Saturday, January 12, 2019

DC SocialPulse Extra: Lohan Beach Club Premiere and Before Ex On The Beach S2 Ep4

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

The MTV week that was of the first full week of 2019 saw Cheyenne & Cory's first season on Teen Mom conclude as well as what we had here earlier of Codi's parents and an apology pizza mark the Floribama Shore group's return to Florida following the trip to Cabo. But before we bring you the Pulse of this week's Ex On The Beach on Sunday Funday, something special for those checking us out this late Saturday night.
   This week saw the debut of the winter's most anticipated new MTV show, Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club. And in the premiere, Lindsay and her business partner & close friend, Panos Spentzos, will get to open up shop on their new Lohan Beach House resort in Mykonos, Greece. There, they'll be joined by a team handpicked by them of nightlife pros from America's hottest clubs for the summer, and they'll find out that working with this "Paradise Boss" will be anything but a breeze in this European Rivera.
   While DCBLOG offered our traditional non-Trifecta preview of the season, aka The Look, before its premiere on Tuesday night, instead of just recapping the episodes like everyone else does we'll be integrating social reaction to Lohan Beach House into these Pulse Extra diaries, just before the main one covering EOTB is posted afterwards, as we consider that show to be our main focus for this winter. That's only part of a pre-diary that also includes reaction to Surviving R. Kelly, the premiere of The Bachelor, and much more... that's all ahead.

@AneesaMTV: I remember meeting R Kelly in chicago during my real world season- I was 19 or 20. His autograph read “never stop loving me.” It was weird then and it’s weird now. Watching this doc has me sick to my stomach. #SurvigingRKelly
- @kailah_casillas: @AneesaMTV You were like, 5 years too old for him at that point 🤢
- @AneesaMTV: @kailah_casillas I know right. Fucking sicko. I can’t believe we grew up listening to him. We totally weren’t educated enough to even understand our own bodies let alone what it meant to have someone violate them.
@kailah_casillas: My brain is exploding. I can’t believe this shit is real #survingrkelly
@kailah_casillas: Omg I’m so happy that she got her daughter back 😭 #survingrkelly
@kailah_casillas: Ugh this girls parents are letting their daughter play with fire. HER SINGING CAREER IS NOT WORTH THIS SHIT #SurvivingRKelly
@WestonBergmann: Wanna feel like a good, upstanding, adult? Compare yourself to R.Kelly.

@ExOnTheBeach: 😂 caption this @F1abraham #ExOnTheBeach
- @Marie_TBD: @ExOnTheBeach Monday: See ya soon                                      Me:
@Mackemdrummer: This year I have something to prove to myself 🤞🏾
@Kmorrisx: Know the difference between a connection and a attachment. One gives you power, the other sucks the life out of you
@Marie_TBD: Your personal life should be kept personal.
@Marie_TBD: As a public figure in any regard you have the responsibility to stop acting like an idiot when it comes to the stuff you post. If you were so fat you wouldn’t post that hot picture of yourself. This is not directed to anyone in particular. I see it happen everyday and I hate it.
@MTVDevinWalker: I watch the town 3 times a year at a minimum
- @tonyraines: @MTVDevinWalker I was Ben Afflecks stand in for that movie
@johnnybananas: *Drops Ice Cube, kicks it under the refrigerator.
@kailah_casillas: Ok I miss summer.
@blackzeusfit: Let us be honest, I’d smoke that Hunter dude ezy. Zach been trash. I think I’m a better competitor than Tony and most of the Are You The One guys 🤷🏾‍♂️
@TripleBeees: By the way.... Marlon would/could smoke ever dude currently l on the challenge and I’m surprised he hasn’t been back on. I mean i have an idea why. But still...
- @JustJem24: @TripleBeees DONT GET ME STARTED ON THIS BC I WILL GO ON A NEVER ENDING RANT. He’s a beast competitor, brings an interesting storyline & he’s an ally to women. @blackzeusfit will forever be my number one & I want nothing more than him to come back bc he deserves the opportunity more than any1
- @blackzeusfit: @JustJem24 There’s not a more proven athlete on the show than me still. I was outta shape no confidence hella weak and still held my own 🤷🏾‍♂️ me competing now 😂 they scared
@kailah_casillas: I’m a huge Halsey & Alessia Cara fan, do you guys know any artists that are similar that I should check out?
@MTVjennifer: it’s unreal how different life is when you’re dating someone that genuinely cares for you & wants you to be happy 24/7 instead of someone that just stresses you out & makes you feel like garbage 24/7
@BradFiorenza: No words 😶 @ChicagoBears #BearsvsEagles
@WestonBergmann: It’s been 20 YRS to the day that the 1st authority figure in my life called me cocky. My message to him, & every subsequent teacher/professor/cop/coach that used the same adjective about me is please apply for funding for your idea via the link in my bio. Pre-req is you’re cocky.
- @kailah_casillas: @WestonBergmann Huh? Lol
- @WestonBergmann: @kailah_casillas Okay, so this hate towards all gingers like @lindsaylohan and I needs to stop. #TeamLindsay
@CaraMariaMTV: “Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother fucker's reflection.” - @ladygaga
@paulawalnutsMTV: They are going to be the best big brother and big sister #Lilsiscominsoon
- @johnnybananas: @paulawalnutsMTV Looks just like you, shes a mini Walnut! Congrats mama 👶🌰
@blacuesta: I got 3 female betta fish & the guy at Petco said I could put them all in the same 5.5 gallon tank as long as I had a lot of plants so I did that....tell me why my hoe ass fish r trying to fight & now I have three separate tanks for these hoes. My apartment looks like an aquarium
@nillythesquid: I miss you
@nillythesquid: Thank you to my beach house roommates, they all knew how much my Jorge meant to me and has all checked on me. That means the world to me. I love you all.
@kailah_casillas: .. @iammikeyp filmed a new music video today. I wasn’t in it but my friend Kailah was. Apparently he’s got a thing for Kailah’s, gotta have atleast one in every video 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
@BadGirlJanelle: Sometimes I feel sorry for the people who try to come for me... like I’m too witty, too intellectual, too clever... I will make you look stupid EVERY SINGLE TIME ☺️
@BadGirlJanelle: I learned to hurt with my words before I ever learned to hurt with my fists.
@Mackemdrummer: I’m convinced 🤔 n___s talk bad about their girl around me so I would never want to smash huh?
@Mackemdrummer: I like women who are Geeky and Freaky 👅💦
@00Hitsdiidii: Oh, hey.

@ExOnTheBeach: How I feel about the first Monday of 2019..................
@ExOnTheBeach: The only closure @SimonSaran got out of his conversation with @F1abraham was a closed mouth! 🤐 #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: I’m so interested in how this season of #ExOnTheBeach is going to end...
@cbmcnary: What you want also wants you.   But it’s waiting for you to make the first move!
@00Hitsdiidii: Can someone just fly out my best friends from home to me? Please & thank you🤗
@HaydenPWeaver: Company outing tonight, The Bachelor, and the NCAA Championship? Such a conflicting day of decisions
@EmoneySunset: Nobody in the history of parties has ever gotten laid because they were good at beer pong.
@ExOnTheBeach: If I was a #fijiwatergirl 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@SimonSaran: Me after Farrah said she made her masterbation video for charity. #mtv #exonthebeach #teenmomog
@cbmcnary: I know the sun is rising,  but will you accept this rose? #Thebachelor
@Marie_TBD: I tuned into @BachelorABC for the first time after seeing the Australian accent clip and I already regret it. Did he say THREE hours until the ball drops???? #TheBachelor
@JustJem24: I would go on a rant about these girls being too young to find a husband but they aren’t really looking for a husband just a trip to paradise this summer & Instagram followers so thrive on sisters, may you get all the endorsements you’re dreaming of✊🏻 #TheBachelor
@Marie_TBD: “He doesn’t kiss like a virgin.” - a long time @BachelorABC fan. #TheBachelor #BachelorNation #Colton
@Marie_TBD: The other virgin seems like Joe from “You.” #TheBachelor #YouNetflix #Bachelor
@JustJem24: Colton.. we weren’t expecting you to be the bachelor either bro..  #TheBachelor
@Marie_TBD: I’m getting anxiety from the house party. Small spaces. Max Capacity. Claustrophobic. @BachelorABC #TheBachelor #BachelorNation
@Marie_TBD: Avril did it better, Demi. #TheBachelor #BachelorNation @BachelorABCTranslate Tweet
@morgan_willett: Unpopular opinion: the only episode of #TheBachelor truly worth watching is the first because the limo exits are so awkward yet hilarious. Ok bye
@JustJem24: I want to bop the never been kissed girl in the back of the head.... really really really hard... #TheBachelor
@JustJem24: The Cuban queen is my early favorite....Now I need to figure out her name #thebachelor
@JustJem24: I am not going to make a colton loves nuts joke. I am not going to make a Colton loves nuts joke.. I am not going to make a Colton loves nuts joke #TheBachelor
- @n_zanattaMTV: @JustJem24 I like the one that brought him nuts I would have proposed on the spot! 😍
- @JustJem24: @n_zanattaMTV You would have banged half of the house by now 🙄.
@lashtweets: Miss Underwood just accidentally slipped that she’s young and here to travel but solid save #thebachelor
@Marie_TBD: Sandoval’s outfit makes him the #MVP of this episode and it’s been a while tbh. #vanderpumprules @PumpRules @Bravotv
@JustJem24: "@RealitySteve: Another girl who doesn’t really know much about Colton. No wonder. Colton wasn’t on MTV." RT 😭😭😭😭
@JustJem24: Y’all my only move/game plan for “one on one” time would be doing a shot 🤷🏻‍♀️.. #TheBachelor
@giannahammer: This storyline is so played out... who promised Catherine half a season to pull this?🙄😴 #TheBachelor
@AliviaHuntxr: Nah the sloth bitch on the bachelor just killed me. There is nothing cringier. Nothing.
@BombshellChels: First off NO ONE ASKED for this whole hour of nothing.... we. want. the. drama.  #TheBachelor
@schmelllanie: Does @colton really pull a @MTVDevinWalker this season and try to make a run for it? 🤣 @TheBachelorTV @AREUTHE1
- @BombshellChels: @schmelllanie We got a runner 😂
@RealitySteve: Demi called her mom in prison. Yes, we’ve hit that point. Next thing you know she’ll be hanging with MTV dudes two-timing his exes that...oh wait.
@CaraMariaMTV: She is everything I believe about what love really is. ♥️
@princeofnorway: There’s nothing in this world that three shots of tequila can’t fix temporarily and then make worse later
@tylerobrienn: So I was opening my Snapchat’s after a good week of not using it & stumbled across this from a random girl who I’ve never spoken to & as you can see, never even opened her first message. I get a lot of crazy stuff on snap but I’m still mind blown over this one. Listen closely.
@johnnybananas: Baby it's cold outside ☃️❄ – at Ruby Ranch
@TeaTimeWithToya: Ok so today is the last day ima say Happy New Year. We are now a solid week in people 🙄
@UndauntedA: @tjlavin Getting It Started Today With @BigDradio For The @GoldenKnights Game. #knightup #goknightsgo #goldenknights #vegasgoldenknights #goldenknightshockey #hockey #lasvegas #vegas #sincity #knightup #goknightsgo #tjlavin #bmx #hockeyfan #undaunted #goldenmisfits
@tjlavin: 🤙👊❤️🙏🏽RT @StacyMcDowell17: @ChallengeMTV @tjlavin You’re such an awesome person. You’re EPIC. They could never have anyone else host the show, it would ruin it. TJ you rock and kill it every time. Much love and respect. ❤️❤️
@tjlavin: I’d love to have you back brother.. hope all is well get at me when you come through my town! 🤙👊RT @syrusmtv: @ChallengeFanVet @DerrickMTV @tjlavin TJ u a beast I was just a bit lit 🔥 and not ready for the Pitt Bull aka Derrick! Hope to come back soon sir.
@tjlavin: 🤙👊🙏🏽RT @Margie_Snz: @tjlavin @jlsupreme @syrusmtv @ChallengeMTV This is why @tjlavin is the best host the challenge has ever had. His passion for the competition resonates with everyone and he keeps challengers in check. Never leave TJ!
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Forgive but never fucking forget.
@CamilaMTV: First stroll of the year... 🌺🛶🙏 …
@JennaCompono: Live footage of @hbarfield13 getting attacked by Bambi’s granddaddy today 🦌
- @hbarfield13: @JennaCompono Lmfaooooo he’s gone catch these hands 🤛👊
- @CoryWharton: @JennaCompono @hbarfield13 Yooooo 😂😂😂😂😂
- @JennaCompono: @CoryWharton Lmaooo because of what he posted on his insta story .. out there tryna kill bambis granddaddy, aunts and uncles 😂
@tori_deal: Thanks guys!!!! 17k + monthly listeners!!! We’re blessed! …
@kailah_casillas: I think that’s the “I love you” sign but just go with it 🤟🏼🤘🏼
@SylviaMTV: Already Crushing 2019!!!
@Sylviadefender: If y’all Cara stans go to supporting her getting back with Paulie then y’all need help. I’m just hoping this isn’t true.
@AshleyMarieMTV: Alabama vs Clemson, who ya got?! 🐘🐅 #cfbplayoff @ Levi's Stadium …
@DerrickMTV: Bama in trouble...
@DerrickMTV: Lil Wayne and Imagine Dragons at the half?! For real?? #LetsGo!!! @LilTunechi  #NationalChampionship
@DerrickMTV: Clemson Tigers. Game Over with 13 min to go. #NationalChampionship
@DerrickMTV: Alabama better put some Hurts on em...🤭
@JustJem24: I have never made an actual bet against Alabama.. Until I saw drake in a bama hoodie last week.....

@ExOnTheBeach: .@00Hitsdiidii may be a threat to @MayaBenberry in the house, but will Diandra be punk'd into leaving? 😳 Find out on an all new #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 8/7c on @MTV!
- @00Hitsdiidii: @ExOnTheBeach Sheeeeittttt I might 🤷🏼‍♀️ I guess we’ll have to wait until THURSDAY TO FIND OUT🗣
- @Marie_TBD: @ExOnTheBeach Your face @jossie_flores 😩 TEAM @00Hitsdiidii @ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Can’t wait for a brand new episode of Ex on the Beach this Thursday! I watched last week’s episode on my phone so I couldn’t live tweet 😩 but I’ll be back with my commentary this week! So come join the party! Except you @Fly_Norwegian y’all don’t deserve this entertainment
@CoryWharton: So all these girls are getting work done, to make them feel better about themselves. Which I’m all for, do whatever makes you happy. But I’m just thinking what happenes when your kid comes out and doesn’t look like you 👀🧐🤨 the ultimate catfish 🤭
@ExOnTheBeach: It's time for a double dose of MESS, with a dash of drama! 😱 Don't miss an all new #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 8/7c on @MTV! 🌊
- @morgan_willett: @ExOnTheBeach Double dose?! Y’all meant to say triple.
@MayaBenberry: I’m one fine ass villain 😈💜 #ExOnTheBeach
@jossie_flores: RUN GIRL RUN !!!! 😂 Don’t miss an all new crazy episode of @exonthebeach this Thursday 8/7c on @Mtv and before that see (EX-ON-THE-BEACH) EXTRA EDITION 7/8c #exonthebeach
@mtvex: The exes are back... but this time they're in the U.S! 🇺🇸👀The BRAND NEW SERIES of Ex On The Beach US starts tonight at 9pm! 🔥
- @realChadJohnson: @mtvex I’m back UK!!
- @jossie_flores: @mtvex Enjoy the show guys and much love to all the #Uk fans ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #ExOnTheBeach
@jossie_flores: Ok @MTVNewZealand @SKYNZ  I hope you guys enjoy are grand premiere of U.S #ExontheBeach season2 it’s going to be a crazy one !!!  Sending much love to all NEW ZEALAND 🇳🇿 fans ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@MTV_NellyT: NetFlixs: @You  I really dnt know how feel about this show. #crazy #Creepy #Girlyshow #socialmedia 2019 🤔
@keyanaland: i just get why “you” on netflix is called “you”. bc my friend asked what i’m doing and i said “im watching you” and it honestly sounds just as creepy as the whole season is..... 👀
@joss_mooney: Just going to take this moment to apologise... TO ABSOLUTELY NOBODY for my behaviour in the next 24 hours. 🥳
@itskcheyenne: Had fun in New York but so happy to be back with my Ryder
@itskcheyenne: The harder you love, the harder it hurts
@Marie_TBD: Hearing is an essential tool to communicating & LIVING. Loss of hearing is irrevocable. Why then are we doing so little to be proactive in the health of our ears and livelihood? Serious question.
@JustJem24: I promise when I finally publish my book, y’all will get all of my pain....  Bc it’s so real 💔
@NUTSIOOO: forevermore (picture of Nutsa with Ozzy from Season 5)
@NUTSIOOO: People will notice a change in your attitude but won’t recognize their own behavior that made you change it in the first place

@lindsaylohan: Tonight is the premiere of my show @LohanBeachClub! 🙌 Watch at 8/7c only on MTV! Are you ready?! 😉
@lindsaylohan: My new show @LohanBeachClub is finally premiering TONIGHT at 8/7c on @MTV! 💞 How are you celebrating? #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Have you ever wondered, "What would Lindsay do?" 🤔 Well, here's a little advice from @lindsaylohan on how to navigate some sticky situations. Catch more of her wisdom on the series premiere of #LohanBeachClub TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv!  Dear Lindsay... / #LohanBeachClub premieres TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv!
@lohanbeachclub: There's so much on the line right now, and @lindsaylohan WILL NOT let the VIP hosts mess this up. See how it all unfolds on the series premiere of #LohanBeachClub TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv!  Sneak Peek: I Can't Have That Sh*t / Watch the series premiere of #LohanBeachClub TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv!
@JonittaMarie: Lay back, relax, and tune in to @lohanbeachclub tonight at 8pm on @MTV
@kailah_casillas: I’m not going to get myself in trouble today. But.. I will say: never lose yourself in the pursuit of success. If you find yourself lying to keep another person happy so that you can climb ladders, maybe that’s not the ladder you should be climbing.
@kailah_casillas: Shoutout to the cast of @lohanbeachclub — I’m so happy & excited for you guys! (Well.. only some of you because some of you suck 👀)🏝 hurricane kailah will be arriving sooner than you know! Watch tonight on @MTV!
@lohanbeachclub: The cast of Mean Girls on Broadway + @lindsaylohan at the #LohanBeachClub premiere party? That is so fetch! 💁
@angelababicz: Wish the @ExOnTheBeach house was in Mykonos 😩 but I guess I’ll just live vicariously through @lohanbeachclub starting tonight at 8/7c on @MTV 🍾🥂
@shannanity: They want us to tell you to watch the Lindsey Lohan show or as I call it - the Shit Show. Anyways you’re an idiot if you don’t - I heard she’s either a train wreck or looks run over by a train the whole season so it’s going to be fucking classic.
@tonyraines: We finally get to see wtf inspired @lindsaylohan to do this...💃🤔 @lohanbeachclub premiers on @MTV tonight. #DoTheLilo
@realChadJohnson: If you aren’t watching @lohanbeachclub you’re missing out on seeing an icon in action! Tune in to the premiere of #LohanBeachClub @lindsaylohan TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv!
@TheOriginalDre_: I’ve seen the premiere of @lohanbeachclub TRUST ME, you don’t wanna miss it! It’s so good👀 my faves are @gabigreeneyes @JonittaMarie & Mike😍🔥 #LohanBeachClub
@MTV_NellyT: Who’s doing the LiLo in honor of the premiere of @LohanBeachClub. Join the party TONIGHT at 8/7c on @MTV! #DoTheLilo
@Kmorrisx: You can’t sit with us…unless you’re tuning in to @lohanbeachclub TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv! 😎
@ExOnTheBeach: I just need to learn how to perfect this dance so I know how to act when I see my EX! 💃 Don't miss the series premiere of @lohanbeachclub TONIGHT, at 8/7c on @MTV! ✨ #LohanBeachClub
@Marie_TBD: I’m all seriousness super excited for @lindsaylohan to be back. She is the definition of #relatable if we all had money. @lohanbeachclub

@lohanbeachclub: The series premiere of #LohanBeachClub is HAPPENING NOW on @mtv!! Tune in and tweet along with me! 📱
@lindsaylohan: YAY! #LohanBeachClub starts NOW on MTV! 😘
@BillyEstevez_: THE SHOW IS STARTING NOW. TUNE THE HELL IN!! @lohanbeachclub Can’t wait for you all to watch. ✌🏽&❤️. Stay true and be you.
@BrentMarks: First episode starting in 1 minute!!!!! @lohanbeachclub tune in and let me know what you think #wecrush #mtv #lindsaylohan @MTV
@gabigreeneyes: Current mood because @lohanbeachclub is airing RIGHT NOW ❤️💕 tune in!
@MikeMGTV: It’s on!!! Be sure to watch along with us using #lohanbeachclub so we can talk with you all!!!! Ahhh I’m so gassy and nervous I just farted @lohanbeachclub
@thesaratariq: Everyone needs to stop what they’re doing because #LohanBeachClub is starting RIGHT NOW. So tune into @mtv betch. @lohanbeachclub ☀️🌊
@JonittaMarie: Tune in now to @MTV for our new reality series @lohanbeachclub !!!
@lohanbeachclub: Panos is coming 👏 through 👏! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of him taking off his sunglasses)
@lohanbeachclub: TFW you're 8 days into 2019 and you're already sick of eating salads. #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Lindsay - "The struggle is real")
@lohanbeachclub: Teach me your ways @JonittaMarie!! 😩 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: "I literally get paid to look cute")
@MikeMGTV: God I wish I still had that body from those picture lmao gotta get back into being more serious in the gym #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: To all my fake friends, here's your friendly reminder! 😉 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Panos - "Everybody is replaceable")
@gabigreeneyes: If @MikeMGTV is trash I need to start dumpster diving 😍 @lohanbeachclub #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Don't let the good looks fool ya! 😂 @MikeMGTV #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: "I'm nothing but trash")
@lohanbeachclub: No pressure though! #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Panos - "You're going to be judged on everything, don't worry")
@lohanbeachclub: A DM goes a long way. Just saying! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Brent - "I'm searching for bae")
@MikeMGTV: I’ll put anything in my mouth I guess #lohanbeachclub
- @lohanbeachclub: @MikeMGTV You heard it here first! 😅 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: It's a beautiful moment when you finally decide to live a f*ckboy free life! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: May - "I realized that I need to stop")
@lohanbeachclub: I'M SHOOK! 😱 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: May - "She's here", when Lindsay arrives unexpectedly at the VIP villa)
@aristotlepolite: Crap, Lindsay showed up 😱 #LOHANBEACHCLUB
@MTVJules: Oh no.... here comes the boss @lindsaylohan ... 😳 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Me when someone tries to make other plans while #LohanBeachClub is on.  (GIF: Lindsay - "I'm like, Oh No No No!")
@gabigreeneyes: I mean I thought my blue hair was cute...... but #LohanBeachClub @lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: When my boss expects me to do my job at work 😒 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Panos - "That's too much")
@may_yassine: Yikes.... I’m glad I wasn’t in the pool when @Lindsaylohan walked in 😅
@lohanbeachclub: Well that escalated quickly! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Lindsay - "Oh my god, what just happened?")
@lohanbeachclub: You ever pull out receipts just to see someone fumble over their lie? #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Lindsay - "Oh the story changes")
@lohanbeachclub: Can we take a second and acknowledge how beautiful everyone of this show is! 😍 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Jonitta - "I'm still like taking it all in")
@MikeMGTV: Puberty beat the fucking shit out of @BrentMarks #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Looks like @BrentMarks figured out the cheat code to life! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: "People are either gonna like me, or gonna hate me")
@JonittaMarie: Gabi wants the world to know she studies biology... y’all got it ?! #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Consider yourself blessed, tbh. #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Gabi - "If a man is more attracted to me, congratulations!")
@MTVJules: @BrentMarks your high school pictures are sexy as fuck 😂😂😂😂 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: When your friend posts that one photo where they look amazing but you look like trash 😒 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Lindsay to Gabi - "I think you want your own show")
@gabigreeneyes: I mean am I wrong or was everyone else in a bra too.... #LohanBeachClub @lohanbeachclub
@lindsaylohan: So, what is everyone thinking so far? ☺️ #LohanBeachClub
@aristotlepolite: Cmon Gabi, get it together!  #LOHANBEACHCLUB
@lohanbeachclub: Professional Career Tip #57: Dress appropriately! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Lindsay - "When you're meeting your boss, don't show up in a bra")
@lohanbeachclub: Better luck next time! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Aristotle - "I don't think Lindsay got to know any of us")
@lohanbeachclub: When you can't find a f*** to give 🤷‍♀️ @thesaratariq  #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of her shrugging her shoulders)
@lohanbeachclub: A live look at me trying to wink. #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of Brent winking)
@MikeMGTV: .@JonittaMarie sitting overs there lookin at gabby like #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: VIP hosts, you better shape up! @lindsaylohan isn't too happy right now! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: "I didn't bust my @$$ for this s___t to happen")
@lohanbeachclub: When I see a commercial of a dog being reunited with its owner. 😢 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of Lindsay shedding a tear)
@lohanbeachclub: Whew, that was a lot. Someone pass the tissues. I'm still crying! 😭 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of Lindsay continuing to cry)
@MTVJules: What y’all think so far???  #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: It's okay @mtvjules, the first day of work is always scary. #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: "I am terrified")
@lohanbeachclub: A for effort though Brent! 😂 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Panos to him - "Take off your blazer... I can't even look at it")
@MikeMGTV: .@BrentMarks looks like he’s auditioning for the cartel in that awful blazer #lohanbeachclub not Mexico bitch
@JonittaMarie: A blazer on a beach ? I’m still confused #lohanbeachclub
@gabigreeneyes: I’m here for redemption bitches #pinkhairiscoming #LohanBeachClub @lohanbeachclub
- @kailah_casillas: @gabigreeneyes You’re too nice. I wouldn’t have changed it.
- @gabigreeneyes: @kailah_casillas I mean clearly I’m not off to the best start so I had to do something to try to turn it around #LohanBeachClub
@lucyefish: THIS is how you watch tv in Mykonos, BITCH #LohanBeachClub @lindsaylohan
@lohanbeachclub: I can't say too much because I too, need to get my sh*t together! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Sara - "She just needs to get her s___ together")
@lohanbeachclub: Come on @may_yassine, you got this! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Sara to her - "Use your brain. Use your brain.")
@MikeMGTV: Use ur brain bitch! @thesaratariq #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Panos is playing NO GAMES! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: "Lindsay has the heart to deal with this s___, I don't.")
@may_yassine: That was RUDE ! @thesaratariq #LOHANBEACHCLUB
@MTVJules: The crying begins.... 😂 #LohanBeachClub
@JonittaMarie: Not sure if  @may_yassine needs a shot or therapy .... or both 😆 #lohanbeachclub
@heyfrase: I love that the biggest issues at #LohanBeachClub seem to be that the DJ and Gabi the bartender have the same hair color...#seemstough #heyfrasewatchparty
@thesaratariq: Honestly tho like who cries first day on the job... if you can’t take the heat get out the kitchen girrrrrl 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ #SorryNotSorry #LohanBeachClub 🐸☕️
@lohanbeachclub: Me listening to other people list off their New Years Resolutions 🤷‍♀️ #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Lindsay to Gabi - "Well, you're f___ing crazy")
@MikeMGTV: @coryz07 Should I work like you and cry? Maybe you’d like @may_yassine 🔥😜 #lohanbeachclub
@JonittaMarie: Let a male client take me shopping and I make out with him at work ..... pretty sure I’d be called the unprofessional black girl that’s a gold digger. Just saying. #lohanbeachclub
@MTVJules: Ohhhh boy... Natasha... 🙆🏼‍♀️ #LohanBeachClub
@thesaratariq: 😬😬😬 #LohanBeachClub
@JonittaMarie: She could’ve spent more if you didn’t go swimming .... just saying 🤷🏽‍♀️ #lohanbeachclub
@JonittaMarie: @BrentMarks thought he found his sugar momma .... except sis isn’t so sweet 😆 #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: A live look at me running to tell my friends the tea. 😂 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Gabi - "They're making out!")
@lohanbeachclub: .@gabigreeneyes's twerking. You're welcome! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of her and group dancing)
@lohanbeachclub: The shade is hella thick right now! 😅 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: May - "He worked so hard today, he must be tired.")
@lohanbeachclub: When somebody tries you, but you have to remember who you are! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of May on the couch)
@MTVJules: @MikeMGTV bringing out the booze 🙌🏼 #LohanBeachClub
@JonittaMarie: When you could destroy a person with a few words but you’re too litt to argue. #lohanbeachclub
@MikeMGTV: Me watching @JonittaMarie putting @BrentMarks in his place #lohanbeachclub
@aristotlepolite: Day 1 at work! What’s gonna happen?? @#LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: New hair, who dis? #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Gabi - "I'm still cute")
@lohanbeachclub: Cardi B said it best! 💰 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Panos - "To be honest with you, it's all about money")
@lohanbeachclub: BIG MOOD! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of May)
@lohanbeachclub: Buckle up! #LohanBeachClub is going to be a wild ride! 😏  (GIF: Lindsay - "Boss bitch (snaps fingers)")
@gabigreeneyes: Season premiere: I might have come in as the loud, annoying girl who can’t shut up, but just you wait #imcomingforyouhoes #LohanBeachClub
- @kailah_casillas: @gabigreeneyes OWN. THAT. SHIT. Like I told you, better to be loud & remembered than boring & forgotten 💅🏼
@MTVJules: Who’s excited for next weeks episode!!! 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ #LohanBeachClub
@Kaylonilovee: Lindsay does not play gamesssss 👀  @lohanbeachclub @MTV
@gabigreeneyes: New drinking game: from here on out, when @may_yassine cries, lets take shots. #LohanBeachClub @lohanbeachclub
@JayGMTV: What did you guys think of @lohanbeachclub ? I feel like its gonna be an explosive season ! 🧨 #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: Going to start a nudist colony to promote my lack of clothing on @lohanbeachclub #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: The best part about me, is I am not you...always 💯 #lohanbeachclub #mtv #timessquare #newyork #iamme #lindsaylohan #premiere #alwaysontop @ Times Square, New… …
@gabigreeneyes: Talk about a fine ass cast 😍😍 #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: I’m ready to pop off... everyone is annoying 😅 if you keep poking the bear... it will bite back🐻😬 @lohanbeachclub #LOHANBEACHCLUB @MTV
@Marie_TBD: Seriously haven’t watched ep I hope @lindsaylohan thrives like we knew she could.
@Marie_TBD: People are so weird; why can’t I love @lindsaylohan and hate her at the same time? Isn’t that life? #LindsayLohanbeachclub
@iammikeyp: My entire twitter timeline is “I’m only watching #LohanBeachClub for @kailah_casillas “ .....the public has spoken 🤷🏼‍♂️
- @kailah_casillas: @iammikeyp Lol I love this
@kailah_casillas: Soooo what are your thoughts?
@kailah_casillas: Logging off. Time to go pick my bestfriend up from the airport. I’m overwhelmed by the amount of “I’m only watching for Kailah” tweets/ insta comments I’ve gotten tonight. I love you all. I’m so grateful ♥️🏝 #LohanBeachClub

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

For my brief thoughts on the Lohan Beach Club premiere: it was good as we got to know those who will now have the biggest assignment of all coming to them, though the drama surrounding Gabi cast a shadow over the group who didn't get the true opportunity to introduce them to Lindsay though there's ample time for everyone to do just that. But given the cutthroat nature of this, not everyone will have the chance to do execute those best-laid plans, and everyone has to go all in every day at the resort to make sure the guests are getting their money's worth. This is just the beginning however, and as the show progresses we'll get to know everyone and hopefully better understand LiLo.

On Sunday, Episode 4 itself of Ex On The Beach as not one, not two, but THREE exes will come rolling into Malibu, and some familiar names will be part of the bunch about to take over paradise. Talk to you then, and enjoy your Saturday...


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