*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
As all of you enjoy this summer's Saturday night - UFC/boxing cards, Manchester United vs. Liverpool at the Big House and the beginning of the Jay-Z/Beyonce tour, we bring you all in to the Pulse of The Challenge: Final Reckoning, and to what many say is Part 3 of the Premiere... and finally we find out what this twisted game is all about in South Africa.
Last week, we saw Kayleigh & Kam find about their fates when they were paired up upon the news of their partners, Kailah and Melissa, being sent home for their week 1 fight. There was also drama both in the main house and in Redemption with Bananas gaining a new love interest and Angela going off just as she did on Ex On The Beach and Bad Girls Club, and Britni and Chuck having to deal with unresolved feelings. And oh, there was our first daily challenge with Bananas finally taking part when he found that his partner was Tony.
At night's end, Brad & Kyle became the season's first power team with control of the game in their hands, and this week they get to sit back, relax and not have to worry about a single thing as the game gets turned on its head a few times with the revealing of a few twists that will sure set the tone for the rest of this season. Meanwhile, lots of drama is taking place with a man who had his fair share of girl drama in Britain taking his talents to American screens, while two another guys who's been at the heart of the drama also find themselves in those too.
We'll have all the action, reaction and interaction from Challenge Tuesday & the aftermath ahead here, along with some of The Challenge's finest joining the hosts of MTV's love fests, Romeo of Ex On The Beach and Terrence J. from Are You The One, and Ludacris for Celebrity Fear Factor.
All of that is ahead on the Pulse of The Challenge. It's great to have you with us tonight.
►AS THEY SAW IT: Episode 3 - "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend"
@ChallengeMTV: An all new episode of #TheChallenge32 starts NOW on @MTV! Tune in and tweet along 💞 (GIF: Amanda - "I love it")
@angelababicz: Here we gooooooo @ChallengeMTV
@MTV: @DayDaVonne_ @ChallengeMTV oh we ready #TheChallenge32
@t_raines33: Here we go! #TheChallenge32
@ThatRealityBlog: #TheChallenge32 starts now!
@ChallengeMTV: When my friends hit up the group chat saying they're busy but then post snaps of them all hanging out without me 😩 #TheChallenge32 (GIF: Derrick - "You cheated on me. I don't want to hear your voice right now.")
@Marie_TBD: XOXO Gossip Girl 😂🤭 @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Those are fighting words 🗣 #TheChallenge32 (GIF: Paulie - "That's a f___ing p___y move.")
@shannanity: Oooohhhhh @Marie_TBD Johnny is telling on you!
@shannanity: Shocker!!! I’m hated 😂🤣👌🏾
@DayDaVonne_: Lol @MTVBananas MESSY BOOTS !!!!! 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge32
@t_raines33: @imdroc15 reminds me of myself on earlier seasons. He’s just gotta focus more on the game and not over think it so much. Some more experience under his belt and he could be a force.
- @imdroc15: @t_raines33 I appreciate that bro and you’re absolutely right. You set the blueprint how to focus and push through the hard times and become a force. Definitely taking notes bro 💯!!
@ChallengeMTV: Shane is being messyyyy 😂 #TheChallenge32 (GIF: "Maybe I exaggerated.")
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV The best.
@faithstowers: Thanks @peopletv @rocsidiaz for the chatter! #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning
@t_raines33: @KyleCGShore you should have told Paulie I am what I eat! 🤷🏻♂️ #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Shane is me. @shannanity #thechallenge32
@shannanity: @tori_deal your bracelet made the episode!!! Awwww
@t_raines33: @shannanity is the messiest person I’ve ever met 🤦🏻♂️ #TheChallenge32
- @shannanity: @t_raines33 You tagged the wrong Shane Tony - your brother is @TheShaneRaines 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@ChallengeMTV: When you're waiting for the person you're talking to to stop lying 😂 #TheChallenge32 (GIF of Kam listening)
@ChallengeMTV: CT is in a position that he's never been in before 😩 #TheChallenge32 (GIF: "I'm on Team Layup. (shrugs) I'm on Team Layup.")
@publyssity: "@Christina4683: @publyssity question for the @Marie_TBD podcast.... What’s it like behind the scenes in the Challenge house and filming challenges? We only see 60 min of an entire week, so what’s it REALLY like? What do y’all do for fun and to pass the time? How do u not go insane from boredom?" RT We totally touch on this - I had the same questions! Episode goes live tomorrow, so be sure to tune in and subscribe to The Publyssity Podcast. cc: @Marie_TBD
@PaulCalafiore_: If CT says you’re making mistakes. You’re making mistakes. Period. #TheChallenge32
@t_raines33: Dad bod smoke break 🚬 🤦🏻♂️ lol #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: I hate that wolf hat more than Cara. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Me to my cat every night 😭 #TheChallenge32 (GIF: Cara - "You could just give me attention.")
@Marie_TBD: Kyle lost his balls. #thechallenge32
@JedGallagher88: Waiting for more @DayDaVonne_ scenes to appear like #TheChallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
@ap_ramsey: @ChallengeMTV @PaulCalafiore_ I will give it to this guy. He tells the truth...did not deny he said what he said. #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: When the bunk's rockin', don't come knockin' 🙈 #TheChallenge32 (GIF of Kyle coming into Faith's bed)
@t_raines33: If @KyleCGShore was 30 years old he would wife @CaraMariaMTV up 👰 💍 thing is he’s 25 and living his best life. #TheChallenge32
- @CaraMariaMTV: @t_raines33 But im like a bird. I’ll only fly awayyyy. 🦅
- @t_raines33: @CaraMariaMTV Name that song! Lol
@nicole_perez1: 10 minutes in and I’m over here like where’s @DayDaVonne_ ?? 💀 #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: “I have to make sure my partner is HAPPY; just not TOO HAPPY.” 😂😂😂 @BradFiorenza
@PaulCalafiore_: When Brad referred to Kyle as a peacock I automatically thought of this scene 😂🤣 #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: “SHUT UP!!!” 😂😂😂😂😂 #TheChallenge32
@JustJem24: Always up to something 🙃
@SylviaMTV: I just love @BradFiorenza and how he try’s to justify everything in the nicest way possible 😂😂😂
- @BradFiorenza: @SylviaMTV 👋
- @SylviaMTV: @BradFiorenza Missing #TubTime 😂😂😂
- @BradFiorenza: @SylviaMTV OMG!!! EVERY DAY!!!
- @Brianna24886296: @SylviaMTV @BradFiorenza I would totally align with Brad if I was in the house. He seems like the nicest most mature guy in there.
- @BradFiorenza: @Brianna24886296 Just wait..😂
@shannanity: Listen I’ll say it now! I just got a chin, some cheekbones and a few other things ... so OBVIOUSLY I was just deeply jealous of my boy @KyleCGShore - I mean look at us - I literally am the monster under the bed and he’s the guy getting ass on it 🤷🏻♂️😊
@jossie_flores: This episode is about to be so messy 😂😏smh #thechallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
- @JustJem24: @jossie_flores Bc of us 😭🤷🏻♀️
@kayleighmtv: Ugh @BradFiorenza is the brains and the muscle of his team. #TheChallenge32
@Heartlesz_Lover: you can tell that @BradFiorenza is a #VET by the way he moves with certain situattions #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Me applying to an entry-level job: What are you looking for? Employer: (GIF: CT - "A quarter-century of experience"
@Marie_TBD: I remember Angela coming up to me asking about her blankets. I was so confused. @angelababicz 😂
@t_raines33: And the romance of #Banangela begins #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: THIS TWIST IS A GAME 👏 CHANGER 👏 #TheChallenge32 (GIF: TJ Lavin - "Even though it's one vote, it counts as two")
@Marie_TBD: Kam you are GLOWING in that pink top. @iamkamiam_ #thechallenge32
@MTVBananas: When you fart in class, but the class blames the person beside you 🍌💨 #ViveLeBanane #Banony #bananasdoingthings @ Paris, France https://www.instagram.com/p/BlosoXfhl6A/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1snsy8soqaie5 …
@ChallengeFanMTV: Love how @PaulCalafiore_ is a rookie and is already getting more air time then most vets
@DayDaVonne_: Deja Vu... wasn’t Nat laying out in a bikini while he was preying like an eagle just like this ... last season ??? 😂 #TheChallenge32
@angelababicz: "@WestonBergmann: New episode of the challenge tonight. I have a feeling my favorite new girl is about to be tarnished by the rotten fruit. Much like my favorite new girl from last season. He literally ruins everything." RT All I got from this was I’m your favorite new girl. Honored and blessed 😁
@ChallengeMTV: When CT said he wished Marie and Veronica would fight each other so they'd get sent home and he could be partnered with Cara ⚰️⚰️⚰️ #TheChallenge32 (GIF of Veronica laughing)
@JustJem24: 20 mins in and I haven’t laughed one, maybe throw this episode to the redemption house so @DayDaVonne_ & myself can entertain y’all #TheChallenge32
- @DayDaVonne_: @JustJem24 Say that !
@Marie_TBD: Secrets secrets are no fun... if not shared WITH ME. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: I love watching @TheOfficial_CT and @v_cakes
- @ChallengeMTV: @shannanity @TheOfficial_CT @v_cakes LOL! #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: I knew the majority of people were voting for Natalie and Paulie. #thechallenge32
@t_raines33: Y’all think we’ll get an elimination and a daily challenge in this episode? #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: When you're hungover as sh*t in an 8am meeting 😩 #TheChallenge32 (GIF of Marie covering her face)
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Spot on. 😂😂😂
@iamkamiam_: I hate suspense #thechallenge32
@Marie_TBD: "@SNiFFiNbuTT: @Marie_TBD “should we just vote ourselves in” 😂😂😂" RT Define loyal to a fault 😂
@DayDaVonne_: “Can we just vote ourselves in” @Marie_TBD 😂😂😂😂😂. What ?!?!?!?? #TheChallenge32
- @Marie_TBD: @DayDaVonne_ I’m an idiot... sometimes. 🤣 @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@angelababicz: Me: A private life is a happy life. Also me: *gathers the crew to announce wedding plans after the first date*
@jossie_flores: Wait vote yourself in was really an opinion? 😂😂😂 @CaraMariaMTV #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_: You have to be in the same page as your partner. #KK #thechallenge32
@angelababicz: When you realize everything you’ve been doing is going to be on national television in a few months
@JustJem24: I love when @Marie_TBD gets stressed out & says ridiculous things.. sis said should we vote ourselves in 😭😭😭. #TheChallenge32
- @Marie_TBD: @JustJem24 I figured we’d either go majority or minority. I didn’t think anyone else would say our name. Considering we didn’t know the game, I agreed to disagree with Cara since I knew ang and Faith would be safe regardless.
@ChallengeMTV: "@IKNOWTITTY: Secret voting huh? I like it #TheChallenge32" RT I live for this twist 🌀 #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaMTV: ITS ONLY THE FIRST VOTE. She's afraid to vote ANYONE in...(except for *my* 2 closest alliances) because she doesn't want to risk going in elimination... but she would rather just vote OURSELVES IN instead?! ARE YOU STUPID?🤦🏻♀️ @Marie_TBD : “sometimes” 🤔@ChallengeMTV
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV Afraid is most definitely not the right word. You should know this has always been a numbers game. Good luck with your 2 allies. Wait...1 😈
@t_raines33: @Marie_TBD with the old let’s nominate ourselves trick lol #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: @MTV_NellyT @ChallengeMTV It’s probably my fault 🙄
@angelababicz: MARIE HOW COULD YOU @Marie_TBD #TheChallenge32
- @Marie_TBD: @angelababicz I’m a vote bookie. I knew you were good. We spent a lot longer in that room fighting than they showed. Lol
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz Right you said you was with us! Lol
@ChallengeMTV: Imagine being in deliberation and your partner suggests voting yourself in 😭 😂 #TheChallenge32 (GIF of Cara reacting next to Marie)
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV LMAO. I make her skin crawl!!!
@shannanity: Voting was almost 4 hours + y’all
@WhoIsAshanti: I agree with Jemmye. Redemption house us please. #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: When TJ says everyone is on the chopping block 😩 #TheChallenge32 (GIF of Joss shaking his head)
@PaulCalafiore_: It’s ok Marie, I still love you 😉 #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: “A possibility but I slept with her last night “ #TheChallenge32
@JoltAlchemist: Omg @SylviaMTV your voting cast photo is AMAZING. Do you have it? We need it HD because😍😍 SO much better than your solo one that they tried to release
@angelababicz: How I slept when @MTVBananas stole my blanket
@JustJem24: @tjlavin didn’t say who was going in so @v_cakes now how to back her 47 suitcases. She’s not happy y’all 😭#TheChallenge32
- @v_cakes: @JustJem24 My girl knows me! Packing for eliminations is my worst fear!!!
@SylviaMTV: Y’all have no idea the stress level everyone was at knowing we don’t find out who goes in until the actually elim.
@iamkamiam_: The suspense is still killing me. 🙄 #thechallenge32
@Marie_TBD: “You’re lucky to have Cara as a partner!” Me:
@iamkamiam_: I kinda wanted Killa Kam to chill & be low for #thechallenge32 but we will see.
@JennaCompono: Hmm what’s going on in the redemption house? I wonder
@ChallengeMTV: When you're doing hood-rat sh*t with your friends and your mom walks in 😶 #TheChallenge32 (GIF of Marie walking into bedroom with Cara, Tori and Natalie)
@iamkamiam_: I’m never throwing my partner under the bus #thechallenge32
- @ChallengeMTV: @iamkamiam_ Loyalty is key 🔑 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: MESSYYY stirring the pot in the Redemption House 😂 #TheChallenge32 (GIF: Jozea - "Tell her how you f___ed up.")
@ChallengeMTV: Me yelling at my TV right now 😭 #TheChallenge32 (GIF: Da'Vonne: "Chuck, run! Chuck, leave!")
@_In_Zayn_: Lmfao, @JustJem24 always stirring the pot!! 😂 #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all showed that !!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ You know exactly what you did sis 😂😂😂😂 #TheChallenge32
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV 😂😂😂😂😂
@shannanity: “It’s like a weird porn” @JustJem24 😂🤣
@PaulCalafiore_: Yoooo @jossie_flores & @DayDaVonne_ THE SHADE OF IT ALLLLLL 😂🤣😂🤣#TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Admiring their handy work 😂 #TheChallenge32 (GIF of Jozea and Da'Vonne at the dinner table)
@shannanity: My heart goes out to @BritniNicol - I feel your pain girl - I get it 😭 ♥️♥️ abandonment:ghosting destroys
@JustJem24: "@SHOTOFYAGER: Hey @DerrickMTV, I think I maaaaaayyyy have figured out why @JustJem24 was so quick to back up her girl @DayDaVonne_ after #ChallengeMania last week. 🤣 #TheChallenge32 #TruthOrDare " RT That’s my wifey 💋
@iamkamiam_: That redemption house is like high school 😂#TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaoooo @jossie_flores we ain’t shit !!! 😂😂 #TheChallenge32
@Bushssqu: If they’re going to give us drama and no challenges I would rather see the redemption house🤷🏻♀️ give me some funny content #TheChallenge32 @BritniNicol @JustJem24 @DayDaVonne_
@kendallongg: Everyone gassed britni up and now she’s runnin wild 😭😂😂I’m living for @JustJem24 commentary this episode #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: I told y’all she was crazy ... 🙄 #TheChallenge32
@JustJem24: "@JackieGrillo: @JustJem24 but seriously what is this #GreenDrink?! Also love your reasoning for this dirty game of #TruthOrDare #TheChallenge32 @MTV" RT It’s wine. But production dyed it green.
@jossie_flores: @DayDaVonne_ we are a mess now let sit back and sip tea 🍵 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Jenna is a whole mood 😂 #TheChallenge32 (GIF of her in bed)
@ChallengeMTV: Anybody know if those coffins from the first challenge are still lying around? ⚰️ #TheChallenge32 (GIF: Marie to Kam - "That's why it's Final Reckoning. We're gonna f______ kill each other.")
@brittanymhammer: Finally the @JustJem24 commentary we have al been waiting for. Also sounds like something my friends say about/to me “@BritniNicol I love you girl but you are a psycho” 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
@Marie_TBD: ............ this is embarrassing. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@shannanity: Damn @iamkamiam_ you and I are loud!!! Hahah 😘😍 I miss you!!
@JasiahJohnstone: “that bitch is batshit crazy” 😂😂😂@DayDaVonne_ #thechallenge32
@thom_ahs: "This bitch is bat shit crazy" 😂😂@DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: How to play victim 101. Takes notes bish!! @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@shannanity: FREEZING PEOPLE - there is no cold like South Africa at 3am
@ChallengeMTV: Round and round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows! 😈 #TheChallenge32 (GIF of lights of the Armageddon stage lighting up)
@angelababicz: Is it too late to change my vote or ???? #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning
@t_raines33: Armageddon looks sick...tv doesn’t do it justice! #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: @MTV_NellyT is shocked... I’m not shocked at all 😂🤣🙈
@DayDaVonne_: Armageddon!!!!!!! #TheChallenge32
@pimpfriedrice_: Had so much fun at @peopletv today with @rocsidiaz @JordanDoww and @faithstowers from @ExOnTheBeach @ChallengeMTV @mtv
@CeCexHeart: I'm watching this corny ass show for @DayDaVonne_ and she only get 3 minutes of screen time!!
@angelababicz: SAFEEEEEEEEEEEE🙅🏻♀️ #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: That’s alright @NataliaNegrotti and @PaulCalafiore_ !!!! #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: I LOVE THIS TWIST 🙌 #TheChallenge32 (GIF: TJ - "You better have the guts to take them out yourselves.")
@PaulCalafiore_: I wanted Joss and Silvia and Zach and Amanda. Zach saved us first challenge. Joss and Silvia got hammered the night before and the doctors were seeing them that morning. Was the time to take the shot at a solid team. Kam and Kayleigh were my girls #TheChallenge32
- @SylviaMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ Hey ass my name is spelt sYlvia hahahha but you’re right we were huuuuungover! Love you though
- @PaulCalafiore_: @SylviaMTV Shit....... and I straight up knew that too...... 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 #Fail
@Marie_TBD: PLOT TWIST. Should’ve voted ourselves in like I said Cara!!!! LOL
@itslorenaluna: #TheChallenge32 is wild this season
@Bmwear: This voting system #TheChallenge32
@themattvolz: It took em 32 seasons to finally get elimination voting right..... this is pretty perfect #TheChallenge32
@dramageek19: I love this elimination twist. #TheChallenge32
@R3ckl3ssHarmony: I like this twist 😈 #TheChallenge32
@watch_mtv4marie: okay this is HOT!!! I love this elimation twist #TheChallenge32
@Carl_Regolino: This is the best elimination in Challenge history. #TheChallenge32
@FrankiePalermo_: This shit is crazy 😱 #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: Saving lives made me get off work late again hahaha. OOPS. Can’t wait to catch up and tune in to tonight’s episode! How was it????? #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: "@KillerKandyFox2: @DayDaVonne_ no offense but people get to be hurt and mad people do shitting things like that and your commentary is a little insensitive. you don't know what happened in that relationship." RT I actually do know because I was in the house and heard both stories... but go off sis... #CaptainSaveApsycho
@DayDaVonne_: "@CarsonHR_: @DayDaVonne_ and @JustJem24 need a show together lmao love them both together #TheChallenge32" RT Let’s make this happen
- @MTV: @DayDaVonne_ I’m not ready for this 😱 #TheChallenge32
@SylviaMTV: I just shit my pants.... @ChallengeMTV
- @ChallengeMTV: @SylviaMTV A mood 😂 #TheChallenge32
- @SylviaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Ooopsie
@iamkamiam_: I’m hoping they won’t pick us. Did me beating her mean anything on vendettas? #thechallenge32
@chrisleonard0: #TheChallenge32 is wicked crazy this season and it's only episode 2. Gotta love this sh*t.
@brit_taylor26: Yaaaassssss!!! Loving #TheChallenge32 @ChallengeMTV no where to hide this season and no one to trust!
@coourttrenee: WOAH WOAH TJ!!! #TheChallenge32 #NoSecrets 🤣🤣🤦🏽♀️🤯
@StraightLoonz: This is one is my favorite twists ever. #TheChallenge32
@jossie_flores: Let’s show them how we do 😎@DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge32
@staaaacc: I AM LIVING FOR THESE GAME CHANGER TWISTS yesssss @tjlavin #TheChallenge32 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@jossie_flores: Shit @PaulCalafiore_ @NataliaNegrotti hang in there !! #TheChallenge32
- @PaulCalafiore_: @jossie_flores @NataliaNegrotti Thanks brother!!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @DayDaVonne_ @NataliaNegrotti Thanks baby!!
@itsaSHORRthing: @DayDaVonne_ and @JustJem24 are the dynamic duo I never knew I needed #thechallenge32
@youngbucit: They SNAPPED with this format #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaMTV: Is @BritniNicol CRAZY for being hurt that a man she was in a relationship of 2 years and living with just up and left her with no explanation? And then when he sees her still doesnt explain? Behind every “crazy” woman is damn sure a man who made her that way. @ChallengeMTV @mtv
- @BritniNicol: @CaraMariaMTV For you idiots that thank you know about my past! Lmao bitches BYE This world ain’t meant for you. 😂 And dis why I love my girl🖤✌🏼
- @DayDaVonne_: @CaraMariaMTV Eh, 😬 there’s two sides to every story sis... maybe it was act(S) -plural- of craziness that caused him to leave 🙃 .... juuuuuussssstttt saying ❤️
@Marie_TBD: I was trying to work with @angelababicz and @faithstowers ! How many times did I try to keep things cool. They would be great allies.
@t_raines33: "@t_raines33: Y’all think we’ll get an elimination and a daily challenge in this episode? #TheChallenge32" RT At this pace we’re lucky to get just an elim 🤦🏻♂️ #TheChallege32
@ChallengeMTV: Kam has beaten Natalie in elimination once before, can she do it again? 🤔 #TheChallenge32 (GIF of her and Kayleigh)s
@DayDaVonne_: Them lights lit up like Christmas! Smh #TheChallege32
@CaraMariaMTV: "@thiccdrink: Good thing @CaraMariaMTV took control of who they were nominating because @Marie_TBD wanted to put Nat and Paulie in and they would have been exposed early in the game because of Marie wanting to protect her “friends” and could have been chosen for elimination. #TheChallenge32" RT Ahem. 🧐🙌
@Marie_TBD: "@brit_taylor26: I feel like @Marie_TBD should apologize to @CaraMariaMTV because then voting for the rookies saved them from being exposed 😂🤷🏽♀️" RT Apologize for ultimately agreeing? I’m stupid sometimes; but Im open to hearing out all options.
@JackieGrillo: TJ when revealing this voting twist #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: To win this elimination each team is going to need their brains and their brawn! 💪🤓 #ThinkOutsideTheBox #TheChallenge32 (GIF of game starting)
@DayDaVonne_: Oooooooh @MTV_AMANDAG AINT THAT THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE SIS !!!??? 😂😂😂 #TheChallege32
@tasharaex: @ChallengeMTV Best thing that’s ever happened 🙌🏻 I love it!
@lazergirlx: @ChallengeMTV Best twist to the show! Holy shit!!
@SuperBigBrother: @ChallengeMTV A TWIST THAT I WILL ENJOY! #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: SAVAGE! #TheChallenge32 (GIF: Tori - "Talk about a savage f___ing season. This is crazy!")
@stargaryen5: @t_raines33 @ChallengeMTV @MTV Already ordered!! Now I’ll be able to get in full #TonyTime mode for this season while my girl is rockin her @MTVBananas gear ! #DreamTeam
@Marie_TBD: I am #TEAMKK Soccer mom. LETS GO GIRLS!!! @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32 Coach Kam in the building!!! @iamkamiam_ @Kmorrisx
@ChallengeMTV: Who are you rooting for in this elimination? 🤔 #TheChallenge32
@t_raines33: "@elizabeth_meg21: @t_raines33 @ChallengeMTV @MTV Yess do a team dad bod shirt 😂" RT I gotta talk with CT about that one #TeamDadBod
@Marie_TBD: JOSS!!!!! LOL @joss_mooney #tool
- @ChallengeMTV: @Marie_TBD @joss_mooney Spit it out! #TheChallenge32
@00Hitsdiidii: When TJ says” how would you like it if you knew who voted you in?” Everyone on the challenge: #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@DayDaVonne_: Oh I can’t watch this 😩 #TheChallenge32
@angelababicz: Team @PaulCalafiore_ & @NataliaNegrotti !!! #TheChallenge32
- @PaulCalafiore_: @angelababicz @NataliaNegrotti Love you baby! You know what went down that elimination 😂🤣
- @angelababicz: @PaulCalafiore_ Oh yes I do 🙄🤐
- @NataliaNegrotti: @angelababicz When Angela has your back *hands on chest tears in eyes*
@CaraMariaMTV: PSA kam and kayleigh CRUSHED IT. Killer teamwork. but... @PaulCalafiore_ was given TWO thicker and shorter bands because... “equalizer”. He had that thing stretched to the max but it was barely enough to grab a piece. @mtv @ChallengeMTV 🤷🏻♀️
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV @MTV @ChallengeMTV Aweee hubs ❤️❤️😍😍 #YouDoCare
- @v_cakes: @CaraMariaMTV Yea, thicker & shorter. The producers didn’t realize men can be short too!
@iamkamiam_: Back at it again with Killa Kam. #TheChallenge32
@Stun_tastic: Enough of this Cara & Kyle BullShit, show more Team Soss! @joss_mooney @SylviaMTV #theChallenge
@iamkamiam_: "@therealjordanh: Omg i would not wanna be @Kmorrisx right now. I would be too stressed with @iamkamiam_ yelling lol #TheChallenge32 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning" RT I’m a yeller 😩
@jossie_flores: 🤐@PaulCalafiore_ resistant bands are looking tripled and thick hmmmm🧐 #TheChallenge32
- @PaulCalafiore_: @jossie_flores Spill that tea homie
@Irving_A07: If @iamkamiam_ didn’t prove herself to people before, she definitely did tonight! @ChallengeMTV #KillaKam #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_: "@ashgottfans: @iamkamiam_ kam my heart is racing 😭" RT Mine too 😭
@KamMayberry: Killa Kam is definitely back!! @iamkamiam_ #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: When I’m happy I sing. 🤷🏼♀️ @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@iamkamiam_: "@therealjordanh: @iamkamiam_ Lol i love you girl but all that yelling would’ve had me panicking af! Lmao would’ve had my mind all up in a tizzy! #TheChallenge32 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning" RT Lmao I had to get into @Kmorrisx Head lol. I know my partner & she trusts me ☺️ #TheChallenge32
@t_raines33: @iamkamiam_ once again proves she is the elimination queen 👑 and hey @Kmorrisx good job girl 😉 #TheChallenge32
- @iamkamiam_: @t_raines33 Thanks Tony Time ☺️
@Marie_TBD: YOU SAID YOU WANTED IT. - @iamkamiam_ #ICONIC
@BradFiorenza: CONGRATULATIONS!!! & GREAT WORK!!! @iamkamiam_ & @Kmorrisx @ChallengeMTV #FinalReckoning
@JustJem24: I love @NataliaNegrotti & she’s a beast but you never ever pick somebody that beat you in an elimination to go against. History has a beautiful way of repeating itself #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: IT'S KILLA KAYLEIGH FROM NOW ON 👏 #TheChallenge32 (GIF: Kam - "It's Killa Kayleigh time!")
@hbarfield13: @PaulCalafiore_ an athlete realizes it’s a team game, way to take that L on the chin my dude come back strong!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @hbarfield13 Thanks my man!! 💪🏼🤙🏼🤘🏼👊🏼
@Lizchallenge_: YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! Omg TEAM KK #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: Good Job Ladies !! #TheChallenge32
@angelababicz: Love you Paulayyyeeeeeeee @PaulCalafiore_
- @PaulCalafiore_: @angelababicz Love you more!!
@ChallengeMTV: "ALLOW ME TO REINTRODUCE MYSELF!" - The Doublecross (probably) #TheChallenge32 is all new next Tuesday at 9/8c and we're pulling out some old tricks 😈
@ChallengeMTV: Don't go anywhere! An all new Celebrity #FearFactor ft. some of your Challenge favs starts NOW on @MTV! (GIF: Tori - "Hey, Hey!')
@hbarfield13: Congrats to @iamkamiam_ @Kmorrisx on the W ❤️ you girls are a threat 😈
- @iamkamiam_: @hbarfield13 @Kmorrisx Thank you ☺️
- @hbarfield13: @iamkamiam_ @Kmorrisx De Nada Mi Amor
@13nikoclemmons: .@iamkamiam_ killa kam is back I see you! #TheChallenge32
@PowerOfDakota: @JustJem24 @NataliaNegrotti I mean if they had the same resistance bands.... Natalie and Paulie would've crushed them
@iamkamiam_: "@CourtneyA_Lee: @iamkamiam_ girl i need u with me at the gym yelling at me whenever i wanna give up" RT Koach Kam 💪🏽
@allrealitychat: kam is 4-0 and kayleigh is 1-0! BLACK GIRL MAGIC!! #THECHALLENGE32 @iamkamiam_ @kmorrisx
@DayDaVonne_: Well.... #TeamBB #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_: Congrats on your first elimination win @Kmorrisx 💕 #TheChallenge32
- @Kmorrisx: @iamkamiam_ Teamwork 💯 love ya babe ♥️
@Cody_Calafiore: WAIT so Kam was standing at the cage with slack on her bungie cord but Paulie had none after 4 steps.. el oh el 🤔 #Challenge32
@SylviaMTV: "@poseysharmann: @SylviaMTV and @joss_mooney getting so hammered they had to see the doctors the next morning omfg my kind of team right there 😭😭 https://twitter.com/paulcalafiore_/status/1021934233659629570 …" RT Well @joss_mooney if they don’t have us figured out yet.... you will! #TeamShots
@Jhasegawa25: Redemption time next episode! All I know is @DayDaVonne_ better make her way into the main house. #TheChallenge32
@faithstowers: F you too lol! All of that over a man 😂 #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_: When your elimination record matches your GPA 😉 4.0 ✨ strong & smart lol! #TheChallenge32
@JennaCompono: @justjem24 Gonna be crazy!!!!
@TheShonBailey: They really out here hating on the big brother teams huh?? It’s okay it’s not over yet @NataliaNegrotti @PaulCalafiore_ @DayDaVonne_ @jossie_flores #TheChallenge32 let’s go💪🏽🔥
@4martini: I’ve been watching @ChallengeMTV since the beginning and @iamkamiam_ is easily becoming one of my faves. #killakam
@BigTymers228: Killa Kam Did Her Thing & Killed It Tonight @iamkamiam_ Thank God She's Still In The Game
@ThatRealityBlog: Coach Kam. @iamkamiam_ #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: When you see the sh*t you have to do on #FearFactor 😩 (GIF: Tori - "Why?!"
@iamkamiam_: I gave that personal trainer vibe in our elimination lmao #TheChallenge32
@NataliaNegrotti: The Challenge house against the Big Brother teams 🙈 Thanks @CaraMariaMTV for being a real friend in and out of the house te quiero!!!!!
@SylviaMTV: Congratulations to my two beautiful beasts @iamkamiam_ and @Kmorrisx !!!
- @iamkamiam_: @SylviaMTV Thank you Queen 💕
@iamkamiam_: "@Lovee_cara93: @iamkamiam_ showing the haters up. Killa Kam has officially graduated from rookie to Vet IDGAF who disagree.👏👑 #TheChallenge32" RT I still feel like a rookie. Still it here earnin my stripes.
@carabanana__: Kam is really THAT girl, if you didn't stan already get ready. She is the boss ass bitch this show deserves @iamkamiam_ #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_: "@himynameisMIM: @iamkamiam_ For real can you just send me a voice memo yelling at me to push it in the gym 😂" RT 😂😂
@hbarfield13: Put me in coach I’m ready to play today could it be? 😈😉 #TheChallenge
@iamsheikg: @iamkamiam_ is a mfn beast man she so pretty 😩 and funny 🤣 she’s officially my favorite castmate on that show 💓 #TheChallege32
@NataliaNegrotti: "@BewareMyPowerss: @PowerOfDakota @PaulCalafiore_ and 2 others They did it to make it fair for a guy vs a girl I think. They would have been better off going against Joss and Sylvia I think" RT @PaulCalafiore_ was fighting me to put in Joss and Sylvia or a strong team but I fought him to put my vendetta in. My mistake woooopsie hehe lesson learned people I tried something new and failed. U can’t succeed if you never fail.
@jossie_flores: Trust me the one thing that the challenge vets have on us is numbers the hate is real with @CBSBigBrother teams but the one mistake they made was putting us all in one house together we are about to show you what a real mind f*** is 😂😂😂 get ready 😎 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Me watching Tori and Jordan in this first challenge 😰 #FearFactor (GIF of CT and Cara)
@CheyenneBorder7: Queen kam did it again @iamkamiam_ my girl❤️❤️ love my kam @iamkamiam_ she the greatest👑.
@WestonBergmann: This season is pure art
@blairherter: Killing the game since 1999😎. H/T @jeddybear3k for unearthing the time capsule. #roadrules #frostedtips #mtv #thuglife @MTV
@TheOriginalDre_: HUGE SHOUT OUT TO BOTH KILLA QUEENS✊🏼I’m here for the girl power💘 @iamkamiam_ @Kmorrisx #TheChallenge32
@diegomxrtinez: KILLA KAM & KILLA KAYLEIGH killed in the elimination tonight ! 🙌🏻❤️ keep it up 👏🏻👏🏻 @Kmorrisx @iamkamiam_ #TheChallenge32
@thejmmyg: Above all else @iamkamiam_ is a woman of color kicking ass on TVs around the nation and inspiring people of all lifestyles and backgrounds, and that is something to be proud of. #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeRWRR: Normally I wouldn’t want to see the redemption house, but I need my weekly Da’Vonne fix #TheChallenge32
@FearFactor: .@JordanW_usa came to show ‘em! #FearFactor (GIF: Ludacris - "I love to hear stuff like that")
@FearFactor: .@RomeoMiller looking at that tank of bubbling fish guts like… 👋 #FearFactor (GIF: "HELL NO.")
@RomeoMiller: I’m always gonna put on for charity | #FearFactor
@FearFactor: Are @tori_deal and @JordanW_usa are up to the…challenge? 😈 #FearFactor (GIF: Jordan - "No. I don't wanna. I can't.")
@RomeoMiller: It now begins! @FearFactor on @MTV 😂😩🤯😳
@justine2297: First time watching Fear Factor cause Cara, CT, Tori and Jordon are on tonight ❤️ #FearFactor
@FearFactor: It’s a battle of the @MTV stars, and it’s all going down right NOW on Celebrity #FearFactor! ⭐️ Are you watching + screaming along?
@Ludacris: What mess have I gotten your favorite @ChallengeMTV stars, @EthanDolan and @GraysonDolan into?! Find out TONIGHT on new episodes of #FearFactor starting at 10/9c on @MTV
@BAM__MARGERA: One hour till me and andyroy18 team up for the thrill seeker throwdown on @mtv ‘s fearfactor https://www.instagram.com/p/BlosBBin1Ds/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1smun02iztf73 …
@cookie__lover15: romeo has me WEAK ‼️😂 #FearFactor
@RomeoMiller: We was killing it bro @Marleydontsh00t until ring number 10, I swear one of those crabs 🦀 grabbed it haha @MTV | #FearFactor
@Marleydontsh00t: Whose watching @MTV @FearFactor
@ChallengeMTV: How I feel watching CT and Cara on my screen together as a team 🙌 #FearFactor (GIF: Cara - "Thank you God!")
@NataliaNegrotti: Me and @PaulCalafiore_ lost to a girl girl team: truly an honor to be taken out by @iamkamiam_ thankful it wasn’t something where she has to wear me as a backpack or wrestle me for a ball
- @PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti What happens when you put a rookie and a second year vet on a team? We’ll make mistakes! Sorry for getting us in a sticky situation! Let’s hope we can get out of it! Love you always partner ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- @iamkamiam_: @NataliaNegrotti Y’all did great & I understand why you picked us.
- @PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti @iamkamiam_ Kam is a beast. Physically and mentally. I’ll take that L proudly.
- @iamkamiam_: @PaulCalafiore_ 💕
- @NataliaNegrotti: @PaulCalafiore_ LOVE U MORE sorry I fought you to choose that team when you wanted to go against another team. Thanks for having my back when we lost it made me tear up watching you after we got eliminated
- @PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti We already talked about this. You never have to apologize to me 😘
@PaulCalafiore_: Win or lose I handle it like a champion. No win is too great, no loss is too terrible. Props to @iamkamiam_ & @Kmorrisx for handling that shit. All is fair in love & war. That night they were the better warriors. Proud of @NataliaNegrotti for lifting those pieces! #TheChallenge32
@PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti @Cody_Calafiore And those damn puzzle pieces were the size of you! You beasted that shit though! #Natalia
@PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti @teamariecara You were the vet, it was your call!
@PaulCalafiore_: @faithstowers Love you baby!
@DayDaVonne_: Episode 3 Recap will be up tomorrow❤️
@iamkamiam_: You mad doggy 😂
@PaulCalafiore_: @angelababicz 🤷🏼♂️💁🏼♂️
@CheyenneBorder7: Who don’t like @iamkamiam_ if you don’t then you hating..
@jossie_flores: Me and my partner up to no good 😏🤷🏻♂️ @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallege32
@ms_taylorrenee: Only watching #FearFactor because @tori_deal is on - I think I’m developing a girl crush 👌🏼💕
@Iesbiansjesus: Ahh I missed seeing Jordan. Will always be my fav male competitor #FearFactor
@lupitarubio_: Told ya, CT wasn’t gonna waste time! #FearFactor
@ChallengeMTV: Me if I was ever on #FearFactor 🙅 (GIF: Cara - "I would like to NOT put my face in that.")
@DerrickMTV: I like it... #FinalReckoning
@Marie_TBD: I’m never a victim folks. I don’t allow myself to get bullied. Tag in Marnie.
- @DayDaVonne_: @Marie_TBD Oh lawd ..... not Marnie 🤦🏾♀️
@FearFactor: It’s official—@TheOfficial_CT is a beast, on AND off @ChallengeMTV. 👏 #FearFactor (GIF of him in action)
@iamkamiam_: What made me go hard: I was honestly having flashbacks from vendettas & thought I’d end up in every elimination AGAIN since were a Girl team. It made me fight even harder. Just becuase we’re girls doesn’t mean we’re an easy target. #TheChallenge32
@PopCityLife: Interview: @JennaCompono chats with us about this season of the @ChallengeMTV, partnering with @JustJem24, and the #RedemptionHouse! http://popcitylife.com/2018/07/24/interview-jenna-compono-talks-the-challenge-final-reckoning-exclusive/ …
@BpThechallenge: Cara Maria and CT are a natural team #FearFactor
@lupitarubio_: CT IS THE MAN #FearFactor
@1LadySky2Blu: CT the boss #FearFactor
@BpThechallenge: @TheOfficial_CT didn’t even hesistate #TheChallenge #FearFactor
@cookie__lover15: CT IS NOT PLAYING ANY GAMES 💯💯 #FearFactor
@klphoen: Idk if I should be like really Cara you didn’t help or well you did find a lot with your feet so good strategy? #FearFactor 🤷🏽♀️
@RomeoMiller: Yoooo my bro @TheOfficial_CT is a beast and stand up guy! #FearFactor
@faithstowers: That was a hard elimination to watch. I know @PaulCalafiore_ is a strong man and while he was struggling to get to one block Kam was damn near walking to hers lol 🤔
@FanaticKendall: We got cast from #TheChallenge32 on #FearFactor tonight! I love cross-over reality shows!❤
@Iesbiansjesus: Unlike everyone else CT went straight down! Like a boss #FearFactor
@FearFactor: Unless you don’t want this 50K for charity and to show up @JordanW_usa, @CaraMariaMTV… 🤷♂️ #FearFactor (GIF: "I would like to NOT put my face in that.")
- @CaraMariaMTV: @FearFactor ACTUALLY- my strategy was great. felt em all with my feet. Ct grabbed em. I kept my eye sight so I could put the rings up. plus with two people swishing around the tank... everything gets tossed around more. that strategy got us 2 extra mins on the win PLUS didnt get the hair wet
@FearFactor: Poor @RomeoMiller 💀 #FearFactor (GIF: "I think that's a crab biting my ass.")
@ChallengeFanMTV: I respect how @PaulCalafiore_ didn’t make any excuses on the loss. We all know he had a disadvantage with those cords being tighter.
@RomeoMiller: Yo @TerrenceJ is hilarious but also a very smart man haha | #FearFactor
@iamkamiam_: Killa Kam is strictly for eliminations (when I’m in my zone) Queen is who you see otherwise 👑 ❤️ #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_: I need that Killa Kam energy every day in the gym with me the next two weeks to get back in shape from my vaca 😂 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: The face of pure defeat 😂😭 #FearFactor (GIF of Tori watching the fire ball go by her)
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV the face of a damn fire walking ballerina beast. @tori_deal
- @tori_deal: @CaraMariaMTV ❤️💋
@NataliaNegrotti: So I’m digging this no makeup LAZY look on tv now a whole episode not one time wearing makeup... my mom is gunna be PISSEDDDDD
@SylviaMTV: While I do agree the qualizer sucked and definitely made it tough on @PaulCalafiore_ but Nat was nowhere near close to being finished or getting that puzzle together. Not throwing shade because who knows I could have been in the same boat but the girls were solid all around!
@MTV_AMANDAG: I fuckin love gossiping with @shannanity HAHAHAHAHAHHA. Esp DRUNK Shane 🤣 #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: Why did I say TWIT-TER like that hahahaha #TheChallenge32
@FearFactor: .@Ludacris is bringing the heat with this next challenge 🔥 #FearFactor (GIF: "Light It Up")
@FearFactor: Whenever @Ludacris says he has safety professionals on standby… #FearFactor (GIF: Tori - "Jesus.")
@mirorodriguez: Yes @iamkamiam_ !!! ANOTHER win for the queen 👑 #TheChallenge32 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #FinalReckoning
@MTV_AMANDAG: I don’t think ONE person thinks CT and V are “team layup”. They are a strong team idc what anyone says! Seriously. #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: @shannanity was genuinely sorry about what he tweeted about Kyle. He had been waiting to apologize for a long time. #TheChallenge32
@NataliaNegrotti: Final thoughts on tonight: Paulie wanted to put in either of the male female teams but I didn’t let him. He respected my decision as a partner and had my back when we failed. My happily ever after is not an engagement ring it’s getting a dope teammate #luckygirl #teammategoals
@JustJem24: @tori_deal & @JordanW_usa are so annoyingly cute... #FearFactor
@iamkamiam_: @PaulCalafiore_ Ily 💕
@challenger7808: When my mom asks what I did last night... @SylviaMTV @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@SHOTOFYAGER: 📕NEXT on #ChallengeMania, this Thursday 7/25, @DerrickMTV & I get taken to #JEMCLASS📚courtesy of @JustJem24, who hasn’t been on since Dec. & has quite a bit of Stew to Brew🥣Who better to catch us up on #TheChallenge32 drama?! Send in YOUR QUESTIONS NOW! http://ChallengeMania.Shop
@iamkamiam_: Koach Kam. I’ll add that to my list of nicknames. Us women have so many talents that we’re good at 💕 #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_:Thank you all for the support #TeamKK ☺️💕✨ #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: Oh I love when they show you talking behind someone l’s back and it all love 😘♥️😍 @faithstowers - told ya I loved ya!
@FearFactor: Sorry, @TerrenceJ — your homie @Ludacris wasn’t cuttin’ ya any slack on #FearFactor 🤷♂️
@FearFactor: Concentration is 🔑, @tori_deal. #FearFactor
@jossie_flores: 🙇🏻♀️🙇🏽♀️🙇🏽♂️
@JustJem24 @DayDaVonne_ @jossie_flores the petty Betty’s #TheChallege32 @ChallengeMTV
- @jossie_flores: @JustJem24 @DayDaVonne_ and I are the petty Betty’s 😌💅🏽😂 #TheChallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
@CaraMariaMTV: I have so many people muted on twitter that i dont even see tweets anymore. 🤣
@FearFactor: It’s down to The Challenge… vs. The Challenge! 💥 Who are you rooting for? #FearFactor
- @CaraMariaMTV: @FearFactor We are all rooting for @TheOfficial_CT Im testing the theory that he can carry literally anyone to a victory no matter how hard we drop the ball 🤣
@iamkamiam_: "@Josiepinky: @iamkamiam_ Earn your 🥐🍞🥖 and butter for you not for them 📿💕🙏🏼 god is fair" RT Yes I don’t expect anything to be handed to me. If I learned anything my rookie season it was that. I just had a reminder the first elimination lol. #TheChallenge32
@faithstowers: @shannanity Idk if I read that right , but when you said you liked me in the deliberation room I was pleased 🤗
- @shannanity: @faithstowers That’s what I was talking about 😊 you read it right
@CaraMariaMTV: Having traumatic flashbacks to a challenge on Rivals1 where i hung from a razer string while laurel sprayed me in the face with a fire hose. Like simulated drowning. F U @FearFactor - GIVE ME SNAKES AND HEIGHTS!
@emilylongeretta: Who did @PaulCalafiore_ really want to go against? Subscribe to the #WatchWithUs podcast - new episode with the man himself going up first thing in the morning!
@lupitarubio_: “So I guess they are not a couple but they just kissed” lmao Ludacris wants answers! 😩😂😂😂😂 #FearFactor
@FearFactor: This is the least of your problems right now, @CaraMariaMTV! 😂 #FearFactor
@FearFactor: Here we go, @tori_deal + @JordanW_usa! 💸 #FearFactor
@ChallengeMTV: So you tell me who really won 👏😂 #FearFactor (GIF: Cara - "I just washed my hair.")
@teamariecara: So I get the whole thing is that @PaulCalafiore_ hates women, doesn't listen to them etc is a thing but did anyone else peep him respecting his partner @NataliaNegrotti and her opinions all episode long? 🤔 #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaMTV: Currently feeling like a cat drowning above water...... also sounding like one. @ChallengeMTV @FearFactor 🤣
@ChallengeMTV: All our Challengers did us proud on Celebrity #FearFactor! 👏 @tori_deal @TheOfficial_CT @CaraMariaMTV @JordanW_usa (GIF: Jordan - "Get that money!")
@MTVjennifer: congrats @tori_deal & @JordanW_usa ❤️ #FearFactor
@FearFactor: Congratulations, @tori_deal and @JordanW_usa! You just proved that fear is not a factor for you 🙌 #FearFactor
@FearFactor: Whichever it was, @CaraMariaMTV just faced her biggest fears! 👏 #FearFactor (GIF: Luda - "Were you laughing or crying?")
@CaraMariaMTV: I may have caused us to lose by 20 seconds... (and also my dignity)....but i have no lost my desire to BEAT @JordanW_usa ONE DAY! see you in hell! Ps good job @tori_deal ♥️ @FearFactor @ChallengeMTV - now head over to my instagram story for some behind the scenes goods ;)
@Marie_TBD: "@CaraMariaMTV: @thiccdrink Ahem. 🧐🙌" RT Ahem. You wanted to protect YOUR friends and get rid of @faithstowers cause you petty... but carry on like you knew what the twist was.
- @faithstowers: @Marie_TBD 😲
@aleeanderson5: I’m team @faithstowers & @angelababicz all the way baby yessss
@MTV_AMANDAG: They literally made us pack up ALL of our shit. Omfg DISASTER. #TheChallenge32
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_AMANDAG For this reason, I’m not so mad about leaving on the first night lol packing is the worsttttttf
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @kailah_casillas Dude FOR REAL
@MTV_AMANDAG: Zach and I had a fuckin moment because we FOR SURE thought they would choose us. Hahahaha VOTE EXPOSED AND BULLET DODGED ☑️ #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: LETS GO TEAM KK!!!!!!! @iamkamiam_ @Kmorrisx 👊🏼 #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: "@lizxreality: Zach and Amanda hugged. Wow. Shook. We love the team unity.... for now. #TheChallenge32" RT KEYWORD: FOR NOW 🤣🤣🤣
@MTV_AMANDAG: I am LIVINNNNN to see Kay and Kams happiness rn after a win! BITCH YAS #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: This season is bout to be lit as fuck. TOO MANY TWISTS TJ I HATE YOU #TheChallenge32
@PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti OMG NATALIEEEEEE..... you’re gonna make me cry!!!!
@Marie_TBD: "@AlexSanchoOo: @Marie_TBD honestly, best strategy would be to figure out who’s getting the most vote into elimination and THEN pick the team that is going to get no votes 😂. #TheChallenge32 " RT Yes! We didn’t know that until we got there though. Moving forward it gets real messy. I figured my options were going w majority (and if some weird twist happens-nat/Paul don’t chose us bc they love Cara)OR vote us as I knew we’d be receiving no votes based on both our alliances
@angelababicz: @XYogui_MonsterX: @Marie_TBD @faithstowers and 2 others The nerve of that girl to imply you’re delusional for thinking you have the house when pretty much most of the house is only just against HER! lol. You poor girl." RT I would have put anyone in over @Marie_TBD so Cara was wrong about that... I was solid
@Marie_TBD: Now imagine if you vote for a team and they get chosen.... and you’re considered the “lay up.” Lay ups can’t coast this season. Remember that.
@SHOTOFYAGER: See, this is why I love The @ChallengeMTV...New segment. New favorite quote of the week. “@BritniNicol, I love you, you’re my girl...but you’re a psycho.” -@JustJem24 #TheChallenge32 #ChallengeMania #JemClass📚
@jossie_flores: Summer times relaxed minds 😌 #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: @angelababicz And both of us were reallllly trying to mediate this situation but Cara was not about it
@MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV @SylviaMTV More teams shoulda been feeling like this but OP WAIT. They LIED about their vote. #exposed #TheChallenge32
@Aksioszk: When you watch @ChallengeMTV but all you can focus on is @BradFiorenza super Chicago accent. Dem people did good der.
@JazMTV: Now watching tonight’s challenge..let’s see what these kids are up to tonight
@JazMTV: So i’m confused with this whole Kyle., CM, Faith & Paulie thing .So Kyle and CM had a thing last challenge didn’t go well it’s over....MoveOn!! Kyle and faith are hooking up. OK let them do their thing...m. So CM is flirting with Paulie who has, GF, but she’s like fuck it!
@JazMTV: I’m doing it to get Kylie jealous. Plus Kylie is messin with Faith only to get CM jealous?Is that the Synopsis on this drama from people who hate drama inthe house cause it takes away from the challenge?? #AskingForAFriend #Challenge32
@JazMTV: All I can say is CM is way better than that to get involved in unnecessary stupid drama. It’s only going to bring her game down. That’s the same things she use to tell me on my first couple of challenges. I love the girl!! #Challenge32
@DayDaVonne_: I initially thought he was wrong too.. until I heard his version and then SHE confirmed that his version was in fact the ACCURATE version.... that’s why I currently can’t hop on the “I feel bad for you” bandwagon... I can’t 🤷🏾♀️
@Marie_TBD: "@D_Arellano10: Not sure if @Marie_TBD wanting to volunteer herself in was the smartest or thing craziest thing. Either way, I dig it. #Challenge32" RT The smartest are always the craziest! They didn’t show enough of our convo for viewers to understand my reasoning. They’ll understand soon enough
@DayDaVonne_: "@XBRITNI_: @DayDaVonne_ he still ghosted her instead of being a man & just breaking up with her. she was hurt day :/ her craziness is bc she never got closure from him." RT Nah sis , that ain’t it lol that’s 1,000% NOT the sequence of events.. BUT hopefully you’ll find out next week
@ItsAll_AboutTee: You females need to humble yourselves ....
@iamkamiam_: "@Gym2Lift: All she does is win. When will they learn 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 @iamkamiam_ @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32" RT Win humbly & never a sore loser .
@HaydenPWeaver: "@RachD1214: Love how @CaraMariaMTV brought back the GOAT of the Challenge on their stories!!! I wish Landon can come back for another challenge!!!" RT LANDONNNNNNNNNN THE REAL GOAT
@ClevelandBoy441: I love @BradFiorenza One of the most laid back guys on the Challenge. #TheChallenge #TheChallenge32 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@CaraMariaMTV: Do NOT not take anything from @iamkamiam_ and @Kmorrisx ... those pieces aside they destroyed the building of the puzzle itself. Rapid fire. Killa teamwork. Earned that shit 1000%. Just explaining why it looked like @PaulCalafiore_ was having a hard time. Them double bands.
@DayDaVonne_: Eh, I know I said I wasn’t going to eat after 8pm.... BUT .... 😬
@MTV_AMANDAG: @kailah_casillas I’m confused why they are trying to hide it when they know they are being watched 24/7. Like if your gunna bang, BANG. Losers....Hand job giving finger banging LOSERS.
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_AMANDAG 👀
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @kailah_casillas Omfggggg wtf!!!!! Also please tell me someone has a pic of her bf. I must see what he looks like.
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_AMANDAG I just tagged you in the video of it 👀👀👀
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_AMANDAG lol right! I think it might be smarter to do it out in the open anyway because im pretty sure they'd have to shit down the feeds. sex hack ☝️
@EZELABODA: @tjlavin wife asked what I wanted to watch #FinalReckoning or #BelowDeckMed and I'm like put my boy #TJ on and quit playing. 🚫▶️🤘
@jossie_flores: Oh boy me and @DayDaVonne_ are as petty as they come 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge32 by the way i was sooo drunk 🙈😂
@MTV_AMANDAG: @PaulCalafiore_ Bish you dint want these prawwwwhhlems.
@MTV_AMANDAG: @Marie_TBD Maybe you can hand job him next
@PaulCalafiore_: @iamkamiam_ I got you boo 💪🏼👊🏼
@CaraMariaMTV: breakdown and behind the scenes tea ☕️ Check out all the dirty laundry from @ChallengeMTV EPISODE 3. @people https://people.com/tv/cara-maria-blog-the-challenge-final-reckoning-twists/ …
@jossie_flores: This has clearly become big brother teams Vs the challenge teams let the games begin 🔥🙌 #TheChallenge32
@VMilerman: If you’re conspiring to get a dude who already has someone... You’re the problem,it’s not cute. To stomp on other people’s happiness is a karma sentence I would never like to have. 🖤
- @kailah_casillas: @VMilerman well fuckin said...
@Steven_Plummer2: I thought Tony had quit smoking, apparently not #TheChallenge32
@RiverC_Official: Everybody knows I 🖤 & respect my boy @t_raines33 💯 I relate to him so much & stuck by his side even when I got death threats online by haters LOL Hes come SO FAR & it’s #TonyTime 💪🏽 DM me bro! I have a serious project I want you for! Some big names attached
@therealjordanh: Lmao @Marie_TBD “can we just vote our selves in?” These bishes seriously hate eachother lmfaoooo @CaraMariaMTV #TheChallenge32 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@TheAllanAguirre: CT doesn't want to win this season because Veronica will still have one more win than him 👀
@emilylongeretta: When @TJLavin comes out with the best twist in a LONG time #TheChallenge32
@Steven_Plummer2: I LOVE this twist! #TheChallenge32
@kendallongg: Sldkkdksk I AM HOLLERING I LOVE THIS ELIMINATION THEME #TheChallenge32
@emilylongeretta: I looove this twist because the people who get thrown in cannoooooot get mad, when they voted. sorry not sorrryyyyy whiners #TheChallenge32
@therealjordanh: Omg i would not wanna be @Kmorrisx right now. I would be too stressed with @iamkamiam_ yelling lol #TheChallenge32 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@Jonnyboyy10: Paulie got screwed. No way in hell he barely reaches the boxes while Kam was easily walking to hers...unfair advantage #TheChallege32
@AceNichols33: Kids are down! Beer in hand! Challenge time! So, this is what being a mom feels like.. #TheChallenge32
@AceNichols33: Man @Marie_TBD 's facial expressions of disgust are my every Tuesday night mood. 😂 #TheChallenge32
@TheAllanAguirre: It was not rigged. Most of the male competitors would have had ease with Paulie's bands, but Paulie weight 20-40 lbs less than most of the other competitors. Kam did better than almost any other girl because she is big, strong, and fast.
@TheAllanAguirre: Challenge Final Reckoning Episode 3 Grade: B+ While they did not give us a challenge and an elimination, the episode portrayed the alliances and thoughts of multiple teams strategically. We get to see an outline of the game and where it is going from here on out.
@TheAllanAguirre: We need a Kam vs Cara elimination this season. Kam is like the #1 contender for the heavyweight title and deserves a shot at the throne. I think she's a boring personality, but a phenomenal competitor.
@Kmorrisx: "@sailingaway7: How did Kayleigh know Natalie is a lesbian? I don't follow any of the challenge competitors so all of this behind the scenes mess is new to me. #TheChallenge32" RT I knew because on vendettas she was openly with a female. I didn’t out her. If u really want something to remain a secret u wouldn’t be parading it on national television in front of 30 strangers and camera crew.
@Kmorrisx: Sick to death of the pitty story. In actual fact I have secrets that I would never like to surface. Would u catch me exposing them during filming then blaming the crew for repeating it. NO! If u don’t want shit aired don’t fucking air it in public.
@Kmorrisx: Oh and 1 more thing. If I truly didn’t want my mom finding out I was a lesbian, I would NEVER risk the way of her finding out by being aired to the fucking world on national television.
@Kmorrisx: Wether the show aired her dirty laundry or not. She still acted a lesbian on tv. In front of strangers. That’s how I knew. So are my fuck getting blamed for stealing someone’s man when that’s not the case. Clearly. As I witnessed otherwise. End of story
@Marie_TBD: & for those saying it was rigged. It was an equalizer for male v female. Imagine @ZNichols15 in there. It’s fair. Perhaps gender diff teams may want to consider that moving forward....
- @Kmorrisx: @Marie_TBD If they had picked Zack and Amanda and it was Zack on bands Vs Natalie. LOL they be screaming for an equaliser then. Dumb. Just because Kam is a beast she’s still a female.
@PaulCalafiore_: "@usweekly: #TheChallenge32’s @PaulCalafiore_ joins this week’s #WatchWithUs podcast to break down Kyle’s jealousy, friendship with Danielle and current status with Cara Maria. https://usm.ag/2NJXfjB " RT Who wants some tea this morning?! ☕️😘
@MTVDerek: I wish they would stop trying to make @tori_deal's ex Derrick happen..#TheChallenge32
@joss_mooney: Love this...🙌🏼
@Kmorrisx: @t_raines33 @iamkamiam_ Thanks T 😘
@realexisthis: “You’re not getting rid of me unless you get rid of yourself” Yo, that honestly hit me in my chest 👏🏽😳 @MTV_Chuckalodon #TheChallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
@sassycoll1980: @MTVjennifer @BunimMurray @ChallengeMTV WHAT IS THE HOLDUP?!?!?! You don’t have a problem going to other networks but you know that you have Jennifer here and ready to rock. Give us what we want and @JustJem24 needs her own teen mom recap/tea time. Please and thank you
@MTV_NellyT: Shout out to my A1 sense Day1 #ayto season 3 #thechallenge #mtv #Family #sister #rideordie mtvshows @mtv @ Austin, Texas https://www.instagram.com/p/Blp4TVfg3uk/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=cq706r9vvp0l …
@MTV_Chuckalodon: I’m gonna hold my tongue until @ChallengeMTV finishes telling the story they want to tell. Then I’ll tell the truth. Feel free to tweet my questions you may have for when I’m ready to divulge all the dirt.
@shannanity: @jossie_flores I’m glad you’re swimming!
@betchesluvthis: Marie from The Challenge had some choice words to say about her partner, Cara Maria. Read her interview here: https://betches.co/2Oh3NHo
@mackey_raven: @SylviaMTV @BradFiorenza He’s an old school player in these new school challenges. It’s kinda cool to watch tbh. I’ve been binge watching old seasons so I love Tuesday nights even more haha. Love ya Brad!
@qUiNdRaS_ThEiSh: @Aksioszk @BradFiorenza Agreed! A long time ago in the challenge when Big EZ had to be rushed to the hospital, he was the only one that gave af about his health over the money
@dougiefresh1721: @KendalSheppard @SHOTOFYAGER and 2 others Definitely agree...they need to have more @shannanity commentary he is hilarious. Love his challenge mania episodes. Another great idea, they need to have a campus crawl reunion at a challenge mania live. @mtvrrdarrell @rachel_fitness (so upset I can't tag Eric, Sarah or raquel)
@Marie_TBD: "@pjsprague30: @Marie_TBD you have the strongest girl in the house. And your best chance to go to a final u ever had stop the BS. Listen to her for once" RT I did ?
@peopletv: .@faithstowers teases @ChallengeMTV: Final Reckoning: "I’m still scared!" More on #chatter: https://live.twitter.com/chatter
- @faithstowers: @PeopleTV Love triangle?! #nocompetition #TheChallege32 #finalereckoning
- @angelababicz: @PeopleTV Ugh how fine is my partner tho @faithstowers
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz Thanks mama! Uggghhh I can’t wait to see you!!!
@angelababicz: There was some confusion last night but moving forward we’re voting for teams to go into elimination guys NOT the best looking pair ugh it’s ok honest mistake #TheChallenge32 @faithstowers
@Sylviadefender: Okay so, people are dragging @Marie_TBD for saying should we vote ourselves in, but I think I get why. If no one was targeting them this early (cuz Cara is an elim beast) why not vote yourself, then twist who voted you don’t pop up, and screw yourself from the reveal.
@nicoledelise: After watching The Challenge last night, I see @CaraMariaMTV dilemma... @PaulCalafiore_ a smoke 💨
@PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV @people You always serving up the hottest and freshest tea hubs 😋
@Marie_TBD: FYI my issue was never with @PaulCalafiore_ and @NataliaNegrotti my issue was with my partner. The Cara/Paulie thing was creating real grief in the house and with them out, I felt Cara would be forced to start working with me. #thechallenge32 #donthatetheplayer #hatethegame
@Marie_TBD: "@The_Bean72: @Marie_TBD She's playing an obvious game!! Thing is, Cara bullies people, but acts innocent. I hope you dont give in anymore." RT I gave in bc I knew where all the votes were gonna fall. I’m smarter than the “idiot” you see in nominations.
@Marie_TBD: "@3NolesFan3: @CaraMariaMTV @Marie_TBD @ChallengeMTV Putting her against most of these people in any physical challenge is like dropping a goldfish in to a piranha tank. She couldn't fight her way out of a wicker basket for fucks sake." RT When they think they know... but they have no idea.
@PaulCalafiore_: @MTV_AMANDAG Returning the favor for you two not sending us straight to redemption 😉 I should of picked you guys and did the world a favor of seeing you and @ZNichols15 in spandex 🤷🏼♂️💁🏼♂️🍑🍆
@usweekly: #TheChallenge32’s @PaulCalafiore_ joins this week’s #WatchWithUs podcast to break down Kyle’s jealousy, friendship with Danielle and current status with Cara Maria.
@Bushssqu: “No, are you an idiot?” “Sometimes.” IM DEADD I love this team so much😂 #TheChallenge32 @CaraMariaMTV @Marie_TBD
@syrusmtv: The Final Reckoning Challenge & Celebrity Fear Factor had to check out tori_deal. It was nice meeting u in NYC! Wuddup Jordan! 🕶’s by @blackflysusa ..... #Reality #TV #RealWorld… https://www.instagram.com/p/BlqPDm_Fmvl/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1l93xtll0ztz9 …
@PaulCalafiore_: "@HollywoodLife: .@PaulCalafiore_ tells HIS side of all that love triangle drama. Plus, where does he stand with his vendetta, @NataliaNegrotti, now? EXCLUSIVE #TheChallenge32 interview: http://hollywood.li/cvSZKb8 " RT Hmmmmmm ☕️☕️
@HollywoodLife: .@PaulCalafiore_ tells HIS side of all that love triangle drama. Plus, where does he stand with his vendetta, @NataliaNegrotti, now? EXCLUSIVE #TheChallenge32 interview:
@Kmorrisx: These days : Let’s do a reality show, let’s act like a cunt, let’s then cry about being accused of being that cunt, then let’s do an article explaining why u ain’t that cunt.
@Marie_TBD: But............... he DID try it with @CaraMariaMTV - I spy a LIAR 🤥 “it’s okay to have emotions, it’s normal!!!” LOL
@JazMTV: Ok now I can finish last nights episode #TheChallege32
@ChallengeMTV: "If you have the guts to vote someone in, you better have the guts to take them out yourself." 🗣 Still can't get over last night's twist? Watch it again NOW 🌀 #TheChallenge32 http://on.mtv.com/2NHp5x0
@angelababicz: "@CobyValentine: @angelababicz You mean she about to BANG that drum all the way to the finals.... Angela is playing a solid game thus far and is one hell of a bad ass... Wouldnt wanna go up against her in an elimination nor would I want to be the people who send her in lol #Rampage" RT 🥁🥁🥁
@JazMTV: Yes yes yes hallelujah yes. Finally a season where voting is going to be savage as hell. And you can go against the people that voted you in 😂😆 #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Did a trial run with @betchesluvthis giving MY episode 3 recap! Please read and RT. The more clicks the better❤️🙏🏻 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32 betches >> people #finalreckoning
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Marie_TBD Love love love! Check this out yall ❤️🙌🏼
- @Marie_TBD: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE Can you book Cancun now! Lol love you
@betchesluvthis: The Challenge fans: check out @Marie_TBD 's Challenge recap, only on Betches! https://betches.co/2AcGRGw
- @Marie_TBD: @betchesluvthis My dream come true 👇
- @DayDaVonne_: About to check this out now !!! ❤️ @Marie_TBD
- @n_zanattaMTV: @Marie_TBD Check you out 🤗🤗🤗
@angelababicz: 🤷🏻♀️ is my most used emoji and tbh my mood in life
@SylviaMTV: I’ve decided I love tacos too much. I’m going to be fluffy for life!! 🐷🐷
@JustJem24: "@briannemwetzel: Oh my gosh I don’t even need @JustJem24 to even compete on these challenges. Just bring her back EVERY SEASON to do commentary. She is my FAVORITE on the interviews." RT Challenge life coach/resident interviewer reporting to duty 💁🏻♀️
@bluefinsta: These challengers better hope they dont see @NataliaNegrotti and @PaulCalafiore_ come back from redemption cause you know theyll do whatever it takes to make it to the end 🔥🔥
@MTV_AMANDAG: The rarest moment has officially been GIF’d 🤣😈 #TheChallenge32
@Kmorrisx: Imagine another cast member achieving an elimination win and the rest discrediting them for it. I cannot wait to see their excuse further on in the series. I’ll be awaiting the “equaliser” excuses then 👍🏻
@angelababicz: I’ll be married with 2 kids and a dog and this man will still be talking about me
@Marie_TBD: Me anytime Cara says I campaigned to be her partner. Never knew being self-aware was so rare. 🧐
@DayDaVonne_: Definitely won’t be invited to the family gatherings after I upload this recap video 🙃
@DayDaVonne_: Why are Britini’s family members in my mentions.... 😩 girl come collect your relatives
@DayDaVonne_: "@ALLMINE026: @DayDaVonne_ @XBRITNI_ Oh I’m not mad, that’s you again thinking you knowing everything. And you don’t. You don’t know britni either like you say or think you do. So stop beating a horse that’s been dead for a year." RT Oh sis I didn’t resurrect that horse.... MTV did.
@WestonBergmann: If I was the casting director on the female side, I’d find thirty girls that just finished playing D1 soccer, but wasn’t good enough to go pro, and put them all on Are You The One. Then, whoever acts the craziest gets on the challenge. Problem solved. How hard was that.
@KyleCGShore: So proud of @Kmorrisx and @iamkamiam_ on winning last night you are both my number 1 girls in there much love! ❤️ #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
- @iamkamiam_: @KyleCGShore Thanks Kyle never had a day without you 😂💕
- @Kmorrisx: @KyleCGShore Thanks bub ♥️💯
@angelababicz: Ugh I’m done with the negativity. There’s enough of that in my exes bank accountOKIMDONEIPROMISE🤐... I’m following a bunch of accounts that constantly show me love 💕 thank you for your support!
@BritniNicol: "@lisurfgirl12: @shannanity @BritniNicol I felt horrible that had to play out on TV for her! You can literally see the pain and people are calling her psycho!?! Try having that done to you and then shown for the world to see, horrible!!" RT THANK YOU lol
@challengeloverr: I have been a fan of Britni until this season. Seems to me like there is a lot more to thier story then what’s being shown... She’s been hysterical towards him, honestly feel bad for @MTV_Chuckalodon Props to him for showing composure and class in that house! #TheChallenge32
@VMilerman: Y’all let me clarify one thing. I haven’t and WON’T watch a challenge until I’m on one. So my post reflect only the opinion of what is happening in my life,and nothing else.Never saw a RealWorld before I was on it & I won’t watch a challenge either. Please stop making assumptions
- @kailah_casillas: @VMilerman Lol sorry, I think I started all this. Your tweet just happened to be very relevant in our challenge world. My bad 🙌🏼
- @VMilerman: @kailah_casillas Hahaha I just saw this(makes sense now)but if it works, it works. You can wear expensive things but still have no class,same goes for attitude. I would hate to be that person.
@WestonBergmann: @kailah_casillas Awww shit is right. We can finally finish our game of awkward bocce ball while everyone else is golfing.
- @kailah_casillas: @WestonBergmann Only if we can sit in a tree awkwardly after.
@jameseyfbaby: This season of The Challenge is gonna be three years long if they continue at this rate #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaTea2: #TheChallenge32 is going to be on until November and feature a two part reunion....
- @TheAllanAguirre: @CaraMariaTea2 By then Twitter will be tired of arguing over the winner of S33 and Champ vs Stars 8
@tori_deal: "@addisonsmom1776: Thank you @JordanW_usa and @tori_deal for playing for St.Jude. I already love y'all but I love y'all even more now. ♥️ My son is a St.Jude Survivor. We both thank y'all so much. It means so much to us!" RT So amazing! My heart is so warm. Thank you for sharing. He’s adorable!
@AneesaMTV: People need to start being better to one another. All this aggressive and abusive behavior makes me sick. Do better
@AneesaMTV: Update: the minute I stepped in to help her, he got in my face trying to fight me. Men do better. I don’t care what y’all are going through- violence is never the answer
@v_cakes: When there were real Challenge hookups, before fake hookups aka #polidicking was the norm in & outside a Challenge house. #tbt #TheGauntlet #TheChallenge #TheChallenge32 #MTV @ Telluride,… https://www.instagram.com/p/BlszldYA-AC/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1e0zp19z2tgo2 …
- @KendalSheppard: @v_cakes I miss the good ole days.. It's hard to watch now. Nowadays I cant even call it "reality tv"... I'd call it "improv".
- @Bluetraveler925: @KendalSheppard They try to hard right now! They fight about social media drama! They force enemies! They force hook ups! For those of us that have watch this show for the beginning is sad to see what it’s become! We need more ogs to come back! Do I need to get you on the plane myself?
@CaraMariaMTV: If you have ever had hair extensions, lip injections, breast implants, fake nails etc you really cant say shit about @KyleCGShore past. Me and him may have our own personal issues but making fun of someones looks or insecurities is mean as fuck. Quit it.
@shboogies: Nany just announced on Jenna’s Instagram Live that she’s not done with The Challenge. But she’ll only do one “if Jenna is with me.” Sounds like someone accepted an availability call. #TheChallenge32
@JustJem24: Honestly Johnny should pray Nany comes back bc then he can have a real challenge relationship & can chill with all the fake showmances....
@JustJem24: Connection was shit but I just jumped on Jenna’s live with them and asked Nany is she was ready to return and she said yes. Y’all aren’t ready for this trio 😏
@MTV_AMANDAG: & since I love @KyleCGShore...FOR THE RECORD. He MADE UP that he had a gf back home so she would stay away from him. He literally told the cast it was a lie cuz he wanted nothing to do w/her. But I guess having gfs isn’t really a repellant for that homewreckin horsebag🤷🏻♀️
- @CaraMariaMTV: https://www.tvguide.com/amp/news/the-challenge-final-reckoning-kyle-cara-love-triangle-explanation/?__twitter_impression=true … I came across an interesting article straight from the horse’s mouth this morning. ☕️🧐 information that is better late than never. @ChallengeMTV @TVGuide
- @CaraMariaTea2: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV @TVGuide How Cara sleeps at night knowing she was right the entire time and these girls are looking worse as the season progresses.
@NataliaNegrotti: Whoever is spreading these rumors about me you must be so miserable and want to tear me down because I’m truly genuinely happy. And if u want what I have work hard for it yourself like I do. ✌🏽
@NataliaNegrotti: Since the rumor that me and @hbarfield13 kissed is a twitter topic today... let me waste a few seconds of my life to waste time addressing this pathetic rumor from castmates. No it is not true
- @shannanity: @NataliaNegrotti @hbarfield13 Let’s be honest no one believes you madly made out and fell In love - everyone knows it was him
@NataliaNegrotti: The law of attraction is so real & so important. Happy positive people live healthy fulfilled lives, are surrounded by uplifting good people and this leads to constant growth, negative people live miserable lives and only attract a decline in their life. Choose your own destiny
@shannanity: Since people are talking about the @hbarfield13 and @NataliaNegrotti rumors I just want you to know that I didn’t see it or start it 🙋🏻♂️ and this is the first I’ve heard about it so please share details about it in the comments
@hbarfield13: PSA to fans and anyone else reading this for that matter. Do you know how easy it is to edit a name on Snapchat and for someone to pretend it’s me, or even catfish you as being me.... there is some people who have nothing better to do. So ou better make sure it’s actually me Before you go talking shit about me or spreading rumors. Some people have nothing better to do with there lives than to ruin someone else’s name! Much love to all ❤️
@GamerVev: Why is Natalie claiming Kayleigh outted her when Natalie was bragging about having a different girl in each state to the cast on Vendettas??? The same Natalie who says she’s in a relationship on Final Reckoning also makes out with Hunter when he arrives...
@iamkamiam_: From the moment I saw that puzzle and before @Kmorrisx and I even knew who’d be in that cage I already placed it together in my head lol. She’s just have to take my direction & trust her partner. Happy she did 😉
@iamkamiam_: I actually put both puzzles together in my head before we started becuase we didn’t know what side we’d get 🙃☺️
@iamkamiam_: I actually used that 4.0 gpa to get me to 4-0 😂😂😂 see how that works? Lol
@iamkamiam_: @CaraMariaMTV @Kmorrisx @PaulCalafiore_ The double bands is actually the least to do with it. Natalie struggled building the puzzle. Some people don’t perform well under the pressure of eliminations. End of story.
@CaraMariaMTV: Amanda may be a hateful monster. Kailah may get on my nerves. I still think they physically pretty. i hate seeing ANY cast mates get ripped on for looks/insecurities. Its like a stab in the gut when i read it. We all got flaws. We got mirrors at home. And instagram filters.
- @kailah_casillas: @CaraMariaMTV Why am I involved in this? Leave me outta your shenanigans please.
@CaraMariaMTV: Just wish there was a filter for people who like to spew their own insecurities in the form of public hatred on others. 🗡 #mute
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So, three episodes in and so much has gone down: a fight in episode 1, Redemption madness in episode 2, and now twists aplenty this week that will sure make this season a barnburner... along with a lot of house drama too.
With things finally being settled with our first elimination, we will finally have our first proper edition of the WRAP to come here. And on Monday, we'll look at the top moments of, what turned out to be, a three-part opening act to this Challenge, as well as the chaotic events on this week's Floribama Shore when a rough night saw an argument, a slap and the cops coming by. Plus, we'll reconnect with an artist who's made quite a splash since we first featured her here two years ago... as well as a musical delight by the ones who took down the champs on Celebrity Fear Factor.
But before we wrap up tonight's proceedings, in a moment, we'll delve into the controversy that had everyone talking this past week when a Teen Mom found herself in her latest episode of bad behavior caught on camera. Stay with us...