*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
■ @DC408Dxtr @ TW / IG / YT
As we bring the curtain down on what's been an eventful weekend in many retrospects on the MTV Reality front -- Challenge Mania, honoring Diem, a obstacle course, a marriage and a baby to name a few, we have this late night dessert to share with you in our look at Episode 7 of Ex On The Beach.
Last week in Hawaii saw history repeat itself in one of the exes who got voted off the island make her grand reentry when, after the singles thought that they would get someone totally new to the beach, Alicia made her return as a single much to Cory's dismay, as well as the return of Are You The One? original Shanley from Season 1. Meanwhile, the Shack of Secrets sent Victoria and her ex Luis down where revelations of cheating while they were dating each other emerged, while the week's elimination saw Haley get the heave-ho.
It's fitting that this week, the housemates finally have reason to finally let loose when they get to do what those of you got to do the first day school went out for the summer when you were young: go on a Slip N Slide and become kids for a moment... and then become adults again in a lingerie party. And one couple seems to have finally gotten to do what very few in the show's UK version have been able to do: kiss and make up... only for that to come apart as only this show does. And when happens when an ex comes to crash the party? Bad things can happen.
All the action, reaction and interaction is ahead here, along with Team MTV also seeing this week's premiere of the newest season of the show Chase comes to us from, The Bachelorette... as well as the NBA Finals. And also included: controversy emerging on AfterBuzz TV... all of that is ahead, and thanks for staying up with us tonight... enjoy this late night special.
►AS THEY SAW IT: "Party Foul"
@ExOnTheBeach: Ah shall we catchup? 😅 Get ready for an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach starting RIGHT now on @MTV! 😈 RT if you're watching + live tweeting with me!
@princeofnorway: Yoooo @PaulCalafiore_ you got a nice dick fam no cap @ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: AND WE’RE LIVE! your ass better be tuned into @ExOnTheBeach on @MTV rn ✨🍵
@WiniferDamaris: IT’S #ExOnTheBeach time !!! @angelababicz @victoria_alario @imdroc15
@ox_luisa: 1 hour left to see my 3 favs #ExOnTheBeach @angelababicz @victoria_alario @TayloriasSecret
@angelababicz: Here we go #exonthebeach
@victoria_alario: Not ready for this .. but am I ever? #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Did @PaulCalafiore_ just propose to @lexi__marsella? #ExOnTheBeach
@GabbieRose: #ExOnTheBeach time @victoria_alario yasssss
@ExOnTheBeach: .@faithstowers we hear you girl! It may be time to keep it pushing! #ExOnTheBeach (Video of her talking to June)
- @faithstowers: @ExOnTheBeach Absolutely it was time and I pushed 😂 byeeeeeew
@victoria_alario: Try your best sweetie @angelababicz #ExOnTheBeach
@cbmcnary: should we call me hitch? @ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: no pressure or anything, everyone’s not watching or anything🔐
@ExOnTheBeach: How will @faithstowers and Junie’s relationship thrive? #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Will @angelababicz and Alicia FINALLY squash their beef? 🤔 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Victoria - "There's an elephant in the room at all times")
@victoria_alario: Is it just me or does Paulie look like Chase’s little brother?! #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: @cbmcnary show it off. we’re here for it.😍 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@cbmcnary and @PaulCalafiore_ showing off all this body we didn't know we needed to see 👏😩 #ExOnTheBeach
@cbmcnary: JEAN SPEEDO
@hugolmstyle: @victoria_alario V with the one-liner for the win.
@ox_luisa: Victoria is Angela’s person #ExOnTheBeach @angelababicz @victoria_alario ❤️
@imdroc15: This slip N slide party was the best day in the house! #ExOnTheBeach
- @marcodelvec: @imdroc15 False. My entrance was.
@victoria_alario: June’s fall down the slip and slide hurt way more than any shack of secrets ever could #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: And there’s my tits #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: #ExOnTheBeach Olympics be like 😂 (GIF of June slipping)
@angelababicz: The slip and slide day was my favorite day in the house lmao #exonthebeach
@DeadraeBitchhh: It’s that time 🙌🏼 @ExOnTheBeach
@imdroc15: When it’s too wet 😏 lol #ExOnTheBeach
@LuvBenzoGrande: Tonight's episode of @ExOnTheBeach looks so good ! #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: For the record @victoria_alario was always naked
@ExOnTheBeach: "@Satterwhite1121: You guys already know it's time for @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach " RT 🤘 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: It’s all fun and games until a flag shows up 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: @imdroc15 hugs make everything better
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz Please have another ex come so you can give him your cut votes and not me 🙏🏾
@ExOnTheBeach: My thoughts exactly @imdroc15 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "My favorite couple in this house might be over")
@hugolmstyle: I wish I could be on that hill with @victoria_alario and @angelababicz
@ExOnTheBeach: Whose ex do you think is about to make their way to #ExOnTheBeach?
@ExOnTheBeach: Be careful of what you ask for @faithstowers 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "One... one ex!")
@ExOnTheBeach: Welcome Marcus ladies and gentlemen! #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him entering the beach)
@angelababicz: OOOOP THAT’S DEF NOT TOR’I
@angelababicz: Ok @cbmcnary but did you ask to take my baby child from me for the day I think not #exonthebeach
- @cbmcnary: @angelababicz Nope... straight Kid Napped little Ting @victoria_alario
@victoria_alario: IM LOSING MY LASHES LMFAO #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Must be nice to getaway @cbmcnary @victoria_alario 👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of them on the highway)
@ExOnTheBeach: .@creaturesferris isn't amused by any of this 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him applauding)
@ExOnTheBeach: Junie looks like he just saw a ghost 😭 Is he about to meet his competition? #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him)
@ShaySawyer_: @ExOnTheBeach @creaturesferris He thought Paulie and Lexie was gonna break up so he could get his chance he’s not low.
@lexi__marsella: shack of secrets please don’t do this to me... take it easy on your girl! @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: "@Kissesfromdes: The exes come out the water like #ExOnTheBeach " RT 😂 okay??!! #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: I’m about to rip you a new asshole dude
@ExOnTheBeach: We get it Marcus, “Rake It Up” is a definite BOP! 😂 (cc: @NickiMinaj) #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Rake it up")
@angelababicz: The most annoying person to enter the Ex house has now arrived #exonthebeach
@cbmcnary: Dudeeee #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: I think the boys where @TayloriasSecret bra more than she does
@ExOnTheBeach: Alicia is like boy if you don't get the f*ck 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of her face reaction)
@imdroc15: @camkobo 🔥🔥🔥 lol hahahahaha
@victoria_alario: This was one of the best nights in the house😈😇 #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Derrick can’t keep his dick in his pants. Pun intentended. #exonthebeach
@lexi__marsella: SO MANY MAN BUTTS
@ExOnTheBeach: How do we feel about Marcus? @TayloriasSecret has left her remarks 😭 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "I don't know. I get weird vibes from him, he's a bit strange.")
@victoria_alario: You know where to find me at the party #ExOnTheBeach
@cbmcnary: How can you level up for a lingerie party after wearing Speedo?
@imdroc15: Another drunk Derrick confessional moment lol #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: This isn’t the spot?! Boy you know I’m gonna make it the spot! Kiss my damn face #ExOnTheBeach
@leahkatherinee: @ExOnTheBeach would not be what it is without @imdroc15 😂❤️
@ExOnTheBeach: But who told you guys to be walking around all naked 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
(GIF: Derrick - "Wooooooo!")
@victoria_alario: Are they crying or just talking really really high pitched? I can’t tell what’s happening here #EXOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Now June wants to put in some work with @faithstowers! We're on to you! #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "He was not acting like this when he got here.")
@cbmcnary: NOOOO babies @angelababicz
@ExOnTheBeach: Okay was someone cutting onions?? @angelababicz Alicia 😭 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of them making up)
@SamD_1998: @PaulCalafiore_'s outfit for the naughty or nice party 🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍 @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@imdroc15: Hold on, was @angelababicz just hitting me with a whip!?
- @angelababicz: @imdroc15 That I was baby, that I was
- @00Hitsdiidii: @imdroc15 Kinkyyyyy
@creaturesferris: If I was to do another @mtv show with one of my exes, which ex should it be with? @ChelskoOfficial or @haleyreadxoxo #EXOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Has Marcus lost his d*mn mind? 😭 You don’t want to go to war with @angelababicz #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Skurrrt")
- @00Hitsdiidii: @angelababicz Lmaooooo me & my girls were on the FLOOOOR😂😂😂😂
@victoria_alario: You know I’m boy crazy when Angela’s screaming and I don’t even notice because I’m staring at @cbmcnary #EXOnTheBeach
- @cbmcnary: @victoria_alario Marcus deserved it.
@kailah_casillas: feeling very pin-up today 💅🏼
@iammikeyp: My pretty little pin up girl @kailah_casillas
@imdroc15: 😂😂😂 this crying scene with Alicia and Angela... I think I just cried too lol
@angelababicz: It was actually a good talk.. I was wasted but we squashed everything
- @victoria_alario: @angelababicz Mature queens
@LouieRivera_: Lmao wtf is on my head 😂 #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: And this ladies and gentlemen is not how you handle getting rejected.. take that L and move on I’m not interested Marcus #exonthebeach
@LuvBenzoGrande: Marcus wasn't even in the house for 24 hrs and he's already claiming that @angelababicz is sad bc if her relationships status with T #ExOnTheBeach
@imdroc15: I see you and you can see me but you sleep... I had to prank June lol hahaha #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Angela getting ready to pop off on Marcus: #ExOnTheBeach @angelababicz
@lexi__marsella: uh, can I decline the shack of secrets offer?
@ExOnTheBeach: .@PaulCalafiore_ and uh @lexi__marsella y'all aren't slick! 👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of them opening bathroom door)
@PurveyorsofPop: Paulie and Lexi are so cute together 😭 #ExOnTheBeach @PaulCalafiore_ @lexi__marsella
@PurveyorsofPop: Seems like someone took "sliding into the DMs" a little too literally... #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: tbh not surprised all @faithstowers exes love her - who doesn't?! #ExOnTheBeach
@Kissesfromdes: The exes come out the water like #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: OK, who wants to take bets on how long this truce between @angelababicz and Alicia is gonna last? #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: "you guys are really dramatic" - Marcus Understatement of the century. #ExOnTheBeach
@Nicole_Marika: Derrick already knows! 😂 “Cross yo mama cross yo daddy but DO NOT cross Angela” - @imdroc15 @angelababicz #ExOnTheBeach #PopOffQueen 👑
@LouieRivera_: Surprised June was able to get that deep of a sleep in this crazy house 😅 #ExonTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @LouieRivera_ He is knocked out! COLD! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Here we go 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Getting ready for this Shack of Secrets like #ExOnTheBeach
@allrealitychat: these people are so stupid! WHY would you keep the texts on your phone?! Like at least be crafty w/ your shit! Delete the texts jackasses #ExontheBeach
@lexi__marsella: my heart is in my stomach right now..
@imdroc15: Damn, my bro Paulie got the Derrick treatment... an ex going through your phone for 7mins on National tv. Praying for you 🙏🏾! #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@lexi__marsella: "Were you cheating?" @PaulCalafiore_ : "It was an overlap....in dating" #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "No not really.... No not really.")
@princeofnorway: @shandathapanda just exposed me on the @AREUTHE1 Instagram live story 😂😂 #shanleystaysuptilsixamwiththeboys
@BombshellChels: So many new gif’s for trying to slide in the DM’s #ExonTheBeach
@BionicBrooks_: Yo I’m amused #ExonTheBeach
- @MTV: @BionicBrooks_ BB come baaaaacckkkk #ExOnTheBeach
@Follow_TheLeaad: @angelababicz is my fucking favoriteeee & her lil princess sidekick @victoria_alario 😍😍 #GiveThemASpinOff 🤩#ExOnTheBeach
@AngelaBabiczFan: Roses are red my ass is fat be on #TeamAngela or cassh me ousside howbow dah @angelababicz
@imdroc15: Hold on hold on!!! Please tell me I’m tripping and didn’t hear what I think I just heard @creaturesferris
@PrettyB_Royalty: The shack of secrets always flips the damn house upside down haha @ExOnTheBeach poor Lexi!
@ExOnTheBeach: .@lexi__marsella is ready to call it QUITS over @PaulCalafiore_ #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: Men and their suckage #ExontheBeach
@angelababicz: Us gals sitting around Lexi like a scene from Grease #exonthebeach
@caraiberen: “Men suck all the fucking time” @victoria_alario FACTSSSS #ExOnTheBeach
@dc408dxnow: .@lexi__marsella was happy going into the Shack, now it's a total 180 as she returns. Whether it's a truth booth, a living room or the confessional, one room changes everything in MTV land, and it's no different on #ExOnTheBeach.
@LouieRivera_: @lexi__marsella rather break a bone than see you cry! You’re bomb boo ❤️😘
- @lexi__marsella: @LouieRivera_ the most amazing man in the game💓 the best man alive... I adore you💓
@imdroc15: @lexi__marsella No don’t quit! You’re the Elimination Queen right now. Of all the lady exes, you been here the longest without 1 cut vote!
- @lexi__marsella: @imdroc15 BUT DERRICK.. my heart😩💔
@deethinks: Victoria is serving looks and facts on this episode #ExOnTheBeach
@TsGirl83015: "Men suck all the fucking time, maybe once in awhile they have a good moment, but then there ruing it with their suckage. Again." -@victoria_alario 😂😂 Yas girl, Yas! 🙌 @mtvex #ExOnTheBeach
@ArmoniTheDancer: @victoria_alario just spoke the truth on boys!! Preach girl 👏🏼#exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@pkindaa: feel so connected to @lexi__marsella right now. girl ♥️
@gaiineslm: That gorgeous person’s heart just being shuddered all over again. @lexi__marsella is the sweetest. When she hurts, I hurt. 😭💔 It’s okay babygirl. You’re beautiful. ❤️ #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Are the kids saying "transitioning" instead of "cheating"? asking for @PaulCalafiore_ #ExOnTheBeach (Video: Jasmine - "You call cheating 'transitioning', that's what you call it in the streets? You didn't transition Paulie, you cheated.")
@ExOnTheBeach: Will @lexi__marsella ditch #ExOnTheBeach?
@serenaalynn8: @victoria_alario "Men suck all the fucking time, maybe once in awhile they have a good moment, but then the’re ruining it with their suckage. Again." 🔥😂🔥😂
@bumbblebee22: I love @angelababicz @victoria_alario and @TayloriasSecret they are my favorites on the show I would love to meet them some day #EXOnTheBeach
@DQ_the_Man: @lexi__marsella Sometimes things don’t work out and you just gotta move on and let him go. You’re stronger than this. You can get through this. Seeing you go is like seeing the BSB separate for good. The point is it’s bad for you to give up now so keep it moving. #ExonTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@PaulCalafiore_ owns up to his f*ck ups, but should @lexi__marsella trust him? #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of them in the Shack of Secrets)
@angelababicz: “I came in the house a little hot”
@ExOnTheBeach: OMG 👏 who's 👏 going 👏 home? 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@LouieRivera_: @imdroc15 boys lookin fresh in that denim juuu heardddd 🔥
@imdroc15: With the outfit I wore to the naughty or nice party, there was no way I was getting a cut... I survive again baby lol #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: DEEP BREATHS, what’s in this pineapple @RomeoMiller?
@imdroc15: Noooo!! I’m hoping Lexi doesn’t go home #EXOnTheBeach
@im_amazing_duh: #ExOnTheBeach Victoria: Men suck ALL the fukn time Me:
@lexi__marsella: kindly shove that crush up your ass
@cbmcnary: Just get the cali bro out of here #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: And she strikes again @angelababicz ❌❌❌❌❌❌ #ExonTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: honey I’m staying home @ExOnTheBeach😘
@ExOnTheBeach: .@lexi__marsella wants @PaulCalafiore_ to put the crush where the 🌞 doesn't shine 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: You can spell "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" faster than the time Marcus spent in the house 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him finding out his fate)
@angelababicz: BOY BYE #ExOnTheBeach
@creaturesferris: Ok so @victoria_alario’s black bikini top is so cute!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
@ExOnTheBeach: Marcus is going home...Angela how do you feel? .@angelababicz : 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of her gesturing to him)
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach Whole entire #mood
@PurveyorsofPop: Paulie: "It wasn't cheating, it was an overlap in dating" Me: #ExOnTheBeach
@haleyorlofske: the girls being supportive of each other despite their differences in this episode has me LIVING #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: When @lexi__marsella got that crush vote from @PaulCalafiore_ #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Marcus's time on #ExOnTheBeach:
@BRlTNI: is this the first week @imdroc15 doesn’t have to worry about being eliminated? king did that! 😌#ExOnTheBeach
@imdroc15: Ladies... Me, @cbmcnary, and @PaulCalafiore_ are willing to show up at any party in our outfits for the right price lol. Comment your price lol #ExOnTheBeach
@DQ_the_Man: When we thought @lexi__marsella was getting a cut, it was actually a crush. Thanks for the relief @RomeoMiller #ExOnTheBeach
@creaturesferris: Slipping and sliding is what I’m good at ;) 🍆🍆👌😆 #EXOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Thats a WRAP! You don't want to miss whats unfolding next, on an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach next Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV! 😈
►AFTER HOURS AFTERMATH, and an Ex Gets Punched
@BionicBrooks_: JaVale . Bruh! 😂🤔🤦🏿♂️#nbafinals
@erikalaurenluvs: Wtf swish?! The score??!??
@erikalaurenluvs: Cool refs. 👀
@HaydenPWeaver: I’m so pissed off for Cavs fans and i never thought I could say that
@giannahammer: WHYYYY JR WHYY!!!?!!?
@giannahammer: REFS WHAT ARE THESE CALLS?????!!!!
@giannahammer: You’d think the Cavs would stop shooting 3s after missing almost all of them 😑😑😑😑😑 waste of time
@giannahammer: Well this was heartbreaking. 😒😒😒
@giannahammer: I NEVER blame the refs but FUCK THESE REFS @NBA #CavsVsWarriors
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Omgg this game
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Lmao jr Smith really is stoned the memes are true
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Damn, cavs played good but it’s hard to beat the western conference allstars
@TheRealAnthonyM: This finals game is killing me
@_Kazuhnova: The Refs won that game! That’s crazy smh then JR dumb ass helped the Warriors get OT instead of calling a timeout
@erikalaurenluvs: Cavs need to make free throws, especially the crucial ones. Refs seriously need to get their ish together. J.R. Smith needs to learn how to read a scoreboard. Game 2, lets go.
@erikalaurenluvs: Well, I blame this entire loss on Smith. Either way, the @Cavs showed out tonight! Never count out the Cavs because we have @kingJames
@princeofnorway: JR really said I thought we were ahead lmaoooo😂😂
@HaydenPWeaver: The NBA has more drama than any show on television and I’m here for it
@CodyThrive: It truly is a shame so many huge sports games are decided by refs making bad calls. It seems like more times than not a ref chokes. Life lessons tho. The real world ain’t fair either boys. Not that you NBA millionaires would know.
@blairherter: Predictions: Lebron drops 200 over 4 games and still gets swept. J.R. Smith moves out west and opens chain of dispensaries. Steph takes entire team out for ice cream. @NBA #NBAFinals18 #CavsVsWarriors
@RomeoMiller: As talented as GS is, the Cavs simply lost this game. Bron played like Superman, but you ain't beating them boys in ot at home. #NBA
@WestonBergmann: Last night as a single man. Ladies, snap me memorable pictures. 😜 @westonbergmann
@PaulCalafiore_: @princeofnorway @ExOnTheBeach 😂🤣
@MTV: @ExOnTheBeach @cbmcnary @PaulCalafiore_ I’ve been waiting all szn for this scene #ExOnTheBeach
@Porscha1924: Can we all talk about the shit that’s gonna go down next week 😱 Still love Alicia 💕😂#EXOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@JustJem24: Learn how to love the you that no one else sees 💜
@lexi__marsella: I just want to thank everyone for the overwhelming support! this epsiode was just as hard watching it back as it was being there but I am the luckiest girl to have such amazing support💓 thank you
@ChelskoOfficial: @haleyreadxoxo U couldn’t be ugly if they paid u to be. #GORGEOUS
@creaturesferris: “This program contains nudity, sexuality and mature subject matter” only cause @victoria_alario is on the show 😍😍😘😘😘 #EXOnTheBeach
@creaturesferris: “If you’re overlapping relationships, you’re fucking cheating” true quote by @victoria_alario
- @princeofnorway: @creaturesferris Wasn’t she the one who said she was “entertaining” other guys..? With her vagina...? 😅🐒
@creaturesferris: Ok so @lexi__marsella’s rant in the shack of secrets is legit.
- @lexi__marsella: @creaturesferris if you don’t want the horns don’t mess with the bull..
@angelababicz: But does anyone know why I’m unable to go live with a friend?????
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz Smh... i was requesting you. I’m convinced you blocked me on IG
- @angelababicz: @imdroc15 Instagram doesn’t want us to be together
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz Naw just you... not IG lol
@mrdavis25: Anyone diss me next week I’m sending 40k YouTube fans on ya ass 😂😂😂😂 they ruthless
@mrdavis25: I got murder so bad this week by airi fans they end up feels sorry for me in the end 😂😂😂😂 they send me love messages now
@princeofnorway: Paulie tonight 😂😂
@blacuesta: “Sometimes i feel like I wasn’t a good enough gf for him, I couldn’t give him everything he needed” Friend: “don’t say that. You won’t have to change who you are or bend for the right person, for the person who understands you”
@GusSmyrnios: 16 I got sent home from Panama City beach for getting my ears pierced on spring break and wasn't allowed to watch jersey shore ... 23 just finished filming Floribama Shore in Panama drinking, partying, and re piercing. Funny how life works, take that parents 😜😂
@ExOnTheBeach: West Coast are you there? #ExOnTheBeach starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! RT if you're watching! ✨
@PurveyorsofPop: Faith, sounds like it's time to move on to a man who will treat you right. #ExOnTheBeach @faithstowers
- @faithstowers: @PurveyorsofPop Yep. And I’m taking applications!
- @princeofnorway: @faithstowers .. sup 😏
@PurveyorsofPop: Tbh this is a very emotional week for @imdroc15 with all the turmoil of Paulie/Lexi. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Angela when Marcus crosses her. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Ladies need to support ladies! Love the sisterhood around @lexi__marsella in her hard time. #ExOnTheBeach
@cambruckman: Chivalry isn’t dead..y’all just mess around with fuckboys🤷🏻♂️
@princeofnorway: Imagine if people got a notification when you screenshot text messages 😂
@emthegr8: Alicia + Angela’s drunk crying + making up reminds me of every girl who meets another girl at the bar for the first time SO ICONIC #EXOnTheBeach
@giannahammer: Can’t lie, not everything is always perfect. This ride has its ups and downs, but we just never give up 🤷🏽♀️💜🤰🏽 @HaydenPWeaver
@audreydiazz: Can’t wait to see what these next couple of months are going to bring, nothing but up from here
@Kmorrisx: It’s confirmed. I have a sleeping issue
@joss_mooney: Well hello June... LA / Vegas / Marbella / Ibiza ✈️ It’s work I promise...okay, maybe not Ibiza!! 🤷🏽♂️🙊
@ExOnTheBeach: Will @PaulCalafiore_ and @lexi__marsella recover from the Shack Of Secrets? 🤔 https://on.mtv.com/2J7QG8B #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Lexi - "There was someone else's emotions involved in this not just yours")
@Marie_TBD: Never been a huge fan of speedos. @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@Marie_TBD: I just want you to know, I’ve reluctantly held back some hilarious tweets regarding overlapping and transitions. You’re welcome. @PaulCalafiore_
@skylermikkelson: Just got caught up on last nights episode of @ExOnTheBeach....yikes.
- @lexi__marsella: @skylermikkelson @ExOnTheBeach all I wanted was you there to hold me😩
- @skylermikkelson: @lexi__marsella @ExOnTheBeach I wish I was there for you too babe! 😭 I was so sad watching that. Although I’m not upset I missed all the man thongs my lovely ex decided to bust out.
@lexi__marsella: @faithstowers or like move onto me?! i’m texting you my application right this second🤤😍
@cbmcnary: June! So good too see you! It’s going to be a great month bud! You ready?
@PaulCalafiore_: People love failure.... That’s why few succeed 🤙🏼🤘🏼
@ExOnTheBeach: Very few were lucky enough to dodge our good friend named "drama" Rewatch the latest episode of #ExOnTheBeach NOW: https://on.mtv.com/2smJJdG
@BionicBrooks_: People are only going to do what you allow.
@imdroc15: Gotta give thanks to the man above for another day 🙏🏾
@ExOnTheBeach: Was @angelababicz and Alicia FINALLY able to squash their beef? 🎻#ExOnTheBeach
@blacuesta: I don’t usually crave someone else in my bed Bc I don’t like being touched when I sleep but I could really use some cuddling in my life rn
@blacuesta: I’m disgusting I can’t even believe I tweeted that
@blacuesta: Idc tho I SAID WHAT I SAID
@blacuesta: I’m getting sick. Body aches. I can feel it. Help. SOS. I’m about to be a big baby and would like someone to comfort me 25/8 until I feel better thank u
@blacuesta: Lol shut the fuck up you are not some twitter celebrity
@shannanity: @DJMelReeves Mel - is that u?
- @DJMelReeves: @shannanity In 30 years yes 😂😂
@illBeJacy: Idc what anybody says, my man will not follow his ex on any social media. Like Naahh bitch, you can’t even fantasize about trying to make him interested again with your thotty selfies and pathetic little tweets lol
@amazedbykay: I love how much @ArianaGrande is a lover girl. It’s inspiring. So I say... If your attention isn’t kept, if your heart isn’t handled with care, if your standards aren’t being met, love somewhere else. It’s so simple. ♥️
@RomeoMiller: I just want everybody I come across to feel love and happiness man. Life is short.
@princeofnorway: Yooo I need some tums fam mad heart burn is a great way to start the weekend. But to be fair it’s been the weekend for me for like 4 and a half years.
@Marie_TBD: Nothing screams #summer like happy hour.
@ExOnTheBeach: Uhmmmmmm sis? 🙄 #ExOnTheBeach
@Juno_Robinson: @ExOnTheBeach @faithstowers Sometimes if a women falls that hard that fast, the guy must have been a positive difference for her. Being yourself and showing a lot of love can do this to ppl 🤷🏽♂️. Being fake is never an option!
- @faithstowers: @Juno_Robinson At the end of the day you not bring the same energy to me that you had when we first met. You switched up and that’s facts.But if you had that mind set you should of never of came. You took up space that other men would of loved to have. And let’s be clear no one fell THAT hard
►LAST CALL: Controversy Reigns
@thepoetsaint: The tea spillage this episode was astronomical! Shout out to @shandathapanda, Alicia & @lexi__marsella for being our special guests. If you didn’t watch it live, you can check it out on the link below. You won’t be disappointed. #exonthebeach #demtweets https://youtu.be/HAsCnnO8TIw
@MELODY_ROSE: OMG!! The amount of tea that was spilled by Alicia and @shandathapanda 🍵🍵🍵 this is one episode u do not wanna miss! Spoiler alerts❗️❗️❗️ You’re welcome!💅🏼 #afterbuzztv #ExonTheBeach https://youtu.be/HAsCnnO8TIw
@Challengemtv___: Alicia & @shandathapanda spilling tea about @MTVCoryWharton cheating on @TayloriasSecret with multiple girls 👀 & @skylermikkelson messing around with a crew member ☕️ #ExonTheBeach
@victoria_alario: Speechless. I don’t know the right words to say. All I can say is I know I messed up when I sang those lyrics in a song - but hope we all know I would never speak like this or condone what has been said. And trust that I’ve given my piece to her and made this clear.
@faithstowers: I just don’t see how you can be friends with ppl who use the N word and make racial slurs and then date black men . I mean I’m all for love and forgiveness but ..
@angelababicz: I do not condone anything that has been going let me make that clear. Friend or foe, I hold EVERYONE to the same standard.. racial slurs are never okay and will not be tolerated. I would never associate myself with someone who I truly believed was racist or homophobic and have had no problem cutting people off in the past who have exhibited that kind of behavior. I am definitely NOT defending anyone’s actions, at the same time I keep my circle small and know exactly who my friends are.. NONE OF THEM have a racist/homophobic bone in their body. But there is still no excuse for the language used in said tweets. I just know that any friend of mine would not victim blame those who have felt personally attacked by their words by calling them “sensitive”. They would and WILL own up to their mistakes and seek forgiveness so we can all find peace with the situation
@victoria_alario: And just for the record since this afterbuzz episode addressed more topics than one: I didn’t like/ wasn’t friends with Lexi before Angela, I just made a silent exit because I don’t care enough to argue🤷🏼♀️ I’m a loyal friend and if I feel you aren’t to me, then that’s it.
@victoria_alario: I don’t see a need to for me to fight, carry on, etc. I just don’t fuck with her & she’s talked on my name much more than I have on hers. I’m too busy to have “beef” lol
@victoria_alario: And that’s the end of me on twitter until next Thursday👋🏻👋🏻
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So, things get a bit twisted after the house turns back the clock to their childhood and have fun on the Slip N Slide, just as your kids are doing this exact activity to mark the start of summer (including my kids). The big story on the episode is what happened to Paulie & Lexi when they made up and become a couple, only for them to fly down the elevator shaft to the Shack of Secrets, her looking into his phone to look over text messages, and them being dunzo. Oh, how much a room can wreck havoc on the house and perhaps has greater meaning than the Are You The One Truth Booth.
And as you saw in Last Call above, there was some controversy that stemmed from this week's After Show on AfterBuzz TV when Shanley, Alicia and Lexi joined the familiar duo from covering AYTO in Lem Gonsalves, Nino Llanera, Nicollette Gaona, and Melody Rose. It's so big an After Show with lots of juicy stuff that it's worthy for us to embed it below, and on AfterBuzzTV.com. Because of the sensitive nature of the topics being discussed, parental guidance is suggested - and is NSFW too.
There will be more on Ex On The Beach coming up on the WRAP with a review of this and the last episode coming up Thursday before we find out whose Ex is next to come to Hawaii. And also, we'll have more on this epic Trifecta weekend in Challenge Mania in New York honoring the late Diem Brown with a side of the Shore; Kam, Leroy, Jenna & CT trying Double Dare in the Bay, Master Manipulator Wes becoming the newest member of the Husbands club, more on the lasting effect of that ABTV show above, and Shanley's AYTO castmates Amber & Ethan welcoming their new kid.
But before that, we'll have more on the biggest non-AYTO romantic story of the past few years in the Trifecta - and until yesterday was THE hot topic in MTV land: the newly rekindled love affair of Challenge lovebirds Jenna and Zach. See you then, and good night all...
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