*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Welcome back again... we've just gushed over another case of a guy getting a drink thrown in his face, a blast from the past in the latest Big Brother showmance to invade MTV, and when you count other matters - a fight on the Real World as well. Now, we turn to more lovin' in Are You The One? Come One, Come All.
Last week, there was something that has never gone down in an MTV Reality show: a scene where not two, not three, but FIVE people getting together in an orgy when those inhabitants of this love shack took over the Boom Boom Room. That only adds more to a record-setting season of sorts of hookups in this extraordinary season of sexually-fluid singles being the star of this show, where the Max & Justin show continues to go along, and where the man who's looking to what Devin did a few years ago in being the resident nerd in this place, Danny, teared up discussing his divorce.
If there's a time for any AYTO house to realize that this is a game for $1 million, then it's when they get dealt some bad news: at the end of Episode 5 the group lost one light beam in the fourth matchup. And this week, the house is on a mission to see who that one beam could be as they try to figure out who is a perfect match in that combination. The man with hair to go for days will try to do what he can to get a romance to look for other options in the house, just as another couple who've provided us with memorable moments aplenty here will do just that after they were a confirmed no-match.
After the jump, the 'Pulse of Week 5 of Are You The One? 8. Thanks for joining us, again...
@ExOnTheBeach: When the side piece and the main course meet 🤕 Elena found herself with yet another ruined Valentine's Day, and Mark was to blame AGAIN! 💔 #ExOnTheBeach
@_gelesann: In my head I sound like a boss bitch, then I hear myself on tv and I’m Minnie Mouse with subtitles #ExOnTheBeach@nillythesquid: Happy birthday to the only person who can try to break my nose and then become my favorite human to ever walk the planet! I love you you psycho ass beach 🏝 @K0nigi
@codibutts: Living the dream! @naturallight #daydrinking
@MattieLBreaux: Hakuna Matata 🦁
@JeremiahBuoni: I’m back guys!!! 😱 😜 • Sorry it’s been a minute but a lot has happened and we had another crazy summer. I’ve just had to take some time away to center myself and get my mind right. Now it’s time to jump right back on… (link: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0TzWzHjkVa/?igshid=6g0bkkt53chf)
@Rogan_OConnor: Bye Bye Bali 👋🏼 🏝 Guess I better come home then 🤷🏽♂️
@msdeenguyen: Wishing my girl @Ninja_Natalie the happiest of all birthdays!! Love you so much girl!
@angelababicz: Please pray for my sweet angel Zuko as he fights to get better 💙 Mommy loves you baby! 🙏🏼
@angelababicz: My baby gained his wings tonight 💙 I guess heaven needed you more than we did. Have fun playing with Princess up there. RIP little man, can’t wait to see you again....
- @PaulCalafiore_: @angelababicz I’m sorry love 😞 Sending lots of love and positivity ❤️
- @DayDaVonne_: @angelababicz Sending you love ❤️
@RealWorldMTV: "But I didn’t see anybody on TV or in songs or in the paper — anyone to look up to that acted the way I did after rape. I wanted to show girls that you are not alone..." - @tovahmarx opens up about her brave confession on The #RealWorld
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 O this JUUUUUICY
- @Remdelarem: @AREUTHE1 Uuuuuhhhhhhhh ooooohhhhhh
@kai__wes: Queen @JassJaquay heard @QueerGirlzSlay & I were a no match 🙊 #AYTO
@kai__wes: Vulnerability is the risk worth taking.
@_PaigeCole: *sings happy birthday to myself*
@_PaigeCole: YALL!!! @amba1210 FaceTimed me happy birthday damn near around midnight my time and THATS LITERALLY THE SWEETEST THING EVER IM CRYING I LOVE HER!!! EVERYONE NEEDS AN AMBER IN THEIR LIFE!
@jonathankmonroe: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @_PaigeCole
@AREUTHE1: Do y'all think issa match? 🤔 Tune into a new episode of #AYTO TONIGHT at 9/8c to see if the house can confirm their first Perfect Match 🔮
@KariselleSnow: Just made a video talking all about sexuality and my experience as a bisexual check it outtt (link: https://youtu.be/zEu1iHwF1kw) youtu.be/zEu1iHwF1kw
@AREUTHE1: Amber thinks there's a strong chance her Perfect Match is Nour, but is the attraction gone? Find out on a new episode of #AYTO TONIGHT at 9/8c 👀
@SlateOutward: This season of Are You the One? is a safe space for sexual fluidity. But will reality show drama ruin its potential for positive bi representation? (link: https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/07/mtv-are-you-one-bisexual-representation.html) slate.com/human-interest…
- @Remdelarem: @SlateOutward There’s no such thing as positive bi representation cuz bisexuals are all awful people duh
@KylieMarie808: Sooooooo who’s TVs will be tuned in to @MTV at 9|8c to watch the beautiful, dramatic, loving season 8 of @AREUTHE1 👅 🥂
@TransEquality: Why. Aren't. You. Watching. This. Show. Yet? Not only are we huge fans of @Kai__Wes, but this season of Are You The One is a refreshing normalization of trans and queer identity. #AYTO #TeamKai
@KariselleSnow: 🚨 TONIGHT 🚨 You’re GONNA wanna be there. 9/8c on MTV Set an alarm! I’m serious... #ayto
@JassJaquay: Make sure y’all tune in TONIGHTTTTT @AREUTHE1 #AYTO it gets really interesting!! 9/8 C on @MTV
@dramaxic: Please have your phone fully charged tonight because I’ll be live tweeting tonight; also fully charged #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: Btw, @AREUTHE1 The guys on my cast could NEVAAAA ❤️❤️ Love y’all though 🤪😈 #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: Ready for this @AREUTHE1 episode tonight chyle... 😉 #AYTO Let’s see what some of the crazies are up to tonight 🤪
@QueerGirlzSlay: #AYTO I’m the one hunny 💋
@nourfraij_: the live tweets will be in full affect for tonight’s @AREUTHE1 episode! #AYTO
@kai__wes: What’s that?! There’s a new episode of @AREUTHE1 TONIGHT!? Maybe I can take some relationship advice from Jax, they seem to be doin all that ~~ connection ~~ stuff right so far 🤷🏼♂️ #AYTO
- @dramaxic: We got you, Kai 😘 #AYTO
@amba1210: Okay so who’s watching tonight’s episode of @AREUTHE1 ?
@JassJaquay: the real ONE #AYTO 😘
@AREUTHE1: Oh hunny, there's a love bubble brewing and it's about to bust 🛁 Don't miss a new episode of #AYTO in 1 HOUR on @MTV! 🍿
@outmagazine: “I am part of the community whether people like it or not, I still matter and I’m not ashamed of being a slutty drama queen," says @Remdelarem, "especially not in front of no damn straight people.” #AYTO
@dramaxic: Live was lit, thanks for stopping. If you didn’t then you can catch it on my insta cuz I learned how to save it... @ maxgentile
@KylieMarie808: I hope everyone is tuning in tonight! 🥳 get your popcorn ready and drink handy. It’s a good one. 👀 @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@DannyPrikaz: I’m going live on Instagram as soon as Are You the One? ends tonight! So tune in at 9/8c and then come hang out with me on Insta!
► AS THEY SAW IT: "Hate to Burst Your Bubble"
@AREUTHE1: The cast really need to step it up this week. An all new episode of #AYTO starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! IT'S GO TIME! (GIF: Jon - "We still have 0 f___ing answers")
@dramaxic: One beam is 🚮 #AYTO #favemoji@Remdelarem: #AYTO TIIIME
@kai__wes: “One beam, lets get drunk.” - @KariselleSnow next episode of @AREUTHE1 starts NOW! #AYTO
@Remdelarem: Amber’s hair is soooooo great like this #AYTO
- @aashawells_: OH
@AREUTHE1: Is Nour's apology too little, too late? #AYTO (GIF of her and Amber hugging)
@_PaigeCole: Amber just stood up for me?!??! 😩🥺🥰 #AYTO
@Remdelarem: “You bullying Paige....” - Amber to Nour oop 😯 #AYTO
@SavageBranch: Nour & Amber nooooo #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Lol @ me sarcastically and Jenna spitefully telling Kai and Jasmine we were the one beam 💀💀💀 we LOVE pettiness!!!! #AYTO
@Remdelarem: Kick his ass Jasmine LMAO #AYTO
@kai__wes: I respect the communication that @amba1210 & @nourfraij_ are having, no matter how difficult the conversation. #respect #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: When Jenna is acting salty that Kai is making connections with new people, despite them being a no match 🤔 #AYTO (GIF)
@BobbyBrandoXL: Nobody even noticed that @JassJaquay Not worried about nobody 😂😂😂😂
@dramaxic: On some real real I think @JassJaquay could have beat the entire house’s ass #AYTO
@aashawells_: Omg #AYTO
@kai__wes: You may squat 200lbs but you ain’t neva wrestled with a soccer player, WATCH OUT 😉 @JassJaquay #AYTO
@JassJaquay: Sis said “I CaNt” #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Hang loose, @QueerGirlzSlay ! 🤙
@kai__wes: “Jenna, I’m the winner b*tch” — @JassJaquay as she pinned me to the ground with one hand on my neck. I’M WEAK 😂 #AYTO
@kai__wes: Anyone who wants to play wrestle with me is a contender in my book 😍 @JassJaquay #AYTO
@nourfraij_: we have to figure this shit out! #AYTO
@kai__wes: All this speculating about beams and no beams makin my head hurt. No one knows a n y t h i n g for sure yet, just sayin 🤷🏼♂️ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @aashawells_: @kai__wes For the ppl in the back
@dramaxic: “Let’s talk strategy” is code for let’s convince the rest of the house that #Jax is not a match #ayto
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO @nourfraij_ telling me to hold up and running this meeting! If y'all think that I didn't call that meeting, you're mistaken.
- @nourfraij_: @DannyPrikaz professor danny has spoken 👏🏼😂💗
@dramaxic: As a precursor tho, I did fail college algebra like twice at @OhioState but whose counting, #literally #ayto
@Remdelarem: Okay but she DID make that mistake Basit!!!! #AYTO
@dramaxic: Do you think we were the beam ???? #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: The only time Kari and Kylie didn't sit next to each other, the house lost a beam. And that's the tea. ☕️ #AYTO (GIF: ladder - "That's some tea")
@dramaxic: “Good evening ladies and gentleman, this is your captain @Remdelarem speaking. The S.S. #Jax will be departing shortly. Please keeps ALL extremities inside the ship.” #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: FIGHT FOR YOUR MANS 👏 #AYTO (GIF: Justin to Max - "Let's give em hell")
@_PaigeCole: two bottoms, one boom boom #AYTO
- @jonathankmonroe: @_PaigeCole You 👏🏼 said 👏🏼 that 👏🏼
@AREUTHE1: 👀🍿 #AYTO (GIF of Justin and Max kissing in Boom Boom Room)
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 Don’t they have a website for this?? Popcorn is an interesting... choice
- @KylieMarie808: @AREUTHE1 Not the Boom Boom Room again..🤭🤷🏽♀️
@dramaxic: Damn the growth is really real. It’s hard to explain into words what it’s like to see that 3rd person. #AYTO
@dramaxic: Tehehe #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO @TheBasitShow @Remdelarem These queens are holding a seance to divine the matches!
- @Remdelarem: @DannyPrikaz The two most wise in the house
- @DannyPrikaz: @Remdelarem Oh?
@kai__wes: Not gonna lie, I’m a sucker for a soft sensual masc for masc moment #mascforJax @dramaxic @JustinaveryPalm #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: We need answers - let's get Amber and Nour in that Truth Booth! 🔮 #AYTO (GIF: Amber - "It's a high possibility that she can be my match")
@Remdelarem: Amber was ready to let go lmao #AYTO
@Remdelarem: Who thinks I’m gunna win yet ANOTHER challenge??? Athlete BOOTS #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Listen.... This ballet look that I've got going on... I don't know
@kai__wes: Why we always gotta have the camera pan to me when we hear things like “love bubble”? 😅 oooo the subtle reads. #AYTO
@nourfraij_: lmfao yo justin and max are killing it!!! #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Wow we love Jonathan riding me 💀💀💀 #AYTO
- @jonathankmonroe: @_PaigeCole Best ride of my life! 💕
@Remdelarem: Jonathan and Paige lmao #AYTO
@dramaxic: They’re real too #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: First two couples in the lead: Max and Justin and Amber and Nour. LET'S F****N GO! 👏 #AYTO
@kai__wes: Someone PLEASE make gifs ASAP of @dramaxic bouncing his pecs and him and @JustinaveryPalm saying they have some of the nicest tits in the house 😂💀 #AYTO
- @aashawells_: @kai__wes I digress.
@AREUTHE1: When you're a verse top and he tries to put you on your back 😮 #AYTO (GIF of Basit)
@dramaxic: 100% Chance #Jax wins this challenge like name a better duo #ayto
@kai__wes: Did that ballon burst on your d*ck @DannyPrikaz?! 🙈 #AYTO
@kai__wes: Oop! What did I just hear @DannyPrikaz?! Tryna get my attention?! I think you’re cute too 🤫 Sorry I was so distracted the first time you complimented me, I promise I’m learning 🙈 #AYTO
@dramaxic: @KariselleSnow in challenges could be its own show 😂😂😂😂 #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: Basiiiiiiiitttttttttttt 😂😂😂😂😂😂🌈🤭🤭🤭 #AYTO @AREUTHE1 @TheBasitShow
@nourfraij_: omg let’s go amour!!!
@dramaxic: Challenge domination 🔜🔜 WORLD DOMINATION #JAX #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: A couple of Power Couples heading out on this getaway date! Is this the first week we get a confirmed Perfect Match⁉️ #AYTO (GIF: Amber - "That is a possible perfect match")
@kai__wes: “Baby I’m a verse TOP, don’t you think you’re slick by tryna put me on my back” — @TheBasitShow — now nominating this as the most iconic quote of the season. #AYTO @AREUTHE1
- @AREUTHE1: @kai__wes We second this nomination #AYTO
- @TheBasitShow: @kai__wes If you don’t know... now you know
@BobbyBrandoXL: So about this challenge @JassJaquay Doesn’t it suck that someone stole our key We really won the challenge tbh #AYTO
@Remdelarem: Helloooo of COURSE I WON #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO @kai__wes and I were the only ones doing that challenge correctly i.e. seriously simulating some stuff.
@AREUTHE1: Subtle 😅 #AYTO (GIF of Jenna)
@dramaxic: O darn it, Amber and Nour didn’t win the challenge...... PAHAHA #AYTO
@JassJaquay: Am I too black to blush y’all? #AYTO 😂😂😂❗️
@kai__wes: We cute or whateva *nervous giggles* @JassJaquay #AYTO
- @JassJaquay: @kai__wes Okayyyy now this 🥰 #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: The thought of joining kai and jasmine #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Paige walking in the bathroom to find Kai and Jasmine in the shower like 🙃 #AYTO (GIF)
@Remdelarem: Awwwww look at Paige in this RANDOM lingerie LMAO #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: me to Jenna #AYTO
@SavageBranch: Jenna don’t look girl #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Kai to Jenna rn 😪 #AYTO (GIF of someone throwing heart away)
@dramaxic: That’s the shower I use everyday twice, sometimes three times a day 😓😣😔 #ayto
@kai__wes: Making new connections in the house with residual feelings for old connections is not easy, we all gotta play the game. But there are 3 bathrooms in that house — why you keep showin up in the back room when I’m tryna stay out of view? @QueerGirlzSlay 🤔 #AYTO
@JassJaquay: And I- oop! #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Wow I really capitalized on sex selling AND vulnerability selling all in the same night! I love me #AYTO
@Remdelarem: I love you @QueerGirlzSlay! #AYTO
@dramaxic: Ok I know it’s her birthday, but find you a person in your life like @_PaigeCole. Literally a beacon of light in a sea of ignorance #ayto
- @_PaigeCole: @dramaxic THANK YOU SO MUCH UGH I LOVE YOUUUUUUU😭🥺😂🥺❤️
@kai__wes: I’m not reserved about sex. Nor do I have to be. Keep your cis-hetero expectations off me. That’s the tweet. #AYTO
@DEVAUGHNTE_D: @_PaigeCole protecting @QueerGirlzSlay #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: @dramaxic I can’t even deny that 😂
@nourfraij_: jasmine giggling though 😂💗 #AYTO
@tayglick: Okay but @Remdelarem and @TheBasitShow are actually a power duo I'm here for this #AYTO
@dramaxic: Make your own meme and tweet it back to me #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO @kai__wes and I might have "accidentally" popped a few of @amba1210 and @nourfraij_'s balloons. Theirs were red, and ours were pink. What's pink if not light red?
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Lol! Amber: *falls* Me: *pat, pat*
@AREUTHE1: When Brandon and Aasha hit it off and I'm surprised I didn't entertain that idea sooner. #AYTO (GIF of them)
@dramaxic: Omg is that @BobbyBrandoXL just dropping knowledge all over the place? oh yeah, of course, it is #AYTO
@kai__wes: I stan @aashawells_ & @BobbyBrandoXL, and I also want Brandon to be my life coach. That is all. #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Amber said bitch he a dawg ROOF😂😂😂😂 #AYTO
@dramaxic: Ok low key, paddle boarding was hard with the waves. Also requires an extreme amount core stability. #funfact #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Jonathan, when the rest of the house says they think Max and Justin are a No Match 😈 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Who would you vote into the Truth Booth? 🤔 #AYTO
@dramaxic: Oh now u wanna go to the honeymoon suite @JustinaveryPalm #AYTO
@KylieMarie808: Who should be sent to the truth booth!?👀
@dramaxic: #Jax for truth booth 2019 #AYTO
@dramaxic: Lol I bet Jonathan would cut his hair to see a no match between #jax #ayto
@AREUTHE1: These two ❤️ #AYTO (GIF of Kari and Kylie kissing)
- @KylieMarie808: @AREUTHE1 This will ALWAYS be my baby!💕
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Everyone's acting like #jax wasn't the strongest couple in the house! Look at this! @dramaxic @JustinaveryPalm
@Remdelarem: Ooh look at the SPARKS flying on this date wow we can SEE the chemistry LMAO as of Kari and Kylie are a match #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Watching JAX’s date and stanning SOOOO hard😭😭😭 #AYTO (GIF: *sobbing uncontrollably*)
@AREUTHE1: Rooting for JAX harder than I've ever rooted for anything in my life 🗣 #AYTO (GIF: Max - "I can't wait to be there for him and be that person that he needs")
@dramaxic: I’ll never hurt you ❤️ I promise #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @dramaxic @JustinaveryPalm MY HEART 😭😭
@kai__wes: Can @dramaxic just be my PM already actually though? *I’m not crying, you’re crying* 😭 #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO @JustinaveryPalm Don't do this to us AGAIN! 😭😭😭All these tears!
@nourfraij_: okay jax enough 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 #AYTO
@kai__wes: “For the first time I feel like I mean something to somebody” — @dramaxic pullin on my heart strings boy. You have no idea how many queer folx this resonates with. Including myself. We all just want to feel like we belong and are loved just as we are. #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@craziforlife: Justin and Max #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: @dramaxic @JustinaveryPalm Y’all both annoying But......Y’all “Kinda” cute Stan for yo Man @dramaxic #AYTO ❤️❤️❤️
@Remdelarem: Ugh I literally shed a tear watching #JAX’s date lmao #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: Jax For couple of the year @dramaxic @JustinaveryPalm The growth between you two especially you Max is awesome, it’s cool seeing you get out of your shell and standing up for what you believe in.#BOUTMFTIME 🌈❤️ Coached by Brandon 🤪🤪🤪 #AYTO
- @dramaxic: @BobbyBrandoXL @JustinaveryPalm Thanks coach 😭🤧
@t_stockk: Why am I getting chills watching @KariselleSnow and @KylieMarie808 talk on the beach 😭💕 #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: I’m the drunk girl in the bathroom at clubs hyping up the really sad drunk girls, telling them they’re beautiful and fixing their makeup 😂❤️ #AYTO
@Remdelarem: Not y’all not showing my date again LMAO omg!!!! @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: There are two moods right now 😅 #AYTO (GIF of Kari & Kylie applauding and Max & Justin being still after the girls are chosen to go to truth booth over them)
@miranda24101972: Waiting to find it if Kari and Kyle are a match like #AYTO
@dramaxic: Of course y’all pick Kari and Kylie. Lol wack... #AYTO
@nourfraij_: omggggg are they a match??
@AREUTHE1: 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 #AYTO (GIF of Kylie and Kari in Truth Booth)
@Remdelarem: What a waste of a truth booth lmao god I was literally the ONLY one who didn’t see it and look at me? Right again!!! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Speechless 😱 #AYTO (GIF of Kylie and Kari reacting when they learn they are not a match)
@AREUTHE1: Max and Justin right now 🐸☕️ #AYTO (GIF)
@JassJaquay: Them forehead kisses 😩 gimme some @KylieMarie808 #AYTO
- @KylieMarie808: @JassJaquay I gotchu baby come on over.😘😘😘
@nourfraij_: mood right now 😔
@amphora_: #AreYouTheOne #AYTO YALL HAVE TO BE PLAYING. WHAT???? Who is the beams then...?
@KylieMarie808: @KariselleSnow baby it hurts...😔
@AREUTHE1: Remy: Max and Justin are a match. The House: Sit down. *4 weeks later* The House: Hm. Maybe Max and Justin are a match. Remy: (GIF of him)
@aashawells_: QUEEN @Remdelarem
@dramaxic: Hahahahahahahahaha #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: Okay I was team JAX Until I saw Justin’s outfit chyle Not a cat and pizza romper 🤦🏾♂️
@KylieMarie808: @dramaxic Ima best your ass! Laughing like that.🤬🤣 I cant with you coconuts!!! Lmao
@nourfraij_: i believe strategy is VERY important, especially this far in the game. #AYTO
@Kenyaa_NOT: Um yes honey we stan Jax #AYTO
@briakristaaal: I’m not even watching rn but I can agree with the TL. In this house we stan JAX #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Man! Now that I'm following the AYTO Math blog, I'm blown away that we got so lucky to send @KariselleSnow and @KylieMarie808 to the truth booth as a no match couple! There was a 75% of them being a match! Tonight was a big answer
@dramaxic: Are Amber and Nour a match ??? #AYTO
- @amba1210: @dramaxic 🤔
@Remdelarem: Boo hoo wah wah wah!!!! Lmfao #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: "@ma8es: When you're upset that Kari and Kylie arent a match but then realize that means Justin and Max probably are... #AYTO" RT Let's talk about this potential silver lining #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: You would think seeing that would get easier... it doesn’t. #ayto
@miranda24101972: Me trying to calculate all the perfect matches on #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: Why fall in love when you can fall down a flight of stairs and feel the exact same way!
- @KylieMarie808: @KariselleSnow I couldn’t agree more.💕
@cole_griffin7: i’m upset that max and justin aren’t going into the truth booth but also happy bc now they get more time together lol. @Remdelarem is the smartest one on the show, he really believes in them. #AYTO
@dramaxic: @Remdelarem I love you #AYTO
- @Remdelarem: @dramaxic LOVE YOU SO MUCH
@kai__wes: Every no match we get when we think it’s a PM makes my head SPINNNNN. This. Game. Is. Insane. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: "I love y'all, but f*ck y'all." -Jasmine, basically 😂 #AYTO (GIF: "I'm not worried about stepping on nobodies toes")
@JassJaquay: I said what I said ! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Jonathan, anytime someone mentions that Justin and Max could be a match 😒 #AYTO
- @jonathankmonroe: @AREUTHE1 LOADED
- @BobbyBrandoXL: @AREUTHE1 OML 😂😂😂😂 Jonathan ain’t givin up 😂😂😂 #AYTO
- @amba1210: @AREUTHE1 😂😅
@Remdelarem: LMAOOO OSTRICH @_PaigeCole #AYTO
@aashawells_: It’s so weird watching urself on tv good lord #AYTO
@amba1210: How y’all feeling so far ? I’m at work so idk what’s going on 😩
@nourfraij_: LMFAO 😂😂
@vanjiewest: remy: I- me: #AYTO
@dramaxic: Live look at @jonathankmonroe trying to pop our love bubble #AYTO
@nourfraij_: halfway through, how many beams are we getting y’all?? #ayto
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO @_PaigeCole That ostrich bit! @drfrankiebashan might have missed the memo at that point
@AREUTHE1: Terrence: Do you think the Matchmakers would put you with someone who you need to keep giving more chances to? Amber, standing next to Nour: No.
@_PaigeCole: Amber said noooo... but yeahhh?? #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Live look at Jonathan right now 😈 #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: Wheeeew chyle #AYTO That choice though (GIF: "Oooooh gurl.")
@dramaxic: D E L U S I O N A L #ayto
@KeNo_713: They hated on @Remdelarem in the beginning now he coming through with the facts! #AreYouTheOne
@Kenyaa_NOT: Chileeee! Jonathan picking Justin.. #AYTO
- @BobbyBrandoXL: @Kenyaa_NOT Gurlllllll 😂😂😂😂
- @jonathankmonroe: @Kenyaa_NOT HAHAHHAAHHA!
@briakristaaal: Wait... Kylie and Kari aren’t a match... I’m exiting the TL. Bye. #AYTO
@jonathankmonroe: @DannyPrikaz @AREUTHE1 On it!
- @DannyPrikaz: @jonathankmonroe The boy delivers!
@flairrollins: basit is literally the baddest bitch in the house and is always there for everyone i’m sick and tired of them being ignored they deserve so much more #ayto
@aashawells_: Anyways
@AREUTHE1: Remy: Y'all had one date. How is this following your heart? Jonathan:
@_PaigeCole: @Remdelarem said “thinkin w your private parts” #AYTO
@JassJaquay: @Remdelarem learned from the best !! You better tell em 😂😂 #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: Same @TheBasitShow #ayto
@QueerGirlzSlay: Okay I’m really getting called a clown a lot. I just want you to imagine, you are in a house and you’ve fallen for someone. You are quarantined there, forced to watch your person flirt with and fuck someone else. I handled it in the best way I could, and I’m proud of that. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: They're officially resorting to picking their parents' Perfect Matches 😩 #AYTO (GIF: Kari - "I think back to my mom")
- @KariselleSnow: @AREUTHE1 Don’t you know Italian mothers are never wrong tho!!!!
@_PaigeCole: hey guys, it’s ya girl Paige Cole, and you can catch me on “Are you The 2?” #AYTO
@dramaxic: Me trying to smile for Terrance after that buffoonery #ayto
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO I got to talk on the phone with @KariselleSnow mom the other day. Sweet lady! And yeah, she loves me 😘
- @KariselleSnow: @DannyPrikaz She loved him
- @DannyPrikaz: @KariselleSnow And she still thinks we're a match 😭😭
@dramaxic: I was shook and picked coach @BobbyBrandoXL #ayto
@_PaigeCole: Y’all really sleep on me🥺 #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: Y’all @jonathankmonroe looks crazy right now for picking @JustinaveryPalm, but obviously y’all don’t get to see everything that happened in the house! There are so many reasons why they could be a match! Like they both... ... ... like camping
- @dramaxic: @DannyPrikaz Well said Dannylama #ayto
@kai__wes: Uh-oh... @jonathankmonroe picked @JustinaveryPalm? This looks like a slippery slope 😬 #AYTO
@kai__wes: I see you in my clothes boo!! @nourfraij_ lookin FRESH AF at this ceremony tonight 😍 #AYTO
@kai__wes: Wait wait wait — @_PaigeCole - first you comfort @QueerGirlzSlay in the bathroom over my connection with @JassJaquay, but then you go and pick her at the matchup? Umm... I’m confused by your logic 🤔 #AYTO
@hyndsite202020: find yourself somebody who stans you as much as Remy stans Max/Justin #AYTO
@amba1210: How many beams y’all think ??
@AREUTHE1: And the number of perfect matches is.... ️⃣ - ️⃣ COMMENT BELOW! #AYTO
- @KylieMarie808: @AREUTHE1 😭😭😭😭😭
@QueerGirlzSlay: I knew it was a game, but that doesn’t take away the fact that I am a human being, and an emotional one too, which I SAID from the start. What happened to me would’ve hurt anyone. And I had a conversation with Jasmine assuring her I wasn’t mad, I knew I had no right to be. #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: Okay @dramaxic I’ll be your step up for tonight. but I’m coach, and you could NEVAAAA So after this go get your MF man 😈 @JustinaveryPalm #AYTO
@JassJaquay: SickUDDD #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: This is fine 🙃 #AYTO (GIF)
@_PaigeCole: All of us getting ready for the black out ceremony like #AYTO
@aashawells_: Black out #AYTO
@TIGGIESMALLZ: This black out means Nour and Amber aren’t a perfect match #ayto (GIF: *pretends to be shocked*)
@nourfraij_: i still can’t believe that shit happened.
@dramaxic: Another live look at @jonathankmonroe when Terrance asked who his perfect match is tonight... (GIF: "I have a blackout scheduled for 10pm.")
@_PaigeCole: Not me trying not to laugh 😂😩 #AYTO
┃┃╱╲ in
┃╱╱╲╲ this
▔▏┗┛▕▔ we
don't point fingers
*cough except for at
Jonathan cough*
╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲
- @jonathankmonroe: @AREUTHE1 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
@kai__wes: RIP Amour 😢😞 #AYTO I’m sorry bbs, I know what this no match feels like..... @amba1210 @nourfraij_
@amba1210: @nourfraij_ ❤️
@kai__wes: We just lost $250k???? This house is going to erupt into turmoil. Just kill me now. #AYTO
@amba1210: This whole time I thought it was 🤷🏼♀️💔
@dramaxic: I feel so much worse that Terrance was disappointed in us 😭 #ayto
@nourfraij_: i was DEVASTATED!!! like how?!!! 😫
@tylersemicolon: I can hear max and Justin fist pumping from here after that no match #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: What is this blackout that you speak of? I’ve never heard of it before? #AYTO
@briakristaaal: waaaaaaait!!!! yall done fucked around and BLACKED OUT!?! the only blacking out that should be happening in the #AYTO house is from too many shots!!!
@Kenyaa_NOT: Those beams taking a while to pop up.. #AYTO
- @Kenyaa_NOT: ...wait bitch i am so sorry i didn’t mean this
@jonathankmonroe: Now, I can move on ..... BTW I WAS 1/8 of the BLACKOUT. NOT FULLY RESPONSIBLE. @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@shadesofgregory: I just..... my queens #AYTO
@shadesofgregory: I loved **** and ***** together, however from a mathematical standpoint them not being a match leaves very few possible matches left and brings them a little bit closer. #AYTO
@shadesofgregory: Terrance didn’t throw shade, he threw a whole forest #AYTO
@shadesofgregory: Wellllll #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: @Remdelarem RT RT RT
@nourfraij_: "@kmylovescamila: @nourfraij_ crying literally almost the whole episode makes me sad 😢 #AYTO #ayto8" RT it was a rough few days 🥺🤧
@AREUTHE1: Next time on #AYTO the pressure is ON. 🔥 Jenna and Kai just can't stay away and Jonathan is FINALLY ready to fight for Basit.
- @Remdelarem: @AREUTHE1 This Remy erasure.... sick of y’all
@dramaxic: Last week when I was freaking out on justin saying he looked like “a slut to the entire house” was precisely for this reason. No one was thinking we were a match Bc I got explosive and he was ya know... “exploring”. We lost credibility in the house’s eyes. #ayto that’s the tea
@dramaxic: The #Jax ships rides at dusk, next Wednesday night #ayto #allaboard
@_PaigeCole: Anyways, on that note of Kai trying to incorrectly come for me, but going right back to Jenna in these previews.... how excited are y’all for next weeks episode?! #AYTO.
@yosoymichael: Get you someone that looks at you the same way that @Remdelarem looks at himself. #AYTO
- @Remdelare: @yosoymichael LMAAAOOOOO
@sincyslegacy: Anyways... that episode was amazing and perfect in every way. This house is lowkey a joke and @_PaigeCole @dramaxic @Remdelarem and @JustinaveryPalm are the only woke ones✌🏻 #AYTO
@amba1210: I’m at work but can we live together tmm @nourfraij_ 🙂
@zakmarkjones: Jonathan and Paige... y’all better come up with 250k to pay back the rest of the house.... @AREUTHE1
@tylersemicolon: Can someone teach me how to speak broke so I can talk to season 8 #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: When that “no match” comes up #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: Don’t forget every WEEK is cramped into 40 minutes. Y’all don’t see us cooking for each other, being there for each other when we get home sick, going to bed together, or talking about building a future as PMs. This was one of the hardest days I’ve ever had. #AYTO
- @KylieMarie808: @KariselleSnow ♥️♥️♥️
@Remdelarem: They robbed us girl!!! @TheBasitShow #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: If y’all don’t know. I’m a top @Remdelarem
@JassJaquay: Lol so can I just have my moment 🙄 #AYTO #LetMeBeGreat #IWannaShineToo #ThisIsNotAboutYall #YallAnnoying
@amba1210: RIP Amour 🖤
@_PaigeCole: Can’t wait to get BLACKED OUT for my bday tonight !!!!🤪 ...too soon???
@jonathankmonroe: Remember MORE LOVE and LESS HATE! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Well, it's not officially a game in any AYTO season until things get serious, or if the cast gets a big wake-up call. And for the first time since early on in Season 5 - and in this case, the first time in Terrence J.'s stint as host of this series, we have a cast recording a blackout in a matchup... and in turn, this cast's jackpot has been cut by a good chunk in just $250,000 instead of a half-million like what happened to new EOTB ex Shannon and her cast there in Hawaii. The Five'rs did not fully recover from that, while the other casts that had a blackout before then picked back up and went on to win. As they say, game on... and will this cast come back from this setback? Time will tell.
With just the two Pulse posts of the shows we're covering now up for the week, it gives us the time to work on the latest installment of our traditional introduction to newcomers in the MTV land, as we'll be profiling this summer's class of MTV newbies and a stellar returning star who comprise part of the cast of Season 3 of Ex On The Beach. "Who Are These Newbies" will be up in a few days, along with hopefully a lot of other good stuff to keep you company as we head towards August, and inch closer to the fall TV schedule. For now, thanks for browsing and have a good Saturday everyone...
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