Sunday, June 24, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before the Exes Crash The Bash (Again)

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

The weekend may be coming to a close, but if you're still lucky to be up we have the Pulse of Ex on the Beach to bring you here shortly. But before that, indulge yourself in all the In-Between interaction that took place between last week's explosive episode with a spit, and this week's episode that has even more fireworks as the exes return. Enjoy that before we bring you the main diary coming up in the 11th Hour out west.

IN BETWEEN... - And Teen Mom too 
@TheAshleysRR: EXCLUSIVE! MTV has FINALLY decided who will be replacing Farrah Abraham on #TeenMomOG-- and their choice is completely out of left field! The Ashley has ALL the details! 
- @JustJem24: @TheAshleysRR I’m so here for this...... 🙌🏼
@MTVCoryWharton: O boiiiiiiii 😏
@TripleBeees: @MTVCoryWharton my n___ you about to be on teen mom too?! Cross promotional show God, I see you!
@JustJem24: Pretty sure the new teen mom starts filming today ☕️
@JustJem24: "@WolfPrincessxx: @JustJem24 commentary on Cheyenne and Cory on teen mom is going to be iconic we truly don't deserve her. 👑" RT Might have to start a teen mom podcast now bc I know ALL the challenge fans will be tuning in for Ryder!

@ExOnTheBeach: When the charges from the night before didn't post yet. 😂
@m_jimenez1322: Ex on the beach is a wild show !!!
@MELODY_ROSE: Hey reality tv ppl, you know you don’t HAVE to date other reality tv people, right? You don’t have to find someone to give you a storyline to get on another show.  Stop crying on social media when your showmance doesn’t work out. Opportunist headass.  🤗
@imdroc15: "@fupolozza: @imdroc15 Your Mom and Dad must be so proud of you especially the tweet about pulling out early and she got her Period so happy... Who raised you to be a respectable Adult?   🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮" RT 3 college degrees for free, 5 MTV shows in 1 year and a half, successful clothing company, youth mentor, role model, motivational speaker, and my parents haven’t had to financially support since I was 18. Damn right my Mom and Dad proud of me!!
@imdroc15: Now you being a wife and mother of 2 kids... how do you think your family will feel about you judging someone that you don’t know and TRYING to talk down on them which was a horrible mistake
@JamieChinaMTV: Some things are meant to be left alone. That ex is an ex for a reason, that job you left was for a reason, that move you made was for a reason. Don’t dwell on what was, you can’t let it run your emotions or life!! Move on, grow and become a better & stronger person.
@angelababicz: Mosquitos are the only ones who think I’m a snack
- @hbarfield13: @angelababicz I lold
@ZAKLONGO: "@MTVCoryWharton: @brysontiller 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Dad goals" RT I feel like Ryder is gonna do a champagne stand if @CHEYnotShy has anything to do with it.
- @MTVCoryWharton: @ZAKLONGO @CHEYnotShy 100% champagne and flowers 👏🏽😂
@creaturesferris: On June 21st, ALL THE ELIMINATED EXES RETURN.  Crazy stuff is about to go down! Don’t miss this episode #ExonTheBeach
@cbmcnary: It’s a beautiful overcast Saturday Morning here in AZ and I couldn’t be happier!  Make today a great day friends!
@audreydiazz: You know that glow you have after you get some good dick, yeaahhhhh 😌🤩
@audreydiazz: I’m not the same person I was a year ago or even a couple months ago, whether that’s a good or bad thing depends on who you ask 💁🏼‍♀️
@lexi__marsella: I don’t need a man. I need unlimited wings, endless puppy cuddles, and a tan.
@skylermikkelson: Your attachment to unhealthy people and bad habits, which offer you no real control, is why you’re spiritually dying and living a life out of balance. Take control of your life and live up to your full potential. I am looking forward to living a better life that I know I deserve.
@princeofnorway: Yeah abs are cool but have you ever tried eating whatever you want all the time?
@NinoLlanera: If you haven't caught our #exonthebeach aftershow on @afterbuzztv yet you all are missing out on all the ☕️! Check out our latest episode with @imdroc15 @marcodelvec and @princeofnorway last night.
@shandathapanda: omfg @madelainepetsch watches #exonthebeach. I DIEEEEE
@ChelskoOfficial: Very funny Cris but I am 27 ... I know I know I’m mature for my age
@cbmcnary: I've decide that @ArianaGrande is just a fan of the @BacheloretteABC  and wanted to see what it felt like to get enguaged after 2 months. Using history as evidence, I still have a chance.
@angelababicz: I just fell on top of my ex with a full drink in my hand. Ruined his tee. God’s work
@keyanaland: dude a year ago today i was sitting in a hotel room, balling my eyes out, unsure of what i got myself into and ready to back out of this thing we call are you the one

@ExOnTheBeach: When your friends take you to brunch that doesn't have bottomless mimosas #SundayFunday
@angelababicz: When you don’t even have their number saved but they think you care about them enough to spill a drink on purpose 🤧🤧 im good luv, enjoy *Reports junk*
@creaturesferris: I totally need to be best friends with @victoria_alario. She would tell me what a girl wants, what a girl needs 😘😘😘
- @victoria_alario: @creaturesferris Whatever makes me happy and sets you free, and I'm thanking you for knowing exactly...
@ExOnTheBeach: Taylor is SHOOK when @MTVCoryWharton tells us how he really feels about Alicia 😵 The plot thickens on an all new #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV!
@v_cakes: @MTVCoryWharton True statement!  Enjoy your first Father’s Day, Cory!  You are a great example for single fathers everywhere.
@giannahammer: "@keely______: my manager showed me a picture of when she was younger & got her face painted .. then showed me a picture of her going down a bouncy slide w her face painted and her headband on her wrist... needless to…" RT Nah if our son comes back from a face painter looking like that we are leaving 😭😭😭 @HaydenPWeaver
- @BritniNicol: @giannahammer Lmfao yalllll I just spit up my coffee lmfaoo
@NurysKMateo: I wanna be petty and text my ex that had a whole ass child on me with the bitch he cheated on me with and wish him a happy fathers day but like is that too much orrrrr?؟

@PaulCalafiore_: I’m always weary of people who go out of their way to convince others that they’re perfect. So you’re gonna sit here and tell me that you have everything in common/have the same opinions with every person you ever meet? 🙄🙄
@Kmorrisx: According to google there’s 3.8 Billion men in the world. And girls still be chasing for guys that are taken. 🤦🏽‍♀️
@Kmorrisx: Next chapter .... 🧚🏽‍♀️
@MTVPeterRomeo: Not everyone is your friend, or has the intent to be your friend. Some people have other motives for being your friend. It could be bc you’re good looking, or popular. Whatever the case is, keep your friends group small. There is only a handful of genuine people out there.
@blacuesta: Yaaaaaa just went ahead and mega deleted that. Too personal for here and too many questions im not gonna wanna answer but uh long deleted tweet short I hope everyone finds real true love one day and gets to create tiny humans and be fantastic parents the end
@blacuesta: Just watched “forever my girl” and it was so cheesy and mushy and girly and I fucking loved it. I am a sucker for love.
@RomeoMiller: In order to escape the ordinary, we must excel in the ordinary. In the Bible, David was excellent even when he wasn’t King...
@RomeoMiller: Being great in your ordinary days is what  prepares you to be extraordinary!
@kareem_fathalla: People can never just be happy for what you got going on. You be super excited to share something with someone or talk to them about it and they shit on you or not even show interest. God forbid they completely make it about them
@lexoquence: I just wanna kiss a pretty girl and hold her hand and run her thru a field of flowers in the middle of nowhere   Just so I can pick her a bouquet to tell her about how she’s prettier than all the flowers in the whole wide world- But
@Rogan_OConnor: Love island is about to get a real naughty shock... I can’t fucking wait 😂
@princeofnorway: *lands a window seat in the exit row* Flight attendant: “I need you to say that you are willing and able to assist in an emergency” ...not to be every girl that I’ve ever dated but for an extra few inches I’ll say just about anything  ✈️ 💺 😂
@angelababicz: The finale for #exonthebeach is not this week! That was #fakenews! I was told during filming that it would be 10 episodes but I guess since we’re so poppin we’re getting 11 💁🏻‍♀️
@angelababicz: "@realityjunkie_x: My favorite moment of the entire season of #EOTB so far. @angelababicz THATS YOUR MAN 🗣 " RT They made it look like I said “that’s your man!” 35 times but I only said it 33 smh the power of editing
@victoria_alario: I spread some fake news last week. Looks like I’ll be on twitter for two more weeks and you’ll have to wait a little longer for my surprise :)
@angelababicz: I’m stealing your man from you @victoria_alario
- @victoria_alario: @angelababicz I mean we’re already sisters so upgrading our title to Eskimo sisters won’t hurt
@imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach shoulda been a nominee for Best Reality Series! #MTVAwards
- @JustJem24: @imdroc15 Over the @ChallengeMTV? Bye Felicia 👋🏼
- @imdroc15: @JustJem24 @ChallengeMTV Lol not saying over The Challenge, just saying in general. Both shows are dope but of course The Challenge has more history and is iconic 💯
@_hannahrathbun: Pro tip guys : if I girl is running away from you do not grab her arm or her hand... especially if her dad is a police officer and taught her how to break someone’s arm 5 different ways in one movement 🤷🏼‍♀️
@BombshellChels: Dude Becca is wasted on all of these dates during her interviewers, prove me wrong #TheBachelorette
@BombshellChels: Someone please find me Wills IG so I can slid in the DM’s if he’s still single 😩❤️ #TheBachelorette
@Marie_TBD: I'm so uncomfortable. #TheProposal
@lexoquence: If you haven’t even been dating a whole month and you’re already complaining to Twitter about how shitty your gf treats you every damn day- between the once, biweekly, “my life’s so great I’m so in love” tweets... Well. Good luck with that lmao
@MtvNateSiebs: My brother called me at 12:30am MI time (9:30pm CA time) .. like 20 minutes into the phone call I go, oh shit it’s past midnight there! My brother was like yeah it’s pretty late. I was like no mofo it’s my fuckin birthday!! Lol He was like oh shit! Yeah that’s why I called!🙄😂
@elenadavies: Shout out to @PaulCalafiore_ for the encouraging phone call and reminding me that the haters can suck my nutsssssss! Thanks for being a friend 🤙🏼

@ExOnTheBeach: LOCK THE DOORS! The exes are BACK and some are out for revenge! 😵 #ExOnTheBeach is all new Thursday, at 9/8c on MTV! 🙌
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach I’m good luv, enjoy
- @Juno_Robinson: @ExOnTheBeach This is almost like a horror story  lol. The ghosts have awakened and we are coming for you 👻😈
- @LuvBenzoGrande: @ExOnTheBeach Haley & Chelsko joining forces against Chris tho 😂☕
- @JordanGoodson3: @ExOnTheBeach Craziest show MTV ever came out with
- @thatgirlshyann: @ExOnTheBeach I CANT WAIT OMG
- @__kaymoney: @ExOnTheBeach OH GOD 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- @kvngjazzy: @ExOnTheBeach LMFAOO i’m shook!
@angelababicz: Beware of funny guys. They will make you laugh laugh laugh laugh and laugh and next thing you know, you’re naked.
@MTVCoryWharton: 🐤 We are good over here 🐥
@creaturesferris: FUCK MY LIFE. #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: nothing makes me hate this generation more than laying on beach relaxing & hearing the kid next to me say “oHhhHh fucKKkkkK I got SAND in my JUUL!”
@angelababicz: Beware of funny guys. They will make you laugh laugh laugh laugh and laugh and next thing you know, you’re naked.
- @shandathapanda: @angelababicz Wow, weird. This happens to me often.
@princeofnorway: I wish I could mute everyone who pretends to drink fit teas on instagram
- @NurysKMateo: @princeofnorway Let me just post my last one, this check is gonna be nice 😅
@imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach Well looks like @angelababicz and I are back at it again 😏
- @angelababicz: @imdroc15 Imagine having to cover yourself in chocolate so your ex would touch you again can’t relate 💅🏼💅🏼😏
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz Hahaha you can put on a front, but you and I both know I’m your favorite chocolate 💦😏!
- @angelababicz: @imdroc15 Always have been, always will be 🤗🍫
@ExOnTheBeach: As if the house hasn't been shaken up enough! Don't miss an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday at 9/8c on @MTV! 🙌
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach Well looks like @angelababicz and I are back at it again 😏
- @victoria_alario: @ExOnTheBeach Shout out to the good friends (me) who hold their girl’s (@angelababicz) hair back while they’re licking whip cream off their ex (@imdroc15)
@angelababicz: Hearing from zaddy @Rogan_OConnor always brightens my day 🌞
- @Rogan_OConnor: @angelababicz Not long until I’m back 🤩😍🤤😘
- @angelababicz: @Rogan_OConnor Can’t wait to squeeeeeze ya 😍😍😘
@faithstowers: Mtv is cult penis and vag. You can flirt with three different men from three different mtv shows just for clout 😂😂
@PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti Now now Natalie..... since everyone that has ever watched us actually knows who we are to the core you should know better than to be human!! We have to be perfect robots all the time otherwise people get angry knowing that we are human just like them!! Even if we are pixelated 😂
@shannanity: I’m in love with @MtvNateSiebs there I said it
- @MtvNateSiebs: @shannanity Hahah Shane you my favorite
- @shannanity: @MtvNateSiebs Will you please marry me?!?
@Kmorrisx: Manners don’t deserve manners. Bad vibes don’t deserve bad vibes.
@JustJem24: So many people are taking over @MTV  by faking relationships. I’m a real one, I’m never gonna fake it to make it. When I’m on your screen, know it’s the real me you’re getting.
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @JustJem24 AMEN TO THAT @JustJem24 🙌🏼
- @BritniNicol: @JustJem24 Not cute people. Not cute. Be a real one. Always a real one.
- @ChallCheapTalk: @JustJem24 Reason 3752 on why Jemmye should be hosting after shows/reunions. Tells it like it is AND all the shade and call outs. GIVE US JEMMYE @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@BionicBrooks_: What they got they I ain’t got, cause I got a lot..
@uchaachi: quick thanks to @princeofnorway for making it possible for me to meet my girl crush @blacuesta next week TY TY
@HaydenPWeaver: I haven’t used a face wash on my face in a solid 5 months. I purchased one last week and my face is the most broken out it’s been in 5 months. Facial cleansers are a fraud
- @giannahammer: @HaydenPWeaver Stop spreading fake news. This is bc you buy cheap ass off brand “face scrub” that tears open your skin, irritates it, and barely even cleans just washes the dirt around. What’s my motto..... if you buy cheap expect the results to look cheap 😉💁🏽‍♀️
@giannahammer: *disclaimer* there are some good products that you can buy for cheap. Usually gotta make sure the ingredients are safe and natural. African black soap from target does wonders 👏🏽🤷🏽‍♀️ just follow up with nice products with nice and real ingredients 👍🏽 @HaydenPWeaver

@ExOnTheBeach: Mood:  Happy Hump Day 🍑
@cbmcnary: Good morning!  The day is yours and It’s going to be a good day today!
@cbmcnary: I’ve come to a point in my life where I send my mom more memes on IG than anyone and I am totally okay with that.
@MTVCoryWharton: Ok question ??? What does it mean if I keep getting killed in my dreams, it’s been like 5 nights in a row ????
- @JustJem24: @MTVCoryWharton It’s actually a good thing. You’re leaving one life/journey behind to start a new one. Dreaming of death is about growth essentially.... makes sense huh? 🙃
- @MTVCoryWharton: @JustJem24 Ummm I wonder what that could be 🤔😁 I could use some growth , but the whole being scared af waking up every morning I’m good on that 😂
@thepoetsaint: #ExOnTheBeach fans! There are only two more episodes left! This Thursday, we will have @lexi__marsella as our special guest and @tylersemicolon will be joining the panel on @afterbuzztv to break down the episode. Tune in 8pm PST. Word on the street is she has a lot to say. 🐸☕️
- @lexi__marsella: @thepoetsaint WHO LIKES THEIR TEA HOT?!💋
@imdroc15: "@mariamyupperz: @imdroc15 @ExOnTheBeach eww who actually watches that show?" RT Based on our ratings and being the best new show since Jersey Shore... millions have watched ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Zuko has spoken @imdroc15
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz Lol awwww!!! Look at my lil son smiling for me :) lol hahaha
@imdroc15: Lol Yo @angelababicz keeping our dog from me isn’t cool. Zuko aka Z-Roc is my son too. I want him back :)!
- @angelababicz: @imdroc15 You shouldn’t have cheated on his mom then tf 🤧🤧
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz lol you gotta stop! For the 1 millionth time... the messages you read was from when we stopped dating 😔 and I was SINGLE!
@angelababicz: "@Angelabadbitchz: When my man about to get cussed tf out and he thinks it’s funny 🤭😒😒 @angelababicz " RT My God if I would have seen what was happening behind my back👀
@ExOnTheBeach: #TeamNoSleep 💤 😭 | Catch an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV!
- @marcodelvec: @ExOnTheBeach @haleyreadxoxo I love you but you look absolutely obliterated here hahaha
@ExOnTheBeach: "@Satterwhite1121: @ExOnTheBeach Lmaoo damn😂😂 This has to be the most savage show ever! @ExOnTheBeach " RT 😈 Tune in tomorrow to see how savage things get at 9/8c @MTV! 💅 #ExOnTheBeach
@cbmcnary: I just hit 77k followers exactly.  And that was my lucky number playing hockey growing up.  So if no one else can follow me that’d be great!
@PaulCalafiore_: @shannanity I hope you saved the recreation of the roller skating video we did that we were gonna post next month.... if people thought jock straps were offensive wait till they see us do it naked throwing glitter on ourselves and then having sex 😋🔥
- @shannanity: @PaulCalafiore_ This pic of you reminded me of last weekend.  Thanks for cumming... 🍆💦💦
@EmoneySunset: Avocado, wine, and tacos are all available to us thanks to the hard work of Immigrants. Without Immigrants, basic bitches would have nothing to talk about on social media.
@MTVCoryWharton: Sooooo... Mood wasn’t cool enough we had to make it  Big mood 😂😂😂 I can’t keep up
@blacuesta: Me @ people this week
@blacuesta: "@malumasturbate: The only person from these MTV shows that's not problematic is @blacuesta. We love a queen" RT Vegans and the uber community would think different but thank you
@hbarfield13: You so precious when you smile  Hit it from the back and drive you wild
@hbarfield13: I swear I gotta stop looking for bae on insta cause that shit ain’t ever gone happen, these girls with these thirst trap photos got me like 🤤🤤
@lexi__marsella: one thing i’ve noticed in life is if someone talks about how much they have.. they usually don’t have much☕️
@BionicBrooks_: Got my shooters on deck and you can’t tell them apart 💂🏻‍♀️@Randalltwins
@BionicBrooks_: Welcome to the party,  I'm 'bout to catch a body. 💀 ☠️ Accessory to murder: @Randalltwins  #DunkMindset #BionicBae #GoHoopDay #GoMakeWaves #GoBig #GoBeyond
@princeofnorway: The IRS keeps sending me letters as if toilet paper is really that expensive🚮
@shandathapanda: "@dylanobrien: Posted a YouTube video for the first time in 8 years :o Check it out! …" RT does this mean ur single and u have a lot of time on ur hands to date me now or..?
@ExOnTheBeach: "@abbiee_joness: Guys if you aren’t watching @ExOnTheBeach you’re missing out 😂😂😂😂" RT We're back TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV! ☕️ #ExOnTheBeach
@Rogan_OConnor: I like a girl that likes to eat 😍
- @angelababicz: @Rogan_OConnor @ me next time
@haleyreadxoxo: Throwback to Disney channel days 😂
@blacuesta: Listen I’m old enough to 100% take the blame if I’m in the wrong like ok I fucked up serve me my consequence in a dog bowl all good my fault but if im gonna try to fix it then u gotta be willing to let me fix it
@AliviaHuntxr: All of y'all are saying "we waited 14 years for incredibles 2" NO YALL DID NOT YOU WERENT WAITING FOR SHIT BC ALL OF YALL WERE SURPRISED AF WHEN IT CAME OUT STOP FUCKIN LYIN
@AliviaHuntxr: People's passion for the incredibles is equivalent to why people hate nickelback so much. It's not real. Twitter fabricated it. Ok I'm done now.
@AliviaHuntxr: Kareem on the phone "The incredibles is life." Oh. REALLY? WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY 14 YEARS AGO? HOW ABOUT 10? HOW ABOUT 6? HOW ABOUT ONE YEAR AGO? Y'all some fake ass HOES
@angelababicz: Does this blue check make me look verified? 💍
@princeofnorway: Kinda wish I had someone here to put aloe on my back... or maybe to make me wear sunscreen 12 hours ago 😩

@ExOnTheBeach: Hopefully they can handle heat! 🔥 Things are getting a little spicy before an unexpected twist on an all new #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT, at 9/8c on MTV! 🙌
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach I know how to throw a fun whipped cream and chocolate syrup party! 😏
- @princeofnorway: @ExOnTheBeach Nah but fr im pretty sure that jam was actually spicy 🤦🏼‍♂️ thanks Chris
@ExOnTheBeach: If my friends don’t hype me up to show off my best moves like @jasminegoode_ does @marcodelvec I don’t need em 😂 | #ExOnTheBeach is ALL NEW TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV 😈
@cbmcnary: Good Morning!  Be the Creator today! So many of us live in reaction to life.  Today, try being proactive in your own world.  It’s your day.  And it’s going to be a good day!
@lexi__marsella: is it tonight yet? @ExOnTheBeach
@creaturesferris: So two exes come back today to haunt me... hmmm
@abbiee_joness: Guys if you aren’t watching @ExOnTheBeach you’re missing out 😂😂😂😂
@PaulCalafiore_: @Marie_TBD Listen here fuckers, the only people allowed to talk shit to Marie online are me and a select few.... we share a love, hate, secretly want to make out relationship. If you can’t see the hilarity in this banter then stop watching reality tv bitches
- @hbarfield13: @PaulCalafiore_ @Marie_TBD I think you should tell us how you really feel
- @Marie_TBD:  @hbarfield13 I think you should tell US how YOU really feel Hunty🤫
@shandathapanda: forgive me for what ur about 2 see on tv tonight...i got a little stir crazy lmao #ExOnTheBeach
@creaturesferris: I NEVER SIGNED UP FOR THIS! #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: My heart dropped when I saw what came down those steps 😳😵 New episode of #ExOnTheBeach tonight on @mtv
- @ExOnTheBeach: @angelababicz Is it a bird or a plane? #ExOnTheBeach
- @marcodelvec: @angelababicz My heart dropped when I saw you
@victoria_alario: When someone who doesn’t know shit about life thinks they can tell you shit about life #ExOnTheBeach
@CaraMariaMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ Like birthday cake ice cream. 🧐
@Marie_TBD: It’s these type of DMs that really make my day. #tinymarie 💪🏼
- @KendalSheppard: @Marie_TBD And.. can we just take a minute to appreciate the fact that Marie ACCEPTED the message request😆😂
@KendalSheppard: Watching @Marie_TBD troll the trolls is the greatest thing on Twitter right now. 😂😂🤣😂 Can we get the girl a hashtag?? I need to read all of these again later...🤔
@shannanity: My shit smells like Jameson and @PaulCalafiore_ s dead babies
- @Marie_TBD: @shannanity @PaulCalafiore_ I think you need another week to reflect. @Twitter
@hayymorgshac: It’s @ExOnTheBeach Day. FINALLY! If you’re not tuning in you’re missing! Can’t wait to see my girls @angelababicz and @victoria_alario! 🙌🏼💕 #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: this party was lit, it reminded me of the circus! it had a clown and some animals #LITTYLITTY
@BionicBrooks_: Same lips that be talking bout me is the same ones that be ass kissing.
@BionicBrooks_: If y’all only knew how lit I was the night before getting back into that house 😂🤦🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️😈#exonthebeach
@BionicBrooks_: Today is Thursday so you know what that means @ExOnTheBeach is on tonight🤟🏽🤟🏽
@MTV: The exes are BACK and some are out for revenge on tonight's #ExOnTheBeach at 9/8c! ☀️
- @BionicBrooks_: @MTV What’s good with it?! 😈 #exonthebeach
@EmoneySunset: Booking my flight to Portland for @princeofnorway's MTV party. Trying to figure out which dude I can start fake drama with and which MTV girl I can fake a relationship for a weekend so The Challenge will cast me and make my dreams come true.
- @shannanity: @EmoneySunset @princeofnorway Why date a girl when I’m your golden ticket 😘
- @princeofnorway: @shannanity You ever been to Portland? 🌈
- @EmoneySunset: @shannanity @princeofnorway Lets do it I haven't sucked a dick in a while.
- @_gelesann: @EmoneySunset So are we broken up then? @EmoneySunset
- @EmoneySunset: @_gelesann Yeah we broke up when you spit in my face after finding out that I cheated on you with that one Asian girl from Big Brother season 7733737. Did you hear that @ChallengeMTV?
- @_gelesann: @EmoneySunset @ChallengeMTV 😂😂😂😂 I’m done lol
@marcodelvec: I think we all know who I was talking about here... 👱🏻‍♀️🗑
@newguypaulypaul Pauly/Siesta Key: Today is officially the 1st day of summer but I’ve been going ALL THE WAY since spring break 🎉😫
@BombshellChels: Summer Time ☀️
@JustJem24: Happy birthday to my best mate & my Irish brother.. @KyleCGShore. I love you more than I love Jameson shots 💜
@00Hitsdiidii: A week from today I will be in Portland for the first time , reuniting with all my friends and meeting some bomb ass new ones .... probably twerking my ass off but it’s cool cause I’ll be in Portland  with MY FRIENDSSS🎉🎉🎉🎉

@ExOnTheBeach: We're just ️⃣ episode away from the finale, and tonight's episode is one you don't want to miss! Catch #ExOnTheBeach at 9/8c only on @MTV! ✨
@princeofnorway: I don’t think I’ve ever blocked anyone on Twitter before 😅 y’all are so soft
@MTVCoryWharton: I’ll be LIVE on instagram tonight after the episode ☕️  they better put some respect on my name 💰#ExOnTheBeach
- @BionicBrooks_: @MTVCoryWharton Shieetttt I might have to go live tonight too! What y’all think?! 🤔
@MTVCoryWharton: Valid points by everybody all the way around 😂☕️
@cbmcnary: IGTV. Game changer
@skylermikkelson: They didn’t really think they could keep us away did they?! Tonight’s gonna be one to watch @ExOnTheBeach
@JennaCompono: It would be more like this 😂 ❤️@ZNichols15
- @ZNichols15: @JennaCompono All sweet on Twitter, but you literally just said you’d have no trouble beating me if i was hanging upside down like a piٌata.
- @JennaCompono:  @ZNichols15 Only out of love!!! ❤️ ... butttttt... says the guy who would lock me in a cage during PMS hahahahaha ... ❤️
@mrdavis25: I’m gonna react to the #ExOntheBeach episode tonight for YouTube so go sub @domandcharles
@marcodelvec: Only one short hour until absolute mayhem @ExOnTheBeach

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The Exes return to crash the bash, plus drama both on your Twitter timeline and in the streets. The Pulse of Ex On The Beach, just ahead.


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