Sunday, January 6, 2019

DC SocialPulse Extra: A Team MTV New Year's 2019

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

Hey there, hope this first weekend of the new year is going well. The big attraction of the MTV Reality week -- and for now, the winter -- is just to come with our Episode 3 Pulse of Ex On The Beach as the first Cut or Crush elimination looms ahead for our Season 2 friends.

Until that is posted later on tonight, indulge yourself in how Team MTV got to spend the final weekend of the year of 2018 that's just past and the first two days of 2019 as they rung in the new year. That includes the confirmation of a bittersweet breakup of an MTV fan favorite couple, Cory & Cheyenne on their first Teen Mom OG reunion, an emotional anniversary, a Challenger defending herself, a birthday for the Barbie Beast, and a first look at Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club. And of course, New Year's posts from the entire MTV crew including, if you can spot carefully, those who will be joining the membership not too long from now.

@ExOnTheBeach: Just when @KingReemo thought he could confide in @MurraySwanby, all hell breaks lose! 😱 #ExOnTheBeach
@F1abraham: My Feelings After 10 years of loss loosing loved one Derek Underwood:  via @YouTube
@usweekly: Cara Maria, Danielle Maltby and Paul Calafiore each tell their stories on this week’s #WatchWithUs. Listen here: Non-iTunes:   iTunes:
- @gigi__moreno: @usweekly Well, you guys are in for a treat.
@people: The Challenge's Cara Maria Sorbello Slams Paulie Calafiore for Two-Timing Her & Danielle Maltby
- @lexi__marsella: @people I haven’t been formally contacted for comment but so many people have been asking...
@joss_mooney: This week has been like...  Christmas Eve / Christmas Day / Boxing Day / Sunday / Sunday / What day is it? /’s Saturday.
@Marie_TBD: One day I hope to be popular enough to drag my ex on social media. Not a joke. V serious.
- @v_cakes: @Marie_TBD Find a love triangle involving 2 other attention hungry people, and you can do it.  I believe in you.
- @Marie_TBD: @v_cakes LOL I can’t even find 1!
@coreybrooks34: "@megmaley: Finally made it home and having a binge night-in. Ready to see @coreybrooks34 and @morgan_willett give me all the drama. #ExOnTheBeach" RT Haha Meggg!  I gotta hear what you think lol

@Marie_TBD: Imagine in 2019 that our girl group goes on tour 👀👀👀 @kailah_casillas @JustJem24 who’s coming? 😈😈
- @JustJem24: @Marie_TBD See y’all in 2019. #foreverpetty
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @Marie_TBD Me and @DerrickMTV?????🤔
@Marie_TBD: Without fail I am always regretful that I didn’t book Florida.
@v_cakes: Very sad I’m not able to join my original Road Rules cast on their 20-ish year #semesteratsea reunion cruise #sashomecoming2018 I can’t believe this February will mark 20 years we started our adventure in the Bahamas (which first aired June 21, 1999-only 3 weeks after we wrapped)
- @JustJem24: @v_cakes 20 years later and you’re still the baddest chick on @mtv. Thank you for paving the way for the rest of us girls and most importantly, thank you for being the sister I always needed 💕
- @JustJem24: @iwantmyemtv Emilee I love you so I’m going to be chill. But tread lightly when it comes to Veronica
- @JustJem24: What are you confused about babe.??
@JustJem24: I can’t wait for @v_cakes to text me and be like who is Emilee 😭
- @v_cakes: @JustJem24 What did I miss?  And who is Emilee?
@JustJem24: @iwantmyemtv Well I can send the cards back if you’re that bothered..
- @kailah_casillas: @IWantMyEmTV @JustJem24 She replies to me & @Marie_TBD all day everyday. Sounds like a “you” problem.
- @JustJem24: @IWantMyEmTV A show you would give a kidney to be on but go off sis..... also y’all be sure to vote @kailah_casillas for challenger of the year 😘😘😘
@Marie_TBD: Me when all of my real friends are fighting
@MTVDevinWalker: I haven’t seen a worse publicity stunt since Johnny leaked is own weak ass porn
- @johnnybananas: @MTVDevinWalker Just in case anyone was still wondering if Devin had a life, this is what's on his mind at 3am 😳🍌 #StayObsessed
@johnnybananas: Banana Bunch 👶🧒🙉👧🍌 #UncleBananas #Family #SquadGoalsTranslate Tweet
@kailah_casillas: you guys, I just got this really really official email this morning. Looks like I’m in the same league as @MTVASHLEYBROOKE now 😂 I’m assuming they’re gonna want my SS & debit card # next? Hahahaha
@kailah_casillas: We’re at the gym & Mikeys friend just made fun of himself and said “I’m all show, no go”... why have I never thought of that insult? That’s way better than “popcorn muscles” lol I’m stealin it.
@kailah_casillas: 🦋
@CoryWharton: BRUHHHHH!!!! Don’t you hate it when you bite into a piece of meat and you get that Fatty part smfh!!!  It taste like rubber glue 🤢 RUINS MY DAY 🤬
@WestonBergmann: Fuck Metallica for killing Napster. *This tweet is to make up for the fact that I didn’t have Twitter in middle school.
@WestonBergmann: I’m gonna start lifting upon the New Year. Anyone want to challenge me to see who can get most ripped by May? Warning: I’ll be cut from pure granite by then. Rules: you’re allowed to take steroids but I’m NOT because I don’t need the help.
@iamtheophi: Actually never mind I got the call and I don’t need to. For the past year and a half I’ve been back and forth to the doctors with liver problems. After all test were done I was told I might possibly have liver cancer. That’s where I have been all this time dealing with this.
@iamtheophi: Well just now I got the call telling me that I’m negative for any cancer cells!!! I’m happy to have this news before the start of a new year. So now I’m really about to be on some F U type shit now
@DayDaVonne_: And don’t be outside going through the bags talking about “oh I didn’t mean to throw this one away” .... let em GO !!! 🙃
@Kmorrisx: Everybody wants honesty, but nobody wants to hear the truth
@Kmorrisx: I’m just a good chick with bad habits
@blacuesta: If I see one more person get engaged I’m gonna fuckin vomit
@blacuesta: Good for u tho I’m just salty don’t mind me
@HaydenPWeaver: Golly the women fights are always the best ones #UFC232
@johnnybananas: Swede VS Syringe 🇸🇪💉 #ItsTime #UFC232
@CodyThrive: Reading Cara’s recent tweets brings me great joy. She made some ridiculous lies up about me. I will also say that although it was disappointing at the time, not getting to do the challenge was a great thing for me. Watching karma be served now is very satisfying. I love it! :)
@BritniNicol: Bc every Khaleesi needs a Knight, & you are mine🖤 I love you so much you beautiful perfect weirdo🐉⚔️  XOXO, Your weirdo😘
@caliraeofficial: We’re all out here trying to stay warm in the winter. My grandpa uses long johns. My mom and aunt love cute blankets. Personally, I like being glued to a man.

@ExOnTheBeach: Are we starting over or? #ExOnThebeach
@MayaBenberry: Thank you 2018 for reminding me for the 910292191820th time that men ARE NOT, CAN NOT & WILL NEVER BE SHIT
@tylersemicolon: Talkin about CHEATING with @NurysKMateo  Full episode here:
@kareem_fathalla: I need the last few days of 2018 to be the major plot twist I’ve been looking for
@SimoneJKelly: I just want to remind u, some of the best days of your life hasn’t even happened yet.
@tylerobrienn: If you wasted my time in 2018, I’m starting 2019 by sending you an invoice
@Marie_TBD: In 2018 I learned that a lot of people that I thought were cool AF were not.
@kailah_casillas: ft. (not so surprise guest) @shannanity! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 who else is coming?!!  here’s the link: …
- @shannanity: @kailah_casillas I AM SO EXCITED
- @shannanity: @kailah_casillas We’re going to dieeeew
@Marie_TBD: Hey @kailah_casillas
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD hello
@Marie_TBD: Cleaning out my contacts for the new year and some of the names I have stored make zero sense. Who TF is Hot old guy bar ?
@kailah_casillas: "@Theemmikay: @kailah_casillas @JustJem24 @Marie_TBD It’s honestly pathetic that @mtv brings these kinds of people on their show & is allowing these people to ruin their reputation. @ChallengeMTV is not enjoyable anymore because of girls like you. 👎🏼 #Thechallenge #MTV" RT Good girls are boring to watch, sorry not sorry.
- @Theemmikay: @kailah_casillas The show used to be about the competitions and athletic people competing against one another. Now it’s all about the drama. You and your girls belong on Bad Girls Club, not The Challenge 🤷🏻‍♀️
- @kailah_casillas: @Theemmikay Back in the beginning there was little athletics involved. They sat on ice cubes and got pushed across ice skating rinks & drank milk and spun themselves in circles. Also there have been mean girls and asshole dudes from the start. You are mistaken if you think otherwise
- @TheMarkLong: @kailah_casillas It’s social media man...back in the day if we hated someone we had to write them a letter, and drive to the post office and mail that sh**...that’s a lot of work! ✉️🤣
@kailah_casillas: I’m not saying that they DIDNT do athletic things in the beginning seasons, before everyone freaks out. I’m saying some of their challenges were less athletic & more fun, which I’m jealous about.
- @stanchallenge: @kailah_casillas Kailah you barely are considered a vet how can you tell us anything about the past challenge? LMAO
- @kailah_casillas: @stanchallenge Because I own a tv, just like you do.
- @xojam23: @kailah_casillas And now with a younger generation being desperate to be “influencers” they audition for literally any Bunim Murray show to try and get on a challenge. There’s a reason people on shows that #TheBachelor are successful/paid influencers and recycled Bunim Murray cast members are not
- @kailah_casillas: @xojam23 In what world are we not successful paid influencers? 😂 my manger and I will agrue much differently @_alexismarie24
- @MichaelHorn23: @kailah_casillas I feel like people do this with every show. They always talk about the "good ole days" & how much better it used to be than now just to show off how long they've watched. The only difference now is social media & the seasons are longer, giving them more time to show more drama.
@kailah_casillas: "@TherealAP84: @kailah_casillas I dont get all these people saying the drama is more today than in the past. The best seasons all time have the most drama. Only difference today is twitter exists" RT this 👏🏼
@kailah_casillas: I guess I’ve had enough arguing with idiots today. Time for me to go drink & pretend like I’m watching football 🏈
@kailah_casillas: My mom said that this was her favorite gift this Christmas 😂
@joss_mooney: So when you see someone’s insta story like... Does anyone else feel like, nah...that’s too much hard work to watch! 🤷🏽‍♂️😂
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @joss_mooney Literally yours on the daily 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣
@joss_mooney: January doesn’t look so bad... 6 days until Dubai  12 days until Thailand  23 days until Bali
@MTVjennifer: i don’t understand why i’m still getting blocked number calls blowing up my phone at 5am on weekends where i have to turn my phone off. like leave me alone and move on please.
@Kmorrisx: Nye with this fire cracker @xZahida  God help me 🙏🏻
@Kmorrisx: American people are obsessed with going live. It’s like an everyday thing
@KyleCGShore: Absolutely amazing Christmas at home with family and friends thank you to everyone who I’ve shared a pint with over the past 2 weeks and here’s to one last big push for New Year’s Eve! 👀❤️🍻
@itskcheyenne: looking at old videos of Ryder and I can’t believe how much she’s grown over the year 😢
@TeenMom: So what's the deal with @CoryWharton and @itskcheyenne? 🤔 We're getting all the details tomorrow night on Part 2 of the #TeenMomOG Reunion. Sneak Peek: Are You Waiting for Me? / Don't miss Part 2 of the #TeenMomOG Reunion tomorrow night at 9/8c on @MTV.
- @itskcheyenne: @TeenMom I know everyone has a opinion about Part 2.. all I can do is live & learn 🤷🏽‍♀️
- @JustJem24: @TeenMom I am more invested is these two than my own relationship 😭. Team @itskcheyenne & @CoryWharton 5evaaaaaaaa. We want another Ryder damn it 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @TeenMom I love them so much!!!!😩❤️ @itskcheyenne @CoryWharton
- @00Hitsdiidii: @TeenMom I’m not crying. I’m not crying.

@ExOnTheBeach: .@coreybrooks34 has @Jay__Qs feeling a little salty but @morgan_willett is unbothered, and is all about having her fun! 💅 #ExOnTheBeach
- @coreybrooks34: @ExOnTheBeach Sweet>salty 💁🏼‍♂️ #EOTB
- @morgan_willett: @ExOnTheBeach ....girls just wanna have fun?🤷🏼‍♀️
- @MonteJr5: @ExOnTheBeach Southern gentleman >  #EOTB
@jossie_flores: MIAmi here i come to bring in the new year 2019🎉🥂!!  I swear when i wanna get up and go i get up and go 😂😂🤷🏻‍♂️#Miami #ExOnThebeach #HappyNewYear #NewYearsEve
@MayaBenberry: Friends never betray friends & if one does, they were NEVER your friend..
@MTV_NellyT: 🚨Just touch down in 🌉
@LemGonsalves: I will be doing a special spotlight-on interview at @afterbuzztv w/ @princeofnorway @JasmineeAndreaa @EmoneySunset and some additional surprise guests! We’ll be discussing Relevant TV and getting major tea on your favorite reality show personalities. Jan. 2nd at 3pm PST Tune in!
@TooFab: "Thank you Derek for watching over us all & showing me to live my best life with our daughter like it could be our last," @F1abraham said in tribute to ex and Sophia's father Derek Underwood on 10th anniversary of his death.
@intouchweekly: "The love of my life’s car accident on December 28, 2008, changed my life forever," @F1abraham wrote.
@morgan_willett: LAST DAY OF 2018 ✌🏻✌🏻

@JennaCompono: Happy 26th Birthday to me! 🥰👵🏼🎈 #NewYearsEveBaby
- @tanya_heald: @JennaCompono Dang you’re young how old were you went you started on MTV
- @JennaCompono: @tanya_heald I was 20 years old when I did my first show real world ex-plosion !
@Marie_TBD: HBD to the queen B @JennaCompono - also how iconic are you and @JustJem24
- @JennaCompono: @Marie_TBD 😂😂😂💕
@MTVDevinWalker: Smoke em if ya got em dirt bags
@susie_meister: New Year’s Eve is a night of great anticipation to find out which reality tv personality will get their mugshot on TMZ tomorrow. 🎉
@Marie_TBD: 99.9% of slut shaming defenders have slut shamed before.
@Marie_TBD: Now watching @TheEllenShow RELATABLE on @netflix
@Marie_TBD: I love how Ellen can be so hilarious while keeping her act clean. #relatable
@JustJem24: Y’all this old ass lady is being so rude to the Starbucks barista and sis is being calm bc I’m sure her job is important but I don’t work hereeeee ma’am I will let you knowwwwwwww that are we are not speaking to  people disrespectfully today...
@JustJem24: Hey @Starbucks, your staff on magazine st in Nola was just treated very rudely by an old lady(who is in there constantly being rude to them) but I just wanted to let y’all know your staff was respectful & calm to her.
@JustJem24: Y’all this old ass lady is being so rude to the Starbucks barista and sis is being calm bc I’m sure her job is important but I don’t work hereeeee ma’am I will let you knowwwwwwww that are we are not speaking to  people disrespectfully day...
@JustJem24: Y’all I just donated a tent to a homeless dude and bro legit said I can set this up for us right now and you can spend New Years with me and honestly that’s the way #SHOOTYOURSHOT2018 should end 🙌🏼
@JustJem24: I just realized I start 75% of my tweet with YALL
@Karamo: Don’t let anyone tell you that dreams don’t come true. 2018 was a year to remember! From @QueerEye premier in February, Emmy wins, to working w/ President Obama. This wouldn’t be possible without each of you! From the bottom, top & middle of my heart, thank u & I love you friends  Cast of Queer Eye in front of Billboards promoting the show. Queer Eye cast mates Karamo Brown, Bobby Berk and Antoni Porowski holding their Emmy backstage at the 70th Primetime Emmy Awards  Queer Eyes Karamo Brown standing with President Obama.
@caliraeofficial: I love drinking so much coffee I start to twitch. Then I know I’m half way
@1stlooktv: Counting down your Top 10 @johnnybananas moments from #1stlooktv. [Drumroll, please] Your #1 moment was... Johnny competing on @ninjawarrior. Watch here:
@JustJem24: This @taylorswift13 @netflix documentary has me so hype right now. I’m dancing around my condo in a sparkly jumpsuit like a legit crazy person...
@MTV_AMANDAG: "@haleighcasillas: Mood at everyone (except a few😋) " RT Ending this year like...
- @n_zanattaMTV: @MTV_AMANDAG Hahaha still the best challenge season ever!!
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @n_zanattaMTV Hahahah YASSSSS🔥 happy new year sister!
@Marie_TBD: Say what you say how you say it whenever you saying it... just remember how you said it when you was spraying it
@WestonBergmann: It’s sad how updated I am on all this reality tv drama. I literally have all the lava. 🌋
@MTV: #TeenMomOG's Cheyenne and Cory talk to Dr. Drew about their complicated relationship during part two of the @TeenMom OG reunion tonight at 9/8c.  #TeenMomOG Sneak Peek: Are You Waiting for Me?
@CoryWharton: M O O D: I’am > I Was
@TeenMom: Grab the tissues! Part 2 of the #TeenMomOG Reunion begins right now on @MTV ❣️
@TeenMom: .@CoryWharton and @itskcheyenne have us feeling all of the emotions! 😭 #TeenMomOG

@F1abraham: HAPPY NEW YEAR IT’S OFFICIALLY 2019 ❤️🥳 From @marinabaysands #singapore #CrazyRichAsians #skyviewcountdown #2019 #nye #marinabaysands
@MattieLBreaux: 2018 Thank You 2019 Let’s get it 🦋
@Marie_TBD: Anyway it’s NYE and guess who’s bringing hoes to 2019... this girl 👈
@Marie_TBD: My New Years resolution is to ignore haters and embrace love. The year flys way too fast to spend your energy giving the wrong people your attention. #NewYearEve
@JustJem24: Can’t wait to wear @Marie_TBD reunion outfit out tonight 💅🏼. She not only shares her screenshots she also shares her clothes 🙃
@lashtweets: I spent 2018 doing things I love with people I love. There were bad days, bed days, & sad days, but there were more happy days, friend days, lazy days, family days, game days, lovefilled days, study days, birthdays, & funny days. I have big plans for you, 2019. Happy New Year!🥂
@lashtweets: Incase my last tweet fooled you into thinking my life is remotely together, I’m looking for a NYE outfit on NYE for the 15th year in a row.
@erikalaurenluvs: Dear 2018: Thank you, NEXT 🙋🏻‍♀️
@joss_mooney: Going to be 2020 by the time I finish everyone’s insta stories.
@joss_mooney: Entering 2019 how I’ve spent the majority of 2018...tanned, topless & with a big fat smile on my face. #happynewyear ✌🏼
@joss_mooney: 2019 everyone’s coming for out pal! 😂
@WestonBergmann: If I see one more social media post that says something like, “rolling into 2019 like...” I’m gonna snap. Have some creativity you lemmings.
- @Marie_TBD: @WestonBergmann Rolling into 2019 like... cc: @NataliaNegrotti
- @NataliaNegrotti: @Marie_TBD LMFAO HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
@kmacisco: Avoiding Instagram stories for the next 2 days...contrary to popular belief, I actually DONT want to see a pic from every month of 2018, but thanks.
@blacuesta: Really thankful 2018 is coming to an end and excited for what 2019 is going to bring. I’m ready for and deserve a great year.
@kailah_casillas: Tonight’s gonna be so fun I’m so excited 🎊 @shannanity @Marie_TBD @AneesaMTV @iamkamiam_ 👯‍♀️👏🏼🎊🎊🎊👀👀👀🎂🎂🎂
- @AneesaMTV: @kailah_casillas Me too. I miss my fransssss
@Kmorrisx: If you’re going to post shit to make your ex jealous, please ensure ur ex gives a shit 1st 🤘🏻
@Marie_TBD: Happy new year!!!! @Kmorrisx
- @Kmorrisx: @Marie_TBD I love you
@iammikeyp: 2018 was one of the best years of my life.
@SHOTOFYAGER: 📸Just a few of the amazing #ChallengeMania memories from this past year. A year that @DerrickMTV & I will never forget. The year you Maniacs showed us that if we build it, you will come & this movement is more than just a podcast! To many more in 2019 & beyond! #HappyNewYear🍾🥂
@blairherter: 2019, same as 2018.  Work hard, play hard.  Live, laugh, love. Be the best father, husband, and global citizen I can be.  Stay thirsty, my friends👊🥃🍺🎉 ... #newyearseve #newyear #booze #family #love
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Really could careless about the new year . It’s still gone be the same bullshit but just a different year . Yay.
@giannahammer: A year ago on New Year’s Eve I took a pregnancy test and my entire life changed. My life continues to change every single day as a mother and it has been quite the journey to be where I… …
@mikethemiz: Have a safe and AWESOME NYE from the #ItFamily to you. …
@v_cakes: Happy NYE!  Hope you’re making the best out of the last moments of 2018 & welcome the new year with loved ones safely! 🥂❤️🥂 @ Park City Mountain …
@shandathapanda: lol 2k19 year of let’s get this bread or die tryin
@theburiedlife: Throwback to crossing #101 of the list: #NewYears Eve countdown in Times Square ⚡️ What's on your bucket list for 2019?
@xZahida: Cba for how negative mine and @Kmorrisx taxi driver is. We gave him 2 hours notice n he's telling us we won't see the fireworks. No babe. I haven't come to LDN to watch the fireworks from far so put ur fkn foot doon or il light 1 of ur bumhole
- @xZahida: @Kmorrisx Can't wait to make you do 5 shots in a row with me :)))))
- @Kmorrisx: @xZahida See this is why I fear going out with u 😩
@DaveHolmes: Can you believe we started talking about how long 2018 was THIS YEAR?
@chachigonzales: It gets harder and harder to stay up till midnight every year 😂
@SiestaKey: ☑️ "Learn how to handle bad situations better."  @juliettep0rter is working on herself in 2019 and this is the energy we need on #NewYearsEve ✨ Juliette's New Year's Resolutions We'll see you for a new season of #SiestaKey in 2019!
- @juliettep0rter: @SiestaKey Awwwwwww hahah the flash backs
@greggsulkin: Happy 2019 you wonderful caring and lovely people. Lucky to have the support that I do. Very blessed. Thanks for being part of 2018. ❤️
@thekatiestevens: In 2019 I’ll get the biggest honor of my life.. I get to become his wife 💍 …
@KailLowry: 2016 I simultaneously lived my best & worst year at the same time. 2017 broke me. 2018 was a mixture of bullshit & new beginnings. Ready for 2019 🖤🎆🙌🏼
@KailLowry: Thankful for the lessons, heartbreak, trials & tribulations, new friendships, love & new beginnings in 2018. So excited to see what 2019 brings for us ✨
@itskcheyenne: Am I the only one who hasn’t ever had a New Years kiss? 🤔🤕
@ExOnTheBeach: #NewYearsEve2018 got me feeling like! 💃🕺 How are you bringing in 2019? ✨ #ExOnTheBeach
@CoryZ07: Who will be my New Years kiss? 🤔🤔 most likely a vodka bottle 🤷🏻‍♂️
@DayDaVonne_: 2019 ✨
@mtvrrdarrell: #Taylorgang #HappyNewYear2019
@SammiSweetheart: Bringing in the New Year with my love ♥️🎉♥️🎉
@HollyGShore: Can’t wait to keep accidentally writing 2018 for the next 3 months 😅
@ItsTheSituation: Happy New Year from Big Daddy Sitch 🎆Don’t forget to Live your best life & treat thyself & yes that is @chickfila 🐔 …
@ItsTheSituation: The Situations bringing in the New year the only way they know how #Funfettis 🧁 #2019 …
@FloribamaShore: My new year's resolution is to be more optimistic by keeping my cup half-full with either rum, vodka, or whiskey. 🍻🥃 #NewYearsEve2018 #HappyNewYear #MTVFloribamaShore ✨ Happy New Year!
@MTV: Throwing it back to this epic NYE from #TheHills 🎉   The Hills
@marnie: Happy NEW YEAR everyone! 🍸 Sending happiness, health & peace for 2019 ✌🏻
@RamBamSam16: In 2018 so much has happened. But I’m the most thankful for all the things that didn’t change and won’t ever change. Shoutout to all our amazing staff for your… …
@moemfletch: PLEASE DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE TONIGHT!! Get an Uber, Lyft, anything BUT that. It’s not just about you, but all the other people who will be on the road tonight as well. Don’t be selfish!
@moemfletch: My Uber driver said he loves my name, Morgan, and it will be the perfect name for his son
@princeofnorway: My right thumb is going to be huge by tomorrow from skipping through all of y’all 2018 recap stories
@kareem_fathalla: May 2019 be the year you stop faking it and start making it
@jossie_flores: I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year 2019 !!! Before i get drunk 😵 😂#happynewyear2019 #happynewyear #exonthebeach
@CaraMariaMTV: All you need is love. 🐾
@JennaCompono: Thank you all for the birthday wishes! Have a safe happy new year! 🎊
@georgiaharisonx: Happy new year everyone ❤️ I’m spending this one sober and staying sober until February 💫 one thing I’ve learnt this year guys is to be unapologetically yourself. If someone doesn’t love… …
@JOSHMBB19: Get after it in 2019, bigger goals, bigger blessings
@JOSHMBB19: 2019 I Wish more health and happiness to all of you ❤️✊🏽
@JOSHMBB19: 2018 was one of the best years of my life  🙏🏽❤️
@JOSHMBB19: Happy New Year everyone sending all the good vibes and blessings y’all way. Much love ✊🏽❤️
@PaulCalafiore_: ❤️❤️
@pimpfriedrice_: I couldn’t imagine bringing in my new any other way... the BIGGEST partiers I know.. my mama and pops. Love them to death #HappyNewYear #IGetDrunkWithMyParents
@KirkMedas: 2018 slick might have been the best year of my life. I have a feeling 2019 will be even better. Each new year I wanna progress and grow mentally, and financially 🥂
@MikeMGTV: This was the best year of my life. Thank you all for making it all the more special ❤️
@NataliaNegrotti: I met the love of my life in 2018, can’t wait to see what 2019 brings. Wishing you all many blessings & most importantly health. I spent my New Year’s Eve at urgent care and then at Dave and Busters. Made me realize I need to start having more fun and not just prioritizing work
@princeofnorway: I’m wearing sweatpants tonight. Fuck it
@JennaCompono: Couldn’t have asked for a better birthday, thanks @ZNichols15 for spoiling me today 🥰 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🥳
@kailah_casillas: Aside from my childhood Florida friends... pretty much all my friends are here. I’m so happy
@MTV: #HAPPYNEWYEAR 🎉🥂💋💫 | 🎨: @TheFlippist
@vmas: 👏HAPPY NEW YEAR. 👏
@SiestaKey: And just like that, it's 2019... #HappyNewYear to you all! We can't wait for you to see what's coming. 🥂
@MTVjennifer: some guy just recognized me from the show & was so excited then his girlfriend punched him in the face & she got kicked out the bar🤣 happy new year
@blacuesta: Dear 2018: You was a bitch, next.
@MTV_Chuckalodon: 2019 and We get a new Mowery. These past 12 months have been some of the best of my life. I wish the same for you. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and relax. The Universe wants the… …
@SimoneJKelly: Chapter 2019. Leh’go ✨🥂🎉
@ItsTheSituation: New year, who dis ?
@ItsTheSituation: I didn’t come this far to only come this far 💯
@ItsTheSituation: Happy New Year 2019 🎆
@Jawy_AcaShore: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019
@AmberLPortwood: Happy New Year my #beautifulsouls💕 Sending all my love to you all from my little family to yours!! #2019 #sendinglove
@giannahammer: 2018..... thank u for me son but also thank u next 🤗
@moemfletch: Give me validation 2019
@Jay__Qs: Happy New Year world ! I love you! It’s a new year make big things happen! #stayloco #muchlove #quediostebendiga
@itsarifitz: happy new year y’all! let’s do this 2019 shit right.
@therealkimj: 🍾🥂✨
@DayDaVonne_: Everybody out celebrating bringing in the new year.... Meanwhile ... Kadence is Apple Cider wasted and I’m watching Netflix / sewing a new wig 🤷🏾‍♀️
@coreybrooks34: Starting off my 2019 off right.  Kissed a princess 👸🏼😍
@RamBamSam16: My boyfriend didn’t call me at midnight 😡 and I’m petty and mad about it
- @moemfletch: @RamBamSam16 Fight him sis
@aimeehall1001: I still got 15 more minutes to be a bitch before I have to change who I am. #HappyNewYearsEve #NewYears2019
@heidimontag: Best #NYE of my life! @TheLittleNell really knows how to ring it in! Most spectacular evening ever!
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Love my family ❤️ 2018 you were great! and I absolutely lovedddd being pregnant and made some great memories with my husband ..close friends and family ..But I’m excited for 2019 because… …
@JustJem24: The sisterhood of the traveling jumpsuit @Marie_TBD 👯‍♀️
- @Marie_TBD: @JustJem24 Who gets it next? 😂❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥
@kailah_casillas: I don’t think you guys understand the level of family we are. I’m so grateful for this TV show. @Marie_TBD @AneesaMTV @shannanity @iamkamiam_
@Marie_TBD: Sun is shining. Beautiful day. Great start to the new year. Let’s keep it going.
@iammikeyp: 2019 is going to be the best year yet! | @kailah_casillas ♥️
@iammikeyp: Happy @shannanity showed up last night! It’s 2019 and Shane is still shady!
- @shannanity: @iammikeyp I love this
@ChallengeMTV: Happy New Year to all of our fans! Here's what we hope to accomplish in 2019.  📝: Paint the town LAVENDER 🎨  📝: Learn how to ride a horse 🏇  📝: Win another Challenge 🏆   What are your resolutions?  New Year's Resolutions / The Challengers tell us what they're hoping to change (or not) in 2019.
@shannanity: Turns out I’m starting the New Year hungover as fuck
- @Marie_TBD: @shannanity I meant to tell you this last night, you are one handsome mofo
- @shannanity: @Marie_TBD Answer my texts also I love you
@ThatCoral: Happy New Year my tweeting friends. This is going to be the one that we all really remember. Filled with love stories,arrivals, aha moments, best friends reuniting and great bodies being formed. Let’s do it everyone. #NOW2019
@Kmorrisx: NYE ♥️  @xZahida
@blacuesta: I’m still out at a club I’ll prob throw up late r
@MTVjennifer: my cat turns 2 years old in 19 days. i’m not ready for it😩 #stopgrowing
@susie_meister: I woke up early enough that people hadn’t deleted their drunken insta stories yet. I’m already hashtag blessed in 2019.
@BritniNicol: Have a perfect start of the year, lovelies :)
@CamilaMTV: Happy New Year! 🎆
@HaydenPWeaver: Started 2019 stuck in an elevator so we are off to a red hot start
- @giannahammer: @HaydenPWeaver Excuse me what
- @HaydenPWeaver: @giannahammer See IG story
@giannahammer: My 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
@barstoolsports: Go behind the scenes of MTV, The Challenge and more on a brand new episode of @chicksintheoff featuring interviews with @CoryWharton & @itskcheyenne + @AdrienneBailon. Listen and subscribe 👇👇👇 …
@imdroc15: Here’s a New Year’s kiss for anyone who didn’t get one 😘😘😘!!! Happy New Year
@ExOnTheBeach: Out with the old, in with the new! 🙅 You don't want to miss an all new #ExOnTheBeach Thursday, at 8/7c on @MTV! ✨
@coreybrooks34: Let’s Go!!! #2019
@MayaBenberry: I don’t regret saying or doing ANYTHING in 2018. I SAID WHAT I SAID & I DID WHAT I DID 🤷🏽‍♀️
@MayaBenberry: 2019 is the year of harvest for me...
@BionicBrooks_: Never stop, but remember don’t over exhort yourself either. You cant play if your body isn’t useful.
@BadGirlJanelle: Been that Bitch and STILL that Bitch.
@BadGirlJanelle: The fact that I have Bitches pressed to the point that they can’t even be in the same vicinity of me without fearing for their lives gives me great joy and comfort 😊
@MayaBenberry: It’s so damn cold in LA right now. I feel like I’m in the east coast...
@MayaBenberry: Got these other bitches SHOOK ✨
@theo_campbell91: I fu*ked up already. 2020 is going to be my year...
@JOSHMBB19: 2019 is about to Be Littttttttttt we staying blessed 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 #drunktweet
@xZahida: Some of the shapes and states me and @Kmorrisx got into last night are actually unspeakable. I'm retiring from 2019 n I never wanna see u again
@SiestaKey: First order of business in 2019: Staying in my own lane 👏 Will @chloe_trautman ever learn? #SiestaKey  Chloe's New Year's Resolution / Get ready for a new season of #SiestaKey on Tuesday, January 22nd at 9/8c on @MTV!
@__GarrettMiller: Big things happening. #2019
@thekelseyowens: Shoutout to all the girls who had a cute New Years outfit but were having too much fun to get a pic in it🌟🥂
@aimeehall1001: Princess Goddess #nobitch Mermaid.
@nillythesquid: I only spent $7.31 last night and it was at whataburger... Happy New Year!
@johnnybananas: I can't believe it's already been a year since I didn't become a better person 😈 #NewYearSameMe #HappyNewYear #NYE
@johnnybananas: Need some motivation to stay on top of those New Years resolutions?  BOOK A BANANA 🍾🍌
@mikethemiz: Happy New Year from the #ItFamily 🍾🍾🍾🎉🎉🎉 …
@kareem_fathalla: I smell tension in the air 👀🐸☕️
@princeofnorway: I wore the sweatpants up until @Mackemdrummer tackled me into a pile of puke smh lol
@Marie_TBD: Madonna showing up to stonewall in nyc (gay bar and historic landmark for the 1969 riots that launched the gay rights movement) and surprising them with a performance on NYE is so @Madonna #iconic #stonewall #queen 🙏🏻
@CaraMariatea3: Cara Maria went live and shared her New Years resolution in case anyone was wondering! She’s been through a lot these past weeks and she’s still looking out for us 🙏🏼. #CaraMaria #WeLoveYouCara
@TheShaneRaines: New year, new profile pic📸✨😁 #HappyNewYears #2019
@morgan_willett: New year, same love for an obnoxious amount of sequins. Hope everyone had a festive night 💋🥂
@morgan_willett: December 31: I can’t wait to start all my New Years Resolutions and be healthy and love myself and do great things. January 1: I can’t wait to lay in bed for hours and finish this bottle of Pedialyte. I’ll start tomorrow.
@MattieLBreaux: Well last night was fun 😎❤️
@cbmcnary: 24 days sober start now.
@jamiechung1: The best of 2018. My wedding photo which was taken 3 years ago, a photo with Stan Lee a decade ago RIP 🙏🏽, two from the Golden Globes earlier in year. Grateful for every second and for all… …
@RomeoMiller: Day 1 of 365 days. Start off fresh and Happy New Years beautiful people!
@coreybrooks34: I recommend going to stephaniecowan for headshots, but don’t expect yours to look this good 💁🏼‍♂️ Happy 2019 freaks 😉 @ Los Angeles, California …
@tonyraines: Happy New Year everyone!! Make this one your best yet!
@JustJem24: 2019 has started off with a lot of pasta consumption....
@aimeehall1001: My New Years kiss was my gay best friend. 2019 buckle up.
@JeremiahBuoni: Happy New Year everybody!!! Coming into the new year checking to see if my abs need work..... From this view, I think summer of 2019 is gonna be a blast🤣🤣🤣 Always room for improvement😜 • #abs #confident #summer #happynewyear #improvement #letsgetit
@nillythesquid: I went to dinner with a group of friends last night and one of the guys asked to say grace before we ate... guess who got my New Years kiss... 👀
@mikethemiz: I documented everyday of my life in 2018. From @MaryseMizanin and I getting the keys to our new home in Austin, to hosting @MTV’s The Challenge to the birth of monroeskymizanin, you can… …
@caliraeofficial: My best friend puked in my sink. And she just told me it’s because we were puking at the same time. We’re so cute together
@WestonBergmann: I haven’t [fill in the blank] since last year.
@BionicBrooks_: Balance isn’t just mental and physical health. If you aren’t taking time to explore your spirituality, you’ll stay stunted.
@itskcheyenne: I’ve spent the last 4 days at my moms house.. my house is 8 mins away lol sometimes you just need your mommy 😂
@DayDaVonne_: It’s 1 day into the new year and y’all mad already ?? Lol 😂
@ExOnTheBeach: Out with the old, in with the new! 🙅 You don't want to miss an all new #ExOnTheBeach Thursday, at 8/7c on @MTV! ✨
@Jay__Qs: 2 days til the new episode !
@MTVtrey: New year, same me.

@lohanbeachclub: 🚨This is not a drill!  Put up the booze and put on your clothes, 🗣 @lindsaylohan IS HERE!!! Tune in to the series premiere of #LohanBeachClub on Tuesday, January 8th at 8/7c on @mtv!
@lohanbeachclub: sure has changed alot! 😅 As we celebrate the #NewYear and @lindsaylohan's return to @MTV, let's take a look at some of her boldest fashion statements throughout the years! Don't forget, #LohanBeachClub premieres Tuesday, January 8th at 8/7c! 🎉
@kailah_casillas: May your 2019 not be as bad as @lindsaylohan in 2007.
@MikeMGTV: Idk what grungy porn I thought I was auditioning for but go off sis
@MikeMGTV: Dad: “don’t be the gay one” Me:
@lohanbeachclub: Ready to see a glimpse of what to expect on #LohanBeachClub? Well tune in to @mtv to get your warm welcome from Mykonos RIGHT NOW!
@lohanbeachclub: "My relationship status is painfully single and will always be single unfortunately." 😂 Hey @MikeMGTV! 👋 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: "When I don't get acknowledged for like my hard work, it pisses me off." 😤 Hey @JonittaMarie! 👋 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: If you saw his baby pics, you know Brent's glow up is LEGENDARY! ✨ Hey @BrentMarks! 👋 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Something tells me Aristotle will have NO issue getting in a relationship. Hey @aristotlepolite! 👋 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: "I have trust issues and I hate getting played." Same sis. Hey @thesaratariq! 👋 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Can we take a second to discuss how amazing Jules' pictures look! 😍 Hey @MTVJules! #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: May's story tugging at my heart strings right now! 😢 Hey @may_yassine! 👋 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Fun fact: Billy is REEEEAAAAALLLY tall! Like...6'5. Whew! 😅 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: My 2019 goal is to be as confident as Gabi dancing at the bar!! Teach me your ways @gabigreeneyes! 🤗 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: See ya next week for the series premiere of #LohanBeachClub! 💋
@MikeMGTV: Oop... @lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Panos and Lindsay had a bit of a rocky start, but it turned into a beautiful business partnership! ❤️ Catch this dynamic duo in action on the series premiere of #LohanBeachClub on Tuesday, January 8th at 8/7c on @mtv!

@NurysKMateo: Late night thoughts: sometimes I wish I never did tv and could get my private life back. where no one knows my business and people aren’t constantly judging. just want to delete all socials and fall off the grid. life ain’t as fun on this side.
@NurysKMateo: But in other news, I’ve never brought in a new year as happy as I did this one. Just want to thank God for being so good all the time ♥️
- @JustJem24: @NurysKMateo I’ve learned(the hard way) it’s all about boundaries. You have to protect certain parts of your life by keeping them private. You don’t owe the world every part of you 💕
@NurysKMateo: When you wake up and the first thing you hear is ya girls talking about wanting dick... so naturally now you want dick 😅🤦🏽‍♀️
@kareem_fathalla: I’m happy, I’m at peace, I pray everyone finds their inner happiness. There’s nothing better than being better! 🙏🏽
@ExOnTheBeach: .@F1abraham just got hit with her biggest fear...The Shack Of Secrets! 😱 Will she make it out? Find out on an all new #ExOnTheBeach TOMORROW at 8/7c on @MTV!
@ExOnTheBeach: Me this AM praying for one more vacation day! 😓 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Could @KingReemo be getting the boot? 😱  #ExOnTheBeach
@F1abraham: I’ve faced the truth & now the shack of secrets 🤫🤫🤫 @ExOnTheBeach @MTV #exonthebeach THE MOTHERLOAD ! Thursday 8pm ! ❌❌❌ #FarrahAbraham
@MTV_NellyT: Next stop 🚆Paris #LegGo
@princeofnorway: Just did @afterbuzztv with the gang
- @Marie_TBD: @princeofnorway @afterbuzztv I hear you’re really funny. You should write or do standup. Clearly you know how to rally support. Honest opinion, wanted to share. Funny people are usually smart.
- @princeofnorway: @Marie_TBD That’s so nice of you to say 👀 I don’t think I’m like “haha” funny I’m just clever. Can’t remember a punchline to save my life 😅
@JustJem24: I think they should bring Farrah back bc the franchise does need a “villain” style character. So far(I’ll prob eat these words) Farrah is coming off somewhat likeable on @ExOnTheBeach so I think the timing makes sense/she is the only person that could actually replace Jenelle.
@giannahammer: Just got my Ancestry DNA results and compared them with the 23&me results that I took last year... pretty much a perfect match!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 also found a possible first cousin on ancestry so maybe 2019 has something interesting in store 😏🎉 #adopted
@CaraMariaMTV: Putting it out there. He has a heart. @johnnybananas 🍌 💛
- @johnnybananas: @CaraMariaMTV Damn it Cara, there goes my street cred 🤣 🖤 #ThankYouNext
@shannanity: Drug testing your employees a day after NYE should be criminal
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥NEW PODCAST UP!🔥Who better to kick off the new year w/ us on #ChallengeMania than the @ChallengeMTV host @TJLAVIN?! TJ joins me & @DerrickMTV to discuss 2018; #TheChallenge32, Vendettas, Ashley’s $1M win…
- @CaraMariaMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER TJ been there since day one with me. All these years he saw me grow up/fall/get up/make mistakes. He keeps me straight even when i am in super grouch mode. I have only love and respect. At the end of the day...Its family. @tjlavin 👊 you put me through hell but I keep goin!♥️
- @Marie_TBD:  @CaraMariaMTV @tjlavin Happy to say I helped with the hell part. Only makes you stronger bb 😉❤️ 2019 the year of YOU. (And I say you plural cause I feel that too.) dropping fuck boys in 2018 like we dropped our grenade. That sh*t is dead!!!
@lostprincess_85: I don’t know what’s funnier, watching the CT/Bananas Backpack elimination or listening to @tjlavin describe it on #ChallengeMania 😂😂 @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV another killer interview!
@Kmorrisx: When you start seeing your worth, you’ll find it harder to stay around people who don’t 🙏🏻
@JustJem24: You don’t attract fuck boys, you choose fuck boys. Accept responsibility so you can do better💅🏼
@kailah_casillas: I lose my voice every single time I drunk.. it’s so annoying
@kailah_casillas: Everytime I get drunk*
@tonyraines: Might just leave my tree up and call it a Valentine tree 🌲 ❤️
@Marie_TBD: Understanding the saying it’s not them it’s you” right now in a big way. Only YOU can react to circumstance. You control your reactions and YOU control your happiness. Stop making excuses, and start doing anything else other than feeling sorry for yourself.
@Marie_TBD: Stop listening to sad songs when you’re sad. Do not feed the feeling.
@Couturesworld: I will never look at anyone the way I look at pizza
@iamkamiam_: Made a few people smile today & it honestly made my week so much brighter ❤️✨
@loveistheammo: The scariest thing about #YOU on Netflix is the realization that every man is probably a serial killer.
@Marie_TBD: I hate when my exes tell me to “move on.” Let me remind sir; I forced you into being my boyfriend, and I will be DAMNED if I’m not also the decision maker when it comes to the end of our relationship. XoX your forever love ❤️
@itskcheyenne: everyone tells moms to sleep when their baby sleeps but I can’t help but to watch Ryder sleep.. and now Baaz👀 my eyes are burning 🤦🏾‍♀️

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

Just ahead, the Pulse of Ex On The Beach as the first elimination goes down, plus a relationship goes the way of Paulie (if you know what we mean). That comes your way here tonight following the Golden Globe Awards, for which live commentary kicks off at 7:30PM ET on #DCNOW at @DC408DxNow. Enjoy that, and see you here then.


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