Tuesday, April 26, 2022

DC SocialPulse: Ex On The Beach 5 - New Singles, Next Level Moves & a Movie

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

In a few days, we'll be saying hello to the month of May... and that means we're knocking on the door of a summertime that just feels normal again, and that includes getting a certain reality dating show that gives some roses to worthy suitors which my parents love watching. But if don't wanna wait for Gabby. Rachel and their Bachelorette journey, then you have the "Ultimate Relations*** Show" to enjoy until then as MTV's Ex On The Beach rolls along in its return engagement.

Last we were in Gran Canaria, the summertime desert climate in this Canary Island forced the guys to take off their shirt just like Derynn's ex Ricky does in his happy place of the Chippendales stage at the Vegas Rio. But also under the stars, the house was welcomed back to the Table of Truth that saw more sketchy info being exposed about Da'Vonne's ex Jamar, as well as Love Island player Ray which also saw his ex Caro be the first one of this summer to bolt out of the villa. And as she went home, in came David's ex Dani, who not only has him to deal with but also with affecting his relationship with Mike - and in turn, with Arisce.

A year ago this month, MTV's only other offering of reality love in 2021 (outside of Season 3 of Double Shot) came when it & Pepsi invited reality TV's best for Match Me If You Can. That YouTube series offers the context to Week 4 in the house when one of those who fell in love there heads to the main MTV channel as part of the latest super-twist to turn the villa on its head. Meanwhile, sparks are brewing for one couple in this house as they decide to their relationship to another level and causing things to get out of hand. But that pales in comparison to what the latest message in a bottle will duke out: another couple could go the way of the dinosaur by way of a trip into a Shack of Secrets turned movie theater.

After the break, DCBLOG brings you some new singles, next level moves and a horror movie on the 'Pulse of Week 4 of Ex On The Beach 5... and we'll also let you in on two alumni of MTV's other reality love offering becoming a new mom and dad. Dive in...

AS THEY SAW IT: "Wait, That's Not an Ex"  
@ExOnTheBeach: SERIOUSLY THOUGH.✋ Nobody likes a F*#! BOY.🚫🧍‍♂️#ExOnTheBeach  @danicoco11
- @danicoco11: @ExOnTheBeach No more f*ckboys for me🙅🏼‍♀️#exonthebeach
@MikeMGTV: I’ve said no to the challenge several times but now I just might say yes to piss some of y’all off
@minx_ly: This picture is worth a thousand words…
@Ariscestocrat: Sister, Sister @DayDaVonne_ #teamdavonne @ExOnTheBeach
@MikeMGTV: Telling children they’re so perfect & special has created an entire generation of delusional adults
@MikeMGTV: The amount of support and love I get from y’all really is amazing. Thank you so much 💜 y’all make me a better person
@MikeMGTV: You never have to try to make someone look bad. Just sit back and relax. They’ll show everyone 🧘🏻
@MikeMGTV: Some of y’all need help insulting people. I’m very insecure it should be easy. Here are some tips: 1. If your ugly don’t call anyone ugly / 2. If you yourself are irrelevant don’t call anyone irrelevant. / 3 and if ur bank is s__ don’t come for anyones work  These are self reads 😘
@Ariscestocrat: All my trans girls know this too well, but it’s NEVER a pretty girl spewing out the transphobic rhetoric. Shrek always the first one on to call the dolls a “man”. Girl, we’re laughing at you, you could NEVER 😹🏳️‍⚧️💅🏽 #TruthBeTold #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: LET'S SEE how closely you've been paying ATTENTION... 🧐 Time to submit your ✨WEEK 3✨ answers for #ExOnTheBeach Trivia! ➡️http://ExOnTheBeachTrivia.com

@ExOnTheBeach: TONIGHT... LOVE is in the air for these Exes... 💕🥰  UNTIL a LIE leaves them E❌-posed! 😱  Don't miss an ALL NEW episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 8/7c on @MTV
- @danicoco11: @ExOnTheBeach tune in to watch me cry on TV tonight 🤪
@outmagazine: “Girl, we’re laughing at you – you could NEVER,” the #ExOnTheBeach star quipped back. https://out.com/television/2022/4/21/mtv-ex-beach-star-arisce-wanzer-claps-back-transphobic-fan?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=television
- @Ariscestocrat: @outmagazine If you come for me, make sure you’re better than me, Cuz I’ll call you a mess and it’ll be make the news😹
@ExOnTheBeach: THESE are the 5 MUST-SEE moments from last week's episode of #ExOnTheBeach 👀  including a STRIPTEASE 😎, another appearance from the TABLE OF TRUTH 🤥, and more... Don’t miss an ALL NEW episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 8/7c on MTV ! 📺
@ExOnTheBeach: Ah! How REFRESHING! 😊  We have 2 SINGLES washing up on the beach instead of 2 EXES! 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️ Welcome to the RELATION-SH*T SHOW! 😂 See who takes FIRST DIBS at them TONIGHT at 8/7c on MTV! #ExOnTheBeach
@MikeMGTV: I’m in the shit tonight
@DayDaVonne_: I don’t remember what was going on … but it was SOMETHING 🥴 lol .. new episode tonight 8pm #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: We are ✨MANIFESTING✨ this for you @DayDaVonne_  but we can't promise anything... 😂 FIND OUT if Da'Vonne's dreams come true TONIGHT on an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach at 8/7c on MTV!
- @DayDaVonne_: @ExOnTheBeach Wake it up !! 😂😂😂 she said a FINE ASS CHOCOLATE 🍫  MAN ! 😂😂
@danicoco11: we're back tonight besties #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Dani and David's relationship is ROCKY! 🪨 My guy went on a DATING show while they were DATING?? 🤨 David, you have a girl right there why you lookin' elsewhere? 😂  Their relationship will continue to be E❌-amined TONIGHT at 8/7c on an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach on MTV!
- @danicoco11: @ExOnTheBeach I thought you were supposed to be single when you go on a dating show… 🤔 🧐
@philoTV: These broken hearted exes are getting a second chance at love. Can the spark🔥  be reignited or is the flame EXtinguished🧯 for good? Watch a new episode of #ExOnTheBeach, tonight at 8/7c on @mtv
@TheListDaily: Exclusive Interview: "Ex On The Beach" stars share exactly sets the reality romance apart from the cluttered reality dating show pool 😍 #ExOnTheBeach airs Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on @MTV! @ExOnTheBeach.  https://t.co/Y5qq7wKD5h
@DavidBarta: T-Minus 1 hour until Dave’s Demise 🥲
- @MikeMGTV: Same. Let’s make out

@ExOnTheBeach: An ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach STARTS RIGHT NOW on @MTV!  📺   TONIGHT is a little bit different, NO NEW EXES will be joining us, only SINGLES... 👀  (GIF: Ray - "So what could possibly go wrong?")
@DayDaVonne_: Shit I almost forgot … lol I’m here 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: ⚠️ NEW SINGLE ALERT⚠️ Meet Kyra! #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of her)
@DayDaVonne_: Kyra’s sooo pretty ✨  #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: ⚠️ NEW SINGLE ALERT⚠️ Meet @BryceHirschberg! #ExOnTheBeach
- @therealnicolita: @ExOnTheBeach WOOOOHOOOO LET’S GO @BryceHirschberg 🏝
@RayGantt: Fucking Bryce😭 love this guy! #ExOnTheBeach
@moonlighttsouls: Rooting for kyra  #ExOnTheBeach
@danicoco11: At least I’m trying to think positively? @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@RayGantt: Ohhh shit Dani might be in some trouble😅👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@alltoohail: Bro i’ve had a crush on kyra since love island and I am so excited I love her 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: Kyra popped up and David said who is Dani? 😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@DavidBarta: Yes it’s true I tried to slide in Kyra Green’s DM’s at least 6 different times in the 2 years before I met her on EOTB😂🥲 .. unsuccessfully every time
@DayDaVonne_: I miss the mirror room 😩 #ExOnTheBeach
@danicoco11: oh, a man making misogynistic comments about women and treating them like they’re interchangeable? Lovely. #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Sorry MEGA BED stans... MEGA BED is no more. 🚫🛏️ RIP. 🪦 @danicoco11 #ExOnTheBeach
- @danicoco11: @ExOnTheBeach That bed was HEAVY. #ExOnTheBeach
- @therealnicolita: @ExOnTheBeach @danicoco11 I love Mega Bed!! @danicoco11 and I should’ve made our own 😂
- @danicoco11: @therealnicolita @ExOnTheBeach Should’ve just found our own room honestly 😂😂
- @therealnicolita: @danicoco11 We could’ve went downstairs 😂 & made it the Dani Nicole suite
@DayDaVonne_: Awww bye MegaBED 😩 #ExOnTheBeach
- @DavidBarta: @DayDaVonne_ Bro fr RIP 🪦
@Alana28191162: Aww Dani just broke my heart #exonthebeach
@DayDaVonne_: Awww I don’t like seeing Dani cry… #ExOnTheBeach
@danicoco11: I will never let someone treat me like I’m disposable. #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: My black girl magic blanket is getting a lot of screen time 👸🏾👸🏾👸🏾 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: We all need a HYPE MAN in our life like Ricky! 🙌 @RickyRogers_ #ExOnTheBeach
@danicoco11: “Fucking Dani’s right here” … yes, because you begged me to be here. #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@EmbarrassSpread: Message in a bottle!?!? Uh oh! #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: My sister is on a date !! #ExOnTheBeach
@DavidBarta: Yo @RickyRogers_ ur right I have zero game…. thats why I go to the gym all day
@ExOnTheBeach: Aww, how cute 🥰  It would be TERRIBLE of something were to happen later that would totally ruin this...👀 @Ariscestocrat @MikeMGTV #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of them kissing on their getaway date)
- @Ariscestocrat: @ExOnTheBeach I’ll be damned
@DavidBarta: Tryna look like this flexing when Kyra rolled up on the docks
@DayDaVonne_: Chef Ranin to the rescue 👏🏾👏🏾 #ExOnTheBeach
@Derynn_Paige: Ricky cutting onions. Shocking it’s not cheese. #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaooooo
@DavidBarta: @RickyRogers_ man how you look that good and can’t cook 😂😂🥲
- @RickyRogers_: @DavidBarta You make up for it in beauty Bro it’s my toxic trait #ExOnTheBeach
@RayGantt: Corbin Blue?🧐 #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all have to take some of the things I say on these confessionals with a grain of salt … please 😩😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@RayGantt: Wow is this what love looks like?😢 #ExOnTheBeach
- @DayDaVonne_: @RayGantt Welll you… nvm
@RickyRogers_: Best date ever  #ExOnTheBeach
@DQ_the_Man: @Derynn_Paige @RickyRogers_ Nailed it! #ExOnTheBeach
@Derynn_Paige: I’m closing my eyes now 👋 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: "Quicky Ricky" 💀💀💀 Take it in stride my friend... #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Derynn to him - "Quicky Ricky, baby.")
@Alana28191162: How you gone lead Dani on last episode and then act so cold towards her cause of a new chick that just came in  #exonthebeach
@Derynn_Paige: It took me longer to type this tweet than for Ricky to finish … #ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @Derynn_Paige 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@RickyRogers_: Quickie Ricky what they call me #ExOnTheBeach 😂😂😂
- @Derynn_Paige: @RickyRogers_ Im happy you’re so proud
- @RickyRogers_: @Derynn_Paige At least it worked 😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: You ARE flirting with me right? RIGHT??? 😅 #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of Kyra and Bryce flirting on patio)
- @BryceHirschberg: @ExOnTheBeach Lawlz. I got jokes 😂
@danicoco11: panicking as soon as I found that message in a bottle 😳 #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@RickyRogers_: MY BOY! @BryceHirschberg #ExOnTheBeach
@DavidBarta: GO MICHAEL @MikeMGTV
@DavidBarta: NO MICHAEL @MikeMGTV
@SavageGamer400: This is getting juicyyy #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Okay they really need to change the name of the show to TRAUMA on the BEACH... 😬 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of everyone else in the house watching Mike & Arisce's trip to the Shack of Secrets)
@Derynn_Paige: Ooooh this is intense #exonthebeach
- @DQ_the_Man: @Derynn_Paige Definitely a double feature alright. A feature for Mike and Arsice and one for the rest. I wish I’d got my snacks ready for this. Good luck getting outta this Mike. #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: This was too much … it was hard to watch because I know she was pissed #ExOnTheBeach
@danicoco11: I still agree with what I said 🤷🏼‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@DavidBarta: @Ariscestocrat is about to beat my ass
@DavidBarta: I deserve it  (GIF: "I'll take it.")
@RickyRogers_: SHEEESSHHH MESSY MIKE #ExOnTheBeach  @MikeMGTV
@kiingjam: Marty is CHEESED!  😂😂 #BBCAN10
@danicoco11: "@mattd41391: @danicoco11 watxhing @DavidBarta and @MikeMGTV kiss for the first time shah #ExOnTheBeach" RT I don’t care who you kiss… just don’t lie about it 🤷🏼‍♀️ #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@DaVonneFlungDee: i LOVE how @Ariscestocrat INSTANTLY said @DayDaVonne_ lets talk, i love to see this sisterhood blossom ❤️ #exonthebeach
@DayDaVonne_: Oh David lol noo #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: Arisce : girl help me move this bed Me: #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: "I am too good to be someone's second choice" 👑 YESS QUEEN PREACH!!! 🙌 #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of Dani telling David that she doesn't want to be his "second choice" after stating his intention to get close with Kyra)
- @DQ_the_Man: @ExOnTheBeach Oh hell yeah @danicoco11!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@RayGantt: SHOOTERS SHOOT😂🏀 @DavidBarta #ExOnTheBeach
@danicoco11: "@DaVonneFlungDee: .@danicoco11 deserves better #exonthebeach" RT Yes I do! ❤️ #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@DavidBarta: 😬😬😬
@DaVonneFlungDee: .@danicoco11 deserves better #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: We appreciate that enthusiasm, Bryce, but the alarm usually doesn't bring GOOD things. 🚨😂 @BryceHirschberg #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "First alarm for me!")
@danicoco11: yes! Let’s take some heaviness off Dani, PLEASE. #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@deyluvsupreme: Someone give @danicoco11 a hug!!! This is no fair!
@J_What_is_Entmt: Dani definitely trying to break our hearts tonight #ExOnTheBeach
@coochella: Dani deserves better #exonthebeach
@StephonJS87: Man y'all got Dani crying on my screen. It's hurting my heart #ExOnTheBeach
@SavageGamer400: You gotta feel bad for dani tbh #ExOnTheBeach
@alltoohail: “I am too good to be someone’s second choice” YES 👏🏽#ExOnTheBeach
@DavidBarta: "@mtvsired: I’m gonna stick beside David’s messy ass lmaooo trust the process #ExOnTheBeach" RT THIS 🙏🏼
@brittlejohn22: Was a tough ep for Dani 😟 Priased her for separating the beds, testing David's mindset. Hate to see her dropping tears for that guy but needed to feel that heartbreak in order to move on. Hoping good things to come with her next week 🙏 #ExOnTheBeach
@CandycornDog1: @danicoco11 @ExOnTheBeachHold yourself high!! Because no guy is worth this type of hurt!! No one is!! You are too good for him anyways! Let David keep playing his games, that's what boys do!! You deserve more!!
@RaveAllAboutIt: Dani didn’t deserve that 🥺David did her so wrong for no reason . #exonthebeach
@danicoco11: Mood #ExOnTheBeach  @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Ranin ain't even worried bout it. 💁‍♀️ 💅 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Just bring them already")
@DayDaVonne_: Next week …Lmaoo #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: Oooh so y’all been had that feature ?  Well… I didn’t lmaooo
@therealnicolita: Guess who’s finally coming to the beach 🏝 ME B*TCHESSSSS 😘 #exonthebeach #mtv
@MikeMGTV: Before I check Twitter to see people call me an asshole let me sip this drink #exonthebeach
@anthony_gummy: How you gonna call Arisce boring when she’s the star of the show 😭 her and Da’Vonne 🤭 #ExOntheBeach
@Ariscestocrat: "@HeatherGaysGay: I love their friendship so much 😍🏝 #ExOnTheBeach" RT We do too @DayDaVonne_ 💞
- @DayDaVonne_: That’s my sister ❤️
@DayDaVonne_: Whoa.. I liked a tweet and the little heart lit up like a firework and said +1 …
@Ariscestocrat: "@EmbarrassSpread: Now Arisce is moving the bed. 😩😩 #ExOnTheBeach" RT Damn right
@CandycornDog1: Mike, you just got Arisce to crack her shell the slightest bit and now she's seeing all the crap you've done behind her back!! What's done in the dark will always come to light!! I hope Arisce does what's best for her!! #exonthebeach
@Melly__Mel15: I wish a man would call me boring. I show him some excitement aite #ExOnTheBeach
@moonlighttsouls: Hearing someone you love saying “ I’m bored “ is so hurting. Like I know she’s passed.  #ExOnTheBeach
@DrMike23: Dani and Arisce about to fight some boys. 😂#ExOnTheBeach
@moonlighttsouls: Hearing someone you love saying “ I’m bored “ is so hurting. Like I know she’s passed.  #ExOnTheBeach
@dissbrat: Arisce gurl…. #ExOnTheBeach https://pic.twitter.com/TCrJZ6XRx4
@mrphilhernandez: That “I’m bored.” is what’s hurting Arisce the most. Smh :-/ #ExOnTheBeach
@MikeMGTV: Me: #ExOnTheBeach
@minx_ly: Two faced clown and big dummy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡 @ExOnTheBeach
@brittlejohn22: Credit to Arisce for giving it straight to Mike and not playing anymore of his game 👍 Why do they always think the truth ain't gonna come out?! 🤨#ExOnTheBeach
@RaveAllAboutIt: I’m here for Davonne & Arisce growing friendship ❤️😩the duo we needed . #ExOnTheBeach
@thom_ahs: Not Dani dismantling the two beds pushed together as one LMAOOO good for her she deserves better #ExOnTheBeach
@MikeMGTV: Honestly the only thing I’m mad about is that Arisce wasted that popcorn. Like I was hungry #ExOnTheBeach
@Ariscestocrat: Hungry for a new man
- @MikeMGTV: @Ariscestocrat She’ll be fine she’s just hungry
- @MikeMGTV: @Ariscestocrat Take your pick of the litter. Too bad for you the other men have wanted me more so far 💅🏼
- @Ariscestocrat: @MikeMGTV Never to keep you sweetie, just to try out💅🏽
@MikeMGTV: The way I said “David needs to know how to deal with women” and then skipped away like a 🧚‍♂️ was a missed editing opportunity #exonthebeach
@erlkonigkid: I'd *never* want to be on @Ariscestocrat's bad side. I feel i'd be better off dead than on her bad side. #ExOnTheBeach
@MikeMGTV: "@addicted2mess: @Ariscestocrat sis are you straight? Is there any hope of you and Kyra or should I just let the dream die? #ExOnTheBeach" RT I’d watch that 👀
@MikeMGTV: I still think @Caroviee should have never left. There was so much left there #exonthebeach
@Ariscestocrat: Breaking down the Look @ExOnTheBeach @mtv @MARCOSQUARED #custom @KimchiChic #makeup

@ExOnTheBeach: Mike said it himself: "THIS ROMANTIC COMEDY’S BECOMING A HORROR FILM" 😱 Should Arisce FORGIVE Mike for secretly kissing DAVID? 💋 #ExOnTheBeach ➡️ https://t.co/dVzptP8PEJ
- @Ariscestocrat: @ExOnTheBeach NO
@ExOnTheBeach: The cameras are ALWAYS watching! 🎥 Maybe Mike thought we wouldn't show what he's been up to... ❗WRONG❗ THAT'S WHAT WE DO! 😁 The SHACK of SECRETS will always reveal the TRUTH! 😈 Behave yourselves out there! #ExOnTheBeach

❤️    💔    ❤️    💔 

It's Not Safe in the Shack...

Whenever it's a single and their ex looking over one's phone for visual evidence of their wrongdoing or the occasional surprise guest come walking in, the Shack of Secrets is bound to expose anything and everything about the various relationships in any American Ex On The Beach house... and Episode 4 proved this very point vividly. And our Moment of the Night is Mike and Arisce getting called into the Shack to see what happened in that confessional involving David, which now puts a wrench over his chances to get back with Dani. Yes, this place has turned upside down.


Something we've not gotten to feature here much of lately has been of sending our congratulations to those who are now part of the MTV Reality parents club... and a bright side of the pandemic is that so many of our friends have become moms, dads, uncles and aunts. We will aim to acknowledge as many of these as possible in these brief ExtraTime bits post-diary during this busy spring & summer, but earlier this month two people who starred on MTV's other reality dating show joined this group.

It was in 2016 that So You Can Think You Can Dance alum Asaf Goren crossed over into cable world and Season 4 of Are You The One?, followed by its Second Chances spinoff, and The Challenge: Total Madness representing Israel and a show that saw Challenge All-Stars mastermind Mark Long debut on last night of Worst Cooks in America... not to mention Israeli versions of Big Brother and Ninja Warrior. And if one who loves 80's music, you might recall that the artist known as "XTRDNRY" collaborated with one of the greatest icons of that amazing decade, Boy George, a couple years ago... and that comes a few years after he was part of a Britney Spears music video.
   Now, this one who's truly a "jack of all trades" can add other title to reality star, dancer, musician, model and even painter (which we've delved into it all aspects of five years ago on here): a father. Last weekend on Instagram, Asaf revealed that over the just-concluded holiday period that he and his girlfriend welcomed their first child as he wrote, "On April 10th 2022, we officially became a family. Welcome to the world our love, Ivri ❤️."

And second, we've also featured multiple times on here one who was part of the most-infamous AYTO season ever -- the one that came after Asaf's. Kathryn Palmer was on that fifth season in 2017 that didn't come away with the money -- and for various reasons which we covered here last year you can't see that season right now on Paramount+. But we have featured her here for that we've shown her two YouTube skits she did with comedian Victor Dweck and for introducing us to The Bachelorette's Robby Hayes before he both won and broke Juliette's heart on Siesta Key.
   Also as last weekend, Kathryn has become a first-time parent when she & her boyfriend welcomed baby Kennedy to the family (we've neglected to share that IG post of him) -- and the sixth of what will ultimately be eight members of that AYTO 5 class who've found a silver lining to that heartbreak of five years ago in becoming parents. We send our congrats to Kat and Asaf on their additions, and we'll be following the next chapter in the AYTO story once it returns this fall.

Stay with us here as our wall-to-wall MTV coverage will pick up full steam as soon, we'll kick off Season 3 of The Challenge: All-Stars, where Mike will be most interested in how his fellow Lohan Beach Club VIP, Kailah, fares with the show's best. But the ex of another marquee competitor who'll be taking to the court with her will be the focus of this week's ExtraTime, and this weekend we'll share you the time when she became part of the biggest day of the American sports calendar. We'll see you then...


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