Sunday, June 24, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Road to the CVS III Finale

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

Hello, and welcome to the weekend and to this week's trip Inside MTV Reality. Coming up, champions are crowned in the rain, the exes return to Hawaii, and a fight(!). But first: this Pulse Extra, with a Reunion, Father's Day, soccer mania and remembering Ryan Knight.
   Enjoy all of the interaction in between last week's and this week's episodes below, all ahead of our regular Pulse posts beginning in a bit.

IN BETWEEN... - Reunion, Father's Day, World Cup, MTV Awards & Knight 
@kailah_casillas: Reunion ready. Let’s fuckin go #ChampsVsStars
@jossie_flores: Me and @lilmama  at it again!! At the #champsvsstars reunion stay tuned shit just got real 🔥🔥💃🏻 @challengemtv @mtv
@Challengemtv___: The girls are ready for the #ChampsVsStars Reunion 💕👌🏻 #ThechallengeMTV
@TheOriginalDre_: I have to thank @t_raines33 @kailah_casillas @shannanity & @MTVASHLEYBROOKE  for shouting me out today & noticing I was in the crowd! Thank you for all the support, you guys are amazing ❤️👏🏼 #champsvsstarsREUNION
- @kailah_casillas: @TheOriginalDre_ You’re the best!
@tori_deal: Reunion 👽❤️💋
@jossie_flores: As long as my name is in your mouth I’m doing something right 😂
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥NEXT GUEST on #ChallengeMania is none other than #TheChallengeVendettas🏆Champ & the gossip blogs’ favorite topic these days, @CaraMariaMTV! She’ll be joining @DerrickMTV & I NEXT TUES 6/19 to talk @ChallengeMTV! Head to http://ChallengeMania.Shop  to get your #TEAMCARA gear now!🔥
- @CaraMariaMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER I bet you guys have a lot of questions. Send em over to @SHOTOFYAGER. Nothin is off limits 🤓
@cohuttalee: So I had a dream last night that me and @MTVBananas were in an elimination. We had to lay and grout slate tile perfectly on a kitchen countertop. He still won. This is how I know it was a dream. 🔨
- @MTVBananas: @cohuttalee I too had a dream about @cohuttalee once. We had to lay pipe, and he did a more satisfactory job than me. This is how I know it was a dream 😴🔨
@MTVBananas: Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them 🍁🌹🚀 #FarmerBananas #StickyIcky #Gardening #cannabis #CannabisFarmer #GreenHouse @AlpenglowFarms  #bananasdoingthings
@CaraMariaMTV: @lexoquence @marybeckah and 9 others  While some of my castmates are fixated on tearing people down.... THIS whole interaction is restoring my faith in people. A beautiful thing! ❤️❤️❤️ this is what @DiemBrownMTV would be smiling about! Thank you!!!! Kindness always comes back to you!
@Marie_TBD: “It’s not you.... it’s Summer.” - any breakup until LDW
@MTV_Chuckalodon: I've had some wins. And been knocked down with defeats. Glimpsed views from the top of the mountain. And walked through the darkest of valleys. But through this entire ride called 'a life' - I've refused to give up.
@JennaCompono: In a world of unlimited choice, adore those who go hard for you. Commitment is very rare these days.
@JennaCompono: You know what’s the weirdest thing... when you have an itch, but can’t find it 🤔

@PaulCalafiore_: This Spain vs Portugal match may be the best match of the World Cup and it’s only a group stage game 😂😂 #WorldCupRussia2018
- @hbarfield13: @PaulCalafiore_ Let’s goooooooooooooooooko
- @PaulCalafiore_: @hbarfield13 Bro this game is UNBELIEVABLE haha
@PaulCalafiore_: Diego Costa and Cristiano Ronaldo are having fucking GAMES!!
@PaulCalafiore_: OMGGGGGGGGG
@blairherter: RONALDO. #WorldCup
@TheRealAnthonyM: THIS WORLD CUP IS ALREADY LEGENDARY!!!!!!! #Rusia2018
@PaulCalafiore_: @Cristiano 🐐🐐🐐🐐
@hbarfield13: Patiently waiting for my time to shine 😉
@DayDaVonne_: Lol y’all are hilarious 😂😂 I say this as HUMBLE as I can... I think they know I’m ONE OF the ones that are most anticipated to be seen... so just wait until it airs guys ❤️
@RachD1214: Me when in all of the promotions, they never showed @DayDaVonne_ in any of the clips, like none of them... @ChallengeMTV needs to show some of the promotion with her... #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning
@TheAllanAguirre: Welcome, Da'Vonne and Jozea to the Challenge world. Coming off not so great performances on Big Brother, they are hoping to come together to put up a solid game on Final Reckoning.
@lashtweets: I’m asked this all the time but typically punt it to others on twitter. This time I was asked in real life which challenge season to start with. I said free agents (to me) is the dawning if the new era of the challenge. You can @ me, I’m curious.

@ChallengeMTV: You don't want to miss the most intense season finale in #ChampsVsStars history, THIS TUESDAY at 10/9c on @MTV 🏆
@t_raines33: Big shoutout to all the people who came out for our reunion! #ChampsVsStars
@AneesaMTV: Couldn’t have been happier to see my girl… …
@ChallengeMTV: It's a (hoverboard) race to the finish! Who will take home the title of Ultimate Challenge MVP? Find out on the season finale of The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars, Tuesday at 10/9c! 🏆 #ChampsVsStars
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV @t_raines33 I’m not even gunna ask 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #priceless
@JennaCompono: Pool day 😍
@MTVCoryWharton: Awesome article thanks @usweekly ❤️
@BritniNicol: Watching your man and seeing how great of a dad he is and immediately feel your ovaries rethinking everything we’ve (me & my ovaries) been trained to be against for years 🙄😯
@TheOriginalDre_: So @ChallengeMTV I’m waiting for y’all to have a Champs VS SuperFans... Let’s make this happen👀⁉️ @kailah_casillas @t_raines33 @AneesaMTV @tori_deal @WestonBergmann @MTVDevinWalker @TheOfficial_CT @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @shannanity  @iamkamiam_
@kailah_casillas: Hey @TheOriginalDre_ where’s that pic of us??? 🤨😌
- @TheOriginalDre_: @kailah_casillas I wasn’t sure if we could post any pics but since you asked 😊🤷🏻‍♂️ Thanks again for being so kind & awesome! Until next time ❤️😁 (I look like the happiest 5yr old on Xmas day)😂 @kailah_casillas
- @kailah_casillas: @TheOriginalDre_ Oh my gawdddd we’re so cute
@kailah_casillas: Mornings/ afternoons like this make me never wanna drink again 🤢
@DerrickMTV: Actual footage from #ChallengeMania HQ before… …
@ChallengeMTV: Can Wes find the force to win this season of #ChampsVsStars? Find out on the season finale, Tuesday at 10/9c! 🏆
@n_zanattaMTV: I’m pretty sure I have two of the most beautiful sisters in the world here’s one! @AshleyZanatta @Zanattafor62
@RachD1214: A fun fact about Final Reckoning! Three of the cast members have the same exact birthday! @MTV_Chuckalodon, @JustJem24 and @ZNichols15 all have the same birthday, on August 4th! One year separates them all, Chuck is 1989, Jemmye is 1988, and Zach is 1987. #TheChallenge32
@JerseyShore: We love seeing the #JSFamilyVacation boys on the red carpet this time of year!  #MTVAwards
@ItsTheSituation: Living Our Best Life @mtv …
@ItsTheSituation: MVP ready for THE MTV MOVIE AWARDS  🍿 …
@DeenaNicoleMTV: MVPD .. presenting at the mtvawardsshows tonight 🍿🍿 …
@FloribamaShore: #MTVFloribamaShore + #MTVAwards = LIT! 😜
@aimeehall1001: Had so much fun at the #MTVAwards
@RomeoMiller:Wat up @MTV | #MTVMovieAndTvAwards

@ChallengeMTV: Happy #FathersDay to all of our Challenge d(z)addies, and all the dads out there! 😍
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV #DadNation ✊
@usweekly: 'The Challenge' dads reveal what being a father means to them
- @DerrickMTV: @usweekly SHOUTOUT to all the dads doin it on/off camera. It’s not easy, but always remember, those kids mental and emotional states of mind are just as important and their physical. Happy Father’s Day to all the fellas, friends, and families celebrating today. #DadNation ✊
- @mtvrrdarrell: @usweekly Happy Pops Day to all the dads out there! 👊🏽
@MTVCoryWharton: Happy Father’s Day to all the responsible fathers out there👏🏽! Not everyone dad steps up to the plate, so take this day and give yourself a little pat on the back. For taking care of what’s yours👌🏽 #Happyfathersday2018
@TheOfficial_CT: As a Father, I have some big shoes to fill.… …
@WestonBergmann: Pet parents DO NOT get enough credit on Father’s Day 😢
@JennaCompono: Happy Father’s Day to the best Dad in the world 💕
@joss_mooney: Happy Fathers Day...😢❤️🙏🏼
- @Rogan_OConnor: @joss_mooney Love you bro ❤️
@MaybachDiamonds: Happy pretend you enjoy golf day!
@KyleCGShore: Find me a person who says arse tattoos are easy and al tell them they’re a fucking LIAR! 💉☠️
@blairherter: My Father’s Day Wish is for the children to be reunited with their families, for mothers and fathers to hold their sons and daughters again, and for us to find a better way. ❤️
@KendalSheppard: Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads and step-dads out there. You make the world a better place by impacting little lives. ❤  And Happy Father's Day to all the dead-beat dads out there. May this day forever be a reminder to you that you're a selfish prick.
@ToriFiorenza: I’ll always be grateful you gave me two of the most incredible little boys. They are your biggest fans! Happy Father’s Day, B.
@n_zanattaMTV: Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and soon to be fathers! Have an amazing day! 🤗
@TripleBeees: Happy Father’s Day to my fellow reality bruhs @mtv @DerrickMTV @BradFiorenza @BrandonDNelson @mtvrrdarrell @MTVCoryWharton @TheOfficial_CT
- @BradFiorenza: @TripleBeees @MTV and 5 others Happy Fathers Day Family!!!
@tjlavin:  Happy Fathers Day to all the real men out there that take care of their kiddos... ❤️🤙
@hbarfield13: Happy Fathers Day fellas proud to call you friends! @MTVCoryWharton @t_raines33 @TheOfficial_CT
- @MTVCoryWharton: @hbarfield13 @t_raines33 @TheOfficial_CT Thanks big cat !!!!!
@hbarfield13: Happy Fathers Day to all biological Fathers that are actually Dads and to the Role Models that step up as Dads you guys are The Real MVP! ❤️
@mikethemiz: Now that I am a father I can now truly thank my… …
@imdroc15: Happy Fathers Day to all the men that hold it down for their child no matter with no excuses! 💯
@angelababicz: Happy Father’s Day to my future baby daddy
- @MTVBananas: @angelababicz So thoughtful of you future ex wife
@blacuesta: Also happy Father’s Day to my future baby daddy whoever u are Hehe
@MTVBananas: Thanks for always having my back Pop 👨‍👦❤ #HappyFathersDay #Daddies #PapaBananas #Family #fathersday
@MTVCoryWharton: Happy Father’s Day, and if you don’t have a dad that you are close with, you better go show your momma some Love!!!! Spread the positivity ppl ❤️
@MTVCoryWharton: @v_cakes Thanks V , I needed to hear that ❤️
@t_raines33: The two reasons why I now how a dad you babies! #HappyFathersDay
@WestonBergmann: Happy Father’s Day to everyone but Kanye West
@KendalSheppard: @mtvrrdarrell Happy Father's Day to you! Little Darrell Jr always looks forward to your calls and checks ❤
@kailah_casillas: @JustJem24 Lol is that boy under @JennaCompono hand suppose to be @ZNichols15 😂
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas Lmao yes it is 😂
- @JustJem24: This is so dope 💜.
@JustJem24: "@keesmariee: real world New Orleans is on and I have never been happier. Thank you mtv for giving us jemmye and knight. " RT 💜💜💜💜
@kailah_casillas: "@jennaisjustjenn: @kailah_casillas Hey Kailah, I just finished listening to your Challenge Mania interview. I’m just wondering if, and if so what, seasons, or part of B.B. you’ve seen? The 4 they have on the Challenge were not good players at all. Comp or strategically wise." RT Agree! I’ve watched almost every season since I was young... some more closely than others but I don’t think I’ve missed one in years.
@Marie_TBD: Pete Davidson is living proof that funny guys finish first. Be funny. Live better.
@jossie_flores: Kam i am what’s the master plan 🔥 @iamkamiam_
- @iamkamiam_: @jossie_flores 😈
@BritniNicol: Had an amazing day with the padre☺️ Now home, relaxing, cuddling w me pup & watching The Craft 🔮🖤 which movie shall I watch next? I’m thinking Practical Magic. Talk in 1.5 hrs gang!😈😚
@JennaCompono: This is why i can’t snack. I start out with something sweet.. then I need something salty.. then that leads into something chocolatey.. then that’s too many sweets and now I need real food 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️
@JennaCompono: Do you ever have a bad dream about someone and they go to talk to you that day but you’re actually really mad and just like “yeah, don’t think I forgot what you did to me in my dream last night”🤨😂
@hbarfield13: The New Jurrassic World better have more kick ass dinosaurs this time!
@hbarfield13: Baby you can bet your life on me, put it all on me
@CaraMariaMTV: @JustJem24 Thank you jem. ❤️ my girl.
@DayDaVonne_: Im not rooting for anyone until I hear them speak during a live feeds conversation lol  I’m tired of rooting for someone and then when they speak I hear trash
@jossie_flores: There’s no reason to hate a person as a human being ! I understand that he believes in completely different beliefs then me ! But that does not give any of  you (Twitter trolls) the reason to talk down about him! Give the guy chance! He is human just like all of you!❤️ #BB20
@jossie_flores: If rumors are true 🙌 @JCMounduix is on #bb20  he’s my very good friend from way back when ! IN MIAMi FL we would to turn up the party!! you guys would love him wishing him all the best he has an amazing and loving personality ❤️
@JessAndreatta: If there’s one thing brazilians are good at is traditions .... every single human in this country is wearing yellow green & blue 🇧🇷 #WordCup2018
@TheRealAnthonyM: VIVA MةXICO 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🙏🏻❤️Translate Tweet

@ChallengeMTV: Two different teams. Two VERY different training styles 😂 Don't miss the season finale of The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars TOMORROW at 10/9c! 🏆 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Tune into the #MTVAwards TONIGHT at 9/8c! 📺👀 @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Tori and her ex, Derrick, working together? This could get awkward... 😅 #TheChallenge32
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV These team interviews are amazing. 🤣 @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@WestonBergmann: Every time I see liquid ripple in a glass I assume there is a T-Rex around the corner. 🦖
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I never look worse then when I'm at an airport leaving after  #TheChallenge reunions
@kailah_casillas: "@BossyCandyBarz: DAY 9: Worst Elimination. @kailah_casillas Vs. @Marie_TBD  On Invasion & Vendettas Both TERRIBLE Performances By Both. " RT Are we watching the same show 🤨 our elimination on invasion was badass and I killed that shit. GTFO lol
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas They cut out 8 of the rounds and you and I in a standstill on the first hit punching each other getting screamed at by production to let each others hair go. Vendettas was quite memorable IMO - no one has let me forget the basket since.
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD By far the toughest elimination I’ve been in was Invasion against you. We legit beat the shit out of each other. Who woulda thought you and me would be bffs now 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️👀😂♥️
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas I usually start all of my most meaningful relationships after a good beating lol wait what
@kailah_casillas: maybe some people just don’t like headbangers 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe this isn’t the show for you 🤷🏻‍♀️
@kailah_casillas: It’s so disappointing that that don’t sell Flinstones Push Pops anymore.

@ChallengeMTV: The man. The myth. The legend. Happy birthday, Knight ❤️ #RIPKnight
@JustJem24: Today. As hard as it is, I try to find happiness & goodness in the day bc you deserve that on your birthday. Happy birthday Ryan.
- @angelababicz: @JustJem24 My thoughts are with you today girl 💗Angela Babicz added,
- @JustJem24: @angelababicz Thank you my girl 💜💛
@JustJem24: Going to sleep but thank u to my @mtv fam @JennaCompono @ZNichols15 @angelababicz & @BritniNicol for checking on me today. & all the love to @Marie_TBD & @v_cakes for the all day attention/love/support. It breaks my heart V & Knight never met bc they would have loved each other💜
@ifellover45: @TheAllanAguirre He might be my favorite Real World cast member that I ever knew. He had a great sense of humor, thoughtful in a unique way, and extremely caring for those in his inner circle. I feel for @JustJem24 going through everything she has since he's passed. Much love @Knight_MTV!
@Marie_TBD: I wish I was born in an @Uber
@Marie_TBD: The ability to work effectively in 90+ degree weather is one I do not possess.
@MTVPeterRomeo: Not everyone is your friend, or has the intent to be your friend. Some people have other motives for being your friend. It could be bc you’re good looking, or popular. Whatever the case is, keep your friends group small. There is only a handful of genuine people out there.
@JennaCompono: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
@NicolexoRamos: I miss my fake friends I use to have fun with you snake ass bitches
- @tori_deal: @NicolexoRamos 😭😭😭
@DayDaVonne_: BB season is officially upon us ....
@DayDaVonne_: “iVE goTTen MisTAKeN fOr JuStIn TimBERlaKE aNd RyAN ReyNOLDs”
@DayDaVonne_: Fans : are y’all gonna show DaVonne and Jozea’s team interview ?    MTV hears only DaVonne :
@DayDaVonne_: Trying to tweet about BB and The Challenge... realizing I’m going to have to choose 1
@kailah_casillas: REGARDLESS of how unexcited I am by the looks of this cast, I’m excited to watch/ tweet about #BB20 with you guys!
@kailah_casillas: And hell yeah id do BB. Not survivor.
@kailah_casillas: "@SHOTOFYAGER: @kailah_casillas It’s season 20, do we believe it’s just 16 people and they’re not going to add 4 to make it 20? Also, shouts to the guy on the bottom left. Hopefully more of a Kevin than a Glenn as far as performance goes. #BigBrother20" RT I like the way you think 🤨🤨🤨 definitely has to be a cast of 20.... you’re so right.
@DayDaVonne_: "@tds444:: @DayDaVonne_ Not to add insult to injury,but when champs vs stars first started  airing and they introduced jozea,they blurred you out in the picture he was in." RT I didn’t sign the consent form to show my face.... The email came while I was filming.
@hbarfield13: The Straight Savagery I’m about to unleash is unlike anyone’s ever seen before 💦
@XBRITNI_: challenge fights thread 👏🏼
- @kmacisco: If anyone is ever wondering “should I watch the challenge” watch this thread. Your answer will be yes
- @CohenBrian_: This thread belongs in the Smithsonian

@Rogan_OConnor: Love island is about to get a real naughty shock... I can’t fucking wait 😂
@KyleCGShore: Right well we definitely have to smash the Tunisians now! 😂 #FifaWorldCup18
@KyleCGShore: It’s coming home! ❤️⚽️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 #FifaWorldCup2018
@KyleCGShore: What the fucks the point in VAR if no one uses it! ⚽️ #FIFAWorldCup
@KyleCGShore: I’ve never hated anyone as much as I fucking hate this referee! ⚽️ #FifaWorldCup2018
@KyleCGShore: FUCKING GET IN!!!!!!!  ⚽️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
@KyleCGShore: Kane I’m in love with you! ⚽️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️ #FIFAWorldCup
@Rogan_OConnor: Singing “FOOTBALLS COMING HOME” in the pub and some woman said “yeah but we were awful”... SHUT UP YOU SPLIT ARSE WE’RE GUNNA WIN THE WORLD CUP!!!!
@Rogan_OConnor: "@BBCMOTD: This is what it meant! #ThreeLions #WorldCup #bbcworldcup" RT Fucking PASSION
@faithstowers: This mindless violence has got to stop. We are killing ourselves for what??? Separated we are weak together we are strong. #rip @xxxtentacion
@iamtheophi: I hope the death of XXX will change the way artist portray themselves. RIP
@illBeJacy: RIP XXXTentacion 😔 no one deserves to die by the hands of another.
@JerseyShore: We love awards this time of year! #JSFamilyVacation #JerseyShoreFYC
@GusSmyrnios: MTV movie award tonight at 9! Floribama Shore might just be crashing the red carpet, make sure you tune in 😜😘  @MTV @FloribamaShore #MTV #MTVMovieAwards #mtvfloribamashore
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Watchin the #MTVAwards for the second time because I watched it in person 2 days ago .
@aimeehall1001: Y’all keep watching the @MTVAwards We are coming up soon!! #MTVFloribamaShore #MTVAwards
@GusSmyrnios: Wow that first trailer was um.... interesting 😅😇 Stay tuned to the MTV movie awards! #mtvawards #mtv #mtvmovieawards #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Y’all get Floribama hits the red carpet. #MTVMovieAwards #MTVFloribamaShore
@JerseyShore: Same sh*t 💩. Different shore 🐊. #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: GUS AND NILSA KISSING!? Y'all HAVE to see this exclusive first look at season 2 of #MTVFloribamaShore to believe it! 😱 #MTVAwards
@FloribamaShore: A couple HEROES from tonight's #MTVAwards... Oh, and #ZazieBeetz and #ChadwickBoseman 😉 #MTVFloribamaShore
@imdroc15: Wow!! What @chadwickboseman just did at the MTV Awards is amazing. That’s how you use your platform to inspire others and share the love!! ✊🏾💯
@imdroc15: My wifey Zazie 😍! But more important @chadwickboseman is a legend for this! Nothing but respect and inspiration!!
@WestonBergmann: There comes a point in life where you need to stop having ideas and instead do something about them

CHALLENGE TUESDAY, and Kendal's Ghost Stories 
@ChallengeMTV: Challenge Day mood 🙌 Don't miss the #ChampsVsStars SEASON FINALE, TONIGHT at 10/9c on @MTV! 🏆 🏆🏆
@DrakeBell: Call Me When You’re Lonely ft. @LilMama out now!! …
@Marie_TBD: In honor of #Champsvstars tonight - here’s a picture of a Champ... and a STAR ⭐️ @ChallengeMTV 🤣 #Thechallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Will CT's back injury get in between him and winning? Find out on the #ChampsVsStars SEASON FINALE, TONIGHT at 10/9c! 🏆
@TheOfficial_CT: Is CT’s back injury serious enough to prevent… …
@MTVDevinWalker: This @ChallengeMTV @ChampsVsStars cast was so FUCKING AMAZING to be apart of. Don't miss tonight's EPIC conclusion to the best seasons yet. And fine I'll admit it... the #champs brought it this year😐
@LouiseHazel: It’s crunch time.... but the big question is...… …
@ChallengeMTV: Who are you rooting for in the #ChampsVsStars season finale? 🤔 Tune into @MTV TONIGHT at 10/9c to watch! 🏆
@kailah_casillas: My point... all I was saying that the reset during the final was a little unfair. Imagine if I was “an hour behind” on the first potion, then reset and won the puzzle/ memory game to win the entire thing... people would have been PISSED.
@kailah_casillas: But also my point was... not everything is 100% fair and that’s part of the game. I accept it.
@HollywoodLife: EXCLUSIVE #ChampsVsStars sneak peek! Tony (@T_Raines33) and CT (@TheOfficial_CT) make eating GROSS food look easy. WATCH HERE:  @ChallengeMTV
@mikethemiz: In the FREEZING ❄️ RAIN ☔️ TONIGHT’S THE NIGHT! The finale of @ChallengeMTV’s Champs vs. Stars all begins at 10/9c! Don’t miss it! 🙌 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: What do you get when you put CT and Tony together in an eating challenge? A recipe for success! 🍽 Tune into the #ChampsVsStars SEASON FINALE, TONIGHT at 10/9c on @MTV! 🏆👀
@mikethemiz: It’s amazing to me that I haven’t had the opportunity to become #WWE Champion sooner. What took #SDLive so long? @RealPaigeWWE #GauntletMatch
@DrakeBell: It’s out!!
@BunimMurray: Doesn't it look #tasty?! The #seasonfinale of @ChallengeMTV : Champs vs. Stars is sure to be an #appetizing #treat #tonight on #MTV #dontmissit!!!! 🍴🍴🍴
@t_raines33: How my babies are gonna be tonight watching their dad in the final of #ChampsVsStars 🏆 ✨ ...  @challengemtv @handsonnola
@ChallengeMTV: Me leaving work to get home in time for the season finale of #ChampsVsStars 🏃💨
@WestonBergmann: If you wanna win, put Booby and Wes in. We’re… …
@TheOfficial_CT: Habit Teaser 2018  Full Trailer in… …

@Marie_TBD: I am a master of self-deprecation. Therefore, you’ll never be able to troll me better than I can troll myself. Save your clever comments for someone you can. 😉
@Marie_TBD: If you can’t change a situation, change your perception of it. Remember, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. #TuesdayThoughts
@Marie_TBD: Went to @cvspharmacy for a birthday card and left with a $250 dollar bill. The cosmetic aisle strikes again.
@ktownweezer: @DerrickMTV curling is a sport, just heard the podcast.  If you live in 🇨🇦curling is for sure a sport. Maybe it should in included in the challenge.  It’s so much harder then it looks.
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨Who better to join me & @DerrickMTV for our 50TH #CHALLENGEMANIA than #TheChallengVendettas Champ🏆 @CaraMariaMTV!? She finally gets her 🤸🏻‍♀️Victory Lap & puts a 🎀on that @ChallengeMTV season! OK, we do also ask about Paulie & #Challenge32🤷🏻‍♂️ …
@kailah_casillas: "@Gigi__Moreno: Props to Scott and Derrick for clarifying that Kailah did not say anything bad about Cara winning the final. It didn’t stop Cara from getting fired up about Kailah’s opinion, but they tried. #ChallengeMania" RT Thanks @SHOTOFYAGER and @DerrickMTV... atleast you two understood what I was tryin to get at 🤷🏻‍♀️
@RudnickRants: After hearing @CaraMariaMTV on the latest #ChallengeMania I’m even more excited to meet her and the two best hosts in the game @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV in Orlando at #ChallengeThrowdown (http://ThrowdownOrlando.Rocks )
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨Now that @shannanity is back from twitter jail, feels like a good time to remind you about the 🥣stew-filled episode of #ChallengeMania he gave us last week. @DerrickMTV & I would like to welcome you back, InceptSHANE! 🤯🥞🥞🥞Check out the show HERE: …
@Marie_TBD: "@perucoconut: Lmao at @Marie_TBD asking @CaraMariaMTV what her birthday is on the #ChallengeMania podcast questions 😂" RT I’ve always said, “Persistence breaks down resistance.” @CaraMariaMTV @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV 🤗 #ChallengeMania
@NataliaNegrotti: Natalie is classy   Natalia is sassy    It depends on the day which one your gunna get... like did I eat enough carbs that day? Did I get enough sleep? Did I get attacked all day by cast mates or strangers on social media? You know I’m just like everybody else
@NataliaNegrotti: @PaulCalafiore_ @elenadavies LOL PAULIEEEEE! And Elena u have to laugh at that stuff we all know u sexayyy mamiiii and so is Mark 🙌🏽 took me two years to not give a (....) people will say mean hurtful things but the only opinion that matter of yourself are your own. DASSS IT no one else’s
@BritniNicol: Lol do yours! This is fun. Haha
@JustJem24: The way y’all ride for me & @michaelb4jordan is beautiful twitter fam. That man can’t breathe without y’all letting me know. Y’all are some real onesssss 🙌🏼
@Bruce_Lee85: I spend the majority of my time at Barber School. Lol And thinking about what team  @KingJames will play for next season 💈✂️🤔🏀
@BritniNicol: When your mascara is all over your eyelids.. only get the photos of you getting out of the pool😂🧜🏼‍♀️ 💁🏼‍♀️
@KyleCGShore: Look like I’ve just escaped from fucking pirate prison 😂 returning to The Challenge for another season......Premiering in America on July 10th 🇺🇸✈️🎥
@n_zanattaMTV: There’s a difference in wanting someone and needing someone, be with the person you want. You’ll never have to rely on anyone but you.
@MTV_AMANDAG: If you have to amp up your fans to get the fuckin pity parade ready, then you are most definitely a loser. 🤷🏻‍♀️💯
@KendalSheppard: Okay.. my 2 year old is freaking me out.. #theendgivesmechills  #ghoststories #timetomove #dontjudgemymessyhouse
- @cohuttalee: @KendalSheppard He may mean he sees a big plastic curtain that’s a bit out of place in the dining room. Or a spirit.
- @KendalSheppard: @cohuttalee Here's the True Story, @cohuttalee.. That firplace was the first thing we started renovating- only half was completed. The strange activities (lights flickering/falling/turning on, gates opening, seeing people/shaddows/blurs moving) started around the time of renovation..
- @KendalSheppard: @cohuttalee @KatieCooley26 sent me some articles about how renovations stir up paranormal activity. Sometimes cause of noise other times cause they don't like change. Whatever the reason, I have felt like someone is trying to get my attention & I want to know who & why.. help me investigate!
- @KendalSheppard: @ShimBo84 @cohuttalee @KatieCooley26 Katie actually saw the ghost in the Inferno house..
- @KatieCooley26: @KendalSheppard No! I’m like the ONLY person who didn’t! I was terrified that I would, but I never saw it. In fact, I’ve never actually seen a ghost, just totally freaked out at the thought!
- @shannanity: @KatieCooley26 Me and Christena Pyle did! And @ThatCoral thought she was Trishelle and I’m pretty sure CT did
- @ThatCoral: @shannanity @KatieCooley26 dude. I not only saw that bitch she pushed me into the bed!!! Straight up saw her ass and she touched me!!
@ImSarahRice: Want to know what it was really like on the set of the #RealWorld Brooklyn? Today I share details on the set, the cast, & why on-set drama changed the schedule for the last few days. …
@NotoriousAJM: "@CaraMariaTea2: Awwwww, Cara said she wants to give credit to Kayla and Kam tho because in the final they worried about themselves instead of trying to sabotage other people and that says a lot about their character. Wow we Stan a queen who gives credit to other competitors." RT COCKY AND ENTITLED WHERE?! Can we PLEASE shut that shit down now?! Cara can’t even recognize her own damn greatness cuz she too busy giving other people kudos. Miss me with that cocky/entitled nonsense bullshit😴 #TheChallengeVendettas #TheChallengeFinalReckoning @CaraMariaMTV
@KyleCGShore: Columbia Vs Japan is a quality match, I fucking love the World Cup! 😂 #FIFAWorldCup
@WestonBergmann: Female soccer fans are dramatically hotter than that of traditional American sports
@WestonBergmann: There’s something really fun about blowing off work to watch obscure powerhouse soccer teams battle it out on the other side of the world.
@WestonBergmann: If Russia wins this World Cup I’m guaranteeing they bribed FIFA and Donald Trump is somehow involved.

@ChallengeMTV: Tune into @MTV in 1 HOUR to watch the season finale of The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars! Who do you think will win!? 🏆 #ChampsVsStars
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: A baby can drink a bottle then fall asleep and everyone calls it cute...when I do it I'm am "alcoholic" 🙄😂🍾
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Everytime I leave New York it's a miracle I'm… …
@kailah_casillas: "@TheAllanAguirre: The biggest struggle for Kailah and Cara Maria is they both want to be a star (nothing wrong w that), but they're also both introverts so they constantly have to deal with people." RT I don’t agree.
@LouiseHazel: The finale of challengemtv airs tonight on @mtv… …
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: If @t_raines33 & @TheOfficial_CT don't win I swear imma cry. I'll be alright with @WestonBergmann....but if stars win our show?!?! Yea not cool #ChampsVsStars
- @iamkamiam_: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @t_raines33 and 2 others  In that order lol
@shannanity: Guess who got an age reduction!!! thank Thank thank you FBook 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀
@DerrickMTV: A new #ChampsVsStars Winner will be crowned… …
@t_raines33: #ChampsVsStars finale starts in 30 mins on MTV! Don’t miss it! @TheOfficial_CT @ChallengeMTV 💪🏆✨
@JennaCompono: Just watched the “shoes” video from back in the day... WHY WERE WE SO OBSESSED it gets so creepy 😂

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Who will reign supreme on Champs vs. Stars? Find out with us ahead.


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