Saturday, July 20, 2019

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before Are You The One? Season 8 - Week 3

BY DC CUEVA                        

Welcome to the weekend friends, and into a busy time we have ahead of us this summer in MTV Reality. We have a lot of bring you in the coming days with the main attraction of this Challenge-less but love-filled summer of ours ahead, and partying, kissing and madness on Are You The One.

But before that, enjoy the lead-up to Week 3 in Hawaii before that is posted in just a bit. And we'll have this week in MTV Reality covered over the weekend, including the premiere of Season 3 of Ex On The Beach with some familiar AYTO names, among other matters. See you shortly.

IN BETWEEN: July 4th, World Cup, and Teen Mom Takes Miami 
@AREUTHE1: Max leaves his comfort zone, the singles play dating trivia, and more! Watch last night's episode of #AYTO NOW on 💻
@KariselleSnow: Happy Fourth ! #ayto #mtv
@jonathankmonroe: Fun fact: I was the oldest in the @AREUTHE1 house. #AYTO
@aaronhaceves: Ok so #AYTO is some juicy messy bisexual deliciousness but in all seriousness I can't stress how validating it is to see my experience reflected on a TV show and thinking about how non-bi+ peeps are learning from it is beautiful
@kailah_casillas: I hope you all have a great day! 🇺🇸
@ExOnTheBeach: This is how wild my #FourthOfJuly is about to get 😜 #ThrowbackThursday
@morgan_willett: Just experienced the most terrifying earthquake while in Forever 21. Dropped my American Flag bikini and sprinted to the nearest exit #happy4th
@morgan_willett: Name a more patriotic duo, I dare you. 🇺🇸 Have a safe and happy 4th of July, friends!
@XemfitX: LA getting rocked on 4th of’s lit 😂
@NurysKMateo: Earthquake in Cali on 4th of July? Take me back to Maine please ✈️
@00Hitsdiidii: LOL did I just experience my first earthquake?! & is it bad that this was actually pretty cool😂
@NataliaNegrotti: Happy 4th of July cuties!!!!
@johnnybananas: Happy Birthday America 🎂🇺🇸 #4thofjuly #America #independenceday #ThisViewIsBananas
@mariae296: Splish splash
@TheMarkLong: Happy 4th 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🏽 #godfather #ChampChamp #HallOfFamer
@mikethemiz: 🇺🇸 Happy birthday America 🇺🇸Thank you to all of our armed forces who keep us safe and protect our freedom.  #FourthOfJuly
@DayDaVonne_: “iTs a dAY tO cEleBraTe oUR fREeDoM anD iNdEpeNdeNCe“

@QueerGirlzSlay: 5 days until the episode I’m most excited about comes out 😏 #AYTO y’all are gonna freak
@ExOnTheBeach: .@MTVDevinWalker's NEW challenge is staying out of his exes MESS 😅 Find out if he'll make it out alone on an all new season of #ExOnTheBeach premiering Tuesday, July 16th at 8/7c on @MTV! 👏
@johnnybananas: Canada 🛫 Cleveland #mlballstargame
@TeenMom: No matter who @itskcheyenne or @CoryWharton may be with, they'll always be a family. ❤️ #TeenMomOG
@kailah_casillas: Oh hey ♥️
@kailah_casillas: Ok people are saying my newest insta pic doesn’t look like me and I did something to my face. Well... it is me. I didn’t do anything different. Maybe it’s the editing & colors, idk. But I took this picture just minutes before. People are so annoying I swear.
@TheoVon: Another Earthquake! Some Mexican dude was yelling “we gotta get the FUCK outta here” in the middle of toy story!
@blairherter: Whoa this quake is BANANAS
@DayDaVonne_: Another one ?!
@kailah_casillas: I’m so nauseous from that quake 🤢
@kailah_casillas: Earthquakes are wild
@ChallengeTea911: IF IT IS IN THE TRAILER, SHOW IT IN THE EPISODES   One more time... IF IT IS IN THE TRAILER, SHOW IT IN THE EPISODES    @ChallengeMTV  #TheChallenge34
@WestonBergmann: We all wish our cities could win the Super Bowl or World Series or Stanley Cup. Yet we’re on the precipice of something even bigger that our whole country can enjoy together, on Indepence Day Weekend no less. Have some pride & get fucking into it! #USWNT #USAvNED
@WestonBergmann: Let’s fucking goooooooo! Game on!  🇺🇸 #USWNT #USAvNED
@cbmcnary: It’s a big match up today.   USA vs construction cones.  Let’s go USA!  #USWNT
@WestonBergmann: Goooooooooaaaaaallllllll!!!!! #Rapinoe
@WestonBergmann: Goooooooooooaaaaaaaalllllll!!!! #Lavelle 2-0 🇺🇸
@EmFitMTV: Love the World Cup- love USA- love the effort all around. So many amazing players on this team it inspires me to just go run 10 miles 😍⚽️🇺🇸
@EmFitMTV: Getting kinda sick of seeing Alex Morgan when she is flat footed in the 18 yard box... Show me Dunn, Ertz, and Lavelle
@WestonBergmann: Game summary: USA wins 2-0. Could have been more but there was a lot of greed in the offense; lots of people looking for golden boots and personal glory. My personal game MVP was either Dunn or Ertz. The Lavelle goal was sick AF. Ultimately it was dominance by the Americans.
- @EmFitMTV: @WestonBergmann Dunn and Ertz had full effort every single game, by far the best in my book too 😊🇺🇸🙌🏼
@WestonBergmann: I wish I played soccer like a girl #WorldCupfinal
- @EmFitMTV: @WestonBergmann Let’s avoid asking people who don’t know about soccer who the MVP is 🤣🤣
@mikethemiz: Not only will I become back to back MVP of the @mlb Celebrity Softball game today, thanks to @mache275, my feet have already won that title. It’s just starting....@WWE #ClevelandVsTheWorld …
@JennaCompono: I love the people who think they’re entitled when driving. They expect you to move out of their way by riding your ass or flashing their brights ... ohhh don’t start
@TheRealAnthonyM: Everyone you love or have loved, tell them why. And I’m sure it’ll better everyone’s lives ❤️
@TheRealAnthonyM: Live life to the fullest while you can because you never know when it can be your last second
@TheRealAnthonyM: Life is too short to worry about anyone else’s opinions. . .
@TheRealAnthonyM: People die every day worrying about their image or about how others feel about them ... and at the end of the day happiness is the most important quality
@TeenMom: Mom squad, assemble! 👯 Get ready for the ultimate girls trip on tomorrow night's #TeenMomOG at 9/8c on @MTV! 🎉
@tonyraines: We’ve made the pool our second home this summer 🌊☀️ #summertime #mywaterbug

@AREUTHE1: "Max is a really good kisser." Check out this hot sneak peek from Wednesday's all new episode of Are You The One? 🔥 #AYTO    Sneak Peek: Max And Justin Make Out / Max and Justin finally act on their attraction and share an intimate moment.
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 When your mom walks down the stairs during Netflix and chill 😬
- @JustinaveryPalm: @AREUTHE1 🙈🙈🙈
- @tweetfkingtweet: @AREUTHE1 LMAO how did i not know jonathan stayed interrupting them 🤣 i love you @jonathankmonroe but damn bruh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- @TheBasitShow: @AREUTHE1 Awww I love when healthy boys makeout!
- @DannyPrikaz: @AREUTHE1 What pants are y’all wearing this Wednesday? #importantquestions
- @QueerGirlzSlay: @AREUTHE1 #brokebackmountain2
- @JustinaveryPalm: @QueerGirlzSlay “Broback mountain”
@BobbyBrandoXL: When you love yourself, it becomes so much easier to give love to everyone else. Recognize trends in your behavior in different situations, and learn from them.  Happy Monday you guys ❤️❤️ #Letsallbegreat
@QueerGirlzSlay: Hottest cast ever amirite
@AREUTHE1: Me trying to remember how to do my job after the long weekend 🤕 #AYTO

@ExOnTheBeach: There’s some new hunnies waiting to take over the beach 🌊 (Stay tuned for more) #ExOnTheBeach
@elenadavies: SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR NEXT TUESDAY!!!!!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🤩🤩
@AubreyODay: Check Out my new show on @MTV👉🏼 @exonthebeach premiering Tuesday, July 16 at 9 p.m. on MTV. Which one of my ex’s do you think is coming?!!! 😷 @ Malibu, California …
@shannnonmaee: Looking like revenge @ExOnTheBeach 💅🏽One more week until we take over your Tuesday nights 🌊 on @mtv ! Who’s ready?! 😈#ExOnTheBeach #EOTB
@Kenyaa_NOT: Since mtv don’t wanna see a bad bitch’s my cast photo!! Catch me on this season of Ex On The Beach, Tuesday July 16th! Thank you!
@Kenyaa_NOT: Just so you know THIS is my cast photo if you see any others floating around that is not me they are photoshopping me, praying on my downfall.
@Kenyaa_NOT: Me walking into MTV digital office
@DayDaVonne_: I’m ready for Kenya and Marie on the beach 😌
@enews: #ExOnTheBeach is back with some notorious reality stars:  - Aubrey O'Day   - Mark and Elena (in case any #BB21 fans need a break from the live feeds)   - #TheChallenge's Devin Walker
- @AubreyODay: @enews EVERYONE SUPPORT MY NEW SHOW ON MTV!!! It’s going to be wild 😘
@AubreyODay: Check Out my new show on @MTV👉🏼 @exonthebeach premiering Tuesday, July 16 at 9 p.m. on MTV. Which one of my ex’s do you think is coming?!!! 😷
@ExOnTheBeach: Are you still checking for your ex and not your next? 🙄 Or wondering why you aren't boo'd up with your secret crush? 😭 Or is your dating life just DRY? 😪 Send over your spicy tweets to get the best love advice from the #ExOnTheBeach cast 👇
@ExOnTheBeach: Some are looking for trouble 😈 others are looking for love ❤️ but what happens when an ex f*cks up both? 😅  Meet the cast of #ExOnTheBeach s3 here:
@NurysKMateo: Can’t wait to watch these beauties on my screens again 😍 @_gelesann @Kenyaa_NOT @shannnonmaee and cant forget the life of the party 🕺🏻 @TheRealAnthonyM #ExOnTheBeach
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @NurysKMateo You damn right 😈
@iammikeyp: I’m only going to watch @ExOnTheBeach for @Marie_TBD ...Ive never even seen her on the challenge, so this is my first TV impression of her! I mean I’m excited.
- @JustJem24: @iammikeyp Be prepared to watch her 7 other personalities. Marnie is my personal favorite..
@BigTymers228: I Can't Wait To See My Favorite Girls @kenyaa_not @_gelesann @MarieeTBD Next week On Ex On The Beach. #MTV #ExOnTheBeach #EOTB …
@johnnybananas: For a guy who's pretty much done it all, this is one I'll never forget! Dreams don't come true, dreams are made true 🍌✊  Watch your boy go BANANAS in the 2019 @MLB Celebrity Softball Game TONIGHT on @ESPN 7pm ⚾️ #ThisViewIsBananas  #mlballstargame #ESPN #bananasdoingthings #mlb
@johnnybananas: Tune into @ESPN now! #BananasVsDrOz #CelebSoftball #MLBAllStarWeekend
@johnnybananas: No matter how many years go by, I'll always be the little boy you taught to fly 🧒✈ #MamAndPapaBananas #mlballstargame #mlb #family – at Diamond Box Front Row
@CatelynnLowell: Tonight is an all NEW #TeenMomOG and we have one AMAZING momcation ❤️🍾🙌🎊 you won’t wanna miss it!! #badmoms #fun #memories #friends @MaciBookout @AmberLPortwood @itskcheyenne
@TeenMom: These friendships run DEEP. 💞 #TeenMomOG

@AREUTHE1: These two hit it off on their getaway date. Could they be a match? 🤔 #AYTO is all new TOMORROW at 9/8c! 📺   The Hookup King and The Dating Newbie / Remy and Paige go on a getaway date.
- @Remdelarem: @AREUTHE1 THE HOOK UP KING YAS! Also she wishes....
- @_PaigeCole: @AREUTHE1 Wow, we love self awareness!
@NataliaNegrotti: I got my very own feature on @usweekly !!!! I had the honor of casting for the very first sexually fluid @AREUTHE1 and yes I did my best to break boundaries. I’ve been sexually fluid my whole life so I pushed for everything including non binary and trans representation.
- @JustJem24: @NataliaNegrotti We love the cast Natalie🌈
@QueerGirlzSlay: Game night 👅👅👅👅
@BobbyBrandoXL: Good morning ❤️❤️  Feeling blessed and hydrated 🤪🤪 How y’all doin  #AYTO
- @Remdelarem: @BobbyBrandoXL How does MTV expect us to find our perfect match when Brandon just look like this all the time.... how.... how? How....
@AREUTHE1: QUEER PROM!? Sign us up 📝 Don't miss a new episode of #AYTO TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV 🙌
- @tweetfkingtweet: @AREUTHE1 FUCKKKKKKK. *hides under a rock*
- @Remdelarem: @AREUTHE1 Oh it’s getting spicy BOOTS I wonder what role I’ll have in all this mess 😈😏🤪
- @_PaigeCole: @AREUTHE1 Y’all, tomorrow shit gets stirred and I literally cannot stress this enough, I CANT WAIT!!!! The legend is about to jump out. We LOOOOOVE ZEST! #AYTY
- @aashawells_: @AREUTHE1 O ya the queer prom was spicy asf #AYTO
- @kai__wes: @AREUTHE1 Annnnnnnd let the mess begin. #AYTO
@Remdelarem: I love listening to Podcasts about Are You The One? because I get to hear about how people hate to love me!
- @BobbyBrandoXL: @Remdelarem Aweeeeeeeeee Kinggggg 🥰🥰🥰
@amba1210: No but really I ain’t ready for tomorrow’s episode of @AREUTHE1 😒🙈
@AREUTHE1: Jenna and Kai are more on-and-off-and-on-again than Ross and Rachel! See if they finally get answers, TOMORROW at 9/8c on a new episode of #AYTO 🔮
- @QueerGirlzSlay: @AREUTHE1 AND IT BEGINS
- @Remdelarem: @AREUTHE1 I am quite literally cackling at what’s about to go down
- @kai__wes: @AREUTHE1 Tomorrow — all the @QueerGirlzSlay and I you either really want or really don’t but either way it’s COMING. #AYTO
@KylieMarie808: Titties Tuesday Today...... ••• 🚨TOMORROW🚨 Are You The One DAY🥂🌈 Tune In Tomorrow at 9|8c on MTV‼️ areuthe1 @mtv #ayto #newyorkcity #pride2019 #loveislove #queer #lgbtq #pastie #unicorn @ NYC Pride …
@Remdelarem: Are y’all ready for tomorrow? 😂😂😂😂 @kai__wes @QueerGirlzSlay @tweetfkingtweet @amba1210 😂😂😂😂 🥤👀🍿 I know Jonathan ready to get the fans off his neck 😂😂😂😂 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Tomorrow's episode of #AYTO: *is one and a half hours long* Me:
- @JustinaveryPalm: @AREUTHE1 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
- @TheBasitShow: @AREUTHE1 *prepares popcorn
@QueerGirlzSlay: The queers are too dramatic for only 1 hour episodes, they have to stretch them to fit in all the mess😂😂👅👅🌈🌈
@ExOnTheBeach: They say if you can make it here you can make it anywhere 😈 How many @AREUTHE1 alums do you think survived #ExOnTheBeach?👇
@ExOnTheBeach: Our beach is always better 💅 You don't want to miss the season premiere of #ExOnTheBeach Tuesday, July 16th at 8/7c on @MTV 🌊  Meet the new cast members here:
@AREUTHE1: These #AYTO alumni are taking on The Shack of Secrets on the next season of #ExOnTheBeach ☕️
@ExOnTheBeach: Life is so much better when you mind your business and eat snacks right @realmarkjansen? 😂 #ExOnTheBeach season premieres Tuesday, July 16th at 8/7c on @MTV! 🤸‍♂️
@Kenyaa_NOT: Why did they decide to pair us together? @Marie_TBD ..stay tuned for the heavy entertainment
- @JustJem24: @Kenyaa_NOT The real queens of the beach 🌊
@TheRealAnthonyM: One more week and I’ll be back on your tv screens 😈 @ExOnTheBeach ❌🏝
@elenadavies: CBS didn’t ask me to promote Love Island but y’all should for sure watch it because........WESTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And CBS makes the best reality tv (duh) so it’s gotta be good.
@realmarkjansen: I had enough of my own drama in that house. I made damn sure I could enjoy everyone else’s 🤣🤣🤣 Get those Doritos ready in 1 week for the premier!! #mtv #exonthebeach #doritos #getthechips #drama #justsmile …
@enews: This #ExOnTheBeach cast may be the most dramatic yet.
@RealWorldMTV: Real World OGs @WestonBergmann & @CoryWharton are getting real with the ATL roomies. Find out what it's like the *really* be in the Real World house now:
@joss_mooney: You’re right where you’re meant to be...💭
@johnnybananas: "@MTVBananas: Heard my boy @johnnybananas had the game winning catch at the All-Star game and I’m not surprised! You name it & he will be the best at it! #TeamBananas" RT Along with going 3 for 3 with 2 runs scored, 5 RBI's, and just a homer short of the cycle... But who's counting ✊ #Banallstar @espn @MLB
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥NEW PODCAST UP!🔥@DerrickMTV & I are joined by CLINT WRIGHT! Hear how he already had 157K IG followers, was recruited for Real World Atlanta & won his way on the show! Hear how badly he wants on @ChallengeMTV & if he’s coming for @hbarfield13’s spot! 📲 …
@TrishelleC: "@jlsupreme: Found this gem of @TrishelleC and @GeorgeTakei #throwback #ninjacheerleaders " RT Dayum this is great bc I couldn’t find one pic of myself and George. He is a legend and probably the coolest association my husband relates to me 🤣
@paulawalnutsMTV: On 7/7 I turned 38, blew out my candles and made a wish for fun...already got everything I ever wanted
@DerrickMTV: BONUS PODCAST is UP!! ⛱⛱⛱ - NEW PODCAST SERIES “Summer of Stew” will follow @ChallengeMTV’s Breeding Grounds til the MONSTER returns. 😈  - TO LISTEN: 🎧  -  #BB21, #AYTO, #RealWorld, #EOB, #LoveIsland = #ChallengeMania

@AREUTHE1: Are you falling in love with Are You The One? Then tune into a new episode TONIGHT at 9/8c! ❤️ #AYTO
- @amba1210: @AREUTHE1 I wanna be you when I grow up 😩❤️
@AREUTHE1: Is this the end of Kai and Jenna!? Tune into a brand new, hour-and-a-half-long episode of #AYTO TONIGHT at 9/8c to find out ☕️   Sneak Peek: Jenna And Kai's Big Blowup / From hookups to blowups, these two run the emotional gamut on the next episode of #AYTO, on Wednesday at 9/8c.
- @QueerGirlzSlay: @AREUTHE1 Lol
- @kai__wes: @AREUTHE1 I have a lot of feelings....
- @Remdelarem: @AREUTHE1 AHHHH yes I remember it like it was yesterday!!!! 😂😂😂
- @KariselleSnow: @AREUTHE1 Oops
@LightheartedTV: New episode of Are You The One tonight on MTV 9/8c. Who's excited? #AYTO #AreYouTheOne
- @KylieMarie808: @LightheartedTV 🚨 ATTENTION 🚨 Tonight EVERYONE drop your plans and turn your TVs to MTV and tune in to the new episode of @AREUTHE1 do NOT forget 9|8c. Even better this episode is 1 1/2 hours.👅🥂 it’s going to be juicy I can feel it.😉
@mariae296: I’m seeing so many of the girls I used to go out with and party, get pregnant and engaged. And with all the love in my heart, congratulations to them but damn lmfao I barely know how to maintain stability for 5 minutes a day.
@_PaigeCole: All of us watching the new episode of #AYTO tonight like
@dramaxic: #AYTO tonight 9/8c on @MTV !!! 90 min spectacular !!! So get your life together before you watch ours fall to pieces !!!
- @JustinaveryPalm: @dramaxic Take a shot every time some messy shit happens and get fucked up, cuz that’s what I’m doing lol
@kai__wes: I have a lot of feelings about tonight’s episode and idk if I’m ready for the emotional rollercoaster. I JUST FEEL A LOT OKAY??? #AYTO
@DerrickMTV: SAN FRANCISCO,CA!! September 7TH! (@punchlinesf). 🦑🦑🦑 #ChallengeManiaLIVE and The Greatest Team ever Assembled is EN ROUTE!! If you wanna LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF and hear some UNBELIEVABLE challengemtv stories,this one… …
@WestonBergmann: Corey and I loved hanging out with the new cast of The Real World: Atlanta! Watch our interview with them, exclusively on Facebook Watch. @MTV @CoryWharton @ChallengeMTV @FacebookWatch …
@people: The Real World: Atlanta's Tovah Marx Opens Up About Being Raped in Heartbreaking Sneak Peek
- @tovahmarx: @people OMG. This was all I could ever dream for. Promoting awareness for individuals who have been through this and feel alone. You are NOT alone. I got you. We will get through it. ❤️
@DerrickMTV: NEWWW PODCAAAAAST!! 🎧🧨  Meet Clint AND @deardondre, SEPARATELY! Wouldn’t want any drinks being slapped out of people’s hands! 😉   - Get Behind the Scenes w/ Me @SHOTOFYAGER and the fellas: 🎧 …   - NEW @RealWorldMTV is on Facebook Watch every Thursday Night!🧨
@TheCycle: .@johnnybananas stopped by yesterday at @wildeagle_cle to chat Celebrity softball, his trash talk with @mikethemiz and his rise to fame with @MTV @AlexaDatt
@MTV: "Max is a really good kisser."   Things are getting STEAMY on tonight's NEW episode of #AYTO tonight at 9/8c! 🔥💋   Sneak Peek: Max And Justin Make Out / Max and Justin finally act on their attraction and share an intimate moment.
@AREUTHE1: RSVP to the party of the year! 💌    What: Queer Prom 💄 / When: Tonight @ 9/8c ⏰ / Where: MTV 📺   #AYTO  Sneak Peek: Queer Prom The house throws themselves the prom they wish they had in High School.
@itskcheyenne: New York, Baltimore, Jamaica all has to fit in one bag..... send help
@NataliaNegrotti: Sunny Leone started as a porn star and became one of Bollywood’s biggest actresses. Cardi B started as a stripper and is now an A List entertainer/rapper. Let that sink in. Let’s stop judging people and start chasing our own dreams
@johnnybananas: There's no "I" in team... But there's a Rapper, a Reguetonero, Avenger, a Yankee, Prisoner, a Pitcher, Designer, a Diddy, Philly, Bachelor and a Banana🎙⚾️🦸🏽‍♂️🍌 #SquadGoals #ThisViewIsBananas #celebritysoftballgame #allstargame #bananasdoingthings

- @Remdelarem: @AREUTHE1 Siri play Toxic by Britney Spears
@AREUTHE1: Birdbox (2019) ... ... ... Jk it's a new episode of #AYTO lol 🌈  TONIGHT @ 9/8c on MTV! 📺
@aashawells_: #AYTO tonight tonight tonight
@amba1210: Mood for tonight’s episode
@JassJaquay: Let me get ready to talk my shit tonight 🍿 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Our haters are our motivators 💪 Don't miss a new episode of #AYTO on TONIGHT at 9/8c (looking at you, haters 👀)   F*ck Trolls / The cast of Are You The One? Season 8 tell us how they deal with haters.
@KariselleSnow: The people who don’t deserve me always get the best of me. Like why
@Remdelarem: Okay LADIES my nap is over I’m ready to watch some #AYTO and YES I will be rehashing drama from the show in real time cuz I’m feeling like a MESSY bitch! So TUNE IN!
@momo7928: I’ve been watching #AYTO for 8 seasons and never have I wanted a perfect match more than @QueerGirlzSlay and @kai__wes to be a perfect match!! Please please please!!! 💜💙❤️
@_PaigeCole: You can’t even make the messiness of tonight’s episode into a drinking game because we’d all die of alcohol poisoning. #AYTO
@dramaxic: So are things poppin off tonight or what ????
@Remdelarem: Who’s ready to see me be ICONIC on TV for a THIRD week in a row?? Because I sure am lmao #AYTO
@Remdelarem: Omg they just posted a clip of Brandon and I making out that I never saw before!!! #AYTO


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