*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Hello friends, and welcome to this week's ride Inside MTV Reality amidst a packed and historic time. It is Premiere Week as three of the channel's most-popular franchises: The Challenge, Catfish and Wild 'N Out - debut new seasons, as well as for one of the biggest hits of the past year, Floribama Shore, and its second season premiering. Amidst this backdrop, we are kicking off our blog wave a day earlier than usual before we offer our traditional episode coverage coming up at the weekend.
If you are one of those who has a Twitter app (and most of you do if you watch these shows), not only are you enthralled by the interaction that takes place during that one hour of television each week, but also in the time before showtime. That's what those of you who interact with MTV Reality cast members do, most especially The Challenge, and our DC SocialPulse diaries has offered you this glimpse to everything that happens there, which we have offered to you since the beginning of our MTV coverage five years ago.
Social media now plays an even bigger part in these modern-day Challenges than they were back in 2013, and in the lead-up to this past Tuesday's Final Reckoning, a lot of drama went down in the Twitter sphere. There, plenty of fireworks took place among those who are on this cast of presently 29 contestants, and those not in this week's opening mission but connected in some way with the cast - including unfinished business that took place with one of the rookies and an ex she saw during Ex On The Beach this spring, as well as another trying to get onto Season 2 of the UK to US import.
Typically for a packed week, we would nowadays split the diary up into two parts: the lead-up to it from the afterglow of the previous week's episode right up to before it begins. Posts like these are necessary to make sure we save as much time and space in our posts, and in the interest of those who check us out on the various platforms. But this week - for the very first time in the history of DCBLOG, the build-up is so big and so packed that we will be featuring them in TWO posts, with the third one being the charm and the true episode diary.
Today, we'll have the beginning of the ramp-up to Tuesday's premiere with the beginning of this month of July and of how this road all began, when the cast and first look promo for this season debuted back on June 5th (just two days after the dates of our Epic MTV Super Weekend post). Tomorrow, we'll have Part 2 covering more the action and interaction of the cast as Premiere Night draws closer... and Saturday, the main post itself covering Tuesday's premiere and the aftermath of the events of the opening that will sure set the tone for the season that's to come.
After the jump, we begin the Road to the Final Redemption on this special two-part Pulse Extra. Enjoy the tea...
@ChallengeMTV: Tune into a new episode of The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars TONIGHT at 10/9c for your first look at the next season of The Challenge - Final Reckoning 👀
@ChallengeMTV: The past never stays buried. The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres Tuesday, July 10th. Don't miss the world premiere of the trailer, next Tuesday! 🔥
@Challengemtv___: #TheChallengeFinalReckoning is coming 👀☕️
@AceNichols33: I missed something........ new challenge?!
@angelababicz: Next chapter... #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning💪🏼 I’m honored to have competed alongside some of the best challengers in the game in South Africa🇿🇦 I can’t wait for y’all to join me on yet another journey! #RookieSZN @challengemtv @mtv #ComingSoon
- @DayDaVonne_: @angelababicz @ChallengeMTV @MTV COME ON 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 MY FRIEND IS EVERYTHING !
@jossie_flores: Everyone i would like to announce that i will be joining the cast of @challengemtv final reckoning!!!! It’s going to be a season you won’t wanna take your eyes off the screen !!! This season we are going to lit it up !!!! 🔥🔥🔥 #theChallenge32 premieres JULY 10 on @MTV It’s about to be lit 🔥🔥🔥 @DayDaVonne_
@shannanity: @MTV_NellyT ...forgive me 😭😭😭
@shannanity: People blowing us all away with the barest minimum I’ve ever seen
@JustJem24: Be right back. I’m about to bully the challenger photographer until he stops showing up to challenge photo shoots bc dude sucks at his job. This fool legit makes some of the prettiest humans I know look so bad....
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @JustJem24 Get em Mamma Jem.
@DayDaVonne_: Well, since the secret is out lol July 10th.. stay tuned ✨ #mtvthechallenge #MTV #thechallenge32 #thechallengefinalreckoning 🇿🇦
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all I never have a neck in these tv show photos ... maybe that’s just a realization I’m gonna have to face.... Ain’t no neck bih 😩
@BritniNicol: I’m back, bitches 😈🐉 #thechallenge #thechallengefinalreckoning #letsgoletsgo #areyouready
@kailah_casillas: new season who dis? #TheFinalReckoning #TheChallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
@Kmorrisx: Way too tired for this 🤦🏽♀️✈️
@LurkerOnVevmo: "@JoltAlchemist: Chuck looks so different now LMAO #TheChallenge " RT I LOVE my bitch @BritniNicol but can I get @MTV_Chuckalodon and @MTVDevinWalker on The Challenge: Allied Forces? 😍
@actualgreatest: Nelson and Shane have the best photo out of ALL the males. That's just a fact
@DayDaVonne_: Oh y’all get a sneak preview tonight during Champs vs Stars ?
@shannanity: “ The king of schemes” Is back again bitches
@jossie_flores: #TheChallengeFinalReckoning And yes i do swim now 💁🏽♂️
@people: MTV's The Challenge: Final Reckoning Cast Revealed! http://peoplem.ag/JXd4QMv
- @t_raines33: @People “...Tony’s noticeably absent from this list. But, then again, so is the 30th competitor…” -People magazine
@MTV_Chuckalodon: So if you haven’t caught on by now...SURPRISE! You’re favorite scuba dive bum is gonna be on the new season of @challengemtv #thechallenge32 Tune in next Thursday for the official trailer. The premiere will be July 10th. These vets have no idea what’s coming for them. @mtv
@NataliaNegrotti: SURPRISE!!!! Holy macaroni and cheese I'm onto my 3rd TV show and it's in SOUTH AFRICA! Tune into The @ChallengeMTV July 10th on @MTV #thechallenge32 Final Reckoning 👊🏽
@JermaineKing: @DayDaVonne_ @ChallengeMTV Lol, Day we didn't believe you! We knew it was going to be The Chalkenge or Amazing Race! Team up with @jossie_flores he's got Challenge experience! The MTV vets will try to eat you alive..but u can handle it! #congratulations 🙌🏾
@DayDaVonne_: They will TRY But will they succeed...
@Marie_TBD: What does, WORLD premiere mean? @ChallengeMTV
@DayDaVonne_: @jossie_flores @ChallengeMTV @MTV BODY !!!! FACE !!!
@Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Actual footage of me getting out of the basket... months later.
@NataliaNegrotti: Droppin this right here real quick....
@Steven_Plummer2: July 10th the new season of #TheChallenge starts!
@tjlavin: Here we go... challengemtv #finalreckoning @mtv… https://www.instagram.com/p/BjqqYx5nU1J/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=osy60xp8nzeg …
@Bruce_Lee85: Can’t wAit 🙌🏿🙌🏿
@Ozzymm11: I swear I’m like the Switzerland of MTV 😂
@v_cabrejos: I love #ChampsVsStars but I DEFINITELY miss seeing @MTVBananas on me screen every Tuesday night! Can it be July10th so I can see Bananas DOMINATE the challenge!!!!
@JustJem24: I know you are not coming back but I think I hear you in the wind and still, I throw open the doors.... I have been everywhere, & still always, I come back to you.
@faithstowers: Here we go!!! Another one! This Challenge will be on for the Books!! Okurrrtt! @ChallengeMTV #Thechallenge32
@jossie_flores: Me and @faithstowers reunited and turning it !!
- @faithstowers: @jossie_flores Owww! Fu#$ it up leave come back fu#$ it up again 😜
@DayDaVonne_: Idk what y’all are talking about... @jossie_flores and I were at a 1 hour photo booth. dassIT ! 🤷🏾♀️
@jossie_flores: 💃🏻🕺🏻 @DayDaVonne_ 😎
@DayDaVonne_: Ha ! 😂😂😂😂😂
@angelababicz: I’ve had the energy, I have the energy, and will always have the energy. That’s why I keep getting cast for shows and you hoes don’t 😘
@angelababicz: Where was this energy on BGC? I threw a glass at the girl LMAO WHAT DO YOU MEAN
@hbarfield13: "@ana_isabel247: With all the game twists @ChallengeMTV has every season, I sincerely hope that they bring back @hbarfield13 for #FinalReckoning because he deserves to make it to a final and win!" RT I like the way you think ❤️
@hbarfield13: I think it’s about time @Twitter verify me! What y’all think?
@ChallengeMTV: Meet the cast of the next season of The Challenge: Final Reckoning 🔥
@DJMelReeves: I’m back 😃 I’ll be returning to #thechallenge32 #thefinalreckoning on MTV USA July 10th 🇺🇸😘@MTV @ChallengeMTV
@Marie_TBD: "@ANIUSHKA: I like @Marie_TBD so im excited she is bad But pls no bullying and fights this season.... hahahaha fights maybe but no bullying pls" RT Define bullying? Lol
@Marie_TBD: @MTV_Chuckalodon @ChallengeMTV @MTV This picture is very twilight of you... #killttit
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @Marie_TBD @ChallengeMTV @MTV Really brings out my punk rock vampire. 🤘🏼🧛🏼♂️
@BritniNicol: @NataliaNegrotti Hehe, my girl😍☺️!! I love you sis!! 😍☺️☺️
@Marie_TBD: They posted cast photos on @ChallengeMTV and I’m LOLing. @MTV_AMANDAG I don’t know who has more haters you - or me.
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @Marie_TBD @ChallengeMTV Hahahahahah WE ARE SO POPULAR!!!! 🤣
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD Me...
@MTV: Here's your first look at The Challenge: Final Reckoning 🔥 https://on.mtv.com/2LrMFN3 @ChallengeMTV
@Marie_TBD: This is my @ChallengeMTV BIO 4 #TheFinalReckoning & every #Leos weekly horoscope ever. "Marie is fiercely loyal, so she tries to protect everyone. Unfortunately, this sometimes means she doesn’t look out for herself first, and often plays a scattered, emotional game as a result."
@tori_deal: I’m just gonna leave this here. @ChallengeMTV
@shannanity: @kailah_casillas Be careful Kailah. The haters are going to start hating you for saying you have more haters. You know you can’t exist without them coming for your throat.
- @kailah_casillas: @shannanity tweet of the year 👇🏼
@kailah_casillas: I would thank Kayliegh for making my cast photo possible.. but... I’m still blocked 🤨
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas LMAO @Kmorrisx ?????
- @Kmorrisx: @Marie_TBD Lol ur welcome
@AshleyMarieMTV: @kailah_casillas I can’t with you 😂😂😂
@DayDaVonne_: Understand that YOUR LIFE and who YOU ARE will irritate a person so bad because they’re not pleased with THEIR LIFE and who THEY ARE... Lol smh continue to shine baby. Don’t allow people to pull you into their foolishness and slick put their bad energy on you... 🤷🏾♀️
@JustJem24: @v_cakes really is the sister I always needed 💜
@ChallengeMTV: Ohhh sh*t 👀
@jossie_flores: Not giving no more of my amazing energy to starving actresses that need attention🤷🏼♂️😂 hope everyone has had a great day ❤️
@joss_mooney: You guessed it...I’m backkk!! 😈 Tune into the new series of The @ChallengeMTV #FINALRECKONING on @mtv 10th July!! It’s a biggy!! 😉
- @Rogan_OConnor: @joss_mooney YAAAAAAAAS QUEEN!!!! 😍😍😍
@Marie_TBD: Just curious - are we using #thechallengefinalreckoning for hashtags all season long? Cause I feel that’s a lot. @ChallengeMTV
@CohenBrian_: Lolll Bananas and Tony together in a co-ed paired season. Seems legit 😂
@PaulCalafiore_: Roses are red, violets are blue, time to fuck with people on another game show, and there’s nothing you can do 😈 Catch me on the @ChallengeMTV starting July 10th on the only network where my shenanigans are acceptable, @MTV 🖤 #TheChallenge #FinalReckoning
@kailah_casillas: They were running late and I was the last person to take casts pics so, not even over exaggerating, they took MAYBE 5 pictures of me lol I was like greaaaaaat. But I got lucky!
@kailah_casillas: "@Madison_Knudsen: When you realize @kailah_casillas has actually only been on 6 MTV shows but you feel like it’s been 20 and you already consider her an OG 👏🏻" RT Feels like 20 for me too lol
@Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas @RachD1214 @Kmorrisx We basically trade clothes the second we get there. Really makes it easier for us to pack knowing we’re gonna steal each other’s shit
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD Honestly! We all always bring shit I don’t wear anymore to either trade or give away. (Ps, I have a bunch of your clothes in my closet so come to Vegas and get them 😌😌😌)
@PaulCalafiore_: @shannanity @ChallengeMTV @MTV Shhhh Shane! No one is supposed to know we hooked up!
@MTVBananas: Trouble is coming ☠ ☠ ☠ #BananasVsEveryone #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #bananasdoingthings @challengemtv @mtv
@MTV_NellyT: Mark Your Calendar 🔊🔊🔊 The Challenge: Final Reckoning Season 32 airing this summer July 10th on MTV. I don’t think South Africa was ready for us. #Castphoto2018 # @challengemtv @mtv #thechallenge32
@MTV: Here's who is joining forces for @ChallengeMTV's: Final Reckoning. https://on.mtv.com/2Hp4gD4
@NotoriousAJM: The cast photographers remain the pettiest people in the franchise. I mean damn💀 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@Rogan_OConnor: "@bostonsown21: How yall not gunna have @Rogan_OConnor on the #FinalReckoning him and @angelababicz been flirting all over twitter 😩😩" RT Not saying I would have been picked... but regardless I was unavailable due to surgery 🤕 I’m back fitter than ever right now though... so hopefully you’ll see me soon 😉
@NicolexoRamos: I’m at the “we’ll see” stage in my life. With everything and everyone. We will see.
@shannanity: “A trailer for a trailer. I expect nothing less from mtv”
@JustJem24: This week I’m learning a lot about regret and burning bridges
@JustJem24: This press tour that the #FloribamaShore kids are doing right now is insane(in a good way). But also show MTVs priorities. The challenge(I mean look at Saturday’s event) is so powerful but yet so overlooked by MTV
@MTV_Chuckalodon: I need friends who are avid picture takers. I hate selfies and I’m so bad about remembering to take good pictures. Social media game NOT strong.
@UndauntedA: Looking Forward To This Next Season. @ChallengeMTV On @mtv @tjlavin Hosting. #undaunted #undauntedapparel #mtv #thechallenge #finalreckoning #finalreckoningmtv #thechallengefinalreckoning #tjlavin #pleasebekind
@TripleBeees: Does the final reckoning mean it’s the final challenge? Someone finally got the hook?
@usweekly: Exclusive: #TheBachelor alum Danielle Maltby feels “shattered” by #BigBrother's Paulie Calafiore cheating rumors https://usm.ag/2Jhy1ao
- @shannanity: @usweekly Dear US Weekly - Please consider this a very strongly worded letter to not ignore the gay romances that @PaulCalafiore_ has entered and cheated on Danielle with as well. “We were just having fun and didn’t meant to hurt anyone.” - Shane Landrum on Paulie and his romance
- @JustJem24: @usweekly Lawd. He is all about the transition/overlap.... *no shade to the women involved*
- @v_cakes: @usweekly I have some trustworthy & faithful “colleagues”
@Stacistea: A transitional overlapper's (aka cheater) timeline. Cheats on BB Zakiyah w Lexi &countless others Cheats on Lexi w Cori…
- @lexi__marsella: @Stacistea Correction: Cheats on Lexi with Cori. Cheats on Lexi with Danielle. Cheats on Danielle with Cara Maria. I’ve never cheated with Paulie; I’ve only been cheated on. Unlike some, I was never aware of any dating overlaps. @usweekly @enews #ExOnTheBeach
- @EvelDick: @usweekly Oh shocking.... You date a piece of shit, you get treated like a piece of shit
@lexi__marsella: when someone can’t text you back but can post on instagram .... like HeLlO?!
@AndyHerren: "Narcissistic, misogynistic douchebag who has proven to be a narcissistic, misogynistic douchebag on numerous reality television shows continues to be a narcissistic, misogynistic douchebag."
- @CohenBrian_: @AndyHerren It’s still wild to me that the Bachelor, Big Brother and Challenge universes are so incestual
- @TheSteamer: @CohenBrian_ Been gradually getting worse in recent years as more people become starved for attention and the Internet feeds into it.
@MTV_AMANDAG: Literally LMAO at the article about that fake ass “relationship.” Hahahahaha DEF DIDNT HAPPEN LIKE THAT. It was more of a stalker/victim situation. @PaulCalafiore_ where is the article where you tell ppl how you ACTUALLY feel 🤣😭☕️
@MTV_AMANDAG: @KyleCGShore please go read that bunk ass article so you can die laughing as well Hahahahahaha.
►T-MINUS 9, 8, 7...
@ChallengeMTV: Look happier, Sylvia, I dare you 😂 #TheChallenge32 premieres Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on @MTV and it's going to get 🔥 Joss vs. Sylvia The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
- @SylviaMTV: @ChallengeMTV I don’t know hooooow I’m going to manage this season with this guy! 😂😂 @ChallengeMTV Be sure to tune in July 10th on MTV
- @joss_mooney: @ChallengeMTV “Making sure he’s warm??” I am. I’ve got a blood jumper & a leather jacket on @SylviaMTV 😂
- @SylviaMTV: @joss_mooney You’re welcome for always thinking of you first Joseph. Gosh, you should be grateful 😂😂😊
- @joss_mooney: @SylviaMTV ARE YOU SHITTING ME!! That’s CLASSIFIED info!! 🙈🖕🏼😂
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV This was by far my favorite so far. @joss_mooney literally said nothing... 😂😂😂😂😂
- @joss_mooney: @SylviaMTV @kailah_casillas Don’t make me fight you!! 👊🏼
- @kailah_casillas: @SylviaMTV @joss_mooney Lolllll oh you two are just so adorable. #SOSS
- @SylviaMTV: @joss_mooney @kailah_casillas You’re so dramatic😂
- @kailah_casillas: @SylviaMTV @joss_mooney Lol doing his job well!!
- @SylviaMTV: @kailah_casillas @joss_mooney He stood there and looked very pretty! 😂
@jossie_flores: ME Serving face in tonight’s latex ball !!! #latexball2018 #nyc Mizrahi for life !! @PoseOnFX @MrRPMurphy king of #WAKANDA realness!!! 10s across board !! #posefx #TheChallenge32 #challenge32 @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge
@msflannery1: @CaraMariaMTV @DerrickMTV I love the Challenge and what’s better than these two?! Wouldn’t this make a super duo!
@Alainerwolfpack: @CaraMariaMTV I'm so happy that I finally got to meet you
@CaraMariaMTV: "@NataliaNegrotti: I’ll also take @CaraMariaMTV 😂🙌🏽 and @TheOfficial_CT https://twitter.com/challengemtv/status/1013135086827515905 …" RT I will take @NataliaNegrotti 😍❤️
@CaraMariaMTV: "@hsgretz: @CaraMariaMTV Thank you so much for or allowing me to bother you on the way out of the restroom! " RT Wonderwoman pose! ❤️
@CaraMariaMTV: "@NattRoma: .@CaraMariaMTV is a goddess 🧚🏼♀️🧜🏻♀️👑 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning " RT You are!
@CaraMariaMTV: "@ABrooks92: @CaraMariaMTV it was awesome meeting you even though I was so starstruck I didnt know what to do until you hugged me haha. Keep spreading your positivity and doing you. I'll be rooting you on every season as…" RT Aw alex. You are sweet. Next time :) ❤️❤️❤️
@CaraMariaMTV: "@CocotePR: Got the chance to meet @CaraMariaMTV she one of the most awesome people i’ve met!! That 1:20 line of nobody’s was totally worth it 🖤 #TeamCaraMarيa #Nobody 🧐 " RT Josh!!! Tweet me that tatt when u get it :) nice to meet u!
@BB_Gatorgirl: Had a great time talking to @CaraMariaMTV #ChallengeThrowdown
@CaraMariaMTV: "@BrettSchwan: Came across this pic today. Don't try to get between @CaraMariaMTV and her pizza! " RT Lmao pizza! Always hungry
@tjlavin: 🤙❤️thanks a lot girl take care RT @Pinkified_1976: @tjlavin Thank you so much. You made my whole day. I think you are the best host ever. I watch the challenge for you and @MTVBananas and @CaraMariaMTV my fav people. Much love @tjlavin
@angelababicz: The @‘s in my latest IG pic are wild... I said what I said 😌
@m1ss_DefJam: Met some of favorites last night and I'm still amazed at how sweet they were 💕🗡️ @DerrickMTV @CaraMariaMTV @BritniNicol @BradFiorenza @ChallengeMTV
@VMilerman: May the summer respect you, pregnancy neglect you,pull out game protect you,and thickness respect you ❤️🙏🏽
@faithstowers: My face at this iconic moment 😂 #exonthebeach
@Kmorrisx: Once you cross the line you can’t go back ☝🏽
@Kmorrisx: My phone should be confiscated when I’m drunk. As drunk Kayleigh causes way to many problems for sober K
- @kailah_casillas: @Kmorrisx story of my life.
@MTVBananas: Flyin Wild 🛩🌨 #Alaska #Denali #ruthglacier @1stlooktv #bananasdoingthings #liveoutdoors #Travel
@Biedazzle: Had the best time meeting @BritniNicol and @JustJem24 yesterday! #TheChallengeThrowdown
@kailah_casillas: @MTV_AMANDAG Lol I use this gif way too often. I feel you.
@Kmorrisx: I leave my read receipt on so people can see exactly, at what time I actually didn’t give a fu*k
@Rogan_OConnor: JOGAN ON TOUR ✈️🇺🇸 Off to LA in the morning to cause some absolute scenes! Who’s there?! 👀
@KyleCGShore: Right the Spaniards are out now time to get the Croatians out and then it’s pretty much coming home! #FifaWorldCup2018 🏴❤️
@angelababicz: Being single is great until you realize that idk where I was going with this but yeah it’s great
@mikethemiz: #HappyCanadaDay from Canada’s favorite son, The Calgary Kid. https://www.instagram.com/p/BktMmP6nfsW/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1xt7e1nxwhgnw …
@BradFiorenza: Great day w/ great friends!!! Feeling #blessed
@AshleyMarieMTV: Last night’s event was a success and I got to hangout with all these beauties, win win! ✨ @ Orlando, Florida https://www.instagram.com/p/BktNp1pFUew/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1nfe9826tku0s …
@MTVCoryWharton: I wanna thank God for working way harder than satan 🙏🏽
@JustJem24: A shit apartment. Shit plastic surgeries. Shit baby daddies. I can’t relate
@shandathapanda: i really value my fucking friends & go above & beyond a lot of the times 2 make the ppl i surround myself happy...& right now, a handful of ppl that i consider my friends are returning the favor by blowing me off & being shady out of no where. damn, i need a better friend filter
@shandathapanda: honestly don't let a lot of things get to me and i definitely don't share them via twitter but i am on the verge of tears and feel hella lonely at the moment
@Rogan_OConnor: @angelababicz You’re not single this week... Zaddy is giving you the full girlfriend experience 💐💦
- @angelababicz: @Rogan_OConnor LA isn’t ready for us 😏
@angelababicz: Don’t delete it either sis I love free promo!!! #ifitsfreeitsforme
@angelababicz: Imagine posting a pic trying to drag me and instead get dragged by your own people and send 1,000+ followers my way ctfuuuuu 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@angelababicz: Wait please go on the pic and read the comments I’m wheezing .. they said ass like a cereal box noooooo🤣🤣🤣
@angelababicz: I literally have the best fan base this is the 3rd time someone has tried to come for me in the past 48 hours and y’all are like NOPE NOT TAHHHDAY
@joss_mooney: Annnnd the packing war begins... Back to LA tomorrow ✈️🇺🇸
@NurysKMateo: Fun fact: I almost beat @_gelesann ass last night and now we’re laughing like nothing happened 😅 @ Portland, Oregon https://www.instagram.com/p/Bks45FVlpwZ3v36SU2fa-_xhwEsnIhnc22Hzo00/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=osl3yc4ljzly …
@BSwiftMTV: Look who I got to visit today👀 The fam @mtvtrey ! I have Serious Beard Envy. He had nothing on his face at Christmas #beardgamestrong #IWantHisBeardWhenIGrowUp @ Baltimore, Maryland https://www.instagram.com/p/BktmgZABkx1/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=7h4806jhpng3 …
@syrusmtv: LA welcomes #KingJames aka #LeBron to the city #Lakers #LA #LAL #PurpleAndGold .... #NBA #Basketball #Hoops #LosAngeles #LAL #Lakeshow #Kobe #Shaq #TNT #ESPN #PurpAndGold #Sports… https://www.instagram.com/p/BktZPPhlK43/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=fqkzf3nmny7z …
@blairherter: I will go to the Staples Center to watch Lebron James play basketball. Welcome to LA, @KingJames.
@MTVCoryWharton: #Labron
@SylviaMTV: Baes going to be happy
@HaydenPWeaver: No more Cavs/Warriors now we get Lakers/Celtics round 57
@giannahammer: Booooooooooo still rooting for him tho
@giannahammer: "@vixxy2201: @giannahammer hey Gianna what do you think of LeBron going to LA?" RT Sad but can’t blame him 🤷🏽♀️ I’m more angry that I left Cleveland the year he came back, then left LA the year he signs to the Lakers 😑😂
@KaramoBrown: It’s happening!!!!! And I’m so excited! #LebronJames #Lakers Lets Go!
@erikalaurenluvs: Y’all can’t be mad at @KingJames - he came through with a championship and now he wants to chase rings. Can’t blame him. Grateful to have watched him ball here in Cleveland over the last few years! What a run! #LeBronJames
@erikalaurenluvs: It is going to be hilarious to see Lakers become obsessed with @KingJames acting like they never talked crap about him. Lol it’s a different story when he’s on your team!
@mikethemiz: .@KingJames to the @Lakers...... Don’t call. Don’t text. I need a minute.
@DayDaVonne_: Oh y’all #LAKERS fans again all of a sudden ??? We’re good love , enjoy ❤️
@CSUGradAkirk: Every team in the eastern conference now that lebron James is on the west coast The biggest winners from the lebron signing every team in the east
@CSUGradAkirk: Am I surprised lebron is on the lakers
@HaydenPWeaver: "@ShamsCharania: Lance Stephenson has agreed to a deal with the Los Angeles Lakers, league sources tell Yahoo." RT OH MY GODDDDDD HAHAHHH
@HaydenPWeaver: God: “Lebron will leave the east, but you must sacrifice Lance” “Sigh. I’m ready god” God: “Lance will now join Lebron” “Hold on what the fuck”
@HaydenPWeaver: Lance and Lebron on the same team was inevitable I’m so excited for this
@HaydenPWeaver: So Lance, George Hill, and David West, will all make it to the finals before Paul George. Just like we all expected
@HaydenPWeaver: "@ChrisBHaynes: Free agent center JaVale McGee and Los Angeles Lakers have reached an agreement on a deal, league sources tell ESPN." RT WHAT IN GODS NAME IS HAPPENING LANCE AND JAVALE ARE PLAYING WITH LEBRON
@EmoneySunset: Literally everybody on my plane is talking about Lebron. Even hippies who hate sports are giving their opinions. I’m amazed.
@tylersemicolon: How could traffic in LA get any worse? Lebron: hold my beer fam
@MikeCManning: .@KingJames moving to the Lakers. @SHAQ come back. You don’t need to be a DJ.
@ChallengeMTV: Old Vendettas 🔪 New twists 🌀 1,000,000 dollars 💰 The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on @MTV 📺 #TheChallenge32 The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Supertease The Challenge: Final Reckoning premieres Tuesday, July 10 at 9/8c on MTV! #TheChallenge32
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Classic Paulie only bucking up to women... Oops 😉
- @angelababicz: @ChallengeMTV It’s coming .... #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning
@emilylongeretta: This exclusive trailer for #TheChallenge #FinalReckoning features a hook up, a lot of twists and @TJLavin being savage per usual https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/watch-paulie-and-kyle-fight-over-cara-maria-on-the-challenge/ … @challengemtv
@TheOriginalDre_: NEW SEASON AIRING SOON! #thecaucuschallenge this ones for all my favorite underdogs 🙌🏼😁@ChallengeMTV @kailah_casillas @SylviaMTV @shannanity @Marie_TBD @BritniNicol @tori_deal @t_raines33 @TheShaneRaines @JustJem24
@BradFiorenza: Twitter @JustJem24 in action at the table..lol you know you love her! 😘
- @CaraMariaMTV: @BradFiorenza 🤣
@tjlavin: Yep, I love SA... what an amazing experience. Check out the good times on my youtube channel now! ❤️🤙 #pleasebekind #goodtimes #travel #southafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/Bkt6ygaHp4A/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=gmnmukvq6d63 …
@blacuesta: Things I did today: 1. Got drunk as fuck 2. Told C to come see me so I could yell at him 😂 3. Yelled at C 4. Drank champagne like it’s water 5. Ate chicken tenders
@Marie_TBD: You’re doing too much.
@Marie_TBD: A mood.
@Marie_TBD: Daily reminder that you is smart, you is kind, you is important.
@VMilerman: @Marie_TBD @SylviaMTV I swear on my life if you’re sharing our personal encouragement quotes with others I’m going to fly to KC and light something on fire. Not sure what,but something.
- @SylviaMTV: @VMilerman @Marie_TBD Omgosh Hahahah I would never
@KyleCGShore: @ChallengeMTV @ZNichols15 @BradFiorenza my new screen saver gentlemen! 😂
- @ZNichols15: @KyleCGShore Hahaha
- @BradFiorenza: @KyleCGShore @ChallengeMTV @ZNichols15 This is mine... #family
@SHOTOFYAGER: Why people love @CaraMariaMTV, Exhibit A: I took this at around 9pm on Sat. Throwdown party ended at 7pm. Meet & Greet was supposed to end at 4pm. Cara stayed in a photo booth ALL DAY & NIGHT taking pix w/ fans until the last person on her endless line left happy. #ChallengeMania
@JuiceInTheAM: JAM119 3 time X-Games Gold Medal Winner and Host of MTV's The Challenge TJ Lavin We talked X Games, 400+ People at a party in TJ's backyard, shooting the challenge, and more! #HoosierPodcasts @tjlavin #BMX #Mtv #TheChallenge #Xgames #TjLavin #PodernFamily
@BritniNicol: Words can’t even explain how great this weekend was🖤 I love my Ohana so much. #mtvfamily #universalstudios
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all ready ? @ChallengeMTV
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Everyone's like was Ashley drunk during the reunion?! Yes captain obvious, any more brilliant statements 😂🤦🏼♀️ #ChampsVsStars
@faithstowers: #teamtakeyourman @angelababicz #finalreckoning @TheChallengeMTV
- @angelababicz: @faithstowers Hide ya mans we’re coming
@Kmorrisx: Some people change their ways when they see the light, others when they feel the heat!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: This new trailer looks like a freaking action movie 🙌🏽😍 but it was more like a horror movie #finalreckoning #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: 8 MORE DAYS ! 🇿🇦🙌🏾 @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@DayDaVonne_: I look like the “Ain’t nobody got time for that” lady 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
@jossie_flores: It’s almost that time !!!!!!! Are y’all ready @ChallengeMTV
@SHOTOFYAGER: Maniacs, #ChallengeMania will be back in your lives TOMORROW, JULY 3RD w/ DERRICK HENRY (@imdroc15) joining me & @DerrickMTV to talk about his hilarious @AREUTHE1 casting story & TONS OF STEW🥣about #Dirty30, @ExOnTheBeach & MORE just in time for your JULY 4 holiday break!🇺🇸🍔
@BradFiorenza: @ChallengeMTV @MTV The lighting up of boxes exposing teams to elimination rounds looks incredible & started a real shit show this season!! Just wait!! ☠️🔥😎😎🔥☠️
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @BradFiorenza @ChallengeMTV @MTV DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!!!! #ooooopsies
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: My hair is like unbeWEAVable
@t_raines33: All the love and positivity I was shown in Orlando this past weekend was amazing. Thank you to everyone who came out! #GoodVibes #ChallengeThrowdown @_howlatthemoon
@Kmorrisx: The past never stays buried… but believe me I wish certain ppl did!!!!! The Challenge: Final Reckoning premiers this Tuesday, July 10th at 9/8c! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32
@WestonBergmann: The face you make when you know you’re about to get in a bunch of trouble but you DGAF @ New York, New York https://www.instagram.com/p/BkvqeRJHOWs/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=4a1a00c4pbib …
@PaulCalafiore_: Suspect wanted for murdering a dance floor in Portland.... police say the crowd wasn’t ready 😉😋
@Marie_TBD: ** Caption This ** @ChallengeMTV @CaraMariaMTV #thechallenge32 #CaraMARIE
@imdroc15: Looking back on this weekend in Portland... I consider this another tv show for me because it was epic. #LockItUp
@ChallengeMTV: Too much 💪 in one room! @FloribamaShore
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Sometimes I just like a post because who posted, usually don't even read the shit 👀📖
@MTVBananas: Climb every mountain 🗻⛏💪 #BananasVsAlaska #Alaska #GodwinGlacier #gopro
@JustJem24: My mom just referred to Veronica as V Cakes & I’m never loved something so much... @v_cakes 💙
@joss_mooney: 4 films, losing lots of card games & a lot of beers later...and we are in LA!! Let’s go...@Rogan_OConnor! 😈
@Rogan_OConnor: Hello LA 😍🤩😜
@SylviaMTV: Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and say “damn, I’m so proud of you. You’ve really come along way and are killing it in life” 😊
@Marie_TBD: My favorite alternative to going to the gym is convincing myself I’m perfect just the way I am.
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Super excited to announce our little family is growing! @CBuckner_ and I Will be welcoming a baby boy to our family December 2018! 💙💙
@WestonBergmann: Ten times as many people are watching this game than the Super Bowl. Take that in.
@WestonBergmann: That’s gotta be the best come back of the tournament
@HaydenPWeaver: NBA teams have a right to raise banners next year for beating Golden State in a regular season game
@HaydenPWeaver: They’re literally going 98-0
@blairherter: 🧐🧐🧐🧐 Warriors in 4.
@BionicBrooks_: Just when I thought it couldn’t anymore unfair 😂 #Boogie
@ChallengeMTV: Which Challenger had a more dominant rookie season? Tori or Kam? 🤔 See who the cast voted for here: http://on.mtv.com/2KCCWXB
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🇺🇸NEW PODCAST UP!🇺🇸DERRICK HENRY (@imdroc15) joins me & @DerrickMTV for a🥣Stew-filled chat about dating app casting, what REALLY happened w/ Tori’s phone, the famous Angela/Alicia fight, his hookup w/ a @ChallengeMTV star we didnt know about & MORE!📲 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.spreaker.com%2Fepisode%2F15181014 …
@ChallengeMTV: The past never stays buried, and apparently neither do Cara's feelings towards Kyle... 🤔 #TheChallenge32
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV @KyleCGShore could have said that to my face rather than laughing with the boys behind my back. Because i agree. I too wanted to sleep with other people. 💁🏻♀️
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Best part of this sneak peek is @Kmorrisx laugh. God I miss you.
@CaraMariaMTV: @joss_mooney @Rogan_OConnor Can i get you a couple limes? I hear they really upgrade a celebration. cheers boys 🍻 🤔😜
@joss_mooney: I never made promises lightly and there have been some that I've broken, but I swear in the days still left we'll walk in fields of gold...💔🙏🏼😇
@PaulCalafiore_: @SylviaMTV This is something people seriously underestimate. The power of self talk and programming the brain. Thought I was a weirdo doing this every morning until I read Shaun’s book where he said he did the same thing every day and still does 💪🏼👊🏼
@MarissaMeleske: Forgot to post this gem from the other day. This is so relevant in so many ways @PaulCalafiore_ 🙌👏 the bullied are not bullies for standing up for themselves!
@Marie_TBD: I’ve been trying my best to keep my comments to myself... but I think I deserve one petty tweet for good behavior. You’re cancelled @joss_mooney
@JustJem24: "@dp_danyell: I’m waiting on @JustJem24 thoughts on last nights episode of #teenmom2 .. mostly on the last 2 minutes 🤔" RT It was disturbing to watch but I truly believe Jace feels like him mom and David are pieces are shit. He didn’t seemed coached into saying that & you could tell Barbs was truly surprised by the statement & the fact he repeated it again makes me think it was 100% his thoughts
@Marie_TBD: Jem and I wanna plan a trip for our 30th. Any recommendations? @JustJem24
@jossie_flores: Determination is key let nothing stand in your way !! ME Serving face at the latex ball !!! #latexball2018 #nyc Mizrahi for life !! @poseonfx @mrrpmurphy king of #wakanda realness!!! 10s across board !! #posefx #TheChallenge32 @challengemtv #gaypride thanks @TenzMagazine
@KyleCGShore: Nerves are kicking right In for the match tonight like!!!!! 😬😬😬😬 #EnglandVsColumbia #FifaWorldCup2018
@WestonBergmann: @PaulCalafiore_ *Round of 16; Quarter Finals start Friday. But yeah, you get the point. Good to know you’re in the exclusive club of Challengers that have played a real sport.
@DJMelReeves: Columbia are such an aggressive team! No wonder they have had so many yellow cards #WorldCup2018
@CamilaMTV: Wow. Intense. I’m glad Brasil has not made me sweat that bad (yet). Congrats 🏴 ! #WC2018
@Kmorrisx: England are on a roll 🔥👏🏻
@WestonBergmann: I don’t think you could pay me to take a PK in the World Cup. This tournament is ridiculous.
@joss_mooney: It’s all part of the plan... It’s coming home!! 🏴
@Rogan_OConnor: Apparently there is fuck loads of MTV drama happening on twitter today... I couldn’t give a fuck about anything apart from the fact that is coming home ☺️🏆🏴♥️⚽️
@JustJem24: "@ansleybyrd: Waiting to see @JustJem24 thoughts on Dani and Joss together and her latest sad attempt to get on the challenge 🤔🤔🤔" RT The manager that they share is working overtime attempting to secure them an ex on the beach check...
@angelababicz: This girl has been making up fake texts for validation that I’m obsessed with her... no one is obsessed with her, but as someone who puts their heart and soul into the shows they do, I’m not going to let someone steal what sincerity is left of reality tv #StopFrauding
@angelababicz: @iamdanniv You’re insane. I didn’t leak your number either 🤣🤣 leak mine and I’m leaking yours and your sissy’s and that’s a promise
@MTV_AMANDAG: Desperation at its finest #fraudcity
@MTV_AMANDAG: If @MTV doesn’t see through that fake shit then lemme call a fuckin blind man up cuz I KNOW he can. 💯#fraudcity
@Kmorrisx: Why do guys ruin a good thing for a fake thing
@JustJem24: @iamdanniv We will stop dragging you when you stop scheming sis & @angelababicz got on the show bc she’s entertaining, you’re trying to thot your way onto any MTV show that will acknowledge you... You are trying to be us boo, we don’t want anything to do with you 🙅🏻♀️.
@angelababicz: @iamdanniv Stop it Danielle if you’re so pressed for cash you don’t need to fake a whole entire relationship I’ll buy the twin size mattress you’re selling what’s your PayPal
@BionicBrooks_: Serving it up Piping Hot 🍵
@BionicBrooks_: We out here talking about faking relationships for TV shows but you and Derrick never even dated...
- @imdroc15: @BionicBrooks_ Naw bruh, me and her dated. We ain’t fake nothing for tv 💯! We weren’t flying out to each other to fake a relationship.
@BionicBrooks_: How many lies did y’all tell to get @ExOnTheBeach 🤔
@BionicBrooks_: Side note~ "Real relationships Pool their monies together. But if you’ve never been in one, You don't understand that..just saying.”
@NurysKMateo: So uhhh can we just send Joss back to the UK so this chick doesn’t show up on my tv screen here in the US? Asking for EVERYONE...
@NurysKMateo: For those of you who don’t really know me, just know that I am that bitch. I am petty and the amount of fucks I give about anyone else is NONE so don’t fuck with me unless you wanna end up in tears. K thanks.
@NurysKMateo: I love when people test my patience 🙂
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Bruh I’ve never seen someone so desperate to be on mtv 😭😭😭
@IAmDanniV: Yo these bitches are legit obsessed with me, it’s creepy.
@angelababicz: I met @JustJem24 in NYC when I was dating @imdroc15 .. way before Ex on the Beach was even a figment of anyone’s imagination . So ima need you to try again
- @JustJem24: @angelababicz Co sign 👇🏼
@angelababicz: My ex needs to get off twitter and start walking to work or he gonna be late
- @JustJem24: @angelababicz I can’t stand your ass 😭😭. I literally screamed at this...
@BionicBrooks_: How many lies can one person tell 😂🤣🤦🏿♂️
@BionicBrooks_: I tried to make a house wife out of a... Nvm 🤦🏿♂️
@BionicBrooks_: I’m not mad at bro though he was smarter than me to just keep it as a booty call 😂
@BionicBrooks_: Yes I walk and take public transportation to work just like the mass population in LA. I’m out here getting it on my own, I know what it’s like to be in the REAL world.
@BionicBrooks_: I’m not going to front for nobody! I came out to LA with NOTHING and I’m still here living my dreams and flourishing.
@angelababicz: @iamdanniv Fake texts/emails/accounts do not interest me. Show me where I (verified check and all) gave someone your number. I will wait.
@angelababicz: If this was a “fake relationship” I might want that old “fake” thang back 😜😍 @imdroc15
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz The good ole days 😏😍!! And all of this was months before Ex On The Beach called us.
@angelababicz: Now get to walking sir
@angelababicz: And here’s a couple more to hurt your feelings...
@lexi__marsella: looks like someone needs some water because they are thirsty for that MTV airtime...
@angelababicz: If I leaked someone’s number they would have more than 6 texts I could tell you that 😂😂😂 now go spend the next 5 hours photoshopping a DM trying to pin this on me sis hopefully your editing skills are better than your FaceTuning 🤦🏻♀️
@BionicBrooks_: Either you was a booty call and he started messing with someone else, or y’all was together and he started messing with someone else. Either way that sounds perfect for you 👌🏿. Go get that old thing back!
@imdroc15: @BionicBrooks_ @ExOnTheBeach Bruh, me and her still had feelings for each other going into the show, so yea we figured we’ll get back together. But she found out about Alicia and that started all our drama. She tried using you to make me jealous. Then y’all really started dating. Ain’t no lies on my end 💯
- @BionicBrooks_: @imdroc15 @ExOnTheBeach Bruh didn’t you tell me in the house that you didn’t really care about Angela and that she was a rebound after you got out of that crazy relationship with @tori_deal ?! I mean you said you was ready to marry Tori and you just had fun w/ Angela..
- @imdroc15: @BionicBrooks_ @ExOnTheBeach And naw I ain’t cheat on her. Whatever beef y’all got, ain’t got nothing to do with me no more. Them Shack of Secrets days are over
- @BionicBrooks_: @imdroc15 @ExOnTheBeach I mean cause Angela told me y’all never dated. She said y’all went on dates but never made it official and you confirmed it when you said it wasn’t nothing serious w/ Angela. Either way she’s all yours now buddy! 👍🏿
- @BionicBrooks_: @imdroc15 @ExOnTheBeach But she said that you cheated on her 🤔. I ain’t mad at all just talking facts. Y’all both told me y’all didn’t date, she said you cheated, you say you didn’t. I’m just trying to get the lies straight for twitter.
@BionicBrooks_: BuT i diDn’T kNoW mY Ex wAS COmiNG.
@BionicBrooks_: And I hope y’all peeped I’m the only one that didn’t have an ex show up 👀🤔
@BionicBrooks_: Ya’ll all some liars 😂🤣
@BionicBrooks_: I’m gone keep it real with y’all!
@BionicBrooks_: @imdroc15 @ExOnTheBeach @tori_deal You said that in the house bruh and you said you was ready to have a baby with her. Your words not mine.
- @imdroc15: @BionicBrooks_ @ExOnTheBeach @tori_deal Lol Ight my n____, you wildin now. I ain’t never say shit about marrying her, you flexing. And I never called Angela a rebound. I know Angela giving you hell right now on Twitter, but y’all break up ain’t got nothing to do with me.
@angelababicz: So did @imdroc15 cheat on me or did we fake a relationship? Pick a story and stick to it Broke Brooks
@angelababicz: Well that was fun guys! Hope you enjoyed today’s entertainment. Gonna go make out with Derrick now xoxo
@imdroc15: Lol bruh Angela really got you feeling some type of way today huh @BionicBrooks_? My n___ just boss up and bag some other girls. This twitter beef shit weak af.
- @angelababicz: @imdroc15 End him Dcock 💀
@angelababicz: Every time I put my petty in park y’all tweet something funny and I’m like
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz Just tag me in when you need me sis ! You already know what I’m capable of @angelababicz
- @angelababicz: @faithstowers Partna goals 👯♀️
@Marie_TBD: @iamdanniv Probably Debt Collectors. You may want to ignore those ... 👀
@ayeejaeeee: twitter is real spicy today 🌶👀
@NurysKMateo: I’m such a troll 🤦🏽♀️ like I know I have nothing to do with Dani & Joss but I’m very opinionated and put my two cents in. Now I’m regretting it but mama ain’t raise no bitch so I’m not deleting the tweet 🤷🏽♀️
@00Hitsdiidii: My weekend was just as eventful like all this twitter drama 🤗
@kareem_fathalla: Twitter on some shit today 👀
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We are just getting started on this week's journey. Again, Friday we'll have Part 2 of the Road to the Final Redemption, along with our look at Monday's premiere of Floribama Shore as our favorite Southerners return to Panama City Beach. See you tomorrow friends...
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