*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Well, here we are at the first three-day weekend of 2019, and we're glad you're kicking it off with us at DCBLOG as we now go into a big week in MTV Reality, including double trouble on Ex On The Beach and at the Lohan Beach Club - which we'll have have here ahead. This week also saw the start of the countdown to Season 33 of The Challenge, and we'll kick off coverage of that here next week... and one of those who'll be taking their talents to the War of the Worlds is a member of the cast of Floribama Shore. But there's some business for he or she to take care of in Panama City Beach before they join TJ Lavin and co. come February 6th... more on that at the end of this post.
As for what's going on now, last week the roommates finally came home from their eventful escapade to Cabo, Mexico along with some baggage... in the form of Nilsa still holding a grudge from having her nose smashed on that last night in paradise. If flowers say that you're sorry, than Kortni ignited a new trend of using something special to apologize when she bought a pizza with the words "I'm sorry" spelled out in the cheese. In a season and a series that has had its fair share of tear-jerking moments, that apology pizza again gave us reason to have that Kleenex box handy.
If what happened with Candace's parents coming by to mark the end of summer last season was something, then was Codi's turn to welcome his parents for a surprise visit, and this week Daddy Butts will encourage his son to get another try to do something he tried to do earlier in the summer of trying to push things forward with a newly single Candace after her breakup with Gator Jay. It's what happens there that Gus once again gets emotional by way of the parents coming to town. And if we thought we had seen everything from Krazy Kortni... well, we're proven wrong yet again.
After the jump, it's the Pulse Episode 8 of Season 2B of Floribama Shore. Welcome to the weekend...
@FloribamaShore: How hard did aging hit us? Let's just say we hit harder 🔥 #GlowUp #10yearchallenge #MTVFloribamaShore #MondayMotivation
- @JeremiahBuoni: @FloribamaShore Look at these glow ups👀👀 My photos suggest that I enjoyed puberty😂😂 #GlowUp #10yearchallange #MTVFloribamaShore #Puberty
@aimeehall1001: I can’t trust someone who buys cheap mayo, Your potato salad is trash bitch.
@aimeehall1001: Having no kids is all fun and games until tax season. 😬😩
@aimeehall1001: If the crown fits, Wear it bitch! 👑💓
@nillythesquid: Why do I always feel like I’m taking steps back to when I start getting into a guy...?
@KirkMedas: “You are the CEO of your own life. Hire, fire & promote accordingly”
@codibutts: Can we please get @FloribamaShore vs. @JerseyShore on @FamilyFeudABC I think it would so much fun!
@pimpfriedrice_: Uplifting @ItsTheSituation and his wife in love, positive energy, and abundance. You’ve made such an over whelming impact. Keep God first ❤️... #FreeSitch
@nillythesquid: Hardest thing I’ve done so far is picking out the dress I’ll wear to my best friends funeral.. you guys have been so good to me. Please send good vibes my way this week.
@aimeehall1001: Ladies, When your Mom said get you a man that can cook she didn’t mean cook meth.
@FloribamaShore: Codi's parents raised him well. Here's proof 👏 Catch a brand new episode of #MTVFloribamaShore TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV! 👀 Sneak Peek: Saying Goodbye To The Buttses / Codi's parents leave town, but not before sharing a heartfelt moment with the guys.
- @GusSmyrnios: @FloribamaShore Love you @codibutts and the whole fam too ❤️ #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: I love being half way asleep in the early morning just manifesting what I want in life and in the near future
@FloribamaShore: Take notes, guys! THIS is how you ask someone out on a date! 👏 #MTVFloribamaShore is all new TONIGHT at 9/8c! 🙌 Sneak Peek: Codi Asks Candace Out / Codi goes the extra mile to impress Candace, who he hopes to score a date with.
@FloribamaShore: *A wild Kortni appears* 😱 Don't miss a brand new episode of #MTVFloribamaShore, tonight at 9/8c on @MTV 😘 Sneak Peek: Kissing Kortni / Kortni makes out with several people at the bar on a night out.
@pimpfriedrice_: Just like a crayon, I may not be your favorite color; but at some point, you’ll need me to complete your picture...
@pimpfriedrice_: I’m tryna be on Flewed Out Airlines...
@pimpfriedrice_: Do waist trainers actually work? I’m tryna get an insta-thot waist without the surgery but still drink beer.
@JeremiahBuoni: Tonight an all new episode of @FloribamaShore on @MTV at 9/8c And I must say it’s a crazy episode filled with new connections and more bar trouble❤️😱 What happens in PCB, stays in PCB😈#MTVFloribamaShore #keepingitcrazy #whathappenshere #stayshere #495Productions #mtv
@codibutts: Y’all get ready for a new episode of Floribama Shore tonight at 9/8c! #MTVFloribamaShore
@MTV: GO CODI, GO CODI, GO CODI 💐 Prepare for some first date jitters during tonight's episode of #MTVFloribamaShore at 9/8c! MTV Floribama Shore Sneak Peek: Codi Asks Candace Out / Codi goes the extra mile to impress Candace, who he hopes to score a date with.
@FloribamaShore: This👏Is👏EVERYTHING👏 We can't wait for tonight either because #MTVFloribamaShore is ALL NEW, and love is in the air ❤️
- @pimpfriedrice_: @FloribamaShore Keeauntae is famous! My turtle 🐢 Keeauntae is famous!
@pimpfriedrice_: Such an amazing episode tonight! I’ll be live tweeting with everyone tonight! ❤️ make sure to catch @FloribamaShore TONIGHT... 9/8 c! #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: These two share a major broment on tonight's episode 👯♂️ #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Look out! Tonight's episode is RED HOT 🔥
@FloribamaShore: Not only is #MTVFloribamaShore brand new, but it's also SEXY 😍 TONIGHT! 9/8c! MTV!
@FloribamaShore: When you remember #MTVFloribamaShore is on in 1 HOUR 🕺
@FloribamaShore: #MTVFloribamaShore starts NEXT on @MTV! 🙏
@aimeehall1001: @FloribamaShore @MTV Kortni was born wild. #MTVFloribamaShore
@drewtappon: We could have a #CutOrCrush ceremony on @FloribamaShore I feel like @codibutts would #Crush it. @FloribamaShore #mtvfloribamashore @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @aimeehall1001 @GusSmyrnios @K0nigi @pimpfriedrice_ @codibutts @nillythesquid @K0nigi @KirkMedas
►AS THEY SAW IT: "You Had Me at Beer"
@FloribamaShore: Grab a brew (or a BBQ bottle) and get to a TV because a new episode of #MTVFloribamaShore starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV 🍻@495Prods: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes ... 👀@FloribamaShore STARTS NOW on @MTV #MTVFloribamaShore 🏖️ @aimeehall1001 @pimpfriedrice_ @K0nigi @nillythesquid @codibutts @GusSmyrnios @KirkMedas @JeremiahBuoni @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@nillythesquid: New episode starts now! #MTVFloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Sorry guys, I wont be live tweeting. Love you all. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: It’s time y’all! #MTVFloribamaShore
@KvonComedy: Previously on FLORIBAMA drinking. this week. more drinking! #MTVFloribamaShore @495Productions @FloribamaShore @DrewTappon @SallyAnnSalsano @AimeeHall1001 @NillyTheSquid @PimpFriedRice_ @K0nigi @KirkMedas @GusSmyrnios @JeremiahBuoni @COdiButts
@aimeehall1001: Y’all gonna see me passed out on that pool table after partying with the Butts. #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Everyone loves a BUTT! #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Are ya back bitch @codibutts #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Candace: I would go out with Codi. Codi: (GIF of him dancing)
@aimeehall1001: Y’all @K0nigi is so fuckin funny. I love her unapologetic stanky feet ass. #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: I'm worried for Codi's father being in that car with all the girls 😅 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Kortni - "My feet stink")
@GusSmyrnios: Bar hoping with the Butts! #mtvfloribamashore
@aimeehall1001: Now there’s hope of me finding my soul mate in a bar. #MtvFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: “I love y’all bitchesssss” 🤣😂🤣😂 #MTVFloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: My parents never drank growing up 🤷🏻♂️ #MtvFloribamaShore
@Wns0090: “How did y’all meet?!” Aimee: “PLEASE SAY AT A BAR SO I CAN FEEL BETTER!” 😂😂😂😂 @aimeehall1001 @codibutts #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @MTV
@KirkMedas: I love the Butts! Hell, spent thanksgiving with them! #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: Just got back from the gym and now it’s time for @FloribamaShore!!! #MTVFloribamaShore #imadeit
@codibutts: Both my parents are great people! I love them so much! #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Me after two drinks 😫 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Codi's dad - "I love y'all, bitches")
@GusSmyrnios: Love you man @codibutts #mtvfloribamashore
@KirkMedas: Here come the tears 🤣😂 what it be Floribama without tears!? #MTVFloribamaShore
@GeoffKeith: .@codibutts parents can hang for sure @aimeehall1001! What if his mom snuggles in bed with @GusSmyrnios in a friendship type of way and @nillythesquid gets pissed? @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @MTV @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@drewtappon: "@haleykbates: I now live vicariously through watching floribama shore...even though it used to make me cringe" RT It’s understandable. Wait for the #KissingBandit tonight. @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: The words Gus needs to hear 👏 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Codi - "If I was your father, I'd be so proud of you")
@GeoffKeith: .@GusSmyrnios pulling the tears out of my face all over again... @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @MTV @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@GusSmyrnios: A lot of emotional damage that comes along with it #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn I feel so bad for @GusSmyrnios #MTVFloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: Always been the black sheep #mtvfloribamashore
@krissbennz: Lemme tell you something sweetheart @GusSmyrnios you’re not alone in the way you feel. I bet we could relate to each other a whole lot.
@codibutts: Damn I need my own talk show! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @aimeehall1001: @codibutts I thought WE needed a talk show. #MTVFloribamaShore
- @FloribamaShore: @codibutts that’s all I need in life #MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: I think it’s safe to say we all want a #PapaButts in our lives! #mtvfloribamashore @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon @mtv @495prods @floribamashore @codibutts
@Teamswish03: @GusSmyrnios you a real one bro, respect 💯 #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: I’m definitely proud of my boy @GusSmyrnios Keep doing you brother!! #MTVFloribamaShore #proud #doyou
- @GusSmyrnios: @JeremiahBuoni Love you bro ❤️
- @FloribamaShore: @JeremiahBuoni @GusSmyrnios love us some Gus ❤️ #MTVFloribamaShore
- @drewtappon: @JeremiahBuoni @GusSmyrnios You both could be a little better about responding to texts, but other than that...@FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@Wns0090: Y’all. #MTVFloribamaShore really is like a big dysfunctional family. They will always be there for eachother no matter what. That’s why I love them so much! @FloribamaShore @MTV @nillythesquid @aimeehall1001 @codibutts @JeremiahBuoni @GusSmyrnios @pimpfriedrice_ @K0nigi
- @JeremiahBuoni: @Wns0090 Preach🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #MTVFloribamaShore
@KATLYN_LACY: @GusSmyrnios is a amazing kind sweet generous guy&he deserves kindness& love and he deserves the greatest things in life i am proud of him💯❤
@codibutts: @GusSmyrnios you my boy! I am always here for you. #MTVFloribamaShore
- @GusSmyrnios: @codibutts Love you brother ✊🏼❤️
@GusSmyrnios: Family doesn’t approve of me being apart of the show, don’t like the image that comes along with it. Breaks me down cause I just want to make them proud but I’m hurt now making it #mtvfloribamashore
@codibutts: The Butts got you @GusSmyrnios #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: I just want to hug Gus through my TV right now 😫 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of him and Codi's dad embracing)
- @drewtappon: This is so so so sweet. @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I am so glad my mom and dad came down to visit! #MTVFloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: Love my family more than anything, don’t want anybody to think otherwise ❤️#MTVFloribamaShore
@__angelaxx: stop I love @GusSmyrnios he’s so sweet and pure 😢 #MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: @GusSmyrnios you ARE NOT a bad kid at all....a bit of a young hornball but you ABSOLUTELY a great guy! Keep smiling luv! #mtvfloribamashore @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon @mtv @495prods @floribamashore
- @drewtappon: @ItsMsHawkins2u This guy is a good man. @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @GusSmyrnios
@FloribamaShore: How it feels to have birthdays every year after you turn 21 👵 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of Nilsa struggling to walk down the stairs with a cane)
@JeremiahBuoni: Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to the Butts but I had a blast with them!!! #butts #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: But I love you @nillythesquid #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Damn @nillythesquid maybe a little bit extra. #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: Man @nillythesquid looks like a granny getting down those stairs🤣 #MTVFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: @codibutts you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Shooters shoot bruh. Take your shot!!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @pimpfriedrice_ let’s go out on a date! #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: If Codi was in Harry Potter he'd be in Slytherin House because he's slitherin' in Candace's DMs! 🐍 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: "I'm slidin' on in")
@aimeehall1001: “Let me holla at you”.. What every girl hears at the gas station. #MTVFloribamaShore
- @tiffanyheinen: @aimeehall1001 🤣🤣 so true 😂😂 #mtvfloribamashore @FloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Shoot, if Candace says no to this date I'll go! 🍗🍺 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Codi - "Get some wings, a pitcher of beer")
@pimpfriedrice_: What do you guys think of the episode so far?! Like tweet me with questions. Use #MtvFloribamaShore and I’ll answer as many as I can tonight!!
@GeoffKeith: That was such a sweet asking out for a date! @codibutts @pimpfriedrice_ @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @MTV @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@JeremiahBuoni: Who saw this coming?? @codibutts and I are on the golf course together.....HELLO!!! Something about the beach house😎 #beachhouse #friends #MTVFloribamaShore
- @codibutts: @JeremiahBuoni I know I didn’t! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: You know in south you go out for wings and beer! That’s the bed date! #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: You had me at beer. ❤️ #MtvFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Hahahaha lol! You just got dad joked! #MTVFloribamaShore @JeremiahBuoni
@KirkMedas: Lmao dad joking the dad joke king #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@codibutts: Fuck the gym let’s go golfing! #MTVFloribamaShore @JeremiahBuoni
@aimeehall1001: Golf bores me.. but @JeremiahBuoni body doesn’t. 😋😋 #MTVFloriBamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @aimeehall1001 I worked on it so you could enjoy it😘 #eyecandy #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: I know my favorite bad girl @aimeehall1001 is such a good girl for real..... shes like my long lost sista from another mother @mtv @FloribamaShore @495Prods this epsiode lit!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: What has happened!! Last I checked I’m supposed to be the one that says the dad jokes😱 WHO AM I😩😭 #dadjokes #mything #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Is Carry older than my dad just curious?? #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Who saw this coming! @JeremiahBuoni #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Me trying to not come off too crazy on the first date 🙃 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Kortni - "Steady wins the race")
@KirkMedas: Bromance no one saw coming @codibutts @JeremiahBuoni ✊🏾 #MTVFloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @KirkMedas No one!!! 🤣🤣 #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: On their way to steal your girl 🔥 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of Codi and Jeremiah in golf cart)
@aimeehall1001: I wonder how God got my eyes even? He did a good job. #MTVFloriBamaShore
- @aimeehall1001: @JeremiahBuoni I can’t wait 😋💦
@codibutts: Damn @aimeehall1001 you know that’s some redneck shit! Grocery bags. #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: @codibutts wasting all that beer 🍻 😱😱 #MtvFloribamaShore @495Prods @FloribamaShore
@RealityTVBabe00: I’m liking this bromance between @JeremiahBuoni & @codibutts! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: I can’t believe Codi asked me on a date 🙄🙄 lol... lawd... #MtvFloribamaShore @495Prods @FloribamaShore
@tiffanyheinen: Ok I missed something... what’s with the popped collars?! @JeremiahBuoni @codibutts @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Aimee: Y'all go together like - Me: PB & J! Aimee: Stir fry! Me: Oh (GIF: "Like stir fry")
@aimeehall1001: Ummm @K0nigi I’m not sure I would help the guy that I was dating fuck another girl. #MTVFloriBamaShore
@Wns0090: Taco, Burrito Convo...nachos! 😂😂@codibutts @pimpfriedrice_ #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @MTVTranslate Tweet
@codibutts: @pimpfriedrice_ you getting the @codibutts treatment! I going to blow this diet out the water! #MTVFloribamaShore
@KvonComedy: WOW @KirkMedas JUST SAID black people can't blush.... i never even thought of that until he said it #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: I’m excited to see how @codibutts and @pimpfriedrice_ date goes, because Codi is pulling out all the stops. #southerngentleman #MTVFloribamaShore
@IAmCharlieBetts: @codibutts and Jeremih look like some gangsta multi-million-dollar golfers #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: America right now when Gus' dad said he was proud of him 😭 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of him wiping away tears)
- @drewtappon: @FloribamaShore We are so proud of you, @GusSmyrnios You are someone any parent would be proud of. @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: @aimeehall1001 @akelly_93 Did someone say go down😈 #MTVFloribamaShore
- @aimeehall1001: @JeremiahBuoni 😋😋😋 don’t get me all worked up. #MTVFloriBamaShore
@EmilyWaterman19: "She's glowing. She's smiling. She's being all weird. It's cute." The words of @K0nigi about @pimpfriedrice_ and they are completely true. @pimpfriedrice_ deserves happiness and maybe @codibutts is that happiness she needs not some gatorjay 231 Southside God #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @pimpfriedrice_ getting all the special treatment! #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: TAKE NOTES, FELLAS! 👏 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Codi - "I got her flowers and her favorite cognac")
- @pimpfriedrice_: @codibutts out here setting the standards high ! @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@codibutts: Ladies this is CODE-EYE treatment! #MTVFloribamaShore
@Starshyne9: These tweets between @aimeehall1001 and @JeremiahBuoni are a making me wonder what is going on. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I hope @pimpfriedrice_ likes the flowers! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @pimpfriedrice_: @codibutts I definitely liked the flowers! But I LOVED the Hennessy ☺️ @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
- @FloribamaShore: @codibutts @pimpfriedrice_ oh she will #MTVFloribamaShore
@tiffanyheinen: Ok @codibutts is the sweetest damn thing!!! ❤️ @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
- @drewtappon: @tiffanyheinen He really is the most thoughtful guy. When he’s not streaking. @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: @drewtappon @codibutts and 8 others Yes they are #MTVFloriBamaShore
@FloribamaShore: When your two friends who everyone thinks should date are finally about to make it happen 🙌 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of Kortni and Aimee dancing)
@pimpfriedrice_: @nillythesquid idea to make my bed was phenomenal ... I never made that darn bed lol @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Hiding from my problems like.. #MtVFloribamaShore
@RowanMiller123: I think @KirkMedas is almost excited about @pimpfriedrice_ date with @codibutts as Codi is. 😂 #MTVFloribamaShore
@CiaraHarris08: @aimeehall1001 “We gotta act like we’re clothing” Haha oml😂😂 I love Aimee💗😭😂 #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: 😂😂😂 That purse toss @K0nigi!! Looking like Goku🤣#MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Well...... is it safe to say fuck Gilsa. There is a new power couple it’s #Codace! #MTVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: Codi takinng that shot at @pimpfriedrice_ GIRL WHEN A GENTLEMAN SAYS I WANT U TO KBOW HOW TO BE TREATED LIKE A LADY!! SIGN UPPPPPPP 🤷🏽♀️💁🏽♀️💁🏽♀️💁🏽♀️🙋🏽♀️🙋🏽♀️🙋🏽♀️ #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @mtv @495Prods
@EmilyWaterman19: What is going on with @aimeehall1001 and @JeremiahBuoni..... Cause all these "I like his body" Type tweets are making me wonder if Jaimee is the next big thing #whatshappening #MTVFloribamaShore 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
@ItsMsHawkins2u: Time for the big CODACE date! I bet Codi is tryna get “chocolate wasted”!! 🤣🤣🤣 @codibutts @pimpfriedrice_ #mtvfloribamashore @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon @mtv @495prods @floribamashore
@GeoffKeith: GatorJaySouthsideSLOB! Take notes from @codibutts #classact @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@FloribamaShore: Henny and flowers. Codi knows the way to Candace's heart 💐🥃 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of her smelling those flowers)
@GusSmyrnios: I think my @codibutts impression sounded more like him than he does 😂 #mtvfloribamashore
@codibutts: Duuuuhhhhh I spelled everything right. I ain’t Logan. Come on @pimpfriedrice_ #MTVFloribamaShore
- @ItsMsHawkins2u: @codibutts Lmfao!!!! Oh the shade!
@missnatalienunn: Who else loves @FloribamaShore on @Mtv RETWEET!! tune into watch now!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: I had to put the flowers in the blender cause we ain’t have no vases 🤷🏿♀️ @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: “You look hot and your booty looks big.” Me cheering on my friends before their dates. @pimpfriedrice_ #MtVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: Can someone tell me why @GusSmyrnios is talking like @codibutts while reading this note🤣🤣 #MTVFloribamaShore
@tashhhx3: ok ok ok, but really. Candace & Codi are the sweetest, funnest 2 people! I’m sitting on my damn couch excited about this date of theirs! @codibutts props for knowing how to treat a lady!@pimpfriedrice_ go girl. He’s a lil angel. @FloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: Love done hit this house like a wrecking ball #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Um @codibutts might get that cookie after buying @pimpfriedrice_ her favorite thing in the world HENNY!! #mtvfloribamashore
- @pimpfriedrice_: @aimeehall1001 Hmmmm.... is the 🍪 worth the 🥃 ?? @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: No drink ? No problem 😝 #MTVFloribamaShore #sweetbabyrays
@codibutts: @JeremiahBuoni no I don’t need any icebreakers #MTVFloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @codibutts Your loss😂🤣 #icebreakers #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Codi's face says it all 🔥😍 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of him reacting to Candace's dress)
- @drewtappon: I can’t get over how emotional I am about tonight’s episode. @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @pimpfriedrice_ dat ASS !!!!!!!! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @pimpfriedrice_: @codibutts All that damn beer in the beach house @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: Date Night!!!! You kids have fun, but have her back by 10:30 now😉😂 #dadtalk #MTVFloribamaShore @pimpfriedrice_ @codibutts
- @FloribamaShore: @JeremiahBuoni that makes two of you #MTVFloribamaShore
- @pimpfriedrice_: @JeremiahBuoni Oh Lordt ... @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: All the girls getting me ready makes my heart melt! Love the Floribama ladies! @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @aimeehall1001 @nillythesquid @K0nigi
@KirkMedas: Them nipples could’ve cut diamonds! ✂️ 💎 Hahaha sorry @pimpfriedrice_ #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @pimpfriedrice_ is most beautiful girl in the world! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @pimpfriedrice_: @codibutts Awwww so sweet! ☺️ @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@GeoffKeith: Wait, @pimpfriedrice_ forgot her bra! Candace! Waaaaiiit! Your bra!!! @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @MTV @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@pimpfriedrice_: 🤣🤣 @KirkMedas I don’t wear bras @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: Hiding from my exes like #mtvfloribamashore @aimeehall1001 @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon @mtv @495prods @floribamashore
@missnatalienunn: Girllll @aimeehall1001 not the grocery store bags girl IM DYING @FloribamaShore @MTV @495Prods so now every time I unpackmt groceries imma think of you using it to cover your head from the rain 🤪🤣😩 #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I am going to nail this date like split hawg! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: I am the definition of southern charm! #MTVFloribamaShore
@JeremiahBuoni: "@ThatShaneWilson: Welcome back to my weekly TED Talk: @JeremiahBuoni IS Superman IN Man of Steel 2: Krypto-Nights in Panama City Beach. The dude is picture-perfect casting for Clark Kent AND Supes. @TheDCUniverse : get on this. …" RT I’d have to agree!!🤣🤣 #Superman #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: When your kids start mysteriously behaving well... 🤔 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Candace - "Why are you being so nice")
- @drewtappon: I’ve been to this rodeo. @FloribamaShore #MtVFloribamaShore
@missnatalienunn: Yesss @aimeehall1001 is a real friend @pimpfriedrice_ she wants u to have a good guy to take you on a real dateB show u what its really like yesssssssss wooohoooo plus girl they say when u go blackkk but i heard when u gooo white 😍😍😍 @FloribamaShore @mtv @495Prods
@TaeliquaNicole1: “Candace looks absolutely gorgeous!!” - @codibutts @pimpfriedrice_ The way that every girl wants to be talked about😻😻😭#MTVFloribamaShore
@GeoffKeith: They're both so nervous. This is cute. @codibutts @pimpfriedrice_ @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
- @drewtappon: @GeoffKeith It really is shocking. From the crudeness to the sweetness. This show really has it all. @FloribamaShore #MtvFloribamaShore @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @aimeehall1001 @GusSmyrnios @K0nigi @pimpfriedrice_ @codibutts @nillythesquid @K0nigi @KirkMedas
@KirkMedas: I see you @codibutts Southern gentleman #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@codibutts: #Codace #Codace #Codace #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: WE SHIP! 💑 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Kirk and Gus - "CandEye")
@aimeehall1001: I love partying with our bosses. #MTVFloriBamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: All In favor for #candi !! #mtvfloribamashore
@Gemini3690: How do you spell the word used for Candace ass .@codibutts? FaFam (did I spell it right?) #MTVFloribamaShore
@ItsMsHawkins2u: @pimpfriedrice_ came down the stairs looking like a Country Hershey’s Kiss!! And @codibutts is tryna make you melt toniiiiight! #DiamondNips #mtvfloribamashore @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon @mtv @495prods @floribamashore
@iam_h3rsh3y: Codi and Candace have good vibes always #mtv #MTVFloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: These overalls are so short I feel like Tom Sawyer 😂 #MtVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Bahahahaha @K0nigi at the bar in dirty ass slippers and socks. 😂🤣 #mtvfloribamashore
@Mallory_powell1: YALL. @GusSmyrnios in those overalls got me in my feels 😍😂🙌🏽
@codibutts: @KirkMedas @aimeehall1001 @GusSmyrnios y’all are crazy! #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Y'all think Codi and Candace are gonna hunch? 🍆 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of Nilsa, Gus, Kirk and Aimee)
@tiffanyheinen: Am I the only one who noticed @GusSmyrnios and @nillythesquid match tonight at newbies ? @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Me @KirkMedas and @GusSmyrnios had good rotation humping that game. #mtvfloribamashore
@pimpfriedrice_: @K0nigi got asked on a date in slippers at the club... she the 🐐 @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: A successful first date, and maybe there will be more! Who knows... 😉 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Codi to Candace - "Maybe, potentially many more")
@codibutts: She said y’all ain’t got to go home, but y’all got to get the hell out of here. #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: What the Fuck @K0nigi #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Hey @JeremiahBuoni wanna make out like @K0nigi and that old woman with no teeth? #mtvfloribamashore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @aimeehall1001 No!!! I won’t be that sloppy with my kisses😏😘 #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: That's our Kortni! 😅 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF of her kissing an elderly lady)
@pimpfriedrice_: The date is going beautifully 🙌🏾🙌🏾 @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: No @K0nigi making out with someone’s grandma isn’t sexy....at all #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @495Prods
@codibutts: She is making out with a grandma! #MTVFloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: Make it stop 🤮🤮🤮 @K0nigi #MtVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: Watching @K0nigi make out with that lady is something like watching Pornhub on MTV ... @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: I swear that lady didn’t even have all her teeth and kortni was flossing every gap #MtVFloribamaShore
- @JeremiahBuoni: @GusSmyrnios 😂😂😂 I can’t #MTVFloribamaShore #lmao
- @495Prods: @GusSmyrnios 🤣🤣#MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @K0nigi that’s how you get Mono! #MTVFloribamaShore
@GeoffKeith: I want a full-on make out sesh with @codibutts and @pimpfriedrice_! Wait...what the fu--- @K0nigi NOOOOO! @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @MTV @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
- @drewtappon: @GeoffKeith You won’t soon forget that image. #KissingBandit @FloribamaShore #MtvFloribamaShore
@KirkMedas: Fuck that lady!!!! #MTVFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Fuck that crazy bitch! #MTVFloribamaShore
@c0urtneylynne16: Yeooo @KirkMedas always makes me laugh “ewhh kortni’s making out with an 80 year old lady” im dead lmfaoo #MtvFloribamaShore
@codibutts: @aimeehall1001 just knocked her drink out of her hand! #MTVFloribamaShore
@tiffanyheinen: Ok that’s enough @K0nigi @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: Hold up, this girl is talking sh*t and we didn't even do anything!? 🙅 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Aimee - "No, you're ratchet")
@GeoffKeith: This episode brought to you by Mononucleosis... @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @MTV @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
- @drewtappon: @GeoffKeith Omg. Yes. That was a lot of kissing. @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: @aimeehall1001 bop bop bihhhh 🤣 @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@codibutts: Just wait there is one more surprise @pimpfriedrice_ #MTVFloribamaShore
@Wns0090: This girl really just started shit for no reason?!!! Wtf @FloribamaShore @aimeehall1001 #MTVFloribamaShore @mtv
@FloribamaShore: Candace stays winning on this date! 👏 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: "That's so sweet. Oh my God Codi, I'm blushing")
- @drewtappon: @FloribamaShore You have a lot of fans, @pimpfriedrice_ and @codibutts @FloribamaShore #MtvFloribamaShore
@codibutts: Well.... @pimpfriedrice_ I hope you had the best date ever! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @pimpfriedrice_: @codibutts Best date of my life 🙌🏾 @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: That moment in Tootsies almost made me cry! And for the record... @codibutts paid the band to play Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton ❤️❤️ @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: When you drive by a cop car and you don't have your seatbelt on 😰 #MTVFloribamaShore (GIF: Kortni - "We're going to jail, oh my God")
@aimeehall1001: I love @nillythesquid she had a full blown panic attack when I was getting arrested. #mtvfloribamashore
- @nillythesquid: @aimeehall1001 Sure did #MTVFloribamaShore
@tiffanyheinen: Holy moly @aimeehall1001 I’m hoping it’s going to be ok love @FloribamaShore #MtVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: "@BossManJ__: So what’s next @pimpfriedrice_ ?" RT You gotta See next week :) @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
@Rikkayawilson: Well bitch @pimpfriedrice_ if your pretty self don’t want @codibutts I do! I’m tired of getting played need me a man who pulls out all the stops 😂 #MtvFloribamaShore
@c0urtneylynne16: My heart melts seeing @pimpfriedrice_ happy for once. Youu truly deserve it girll ! Way to go for doing an AMAZINGG first date @codibutts #MTVFloribamaShore
@GeoffKeith: .@pimpfriedrice_ better go all out dressing up for @codibutts on this date because you know he'll be wearing his freshest popped collar polo @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore @MTV @495Prods @sallyannsalsano @drewtappon
@missnatalienunn: Our first date and I NATALIE NUNN HOPE MANY MORE @codibutts @pimpfriedrice_ #MTVFloribamaShore @MTV @495Prods #MTVFloribamaShore
@CaptPlanet82_LJ: @aimeehall1001 @nillythesquid @GusSmyrnios @codibutts @JeremiahBuoni @pimpfriedrice_ @FloribamaShore @KirkMedas @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore Oh. no. Aimee's has been arrested for battery find out next week,.
@codibutts: Ladies if you go on a date and it ain’t like @pimpfriedrice_ and @codibutts date then tell them see ya! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: Tonight was absolutely amazing! @codibutts had me smiling from ear to ear, from the flowers, to the Hennessy and song dedication... it was all so incredible! THANK YOU @codibutts @495Prods #MtvFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore
- @codibutts: @pimpfriedrice_ @495Prods @FloribamaShore Well..... you deserve it you are amazing! #MTVFloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: @aimeehall1001 @495Prods and 3 others Love you boo!
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Well, we've seen her do just about anything in the course of two seasons, but who thought that Kortni would make out with an elderly lady at the club? We're getting memories returning of Bronne from Real World Cancun kissing what Jasmine called "Sharon Osbourne's twin" at the same time her daughter kissed rock star Joey in the club. And as we saw at the end, Aimee delivered her special to a bystander outside the club, and it may mean jail time for her... more on that next week. But the stars of the night were Candace and Codi as they finally went on a date that turned out very well.
At the outset of this Pulse, we told you about The Challenge: War of the Worlds, and the first promo of it aired on Tuesday, followed the next day by the unveiling of the entire cast. One of those newbies who will soon take that charter jet from the Panhandle to overseas for the U.S. Shore franchise's first appearance on "the fifth major pro sport" is Gus... he is one of the eighteen rookies from the U.S. and overseas who'll be suiting up for The Challenge Season 33 as he and other reality stars will compete with Bananas, Cara, Wes and friends.
Of course, we here at DCBLOG will be covering the season like no other blog site can, starting with our season preview to come during Super Bowl week, followed by our traditional introduction to the season's newcomers, "Who Are These Newbies" which will be posted after the big game and before the premiere on February 6th. Just as what we'll be having with what we have coming for Ex On The Beach, our Newbies post will be split into two parts covering Gus and the rest of the North American rookies in one half, and the first-time competitors from Europe and overseas in the other.
That second part of our "Newbies" posts for Ex On The Beach Season 2 will be up a day or so after the Pulse of this week's episode, which comes your way tomorrow after the NFL conference title games... the pre-diary will come first though later including drama surrounding that Vegas club promoter on Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club. See you for that here later.
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