*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
■ @DC408Dxtr @ TW / IG / YT
Happy Saturday... and Ahead, all the action, reaction and interaction to this week's episode of Ex on the Beach... but before that, indulge yourself in the In-Between interactions of the cast after what went down on Episode 7 last week and this week's episode 8...
@ExOnTheBeach: When your selfie game is 🔥 @imdroc15 | #ExOnTheBeach is ALL NEW THURSDAY, at 9/8c on @MTV ✨
- @princeofnorway: @ExOnTheBeach Anyone else think Derrick looks like a centaur..? I mean we already know he’s half man half horse but that goatee gotta go fam 😂😂 @imdroc15
@princeofnorway: Attacking someone’s actions is different than attacking someone’s character
@faithstowers: Omg I’m happy I’m me!! It’s a beautiful day people!
@lexoquence: Heard @ExOnTheBeach started casting for season 2.... My ringers on, @mtv I’m waiting 😏
@carooduartee: People change, people’s past don’t define them. Are you proud of everything you’ve ever done? Nobodies perfect, we need to stop putting others down for making mistakes and start educating them to make better choices, it’s called constructive criticism for a reason.
@shannnonmaee: Screenshots rule the world
@AliviaHuntxr: I love randomly finding old videos of people talking shit that never gave me the chance to tell the actual truth but wanted to only give their side of a made up story 😂
@creaturesferris: Can we all stop for a sex and talk about how amazing @angelababicz makeup was since the beginning? Like omg queen 👸 #ExontheBeach
@creaturesferris: I absolutely loved having @shandathapanda on @ExOnTheBeach she’s so real and she’s her true self and that’s so sexy
@princeofnorway: Cantaloupe is unmatched. It can be your fruit your lover or your friend. 🍈
@princeofnorway: People who stand up as soon as the plane lands sleep with their socks on
@tylerobrienn: So many messages about Ex On The Beach.. guys.. not to brag but my chicks badder & I live on the beach
@Kmorrisx: Legit may as well delete the snapchat app. Only thing I do on it is take a selfie with a filter, save and post on insta story 🤷🏽♀️
@Kmorrisx: I’m almost 100% sure my ex is gay! Maybe I turned him 🤷🏽♀️
@Rogan_OConnor: 99 BOTTLES OF BEER 🍻 New single from @JakeQuickenden out soon 😜🤣 Gotta love an after show sing song on tour with @TheDreamboys 🕺🏽
@ExOnTheBeach: .@victoria_alario finally got some alone time with @cbmcnary 👀, but will their brewing romance last? Don't miss an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV! ✨
@angelababicz: You’ve got my attention sir
@princeofnorway: I don’t understand why but me and @imdroc15 are always the only ones to actually get in the pool at pool parties. Fuck y’all and your swag lol
@princeofnorway: Australian accents > British accents. Let’s argue.
@princeofnorway: Buffalo sauce and ranch should be it’s own sauce
@shandathapanda: When Ye said "none of us would be here without cum", I really felt that.
@shandathapanda: u guys i literally have a school girl crush on this dude and im driving myself insane checking my ig story and my recent picture 2 see if he watched or liked it lmao wtf is wrong with me i need 2 grow up okay so someone tell me WHATS REALLY GOOD!!!! WHAT SHOULD I WATCH ON NETFLIX
@lexi__marsella: "@vero_gisondi: Can’t believe I met @lexi__marsella from @ExOnTheBeach last night!! So sweet 😊💖 " RT SO NICE MEETING YOU! thanks for stopping and saying hey😘
@ChelskoOfficial: “You Guys are fucking weird-I like it.” You thought your ex was crazy you ain’t seen nothing yet
@ItsAll_AboutTee: One of my coworkers/friend killed herself lastnight . Guys please if you feel alone , and need to talk to someone , please do . Leaving this world might make you feel better but then what about the people you leave here ? Think about that . Rest in heaven shiane ....
@_gelesann: Had the worst night ever, and all I want is someone to cuddles with 😩
@ExOnTheBeach: Marcus didn't set the right tone in the house at all🤦♂️ #ExOnTheBeach
@cbmcnary: Good morning!! As my mom would always say, attack your day with enthusiasm!
@thepoetsaint: #exonthebeach fans! We have some exciting news! Our final aftershow for @ExOnTheBeach will be turned into a reunion show! That’s right! We’ll be bringing in some of your favorite cast members from the show for a special 2 hour podcast! Question is, who do you see? Comment below
@BionicBrooks_: Man people are super ignorant. I just walked out side to take a picture in a neighborhood my friend lives in and just got questioned like I was a robber. I’m exhausted man..
@angelababicz: What are some of your favorite vacation spots/resorts? Looking to go away the end of July
@shannanity: The rumors are true y’all. @PaulCalafiore_ and I did fall in love 🤷🏻♂️ #dealwithit
- @SylviaMTV: @shannanity @PaulCalafiore_ Shane has officially lost it
@angelababicz: I just caught secondhand embarrassment from the person that called me 36x in a row
@haleyreadxoxo: Guess who 😉 @ChelskoOfficial
- @lexi__marsella: @haleyreadxoxo OH OKAY! someone get a fire extinguisher because these beauties are ON FIRE🔥🔥
@princeofnorway: You’ll never see a hotter pic on Instagram than a girl who just broke up with you
@shandathapanda: hey dudes, what's the point of telling a girl u like her when u have no intentions of dating her and/or no intention of attempting to actually see where things go? asking 4 a friend.
@shandathapanda: im slowly starting 2 realize that im a walking, breathing, forever alone meme
@shandathapanda: anyway just gonna leave this here xoxo
@MTV: Congrats to @AREUTHE1's Amber and Ethan 💕
@Kmorrisx: Cheating has to be THE worst shitty act any person can do in a relationship. Not only does it end a future with that person, it destroys the confidence and belief that person has in their next potential relationship. Just be single!
- @MTVjennifer: @Kmorrisx say it louder for the people in the back, and for all of my exes😐
@Rogan_OConnor: When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife
@Rogan_OConnor: I will destroy you in the most beautiful way..
- @angelababicz: @Rogan_OConnor Don’t tempt me with a good time
@TheRealAnthonyM: Some things are better left unsaid.
@amazedbykay: Being in love for me is ... feeling safe, smiling 24/7, never being able to be stay mad, motivating one another, and wanting to become more of myself to make them proud.
@amazedbykay: I genuinely don’t ever get surprised when a AYTO personality is racists or prejudice. I just always laugh at the Caucasian girls who are yet date black guys. They be so confused. May god bless her and them. 🙏🏽
@AliviaHuntxr: It's my mf birthdaaaaay I can't wait to do absolutely nothing today
@TheOriginalDre_: HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO THIS BEAUTY🎉😍 @AliviaHuntxr hope you enjoy your day, you deserve the world 🌎- @kareem_fathalla you are one lucky man 🙌🏼😁
@_gelesann: Happy birthday to @AliviaHuntxr 💖💕🤗🦄🌈🌟
@EmoneySunset: Happy 13th birthday to @AliviaHuntxr!!! Hope you have a great pizza party at the arcade!
- @AliviaHuntxr: @EmoneySunset The pizza was good but the big fucking mouse was scary 😩
@NurysKMateo: Mood 🐸☕️
@lexoquence: I’m moving to LA with @EmoneySunset ... I need a job cuz we all learned last year from season 5 #AYTO girls that a go fund me is not appropriate for the move
@blacuesta: Uhm y’all...look who coming to my club on June 16th...👀👀👀 #pushaTEA
@Kmorrisx: Oh no. Imagine not picking them then he picks you 😩🤦🏽♀️😂 #LoveIsalnd
@Kmorrisx: Danni and jack will win! He’s deffo a lil like @jbclark_ 💯😂 #Loveisland
@Kmorrisx: Ive always been curious. Is there actual music playing when their dancing 🤷🏽♀️ #Loveisland
@MTV_AMANDAG: I only was able to watch the first five minutes of #TheBachelerotte tonight and all I can say is Becca is BORING AF. Total dud! 🤦🏻♀️
@cbmcnary: I just discover in H.O.L.Y by FGL, holy stand for High On Loving You. And my mind is blown. Good morning!
@ExOnTheBeach: .@shandathapanda and @angelababicz are AT ODDS! 🗣 | You don't want to miss an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV! 😲
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach OOOOOP
- @shandathapanda: @ExOnTheBeach aw guys look, i CAN be calm, cool and collected lmao. this is definitely a different side of "reality" shanley y'all haven't seen. Shan I know it took a lot for you not to smack her but I guess we growing up lol
- @IamAdamKuhn: @shandathapanda Shanley I don’t know how you kept your cool there. Good job girl.
- @princeofnorway: @ExOnTheBeach Ole bobble head ass 😂
- @illBeJacy: @shandathapanda Girl if I would of been there you already know lmao
- @BrittttLeighhhh: @ExOnTheBeach Hold up.. did i just see Alicia holding Cory back?? Cause I’m here for thattttt
- @fox_alex1: @ExOnTheBeach Pause why the fuck is Cory in the bathroom with Alicia
- @OliviaGoncaIves: @ExOnTheBeach shanley was unbothered.
- @beckycopz: @ExOnTheBeach @angelababicz is a legend man
@BionicBrooks_: This is not practice, you’re burning daylight everyday.
@thepoetsaint: #exonthebeach fans! We have another 🔥 aftershow scheduled for you on @afterbuzztv. Joining @NinoLlanera @MELODY_ROSE @SINSEDONTPLAY & I will be @jasminegoode_ and @marcodelvec (you’ll find out who he is next episode). Tune in 8pm PST Thurs! You never know what’ll happen! 🐸🍵💣
@TheAllanAguirre: Live look at Taylor and Cory.
@MTVCoryWharton: Everybody is so thirsty for attention these days it’s sad !
@princeofnorway: @PaulCalafiore_ @imdroc15 at least y’all had a 7 minute time limit when your ex went through your phone.. 😬😭
- @imdroc15: @princeofnorway Hahahaha damn, I woulda paid good money to see that... unlimited time 😅 @MikalaThomass @ExOnTheBeach
- @MikalaThomass: @imdroc15 @ExOnTheBeach It’s not unlimited if he’s chasing you around the room swatting the phone while you’re trying to read 😂
@shandathapanda: hey dudes, what's the point of telling a girl u like her when u have no intentions of dating her and/or no intention of attempting to actually see where things go? asking 4 a friend.
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @shandathapanda Asking for myself .
@ExOnTheBeach: Holy Sh*t! 😵 Someone is coming in and someone is going home! | #ExOnTheBeach is all new Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV!
@shandathapanda: if someone buys me a bottle of wine right now, ill drink it happily knowing that i didn't buy the bottle myself...any volunteers? ill supply my venmo for u
@victoria_alario: Mental health/illness is not discussed enough. These scripted TV shows are not ENOUGH. Each individual person faces their own real life battles that cannot be interpreted through fiction. WE need to do more & do better.
@victoria_alario: We may never understand another persons mind, but the small effort to try may go a long way. Make sure the people in your life know how much they mean to you and how much they’re worth🙏🏻 you might save a life without even knowing it.
@victoria_alario: And most importantly: don’t ever question WHY someone’s mind is the way it is. “Her life/family is fine, why is she depressed?” is by far the most ignorant thing to ask — you never know who is struggling. Don’t ever mistake a smile for happiness.
@angelababicz: I’ve had the energy, I have the energy, and will always have the energy. That’s why I keep getting cast for shows and you hoes don’t 😘
@angelababicz: Where was this energy on BGC? I threw a glass at the girl LMAO WHAT DO YOU MEAN
@lillangel23: Yall im not kidding ive been watching @shandathapanda on TV since the very first ep of AYTO and to this day shes still my favorite💕💕
@princeofnorway: ometimes I get to the point where I feel like I need to make a decision about the direction that the rest of my life is going to go. And then I remember that nobody asked to be here and we’re all going to die.
@shandathapanda: okay i was truly kidding but i luv u all 😂😂
@blacuesta: I’m not kidding these uber drivers came for my life about wanting an aux “You’re an entitled millennial and uber takes more than half my pay u think I give a fuck about u wanting a fucking aux so I can listen to your shitty music?!” Uhm, ok so, do u have an aux?
@blacuesta: I tweeted about wanting Uber’s to all have an aux the other day and I found a whole twitter community of disgruntled drivers that despise the word “aux”, hate millennials, and complain about driving passengers??
@blacuesta: before all the uber drivers come for me: 1. Yes I think people should tip you 2. No I am not an asshole to my driver when they don’t have an aux 3. Complaining and ranting about ur job is normal, but pls don’t try and end my life over an aux cord 4. I’ll pay extra for an aux
@MTV_AMANDAG: 🚨ATTENTION NURSES: Chipotle is having a CODE BLUE-RRITO today! 🌯 Hahahaha get it? BOGO free for Nurses Appreciation Day! It can be any level of nursing too (students, nursing assistants, LPN, RN etc)! Just bring your ID and you are set! ❤️
@MtvNateSiebs: "@LeaveItUp2Mel: How did y'all get y'alls names? Let's talk. " RT I was a sick baby. Had a twin brother that passed away at birth. I was living on a machine for the first couple weeks of my life. My mother was praying for a miracle. Today I’m alive and healthy! Nathan, means “gift from God”
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Another night ... single and nobody texting me back. Sometimes you just gotta fall back and let shit be . I gotta bad habit of caring too much for the wrong people ....
@Kmorrisx: I think ima see a familiar face rock up on #Loveisland and I duno how I’m guna feel about it 😏
@Kmorrisx: “By the time you learn the rules of life, you’re too old to play the game” #QOTD
@Kmorrisx: Adam is ok looking. But Niall personality wins 👏🏻 #LoveIsand
@carooduartee: If a boy says he likes you but doesn’t like any of your pics on Instagram does he really like you? 🤔 Also why are girls so crazy about likes on instagram 🤦🏻♀️ #smh I hate social media
@Ozzymm11: I hate people that expect you to notice them because they’re walking with a dog.. like they’ll slow down and stare at you as to say “pet it, motherfucker”
@giannahammer: Started a baby registry on buy buy baby, got a car seat and a stroller then gave up. I need a class for this stuff bc why did it take me 30 mins to go through all the different kinds of strollers and who knew they could do all these different things ???? Ugh
@00Hitsdiidii: Boys are corny and that's a fact and I'm off to bed now, k bye :)
@EmoneySunset: That’s what you get when you let your heart win.
@lexoquence: Never was a big cuddler but DAMN I need smothered tonight 😴
@ExOnTheBeach: Me when my friends suggest getting salad for lunch 🙃
@cbmcnary: Rise and Shine! Pick your attitude for the entire day right now! For me I’m choosing confidence and joy all day! What’s yours Choice?
@mrdavis25: Not gonna lie , my life is great. Everything isn’t suppose to be going this good I feel
@skylermikkelson: "@BB_Betchy: @CaraMariaTea2 Lexi was dragged by their PR. Most are delete, but they really bought the same act... " RT So are you still mental @lexi__marsella or....
@imdroc15: I had ppl that I considered as friends but with their jealousy... I can’t fuck with them.
@ExOnTheBeach: 😇 🙌 | An all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach returns TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV! ✨
@ChelskoOfficial: @jasminegoode_ 😂😂😂😂🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
@RomeoMiller: Bumped into the beautiful, legendary, funny (and my new bae) @DrewBarrymore today ha. 💕👑🙏
@ExOnTheBeach: I KNOW my eyes aren't deceiving me 👀 | #ExOnTheBeach is ALL NEW Tomorrow, at 9/8c on @MTV! 😵
@princeofnorway: Melatonin and night terrors
@marcodelvec: Serving up sass according to @angelababicz
- @angelababicz: @marcodelvec And tons of it
@creaturesferris: Guys @chelskoofficial is going to be in jail for a violation of penal code 502, 459, and 518 if she doesn’t give me access back to my @instagram. Not joking around. Ps. Chelsea you got 2 hours to give me my password or the GIF will happen to you in jail @mtv @ExOnTheBeach
@creaturesferris: So @chelskoofficial just admitted to hacking my @instagram account so I can’t communicate with my fans for the show or any of my gigs until I pay her money, that being $3,000. So not cool! @mtv @ExOnTheBeach what do I do now? Totally not professional. #extortion
@princeofnorway: There’s something so satisfying about taking your phone out of its case
@tori_deal: If you believe you’re the best thing in the world then perhaps you don’t have an understanding of it. The world is marvelous, but nothing compared to the universe #WeAreSmall 🤫👽🖖🏼
@blacuesta: Uhm Steven and I just watched “the boy” in almost a pitch black room and let me fuckin tell u we were sweating from anxiety and lowkey shit our pants 😂
@giannahammer: I told my Instagram story I was gonna cut my hair and put in some clip in extensions and for some reason my DMs are blowing up with the same “why are you cutting your hair if you’re just gonna put extensions in” I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain that...?? Lol???😂
@shannnonmaee: Anyone else sleep better with someone next to them?
@blacuesta: Hi it’s me. Single, in a Lyft, and drunk. Goodbye
@angelababicz: I have a new post up on the gram regarding my relationship status 👀👫 go comment and tell me who you think it is http://www.instagram.com/angelababicz
@thepoetsaint: #exonthebeach fans! Reunion update! We’ve seen your comments as to who you want at the @ExOnTheBeach reunion at @afterbuzztv and we are working diligently to make it awesome. Just so you know, we have @imdroc15 & @shandathapanda already confirmed! Stay tuned for updates!
@LouiseHazel: I missed tonight’s @ChallengeMTV show as was on a flight, lots of praise and lots of ppl pissed bcos of “alleged” cheating let me see this footage... BRB
- @BEAUcasperSMART: @LouiseHazel Hahah 😂😂 haters
@ExOnTheBeach: Me avoiding my responsibilities 😂 | #ExOnTheBeach is ALL NEW tonight at 9/8c on @MTV! ✨
@joss_mooney: Last night in Vegas... Back stage with the boys at @Chippendales, testing out the signature cuffs & bow tie!! 👀😉
- @Marie_TBD: @joss_mooney Does this make it official? I can’t imagine @Chippendales without you now. Let me know when its a done deal so I can book my flight.
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD @joss_mooney @Chippendales Joss showed us his butthole with a mirror... you were there Marie 😂🤦🏻♀️ same night as the Mayo incident with @t_raines33 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- @Marie_TBD: @joss_mooney @kailah_casillas @Chippendales Not YOU Joss. Kailah. lol
- @BritniNicol: @joss_mooney @Chippendales Bahahahahahaha josssss lmao
- @joss_mooney: @Marie_TBD @kailah_casillas @Chippendales I have no recollection of this...but most likely true! 😂
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas @Chippendales @joss_mooney I’ve already seen you naked more than I’d like too. LOL
- @Rogan_OConnor: @joss_mooney You traitor 😂😂😂 #DreamboysForLife
- @ToriFiorenza: @Marie_TBD @shannanity @Chippendales Friends don’t let friends travel alone....I’ll be there for moral support...😏
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @joss_mooney 🤤😍🤤😍 @joss_mooney tested it out.....and passed with flying colors @Chippendales !!!! MAKE HIM OFFICIAL. ✊🏼 #retweet #retweet #retweet
@Rogan_OConnor: The drunk Face-Time I just got from @joss_mooney in Vegas has made my life 😂😂😂 Nice to finally meet you @iammikeyp 🤙🏽 Look after my Bro (fuck him up) 🤣
- @joss_mooney: @Rogan_OConnor @iammikeyp This is the first I’ve seen of this...ZERO recollection!! 🤦🏽♂️😂
@princeofnorway: If you can watch ‘A Dogs Purpose’ without crying you’re probably a serial killer
@angelababicz: It’s going ⬇️ tonight (literally) on a new episode of @ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: An all new episode of @ExOnTheBeach is going down like me and Angela in our invisible elevator TONIGHT👐🏻
@faithstowers: When the food delivery guy finally arrives. 😂 #exonthebeach @PurveyorsofPop @MTV
@marcodelvec: Daddy’s home... Make sure to tune into @ExOnTheBeach at 9/8c tonight on @mtv @RomeoMiller #ExOnTheBeach
- @lexi__marsella: @marcodelvec WELCOME HOME DADDIO
@marcodelvec: Everyone’s reaction to my entrance tonight... @ExOnTheBeach @mtv #ExOnTheBeach
- @imdroc15: @marcodelvec @ExOnTheBeach @MTV 😂😂😂 dead
@ExOnTheBeach: 💣 It was only a matter of time until Alicia exploded. 😵 You don't want to miss an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT, at 9/8c MTV!
@Juno_Robinson: What got us all so shaken up?!!. We all look like a ghost came through 👻 lol. Check out why this is happening tonight at 9pm! @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@marcodelvec: When she asks to slip a finger in... @MTVCoryWharton
@MTVCoryWharton: Can’t wait to go LIVE on instagram tonight after this episode of @ExOnTheBeach 📲 Time to set the record straight😆 I don’t have shit to lie about, so come with the questions 💯💯💯 🍿☕️ #ExOnTheBeach
@imdroc15: When you can see through someone’s bullshit
@iamkamiam_: Thursday is my favorite day of the week every week 😊😊😊
@iamkamiam_: I swear all the messages in my DMs are mainly people telling me to stop wearing makeup becuase I look better natural 😩
- @mtvrrdarrell: @iamkamiam_ They ain’t lying tho #Blackisbeautiful
@ExOnTheBeach: The house is in for a rude awakening with a twisted fate! 😵 #ExOnTheBeach is all new TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV! 🔥
@mrdavis25: Y’all ready? @ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: #MeanGirls #YouCantSitWithUs #YouCanGoShaveYourBackNow
@angelababicz: Make sure you’re following me on Instagram now so you don’t miss my live tonight! I won’t be able to accept y’all when I go live 😕 http://www.instagram.com/angelababicz
@lexi__marsella: @ExOnTheBeach on the beach tonight, be there or be ◼️
@creaturesferris: Well guys my crazy psycho ex girlfriend known as CHELSKO hacked me IG ! And is having me pay her for it #yuck
- @MTVCoryWharton: @creaturesferris You got finessed
- @creaturesferris: @MTVCoryWharton Well extortion at its finest looks like her record is not about to be that clean
@tellchxn: Ex on the beach USA is the greatest show I’ve ever stumbled across.
@faithstowers: @shandathapanda @ExOnTheBeach and 2 others I’m sorry!!!!! Not my finest moment especially now that I know your dope 😭
@angelababicz: Excuse me while I warm up my Twitter fingers
@5sos4ever16: Me because it's Thursday and I get to watch @victoria_alario @angelababicz and @TayloriasSecret on ex on the beach
@RomeoMiller: 2 shows on at the same damn time! #ExonTheBeach and #GUHH | Tune into @MTV & @WEtv!!!!
- @MTV: @RomeoMiller @WEtv what a popular man #ExOnTheBeach
- @RomeoMiller: @MTV Just trying to be like @robdyrdek ha 🙏🙏🙏
@ExOnTheBeach: Ready for the drama? 5 minutes until an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach 😲
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Next, the Pulse of Week 8 of Ex On The Beach. Stay tuned.
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