Just got to the gym and realized I forgot my headphones at home so you already know how my day is going
@hbarfield13: I’ve just now discovered Pinterest... apparently I’ve been living under a rock because I’m obsessed 😂😂
@hbarfield13: These dudes walking around with Chest like Clark Kent and I’m over here with a chest like a 8 year old boy smh. I guess it’s chest day for me!
@MTVCoryWharton: Cory Chung-Li 🔋
@camkobo: I literally have Snapchat to Snapchat one person.
@ExOnTheBeach: Breaking down that explosive #ExOnTheBeach spat... in gifs 😵
@cbmcnary: Apologies in advanced for the IG post I’ll be posting later today. But it is a solid gift for dads day!  Just saying.
@BionicBrooks_: #Depth @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach 😂
@NurysKMateo: @00Hitsdiidii @ExOnTheBeach Feel free to hit my line with this tea 👀
@MELODY_ROSE: Hey reality tv ppl, you know you don’t HAVE to date other reality tv people, right? You don’t have to find someone to give you a storyline to get on another show.  Stop crying on social media when your showmance doesn’t work out. Opportunist headass.  🤗
@PaulCalafiore_: This Spain vs Portugal match may be the best match of the World Cup and it’s only a group stage game 😂😂 #WorldCupRussia2018
@PaulCalafiore_: Diego Costa and Cristiano Ronaldo are having fucking GAMES!!
- @hbarfield13: @PaulCalafiore_ Let’s goooooooooooooooooko
- @PaulCalafiore_: @hbarfield13 Bro this game is UNBELIEVABLE haha
@hbarfield13: Patiently waiting for my time to shine 😉
@ExOnTheBeach: Drama 👏 showed 👏 up and 👏 showed 👏 out! REWATCH the latest episode of #ExOnTheBeach NOW ☕️

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

Wow, what can you say? Not much after all that... it's been quite a season with just a couple episodes left in this season.


With Joe being the latest Ex to arrive in Hawaii to pay back Taylor, he brings us back a ways to last fall and Are You The One? Season 6. You might remember the time when she was part of the group who came to New Orleans for the always cringeworthy getaway challenge when the exes show up to deliver some scoop to the housemates. We offered a look at what meeting in among the many odd connections amongst the many people of the MTV Trifecta on here last fall.
   At this time last year, DCBLOG focused the lens on Challenger Cara Maria where, after she won Champs vs. Pros with Darrell, we paid tribute to who would now become a two-time Challenge champ by featuring YouTube videos of her becoming Wonder Woman for a day and impersonating some of her fellow Challenge competitors. With the reemergence of a member of the group who, with one incredible leap, ascended into "11th heaven" last December, this brings us to the latest instance of someone deciding to turn the tables and make fun of those who they shacked up with on MTV.
   We met the hilariously funny Tyler Colon on that season, and it was after the reunion of that season that he and Ethan/"Emoney" capped it all off by performing their "Perfect Match" song. As an early Christmas gift to everyone, Tyler dropped a YouTube video where he got to impersonate himself and the 21 other members of his cast. Enjoy it below...

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In a day or so, as advertised we'll look at The Epic MTV Super Weekend featuring many of your favorite MTV alumni. Enjoy this week's episodes, and talk to you then...


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