Saturday, July 21, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before Final Reckoning - Episode 2

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

Happy Saturday to you, and welcome back all as we kick off our look at this week in The Challenge. We'll have our look at Week 2 of Final Reckoning ahead as the action takes place on the field and the drama takes over both the main villa and the Redemption House. Until that post comes up later tonight, indulge yourself in the In-Between interaction of cast and alumni from this past week, including one of the subjects of this week's ExtraTime to come during our review of this week later.

IN BETWEEN: Bananas' 1st Look, OG Takeover, Back to School, World Cup/ASG 
@MTVBananas: If you want something you've never had, you need to do something you've never done! Excited about this new adventure, can't wait for you all to join me on my incredible journey 🤘 #hostbananas #bananasdoingthings @1stlooktv @nbc …
- @DerrickMTV: @MTVBananas I always knew there was more than just Bananas...
@1stlooktv: 🍌🍌🍌 #hostbananas
- @cohuttalee: @1stlooktv Congratulations @MTVBananas !
@1stlooktv: This SATURDAY after SNL, get a sneak peek for what's to come in the Fall with @MTVBananas!
- @MTVBananas: @1stlooktv Get ready to see me like you've never seen me before 💃🤼‍♂️
@MTVBananas: If you thought @ChallengeMTV was brutal, check out what happens on @1stlooktv when a Banana runs into an @NFL lineman 🍌☠ @TMZ @TMZ_Sports @MarkIngram22 @MaurkicePouncey @carllawson55
@MTVBananas: Just another day at the office 🦎🦎 (Check out my IG story to follow along @ Realjohnnybananas)  #IguanaHunter @1stlooktv #BanansDoingThings
@CohenBrian_: It's unreal the level of success @MTVBananas has had. Just preposterous that he'll have his own show on NBC.

@WestonBergmann: @mtvrrdarrell It’s sad when you have to ask your kids to make you a gif and your wife to write you a pun, just to keep up with me. Just start a podcast and call it quits like the rest of your generation. I’ll be your first guest.
- @mtvrrdarrell: @WestonBergmann Keep my wife & kids out yo tweets 🤕🥊 #🦍
- @WestonBergmann: @mtvrrdarrell You’re slower to respond to tweets than you were when Corey beat you up that bunny slope and sent you home on episode one. Which, is not the first time you’ve been sent home first; I was the first person to send you packing immediately. 😵
- @MelindastolpMTV: @WestonBergmann @mtvrrdarrell OUCH this affects me greatly :(
@WestonBergmann: "@RealityTVBits: I’m confused. @mtvrrdarrell is a beast on #TheChallenge." RT He’s tied for first place in the amount of times he’s been sent home first. That’s the least beastly trophy one could earn.
@mtvrrdarrell: "@BellGHudy: @WestonBergmann @Challengemtv___ @mtvrrdarrell I love @WestonBergmann but don't come for @mtvrrdarrell we seen @KennySantucci carry you on his back in the @ChallengeMTV final. Be humble." Daaaayum 😭 I never knew about this 💅🏻 it’s ok princess Kenny’s got ya ✊🏽 @KennySantucci #wtf
@KendalSheppard: Serious stuff here. OG fans, don't ef this up.. 😇😈 @mtvrrdarrell for the WIN! Suck it @WestonBergmann !!

@ChallengeMTV: Will these two be reunited? Keep watching #TheChallenge32 to find out! Tuesdays at 9/8c on @MTV!
@BunimMurray: Cara Maria from @ChallengeMTV: Final Reckoning clears the air....Catch an #allnew episode Tuesday at 9pm on @MTV!
@Marie_TBD: How do all these reality stars from different networks stay so.... connected? Did we miss the convention? @JustJem24
- @JustJem24: @Marie_TBD We were probably drunk on FaceTime with each other drinking Budweiser and eating ham sandwiches
@Marie_TBD: I understand it’s a tv show but I shouldn’t have to wait for an episode to air for people to know I’m a good person. When all this is said and done my character will still read the way you imagine it.
@joss_mooney: I care about my circle & the five people in it. If you aint one of them, I ain’t giving you a minute...🎶
@JustJem24: "@betchesluvthis: The Challenge fans: Kyle didn't really ghost Cara Mara. It's actually worse. Read her interview where she spills alll the tea:" RT @betchesluvthis you’re the shady one here. @Marie_TBD reps y’all hard & has done legit things for y’all(receipts available). Where is the loyalty? Y’all are whack for this.
- @Marie_TBD: You’re dead to me @betchesluvthis A thread.
@Marie_TBD: Any Betch who likes @CaraMariaMTV is no betch to me.
@Marie_TBD: Cara I genuinely didn’t like you. Please stop claiming I campaigned to be your partner. I feel obligated to call people out on their bullshit; and you bullshit. We both know having you as a partner was no prize.
@Marie_TBD: Last but potentially not least depending on how I feel; I often shake everyone’s hand in the @ChallengeMTV house. I can’t help it that I’m popular.
@Marie_TBD: I lied. Lastly; you “don’t care about abilities you care about heart!?” Hold on while I choke on my omelet you black souled Wiccan. #TGIF #Youcastthiscurse #teamcaramarie
@Marie_TBD: You can choke too @ChallengeMTV for sponsoring this “drag Marie tour.” LOL Marnie out!
@BritniNicol: ITS FRIDAY THE 13th, BITCHES!!! Get weird and embrace the power in this amazing day!! (Also if you have black cats keep them safe! Muggles are ignorant & think they’re bad luck or some shit & people try to sacrifice them🤦🏼‍♀️)
@DJMelReeves: "@ChampsVsStars: This first episode of #FinalReckoning was crazy. So sad to see @DJMelReeves get sent home. But all she was doing was defending herself. If someone pushed me I would have done the same thing." RT 💕
@kailah_casillas: @SylviaMTV @Marie_TBD @GamerVev  Well.. you hear @Kmorrisx scream, “Melissa let go” so...... sounds like she was the one pulling hair 🤔
@imdroc15: Blessed to see another day 🙏🏾!!
@cohuttalee: Before I knew it I’d been watching @NicolexoRamos Insta live makeup application for 10 minutes. It sucks you in. You’re like a South Florida Liz Claiborne Bob Ross. #happylittlebrows @ChallengeMTV
@KyleCGShore: Anywhere in the world is fun with these good old Fella’s 🏝✈️
@t_raines33: That Friday feeling 🙂
@ave_tress: "@_Thatgirllauren: Hey @MTV @MTVsChallenges why was it ok for @TheRealNiaMoore to hit @ave_tress and Johnny with her fists & a blow dryer AND threaten Jordan's life but you kick @kailah_casillas and Melissa off for pushing?" RT My have times changed.
@BritniNicol: "@marybeckah: @t_raines33 singing slim shady at #challengethrowdown #throwdownforacure in Orlando. He sung the whole song with @MTV_NellyT watch @BritniNicol in the back talking to a fan! That is why I love her! She treats her fans…" RT Well you guys are fucking rad😍☺️
@t_raines33: I’m such a grammar knotzee 📝
@tori_deal: “After the idols crash and burn there will only be humans” #overheardLA
@kailah_casillas: I did that Q&A video on my laptop and the quality is killing me. So.... I guess if I’m gonna keep doin this, I should have the right equipment 🙄 just bought a Canon PowerShot SX730. Let’s gooo Kailah feels official now 💁🏻‍♀️
@DerrickMTV: When it’s #FridayThe13th and you like that weird ****... • Whaddup #DadBodz ✊ #DadNation
@CaraMariaMTV: Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV I prefer to live in sin
- @CaraMariaMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ When in vice, say it twice.
@mswasian: @MTVDevinWalker did NOT bail on digging out @MTVBananas . He had a family emergency that needed him away at that time. You have to respect that. Casually saying his partner just didn’t show isn’t in devins nature to do. He’s always all in for the challenge
@KaramoBrown: 4 years ago today, working at my 1st hosting job. I was fired 2 weeks later & thought, what am I doing giving up my career as a social worker/ psychotherapist. But worked hard & didn’t give up. 4 years later I’m on an Emmy nominated show that I love. Please friends Don’t give up!

@ChallengeMTV: Can Tori and Derrick overcome their past and work together? Find out, Tuesday at 9/8c! #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: When you get sent to the Redemption House in the first challenge 😩 The Challenge: Final Reckoning is all new, Tuesday at 9/8c! #TheChallenge32 
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @ChallengeMTV #mood
@kailah_casillas: LOL FOR THE RECORD @tori_deal I just watched your podcast.. I 100% remember being outside with you & Webster by the pool after the fight (with the sage) Im pretty sure i was trying to convince you to sleep outside with me 😂 anyway, love ya!
- @tori_deal: @kailah_casillas Lmao ! I love you bro. No one will ever share that memory with us Hahahahahahaha
- @kailah_casillas: @tori_deal Hahaha just us! thanks for always havin my back love ya
@kailah_casillas: Also the dude who said “it was funny” that lies were spread about me online. He’s a loser. Just had to add that.
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Listen up, you can do anything that you want to in this life, just don’t be a fuckin’ bitch.
@VMilerman: All the rumors are true,I’m a horrible person,please hate me❤️🥟
@BritniNicol: Lol. Shocker bruh🤙🏼
@ZNichols15: Kyle and I told everyone to take a serious picture....Then we smiled, classic.  @KyleCGShore
@DerrickMTV: In case you missed it... NEW PODCAST feat @DJMelReeves. The Fight from Tuesday Night @ChallengeMTV, the expulsion, who else was involved, how it started..tons more. @SHOTOFYAGER referees while I try to relate...and I do. 😯 #ChallengeMania 😤  iTunes: …
@CaraMariaTea2: Since Big Brother has crossed over to @ChallengeMTV we think it’s time for some Challenge Royalty to cross over to @CBS @AmazingRaceCBS with a @MTVBananas and @CaraMariaMTV team 💪💪 what do you say @PhilKeoghan? #BananasDoingThings #TeamCara #CaraMariaArmy #Banara #KingAndQueen
@MTVBananas: Banana Defender > Marie Defender #TeamBananas @ChallengeFanMTV
@t_raines33: Something told me to get back at it                     🏋️‍♂️🏃🏆
@CaraMariaMTV: @Djewlie Lmao me and @Marie_TBD were dying when we saw that because we already did that photo in africa but didnt post it yet. I like your version better. 🤣
@MelindastolpMTV: Look 👀 who I ran into last night!! @Bruce_Lee85!! @ Zappos Theater …
@MelindastolpMTV: Such an amazing experience!! Thank you mattycollinsapt for one of The best days of my life! #gwenstefani #justagirlvegas @ Zappos Theater …
@mtvrrdarrell: When I get older I want to be like this dude 😎 #coolkids
@DJMelReeves:  Absolutely loved DJING in Dubai! So sad to be heading home! I love this place.
@MTVCoryWharton: My everything ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
@HaydenPWeaver: @dc408dxtr Haha, Way cooler than anything i did on MTV!
@kailah_casillas: "@Kmorrisx: If you behave in a manner that poisons your relationship Don’t be surprised when it dies." RT Kayleigh your tweets make me depressed everyday! Cheer the hell up 🎉
@jossie_flores: The Redemption House is BACK, but with a twist... 🌀 Keep watching The Challenge: Final Reckoning to find out what it is! Tuesdays at 9/8c on @MTV 👀  #TheChallenge32
@t_raines33: Ok everybody say cheese! 😁 *my kids look in every direction but the camera
@WestonBergmann: Giving a speech this afternoon and in the Q and A someone said something sharp and I go, “pew pew pew (horns)”. Dammit @SHOTOFYAGER
- @DerrickMTV: @WestonBergmann Ladies and Gentlemen...and I think we now have our newest @ChallengeMTV bromance. 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @WestonBergmann Haha. I believe my work is done here. #ChallengeMania 🤣🔉🔉🔉
- @WestonBergmann: @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV Yeah, I call Scott as my partner for the friends challenge they’re casting
@ZNichols15: @jossie_flores @MTV Jenna is so hot
- @jossie_flores: @ZNichols15 @MTV Ayyyyyayayayaya zach😅
- @JennaCompono: @ZNichols15 ☺️🙈❤️
- @JustJem24: @ZNichols15 Way too hot for you 🙃
@CaraMariaMTV: Every muscle in my body has been developed according to the EPIC things i ask it to be able to do. Like winning @ChallengeMTV. I LOVE my body. Small tits, strong arms, and all.  WOMEN, dont ever let ANYONE tell you what your body should be. Be YOU, be HEALTHY, and be PROUD.
- @NataliaNegrotti: @CaraMariaMTV I love that you can carry all my luggage at the same time while none of the guys can. My sexy knight 😍 u r strong and beautiful mamacita
- @PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti None of the guys huh 🧐🤔😘
- @NataliaNegrotti: @PaulCalafiore_ LOLLLL MOM I’M SOWWY I FORGOT ABOUT U!
- @CaraMariaMTV: @NataliaNegrotti I will always happily carry your luggage my lil princess ♥️ i love you
@JustJem24: "@realworldmemes: @JustJem24 IMPORTANT QUESTION!!! Would you rather spend a day with Leah or Chelsea? #TeenMom2" RT Leah so I can watch her girls beat the shit out of each other all day long...

@MTVtrey: You wanna know what ruins soccer for me? The overreacting of fake injuries aka flopping. It’s REALLY bad. I know it happens in some other sports, but not even close to the crybaby, theatrical acts that these grown men pull. It’s embarrassing that it’s accepted as part of the game
@PaulCalafiore_: What. A. Final. #FranciaCroazia
@EmFitMTV: Cheering for #CROATIA all the way.
@DerrickMTV: Off Croatia’s Head?! 🤦‍♂️ #WorldCup
@WestonBergmann: I want Croatia to win, but I believe France will win #WorldCupFinal ⚽️ prediction: 1-0, goal by MBappé
@juliettep0rter Juliette/Siesta Key: VIVA LA FRANCE!!!!!! 🇫🇷
@_BG_Gomes: Brandon/Siesta Key: Congrats to France 🏅🎉
@oztvnow Osvaldo/AYTO5: Croatia goal keeper is over this World Cup! 😂🇭🇷  #WorldCupFinals

@ChallengeMTV: Brad and Kyle are a strong team any way you slice it 💪 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: TJ introduced a major twist in the first challenge and he has plenty more tricks up his sleeve this season 😈 #TheChallenge32 is all new, Tuesday at 9/8c!
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Can’t seem to find the motivation for this mornings workout. Gotta dig deep and keep my eyes on the prize.
@DJMelReeves: I’m so tired from all of this traveling I feel delirious
@MtvJess: Slightly obsessed with British tv
@shannanity: Dumbledore isn’t that great if you really think about it. You don’t catch on to someone using Polyjuice potion for a whole school year and he’s flicking his tongue all the GD time - I can tell my friends hammered or high in five secs of being around them
@MTVBananas: You think a puppy is a chick magnet? You should try a porcupine 🦔 @1stlooktv #ZooKeeper #Miami #BanansDoingThings @jungleisland
@MTVBananas: Bird Brain 🐦🧠 @1stlooktv #ZooKeeper #birdwhisperer #HostBananas
@JustJem24: @ZNichols15 Way too hot for you 🙃
- @ZNichols15: @justjem24 Yea so?
- @JustJem24: @ZNichols15 At least you’re aware you out-punted your coverage... Team Zenna  > all the fake challenge/mtv relationships we have to suffer thru these days 💞
@BritniNicol: "@xSuicidalPanda: Awwww Amanda was quick to put her nursing skills to good use on Britni, their friendship deserves better then one of them getting purged right away both times #TheChallenge32 " RT @BradFiorenza @MTV_AMANDAG saving their damsel in distress 😂😂 #Thechallenge32
@CaraMariaMTV: When people ask why I live in Montana....♥️ i ask why i would want to live anywhere else.
@JennaCompono: Summer nights 🌸 🌙
@shannanity: Who do you think it is? @ChallengeMTV
@JustJem24: ✌🏼out weekend, let’s werkkkk this week y’all 💣🖤
@MaybachDiamonds: champs and stars
@kailah_casillas: DEV IM SO READY TO DRINK FOAMERS WITH YOU IN ILLINOIS #ChallengeThrowdown @MTVDevinWalker
- @MTVDevinWalker: @kailah_casillas Oh it’s onnnnnn sister
@kailah_casillas: For those of you coming to the Illinois event that can’t golf. I’m bringing a football for us. #TheChallengeThrowdown
@CaraMariaMTV: “These violent delights have violent ends  And in their triumph die like fire and powder”  Shakespeare feels. 🗡
@jossie_flores: I think the challenge needs a gay power couple can we make that happen ? ☺️ and who would you guys like to see ? #thechallenge32
- @shannanity: @jossie_flores It already happened - @v_cakes and @rachel_fitness ...
- @jossie_flores: @shannanity @v_cakes @rachel_fitness I’m talking gay male couple 😅
@imdroc15: Life is a camera, focus on the big picture and you’ll capture it perfectly!
@t_raines33: "@alibakerevans: In case you’re counting, @t_raines33 has been in every single episode of The Challenge for the past 365 days with the exception of the last ep of Dirty 30 and the first ep of Final Reckoning. There’s also a Champs vs. Stars win in there. ⌚️⌚️" RT Fun fact of the day
@kailah_casillas: Dude @shannanity YOU KILLED the Challenge insta story today 🙌🏼 so cool... it makes me really happy to be a part of such an iconic series.
@shannanity: If you want an OG vs Challenge - you gotta be loud, you gotta @ the right people (I can’t tell you but cast all follows BMP big Dogs - be a sleuth) and Thank you for all the love 😘😘😘
@TinaBarta: @WestonBergmann Never did think you were the sharpest tool in the shed.  I am glad that you appreciate them as much as I do.  🤣
- @TinaBarta: @shannanity @WestonBergmann Thank you @shannanity for the damn clarification photo You are lucky you are cute.
@KendalSheppard: @shannanity didn't just takeover @mtv Instagram.. he started a OG MOVEMENT!! If there was an Old School vs New School Challenge who do YOU think would take home the money??
@syrusmtv: #DontWantNoSmoke Good Ol’ Country Western Challenge. The MTV “OG” calls out the “New School” I’m ready for the challenge let’s go! .... #TheChallenge #MTV #RealWorld #RealityTV #TV #Shows #Boss...
@shannanity: RT:  wanna hear a lot about being in front of the camera and also behind? One of our Challenge producers is also a reality star and you can win a 15 min convo about all the secrets on and off camera... TIME TO BID CHALLENGE FANS @katie2gypsy
@ThatCoral: @LisaPasco1822 @shannanity You guys are awesome!! Thank you so much for the love and support. You know these new kids would fall on the floor if they saw us coming for them.

@ChallengeMTV: Rookie, Faith, thinks she and Angela can get the 'W' in this next challenge. What do you think? 🤔 Tune into a new episode of #TheChallenge32 TOMORROW at 9/8c to find out!
- @angelababicz: @ChallengeMTV YES QUEEN PUSH MY THICK ASS @faithstowers
- @faithstowers: Haha I had to Push it, Push it reeeeal good! @angelababicz
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published “Challenge Final Reckoning: Redemption Houses are bad” …
@TheAllanAguirre: 🗣️🗣️🗣️Redemption Houses diminish the main Challenge game as it lowers the stakes of every challenge and elimination until the twist is over. The game doesn't feel real till there is no more Redemption Houses. The Challenge format shouldn't require twists for drama.
@ChallengeMTV: Britni and Chuck are partners and exes, but are there still feelings there? Just ask Jenna and Jemmye ☕️ #TheChallenge32 is all new, TOMORROW at 9/8c! 🔥
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV Welcome to my nightmare. Did @tjlavin not mention the redemption house was the portal to hell? #TheChallenge32
- @Kmorrisx: @ChallengeMTV This situation I don’t wish upon anyone. 😩 💔
- @JustJem24: @ChallengeMTV 1. @MTV_Chuckalodon & @BritniNicol remind me a lot of me & knight. 2. Dealing with these two in redemption made me realize I want to be a life coach.. 3. This situation gets dramatic AF so be readyyyyyyyy y’all 💋
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV I can’t imagine being stuck with my ex. @BritniNicol is handling it way better than I ever could. I’d be zipping myself up in his luggage.
- @00Hitsdiidii: @Marie_TBD Lmaooooo 😂😂
@Marie_TBD: @Kmorrisx You’re gonna forget about me when you’re perfect
- @Kmorrisx: @Marie_TBD No because perfect or not I still need my best friend by my side 💯
- @BritniNicol: @Marie_TBD Marie.. I don’t mess with luggage’s anymore, k!???😜
@MTVBananas: Forever aspiring to be as cool as the guy who doesn't look out of the window of the airplane during takeoff.
@DayDaVonne_: @jossie_flores ... we’ve come sooo far 😂😩 New Episode of #TheChallenge32 tomorrow night 🙌🏾
@PaulCalafiore_: I’m sick and tired of people who complain about hearing the truth about themselves. The truth fucking hurts. The first year I wrestled at 6 yrs old I lost every match and was laughed at. I trained my ass off and at 7 yrs old I went UNDEFEATED. It’s called SELF REFLECTION & WORK!!
- @cassidyyhines: I will always support and respect @PaulCalafiore_ he is one of the most realest people. He’s not afraid to stand up for what he believes and he tells it like he sees it. We need more people like him in the world✌🏻✌🏻
@whitterview: The 29th Whitterview is live!!! @imdroc15 spills the tea on doing 5 MTV shows in 1 year and how he asked to go home night one on the first show he ever did!!! Link in bio to get to know Derrick Henry …
@Kmorrisx: "@ChallengeRWRR: Kayleigh and Melissa Doing this together because both are ICONIC! The British Invasion really snatched us huh? Will cut you with…" RT Christ @DJMelReeves blast from past 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
- @DJMelReeves: @Kmorrisx Oh my god 😂
@DayDaVonne_: Whew... alright I’m done with twitter for the day. I hope that conversation helped someone. Thank you everyone who joined in the conversation.. it’s always great to know how YOU ALL feel too ... y’all have an amazing day ❤️ I’m getting videos out THIS WEEK !
@BradFiorenza: #goals @KyleCGShore  Don’t miss an all new episode @ChallengeMTV #thefinalreckoning 9/8c tomorrow night!!!
@observer: "Solving puzzles, staying sober, and eating bugs was one thing; beating the crap out of someone was another" What @susie_meister learned from prize fighting on @ChallengeMTV
- @ImSarahRice: @observer Read about the time @susie_meister had a Fight Club style knockdown-drag-out brawl on the #Challenge.  🤼‍♀️🥊💪
@SHOTOFYAGER: Don’t forget about our jam-packed episode of #ChallengeMania w/ @DJMelReeves, where you get her side of the controversial @ChallengeMTV premiere & her untimely exit from the show. But 1st, @DerrickMTV & I find out what led her to the show to begin with! 🎧 …
@PaulCalafiore_: Who’s excited for tomorrow?!?! I know @NataliaNegrotti is!! Tune in tomorrow! All new @ChallengeMTV at 9 pm EST only on @MTV #TheChallenge32
@mikethemiz: Getting you ready for tonight,10pm est, on @espn where I will put on a clinic at the @mlb All-Star Legends and Celebrity Softball game tune in and watch my display of Awesomeness. #CelebSoftball
@CaraMariaMTV: It takes nothing to join the crowd.  It takes everything to stand alone. ⚔️ @CaraMariaMTV
@JennaCompono: Don’t let social media kill your confidence 👑
@JustJem24: "@noscrubss: Let’s put teen mom into perspective: MySpace with the top/only social media page when 16 and pregnant first aired #imold #iusedtoslideinryansmessages #teenmom #16andpregnant" RT & I wasn’t on your tv yet. I was just an innocent Mississippian who was interning in DC on behalf of southern democrats who watched “reality tv” on nights I wasn’t using my fake Id..
@NataliaNegrotti: My 2nd Big Brother & The Challenge Gameplay video is up now check it outttttt. I answer fan questions from Instagram and Twitter. Part 3 will come soon stay tuned.
@Marie_TBD: “You won’t” is my kryptonite
@JustJem24: "@danknize: @JustJem24 you may have been asked already but given your peacemaker role, if you had been in the house still do you think the Kailah/Melissa fight would have escalated as far as it did?" RT I honestly think yes especially bc I’m so close to @kailah_casillas. I got in  between Mel/Kam bc of my relationship/support for @iamkamiam_ ...  I also love/respect Melissa & I don’t want to see females get physical bc I know the consequences will be bigger than that moment
@AceNichols33: Well, fuck it! I'm up this late anyways, so here you go night owls!  #Challenge32 @ChallengeMTV
@MTVtrey: The rules of the HR Derby are really lax. You’re not ‘supposed’ to throw the next pitch until the last ball has landed, buttttt when Bryce Harper’s dad starts panicking b/c he’s about to blow the feel-good story, he just throws them at his own pace regardless of the rules 🧐
@mikethemiz: MVP!  MVP!  MVP!  Everywhere I go.  Everything I do. I am MVP!  Don’t believe me. Check the trophy.  @mlb #CelebSoftball
@HaydenPWeaver: LOL the Lakers and Cavs are in double overtime in the summer league this is too scripted I love the NBA

@JustJem24: "@wsbtv: 📚 ✏️ ATTENTION TEACHERS: @Target is offering you a 15% discount on school supplies!" RT If any teachers in Nola &/or Mississippi need school stuff lmk, I would love to buy whatever you need for you....
@JustJem24: Teachers. Make an @amazon wishlist of stuff you need.... I was just able to purchase a few supplies for a teacher & it made the donating process so easy. More people will be willing to donate if the process is that simple 💜
@JustJem24: "@KathyBudar: @JustJem24 @amazon The more you're supporting the more I respect you! Thank you! And usually just buy myself didn't think of doing a wishlist, so THANK YOU for that!! " RT DM where you want the supplies sent to. I just picked out a few things but for some reason your wishlist isn’t providing your address so send that over to me & I’ll get this purchase done right now. 💚
@JustJem24: "@Cindylouwhobaj1: I just had the most incredible twitter experience. @JustJem24 offered to help my schools SPED program. There are actual angels in this world. I would never believe this was possible. THANK U SO MUCH!!!❤❤❤💋💋🙌🙌🏼🙌🏼" RT You don’t have to thank me, it’s the least I can do for you. I appreciate your work especially with children like my nephew 💚
@cmpilgrim: Of all the years I’ve watched her on TV, I’ve never doubted that @JustJem24 is a great human being. She proved I was right when she decided to buy supplies for teachers, including myself. We are about to look fresh while writing in my room this year! #teacherlife
@JustJem24: "@gucciwavvy: @JustJem24 I had no idea you had a family person with special needs. My sister has special needs and we love watching you together on TV. I read her your tweets sometimes and we always have a good laugh. Thank you. We adore you and love you 💙💙" RT My nephew is autistic.. and please tell your sister I said hi & I hope she enjoys this season.. tell her I send her all my love 💞
@JustJem24: "@mrsgipson42: @JustJem24 This is what my kids' teachers will get on Back to School night. A bin filled with extra, class specific supplies. I know not everyone can afford to do this but even adding just an extra glue or extra crayons when you buy for your own…" RT Omg this is such a good idea! Parents who can afford this please take note & consider doing this for your kid’s teachers this year!!
@JustJem24: Im done school shopping 🙌🏼. I cant wait for the 10 teachers i chose to work with get their supplies from amazon! If you’re able to, plz consider helping a teacher get their classroom ready. The appreciation each teacher expressed to me showed how badly they need our support💞
@JustJem24: "@daysbradypats: @JustJem24 I just saw what you did for teachers yesterday. As someone who works with elementary school children at a Title 1 school, I just wanted to say "Thanks". " RT Thank you Jill! The best part is so many of my followers have connected with teachers thru my twitter & are making donations as well. This has been such a good Twitter day!!🙏🏼🙌🏼
@TrishelleC: There are terrible things in the media right now, but I remembered a man who made things seem tolerable and made the world seem kind. I hope y’all watch this... I think you’ll cry and laugh ❤️ Won't You Be My Neighbor?

@ChallengeMTV: The challenge before the challenge: settling on a team name... Is it Team Cara MariE, or Team Cara Maria? 🤔 #TheChallenge32 is brand new TONIGHT at 9/8c!
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV #TeamCaramariA ... “we” are just so excited for our first team challenge... so... excited....
@Marie_TBD: Just bc they tweet it... doesn’t 👏🏼mean 👏🏼 they 👏🏼 mean 👏🏼 it. MORNING TWEEPLE
@Marie_TBD: In honor of @ChallengeMTV day - I’d like to share the greatest challenge podcast I’ve ever stumbled upon. Who are these guys!? I love them.  cc: @shannanity watch
@KaramoBrown: #HeyFriends... Be as picky with the people you allow in your life as you are when you’re choosing a selfie to post!
@KendalSheppard: "@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥NEW PODCAST!🔥@DerrickMTV & I are joined by @KendalSheppard, last on @ChallengeMTV when she won The Inferno! Kendal joins us to talk her recent twitter resurgence, whether she’d do #ChampsVsStars or…" RT AHHHH!!! IT'S HERE!!! I hope you guys enjoy it! Not the typical Challenge interview but I'm not typical. 😜 HUGE thank you to @SHOTOFYAGER and @DerrickMTV  for taking the time to respond to fan requests. I'm 100% certain this interview happened because of YOU ALL!! Thank you! 😘
@CaraMariaTea2: Marie’s sister ( Victoria Roda ) says she likes Cara Maria 😂👏 #TeamCara #TheChallenge32 This is Vic, she was originally supposed to be on #TheChallengeBloodlines as Marie’s partner. She’s an athlete AND a party girl. She would’ve been a great addition.
@JayGMTV: "@Jordanmarch5: @JayGMTV @ChallengeMTV When do you plan on being Jay back? 👀" RT Im off probation. Lets get it!
@JayGMTV: "@MissChrysty: @JayGMTV Yesssssss!!!!! I’d love to see u on the Challenge again 😍😍😍😍😍" RT @ChallengeMTV hmm...
@PaulParmar1: Who doesn’t love a bad boy? @PaulCalafiore_ 😚 #TheChallenge32
@emmamary4: @BritniNicol I always loved you and Chuck but when he broke up with you basically because he was jealous you got a shot on the challenge and he didn’t I lost a little respect for him. Relationships should be about building one another up and being each other’s biggest supporters. You do u boo
@KaramoBrown: We are so excited to start shooting again!!!! Season 3!!!! @queereye #Fab5
@ericitaphoto: .@MTV .@ChallengeMTV T.J.  LAVIN   BEYOND THE CHALLENGE  via @YouTube #TJLavinBeyondTheChallenge #TheChallenge #MTVChallenge I Spent 12 Days With One Of The Nicest Guys On Earth. Watch!
@MTVCoryWharton: I think I’m in love with @IGGYAZALEA ❤️🤤😰
@MTVRWRRQuotes: #FinalReckoning is back TONIGHT. Looks like this Challenge is gonna get gnarly! 🤕💥 @tjlavin
- @shannanity: @MTVRWRRQuotes Are you guys watching tonight?!?
- @SylviaMTV: @MTVRWRRQuotes Who’s excited about tonight?!?! @ChallengeMTV
@JustJem24: Grateful to be able to live this life 🙏🏼
@ChallengeMTV: This new twist is a GAME.CHANGER. And gives a huge advantage to the Redemption House 😱 #TheChallenge32 is brand new TONIGHT at 9/8c!
- @addict_reality: @ChallengeMTV New plan, @JustJem24 takes up permanent residence in this room for the season and just gives us commentary every week. #TheChallenge32
- @SylviaMTV: GAME CHANGER!!! @ChallengeMTV
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Ahhhh!!! The Chamber of Secrets has infiltrated The Challenge!! 1st BB, now this...what’s next?! Evelyn as @MTVBananas partner?!?!
@Marie_TBD: DAY DRINK with ME Sunday @ Oasis Pool (headliners) & let’s find out once and for all if @angelababicz really does float or sink!! 🤣💦💦 #statenisland #jerseyshore #poolparty #DARTY #SundayFunday
- @angelababicz: @Marie_TBD Everyone place your bets because I will end up in the pool one way or another
@angelababicz: This Sunday 7/22 me and @Marie_TBD’s 8 personalities will be hosting Oasis Pool Party at Headliner in Neptune, NJ 🎉🥂 Come thru, get drunk and take selfies with us 📸
- @Marie_TBD: @angelababicz They all have different drink preferences. Beware.
- @Javimarroquin9: @Marie_TBD i did meet like 3 of those personalities last time #stayhumble
- @Marie_TBD: @Javimarroquin9 2 of them thought you were great!!
@MTV_NellyT: New Episode to night!!!! 🤔 I wonder who’s gonna be talking out their 🍑 tonight. Tune in @mtv @challengemtv 9/8c #TeamYoungBuck
@Kmorrisx: For my nose transformation. Head to insta ♥️
- @kailah_casillas: @Kmorrisx DAMN K! 🔥👃🙌🏼💕
@Marie_TBD: In efforts to avoid being a hypocrite: If you have anything nice to say about me, please don’t bash Cara in comment. I can’t like it if you’re an asshole bc then I’m an asshole too. #keepitcordial #TeamcaraMARIE
@shannanity: Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. @ South Africa …
@joss_mooney: How else do you make coffee in The @ChallengeMTV house?! #saltbae #coffeebae #challenge #bae 👀🤷🏽‍♂️ TUNE INTO @MTV TONIGHT AT 9/8C FOR #THEFINALRECKONING ⚠️
@mikethemiz: Speech.  Speech. Speech.  I want to thank @mlb for having me.  As a kid growing up in The Land playing baseball every summer it was an absolute honor to play on a Major League Baseball… …
@angelababicz: I will be spending the night at the vet so unfortunately I will not be able to watch tonight’s new Challenge episode with you guys. Let me know how it is & please keep me and my pup in your thoughts! xo
@Marie_TBD: A Pusher & a Swinger walk into a challenge...... @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32 @CaraMariaMTV
- @CaraMariaMTV: @Marie_TBD I mean. This could not be a more accurate description of our team. #teamcaramariA #swinger
@Marie_TBD: "@TWfan19: @Marie_TBD Can't wait for tonight's episode. Hoping for a few confessionals from you because they always have me cracking up😂" RT We don’t see the episode until you do... can you imagine the anxiety?
@Marie_TBD: No respect for first borns
@Kmorrisx: Tonight ....
@faithstowers: THANKS @betchesluvthis catch a new episode tonight on @MTV @ChallengeMTV  I read Cara said me and ang look like thirsty thots this episode, so that should help 😂 #Thechallenge32 …
- @angelababicz: @faithstowers AND THAT’S THE REAL TEA
@MTV_Chuckalodon: I love myself and every day I am thankful for this life.
@jossie_flores: This new twist is a GAME.CHANGER. And gives a huge advantage to the Redemption House 😱 #TheChallenge32 is brand new TONIGHT at 9/8c! Oh shit this moment i remember exactly what was going on y’all are not ready 😱
@t_raines33: @MTVBananas needs a partner for this season of The Challenge. We’re gonna play rock, paper, scissors. Winner goes to South Africa to team up with the Banana man. Tune in to tonight to see who won. P.S. I’m hoping I lose  #TheChallenge32 #TonyTime #LetsGo #WhoLovesGingers
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @t_raines33 @MTVBananas and 2 others Oh God not rock paper scissors again
- @TheWRPSA: @t_raines33 How top athletes settle debates.
@ChallengeMTV: As one relationship deteriorates, another one gets stronger... Check out this sneak peek from an all new episode of #TheChallenge32, on TONIGHT at 9/8c! 👀
@Rogan_OConnor: Name a better duo... I’ll wait 🕑👀
@NataliaNegrotti: Who is ready for battle?! I know I am. tonight on @MTV at 9/8c @ChallengeMTV
@iamkamiam_: I hate the suspense😩😩 next to me girls as we see what’s going to happen.. #TheChallenge32 🐬
@BritniNicol: What’s the juicy info we’re getting from TJ tonight?! 😈😂 & let the games begin. #letsgoletsgo #thechallenge32
@angelababicz: My “you’re really gonna do that OKKKURRR thing again” face 😐#NotTodaySatan @faithstowers @ChallengeMTV New episode tonight!
@angelababicz: Update: We were able to see the vet earlier than expected and my little princess had some blood work done and was prescribed anti-seizure medication. She’s okay! 🙏🏼
@angelababicz: Thank you so much for all of your love and prayers! ❤️
@angelababicz: I am loving all the pics I’m getting of your pups!!! You guys made today much easier for me. And your prayers meant everything to me. Ugh I just love y’all
@Marie_TBD: What rules @kailah_casillas !?!
- @kailah_casillas: THAT THERE ARE NO RULES!!!  @Marie_TBD
- @Marie_TBD: The rules are there are no rules!!!
- @kailah_casillas: This is a rule I live by
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥Thursday’s guest on #ChallengeMania is @SylviaMTV! Get us questions to ask when she joins us to talk #TheChallenge32 & her @ChallengeMTV career so far! I will try to find out who got more physical with @joss_mooney, her or @DerrickMTV!🧐Subscribe HERE👉🏻 …
@CaraMariaMTV: NEW FLASH: Its TRASHY REALITY TV.  If you are sooo offended and want something wholesome... turn on church tv.  TONIGHT @ChallengeMTV we making moves, not role models. 2 in the pink...the other teams STINK.
- @JustJem24: @CaraMariaMTV Church tv only comes on Sunday mornings during church time Cara so the haters are gonna have to watch QVC or something 🤷🏻‍♀️
@DayDaVonne_: ☕️👀☕️ #TheChallenge32
@PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV I mean who doesn’t like the Justice League? Just saying 🤷🏼‍♂️💁🏼‍♂️
@n_zanattaMTV: If it makes you happy, never let it go.
@shannanity: Yesterday I was complimented for never having a frown even when I had a right to be upset and then i informed them about Botox... 🤷🏻‍♂️
@joss_mooney: Episode 2 of @ChallengeMTV lets go...  Tune into @mtv 9/8C tonight!! 👀 #teamsoss #TheChallenge32 #finalreckoning
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Ugh I hate the sound of cracking joints. Barf.
@CaraMariaMTV: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @Trios112 and 2 others From one dishonorable human to another dishinorable human... i say go away please. I figured you would be out spending money on things to make yourself happy rather than spending time talking about me on twitter.
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @CaraMariaMTV @Trios112 and 2 others  Because you don't spend any time talking about anyone huh...Knights of the round table??
- @CaraMariaMTV: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @Trios112 and 2 others Not today satan. Not today.
@HaydenPWeaver: So Halsey rented out a portion of our building last night at my work ON MY NIGHT OFF K THANKS FOR NOT SCHEDULING ME GUYS 😤
@imdroc15: When your friend tells you about the twitter beef that’s happening and you don’t wanna miss it lol 😂
- @t_raines33: @imdroc15 😂😂😂
@BradFiorenza: Will @kylecgshore & I come out swinging in tonight’s all new episode of the #thechallenge32 !!??  9/8c; don’t miss it!! @challengemtv
@J_Cal83: Great #challengemania episode today @KendalSheppard you nailed it with describing how the challenge when from fun dynamic personalities to forced story lines. I miss the feel of the older challenges!!
@tjlavin: My friend @ericitaphoto and I had a good time in South Africa. We picked up lots of people and took several people to dinners and lunches. It was so fun... don’t miss the challengemtv… …
@JustJem24: I have no desire to ever be married..
@angelababicz: @faithstowers @Marie_TBD @rehablv Don’t threaten me with a good time 😏
@faithstowers: Waiting for my boo to get off like.. 🍫
@faithstowers: @CaraMariaMTV @betchesluvthis and 2 others  Doesn’t feel good for a conversation that was meant to be private to be put out does it? ..sound familiar?? Maybe a live video you decided to share of two women fighting. Baby I don’t mind who you choose to be , just own it 😘
- @CaraMariaMTV: @faithstowers @betchesluvthis and 2 others By screen shotting my private group TEXT message.. and subsequently blasting it out to all SPOILER sites and talking about it in an article... you are VALIDATING my sentiment. Also telling me what a fan you were of me and comin in with intentions to use kyle for storylines...🧐
- @faithstowers: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @CaraMariaMTV and 3 others  Juss sayin

@PaulCalafiore_: I mean, why wouldn’t you be tuning in to watch your new favorite Challenger?! 😈😜 Tonight at 9 pm EST you don’t wanna miss a new episode of The @ChallengeMTV only on @MTV 🤙🏼🤘🏼
@BritniNicol: Would it be lame if I learned the “in my feelings” challenge thing? I love Drake & it looks fun😂 #dontjudgeme
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallenge32 is brand new in 1 HOUR on @MTV! Who's excited!? 🙋
@ChallengeMTV: The reckoning will be swift and sudden on a brand new episode of @ChallengeMTV, TONIGHT at 9/8c! #TheChallenge32
- @BunimMurray: @ChallengeMTV #allnewepisode #tonight @ChallengeMTV #finalreckoning #TheChallenge32
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Ooooo so stoked #TheChallenge32
@angelababicz: We all have that one person we look for when scrolling through likes on a pic 👀
@DayDaVonne_: New episode of The Challenge 32 TONIGHT !!! Are we ready ? ??
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Fake friends is all you’ll find when you treat everyone like shit and leave your morals behind.
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Tune in tonight 9pm est. to see what happens in the Redemption house and what unfolds between my partner and I.  @challengemtv @mtv #finalreckoning
@angelababicz: Idk what’s going on but I’m SINGLEEEEE *Derrick voice*
@BritniNicol: TWO MINUTES BITCHESSSS!!!! #TheChallenge32

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New Partners, Unfinished Business, and Ring Around the Rosy... it's the Pulse of Episode 2 of Final Reckoning, when we return. Stay with us...


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