*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Hello and we're at the weekend... and welcome back all as we continue to showcase the Road to the Final Redemption, and the Prelude to this week's premiere of The Challenge: Final Reckoning. And here, this is the back end of this special SocialPulse Extra covering the cast interaction leading into Tuesday's much-anticipated first episode of Season 32 of the fifth major pro sport. Enjoy all the buzz from last week's holiday week before we offer the diary of the episode itself to come this weekend.
►5 DAYS: 4th of July
@cbmcnary: Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸 ‘Merica!
@BritniNicol: The past never stays buried..😈The Challenge: Final Reckoning premiers this Tuesday, July 10th at 9/8c! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32 #letsgoletsgo
@jossie_flores: Getting ready for the #4thofJuly2018 😜 #Challenge32
@jossie_flores: Dropping my new single end of next month!!!! (METELE) along with music video!!!! With some special guest cameos 🔥🔥🔥 #music #billboard #trapmusic #reggaeton #TheChallenge32 #billboardhot100 #latintrap
@kailah_casillas: Everyday for the past 2 months I’ve done nothing but cardio training (for obvious reasons)... today I’m going to the gym with @iammikeyp to pick up and put down heavy stuff. I’m gonna be sore af tomorrow.
@DayDaVonne_: It’s fine y’all .... it’s in the past. Mama Day was nowhere to be found on The Challenge... ... but Daystruction was
@kailah_casillas: Ok today is such a sad day. @halsey and @G_Eazy broke up? 😫 I’m more sad about this than I should be. They were so cute togetherrrrrrrr 😫
@ExOnTheBeach: Will @angelababicz and @faithstowers use their tips and trips learned at #ExOnTheBeach to defeat other challengers? Don't miss the premiere of @ChallengeMTV :Final Reckoning Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on @MTV 👏
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach ROOKIE SZN
- @faithstowers: @ExOnTheBeach Thanks @ExOnTheBeach 😈 #Thechallenge32 #FinalReckoning
- @jossie_flores: @ExOnTheBeach Rookie szn!!! #Challenge32
@Marie_TBD: Of course the weather was beautiful all week and turned to shit today. Guess I’ll be getting drunker than I originally anticipated. Happy 4th. I love you America!!
@paulawalnutsMTV: Happy Independence Day from The Beckerts!
@mikethemiz: Happy Independence Day! Be safe out there. #4thOfJuly #AmericaTheBeautiful
@MikeCManning: Happy 242nd birthday America. Let us continue to push you to be a place of possibility, prosperity, equality for all people. And let us stop those that try to infringe on that - foreign and domestic. #IndependanceDay 🇺🇸
@whaattaafoxx: It’s my favorite holidayyyyyy!!! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! ❤️🇺🇸
@JennaCompono: Happy Fourth of July everyone! Be safe !! 🇺🇸
@EmoneySunset: If you still live with your Mom you can’t celebrate Independence Day go get your life together.
@Pratt_MTV:why aren’t there any knock knock jokes about America? because freedom rings 🇺🇸
@kailah_casillas: If your mom never forced you to wear a flag shirt from Old Navy on Fourth of July, are you even really American?! 🇺🇸 Happy Fourth Everyone!
@NataliaNegrotti: Happy Independence Day!!!! So grateful to be an American and be free to express myself in my own way. This is truly the land where dreams come true ✨ . #4thofjuly #america #american #freedom #merica #red #white #blue
- @CaraMariaMTV: @NataliaNegrotti BABY YOU’RE A FIREWORK. 🎇
@KaramoBrown: As I celebrate our nation’s birthday... I want to thank every person who has served in the military; who has risked their lives, their physical health and their mental health protecting our freedoms. Thank you! #HappyFourthOfJuly
@KaramoBrown: Let’s celebrate what makes this country great... the diversity in cultures, races, gender identities, sexual expressions, and everything else! #HappyFourthOfJuly🇺🇸
@PaulCalafiore_: I know there’s a lot to be thankful for on the 4th of July...... so here’s my brother @Cody_Calafiore ... you’re welcome America 😉🇺🇸🤘🏼
@Kmorrisx: Happy 4th July to my American ladies! You know who you are ♥️
@blairherter: We out here, proud to be Americans❤️🇺🇸🏳️🌈 #IndependenceDay2018
@MTVBananas: Let freedom ring BITCHES 🚀💥🇺🇸 #4thofjuly #independenceday #America #Alaska #fireworks💥 #bananasdoingthings #Fireworks
- @Marie_TBD: @MTVBananas This is AMAZING!!!! @MTVBananas 🙌🙌🙌🙌 Happy4th. Killing it !!
- @Bruce_Lee85: @MTVBananas This is pure gold ✊🏿🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mikethemiz: Mizanin family is red, white, and blue through and through. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸#Happy4thOfJuly https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk1IwdSH2u0/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=czb63ys1vw78 …
@Marie_TBD: I’ve been fortunate enough to travel around the world; and I have yet to find a country greater than mine. God bless America. #4thofjuly #Merica
@kailah_casillas: happy fourth of july from me and my fat boy 🐶🇺🇸
@Marie_TBD: These fireworks are giving me Disney feels. I’m literally so happy LOL #MacysFireworks #fireworks
@blacuesta: I’ve been having the best day w my Friends and their families. Grateful forever.
@mikethemiz: America! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk1TAQQnQwW/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=yrgjihnp0cx2 …
@princeofnorway: As a Jehovah’s Witness growing up we would always forget that a holiday was coming up and end up eating yogurt for dinner. Thank god Safeway got their shit together in the 2000’s
@princeofnorway: The best part about holidays is when you drive three hours to eat at your favorite restaurant of all time and they are closed
@ChallengeMTV: Who had a more dominant rookie season Kam or Tori? Jemmye might just have the answer to this question... 🤔 Who Had The More Dominant Rookie Season: Kam or Tori? The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Hearing these Challengers describe all the ways they'd f*ck over their own partner is proof that old grudges die hard 😂 The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c 💣💥 #TheChallenge32 What Grenade Would You Throw At Your Partner? The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV Dear @BradFiorenza pls don’t die. Your partner is evil 😂😂😂😜
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV We really like eachother.
@TripleBeees: Lmfao I just heard The Real World might end up on Netflix. That happens it’ll be my final days on here
@faithstowers: And when you popped off on your ex he deserved it I thought you were the one from the jump that confirmed it #Thechallenge32 #FinalReckoning
- @00Hitsdiidii: @faithstowers YES FAITHHHHHHHHH
@KyleCGShore: Stop playing the victim @CaraMariaMTV I kind of gathered you were gunna fuck other people when you tried to crawl in Paulie’s bed on the first night of filming I was just responding, least I didn’t wreck any homes tho! 👀😇
- @CaraMariaMTV: @KyleCGShore Did amanda take over your twitter just now?
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @CaraMariaMTV @KyleCGShore No bitch cuz I woulda said a LOT worse. 😘
@MTV_AMANDAG: & since I love @KyleCGShore...FOR THE RECORD. He MADE UP that he had a gf back home so she would stay away from him. He literally told the cast it was a lie cuz he wanted nothing to do w/her. But I guess having gfs isn’t really a repellant for that homewreckin horsebag🤷🏻♀️
@CaraMariaMTV: @KyleCGShore Let the record show when we met at the airport you said you had a gf and therefore couldnt mess w me. Then MADE OUT with another girl AFTER being a dick to me all night. So whatever i did after was because i was hurt and angry. At the end, id say u did me a favor! 🖕
- @KyleCGShore: @CaraMariaMTV 🎣😂 you must still love me to get that angry and worked up Cara! 😘
- @CaraMariaMTV: @KyleCGShore And you must be really butthurt ive ignored all the DMs and Whats Apps you sent me ever since we finished filming. But i will save those receipts. 🧐
- @KyleCGShore: @CaraMariaMTV Like we both don’t have stuff on each other, ooooooooo please post my DM it was hilarious I worked really hard on that 😂
- @CaraMariaMTV: @KyleCGShore you wanted to sleep with other people (didnt tell me) but yet you didnt want ME to sleep with other people.
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @KyleCGShore 🤷🏼♀️ didn't you tell her you had a gf on the flight to Africa just to keep her away?!? She doesn't care about other women unless they coming for her #fraud
- @CaraMariaMTV: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @KyleCGShore First of all it wasnt a surprise. Parents live in BOSTON. i live in MONTANA. never visit home cept for xmas. Im an only child. cant come home n NOT SEE MY FAM. he knew it was part of it. Friends/fam. Im seeing my family no matter who is visiting. YOU calling ME mentally unstable?
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @CaraMariaMTV @KyleCGShore Why are you so obsessed with Amanda. We literally don't think or talk about you in our "GANG TEXT" . We're talking about our real life success and heart breaks but even at your events you bring us up 🤷🏼♀️ @CaraMariaMTV
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @KyleCGShore @CaraMariaMTV I don't mean you. I mean her saying girl power and she's so stong....physically; mentally this girl is unstable. Who surpriseS someone meeting their family 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ that's creepy AF
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @CaraMariaMTV @KyleCGShore From what I heard you tricked him into meeting your family so ...:girl power
- @CaraMariaMTV: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @KyleCGShore Nope. He was very. Very. Well aware. That was part of the deal. I warned him about it before he even booked tickets. Im not going to boston and NOT seein my fam no matter who im with. But every time kyle opens his lips hes telling lies so i dont doubt he told you that.
@faithstowers: @KyleCGShore let’s not act like I was rebound because I wasn’t. I’m more like a slam dunk 😜 #Thechallenge32 #FinalReckoning
- @angelababicz: @KyleCGShore @faithstowers It means Faith is positively lush and made you randy so you snogged her , don’t get cheeky lad #Layyyyyyydies
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz @KyleCGShore Thank you. I’m just saying if it was that great you wouldn’t of looked anywhere else. 💕
- @KyleCGShore: @angelababicz @faithstowers I feel I may need this translated into English for me girls? 😂
@JustJem24: Me staying out of the drama today
- @angelababicz: @JustJem24 We’re clocked out the petty clock today sis 😴😴 #SorryWereClosed #PleaseComeAgain
@JazMTV: Yeasss Fireworks have started early this 4th of July on Twitter. I love challenge drama!!
@Marie_TBD: Don’t say a word. Don’t send a like. @kailah_casillas
@Marie_TBD: LOL that's what she said
@joss_mooney: Pool party at the Playboy Mansion?! Oh, if you insist...🤷🏽♂️😂👀
@Rogan_OConnor: Only me and @joss_mooney would go to the playboy mansion, get surrounded by bunnies and decide to go home early and wrestle 🤣😅
@MTV_NellyT: I would like to take a minuet to give up to all Thirsty one out there,that will say anything to get on another TV show. They wonder why they will aways be a #Sidechick
@Marie_TBD: 👀👀👀👀
@blacuesta: So much drama lately on the TL and the only reason I’m getting mad is Bc I have to scroll through all the BS to get to all the funny tweets and it’s becoming problematic Bc now I can barely find the funny tweets 😩
@kailah_casillas: my dad texted me: your hair looks really cute today, kinda looks like devil horns. me: they are devil horns, I’ve embraced it. my dad: be who you are... 🙄😂
@WestonBergmann: I’m not a reality star; I’m the subject of a long form documentary
►T-MINUS 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
@ChallengeMTV: The cast of The Challenge: Final Reckoning reveal their relationship status, AND Jenna answers THAT question about her and Zach ☕️ Don't miss the season premiere of #TheChallenge32, Tuesday July 10 at 9/8c! 🔥 What's Your Relationship Status? The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV @KyleCGShore 🤣🤣🤣
- @SylviaMTV: @ChallengeMTV @KyleCGShore Hahahaha
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV 🌈🌈🤔☺️
@angelababicz: "@_jesssiiccaaa: if @imdroc15 can live without @angelababicz i can live without you" RT If you’re heartbroken just remember...
@ToriFiorenza: Taking a break from Social for a bit to plug into real life. Some exciting things on the horizon...If you need me text me.😘 #dolife #bepresent
@Kmorrisx: Of all people to be on FaceTime to as I wake up from surgery @joss_mooney & @Rogan_OConnor 😂 bet you guys are feeling great this morning 💁🏼♀️
@BritniNicol: My @CaraMariaMTV appreciation post. Bc I love you. You’re my voodoo wiccan sister/Knight to my Khaleesi/fellow weirdo/animal lovin long lost soul sister😈😘😘
@joss_mooney: Yesterday was the best day of my life...fact!
@MtvJess: Kind of miss my dysfunctional @MTV @ChallengeMTV family but damn some@of y’all be on some extraaaa crazy shit lately 😂😂😂
@MTVCoryWharton: BIG MOOD
@CodyThrive: As time goes on I appreciate my experience on #MTVStranded more and more. Being out there and competing. Not the crap while it was airing, but the 40 days I got to live on the Island and the week before and after. I couldn’t be more proud of myself. #CodyOnChallenge THRIVE NATION
@CodyThrive: "@Jg5_era: Thank you! @AbramBoise #ChallengeMania @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER " RT If MTV/UnderArmor made a fan shop where viewers could buy these shirts they would have made so much money the last 10 years. Such a missed opportunity.
@v_cakes: About a month ago, we were given the news that my mom has joined the millions of women battling, or who have battled with, breast cancer. It had been about 7 years since she had… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk3KsLpg6Fk/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1fg51rcetfzrj …
- @JennaCompono: @v_cakes Sending prayers!! 💕
- @SylviaMTV: @v_cakes Sending prayers V!
- @kailah_casillas: @v_cakes Sending positivity your way! 💕
- @KendalSheppard: @v_cakes How scary. She's got to be one strong woman. You guys got this. 💟💟💟
- @DerrickMTV: @v_cakes ❤️❤️❤️
@JustJem24: Y’all keep Veronica in your prayers today.. I’ve known since she’s found out & since my mom is breast cancer survivor I’ve tried my best to be the positive support she’s needed but her mom is in surgery right now so please keep her family in your thoughts the next few days Y’all say a prayer for my girl today 💜
@Kmorrisx: 5 Days To Go 💁🏼♀️ The Challenge: Final Reckoning premiers this Tuesday, July 10th at 9/8c! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
- @iamkamiam_: @Kmorrisx My fave 💕
@Rogan_OConnor: Wish @angelababicz would hurry up 😌
- @angelababicz: @Rogan_OConnor Wish you would stop acting up 😌
@Rogan_OConnor: I’m the baddest bitch in LA..
@ChallengeMTV: There will be familiar twists and new ones on The Challenge: Final Reckoning 🌀 Don't miss the season premiere, Tuesday at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallenge32
@ExOnTheBeach: It's all fun and games until your weakness starts knocking at your door! Find out who will crack on the premiere of @ChallengeMTV: Final Reckoning Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on MTV 👏
@Marie_TBD: My ex hates my guts bc he couldn’t reach them
@MTVBananas: Closet overflowing with clothes, nothing to wear...
@tylersemicolon: If ur a whole ass adult and don’t eat the crust on pizza I can’t respect u
@Marie_TBD: Everyone’s out hear buying rainbow unicorn 🦄 floats and I’m just like.... 5 days!! #TheChallenge32 @ChallengeMTV @mtv
@angelababicz: Another fine day ruined by responsibility
@imdroc15: Roses R Red Violets R Blue No Ex On The Beach Today What The Hell Am I Supposed To Do
@imdroc15: Living My Best Chocolate Life!
@MTVBananas: Mommys little firecracker 🚀💥 #iwin4thofjuly #Alaska #4thofjuly #America #fireworks #bananasdoingthings
@MTVCoryWharton: Hopeless Romantic 🖤
@CaraMariaMTV: @BritniNicol My khaleesi.
@faithstowers: Too many lyrics 'bout houses and loot/Too many Walt Disney characters, mouses and goofs/I mean you know I love a challenge, but challenged by who? #FinalReckoning
@kailah_casillas: Thanks for 70k today Twitter friends ♥️
@kailah_casillas: Lol imagine being in Palm Beach County jail after 4th of July and you see @chrisbrown walk in 😂
@kailah_casillas: Ok, it’s a set thing. I’m bringing back to blue hair... but a little different this time. Blue hair 2.0 in late August 💙 I missssss it
@BionicBrooks_: I’m not the on the phone type, I’d rather be with you.
@ChallengeMTV: Reck·on·ing (noun): "The avenging or punishing of past mistakes or misdeeds." 📖 Being partnered up with your Vendetta definitely fits the definition of punishment 🔪 #TheChallenge32 Day Of Reckoning: Part I The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
@BradFiorenza: Let’s remember to focus on the things we can control in our lives. Happy first day of the rest of your life! #blessed
- @BritniNicol: @BradFiorenza What bae said.
@BritniNicol: OMG I THINK I SPOKE IT INTO EXISTENCE 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 my hormones can’t handle this RN🤤🤤🤤
@v_cakes: 1/ My mom is doing well! Thank you all who have said a little prayer, sent positive energy, & have taken the time to share some kind words of encouragement or wisdom. She can’t believe there’s been a total of 500+ comments about her on social & she wants me to read them ALL to her! This will be a fun & unique exercise & I have all of you to thank! Positive things CAN come from reality TV ;) I’ve seen a lot of myself in her during this debacle & I couldn’t be more proud to be her daughter ❤️❤️❤️
@t_raines33: Striving to have more good days then bad 🎭
@ChallengeMTV: Walking into the weekend like 😎 #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Having cast members read mean tweets over @ChallengeMTV Instagram. LOL
- @SylviaMTV: @Marie_TBD Go Check it out!
@iamkamiam_: Filming my @ChallengeMTV Final Reckoning Q&A today send me and last minute questions you may have ☕️👀!
@angelababicz: It’s Christmas in July @Marie_TBD has taken over the @ChallengeMTV Instagram page and is showing you haters on the naughty list some love🎁❤️ go see if your trolling tweets made the cut in #MeanTweets: Challenge Edition
@shannanity: Y’all this is me Modeling in the Challenge House for @MTV and @ChallengeMTV and I’m too gay to function someone steal my Top card and rip it up!!! Are you guys watching us this Tuesday at 10?!?!
@angelababicz: Me and @faithstowers compromised.. if she wants to go on a date with my man she can as long as I’m there too #3SOME Catch on this Tuesday on the season premiere of @ChallengeMTV #FinalReckoning
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz 🛌👫🏃🏾♀️ if you hear the bed rockin don’t come a rockin don’t come a knockin 😂 #ExOnTheBeach #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@PaulCalafiore_: I sometimes wonder if the people who watch reality tv and think they could handle certain scenarios better are the same people who think they can step on a field or into a ring and compete.... Then I laugh knowing they’d get torn to pieces 😉 “Bull fight critics ranked in rows”
@princeofnorway: I let @PaulCalafiore_ borrow a pair of shorts last weekend and not only did he stretch them out but I don’t think I’m ever going to wash them again 😩
@Marie_TBD: Wrapping up my @ChallengeMTV Instagram story and wanna give a huge shoutout to my partner @CaraMariaMTV for participating. It’s okay; We’re totally fine with NOT seeing you. #Entitled #Retire #PETApan
@PaulCalafiore_: Yo this Brazil vs Belgium game is wild! This is why I love this game!
@CamilaMTV: Cmon Brasil!!!!! 🇧🇷
@CamilaMTV: ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??????????????? bad call. Bad fucking call. #wc18 #VAMOSBRASIL #copa2018
@CamilaMTV: Fack. Good game Belgium. #copa2018
@KendalSheppard: For 2.5 minutes I can like soccer.. #WorldCup
@Rogan_OConnor: Due to the time difference in LA... me and @joss_mooney just worked out we’ll be in the pub on the beers at 6.30am tomorrow 😂🍻
@Rogan_OConnor: Could Neymar be any more of a little bitch?! Embarrassing to the sport..
@mistergiuntoli: Los angeles! It’s going to be 105 degrees out there today. Be careful & Let’s try to keep some of the homeless folk hydrated.
@blacuesta: San Diego can’t take this heat
@lexoquence: Hook up culture is cool and all, But- have you ever stared into the eyes of someone you’re completely in love with while having passionate sex and saw how much they’re in love with you right back??? That shit’s intoxicating
@whaattaafoxx: I’m getting married in a week, my hubby is leaving for Ranger school for 3 months & then we are leaving for Germany right after. Literally this is happening so fast and I can’t wait for another chapter to begin. ✌🏽❤️
@angelababicz: THE CHALLENGE: FINAL RECKONING premieres this Tuesday July 10th at 9/8c on @mtv 🤑 Who are you watching with? Tag them! challengemtv #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning @ South Africa https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk53m_uBM2l/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1oyuvo6751c4r …
@CaraMariaMTV: Yup. @jossie_flores @PaulCalafiore_ #newyork
- @jossie_flores: And this is how you end a New York night @PaulCalafiore_ @CaraMariaMTV 🔥
@MTV_AMANDAG: 3:45am and all I have to say is............One Direction is the greatest boy band of all time.
@VMilerman: Kinda annoyed with this. People who are PUBLICLY RACIST and impose their ignorance on others are UPSET because they lose their jobs or the internet goes after them. They play the victim when in fact they try to victimize others. Grow up, racism is out.
@mtvcanada: The past never stays buried. #TheChallenge32 The Challenge: Final Reckoning on MTV The end of an era begins Tuesday July 10 at 9e/6p.
@MTVCoryWharton: Hit 420k on instagram today 😎 Thank you guys !!!
@Marie_TBD: I just read a comment saying I was a try-hard. After thinking about it, I am. If you’re not trying, what are you doing? #tryharder
@PaulCalafiore_: @angelababicz @Marie_TBD @ChallengeMTV I thought you meant we were going back to D’jais for their Christmas in July party 😂🤣
@PaulCalafiore_: @jossie_flores @CaraMariaMTV 😂🤣 I love you!!
@Kmorrisx: When he wants boyfriend privileges but not boyfriend responsibilities. 🖕🏼
@angelababicz: Happy #WorldChocolateDay to my favorite chocolit @imdroc15 🍫
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz Lol Hahaha aww I love you A Money 🍫❤️😘!!!
- @angelababicz: @imdroc15 Love you Dcock
@ChallengeMTV: When you realize #TheChallenge32 premieres this Tuesday at 9/8c 😱
@Kmorrisx: FINALLY! It’s only a few days away! The Challenge: Final Reckoning premiers THIS TUESDAY, July 10th at 9/8c! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@joss_mooney: I mean, what else would I be wearing?! YES!! The @ChallengeMTV is back on 10th of July on @mtv!! 👀 ⚠️ MORE SHORT SHORTS, MORE MARIGOLDS, MORE ACTION & LOADS FOR DRAMA!! ⚠️
@PaulCalafiore_: @joss_mooney @ChallengeMTV and 3 others I think I speak for everyone when I say..... nothing.... you should be wearing nothing 🤷🏼♂️
@kailah_casillas: Since it’s WAY too hot to be outside today, I’m going to take my ass to the gym, then sit my ass on the couch and watch all of the Hunger Games again. Happy Saturday everyone 🤗
@kailah_casillas: They’re saying it may rain today in Vegas... I really hope it does 😱 you don’t know how much you miss rainy days until you live in a desert.
@NataliaNegrotti: Guys my next show is just days away! I can see it, I can smell it & I’m so fricken excited! Tune into @MTV & watch me on the next @ChallengeMTV on July 10th. I’m so stoked to share my 3rd show with u & want to thank u all for always having my back & my culo 👊🏽 #latinapower
@joss_mooney: If you’re wondering why I don’t react, it’s probably because I don’t care.
@DerrickMTV: Will kill or be killed??? Will he slay or just play?? Will he be a contender or just a pretender?? Will he EAT or be the MEAT?? Only time will tell as the #FinalReckoning ⚔️ is right… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk8s3l2hzqr/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=4hh7vlbner3j …
@MTVBananas: Too alien for earth... Too human for outer space 👽🌎 #IgotProbedinRoswell #TheTruthisOutThere #AreWeAlone @1stlooktv
@t_raines33: Just out here trying to keep the “dad bod” in tip top shape. #DadBod #MyGirls #Love
@KyleCGShore: Is Sterling an undercover spy secretly playing for Sweden? #FifaWorldCup2018
@Rogan_OConnor: Pretty sure Pickford just told one of them to fuck off back to Ikea and I couldn’t love him anymore..
@KyleCGShore: We are 2-0 up in a quarter final of the World Cup and we are going to the Semis for the first time since I’ve been alive and this is just the greatest day of my life. 😭 #FifaWorldCup2018
@PaulCalafiore_: I may have to fly to England for the semi final match cause that’s gonna be wild! Which city should I watch the game in?
@PaulCalafiore_: HOLY SHIT WHAT A GOAL
@PaulCalafiore_: It’s like Papa C always said when we had a lead.. “when you have your enemy wounded, you don’t give them life.. you finish them so they can’t hurt you.” Croatia, you were taking it to Russia and decided to take your foot off their throat after you scored in OT 🤦🏼♂️ @lpcpcjr
@TheoVon: Russia!!! What a game!!
@PaulCalafiore_: I can say one thing for sure that @AlexiLalas and I have in common watching this Russia v Croatia game.... we are loving how physical both teams are playing with no players flopping for calls.... just some good soccer with some hard tackles 🤘🏼🤙🏼
@DerrickMTV: PENALTY KICKS!!!! #CroatiavsRussia
@KirkMedas: Best World Cup ever.
@erikalaurenluvs: Tough night for Cleveland but @stipemiocic is a class act, and no doubt will dominate again. Also, not a fan of the eye scratching BS - Cormier had multiple warnings.
@A_Bartolotte: Congrats Champ @dc_mma #UFC226
@HaydenPWeaver: "@btsportufc: Brock Lesnar storms the Octagon and pushes Daniel Cormier 😱" RT This just created sooooooooooo much money for both of them
@riannavalentine: In other news, my boss said he’s doing a mandatory staff meeting where we will watch the whole season of the challenge. IN OTHER NEWS IVE BEEN DRINKING AT WORK SINCE 11
@jossie_flores: 3 more days y’all ready !!! #Challenge32 ready to f*** shit up !!!@DayDaVonne_ premieres July 10,on @MTV 8/9c @ChallengeMTV
@DayDaVonne_: In this game , your VENDETTA is all you have .... you watch my back , I’ll guard your front. Y’all ready ? TUESDAY 07.10.18 #thechallenge32 @challengemtv @jozeaofficial let’s go PARTNER !!!! 😂
@n_zanattaMTV: I read all these depressing tweets and Twitter drama and I’m just over here enjoying the summer nights. 🙃
@t_raines33: Everybody takes a L sooner or later...
- @hbarfield13: @t_raines33 If you ain’t first your last
@MTV_AMANDAG: I’M BACK BITCHES!!! Watch me back in action when @ChallengeMTV’s The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres this TUESDAY at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallenge32
@Kmorrisx: Really upsetting my iPhone doesn’t recognise my current face recognition 😩👃🏽😷
@ExOnTheBeach: .@PaulCalafiore_ recognizes his biggest competition, but could they cause his downfall? Catch @ChallengeMTV: Final Reckoning Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on @MTV 🙌
@PaulCalafiore_: She backstabbed me before and this time I got my eye on her! See us pair up when @ChallengeMTV’s The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres this TUESDAY at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: Who’s the shadiest snake? Me or @MTV_NellyT? The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres THIS TUESDAY at 9/8c on MTV! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨UPDATE: Our #Challenge32 Premiere Party this Tues @BrazenFoxNYC will go WELL PAST 11pm to accommodate some very Special Guests who will be arriving after the episode is over. Arrive early to watch @ChallengeMTV w/ Sound ON at 9 & stay ALL NIGHT to party w/ us! Please RSVP!👇🏻
@Marie_TBD: I’m being crazy. @shannanity
@BritniNicol: "@CaraMariaTea2: CARA LITERALLY can’t even chill and have fun with her friends without someone shading her...... LMAOOOO you guys constantly torture this girl with excuses you know are wrong and when she finally snaps you get annoyed. Practice what the fuck you preach. "RT Only pussies go back and delete the shit talking they JUST tweeted🤷🏼♀️☕️
- @Marie_TBD: @BritniNicol Like that one time you called me a lazy alcoholic and deleted it? 😂 I think deleting tweets is fine.. we all go through emotions. If you can change something, change it. lol
- @BritniNicol: @Marie_TBD What are you talking about? Lol I never deleted it one, two I wasn’t even talking about you in this tweet. I’m so fucking confused why you popped in this convo🤦🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
- @BritniNicol: @Marie_TBD Dearest Marie.. I greatly apologize for giving you the assumption that my tweet was about you. Because it was not. I was just informed that you posted a tweet yesterday and deleted it. My tweet was just a general statement. Nothing personal. At all. 🤙🏼
- @Marie_TBD: @BritniNicolApology accepted... but in general, are you always a hypocrite? 🤘
- @Marie_TBD: @BritniNicol That’s not how I remember it - but I don’t feel like scrolling on your twitter to find it around vendettas reunion. Perhaps a fan can help. Otherwise whatever
- @JustJem24: @Marie_TBD Y’all two are NOT starting this shit again. Be nice to each other... Cc: @BritniNicol
- @BritniNicol: @BritniNicol @JustJem24 Also keep me out of this lmao, not sure how I got wrapped into this when I was just making a basic statement/agreement 😂😂
@CaraMariaTea2: CARA LITERALLY can’t even chill and have fun with her friends without someone shading her...... LMAOOOO you guys constantly torture this girl with excuses you know are wrong and when she finally snaps you get annoyed. Practice what the fuck you preach. #WeSawWhatYouDeleted
@JustJem24: Will I double cross @JennaCompono again this season? Never say never… Don’t miss the premiere of @ChallengeMTV’s The Challenge: Final Reckoning, TUESDAY at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: Okay question....so the big brother episode tonight will cover everything that I missed on the live feed since Thursday RIGHT?!??
@NataliaNegrotti: I did him dirty once and I have no problem doing it again. See it all do down when @ChallengeMTV’s The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres this TUESDAY at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallenge32 @PaulCalafiore_ 😈
- @PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti @ChallengeMTV @MTV I love the savagery 😈😈
@JennaCompono: Jemmye backstabbed me before so this time I’m ready for anything! Watch me back in action when @ChallengeMTV’s The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres this TUESDAY at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallenge32
@ZNichols15: @t_raines33 @Ayubmohamud3 #fullsavage
@ZNichols15: "@Ayubmohamud3: @t_raines33 Ok tony but we need you to get that w you and @ZNichols15. As partners on a "best friends season " easy win ☕💯💀" RT @ChallengeMTV should hook it up
@MTV_Chuckalodon: "@miss_taylordawn: A year ago today I kissed this really cute man at the pool and helped wrap up his poor foot in a bag so he could begin getting his gills wet again. 🤗💋 #therestishistory #thefutureisours " RT A year ago I met this fantastic creature.
@ChallengeMTV: "No more playing nice." Here's how the cast of #TheChallenge32 are switching it up this season ⬆️⬇️ How Has Your Game Changed? The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres Tuesday July 10 at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV Politics suck😭😂 I’ll stick to hittin the gym🤦🏼♀️😂
@MTV_NellyT: Honestly People who do you think shades is the REAL 🐍🐍🐍???? FINALLY! It’s only a few days away! The Challenge: Final Reckoning premiers THIS TUESDAY, July 10th at 9/8c! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@kailah_casillas: Puerto Rican Princess @OfficialPLT
@iamkamiam_: A new season of @ChallengeMTV fit for the Queen premieres this TUESDAY night at 9/8c on! Don’t miss the Final Reckoning, it’s all going down! #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaMTV: Time to FINALLY find out whats behind all this insane twitter drama @ChallengeMTV’s The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres TUESDAY at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaTea2: Stay tuned! Cara will be writing challenge recaps for @people magazine! The good sis is working 😩👏 #TheChallenge32
@ZNichols15: Watch me and my TRASH partner take out the rest of the garbage when @ChallengeMTV’s The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres TUESDAY at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
@kailah_casillas: So @justinbieber is engaged to @haileybaldwin now?! I always pictured it being @selenagomez 💔💔
@kailah_casillas: Let the @ChallengeMTV drama and politicking begin! The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres TUESDAY night at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Can we ever get along? Find out when The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres THIS TUESDAY at 9/8c on MTV! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@NataliaNegrotti: I’m back... My new YouTube video is up now click the link & watch. I’m posting my next video TOMORROW & will finally be discussing my gameplay on Big Brother & Vendettas. Tweet @ me using hashtag #sweetestsavage & ask the questions you want answered! ✌🏽
@MTVCoryWharton: The Final Reckoning is almost here! @ChallengeMTV is back THIS TUESDAY at 9/8c on @MTV. Don’t miss it ya’ll!
@joss_mooney: To be honest I’m absolutely appalled at some peoples audacity to comment negatively towards other people’s business. You have no idea what you’re putting that person through by trolling at home behind social media. It’s disgusting & bullying. #goodvibesonly 👊🏼
@Lizchallenge_: Justin Bieber is engaged how you feel sis@IAmDanniV ? You still gonna keep tagging him in your photos?
@angelababicz: I take a big breath before opening Twitter for the amount of whewww’s about to come out of my mouth
@MTV_AMANDAG: Practice what you preach before I air you the fuckkkkkkk outttt! 🤷🏻♀️
@BritniNicol: You guys! I’ve had such a productive day. Woke up, went to the gym, mowed the lawn (which isn’t very small) & made sure Amara got a good play date in🖤 I’m drained haha. ANWAYS I’ve got the jail broken fire stick and don’t know what to watch. Suggestions!?? SHOOT!
- @JennaCompono: @BritniNicol Lmao what was that little hop 😂
- @BritniNicol: @JennaCompono Lmaoooo I was acting like I was gunna get Amara😂😂😂
- @BritniNicol: @JustJem24 Lmfaooo not this time jem. Not this time 😂😂
- @JustJem24: @BritniNicol Omg when you stopped to get Amara I thought you were about to start twerking. Please please twerk while mowing next time
@JennaCompono: Braids are so pretty 😍
@joss_mooney: Beach day...🍭 – at Venice Beach Pier
@angelababicz: My life is in yatus right now
@Marie_TBD: I gotta go
@shandathapanda: honestly would feel like shit if i was hailey baldwin bc justin went back and forth w her and selena and when selena left dat ass, that's when justin decided he wanted 2 marry hailey 🤔🤔🤔 KNO UR WORTH GIRL
@WestonBergmann: One fourth of our crew this weekend. We did Kansas City big and proud! Thanks for coming in-town boys, you guys rock! BTW if anyone wants to marry Josh, let me know. I’ve decided to be his… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk_DM20A3H2/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=25pdvqm1h2pd …
@louievito: You can’t have a better time in Kansas City than I did wit these guys. Thanks @westonbergmann for everything! @JoshAllanMurray @chrisdragonow bradfiorenza (Quite a few MIA) @ JC Nichols… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk--LeVFfA-/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=18bjvfsuxv4kg …
- @WestonBergmann: @louievito Kansas City loves you!!
@MTVtrey: Today was the service for Becca, so I wanted to take a moment to reflect on this past weekend. This was a special tournament to be a part of. As some of you know, Becca was one of the 5… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk_FOmgjLgg/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=yh1hge8guis4 …
@tjlavin: The answer is yep, he sure will!!! Get it done today travispastrana you’re the greatest motorcycle rider/stuntman/ driver/ crazy but sweetest man in the world! Looking forward to it... 🤙👊 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk-lF4knELM/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=11hybtbwde6e8 …
@ave_tress: #TravisPastrana killed the jump with room to spare. #part1 #EvelLive #boss #supersuit
@tjlavin: Good times at the Evel travispastrana jumps here in #LasVegas ... So pumped he made this first one now it’s time for some scary stuff! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk_goWWnCkV/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=pip72mbt4ghj …
@ChallengeMTV: That's right, Kyle: It's time to pay for your sins! The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV! 🔥 #TheChallenge32 Day of Reckoning: Part II The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres TOMORROW at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
@BritniNicol: Woke up to my coffee a brewin on its timer, turned on the tv and The Nanny is on. Fran is SUCH a style icon! I swear.
@SHOTOFYAGER: 👾NEW PODCAST UP!👾@KatieCooley26 joins me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania one day before the #Challenge32 Premiere to talk who she’s rooting for this season, whether she has @ChallengeMTV regrets, 🚽#PlungerGate, whether she’d do #ChampsVsStars & MORE! 📲https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.spreaker.com%2Fepisode%2F15217531 …
- @Marie_TBD: @SHOTOFYAGER Just found out my fave challenger @KatieCooley26 knows who I am. You were preaching to my soul in this podcast. I turn 30 in August and I’m just here like 🤔🤔🤔
@KyleCGShore: Back on screen this Tuesday for #TheChallengeFinalReckoning on MTV! 🇺🇸👌🏻
@JennaCompono: Really enjoying my nice cold drink with my “$16.99 so worth it” ice cubes 😂😜 @ZNichols15
- @ZNichols15: @JennaCompono You’re the only person I know who spends money on ice cubes.
@AshleyMarieMTV: @JustJem24 I can’t with u 😂😂😂
@CaraMariaMTV: TAKING OVER @ChallengeMTV INSTAGRAM alll day! Check out my shenanigans as I prowl #NYC. 🌈📷
@NataliaNegrotti: Now that I’m 28 I realize adults are just teenage idiots that look old
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I can't wait for tonight 🙌🏽 #thechallenge32 #finalreckoning.
@t_raines33: Be good or be good at it
@DerrickMTV: A Blast from the Past that can still Light it Up!! 🚀 @katiedoyle26 NOT “Katie Doyle,” 🙀 was one of our most requested guests for #ChallengeMania, believe it or NOT and, of course, she… https://www.instagram.com/p/BlBTqBzhpED/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=13qkec83msf6i …
@Marie_TBD: "@Maundicia: @gwenzillas @Marie_TBD That's your perception of it. I choose to believe it was meant well. If we always assume the other person has ill intentions, then nothing good happens" RT Agree to disagree. She has my number... a real apology could have been made.. but I guess that's my perception on how to handle miscommunications effectively.
@Marie_TBD: I deleted my last tweet .... Whatcha gonna do about it?
@Marie_TBD: In other news; @ChallengeMTV premiers tomorrow!
@PaulCalafiore_: FUN FACT: A week before leaving for South Africa to film the @ChallengeMTV I got 13 stitches in my face because in preparation for the show I started re incorporating Jiu Jitsu into my regimen to be able to deal with bigger opponents in small spaces 😉🤘🏼
@00Hitsdiidii: The best thing about today is that it’s Monday which means tomorrow is Tuesday which MEAAAAAANS @ChallengeMTV final reckoning is on and my tuesdays are finally filled again❤️🎉
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Real recognize real....and bitch you a stranger
@baeIeigh: 20. Most underrated competitor: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE - won a season without a team of four and more - won on her second season - maybe the format helped her but she did amazing on those puzzles
@TheOriginalDre_: Tomorrow night @ChallengeMTV queen @kailah_casillas returns to our screens & the haters come out to play. but it’s alright, WE LOVE YOU K✊🏼❤️ @mikeyscaps @orihginaljose @kelsie_urbanek @ReyesMichelle95
@shannanity: When I was 7 I was visiting my grandma and I asked my dad where my Aunt Tracy was bc (she was younger like 18) and he told me to leave her alone bc she was getting her “beauty sleep” and I’ve refused to sleep less than 10hrs a night ever since and TBH I think it’s worked
@shannanity: Stay Petty People
@Kmorrisx: Remember.... when you forgive you heal, when you let go you grow 🙏🏻
@Kmorrisx: Love is rare & Loyalty is non existent!
@ChallengeMTV: Kam's been putting in WERK for The Challenge: Final Reckoning 💪 See if it pays off when the new season premieres, TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallenge32
@Tony_Riccobono: Might be time to put @CaraMariaMTV on the Mt. Rushmore of @ChallengeMTV contestants after Vendettas. Here's my convo with her about Final Reckoning before the premiere tomorrow
- @CaraMariaMTV: @Tony_Riccobono Thanks Anthony!
@Bruce_Lee85: #FinalReckoning starts tomorrow! I can’t wait to see it #TheChallenge 😎
- @kailah_casillas: @Bruce_Lee85 “he doesn’t even go here!”
@tori_deal: Let’s see how long this team lasts lol... WHOS TUNING IN TOMORROW!
@ChallengeMTV: Fact or fiction: Julia Michaels wrote her hit song "Issues" with these pairs in mind 😂 #TheChallenge32 http://www.mtv.com/news/3081055/challenge-final-reckoning-teams-toughest-road/?utm=share_twitter …
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Bask in the glory... of all our problems. 🎼 TOMORROW. @ChallengeMTV
@SylviaMTV: Who’s ready for @ChallengeMTV tomorrow? I know I am!!
@joss_mooney: “Just act normal guys...” ⚠️🚨⚠️ The @ChallengeMTV ⚠️🚨⚠️ #FINALRECKONING STARTS TOMORROW 9/8C!! TUNE IN!! #mtv #TheChallenge32 @KyleCGShore @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT
@Marie_TBD: I’m really excited for everyone to meet my partner tomorrow! #empoweringwomen #thechallenge32
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD i can’t
@Marie_TBD: Petty is the new black. @kailah_casillas
@Marie_TBD: So is @usweekly gonna pay me for the idea orrrrr
- @JustJem24: @Marie_TBD Somebody pay my girl. Right now
@ChallengeMTV: .@CBSBigBrother has one goal and one goal only in The Challenge house... 🥇 Find out if they can make it happen or if they'll be evicted before they get the chance 👀 #TheChallenge32 premieres TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV!
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV Y’all watching tomorrow ????!!! 👀
- @NataliaNegrotti: @ChallengeMTV But @jossie_flores I’ve always been the pink power ranger 😩 I love how naturally @DayDaVonne_ makes gifs
- @PaulCalafiore_: @jossie_flores Gif King and Queen
- @PaulCalafiore_: @DayDaVonne_ @ChallengeMTV @MTV Yoooo these gifs of y’all give me life 😂🤣
@shannanity: I feel like all these Final Reckoning Promos are bringing up old issues and making them new again 😭😭😭. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
@MTV_NellyT: Take a moment to be thankful 🙏 then get back to work....📸 @eleshabarnette #actor #model #mtv #ayto #season3 #thechallenge32 #finalreckoning July10th #LegGo https://www.instagram.com/p/BlBwXaHA5Pd/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1rkmlaf61ac27 …
@Marie_TBD: I’m in a mood. There..... you’ve been warned.
@emilylongeretta: “You can feel the adrenaline pouring out of his skin when we touch. It is electric.” Just a taste of my podcast coming with @CaraMariaMTV (full episode will be out after #TheChallenge32 premiere!) 🍵 💋
@usweekly: #TheChallenge’s @CaraMariaMTV says no one has ever treated her like @PaulCalafiore_ does
- @Marie_TBD: @usweekly Everything happens in 3’s... Ariana & Pete .... Justin & Hailey ............ 👀
@Marie_TBD: Okay I’m done being petty... In honor of my partner @CaraMariaMTV - I am not washing my hair until the second episode of @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32 #caramarie 🤣
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @Marie_TBD @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV ****until the end of the season 🤣
@ChallengeMTV: BBC news alert: The Brits are BACK on @ChallengeMTV when #TheChallenge32 premieres, TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV! 🔥
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Hope you two beautiful ladies rock it best of luck to this challenge! Get it!! ;)
@JennaCompono: Remember how I made fun of you walking around the room in resistance bands 😂 well I’m currently walking around with ankle weights 😂 @AneesaMTV
@shannanity: I swear to God it’s like Christmas Eve the excitement I have for this show to start airing #thechallenge32
@BradFiorenza: Put your helmet on; IT’S ALMOST HERE!! @ChallengeMTV’s :Final Reckoning premieres TOMORROW at 9/8c on MTV!! #TheChallenge32
@BunimMurray: http://ARE.YOU .READY??? @ChallengeMTV: FINAL RECKONING #premieres tomorrow on #MTV! #bustle
@angelababicz: "@chelseagrega: I can’t explain how happy it makes me that @angelababicz keeps hopping from show to show. THERE’S NEVER ENOUGH ANGELA. #BGC #EOTB #TC" RT A show hoeeee
@tjlavin: Oh man, IT’S ALMOST HERE!! challengemtv’s The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres TOMORROW at 9/8c on MTV! It’s ALL going down! #TheChallenge32 ❤️🤙Thanks guys... https://www.instagram.com/p/BlCMxABndo5/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1tfq4xmxd1f91 …
@kailah_casillas: Heading to the Apple store 🙄 about to buy a new computer bc I’m literally about to throw mine against the wall 🙄
@CaraMariaMTV: ... @Marie_TBD if you work even 2% as hard in the daily challenges as you do tweeting about me nonstop.... id say we are on lock for your first Final! @ChallengeMTV (watch it tomorrow at 9pm on @mtv kids)
- @CaraMariaMTV: @Marie_TBD Marie. You have been tweeting about me all day. You already won me as a partner even though the other girls are desperately trying *really* hard (still). So now....I feel like you honestly just miss me. See you tomorrow? 🤓
- @CaraMariaMTV: @Marie_TBD You may have some part for making me a slightly funnier human.
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV Shutting me down with my own god damn witt!
@KendalSheppard: "@Marie_TBD: @haileybaldwin 🙏🏻 @CaraMariaMTV" RT I mean... I don't know if #FinalReckoning could even compare to Twitter... but if this is any indicator, I can't WAIT to see the chemistry between these two besties! 😆😍
@kailah_casillas: "@SkyRae12: Don’t worry Queen K I got you 😘 @kailah_casillas " RT Hahahah well would anyone really win that poll against little baby angel @JennaCompono?? Come on 😂👏🏼 but thanks girl!
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas It’s “sweet baby angel” get it right 😜 hahaha I’m totally kidding awww 💕👸🏼👸🏻
@JustJem24: Serious question. Why did so many of my friends like the Justin Bieber post about Haileyyy(yes I checked).. I thought we were team Selena. I’m so lost y’all
@MTV_NellyT: Yooo West Coast Stand Up! I’m coming back home to host a party @murano_la with my brother @corywharton_ig representing #TYB and my boi @imdroc15 In honor of The @challengemtv Premier the final reckoning... @mtv @challengemtv @areyoutheone @mtvex #TYB #LegGo 2018 🍾🍾🍾🍾
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Why have I gained so many followers today... Who did I tell off while intoxicated now
@kailah_casillas: Publix is lame for only being on the East coast. I want a pub sub so bad right now 🙄
- @hbarfield13: @kailah_casillas Had one today 😈
@Marie_TBD: Any hate from here on out will automatically be blocked. F the mute button - You don’t deserve my tweets.
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Tomorrow, the moment you've been waiting for: the Pulse of the Premiere of Final Reckoning... to give you a little tease of what to expect: fireworks, twists and lots of drama to go down. But before that - and earlier than first planned, we have a very nice appetizer: our look at the premiere of Season 2 of Floribama Shore as the attention turns from South Beach to Panama City Beach and our favorite Southerners. See you for that later tonight.
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