Sunday, July 1, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before the Ex On The Beach Finale

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

This incredible weekend may be coming to a close, but for those of you who have Monday off for the 4th of July holiday, we have the Pulse of Ex on the Beach to bring you here shortly. Before that though, indulge yourself in all the In-Between interaction that took place between last week's episode as the Exes returned, and this week's season finale that will have your jaw dropped. Enjoy that before we bring you the main diary coming up in the 11th Hour out west.

@ExOnTheBeach: When you have to carry all the groceries bags in on one trip because you're lazy 😂
@angelababicz: Surprise! I cut Charles 🙃
@lexi__marsella: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @jasminegoode_! may your day be filled with bottomless tequila shots and LOTS of fans😘
@WelbornFerrene: Had a blast with the cast at the Ex On The Beach wrap party!!! Follow them all next week because the crazy train doesn’t stop. It goes all the way to the bitter end!!!   #MTV @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach narrator
@imdroc15: And the sexiest ex girlfriend award goes to @angelababicz 😍❤️... not even a competition. Love you A Money!! #TeamChocolate #TeamChocolit 🔥
@imdroc15: And I know y’all... I fucked up 😩! I don’t know how I let her get away
@angelababicz: Be a hot girlfriend & an even hotter ex girlfriend 🍫 #TeamChocolate @ New Jersey …
@marcodelvec: Hey y’all I got married
@princeofnorway: I’m on a boat bitch
@princeofnorway: Honestly just tryna lay in my bed and watch a movie tonight 😴
@BionicBrooks_: Wishing you the best. So I pray 🙏🏿
@BionicBrooks_: That means we don’t even need to speak. I’m good luv, enjoy. 👍🏿
@lexi__marsella: if I have to question whether to laugh or cry.. IM LAUGHING B/C YUH GIRL DOESNT CRY FOR NO ONE😂😂
@blacuesta: Imma take today off from twitter usually it’s all pretty funny but today y’all being excessive
@DJMelReeves: Last night I had a lovely night in planned. I wanted to pack for my holiday & binge watch Netflix whilst eating lots of junk food. I went to visit my friend before I did this to have ONE DRINK..... 7 hours later I was still out singing in a karaoke bar until 3am 😩
@DJMelReeves: I’m literally on the verge of tears because i despise the nails Iv just had done for my holiday that much. It’s sunday tomorrow no where is open to get them fixed. #FirstWorldProblems
@DJMelReeves: I have so much to do before I go on holiday tomorrow. So iv just sat down for an hour scrolling through memes on instagram
@DJMelReeves: "@OK_Magazine: NO WAY #LoveIsland " RT Sounds so familiar 👀😂
@joss_mooney: La Familia...🍻☀️😎
@joss_mooney: When you cheat on your barber and they chop your barnet off. erves me right really...😠🤦🏽‍♂️
@JessAndreatta: More like 3 yrs ago but 😩 I miss this more than anything 💙

@angelababicz: Since some of y’all in my comments are so concerned with my size let me reassure you that I am healthy and within a normal BMI range for my height and weight. It’s ridiculous that I even have to address this. #StopBodyShaming
@imdroc15: So ppl wanna talk about the fight like they were there. Ask anyone who actually was there, I tried stopping them from fighting 6 times (yes I counted). After a while, you have to allow grown adults to make their own decisions. You hear me say “I tried so many times!”
- @blacuesta: @imdroc15 Why are people even mad about this lmao let em fight if they wanna fight 🤷‍♀️
@blacuesta: If fighting makes @shannnonmaee trash then I am the worlds biggest trashcan. Y’all can’t even see what’s happening in that 2004 Nokia flip phone recording anyway
- @shannnonmaee: @blacuesta LMFAO. I only did it cause I was defending my friend but I’ll stay trash if that means I have my friends back 🤷🏽‍♀️
- @giannahammer: @blacuesta @shannnonmaee 😂😂😂 I thought it was funny af lol you either don’t fight and you’re “all bark and no bite” or you fight and you’re trash. Internet is annoying live yo life 🤘🏽
- @shannnonmaee: @giannahammer @blacuesta Lol it’s like when I didn’t do anything at the reunion and everyone gave me shit...and then I actually do something and people STILL giving me shit!! I can’t win over here 🤦🏽‍♀️
- @giannahammer: @shannnonmaee @blacuesta Lmfaoo😂😂😂 either way you stay living your life and ppl stay having opinions and conversations about it like it matters to you somehow 🤷🏽‍♀️
@creaturesferris: Thanks @realDonaldTrump for space force!🚀 I know @chelskoofficial and @haleyreadxoxo were tired of being abducted when I was dating them, they went to the bathroom and forever disappeared, and the constant anal probing they complained about, poor girls! 💗 #ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: 20 of your favorite (well my favorite) D list celebrities have booked their trips for next weekend in Portland. Y’all aren’t ready 😬
- @NurysKMateo: @princeofnorway To say we’re all gonna FSU is an understatement 😈 #aytoallstarweekend
@BionicBrooks_: Look both ways before you cross me.
@PaulCalafiore_: Until it becomes a reality 🤙🏼🤘🏼#Pride
@imdroc15: “I love your titties because they prove I can focus on 2 things at once!”
@itsFugazzi: this is disgusting. wow
- @shannnonmaee: @itsFugazzi Lol but spitting on someone isn’t disgusting? Racist tweets aren’t disgusting? GIRL BYE
- @itsFugazzi: @tylerobrienn Smh🙄
@itsFugazzi: class always 👑
@mrdavis25: Can someone explain to me how @imdroc15 is always around drama lol I’m starting to think he starting it 😂😂😂
- @imdroc15: @mrdavis25 Lol bro chill!! I already get blamed for everything 😅 lol hahaha. Ask anyone that was there that night, I tried stopping them from fighting so many times but it got to a point where I couldn’t do anything anymore, it was gonna happen.
- @imdroc15: @mrdavis25 😂😂😂😂 it was 5 girls in a fight. You tell me how the hell Im supposed to grab 5 girls. Please let me know.
@mrdavis25: @shannnonmaee with the hands tho 👀👊🏽🙌🏾 I know who to call if a female ever get out of line with me 😂😂
- @shannnonmaee: @mrdavis25 LMFAO I tried not fighting, I even told her we were too pretty to fight 😭 but then she pushed my friend and I don’t fuck with that !!
- @mrdavis25:  @shannnonmaee It be like that sometimes.. I already know lol but no more! Your officially retired
@hbarfield13: Saw my family yesterday... and I repetitively got asked over and over 3 questions   1. Why don’t you have a gf   2. When are you giving us grand kids    3. Why don’t you just move home    Gotta love family 😂
@MtvNateSiebs: When you can’t change a certain situation, what’s the point in dwelling on it? What’s the point in letting that effect your daily life? There is no point. Just keep livin. L.i.v.i.n. 💯

@ExOnTheBeach: Temptation is hard to resist, but not even @jasminegoode_ was bothered by @iamcharlesdavis leaving the house 💅 | Catch the season finale of #ExOnTheBeach Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV!
@marcodelvec: Good vibes at the @ExOnTheBeach wrap party the other night!
@imdroc15: People be out here saying “no cap” like that’s supposed to automatically make me believe you. You still a damn liar no cap!!
@PaulCalafiore_: "@echtklatsch: @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV and 3 others   Why should anyone believe you are a positive charitable person that wants to do good in the world & take you The Rise Up seriously when you reply to haters with crude, profane posts/videos. Actions don't match missions of RAINN, Cybersmile, etc. You are not a role model for kids" RT Actually I’ll touch on this now and explain later. Unless you are one of the survivors who have personally hugged me at the events or one of the kids who told me I showed them a better solution to killing themselves. You can shut the fuck up. You don’t know my past or why I do it
@imdroc15: Just some of your favorite exes!! @marcodelvec @shandathapanda
@ExOnTheBeach: It's Monday so here we are 😩 | #ExOnTheBeach season finale is happening this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV! ✌️
@BionicBrooks_: I still got it for you.
@PaulCalafiore_: In case y’all forgot 👇🏼😂 #StayTuned
@imdroc15: #TeamChocolate ❤️
@DJMelReeves: Marbella 🌞
@joss_mooney:’s HOT! ☀️😎👌🏼

@ExOnTheBeach: We're down to the wire! Who will stand strong, and who will go home alone? 😵Catch the season finale of #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on MTV! 🙌
- @BionicBrooks_: @ExOnTheBeach Y’all don’t want to miss what happens next! 😳😳😳😳😳
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨NEW PODCAST UP!🚨@CBSBigBrother alum & @ChallengeMTV rookie PAULIE (@PaulCalafiore_) joins me & @DerrickMTV for a jam-packed episode of #ChallengeMania! He addresses the criticisms, his reputation, ExOnTheB, Challenge ambitions, BB casting story & MORE!📲 …
- @PaulCalafiore_: @SHOTOFYAGER Had a chat with the boys @DerrickMTV and @SHOTOFYAGER . To my supporters, ❤️❤️. To my haters... since you’re already on my page lurking and commenting.... take some time to listen to this 😉😘 #Challenge32 #BB20
@RudnickRants: I never thought I’d tweet this but I have a lot of respect for @PaulCalafiore_ after listening to his episode of #ChallengeMania thanks to @SHOTOFYAGER and @DerrickMTV for giving the fans what they want! #Challenge32
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🃏Hear the podcast everyone’s talking about! Today’s BRAND NEW #CHALLENGEMANIA feat. the polarizing @PaulCalafiore_ is up for your listening pleasure. And yes, we cover it ALL. From @CBSBigBrother to @ChallengeMTV, Paulie gets candid w/ me & @DerrickMTV!📲 …
- @PaulCalafiore_: @SHOTOFYAGER Oops I did it again 😉
@usweekly: #BigBrother alum @PaulCalafiore_ revealed how he helps men and women who are bullied and talked about his dark past:
- @PaulCalafiore_: @usweekly Great article! Thank you @usweekly for shedding light on this and the new form of bullying that takes place online. I’ll never back down on here, the same way I’ll never back down in real life 💪🏼🤘🏼
@PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Oh hey I’m in a coffin buried alive, I hope @NataliaNegrotti can dig as fast as she runs or I’m in trouble 😂🤣 #BiggestFear
- @PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti Hahahaha..... actual footage of you in the coffin
@shandathapanda: just had a 30 minute conversation about types of farts and how 2 fart secretly in public   this is a major part of my brand so if u are 2 pussy 2 fart ttyl
@lexi__marsella: thankful for the man in my life @KurtisHartman🖤
@lexi__marsella: we were just a hook up @PaulCalafiore_? anyone else talk to their “hook-ups” like this? just have some humanity and stop with the lies. you’ll get further with the truth.. or you’ll get buried with it. your choice.
@ExOnTheBeach: Bae: You thirsty? Me: No, I'm fine!  Me 5 minutes later:   💅 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: The last thing @angelababicz wanted was to be sent to the Shack Of Secrets with @BionicBrooks_ 😩 Will they survive? Don't miss the season finale of #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV!
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach Yes, there was more to the double dare game that y’all didn’t see... like some fun motorboating with Angela 😏😋. Let’s see if it’ll show in the Shack of Secrets!!
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach I’M GOOD LUV, ENJOY
@PaulCalafiore_: Guess y’all forgot about this little video I posted because of how trashy y’all were #FuckOff
@elmir_s16: Yo @imdroc15 is the comedy & fun what we need on every reality show 😂🙌🏽 love watching him 🔥 #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Should I go to LA next weekend? 🤨🤔
@lexi__marsella: how many times can someone point fingers at everyone else until they notice that they’re the problem? asking for a friend.
@giannahammer: 64 more days but who’s counting 🙃🤳🏽 #mommytobe #gettinganxious #catchingthatgoodlight …
@joss_mooney: We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry.
@TinaCasting: Alright who wants to be on "Are You The One'? Everyone's always asking me about it! They are looking for TWINS! Email CINDY at and tell her TINA sent you ⛱️ #casting #twins #love
- @lexoquence: Where was this for my season... none of them girls would do me 😡
- @Keith__Macklin: @lexoquence Sorry me twice a day wasn’t good enough for ya
- @lexoquence: @Keith__Macklin BITCH U USED TO MAKE ME WAIT DAAAAYYYYYS
@lexoquence: I REALLY h8 being an empath sometimes... Like u LITERALLY can ruin my entire life, never apologize, go MIA for months...  but, the SECOND ur struggling thru somethin- my ass still drops EVERYTHING on a dime &  I completely bend over backwards to make it better 4 u
@A_Bartolotte: Being a part of the @WWE has always been the childhood dream. God bless my brother for all the moves he took growing up lmao and of course Brandon for this rock bottom. You smell what I’m cookin @TheRock

@ExOnTheBeach: Will @camkobo and @shandathapanda officially crush on each other? Don't miss #ExOnTheBeach season finale TOMORROW, at 9/8c on @MTV!
@angelababicz: I can’t believe tomorrow is the season finale of #exonthebeach! Thank you to all of my supporters that have stuck by my problematic ass 😩
@ExOnTheBeach: Happy #NationalSunglassesDay @paulcalafiore_ didn’t get the memo 😎 | #ExOnTheBeach season finale TOMORROW, at 9/8c on @mtv!
@thepoetsaint: #exonthebeach fans! Thursday is the finale!! And to celebrate, we are doing a full 2 hour aftershow on @afterbuzztv! You know we got the guests for you. (It’s a secret 🤫) But for the 1st time this season, we are taking live calls from the fans! New time! 7pm PST. We celebrating!
@ExOnTheBeach: 😅 *encourages bae to make this a uniform* | Don't miss the season finale of #ExOnTheBeach TOMORROW, at 9/8c on @MTV! 🙌
- @shandathapanda: @ExOnTheBeach Lmao
@ExOnTheBeach: My crush: Are you stalking me?   Me: No........
@MtvNateSiebs: @princeofnorway is the Seth Rogen to my James Franco. Stay tuned #PortlandWeekend
@blacuesta: The thing about my friendship w @BritniNicol is that we don’t need to talk everyday to validate our friendship. I know she’s always there if I need her. Our souls have been intertwined since we’ve met. I love u w everything
@zoeinwonderland: @_gelesann @nicole_spiller reunited and it feels so drunk
@uchaachi: NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO UP (finally) Answering all of your questions! Part two (in depth about AYTO, how we feel about our matches, etc) will be posted when we reach 15k on YouTube! WE LOVE YOU 💘
@Keith__Macklin: So currently packing to move out and realized I always save cards and movie stubs and crap from dates I go on with my girlfriends thinking it will be cute one day. Technically I’m holding onto garbage, does that make me a hoarder?
@Keith__Macklin: Oh and for those wondering, I never throw them away because I have this idea to have a burning effigy at my bachelor party with the things I have left over from last relationships. Thanks Ron Swanson for influencing the idea.
@JessAndreatta: Shout out to the ppl who’s been following me since day 1 of ayto yall  the real mvps .. 4yrs later I still get msgs from some of yous 💙

@imdroc15: So right now, I have no complaints with my life. I know that I’m beyond blessed. But I’m so determined to be more successful and to reach my life dreams, it’s 5:25am and I can’t sleep. I’m just thinking about how Ima make these dreams a reality.
@angelababicz: When you post a fire pic on the gram and none of your hoes like it
@camkobo: I just text myself “you up” and I didn’t answer
@BionicBrooks_: Life already gives me a hard enough time therefore I don’t need anyone who’s going to make it harder.
@BionicBrooks_: I can do bad by myself.
@ExOnTheBeach: Spiral.... but make it look sexy #NationalSpiralingDay
@lexi__marsella: tonight is the finale of @ExOnTheBeach and must I say - I’M NOT READY
- @mandymoran1: @lexi__marsella @ExOnTheBeach I’m not ready for it to be over😩
- @ExOnTheBeach: @mandymoran1 Neither am I 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@shandathapanda: adios #exonthebeach
@Satterwhite1121: It's Thursday so you know what that means it's @ExOnTheBeach day🙌🏽🙌🏽#ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @Satterwhite1121 And it's the season finale! 👯 Drama starts at 9/8c on @MTV!
@Satterwhite1121: Why do @JerseyShore AND @ExOnTheBeach have to be the night of season finale's???😞😞#JSFamillyVacation #ExOnTheBeach
@MTVCoryWharton: I think some people get off by ruining relationships. It just shows how unhappy they truly are with themselves.They really need to re-focus their energy🔮,if they would spend the same amount of time working on themselves,instead of worrying about me,maybe they can find happiness.
@Juno_Robinson: Damn it’s finally the last episode of #exonthebeach 😱. One of the greatest reality shit shows 😂 🔥. 9 pm!! #MTV
@cbmcnary: ....You thinking what I am thinking bro? @coreybrooks34
@princeofnorway: If I make eye contact with someone I at least smile and nod but maybe that’s just because I’m not a fucking serial killer
@ExOnTheBeach: It's the final crush ceremony, and it's time to see if the couples we've grown to love...have true love for their exes! Don't miss #ExOnTheBeach season finale TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ExOnTheBeach @MTV That’s cause I don’t pull off shades the way @imdroc15 does 😎
- @ExOnTheBeach: @PaulCalafiore_ 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach ...but can we crush @RomeoMiller tho? Asking for a friend
- @faithstowers: @ExOnTheBeach Ouuu this crush ceremony will handing out karma leis #ExOntheBeach 😂😂😂
@hayymorgshac: Tonight is the last night I’m going to see my favorites @angelababicz and @victoria_alario on my tv ! SO.NOT.READY! 😭😭😭
- @victoria_alario: @hayymorgshac Maybe it’s the last time you’ll see us on @ExOnTheBeach but it might not be the last time you see us on your TV😉
@LoganxPMxIRL: Tonight is the season finale of @ExOnTheBeach but im sitting here wishing there was more episodes!!!!
@lexi__marsella: how I feel about tonight being the finale....
- @ExOnTheBeach: @lexi__marsella Wow I thought this was me for a sec.. 😍 #ExOnTheBeach finale kicks off @ 9/8c on @MTV! 🙌
- @lexi__marsella: @ExOnTheBeach i’m going to miss seeing us on TV every Thursday...
@shandathapanda: @cbmcnary wtf r we talking about
@ermahgerdliz: it's the final episode of @ExOnTheBeach tonight and I'm crying 😭😭
- @ExOnTheBeach: @ermahgerdliz SAME! 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@faithstowers: Finale of @ExOnTheBeach tonight! Don’t miss it!
@imdroc15: Mood knowing that Ex On The Beach is coming on tonight!
@angelababicz: The calm before the storm....
@shandathapanda: Do y'all want me to go live after this episode to explain where I stand with Cam?
@princeofnorway: Hilarious actually 😅 @camkobo
- @camkobo: @princeofnorway 😂😂😂😩😩😩
@ExOnTheBeach: Head on over to our GRAM (u: ExOnTheBeach) Watch @MTVCoryWharton prepare for the grand finale happening TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV! 🎉
@RomeoMiller: Great question @angelababicz 🤔🙃😅 soooo @ExOnTheBeach we need answers haha. Finale tonight on @MTV baby!
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach @RomeoMiller I GOT YOU 🤜🏼🤛🏼
- @ExOnTheBeach: @angelababicz @RomeoMiller Asking for me I hope? 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@skylermikkelson: TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!  The season finale of exonthebeach on @mtv! 😭 It’s not everyday you get to experience things like this. I can truly say that despite some of the arguments,… …
@BionicBrooks_: This pretty much sums up my time in the house. @ExOnTheBeach season finale tonight on @MTV ! #exonthebeach
@PaulCalafiore_: I don’t write the articles. I don’t make the calls for the shows. I always count my blessings that I receive and have never needed anyone to help me achieve my success. I don’t come into anyone’s mentions because I don’t need to. Maybe this will help you understand 👇🏼👇🏼😉😈
@marcodelvec: Well I just missed my flight to Portland so now I have to wait four hours at the airport for the next one....
@hbarfield13: I’m just ready to play catch with my little dude and take him to his first baseball game ❤️
- @JustJem24: @hbarfield13 I knew you were gonna spoil our surprise 🤦🏻‍♀️.
@Kmorrisx: Really infuriates me how a random stranger messages you on Facebook. Which I never use. I see they’ve messaged. Then again. Then again. And finally saying oh wow no reply what a rude bitch u are. I’m sorry but what an earth makes u ever think u shall get a reply now.
@DJMelReeves: Catching some Rays ☀️
@tjlavin: I think this season is 22! RT @serenaalynn8: Also wow @tjlavin has hosted 21 seasons of the challenge. I have literally seen all 32 seasons & he has been the host for a majority of them.

@MTV: It was only a matter of time before Angela and Tor'i got called into the Shack Of Secrets! Watch it all go down on the season finale of #ExOnTheBeach tonight at 9/8c.
@ExOnTheBeach: .@MTVCoryWharton and @BionicBrooks_ getting ready for the final HOORAH! #ExOnTheBeach season finale is just TWO hours away at 9/8c on @MTV ! 👏
- @BionicBrooks_: @ExOnTheBeach OG Gang @MTVCoryWharton GR stand Up!
@PurveyorsofPop: The #ExOnTheBeach finale needs to hurry up and air already because I am READY. Tune in at 9/8c on @MTV! We'll be tweeting EXCLUSIVE pictures from the EOTB wrap party during the show!
@marcodelvec: When they said I missed my flight... Don’t miss the SEASON FINALE of @ExOnTheBeach tonight at 9/8c on @mtv
@ChelskoOfficial: WHO’S READDDYYYYYY!!!?!??? exonthebeach FINALE TONIGHT 9/8c on @mtv !!!!!! Followed by an interview of @haley_read & I On @afterbuzztv !!!!!! Link in bio —->>> @chelskoofficial
#finale… …
@cbmcnary: @shandathapanda Probably how you were the coolest babe in the house! Or your allergies 🤷🏽‍♂️😂.
@princeofnorway: @marcodelvec was trying to be cool chugging beers on FaceTime and missed his flight to Portland 😂 see you at midnight moron 😂😂
@ExOnTheBeach: Can we get #ExOnTheBeach to trend tonight for the season finale?
@RomeoMiller: Who’s your favorite OG from @ExOnTheBeach ??? | Finale tonight on @MTV
@ChelskoOfficial: WEEE OUT HEREEEE - @ExOnTheBeach FINALE TONIGHT @MTV  9/8c @haleyreadxoxo @marcodelvec
@PaulCalafiore_: @imdroc15 I mean how you be happy when you’re so far away from me though?! 😞😞
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting Diandra Delgado @00Hitsdiidii Of Season 6 Of The MTV Show Are You The One? #DiandraDelgado #Beautiful #Youthful #Model #Colombian #ColombianBeauty #Hispanic #Latina… …
@ExOnTheBeach: .@Drake the people want to know! 😂 | Don't get upset! Catch #ExOnTheBeach season finale TONIGHT at 9/8c only on @MTV! 🌊
@RomeoMiller: I got two shows on tonight baby! @GUHH_WEtv and @ExOnTheBeach blessings on blessings 🙏
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting Natalie Negrotti @NataliaNegrotti Of Big Brother 19 & The Challenge Vendettas. #NatalieNegrotti #Beautiful #Youthful #Model #Funsized #FunsizeGirls #FunsizedBeauty #BigBrother… …
@angelababicz: We are so close to the @ExOnTheBeach season finale I can already hear hearts breaking at the crush ceremony

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It's one last chance at love, revenge or going home without love. The Pulse of the Ex On The Beach finale... straight ahead.


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