Friday, July 27, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before Final Reckoning Episode 3

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

Good Friday night to all of you, and hope you all are enjoying the beginning to this weekend as we turn our focus to this week on The Challenge. We'll bring you our look at Episode 3 of Final Reckoning to come your way here later as the attention turns to the process of the first elimination battle of this season, with plenty of twists to come before that goes down. Until that post comes you here tomorrow afternoon - or later out East, enjoy the In-Between interaction of cast and alumni from this past week - a packed one in the MTV Reality beat, for sure.

@ChallengeMTV: Here's what Kam and Kayleigh have to say about being paired up 🗣 #TheChallenge32
- @iamkamiam_: @ChallengeMTV #KK 💕
@CaraMariaMTV: "@ChallengeMTV: Say hello to Armageddon. Next Tuesday at 9/8c on #TheChallenge32 🔥 " RT Armageddon anxious to see an elimination already...
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV You’ve been holding on to that pun for a while now 😂🤣
@angelababicz: Jk love you D🍆
@BradFiorenza: Putting in that late night #hardwork cuz it pays off.. #stayready @XSportFitness
@Kmorrisx: "@EyeCand66128593: Whether y’all like him or not , I love how @KyleCGShore have had @DJMelReeves and @Kmorrisx backs on the show ! We all need a guy friend like him ❤️ #TheChallenge32 " RT He has his good qualities as well as his shit ones. He’s human that’s life ♥️
@DerrickMTV: “The Disappearance” of Road Rules Alum and challengemtv CHAMP @kendalsheppard...ah, but was it a GHOST?? If you’re new to The Challenge Universe, you may not know her, but if you’re an old… …
@JennaCompono: I’ll be with @ZNichols15 until Sunday so if you want cameos hit us up!! It’s pinned on our twitter pages ☺️
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨NEW PODCAST UP!🚨@SylviaMTV joins me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania today for a super-fun chat about RW 💀Skeletons, @ChallengeMTV Vendettas, Invasion & #TheChallenge32.💥She has a great energy & is our latest in a string of fantastic guests lately!📲 …
@Marie_TBD: "@SamIAmMTV: LOL ENDED ME ☠️☠️☠️ you guys do realize it’s all a television show right hahahhha @Marie_TBD this is Fucking humorous …" RT Me and @SamIAmMTV were set to be rivals on rivals 2 but I dropped. Part of me wishes I didn’t just because of the hilarity that would have ensued. “You are what you EAT, a P****” Lmao hope all is well!!!🌱
- @SamIAmMTV: @Marie_TBD Hahahaha see, I Fucking love you and I hope all is well with you too!
@BritniNicol: Best way to get rid of someone? Loan them money💸😂
- @angelababicz: @BritniNicol Lmaooooo omg this hits close to home...
- @ZNichols15: @BritniNicol Or share a locker with them at Universal.
@DJMelReeves: "@sassycoll1980: @DJMelReeves I’m so sad you’re gone too! I was so excited to see you compete more. You gave us the best girls elimination in years and I was hype to see you perform more! Hopefully next season will be the one for you!" RT Thank you xx
@DJMelReeves: Appreciation post for @KyleCGShore During both seasons of the challenge, he has been my rock! He’s held me back from fighting, been there for me after Iv fought and been my shoulder to cry on when Iv been disqualified. Love you Kyle! Your an amazing person and friend 💓
- @KyleCGShore: @DJMelReeves Love you too Sis ❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Don't underestimate these rookies 👏 #TheChallenge32 …
- @faithstowers: Thanks @MTV @ChallengeMTV  💪🏾
@MTVBananas: "@LARamsCheer: Congrats @MTVBananas for making the squad 😜💃 " RT Thank you for making this girls dream a reality 🏈🤸‍♀️
@angelababicz: Big shoutout to my former Ex on the Beach castmates who didn’t get called for the Challenge but still watch me every Tuesday 😘 Thanks for the support!
@shannanity: @KyleCGShore and @angelababicz amazing transformations - this Jelly Kelly went and got something done... details on IG to follow... 😈😈😈
- @angelababicz: @shannanity @KyleCGShore You can float too 🎈
- @shannanity: @angelababicz @KyleCGShore AND THE BEST RESPONSE AWARD GOES TO ANGELA 🎉🥇🏆
@shannanity: Welcome to twitter where everyone whines about everything and no one takes responsibility and grows the F up
@JustJem24: I spoke with @KailLowry & @LindsieChrisley on their #coffeeconvos podcast recently so give it a listen now 😘💋
@BradFiorenza: #tbt to the best Halloween costumes in the history of the holiday.. @DJran
@angelababicz: More rings than Kobe💍#TheChallenge32
@JustJem24: "@TheAshleysRR: Per the #TeenMomOG story: Saw it, it's true. Found out earlier this week but wasn't able to post until I got it confirmed by more sources. Will spill what I know. Stay tuned" RT Y’all Bristol Palin is apparently joining teen mom og.. so the real question is, where does this leave Cory & Chey?
@t_raines33: Not with Ra-Ra...I am a Da-Da
@hbarfield13: Dudes can be needy too lol, I’m one of them not afraid to admit it 😬
- @Kmorrisx: @hbarfield13 Ur too cute ☺️♥️
- @hbarfield13: @Kmorrisx Lol just me being me ❤️
@DayDaVonne_: Uh @DerrickMTV  in your podcast thing you indirectly called me a bully... directly called me a loud mouth and said I picked on people... being as you weren’t on the season , I’d love to know what you’re referring to ?
- @DerrickMTV: @DayDaVonne_ I’d have to relisten,but I think I was referring to people,in general,that feel the need to belittle or talk about others in a negative way.I believe it stemmed from comments made referring to Sylvia as a mouse and a follower.We discussed that bully was the wrong choice of word.
- @DayDaVonne_: @DerrickMTV You’ve gotta do better honey, next time say People as oppose to “MAMA DAY” furthermore please keep this same energy as the season progresses, I’d love to know your final thoughts on who the bullies and loud mouths are 🙋🏾‍♀️
@JustJem24: @DerrickMTV I love you but you were wrong about everything you said about @DayDaVonne_ on your podcast. I’ll save what I have to say to you about this situation when we speak next week on the podcast but just be prepared bc I didn’t like the way you spoke about my girl!
@angelababicz: Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by @DayDaVonne_
@angelababicz: 🤣🤣 I can’t help but clown the idea of this because she’s honestly one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met 🤷🏻‍♀️
@DayDaVonne_: Fine, I’m done...
@DayDaVonne_: Everybody wanna be boosie badazz when the cameras are rolling... but I make one little YouTube video and do one little confessional and suddenly people are hurt....
@SHOTOFYAGER: He literally says “I’m not calling Momma Day a bully” & segues into a tangent about others on the show in general who are loud mouths or bullies. Sylvia of all people even says that word doesn’t apply. But either way, the convo had moved on from you specifically. D clarified that
- @DayDaVonne_: @SHOTOFYAGER If that’s true then why in his response would he say this was in reference to what I said about Sylvia. Either way.. the bully, loud mouth , picking on people conversation shouldn’t have included me. But it’s cool. Enjoy the season ❤️
- @SylviaMTV: @DayDaVonne_ Oh no. You didn’t offend me everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I to make first judgments. You aren’t the first and won’t be the last it’s TV you can’t please everyone.
- @DayDaVonne_: && @SylviaMTV I appreciate you shutting that inaccurate conversation down. Now regarding my first impressions video, that’s how I genuinely felt when I first met you. Know that my truth is my truth and I don’t change what I said. BUT my words offended you & I apologize for THAT.
@kailah_casillas: The word “sposta” should be thing. It’s way shorter and easier than saying and typing “suppose to”... just sayin lol
@JustJem24: "@angelababicz: @bbredwood13 No he belongs to @JustJem24 she already claimed his ass" RT Now y’all see why I fucks with @angelababicz so hard. She’s a real one 🙌🏼👏🏼
@ZNichols15: Hey look how my ketchup poured out.... @JustJem24
@MTVDevinWalker: Shark week 🔥
@Kmorrisx: Arrogance is not attractive. It’s really not
@MTVCoryWharton: Morning message 🎙📠
@MTVCoryWharton: I can’t wait till I can really talk 🤫

@ChallengeMTV: Tori is going IN on Derrick 😩 Can they step up their game? Find put on a new episode of #TheChallenge32, Tuesday at 9/8c!
@ChallengeMTV: Kam and Kayleigh finished behind the rookie girls in their first competition together, and they're just fine with that. Here's why:
- @iamkamiam_: @ChallengeMTV Man I love my team 😂 @Kmorrisx ❤️💕
@kailah_casillas: My dad (who is the full Puerto Rican parent) said that he sometimes says it one way and sometimes says it the other depending on how Spanish he feels that day 😹 needless to say, I never feel Spanish enough.. the hoop earrings help though.
@TinaBarta: @mikethemiz I remember meeting her back in the day.  Absolutely stunning of a woman!  You did damn well @mikethemiz 😎
@TinaBarta: @tjlavin @RonnieBoy1982 @ThePME @tjlavin you should have a sizeable 401k with how many challenges you have hosted.  You got the best gig of them all!
@KendalSheppard: @TinaBarta @KatieCooley26 Thank you, Tina!! Funny how we've also never met but the OG love runs deep. Hope we get to hear from you soon!!
@CaraMariaMTV: Like fire and powder.
@CaraMariaMTV: Enjoy what you have, when you have it, for as long as you have it. You truly own nothing. You only borrow it for a time.
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @CaraMariaMTV Words of a true & forever side chick 💯
- @MTVBananas: @MTV_AMANDAG Says Joss's side chick 🙋‍♀️  @CaraMariaMTV @joss_mooney
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @MTVBananas Says Angela’s side chick 🙃
- @shannanity: @MTVBananas Says Shane’s wet dream🙋🏻‍♂️
- @PaulCalafiore_: @shannanity Says my future husband 💍❤️
@CaraMariaMTV: Looks like people need reference: theres no hidden message here. My friends dog died. Made me think of when i lose my horse eventually as shes turning another year older august 1st and shes slowin down a bit (29)... so love and enjoy what you have while you have it. 🐾
@FearFactor: Jul 20 Just because they’re family, doesn’t mean @Ludacris is gonna go easy on ‘em 😈 It’s a battle of the @MTV stars on this Tuesday’s Celebrity #FearFactor, starting at 10/9c!
@JustJem24: "@RudnickRants: Since @ChallengeMTV is integrating multiple franchises (Big Brother, Pump Rules) from various networks, how do we get @Bravotv to start integrating reformed Challengers into housewives? Cc: @Andy" RT 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼.. I’m really for my 🍎 @Andy #realhousewivesofnola. @TrishelleC, you in? 😘💋
- @TrishelleC: @JustJem24 Hahaha YES
@imdroc15: The most contradicting thing that everyone asks... “Can you take this candid picture of me!?l lol hahahaha
@imdroc15: Back to doing what I do best... #6 is about to be epic 👫
@EmFitMTV: If anyone can find the @MTV clip of me in the Cutthroat Challenge answering what I would do if I won the money and me saying “open a gym” ... I WILL GIVE YOU A YEAR MEMBERSHIP FOR FREEE!!!!!
- @MQuinnton: @EmFitMTV @MTV Here it is! It was Rivals 2 not Cutthroat!
- @EmFitMTV: @MQuinnton HAHA omg it was the wrong season!!!! Tom you are my winner!!! I’m so sorry to everyone I led astrayyyy 🙈🙈🙈 Tom, you just won the best online programming you will find.
@NotoriousAJM: Congrats on your new Real Estate endeavor fam! Praying for you💯👍🏾 @SylviaMTV
@KyleCGShore: "@ChallengeTea411: They’re dragging @KyleCGShore with this editing #TheChallenge32 " RT It’s a job who cares aslong as my Friends and Family know the real me I don’t give a Fuck what anyone else thinks about me! 👌🏻
@ZNichols15: Kyle and I told everyone to take a serious picture....Then we smiled, classic.  @KyleCGShore
- @KyleCGShore: @ZNichols15 Amazing 😂
- @BradFiorenza: @ZNichols15 That is my smile this
- @ZNichols15: @BradFiorenza That’s the smile that never clocks out.
@ImSarahRice: That’s it, it’s time.... @mtv, @susie_meister is THE perfect #ChampsVsStars contestant! Get her on there already, would ya??? I’ll come visit and give her moral support.
@SylviaMTV: Huge shout out to my KW photographer for doing a way better job than my @ChallengeMTV photographer!! 😉
@SylviaMTV: Life, you really are treating me so well! For anyone who’s been down and out, I’ve been there and I’m telling you. KEEP PUSHING I’ve hit rock bottom, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon. KEEP PUSHING! #FeelingBlessed
@CaraMariaMTV: My guy 🖤🍌 @MTVBananas
@t_raines33: "@TODAYshow: This mayonnaise-flavored ice cream is shocking dessert lovers everywhere " RT Where was this during the eating challenge on Vendettas?! @ChallengeMTV
- @CaraMariaMTV: @t_raines33 @ChallengeMTV HARD NO 🤢
- @t_raines33: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV Hahahaha this has to taste a little better than the room temperature mayo we ate
- @ZNichols15: @t_raines33 @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV Savage moment tho!
@JazMTV: Kids are sleep!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾Hunny they wore me out today!!(Maddy, Leo and my nephew Elam) It’s Friday night im at my mommas house I just want to relax have a few brewskys and watch LIVE PD!! #fridaynightshenanigans #feelsgoodtobehome
@KendalSheppard: Night out means throwing on my fav pair of jeans with a cool, comfy shirt! Now which one...?? 🤔🤔🤔
@angelababicz: When you have the volume all the way up bc the HGs are whispering on BB After Dark and then a commercial comes on and blasts your eardrums out

@ChallengeMTV: Joss and Sylvia were worried about being close to the bottom, but it should come as a relief to them that everybody who didn't win is on the chopping block 😈 Find out what that means on a new episode of #TheChallenge32, this Tuesday at 9/8c!
@Kmorrisx: "@xSuicidalPanda: Lavender Ladies win on the challenge and in life 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 " RT Yes girls @SylviaMTV @MTV_AMANDAG this is what fans should see. Tv gold cast members with a brain and future outside ♥️ YOUS 😍🔥☝🏽
@HBiglow: This happened! Just wished I could have heard them! @joss_mooney @Kmorrisx @ChallengeMTV
- @joss_mooney: @HBiglow Haha, probs couldn’t of understood us anyway 😂🤦🏽‍♂️
@Marie_TBD: Just read some recent hate on Instagram and I realized most of them are young moms. Why you mad I’m LIVING? It’s called birth control.
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD Omg I always notice the same thing! What the hell is with that???
- @HaydenPWeaver: @Marie_TBD And their bio is always like “mommy of 2 👩‍👧‍👦 lover of Christ 😇 treat others the way you want to be treated ❤️”
@Marie_TBD: MTV Canada is playing my season of Real World. ✨
@PaulParmar1: The queen of the Real World Saint Thomas @Marie_TBD
@MTVBananas: *Walks downstairs, forgets why.  *Walks back upstairs, remembers why I walked downstairs.
@PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV That’s weird.... Coulda had me fooled that you didn’t like to get wet 😋
@ChallengeMTV: Cara and CT are two of the fiercest Challengers in the history of the game, but what are their biggest fears? Find out on a new episode of Celebrity #FearFactor, this Tuesday after a new episode of #TheChallenge32 at 9/8c! 👏
- @CaraMariaMTV:  @ChallengeMTV “ so afraid of snakes”...- me (former mom of a ball python and columbian red tail boa) trying to use reverse psychology to put me in a tank full of them. Fingers crossed. Really i just dont wanna get wet.
@Marie_TBD: Head over to @ChallengeMTV instagram story and tell @Kmorrisx and @joss_mooney to get a room.🤭🤤🤣
@Marie_TBD: This emoji 🤤 makes me uncomfortable.
@Marie_TBD: "@StaceyLinc: @Marie_TBD I love watching you Marie! Im a 39 yr old mom to a 12 year old girl. I’m an old mom 😩😂" RT You’re only as old as you allow yourself to be. I feel like I’m 55. Can’t hang like I used too LOL
@angelababicz: If her name has 2 A’s in it she’s crazy
- @t_raines33: @angelababicz That’s facts
- @MTVBananas: @angelababicz She'd be perfect for this dude I know with 3 A's
@t_raines33: For everyone messaging me, I’ve always bit my tongue and I’ll continue to for my daughters sake. Some things need to be kept private.
@MTVCoryWharton: Ryder is set on stuffed animals 🎡🎟 – at Orange County Market Place
@hbarfield13: I want the simple things I just want you ❤️
@JustJem24: I miss something I never had....
@CaraMariaMTV: @hbarfield13 No hunter. Its never simple. Its always complicated. Run. Run away. Always run.
- @hbarfield13: @CaraMariaMTV If I never ran from your humping and groping pretty sure I’m just not a runner 😂😂
- @CaraMariaMTV: @hbarfield13 Dont ever run from my groping and humping hunter. Actually do. Its more fun that way. 😈#tocatchapredator
- @BritniNicol: @CaraMariaMTV @hbarfield13 RUN BITCH RUNNNN
- @hbarfield13: @BritniNicol @CaraMariaMTV A1 from day 1
@CaraMariaMTV: "@carabanana__: @ChallengeMTV "Challenge god".. This is the same man that told Cara she isn't allowed to be cocky, I have to laugh" RT Only men are allowed to be cocky. You know this. I will get back in the kitchen now...
@CaraMariaMTV: Without a doubt.  🖤
@MtvJess: I see a lot of booties on social media, the naked kind. They cute and all but I’m gonna keep my treasure a little hidden and let y’all wonder about it. @Mtv had my back (side) that one time 😂🐥
@Ozzymm11: I don’t understand how people that have undergone bullying and absurd amounts of negativity in their lives still go out of their way to make others feel insecure or wrong about themselves or the choices they’ve made in the past.. it saddens me. Why can’t you worry about yourself? Like specially within the MTV and ATYO community; everyone is really out to get each other when in my eyes we should a fucking tight community and actually help each other grow instead of trying to push everyone else down
@F1abraham: When your on top of the world #worldcup @fifaworldcup  @maximmag #maximhot100 #frenchteam #france #livingmybestlife #lovemylife #legends #OG 🇾🇪

@ChallengeMTV: TJ & twists go together like peanut butter & jelly 😈 Don't miss a twisted new episode of #TheChallenge32, this Tuesday at 9/8c!
@Kmorrisx: Strutting into Monday like ...
@WestonBergmann: A kitchen trashcan has a magical power unlike any other trashcan. It’s power is that regardless of the time of day, day of week; who is home or who isn’t home - it’s always filled to the brim. Even if you just took it out.
@WestonBergmann: Never speak in absolutes
@SylviaMTV: "@MTVRWRRQuotes: Did they just give @iamkamiam_ , Kailah’s old jersey? #KA #FinalReckoning 😂 " RT @iamkamiam_  The struggle was real 😂😂
@ChallengeMTV: Will the self-styled "Challenge God" defend his reputation? Find out on a new episode of Celebrity #FearFactor, Tuesday after #TheChallenge32! 📺👀
@t_raines33: *Warning this picture may cause severe baby fever 👶🤒😍😊
@Kmorrisx: When ex’s can remain friends 😊
@MTVjennifer: only i would wake up with a fever today... @Marie_TBD @angelababicz rain check once i start my vacation next weekend?! 😩
@MTVBananas: Worlds greatest dad 🏆🐶 #summerfashion #bananasdoingthings
@ChallengeMTV: As rookies, Faith and Angela already have targets on their backs, but their solid performance in 'Wreck Yourself' might make those targets even bigger 🎯 #TheChallenge32 is brand new, this Tuesday at 9/8c!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Marie_TBD..this is funny for so many reasons
@SHOTOFYAGER: ⏰Coming up later today: An exciting guest announcement for the next episode of #ChallengeMania & some BONUS CONTENT at  where @derrickMTV & I will respond to the controversy over the @SylviaMTV episode & we’ll also include a bit of extra @KendalSheppard!🎧
@shannanity: What’s the proper way to tell someone banging on the bathroom door your just shitting and not doing drugs?
- @ThatCoral @shannanity Dude. There should be no banging. And they should know you and assume you’re not doing drugs!! HELLO!?? Who is doing this said “banging” they need a reality check.
- @shannanity: @ThatCoral It was in a club 🙈
@t_raines33: Don’t let a bad moment ruin your day, don’t let a bad day ruin your week, and don’t let a bad week ruin your life!
@n_zanattaMTV: Talk to me, yell at me do whatever except ignore me. Is it just me or do more people feel like this?
@TheAshleysRR: Taking @JustJem24 lead here to help our teachers out! If you want to donate supplies to a teacher in need-- click here! <3 …
@kailah_casillas: I totally thought today was monday.
@kailah_casillas: new vlog uploaded 👀👀👀
@kailah_casillas: waaaiiittttt.. @halsey is the voice of Wonder Woman in #TeenTitansGOMovie 😱 you all know how much I love both of them.... 😱
@kailah_casillas: I didn’t realize this pic would cause such a debate on instagram 😂 #SayNoToHeels
@JennaCompono: What a great weekend ☺️
@SHOTOFYAGER: 💎Bonus podcast content up for y’all at  - @DerrickMTV & I give our thoughts on the twitter fiasco from the end of the week & whether we feel the confusion was warranted, PLUS Patrons also get over ten extra minutes of the @KendalSheppard interview too! 🎁
@JustJem24: My forever face bc I hate everybody
@CaraMariaMTV: Another episode of @ChallengeMTV airs TUESDAY.  Check out my @people blog for a refresher of episode 2 and for all the good inside tea you didnt see. ☕️ …
@MTVBananas: "@CaraMariaMTV: @carabanana__ Only men are allowed to be cocky. You know this. I will get back in the kitchen now... " RT Can you make me a sandwich please 🥪
@kailah_casillas: If I hear “keke do you love me” one more time 😫

@ChallengeMTV: Will Cara and Marie ever get on the same page? Find out on a new episode of The Challenge: Final Reckoning, TOMORROW at 9/8c! #TheChallenge32  Sneak Peek: Fractured Alliance  The Challenge: Final Reckoning is brand new, TOMORROW at 9/8c! #TheChallenge32
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Thats a hard no.
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Didn’t show Cara promising me not to tell anyone our vote or our discussion regarding it. Cue Cara calling me a victim in 3...2.......1
- @shannanity: @ChallengeMTV @Marie_TBD “I fucking hate you Cara” just as funny to watch as to hear in real life 😂🤣😂 you two were so funny
- @cohuttalee: @ChallengeMTV Someone has somehow discovered how to use “throwing under the bus” twice in the same sentence. This is one vehicular homicide ass bus.
@Marie_TBD: Hey @CaraMariaMTV ... I learned from the best 👆😎
@Marie_TBD: Not today Satan... NOT TODAY.
@TheOriginalDre_: @ChallengeMTV It’s funny how rude Cara is to @Marie_TBD at the end of this clip. YET all of her fans will say it’s ok. BUT if @Marie_TBD did/said this to her she would be trolled till the end of time. Smh
@JustJem24: Had a dream Saturday night this girl I knew was gonna have her baby and she in fact had her baby Sunday...
@CaraMariaMTV: Im no role model. I do reality tv. Come on now. Im am about empowering MYSELF to accomplish things i didnt think possible. To overcome fears and doubts from myself and others. My job isnt to play nice with people i do not like. Everything you see is me in the moment. No regrets.
@ChallengeMTV: Everybody needs a workout buddy like this 😂 #MondayMotivation #TheChallenge32
- @joss_mooney: @ChallengeMTV For pervy PT enquiries contact: @PaulCalafiore_ #pervyPTpaulie 😂
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Omgggggg @joss_mooney your face at the end is fucking amazing 😂🤣😂🤣
@Marie_TBD: "@cmirall8: @realitydomain @CaraMariaMTV @Marie_TBD What Cara says about Marie are pretty much challenge-related (eg. weak, untrustworthy, etc). Meanwhile Marie has made fun of Cara’s appearance multiple times, slutshamed her by saying Cara’s hoo-ha was the most beat up on Vendettas, & calls her an entitled bitch who nobody likes." RT *** I said her hoo-ha was more beat up than her punching bag*** and that still makes me laugh.
- @CaraMariaMTV: @realitydomain @Marie_TBD Marie did that the past two seasons we did together. Which is why we are partners this season. Which is why i am so resentful. I am about my OWN empowerment. Not about being fake to people i do not like just because she happens to be a woman.
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV Victim alert LOL 🚨🚨🚨
@realitydomain: I love how @CaraMariaMTV is all about women empowerment and supporting other women yet she bashes and talks down to  @Marie_TBD almost daily. #THECHALLENGE
- @cmirall8: @realitydomain @CaraMariaMTV @Marie_TBD What Cara says about Marie are pretty much challenge-related (eg. weak, untrustworthy, etc). Meanwhile Marie has made fun of Cara’s appearance multiple times, slutshamed her by saying Cara’s hoo-ha was the most beat up on Vendettas, & calls her an entitled bitch who nobody likes.
- @CaraMariaMTV: @cmirall8 🧐 valid. But i actually never called marie weak. Just a quitter. Which is true.
@JustJem24: "@Lizchallenge_: @JustJem24 I love rockstar though" RT I just appreciate fessy being loyal. As my future bf/challenge alliance this is a good quality for him to have 🙌🏼
@hbarfield13: I swear as soon as put on a button up shirt I immediately think about the glorious moment I get to take it off 😂
@mikethemiz: The Mizanin family Portrait.  Tomorrow, @marysemizanin and I during commercial breaks of the #MizAndMrs premiere on @usa_network will be live tweeting. Gonna be an #Awesome night.
@MTVBananas: Dear Sneeze: If you're gonna happen, then happen. Don't just leave me hangin with a stupid look on my face. Sincerely, the guy who looks like an idiot
@DayDaVonne_: Enjoy your Monday folks ❤️
@PaulCalafiore_: @joss_mooney I’m a very hands on trainer.... all about proper technique.... making sure my clients cum first.... ok I ran out of pervy puns but you get the point 😂🤣
@WestonBergmann: Mind blowing Monday 🤯: ‘TAG’, stands for touch-and-go.
@joss_mooney: Don’t complain about the results you didn’t get because of the work you didn’t do.
@BrilyBadAss: @ChallengeCara @ChallengeMTV @Marie_TBD That’s now how that worked out. Jemmye was supposed to vote in Camilla to go against Kailah, Marie set it up so that would be possible and everyone agreed to that plan and Jemmye flipped last minute and threw Jenna under the bus, not Marie.
- @JustJem24: @BrilyBadAss This is so false. I had no intention of ever voting Camila in when I pulled the double cross. I was always going for Jenna...
@Marie_TBD: "@CaraMariaMTV: @PaulParmar1 @tori_deal @NataliaNegrotti Thems my people. And having a partner who wants to throw in only the people im closest with and not compromise grinded my gears." RT But....I...DID....compromise? C you in a mood today. I understand you’re mad that you look stupid. Welcome to my life. 💋
- @CaraMariaMTV: @Marie_TBD .... meanwhile all the shit i got from that one time i “liked” a tweet from someone who said marie shouldnt come back. Totally justifies slut shaming and bashing how i look! Makes total sense.
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV EEEEEK 🤣 @CaraMariaMTV YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL; wether you dress like Jack Sparrow or not!! I can’t remember ever bashing your looks. If so, I’m sorry. In terms of the “slut shaming,” have NO SHAME dear partner!!... I was being petty. F*ck the world; Literally. IDC! 🤷🏼‍♀️👉🏼👌
@CaraMariaMTV: "@PrettyGirlBre24: Hey @CaraMariaMTV, why are so many people coming after you today?? Don’t they know that for every action, there is a reaction... Therefore, your reaction(s) to Marie were the direct result of her numerous actions and comments about you." RT No. This makes too much sense. 🧐
@PaulCalafiore_: @Marie_TBD @dancebabe28aolc @imJosephRussell Marie that’s a lie and you know it. We love each other, we just sometimes have to tell each other to fuck off in the most New Jersey and Staten Island way possible 🤷🏼‍♂️💁🏼‍♂️
- @Marie_TBD: So east coast of us. @PaulCalafiore_
@PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV Not even one letter?!
@kailah_casillas: Lol the majority of my time spent on twitter is looking at @Marie_TBD tweets 😂 you are a fuckin savage 😂 I hope to someday be a witty as you 💕
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas Lmao me when I tweet. Thanks for the support ❤️😂
@AshleyMarieMTV: @kailah_casillas @JennaCompono well Idk what ya’ll are waiting for....🤷🏼‍♀️👊🏼 hahaha
@kailah_casillas: Just in case you were wondering what kinda fuckery happens in my DMs lol
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas Lmfao I got the EXACT same message
@jossie_flores: Trying to get home so i don’t miss tomorrow’s all new episode of 😅#thechallenge32 @ChallengeMTV  It’s going to be fire 🔥 9/8c on @MTV
@PaulParmar1: 4 challenge greats on @FearFactor from @ChallengeMTV next week 👏🏻 gonna be a good one @tori_deal @JordanW_usa @CaraMariaMTV @TheOfficial_CT #TheChallenge32 #FearFactor.
@SHOTOFYAGER: 👀Tomorrow on #ChallengeMania, @DerrickMTV & I are joined by NICOLE RAMOS (@NicolexoRamos) who will among other things, give us a FOURTH perspective on 🤪’The Alternate Adventures’ that we’ve already heard so much about! Send YOUR QUESTIONS NOW! Subscribe📲 …
@faithstowers: "@peopletv: Thanks for watching tonight's #chatter! Come back tomorrow -- @rocsidiaz and @JordanDoww are talking about the biggest stories of the day. Plus, @faithstowers from @ChallengeMTV and @pimpfriedrice_ from …" RT Thanks @peopletv !! tune in for the tea ☕️!! #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning @MTV
@MTVBananas: LA 🛫 Paris #bonjourlafrance @1stlooktv
- @BritniNicol: @JustJem24 Fuck the Bahamas. Come with me to Mexico..😈😈😈 like now 😜
@JustJem24: Becca sucks. I’ve said it since day one. I really believe it tonight #theBachlorette
@JustJem24: "@holy_spearit: @Marie_TBD and @JustJem24 are the honest to god best part of the challenge" RT Well you’re gonna love our nonstop posts from Mexico next week 🙃
@angelababicz: If we’re in a relationship and I take care of you.. I’m yo zaddy🤑💸 #ahkay (Top & pants @fashionnova) …
@WestonBergmann: @t_raines33 The exception to this rule is if you’re still drunk from the night before, wearing a sombrero, and completely on one.
- @t_raines33: @WestonBergmann Never speak in absolutes
@tori_deal: Love Lies cover by Tori & Jordan:  via @YouTube
- @kailah_casillas: @tori_deal go listen if you haven't already! loveee it ❤️
@angelababicz: You need to get over me I thwear
@NataliaNegrotti: Who’s face is that 🤔
@Kmorrisx: ☺️
@angelababicz: What just happened on #TheProposal I’m shoook 😱😱😱😱
@angelababicz: "@AyanaTheDIVA: Remember that ex you planned your life with? Where are they now? 🤔 lol" RT Standing in the hot sun on the side of the highway yelling over airplanes and calling all of his friends like this is Who Wants To Be a Millionaire and he’s got 3 lifelines. This ain’t my car but it’s dope af lookin ahhhhhhh

@ChallengeMTV: Secret votes and Power votes and Deliberation Rooms, oh my! 😱 Watch TJ introduce several NEW TWISTS into the voting process in this sneak peek from tonight's brand new episode of #TheChallenge32 🌀
- @BradFiorenza: Got the full moons locked & loaded @t_raines33 👀Just waiting on tonight’s episode to use them..😳 9/8c @mtv @ChallengeMTV #FinalReckoning
- @Marie_TBD: Tonight... we ALL vote. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
- @SylviaMTV: I told y’all shit was about to get real. TJ is dropping bombs tonight! @ChallengeMTV
- @iamkamiam_: @ChallengeMTV Let the scared games begin 😩 lol not me and @Kmorrisx though we never play a scared game 😊😊
@SylviaMTV: We voting Taco Bell 😂😂😂 I’ll never forget @MTVASHLEYBROOKE that day!
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @SylviaMTV Youre a certified genius
- @SylviaMTV: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE Insert Micah giving me death threat 👀s !
@KendalSheppard: It's Challenge Tuesday! Get your game race on!! #TheChallenge32 #ChallengeMania
@PaulCalafiore_: TJ: So Paulie I’m gonna need you to repeat everything I just said... Me: I got you my dude  😂🤣 Who’s ready for an all new episode of The @ChallengeMTV tonight at 9pm EST only on @MTV #TheChallenge32 @tjlavin
@WestonBergmann: The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
@iamtheophi: @angelababicz is really $avage out here lmaoo
@JustJem24: I have never felt more needed in my life than y’all made me feel for missing @TeenMom last night. 😭😭
@FearFactor: Don’t let fear be a factor, @tori_deal! I mean, what could be worse than diving into a tank of bubbling fish guts…? 🤷‍♂️ Celebrity #FearFactor is all-new TONIGHT starting at 10/9c on @MTV!
- @tori_deal: @FearFactor Couldn’t have done it with out you lol @JordanW_usa
@iamkamiam_: Jamaica Summer 2018 🇯🇲❤️💚💛
- @CaraMariaMTV: @iamkamiam_ Natural and stunning. You need to be in magazines. I would buy whatever you are selling.
- @Kmorrisx: @iamkamiam_ I cannot DEAL 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@JustJem24: "@HaydenPWeaver: Jemmye and Devin could legit host an amazing podcast together, their commentary on every show is always gold." RT @MTVDevinWalker 👫
@TheOfficial_CT: Back from vacation and just in time for tonight’s episode!!! #TheChallenge32!  Tune in tonight @mtv 9/8c! 🌀🌀🌀 …
@ChallengeMTV: Kyle's actions could have implications for him in the game as well as his personal life... 😩#TheChallenge32 is all new TONIGHT at 9/8c!
- @SydneyBucksbaum: @ChallengeMTV "No more bandwagon votes. No more 'burn votes.' So no more bullshit, really." @tjlavin is the GOAT. #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
- @Neily_Ona: @ChallengeMTV I love @tjlavin he just says it like it is...doesnt like quitters or cheaters as well!!
@Marie_TBD: "@caitanne_: my coworker sent out the link to the Betches article just saying "Marie has a lot to say about Cara" initially, I'm here thinking I'm getting very close to having to boycott Betches for the @Marie_TBD slander.…" RT Wait. I haven’t seen this yet! Send me link!
@Marie_TBD: Cara went on a press tour 2 weeks ago & cried about me to my all time favorite company ⁦@betchesluvthis⁩ -naturally I through a hissy fit & got to tell my side of the story. I was so excited..I didn’t breathe...& u can tell. ⁦⁦@ChallengeMTV⁩
@Marie_TBD: LMAO. About me hating betches............ peep my rebuttal article with them here. …
@jossie_flores: What are me and @DayDaVonne_  scheming about ? And Why am i cheesing so hard 😬😂 Find out on tonight’s episode of #thechallenge32  @ChallengeMTV on @MTV 9/8c
- @PaulCalafiore_: @jossie_flores @DayDaVonne_ and 2 others  Bunch of Big Brother schemers 😂🤣😂🤣
@SylviaMTV: Well it’s clear @joss_mooney have zero excitement for what the new twists are this season! @ChallengeMTV #TeamSoss
@shannanity: If you had to pick between these three - which pair would you go up against and why? …
@Marie_TBD: So you agree??!😂🤣😂 Catch this trainwreck tonight on an all new @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@mikethemiz: No more ads, no more billboards, no more media. TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! #MizandMrs premieres tonight on @usa_network . You can think what you want but this is the best, honest depiction of my life. U are getting a glimpse at @marysemizanin and I’s crazy, chaotic (But AWESOME) life
@tori_deal: Why is @JordanW_usa so fucking perfect 😫
- @DerrickMTV: @tori_deal Love is...
@Kmorrisx: "@echant1: @Kmorrisx Easily the hottest woman on the #TheChallengeFinalReckoning 🔥🔥🔥.... Good luck to you and @iamkamiam_ this season! Kam you're gorgeous too btw!" RT Kam is a snack ♥️
@kailah_casillas: Demi Lovato 💔💔💔💔😰
@JustJem24: Prayers and good vibes for Demi Lovato 💜
@Kmorrisx: Our facials express a lot here 💁🏼‍♀️  TONIGHT ..... catch #TeamKK go from 0-100 realllllll quick ☝🏽#TheChallenge32 @iamkamiam_ ♥️
@ChallengeMTV: Has The Challenge prepared Jordan and Tori for this one? Find out TONIGHT after #TheChallenge32 on a new episode of #FearFactor! 😱  Fear Factor Sneak Peek: Fish Guts Celebrity #FearFactor is brand new TONIGHT starting at 10/9c on @MTV!
@CaraMariaMTV: Tonight @ChallengeMTV invades @FearFactor ... so i am taking over the CHALLENGEMTV INSTAGRAM PAGE and checking in with some familiar faces to find out their biggest fears ;) check it out!
@AREUTHE1: Tune into an all new #FearFactor to support our boy Terrence J! 🔥 TONIGHT at 10/9c on @MTV!
@lexoquence: Terrance J,  I hope Ludacris was as hard on you as you were on us. Sincerely, @AREUTHE1 Season Six  #AYTO
@DayDaVonne_: New Episode of #TheChallenge32 TONIGHT on MTV ! ❤️ 😂😂😂 plotting with my partner !
@faithstowers: Wish a mutha would .. face 😂 #Challenge32 #FinalReckoning @ChallengeMTV
@MTVCoryWharton: Prayers go out to @ddlovato 🙏🏽Addiction is a on going fight, it takes a whole team to beat it!!!🥊 #DemiLovato
@MTVjennifer: no no no no😩 #PrayForDemi
@Marie_TBD: It’s okay to not wash your hair. Right @Kmorrisx  😂😂 …
- @Kmorrisx: @Marie_TBD Hahahahaha my phobia 😂
@KaramoBrown: I just read about #DemiLovato Not sure if it’s true but I still I want to send love & prayers out to her & her family. Let’s all respect her privacy during this time. If you’re battling Addiction... private & discrete support is available to U at  1-800-662-HELP or 1-800-662-4357
@DerrickMTV: "@AlyssaJones624: I’m catching up on #ChallengeMania and I love this interview with @tori_deal on episode 11. Love her! @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER" RT Eleven we in Heaven 🙌 And she’s on @FearFactor tonight! And she got a new song w/ @JordanW_usa playin on the App next door! 
@FearFactor: TONIGHT: @CaraMariaMTV, @TheOfficial_CT, and the rest of the crew face their biggest challenge yet on Celebrity #FearFactor after a new episode of #TheChallenge32 at 10/9c on @MTV 💥
@ExOnTheBeach: Ever wondered how tuff your favorite celebrities are? Don't miss them in action TONIGHT, on Celebrity #FearFactor at 10/9c on @MTV! 🐍🐟 
@angelababicz: Wonder who’s making me smile 👀 Tune in tonight @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
- @JustJem24: @angelababicz 🍌🍌
@hbarfield13: My dogs were sleeping in the living room and I sneezed in my room, they are now barking uncontrollably as if someone is breaking in. I officially have the worlds dumbest dogs 🙄
@lexoquence: So thankful for people like @ddlovato fighting the stigma of addiction, and changing the face of what most think of first when pointing out an “addict”. #YouAreNotAlone #MeToo  Relapse is always the hardest part. My heart goes out to you, girl. ❤️ Get well again, soon.
@tjlavin: Here we go... Countdown to a new challengemtv ! Check it out tonight on @MTV and let me know whatcha think... Much love you guys. #challengefamily #mtv #goodtimes …
@XBRITNI_: in honor of @CaraMariaMTV being on fear factor, here’s this clip of cara being the only one happy af to be around a snake 😂
@FearFactor: Fam is fam, but we’re not gonna go easy on ya, @TerrenceJ! 😂 Get ready for tonight’s new episodes of Celebrity #FearFactor starting at 10/9c on @MTV.
@t_raines33: There’s a difference between being full of yourself and being full of CONFIDENCE! ... New Challenge episode tonight! Make sure to check it out and go to  (Link in bio) for exclusive apparel 👕 🧢 😊  #TonyTime #Confidence #DadStrong #TheChallenge32
@SHOTOFYAGER: 💄Alright folks! Sorry for the delay & minor audio issues during the intro & trail end of the show. @NicolexoRamos joins @DerrickMTV & I on #ChallengeMania to tell us another @SylviaMTV-esque casting story that involves taking someone else’s spot & MORE📲 …
- @DerrickMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER Yeah, but will we be talking about more than make-up and boobs, Scott?
@teamariecara: @MTV your viewing schedule makes me think you want #TheChallenge32 fans to watch #TeenMom . All Teen Mom, no last week's Challenge. I get it. @ChallengeMTV fans are great, loyal viewers. We can give you what you want if you give us what we want. (Hint ask @JustJem24 )
@NataliaNegrotti: Tonight is about to get cray... tune into @mtv at 9/8 c and watch me in tonight’s episode of the @ChallengeMTV why do I never wear makeup on tv? Lol
- @PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti @MTV @ChallengeMTV YOU ARE GORGEOUS WITH OR WITHOUT MAKEUP!!!!
@ChallengeMTV: Only 1 HOUR left until a brand new episode of #TheChallenge32! RT if you're watching! 👀
@t_raines33: @SylviaMTV @Sylviadefender I’ve never once thought about us being partnered up. Fun to think about how this season would’ve gone if that were the case.
@PaulCalafiore_: Less than 1 hour baby!! Who’s ready to cure that @ChallengeMTV fever you’ve been having all week?!?! On the only network that can handle these two resting bitch faces @MTV 😜 #TheChallenge32 @NataliaNegrotti
@MTV_iwan: Ppl: Shane had the best challenge instagram story bringing back legends   @CaraMariaMTV :Hold my beer
@jossie_flores: 20min  #thechallenge32 🙌🙌🔥
@DayDaVonne_: I’m known to have road rage lol and I’ve done some crazy stuff but my child was nowhere in sight. I was acting a fool by myself
@DayDaVonne_: Whew .... I don’t even watch this show..... blame @JustJem24 🙄
@DayDaVonne_: Ayyyeee it’s almost time for a new episode of : THE CHALLENGE 32: REDEMPTION HOUSE   Y’all ready ??? 👀😂  #TheChallenge32 @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@WestonBergmann: New episode of the challenge tonight. I have a feeling my favorite new girl is about to be tarnished by the rotten fruit. Much like my favorite new girl from last season. He literally ruins everything.

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

Just ahead, those game-changing twists and that elimination on The Challenge XXXII, plus drama with this season's two pairs of exes and social media spills its way to South Africa. And we'll also take a look at the controversy that rocked this week's episode of Teen Mom... one person is most interested in that, of course.
   But ahead this late Friday, we'll introduce you to the most notable figure of this spring's first U.S. version of Ex On The Beach. A clue: this person wasn't even an actual cast member or even the one who found himself battling shark bait this week on Fear Factor. We'll meet that person just ahead.


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