Wednesday, November 8, 2017

DC ExtraTime: Impersonations with Cara Maria

Following is an excerpt from DCBLOG's WRAP of The Challenge: Champs vs. Pros Finale, reposted in the interest of our readers and featuring our subject who was featured in the final of The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30, which we will cover here this weekend.

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

The art of impersonating people: it's one of those things that seems to be everywhere these days. We see it a lot on television, at the comedy club, in improv theaters and on the web, especially in light of what has taken place the past six months in Washington, D.C. It's in this spirit that it's the theme of the last short-form ExtraTime of this cycle, and it's fitting that our subject is the girl who we first saw in Vancouver seven years ago and has established herself as one of the most unique personalities in the MTV community, not just in what we call the Trifecta.

We first met Cara Maria on The Challenge: Fresh Meat II as someone who, as her original MTV bio wrote, "dances to the beat of her own drum." Over time, the sweet deposition she has of someone with an excellent GPA, a college degree in psychology and a love affair with her horse has been overtaken at times by a strong temper and having to regret things that come out of her mouth. Since those humble beginnings of being a one-and-done rookie on her first Challenge (with her partner and Champs vs. Pros champ Darrell), fans have seen her entire career and have seen her personality and status skyrocket to becoming a star on this show despite her not appearing on a Real World prior to taking the plunge into the fifth major sport.
   During this time, we have seen her establish an on-again, off-again romance with a fellow Challenge rebel in Abram, become enemies and friends with fellow winter Class of 2010 alum Laurel, and have seen her make friends and rivals with other fellow Challengers both on screen and off. We have seen her get into some questionable behavior at times, and often she has become a central figure in all of the drama in the house and on the field. And she has become a strong competitor where she has established herself as the queen of eliminations: 17 times she has put on the verge of going home, and 12 times she has escaped with a win. And never did all of these scenarios all come together than on Battle of the Bloodlines, where Cara had to overcome Abe's surprise entry, a supposed kiss with Thomas, a big elimination win over rival Bananas, and getting help from cousin Jamie to reign supreme inside Berlin Olympic Stadium. It was her first Challenge title, although it's the road that led up to it that diminished the achievement somewhat.

The first time I got to see Cara Maria on a Challenge season I watched live was the first modern-era Challenge I got to follow: Battle of the Seasons II, where she was part of a Fresh Meat team that was put together at last minute as if they were strangers found somewhere in the airport in Turkey and were told to enter the game on the spot. Obviously, the team of her, Camila, Eric "Big Easy" and Brandon didn't really gel much and were on their way out at the halfway point.
   When she was on that Challenge - the fifth of what would seven straight Challenges for her, Cara went to her YouTube channel to make a video of her role-playing many of her fellow Challenge castmates. Below is that video, which has since garnered over 100,000 views.

And here are some outtakes...

And with it being one of this year's biggest movies and having ruled the box office for the past few weeks, also in 2012 Cara also got a chance to play the role of Wonder Woman as well, and did a couple videos of her being Wonder Woman for a day all around town.


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