Saturday, July 20, 2019

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? Season 8 - Prom Night in Hawaii

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

With a side order of friends by the Shore and some dessert of Realness in the South, it's the Summer of Love in the world of MTV Reality, and we're now entering a busy time of romance, hookups and our fair share of drama with a new season of Ex On The Beach, and here with Are You The One?, as this year's groundbreaking season "Come One, Come All" rolls along.

When we were last with our sexually-fluid friends in Hawaii, the Season 8 class of singles were still getting settled in for their summer in paradise. But once a love triangle forms for the first time in any reality dating show, then the season as we know really gets going as a former member of the Army, Justin, found himself in the middle of a love triangle with both a girl and a guy. And while the week's challenge saw some dirty laundry being tossed into the house, the sign any AYTO season is now officially starting went down with a game of Truth or Dare.

Game-wise, things are still stuck in neutral: only a couple lights, no truth booth match, but it's just early on. But as our singles enter their third week in Hawaii, the house is about to turn up in a big way, as a thing from their days going to junior high and high school takes over the house: Prom Night will give everyone reason to dress up, and in the case of one person, there is reason for the alter ego known simply as "Dionne Slay" to come to play. And when you have a house party on AYTO, it means only one thing: hookups and heartbreak will happen.

Who will kiss? Whose relationships will sink? And will the house make any movement in the quest for $1 million? Join DCBLOG after the jump for the Pulse of Prom Night on AYTO Season 8.

AS THEY SAW IT: "We Come to Slay" 
@AREUTHE1: A new episode of #AYTO starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! 🗣🗣🗣 (GIF: Basit - "I'll alert the troops")
@dramaxic: Just arrived at @kai__wes place for the show with @QueerGirlzSlay @KariselleSnow and fan favorite @DannyPrikaz   It’s gonna be a fun one !!
@JassJaquay: It’s on !!! #AYTO
@kai__wes: Oh god here we go... #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Nour and Amber's heart-to-heart got us like 🤧 #AYTO  (GIF: ladder - "I bawled my eyes out")
@Remdelarem: Okay I’m realizing I never had a full conversation with @tweetfkingtweet after asking if she ever pissed on someone cuz I’m learning so much about her from the show LMAO #AYTO
@kai__wes: @JustinaveryPalm you’re such a cute waiter. 😘
@Remdelarem: Damn @amba1210 ass is EXTREMELY TVgenic #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #ayto Hey, y’all! I’m probably going to be more active on my Instagram story tonight rather than twitter. Heading over to @kai__wes’ place where a few of us are going to be watching!
@kai__wes: @tweetfkingtweet & @amba1210’s convo about being scared to come out to their dads really hits home. This is the real genuine stuff people need to see. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: We realize the irony that this kiss is taking place in a closet 😅 #AYTO  (GIF of Justin and Max kissing)
@Remdelarem: Ewwww @JustinaveryPalm @dramaxic no homo bros!!! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Me walking into any situation having no clue what's going on 😩 #AYTO  (GIF: Jon - "Oh, hey guys:)
@JassJaquay: @JustinaveryPalm don’t pick me no more 🙄😂 #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Jonathan walking in has me #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Wayment, this sounds familiar... 😩 #AYTO  (GIF: Jon - "You're thinking about what you want physically")
@kai__wes: @JustinaveryPalm & @dramaxic in the closet — I AM LIVINGGGGG FOR IT. Wow I’m all hot and bothered now. #AYTO
@JassJaquay: when you walk into a room full of people and they stop talking #AYTO
@dramaxic: Walking out of that closet like...
@kai__wes: And then Justin’s snort 😂
@AREUTHE1: Basit is LIVVVINGGG! THE PETTY JUMPED OUT! 😂 #AYTO  (GIF of them walking out as Jon dances)
@aashawells_: Aye aye ayeeee #AYTO
@Remdelarem: UH OH KAI AND JENNA HERE IT COMES! #KENNA fans let’s see how y’alls faves work out 🤪 #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: Lol  @AREUTHE1  Why is this always my mood😂😂
@_PaigeCole: The house watching Kai and Jenna together like #AYTO
@MarcSebastianF: watching #ayto and i have to say that everyone is crazy including @Remdelarem and thats why u KNOW we stan
@AREUTHE1: Kai and Jenna: *exist*  Drama:  (GIF)
@dramaxic: Watching this #Kenna right now... y’all logically reasoned me to almost walking out of this house !!!!
@Remdelarem: Wow you know what that means..... run to Remy 😂😂😂😂 classic move!!! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Me when "Single Jenna" says she's about to go make out with everyone 💄👄 #AYTO  (GIF: Remy - "Use me, please")
@aashawells_: LMAOOO REMYYY #AYTO
@Remdelarem: "@mtv_men: I love how @Remdelarem is the go to to make someone jealous #ayto" RT It works every time!!!! #AYTO
@AnnetteMTorres: My friend just called @AREUTHE1 "The Kai Show", and honestly? TEA 🍵🔥 @kai__wes #ayto @MTV
@gaynmoody: Jenna really said it’s hot girl summer #ayto
@Remdelarem: I mean listen if your man is acting up??? Just #RunToRemy!!!! There’s no way you should be putting up with that so early 😂😂 #AYTO
@Remdelarem: "@bluerangerky: And then jenna just went straight to @Remdelarem after the argument with kai and I " RT As she should! #AYTO
@Scara_Ha: This is what I think people see tattooed on my forehead @Remdelarem
- @Remdelarem: @QueerGirlzSlay 🚨HOT GIF ALERT🚨 #AYTO #RunToRemy
@AREUTHE1: Kai's strategy is to just stand there and look cool 😎 #AYTO  (GIF of him)
- @QueerGirlzSlay: @AREUTHE1 Will he get to go on a date w me?!
@aashawells_: Honestly I thought I was gonna be one of the most desirable ummm 😂😂😭😭😭 #AYTO
@dramaxic: Jenna and Amber really are two of the most desirable #AYTO #lesbianhonest
@AREUTHE1: The quickest way to Jenna's heart is through her stomach! 🎂 #AYTO  (GIF: "I love cake")
@jonathankmonroe: @amba1210 and @QueerGirlzSlay can both get it 24/7
@KariselleSnow: “I love telling people I wanna lick them” #ayto
@Remdelarem: “You looking like a freak teach me something” was what it was supposed to be :/ but I got too ahead of myself but yes it clearly works #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Jenna + Kai + Remy = 😅 #AYTO  (GIF: Max - "That's gonna be a hella awkward date")
@_PaigeCole: Look at me mad hype lmfao #AYTO
@dramaxic: @KariselleSnow just thankful there’s no huddles in the DMs #ayto
@kai__wes: Most. Awkward. 3 way. Date. Ever. @Remdelarem @QueerGirlzSlay #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: Nour you make me DIE 😂😂😂
@QueerGirlzSlay: Oh FUCKKKKK DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?!?! I’m going on the worlds most awkward date y’all ready?! @kai__wes @Remdelarem
@dramaxic: For real that’s worst case scenario #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: Talk about a comeback on those challenges am I right? #ayto
@_PaigeCole: Whoever runs the @AREUTHE1 deserves a raise sklskslkslslsl SOOOOOOOO FUNNNYYYY😂😩💀
@QueerGirlzSlay: Y’all I’ve been to rehab I’m as self aware as u GET
@QueerGirlzSlay: So @kai__wes and I fall in love, kai fucks @Remdelarem, I break up with kai, I makeout with Remy... now we’re going on a trip date
@dramaxic: Wish I had this GIF last week after that, so I’m gonna tweet it again @JustinaveryPalm @jonathankmonroe #peck #ayto
@KariselleSnow: Sooo @QueerGirlzSlay and @kai__wes  got in a fight about me and then I’m third wheeling their date with @Remdelarem who Jenna made out with and kai hooked up with? HOW DO SOME PEOPLE NOT LOVE THE QUEER SEASON
@AREUTHE1: Nour to Paige: Yeah, I'll drive you to your date with Amber. i don't mind!  Also Nour:  (GIF)
@QueerGirlzSlay: But being self aware doesn’t mean I can help what I want 😬😬😬 tell me  now y’all don’t have the same problem
@Remdelarem: Hey @_PaigeCole I like you!!! :/ #AYTO
@no64260407: What y’all gon do if Jennas perfect match is Kai??  #ayto
@AREUTHE1: It's about to be LIT 🔥 #AYTO  (GIF: Basit - "We want to throw a Queer Prom")
@princesstrwbery: PUT 👏 JENNA 👏 AND 👏 KAI 👏 IN 👏 THE 👏 TRUTH 👏 BOOTH 👏 #AYTO
@briakristaaal: Sooooo, Paige wins a date,and all of a sudden she’s a giraffe? So we’re body shaming? Didn’t even know height shaming was a thing? #AYTO
- @Remdelarem: @briakristaaal LMAO
- @DannyPrikaz: @briakristaaal Queen speaks
@Kenyaa_NOT: Hold on..that got corny real quick. We making jokes about looks?🤔 #ayto8
@tweetfkingtweet: bruhhhhhh i did the most. lmaoooooo i’m territorial as fuck 😫😫😫 #mybad #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: I never even went to prom and now I’m MISSING THE QUEER PROM?! It’s fine lol imma be w Amber I win🥰😘 #AYTO
@Remdelarem: #EQALITY @BobbyBrandoXL 😂😂😂
@_ayauna: TAKE HER GIRL @_PaigeCole #ayto
@_PaigeCole: Miss steal yo girl 😈 #AYTO
@Remdelarem: No fair the WINNERS get to miss the Queer prom 😡 #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @Remdelarem You big mad fella😂 #AYTO
@aashawells_: Who the fuck let me interview looking like that #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: If you look closely, you can see the house from the getaway date! And you can even see Nour inside by the window! 👀 #AYTO  (GIF)
@dramaxic: U always follow Q that’s like the one rule oh Hooked on Phonics #ayto @BobbyBrandoXL
@KariselleSnow: But like why does @DannyPrikaz look better in dresses than I do
@_PaigeCole: “Friend time “ look at @Remdelarem still obsessed w me?!? #AYTO
@tweetfkingtweet: i told y’all i’m messy. i ain’t lie about that. #ayto
@Remdelarem: LMAO LEACH! 🐛🧛🏿‍♂️ #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: “Jenna has to be Jenna’s Superman” I LOVE U @Remdelarem
@QueerGirlzSlay: Fun fact @KariselleSnow called them MENTORAYS
@KariselleSnow: Wtf is a manaray #ayto
@TheBlueRanger39: Can I switch places with Amber tho like @KariselleSnow and @_PaigeCole sounds like a good date to me #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: @_PaigeCole Nour said TRY IT! 😤 #AYTO   (GIF: "I dare you")
@_PaigeCole: Real talk, the manta rays were the COOOOLLLESSSSTTT THINGS! It literally felt like coming in contact w Aliens 👽 #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: Yesss @JustinaveryPalm looks amazing in my dress 😍😍😍😍
- @AREUTHE1: @QueerGirlzSlay @Remdelarem This 👏 #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: Y’all if you think I’m bad at math tell that to my 780 math SAT score 👅👅👅👅
- @KylieMarie808: @KariselleSnow 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
- @AREUTHE1: @KariselleSnow Oop 🙊 #AYTO
- @KylieMarie808:  @KariselleSnow ♥️🥰😘
@AREUTHE1: "If you're toxic, i'm toxic." ❤️ #AYTO  (GIF of Kai and Jenna kissing in the pouring rain)
@Remdelarem: “Go ahead leave me just like everyone else does” teas lmao #AYTO
@TheBlueRanger39: Nour ain’t even all that like deadass ain’t even that attractive, @_PaigeCole > Nour #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Say it with me guys “NOOOOOOOO” #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: @_PaigeCole Y'all hating head ass #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: @QueerGirlzSlay And that's the tea ☕️ #AYTO
@Remdelarem: “Passion” is not an excuse for toxicity lmao yikes! #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: @AREUTHE1 Hating on a toxic, manipulative relationship?!? YOU BET!!! #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: Am I the only one that that got horny from that Jenna and Kai scene? #ayto
@dramaxic: *turns on loud speaker* “PAGING DR FRANKIE. PAGING DR FRANKIE” @kai__wes @QueerGirlzSlay @drfrankiebashan #Kenna #AYTO
@chriscruz2019: I fucking love Jenna & Kai #AYTO @kai__wes @QueerGirlzSlay
@Lindsey_peezy: @kai__wes freaking a, my heart is breaking.
@femaleragerXX: @_PaigeCole @AREUTHE1 #AYTO Me watching Nour being overly immature and making a fool of herself on national tv:
@AREUTHE1: "@peaceandSOUL: Lmaoo Kai & Jenna #ayto " RT Alexa! Play "Toxic" by Britney Spears 🎶 #AYTO
@Remdelarem: I LOVE BIANCA @BobbyBrandoXL #AYTO
@cozetteclegane: Kai and Jenna giving us The Notebook. We stan #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Watching that three-way kiss like 🔥 #AYTO  (GIF: Amber - "That was hot")
@coldbrewfemme: sad we don’t get to see what @_PaigeCole would have worn to queer prom #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: ALERT THE TROOPS! QUEEN D IS IN THE BUILDING! 🙌👑 #AYTO  (GIF of Basit's drag queen alter ego, Dione, walking in)
@_PaigeCole: Wow I love watching myself half way get rejected on national tv?! Like it was actually cute? (Fuck her feelings though) 😂😫 #AYTO
- @Remdelarem: @_PaigeCole That was cute I don’t count that as a rejection. Shit all I got was a hug on our date 😒
@dramaxic: Everyone watching Kylie and Nour #AYTO
@briakristaaal: Love that Paige!! Queen of consent #AYTO
- @_PaigeCole: @briakristaaal We LOVE consent!!! 👑 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Nour to Amber right now 😩 #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: Oh FUKKKK @tweetfkingtweet and @KylieMarie808 what y’all doin?!
@KariselleSnow: Nour better back the fuck up. I’ll show you trouble jersey girl #Ayto
@JassJaquay: I’m so messy #AYTO 😂😂
@_PaigeCole: Me shooting my shot #AYTO
- @DannyPrikaz: @_PaigeCole #Ayto nailed it
@BobbyBrandoXL: Low key Bianca Carter is the baddest and thickest in the house NO CAP #AYTO @AREUTHE1
- @AREUTHE1: @BobbyBrandoXL NO CAP 👏 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: "Nouriega has a mind of his own" is the excuse I'm going to start using for EVERYTHING 😂 #AYTO  (GIF of Nour and Amber kissing)
@Remdelarem: “I’m getting all the bitches tonight” is a MOOOOOD lmao #AYTO
@RamBamSam18: I love @_PaigeCole ‘s maturity
@tylersemicolon: Me watching Aasha go from not being on the show to being in a threesum: #AYTO
- @Remdelarem: @tylersemicolon LMAOO @aashawells_
@_PaigeCole: Nour KISSING kissing Kylie...we could’ve BEEEEN kissed on that date #AYTO
@aashawells_: That was hot 😏 #AYTO
@kai__wes: "@pretty_bizarre: Also I know there’s a lot of emotions happening right now but I cannot get over how hot @kai__wes is. Seriously how one person is so fucking beautiful is beyond me. #AYTO" RT I guess I’ll take being hot when I’m being a messy dramatic mess of a mess on national television?
@AREUTHE1: @KariselleSnow Nour bout to catch these hands 🥊 #AYTO  (GIF)
@Remdelarem: Me every episode of #AYTO so far!   educational gay
@AREUTHE1: Jonathan *week 1*: I'm a simple guy.   Jonathan *tonight*: Traveling and exploring does not have to mean around the globe, it can mean within.  (GIF)
- @jonathankmonroe: @AREUTHE1 IM LEARNING HERE! Fuckkkkkk.
@tweetfkingtweet: i fucked up mannnnnn i know 😾😾😾
@_PaigeCole: Ok Jonathan we love growth!!! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Jenna and Kai: *making out on the floor*  The rest of the house:  (GIF)
@mazievefucker: what are the FUCKING odds of jenna picking kai and remy blindfolded y’all see this shit #AYTO8 #AYTO
@ZBlackfyre: That toxic notebook rain kiss from Jenna & Kai had me DEAD #AYTO
@Remdelarem: Is @jonathankmonroe going to get a redemption this episode?! #AYTO
- @Remdelarem: Welp! There’s goes that lmaooooo
@_PaigeCole: “Gagged boots the house down” a direct quote @Remdelarem that’s the gayest most nyc things ever #AYTO
@kai__wes: I am in tears with the tender moment 😭 #AYTO @jonathankmonroe @TheBasitShow
- @jonathankmonroe: @kai__wes And in this moment I knew I was ready to pack my tent up and travel in other ways.
@Remdelarem: “You’re toxic!”   “No YOURE toxic!!!”  We love REAL queer relationship representation tbh #AYTO
@pensaltzmn: kai and jenna #ayto   dadi baksuze🖤
@_PaigeCole: Waiting for Nour to break the news to Amber like #AYTO  (Video)
@bj930419: OMG... that Jenna and Kai moment... was like.. OUT OF A MOVIE.. HOLY SHIT!! 😳😱😭 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Amber: I didn't kiss Paige, just like you asked! How was your night?   Nour:  (GIF)
@Remdelarem: Listen @amba1210 it wasn’t @tweetfkingtweet it was @noreaga okay? #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Wifey don’t want you betch y’all getting a divorce. #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: You’re toxic?? No YOU’RE TOXIC lol but no YOU ARE @kai__wes
@_PaigeCole: @amba1210 AWWWW baby lemme be here for you :(((( #AYTO
@dramaxic: Noooo protect @amba1210 at all costs #ayto
@DannyPrikaz: @kai__wes and @QueerGirlzSlay rolling on the floor arguing about who’s more toxic. Cue the Britney Spears! #ayto (am I dating myself?)
@QueerGirlzSlay: AMBER BABY you are so beautiful and strong I love you @amba1210
@JanxReality: My good sis @tweetfkingtweet wasn’t playing when she said she was messy AF on tonight’s episode but it’s okay, everyone makes mistakes. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: @dc408dxnow Beyond Good slayed #AYTO
- @jonathankmonroe: @AREUTHE1 Serve
@KariselleSnow: Hey Amber, remember when our girls told us it was “just an innocent kiss” 🙄 #ayto
@IveyKristian: Me when I thought Kai and Jenna were gonna throw hands but started throwing tongues #AYTO
@mostlybts: How Jenna and kai see their relationship #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Time to get some answers! 🔮 #AYTO  (GIF of Truth Booth vote)
@Remdelarem: Okay imagine the house wanting to separate a couple before you even get a no match lmfao #AYTO red flags boots 🇹🇳🇹🇷🇲🇦🇲🇪🇮🇲🇰🇬🇭🇰🇨🇳🇦🇱🚩
@_PaigeCole: Y’all see me knocked tf out unbothered Lololol #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: “Before I was so rudely interrupted” I love me #AYTO
- @Remdelarem: @_PaigeCole Kept it composed boots
@AREUTHE1: A large, flightless bird, but make it fashion 🐦 #AYTO  (GIF: Paige - "This neck is high fashion")
@_PaigeCole: ITS HIGH FASHION HOE!!! 🦒🦒🦒 #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: Damn Nour is goin IN
@Remdelarem: High fashion neck 🧐 @_PaigeCole ✍🏽✍🏽✍🏽
@_PaigeCole: Ok so hear me out... ostriches are thin asf, then they get THICK AS SHIT!!! #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: @JustinaveryPalm  👀👀🥰
@Remdelarem: Who thinks Jenna and Kai are match???? #AYTO
@dramaxic: You know I’m really passionate about something if that neck vein is coming out #AYTO
@aashawells_: This episode so damn spicy #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: What do y'all think!? 😱 #AYTO  (GIF of Kai and Jenna in Truth Booth)
@KariselleSnow: Okay hold up, in my defense I was told it was a lil cute kiss- not this intense hammock makeout session! Like- at least invite me! #ayto
@Remdelarem: "@Scara_Ha: Can we just establish that @Remdelarem is a perfect match with no one and everyone??? He doesn’t wanna find his match why does everyone wanna force him to??? #ayto " RT right?! I’m everyone’s perfect match tbh
@DannyPrikaz: #ayto Is America ready to find out about this couple? @kai__wes @QueerGirlzSlay
@_PaigeCole: Me, being unbothered, composed patient, and an ostrich  #AYTO
@jonathankmonroe: GROWTH BBY.
- @AREUTHE1: @jonathankmonroe A hot af couple tho #AYTO
@Remdelarem: I don’t think I’ve ever been ready to see an answer in #AYTO truth booth history! Split em up or get em the fuck out the house!!!!
@QueerGirlzSlay: I’m a human being, I have struggles, I know myself very well. In fact, yo girl is an recovering addict so don’t act like my issues aren’t shared y’all! I’m PROUD to be this open and vulnerable. Yes I have problems do u not?!😂😂
@DannyPrikaz: @_PaigeCole High fashion!
@DelayyyMitchell: @kai__wes & @QueerGirlzSlay #ayto
@AREUTHE1: @_PaigeCole Struthio Camelus, but make it fashion. #AYTO
@JassJaquay: Told y’all #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Terrence: WHO'S THROWING MY FURNITURE AROUND!?  Kari: KARIAGA HAS A MIND OF HER OWN!   (GIF of her tossing chair down after no match verdict)
@tweetfkingtweet: I FUCKED UP MAN. I KNOW. 😾 #AYTO
@jonathankmonroe: Now someone separate these two! #ayto @QueerGirlzSlay @kai__wes
@dramaxic: When you’re really passionate a no match #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Me vs me practicing self love by loving me!!! #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @QueerGirlzSlay Nah fr fr tho you followed your hearts that's all anyone can do ❤️❤️❤️ #AYTO  (GIF: Basit - *pretends to be shocked*)
@Remdelarem: 🎼NO MATCH, ZONE! NO MATCH, ZONE! YOU KNOOOWWW BETTA! YOU KNOWWWWW BETTA!🎼 Me every time I see Jenna and Kai from now on 😂😂 #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: @KariselleSnow but like... what did the chair do? #ayto
@KariselleSnow: Me: I don’t care lol   Also me: #AYTO
@dramaxic: Really good at ignoring red flags like I’m good at ignoring my alarm clock @QueerGirlzSlay #AYTO
- @KariselleSnow: @dramaxic Some people’s veins come out, and other’s throw shit 🤷🏼‍♀️
@_PaigeCole: No match?!?  #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: @JassJaquay "Jasmine the Wise" 🙌 #AYTO
@Remdelarem: But will they LISTEN?! Or will they become the first no match couple of the season???? Lmao duh they won’t listen #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Annnnnnd they're back in the Boom Boom Room 🙄 #AYTO  (GIF of Kai & Jenna)
@mtv_men: @_PaigeCole : Im gonna kiss ya girl   Nour: You tall ass b**** noone likes you   Paige:         #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@tweetfkingtweet: hypocrisy at its finest. i did that. 💀 #AYTO
@RealityTvJarred: This literally reminds me of Chris & shanely #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
@QueerGirlzSlay: LOL I’m emotionally ready for absolutely nothing lezbihonest
- @kai__wes: @QueerGirlzSlay Same.
@QueerGirlzSlay: Like who thought I was emotionally ready to be on tv?! LmAo
@dramaxic: You shady betches !!! #stopkenna2019 #AYTO
@GGhostly: Legend has it @KariselleSnow ‘s chair is still flipped over to this day #ayto
@Remdelarem: Kai used Toxic! Jenna was badly poisoned! Jenna’s Synchronize poisoned Kai! #PokémonYouTheOne #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: @Remdelarem Petty ass 😭 #AYTO
- @Remdelarem: @AREUTHE1 Everyone on the cast knows when I’m right I like to remind everyone at all times lmao
@kai__wes: What that’s quote from @QueerGirlzSlay? The minute you say I can’t have something I want it more? 😬 #AYTO OOPS. Feelings aren’t a light bulb 😓
@poutygs: just give me the kylie & kari i deserve #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: @dopestauntie The real winner? Remy 😂 #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: Oh bc you’re not fucking up flow?! 😉😉😉😉
@KariselleSnow: Another reason why being queer is cool- why be the side hoe when we can all just share the love 🤷🏼‍♀️ @QueerGirlzSlay @kai__wes  #ayto
@_PaigeCole: Get this man a mirror 💀💀💀💀  we love a king exposing toxicity #AYTO
@Remdelarem: I love that @BobbyBrandoXL caught himself not using They/Them after hearing @jonathankmonroe using them! We love to see GROWTH! #AYTO
@kai__wes: “I’m not really a Picasso today, I’m more of a Van Gogh.” - @TheBasitShow  #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: Okay here me out- Jenna and Kai toxic: yeah maybe. Jenna and Kai + Kari... maybe not 🤷🏼‍♀️ #ayto
- @AREUTHE1: @KariselleSnow The first three-way Perfect Match in #AYTO history?
@AREUTHE1: Me, "shocked" at myself that I thought Jonathan actually wouldn't hurt Basit again 🙃 #AYTO  (GIF of them)
- @jonathankmonroe: @AREUTHE1 I SAID BABY STEPSSS. America wasn’t built in one Prom, OK!
@_PaigeCole: Serving tomb raider looks tonight 👽 who wanna lock in w me?!? #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @_PaigeCole Ya done yet? 😂 #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: I showed him this when y’all weren’t looking!! @JustinaveryPalm  But it’s about us tonight babe @jonathankmonroe 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️
- @jonathankmonroe: @BobbyBrandoXL Those veins looked good to me. #ayto
@kai__wes: "@ericaeff: Ummm this fight between Kai and Jenna? Who is directing this Hollywood film? 😵 #AYTO" RT No one, we are somehow just this dramatic.
@dramaxic: I’ll show you time wasted 😡😡🤬 #ayto
@JassJaquay: BRANDONNNNN!?!!! #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @JassJaquay Live look at all of America rn #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: BRANDON?!?! #AYTO
- @KylieMarie808: @_PaigeCole 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@jonathankmonroe: "@_iRich_: Wait a fucking minute!!! @jonathankmonroe I didn’t see that coming!! #AreYouTheOne" RT Oooops.
@BreezyLovinCath: @jonathankmonroe you’re growth this week 👏🏽
@AREUTHE1: The water: is Jonathan hurting Basit  (GIF)
- @jonathankmonroe: @AREUTHE1 He loves testing the waters. #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Describe this Matchup Ceremony in three words 🗣 #AYTO  (GIF: Justin - "I am shooketh")
@Remdelarem: I’m just ready for them to sit down is a WHOLE mood lmao @TheBasitShow #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: We love a guest celeb appearance @aashawells_ #AYTO
@Remdelarem: To be fair @BobbyBrandoXL DOES have a sexy ass body so..... @jonathankmonroe #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: she picked me TOO?! Omgg y’all imma cry #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: Remember that there are hourssssss cut out from the episode. So much you don’t see. So don’t think you know me 💁🏻‍♀️
- @tweetfkingtweet: @QueerGirlzSlay FACTS.
@_melmangiraffe_: Jonathan clearly isn’t ready to accept Basit #AYTO
@Remdelarem: Itty bitty tittie commity QUEEN @_PaigeCole!!!! #AYTO velvet never looked so good
@coldbrewfemme: me every time @_PaigeCole speaks or appears on screen #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: This match up ceremony is literally worse than blind darts. DO WE FORGET WE’RE PLAYING WITH A MILLION DOLLARS RIGHT NOW #AYTO
- @jonathankmonroe: @KariselleSnow I like love buffets ... a need a lil sample of everything. #ayto
@AREUTHE1: How many beams, y'all!? 😰 #AYTO  (GIF: Danny - "There is a real risk of a blackout")
@_PaigeCole: yall be scared of ya bullies? #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: #AYTO Uhhhh😅 Okay coo lol
@DannyPrikaz: Gotta crunch some numbers here. #ayto
@kai__wes: @aashawells_ picking @dramaxic and @jonathankmonroe picking @BobbyBrandoXL !? And I thought I WAS DRAMATIC!? #AYTO
@aashawells_: There is so much that they don’t show whewww chileeee #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Ugh can we talk about Basit’s overalls wow #AYTO
@hit_this_tweet: @KylieMarie808 and @KariselleSnow might be the only couple that saves them from a blackout  #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Forever putting things on “pause”  #AYTO
@dramaxic: Fraud behavior, cornball...spirits #AYTO
@Remdelarem: I mean.... we are here to try out connections but goddamn we were all ROOTING for you Jonathan lmao #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @Remdelarem All of America rn #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Can you say FIVESOME!? 😱 #AYTO
- @jonathankmonroe: @AREUTHE1 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @aashawells_ I didn’t know you had lats too. #ayto
- @Remdelarem: @AREUTHE1 The queers are out of control
- @kai__wes: @AREUTHE1 How is it that we keep getting messier after tonight’s episode??? Place your bets on who was in it 👅
- @KariselleSnow: @AREUTHE1 “This doesn’t get anymore trash.”

@realmarkjansen: 6 Days!!!!!!@ExOnTheBeach
@Remdelarem: LEGEND @Kenyaa_NOT #ExOnTheBeach I cannot wait
@briakristaaal: TALK ABOUT A BAD BITCH WITH HER OWN PROMO!!! They HATE to see it!! #EOTB3
@itskcheyenne: How has the new season of @AREUTHE1 been? I need to catch up

@BuzzFeedNews: "The sexually fluid season of MTV's dating show explores the complexities of gender and desire in a way rarely seen on reality TV — or in pop culture, period." — @reader
@TheBasitShow: D I O N N E   S L A Y   Put some respect on her name
@TheBasitShow: Brandon... oh ... that was a choice #AYTO
@TheBasitShow: About last night... I have some questions and concerns, and I’d like for a few folks to take several seats #AYTO
@H2GKMObcGIAW: Ok I feel like we see the same people on camera. I would like to know more about Aasha, Danny, and Brandon #AYTO
@amba1210: I love everyone who’s been sending me kind messages ❤️
@amba1210: That was my first time seeing that.
@jonathankmonroe: We love a good PAUSE BUTTON. @TheBasitShow @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: Mood:  #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Isssaaaa hot girl summer PERIODT! Meaning we only uplifting other hotties all hot girl summer okaaayyyyyy!!!! #spreadpositivity
- @Kenyaa_NOT: @_PaigeCole You killed this episode baby. You know you’re the finest😌
- @_PaigeCole: @Kenyaa_NOT The queen has spoken so basically nobody can tell me SHIT ever again😭💕
- @Kenyaa_NOT: @_PaigeCole You killed this episode baby. You know you’re the finest😌
@dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 Don’t mind me, I’ll just mosey on over and -
@Remdelarem: Im going through peoples names from the cast and #AYTO just to see what everyone else thinks about them and whew.... You hate (love) to see it!!!!!! Couldnt be me lmao
@amba1210: That one on one made me cry though. That’s some real shit we are going through😢
@cristinaciac: #ayto I’ve watched all 8 seasons of are you the one and Remy is my all time favorite it’s insane how much I vibe with him
@KariselleSnow: When everybody cryin & involved in drama but you can’t relate cause your relationship is healthy as fuck #ayto
@JustinaveryPalm: When you find out y’all use the same preworkout #AYTO @MTV  @dramaxic
@amba1210: Sorry I wasn’t live tweeting with you guys. I just didn’t want to react out of impulse and tweet things I don’t mean. Definitely next week I’ll be talking to you all ❤️🙏🏻
@demiilawrencee: Kai and Jenna are that couple who met freshman year of high school and despite having broken up five times still say they started dating in English 9 Honors #AYTO ☕️
@Remdelarem: Okay what would y’all rather see me on @ChallengeMTV or @ExOnTheBeach? Keep in mind I have exes of ALL genders and I’ve already won 2 challenges on #AYTO 😏😎  Imagine me on @ExOnTheBeach??? Lmao a whole ass mess..... also imagine me on @ChallengeMTV that little Ninja Warrior shit look fun.... the possibilities

@QueerGirlzSlay: I will be 100% open with all of you! Ask me anything, but don’t act like y’all don’t have dating difficulties as well. We’re all just here confused, trying to life together ❤️
@QueerGirlzSlay: Lol yalls is funny. We are nooooot scripted. I usually call the uhaul on the second date. Just an emotional ass person. ❤️ and that’s okay. @kai__wes
@tweetfkingtweet: last night was rough. it sucks watching yourself be this person you know you’re better than. but we all make mistakes and do really stupid and immature shit. i’ll be the first to admit it. i learned and grew so much since. just bare with me guys, it’s a learning journey. #AYTO
@kai__wes: I still can’t get over the fact that it started raining during this scene. I kid you not that was not production. Our passion ignited a torrential downpour and the Hawaiian gods were like OKAY AND CUE:  #AYTO @AREUTHE1 #youcantwritethis #reallifedrama
@_PaigeCole: Okay real talk- if you’re being bullied keep your head up and know who you are! When people come for you, it 99.9% has NOTHING to do with you, and everything to do with the other person’s insecurities. Help yourself by helping them- kill them w kindness, compliments & love okaayy
@_PaigeCole: When people’s insecurities pop out like that, take that as an opportunity to show them how beautiful they are,  point out something they can be proud of and help build everyone up! That’s REAL HOT GIRL SHIT!
@_PaigeCole: Anyways guys, I’m 5’11 lol. They really here making me look 7’4 standing next to amber and Aasha and Remy  😭😂 #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: If you don’t think @AREUTHE1 is the best show in tv rn, you’re homophobic!

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

Paige offering some parting thoughts after the first of what should be a good number of party nights in the AYTO house with Basit's drag queen alter ego coming out to play, as well as plenty of make-outs that will sure put the record for hookups in dire jeopardy this early in the season, none more so than Mother Nature showering Kai & Jenna in their latest hookup. But with the house still being stuck at two lights through three weeks in Hawaii, is it time for everyone in Hawaii to press the panic button? Traditionally, that has been the case - but it's still a long way to go before we turn from silly to serious in AYTO land.
   We'll have Week 4 of Come One, Come All covered for you here in just a bit including something that, to our knowledge, has never happened on any MTV Reality series ever. But before that, the main attraction of this Summer of Love is just ahead as it's the opening act of Season 3 of Ex On The Beach, as Devin, Kenya and Geles join some of reality TV's best as they will be put into the ringer of having their exes invade Malibu. Join us for that then... but for now, enjoy your Saturday everyone.


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