Saturday, December 1, 2018

DC ExtraTime: An Exposé of the GOAT

BY DC CUEVA                      

Tuesday night, we saw the first half of the two-part reunion for The Challenge Final Reckoning, where most of the cast joined host and WWE wrestler Dolph Ziggler to hash out leftover drama from what went down in South Africa... as mentioned earlier here, DCBLOG will be covering the last act of this long season on here next week. But while viewers were watching Hunter and Ashley have it out, Cara face Faith & Angela and Devin get into it with his biggest vendetta, perhaps the biggest drama of the night took place not in that Times Square studio, but on social media.

In our five years covering MTV Reality, we offer you the fans a front-row seat to the other show that takes place at the same time as the show as it is airs each week. Through our SocialPulse diaries which have covered every single episode of The Challenge since Rivals II, the entire run of Are You The One?, the twists that have turned The Real World on its head and much more, every big moment of the shows that get us talking have been covered through the Twitter sphere. That includes the latest jaw-dropping moment of Ashley stealing the money from Hunter in the Final Reckoning finale.

Social media is, has and always has been an outlet for fans to make their voices heard about The Challenge and everything related to MTV Reality. This includes agreeing or disagreeing about cast members, suggestions and complaints being directed to the big wigs, and interacting with the cast which often gets heated among fans and the cast. And of course, there are the Twitter Stans who are nothing but obsessed with these shows and its people, and will do whatever they can to defend their favorites and go after fellow fans in this always heated and intense social environment.

It's with this in mind that while the Final Reckoning reunion was airing, a Twitter user decided to take their hate for the six-time champion of this series, Johnny Bananas, to a whole new level that caused everyone to drop their jaws by this mic drop. And a couple days after the the first part of the fun-fest aired, a respected Challenge blogger also took the opportunity to vent about the man who, until two days before Thanksgiving, had the biggest jaw-dropping moment in Challenge history.

We want to assure everyone here at the outset that we are, in no way, taking the opportunity to blast Johnny in this post... we are just simply stating facts. The uniqueness of this DCBLOG site and of this blogger & fan is that there is an emphasis to remain an objective third-party and to not place ourselves into the line of fire... that's why this blogger has always maintained a consistent, even-keel manner at all times on social media, and where possible to focus much of the content on this site on spotlighting the positive aspects of these personalities. In that way, we got to focus on his bond with fan Kasey Harvey and his hosting gig on NBC's 1st Look.
   But it's also important to have a sense of journalistic integrity in being honest and upfront if things like this arise which we feel is worthy to be told... thus, this post had to be published for everyone to see and for you, the readers, to make your own judgements instead of listening to ours. So, let's proceed with the proceedings...

While Johnny found himself in the middle of much of the on-stage drama on this week's reunion and in the end getting into it with Devin, user @shboogies took advantage of the opportunity to sabotage the whole show on line by posting a thread of twenty moments from his nearly twenty seasons of MTV entertainment where his behavior was more than questionable. It dates back to his first season, Real World Key West in 2006, and spotlighted situations where snide comments or actions caught the attention of those who detract him... and this doesn't include him stealing the money from Sarah after they won Rivals III two years ago, which was the most-talked about moment in Challenge history.
   Instead of offering our own comments and thoughts on the clips of the moments which are embedded below - which we won't out of maintaining our impartiality, we will let the following tweets which are embedded below to speak for themselves.

And on Thursday, respected Challenge blogger Allan Aguirre (@TheAllanAguirre) also took the chance to vent his frustrations on Bananas on his Medium blog, though not as jaw-dropping as @Shboogies' Twitter rampage. There, he discussed his theory that, because in part by what we've seen above, that while he is the face of the show in this new age, Johnny doesn't necessarily help grow the show's potential of being the very best it can possibly be.
   Like Shboogies, Allan has resentment towards Bananas as evidenced by his posts showing his disdain for him, but does respect the six-time Champ for the resume he has notched over the course of his Challenge career. However, two points Allan made about Johnny in his new post is that he doesn't adapt well to the new blood of players coming into the system as he is one of the remaining OG vets still competing regularly, and relying on a gameplan that appears dated for the modern game and for which it's partly to blame for the supposed curse Jemmye has placed on him.
   Allan's full post on why he thinks Johnny Bananas' presence on a Challenge has actually dragged down a season's potential is located at this link, which is the first of an offseason series focusing on key players and types of competitors who might have an impact on a particular season. Chances are you've checked out his site for his signature, well-written preseason reviews of each competitor as well as recaps, interviews and more there which, like this site, is a must-read for Challenge fans.


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