Monday, September 11, 2017

DC WRAP: The Challenge XXX - Dirty 30: "Dirty Little Secret"

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

Hello, and welcome back to DCBLOG's trip Inside the MTV Trifecta, as we wrap up Week 8 of The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 before the season's second half begins tomorrow. For most of last week's episode, trivia was the rage as TJ Lavin's favorite challenge saw the brains of the 18 remaining competitors being tested, and saw many a player being dropped into the H2O below for getting their minds twisted. In the end, it's what happened with the two who survived that test of the smartest that is on the minds of everyone.
   Coming up, Forum: Endgame will look at the hookup of former Rivals III pair Tony and Camila, and Things to Know will look at that and the top moments of the past four episodes. And then on ExtraTime, we'll head to Sin City to chill with the duo known as DNA, as well as them trying to do their own imitation of a famous late night TV segment. Stay with us, will you?


First here, we begin with something we haven't done in a month in recapping what's been taking place... but because of the numerous episodes being edited in a weird way, what we'll do for this latest Things to Know wrap is look at what we feel are the biggest moments from the past four episodes. And in chronological but not ascending order, here's our top moments from month two of Dirty 30.

● REDEMPTIONER'S REVENGE: First, after much hype and speculation, we begin with Episode 5 and the Redemption House's a chance to get some revenge on the main house... and from life in that cramped part of Cartagena and TJ walking in to get them set to get a chance at returning to them competing in front of a stunned group of competitors it was the overarching theme of the start of this month's stretch. With an an odd bracketed format in the order of players being eliminated squaring off, the players wrestle on a platform over the water, with the one whose foot touches the water first losing. This pits Devin vs. Darrell and Derrick H. vs. Tony, then Amanda vs. Latoya and Briana vs. Jenna in the first round; Darrell, Tony, Amanda and Jenna win their bouts to advance on. In the finals, the bickering between the girls ended there as Jenna took out Amanda, and in a shocking result Tony upsetting Darrell - but not before a shot of genius of his kids as they head down.

● RAP BATTLE BLUNDER: Since we first saw him on Real World Portland, we have seen Jordan engage himself in some questionable behavior, and Week 6 is no exception. First, he gets upset when a bag of bread is open, as are five jars of PB & J, yelling at those on the pool that at least one jar has to be shut... but this is fairly tame event compared to what takes place after the week's challenge on a night out at the club. There, some of the house engages in a rap battle on the bus ride back, where after everyone takes turns to spit some rhymes, a line in Jordan's rap suggests that Jemmye has a face that resembles someone who has down syndrome. Suddenly, the vibe goes from hot to cold as the group begins to unload on Jordan when they arrive back at camp, as he figures out that he made a terrible mistake as the others console Jem.

● AMMO: Someone who is already a front runner for this year's Rookie of the Year in our year-end Debrief Awards is Ammo, and what happened in him beating Tony in the first Presidio battle is a mark in his record he will always remember. It's after what happened with Jordan that he is given the double cross to go in against the Portlander, as they go into battle to try and rip off all of their opponent's patches while being blindfolded, and the first to do so winning. In what turns out to be an battle that dragged on longer than it did on TV - an hour in total, it's a physical battle where Jordan was focused on putting the hits on him, Ammo is able to get three points and putting the Exes 2 champ on the ropes. However, the experience shows for Jordan as he goes on to win and eventually fatiguing Ammo to the point where after showing more heart than what some of his fellow players have done, he collapses to the ground... this being related to PTSD and having an anxiety attack which he explained later on his sites, which we will discuss here in a later ExtraTime post.

● VERONICA & ANEESA: For two ladies with the most seniority among the women of this cast, Veronica and Aneesa first appeared on MTV when the first iteration of TRL was on the air. Here we are many years later and they're on this 30th Challenge, and in Episode 7 the two catches each other's eyes when the Road Rules alum has on a nice bathing suit. The RW Chicago alum discusses their common history with the same ex and Challenge legend, Rachel Robinson, and that Rachel and Veronica were in a relationship for several years. Feeling inebriated, Aneesa decides to bring V into her bed after dark, and it's not exactly clear what goes on there, with editing making tricks that they got to become a little more intimate than what actually goes down.

● CHALLENGES: As for the challenges that take place during this latest stretch, Week 6 sees the players tackle an obstacle course on the beach as pairs, all chosen by the Redemption winners Tony and Jenna. There are some random pairs chosen that pair a top-tier veteran with a veteran-branded rookie... and then there's CT and Cara Maria, who make fairly easy work of the rest of the field to finish first. In Week 7, it's four-player teams being given the task of having to put together the full order of Challenge seasons from 1 to 30 vertically on a pole, with the cards being located under the sand, then passed over to a player on a harness who arranges them in order. After seeing Camila and the pole make love, CT and Cara win again in being joined by Camila and Leroy. And of course, last week and the trivia, which sees the players' Challenge knowledge get tested, and results in Tony and Camila winning... more on them shortly.

● POLITICS AND XX's: For the voting aspect of this stretch, the biggest one revolves around Cory and the aftermath of what happened when the man who was gunning for him in wanting his revenge, Darrell, lost in the Redemption battles. It's very much clear that Cory has been the target of the vets since what happened earlier on, and the choice of deciding to not only take out a powerhouse veteran but also reveal those plans of taking all of the vets out are coming back to bite him... and obviously the vets have succeeded in taking him out with no knowledge that Cory may be plotting of a a chance to get revenge. And for the Double Cross, outside of the admiral respect given to Derrick K. of saying good luck to Ammo before his elimination, things have been on the edge for the Double Cross: Tori being put in back in Week 6, then Hunter being put in by Jordan the following week, Nicole making her power play on Kailah too. That whole twist has been a keypoint in this whole game.

● ELIMINATIONS: And for the eliminations, if you've been listening to the past two editions of the MTV RHAP with Brian Cohen and Ali Lasher, they've discussed how the flow of these episodes and what happens at the end and beginning of the past few of these have been interrupted by mere cliffhangers that quick eliminations could air at the beginning of the following episode after tough ones on the last and quickly take viewers out of the suspense... it's also affected this site as well in having to wait until this week and this moment to present this episode recap to you here. Whatever the case may be, the Presidio battles have proven to be a mixed bag: a tough Jordan/Ammo battle is then followed the following week by Tori making quick work of Marie. Then later in Episode 7, Aneesa is voted in and Kailah gets drawn in by Nicole, and the Vegas vet winning her second elimination... then that is cut off before an exciting battle between Hunter and Cory where milliseconds separated the Floridian from that member of the Young Bucks.

● THE HOOKUP: And then, the end of last week. As everyone heads out to celebrate Cara Maria's birthday, there's clearly two people who are celebrating more than they could after winning that trivia challenge. For Tony, we had seen him engage in things with Cara Maria earlier in the season, and now we see him feeling beyond drunk as he knows he has the win, the getaway trip and controlling the fate of everyone else come tomorrow night. For Camila, she talks to Cara Maria about how their close bond in the house has made their friendship that much more meaningful after they've been part of winning the past three challenge weeks. But as the players head on the bus ride back, something out of a ordinary takes place in the back: Camila and Tony deciding to get it on. She appears to initiate this thing at first to the point that she is a making a bad mistake, and he is taking advantage of it, thanks to the camera-op capturing that kiss from outside. And no doubt is everyone having their jaws dropped seeing this all unfold. And that leads us to this...


Well, last year on this very site, we discussed the fight that got them sent home from Rivals III. Now, 15 months after what happened there in Mexico, here we are here again to talk about Tony & Camila and that hookup in Colombia on Dirty 30. Now, everybody is left again to ponder to ourselves, "What in the world is going on with this man?"  And if you thought that we wouldn't be talking again about these two people in the same sentence, then again we've been proven wrong.
   In our Forum on what happened in Mexico last year, we talked at length about how these two people with common histories of being fiery were paired up together, and then having a late night argument that didn't really escalate to the level that he and his brother had on their first Challenge together, but nonetheless were sent home. Now, we have to deal with Tony and Camila doing something once again, but this time on a bus, on their way back home, and with him being a dad for a second time since what happened that first time around.
   In the week or so since we saw that go down, there's been a lot going on with the people who are involved in this drama, and below are comments from the two parties, as well as his brother, her closest ally in the house and the person who found out about this when the trailer dropped earlier this summer.

● TONY on Twitter @T_Raines
"I won't be live tweeting this episode but I did want to make a statement about the bus ride. I'm beyond upset at myself and regardless of how it comes across on air I blame no one but myself. Maybe I've apologized too many times or not enough about all the mistakes I've made but I am very aware of my issues and everyday I'm growing and maturing. My focus now is working to keep my family together, thank you and drama aside I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the season."

● CAMILA on Instagram @CamilaMTV
"The best apology is changed behavior. I could sit here and apologize for all of my countless mistakes I've made in my personal life, MTV career, tonight's episode, next weeks episode, mistakes I've made a year ago, mistakes I'll make tomorrow, the day after... this could go on and on and on and on. However, even though I am truly sorry for all of those mistakes I have made in my life, and nothing justifies them, I am the only one to blame for my own actions- I believe it is my responsibility to not just apologize but to actually make a change. It is my responsibility as a human being to put forward the effort, improve and become the best version of myself I can possibly be. A lot of people are saying I need to own up to my mistakes, and I agree, but I also believe I have to do more than that, and as hard as it may be, I want to give everything I got left in me for this purpose. Failure is inevitable, but instead of allowing my failures to own me, completely bring me down and break me I want to learn how to actually make affective changes in my behavior, patterns, life. I fully understand my actions don't only impact me but those around me as well, & I refuse to let my weak moments own me and take away from all of the good I hope to bring to the world any longer. I don't claim to be perfect now, nor aim to be perfect ever, but I do believe that with courage, strength, determination, love & support from those around me, I CAN and I WILL become a better me, not just for myself but for the world around me.

● CARA MARIA on Twitter @CaraMariaMTV
"For the record: camila is SINGLE & admitted her wrongs. I did what i did THREE YEARS AGO & took responsibility. Tony does it every season. We are all WRONG. dumbfounded at people giving tony passes/excuses. THAT is the double standard. BLAME women/sweep shit under rug for men. my outrage comes from people taking every opp to put me on blast on bloodlines/yet in the house all the men were trying to protect tony."

● SHANE R. on Twitter @TheShaneRaines
"Cara Maria is the definition of the pot calling the kettle black. Tony and Camila drunkenly kissed in the back of the bus one night, and Cara calls Tony a dog for that. But I've also watched Cara Maria hook up with Thomas in the back of the bus, then soberly pursue a relationship with him on national television while his bf was at home. So if you're calling him a dog for doing the same thing you've done, (only difference is you're a female) then that makes you a bitch."

● ALYSSA on Twitter (back in July - account has since been deleted)
“I may not wake up with a man but I wake up with coffee doesn’t lie about a cell phone or kissing other women on TV. I’m not bashing him! He did it to himself! It’s going to be on tv and he will have to explain that to his children! All it takes is one moment to ruin your entire life! One day my daughter will look up to me and say thank you for being so strong for us!!!! #shesmypriority  And as far as the Camilla stuff goes…it will air on television! It’s not like we all won’t find out.”

Obviously, this site will conform to our policy of not using this site to go all in on these people for their behavior... so again, this site will just observe things from an objective manner and let you all decide whose side are you on.

If you see his stories on Instagram and SnapChat, it's very much clear that Tony will likely keep on being called on to do as many of these Challenges as he likes, even as a couple of my colleagues have suggested that this environment is toxic and should take a break to get a chance to develop those family ties with the parents of his two babies. What we saw on Invasion was proof that he is capable of getting through a Challenge season unscathed as far as the drama is concerned, but what we have seen on Bloodlines, on Rivals III and now here on Dirty 30 that whenever you pair him up with alcohol things will happen... and you can see why he has had to endure the weight of people having to go onto his social media platforms to send their displeasure to him for cheating on both of his girls back home during his first and this present Challenge and setting a bad example for his kids. Rumors on the grapevine suggest that after the tirade by our last subject above that she broke off things with him outside of their parental arrangement.
   It's been well documented of how this journey has taken place for Tony: him getting together with Madison on their Real World season, then the joy of them becoming parents, then the shock of him cheating on her and his fight with Shane on his first Challenge before becoming a dad, then what we saw with Camila then, him announcing parenthood for a second time, and now this. It's almost as if this has become the MTV Trifecta's version of what we have seen so many times on Teen Mom of this ongoing soap opera with a guy in the middle, a girl he hooked up with, getting back together with his high school sweetheart, and two babies being produced because of all this. But as he keeps on doing these Challenges, if he's able to ignore all the drama and hate and performs well enough to make it to a final and finish, then he can provide his kids with some financial safety. Having Harper and Issa as the reasons for him to come onto these shows is what drives him, along with this everyday challenge of being like so many people in raising kids and a family... it's no easy cakewalk.

For Camila, she has been one of this franchise's most entertaining personalities and one of its most popular. However, the behavior we have seen from her in recent seasons have made viewers wonder about her viability as a character and not as a true top-name competitor... after all, she made a big splash on Spring Break in being chosen at random to go onto that special challenge with no idea of what would await her. But in the wake of what we saw from her this past week - as well as rumors of what might be going down above the horizon, this might be the beginning to a tough stretch.
   Yes, she has made it into two straight finals (if you include Champs vs. Pros), she became the first to eliminate Laurel early, and she has a title under her belt. And of course, there's a lot of memorable moments she's had along the way, which of course is highlighted by that night where the Camilinator became part of the Trifecta encyclopedia. Of late, she has had a change of scenery in moving from Nebraska where she went to college in, all the way out west and up to Vancouver, B.C. and the great scenery of that magical paradise on Canada's west coast. She's been posting pictures on her Instagram of her adventures in making this effort to reinvent herself from Camila the Challenger to a new Camila intent on improving herself and being happy again after this rough spot she has had. And in being able to call home not far from a person she has become close with in recent years, her Bloodline sister Lari, has made the transition to the Pacific Northwest much more easier.
   The thoughtful captions she has posted to her IG pictures recently are telling us that she's making this effort to be herself again after what we saw last week, which also saw her celebrate her 29th birthday as well. After making this mistake of kissing her rival, she has realized that she's not perfect... of course, no one is. But there's a lot of optimism of what might lie ahead of her too.

So we ask you, what are your thoughts on this shocking hookup? Tweet to me at #DCChallenge or blow back below. And speaking of this topic...


This week's two polls asked whether or not this will affect the games of both Tony and Camila, and of which regular challenge you love watching. Here's the results…

Do you think that Tony & Camila's kiss 
will hurt their chances in the game?
 YES, it will                            68% 
● NO, it won't                          32%

What is your favorite kind of regular
Challenge mission?
 PHYSICAL (Hall Brawl)           53% 
● MENTAL (Trivia & Puzzles)     36%
● STRATEGY (Knot So Fast)       18%
● ENDURANCE (like a Final)        5%


HUNTER: After the events of Week 8, there's only one person to single out in this week's WRAP. Hunter has certainly made a name for himself on The Challenge, and not just because of him joining with Cory and Nelson in calling themselves the Young Bucks. Under trying circumstances of having been given the Double Cross by Jordan, he was able to win that battle versus Cory in the second instance of best friends facing off in the Presidio. From the support he's received from fans, he has been able to prove his worth and is capable of making another deep run just as he did making it to the Bloodbath last season. And don't be surprised if he makes it to the end.

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IG @Dario.Medrano
As the competitors had some R&R after Cory & Hunter's Presidio, we had a sight we haven't had up until this past week: us seeing Dario in the pool. Outside of competition, clubs and confessionals, he hasn't been on camera, and in those precious few seconds of screen time he got to reveal what those of you out there know by now: he and Challenge champion Ashley K. are dating after they fell in love after meeting each other on Invasion. Outside of what happened with him and Nicole earlier on, he's been taking the safe route in being mellow and taking no chance at causing drama and focus just on the game, unlike what we have seen from him early on.
   In case you missed it, last week we showed you the buzz surrounding the much hyped Money Fight between now 50-0 Floyd Mayweather and the UFC's Conor McGregor, which continued in at the crossroads of boxing and Team MTV after Kailah went to the Money Man's 40th birthday party and MTV original Syrus meeting Mike Tyson. In this latest case, Ashley was chosen by the fight's principal sponsor, Corona Beer, and Mayweather Promotions as one of the ring girls who stood inside the ropes in the pre-fight introductions and then held the round cards around the square during the undercard bouts before the main event on VMA Eve. And this came after the the two settled in Dario's Las Vegas digs, as they now reach almost a full year since they first met in Thailand.
   To coincide with his birthday this past Labor Day Weekend, Dario and Ashley -- or better yet, DNA -- went and bought a GoPro camera, which in turn enabled the couple to launch their own YouTube channel. There, they'll be taking fans into their world and all around the pleasure capital as they enjoy this time together. Below are the pair's first three vlogs which they posted over the course of this week, as they went hiking in the Vegas valley in its infamous summer heat, going shopping around town, and heading on a night out along Fremont Street in downtown including, of course, going gambling. There's even a familiar special guest who happened to run into the pair too.

And it's not only on YouTube where they have made this relationship public, but most especially on Instagram where the two have posted pictures them being together on a regular basis since they became official. And just recently, Dario decided to join a viral phenomenon that's swept the nation for the past couple years.
   Those of you who watch late night TV and The Late Late Show with James Corden on CBS after Stephen Colbert most definitely know about its most famous segment: Carpool Karaoke. There, James invites music's biggest stars to join him on a cruise around town and inviting them to sign along to their songs while driving… and when you're in Los Angeles as he is based there, you surely know the Southland's infamous rush hour traffic affords plenty of time to do some karaoke in the backseat while you're waiting on the freeways. It has racked up millions of YouTube views to the many stars who have joined him for his musical journeys, and Apple Music is airing a special dedicated series of Carpool Karaoke, including the late Chester Bennington, among others.
   Cadillac served as an official sponsor of the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards and, as such, had a presence inside The Forum, and they partnered with Late Late's production company Fulwell 73 to offer a Carpool Karaoke booth for attendees of the big show to take to the front wheel and do their own imitation of James and those who sit and be entertained. The result of Dario taking on that fun task is below, though it's safe to say he does need some work on that karaoke, which his fellow Season 2 castmate Nate has already mastered in his Instagram and SnapChat stories.

A post shared by D A R I O ⚡️ M E D R A N O (@dario.medrano) on


Finally, as we post this on this Monday and a day of reflection and remembrance, it's Fashion Week in New York City... something we looked at on here last year when Tori and her AYTO castmates walked the NYFW runway. And also this past weekend, the reunion for The Challenge XXX was taped in the Big Apple, and we'll share with you the cast's time in NYC here next week. But for those of you who crave what this site does best, here's also something else to look forward to as well…
   As we've been focusing on our high-level content, original storytelling and our weekly episode Pulse, it's been a while since we've had a chance to cover and discuss a reunion in-depth, which we did in our first full year of blog coverage... this epitomizes our way of offering a unique view of the MTV Trifecta no one else can offer. But once we crown champions and with this being the big 30th season, DC FORUM is planning to present a special, one-time-only return of Reunion Revealed to cover the final act of this landmark season coming up at its conclusion. To us, what happens in New York won't stay in New York but will ultimately make its way to DCBLOG, and we'll be sure to bring you all of the EXCLUSIVE tea from the studio after it airs deep into the autumn.
   And a young lady who was in our first Revealed post for the Real World Portland reunion will rejoin me here again for Dirty 30: Kaitlyn Macisco. She was one of those many to score tix to a taping of that which lasted all day & night on Friday. And if what we saw on last season's reunion, this season's Twitter bickering and her tweet afterwards are an indication, fireworks are sure to take place. And just as we did back in 2013, Kaitlyn and I will discuss the reunion, help to differentiate both the live and on-air versions of it, her thoughts on this season, being able to meet those people she's been adoring (including one she posted on her Instagram), and how this Challenge reunion compares to her first one - which was also one of our first posts too. Obviously, this one will be considerably different compared to the fairly quaint gathering four years ago.
   So, that special edition of DC FORUM: The Dirty 30 Reunion Revealed is something to keep your eye out for as we continue on this journey inside the Trifecta which will only get busier as we enter this fall. This includes reaction, recaps and analysis of Challenge XXX's second half and AYTO Season 6, compelling ExtraTime stories and another new show for us take a look at later this month, among other things. And to whet your appetite for all of those, check out our posts on the RW Portland reunion featuring Kaitlyn, the live Rivals II show from later that year marred by the Knight/Frank punch, and one of our highest-rated posts - the first Are You The One? reunion… And also, Kaitlyn meeting Johnny Bananas from earlier this year.

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So with that bit of what's ahead, that will conclude our look at Week 8 of The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30... hope you enjoyed it. As we count down to tomorrow night, there's much more to this week's story on the web..,
● Just mere hours after last week's episode aired, Ammo gave his first exit interview to the No Quitters Podcast, where he discussed with the show's hosts his time on his first Challenge, his remarkable backstory and his Real World too. Check out that podcast here and past podcasts and interviews on the NQP site, as well as Ammo's You Caring site as well.
● On the MTV RHAP, Brian Cohen (@CohenBrian_) and Ali Lasher (@LashTweets) discussed the latest episode as well as the one before that as they offered their thoughts on trivia, the veteran girls' intimate night together and more, which you can check out at along with its coverage of Big Brother. And Adam Bungiovanni (@AdamBongo) will join Ali to cover AYTO Season 6 coming up in a week from now as well.
● And check out the Medium site and fellow blogger Allan Aguirre (@FebreezyFresh), where in addition to covering Episode 8 he also got a chance to catch up with RW Portland castmate and Rivals II bronze medalist Marlon/"J-Deezy", RW Cancun roommate and 3-time Challenger Derek, and an appreciation of RW Sydney and several-times Challenger Cohutta.

With our usual reminder to bookmark DCBLOG, follow DCNOW on Twitter at @DC408DxNow and join my Dirty 30 conversation at #DCChallenge, next week is another busy week for us here. We'll again kick off this week's posts a few days early with our preview of Season 6 of Are You The One? - which had its trailer debut over this weekend and whose casting special airs Wednesday, a week before the lovefest begins again with new host Terrence J.  After posting Part 1 of it yesterday, before that season premieres I plan on doing Part 2 of the midyear Reality Debrief as I plan to talk to the aforementioned Allan Aguirre on the Challenge year up to now as well as other reality TV.
   Of course, we'll be here to cover Episode 9 coming up over the weekend, and along with coverage of tomorrow night's activities, after tomorrow's episode airs on the west coast I will be announcing another new show which I'll be live tweeting this fall - and for which it'll also have its own Look post as well.

That's how we look at it this week Inside the MTV Trifecta and week 8 of The Challenge XXX - Dirty 30. Until we talk tomorrow, enjoy your week and to our friends down south, stay safe and sound. See you then, and take care.


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