*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
■ @DC408Dxtr @ TW / IG / YT
Hello, and welcome to the weekend and to this week's trip Inside MTV Reality. Ahead, the craziest episode of the entire spring Trifecta cycle, as well as the always-crucial last challenge before the final on The Challenge. But first: this Pulse Extra, where a member of the Ex On The Beach cast who's headed straight for The Challenge as soon as this season ends finds himself in the crossfire of all of THAT social media drama. Indulge yourself in all of the interaction in between last week's and this week's episodes below, all ahead of our regular Pulse posts beginning later tonight.
►UP TOP: Paulie in the Middle
@usweekly: Exclusive: #TheBachelor alum Danielle Maltby feels “shattered” by #BigBrother's Paulie Calafiore cheating rumors https://usm.ag/2Jhy1ao
- @shannanity: @usweekly Dear US Weekly - Please consider this a very strongly worded letter to not ignore the gay romances that @PaulCalafiore_ has entered and cheated on Danielle with as well. “We were just having fun and didn’t meant to hurt anyone.” - Shane Landrum on Paulie and his romance
- @JustJem24: @usweekly Lawd. He is all about the transition/overlap.... *no shade to the women involved*
- @v_cakes: @usweekly I have some trustworthy & faithful “colleagues”
@Stacistea: A transitional overlapper's (aka cheater) timeline. Cheats on BB Zakiyah w Lexi &countless others Cheats on Lexi w Cori…
- @lexi__marsella: @Stacistea Correction: Cheats on Lexi with Cori. Cheats on Lexi with Danielle. Cheats on Danielle with Cara Maria. I’ve never cheated with Paulie; I’ve only been cheated on. Unlike some, I was never aware of any dating overlaps. @usweekly @enews #ExOnTheBeach
- @EvelDick: @usweekly Oh shocking.... You date a piece of shit, you get treated like a piece of shit
@lexi__marsella: when someone can’t text you back but can post on instagram .... like HeLlO?!
@AndyHerren: "Narcissistic, misogynistic douchebag who has proven to be a narcissistic, misogynistic douchebag on numerous reality television shows continues to be a narcissistic, misogynistic douchebag."
- @CohenBrian_: @AndyHerren It’s still wild to me that the Bachelor, Big Brother and Challenge universes are so incestual
- @TheSteamer: @CohenBrian_ Been gradually getting worse in recent years as more people become starved for attention and the Internet feeds into it.
@MTV_AMANDAG: Literally LMAO at the article about that fake ass “relationship.” Hahahahaha DEF DIDNT HAPPEN LIKE THAT. It was more of a stalker/victim situation. @PaulCalafiore_ where is the article where you tell ppl how you ACTUALLY feel 🤣😭☕️
@MTV_AMANDAG: @KyleCGShore please go read that bunk ass article so you can die laughing as well Hahahahahaha.
@PaulCalafiore_: This PSA is inspired by the last freestyle battle in the movie 8 Mile. Everyone’s been talking for me and there’s certain things I can and can’t say, so here it is. Let me start on infidelity, I’m not married and I don’t have children. Do I one day hope to have them? Absolutely.
@PaulCalafiore_: For now I can’t be monogamous to one person, I’ve tried and it doesn’t work. I love women, I have a lot of female friends and sometimes I fall for multiple at a time for different reasons whether it’s the sex or the energy shared between the two of us. I try to be faithful but
@PaulCalafiore_: I can’t. Do I do it on purpose? No because I feel strongly for these people. I don’t mean to hurt these women because other than infidelity, I treat them like gold. Right or wrong this is who I am and I admit it. I do not care about being hated, I’m not here to please people or
@PaulCalafiore_: Be your golden boy. I try to work on myself every day. Now, let’s talk about me being considered a misogynist. I have no prejudice against women, I love women. However, if you’re going to come at me or try to trash me, I’m going to come back at you equally as harsh with my words
@PaulCalafiore_: As I would against a man because I believe in equal opportunity clap backs. I’m nobodies punching bag, period end of discussion. If you don’t like my responses then don’t follow me. I’m an intense and passionate person, that’s who I am and it’s not going to change. Hate me or
@PaulCalafiore_: Love me, I don’t really care. You’ll never get the details of my life because that’s for me and my circle, what the world sees is a fraction of who I am. If you want to understand me as a competitor, lover, and tortured soul, listen to all the Disturbed, Breakig Benjamin, and
@PaulCalafiore_: Bruno Mars albums. I’m not politically correct because I don’t believe in censoring my mouth. I’m cut throat. I’m a piece of shit. Go f*ck yourself 😉🖤
- @CaraMariaMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ Same.
@shannanity: hey @usweekly let me explain why @PaulCalafiore_ and @CaraMariaMTV are in a relationship in an easy diagram that anyone can understand real quick for ya
@shannanity: Everyone online is so touchie about @PaulCalafiore_ but I just want to touch him. Can’t we all just get along. There’s obviously enough of him to go around and then some 🤷🏻♂️
- @PaulCalafiore_: @shannanity So you’re the reason why I’m seeing more of myself lately?!?! I should of known! I told you the world wasn’t ready for our love story!! #PaneVsTheWorld
@CaraMariaMTV: @shannanity We are not in a relationship but yes. This should help people understand. 🤣
@princeofnorway: @mindyouraudreys @PaulCalafiore_ With the amount of abuse he’s getting I respect the honesty. A lot of others would crawl back into their shells or lie.
@alexkidwell: Paulie actually tweeted, “other than the infidelity, I treat my ladies like gold”. In other news, other than the torture, we treat prisoners at Guantanamo like gold. Lol #ExOnTheBeach
@WestonBergmann: @PaulCalafiore_ I know only one thing about this man, he definitely does NOT have a foot fetish.
@kailah_casillas: "@riversnakee: @kailah_casillas @t_raines33 And paulie was going to break up the moment he had any access to talk to her , the only thing i don’t understand is why CARA is getting attacked ! save your energy to the real cheaters failah " RT I’ve never attacked her. She said there was no cheating that happened. I said, bullshit. If what she’s saying is true, all dudes would just leave their phones at home and hookup with whoever & it would be ok bc they had no access 🤷🏻♀️😂Lets just be real here. That’s all.
@kailah_casillas: "@riversnakee: @kailah_casillas I didn’t see this energy when tony johnny and A LOT of other cast members cheated, but it’s ok sis WE understand that attacking cara and having a rivalry with her is the only way you’re getting those coins and calls , cara is…" RT Not at all.... far from it. Cara wasn’t on Champs Vs Stars this season, I was. I don’t need her for casting calls 😂 I’m just calling a spade a spade!
@NurysKMateo: I’ve never understood people who are nice with people they don’t like. If I don’t like you, I can’t laugh with you, fake smile in your face, or even want to be around you. Some call it being “mature” I call it being F A K E A F .
@PaulCalafiore_: I don’t mind being hated. It’s the best way to see how other people project their own problems, insecurities, and imperfections on me. I’m here to make the world a better place so if I can help you feel better about yourself, use me, abuse me, hate me. I got you ☺️
@DerrickMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to the @ChallengeMTV Universe. Is that YOUR make-up preference or did @CaraMariaMTV set you up with that?
- @PaulCalafiore_: @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV @CaraMariaMTV Excellent gif usage sir. Well played ❤️
- @DerrickMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ @ChallengeMTV @CaraMariaMTV Hahahahaha!! I like that make up too!
@NataliaNegrotti: @PaulCalafiore_ It's ok you can wear your shorts!!!
@PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti The last time I let my love flag fly in public I was arrested for indecent exposure BUT THIS MONTH I WILL NOT BE DENIED!!!!
@EvelDick: Some of us enjoy watching the complete and total mental breakdown of a douche... (It can be very entertaining)
@kailah_casillas: On that note, I have things to do. I love you all who follow me. Please... pleaseee don’t harass my cast mates... don’t harass each other. It’s too much hate. I’m tired of it. Everyone speaks out against bullying but is so quick to bully others via social media.
- @SylviaMTV: @kailah_casillas YASSS QUEEN!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 👑
- @kailah_casillas: @SylviaMTV speakin the truth Syl! you know it lol
- @SylviaMTV: @kailah_casillas Oh girl, I know. I’m so happy someone is finally saying what we’re all thinking.
- @kailah_casillas: @SylviaMTV 🙌🏼♥️
@CaraMariaMTV: All this negativity 🧐 I’m going to do an Instagram story about my favorite challenge ladies so stay tuned ✌️ @NataliaNegrotti @DJMelReeves @iamkamiam_ @tori_deal @EmFitMTV @Kmorrisx @iamheathercooke @AshleyMarieMTV @JustJem24 @JennaCompono @BritniNicol
- @DJMelReeves: @CaraMariaMTV I love u 💞
- @BritniNicol: @DJMelReeves I want both of you😈 oh shit wait.. no I meant to say I love both of you.. yea that’s what I meant😂😜
- @DayDaVonne_: @CaraMariaMTV Looking for me and @Marie_TBD 🧐 ... 😂
@CaraMariaMTV: Character limit. But of course im gonna include my girl @NicolexoRamos 😘🍩 🦄
@Kmorrisx: It’s always the loud opinionated foul mouthed one that gets the grief. When really the motivational assholes that preach how people should live each day are the snakes in the grass.
@n_zanattaMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ Paulie I feel sorry for your fans judging you before they even get to know you. Love you bro see you soon for a lift session 😝
- @PaulCalafiore_: @n_zanattaMTV What do you mean?! You mean just cause someone watched me on tv or live feeds they don’t know me?! Nooooo, they totally know me better than you... a person who hangs with me regularly 😂🤣😂🤣
- @n_zanattaMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ Hahahah I love you bro ahhhhh goood afternoon btw :D can you come back?!? The only Scorpio you should be hanging out with is me!!
@DerrickL: I’d pay to see a Big Brother Boxing night. Just saying... 🤷🏻♂️
- @kailah_casillas: @DerrickL LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN. @PaulCalafiore_ vs @deadskulltweets 😱
@iamtheophi: I want to get in reality television love drama too 😂😂 lmao
- @angelababicz: @iamtheophi Here take my drama you can have it 🤲🏻
@PaulCalafiore_: @angelababicz Gurllllllll I feel you..... I’m the most misogynist sexist mother fucker you’ll ever meet, I’m so sorry I verbally abused you for being a woman on ex on the beach 🤣😂
- @angelababicz: @PaulCalafiore_ I’m sorry that people are so jealous of us... but we can’t help it that we’re so popular
@CaraMariaMTV: “Everyone” is apparently what you call a bitter group of 3 or 4 individuals these days. 🤔 ☕️ kids if people use the “everyone hates you. No one likes you. You are a loser” line at you... dont take it personal. just consider the source. Someone needs a hug!
@ChallengeMTV: Need weekend plans? Catch up on the latest episode of The Challenge before watching the final two episodes of the season! 👀 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Me after catching up on today’s mentions... #TheChallenge32
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV The cast has gone nuts. Seriously bonkers. But the tea is especially strong today☕️🐸 and so juicy.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Twitter drama is too complicated this wine drunk
@Marie_TBD: You will be too much for some people. Those aren’t your people.
- @princeofnorway: @Marie_TBD Me to the producers telling me to chill in the AYTO house:
@JazMTV: @Marie_TBD I came to look at the comments 👀👀
- @Marie_TBD: @JazMTV Guys the worst Jaz lol
@PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti @ChallengeMTV @MTV Latin Queen 😍
- @NataliaNegrotti: @PaulCalafiore_ @ChallengeMTV @MTV Italian KING 😍
@BritniNicol: Can someone post the gif of my happy twerk? (After my first individual challenge win?😍☺️) Bc that’s my dance RN 😂
@Marie_TBD: Since #DadBod is a thing; how about we make #Mombod a thing. No? Not a chance in hell? Ok.🖕🏼
@Marie_TBD: Entertain a clown and you become part of the circus. #FridayFeeIing
@Marie_TBD: Can’t. Stop. Being. Extra.
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Here we have the elusive wild Chuck in his natural habitat. 🦈🦑🐋🔱 #divelife #itsamowerything #freedive #freediving #freedivingphotography #freedivingvideo #underwaterphotography #underwater #underwaterphoto #luminixgh5 #humpheadwrasse
- @playswellwithme: @MTV_ChuckalodonTHESE are the kinds of pictures challengers should post! The REAL LIFE shit they do on the day to day. Not some posed, 1/374 takes, selfie of them in a planned outfit all done up. These are real people just on a reality television show that doesnt HAVE to be trash! @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Jailah are ultimate friendship goals 👯 #NationalBestFriendsDay
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV yes! package deal #jailah @JennaCompono happy national bestie day! 👭
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas Awww happy national bestie day to you too! 💕
@kailah_casillas: I really like classic comebacks bc I feel like they hurt more. Like “YOU SUCK.” Always hurts. Gimme some more classic comebacks please. Be creative!
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @kailah_casillas Who are you calling a cootie queen, you lint licker
@ChallengeMTV: Usually being on a team with CT can only be a good thing, except in this case 😂 #ChampsVsStars is all new, Tuesday at 10/9c! http://on.mtv.com/2sSmibg
@shannanity: Y’all I just heard some last minute Champs Vs Stars tea.... looking like there’s going to be.... Can you guess it? #TheChallenge
@BritniNicol: "@yannielou: @BritniNicol LOVE you even more for not getting involved!!!!" RT For once this year I’m NOT apart of any of the drama. I REPEAT- There is NO drama involving me! ***HAPPY DANCE💃🏻
@ChallengeMTV: Who has the endurance to reach the #ChampsVsStars Finals!? Tune in this Tuesday at 10/9c to find out! Only two episodes remain... 🏃💨
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Oh no!!! #TeamDrake is struggling....
@billboard: MTV's "Real World" is making a comeback http://blbrd.cm/dbSUH8
- @MTVjennifer: @billboard 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
- @DerrickMTV: Whaaaaa..
- @v_cakes: Does this mean bye bye #BigBrother, #UK, etc @ChallengeMTV ?!?
- @kailah_casillas: @v_cakes I mean 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀🙌🏼
@ChallengeMTV: Tune into a brand new #ChampsVsStars THIS TUESDAY at 10/9c on @MTV to watch the world premiere of the trailer for The Challenge: Final Reckoning! 👀 http://on.mtv.com/2JtRjts
@MTVBananas: More than friends... Less than lovers 👬 #NationalBestFriendDay #NoMakeup #FitChicks @Bruce_Lee85
- @Bruce_Lee85: @MTVBananas NYC’s Finest 😎 #Bro4Life
@DayDaVonne_: Reunited with my sunshine !!! @jossie_flores ♥️
@jossie_flores: It’s about to go down @RuPaulsDragRace @WorldOfWonder @VH1 with my ride or die @DayDaVonne_
@BritniNicol: Everyone CHILL!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s take a moment of silence and just be grateful we’re even blessed to see another day🤗☺️
@EvelDick: If I was one of #MTVChallenge regulars, I would get all the others and get rid of the BB people FIRST! Those people have a good gig, they bring them back all the time, some make a living doing it. I wouldn't want any BB people taking a future paycheck of mine...…
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @EvelDick The realest shit I've ever heard
@BritniNicol: Got @BradFiorenza watching #TheConjuring and he can’t stop jumping lmfao 😂😂😂💀💀💀 This is fucking great.
- @DerrickMTV: @BritniNicol Wait til something starts walking around the house in the middle of the night when you’re sleeping tonight...
@hbarfield13: Congrats to the NBA Allstar team defeating the Cavs in a best of 7 exhibition series.... #NBAFinals18
- @DerrickMTV: @hbarfield13 You mean that 5 on 1 series sweep..?
@BionicBrooks_: Stick a fork 🍴 in them they done! #nbafinals
@BionicBrooks_: This summer I played pick up with Nick Young and guarded him. He didn’t miss one shot. Now he’s on the biggest stage of his career and I don’t think I’ve seen him make one shot...
@jasminegoode_: Let’s go!!! @warriors @GSWDanceTeam
@jasminegoode_: Everybody say W A R R I O R S!!!! 💙💛🎉 Incredible @warriors @GSWDanceTeam
@princeofnorway: Well this game is over 😐
@princeofnorway: Only person I’m happy for is Nick Young
@Bruce_Lee85: Is this the last time we’ll Witness @KingJames in a cavs uniform ?
@MTVDevinWalker: The cavs are trash. Maybe if lebron took a pay cut they could have had someone better then Rodney hood 😂he's 3-6 in finals. Boston doesn't doesn't want u " @KingJames " go ruin a different team pls
@MaybachDiamonds: the only positive here is nick young and javale McGee (2 long-time wizards) now have a championship ring. I met Javale at a club in LA I said "I met a stripper in Tampa who said she had sex with you." he goes, "yea probably" congrats boys
@imdroc15: When turning up I believe in “No Shot Left Behind”
@BritniNicol: "@realityreeves: I think I’m loving all this twitter drama since the reunion hasn’t even been filmed. Hope we get some fights 🤧" RT Shits gunna be... juicy😈😈😈
@ExOnTheBeach: Can @jasminegoode_ be more than "just friends" with @marcodelvec? https://on.mtv.com/2JkgOkR #ExOnTheBeach
@shandathapanda: fun fact: my eyes were constantly puffy in hawaii because i woke up w an allergic reaction to something every morning...that's why i look like a cried for hours in every scene lmao #exonthebeach
@lexi__marsella: grab your biscuits, it’s tea time🍵
@lexi__marsella: I was wondering where @angelababicz came up with such a crazy accusation but looks like she was actually the one calling people dirty behind their back! it’s all making sense now folks..
@angelababicz: When @imdroc15 FaceTimes just to tell me anyone I date has to go through him first #ExGoals
- @Rogan_OConnor: @angelababicz Go THROUGH him first?! Jesus 😳 I mean I’m not gay, but I’ll do it if I have to 🤣
@lexi__marsella: @angelababicz did anyone else see the episode last night where bad girl herself made fun of another cast member and said they were dirty? just want to confirm she is in fact said it and I was no where to be found keep it up sweetie; you’re doing great! #barkbark
@lexi__marsella: "@stalkstephanie: @jackodanovich @kailah_casillas @lexi__marsella He didn't cheat on Lexi. He has been with Danielle Maltby from the Bachelor since January...THAT'S who he cheated on (this time)" RT oh sweetie, Paulie cheated on me with Danielle! and multiple others.
- @BritniNicol: @Kmorrisx So fucking nasty!
- @Kmorrisx: @BritniNicol Babe I can’t even deal with how experienced the spit was. She’s deffo done it before which makes it worse 😩🤦🏽♀️
- @BritniNicol: @Kmorrisx What’s the girls name from Flavor of love??? The blonde chick? Lmao She’s the new generation of that chick 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
@princeofnorway: The first three days into eating better and not drinking/using melatonin to sleep I had vivid and terrifying nightmares. Last night I’m pretty sure I had three straight dreams about bacon 🥓
@MTVjennifer: i’m in awe of how horrible girls are to eachother these days.
@DJMelReeves: Happiness isn’t about getting what you want all the time. It’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it.
@MTVCoryWharton: Next week of @ExOnTheBeach will go down in reality tv history !!🍿🤯 P.s No I don’t think it’s ok to spit on someone! So y’all can cut that out right now. Just Tune in to see the whole thing play out next week Thursday at 9pm ET👹📺 #ExonTheBeach
@imdroc15: "@j_colbertt: @imdroc15 #TrueFriend !" RT Thanks. Definitely gotta feel for Alicia, its a tough spot for anyone to be in 💯. She’s handling it the best way possible.
@ExOnTheBeach: .@jasminegoode_ had all the power last night, while drama between @MTVCoryWharton and Alicia is slowly reaching it's breaking point. Watch the latest #ExOnTheBeach now 🔥 https://on.mtv.com/2M4k0il
@actualgreatest: Cory deadass said "I know y'all used to watch that New York show where she spit on that Pumpkin chick....that was epic I'm glad somebody brought it back" Yo wtf.
- @BritniNicol: @actualgreatest @MTVCoryWharton no boo boo Pumpkin spat on NY!!! That’s that basic white girl shit, idk🤷🏼♀️ I throw hands before spit. My momma would have whooped my ass if I ever spit on someone 💀💀
- @MTVCoryWharton: @BritniNicol You know what I meant , people act like I’m the one that spit ppl know how I get down.
- @BritniNicol: @MTVCoryWharton You would never, people can say what they want! But you’ll always be one of my favorite humans. Mainly Bc you DO have one of the best hearts🖤 Love you bro!! Ain’t nothin you can’t handle ;)
@ExOnTheBeach: Hope the cast was hungry! 😋 @jasminegoode_ just brought a snack! 🍫 #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: Could you imagine what would’ve happened if either one of us spat at each other?! @00Hitsdiidii it would’ve been WW4 in the ayto house for sure 😤💣
- @00Hitsdiidii: @NurysKMateo Clinton nor Jada would have been able to hold us back 🙅🏼🙅🏼🙅🏼🙅🏼
@tori_deal: Reality shows are just glorified high school drama..... except for Jersey Shore.. jersey shore is good lol
@ExOnTheBeach: Happy #NationalBestFriendsDay! 😌
@angelababicz: Oh pipe down before I hire you as my personal makeup artist and make you my bitch lmaooooo
@blacuesta: Im a broken person and I’m not looking for someone to pick up the pieces just looking for someone who will cheer me on and support that I’m doing my best to put myself back together.
@blacuesta: People always want to try and fix u which i know comes from a good place but you have to let me fix me by myself. All I need u to do is understand that there will be good days and bad days and you just being there makes my bad days a little less bad and my good days great.
@shandathapanda: anthony bourdain was a legend and a man that inspired me to pursue my career as a host...RIP
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Please stop killing yourselves. I understand no one can know what you’re going through but you can never know how much you mean to someone else. Pieces of people die too. Seek help. Talk it out. Be strong.
@erikalaurenluvs: Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain - two successful people with one common thread - depression. It can hit anyone. If y’all are sick of talking about guns, let’s actually do something about mental health in this country.
@blairherter: May we all widen our eyes and hearts a little more to cultures we don’t understand. Let’s keep opening that window to the world that he cracked for so many of us. #RIPAnthony
@mtvrrdarrell: Travel, explore & eat! I thought homie had one of the best jobs out there.🙏🏾
@v_cakes: Noooooooo... #Bourdain 😤 I hope everyone realizes that suicide is never the answer! There’s no shame in being depressed, please reach out - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255/text HOME to the Crisis Text Line: 741741
#SuicidePrevention #MentalHealthMatters
@JamieChinaMTV: Another incredible human taken by suicide... @Bourdain you will forever fuel my hunger to travel and explore! You were such a huge inspiration for me and so many others in this world. Thoughts go out to his family and loved ones. What a horrible loss. 😪
@JamieChinaMTV: Mental illness is not a joke. Even the ones that appear the strongest suffer. If you or someone you know is suffering please talk or text someone. 1-800-273-8255 or Text HOME 741741
@thegreysauce: It's all so meaningful. It's all so meaningless. For the sensitive souls among us, we feel it harder and there is much to contend with these days. If you're struggling, there are people who can help. #RIPAnthony National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255
@jamiechung1: You matter. You are enough. You are loved. #RIPAnthonyBourdain
@_ayiiia: suicide after suicide after suicide. my heart is heavy for my brother and sisters. my doctor's are everything these days. #gethelp ✨
@AneesaMTV: Mental health issues are real. It’s so sad to keep losing wonderful and inspirational people. Despite how bright it looks on the outside, people are suffering in silence. #DestigmatizeMentalillness
@tombuelljr: "You're body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride." - Anthony Bourdain
@ChallengeMTV: Tune into a brand new #ChampsVsStars THIS TUESDAY at 10/9c to see Wes under pressure, AND the world premiere of the trailer for The Challenge: Final Reckoning 🔥
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Tuesday about to be litttyyyy
@ChallengeMTV: Shane definitely can be PROUD of how well he did for his charity @TrueColorsFund! 🙌 #ChampsVsStars #PrideMonth
- @shannanity: @ChallengeMTV @TrueColorsFund It was my pleasure to raise money for @TrueColorsFund on Champs vs Stars!!!
@shannanity: This is a warning 🚨🚨🚨 I quit my anti depressants 😬 ... JK JK I did a week ago which is why the twitter roasting has kicked up a notch... Your Welcome - I sacrifice for the feed
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Hungover + boredom = too much tweeting
@ChallengeMTV: Is Casper a vigilante, or one of the bad guys? Watch a new episode of #ChampsVsStars THIS TUESDAY at 10/9c to see if he can reach The Finals, AND to see the trailer for The Challenge: Final Reckoning! 👀 http://on.mtv.com/2JwCl9c
@ChallengeMTV: Me trying to figure out what's going on in the teaser for The Challenge: Final Reckoning 🤔 Tune into @MTV THIS TUESDAY at 10/9c to watch the world premiere of the trailer for #TheChallenge32 during a new episode of #ChampsVsStars! 👀
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Looks like @JennaCompono might be getting Brain Freeze...probably from a who can drink a slurpee the fastest Challenge...probably...
- @JennaCompono: @DerrickMTV I do love slurpees 😬
@jossie_flores: We came we saw and we sashayed away 😎🔥 @RuPaulsDragRace @WorldOfWonder @VH1 @DayDaVonne_
@NataliaNegrotti: Happy Pride Month!!! 🌈💕🤗 Time to celebrate and let your love flags fly
@Marie_TBD: It’s way too early to be dealing with idiots.
@Marie_TBD: My answer to all stupid questions from now on will be “Google it.”
@JennaCompono: So me and my sister are on the beach... and we’re like I wish they made portable fridges so our drinks stay cold and we were thinking of all the ways it could work without plugging it in.. then we realized that would be a cooler 🤦🏼♀️
@kailah_casillas: @JennaCompono Sometimes you scare me... 🤦🏻♀️😂
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas Lmao we sat there thinking we were geniuses for a good 5 minutes 🤦🏼♀️
@TheAllanAguirre: I like Cara, Kailah, and Amanda. And you know damn well I am going to make fun of them all bc they wild.
@MTV_AMANDAG: I just got my wisdom teeth out so if you didn’t think I was wise before you’re in for a fuck of an awakening now 😈 Hahahaha
@kailah_casillas: “Um what would I be without Cara Maria?? She notices me! She liked my tweet once in Jan 2014 and then again in March of 2016. I highlighted in my bio. We’re basically best friends, don’t come at her or I WILL!” 😂😂😂 I’m embarrassed for these people.
@MTVCoryWharton: I hate when ppl have Snapchat filter pictures on there Instagram page.
@angelababicz: What are we angry about today Twitter?
@Juno_Robinson: This was probably the most fun Iv ever had on #ExontheBeach Bussing your ass has NEVER been so much fun 💦💦🔥🔥😂. Another one! #mtv
@camkobo: In a hostel sharing a room with someone from Finland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, and US (me) and we all just sang parts of our national anthem. We all laughed at everyone’s. I don’t think I’ll experience that again. Tweeting it so I don’t ever forget it happened.
@mrdavis25: @princeofnorway if I’m not mistaken don’t you have to leave the country to be called an International DJ? 👀 @creaturesferris he went to one party in Mexico controlled the aux cord now he’s @DJPaulyD 😂😂😂😂
@cbmcnary: Just got home to Scottsdale. Legit me right now. 107 degrees at 9:30pm
@joss_mooney: “I’ll be 10mins bro...” 30 mins later...still no @MTV_NellyT 👀🤦🏽♂️😂
- @kailah_casillas: @joss_mooney His putting his outfit together Joss! Master pieces take timeeeee lol 💕
- @Rogan_OConnor: @joss_mooney I’ve had 5 missed calls... what’s he doing? 🤣
@MTV_NellyT: West coast stand up !!!! @joss_mooney @imdroc15 @coreybrooks34 #mtv #Family
@shandathapanda: tried sexting a guy yesterday and got no response lol if that's not my life in a nutshell, idk what is
@Cas_martinezz: I CAN’T WAIT!!!!💍🌹@TheProposalTV @ABCNetwork Starting June 18th!!
@audreydiazz: Once your ex sees you doing good that’s when they wanna try and come back in your life🤦🏼♀️
@GusSmyrnios: NYC until next time! Homesick for a while,ready to get back to Tally. At least for a few days then out to LA next week!Gypsy life takes a toll on ya but wouldn't trade it for the world! Never thought Id get to travel or get out of the small town but Ive been extremely blessed🙌🏼
@ChallengeMTV: Who's going to The Finals and who's going home? Watch a new #ChampsVsStars THIS TUESDAY at 10/9c to find out AND to see the world premiere of the trailer for The Challenge: Final Reckoning! 👀 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Brooke swam like a dolphin on this season of The Challenge, and represented her charity to the best of her abilities 🐬 @peta #ChampsVsStars http://on.mtv.com/2sSmibg
@t_raines33: “You know I’m not good at that...I just wouldn’t tweet anything” This is Alyssa’s response to me asking her to help come up with a clever tweet 🤣🤣🤣
@ChallengeMTV: Me when I still have to wait two whole days to watch the trailer for The Challenge: Final Reckoning 😩 Don't miss it during a brand new #ChampsVsStars, THIS TUESDAY at 10/9c on @MTV 👀 #TheChallenge32
@kailah_casillas: Why is it that life is all about living but my body just wants to sleep all the damn time?
@KyleCGShore: Stayed in last night for the time in the history of Saturdays and I honestly feel like it’s going to take all my power and might not to sit in a pub all day today and get drunk! 🙏🏼
@hbarfield13: Went out and had two drinks last night and went home. It’s official I’m now an Adult 😂
- @joss_mooney: @hbarfield13 Orrrr just a lightweight? 🤷🏽♂️😂
@JamieChinaMTV: Look who decided to crash the party y’all 👀 @tombuelljr
@DerrickMTV: "@mikethewhop: @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV the ultimate get would be jon murray of @BunimMurray . The stories he could tell and inside info he would have. #ChallengeMania" RT Would be like getting Stan Lee to tell us how he created Marvel Superheroes...👌
@NataliaNegrotti: New unseen photos just leaked of a Queen and King who are ready for battle on the next Challenge @PaulCalafiore_
@DayDaVonne_: I told y’all I wasn’t doing TAR ... see , I didn’t lie this time
@DayDaVonne_: Anyway , I just came to say good morning and have an amazing day 💋
@DayDaVonne_: IVE FINALLY CREATED A FACEBOOK PAGE ❤️ If you are following ANY other Facebook page it’s NOT me and please report it! PLEASE GO LIKE my page and leave me some COMMENTS... let’s interact more with each other!! AAAAND on here i can REALLY respond to your comments directly ! ♥️
@BritniNicol: I’ve discovered I LOVE festivals, mainly because I have an excuse to play dress up😍🦄 #springawakening #unicorn #festivalvibes #somuchfun
@kailah_casillas: I have an event coming up and I really loved my hair for the Vendettas Reunion but I don’t wanna do the same thing. Have you all seen any cute hairstyles lately?!! Send me pics 😋
@MTVBananas: Chip off the old block 🧑👴 #PapaBananas #NoMakeup #Family #likefatherlikeson
@iamkamiam_: #PrideParade
- @SylviaMTV: @iamkamiam_ Queen shit! Why you soooo pretty tho?!?!
@SHOTOFYAGER: And the 🏆Tony Award goes to...TONY⏱ (@t_raines33) #Tonys #TonyAwards #Tonys2018 #ChallengeMania (and the award for 🌽corniest tweet of all time goes to...THIS GUY😏)
@JennaCompono: ⭐️Perfectly imperfect ⭐️
- @kailah_casillas: @JennaCompono Official #TeamJailah shoes 🙌🏼💕
@JustJem24: Chase forever with me. Love will always find its way back to us..
@CaraMariaTea2: So I just found out that Emily took a jab at Jordan during the challenge throwdown event for selling jackets priced around 35,000 dollars..... You’re doing amazing Emily! 👏👏 He’s tryna be the Walmart version of Kayne West.
- @JustJem24: @CaraMariaTea2 The fuck....Does Michael B Jordan come with the jacket?
@ExOnTheBeach: When you're waiting for the waiter to bring the bill over. 👀 #SundayFunday
@shandathapanda: how tf is my crush gonna dm me but not reply to my text????? im OVER IT. Side notE, had oysters for the first time tonight 8/10 bye
@ExOnTheBeach: .@victoria_alario didn't flinch when @LouieRivera_ got sent home! Petty Betty! 😂 You don't want to miss an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on MTV 👏
- @victoria_alario: @ExOnTheBeach #TheGenerousQueen
@cbmcnary: This is me asking you on a lunge date.
@ExOnTheBeach: 😩 | #ExOnTheBeach is all new Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV! ✨
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach 😂😂😂 Ima be a great dad one day lol
@imdroc15: Big shoutout and thanks to everyone that’s been purchasing my #TeamChocolate merchandise! The amount of orders and love has been unreal. I love y’all!! #Blessed #TeamChocolate #TeamChocolit
@angelababicz: I don’t care if the whole world is against you, if I fuck with you I fuck with you.
@princeofnorway: Does anyone else think it’s weird that Spongebob was written by a bunch of 40-60 year old men?
@giannahammer: Totally in my feels tonight watching my little man bounce around in my tummy. This has been such a roller coaster for me, this whole experience, every decision, all of it. I try to be as truthful as I can but there’s definitely been a lot of ugly days. Like a lot a lot.
@giannahammer: I know in a few hours I’m gonna be irritated af when I can’t sleep bc he’s bouncing around but whatever 3 more months lmao and I get to have the first person in my life to share my blood and have that special bond with and I’m so fucking excited for that💜💜
@giannahammer: Every day is still a battle for me but it gets easier and easier. I didn’t even want to have a baby shower a few months ago but now I’m sitting here excited af picking out themes and cute decorations.. ugh. My world turned upside down with this but honestly probs for the better
@blacuesta: I was just changing my phone case and a note fell out from the inside of my case and it’s an “I love you” note from my ex that I forgot i stuffed in there so that i always would have a little piece of him w me and
@pimpfriedrice_: Literally my favorite picture! And July 9th... y’all get to see all the drama in this crazy house! @mtv @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@ChallengeMTV: Louise has become the teacher, but has she crossed over to the dark side? 🤔 Don't miss an all new #ChampsVsStars TOMORROW at 10/9c! 💪
@MTV_AMANDAG: I can’t believe this IHOb thing is really a thing.....
@MTV_AMANDAG: UPDATE: @shannanity is banned from twitter for a week for saying he hoped IHOb died for changing their name.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_AMANDAG Omggggg of all reasons to be banned 😂
- @JustJem24: @MTV_AMANDAG Cc: @v_cakes 😭
@Marie_TBD: PSA: @shannanity has been banned from tweeting for a week due to threatening IHOB’s life.
@ChallengeMTV: Me on Monday vs. me remembering the trailer for #TheChallenge32 drops tomorrow during a new #ChampsVsStars 🙌
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Some people at pitiful. Usually those people's only friends are animals and they say because humans suck...maybe it's you, maybe you suck, not the rest of the world Just saying
@ToriFiorenza: Just heard about #TheChallenge32 trailer tomorrow, and sitting over here like....
@WestonBergmann: People of the Internet, you deserve this
@jossie_flores: Stay tuned !!!! It’s the big brother take over on the @ChallengeMTV @PaulCalafiore_ @DayDaVonne_ @NataliaNegrotti you haven’t seen nothing yet !!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
@PaulCalafiore_: @Kmorrisx 💅🏼❤️
- @Kmorrisx: @PaulCalafiore_ U know paulieeeeee
@JustJem24: If speaking kindly to plants helps them grow.. imagine what speaking kindly to humans can do 💜
@CaraMariaMTV: @Marie_TBD @NataliaNegrotti and 10 others Is. That. A. Double nose ring? 🧐
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV @NataliaNegrotti and 10 others #TRENDSETTER
@DJMelReeves: Smile, it’s the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart ❣
@Kmorrisx: Having a big heart will always be the worst part and best part about me
@jossie_flores: Me and @iamkamiam_ backstage with Bobby brown 😎😎😎
@jossie_flores: Had a great time with my girl @iamkamiam_ #gaypride
@DayDaVonne_: Shady Day is still around ... I’m just trying to keep her tucked away until July 10th ☕️🍷
@DayDaVonne_: Never feel like you need to dim your happiness in order to make others feel comfortable.... baby if you’re happy YOU BETTA SMILE AND EMBRACE ALL OF THOSE GOOD VIBES WITHIN YOU. New mentality: spread happiness with me or get from around me. 🤷🏾♀️🙋🏾♀️
@joss_mooney: Running Runyon Canyon in this heat is no joke...😅
@DJMelReeves: Sleeping on the top floor of an apartment building isn't ideal when you need to have every window and door open to let some cool air in but suffer from hayfever badly. So I can either sit here boiling to death or sit here struggling to breath
@n_zanattaMTV: @Kmorrisx Babygirl never change you’re absolutely perfect the way you are! Nothing is bad about having a big heart, some people just don’t deserve any piece of it. Head up gorgeous 😘
- @Kmorrisx: @n_zanattaMTV Thanks bub. I’ll come visit u soon promise ♥️
@JennaCompono: New record!! Drank pre workout in 19 min rather than 30 😂 @ZNichols15
- @ZNichols15: @JennaCompono So proud.
@MTVBananas: Clash of the Tight Ends 🍌🏈 @tkelce #FitChicks #Chiefs #Football #KansasCityChiefs @Chiefs @1stlooktv #KansasCity
@hbarfield13: It’s taking everything inside of me to be the better person when I read your tweets.... prayers people I need prayers before I snap 🙌
@ExOnTheBeach: You weren't lying about @shandathapanda @faithstowers 😂 | Catch an ALL NEW episode of #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV! 🙌
- @faithstowers: @ExOnTheBeach 🤣🤣🤣 I love you all so much !
@MTVCoryWharton: Question ? Is it weird that I shower with Ryder in a swimsuit???? Like idk 😂I just feel like it would be weird if she looked up and saw straight 🍆 in her face !!!! Yes I know she doesn’t know what that is but STILLLL it just doesn’t feel right!
@ChelskoOfficial: If I could go back to the day I met you I’d stay in bed. Anybody know the feeling?
@lexoquence: HAHAHAHA that creature dude is weird as fuck who let him on TV tho
@cbmcnary: Not to brag or anything but I just carried 105 bottles of water up 3 flights of stairs in 106 degree heat in one trip. There was no one there to watch witness so I’m tweeting about it.
@cbmcnary: I hope this @IHOP rename goes better than Snoop Lion
@BionicBrooks_: Some of y’all should take the day off.
@NurysKMateo: So I heard #AYTO 6 is showing in South Africa right now! Apparently the #nipplegate episode aired recently and most of you were on my side and love me! so hiii my South African babies, Nurys loves you guys too 👋🏽🤗😍❤️
@tylersemicolon: I’m 25% white. So that means there’s a 25% chance I’m gunna ask for the manager when I go to JC Penny
@blacuesta: ARIANA AND PETE ARE ENGAGED???????
@blacuesta: Can someone check on Mac miller and make sure the homie is ok? Bc that man has got to be hurting
@blacuesta: Listen 2 me. I don’t want none of my friends calling me crazy when I say I wanna marry someone after just meeting them Bc if Ariana can do it then so can I BITCH
@JustJem24: When the only two shows you watch come on at the same time you don’t compromise you innovate
@JustJem24: Why is Briana’s mom so hype over $250 of child support that has nothing to do with her? Something ain’t adding up....
@JustJem24: I have never related to Jenelle more then her not knowing if she should say yes or no to “crap” being a bad word #teenmom2
@JustJem24: That 10k Brianna spent on a dog would pay for a lot of daycare but that ain’t my business🤷🏻♀️. #teenmom2
@JustJem24: Even Nova is coming for Brianna this season 😭
@JustJem24: David taking down the car cameras bc he’s mad at the kid is one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve watched in awhile.. #teenmom2
@JustJem24: My nightmare: Jenelle’s life. #teenmom2
@JustJem24: Nova has resentment like she knows Brianna abandoned her a few years ago...
@AshleyMarieMTV: @JustJem24 dead! I remember this conversation. Hahaha
- @JustJem24: @AshleyMarieMTV & then I forgot to tell you Javi dated Madison but then I told you.. in front of Javi & Tony.. and made it hella awkward for them.... yet Alyssa thought it was the funniest shit ever 😭😭
@JustJem24: I can’t decide what’s worse...Becca’s pool of men or the stupid dates production plans for her.... #TheBachelorette
@JustJem24: If you’re a pro football player and get hurt playing a pick up game on #thebachelorette then the universe is trying to tell you something....
@Marie_TBD: Why are all the fun contestants never the actual bachelor/bachelorette #TheBachelerotte @BachelorABC @BacheloretteABC? ... wait ... epiphany.
@JustJem24: We all eventually do wrong by those we love, but it’s what we do next that matters the most
@Kmorrisx: The “reality” industry hands down has to be the most fakest industry I’ve ever experienced. People’s intentions and effort with u depend on their opportunity of what they receive out of it. There’s maybe a handful that remain real!
@faithstowers: Talking about how fake the reality show industry is when you out here contributing to its “fakeness” 😂 cmon sis !
@angelababicz: The truth always comes out so stay tuned 🙂 For now I’m just gonna sit back and let everyone look dummy
- @Kmorrisx: @angelababicz Angela u live life arguing on Twitter to score ur next show. Please have a day off hun.
- @Kmorrisx: @angelababicz Saying there’s reality girls and real girls. If u take offence to that ur actually pathetic. I don’t care which 1 u are nor do I care enough to pre ur social to see what u say. If I wanted to slate u I’d @ you hun. But I don’t care enough to focus my life on u
- @angelababicz: @Kmorrisx ...what 😂😂 didn’t understand a word you said but ok keep crying with my ex who called you the ugliest girl on the Vendettas season when we would watch together . I’m good luv, enjoy 😇
- @Kmorrisx: @angelababicz Angela! Give it a rest.
- @Kmorrisx: @angelababicz Saying there’s reality girls and real girls. If u take offence to that ur actually pathetic. I don’t care which 1 u are nor do I care enough to pre ur social to see what u say. If I wanted to slate u I’d @ you hun. But I don’t care enough to focus my life on u
- @kailah_casillas: @Kmorrisx I read all of your tweets in your voice/ accent in my head. Literally lol 🙌🏼
- @Kmorrisx: @kailah_casillas I actually don’t feel like I have that much of an accent. But I keep getting told this I’m hearing it in your voice quote 🤷🏽♀️😂
- @Kmorrisx: @SylviaMTV Hahaha ok now u say it I believe it 🤦🏽♀️
@Kmorrisx: Moms know best. 🙌🏽
@angelababicz: No one was banging anyone 😂😂 but go off I guess 🤷🏻♀️
@angelababicz: When you get accused of something so many times you might as well just do it lmfao
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
When we return, the Pulse of Champs vs. Stars, as the teams left make their play at the shot at the mone. Stay tuned.
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