Sunday, June 3, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before Ex on the Beach Week 7

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

Happy Sunday... and Ahead, all the action, reaction and interaction to this week's episode of Ex on the Beach... but before that, indulge yourself in the In-Between interactions of the cast after what went down on Episode 7 last week and this week's episode - including The Bachelorette...

@ExOnTheBeach: When someone asks if they're going to see me for #MemorialDayWeekend 🤔
@angelababicz: Me taking your number at the bar knowing damn well I’ll never hit you up – at Belmar Beach
@MTVCoryWharton: A whole bunch of 🌽 balls and 🤡’s Welcome to 2018 👌🏽
@princeofnorway: Saw my ex tonight. Bought her and her friend a drink. She punched me in the face. #exonthebeach 😂 #savage
- @sass_attackkk: @princeofnorway and they say romance is dead lmao
@princeofnorway: I haven’t been punched in the face since I was like 16 and I don’t know how to feel about it. Is this love? @KidPenner? Lmk
@princeofnorway: Okay a lot of y’all have been asking the important question about last night so here you go. No; I didn’t spill my drink #dillydilly
@princeofnorway: Somebody today told me that they were not dating but “exclusive friends with benefits” 😂 y’all realize that words and titles and Facebook relationship statuses don’t mean anything compared to mutual trust and understanding; right?
@creaturesferris: Is it just me or when I tell myself “I’m not partying tonight” ... I feel like it’s more of a reason to party #SaturdayNight
@TayloriasSecret: I told you keep playin with my name and ima let it ring on you. I’m too resilient get out your feelings
@ExOnTheBeach: Saturday fever ☀️ @lexi__marsella & @PaulCalafiore_ #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: It’s not about who you spend Friday night with, it’s about who you spend all day Saturday with
@joss_mooney: Only look back to see how far you’ve come...✌🏼
- @Rogan_OConnor: @joss_mooney Or to look at the ass of the unreal LA worldie that just walked passed 🤣
@Kmorrisx: Relationships are either.... A breeze or a catastrophe
- @n_zanattaMTV: @Kmorrisx With no in between 🤣
@michaeldean2_0: @uchaachi @AREUTHE1 and 9 others  Miss you girl 💳 -ps you can charge my card for my 2 cents
@lexoquence: @michaeldean2_0 @uchaachi and 9 others   Lmfao look at butterfingers comin thru w the jokes
- @uchaachi: @lexoquence @AREUTHE1 and 9 others   I LOVE YOU MILEY
- @zoeinwonderland: @lexoquence @michaeldean2_0 and 9 others   IM SCREAMIN DIS TOO MUCH, remember the wall of inside jokes before the finale ugh
- @princeofnorway: @zoeinwonderland @lexoquence and 9 others   Man... good times
- @AliviaHuntxr: @uchaachi @AREUTHE1 and 9 others   Damn I didn't get called for like another week and a half 😂😂😩
- @00Hitsdiidii: @uchaachi @AREUTHE1 and 9 others   I love youuuuuuuuuuuu❤️
- @nicole_spiller: @uchaachi @AREUTHE1 and 9 others   LOVE U SIS 😉
- @AreUthe1Casting: @uchaachi @AREUTHE1 and 10 others   The lesson here is good things happen when you answer your phone. 📱📞☎️🤩
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @uchaachi @AREUTHE1 and 9 others   Anytime 😛❤️
- @zoeinwonderland: @uchaachi @AREUTHE1 and 9 others  I LOVE YOU ANGEL
@blacuesta: U ever just look at baes pics and start fucking drooling Bc same like WOW
@blacuesta: Y’all he’s so fine i Deadass started laughing 😂😂😂😂
@blacuesta: Y’all I’m 💀 I pulled up to the raising canes drive thru and she goes:  “hey hey hey would u like some chicken today!”   Me:.......uhm   Her:.......sorry I-   Both of us at the same time: busts out fucking laughing
@blacuesta: I didn’t even know what to say like hey hey hey hell yeah I want some chicken today!!
@giannahammer: Once people know you have anxiety/depression none of your problems seem like real problems to them anymore. It’s always just a “well you feel this way bc that’s the way you are” or “its all in your head, stop” and I can’t begin to describe how frustrating that is. 😑

@ExOnTheBeach: No one could deny the love between Alicia & @MTVCoryWharton, but when Alicia returned to #ExOnTheBeach Cory was totally against it! Why? 🤔
@ExOnTheBeach: How I feel when it's time to pay bills again 😩
@princeofnorway: The snapchats @imdroc15 sends me 😂😂😂😂🤐💀
- @imdroc15: @princeofnorway 🤫
@PaulCalafiore_: "@DayDaVonne_: “The truth is , they NEVER underestimated you... they were just hoping that YOU didn’t know your full potential” " RT I wake up this morning thinking I’ll be dropping some knowledge.... meanwhile this one been preaching. I see you 😉
@princeofnorway: If you wanna travel so damn bad pick up a basketball and take three steps
@BionicBrooks_: Don’t call it love because you can’t find a reason to hate me. That’s not love.
@angelababicz: When you’re picky af but still manage to pick the wrong ones 🙃
@angelababicz: Despite everything I still love you
@angelababicz: Happy Birthday princess @giannahammer 👸🏻
@imdroc15: @giannahammer Happy Birthday to our amazing AYTO season 5 mom!! Hope you have an amazing and blessed day 🙏🏾💯!!
@iamkamiam_: Happy birthday to my AYTO God baby’s mom @giannahammer !!! I hope you enjoy your day babe!! 💋
- @giannahammer: @iamkamiam_ We both love you so much!! Thank you babe 😘😘😘😍💜
@00Hitsdiidii: Happy birthday babygirl👙💛 @giannahammer
@lexoquence: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @giannahammer I love you I’m drunk but I love you sober too
- @giannahammer: @lexoquence Lmfaooo yesss take some extra shots for me plz and thank you 💁🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️ love you 😘😘💜
@MtvNateSiebs: Happy birthday to the beautiful mother to be!! @giannahammer!! Hope you had the best day!! And I hope you get a great night sleep!!😋❤️
- @giannahammer: @MtvNateSiebs Honestly this is one of the biggest blessings a pregnant girl could ask for 😩😂💜 thank you Nate, thanks for always being so sweet 😘💜
@shannnonmaee: Happy birthday beautiful soul ❤️ @giannahammer
@blacuesta: Happy fucking birthday to @giannahammer !!!! A beautiful person inside and out!
@ItsAll_AboutTee: @giannahammer happy birthday to my baby mama . I love youuuuuuu😘😘😘😘😘
@_gelesann: Happy birthday to the hottest baby mama @giannahammer 💖💖💖
- @princeofnorway: @_gelesann @giannahammer I second this 💝
- @princeofnorway: @giannahammer You make pregnant look so good! Love you guys
- @giannahammer: @princeofnorway 🤗🤗🤗😂 thanks joe!
- @giannahammer: @princeofnorway We 💜 you too especially when you’re not bashing our babe Taylor 🤗😉
@giannahammer: THANK YOU FOR THIS BIRTHDAY PRESENT @cavs 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
@joss_mooney: Nice for what...🤷🏽‍♂️🎶
@blacuesta: I would give anything to have someone lay in bed w me so i could just rant
@MTV_AMANDAG: Wtf is up with these guys getting their hair French braided....? Ummmmm...plz stop 🤢
@Tindel10: They have to make an In-N-Out emoji.
@keith_klebacher: In the end something is only a waste of time if you don’t learn something that betters you and it doesn’t help you realize that flaws in your own character that you need to overcome.
@Challengemtv___: Are You The One? Season 7 is done filming 👀👌🏻 Here are some of the confirmed cast members so far ☕️ (Source: … ) @TevG27 @KayCamUmagat @lroush95 @zakmarkjones @Kenyaa_NOT @briakristaaal @ShamoyPersad
@NurysKMateo: So many baddies for season 7 #ayto 😍
@princeofnorway: My season 7 crush isssssss.......
@blacuesta: I’d just like everyone to know I hate FaceTiming and I FaceTimed @princeofnorway for like an hour just now  Joe u owe me something good idk what yet but something

@ExOnTheBeach: Tryna eat a light snack while the food is on the grill #MemorialDay
@shandathapanda: i don't want to have an anxiety attack at 5am but im about to have an anxiety attack at 5am
@shandathapanda: does anyone that follows me work at six flags or can somehow hook me up with a pass
@AS3_era: Nowadays “cool” is whatever u make it. It’s totally up to u. Whatever it may be, as long as u like it and enjoy it.. it’s cool.
@TayloriasSecret: So 13 reasons why probably had the most disturbing ending I’ve ever seen on a show. I sat there for about an hour just staring at the ceiling
@MTV_NellyT: I just stayed up to 3am watching @13ReasonsWhy season 2 💯💯, but damm I hate the ending. #HappyMemorialDay #Netflix #SundayFunday
@princeofnorway: The first thing I need you to do every morning is punch me in the stomach because I’m a bad person.
@princeofnorway: Haven’t picked a date yet but this party I’m about to throw in Portland for all of my friends I’ve met through @MTV is going to be a movie
- @princeofnorway: Dates are locked in for the last weekend of June 😈 #poolparty #mansionparty #cocktailparty #yachtparty might fuck up white owl for the one time too. Stay tuned ♥️
@princeofnorway: If you can’t laugh at yourself you shouldn’t be allowed to laugh at other people. Hi I’m hungover.
@princeofnorway: Not gonna lie I’m kinda flattered that multiple people are using my photos for tinder. But no I do not have tinder
@MTVCoryWharton: When you livin' like this, they supposed to hate
@faithstowers: I was proud to serve in the Army. To my fallen battle buddies you are in my thoughts. 🇺🇸 #MemorialDay2018
@lexi__marsella: it’s shoot your shot szn #2k18
@mrdavis25: Just out here looking for bae ❤️
@imdroc15: I’m all for a woman calling me daddy, but if she slips and says dad, things become weird af lol
- @princeofnorway: @imdroc15 I still prefer to be the favorite uncle
@RomeoMiller: Hi girl, I'm Romeo.
@KikiMTV: EW who the heck is this little Chris dweeb on #exonthebeach lolllll
@CHEYnotShy: I love you.
@CHEYnotShy: 🌎🌍🌏
@giannahammer: There’s someone out there rn who’s prego like me and we don’t even know each other but in a few years we’ll be besties bc our kids are besties 😂😂💜 hope you thriving rn homie
@giannahammer: Get to see little bean tomorrow! 😁😁 I’m close to the end of my second trimester (HOW) but me and Hayden will finally post an update to our YouTube this week! 👏🏽🎉
@blacuesta: What’s up guys I’m fucking exhausted but not to worry im about to take an uber to a house party and rage my face off goodbye
@blacuesta: Work party = I’m drunk as shit
@blacuesta: I would like to sign a petition stating that all Uber’s/lyfts whatever need to have an aux cord
@blacuesta: I only wanna dance for u
@blacuesta: Listen to me. Stay away from me if:  - you have a gf   - you live with ur ex gf still   - you still are considering dating your ex gf   - you are talking to a plethora of other women   - you are only talking to me to get over ur someone   - you have never watched bobs burgers
- @iamkamiam_: @blacuesta This 😂 preach sis!

@ExOnTheBeach: I blinked and the weekend was over! 😭 | #ExOnTheBeach is ALL NEW this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV 👏
@cbmcnary: Good morning!  It’s going to be a good day today!
@shandathapanda: anyone want to pay me bills? lmao
@ExOnTheBeach: Will @camkobo and @shandathapanda make an #ExOnTheBeach LOVE connection? ❤️ 🤔 You decide here: 
@BionicBrooks_: We on a new level 📈📶.
@PaulCalafiore_: Success is getting done what you say you’re going to get done. Without execution, success is just a fantasy 🤙🏼
@ExOnTheBeach: It's starting to look like things aren't so peachy after all! 🍑 Catch an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV!
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach Noooooo!! Not my favorite couple going to the Shack of Secrets! I hope it’s not too much drama 😏🤞🏾
@MTVCoryWharton: Ryder’s first selfie 😂😭
@NurysKMateo: What is life... first my ex has a child on me and now Drake does too. You can’t trust anyone nowadays 🙄
@imdroc15: FaceTimes with @00Hitsdiidii are always the best, she’s so dope. Definitely my PM #2 lol
- @00Hitsdiidii: @imdroc15 Nobody is ever safe during our talks 😂🐸☕️ I can't wait to see you soon😩😍 "And you know thaaaaaaaat"
@angelababicz: I haven’t gone live on IG in idk how long but I’m going live after the show on Thursday night so we’ll talk 🐸☕️

@ExOnTheBeach: 🍑 | #ExOnTheBeach returns with an all new episode TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV!
- @shandathapanda: @ExOnTheBeach @MTV Omfg wow ok
@angelababicz: I’m gonna continue doing whatever I wanna do. Whoever mad just gonna have to stay mad 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
@angelababicz: @TayloriasSecret Go off sis
@angelababicz: @TayloriasSecret Ok but one of your verses needs to be  My man’s ex is a disgrace  Fuck wit me and ima throw a suitcase
@creaturesferris: Lol @victoria_alario be throwing shade 😂😂😂😂😂
@PaulCalafiore_: "@prudenlpc: Sooooo.... is this telling me I have ‘correct tire pressure’ bc each # is different...which 1 is correct...OR is the different colored 1 incorrect & I need to add air..OR is the colored 1 the right pressure & I should deflate the other 3 to…" RT Mother...... did you take my car while I’ve been away? Then proceed to tweet a question about it? 🧐
@angelababicz: Me taking a premature and entirely undeserving break after completing 2 out of 10 tasks on today’s To-Do list
@creaturesferris: Are you guys not following @secretrealitytv !! That everyone from MTV on this YouTube channel!! See us whenever ever you want ❤️😂 @imdroc15 @princeofnorway @marcodelvec @TheRealAnthonyM and more 😌🤟🏽
@shandathapanda: how do you blow up someone's phone without looking crazy? #askingforafriend
@ChelskoOfficial: If you guys see me out and about please don’t be afraid to say hey! Meeting you guys makes my heart smile! 😁❤️🙏🏻
@princeofnorway: If you don’t roll up your pizza did you even really eat it?

@thepoetsaint: #exonthebeach fans! We have an amazing aftershow planned Thurs on @afterbuzztv w/ special guests @lexi__marsella and @shandathapanda! If you saw the previews, @lexi__marsella went down the SOS and @shandathapanda is stirring things up as @camkobo’s ex. Tune in at 8pm PST!
- @lexi__marsella: @thepoetsaint CATCH US IN THE STUDIO! howwbuhhdahh?!
- @angelababicz: @lexi__marsella @thepoetsaint @afterbuzztv Who dropped the “n” word?? Not I sis .. and no one cares about you enough now let alone 6 years ago to “doctor” tweets .. what about when you told me a certain cast member smelled bc of the color of her skin???? We’re just gonna forget about that ???? If you can produce proof of me saying that word I will give you 10k... stop lying about fake tweets and take tomorrow as an opportunity to read that fake ass 2 page apology you have saved on your phone
- @lexi__marsella: @angelababicz @thepoetsaint @afterbuzztv let’s clarify ... I have never used the N word or any racial slur. I used the word ghetto in a way I know recognize was a pejorative context. It was 5-6 years ago & never meant with hate or malice. now kindly, fuck off.
- @angelababicz: @lexi__marsella @thepoetsaint @afterbuzztv Me DANCING to a song with the n word& me SAYING the n word are 2 different things but I wouldn’t expect your uneducated ass to understand that.. just a word of advice for tm if you want to make “America Great again” so bad you can start with an apology. Now kindly eat a dick
- @angelababicz: @lexi__marsella @thepoetsaint @afterbuzztv Sooooooo you agree I didn’t say the word k got it we’re off to a good start 👌🏼 now you just need to apologize to the entire race you’ve offended and like I said you have a good platform to do it tomorrow on AfterBuzz... so take advantage and practice that speech!
- @angelababicz: @lexi__marsella @thepoetsaint and 2 others  I never said that Cory said it!!!!!! Only you... it wouldn’t even made sense for Cory to say something like that 🤔 you knew i didn’t like this person and you thought saying some shit like that would get on my good side but you were wrong
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz @lexi__marsella and 3 others Don’t post my text online . I don’t appreciate and never said you could
@angelababicz: Guess we are deleting tweets now 🤷🏻‍♀️
@victoria_alario: Tell me how I haven’t even been on Twitter in 4 days or commented on anything involving this minion in a month and she still finds a way to talk about me! I’m hustling working my ass off right now & forgot she exists😴 go to bed sis the show been over. & NO I’m not hiring
@imdroc15: The only time I was ever truly in love was in college but the timing sucked. I sometimes miss that feeling... but then other times I’m like naw, who’s DMs do I wanna slide in today.
@Cas_martinezz: "@TheProposalTV: From the Producers of #TheBachelor, #TheProposal is a love story in one hour hosted by @JessePalmerTV! 💍🌹 " RT CAN’T WAIT TO BE BACK ON YALL’S TV SCREEN THIS SUMMER!!! Starting June 18th!💍🌹
- @whaattaafoxx: @Cas_martinezz Did I just see @Modelboi12 😭💍🙈
@giannahammer: Well it’s 3am and I’ve been up for the past 2 hours writhing in pain in my ribs and back, seriously some of the worst pains I’ve ever felt, this is literally a gif of me rn I think I’m dying 😅😅🙃
@giannahammer: It’s so funny to see how many Gemini’s MTV casts 😂🙊 😈
@00Hitsdiidii: Me 2 hours into joes party realizing I'm drunk as hell, in Portland, and no way of escaping
- @blacuesta:  @00Hitsdiidii I’m the stuffed animal next to you
@NurysKMateo: ‘Girls like you’ by Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B video was perfect! I’m loving all the women love in the videos nowadays 😍💕
@Marie_TBD: Going back to your ex is like reheating @McDonalds fries.
- @KendalSheppard: @Marie_TBD Greatest tweet to date
@Javimarroquin9: Nothing will take away these happy days I’m having with family and loved ones
@joss_mooney: Why have I only just discovered Turmeric latte’s...😍🤯
@cambruckman: Call me a mama’s boy... but if she doesn’t approve, you ain’t the move 🤷🏻‍♂️
@lexoquence: Here’s some quality pics of me makin WV proud   #AYTOWednesday   #JustKidding  #ImPrettyMuchWashedUpAtThisPoint
@K0nigi: You can’t get mad if you’re the side hoe
@GusSmyrnios: Never thought all of this would cause so much family strife but at some point you have to decide to make your own path.

@JustJem24: Bachelorette timeeeeeeee y’all
@JustJem24: Colton is here to be the next bachelor. Calling it now. #thebachelorette
@JustJem24: Honestly I can’t take Becca serious bc she banged creepy Ari... #thebachelorette
@JustJem24: Jordan is 100% there for the boys not for Becca.... #thebachelorette
@JustJem24: What happened at this Christmas party for Becca to hate Jake so much... #thebachelorette
@JustJem24: Becca gave all the daddy’s roses first. Come thruuuuuu queen. #thebachelorette
@JustJem24: Joe didn’t get a rose? Guess I’m about to shoot my shot....#thebachelorette
@BombshellChels: Welp my followers it’s that time of the year again... #TheBachelorette is back & sorry in advanced for my million and one tweets judging every second of it
@BombshellChels: I swear to god Bachelor producers you get 3x this whole season to bring up Arie before I protest again... THREE #TheBachelorette
@BombshellChels: OMG COLTON HUNNY 😻 #TheBachelorette
@KikiMTV: Garrett & Colton...Top 2 #DaddyAF #TheBachelorette
@BombshellChels: “How many more guys is there going to be” ummmm you’re on #TheBachelorette 😂 A FEW
@KikiMTV: Just realized I’ve posted a total of 2 tweets since The Bachelor finale. We clearly know what I only use this for. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Haha
@angelababicz: I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I saw Colton #TheBachelorette
@cbmcnary: Unfortunately I can’t tune in tonight.  But I’m seeing there’s another Chase on #thebachelorette ?  How’s he holding up on night one?  Are we a fan?
@cbmcnary: Phew!  Sounds like I’m in the clear!  Who are some fan favs? #thebachelorette
@v_cakes: "modeling is so much more than being ridiculously good looking" or something similar - douchebag Jordan from #TheBachelorette
@MTV_AMANDAG: Wowwww... only a couple cute guys on #TheBachelorette... like come on casting people step up your game. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@giannahammer: Mammas watching bachelorette and daddy’s bonding 💁🏽‍♀️💜
@HaydenPWeaver: Bachelor/Bachelorette contestants accusing each other of chasing social media and popularity is the most pot calling the kettle black thing I’ve ever seen.

@ExOnTheBeach: Have we met?" 🤔 : 🔁 @MTV | Catch an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV! ✨
@ExOnTheBeach: 😈 or 😇? When drama isn't involved, fun can be had! 🔥 Don't miss out on #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV!
- @shandathapanda: @ExOnTheBeach looks like just another night where @camkobo and i drunkenly suck face
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach During the filming of this episode, a lot of uncensored and freaky sh*t happened!! 😂 I wonder how many times they have to blur my 🍆 out this episode 🙈 lol
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach So much cheekage
@ExOnTheBeach: "@lil_pigggggy: Obsessed with @ExOnTheBeach 😳" RT SAME! 😩 Can't wait for an all new episode tonight! #ExOnTheBeach
@thepoetsaint: Who’s ready for the new episode of @ExOnTheBeach tonight?
@Galen_G: @ExOnTheBeach let’s get it!!!!!!!!! It’s Thursday! I’m hyped for tonight!!! 🔥🔥🔥 #exonthebeach
@Satterwhite1121: "@ExOnTheBeach: .@PaulCalafiore_ & @lexi__marsella are summoned to the Shack Of Secrets 😱 But will this visit spark conflict in their relationship? Don't miss #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV! " RT The shack of secrets never lets anyone be great SMH🤬nothing good comes from it! #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach I can't wait to watch this episode though🙌🏽
@PaulCalafiore_: Well played Mother.... well played 😅
@imdroc15: Happy Birthday to my FAV!!! I hope all is well and I miss you 😍❤️!!
- @princeofnorway: @imdroc15 This is funny because all we can see on the TL is your face so I thought it was your birthday 😂
@cbmcnary: In other exciting news another fitness magazine cover! Here’s your digital version.  Have a read! #scottadalehealth
@creaturesferris: Damn lol I snapped @cbmcnary ass petty hard lol #Echo @ExOnTheBeach
@PaulCalafiore_: I need to know how I can audition for the hardest working team in showbiz... @BrunoMars , hook me up fam 🤙🏼
@lexi__marsella: head over to the @ExOnTheBeach instagram story to see my takeover and my ugly cry....#TEARTEAR
- @haleyreadxoxo: @lexi__marsella It's fine I ugly cried all of last weeks episode 😂🤧
@ExOnTheBeach: Head on over to our IG NOW (u: exonthebeach) and chat it up with @lexi__marsella before an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV! ✨
@ExOnTheBeach: "@CaraMariaHive: @thepoetsaint @ExOnTheBeach Ready for Alicia to have these girls shook" RT What are we thinking will happen tonight? Can we talk? #ExOnTheBeach
@uchaachi: so I just unearthed a whole bunch of EOTB drama via twitter and I feel like I just climbed into a black hole I can’t stop......
@kailah_casillas: I miss the old MySpace days.
@Javimarroquin9: been a hectic week! cant wait to see my friends this weekend!
@shannanity: The amount I stalk @MtvNateSiebs is disgusting
@joss_mooney: And who says money can’t buy love?! 👀  Come out on 6/7 to the El Rey Theatre and bid for a date with me to raise money for charity! 😃  @cbmcnary  & @joshmurray11 will be co-hosting & auctioning me to the highest bidder! 👀  @Babes_For_Boobs, @KomenLA, #BBAuction
@MTV_NellyT: Mom and I started off our day with some @blackswanyoga. I truly am thankful for such a great mom. I remember when she used to wake me up 6am to go running lol she’s always been my #motivation #singleparent #MorhersDayEveryday
@hbarfield13: I may not ever get my shit together, but ain’t nobody going to love you better
@MaybachDiamonds: Tonight is my show at the @TampaImprov! come out and see the most amazing show you'll ever see in your life! Free tickets with promo code "TNF"
@MaybachDiamonds: Ran into my wife @HaleyHinds at Publix! She’s absolutely amazing and a good friend of @TampaNewsForce. Will she make an appearance at the improv tonight? Come find out! ⚡️
@zoeinwonderland: I love to tag people’s rude comments on Instagram as bullying lmao bye u stupid fuck go rot in instagram jail!!!!
@zoeinwonderland: Me and @princeofnorway tried to go live together and all it was was reading lips and blonde buns
@princeofnorway: Okay.. people of reddit who hate me.... I love you 😘
- @imdroc15: @princeofnorway 😂😂😂 makes ppl have to click the pic lol
@Marie_TBD: Some people try so hard to be a "Personality" that they lose their own. Good luck and happy hunting. #idfwu
- @JustJem24: @Marie_TBD Girl text me so I can say a name. Your fans deserve to know who you’re dragging. I got u. Olivia Pope reporting for duty.
@TylerDuckMTV: @ChallengeMTV Dude. I’ve never been more proud of you!! Say hi to Ru for me!! Drag Race is my (shocker) favorite show on earth
@Bruce_Lee85: I love you Leroy... hugs self
- @iamkamiam_: @Bruce_Lee85 Umm
- @v_cakes: @Bruce_Lee85 I feel the same way about you
@NataliaNegrotti: You know you've made it in life when a troll attacks u first and ur witty responses get u blocked from viewing their tweets... I LOVE LIFEEEE it's been an honor and a privilege... TRULY.
@cambruckman: When you get to a certain maturity level, you don’t fear commitment. You fear wasting your time.

@ExOnTheBeach: The Shack Of Secrets is PETTY AF! Find out if @PaulCalafiore_ & @lexi__marsella's love will survive on an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV! 😳
@angelababicz: Just a friendly reminder that I’m going live tonight on Instagram after the episode to break down the episode, answer your questions, and spill scorching hot tea all over the place 🐸☕️ make sure you follow me now bc I won’t be able to accept requests when I’m live ✅✅✅
- @imdroc15:  @angelababicz All I ask is if you gone answer questions about me, at least go live with me so I can defend myself lol
- @angelababicz: @imdroc15 Don’t tempt me with a good time
@angelababicz: Sliding into a new episode of @ExOnTheBeach like
- @cbmcnary: @angelababicz Thanks for letting me borrow your swimsuit @angelababicz
@faithstowers: If you having a good day because a new #ExOnTheBeachUSA #exonthebeach episode comes on tonight and you out here living your best life I need to hear a Okuurrt!!!
@ExOnTheBeach: When two friends are after the same girl and they meet each other in her DM's 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
- @faithstowers: @ExOnTheBeach @camkobo face !!! You can tell he is about Ram Chris! 😂😂 @creaturesferris
- @creaturesferris: @ExOnTheBeach @camkobo hope life is great lol! All I know is you ran into me pretty exact thoughts “oh f*ck” @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@angelababicz: Happy #NationalSmileDay love Zuko
@faithstowers: Does my boy Marcus come to the Beach today?! @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@thepoetsaint: #exonthebeach fans. Breaking breaking news! On top of @shandathapanda and @lexi__marsella joining us as our guests on our @ExOnTheBeach aftershow on @afterbuzztv, we have Alicia joining us in the studio as well. This is going to be a 🔥 aftershow! Like don’t miss it! 8pm PST!
@ExOnTheBeach: Okay I may or may not be a lightweight! 😂 | You don't want to miss an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV! 🍸
@LouieRivera_: Dips & Kegs tonight @ 9! @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@RomeoMiller: @ExOnTheBeach the beach is lit tonight. 💥😈😱
@Kmorrisx: Wide awake and slightly feeling left out I can’t watch Jersey shore 🤦🏽‍♀️
@creaturesferris: Going back to your ex is like reheating soggy @McDonalds fries 🍟 and sprinkling more salt on them that expired 5 years ago #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Should I go live with @imdroc15 after the show tonight?
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz I’m tempting you!! Just let me know what time!
@BionicBrooks_: Looking for that not stopping until we’re thru type of love 👀😍
@BionicBrooks_: No matter the case, good or bad. Your current situation doesn’t define you. #NeverSettle
@SmileyyyRae: Waiting to see my boys @PaulCalafiore_ and @imdroc15 on ex on the beach like #hurryup
@princeofnorway: Going back to your ex is like reheating McDonald’s fries that weren’t even that good to begin with. @ExOnTheBeach
@PaulCalafiore_: @MTV @ChallengeTea411 and 3 others 💅🏼💅🏼

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Ahead, the Pulse of Week 7 of Ex on the Beach. Hang in there, it's coming soon...


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