Monday, October 12, 2020

DC SocialPulse Xtra: A Double Shot at Love - The Season 2 Reunion Part 2

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Welcome back... if you're still up now at the end of this long weekend, we're at our final DCBLOG MTV Reality SocialPulse of 2020 - and unless something interesting comes up now until then, the next time we do these will be for Season 35 of The Challenge in the new year. But until then, we have just this one more diary of action, reaction & interaction from the social sphere to share with you, which comes by way of the hybrid of love, laughs and a touch of Jersey: A Double Shot at Love.

Earlier today as many of you have this holiday Monday off, we brought you the 'Pulse of the first part 1 as Pauly D. & Vinny got together with The Real's Adrienne Houghton of 3LW fame to dish out the good stuff from Vegas with B-Lashes, Derynn, Marissa, Maria, Suzi and Nikki as well as the Cugines - Nicky, Antonio and Brandon... and a guest spot from Mike the Situation & wife Lauren. And the big takeaway from the first half of the at-home reunion was that Pauly & Nikki are still together.

Now, it's part 2, and there's plenty more questions to be answered including the other pair of exes in Vinny & Maria as well as #Barissa, Derynn & the stripper and other matters. After the break, we'll have the answers to those, plus stick around afterwards as the man who once had a threesome in a Challenge hot-tub is about to become a dad. Thanks for wrapping your Monday night with us...

AS THEY SAW IT: The Reunion - Part 2 
@MTVShotAtLove: Well, IS your business everyone's business in the #DoubleShotAtLove house? Part 2 of the Reunion is going there TONIGHT at 8/7c on MTV!
@MariaLElizondo: The second part of the reunion is TONIGHT! So much more juicy drama and reveals! Tune in to @MTVShotAtLove reunion tonight at 8/7c on MTV #DoubleShotAtLove

@MTV: Just calling a duck a duck... TONIGHT we get into all the @MCBrandonS and @MarissaLucchese drama. Watch what happens on Part 2 of the #DoubleShotAtLove Reunion, at 8p on MTV. 
- @MCBrandonS: Quack quack Duck
@495Prods: All bets of off! Don't miss Part 2 of @MTVShotAtLove Reunion TONIGHT 8/7c @MTV #DoubleShotAtLove @DJPaulyD @VINNYGUADAGNINO @B_Lashess @MarissaLucchese @sugasugasuzi @NikkiHallTM @Derynn_Paige @MariaLElizondo @PoolPartyPapiii @McBrandonS @nickycugine @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
- @PoolPartyPapiii: Part 2! Who’s tuning in? #Doubleshotatlove
@Antbill02: Yo I miss seeing the 3 CUGINES ON TV . @MCBrandonS @nickycugine @PoolPartyPapiii . Can’t believe today is gonna be maybe the last time we gonna see them on tv . @sallyannsalsano DOUBLESHOT OF LOVE SEASON 3 @MTVShotAtLove
@__DaNiEl__SoN__: It ain’t even my relationship but I’m still so happy for no reason that  @NikkiHallTM and @DJPaulyD made it work. #couplegoals 

@nickycugine: Less than an hour until the last double shot at love season 2 is aired on mtv. Lets all take a second and realize how depressing that is SMH! I HOPE EVERYONE IS TUNING IN TONIGHT!!!!! @MTVShotAtLove @495Prods #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: Don’t forget to catch us on part 2 of the reunion at 8pm ET tonight! @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Last episode tonight at 8pm, this can’t be happening  #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: My ears have been ringing all day hmmmmm I wonder why 
@B_lashess: xMy lipstick was coral why does it look pink is what I really care about rn #doubleshotatlove
@47sDope: Me at home voting for Vinny and Maria lol  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: Less than 5 minutes till the second half of the reunion for @MTVShotAtLove! Tweet with us using #DoubleShotAtLove 
@MarissaLucchese: Part 2 of the reunion tonight !! 3 mins!!! LIVE TWEET WITH US #DoubleShotAtLove @MTVShotAtLove

@MTVShotAtLove: HERE WE GO Part 2 of the #DoubleShotAtLove Reunion begins right now on @MTV! Who's watching along + sipping their tea? 
@495Prods: Part 2 of the @MTVShotAtLove Reunion STARTS NOW on @MTV #DoubleShotAtLove @DJPaulyD @VINNYGUADAGNINO @B_Lashess @MarissaLucchese @sugasugasuzi @NikkiHallTM @Derynn_Paige @MariaLElizondo @PoolPartyPapiii @McBrandonS @nickycugine @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@Derynn_Paige: Here we go! #doubleshotatlove
@MCBrandonS: It’s time !!! @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@RickyRogers_: PART 2 YESSSSIRRR #doubleshotatlove
@MCBrandonS: Squid porn on @Pornhub @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: Protection... It's important. #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Pauly with Nikki - "Just wear a mask.")
@Derynn_Paige: @sugasugasuzi laugh lightens every mood #doubleshotatlove
@nickycugine: Maria was seeing me after the show. JK @MariaLElizondo
@MTVShotAtLove: Whenever @VINNYGUADAGNINO and @MariaLElizondo are ready... I'll be here. #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "I'll be ready.")
@MCBrandonS: @sugasugasuzi with the dolphins @VINNYGUADAGNINO and @MariaLElizondo with the squids ... better keep these two out of the aquarium @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@MarissaLucchese: I’m still here for @MariaLElizondo and @VINNYGUADAGNINO !!! Just saying #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: Oooo pauly looks mad #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: @Derynn_Paige pushes every button every time we ride an elevator #doubleshotatlove 
@alyssa2152: I ship vinny and Maria #DoubleShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: It's about to get MESS-Y! #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of Suzi)
@MTVShotAtLove: Is @Derynn_Paige just calling it like it is? #DoubleShotAtLove (GIF: "That's all.")
- @Derynn_Paige: @MTVShotAtLove Just saying what everyone wants to know that’s all
@nickycugine: Dumb bitch. YIKES #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: Don’t go anywhere the I hate derynn show will be right back !!!!! #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: Now that's a ride or die. #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Pauly with Nikki - "I gotta ride for my boo.")
@ashvalpo01: Am I the only one who will be shedding some tears after the 2nd part of the reunion show is over tonight? #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: No one will ever come for me or my lashes again .. #doubleshotatlove
- @MTVShotAtLove: @B_lashess Simply iconic. #DoubleShotAtLove
@MariaLElizondo: I was seeing someone when I got home from filming for a few months. No it didn’t work out but no shade to them lol it just wasn’t good timing for me. As far as my situation with Vinny: we are friends and I wish him genuine happiness. #DoubleShotAtLove
- @VINNYGUADAGNINO: @MariaLElizondo Same boo  #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Lmfao now I got no face on!!! @B_lashess #Doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Boozy Suzi came out with the uziii #DoubleShotAtLove
@MCBrandonS: @B_lashess with blonde hair is hawtt! @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
- @B_lashess: @MCBrandonS LOve you
@sugasugasuzi: I shouldn’t have gone there and said that lashes. I loves you @B_lashess #DoubleShotAtLove
@nickycugine: “Have you seen these girls feet, THEY GOT HOOFS!” #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: Just for the record... #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Pauly - "I got two fountains.")
@RickyRogers_: Is there a fountain though??? #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: 6 inchersss #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: So dumbest fight ever #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: Lmao @DJPaulyD is everyone on work zoom calls ... in his socks #DoubleShotAtLove
@nickycugine: Not about that drama. THE REUNION HATES ME. SORRY GUYS #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: This could be my last time on your tv screen so I’m soaking this all in!!! Thanks again to all of you - those who love & those who hate me. You have made this the best experience of my life and I hope to do it all again one day soon! #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: Next topic. #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of Brandon)
@PoolPartyPapiii: FUCKBOYYYY @MCBrandonS #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: IF IT LOOKS LIKE A DUCK... #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Nikki - "I was just calling a duck a duck.")
@B_lashess: Let’s talk about sex baby, let’s talk about you and me #doubleshotatlove
@nickycugine: Hey @MCBrandonS STOP BEING A DAMN F*CKBOY!  #doubleshotatlove
@dotdottiffany: Well @B_lashess ripping her lashes off is still iconic. Just FYI in case y’all forgot. #doubleshotatlove
@MCBrandonS: CHEATER @PoolPartyPapiii
@nickycugine: Hi @angelinamtvjs ! You look good!  #doubleshotatlove
@JennJennFeliz: Lol! @MCBrandonS is the most lovable fuck boy. #DoubleShotAtLove
@PoolPartyPapiii: I’m single too @MCBrandonS #Doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Angelina came for that girl #DoubleShotAtLove
@nickycugine: F*cking vinny “well she is irrelevant” @VINNYGUADAGNINO
@MTVShotAtLove: No BS here @angelinamtvjs #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: "I don't take BS from people.")
@MariaLElizondo: Hey big head @PoolPartyPapii #DoubleShotAtLove
- @PoolPartyPapiii: @MariaLElizondo Hi big butt
@B_lashess: Awww @MCBrandonS own it bebe #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Awwww all the roomies are wifed and happy iam happy #doubleshotatlove
@MarissaLucchese: So happy that me and @MCBrandonS can leave the past in the past and move on . Wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything BB #DoubleShotAtLove
- @MCBrandonS: @MarissaLucchese I couldn’t agree more ! You are a one of a kind bebe lots of love for you girl you know that
@MarissaLucchese: I’ve had a boyfriend that I’ve been keeping on the DL for the past 4 months!!! Finally cats outta the bag!!! #DoubleShotAtLove
- @MariaLElizondo: @MarissaLucchese IM YOU GUYS’ BIGGEST FAN!!!!
- @B_lashess: @MarissaLucchese Meow so happy for you
- @MTVShotAtLove: @MarissaLucchese MARISSAAAA #DoubleShotAtLove
- @Wooper100: @MarissaLucchese I’m so happy for you! You definitely deserve it!!! 
- @MarissaLucchese: @Wooper100 Thank you 
@nickycugine: AWWWWWW WHO IS THE KING MARISSA!!!! TELL US WHATS UP!!!!!! I WANT TO KNOW!!!  #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: We gotta work on your Z-formation, @PoolPartyPapiii #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of him)
- @PoolPartyPapiii: @MTVShotAtLove Help plz #Doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Yasss Rissa #DoubleShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: The motto. #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Angelina - "Who give a s___, y'know?")
@PoolPartyPapiii: Lmfao vinny being funny today #Doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Vinny got jokes  #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: Well that was awkward #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: Me when someone texts back in complete sentences: #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Derynn - "Maybe he's my husband.")
@sugasugasuzi: Noooo idea  #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: Lmaooo cheaty papi never stops  #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: Toniooo my dude  @PoolPartyPapiii #DoubleShotAtLove
@MCBrandonS: @PoolPartyPapiii oh now your just kidding !!? @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@RickyRogers_: @PoolPartyPapiii shooters shoot dawg #doubleshotatlove
- @PoolPartyPapiii: @RickyRogers_ Dead 
@PoolPartyPapiii: thats right i shot my shot  @AdrienneBailon #CHEETAH
@B_lashess: @RickyRogers_ us roomies loved you! #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: When sh*t is going down on the Zoom call. #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of Maria)
@BillingsOctavia: @VINNYGUADAGNINO “You’re not the host to this shit I’m not answering you.” to @angelinamtvjs #DoubleShotAtLove @DJPaulyD @B_lashess @NikkiHallTM @MariaLElizondo @MarissaLucchese @sugasugasuzi @PoolPartyPapiii @nickycugine @MCBrandonS @Derynn_Paige @B_lashess
@RickyRogers_: Pretty Ricky in the building YESSIR #Doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Quarantine #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Truths about to unfold  @Derynn_Paige wtf #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Omgeee!! I’m shooketh  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MCBrandonS: I’m for banding @tiktok_us Ricky @MTVShotAtLove #doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: Talking to someone because you were bored and they actually ask to meet up... #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: B-Lashes - "Um... no. No. Hard no.")
@B_lashess: @Derynn_Paige so weird we were just in Vegas .... #doubleshotatlove
@sugasugasuzi: Tic tok with that exposure #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: Ayyeee facts only in Vegas! #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: @RickyRogers_ did own up to his shit so I’ll give him that #doubleshotatlove
@Derynn_Paige: Fun fact: I thrive being single #doubleshotatlove
@B_lashess: Omg @MarissaLucchese mom about to show us ALL UP! #doubleshotatlove
- @MarissaLucchese: @B_lashess I’m scared!! 
@MarissaLucchese: MAMA LUCCHESE IN THE BUILDING #DoubleShotAtLove
@B_lashess: I love mama lashes but I draw the line there haha #doubleshotatlove don’t ask don’t tell policy
@sugasugasuzi: Hiiiii Risssa ma!!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@sugasugasuzi: My type of women “don’t touch my hair” #DoubleShotAtLove
@nickycugine: Special shout out from mama luchesse “hi cugine” @MarissaLucchese LOVE IT
@PoolPartyPapiii: Oh nooooo #Doubleshotatlove
@MTVShotAtLove: This is TOO much! #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF of Nicky)
@sugasugasuzi: Oh no not heart palpitations  #DoubleShotAtLove
@DQ_the_Man: @MTVShotAtLove @Derynn_Paige @VINNYGUADAGNINO @B_lashess @DJPaulyD @MCBrandonS @MariaLElizondo @sugasugasuzi @PoolPartyPapiii @angelinamtvjs @MarissaLucchese @NikkiHallTM I’m gonna miss everyone SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!  #DoubleShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: Me at any given moment: #DoubleShotAtLove  (GIF: Maria - "I'm getting nervous talking about this for some reason.")
@B_lashess: AWWWW AND THATS A WRAP! Thank you for sharing our journey with us! Love you all to Vegas and back #doubleshotatlove
- @MTVShotAtLove: @B_lashess xoxoxo #DoubleShotAtLove
@Heather414417: Still love @B_lashess  the very most from the minute she came in the house the 1st season.  I told my bf she is gonna be my favorite with all her sparkle and shine and that is still true I sure hope to see more of her cause she is the best!!! Keep shining 
@MarissaLucchese: ITS OFFICIALLY OVER thank you guys for sticking with us throughout this whole season!! Love you all , let’s pray for another season!!! Till next time! #DoubleShotAtLove
- @MTVShotAtLove: @MarissaLucchese i'm gonna cry #DoubleShotAtLove
@lyonsc729: Watching @MTVShotAtLove reunion. @B_lashess is shown on the screen and my daughter says “mama, I like her” she got good taste #DoubleShotAtLove
@Derynn_Paige: "@WokenPeta: @Derynn_Paige @MTVShotAtLove NEW SHOW IDEA "DERYNN SHOT AT LOVE". Might be the prettiest woman I have seen since mom jeans became a thing. Lol" RT Thank you. I’d watch that.
@Derynn_Paige: Unexpected good news is the BEST kind of news 
@B_lashess: Not every day you wake up to dms like this, but all I can say is when I do my week is made so happy to share myself and my crazy outfits with the world! Xox #doubleshotatlove #bemoreblashes
@MTVShotAtLove: Who would've thought we'd be here? Thank you ALL for coming along for this wild ride with us! That's a wrap on this season of #DoubleShotAtLove! (GIF: Pauly with Nikki - "Look at us now!")
@sugasugasuzi: That’s a wrap! What a wild ride truly love you all #DoubleShotAtLove
- @MTVShotAtLove: @sugasugasuzi love u suga suga #DoubleShotAtLove
@MCBrandonS: Until next time guys ! Love you all, thank you guys so much !!! @MTVShotAtLove
@MTVShotAtLove: Did @VINNYGUADAGNINO and @MariaLElizondo ever get their porn date? Squid You've been waiting to find out, and here's what happened after Vegas...
@PoolPartyPapiii: And that’s officially a wrap on #DoubleShotAtLove season 2. Thank you to everyone that tuned in with us every week!! Big shout out to @sallyannsalsano and the whole @495Prods crew for helping us get through this whole thing! It truly was a blessing @MTVShotAtLove
- @MTVShotAtLove: @PoolPartyPapiii but i don't want it to be over! #DoubleShotAtLove
@MCBrandonS: My brothers I wouldn’t have wanted to do this with anyone else! Love you for real !! @PoolPartyPapiii @nickycugine

❤️    ❤️    ❤️


One of the biggest hookups we've ever seen on the MTV Reality stage involves our last post-Pulse ExtraTime subject of 2020: it was after being eliminated on his rookie season of The Challenge that Abram Boise decided to spend his last moments in the Rocky Mountains by inviting two legends of this world, Veronica Portillo and Rachel Robinson, into the shower and the hot-tub on The Gauntlet back in 2003. The all-Road Rules threesome is among the many notable moments of the all-time badass in Challenge history, who was the subject of his own DCBLOG retrospective after coming onto his last Challenge, Battle of the Bloodlines, in 2015 which starred his ex and eventual champ Cara Maria Sorbello.

While Cara and her Big Brother boyfriend Paulie Califiore have continued to be an item (including the TMZ report Friday of him eyeing more history in training to be the first-ever Challenger to ever make an Olympic team in Team USA bobsledding at the 2022 Winter Games), Abe has quietly gotten married to a Black lady during the midst of the chaos that's taken place in our world this year, while continuing to enjoy all that his native region of the upper northwest has to offer, away from all the madness of city life.

But now, Abe is about to enter a new frontier that so many of those in Challenge Nation have experienced but now he will get to do it himself: raising kids. On Saturday, Abe and his wife, Rachel Missie, announced on Instagram that they are expecting their first kid to come in the new year -- but it also came with a sense of sympathy too. She wrote the following...
 INSTAGRAM  @rachelmissie 
"My husband and I are so excited to announce we’re expecting our first child! This pregnancy started out as twins however within the first trimester my body decided it could only support one baby. We experienced what’s called “vanishing twin”. The body sacrifices and reabsorbs the other fetus into the uterine wall, putting all that nourishment towards the strongest baby. We had gotten so attached to the idea of twins and mourned the loss of what could have been. Now we continue to celebrate what is, the beautiful life growing healthy and strong. Our bodies are so dedicated towards protecting, and making decisions towards the greater good. Remember to be gentle, take care, and love yourself as your body chooses to love you. 🌈💃🏿🕺💗 #ohbaby"

While there's the joy of announcing a baby, there's also the sadness of losing one - hence the mixed emotions Abe and Rachel had in announcing their entry into parenthood while mourning the loss of what would've been a twin. And this is a similarity of sorts: a year ago this month as Cory Wharton and Taylor Selfridge announced their baby, they would have expected twins - but instead the second kid vanished during the early stages of her pregnancy and they settled for just that one kid. Nonetheless, the Boises are looking forward to what lies ahead of them, with the health of their newborn becoming more important now in this age of COVID, especially with the heartbreaking news that new UK Challenge dad Ashley Cain shared this weekend of his newborn being diagnosed with a form of leukemia.

As filming of Season 36 of the show continues on, Challenge Nation is not at its full capacity social media wise, but the biggest congratulatory message came from one of his hookups: all-time Challenge queen bee Coral Smith, herself a mom in her post-MTV days, tweeted to Abe over the weekend @ThatCoral: ".@AbramBoise congratulations my friend. As a Birth Doula I know the beauty and miracle of being pregnant and experiencing the joy or knowing and wishing. I send you and your wife health, luck and blessings. You are going to know love like never before."

View this post on Instagram

#Repost @rachelmissie ・・・ My husband and I are so excited to announce we’re expecting our first child! This pregnancy started out as twins however within the first trimester my body decided it could only support one baby. We experienced what’s called “vanishing twin”. The body sacrifices and reabsorbs the other fetus into the uterine wall, putting all that nourishment towards the strongest baby. We had gotten so attached to the idea of twins and mourned the loss of what could have been. Now we continue to celebrate what is, the beautiful life growing healthy and strong. Our bodies are so dedicated towards protecting, and making decisions towards the greater good. Remember to be gentle, take care, and love yourself as your body chooses to love you. 🌈💃🏿🕺💗 #ohbaby

A post shared by Abram Boise (@abramgboise) on

And that is just about that... as we're now officially into our offseason Inside MTV Reality, as we've stated before we'll be staying with you all this fall - and here's what we have planned for you...

Here on DCBLOG, we plan to use this pause in programming & production to look back at the biggest moments and personalities of the most-talked about shows in reality TV, as our ExtraTime Flashback series gets underway next week. That is in addition to our timely content which we hope will take your mind of what's going down in less than a month, plus a special WRAP series covering last year's season of The Real World Atlanta on Facebook.

On DCNOW on Twitter @DC408DxNow, I plan to continue live tweeting major sports, entertainment events and TV shows like I've always done, despite having no MTV show to get to live tweet for the first time. But with this time off, I plan on doing binge watch parties of The Challenge as having CBS All Access (which is the first pay streaming service I've ever subscribed to) will allow me to watch more past seasons there that I've not gotten to catch just yet.

And on DC YouTube, the DC Vegas Flashback series continues with the fourth & final week of my look back at my favorite vacation of them all in the 2010 trip with my cousins, and you can check out that & over 150 videos from my trips to Sin City there. After a break to curate this site, I plan to showcase my 2008 trip to New York City and my 2017 adventures in Disneyland starting in mid-November after we finally get over election day.

It's because of #DCVegas that I've not been posting as much on here as in the past, so apologies to those of you who've been expecting my regular blog content - I've been busy with curating all my video work. But need not worry, with my Vegas vlog duties winding down I have the chance to now do more blog work, so stay tuned to this site and to my Social Network -- and be sure to follow @DC408Dxtr for links to all of that plus plenty of escapism content. Again, thanks for joining along, and see you then...

- I AM DC @DC408Dxtr

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