Saturday, July 21, 2018

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Final Reckoning - "The Young & the Wreckless"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      
โ–  @DC408DXTR  @ IG/YT/SC/TB

Well, hey there folks... glad you're enjoying your Saturday night activities, and if you got time on your hands, let us at DCBLOG bring you the Pulse of The Challenge: Final Reckoning, as it enters week two in South Africa.
   Last week, the competition began as 14 competitors took part in an opening challenge that also doubled as a purge to see who can dig up a casket with their 14 counterparts being buried alive, which was the only way they could find out who they have to deal with in order to win $1 million. In the end, Zach & Amanda took the win, while Britni & Chuck, Jemmye & Jenna and Champs vs. Stars II's Jozea & his Big Brother vendetta Da'Vonne were sent into Redemption, and everyone was left to dig up Bananas as the last competitor and who doesn't have a partner.
   At the end of that, Kailah and Melissa got into a physical fight after not being able to get into it at the Vendettas reunion, which meant that they were on the way out... and this week their partners, Kam and Kayleigh, will find out whether they will get shipped out or not. For the man who now has a post-SNL date come this fall, Johnny will find out who he will be partnered up with this season as the first regular challenge takes place - with talk of rings. And for a couple whose breakup is still fresh, they are the focus of the activities taking place in the other house, with another twist there too.

We'll have all the action, reaction and interaction to Episode 2 of Season 32 coming your way here, plus more praise for one of those who's doing something good here this summer, one who is part of the big romance of this Challenge world defends her critics, and we'll meet some friends down in Florida after the diary.
   All of that is ahead on The Pulse of The Challenge... glad you're here.

โ–บAS THEY SAW IT: "The Young and the Wreckless" 
@MTV: #TheChallenge32 starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @ChallengeMTV โฃ๏ธ
@ChallengeMTV: Flip that channel to @MTV because an all new episode of #TheChallenge32 starts NOW! ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ‘€
@angelababicz: Now back to our regularly scheduled programming ...  @ChallengeMTV starts NOW!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ“บ
@BritniNicol: "@SamanthaFugiero: @BritniNicol you two look so much alike itโ€™s crazy." RT Omfggg lmao Iโ€™ve got a doppelgู†nger ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ & Iโ€™m so here for it๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
@Marie_TBD: Last week someone lost their shit; and for once it WASNโ€™T ME. @ChallengeMTV
@DayDaVonne_: ITโ€™S TIME !!! #TheChallenge32 ๐Ÿ”ฅ
@JennaCompono: Seeing @tjlavin unexpectedly will always give me anxiety ๐Ÿ˜‚
@jossie_flores: Damn I look thick ๐Ÿ˜‚ #thechallenge32
@MTV_Chuckalodon: I spy @MTVBananas and @KyleCGShore going nut to butt!
@angelababicz: โ€œMy heart is going 1000 MPH right nowโ€ honestly same @BritniNicol, same
- @BritniNicol: @angelababicz MY GIRLLLLL๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ
@MTV_AMANDAG: I havenโ€™t tweeted cuz I just got off work! I need to catch up and hurry home to see this episode! Eeeek #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: The redemption house is literally us at home ๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Britni and Jenna reacting to the fight in the main house)
@caitanne_: โ€œI get to spy on people in the main house but donโ€™t actually have to hang out with them?โ€ @JustJem24 gets me
@Rashiiiiiddddd: I thought the redemption house was gonna be lame aโ€™f like the last one but this twist is something else Omg they watching these bitches ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: "@picturesqueME: Wow this surveillance room is a game changer. #TheChallenge32" RT GAME.CHANGER.
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Nothing quite like a chick fight to make you feel better about being in redemption. @ChallengeMTV #FinalReckoning
- @ChallengeMTV: @MTV_Chuckalodon You and Jozea rooting them on ๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32
@jossie_flores: Go Melissa put the hands up ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ”ฅ @DJMelReeves
@bb_sarahg: @JustJem24 sipping on her wine while watching 2 other girls fight is literally me #thechallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: SAFE ๐Ÿ™Œ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Kam reacting to the news that her and Kayleigh are staying and they hug after)
@jossie_flores: Bye ๐Ÿ˜‚ karma is a bitch ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ
@Marie_TBD: โ€œIโ€™m going straight to the final!โ€ Issa mood @Kmorrisx @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeChatt1: Just taking in all this secret footage. @JustJem24  #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning
@ChallengeMTV: We're here for a good time not a long time? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Kailah leaving the house, with Melissa not far behind)
@Marie_TBD: Kailah I love you. @kailah_casillas
@DayDaVonne_: "@realexisthis: .@DayDaVonne_ I peeped you whispering in @jossie_floresโ€™ ear walking to that room, so sis, what was the tea? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32" RT Video coming tomorrow โ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿ‘€
- @Marie_TBD: @DayDaVonne_ @ChallengeMTV ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
@ChallengeMTV: I talk to all my "friends" this way too, doesn't everybody? ๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Cara Maria - "That would turn me on."  Paulie - "Then I'm going to say it more.")
@t_raines33: @kailah_casillas keep your head up girl...Focus on coming back next season stronger than ever! #TheChallenge32
- @kailah_casillas: @t_raines33 ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ
@Marie_TBD: A team divided? You donโ€™t say! @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@jossie_flores: When you throw bad energy out there it has a funny way of coming right back to you so sorry for such a short season you will be missed ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32
@PaulCalafiore_: By Batman outfit I meant to say.... should we just dress up like The Joker and Harley Quinn?! @CaraMariaMTV #TheChallenge32 ๐Ÿ˜‹
@BritniNicol: @DJMelReeves & @kailah_casillas gone... this episode is already getting CRAZYYYYY #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: Brad really is a good dude โค๏ธ #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Faith you look ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ @faithstowers
- @faithstowers: Thanks @Marie_TBD  ๐Ÿ˜
@t_raines33: Me on dirty 30 = Cara on Final Reckoning ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ #TheChallenge32
@SHOTOFYAGER: Thoughts on @ChallengeMTV segment 1, where they watch the footage: A) I want to watch everything with @jossie_flores, my man got UP for that fight! B) @JustJem24, what on earth was that green liquid you were drinking out of a wine glass, girl? ๐Ÿต#TheChallenge32 #ChallengeMania
@JennaCompono: "@maaryelizabeth_: @JennaCompono @tjlavin Imagine if he popped up randomly at your house? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ" RT I would pass out ๐Ÿ˜‚
@BradFiorenza: "@Garystardust1: I Hope You And Kyle Can Do Great This Season! Im So Happy you came Back To The Challenge!! You're A Beast Competitor. #TheChallenge32 @BradFiorenza" RT Thank you ๐Ÿ™
@Garystardust1: Loving The Redemption House!!! @BritniNicol Is A Queen!!! ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: "@delon03: When you're sitting at home hating on someone on an MTV challenge you wished you were on but your botched job won't let you. #bb20 Translate Tweet" RT Lmaoooooooooooooooooooo ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@DayDaVonne_: "@thatrealityhoe: @DayDaVonne_ got the good hair yโ€™all i peep it ๐Ÿคช#TheChallengeFinalReckoning " RT Plot twist .... ISSA U-PART WIG ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
@MTVBananas: Who's it gonna be?! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ #BananasVSeveryone
@QueenKim_B: @tjlavin You rock! ๐ŸคŸ๐ŸฝThis #FinalReckoning, it must Go Hard. You kilt it with the *spying on the house ish* #TheChallenge32
@MTV: @BritniNicol now I want tacos and I donโ€™t have time to get them before the show #TheChallenge32
- @BritniNicol: @MTV Come on over babe! I got you๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜˜ #ChallengeTIME #Thechallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: A hard pill to swallow: having a partner who is getting into drama around the house ๐Ÿ˜ฉ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Brad)
@kayleighmtv: @BritniNicol and @BradFiorenza gotta be the hottest couple in Challenge history. #Thechallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: Youโ€™re so pretty sis @NataliaNegrotti
- @NataliaNegrotti: @DayDaVonne_ Thank you Day I love u sis
@Marie_TBD: An unfollow on social media is actually like, a really big deal. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@_FreakbodyDawn: This shit is getting gooooood @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Be weary, ye who enter the love triangle โ˜ ๏ธ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of traingle of Cara, Paulie and Kyle)
@ChallengeMTV: Wait, who's playing games? ๐Ÿค” #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Cara)
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Damn doing you dirty @KyleCGShore
@Marie_TBD: This make Kyle jealous thing is bad for business. @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV
@jossie_flores: Love @PaulCalafiore_ rent your mind โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ #TheChallenge32
- @PaulCalafiore_: @jossie_flores Love you brother!!
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaoooo @KyleCGShore is BOTHERED !!! My poor baby ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32
@BritniNicol: "@PaulParmar1: I love @BritniNicol so much ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’– #thechallenge32.  " RT Lmfaooo! I love you baby!
@ChallengeMTV: Take it from Marie! ๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32  (GIF: "Have emotion, it's normal")
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV LMAO!! my first ever #inspo GIF!!
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Is that @Marie_TBD-The Voice of Reason??
- @Marie_TBD: @DerrickMTV Who told you my nickname?!
- @angelababicz: @ChallengeMTV Have more emotion ok got it thanks @Marie_TBD great advice from a legend I will stomp twice as loud and cry twice as hard next episode
- @Marie_TBD: @angelababicz LMAO!! You're a natural.
@Marie_TBD: Say it louder for the people in the back! @PaulCalafiore_
@SHOTOFYAGER: Man, @PaulCalafiore_, @CaraMariaMTV even got you blushing in your interviews! All that @ChallengeMTV #JusticeLeague๐Ÿฆ‡ talk got you flushed bro. ๐Ÿคก#TheChallenge32 #ChallengeMania
@DayDaVonne_: Well come on Dr. Phil ๐Ÿ‘€ @PaulCalafiore_
- @PaulCalafiore_: @DayDaVonne_ Ayeeee we always preachin some wisdom of people wanna listen ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ
- @JustJem24: @PaulCalafiore_ Practice what you preach. ๐Ÿ™ƒ
@PaulCalafiore_: Pep talks by Paulie.... I tell that shit how it is ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: "@caitanne_: @Marie_TBD is the friend with the real life advice you need to take but you ignore bc youโ€™re not ready for it yet" RT I never take my advice either ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
@NataliaNegrotti: Accepting myself as I was designed led me to the day I stopped trying to fit into a world that never really fit with me and gave me the chance to blossom into the person I am today #selflove
@Marie_TBD: "@Malik_MTV: Wow. @Marie_TBD actually said something that wasn't completely full of shit #TheChallenge32" RT When people give you a compliment that includes โ€œactually,โ€ is it even a compliment?
@ChallengeMTV: Would you trust Natalie? ๐Ÿค” #TheChallenge32  (GIF: "I will be honest with you. I'm not gonna f______ lie in your face.")
@jossie_flores: Iโ€™m eating like i havenโ€™t ate in years ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: "@brogalaann: @Marie_TBD I'm not always a fan of yours, but thanks for pointing out to Cara that she shouldn't be afraid to hide her emotions & not to let them distract her. It's an important message to more than just Cara. #TheChallenge32" RT The truth will set you free ๐Ÿงœโ€โ™€๏ธ
@OfficialLG_: My favorite show is on ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ#TheChallenge32
@PhillysFinest88: I donโ€™t know bout yโ€™all but @faithstowers lookin good!๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ #TheChallenge32 #Challenge32
@faithstowers: The Bermuda Triangle indeed ๐Ÿ˜‚ #Thechallenge32 #FinalReckoning
@ChallengeMTV: Mood ๐Ÿธโ˜•๏ธ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Jenna and Jemmye watching from a distance Britni & Chuck at dinner table)
@JennaCompono: We are so nosey ๐Ÿ˜‚ @JustJem24
@jossie_flores: Me and @DayDaVonne_ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ on the couch!!!! Being nosy #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: I ask myself this at least 10x per day ๐Ÿ˜ญ #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Jemmye - "Where's Oprah when you need her")
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV I love you. @JustJem24
@DayDaVonne_: Chillleeee this Telenovela  #TheChallenge32
@jossie_flores: Yo this redemptions house is messy as fuck ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ oooooo the ttttt #TheChallenge32
@jossie_flores: @DayDaVonne_ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ we like just sipping are T and gathering info ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚#TheChallenge32
@BritniNicol: @DayDaVonne_ @ChallengeMTV Girl! I just tweeted you! Iโ€™m fucking hurt ainโ€™t even gunna lie! & girl WE ALL CRAZY AS HELL! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
@angelababicz: Rare pic of me texting your man from the Challenge house
@o24: Adding @DayDaVonne_ to #TheChallenge32 was GENIUS. That woman is a MENTAL SAMURAI
@IAmTheCourt: @JustJem24 and @DayDaVonne_ are cracking me up right now on #TheChallenge32 ! They need a show together! @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Don't make Angela angry. You won't like her when she's angry ๐Ÿ˜ค #TheChallenge32  (GIF of her and flames)
- @angelababicz: @ChallengeMTV Yes I scream and yell and thatโ€™s about it
@angelababicz: Actual footage of me trying to read the damn clue #TheChallenge32
@jossie_flores: Love some @angelababicz ๐Ÿ’Ž mother of dragons โค๏ธ #TheChallenge32
@vercnicas: @JustJem24 & @JennaCompono are more entertaining than the main house right now ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘ #TheChallenge32
@SydneyNicolex_: Listening to @JustJem24 commentary on the challenge is the best!!! #thechallenge @ChallengeMTV
@BritniNicol: "@SHOTOFYAGER: ๐ŸตOkay, I guess I have to pose this question to my girl @BritniNicol now...what type of Slytherin potion / Wildfire Cocktail is you drinking in that @ChallengeMTV Redemption House, B?! #TheChallenge32" RT You know us witches of the house had to create a potion to make sure we return from redemption ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
@KendalSheppard: "@kbguerra1: @KendalSheppard @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV You are an inspiration. To be able to bounce back from addiction, becoming a single mom, taking all the appropriate steps to build a better life for you both. Becoming a nurse, taking care of others who can not help themselves! You have made the impossible, possible! โค๏ธ" RT It hasn't been easy.. thank you for the acknowledgment ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @kbguerra1 This is why sometimes, a #ChallengeMania podcast doesnโ€™t need to be all about Xs & Os and rivals and Vendettas. Amazing to get @KendalSheppardโ€™s full story, that goes far beyond the screen. ๐Ÿ“บ
- @kbguerra1: @SHOTOFYAGER @KendalSheppard This is why the old schoolers are amazing, they where real people! They where not trying to be famous. They where enjoying an opportunity they knew made them special.
- @KendalSheppard: @kbguerra1 Preach!!!
@BritniNicol: @DayDaVonne_ baby please donโ€™t act like you know anything about me. Definitely on night 2. Thanks, sis. Thought we were cool๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ #TheChallenge32 
- @DayDaVonne_: @BritniNicol Lol weโ€™re cool.. youโ€™re just bat shit crazy. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ still love you ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ #TheChallenge32
- @BritniNicol: @DayDaVonne_ ALRIGHT ALRIGHTTTTT!!! The cats outta the bag๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜œ
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @DayDaVonne_ #preach
@angelababicz: I got hit in the face with metal handcuffs on Bad Girls Club and I clearly have PTSD from it #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: โ€œSOOoooOOo Dramaticโ€ @angelababicz hahahahaha love you. @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Kyle looking like someone just said his imaginary girlfriend was here ๐Ÿ˜ญ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of him)
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV Nope not his imaginary friend but his real friend is! #TheChallenge32
@DerrickMTV: Pillow Throwin Muthrfukkrs ๐Ÿ–• @ChallengeMTV
@BritniNicol: "@therealjordanh: โ€œBefore i got you here.โ€ Lol yes sis!!!!!!!! @BritniNicol #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #thechallenge32" RT Gusband they should know to not fuck with crazy๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚
@DayDaVonne_: I love how @faithstowers was there to comfort @angelababicz โค๏ธ #TheChallenge32
- @angelababicz: @DayDaVonne_ A real one
- @faithstowers: @DayDaVonne_ Thank sis! ๐Ÿ’•
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ @faithstowers @angelababicz Teamwork makes the dream work! #TheChallenge32
- @faithstowers: @ChallengeMTV Yea I got ya back @angelababicz  they throwin pillows Iโ€™m throwing water ๐Ÿ’ฆ #FinalReckoning  that was fun
@JennaCompono: WHO CAN IT BE
- @t_raines33: @JennaCompono @ChallengeMTV โŒš๏ธโŒš๏ธโŒš๏ธ
@W00DZ: โ€œBefore I got you here...โ€ - @BritniNicol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ’€ #TheChallenge32
@kayleighmtv: @BritniNicol said BEFORE I GOT YOU HERE. YAS QUEEN. HE WALKED TF INTO HER WORLD. #Thechallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Shane dropped the trigger word!!! #RELEVANT @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@angelababicz: "@papichaos: @angelababicz @ChallengeMTV Queen spotted!!!! " RT *cries and throws full blown tantrum* sounds about right
@JustJem24: Mood:
@jossie_flores: This is redemption house is Telenovella #TheChallenge32
@Bushssqu: Britni went from a boy to a FULL MAN, girl shouldnโ€™t be stressing over nothing #TheChallenge32 @BritniNicol
@ChallengeMTV: WHAT TIME IS IT!? ๐Ÿฏโฐ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Tony)
@t_raines33: Yโ€™all know what time it is โŒš๏ธ ... #TonyTime #TheChallenge32
- @joss_mooney: @t_raines33 Do you even know what time it is bro?! ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜‚
- @t_raines33: @joss_mooney Donโ€™t think I didnโ€™t catch that last night ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ˜‚
- @joss_mooney: @t_raines33 Hahaha...okay, I lied. Maybe you can tell the time but you certainly canโ€™t drink!! #1TinnyTony ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚
- @t_raines33: @joss_mooney Ha! No comment lol
@BritniNicol: Great.. Tony time.. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ #TheChallenge32
@angelababicz: Plot twist @MTVBananas is actually me and @faithstowers 3rd teammate. Jersey colors are close enough ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ #TeamTeal
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz @MTVBananas Bahaha #tealladies ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @MTVBananas: @angelababicz Now that's a threesome ๐Ÿ˜‰
@Marie_TBD: TONY TIMEEEE @ChallengeMTV :: @t_raines33 in the building! #clockin
@MTV_AMANDAG: โ€œI donโ€™t think he can even tell the timeโ€ HAHAHAHAHAHA DEAD #TheChallenge32
- @t_raines33: @MTV_AMANDAG @ChallengeMTV Whatโ€™s the point in me telling time when my watch always says Tony? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @t_raines33 @ChallengeMTV TOUCHุฉ MAN! TOUCHุฉ. HAHAHAH
@MTV_AMANDAG: Bananas was thrilled to see him lezzzzzz be real ๐Ÿ™„ #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: Itโ€™s Tony Time ! #TheChallenge32
@DerrickMTV: WHAT TIME IS IT?!?! @t_raines33
@randi_stevens2: Iโ€™m gonna need @mtv to hire @JustJem24 to host all aftershows, reunions, commentary, etc... girl spills the tea and lets you know how it is ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
@jossie_flores: Actual footage of me and @DayDaVonne_  being nosy๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32
- @DayDaVonne_: @jossie_flores Iโ€™m definitely the one in the blue ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@DayDaVonne_: "@exhosion: @DayDaVonne_ Girl Britni better watch that tone. She must not know who the #DayArmy is ?" RT Lol I have no problem with her.... the REAL BEEFS are coming soon.. stay tuned โ˜•๏ธ
@SamFitz4490: Guess what time it is? TONY TIME! @t_raines33 #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning
@angelababicz: Looking like... extremely thirsty thots in this pic toss us some water it is hot up here ๐Ÿ’ฆ @faithstowers #TheChallenge32
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz Evian please ๐Ÿ˜‚
@ChallengeMTV: Oh look, a king and queen! #TheChallenge32  (GIF of CT and Veronica)
@Marie_TBD: When @tori_deal read out a million dollars... anyone else feel really disappointed there were only 6 zeros? ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ
@MTV_AMANDAG: @v_cakes HAHAHAHAHA best OTF exit ever ๐Ÿคฃ โ€œthank youโ€ Hahahahahaha #TheChallenge32
- @v_cakes: @MTV_AMANDAG Ummmmmm...what did I do now?  Not watching #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: How to succeed in this challenge: pretend you're throwing your Vendetta off a cliff ๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Zach pushing Amanda)
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV LOLOLOLOLOL
- @ZNichols15: @ChallengeMTV Send it
@JustJem24: Me when I see itโ€™s a heights challenge but Iโ€™m at the redemption house drinking my wine and practicing my life coach skills: #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: "@nicole_perez1: @DayDaVonne_ My momma said donโ€™t start no BEEF with @DayDaVonne_  ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚  #TheChallenge32 " RT ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@BritniNicol: GO BABY GOOOOO!!!!!! @BradFiorenza #TheChallenge32
- @BradFiorenza: @BritniNicol ๐Ÿ˜.. ๐Ÿ‘‹
@DayDaVonne_: Whew, @faithstowers WITH ALL OF THAT MELANIN !!!! Come on chocolate drop !!!
@JennaCompono: Awwww win that money! @ZNichols15
@MTVBananas: Team Ban-ony ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿถ  @t_raines33 #TonyTime
@MTV_AMANDAG: Dude look how low I was. Wtf. CHEATED #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: Zach couldnโ€™t throw the rope far enough to reel me in fuckin weaksauce #TheChallenge32
@allrealitychat: BEAST BRAD #thechallenge32 @BradFiorenza
@Marie_TBD: LOL V this is amazing!!!!!! @v_cakes @ChallengeMTV
@hisnameiseli: i want to go on this show bc these challenges always look so fun ๐Ÿ˜ญ #TheChallenge32
@angelababicz: WE KILLED IT Iโ€™m so proud of us @faithstowers #RookieSzn
@Marie_TBD: Round 2: All male flyers and Carl. @CaraMariaMTV
- @CaraMariaMTV: @Marie_TBD Come on Carl!
@ChallengeMTV: You could cut the tension with a knife ๐Ÿ”ช #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Bananas and Tony)
@JustJem24: Yโ€™all. I can 100% vouch for everything @v_cakes just said.... @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@Lizchallenge_: Lmao i love yโ€™all so much!!!! @v_cakes @MTV_AMANDAG #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Poor delivery Marie.
@SylviaMTV: Clearly swinging isnโ€™t our thing! @joss_mooney @ChallengeMTV #thefinalreckoning
@ChallengeMTV: *internal monologue* how did I end up here? ๐Ÿ˜ฉ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Derrick H.)
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Iโ€™m crying. I donโ€™t even get the joke bu Iโ€™m crying LmAO
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV Lmfaoooo I am dead @imdroc15  this facial expression is all of us this season๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV Hahahahahaha heโ€™s pushing me so hard I think I flew back to America
- @BritniNicol: @MTV_AMANDAG @ChallengeMTV @MTV_AMANDAG FACEEEE bahahha
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV Why is this a gif ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @angelababicz: @ChallengeMTV So relatable I ask myself that same question every day
@MTV_AMANDAG: @shannanity is Tinker Bell in the flesh #TheChallenge32
@angelababicz: Yeah @imdroc15 eyes off the buns and on the rings ๐Ÿ‘€#TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Tori and Derrick!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO the best!!!!!! @ChallengeMTV
- @PaulCalafiore_: @Marie_TBD The people in the back still never listen ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ
@DayDaVonne_: DERRICK ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallege32
@BritniNicol: @v_cakes Lmao it was priceless and amazing! You trying to get those rings!๐Ÿ˜‚ CT donโ€™t know his strength!
@JustJem24: I wonder how many glasses of wine I had while they did this challenge? #TheChallenge32
@BradFiorenza: "@Bushssqu: Brad seems like such a good guy I love having him back I hope he makes it far this season๐Ÿ˜ญ #TheChallenge32 @BradFiorenza" RT Thank you ๐Ÿ™
@BritniNicol: @tori_deal how tf did we get stuck w our fucking exโ€™s?? WE WOULD  HAVE BEEN THE BEST RIVALS ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Team Bandana FTW! ๐Ÿ™Œ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Brad and Kyle after winning)
- @BradFiorenza: @ChallengeMTV 2 times baby!! 2 times!!!
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV Team Brad๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ–ค
@Lizchallenge_: Oooop Angela and Faith coming in second yesss girls @angelababicz @faithstowers #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Being between Brad/Kyle and Shane/Nelson seems unfair. Just SAYING. Lol
@jossie_flores: Great job team B.B. @NataliaNegrotti @PaulCalafiore_  #TheChallenge32
@ThatRealityBlog: โ€œBSC - BAT SHIT CRAZY!โ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚ @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: Look at all of our necks. Cut the fuckkkkk up. STRANGLED #TheChallenge32
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Iโ€™m here to let the world know there are absolutely no romantic feelings between Britni and I. Thanks for that incorrect nugget @JustJem24
@BradFiorenza: "@bk_runge: @BradFiorenza dude u are better than ever so happy you are back and killing it #respect" RT Thank you ๐Ÿ™
@JustJem24: Honestly I love you @tori_deal  but you dumb as hell for not swinging. You would have killed this. Donโ€™t be nice to him bc you feel guilty. Youโ€™re the captain of your team. Own it girl ๐Ÿ–ค
@franklin_anne: @daydavonne_ I love you. Youโ€™re absolutely awesome! Loved you on BB, and so happy to continue to see you on #TheChallenge32! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜
@DayDaVonne_: You guys did GREAT @NataliaNegrotti @PaulCalafiore_  #TeamBigBrother โค๏ธ #TheChallege32
@jossie_flores: What is it with all these commercials ๐Ÿ™„ #thechallenge32
@BritniNicol: @DayDaVonne_ baby please donโ€™t act like you know anything about me. Definitely on night 2. Thanks, sis. Thought we were cool๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: TFW you come in last place but AREN'T going straight into elimination ๐Ÿ˜… #TheChallenge32  (GIF of them applauding after TJ tells competitors no players will be sent in at challenge's end)
- @SylviaMTV: @ChallengeMTV I stay looking terrified or disgusted!
- @ZNichols15: @ChallengeMTV ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
@Marie_TBD: This seems like a really good situation for me. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@BritniNicol: CONGRATS BABYYYY!!!!!!! @BradFiorenza I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!! #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: @Marie_TBD I see my sweat shirt!!!
@ItsKoasArk: I would pay good money to see @JustJem24 host a Redemption House talk show while all yall qait to get back in the house. They dont need Oprah, when yall got Jemmye. #TheChallenge32 ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@Marie_TBD: โ€œYou just gave good advice and I understood everything you said. Iโ€™m shocked.โ€ - texts from @JustJem24 on @ChallengeMTV night. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@JustJem24: Yโ€™all the green shit is actually white wine... dyed green... itโ€™s a long story... @ChallengeMTV ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@PaulCalafiore_: Also..... I LIVE for @jossie_flores and @DayDaVonne_ in their interview sessions ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ #TheChallenge32
@ChrisCrocker: You got this @shannanity ๐Ÿ˜˜
@BritniNicol: "@RalphHartman: Hopefully the opening scene isn't all we'll see of the Queen @BritniNicol tonight." RT Get your popcorn baby๐Ÿฟ
@BritniNicol: "@MTV: @therealjordanh @BritniNicol tell the mans whatโ€™s up #TheChallenge32" RT ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ #ItsBritniBitch
@BritniNicol: "@Clarence_Pryor: @BritniNicol is so sassy and fabulous! Werk it GURL! #TheChallenge32" RT YAAAS Clarence! LUH YOU!
@therealjordanh: โ€œBefore i got you here.โ€ Lol yes sis!!!!!!!! @BritniNicol #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #thechallenge32
@wes_defender: @BradFiorenza KILLING this challenge! #TheChallenge32
@BradFiorenza: "@andy_linds: ive been such a supporter of @BradFiorenza  since #rwsandiego  im amazed at hus strength etc #teambandana" RT We appreciate you.. ๐Ÿ™ #teambandana
@BritniNicol: @BradFiorenza Iโ€™m coming back for you baby! JUST WAIT!!! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Say hello to Armageddon. Next Tuesday at 9/8c on #TheChallenge32 ๐Ÿ”ฅ

@Marie_TBD: Shane!!!!!! I hate you!!! Iโ€™m DEADDDDD @shannanity #newdefault @ChallengeMTV
@RealityTVBabe00: Kyle and @BradFiorenza killed it!! #TheChallenge32
@BritniNicol: "@allrealitychat: Angela, Kyle is not one of the strongest.....#TheChallenge32" RT But @BradFiorenza is๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
@angelababicz: Well I could die happy now since  @tjlavin complimented our performance ๐Ÿ˜ญ
- @tjlavin: @angelababicz Yep! 
@katt_astro_phy: @BradFiorenza so glad to see you back on the shows and happy and glowing! Keep up the great work! Been a fan of yours from the rip!
@DayDaVonne_: Kyle : โ€œCan I just choose now , itโ€™s one of these two โ€œ  
@Rick_Franks_: Pulled for @BradFiorenza all last season and hope too see him take it all home on this one.#TheChallenge32 #stayready
@tcvic933: I love @KyleCGShore at least he admits when he's jealous!! he's hilarious. And I like @BradFiorenza too, totally rooting for this team!! #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@angelababicz: Castmate: Hey Ang what did you eat for breakfast? Me: A ๐ŸŒ.
- @DayDaVonne_: @angelababicz I canโ€™t stand you ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@SylviaMTV: Next week is when shit actually get REAL! See you next Tuesday 9/8c on @ChallengeMTV
@PaulCalafiore_: @jossie_flores @NataliaNegrotti ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ
@BradFiorenza: "@Speedbox360: FUCK YES! @BradFiorenza and @KyleCGShore Fucking it up and winning the challenge! So happy with this outcome! #TheChallengeFinalReckoning" RT #teambandana appreciates you ๐Ÿ™
@Marie_TBD: Polidicking like PROs ladies!! @angelababicz @faithstowers werk whatchaaa momma gave ya!!! ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ @ChallengeMTV
@DayDaVonne_: Great episode ๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธ  What were some of your favorite parts about tonightโ€™s episode ?  #TheChallege32
- @t_raines33: @DayDaVonne_ @ChallengeMTV Aye!!! ๐Ÿ˜œ
@NataliaNegrotti: I came out with my story to share my truth with those who are battling the same thing I did. Do not throw hate at anyone for their actions. I wanted to use my platform to educate people who are not informed. Letโ€™s spread love and education not hate
@angelababicz: I need @MTVBananas on my side... of the bed damn MTV can you not chop off half my sentence smh
- @MTVBananas: @angelababicz You don't want those problems ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ›
- @angelababicz: @MTVBananas Youโ€™re right I donโ€™t want them I need them ๐ŸŒ
@PaulCalafiore_: Statement. No one is allowed to say shit about @NataliaNegrotti except for me, thatโ€™s how I am with my teams thatโ€™s how I am with my family and vice versa. Blunt, but itโ€™s all love and for the best. Thatโ€™s my new sister and Iโ€™ll defend her as such. Weโ€™ve come a long way sis โค๏ธ
- @NataliaNegrotti: @PaulCalafiore_ Weโ€™ve come a long way thank u for protecting me ๐Ÿ’• itโ€™s been a LONG journey with u and now weโ€™re stuck together forever MUAHAHAHAAA
@DayDaVonne_: Make sure yโ€™all watch my latest YouTube video ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
@Marie_TBD: So. I loved that episode! Redemption and all. I want more. @ChallengeMTV  @BunimMurray #thechallenge32
@aa_cullinane: @PaulCalafiore_ is definitely my new fave challenge guy. seems like the most down to earth one there. even more so if he told kyle he flat out doesnโ€™t like him ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป #FinalReckoning
@JessSabi_: Iโ€™m here for @DayDaVonne_ commentaries ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚
@MaryLouise39117: @DayDaVonne_ Girl I hope you get your chance in the main house, I was so excited to see you on the show I was even screaming at the TV when you got voted off but then got happy again when I realized you really didnโ€™t leave, ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿปhope you have your chance to compete
@BritniNicol: Thereโ€™s relationships that ACTUALLY MAKE YOU CRAZY! Literally!! lol. Iโ€™m chill as fuck. But when you do me wrong my Latina temper naturally takes over๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ #sorrynotsorry
@jossie_flores: I thought i was going to see a elimination round ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ #thechallenge32 ๐Ÿ˜‚
@ChallengeChatt1: Post-Episode 2 Power Rankings  1) @BradFiorenza & @KyleCGShore - Brad hasnโ€™t slowed down at all   2) ๐ŸŒ & @t_raines33 - #TonyTime is a real phenomenon. Will be tough to beat   3) @shannanity & @MTV_NellyT - this team is under the radar a little bit   #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning
@shannanity: Itโ€™s amazing watching this episode bc this was the last day of spring... compared to the ass cold we had to endure #TheChallenge
@JustJem24: I think itโ€™s safe to say that the green drink that @BritniNicol & I drank all episode was the star of this episode... #TheChallenge32
- @BritniNicol: @JustJem24 Totally. #Thechallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaooo @lilyachty if you donโ€™t stop playing and grab that frog ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #FearFactor
@Marie_TBD: Whenever I throw a fit I get the silent treatment; @angelababicz gets a new love interest. Teach me your wayssssss
- @angelababicz: @Marie_TBD Iโ€™ll teach you on Sunday over a vodka club
@officialmrscos: "@ChallengeChatt1: Just taking in all this secret footage. @JustJem24 #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning " RT I am @JustJem24 when a friend tells me she met a new guy and I sit down to start my self-proclaimed professional investigation on him.
@angelababicz: "@itsaSHORRthing: @angelababicz and @faithstowers are badass and together they are a force to be reckoned with #thechallenge32 " RT I see no lies here!!!
@MTV_AMANDAG: Me and my bestie steady talkin shit ๐Ÿ˜ˆ #TheChallenge32
@MTVBananas: "@t_raines33: @_718jay @MTVBananas Iโ€™ll let the old man have his moment" RT I'll let the dog have his day
@MTVBananas: "@alex_wham: @t_raines33 must skip leg day because I thought he was sarah ๐Ÿ˜‚ @MTVBananas #TheChallenge32" RT โšฐโšฐโšฐโšฐ
@PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti Hahaha, I love you!
@faithstowers: @angelababicz @ChallengeMTV Damn we couldnโ€™t get a clap from everybody tho lol ๐Ÿ˜‚
@t_raines33: @MTVBananas Touchรฉ
@shannanity: Thereโ€™s a reason โ€œPetty Savageโ€ is part of my bio #justsaying ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ
@carabanana__: Kings ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ #TeamBanony  @MTVBananas @t_raines33
@Marie_TBD: "@LordeWinters: 2 things 1- idk how I feel about this nice @Marie_TBD you were my favorite bad girl of @ChallengeMTV now I love you more. 2- going from not liking @PaulCalafiore_  to being my favorite on tv, Instagram and Twitter is fucking with my head #finalreckoning #TheChallenge32" RT Don't count the bad girl out just yet......... LOL
@Marie_TBD: I told you every challenge, purple was your color. @Kmorrisx @iamkamiam_ gorgeous !!!!
@tjlavin: It was ridiculous huh.. RT @SuperBigBrother: @ChallengeMTV @tjlavin lays down the law. I know he wasnโ€™t happy with what went down between Melissa & Kailah. #TheChallenge32
@tjlavin: ๐Ÿค™โค๏ธ RT @QueenKim_B: @tjlavin You rock! ๐ŸคŸ๐ŸฝThis #FinalReckoning, it must Go Hard. You kilt it with the *spying on the house ish* #TheChallenge32
@tjlavin: RT @ChallengeMTV: @QueenKim_B @tjlavin One of the best twists in a while, imo ๐Ÿ™Œ #TheChallenge32โค๏ธ๐Ÿค™
@JustJem24: @jay_Sremm I see your ass on @FearFactor right now
@DayDaVonne_: "@DontClapatJanae: I donโ€™t think Day realizes how much I appreciate her channel Iโ€™ve never been this involved and dedicated to youtube as if it was a reality show, literally covering all of my curiosities about filming and everything โค๏ธโ€ฆ" RT Aww thanks for the support sweetheart! Without yโ€™all supporting and interacting with me, the channel would just be me talking , so Iโ€™m definitely grateful for you guys too โค๏ธโค๏ธ
@angelababicz: My mom cannot stop calling me โ€œthirsty thotโ€ now im dead ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
@MTV_Chuckalodon: @JustJem24 @MTV Well even the best gets it wrong sometimes. And you definitely got it wrong.
@imdroc15: Lol โ€œI Love This Shit!โ€ Hahahaha
@imdroc15: Lol Hahahaha after them first 3 rings... I realized Iโ€™m not ready for marriage and made an executive decision to get no more rings lol #TheChallenge32
- @angelababicz: @imdroc15 *holds nose*
@imdroc15: โ€œLetโ€™s Go Babyโ€
@kareem_fathalla: Nahhh cuzz you got me cryin @imdroc15 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallenge32
@Visconticj2: I know @BradFiorenza keep his two boys in mind when heโ€™s on the challengeโ€ฆ So you know heโ€™s going to kick some butt this season @ChallengeMTV
@shannanity: And the ONE LONE hater of the night award goes too dick sucker Nick when I yelled at @angelababicz I had pages of DM haters.... Guess I was more right about that setting sun than wrong Nickie Pie
@HaydenPWeaver: Jemmye and Devin could legit host an amazing podcast together, their commentary on every show is always gold. 
@kareem_fathalla: I feel like this episode is about to ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ #TheChallenge32 Iโ€™m ready to see people COMPETE!
@t_raines33: When youโ€™re forced to work with someone #ArthurFist
@people: The Challenge: Final Reckoning's Cara Maria Has Theories About Johnny Bananas and Natalie
@TamiMeek: In previous Challenges @BradFiorenza was always my favorite. So im glad hes back again. I hope he makes it to the final and gets that win.
@BradFiorenza: @PaulCalafiore_ @sunnyscowboys and 2 others Thanks fam! @PaulCalafiore_
@BradFiorenza: "@Titans_4life: Congratulations @BradFiorenza  for winning tonight's challenge! You are still a beast! I hope you and Kyle win the whole thing!" RT Thank you ๐Ÿ™
@gracehelbig: Iโ€™ve been desperate for mashed potatoes entertainment, so Iโ€™ve been watching MTVโ€™s The Challenge and I feel 16 and 46 years old at the same time. Is this okay? Has this really become CTโ€™s only source of income???
@AshleyMarieMTV: We had a moment. #inmyfeelings 
- @kailah_casillas: @AshleyMarieMTV THIS HAPPENED
 @jpac87: @KendalSheppard @SHOTOFYAGER Hey, it's all us old school cats coming out to support the best RR season ever, Campus Crawl. I mean Darrell, Rachel, Shane and Kendal ... killers in the challenge & find me someone who watched those days that didn't crush hard on at least one of those 4.
- @KendalSheppard: @SHOTOFYAGER Seriously Scott, I truly appreciate you guys taking the time to let this OG speak!! Such a fun time! I can't wait to take Derrick ghost hunting... ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜†
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @KendalSheppard Thank YOU, @KendalSheppard! The reaction today has been absolutely insane. Seriously, incredible response to your episode. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป#ChallengeMania #GhostHunters๐Ÿ‘ป

@Steven_Plummer2: Itโ€™s #TheChallenge32 time!
@Steven_Plummer2: Itโ€™s Tony time! #TheChallenge32
@AceNichols33: The ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป fucking ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป commercials  #TheChallenge32
@CohenBrian_: The surveillance room means weโ€™re now one step closer to live feeds for The Challenge and I am HERE for it. #TheChallenge32
@therealjordanh: I got a feeling im gonna be seeing a familiar face tonight #tonytime #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #thechallenge32 @t_raines33
@AceNichols33: I really need #TheChallenge32 to air at like 9'ish central time so I have more time to do shit before it comes on. CATER TO ME! Hahah When I lived in Cali, I always whined for it to air earlier. Oh, life. ๐Ÿคฃ
@sjmedd: Glad Kam & Kayleigh are partnered up now #TheChallenge32
@therealjordanh: โ€œWhereโ€™s Oprah when you need her?โ€ - @JustJem24 SIS I CANT ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’€ #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #thechallenge32
@ChallengeRWRR: Angela is crying at them jokingly throwing pillows? Girl calm the fuck down. #TheChallenge32
@therealjordanh: Ughhh 43 mins into the episode and the challenge is just now starting๐Ÿ˜ฅ #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #thechallenge32 @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@emilylongeretta: This Veronica moment gives me PTSD to when Julie tried to unclip @v_cakesโ€™ clasp #TheChallenge32
@kmacisco: LMAO @shannanity I CANT HANDLE YOU FREAKING TINKERBELL #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeRWRR: So bananas just gets to skip the grave digging mission with no penalty and him and Tony can keep competing like nothing happened? Ok sounds fair.... #TheChallenge32
@therealjordanh: OK @MTV is really trying me right now. Why yโ€™all taking 3 weeks to get to an elimination ๐Ÿ˜ก tf #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #thechallenge32 @ChallengeMTV this new episode shouldโ€™ve been on as a 2 hour premiere with last week ugh๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿคง
@AceNichols33: This episode was borrrriiiinngggggggg.... that's ok though. Shorter recap for me! Maybe I should recap the commercial lineup. #TheChallenge32
@georgiiismith: I low key love how @JustJem24 sits in the corner, spying, pot stirring, and judging all while getting lit. Sounds just like me ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ #FinalReckoning
@TheAllanAguirre: Challenge Final Reckoning Episode 2 Grade: D-   If they did a 2 hr premiere last week with these two episodes it would have been incredible. Overall, the season is good, but the episode itself sucked. MTV needs to make episodes that keep new viewers engaged. I seriously believe MTV should consider two episodes a week. A main episode on Tuesday's, and then a half hour episode on Friday/Saturday dealing with auxiliary issues. Diehard fans will watch that episode and it will boost up anticipation for Tuesday episodes.
@ChallengeMTV: When someone asks me to describe myself in two words ๐Ÿ‘ #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Jenna - "Ratchet and sexual")
@kailah_casillas: Tonight was so sick. @iammikeyp @AshleyMarieMTV and I went to a celeb basketball game... saw so many cool peeps. I vlogged the wholeeee day, you all will have to check it out ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ itโ€™ll be up within the next few days!
@kailah_casillas: my 23-year-old cousin is coming to Vegas tomorrow for his first time ever. I canโ€™t wait to help facilitate terrible decisions.
@princeofnorway: I just received an opportunity to play Poseidonโ€™s grandson, a demigod, in a Netflix Original series in 2019... if you know me you know how f^cking stoked I am right now ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ”ฑ๐Ÿคฝ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ
- @00Hitsdiidii: @princeofnorway STOP CONGRATS JOE๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ 
@princeofnorway: Itโ€™s unreal watching tv shows and actually knowing the people on them in real life #stillafan #mostlypaulie
@princeofnorway: Angelaโ€™s softer than that pillow that made her ass cry ๐Ÿคฃ #Challenge32

@ChallengeMTV: In their first challenge together, "Kayleigh and Kam found themselves toward the top of the pack..." What do we think of 'Kamleigh?' ๐Ÿค” #TheChallenge32
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV TEAM KK FOREVER
@PaulCalafiore_: @PaulCalafiore_ @DayDaVonne_ If** ..... dammit Paulie getting all excited Daโ€™Vonne tweeted you that you type all fast and forget to spell check ๐Ÿ˜‘
@BradFiorenza: @DayDaVonne_ @faithstowers @angelababicz So was I; they made me look like I was creepin in the Hen House instead of trying to help..๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคฃ oh well ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ
@taylorwhite_: I knew from the second that Brad and Kyle were announced as partners that this would be the team id root for. #TheChallenge32 @BradFiorenza @KyleCGShore
@superrplainjane: How has @MTV not given @JustJem24 a show where she spills tea every week in the comfort of her home in NOLA? @Viacom, you know you have to $$$ for it. #FinalReckoning
@Kmorrisx: "@MTVUK: #ExOnTheBeach's @Kmorrisx debuts the dramatic results of recent nose job and praises 'miracle' surgeon >>>  " RT Thanks guys โ™ฅ๏ธ
@angelababicz: @BradFiorenza @DayDaVonne_ @faithstowers Lmao Brad I didnโ€™t get that vibe there or when I was watching last night! Youโ€™re just a genuinely good person.. always there to help whoever needed support. We appreciate you!
@MTV_Chuckalodon: If you think this is โ€œyour worldโ€ then I really just feel sorry for you. Just get out of the way and let me show you how itโ€™s done. @ChallengeMTV #FinalReckoning
@ChallengeRewind: Getting caught up on the Challenge and I just do not understand Britniโ€™s ego, especially when sheโ€™s dealing with @MTV_Chuckalodon (or when sheโ€™s trying to convince us that sheโ€™s a strong competitor). โ€œI brought you into MY world...โ€ what. the. fuck?! #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: The rookie ladies have added SO much to this show already. Some bad b***** in the building @ChallengeMTV absolute ๐Ÿ”ฅ from @DayDaVonne_ @angelababicz @faithstowers welcome to the fam!
- @angelababicz: @Marie_TBD THANKS QUEEN
- @DayDaVonne_: @Marie_TBD โค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ thanks babe
@BritniNicol: One thing I can say.. atleast I donโ€™t turn into someone else when the cameras pop up๐Ÿธโ˜•๏ธ #TheChallenge #TheChallenge32
@PaulParmar1: Also Iโ€™m tired of people underrating @BritniNicol as a competitor ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป sheโ€™s great. In D30 she beat Nicole & Briana in elimination. & sheโ€™s only lost to Camila & Laurel who are 2 beasts on the show. & her social game in Vendettas was fantastic. #TheChallenge32.
@BritniNicol: "@LingLing012696: I donโ€™t understand why people hate on @BritniNicol so bad . She seems like such a genuine person inside and out โค๏ธ" RT Haters hate a confident bitch๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜˜
@raemarleen82: Well in my honest opinion, not any way mean because I love Angela, but i wouldn't call women who count on men to get them far bad b******. (Excluding Day in this post) they rely on themselves. That makes them a bad b****. Plus faith called Cara a man so I'm good with her. โ€ฆ
- @angelababicz: @raemarleen82 Well in my honest FACT, no man helped me and @faithstowers get 9 rings that challenge. WE DID THAT ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
- @Marie_TBD: @raemarleen82 This is where I disagree. We can fight for equality all we want but bottom line is we have to work, live, and play differently with the cards weโ€™re dealt.
 @PaulCalafiore_: @shannanity You seem angry... Iโ€™m gonna need you to take this aggression out on me in the bedroom ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
@MTVBananas: I'll never understand why certain brands wrap their bread twice? Like I need another step between me and my toast.. ๐Ÿ˜ค
@shannanity: ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ I'm not surprised that Shane compared themselves to Tinkerbell, considering that they both have a stank attitude.  ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ I feel attacked ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ
@NataliaNegrotti: Last night was a tough moment for me and I want to thank @ChallengeMTV and @MTV for giving me the platform to showcase sexuality in a positive light. I want to thank everyone for all of the love itโ€™s been overwhelmingly beautiful ๐Ÿ’•โœจ
- @Marie_TBD:@NataliaNegrotti Live free ๐Ÿ’• Love free
- @DayDaVonne_:@NataliaNegrotti Proud of you Sunshine โค๏ธ
@Marie_TBD: Too many real ladies in the house for frauds to go unnoticed
@angelababicz: Getting back with an ex is like taking a shower and putting your dirty underwear back on
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz Or you can get back with an ex, shower and just not put on any underwear ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š
@Kmorrisx: 1 mans โ€œIโ€™m not readyโ€ is another mans โ€œI knew the second I seen herโ€ โ™ฅ๏ธ
@faithstowers: I just want everyone to know I got @angelababicz to say okurrt! By the second episode !! ๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #TheChallege32
- @angelababicz: @faithstowers You would put me on blast like that ๐Ÿ˜’
@shannanity: I am really disappointed that more people donโ€™t kiss my ass
@PaulCalafiore_: I think from now on when people comment negative things Iโ€™m going to create a story for them. Something like โ€œDennis from Denver suffers from his inability to hold an erection, canโ€™t pay rent, Mom likes to fool around with his gf while he works... poor Dennisโ€ as a response
@imdroc15: Adults and kids really gone be fighting over which cartoon to watch! First Incredibles 2 and now they bringing back the Rugrats... Ladies gone be mad when their man acting like a kid when watching these shows lol
@t_raines33: Heard some people said my legs were looking small on last nights episode. Itโ€™s about functionality not size on The Challenge.
@tori_deal: @imdroc15 I havenโ€™t watched the episode yet but I hope I wasnโ€™t too much of an asshole to you!!! And f what people say, you have masters degree. Keep your head up!
- @imdroc15: @tori_deal Oh naw youโ€™re good. I fucked up on that challenge. I deserved the criticism ๐Ÿ’ฏ.
@MTV_Chuckalodon: @DayDaVonne_ you made my night last night. #BSC  Iโ€™ve been saying it for years. So glad someone else can vouch for me. Love you!
@CaraMariaTea2: The casual fans are mad at Tori for smoking a joint and putting a picture up on IG, meanwhile Iโ€™m just laughing at the momโ€™s serious ass comment and then underneath it Britni gives no fucks ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€. I love her #TheChallenge32
@BritniNicol: Some of yโ€™all need to smoke a lil & chill TF out.. yโ€™all makin me feel bad for some of yโ€™all sorry asses. & some people need to remember Iโ€™ve got receipts. Donโ€™t make me fuck up your world. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ #yahnasty
@kailah_casillas: "@ginacocabina: @kailah_casillas @kailah_casillas is the new @CamilaMTV sometimes you like her but most of the time you hate her, she's always in someone's face and just makes it to the end. @TheChallengeMTV good job casting that one" RT I hate when people compare like this. Iโ€™m not the โ€œnewโ€ anyone. Iโ€™m just myself and will always be myself. We all bring our own personalities and no one person can 100% be replaced.
@TheAshleysRR: EXCLUSIVE! #TheChallenge star CT Tamburello is engaged--- and getting an MTV wedding special! The Ashley has all the details: 

โ–บLAST CALL: A Champ Defends Herself, and Thank You Jem  
@SamIAmMTV: "@rachelshoh: @SamIAmMTV Marie still gets them coins. What about you?" RT You act like a lifetime on reality television is a huge achievement. Iโ€™ve done what most challengers havenโ€™t, won. So Iโ€™ll keep my perfect record ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ #stillachamp
- @JazMTV: @SamIAmMTV Why is everyone coming for Sam?? Sheโ€™s not even going after Marie sheโ€™s defending herself to attacks made by fans. Come on yโ€™all letโ€™s all get along ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
- @SamIAmMTV: @JazMTV Lol girl all over a push over a planter 7 years ago. Iโ€™m just here. Defending my name
- @MTV_iwan: @SamIAmMTV Yah but Ct Also wasnโ€™t there nor were a lot of strong competitors and even when there were strong teams they had one member who outright dragged the team down hard. It was literally 18 rookies donโ€™t be so proud sis.
- @SamIAmMTV: @MTV_iwan Lol so now pure gonna make excuses for why I won? Iโ€™m sorry did you go through two eliminations, finish every challenge and a final? Oh wait youโ€™ve never even participated, who cares about what cast members were or werenโ€™t there. Iโ€™m still a champ, I still got paid. But that. 
- @MTV_iwan: @SamIAmMTV Sis Iโ€™m not even old enough to get on so like i literally am not legally aloud to participate one two just saying you had more rookies on your season then any other season made it easier for a rookie team to win not making an excuse.
- @SamIAmMTV: @MTV_iwan Just because it was made to โ€œseem easierโ€ does not make it so. ๐Ÿ˜‚ that was one of the hardest things Iโ€™ve done in my life. Regardless of my competition and my teammates.
- @SamIAmMTV: @MTV_iwan Yea I donโ€™t.  Been there got the t-shirt. Oh and that check.โ€ฆ Update: I won on a season with Cara Maria as well. She actually went home third.
- @PaulParmar1: @SamIAmMTV And itโ€™s been 7 years since Marie ended you ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿป stay pressed. 
- @SamIAmMTV: @PaulParmar1 LOL ENDED ME โ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธ you guys do realize itโ€™s all a television show right hahahhha @Marie_TBD this is Fucking humorous
@PaulParmar1: @SamIAmMTV You literally got carried by Zach lol. 
- @SamIAmMTV: @PaulParmar1 And? Didnโ€™t @KennySantucci carry @WestonBergmann ?  Did I still finish? yes   Did I ever quit? no  Did I still get paid? Yupp   Am I still undefeated? Oh would you look at that.  Also, if we remember correctly, the only reason why we didnโ€™t get eliminated was because I won my heat.
- @MTV_iwan: @SamIAmMTV She also had BIG easys Weight to carry you went to Far Cara also didnโ€™t stop after one season and was a sole winner she beat your best partner on your team to take several seats back. 
- @SamIAmMTV: @MTV_iwan So once again, as per my previous tweet, youโ€™re making excuses as to why she didnโ€™t win or why I did. How about facts, I (with my team) won. Her with hers lost. Sometimes you get stuck with a shitty situation. #notmyteamnotmyproblem
- @MTV_iwan: @SamIAmMTV Yes but donโ€™t bring up Cara went home third because she proved that she was an elite competitor that beat a man in a final her last season. last time we seen you Zach pushed you up your ass up a mountain. But i see you throwing digs at Cara to get on the show every one does it.
- @SamIAmMTV: @MTV_iwan 1. Iโ€™m bringing it up cause itโ€™s true. 2. I never said she wasnโ€™t a great competitor, donโ€™t twist my words around.  3. I donโ€™t keep up with the show so good for her!
- @MTVDerek: @SamIAmMTV Sam dont even bother.  They will say anything to discredit u. You got a win and regardless who was there a win is a win.. that's the only win anyone else on your team has too..

@TheNikkiSin: When she isn't drinking green wine on @challengemtv the future wife of Michael B Jordan @justjem24 is giving back big time โ€ฆ
@ThatRealityBlog: โ€˜The Challengeโ€™ star, @JustJem24โฉ, uses her platform to donate school supplies to teachers across the country and we should all follow her lead. #TeacherLife #TheChallenge32
@j_ashley: My sister @BubblyBlondeT is a 2nd grade teacher at an inner city school in Omaha,NE who spends thousands of $ on supplies each yr for her students. @JustJem24 from our favorite show #TheChallenge graciously purchased supplies for her classroom this year. Girl, you are amazing!
@j_ashley: The coolest part about @JustJem24 donating is that my sister just tweeted her thanking her for helping out teachers and then she sweetly messaged her and told her she saw she taught in an inner city school and wanted to help her out too! What a complete class act! 
- @JustJem24: @j_ashley Your sister does amazing things with those kids... Iโ€™m happy to help her.
@WilliKilliams: @JustJem24 thank you for being a confessional queen but thank you more for being charitable and helping teachers that need it. Youโ€™re truly amazing and using this platform you have in a positive way.
@JustJem24: "@denisebolton: @dk725ny @JustJem24 Diedre your list is now clear! I hope this will help in some small way! Thank you for doing the wonderful work you do! Our future is in your hands, so hopefully clearing your wishlist will take one thing off your hands!" RT Omg this is so beautiful! Thank you for spreading the love. I canโ€™t get over how amazing today has been. Thank you to all my followers who joined me in this random thing I decided to do last night. I never expected it to be this. ๐Ÿ’ž
@anaceci10: @JustJem24  I think u are amazing for doing this! I am a Spanish teacher in Austin at a school that serves low income studentsโ€” many have been affected by the immigration policies recently.  I would greatly appreciate if u could share my list too! Thanks! โ€ฆ
@JustJem24: "@alyssavee3: @JustJem24 Where do I go on amazon to look for what teachers need? Is it a wish list or something?" RT I just RT ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ two teachers who have wishlish so check those list out if you would like to help, Iโ€™m trying to make it easy for everybody that wants to help my retweeting when teachers share their wishlist with me๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ–ค
@acwindley: @JustJem24 thank you so much for your generosity and willingness to help out teachers all over! My husband and I are both teachers in a low income school so our students do not have much when they walk in. Here is our list if anyone wants to help ๐Ÿ’• โ€ฆ
@marisparke: I have never been a fan of Jemmye from @ChallengeMTV but she used her own money and donated school supplies to teachers all across the country. I am now a fan of @JustJem24. Thanks for your love and support to educators ๐Ÿ’•
@GamerVev: Daโ€™Vonne is the best thing thatโ€™s happened to The Challenge since Marie, LaToya, and Shane decided to do Invasion. Donโ€™t @ me.
@v_cakes: For all the HATERS out there today, IDGAF what ur thoughts r of me. In fact, I rarely read any of it. U know what I do care ab? My health & the health of my mom. We had another great prognosis yesterday & that brings me more joy than winning 1st in a comp #TheChallenge32
@JustJem24: Yโ€™all Iโ€™m gonna keep sharing wishlists from teachers bc so many of yโ€™all keep reaching out to me wanting to help so if you wanna connect with a teacher just got thru my tweets. Iโ€™m gonna RT a lot of wishlists bc I want as many teachers as possible to get help. ๐Ÿ’ž.
- @MTVjennifer: @JustJem24 with all the drama on twitter this is SO refreshing to see! youโ€™re truly amazing @JustJem24 โค๏ธ
@MissWilliams_90: You have a HEART OF GOLD! @JustJem24 I'm setting up my first classroom ever and it's stressful realizing how much I'm going to have to do myself. Thank you for spreading kindness! โค๏ธ โ€ฆ

โ–ช       โ–ช       โ–ช

So, a lot taking place: Kayleigh and Kam stay but also get partnered up after the Kailah/Melissa fight, some unfinished business with Britni & Chuck at Redemption, and feelings for Cara turning from Kyle to Paulie. Competition wise, we finally find out who Johnny Bananas is partnered up with and it's no surprise that Tony is back & rested from his Champs vs. Stars triumph, and they put up a good effort as do rookies Angela & Faith. In the end, it's Brad & Kyle who take the win, but with those who finish last being spared at week's end, now comes time for everyone else to plead their case to them on why they shouldn't be thrown into elimination, where TJ Lavin awaits with another twist that will change things around again. We'll delve more into all this later on the WRAP.

 #DCExtraTime 'GRAM SCAN 

Briefly, last year we featured a meeting of past, present and future in The Challenge when we featured Cara Maria and Nicole R. getting to meet Brad before they all competed on Vendettas. This week, Nany's bloodline and the master of make-up in the MTV community got to meet someone who calls Tampa Bay home - and one who's been a regular of these ExtraTime bits: JJ from Are You The One? Season 1 and Battle of the Exes II. He posted a picture of them on Twitter below which reads, "champs and stars."

โ–ช   โ–ช   โ–ช   โ–ช   โ–ช

Our recap of Week 2 of Final Reckoning comes up tomorrow (later for our Eastern friends), with our focus on a team who came here from Hawaii and looking to continue a decade-long Challenge trend, and how changes to the roster will impact this game. Then, ExtraTime will meet up with three unique people: a pop star, a prankster and a man responsible for a dance that helped Canada's biggest hip-hop star take over the charts... we'll meet them with the help of old and new MTV alumni.
   Meanwhile, at midweek next week after so much time, effort and patience, DCBLOG will finally have the opportunity to recap 2017 and the first half of 2018 in our Reality Debrief. If you have questions for me and Andrew Kirk on what's happened so far these first few weeks of the summer reality schedule, tweet to #AskDCBLOG and we'll be sure to include your question there.
   That does it for now here... see you here tomorrow and enjoy your Saturday. Good night all...


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