Sunday, January 6, 2019

DC SocialPulse: Ex On The Beach S2 - Extra Hot Drama in Malibu

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

It's the end of the weekend, and a Sunday that saw two NFL playoff upsets, monsters everywhere rejoicing at Lady Gaga winning a Golden Globe, and a first look at the farewell season of Game of Thrones. And for many of you, tonight feels like a Sunday as it's the end of a long two-week holiday break before you all go back to college, school and to work tomorrow... and what better way to bring it all to an end now than with a Pulse of Ex On The Beach.

Two weeks into Season 2, we've seen just about as much drama packed into a couple weeks as it did the first time out for MTV's "relations___" show, but not all the Singles were there when it began. That changed last week when Corey became the last OG to arrive, and he dove into a love triangle with his Morgan and her other ex Jay. Meanwhile, Farrah became a mom -- quite literally -- when she led a scheme against Kareem... this came after Murray began to stir the pot about him with a nasty rumor and hurt feelings towards Maya that may turn into something more.

The Mom, of course, is the key figure of this season to the MTV fan, but as those who've watch this show know - no one's safe. This week, she finds herself going down to the Shack of Secrets where a big surprise will await her. It's not the only Ex entrance to take center stage, as an Ex of an Ex will pop up on the beach with ambitions on wrecking havoc on a romance that's been developing early on, as well as expose some lies as well in the SOS. And the season's first Cut or Crush will go down this week, with the first Ex to get the heave-ho from Malibu at night's end.

After the jump, it's the Pulse of Episode 3 of Season 2 of Ex On The Beach. Thanks for sticking with us here... dive in.

@ExOnTheBeach: .@00Hitsdiidii and @Mackemdrummer take a moment to talk out past issues, but could closure hinder their time in the house? 😳 | You don't want to miss an all new #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 8pm! 👏
@F1abraham: WATCHING LIVE WITH YOU TONIGHT! @mtv exonthebeach  7PM ......... Who is my co-star? 🤫🌟 #farrahabraham #exonthebeach @ Singapore …
@LemGonsalves: #exonthebeach fans! We’re back! And we’ll be covering 2 episodes for you on @afterbuzztv w/ special guest @Mackemdrummer! @MELODY_ROSE @NinoLlanera @SINSEDONTPLAY & I bout to get ALL of the juice on what’s really going on in the house. Tune in live at 7:10pm PST! Bout to be 🔥🔥
@Kmorrisx: "@E4Tweets: @stephen_bear must have a really good excuse for this.. right? #CelebsGoDating " RT You will love this @Marie_TBD 😂
@Kmorrisx: Exciting 2019 business plans with @iamkamiam_ 🇱🇷💯♥️
- @iamkamiam_: @Kmorrisx I can’t wait sis ❤️✨
- @Marie_TBD: @Kmorrisx @iamkamiam_ I’ll take 3?
- @Marie_TBD: @Kmorrisx ❤️❤️😂😂😂 I prefer to make things awkward and tell them my rash is acting up again. Gotta goooooo. Bring my long lost brother to NYC
@RealitySteve: Podcast #111 is up now with Jemmye Carroll (@JustJem24) at:  talking about the Danielle/Cara Maria/Paulie situation including last night's late breaking Paulie/Demi spotting in NYC.  Enjoy...
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎀NEW PODCAST!🎀This session of #JemClass📚on #ChallengeMania went so long, we decided to make it a 2-Parter! In today’s Part 1, @JustJem24 takes your questions, explains her latest twitter disputes & sheds light on some @ChallengeMTV news in the air.📲 …
- @Marie_TBD: @SHOTOFYAGER The sound of @JustJem24 voice makes me wanna gosSIP ☕️
@SHOTOFYAGER: It’s almost as if @JustJem24 gave me no heads up whatsoever about the potential counter-programming issue!🤪Big fan of @RealitySteve & his podcast though so def check that out too! #ChallengeMania …
- @JustJem24:  @SHOTOFYAGER Me & him decided to record lateeee last night after the photos of Paulie/Demi surfaced so there was legit no heads up to give bc I had had already recorded with y’all, just to clarify timing, etc..
@SHOTOFYAGER: "@C_finley22: Wait. We get TWO @JustJem24 podcasts in one day?!  @RealitySteve @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV #bestcommentary #ChallengeManiaAwards" RT It’s almost as if @JustJem24 gave me no heads up whatsoever about the potential counter-programming issue!🤪Big fan of @RealitySteve & his podcast though so def check that out too! #ChallengeMania
- @ChallengeRewind: @SHOTOFYAGER If anyone can give a recap of the recent madness, it’s Professor Jemmye. Im ready for class @JustJem24!
@JustJem24: "@Alainer4life23: @JustJem24 Wait what happened now? What did Paulie do this time?" RT Last night photos surfaced of him in a car with a blonde. The blonde is a girl named Demi who will be competing on the upcoming season of the bachelor...
@realChadJohnson: Watch my reactions to The Bachelorette and The Bachelor in Paradise! I’m doing recaps of The Bachelor, MTV Ex On The Beach, and The Challenge. This week we’re having @morgan_willett on to… …
@natesestok: It’s Thirsty Thursday’s! Watch some drama tonight on @MTV  @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Where's the lie? 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: Brand new episode of @ExOnTheBeach tonight!! 🎉
@jossie_flores: TAG A BEST FRIEND THAT GIVES YOU ALL THE TEA LIKE ME🍵 😂👇🏽 Don’t miss an all new episode of @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach tonight at 8/9c on @MTV
@emilylongeretta: Some info for #TheChallenge/#TheBachelor fans: …
- @JustJem24: @emilylongeretta Well here’s my advice Demi.. Whatever he said, do the complete opposite....
- @jlsupreme: @JustJem24 Is Demi not aware of all that has happened?!
- @JustJem24: @jlsupreme She aware. She’s going to be the villain of colton’s upcoming season, so she’s extremely aware of what she’s doing..
@usweekly: Exclusive: Here's why Paul Calafiore was out with #TheBachelor's Demi Burnett.
@RealitySteve: Just got it confirmed that the blonde in the car with Paulie is Demi Burnett, who Bachelor fans know is on Colton's upcoming season.  Good God.  They are ridiculous if they want us to believe anything other than what I'm sure lies are coming about why they're together
@CaraMariaMTV: If you want a stable relationship. Get a horse.
@Marie_TBD: Paul Pan is somewhere happy as a clam that he’s getting so much attention. If any of you actually care, regardless of whose team your on, let this be the last tweet we acknowledge. You’re hijacking my feed and I haven’t seen a meme in hours. Looking at you @usweekly
@Marie_TBD: Never forget. @CaraMariaMTV #Girlpower !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your head up champ; he’s too short to be on your radar just don’t look down.
@Marie_TBD: Reminder to all powerful reality women dealing with idiots: Katie told @LisaVanderpump she refused to work for an establishment that supported fck boys.... and Lisa listened. #foodforthot #vanderpumprules
@TheOfficial_CT: You have to start somewhere!? #2019 #ripdod #rp @gymfuckery 😳🤫🤭🤔😂 …
@KyleCGShore: Sooooooooooo did anything good happen on Twitter after my little festive break? 👀
@tylerjohnpratt: i fucked up already. 2020 is going to be my year.
@blacuesta: I am fuckin exhausted omgg
@whaattaafoxx: What a lot of people don’t know is just bc someone is on tv doesn’t mean they don’t live with day to day struggles or mental health. A lot of us don’t even speak on it. We eventually break down and close out everyone and can’t come out of our own heads...
@whaattaafoxx: When people on social media attack a person with mental health issues it triggers us in a different way. It makes you feel as if nobody cares, loves, etc. No matter how much love we get from other people ONE comment can make us feel like we are “bad” or “worthless”
@whaattaafoxx: Now I was diagnosed at 24 with BPD and Bipolar 2 disorder. I watched my mother battle it also. It affects me every single day. And now that I’m pregnant I constantly stay in my head telling myself I ain’t good enough to parent. Always worrying myself that I’ll have depression
@whaattaafoxx: After I give birth... I’ve thought about an abortion, praying to myself I miscarriage, bc of the thoughts I get and can’t control in my mind. It’s taken a lot out of me and nobody around me understands. But when I binged TEEN MOM yesterday AMBER and Catelynns story and seeing
@whaattaafoxx: What they go through was like God reaching out to me through them... I felt like my cries were heard and my worry came down some.. We should all come together and stop bullying through social media.
@giannahammer: #leavemenin2k18 unless they’re English & named Henry Cavill
- @HaydenPWeaver: @giannahammer Part of our agreement did not include Henry Cavill
- @giannahammer: @HaydenPWeaver 😅Thought you had me on mute
@MTVDevinWalker: Idk why the trolls are so into me but I want you all to know I’m only getting stronger so stay pressed 😘🕺🏻🍻
@shannanity: If you’re cutting “negative people” out of your life for 2019 then get rid of me too. I have 0 space in my heart for people who abandon friendships and have no responsibility for how they may cause people to react to them
@joss_mooney: Smart casual they said.
@wes_defender: Everyone NEEDS to listen to @tjlavin on Challenge Mania. It maybe the best episode ever. He spills stuff we didn’t see on FR and more. #ChallengeMania
@Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV There ya go dad joke
@m2angels2: @CaraMariaMTV @tjlavin The @ChallengeMTV would not be the challenge without @tjlavin as the host!! Hands down the best!!!! I especially love it when when he busts up laughing when you guys fall on trivia question😂😂
@cfinster99: @CaraMariaMTV @tjlavin Everyone falls and makes mistakes, don’t let that get or keep you down. I’ve been a fan of yours since the beginning. Always saw the fire in you! I love watching you compete, hope to see more of it!
@bp9413: @CaraMariaMTV @PaulParmar1 @tjlavin  @tjlavin  is my favorite host, he gives you guys all kinds of crap & I know it probably annoys you guys (it would me) but I laugh my ass off when he makes smart remarks to you guys or is laughing at you guys 🤣cara I’m pretty sure you got this best female competitor in the bag❤️
@tjlavin: Made my day!! 🙏🏽 RT @RobertLeeJr: @SHOTOFYAGER @ChallengeMTV @tjlavin @DerrickMTV I’ve been watching him for years on the challenge. It’s always great to hear his thoughts about the game in general. @tjlavin thank you for being one of the best host out there hands down.
@galaxysfaraway: @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV and 2 others TJ is 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐!!!! 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 i been a mtv kid since '95 & @tjlavin and @RealSway are the greatests hosts and dudes of ALL TIME! && they STILL host on @mtv til this day!! Their longevity is only surpassed by their humility cuz those r some humble legends right there!! 🙌
@tjlavin: @CaraMariaMTV ❤️
@SHOTOFYAGER: Not only is @tjlavin the best host in the business & a fantastic guest on the first #ChallengeMania podcast of the new year...he also delivers one hell of a cameo! Forget to get that special someone that holiday gift? Make it up to them & they’ll be saying YOU KILLED IT! 👇🏻
@johnnybananas: Cut the Crop 👚 Couldn't be more proud of this girl and for all that she's accomplished. Some women fear the heat, some become it... @EmFitMTV you're straight FIRE 🔥🔥🔥#GirlPower #FitChicks #LadyBoss #FitFam #Fitness

@ExOnTheBeach: .@F1abraham might be meeting her match AGAIN, and it's time for someone to make their EX-it! 😳 | Catch an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 8/7c on @MTV! 🙌
@natesestok: Waiting for @ExOnTheBeach on Thursday’s like..... @MTV
@natesestok: Big Facts! Everyone watch my Broski @coreybrooks34  tonight!! On @MTV  @ExOnTheBeach
@maddiesullivan1: EX ON THE BEACH TONIGHTTTT 🥳 who’s readyyyyy ???!! @ExOnTheBeach @MTV #exonthebeach
@jossie_flores: WHO DO I READ TO FILTH TONIGHT!!! 👀 THE LIBRARY IS NOW OPEN ! don’t miss an all new episode of @exonthebeach tonight! At 8/9c on @mtv #exonthebeach
@maddiesullivan1: My face when I find out some really good juice about someone 😁 @ExOnTheBeach @MTV #exonthebeach TONIGHT 8/7c
@MurraySwanby: Beach Bros ☀️ @jossie_flores .. catch us tonight!! 🏖 @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@realChadJohnson: Tune in to MTV Ex On The Beach tonight at 8/7c! @ExOnTheBeach @MTV #ExOnTheBeach
@Jay__Qs: You know what day it is! #thirstythursday for @ExOnTheBeach ! Check out all the drama in tonight’s episode. @F1abraham uh ohhhh
@ExOnTheBeach: Working up a sweat! An all new #ExOnTheBeach is up NEXT at 8/7c on @MTV! ✨
@jossie_flores: It’s time for extra edition!!!  Tune in now #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@lashtweets: Coming soon to your earbuds: @hstrong_ and I explain to @CohenBrian_ why the first three eps of #ExOnTheBeach are worth watching #RHAP
@ExOnTheBeach: YOOO pay attention to the ⏰ Only 30 minutes until an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach @MTV! 🙌
@natesestok: Ohhhhh Chad Johnson... following people I follow just to try to scare me 😂😂🤣🤣 we look out for each other round here buddy don’t give me the reason. #RookGotYouShook
@natesestok: Haven’t even washed up yet and the waves are crashing #ExOnTheBeach
@jossie_flores: @morgan_willett yes!!! #exonthebeach
- @morgan_willett: @jossie_flores WHAT DID I DO 😂
@morgan_willett: Let’s see what could possibly go down tonight 🤭 @ExOnTheBeach (and my excessive tweeting + gif usage) starts right now! Tune in @MTV #EOTB
- @jossie_flores: @morgan_willett It’s school time
- @morgan_willett: @jossie_flores Oh boy. Hey @coreybrooks34 remember what the plural of mongoose is?

AS THEY SAW IT: Episode 3 
@ExOnTheBeach: #ExOnTheBeach starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! RT if you're watching + keep up with the tea using 👉 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Jozea - "B!tch let me tell you something")
@jossie_flores: Time for a new episode of #exonthebeach 😱 !!!!! @ExOnTheBeach
@maddiesullivan1: @ExOnTheBeach on now !!! @MTV #exonthebeach
@realChadJohnson: EX ON THE BEACH STARTS NOW! @MTV @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@MayaBenberry is STILL on 10! #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
- @MayaBenberry: @ExOnTheBeach I’M A 10 ON 10 BABY!! 💁🏽‍♀️💜
@Jay__Qs: @MayaBenberry how old r u?@ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Spill it @jossie_flores SH*T! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Oh my god", as he reads latest message in the bottle)
@DarianV_: 30 secs into @ExOnTheBeach an it’s already crazy 😱
@morgan_willett: Five minutes into this episode and I know two people I never want to piss off: @MayaBenberry and @ParkerCheyenne 🙏😂  #EOTB @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Me when my best friend gets sent to hell 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Farrah walking down into the Shack of Secrets)
@BadGirlJanelle: Who’s watching @ExOnTheBeach now?!!
@ExOnTheBeach: We couldn't let you off easy @F1abraham! 😅 @SimonSaran oughta shake things up! #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of them in SOS)
@realChadJohnson: I’m shook lol #exonthebeach
@BadGirlJanelle: That person shouldn’t be around me 🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: I AM SHOOKETH!!!!! 😫
@ExOnTheBeach: Anyone else feel like this conversation is a bit too EXTRA 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Maya and Janelle)
@DarianV_: @BadGirlJanelle why you so funny on here!? 😂 #ExOnThebeach
- @BadGirlJanelle: @DarianV_ It comes naturally 💁🏽‍♀️
- @MTV: @DarianV_ @BadGirlJanelle girl is a full blown comedian #ExOnTheBeach
- @BadGirlJanelle: @MTV Where my stand up special at?? 👀👀👀 or you can just put ya girl on @ChallengeMTV
@BadGirlJanelle: What’s so damn bad about eating steak in the hallway???? I need answers 😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@jossie_flores is that friend that comes out of nowhere ready for mess! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of him walking down stairs)
- @MTV: @ExOnTheBeach @jossie_flores sounds like my kinda mans #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Damn @SimonSaran, didn't think you'd get son'd to the couch! #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Jozea - "Your sleeping quarters are here")
@jossie_flores: Hey @coreybrooks34 how’s was that cuddle Session 🙈🥰 #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
- @coreybrooks34: @jossie_flores Would never turn down a solid cuddle sesh 💁🏼‍♂️
@MayaBenberry: WE ARE MESSY!!! @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: *Tells everyone about my ruff work day*  My group chat:  (GIF: Cheyenne - "Insert cricket sounds here")
@morgan_willett: My ex ditched me to cuddle with @jossie_flores ....I actually do not blame him. Have you seen what Jozea looks like? #EOTB @ExOnTheBeach
- @jossie_flores: @morgan_willett @ExOnTheBeach 😂😂😂😜🥰🔥
- @maddiesullivan1: @morgan_willett @MayaBenberry and 2 others  Hahahaha I agree
- @MurraySwanby: @morgan_willett Girl he ditched you cause you got three dicks already comin at your face.. where the fuck that #hotdog #gif #at????! LoL
@MayaBenberry: Byeeeeee!! GO TO THE BEACH!! ✌🏽
@jossie_flores: #Cozey @coreybrooks34 #exonthebeach 😈😜👀
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @jossie_flores @coreybrooks34 Did y’all hook up or na tell us the tea sis
- @jossie_flores: @MTV_AMANDAG @coreybrooks34 The world may never know 😜👀 #EXOnTheBeach
- @coreybrooks34: @jossie_flores Don’t tease the people like I tease you buddy lol
@jossie_flores: Your sleeping orders are here Simon 😂😂😂😂😂 #exonthebeach
@Mackemdrummer: Who’s ex is coming next?? #ExonTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: "@domwdxo: #Exonthebeach said Maya handled it like a 13 year old. BITCH where?" RT Right!! How else should I have handled it?! I’m confused....
@RobTiniOfficial: Oh shit.... could wash up on this beach rn🤔 @ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: "@allrealitychat: lmaooo I love how Farrah seems to be fucking w Janelle and Maya the most. Smartest thing she's ever done. #ExOnTheBeach" RT That was our girl 👯‍♀️
@jossie_flores: Og has og’s backs in this house #exonthebeach
- @MayaBenberry: @jossie_flores PERIOD!! DAY #1 RULE...
@Mackemdrummer: When some asked what happen when Murray and Cheyenne was in sex room 👀👀 #ExonTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: I can relate @CoryZ07 😝 #WeAttractSomeCheaters
- @CoryZ07: @MayaBenberry Sure do 🤮
@ExOnTheBeach: HOLY SH*T! @CoryZ07 just dropped in! 😱 With @ParkerCheyenne in the house, things are about to get MESSY! #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of Cory's entrance)
@PurveyorsofPop: .@CoryZ07 has arrived on the beach and he is NOT going to make this easy for @MurraySwanby! #ExOnTheBeach
- @MTV: @PurveyorsofPop @CoryZ07 @MurraySwanby he’s ready to dump the tea #ExOnTheBeach
@Jay__Qs: Cozea? #cozey @coreybrooks34 guess she left dad ;) @ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Farrah when she finds out she's going to the Shack of Secrets #ExOnTheBeach @F1abraham
@PurveyorsofPop: Farrah hiding in the bathroom after running into her ex is a whole-ass mood. #ExOnTheBeach @F1abraham
@PurveyorsofPop: #Cozea is the only couple I need on #ExOnTheBeach  @coreybrooks34 @jossie_flores
@trasrealitytv: OOP the gays are taking over the beach!! i love this season  #ExOnTheBeach
@MurraySwanby: Forever mood. #FuckMeee lol @MTV @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Me when @F1abraham said @SimonSaran is "always eating" I -......😭 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Maya)
- @MayaBenberry: @ExOnTheBeach THE SHADEEEEE 😎
@MayaBenberry: @BadGirlJanelle & I did God’s work ✨
@kayleemtv: Maya, Janelle, and Farrah. YASSSS. I like this friendship. #ExOnTheBeach
@itsmathewturner: Is Corey Morgan’s ex or Jozea’s?  #ExOnTheBeach
@jossie_flores: This episode has me 😱 #EXOnTheBeach !!!!!
- @ExOnTheBeach: @jossie_flores It's hilarious! #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Cory when he finds out Murray is keeping secrets from Cheyenne. #ExOnTheBeach @CoryZ07 @MurraySwanby
@Richboyhawkins1: Murray has a secret and his ex is about to let Cheyenne kno #ExOnTheBeach
@RobTiniOfficial: 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 you better get those fuckin answers from @MurraySwanby and get them now @CoryZ07
@BGCSTUFF1: I love how @BadGirlJanelle and @MayaBenberry are plotting like in a Bad Girls Club house #ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: I was trying to take a nap (hence the no make up) but when @F1abraham needed me for moral support dealing with her ex! Ya girl was THERE! #ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @BadGirlJanelle @F1abraham Here for you doing the lords work! #ExOnTheBeach
- @BadGirlJanelle: @ExOnTheBeach Everyone needs a friend like me ☺️
@coreybrooks34: Was low key jealous when @jossie_flores went to the beach 😅😂 #Cozea #eotb @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Now that it's time for elimination, @KingReemo is trying to save face with @MayaBenberry #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
- @MayaBenberry: @ExOnTheBeach HOW CONVENIENT 🙄
@MayaBenberry: It’s almost elimination time 😈
@morgan_willett: "@PowerOfDakota: this season of ex on the beach blows the first season out of the water omg #exonthebeach" RT Retweet
@jossie_flores: Don’t worry sis i got your back!!! @ParkerCheyenne #exonthebeach
@MayaBenberry: I love @F1abraham for having my back! I don’t care what people have to say about her. She looked out 👯‍♀️ @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Oh it's getting JUICY JUICY! You okay @MurraySwanby? #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "F___ me")
- @MurraySwanby: @ExOnTheBeach She always okay 😜
@realChadJohnson: Ex On The Beach was exhausting but I loved it. Turn your TV to @mtv right now and watch! exonthebeach …
@jossie_flores: Hmmm time to investigate this @ParkerCheyenne 🤔 #exonthebeach
- @MurraySwanby: @jossie_flores 🕵🏽‍♂️🕵🏽‍♂️🕵🏽‍♂️🕵🏽‍♂️ #waitingpatiently
@DerrickMTV: Ms. Corey is a DUUUDE, bro!! Duh! 🙄 @NicolexoRamos  Get with the program!  #ExOnTheBeach
@morgan_willett: "@PowerOfDakota: @morgan_willett that morgan girl is kinda boring tho" RT She’s honestly my least favorite.
@morgan_willett: The Shack of Secrets is where all hopes and dreams die. @ExOnTheBeach y’all are evil yet it’s so entertaining to watch. #EOTB
@ExOnTheBeach: .@CoryZ07 showed up for one reason and one reason only! 👏MESS! #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of him, Murray and Cheyenne in SOS)
- @watermelone808: @ExOnTheBeach @CoryZ07 Stir the pot lmao  Here 👏 For 👏 It 👏
@MayaBenberry: "@baeIeigh: @mayabenberry has been my FAVE so far after these 3 episodes #ExOnTheBeach" RT Awe!! Thank you baby ✨💜
@MTV: @itssammyszn @F1abraham @ExOnTheBeach spread the love #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: SKRRRRRT did he say Murray has a BOYFRIEND?! #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Pro tip Murray: if you're gonna go on a dating show, you should probably be single first. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Farrah starting her new career as a relationship counselor with Maya and Kareem. #ExOnTheBeach
@allrealitychat: LMAOOOO I'm sorry Farrah cracks me up "STOP looking at me Simon, you're a freak!" #ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: Cory Z said he’d a homeless trashy Bitch 😭😭😭 I’m dead 💀 #exonthebeach
@MayaBenberry: It’s 👏🏽 getting 👏🏽 messy!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@chris4686: Look @CoryZ07 over there spilling all the tea get it you deserve better 😘
@RobTiniOfficial: Wow! The gay drama on episode 3 DOES 👏🏽NOT👏🏽DISSAPOINT👏🏽 👀 @ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: Damn  if @MurraySwanby looks left he gotta argue, looks right he gotta argue! Keep your head down 😂 #ExonTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@Mackemdrummer owning up to his 💩 is exactly what a guy should do in he and @00Hitsdiidii's situation! #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "I know I f___ed up I'm sorry")
- @00Hitsdiidii: @ExOnTheBeach We both owned up to so much, shout out to us @Mackemdrummer 👐🏼
- @MonteJr5: @ExOnTheBeach @Mackemdrummer @00Hitsdiidii He's a real one ✊
@ExOnTheBeach: Meanwhile @MayaBenberry 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "I'm salty and I'm jealous")
@RobTiniOfficiall: Omg @00Hitsdiidii - we got #NoTearsLeftToCry #exonthebeach
@DerrickMTV: “He’s a homeless, trashy bitch.” 👏 -Ms. Corey   #ExOnTheBeach
@F1abraham: ❌❌❌ #blocked #2019 #mtv #exonthebeach #farrahabraham @ Singapore …
@ParkerCheyenne: I’m beginning to think seeing my puffy hungover face on @ExOnTheBeach might be the worst part of this entire experience for me!!! 🤦🏽‍♂️
- @MurraySwanby: @ParkerCheyenne Sameeee. Kill me now. Lol
- @RobTiniOfficial: @ParkerCheyenne Your face never looked anything less than the gift that it is
- @ExOnTheBeach: @ParkerCheyenne Ever heard of a #thruple? #ExOnTheBeach
- @MurraySwanby: @ExOnTheBeach How does @FrankieGrandeHD do it?? #askingforafriend
@MurraySwanby: Y’all this show doin me #DIRTYYY. @ExOnTheBeach
@Mackemdrummer: We just went in the room to talk 👀 😅right @00Hitsdiidii ? #exonthebeach
- @00Hitsdiidii: @Mackemdrummer Lol I’m pretty sure they kicked us out cause we couldn’t stop talking 😂
@MayaBenberry: I wasn’t “salty” over Didi. I was SALTY because I’ve been asking for the escape room for DAYSSSS and when me & Malcom are off they give it to him #TRUETEA #THANKYOUNEXT
@morgan_willett: I am living for @MayaBenberry commentary right now. Always compete with Beyoncé’s, not Michelle’s. NOTE TO SELF. @ExOnTheBeach
- @MayaBenberry: @morgan_willett Okurttttt!!! 💁🏽‍♀️
@ExOnTheBeach: .@MayaBenberry is willing to let @KingReemo stay in the house in order to fry a bigger fish! 😫 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
- @MayaBenberry: @ExOnTheBeach Yup!!! There’s a BIGGER picture ✨
@RomeoMiller: Not gone lie, @ExOnTheBeach cast is lit this season. Yall tunes in tonight?!
- @maddiesullivan1: @RomeoMiller Love you Romeo 💞
- @natesestok: @RomeoMiller Let’s gooo
@maddiesullivan1: Hahahaha Petty Betty @MTV @ExOnTheBeach I loved that saying ! I’m going to use it @morgan_willett #exonthebeach
@DerrickMTV: She’s being a “Petty Betty.” Thats a 1st for me. #ExOnTheBeach  Can’t be a Petty Betty yo..
@F1abraham: Mtv ex on the beach:  via @YouTube
@jossie_flores: @MayaBenberry what we about to do 😈😂 #EXOnTheBeach
- @MayaBenberry: @jossie_flores #MeanGirlsUnite 👯‍♀️
@Mackemdrummer: @00Hitsdiidii deserves a chance to find love just like everyone else, I say she stays #exonthebeach
- @00Hitsdiidii: @Mackemdrummer I AGREE
@00Hitsdiidii: Ahhhh shit let’s see if this “plan” falls through🤷🏼‍♀️ #ExonTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: So much effort to get Didi out the house... but will they succeed? 🤔 #ExOnTheBeach
@MurraySwanby: Things i like seeing.. #nighttimecuddling. Things i don’t like seeing.. me as a #hungoverpuffytroll  @ExOnTheBeach #EXOnTheBeach ☀️
@jossie_flores: I’m not sleeping with you no one else is going to sleep with you so 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #exonthebeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @jossie_flores 💅 PERIODDDDDDT! #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Who do we think will be getting the boot? #ExOnTheBeach
@ColeyBear85: Watching #ExonABeach and I am pretty sure @realChadJohnson is my favorite person on earth right now!
@BBTopTen: Chad is quite literally the confessional King. Effortlessly funny. #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: Crush or cut Ceremony 👀  @ExOnTheBeach
@Clarence_Pryor: My buddy @CoryZ07 brings the fun to #ExOnTheBeach!
@maddiesullivan1: Who’s about to get cut 👀 #ExOnThebeach ?؟
@DarianV_: @Jay__Qs getting crushes, see this show is about love  ❤️ haha @ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @DarianV_ @Jay__Qs Not so fast! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@JustJem24: "@TwixNTwists: Am I the only one who wants a @JustJem24 and @00Hitsdiidii hang out. I feel like they are the girls girl that we all need in our life!!" RT We actually have hung out before and I love her 💜💕...
@ExOnTheBeach: 👏 give 👏@00Hitsdiidii 👏 an 👏 answer! Who cut my sis? 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
- @MayaBenberry: @ExOnTheBeach AND 👏🏽 WE 👏🏽 DID!!!
@ParkerCheyenne: Exactly this.... @ExOnTheBeach
@natesestok: @00Hitsdiidii 💯
@BadGirlJanelle: We’re going to see who’s the Realest in the house. Stay tuned ☺️ #ExOnTheBeach
@ParkerCheyenne: @ExOnTheBeach ME at the thought.
@BadGirlJanelle: I threw up the X like I was @DezBryant 🙅🏽‍♀️😂🤷🏽‍♀️ #exonthebeach
@omalley_vickie: Finally the week we’ve been waiting for this on #ExOnTheBeach !! Time for our favorite boy @CoryZ07 to stir that pot!! Go get em Gorgeous!! 💪🏻😍
@MayaBenberry: I know some people have PEA sized brains but if I didn’t eliminate Kareem it was for a reason that they didn’t show. Not my fault. I’m not in charge of editing
@ExOnTheBeach: .@00Hitsdiidii "I just want to know who cut me" @MayaBenberry:  (GIF of Maya reacting)
@aimeehall1001: I hope they don’t vote @00Hitsdiidii off she’s my fave. #EXOnTheBeach
@morgan_willett: All y’all giving out cuts and I’m over here just SPREADING THE LOVE. 💕 @ExOnTheBeach @Jay__Qs #eotb
@Mackemdrummer: Man I’m getting tired of y’all always trying to catch a brother crying and shit 😤 #ExonTheBeach
@chris4686: When your mom calls you and says alright I’ve had enough why is all the gays so cute as she is watching @ExOnTheBeach and caught @CoryZ07 coming out the water 💦 i said well he is sexy
@MayaBenberry: They ain’t show us telling her why?! THE PETTINESS @jossie_flores & @BadGirlJanelle 😫🙄🙅🏽‍♀️
@BadGirlJanelle: Oh I’m SUREEEEE didi got the answers she was looking for 😂😂😭 but karma is REAL  😊 #staytuned #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Thanks for tuning in to tonights episode! Next Thursday, all new exes are dropping in to shake sh*t up! 🙌 Be here at 8/7c ✨
@Jay__Qs: Tune in next week to @ExOnTheBeach where everyone loses their shit !
@jossie_flores: Um I guess wait till extra edition!! Because I had a few words to say !!!  #Exonthebeach because I definitely didn’t stay quite!

@MayaBenberry: Y’all are delusional if you think @jossie_flores, @BadGirlJanelle & I didn’t speak up on why we cut her 😂
@Jay__Qs: Let’s have @exonthebeach. Every Thursday?  😘 ... #fuckboythursday #thirstythursday #oooimallwet #letshaveexonthebeach #tbt #throwback  #stayloco
@NurysKMateo: Washing up on the beach next week cuz I heard my girl needed some back up 👀💁🏽‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach
- @00Hitsdiidii: @NurysKMateo COME TO MAMA
@jossie_flores: @MayaBenberry @viirriss and 2 others Right 🤔
@jossie_flores: @viirriss @MayaBenberry @BadGirlJanelle Stay tuned to extra edition!!!! Then come back with that comment
- @00Hitsdiidii: @MayaBenberry @viirriss and 2 others Dammm maya you still talking about me? Leave me alone 😴you deadass get yourself more mad fighting with yourself😴😴😴
- @MayaBenberry: @00Hitsdiidii Coming from the person who banned me & @BadGirlJanelle from an event because you were scared to get your ass beat. Stawppp it. Before we post receipts sis. YOU AINT ABOUT THAT LIFE! PERIODT. Thank u, NEXT ✌🏽
- @jossie_flores: @00Hitsdiidii @MayaBenberry and 2 others We are just stating the fact that there’s more to what happened you know as well as we know ... so I guess we shall wait till extra edition 🤷🏻‍♂️
- @MayaBenberry: @jossie_flores Right! She tryna play tough on twitter but was mute in the EOTB group chat.
- @jossie_flores: @MayaBenberry Girl 😂😂😂👀 no shade they straight try to make her look like the big bad wolf 🤨😂 extra edition better be filled with deleted scenes
@MayaBenberry: "@jossie_flores: @IatoyaJ @viirriss and 2 others 37 ?😂😂😂 girl I’m 27 and I’m not arguing I’m defending my friend @MayaBenberry and just stating the facts on facts" RT Right! Y’all acting like y’all was there during filming. Faking the funk is WACK. We all know what happened AND that wasn’t it 🤦🏽‍♀️
- @00Hitsdiidii: @jossie_flores @MayaBenberry and 2 others We all know shit gets edited and we all know shit will be aired. No ones coming at you Jozea nor am I coming at ANYONE. I specifically said to keep my name out there mouth because shit is tiring & lame. We grown, keep livin ya best lives and dassit👐🏼
- @jossie_flores: @00Hitsdiidii @MayaBenberry and 2 others  That’s respectable me and you are chill so there’s no tension here ! So fans can just relax now 😂👀
- @00Hitsdiidii: @jossie_flores ❤️❤️❤️
@Rxde_BB: Maya and Janelle give me bad bitch teas! Period, they’re about to carry the damn season. We deserve #EXOnTheBeach
@Rxde_BB: Lmfaoooo Maya is RUTHLESS! I love her and Janelle! Best duo bro. Even if Didi doesn’t leave, the effort was top notch. #EXOnTheBeach
@12keays: I like this lil trio im seeing with Maya, Farrah and Janelle 👯💛. I wonder if they're still close. #ExOnTheBeach @MayaBenberry
@Tygy1221: Anyways, #EXOnTheBeach was really good! We stan gay excellence  @CoryZ07 in this house! Also @BadGirlJanelle is still the funniest person ever! Great episode
@itsmathewturner: Morgan, Jozea, Corey and now Alex next week... this is turning into Big Brother #ExOnTheBeach
@morgan_willett: Plot twist: my sister @alexshay1 crashes the episode. But like what’s the worst that could happen? @ExOnTheBeach 😬
@MonteJr5: First @alexshay1 and then myself crashing @morgan_willett 's little vacation?! @BBOverTheTop meets @ExOnTheBeach Talk about drama. Sorry not sorry @Jay__Qs and @coreybrooks34 😜 #GetReady
@F1abraham: THANK YOU NEXT!  Bye SLIMON - the end of riding my coattails 🙏🏼 THANK GOD @ExOnTheBeach @MTV  where it started it has ended
- @MurraySwanby: @F1abraham @ExOnTheBeach @MTV Hahaha love you Farrah
- @street_feets: @F1abraham @ExOnTheBeach @MTV "Riding your coattails"? Simon has been a very successful businessman for many years, far longer than he's known you. You used him as a stepping stone to get your 3 businesses which you ran into the ground because you don't know business or management. @SimonSaran
@BadGirlJanelle: We live in a world where people act tough in confessionals, interviews, Twitter, etc. but NEVER in real life 😂😂😭 #pleaseSTOP #ExOnTheBeach
@WiniferDamaris: THIS WAS LITERALLY ME WHEN I SAW @NurysKMateo ON MY SCREEN AGAIN !!! Almost punched my sister 😩😩😂
@NurysKMateo: "@b_maclinnn: I wait every episode for @NurysKMateo to pop up on this mfn beach! wya sis😭😭😭" RT Next week babe 💕
@NurysKMateo: Not everyone deserves your energy. So I’m gonna continue to carry on with class like the queen I am 👸🏽
- @00Hitsdiidii: @NurysKMateo A queen we stan❤️
@MurraySwanby: @MayaBenberry @CoryZ07 Bitchhhhh Cory cheated on me with more people than i ever toucheddddd on a BREAK. #THANKS #NEXTTT
@jossie_flores: Hey @ExOnTheBeach any co-hosting for next season 😂😂😂😂 i might be pretty good 😜 #ExonABeach
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @jossie_flores @ExOnTheBeach You should just replace Romeo tbh. He SUCKKSSSSSSSS. lol
@jossie_flores: @MTV_AMANDAG @coreybrooks34 Love you ❤️❤️
@jossie_flores: Cuddling with daddy 😜 The world may never know what happened cuddle buddy vibes😂👀🍵 #exonthebeach 🔥🔥🔥@ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: Our #ExOnTheBeach reunion is going to MESSY AFFFFFF!!! 😩😂
@DarianV_: If you were casted for @ExOnTheBeach I guarantee you crazy😂
@morgan_willett: What did we do before Twitter? Like, did people actually watch tv shows in peace?!? What a foreign concept😯
@JMO102324: This might be an unpopular opinion but Chad is cracking me up on Ex On The Beach 😂😂 #EXOnTheBeach
@allrealitychat: lmaooo I love how Farrah seems to be fucking w Janelle and Maya the most. Smartest thing she's ever done. #ExOnTheBeach
@lovato_islife: Can I just be friends with these bombshells??? I’m obsessed 😭 @00Hitsdiidii @JasmineeAndreaa @NurysKMateo  #2019goals 💕
@PurveyorsofPop: Jay and Morgan have no business being this cute while the rest of the house is FALLING APART. #ExOnTheBeach @Jay__Qs @morgan_willett
@PurveyorsofPop: Romeo: Someone is going home tonight.  Singles: We can only get rid of one?!  #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: idk who's more lucky with how that elimination went, Farrah or Kareem. #ExOnTheBeach
@RealitySteve: Well I mean this must be true. Why? Because Paulie says it is. And we all know he would NEVER lie when it comes to his relationship with women. Sorry, don’t buy it. And neither should anyone else
@RealitySteve: And if he was just giving her “advice,” you’d think a text, a phone call or a voice message would do. She just happens to be in NY over NYE and he just happens to be driving her around? You don’t get the benefit of the doubt anymore. Your credibility is shot.
@RealitySteve: "@chickenstix104: @CaraMariaMTV  i love you girl but keep this kid on the curb @PaulCalafiore_ I was just waiting to see hamilton and not wait in the long line... I spy a paulie and a blonde possibly named danielle. #TeamCara @TMZ #BoyBye " RT The guy wastes no time.  Lets see, what lie will this one be.  Let me guess, it's his cousin!  No, sister!  No, just some random blonde that he's strictly platonic with! This guy is a piece of work I tell ya'
@ChallengeFanVet: “I love Susie but you can go suck Susie’s dick in another tweet. This is about Veronica” - @JustJem24   💀⚰️💀⚰️💀⚰️💀⚰️💀⚰️💀⚰️💀
@n_zanattaMTV: I’m confused... if you block someone does that mean you’re just mad at them? When you unfollow someone that means you just don’t give a fcuk? Asking for a friend
@MelindastolpMTV: @WestonBergmann I just love you 😈
@kailah_casillas: "@AshleySpivey: @kailah_casillas @hiashleya The Bachelor isn’t just about girls fighting over one man. Often times a lot of us aren’t interested and we form friendships and normal lives 🤷🏼‍♀️" RT Yeah, sure.. that might be an added bonus that you guys gain friendships and stuff but the premise of the show is literally a bunch of girls fighting over a dude.
@kailah_casillas: I’m not hating on anyone for doing the show or watching it. I’m just saying it’s not for me 🤷🏻‍♀️
@kailah_casillas: Once again, I’m not hating on the show whatsoever. You guys kill it with ratings and followers. I’m just saying that it’s not for me. Everyone has a preference.
@JennaCompono: Do you ever catch yourself scrolling on the explore page on Instagram..and as you scroll you find yourself watching videos of puppies reuniting with their families, kids being adopted, miracles happening to people... next thing you know you’re sobbing your eyes out!! 😩💕
@WestonBergmann: Every time I read an “influencer” say “I’ve been getting tons of questions about [whatever]”... I immediately tune them out because whatever they’re about to say is gonna be bullshit.
@Kmorrisx: There’s always a reason to smile 🥰
@tori_deal: @JordanW_usa  and I put out another cover!!! …
@MelindastolpMTV: @JustJem24 just listened to your #challengemania episode and it made me miss you sooooo much!! Lol great episode!!
@Karamo: They may hate on you but they are also taking mental notes. So keep being you, keep going after your dreams, keep working and winning.
@ChallengeMTV: In honor of #NationalTriviaDay, here's our own national treasure 😂
@joss_mooney: Why do some restaurants think they’re too good for ketchup. Ketchup is too good for you. Ketchup is the best.

@ExOnTheBeach: .@F1abraham was finally able to speak to her ex @SimonSaran, but should she have been a little nicer?  😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@Marie_TBD: I’ve never watched teen mom and I’m SURE you’ll all have your opinions but I think @F1abraham is one of my personalities alter egos. Keep being a bad ass
@jlopez103: @SimonSaran looked like he was happy to get voted off of @ExOnTheBeach .
@00Hitsdiidii: Woke up to endless amount of love from you guys. I love and appreciate each an every one of you❤️ Have a blessed day everyone & keep spreading them positive vibes! #TeamDidi
@00Hitsdiidii: My squad has so many blessings coming, just wait on it y’all 🤗
@Marie_TBD: @morgan_willett You seem like a good soul. Don’t even waste your energy responding to the negative
@ExOnTheBeach: .@F1abraham got a surprising visit from her past, and the exes were on the chopping block during the first cut or crush ceremony! 😱 Watch the latest episode of #ExOnTheBeach NOW!
@maddiesullivan1: Thank you for putting my phone number in a group chat with 30 tea/ gossip accounts. You are SO childish.. it baffles me @NicolexoRamos lulz
- @NicolexoRamos: @maddiesullivan1 Stay out my mentions you dumb bitch before I end you
- @maddiesullivan1: @NicolexoRamos And this will show America why you’re 30 and don’t have a man or children yet
- @NicolexoRamos: @maddiesullivan1 Lol I didn’t know being 26 ment you were 30 at least I didn’t have a kid with a man who cheated on my while pregnant and left me for the next bitch and married her don’t tell people your life story if you don’t want it mentioned on twitter
- @NicolexoRamos: @maddiesullivan1 I’ll give you the number for my doctor he did an amazing job on my boobs you on the other hand are just fake mad and want clout it’s obvious why would you want makeup tips from such a masculine person like myself the text don’t lie
@jossie_flores: You just can’t 💁🏽‍♀️ #exonthebeach #meangirls #badboys  @ExOnTheBeach @MayaBenberry
@jossie_flores: Hey @romeomiller do you need a co-host ? 😂🎥 #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: 🤷‍♀️ My only plan is live my best in 2019! Anyone else? ✨ #ExOnTheBeach
- @00Hitsdiidii: @ExOnTheBeach It’s hard out hereeeeeeee😫
@RamBamSam16: I wish I worked less. I haven’t even had time to watch ex on the beach yet :/
@CoryZ07: In case you are wondering. Yes, that water was freezing! 🥶 @exonthebeach @mtv
@Marie_TBD: Social media has ruined comedy.
@Marie_TBD: “Can you stop looking at me Simon? You’re like a freak, stop.” @ExOnTheBeach
@nashaaWEST: Maya really plotted on Diandra instead of Kareem & then had the nerve to not tell her why. Be real 2019 #exonthebeach
@TheMarkLong: Ran into @haleighbroucher and @fessyfitness at the TV station today. I won #HOH and put them both on slop...i kid i kid😜 #godfather #PeoplesChamp 🏆
@JOSHMBB19: Thank you guys for the birthday wishes 25 feels old  😤😂
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @JOSHMBB19 Happy fucking birthday to this devil man who I’ve never met before!!!!!!!! ❤️
@amacattackkk: LMFAO also how Maya finna say "I don't know why your want your ex there" when she had a confessional earlier on why she wanted her ex there #exonthebeach

@CaraMariaMTV: I realize a lot of people got screwed by Grunt Guy. I myself ended up doing the Orlando and NYC events with zero pay. However, i found this and want to send it with love to one of you guys. Comment w photo evidence of you getting conned By him and i will pick at random. ♥️
@CaraMariaMTV: GUYS. im so sorry but i totally forgot i had seen a post from @juliajewjew showing how she was conned when everything first came out. I told her i would send her my own jersey but then i left the country and forgot. Sending it today. Wish i could make it right with everyone. 🙁
@CaraMariaMTV: He literally conned every single one of us. I just showed up and mingled with fans. I had no idea what was really going on. Im sorry to all of you. But @SHOTOFYAGER has kickass challenge mania events that you can trust. So stick with him going forward ♥️

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

We didn't spoil for you the actual title of this episode which was "Simon Says", but he was the latest ex to come to the Ex On The Beach house... albeit down in the Shack of Secrets rather than on the beach -- and he was in and out of the house just as fast as someone giving him a call on the hotline on those real estate offers. Meanwhile on the beach, we saw Murray's ex Cory Z. come by, and the Ex sent down in flames the budding relationship his ex and Cheyenne had going in. And who can forget Jozea and Corey cuddling in bed?

On Tuesday, our focus shifts to the first big MTV premiere of 2018 as we'll have a Look at the much anticipated, much buzzed-about new series, Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club. We offered a look ahead at the show back last fall when it was filming, but we'll have some time to get to know the cast who have been chosen by the lady with the famous dance and what we can expect from Greece. Check that out before it debuts on Tuesday... we'll talk to you then.


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