Sunday, April 18, 2021

DC SocialPulse: Floribama Shore - Horses, Girlfriends and Basement Moves

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom... you do need those, after all. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Hello friends... we are a couple days away from spending our second straight 4/20 in the comforts of home, and spring is in the air. But would you rather be spending a weekend enjoying more than just the nice weather outside? We'd wish... but we have the Floribama Shore crew to keep us company this spring as their road trip of the western United States rolls along.

After all of what's gone down in the first couple months in the state of Montana, lately things have cooled down a bit to where what every vacation should be about: having fun. And they can thank friends from back home fortunate enough to visit during these times: after Candace's friend Bethany came by to start the visits from home, last week Aimee's friend Ally came by from Alabama and instantly caught the attention of both Gus and Jeremiah. And with social establishments all but closed for obvious reasons depriving us of public fun, the cast got to turn their basement into THE happening in all of Missoula.

After all of what's gone down in the first couple months in the state of Montana, lately things have cooled down a bit to where what every vacation should be about: having fun. And they can thank friends from back home fortunate enough to visit during these times: after Candace's friend Bethany came by to start the visits from home, last week Aimee's friend Ally came by from Alabama and instantly caught the attention of both Gus and Jeremiah. And with social establishments all but closed for obvious reasons depriving us of public fun, the cast got to turn their basement into THE happening in all of Missoula.

And as we are now starting to enjoy time with our friends and family once again, the guests just keep on coming: this week, it's the turn of Kirk's girlfriend Wren to come flying into Montana and into the cabin - and that means the Atlantan is hoping things will be smooth sailing, all while the activities inside the Basement rage on as Ally looks to make a move on the guys who aren't taken. And after what he went through when the worst day of his life took place during his first trip four seasons ago, Codi takes a moment to pay to his late grandpa while achieving a bucket list item for those who visit the Frontier.

Join us after the break for horses, girlfriends and basement moves as we bring you the 'Pulse of Week 9 of the Floribama Shore Montana bash... and we'll also join a member of their drama-filled cousins as he experiences the biggest event in professional wrestling. Thanks for joining us...

AS THEY SAW IT: "Club La Basement"  
@FloribamaShore: Will @GusSmyrnios keep his pinky promise with @aimeehall1001 to not hunch Cousin Ally?  It's not looking likely on tonight's #MTVFloribamaShore!
@495Prods: What happens in Club Basement… stays in Club Basement! Don’t miss a brand new @FloribamaShore TONIGHT at 8/7c on @MTV  #MTVFloribamaShore @aimeehall1001 @pimpfrydrice  @codibutts @GusSmyrnios @JeremiahBuoni @KirkMedas @nillythesquid @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@nillythesquid: Sooooo uncomfortable 
@nillythesquid: Ughhhh I just want to feel better  F____ U COVID
@nillythesquid: It’s sad that I cant even go to social media and ask for prayers without people jumping down my throat. 
@nillythesquid: If it’s not one thing it’s another....please keep me, Gus, and baby G in your prayers 
- @pimpfrydrice: @nillythesquid Feel better Queen!
- @nillythesquid: @pimpfrydrice Thank you boo
@nillythesquid: Brand new #MTVFloribamaShore tonight 8/7c! Retweet if your tuning in!!!
@JaysRealityBlog: They’re missing Nilsa, but I love this entire cast!  #MTVFloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @JaysRealityBlog Almost 35 weeks pregnant and having Covid, I had to sit this trip out #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: The great thing about living in a small town is when you don’t know what your doing, someone else does.
@tia_reyna: The irony of @pimpfrydrice being a bouncer when she tried to smuggle her way into the bar that one time #FloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: Because the party don’t stop, we’ve got another visitor! Get ready for Wren on tonight’s new episode of @FloribamaShore so tune in and don’t miss out #MTVFloribamaShore! 
@JeremiahBuoni: You definitely have to tune in to tonight’s @FloribamaShore just to see us riding horses Catch a new episode at 8/7c on @MTV! #mtvfloribamashore
@nillythesquid: 30 minute warning!!!! #mtvfloribamashore
@pimpfrydrice: It’s Floribama Thursday!! So ready!! Make sure to use hashtag #MTVFloribamaShore ! I’m retweeting as many people as my thumbs can handle! @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@_ay_its_ally: Mood because an all new episode of @FloribamaShore comes on tonight! Who’s watching??? #MTVFloribamaShore ... I’m ready to see how my night at club basement ends 
@ItsMsHawkins2u: F. L. O. R. I. B. A. M. A. tonight! #mtvfloribamashore @MTV @FloribamaShore @495Prods @drewtappon
@missnatalienunn: Tonight all new episode of my favorite show #mtvfloribamashore @FloribamaShore can’t wait tune in 7/8c 
@codibutts: It’s almost that time. #MTVFloribamaShore

@FloribamaShore: CHI CHI'S UP FOR WREN BEING HERE! A new #MTVFloribamaShore is coming in hot right now — who's watching + tweeting along?!
@495Prods: It's @_ay_its_ally's last night & @marieee_ is coming to town! Get ready for an all-new @FloribamaShore STARTING NOW on @MTV #MTVFloribamaShore @aimeehall1001 @pimpfrydrice @codibutts @GusSmyrnios @JeremiahBuoni @KirkMedas @nillythesquid @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@JeremiahBuoni: We’re back baby!!! New episode just started  #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Because the party don’t stop, we’ve got another visitor! Get ready for Wren on tonight’s #MTVFloribamaShore! 
@codibutts: Club basement is lit! #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: @codibutts is a hot mess #mtvfloribamashore
@nillythesquid: Oh no ally! Not @codibutts belly sweat... #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Me after doing the bare minimum: #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF: Codi - "I'm one big sweaty mess.")
@pimpfrydrice: @codibutts actually forgot we was in a basement. #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
- @missnatalienunn: Hahahahhahhahh he’s living he’s best life let’s goooooo @codibutts @FloribamaShore
- @codibutts: @missnatalienunn True! I am! #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: @GusSmyrnios hear them playing EA in the background? #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn! #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: Club Basement was insanely fun! We can party anywhere #MTVFloribamaShore
- @FloribamaShore: @JeremiahBuoni The party is clearly wherever y'all are!  #MTVFloribamaShore
Quote Tweet
@codibutts: "@IIIMarvin: WHERE ALL MY @FloribamaShore PARTY PEOPLE AT!!!!!! YO @nillythesquid @aimeehall1001 @_ay_its_ally @pimpfrydrice @KirkMedas @JeremiahBuoni @codibutts And @GusSmyrnios WHERE Y'ALL AT!!!!! #MTVFloribamaShore" RT I am here! #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Famous last words. #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF: Ally - "I'm not getting feelings.")
@nillythesquid: It’s passed mama’s bedtime, I went to bed early during club basement lol #mtvfloribamashore
@pimpfrydrice: Who’s carrying @codibutts out the club ?!!!  #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
- @missnatalienunn: @pimpfrydrice Me hahahahahhaha
@FloribamaShore: You kissed on it, @GusSmyrnios! #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of him and Aimee making pinky promise that he doesn't not get close to Ally)
@pimpfrydrice: So all it took was some music and the basement to get some sexual energy flowing in this place #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@codibutts: Damn @GusSmyrnios who is the better cuddler #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @GusSmyrnios is glowing! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: It’s always a great morning when ya underwear is missing  #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@codibutts: @GusSmyrnios said he fell down the stairs! Ummm..... I don’t think so. #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Miss @aimeehall1001 ain't buyin' it. #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of her)
@nillythesquid: I hope Wren says yes to coming! I need  A familiar face is what I need right now!  #mtvfloribamashore
@KirkMedas: Ah shiiiii #mtvfloribamashore
@GeoffKeith: Finally a @KirkMedas storyline!!! #Wren @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: I’m excited for @KirkMedas that Wren is coming to visit on our vacation, I just hope we can keep the peace #MTVFloribamaShore
- @codibutts: @JeremiahBuoni She is so much fun! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I am so excited for wren to come visit. #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: Technically Gus and Ally hunched in Club Basement... that’s public indecency   #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
- @_ay_its_ally: @pimpfrydrice I was thinking about this earlier that’s a first for me. I can mark it off the bucket list #MTVFloribamaShore
- @codibutts: @pimpfrydrice Hell yeah it is! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @pimpfrydrice Lmao!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@BillingsOctavia: @KirkMedas girlfriend is very pretty! #FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: Hahahaha “get us outta here “ @JeremiahBuoni  #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: @pimpfrydrice idk if anyone has ever told you but you can’t read someone’s energy through their booty heat. #mtvfloribamashore 
- @pimpfrydrice: @ItsMsHawkins2u Welp #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@JeremiahBuoni: WERE GOING HORSEBACK RIDING!!! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @FloribamaShore: @JeremiahBuoni I'm just here to watch.  #MTVFloribamaShore
Quote Tweet
@codibutts: We are going horseback riding. #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@mels452: I want to meet @codibutts’s family so bad.  #MTVFloribamaShore" RT They’re awesome! #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: I can’t hold my excitement in #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF: "I'm excited.")
@nillythesquid: I grew up around horses, so bummed I cant ride  #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Riding big creatures is how I got pregnant  #MTVFloribamaShore
- @FloribamaShore: @nillythesquid nilsa #MTVFloribamaShore
@BillingsOctavia: I’m trying to figure out what @pimpfrydrice & @codibutts  are fighting about?? #FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: Kinda nervous about this horse back riding honestly #mtvfloribamashore
@nillythesquid: My makeup looks bomb in this episode #MTVFloribamaShore
- @FloribamaShore: @nillythesquid Girl, I was just gonna say the SAME thing. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I was so scared. #MTVFloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @codibutts You look great #MTVFloribamaShore
- @missnatalienunn: @codibutts There goes my cowboy hahahhahha @FloribamaShore #Mtvfloribamashore
@FloribamaShore: To @codibutts's grandpa!  #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of them toasting to honor him)
- @codibutts: @FloribamaShore Thank y’all so much! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I love my @FloribamaShore family. #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: This was such a great moment of the trip! I’m glad you got to take that picture @codibutts. #MTVFloribamaShore
@LilBitSouth: Awwwwwww @codibutts #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: so special that @codibutts got to reenact the picture of his grandpa! That’s beautiful #MTVFloribamaShore
@keishaaaa_____: i just cried. @codibutts , that was so beautiful. ik Papa Butts is proud of you. #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: I truly enjoyed riding in memory of your wonderful Grandpa that helped make your existence possible @codibutts #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@KirkMedas: Glad we can share that moment with you @codibutts !!! #mtvfloribamashore
@missnatalienunn: Hahahahh @pimpfrydrice  #MTVFloribamaShore loving that wild hair bouncing around let’s goo cowgirl @FloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@keishaaaa_____: i just cried. @codibutts , that was so beautiful. ik Papa Butts is proud of you. #MTVFloribamaShore" RT Yes he is! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@JaysRealityBlog: Candace & Codi are dating now?? #MTVFloribamaShore" RT Damn what happened in New York while I was home?!?! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: "@AlexandersethH1: Birthday weekend for Jerica in Georgia. We all here with @codibutts watching #MTVFloribamaShore" RT Thanks Seth! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: "@Debalebo Debbie Owens/mom of Siesta Key's Kelsey: Poppa Butts was the absolute best! One of the best people I've ever known!  @codibutts #MTVFloribamaShore" RT It’s so cool to see that. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @KirkMedas ain’t never cleaned that much! #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: Gotta smell the undies to see if they were worn duh  #mtvfloribamashore
@nillythesquid: I love a good girls walk #MTVFloribamaShore
@B_lashess: Aww @KirkMedas pulling out the works #FloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: "@iTweetuSleep: Awwwww! Kirk is gettin mushy gushyyyyy #MTVFloribamaShore #FloribamaShore" RT We love to see it. #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: My boy @KirkMedas is going all out for Wren coming #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: I love seeing this side of @KirkMedas  #mtvfloribamashore 
@codibutts: @nillythesquid eating for two! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: Wren got @KirkMedas out here CLEANING and ordering ROSES ?!!! Lawd... #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
- @nillythesquid: @pimpfrydrice Can wren come once a week?! Lol #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: Who is this Kirk? Woah #mtvfloribamashore
- @nillythesquid: @KirkMedas Love it #MTVFloribamaShore
@AlyssaFlipz: Stopppp @KirkMedas getting her roses omg that’s so cute. Who said chivalry is dead? #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Wine and roses? Damn @KirkMedas love to see it  #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: When cravings call, you answer. #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of Nilsa eating lunch)
@nillythesquid: Aww @pimpfrydrice my personal hype women.  #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Oh gosh.. is @codibutts going to be the next to run away?!?! Stay tuned!  #MTVFloribamaShore
@ThatKingxCold: I see you dawg! @KirkMedas let em know how real men take of their lady!!
@LilBitSouth: Go head w it @KirkMedas  #MTVFloribamaShore
@cb_yellowjacket: .@nillythesquid and @pimpfrydrice bonding with each other while enjoying fast food is awesome!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: I ain’t never seen @nillythesquid eat like this... like damn girl!!! #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@JeremiahBuoni: That’s a bullseye #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of him aiming archery bow and arrow at Gus with beer can on top of his head)
@AlexandersethH1: You always find out your circle. These are my people - my heart.  Watching @codibutts tonight on #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: I ate so many burgers also when I was pregnant hahahhha @nillythesquid  #mtvfloribamashore @FloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @missnatalienunn I love a good cheese burger! Mamas, what were your pregnancy cravings?! #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: I ate so many burgers also when I was pregnant hahahhha @nillythesquid  #mtvfloribamashore @FloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Wren is about to bring out a new @KirkMedas.  I love it here. #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF: "1) Ratchet. 2) Ratchet. 3) Ratchet. 4) ...Dirk.")
@KirkMedas: Oh god not the flash backs #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: I always love seeing the @FloribamaShore flashbacks! Don’t you? #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: These Dirk flashbacks are hilarious @KirkMedas  #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@JeremiahBuoni: The Science Project was a success #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@jesvibin: lmaooo this is @nillythesquid when she’s at a fast food drive thru this season:  #MTVFloribamaShore" RT Hahaha facts #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Oh, @codibutts...  #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of him with face down over soda bottle full of mint, creating splash)
@codibutts: I didn’t know that was going to happen! #MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: @codibutts got his first soda shower…..wait is that even a thing? Is it like the cousin of a wet T-shirt contest? #mtvfloribamashore 
@KirkMedas: @nillythesquid is a real one!!! Thanks sis #MTVFloribamaShore
@StephanieYu: Omg @KirkMedas is really in love! Its amazing seeing someone happy! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Yay Wren is coming! #MTVFloribamaShore
@Wooper100: I never knew @KirkMedas was so romantic.  #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: We gotta turn club basement in to the 4 seasons and we got 15 minutes to do so... can we make it happen?! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: @KirkMedas it’s the front pineapple locs for me  #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@MaritzaTV: Can we take a moment to recognize @pimpfrydrice stays serving looks in every episode? Even if it’s just to chill on the couch #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: .@KirkMedas face when the knock on the door finally came #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: You look so good @pimpfrydrice  #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: I love seeing this Kirk omg yes @KirkMedas  #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@BillingsOctavia: Aww @KirkMedas is so happy to see his girlfriend arrived!!  #FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: "@Wooper100: I never knew @KirkMedas was so romantic.  #MTVFloribamaShore" RT He really is! He stays spoiling his girl! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: Damn... Wren lookin mighty soft... BUT WHERE IS HER COAT ?! We in Montana ma’am ! #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@missnatalienunn: That Kirk flashback hahahhaha @KirkMedas @FloribamaShore  #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: It's @KirkMedas' smile for me! #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of him looking at Wren)
@missnatalienunn: Wren damnnnnn Eyes I see u girllll @KirkMedas @FloribamaShore  #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn @KirkMedas you went all out. #MTVFloribamaShore
@KellieWellz Kellie Brinkley/Amazing Race and 2012 Olympian: Looking extra fly tonight...! @pimpfrydrice
@codibutts: I see you @KirkMedas #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: I’m so cringey some times #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Aww @KirkMedas looks SO happy! Makes my heart melt! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: We all thinking the same thing... Wren thiccc AFFF  #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@missnatalienunn: Awwwwww  #MTVFloribamaShore Kirk I love this @KirkMedas @FloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Wren is the whole package! She’s in nursing school, knows what she wants out of life, AND can control @KirkMedas #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: KIRKY KIRKKKK #MTVFloribamaShore
@heyitsme_gg: Omg @KirkMedas and Wren are SO CUTE #MTVFloribamaShore
@_ay_its_ally: @codibutts will forever be my dancing partner at the club #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of them dancing)
- @codibutts: @_ay_its_ally I better be. #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: One thing I really know is BREAKFAST BABY!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: @JeremiahBuoni is a real one for the bomb breakfast!!!!!! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @KirkMedas Sooooo good! This mama was v happy #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Welp. That'll have to be a conversation for another day!  #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of him)
@codibutts: WTF! #MTVFloribamaShore
@NomarJames: @KirkMedas good job.  #MTVFloribamaShore
@GeoffKeith: Wren even made @KirkMedas's hair orgasm. @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@LilBitSouth: I freakin love Kirk and Wren ok I might believe in love again after this episode of #MTVFloribamaShore @KirkMedas
@B_lashess: Can’t wait to see @KirkMedas gf she’s a smoke show  #mtvfloribamashore
@KirkMedas: "@machristy6992: Can we make wren an official cast member? I love her and @KirkMedas together!  @FloribamaShore" RT God no lol I wanna keep her in my life forever
@JeremiahBuoni: I don’t know how I got put in the back of the car #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: I still have my snow suit and probably will never wear it again! Putting it up on my poshmark soon!  #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of her on sled)
@pimpfrydrice: We look like coked out astronauts #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@KirkMedas: Love you too @aimeehall1001  #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: .@aimeehall1001 why’d you have to do @KirkMedas like that #MTVFloribamaShore
- @KirkMedas: @JeremiahBuoni Right 
@ItsMsHawkins2u: @codibutts has THEE BEST ski outfit on! Werrrrrk Hunny!!!! #fashionista #mtvfloribamashore 
@JeremiahBuoni: Who do you think is gonna win the cook off? #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Wren really does bring out the best in Kirk  #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: Dame Time 
@nillythesquid: I’m Panamanian I’m always worried if the food has enough seasoning on it lol  #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I do love some salmon! #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: Cook off let’s go  @FloribamaShore  #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: I’m hungry now for some salmon @JeremiahBuoni @FloribamaShore @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon  #mtvfloribamashore
- @codibutts: @missnatalienunn True .@JeremiahBuoni is always hungry! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @missnatalienunn I know right?! #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: I absolutely love Wren for @KirkMedas she brings the best out of him @FloribamaShore #Mtvfloribamashore
@codibutts: @KirkMedas salmon is good. #MTVFloribamaShore
@dawn_sides: everyone needs a @KirkMedas in their life! #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: Uh oh!! #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of him watching dinner tension)
- @FloribamaShore: @JeremiahBuoni Same. #MTVFloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @FloribamaShore I’m glad it’s not just me #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: It was a joke! #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: Oh god #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Well y'all, it was nice while it lasted! Welcome to the bam, Wren. #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of Nilsa)
@nillythesquid: So the women can’t cook but me and @pimpfrydrice stay in the kitchen cooking... noted.  #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I was calling anyone out! #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: All you gotta do is hear someone say some sh*t under their breath... it's a wrap! #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF of Candace reacting)
@JeremiahBuoni: Get me outta here #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: My fiancé loves the home cooked meals I cook... and so does every one else that that tries my recipes or cooking #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: I’m sorry Wren lmao #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: #MTVFloribamaShore  (GIF: "I think we're going there!")
@JeremiahBuoni: Sorry Wren!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: This is not how I wanted to spend my vacation... #MTVFloribamaShore
@ohno_michael: Get em @pimpfrydrice #MTVFloribamaShore
@StephanieYu: #MTVFloribamaShore @pimpfrydrice I love you so much! You real!
@SlasherDiva: @pimpfrydrice One thing you NEVER do is tell a woman to CALM DOWN! #FloribamaShore
@BlackWrestling2: Don’t y’all start with my favorite @pimpfrydrice EVER!!! #mtvfloribamashore
@BlackWrestling2: At least when @pimpfrydrice “Runs Away” hall don’t need a search party for her #MTVFloribamaShore 
@KatelynMascoto: I noticed, and now I can’t unnoticed #MTVFloribamaShore @pimpfrydrice
@jesvibin: @pimpfrydrice “if you’re going to talk about somebody, SPECIFY who you’re talking about” EXACTLY SIS 🗣 #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: First of all... If you gon talk s___, put the s___ talking with a name.  That irritates me #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@scvagemami: Kinda crazy how @pimpfrydrice don’t need one of those search parties, and it was best for her to walk away before she get turned up on somebody. #MTVFloribamaShore #FloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: I hate arguing with @pimpfrydrice more than anything. We both so hard headed and never understand each other when mad  #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfrydrice: Welp here I go fighting with all the dudes again... #Checkmate @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@B_lashess: Is that what bareback means?! #MTVFloribamaShore
@B_lashess: This squad on horses terrifies me a little not gonna lie  #mtvfloribamashore
@B_lashess: These snow outfits SLAPPPP #MTVFloribamaShore
@B_lashess: Couple GOALS #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: Hahahha home schoolers are good at weird activities Hahahha @FloribamaShore  #MTVFloribamaShore

@FloribamaShore: It's time for a change of scenery. The bam is packing their bags on next Thursday's #MTVFloribamaShore!
- @JeremiahBuoni: @FloribamaShore CANT WAIT!! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @nillythesquid: @FloribamaShore Time to get tf out of the snow! #MTVFloribamaShore
@495Prods: That went well  Time for some fun in the sun.  Thanks for watching  See you next week for an all new #MTVFloribamaShore on @MTV @aimeehall1001 @pimpfrydrice @codibutts @GusSmyrnios @JeremiahBuoni @KirkMedas @nillythesquid @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon

💖    💖    💖


It is very much clear that Tampa Bay has become the City of Champions: the Lightning won their second Stanley Cup last year, the Rays made it to the World Series shortly after and, of course, the Buccaneers and Tom Brady won Super Bowl LV. The city itself hosted that historic Super Bowl back in February as the Bucs became the first to win the NFL Championship in their own stadium since the Packers in the pre-Super Bowl era, and last week Raymond James Stadium hosted another big event.

The biggest night in pro wrestling, World Wrestling Entertainment's WrestleMania, held its 37th annual edition last weekend at Ray Jay, which marked the promotion's first event in front of a live crowd since just before the pandemic's outbreak a year ago last March. Last year's WrestleMania was also slated for Tampa last year before it, all other WWE events and its weekly TV shows were taken in behind closed doors and without fans. And as it was for SB LV, the 2021 event was held in a limited capacity but sold out stadium and on two nights, attracting over 51,000 across the weekend.

WrestleMania XXXVII was the first in up to two decades to not include two of the WWE's biggest stars in John Cena and Brock Lesner, and also the first since its fourth edition in 1988 to not have either Triple H, The Undertaker or Shawn Michaels as part of the main card. But this weekend was still historic: women and African-Americans headlined the event as Bianca Belair took down Sasha Banks to take the Women's Championship in the SmackDown division, and Bobby Lashley successfully defended the WWE Championship over Drew McIntyre. Of the most interest to MTV fans was the man who lost his title belt two months ago, former WWE champ Mike "The Miz" Mizanin, would fare in a tag-team match with partner John Morrison against music sensation Bad Bunny & partner Damian Priest -- and the 24/7 Champ upset the two-time Challenge champ.

One interested spectator on night 1 of WrestleMania 37 in Tampa last Saturday night was Pauly Paul of Siesta Key, who himself is a fan of WWE as well as the UFC. He got to share with his Instagram followers the experience of being there at the WWE's return to competing in front of fans through his stories and the pic below of being right near all the action in the ring and on the floor of Ray Jay. He also had to endure the rainstorm that halted the action for a bit, as well as of when the wrestlers came on stage at the beginning to thank the fans for their support, accompanied by a recorded message by head honcho Vince McMahon.

The Miz is one who has the fortune of being on TV just as often as The Challenge in not only WWE but also his own reality show with wife Maryse and their two kids... and he's also an interested viewer in how his fellow All-Stars are doing. Coming up later on here, we'll head down to Argentina as things get fiery and icy -- quite literally in the sun... we hope you'll join us then.


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