Sunday, September 22, 2013

DC SocialPulse - RIVALS II: As They Saw It - Part 2

*** Reader Advisory: The Following Post Contains
Adult Language. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
By DC Cueva

It's the weekend and the countdown to The Challenge: Rivals II finale continues. But for a moment, a chance to send well wishes to two relatively recent members of the Real World/Challenge family on big news they both revealed on the same day as the last full day of summer, September 21. First, Mike Ross from RW: Back to Las Vegas & finalist on the first Rivals Challenge, announced that he is now engaged to his girlfriend, Taylor, with the successful proposal taking place last night in their new home of San Diego. And just moments later across the country, Brandon Kane, the resident rock star from RW St. Thomas, announced that he is a new father, posting a pic of his companion's new baby, Charlotte, who gave birth in Boston. So, much congratulations to you two.
   Now to Rivals II: we've had just about everything you could want in a great Challenge season: all-star cast, exciting action, huge fights & house drama, big twists out of left field, and an epic final that could crown deserving champions when we finally finish on Wednesday. It's been so exciting, that for the first time in the history of everdom (taking Dustin Zito's word for it), a Challenge season will be officially released on DVD at the MTV Shop at and preorders are starting to be taken. And while we're officially transitioning into fall this weekend and Halloween decorations are already up in your nearest supermarket, it's not too early to say that this will be at the very top of the wish list of every Challenge/RW fan this holiday season.
   In our last DC SocialPulse post on Saturday, we covered the tweets of the cast as they saw episodes 2, 3 & 4, which saw Cara Maria arrive, Sarah getting screwed yet again after her partner leaves following one of two house fights, a girl's fear of ketchup, and Team Rookies' takeover. Today, we'll look at episodes 5, 6 & 7, where we see a mere technicality become responsible for the season's most heartbreaking moment, the cruel reality of backstabbing making its way into Thailand, and one of the best elimination battles in Challenge history as the Portlanders earn credibility in their rookie campaign.
   As we start, note there is explicit language in many tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. Please read with discretion if you are mature enough. :-) So, here we go, beginning with the eventful Episode 5, which also includes my tweet chat with one of the parties involved as I watched the drama of what happened at the end unfold.

EP05: Hashtags, Zach Breaks Down, Marshmellows, Thrown Votes and Heartbreak
@MTVBananas: Tonight's episode of #Rivals2 is sure to give your heart attack a stroke! @MTV
@JDeezyMTV: Who's got their #Rivals2 checklist complete? 1. 30 Pack, 2. Have some friends over, 3. Popcorn, 4. Follows Me, 5. And cable is still on
@Knight_MTV: Challenge #rivals2 its gonna be wild
@MTVBananas: Getcha popcorn ready! RT @hannahteter: Turning on @MTV to watch some #Rivals2 action ! I bet @mtvbananas kicks sum @ss:-)
@EmFitMTV: Rivals 2!!!!!!
@MTVBananas: Batten down the hatches, hide the women and children.... IT'S CHALLENGE TIME! #Rivals2 @MTV
@CaraMariaMTV: it's time. @mtv #THECHALLENGE #RIVALS2
@jonnamtv: Challenge time! Turn on @MTV now! #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: Well @WesMTV your mother's worst nightmare just came true... Another you! Ha ha #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: Thatta girl @TheresaMTV way to make your papa proud! Ha ha! #Rivals2
@RobbMTV: Everyone picking on the ging! #Rivals2
@MTVTrey: Not sure what it feels like to be an uncle, but I imagine it's a pretty awesome feeling. Happy my friend has a healthy nephew. #Rivals2
@PrestoMagicmtv: I think @ZachMTV  is the absolute cutest. A man with real emotions! #Rivals2
@jonnamtv: Hahaha I don't think @RoyLee25mtv is the LEAST bit insecure.
@BusDriversRoute: The Challenge represents the Circle of Life. @TheresaMTV and @RoyLee25mtv hooking up with @ZachMTV becoming an uncle. Deep stuff.
@RobbMTV: From one red head to another.. I think they're all just jealous @WesMTV
@JDeezyMTV: Man it's bout to get crazy in the #Rivals2 house
@WesMTV: Yes, I was very burnt. Not by the insults, but by the sun. I'm a ginger and it was Thailand.  Give me a break :)
@RobbMTV: This challenge looks sooooooo dope #Rivals2 ..twinkle toes @MTVDerek would fly right through
@CookeMTV: Shockkkk!!
@WesMTV: I had to stop working on the software I was programming to watch this episode. @MTVBananas had to tell his mom to change the channel.
@CaraMariaMTV: first to go again @CookeMTV -showing everyone how to do it once again.
@laurelstucky: Hah this challenge is hilarious.
@JDeezyMTV: Oh yuh swinging marshmallows #Rivals2
@RobbMTV: @JazMTV you and @TheresaMTV killed that shiiiiiiit
@CookeMTV: Really cuz how many people swung at us??
@laurelstucky: Bang bang i keel u.
@Knight_MTV: Kind of a fun challenge a lot harder then it thought
@NanyMTV: @EmFitMTV gave me the look of death, and I legitimately jumped off the beam #rememberitlikeitwasyesterday #Rivals2
@TheresaMTV: Ekk sneaky sneaky!! Thanks Girls!! #Rivals2
@MtvJess: Yikes! #Rivals2
@jonnamtv: I think that was my motivation every challenge.. "At least I didn't get my weave wet"
@laurelstucky: "Damnit Trey." -@zachmtv
@RobbMTV: "You're the younger brother you have to choose"
@MTVTrey: This one falls on me. I'm better than that. But mistakes happen. We just get back up and head on to the next challenge. #Rivals2
@JordanMTV: Punk Biotch #Rivals2
@MTV: Vets beware, these rookies aren't playing around! @JordanMTV @JDeezyMTV
@JDeezyMTV: Hell yuh #TeamRookies make it all the way across with every team swinging at us
@TheMarkLong: That's it, my #Duel3 training officially starts right now. @bunimmurray @mtv
@CandiceCam: I love seeing everyone on Twitter #TheChallenge #Rivals2 #Commentaries
@MTVBananas: Yeah @Knight_MTV and @PrestoMagicmtv who's got your back! #Rivals2
@JemmyeMTV: I'm sorry #teamsubtitles won that.
@WesMTV: "Good things happen to good people" is effin right! I guess that's why I'm not a garbage man.
@MtvJess: Goooo boys!!!!!! #rookies @JDeezyMTV @JordanMTV
@EmFitMTV: Might have ended our winning streak but I have my helmet on the right way! #rivals2
@Knight_MTV: "@MTVBananas: Yeah @Knight_MTV and @PrestoMagicmtv who's got your back! #Rivals2" thanks my man a true friend I made from Thailand
@JazMTV: Thanks to all the girl for giving us that win and 1000 @TheresaMTV #thanksbitches xoxo #Rivals2
@Knight_MTV: #rivals2 just got down to the shit where friends see friends in elimination
@CookeMTV: Yea well now that @TheresaMTV and @JazMTV won... Who will go first next time!? #dontmaketoomanypromises
@RoyLee25mtv: @WesMTV I own u bro... U remember ---> #BattleOfTheExes ???
@MTVtrey: At the end of the day, I think @ZachMTV and I are a team that nobody wants to go up against. #Rivals2
@JemmyeMTV: I know this girl is not trying to get my boys into the jungle... Ummmm girl sit down somewhere
@JordanMTV: That's cute the vets helping each other Gotta love a good ol fashioned rookie takeover! #Rivals2 #TeamRookies
@JemmyeMTV: You can't vote for somebody you are banging. Challenge rule number oneeeeee
@laurelstucky: WOW. Now this is a Challenge. This episode is good.
@JemmyeMTV: damn Theresa fucked @RoyLee25mtv  literally and figuratively... She is not a ride or dieeee I see....
@Knight_MTV: Girls do not know how to burn votes#rivals2
@RobbMTV: This voting is going down on my brain so hard. #BlowingMyMind #Rivals2 @MTV
@QueenBirdness: Yikes, things are getting interesting. #Rivals2
@JemmyeMTV: I'm ride or die for my ex and you can't even be ride or die for the dude banging you. The fuck?????
@TheresaMTV: Oooo SNaP Crackle POP!!!
@MTVBananas: Damn @RoyLee25mtv you must be doing something wrong dude! #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Man that was a shocker. Rookies live through another week. #Rivals2
@WesMTV: This episode made it look like Theresa was an idiot. That was only half of it. I will take credit for the other half, thank you very much.
@CookeMTV: Don't worry boo if you come back we still won't vote u in @RoyLee25mtv #teamvegas
@JemmyeMTV: American flag everything in honor of my bestie @ZachMTV
@EmileeMTV: GIRLS... a throw away vote when you're first isn't a throw away vote.
@CaraMariaMTV: everyone should have given @ZachMTV what he wanted. Johnny can't protect all you girls, you will get skrewed as usual at some point. #sheep
@EmFitMTV: And this is why certain teams DON'T win challenges... #neveragainladies
@EmFitMTV: A "throwaway" vote isn't the way to start a vote EVER. Dumb.
@JazMTV: FYI we didn't seal there fate into the jungle another girl team made it official!! #yeaISaid #Rivals2 #diem
@laurelstucky: Yayyyyy!!!!!!! This is fun.
@laurelstucky: Ps you guys. Just wait. This episode GETS BETTER.
@EmileeMTV: Life's hard get a helmet. #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: Hold your breath America... Shit's about to get weird! #Rivals2
@AneesaMTV: That was such an intense elimination. #rivals2
@Knight_MTV: He missed frank with that helmet throw @JordanMTV took it off the dome like a man
@jonnamtv: OMG another twist?? @tjlavin what's going on??"
@TyrieBMTV: Lmfao Zach threw that helmet hard as fuck
@EmileeMTV: I feel for @ZachMTV. No one gave him who he wanted, he won fair and square... I'd say fuck you too.
@MtvJess: Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!! No way!!!!! #Rivals2
@MTVtrey: I'm disappointed in the decision but there's nothing I can do about it. I gave it my best shot. And I'll be back...
@MTVBananas: In Zack and Treys defense this elimination was mentally challenging too. It required the ability to count to four! #Rivals2 @MTV
@JDeezyMTV: Man I know they weren't expecting them to come back. Game changer #Rivals2
@MTVtrey: Each Challenge brings new surprises. In #Rivals2, I gained a new friend I never thought I would have. That was pretty cool...
@JazMTV: @MTVtrey you did good luv!! And I'm glad we got to know each other more!! Xoxo #teamgreen #Rivals2
@MTVtrey: Also, thank you for the love & support throughout ALL of my seasons. It means the world to me. I really appreciate it.
@LaToyaJMTV: Karma is a real baaaaad bixch. Doesn't pay to be disrespectful.
@laurelstucky: And that, my friends, is a challenge.
@MTVFrankSweeney: Unfortunately, this is why #TheChallenge is so hard. You go in with someone who has your back and leave with dagger scars.
@MTVFrankSweeney: Who should go? A team that has never posed a threat or the guy I called my "best friend" who said he's out to get me & my team? #Exactly
@Knight_MTV: Lost my brother today in #rivals2 ill rep with the American flag bandana for him
@MTVBananas: It's always nice to see a few minutes of the challenge mixed in between all those commercials! #Rivals2 @mtv
@JordanMTV: It would only be fitting to win #Duel3 if @TheMarkLong competed! I wouldn't have it any other way! @bunimmurray @mtv #oldschool #legend
@jonnamtv: Good show. Fun challenge, intense elimination round, and big surprise on the end. @MTV #Rivals2
@EmFitMTV: Ummm wtf just happened
@JazMTV: Damn people going hard tonight on Twitter. I'll be at the bars don't got time for this #austin
@CookeMTV: Holy sh1t that teaser was cray!!!! #rivals2
@CaraMariaMTV: random fact: the confessional rooms were about 100 degrees and humid. we were sweating balls in there. #TheChallenge #Rivals2 #ImMelting
@ToriFiorenza: Who in the world throws away a vote??? #whatjusthappened Nice game play @DiemBrownMTV!!
@NanyMTV: @RealityRadioPod @Chet_Cannon supposed to be a \"throwaway vote\"We thought for sure the last 2 teams would never vote for them. Thought wrong
@RobinHibbard14: What total mistake girls don't y'all talk and make decisions to help y'all next week. #Rivals2
@katie_ambrosio8: @WesMTV and @TheOfficial_CT are laughing together? Having a good time? What is the world coming too?! #Rivals2
@lynzsmits: I think it's so cute when the guys wear each others jerseys!!! @Knight_MTV @ZachMTV #Rivals2 #bromance
@EmileeMTV: And the plot thickens. #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: @RoyLee25mtv so ur tellin me there's a chance!?!? #DumbAndDumber reference
@EmilleMTV: SUCKKKKKKKKKKKKS. So many twists and turns this challenge. But now Tim Riggins can go home and claim his golden god of a nephew! #Rivals2
@JazMTV: I can tell from tweets what happened!! Next time pay attention to the rules!! #Rivals2
@PrestoMagicmtv: What a challenge shake up! #Rivals2
@EmileeMTV: Now, which vag is @RoyLee25mtv coming back to slay with a mighty vengeance? TIME WILL TELL. #Rivals2
@DiemBrownMTV: I dont throw votes away @AneesaMTV told @RoyLee25mtv &ty before deliberation that we were voting for them bc we were last on their save list
@DC408DXTR: Oh my god, are you kidding me?!? @MTVtrey @ZachMTV are disqualified for not following the rules. This is absolutely heartbreaking. #Rivals2
@DC408DXTR: @MTVtrey oh my gosh, my heart just breaks for you bud. You & @ZachMTV won that thing fair & square and then this awful DQ. Very unfortunate.
@MTVTrey: @dc408dxtr it was really hard to watch it again
@DC408DXTR: @MTVtrey yeah I feel you man. Now you have this as your motivation to try & turn this ordeal into eventually winning a future Challenge.
@DC408DXTR: @MTVtrey and you're not alone, some Challenge big names have used failures in one Challenge into eventually winning in a future season.
@Knight_MTV: It's like u wanna date him frank damn jealous of other ppls relationship @ZachMTV .......
@AneesaMTV: hope you guys enjoyed the episode. It's only gonna get better. Stay tuned #rivals2
@JordanMTV: Tonight's challenge was dope af. Rookies put on a #Rivals2 clinic up there aaand lucky enough to see two good teams in the jungle. Night all
@AshleeFeldman: So many things to say but I'm taking the high road. I'm on Zach's team no matter what. Bottom line it's a game. Eff everybody.
@ZachMTV: My deepest apologies to @MTVtrey because of me he had to go home, and nobody deserved to be there more. He's a true class act. @MTV
@MTVTrey: .@ZachMTV I appreciate that bro but you don't owe me any apology. We were a team. Thanks for putting our differences aside and working w/ me

EP06: Frenamies, Shadiness, More Backstabbing and Revenge Bites Back
@JazMTV: Who's ready for #Rivals2 tonight? Everrboddy can get it tonight and EVERRBODDY will!! *black girl tongue pop* lol #Rivals2 TUNE IN!
@MTVFrankSweeney: Tonight's challenge on #Rivals2 is the shadiest! @RuPaul would be proud. Catch it at 10pm on @MTV. #SomeOfTheseGirlsLookLikeDragStars
@JazMTV: "Revenge is a dish Best not Serve" #rivals2  I have a feeling shit is about to get real tonight! @mtv #teamfiesty
@NanyMTV: Who's watching #Rivals2 tonight?
@JordanMTV: My timeline tells me it's time for @MTV and a NEW episode of @TheChallengeMTV #Rivals2 #rookietakeover
@AneesaMTV: Thailand sun makes you squint your ass off
@MTV: Spoken like a true player @TheresaMTV "No matter what goes on in this game, you have to play to win!" #WatchYourBack #HustleUp #Rivals2
@JazMTV: I hate heights!!! My falls are painful and hurt!!! #Rivals2
@CaraMariaMTV: The girls who are hanging... can sign to the boys watching... who can give signals to the girls giving answers. coughcoughJOHNNY #cheaters
@MTVBananas: TRIVIA?! HA HA! These girls are so fucked! #Rivals2
@JazMTV: Hmmm we shall see how true to his word he really is!!
@NanyMTV: This challenge got so dirty #TrueColors #Rivals
@JazMTV: Bitches can dish it but sum can't take it!! #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: Yeah so is it fair now that I have a partner I just met.. what like a week and a half ago!? @CaraMariaMTV #rookieproblems #icanneverwin
@CookeMTV: I don't get the whole be friends with everyone thing... Hello it's a competition?? #athleteproblems
@MTVBananas: Believe it or not, this is the shortest amount of time most of these chicks have spent on their backs! @mtv #Rivals2
@MtvJess: Uh ohhhhh #dramastarter #rivals2 #frenamies
@MTVtrey: Hey @ZachMTV, I know it doesn't matter now, but what would you have said is my best body part? Be honest!!!
@MTVFrankSweeney: @MTVBananas This could hardest challenge yet... Trying to understand the mind of Johnny Bonnblehead. #Wobble #Wobble #Rivals2
@JemmyeMTV: Don't talk about the girls who have your back.. #girlcode
@MtvJess: We may just have the @MTVBananas show @mtv
@JazMTV: Fuck off!! And ur bobblehead :) RT @MTVBananas: Yeah @JazMTV ! And I hope a shark bites you! #Rivals2
@AneesaMTV: I'm not trashy, I just have a trashy mouth. There is a difference
@MtvJess: Ct playing politics so well #rivals2
@MTV: "Bravo politician sir, you played that card well." Props to @theofficial_CT for pleading the 5th. #Rivals2
@JemmyeMTV: Yes bitch we want you
@WesMTV: Frank is not a liar and has very good taste
@JDeezyMTV: Aww Johnny shut up we've been playing by our own rules and been doing good.
@MTVBananas: I guess its safe to say we know @mtvfranksweeney s type. Freckly and gingery! #Rivals2
@JordanMTV: @WesMTV and @TheOfficial_CT  Y'all had that routine on LOCK! #precision #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: Whattttt? Not going in the jungle this week @CaraMariaMTV !? Sweet
@JazMTV: Bring it on!! #Rivals2
@TheresaMTV: Scrub. @JordanMTV #Rivals2 .... O u too Scrub. @Knight_MTV
@JDeezyMTV: They didn't expect that vote to go like that. #Rivals2
@JazMTV: Yep I said it!#!! And what!!# #Rivals2
@CaraMariaMTV: @CookeMTV - funny, when we go in... it's just business as usual. when someone else gets voted in ...all  hell breaks loose. #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: @CaraMariaMTV remember when we got voted in the jungle we were like \uD83D\uDE37 no comment/don't talk to me orrrr - whoo! We're going to the jungle!
@JDeezyMTV: They so mad when they didn't have our back the whole game
@JDeezyMTV: All I'm gonna say is if you weren't there keep your strategy to yourself. You weren't called to compete so play your role .... Spectator.
@JordanMTV: @TheresaMTV still sorry about that move; and still genuinely like you. Just wasn't the best move for my team.. #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: That was bootyology 101 for you #Rivals2 fans
@CookeMTV: My dad jus claimed @NanyMTV is saving herself for him in case he gets divorced haha
@JazMTV: Dont fuck with #teamfiesty @TheresaMTV
@CookeMTV: #nevertrustawhore #3oh!3
@JemmyeMTV: Repping that #bostonstrong on my arm
@NanyMTV: Thank you @jdeezymtv for that 20 second clip regarding my ass LOL
@JazMTV: I rint give too fucks that everyone is against me. None of them cheered for us!! #suckmyballs
@JazMTV: So disappointing to fall err #Rivals2
@MtvJess: Yikes! #rivals2
@CookeMTV: I remember this differently... I'm pretty sure @JemmyeMTV and @CamilaMTV killed it and dominated them.. #inmyopinion
@JazMTV: Not every black person can play basketball lol #Rivals2 I was a cheerleader yell
@Knight_MTV: I think that was a wake up call for the girls watching @JemmyeMTV and @CamilaMTV in the elimination #nicewingirls #beworried #Rivals2
@JazMTV: Sucks to be going home!!
@JazMTV: I am proud of me and my partner!! I did this challenge within weeks of burying my father had no time to grieve!! I played one hell of agame
@JazMTV: I did this challenge for my dad and I know he would he would be hella proud of me & @TheresaMTV for being REAL! #Rivals2
@TheresaMTV: Peace Out-Girl Scouts
@JazMTV: It was fun kids!! But my time is up on #RIVALS2 Don't worry I plan to come back n the future cause I got BITCHES & DUDES to DEAL WITH!
@JazMTV: @TheresaMTV love you girl!! By far the best partner ive ever had!! I would do another challenge with you any day!! #teamfiesty
@MTVtrey: Definitely sucks sitting at home watching your other roommates compete. Feels like I should still be there. Tough pill to swallow
@TheOfficial_CT: #bostonstrong
@MTVFrankSweeney: Dear @MTV if you really want to unleash the beast, I need my partner in crime @MARIEMTV by my side every #Challenge. #RideOrDie
@RoyLee25MTV: When it comes to #TheChallenge I feel 100% that @MTVBananas is the BEST PLAYER in the game.. Nothing against anyway else.. But it's true
@MTVDerek: I love seeing true colors come out on #rivals2 ..
@MTVDerek: @RobbMTV we would have killed this challenge. .I know u in and out buddy #frenemies #rivals2
@RobbMTV: "@MTVDerek: @RobbMTV we would have killed this challenge. .I know u in and out buddy #frenemies #rivals2" totes agreeeeeee

EP07: A Shocking Challenge, Frank Shocks Jordan & Rookies Shock Everyone
@JDeezyMTV: MTV #Rivals2 tnight. Make sure you are watching me and the homie @JordanMTV #TeamRookies
@MTVFrankSweeney: Uh oh. Tonight's #Rivals2 ep is called "Crossing Jordan." Looks like @JordanMTV & I are turning shit up. #WhenFriendsBecomeEnemies
@JordanMTV: It's @MTV #Challengeday TONIGHT! #Teamrookies are putting on another clinic, better check it out! #Rivals2
@NanyMTV: I'm excited for everyone to see mine & @JonnaMTV's outstanding performance on tonight's episode of #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Definitely hype about tonights episode of #Rivals2 I get to show my true skills. Then @JordanMTV definitely shows he's no underdog!
@jonnamtv: Can't wait for tonight's episode #Rivals2 #killinit :)
@JazMTV: I hear tonights episode of RIVALS II should be shockkkking good time!! #Rivals2
@EmFitMTV: Tonight might be my favorite episode. #Rivals2 @paulawalnutsMTV
@paulawalnutsMTV: It's Wednesday ...@MTV  you know what that means #Rivals2 #tuneinorelse
@TheMarkLong: Another #EXCITING episode of #MTV #RIVALS2 #CHALLENGE going down tonight. @mtv
@JDeezyMTV: Going into #BeastMode tnight for #Rivals2 you better be watching.
@CookeMTV: Watching live with you guys tonight! Never know what's on the ep so I'm just as \"shocked\" as u guys! Pun intended! #Rivals2
@JordanMTV: Looks like tonight's episode is called "Crossing Jordan" ...This should be interesting! #Rivals2 @MTV #Challengeday
@DiemBrownMTV: Here we go its #Rivals2 time... Whoo hoo ;)
@MTVBananas: When @mtvfranksweeney refers to me as his partner it has a different ring to it for some reason? RT
@MTVBananas: Just what the doctor ordered... ELECTRO SHOCK THERAPY! #Rivals2
@DiemBrownMTV: "After a glass of wine she'll run" - @AneesaMTV lol umm lol Tru Tru #Rivals2 @MTV
@AneesaMTV: This is not comfortable at all. Dog shock collars really!!!!
@DiemBrownMTV: Dog Collar #ShockTherapy oh yeah @MTV loves us esp when we are twitching ;) @BunimMurray #Rivals2 ... This is a great @Peta episode ;)
@JordanMTV: @DiemBrownMTV That's why I always picked YOU to run w Hun! @mtv
@DiemBrownMTV: Wait this is coming from running man himself ... #RunForestRun @mtv RT @JordanMTV Diem CAN literally run forever though.. #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: I hate blindfolds
@MtvJess: Go #teampdx @JordanMTV @JDeezyMTV #rivals2
@WesMTV: That was a really awkward  hug
@AneesaMTV: Angry cara is hilarious
@AshleyMarieMTV: It's so much more fun watching THE CHALLENGE when your not on it!! Haha
@DC408DXTR: @AshleyMarieMTV nothing like watching it like the rest of us & observing it from the couch watching these people you know very well #Rivals2
@AshleyMarieMTV: @dc408dxtr I know, I love it!!!
@JDeezyMTV: Dang I was pissed
 @MtvJess: This is hilarious if you're not there! #Rivals
@mtvfranksweeney: What. A. SHOCKING. Challenge. #HadTo #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: I still don't understand why the dog is there
@AneesaMTV: Omg @paulawalnutsMTV is so damn funny
@JordanMTV: Hahaha thanks for the help @MTVBananas #bigmouth #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: @CaraMariaMTV baby steps lol I love how we always have a post challenge review of our performance and how we can improve lol
@EmFitMTV: I've never laughed so much in a challenge. Or squealed.
@ayiiia_mtv: Pookies excited to have the tables turned. @CaraMariaMTV is going to kill this challenge. She does this for fun! #rivals2 @MTV
@MtvJess: Lmao poor Ty and LeRoy! #rivals2
@AneesaMTV: @RoyLee25mtv and Ty are really the blind leading the blind haha
@MTVBananas: Judging by @RoyLee25mtv sense of direction he might have been a woman in a past life. #Rivals2
@DiemBrownMTV: No we Both had dog collars on our ankles and on our wrists @AneesaMTV had like burn marks after we were done  #Rivals2 @alyssarotondo @MTV
@Knight_MTV: Never laughed so hard then I did watching @NanyMTV and@jonnamtv
@MTVBananas: Killed that challenge... Must be the dawg in me! #Rivals2
@CookeMTV: I love you @NanyMTV lol
@AneesaMTV: Wow @NanyMTV and @jonnamtv too funny
@jonnamtv: Welpppp so much for sucking..
@jonnamtv: @tjlavin calling @NanyMTV and I out..
@JDeezyMTV: Wow @NanyMTV & @jonnamtv what happened on that?
@NanyMTV: "it just wasn't our day" #fuckcommunication I love you @jonnamtv
@JemmyeMTV: @CamilaMTV had me but I had my boys @PrestoMagicmtv @Knight_MTV
@AneesaMTV: Yeah finally a win!!!!!
@Knight_MTV: @CamilaMTV thanks for pulling us threw that saved my ass #respect
@MTVBananas: Victory is ours! Now let's deliberate.... #Rivals2
@DiemBrownMTV: Yea doing a lil happy dance jig lol ode to Johnny depp @CaraMariaMTV you like my Alice in Wonderland jig dance? ;) #ImABigNerd @MTV #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Aaaaahhhhh we didn't win. How's the voting gonna go!?
@mtvfranksweeney: Me and my "main man" @MTVBananas pulling off another win. #Rivals2
@CamilaMTV: A few shock collar all over my body aint got absolutely nothing on me... I got a Brazilian woman for a mother!  #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: Time for some good old fashioned bananas strong arm tactics! #Rivals2
@JordanMTV: That's a sweet target on our backs eh @JDeezyMTV ?? #Rivals2
@AneesaMTV: I hope y'all see me sprinting in the background #unmotivatedmyass
@JemmyeMTV: The sociopath makes an appearance... Way overdue
@JDeezyMTV: Oh yuh how much of a competitor are you to keep a week team around for a easy win.
@JDeezyMTV: Aww look at good old Frank going off like a lil punk
@mtvfranksweeney: @JDeezyMTV So funny! I've never had anything to say about you, but my names always in your mouth. Are you sad it's just my name? #FallBack
@JDeezyMTV: @mtvfranksweeney aww is this your desperate attempt to keep yourself relevant for more shows.
@MTVBananas: Watch out Franken-weenie has finally arisen! #ItsAlive @mtvfranksweeney
@mtvfranksweeney: My ratchet side is coming out. OOOP. #Rivals2
@JordanMTV: I love the smell of a fresh elimination in the air!! #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Awww rookies going in. #Rivals2
@JordanMTV: #Warpaint #Rivals2
@Knight_MTV: My girls got my back #Rivals2
@mtvfranksweeney: I'm never wearing clothes during arguments? Shirt off, attitude out. #Rivals2
@MTVFrankSweeney: I love these Tweets about me being "dramatic." 7 episodes, 2 scuffles. Am I watching the same show as y'all? #Rivals2 #BoringBitches
@CookeMTV: Sometimes you gotta stop and listen to the ocean #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: This vote was stupid
@RobbMTV: The only person a reasonable mind should root for at this point is @WesMTV strictly due his gingerness. #Rivals2
@WesMTV: Still zero votes for our team for the entire season
@JDeezyMTV: That's why the vets sweating #TeamRookies cuz we don't back down
@MTVBananas: All is fair in love, war, and challenges! #Rivals2
@BillSimmons: Johnny Bananas is aging like a fine wine.
@busdriversroute: This Jungle is giving me the same juices as @ZachMTV and @CJKoegelMTV from last season. #EPIC
@JDeezyMTV: Aww they talking such a good game
@DiemBrownMTV: Awe funny this happens every challenge... its like a tradition #WrestlingMatches @MTV #Rivals2
@ToriFiorenza: This should be a good Jungle! #Rivals2 #MTV
@MTVBananas: Ladies and gentlemen, we've got ourselves good old fashioned HEAD BANGER!!! #Rivals2
@mtvfranksweeney: So where's my wrestling match with @JordanMTV? Y'all wanted to see a fight right?#FuckEditing #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Who really wants this money? Elimination round on deck @JordanMTV  #TeamRookies
@MtvJess: Noooooo #rookies go in
@JDeezyMTV: These vets think we punks. Nothing thing coming #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Come on now the linebacker and @JordanMTV aka Clark Kent that's game over #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: Here comes the #BOOM #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Leh go
@AneesaMTV: I'm nervous
@JDeezyMTV: Was that a body slam by me
@JordanMTV: #OklahomaDrill @JDeezyMTV #Rivals2
@MTVBananas: These eliminations give me goose bumps! #Rivals2
@DiemBrownMTV: MOST INTENSE ELIMINATION EVER!!! Sooo nerve racking! @MTV #Rivals2 being southern I LOVE me some football drills but #OklahomaDrill huh?
@JDeezyMTV: Beast Mode
@Knight_MTV: Good get @JDeezyMTV and @JordanMTV
@jonnamtv: #teamblue
@JDeezyMTV: Uh oh what's it gonna come down to
@CookeMTV: Best jungle yet.
@MTVBananas: Wait, who won?! #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Held that boy Ty down! He wasn't getting to that bell easy!
@MtvJess: Lets go @JDeezyMTV @JordanMTV #Rivals2
@MtvJess: Crickets #Rivals2
@JazMTV: What is the Oklahoma drill crap I see on my TL about #Rivals2? But it's all about TEXAS #texaspride
@Knight_MTV: All u dudes good ass round @RoyLee25mtv @ty @JordanMTV @JDeezyMTV
@NanyMTV: We were the only team that didn't vote Marlon & Jordan into the jungle. Will that backfire?  #Rivals2
@MtvJess: GO ROOKIES @JordanMTV @JDeezyMTV
@Knight_MTV: Whose gonna win this #rivals2
@paulawalnutsMTV: This is the craziest #jungle ever!!!
@NanyMTV: Marlon was my best friend in that house, he knows I would've never thrown him in. Ever. @JDeezyMTV
@DC408DXTR: Oh! @JDeezyMTV @JordanMTV win one of the best elimination battles we've ever seen on #TheChallenge. #TeamRookies, you killed it! #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: #TeamRookies all day @JordanMTV we did it big!
@MtvJess: I think my whole house just screamed! @JordanMTV ha ha freakin love y'all @JDeezyMTV #SoProud #rookies
@MTVBananas: Hell of a way to get your feet wet boys!  @JordanMTV @JDeezyMTV #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: If they're not scared they better be #TeamRookies #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Straight choked Ty out
@JDeezyMTV: I gotta say coming back from my first elimination was the best feeling ever! #Rivals2
 @JDeezyMTV: I guess football helped a lil but
@JDeezyMTV: 1 more week of survival feels great! #Rivals2 never gets old!
@JordanMTV: @JDeezyMTV Never. Stops. #Rivals2
@JDeezyMTV: Never give up and always go for the win! #Rivals2
@JordanMTV: "@MTVRWNews: Jordan and Marlon is trending worldwide! #Rivals2" Keep it going!!!
@BrandonDNelson: Damn they got the big homey @RoyLee25mtv tonight #Rivals2
@DC408DXTR: @BrandonDNelson @RoyLee25mtv heartbreaking. Hard for me to pick a team in that bc I like PDX & him. Bummed one team had to go & it was him.
@DC408DXTR: @BrandonDNelson at same time, gotta give it up to Jordan & Marlon, no one lost. Now @RoyLee25mtv has this as motivation to get back & win.
@BrandonDNelson: @dc408dxtr true.
@TyrieBMTV @BrandonDNelson @RoyLee25mtv fam went down swinging tho
@RoyLee25MTV: Congrats to the #Rookies @JordanMTV & @JDeezyMTV on their win last night against Ty & I  on #TheChallenge --& Good job fellas
@RuthieAlcaide: #Rivals2 last night was awesome! Congrats to @JDeezyMTV @JordanMTV @RoyLee25mtv and Ty for a pretty epic Jungle performance!
@DiemBrownMTV: Wow that was one heck of a #SpinMove @JordanMTV love that heart & didn't quit no matter what it looked like @MTV #Rivals2 INSANE ELIMINATION
@DavidBloom7: #Rivals2 Winners of the Night: @JordanMTV and @JDeezyMTV - If you are going to prove yourself in a rookie season, this is the new standard.

So, with the best competition moment of the season and one of the best elimination battles ever on The Challenge, that's it. Just as we wrap, again as stated above, apologies for the foul language used in many of these tweets, which were retained in its uncensored form and I'm not responsible for it.
   Tomorrow, DC SocialPulse's look at Rivals II as Twitter saw it rolls on as we look at Episodes 8, 9 and 10. There, we'll cover CT/Diem, Camila's latest meltdown, a fight among the game's big dogs and more. Follow me on twitter @dc408dxtr for Rivals 2 alerts for webcasts and articles on the competitors, and all-night, dual-coast live tweeting of Wednesday's finale & reunion. And stay here on DC Blog for more blog posts covering the Challenge/RW world and other things, as well as to my Instagram @dc408dxtr and my other social media sites. For now, thanks for reading and Happy Autumn.

- DC

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